[jQuery] Re: IE6 only 'partially' updating html loaded via ajax

2008-10-18 Thread jsw_nz

Hi Asfman

Thanks for the reply
- I did as you suggested- adding the option
- in two separate ways - neither fixed the issue

function getAjax_final(page_url,page_id) {
$.ajaxSetup({cache: false});
type: GET,

type: GET,
cache: false,
url: page_url,

- strange really since operation (2)
 - (mentioned above) works fine in IE
- seems to have mind of its own - hmm


[jQuery] Re: Translate standard HREF's into JavaScript expressions -- string manipulation help..

2008-10-14 Thread jsw_nz

Hi Michael  Paul

Thanks for your replies - both expressions work !
(plus another I worked on prior to your responses).
Just have to say thanks for the great jquery community support
offerred here

While I have your attention - had another question to ask

Since I am translating the standard hrefs with calls to jquery ajax
fpr tje entire CMS
how does this effect SEO and other bots that 'spider' through the site

Will the bots and search engines SEE the original HREF'S
and not execute the ajax calls - if so would Paul's approach be better
since it amounts to an onClick handler -where the status bar shows
original HREF

Thanks guys
very much appreciated!

[jQuery] Re: Translate standard HREF's into JavaScript expressions -- string manipulation help..

2008-10-14 Thread jsw_nz

Hi Michael,

Thanks for the pointers - no -- the treatment of rel attribute on a
is limited -  so I guess it will be OK - i run the code on Ajax
success event -
- again thanks much !

[jQuery] Translate standard HREF's into JavaScript expressions -- string manipulation help..

2008-10-12 Thread jsw_nz

Just needing some pointers on jQuery string manipulation

I have a content management system
- in which I am applying experimental (jQuery) ajax functions - these
work OK - !

But ather than hack the CMS source code,
I want to create a function that replaces the standard hrefs that the
CMS generates
 with javascript functions, which are triggered on Ajax success event

basically here are the translation requirements:

a rel=paginate href=index.php?aid=1-2content/a

a href=javascript:ajax_getPage('1-2')content/a

guessing it is a matter of getting the hrefs, based on rel=paginate
as a selector;
then replacing with the javascript string, where the key variable is
aid, ie 1-2 in this case...

I have tried getting this to work, but am having problems
so wanted to ask if any more experience jQuery programmers might
provide pointers

thanks is advance.

[jQuery] Interface scrollTo - needing callback functionality (attn Stefan)

2007-08-23 Thread jsw_nz

According tot he documentation on the Interface website the scrollTo
method should support callback functions. I am not sure if it does,
upon looking at the source. From Stefan's website:

durationinteger or string   mandatory
callbackfunction  optional Callback function that will get fired
once the effect is completed.
easing  string  optional The name of the easing effect you
want to use.

I am seeking to run the scrollTo function first - in the following

scrollTo  to top of page (500ms)
fadeOut  page container (500ms)
ajax  call ajax method to load new content (CMS server request)
FadeIn  page container with new content (500ms)

Has anybody managed to get the callback to file after the scrollTo is
I am not sure of the syntax - have tried several schemes
- I have tried: several tests - trying to trigger a simple alert
- as the basis of connecting it to the fadeOut  Ajax  fadeIn
function which is working

function alertMe(){

this does not trigger alertMe() upon completion:

function scrollToTopAnchor(){
   $(#top).ScrollTo(1000,'easeinout',function() {

this triggers alertMe() before completion:

Since I am more a designer than a coder,
any suggestions (or workarounds) would be appreciated.


[jQuery] Extra code for re-instantiating interface:imagebox -- after ajax load methods

2007-08-23 Thread jsw_nz

I just wanted to post this information,
related to interfaceimagebox usage
- it is a really great plugin, btw!

I spent a wee bit of time trying to debug FF issues
- related to loading imagebox html using jquery's ajax methods. Seems
it stalled after first click
- that is when clicking second image of hml loaded via ajax  the
script stalled. -- subsequent clicks did not load image...

I perused these and other forums - with no answer.

What I discovered is the need to remove residual imagebox divs
and then re-instantiate Imagebox itself

my problem code for FF was:

function initAjaxImageBox(){
  loaderSRC: 'img/imagebox/loading.gif',
  closeHTML: 'img src=img/imagebox/close.gif / border=0',
  // etc

the solution code is:

function initAjaxImageBox(){
  loaderSRC: 'img/imagebox/loading.gif',
  closeHTML: 'img src=img/imagebox/close.gif / border=0',
  // etc

initAjaxImageBox is called within an ajax method (on success)

i hope this helps others
just posting this for general info.


[jQuery] Re: Interface scrollTo - needing callback functionality (attn Stefan)

2007-08-23 Thread jsw_nz

In the meantime - managed to use the setTimeout method - as a

function ajax_getPage(param1,param2){
jQuery('#top').ScrollTo(900, 'easeinout');
setTimeout( function() {
jQuery(#mainblock_760).fadeOut(700,function() {
}, 900 );


I am guessing the documentation for scrollTo might need a wee bit of
updating regarding callbacks
- great plugin nonetheless!!! Along with JQuery !


[jQuery] Flash External Interface call and jQuery - page reloads?

2007-07-07 Thread jsw_nz

I am on my first week using jQuery and have a question
regarding rewriting a standard function that gets called
from Flash using External Interface:

The html page has a div id=flashheader
at top that is resized from a parameter (sent from flash)

the function is pretty standard:

function animateFlashDiv(param) {
   var targetHeight = Number(param);
   $('#flashheader').animate({height:targetHeight}, {duration: 1000,
easing: easeinout});

The resizing works, However, the call is interpreted as a page
so the flash file 'reanimates' - goes to frame 1 and plays over

Might there be another way to phrase or register this function to
jQuery  that the
paramater is passed by the flash file - but the page reload is not

Here is the flash code as well:
function callInterface(param){

pointers appreciated - quite perplexing atm

[jQuery] Re: Designerly Ajax ? from newbie

2007-07-06 Thread jsw_nz

I was able to get this to work:

function getContent(){
function showContent(){

wondering if there is a more concise way to write it

[jQuery] Re: Designerly Ajax ? from newbie

2007-07-06 Thread jsw_nz

Hi David,

Thanks for your reply - progress being made
however the jquery.load immediately loads the new AJAX content
(it appears immediately)
then it does both the fadeIn and fadeOut's

Guessing that a trigger is needed to defer the
showing of new AJAX content until AFTER fadeOut() has completed

really hoping to get a working script

cheers - john-

[jQuery] Re: Designerly Ajax ? from newbie

2007-07-05 Thread jsw_nz

Just wanted to bump this (my first post)

I suppose my question relates to chaining the commands mentioned in
previous post (1)(2)(3)

From a 'design point of view' the fadeOut and fadeIn treatment of AJAX
calls really attracts me
- and from what I gather jquery is in a unique position to accomplish

just asking for a jump start here - rough scripts welcomed -


[jQuery] Re: Designerly Ajax ? from newbie

2007-07-05 Thread jsw_nz

Hi Benjamin,

OK, maybe I need to explain better

I want to apply AJAX to a CMS pagination scheme (using a system
generated navigation bar)
where div id=content  gets targeted and dynamically updated with
AJAX - (no page refresh)

So say the end user is on page 1 and clicks navigation bar to load
page 2

(1) Page 1's div id=content  would fadeOut
(2) AJA X content would get retrieved and then loaded into now
'invisible' div id=content  (myExternalContent.php?id=2)
(3) div id=content  would fadeIn to show new content

So just an aesthetic way to handle 'page transitions'
- not unlike an IE page transition filter

Can this be done - have to think with jQuery this would be quite

cheers - j-
BTW - nice site

[jQuery] Designerly Ajax ? from newbie

2007-07-04 Thread jsw_nz

I am a newbie with jQuery (primarily a designer)
and am looking for a tutorial (or code) that might
integrate a basic ajax call to


in a designerly waywith this in mind.

(1) user clicks on a link to make ajax request to bring new content
to a #targeted div
jQuery first applies slideToggle function to the div -  basically a

jQuery.fn.slideToggle = function(speed, callback) {
return this.animate({height: 'toggle',opacity: 'toggle'}, speed,

(2) after the fadeOut is completed - then jQuery makes the actual ajax
request -
(3) once the the actual ajax request is completed and new content
- the jQuery toggle is re-instantiated - basically a fadeIn ( )

I have already manged the ajax functionality
- just looking for pointers to hande a smooth click to - fadeOut(old)
- fadeIn(new) contents

pointers appreciated
thx - jQuery is most impressive

[jQuery] Re: opacity in IE6.0 not works with jquery-1.1.3

2007-07-04 Thread jsw_nz

Hi mouqx xu

I came across this issue as well
...seems the newest 113 has gone through some tweaks

This page may be helpful
- there is a version that works r2213
- however it is uncompressed at this stage
- likely to be updated soon

my second day with jQuery
- really nice