[jQuery] AJAX Error Handling using ajaxSetup

2009-03-17 Thread cfdvlpr

Has anyone used ajaxSetup to log or report AJAX errors?  Would you
care to share how you did this?

[jQuery] browser detection for msie 6 7 and 8

2009-03-03 Thread cfdvlpr

What's the best way to detect these three browsers?

Here's what I've come up with so far, but there's got to be a cleaner

$.browser.msie6 =
&& /MSIE 6\.0/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent)
&& !/MSIE 7\.0/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent));

if( $.browser.msie6 && !/MSIE 8\.0/i.test
(window.navigator.userAgent)) {
//IE 6
   else if ($.browser.msie  && (jQuery.browser.version > 6.)
&& (jQuery.browser.version < 7.) ) {
   //IE 7
   else if ($.browser.msie  && (jQuery.browser.version > 7.) )
  //IE 8

[jQuery] Select All Elements with Class Name Beginning With String

2009-02-26 Thread cfdvlpr

This line worked for jquery 1.2.6:


This doesn't work for version 1.3.2

Is there some other syntax that works?

[jQuery] 'Object Required' IE8 Error in jQuery Form Plugin

2009-02-25 Thread cfdvlpr

I think IE8 has a problem with this line:

var v = $.browser.msie && !(op.attributes['value'].specified) ?
op.text : op.value;

Anyone understand this error and how to fix it?

[jQuery] Firefox is taking a long time to load an external script

2008-06-19 Thread cfdvlpr

For some reason, Firefox consistently takes about 30-40 seconds to
load an external script.  IE loads the script right away.  The
javascript is actually a JSP script that returns Javascript code for a
live chat script. Has anyone noticed something like this before?  Why
might this delay occur only with Firefox?  Is there anything that can
be done about it?  One workaround that I've thought of is to try and
load that script last so at least the user doesn't have to wait for
that script to load before all the rest of the page loads.  Can jQuery
help me here?

[jQuery] length required response when using .post

2008-06-18 Thread cfdvlpr

Has anyone else noticed this response? What's going on here?
Below is the code that I use to report javascript errors to me.  And,
occasionally, I'll notice this response in Firebug for the post to
the /javascript/emailError.cfm page.

[jQuery] detecting old browsers that can't use jQuery

2008-06-17 Thread cfdvlpr

I found an old thread here that has some code that looks pretty good:
Is anyone else using code like this?  Can anyone confirm how well this
code works?

[jQuery] Re: Cluetips Protips Jtips

2008-06-07 Thread cfdvlpr

What don't you like about the jQuery cluetips plugin:

[jQuery] Re: IE6 secure nonsecure warning

2008-06-05 Thread cfdvlpr

I just figured out that jquery.history_remote.pack.js is the file that
seems to cause the warning message for me.  When I take this jQuery
plugin include file out, the message goes away.  Any idea on how to
fix this?  I think it might have something to do with the iframe part
of this plugin.

[jQuery] IE6 secure nonsecure warning

2008-06-05 Thread cfdvlpr

Has anyone else noticed this on a site that uses jQuery or a jQuery
plugin?  IE7 and Firefox don't seem to complain, but IE6 does.

[jQuery] Re: thoughts ? Announcing AJAX Libraries API: Speed up your Ajax apps with Google’s infrastructure

2008-06-02 Thread cfdvlpr

Is anyone using this for jQuery yet?  To do this, you can just use
this line of code, right?

[jQuery] Re: submit a form when an image is clicked rather than using input type=submit

2008-05-28 Thread cfdvlpr

Hey, you're absolutely right.  I made this all way more complicated
than it had to be.  Thank you.

On May 28, 11:16 am, malsup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  If your
> image is within the form you don't need any scripting, just use markup
> like this:
> Mike

[jQuery] Re: submit a form when an image is clicked rather than using input type=submit

2008-05-28 Thread cfdvlpr

Here's what I figured out so far to code this that seems to work.
Anyone see a problem with this?

$('img#button').click(function() {
  var queryparam1 = $('#input1').val();
  var queryparam2 = $('#input2').val();
  window.location= '/processFormSubmission.cfm?

[jQuery] submit a form when an image is clicked rather than using input type=submit

2008-05-28 Thread cfdvlpr

I'd like to use an image to submit a form.  Is there an easy way to do
this using jQuery?

[jQuery] Re: Logging JavaScript errors with jQuery

2008-05-22 Thread cfdvlpr

I'm also very interested in this.  One thing I've found is that you
can call a function onerror with a line of code like this in your $
(document).ready :


Then, you defined the function logError...

On May 22, 12:46 am, Kia Niskavaara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is it possible to use jQuery to find out if/when a JavaScript error/warning 
> occurs? I would be able
> to send info about what kind of error/warning, time, url, browser - to a 
> specific page on my site
> that will log this info on the server.
> Maby there is already a logging plugin?

[jQuery] cluetip plugin and IE6

2008-05-19 Thread cfdvlpr

Has anyone else noticed that in IE6, select menus show up in front of
the cluetip?  Is there a fix for this?

[jQuery] Re: detecting if a user came back to a page using the browser's back button

2008-05-05 Thread cfdvlpr

Can you please elaborate more on the use of an "indicator"?

[jQuery] detecting if a user came back to a page using the browser's back button

2008-05-05 Thread cfdvlpr

Has anyone ever wanted to do something like this?  Is it even
possible?  If not, how might you handle something like this when you
don't want re-load a customer's shopping cart after they have already
confirmed everything and checked out?

[jQuery] jtip plugin

2008-05-01 Thread cfdvlpr

I'm using this plugin for the first time and noticing something odd.
The tooltip loads as you would expect, but at the bottom left hand
side of my screen I see another tooltip loading(with the same title)
with the animated loading image in the body of the window and nothing
else.  Very strange.  Anyone else noticed something like this?

[jQuery] getScript is great to add scripts dynamically, but how might you remove scripts?

2008-04-21 Thread cfdvlpr

Is it possible to remove a script from a page dynamically?

[jQuery] Error Handling

2008-04-14 Thread cfdvlpr

I'd like to know when a Javascript error occurs, and I'd like to be
sent an email when this happens.   I'm not sure if or how jQuery can
help here, but I have a feeling that it can. I can write the server
side script to email the error, that's not a problem.  But, I'm not
sure how to capture the Javascript error message and send it to the
script that emails the error.  Here's something untested that I was
thinking might be a good start.  I'm wondering if anyone else has
coded something like this and would give me some pointers.

$(function() {
function emailerror(){
   $.get("/emailError.cfm", { errorMessage:
notSureWhatVariabletoPassinHere });

[jQuery] Re: Detecting Javascript error in IE and then displaying a more helpful message to the user

2008-04-11 Thread cfdvlpr

Well, the problem was fixed by doing a "Reset Internet Explorer
Settings" which makes me think it's not a problem with our code, but
with the browser going wonky itself.  I was thinking of using jQuery
to detect if there's an error and if the browser IE7/Vista and then
displaying an alert statement asking the user to try Resetting their
Internet Explorer Settings.

[jQuery] Detecting Javascript error in IE and then displaying a more helpful message to the user

2008-04-11 Thread cfdvlpr

We're noticing that some users of Windows Vista are getting Javascript
errors and are not able to use our site.  Is it possible to use jQuery
to detect when there's a Javascript error and then display our own
customized alert statement to help them fix it?

[jQuery] Re: treeview plugin / windows safari 3.1

2008-04-09 Thread cfdvlpr

Also, we seem to be having trouble getting the menu to load at all in
IE7 on Windows Vista.  Any idea what might be the problem with Vista?

[jQuery] Detecting 800x600 Monitor Resolution

2008-04-09 Thread cfdvlpr

How might the code look like to do this?

[jQuery] treeview plugin / windows safari 3.1

2008-04-04 Thread cfdvlpr

it looks like there is a bug that defaults all the menus to expanded
rather than closed.  any idea how this might be corrected?

[jQuery] grep with new version of jQuery 1.2.3

2008-03-24 Thread cfdvlpr

Here's a line of code that I had written that worked great with
version 1.2.1:

$.grep(priceBreaks, 'a > quantity', true)

How might I write this so that it works with version 1.2.3?

[jQuery] Re: Release: Treeview plugin 1.4

2008-02-07 Thread cfdvlpr

very cool.  fyi, your link is broken.

[jQuery] Re: sites made with jQuery

2008-02-07 Thread cfdvlpr

Can someone please post a link to the shadowbox plugin?

[jQuery] Thickbox Alternative that Works with jQuery

2008-02-07 Thread cfdvlpr

Thickbox is great and I love the way it works.  Is there anything else
like it that works with jQuery?

[jQuery] Re: thickbox reloaded and IE6 not good

2008-02-06 Thread cfdvlpr

I'm sorry to hear this.  We've been having trouble with thickbox and
IE6 for a long time.  And, to hear that thickbox reloaded doesn't work
well in IE6 is bad news.  If anyone has any tips or tricks to get
thickbox or thickbox reloaded working well in IE6, please chime in.
Also, does anyone know of anything else out there that is like
thickbox that works with jQuery?  And, finally, do you all think that
after Feb. 12, IE6 will go away for the most part?

[jQuery] Re: Back Button Clears Form

2008-01-25 Thread cfdvlpr

the history remote plugin might be what you need.

On Jan 25, 5:42 am, Jamie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey,
> After starting to use jQuery, I've found the back button on my browser
> no longer remembers the values in my forms.  The user has to re-enter
> everything if they accidentally move past a page and wish to go back.
> Is there any way I can get the page to keep it's state?
> Thanks!
> Jamie Goodfellow

[jQuery] ups shipping quotes - sometimes a 5 -10 second delay and timing out

2008-01-24 Thread cfdvlpr

How do you get shipping quotes from ups? Do you ever have issues with
ups never returning a shipping rate? If so, what did you do to
workaround this?

[jQuery] Feb 12 IE6 Forced Update

2008-01-23 Thread cfdvlpr

Does anyone know about how many IE6 users this will affect?  After Feb
12, 2008 is it likely that your IE 6 users will drop much?  If you
have an ecommerce site that currently has about 40% IE6 users, is this
percentage likely to go much farther down?  Or, is this update not
forced on the average IE 6 user?  I'd just love to see IE6 go away,
but I don't want to get my hopes up if this so-called forced update is
not really forced on many of our IE6 users.

[jQuery] jquery 1.2.2, ifixpng plugin, and IE6

2008-01-23 Thread cfdvlpr

It appears to me that the new version of jQuery does a better job in
fixing png images in IE6 when using the ifixpng plugin.  With jQuery
1.2.1, png images would occasionally get distorted in IE 6.  Can
anyone think of why this might be?

[jQuery] Re: Thickbox Position is Too Low in IE 6

2008-01-23 Thread cfdvlpr

So, you have a fix for an IE 7 version.
I guess I'm the only one noticing a problem in IE 6?

[jQuery] Re: Change div

2008-01-22 Thread cfdvlpr

Did you ever get this figured out?

[jQuery] Re: jQuery 1.2.2 Event API

2008-01-16 Thread cfdvlpr

How much different is it expected to be than the current one here:

[jQuery] Re: Bigger Link Plugin

2008-01-11 Thread cfdvlpr

It turns out that all I needed to do was this:
$('.testBiggerLink').click(function() {
window.location = "/test.cfm";
I don't know why I didn't realize it was this easy before.  Your
plugin has some advanced features that are nice, but I didn't actually
need it here.

[jQuery] Apple Mac IE 5.23

2008-01-11 Thread cfdvlpr

What percentage of your visitors use this browser?  It's next to
nothing, is it not?  Thickbox doesn't seem to work in this browser,
but if there's hardly anyone using this browser anymore I don't want
to worry about it...

[jQuery] Re: Bigger Link Plugin

2008-01-10 Thread cfdvlpr

That's what I thought too, but it actually seems to work for me in
Firefox 2, IE 6, and IE 7.

On Jan 10, 3:56 pm, "Smith, Allex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Not sure about the plug-in, but block level elements () should
> never go inside an inline element ().
> Validation will cringe and fail.

[jQuery] Bigger Link Plugin

2008-01-10 Thread cfdvlpr

I want to do something like this:

   Click Here
   to ... go here
   more text

Is there anything wrong with the above HTML?
Is this what the bigger link plugin is designed for?


[jQuery] IE 6 Invalid Character Error When Thickbox is Opened

2008-01-03 Thread cfdvlpr

Has anyone else seen this error before in IE6?

Line: 1

Char: 120

Error: Invalid Character

Code: 0

When I open a thickbox I see there's an error in the lower left hand
corner of the browser.  Clicking that shows the error message above.
What causes this error and how do you make it go away?  There's no
error in Firefox or IE 7.

[jQuery] Re: Debug Tools - Charles, DebugBar, Firebug Lite

2008-01-03 Thread cfdvlpr

How do you test in both IE 6 and IE 7?  Are you able to install both
these on the same machine or do you have more than one machine?

We do most of our testing for IE 6 and IE 7 using browsercam.
Unfortunately, there's no debugging tools on their machines.  :(

On Jan 3, 2:20 pm, "Jeffrey Kretz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But for me, it's no problem to test new applications in IE6, IE7, FF2, Opera
> and (ever since I picked up a Mac) Safari.
> JK

[jQuery] Re: Thickbox Position is Too Low in IE 6

2008-01-03 Thread cfdvlpr

that fix did not work for me.

[jQuery] Debug Tools - Charles, DebugBar, Firebug Lite

2008-01-03 Thread cfdvlpr

What debug tools do you all use?  So far, I've just used firebug.
That really only seems to work well for me in Firefox and it works
very well - makes my life 100 times easier.  How about tools for IE?
Is there anything you'd reccomend?  As much as I hate coding for IE,
it's what 80% of our visitors use.  Hopefully, someday everyone on
this planet will use Firefox, but until that day I need to code for IE.

[jQuery] Re: Thickbox Position is Too Low in IE 6

2008-01-02 Thread cfdvlpr

Yes, I was using the latest.  I just downloaded version 3.1 this
morning from http://jquery.com/demo/thickbox/

[jQuery] Re: Thickbox Position is Too Low in IE 6

2008-01-02 Thread cfdvlpr

By the way, there was also a problem with the thickbox position after
scrolling down on the page and then clicking on the thickbox link...

FYI, using the dimensions plugin and $(document).scrollTop(), I think
I've just made a fix for this.

Here's how I've modified the tb_position function in thickbox.js:

function tb_position() {
$("#TB_window").css({marginLeft: '-' + parseInt((TB_WIDTH / 2),10) +
'px', width: TB_WIDTH + 'px'});
if ( !(jQuery.browser.msie && jQuery.browser.version < 7)) { // take
away IE6
$("#TB_window").css({marginTop: '-' + parseInt((TB_HEIGHT / 
2),10) +
else {
var scrolledDown = $(document).scrollTop()-200;
$("#TB_window").css("margin-top", scrolledDown +"px");

[jQuery] Re: Thickbox Position is Too Low in IE 6

2008-01-02 Thread cfdvlpr

Am I the only one noticing this bug?

[jQuery] Re: If Thickbox doesn't load, then do something

2007-12-20 Thread cfdvlpr

We just had a user on Mac 0S 9 with an old IE browser call in and say
the thickbox would not load.
If anyone has a solution for how to detect when the thickbox doesn't
load, I'd really really love to know about it.

[jQuery] Re: Help Test jQuery 1.2.2

2007-12-19 Thread cfdvlpr

Is the full release expected today or tomorrow?

[jQuery] Re: Can't set CSS left for IE6

2007-12-19 Thread cfdvlpr

Oh, I should mention that ## is there instead of # because the jQuery
is inside a cfoutput tag.

On Dec 19, 2:17 pm, cfdvlpr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> if( $.browser.msie && (jQuery.browser.version < 7.) ) {
>  $('div##rightShoppingCartButton').css("left","582px");
> }
> Can anyone see why this doesn't seem to be recognized at all by IE6?

[jQuery] Can't set CSS left for IE6

2007-12-19 Thread cfdvlpr

if( $.browser.msie && (jQuery.browser.version < 7.) ) {

Can anyone see why this doesn't seem to be recognized at all by IE6?

[jQuery] Re: cf ajax example

2007-12-14 Thread cfdvlpr

A lot of jQuery stuff doesn't work when you have ColdFusion Debug
turned on in cf admin.

On Dec 14, 11:02 am, "Sales Representative"
> Ok found the problem...
> You might want to put a disclaimer that this example will not work if you 
> currently are sending
> ColdFusion Debug to your screen

[jQuery] Re: If Thickbox doesn't load, then do something

2007-12-14 Thread cfdvlpr

I ran into this problem with IE 6 and fixed it by setting in the
#TB_window class the property top:30%(only for IE 6) in the CSS rather
than top:50% (which works fine for IE 7 and Firefox).
That's a different issue than what I'm asking about above though.  I
think what might be causing the problem above is server strain.  But,
whatever is causing it I'm hoping there is a way to detect when it
happens and do something about it using jQuery.

On Dec 14, 12:04 pm, "Josh Nathanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Make sure that it's not loading the thickbox farther up or down the
> viewport, out of view.  I think on IE6 and an older version of Thickbox, it
> will not center vertically in the viewport.

[jQuery] If Thickbox doesn't load, then do something

2007-12-14 Thread cfdvlpr

We're finding that a thickbox doesn't load on occasion(maybe one out
of every 100 times) and instead it just hangs there with a greyed out
background.  Is there a way to set a timeout to detect when this has
occurred and then try to reload it or do something else?

[jQuery] using grep with a list rather than an array

2007-12-13 Thread cfdvlpr

Is it possible to use grep on a list or only on an array?  If not
possible with a list, how do you convert a list to an array?

[jQuery] Re: Bookmark with jQuery

2007-12-11 Thread cfdvlpr

did you ever get this figured out?  i have the same question.

[jQuery] Re: jquery.ifixpng.js IE 7 Transparency is Black instead of transparent

2007-12-07 Thread cfdvlpr

Am I the only one with IE 7 that has noticed this problem?  I'm using
IE 7.0.5730.11

[jQuery] Image Opacity 60 Percent on Hovering Images inside a link tag

2007-12-06 Thread cfdvlpr

I'd like to do this with minimal code and so a plugin that has a whole
lot of other features would not be ideal.  Could someone get me
started with some jQuery code that would do this?

Here's the html:

[jQuery] Re: how to append() to a textarea

2007-12-04 Thread cfdvlpr

OK, I tried $("#utmtrans").val($("#utmtrans").val() + 'test');

Here's the HTML before this gets called:

And here's what I see when I "view generated source" with the firefox
add on web developer toolbar.:

test, does not get appended there.  I actually don't need to append
the text, but I need to simply add it.  .html() didn't seem to work.
Anything else I can try?

On Dec 3, 9:11 pm, David Serduke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'd try
> $("textarea").val($("textarea").val() + txt);
> David
> On Dec 3, 4:27 pm, cfdvlpr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > append() doesn't seem to work.   I also tried this function that was
> > mentioned in another thread here by John and that doesn't seem to work
> > for me either.  Anyone else got this to work?  What might I be
> > missing?
> > $.fn.appendVal = function(txt) {
> > return this.each(function(){
> > this.value += txt;
> > });
> > };- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] how to append() to a textarea

2007-12-03 Thread cfdvlpr

append() doesn't seem to work.   I also tried this function that was
mentioned in another thread here by John and that doesn't seem to work
for me either.  Anyone else got this to work?  What might I be

$.fn.appendVal = function(txt) {
return this.each(function(){
this.value += txt;

[jQuery] Thickbox Position is Too Low in IE 6

2007-12-03 Thread cfdvlpr

In IE 6, the thickbox loads very low on the screen - so low that the
bottom of the thickbox is not visible. How might I raise the position
of the thickbox?

[jQuery] Re: thickbox IE7 position

2007-11-30 Thread cfdvlpr

I have this same problem but only with IE 6 and not IE 7.  I'd love to
hear about how this could be fixed.

[jQuery] Re: Make IE 6 Work Like IE 7

2007-11-28 Thread cfdvlpr

A jQuery plugin would probably save more than a couple kb.  His
complete script is a whopping 25 kb.

[jQuery] Make IE 6 Work Like IE 7

2007-11-27 Thread cfdvlpr

Does there exist a jQuery plugin to do everything that Dean Edwards
IE7 JS library can do?

[jQuery] expand iframe height to match the height of dynamic content

2007-11-26 Thread cfdvlpr

Is there a good jQuery solution to this?

[jQuery] Re: jquery.ifixpng.js IE 7 Transparency is Black instead of transparent

2007-11-15 Thread cfdvlpr

My IE 7 doesn't seem to support PNGs like yours does.

How about in the head:

And and then in

  //Use jQuery plugin to fix PNG images in IE 6
  if( $.browser.msie && (jQuery.browser.version < 7.) ) {
$('[EMAIL PROTECTED]').ifixpng();


[jQuery] Re: problem with ifixpng background position

2007-11-14 Thread cfdvlpr

IE 7 images are black and I'm using the ifixpng.  Has anyone else seen
this and found a fix for it?

[jQuery] jquery.ifixpng.js IE 7 Transparency is Black instead of transparent

2007-11-14 Thread cfdvlpr

I'm just trying this nice jquery plugin and it works great to solve
some of my IE 6 PNG image problems.  But, in IE 7, the images are
black.  Has anyone else seen this and found a fix for it?  Is this a
problem specifically with PNG 24 alpha transparency?

[jQuery] Treeview and IE "object doesn't support this object or method"

2007-11-01 Thread cfdvlpr

I'm getting this error in IE, but not Firefox.
It borks on this line: $("#pageNav").Treeview({speed: "fast",
collapsed: true, openurl: true});

$("#pageNav").Treeview({speed: "fast", collapsed: true, 

Any idea what causes this error?

[jQuery] Sticky Footer

2007-10-31 Thread cfdvlpr

Is there a way to make a footer always show right at the bottom of the
page using jQuery?  I've tried the CSS solution from Ryan Fait and
it's not working for me.

[jQuery] Re: IE bug with IFRAME?

2007-10-26 Thread cfdvlpr

I have a similar issue and I'd love to see a jquery expert chime in

[jQuery] Re: ie and firefox browser test

2007-10-25 Thread cfdvlpr

Maybe this is best done with server side code such as this in

On Oct 25, 10:48 am, cfdvlpr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to test if the browser is ie or firefox and then set the width
> and height of a thickbox differently depending on this.  Is this
> considered bad practice and if so how might you do it better?

[jQuery] ie and firefox browser test

2007-10-25 Thread cfdvlpr

I want to test if the browser is ie or firefox and then set the width
and height of a thickbox differently depending on this.  Is this
considered bad practice and if so how might you do it better?

[jQuery] function in thickbox.js that is called when user clicks outside of thickbox and it closes

2007-10-24 Thread cfdvlpr

what line numbers is this on?

[jQuery] Re: Make a Thickbox with the iframe query parameter talk to update the html of the parent page

2007-10-24 Thread cfdvlpr

I've tried many things and nothing seems to work.

Here's the url that opens the thickbox:


Here's a few things that I've tried in this thickbox window that don't


[jQuery] Make a Thickbox with the iframe query parameter talk to update the html of the parent page

2007-10-24 Thread cfdvlpr


Is there something wrong with this that you can see?

[jQuery] .get returns undefined

2007-10-23 Thread cfdvlpr

Is there something wrong with this code below that would make
updatedTest return as undefined?

$.get("/test/test.cfm", { productID: productID },

[jQuery] .get works in Firefox, but not IE

2007-10-17 Thread cfdvlpr

Here's some code I have that works great in Firefox.
But in IE, it this line does nothing: $

function redecorate(){
var productID = $(this).attr("productID");
$.get("/viewSampleDetail/removeSampleFromCart.cfm", { 
productID },function(updatedSamples){


This line works in IE: $('#bottomHalfofThickbox').html('test');
I'm guessing that there's an error in removeSampleFromCart.cfm, but IE
doesn't seem to show me that error like FF and firebug would.

Any ideas on how I could debug this issue further?

[jQuery] Close Thickbox and Make the Parent Window go to href

2007-10-17 Thread cfdvlpr

Here's a function I have that doesn't quite do what I want it too:
parent.tb_remove();  //This closes the thickbox
parent.location.href=$(this).href();  // This tries to load the href
url in the thickbox right as it closes it

What can I replace parent.location.href=$(this).href(); with to make
this parent window go to the correct url?

[jQuery] Re: Rotate an Image 90 Degrees with jquery-rotate plugin

2007-10-09 Thread cfdvlpr

I couldn't find one.  :(

[jQuery] Rotate an Image 90 Degrees with jquery-rotate plugin

2007-10-08 Thread cfdvlpr

I started a rather lengthy discussion about this awhile back and never
really found anything to work.
However, I just came across this plugin that seems like it might do
the trick:
Has anyone else used this plugin?  Does it work well for you?

[jQuery] Re: Cool sitemap code

2007-10-05 Thread cfdvlpr

This looks interesting as I am trying to make a sitemap for a new site
right now...
I'm not sure that I fully understand how this is supposed to work.
Has anyone implemented this in a cool way and can provide a link to it?

[jQuery] treeview plugin - store option doesn't work to remember which items were clicked

2007-09-12 Thread cfdvlpr

Here's what I've got got in the head section of my HTML:

$("#pageNav").Treeview({speed: "fast", collapsed: true, store:

The store option doesn't appear to work at all for me.
I do have the cookie plugin included.
I don't get any error messages in firebug.
I do notice that no cookies are being stored.
Has anyone got this to work?
Any ideas?

[jQuery] Re: Table Pager / Pagination Plugin. Arrows around the page numbers < 1 2 3 4 5 > (next and previous)

2007-09-04 Thread cfdvlpr

Anyone else done this?
I think where I am having trouble is capturing and setting the current
Here's what I've modified so far that isn't working quite right yet:

$(document).ready(function() {
  $('table.paginated').each(function() {
var currentPage = 0;
var $table = $(this);
$table.bind('repaginate', function() {
  $table.find('tbody tr').show()
.lt(currentPage * numPerPage)
.gt((currentPage + 1) * numPerPage - 1)
var numRows = $table.find('tbody tr').length;
var numPages = Math.ceil(numRows / numPerPage);
 var pageText24 = '';
var pageText48 = '';
 var $pager = $('');
for (var page = 0; page < numPages; page++) {
if (page == 0 && numPages >= 2) {
$(' < ')
.bind('click', {'newPage': $pager.find('span.active').text()},
function(event) {
  currentPage = event.data['newPage'];



  $('' + (page + 1) + '')
.bind('click', {'newPage': page}, function(event) {
  currentPage = event.data['newPage'];

  if (page == numPages-1 && numPages >= 3) {
$(' > ')
.bind('click', {'newPage':
$pager.find('span.active').next().text()}, function(event) {
  currentPage = event.data['newPage'];




[jQuery] Re: changing url querystring in document.ready onclick

2007-08-31 Thread cfdvlpr

Hmm, adding that line doesn't seem to do anything.

[jQuery] Re: Close Thickbox Window Link that Doesn't Refresh Parent Page

2007-08-31 Thread cfdvlpr

FYI, I found the function I needed:  tb_remove();

[jQuery] Close Thickbox Window Link that Doesn't Refresh Parent Page

2007-08-31 Thread cfdvlpr

I want to have a link that says close this window inside my thickbox
window, but I don't want this link to do anything but what would
happen if you clicked outside the thickbox window in the darkened
area.  Is there simply a class that I can add to this a element that
would do this?

[jQuery] Table Pager / Pagination Plugin. Arrows around the page numbers < 1 2 3 4 5 > (next and previous)

2007-08-31 Thread cfdvlpr

Has anyone added the < > around the page numbers?  If so, can you
please share this modification?

[jQuery] Re: changing url querystring in document.ready onclick

2007-08-31 Thread cfdvlpr

Here's what my url looks like:


I want to remove the middle part of this url which is "title.test-

Is there a a regular expression that will remove this part of the url?
Or, is there another way to do this?

[jQuery] Re: Is there checkbox/radio image plugin?

2007-08-31 Thread cfdvlpr

I'd be interested in this as well.

[jQuery] Re: Cookie Plugin - Trying to get the values of elements in the array of cookies.

2007-08-30 Thread cfdvlpr

I think this is actually more of a problem with Javascript syntax than
it is with the cookie plugin, but any help would be much appreciated.

[jQuery] Running a Function After All other Javascript is Loaded

2007-08-30 Thread cfdvlpr

Here's what I am doing currently:

But, I'm sure there is a better way than that.  Can anyone share a
better way to run code last?

[jQuery] Cookie Plugin - Trying to get the values of elements in the array of cookies.

2007-08-30 Thread cfdvlpr

I'm using the cookie plugin.  And, I have created 4 cookies with it
and they are named:


I also keep a count of the number of cookies that have been created
and the name of this cookie is this:


How do I loop through these cookies?  I can't seem to get the syntax

Here's what I've tried:

function expandMenuUsingCookie() {
for (var index=0;index<$.cookie('onExpandCount');index++) {


There's something wrong with this line right about where I try to get
the value of the cookie:

[jQuery] Sortable Table Plugin Demos

2007-08-24 Thread cfdvlpr

Has anyone used this plugin to do something other than the example/
demo script that you can find in the Learning Jquery book?

I want to use this plugin, but I'm having trouble getting it to work
and would love to see other examples in action that might help me.

One thing that I'm doing differently, is that I've got 4 table data
cells (  ) for each  and doesn't work well with the plugin.

[jQuery] changing url querystring in document.ready onclick

2007-08-23 Thread cfdvlpr

Is there a way to change the url in the browser's address textbox
everytime there is a click or other event?

[jQuery] Re: Accessing form fields within Thickbox via main page

2007-08-22 Thread cfdvlpr

Are you using the form plugin?

[jQuery] Re: Hiding and Showing behavior, where to mouseout?

2007-08-21 Thread cfdvlpr

Take a look at the .hover() method

[jQuery] Price levels and price breaks

2007-08-14 Thread cfdvlpr

I've done the following code in Coldfusion:

Now, I'd like to do the same thing, but in Javascript / Jquery.  Can
someone post code that will do this same sort of query/operation in

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