[jQuery] Re: mediocre css skills combined with noob to jquery and .cycle

2009-11-19 Thread Nate Heldman
ok...solved the issue of timing.  the system we use is placing br tags
in spite of the fact that this was all coded in their html module.  i
got around it by eliminating all returns and spaces in the code. (the
a tags had nothing to do with the timing issues...only the spaces and
returns...just in case someone else runs into a similar issue)

i'm still having a strange issue with all four images loading
initially on top of each other, and then moving into the slideshow.
can you shed some light on why that might be?

On Nov 13, 4:54 pm, danny.copel...@gmail.com
danny.copel...@gmail.com wrote:
 ### Insight:

 Cycle is trying to fade those break tags as well. It just finds all
 direct children of #homepage, in your case, and those are the a
 tags and the br tags...

 On Nov 13, 5:52 pm, danny.copel...@gmail.com

 danny.copel...@gmail.com wrote:
  Oh, wait! No, what the actual problem is is that you have brs after
  each anchor...remove those and you should be golden. You can still
  play around with the delay option to get the timing right afterwards.

  Also, those are HTML break tags, if yr ever going to use that to give
  content a line-break, pls use br /, which is valid XHTML - the same
  as your DOCTYPE declares.

  Good luck!


[jQuery] mediocre css skills combined with noob to jquery and .cycle

2009-11-13 Thread Nate Heldman
so, i found this while looking for a non-flash method of doing
hyperlinked slideshows for our website.

i have gotten the basic function to work, but i'm having some issues
with setting this up the way i'd like to.  because we will eventually
have more than one slideshow on certain pages, i made slideshow a
class thinking we could call versions of the class and name them for
the various shows.  e.g. .slideshow.wedding
and .slideshow.churchinstall, etc.

i'm having two issues.  i could not seem to make that work, first of
all.  second, i cannot figure out how to pass the various code like
timeout/delay/etc for each specific slideshow.

for now i have dumbed myself down as much as possible and have one
slideshow.  our site is through Volusion, which may have something to
do with it.  they give us a template page inside which all other pages

here's the code i have in the head section:

script type=text/javascript src=http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/
!-- include Cycle plugin --
script type=text/javascript src=http://cloud.github.com/downloads/
script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready(function() {
fx: 'fade' // choose your transition type, ex: fade, scrollUp,
shuffle, etc...

i also call the .css file here.

here's the code from the page:


div class=slideshow
roland-ax-synth.htmimg src=/v/vspfiles/assets/images/
a href=http://www.midweststereo.com/Amplifiers_s/75.htm;img
a href=http://www.midweststereo.com/
samson-xp308i.htmimg src=/v/vspfiles/assets/images/

here's the .css code:

.slideshow {

 height: 22px;
 width: 575px;
 padding: 0px;
 margin: 0px;

.slideshow img {

 padding: 0px;
 border: none;
 background-color: #ff;
 width: 575px;
 height:  225px;
 top: 0px;
 left: 0px;

and here's the url to the test page.


i am getting the .slideshow img section to work.  i can play with it
and it does whatever i do.  however, if i make any adjustments to
the .slideshow section it doesn't seem to do anything.

and i guess my big question regarding the timing for fadeout, etc
is...can i put that into the .css file so that i can have different
parameters for each slideshow?  or is there a way to put that in the
html code?  and how do i pass that info?  i'm reading like crazy,
found this google group, and am still out on the web looking for
answers.  i greatly appreciate any help.

sorry for the sort of long post.

[jQuery] Is it possible to sort columns by a row using jQuery

2009-10-04 Thread nate

for example when row two is clicked I would like the table to reorder
a, b, c, d

tdcol 1/td
tdcol 2/td
tdcol 3/td
tdcol 4/td


[jQuery] trouble calling a function

2009-10-01 Thread nate


I am trying to set up a toggle to allow users to show more precision
when a user clicks a button.  I have a function high() that doesn't do
anything when it is called.  I am fairly new to jQuery so I am not to
familiar with the syntax and am hoping that you can help me.

var   numeric_data = new Array();
$('.numeric', this).each(function() {
data = parseFloat($(this).text());

i = 0;

this works
$('.numeric', this).each(function() {
data = numeric_data[i];
data = data.toFixed(2);
i = 0;

this doesn't work
high = function(){
 $('.numeric', this).each(function() {
 data = numeric_data[i];
 data = data.toFixed(5);




[jQuery] Re: trouble calling a function

2009-10-01 Thread nate

Excellent!  that works.  Thanks for the fast response.


[jQuery] Access to variables hidden by scope in a jQuery Javascript function

2009-08-06 Thread Nate

I'm trying to edit an existing jQuery plugin.  As a brief explanation,
this plugin turns a regular Table into a TreeTable - a table with a
hierarchy, similar to a folder browser, except with the additional
columns. So there are parameters for which row is the parent of which
other row, etc.

I'm still pretty new to jQuery so I may be interpreting this
incorrectly, but it looks to me like when I call the jqTreeTable
function on a tbody, it performs its work and returns a new object
that takes the place of the original tbody.

So! To get to my question, I am trying to add expand all and
collapse all functionality to this plugin, but I'm unsure how to add
these hooks into a closed function, because I need access to internal
variables in the closed function in order to do the work. One solution
that occurred to me was that I might setup some empty links with
unique ids, pass those links into the jqTreeTable function along with
the other parameters, and then alter the links to point at internal
functions that do the work. That doesn't seem very clean (and maybe
impossible?). I also tried altering the function to have another
parameter that specified whether I wanted the table built (initial
call), or whether I wanted to expand or collapse all nodes (subsequent
calls). I couldn't figure out how to access the original internal
variables - I just created a new scope every time I called the

Here is a simplified version of the plugin:

jq.fn.jqTreeTable = function(options){
var /*a bunch of stuff*/ x,
expandKids = function(num, last){//Expands immediate children,
and their uncollapsed children
jq(# + tid + num).attr(src, (last) ?
opts.lastOpenImg : opts.openImg);//
for (var x = 0, xl = mapa[num].length; x  xl; x++) {
var mnx = mapa[num][x];
jq(# + tid + mnx).parents(tr).removeClass
if (mapa[mnx]  opts.state  jq.inArray(mnx,
collarr)  0) {If it is a parent and its number is not in the
collapsed array
arguments.callee(mnx, (x == xl - 1));//Expand it.
More intuitive way of displaying the tree
collapseKids = function(num, last){//Recursively collapses all
children and their children and change icon
jq(# + tid + num).attr(src, (last) ?
opts.lastShutImg : opts.shutImg);
for (var x = 0, xl = mapa[num].length; x  xl; x++) {
var mnx = mapa[num][x];
jq(# + tid + mnx).parents(tr).addClass
if (mapa[mnx]) {//If it is a parent
arguments.callee(mnx, (x == xl - 1));

/* build the tree table */

return this;

which gets called like this:


where 'treet1' is an id on a tbody. I want to write a function that
can make subsequent calls to expandKids and collapseKids that operate
on the same internal variables.

To sum up: it seems to me that this jquery plugin is returning an
altered tbody with a set of closed functions that do the work. I want
to add some functions that I can call externally, but which have
access to the internal arrays and variables of the other function.
Some of these assumptions may be incorrect since I'm no jquery master,
so please enlighten me.

Here is the link to the original project if you feel the need to take
a look:

[jQuery] Clone tr w/ New Data

2009-07-13 Thread Nate

I have a table set up like so:

table id=groups
tdGroup Name/td

td class=tbldata/td
td class=tbldata/td

I'm using Impromptu to pop up a message when you click Add New
Group.  You type in the group name, and then submit.  It posts to a
PHP file, and then returns that posted info in JSON format.

How do I put in that data that is returned into the two empty td

here is the jQuery code I have so far - and it does duplicate my last
TR, which is what I want..but now I need that data that is returned to
me from my PHP file:

$.post(addressbook_addgroup.php, { groupname:f.groupname },
$(#groups tr:last).clone(true).insertAfter(#groups tr:last);
}, 'json');

So when all is said and done, my last TR there would return a NEW tr
that looks like this:

td class=tbldataNew Group Name/td
td class=tbldataedit/td

[jQuery] Clone and Replace

2009-07-13 Thread Nate

I have a table that is dynamically populated by PHP and MySQL.

At the bottom, I've created an empty table row: tr/tr

I have a jQuery function that posts data to a PHP file.  When the PHP
file returns true, I want it to clone that emtpy table row, and then
manipulate it by giving the table row an ID.

For example, that empty table row would clone (creating an additional
empty table row for future use), and then look like tr
id=group34tddata here/td/tr

Here's the jQuery I have now, however, it creates the tr with no ID:

$.post(addgroup.php, { groupname:f.groupname },
$(#groups tr:last)
.insertAfter(#groups tr:last)
'a href=javascript:; alt=Modify title=Modify
class=editgroup onclick=editGroup(' + data.id + ');'+
'img src=images/icons/pencil.png //a'+
'a href=javascript:; alt=Remove title=Remove
class=deletegroup onclick=deleteGroup('+data.id+');'+
'img src=images/icons/cross.png //a/span'+
'span id=groupid' + data.id + 'span class=gname' +
data.groupname + '/span/span/td')
}, 'json');

[jQuery] Re: Clone and Replace

2009-07-13 Thread Nate

Also, James, each table row has a unique id.  it will be called
something like id=group34 or id=group35 - no two are the same.
It's info that is related to the ID of the database.

So when my jQuery posts to addgroup.php, it inserts the data into the
database, and then I use the mysql_inser_id() function to retrieve the
ID of the entry I just made.  I then return that data to the main
page, and I simply want to stick it below all of the data that was
generated by PHP.

To give you an idea - here is a screen capture of it in action, and
some of the issues along with it:


[jQuery] Re: Clone and Replace

2009-07-13 Thread Nate

LOL - I swear I thought of almost the exact same thing when I went out
and took a drive...it's amazing what time away from the computer
does...and of course, a little help.

Now I seem to be missing something (yeah, I am new to jQuery...)

I still want that table row to fade in...but neither method works:

$('#groups').append('tr id=ohaitdhello/td/tr').fadeIn

$('#groups').fadeIn(fast).append('tr id=ohaitdhello/td/

On Jul 13, 7:35 pm, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:
 How about just removing the empty tr/tr and use something like the
 following for your insert row after your AJAX response:

 $(#groups).append('tr id=group'+data.id+'td/td/tr');

 On Jul 13, 1:00 pm, Nate nathanle...@gmail.com wrote:

  Also, James, each table row has a unique id.  it will be called
  something like id=group34 or id=group35 - no two are the same.
  It's info that is related to the ID of the database.

  So when my jQuery posts to addgroup.php, it inserts the data into the
  database, and then I use the mysql_inser_id() function to retrieve the
  ID of the entry I just made.  I then return that data to the main
  page, and I simply want to stick it below all of the data that was
  generated by PHP.

  To give you an idea - here is a screen capture of it in action, and
  some of the issues along with it:


[jQuery] Re: Clone and Replace

2009-07-13 Thread Nate

Thanks a lot for the help James. I'll give that a shot.  I am re-
tooling this little application and I'm beginning to think I may not
need tables at all.  I'll keep you posted.

Thanks again

On Jul 13, 8:24 pm, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:
 I think there's some issues with fadeIn/fadeOut for tr.
 Try something like the following:

 var html = 'tr id=ohaitd class=hidehello/td/tr';

 The class hide on the td is style with display:none;
 Add this to all your td if you have more than one.

 On Jul 13, 2:05 pm, Nate nathanle...@gmail.com wrote:

  LOL - I swear I thought of almost the exact same thing when I went out
  and took a drive...it's amazing what time away from the computer
  does...and of course, a little help.

  Now I seem to be missing something (yeah, I am new to jQuery...)

  I still want that table row to fade in...but neither method works:

  $('#groups').append('tr id=ohaitdhello/td/tr').fadeIn

  $('#groups').fadeIn(fast).append('tr id=ohaitdhello/td/

  On Jul 13, 7:35 pm, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:

   How about just removing the empty tr/tr and use something like the
   following for your insert row after your AJAX response:

   $(#groups).append('tr id=group'+data.id+'td/td/tr');

   On Jul 13, 1:00 pm, Nate nathanle...@gmail.com wrote:

Also, James, each table row has a unique id.  it will be called
something like id=group34 or id=group35 - no two are the same.
It's info that is related to the ID of the database.

So when my jQuery posts to addgroup.php, it inserts the data into the
database, and then I use the mysql_inser_id() function to retrieve the
ID of the entry I just made.  I then return that data to the main
page, and I simply want to stick it below all of the data that was
generated by PHP.

To give you an idea - here is a screen capture of it in action, and
some of the issues along with it:


[jQuery] Required callback [validate]

2009-03-05 Thread Nate

In firefox 3, jquery 1.3.2, requiredcallback does not seem to work. I
have the following:

$('form').validate({ element1: {required: function(element) { return
false; }}}), and element1 never gives the this element is required
error. All other validation rules are working, including some remotes
and some equalTos, so I know that the validation function is working.
I can switch the required callback with one that always returns
true, no dice. If I put in some console.logs in the required callback,
they log correctly. How do I get required: function() to work? I'm
obviously doing something wrong.



[jQuery] jQuery validtion plugin questions

2009-03-02 Thread nate

I am trying to make sure that the three tablechoice fields are not
equal to each other.
I have set up a remote script to return true or false based on the
field settings.

If I select tables a,b and c the form subits as expected.
however for example if it set them equal to a, b, and b and then
changes the
values to a, b,c  it still thinks there is an error for some reason.
Any thoughts on what I might be doing wrong?   After clicking the
submit buttons a few times it will finally submit.

$().ready(function() {

rules: {

firstname: required,
lastname: required,
companyname: required,
email: {
required: true,
email: true
phone:{  phoneUS: true  },
firstchoice: {
onblur: false ;
  remote: {
url: attendee_paypal_validate_table.php,
type: post,
data: {
choice1: function() {
return $(#firstchoice).val();
  },// send choices as post var
choice2: function() {
return $(#secondchoice).val();
choice3: function() {
return $(#thirdchoice).val();

}// end data
  }// end remote
  },// end firstchoice
  secondchoice: {

  remote: {
url: attendee_paypal_validate_table.php,
type: post,
data: {
choice1: function() {
return $(#firstchoice).val();
  },// send choices as post var
choice2: function() {
return $(#secondchoice).val();
choice3: function() {
return $(#thirdchoice).val();

}// end data
  }// end remote
  },// end secondchoice
  thirdchoice: {

  remote: {
url: attendee_paypal_validate_table.php,
type: post,
data: {
choice1: function() {
return $(#firstchoice).val();
  },// send choices as post var
choice2: function() {
return $(#secondchoice).val();
choice3: function() {
return $(#thirdchoice).val();

}// end data
  }// end remote
  }// end thirdchoice
}, // end rules
messages: {
firstname: Please enter your first name,
lastname: Please enter your last name,
companyname: Please enter your company name,
//secondchoice: You cannot select the same table 
confirm_password: {
required: Please provide a password,
minlength: Your password must be at least 5 
characters long,
equalTo: Please enter the same password as 
email: Please enter a valid email address,
agree: Please accept our policy


[jQuery] JSON handling: A modest non-proposal

2009-02-26 Thread Nate

Hello all,

Please consider the following snippet of code, which transparently
intercepts all Ajax requests, detects whether the data being POSTed is
a JSON object, and based on that, switches the content type to
application/json, and serializes the data to a string:

$(document).ready(function() {

$._ajax = $.ajax;

$.ajax = function(s) {
if (s.data  s.type == 'POST') {
if (typeof s.data == 'object') {
s.contentType = 'application/json';
return $._ajax(s);

What I'm trying to figure out is how to achieve this (properly)
without having to overwrite a core jQuery method, or if indeed there
is a way.

In an effort to save everyone time, here are the Wrong Answers:

(1) Write my own custom method.  This is wrong, because it breaks the
inheritance pretty much every Ajax-related method jQuery has. The goal
of this exercise should be associated with words like seamless and
transparent.  This isn't.

(2) Use beforeSend().  This does not work, because the Content-Type
header has already been set, and amazingly, the XHR object offers no
facility for removing or replacing headers, only appending.

(3) Use $.ajaxSetup, and set contentType: application/json across
the board.  This simply reverses the problem by requiring me to
specify contentType any time I *don't* want to use JSON in an Ajax
request.  Incidentally, this also breaks $.post, since it provides no
way to specify the contentType (which I suppose would normally be
redundant anyway).

(4) Use ajaxStart().  Again, not an option, since it is global (which
means any requests fired off in parallel will result in at least one
not being intercepted).  Also, it doesn't have access to the XHR
object, which puts a bit of a damper on things.

If a solution within the required parameters does not exist, is this
something that people have run into before?  Would it be worth kicking
up the chain?  Handling JSON data transparently seems like an obvious
thing to want to do, and thus far I've been a little taken aback at
how many issues I've run into.

Thanks for your time and consideration.

[jQuery] Re: Jquery pagination plugin problem

2009-02-09 Thread nate laws

There are a lot of ways to do it, here is a simple solution, of course
'length' will have to be determined somehow.

var items_per_page = 10;
var length = 1000;
function pageSelectCallback(page_index, container){
return false;
callback: pageSelectCallback,

On Feb 8, 1:51 pm, deviateDesigns dustin.good...@gmail.com wrote:
 How would set this up with list items and pulling from a external html
 file?  I am new to using this library.

 On Feb 6, 8:28 pm, nate laws natel...@gmail.com wrote:

  I just tried this plugin for the first time today.  The think to
  realize is that it does not directly have anything to do with which
  items and how many are displayed.  Instead it only controls the
  pagination links.  You have to manually display whichever items you
  want to be shown in the callback function.  demo_options.htm shows one
  way of doing it when grabbing from am array.

  Personally I use a method like:
  var items_per_page = 10;
  function pageSelectCallback(page_index, container){
              $(table tr).hide();
              var start = page_index * items_per_page;
              $(table tr:gt(+start+):lt(+items_per_page+)).show()
              return false;


  On Feb 6, 2:49 pm, deviateDesigns dustin.good...@gmail.com wrote:

   I am having the same issue not sure what is the issue still
   researching looks like the items_per_page is passing only a 1.

   On Jan 26, 4:53 am, Andy789 e...@abcstudio.com.au wrote:

Hi all,

I am playing with thepaginationplugin(http://plugins.jquery.com/
node/5912) and cannot figure out how to change number of items showing
on a single page. Changing the param items_per_page changes the number
of page links (navigation), but still shows a single item on a page.

You may play with the demo.htm from the download to see what I am
talking about..

Has someone faced the sameproblem? Any suggestions how to fix this?

[jQuery] Re: Jquery pagination plugin problem

2009-02-06 Thread nate laws

I just tried this plugin for the first time today.  The think to
realize is that it does not directly have anything to do with which
items and how many are displayed.  Instead it only controls the
pagination links.  You have to manually display whichever items you
want to be shown in the callback function.  demo_options.htm shows one
way of doing it when grabbing from am array.

Personally I use a method like:
var items_per_page = 10;
function pageSelectCallback(page_index, container){
$(table tr).hide();
var start = page_index * items_per_page;
$(table tr:gt(+start+):lt(+items_per_page+)).show()
return false;

On Feb 6, 2:49 pm, deviateDesigns dustin.good...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am having the same issue not sure what is the issue still
 researching looks like the items_per_page is passing only a 1.

 On Jan 26, 4:53 am, Andy789 e...@abcstudio.com.au wrote:

  Hi all,

  I am playing with thepaginationplugin(http://plugins.jquery.com/
  node/5912) and cannot figure out how to change number of items showing
  on a single page. Changing the param items_per_page changes the number
  of page links (navigation), but still shows a single item on a page.

  You may play with the demo.htm from the download to see what I am
  talking about..

  Has someone faced the sameproblem? Any suggestions how to fix this?

[jQuery] jquery Validate on page load

2009-01-05 Thread nate

Is it possible to validate a form that is populated with data from a
database on page load before the user clicks on anything?  thanks

[jQuery] Re: jquery Validate on page load

2009-01-05 Thread nate

I am using the jQuery validate plugin.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Validate plugin with cake php form won't submit

2009-01-02 Thread nate


Thanks for your response.

I got it to submit with

submitHandler: function(form) {

now I have a problem when using the cakephp form helper.

This works with the manually created input
rules: {
phone: {phoneUS: true}

input name=phone id=phone value=555-555-/

however I am not sure how to setup the rules when using the cakePHP
form helper.
The helper generates the following:
input name=data[UserContactDetail][phone] type=text
value=555-555- id=UserContactDetailPhone /

I have tried using
rules: {
data[UserContactDetail][phone]: {phoneUS: true}
and this
rules: {
UserContactDetailPhone: {phoneUS: true}
but it doesn't validate.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Validate plugin with cake php form won't submit

2009-01-02 Thread nate


thanks for the tip. I tried both single and double quotes but that
didn't work.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Validate plugin with cake php form won't submit

2009-01-02 Thread nate

Got it working with data[UserContactDetail][phone]: {phoneUS:
and instead of using echo $form-input('phone'); to generate the code
I manually typed  input name=data[UserContactDetail][phone] /.  I
am unsure as to why the auto generated field doesn't work since it
looks the same to me.

[jQuery] jQuery Validate plugin with cake php form won't submit

2009-01-01 Thread nate

I am using the jQuery Validate plugin with a form in cakePHP.  When I
click submit the form is validated but not submitted to the server.
When I change the form name From user to user1 it submits properly so
it seems that once the form is bound to the javascript it stops
submitting the data.   any thoughts on how I could get this to work?

[jQuery] Superfish IE Pixel-Shift in vertical mode

2008-12-31 Thread Nate

Please view this URL using IE6 or IE7: http://www.postcardfromparis.com/.

When hovering over the menu items that contain sub-level menu's notice
that the next sibling of the menu shifts down 1-2 pixels when the sub-
level menu is revealed. I thought doing this CSS would fix it but to
no avail.

#topNavigation ul ul { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 190px;
display: none;  }

Any ideas? It's working fine in Safari, FF3, FF2 (haven't checked
Opera yet).

Best Regards,

[jQuery] Re: Disappearing events?

2008-02-11 Thread Nate

I thought events would stay unless the actual element the event is
attached to is changed, not the necessarily the contents of the

I guess I'll be rewriting that portion...

Thanks again...

On Feb 11, 3:11 pm, Kyle Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Use either the live query plugin OR, reapply the events.

 The issue is, the events are added once the dom is ready. after that, the
 functions never get called again. So if you change out elements, your events
 are gone. Live Query solves this.


 On Feb 11, 2008 11:13 AM, Nate [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I created three table elements using jquery, and each td cell in the
  tables has hover and click events attached to it.

  The basic table generation is cached in an array and the only changes
  that happen to the initial content occur by updating individual td
  contents using $(this).text(val). All of the events fire correctly the
  first time a table is rendered, but when the table is updated, only
  using .text(..), the events disappear. I've tried tracing what is
  happening, but eventually get lost, and was hoping someone would be
  able to explain why the events are disappearing.

  Here are the affected parts of the code for reference:

  var drawInitial = function(wks) {
 var cal = [];
 for(var i = 4; i = 6; i++) {
 cal[i] = $('table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0
 for(var j = 0; j  i; j++) {

 drawInitial = function(wks) {
 return cal[wks];
 return drawInitial(wks);

  function drawWeek() {
 var wk = $(tr/tr);
 for(var j = 0; j  7; j++) {
 return wk;

  function drawDay(dayOfWeek) {
 var css = ;

 (dayOfWeek == 0 || dayOfWeek == 6) ? css = calendarWeekend : css
  = calendarWeekday;
 var day = $('td class=calendarBox '+css+'/td');
 function() { if($(this).text()) {$
  (this).addClass(calendarHover);} },
 function() { if($(this).text()) {$
  (this).removeClass(calendarHover);} }
 day.click( function() {
 if($(this).text()) {
 } else {
 return day;

  function drawMonth() {
 var year = widgetDate.getFullYear();
 var month = widgetDate.getMonth();

 var firstDay = new Date(year, month, 1).getDay();
 var daysInMonth = Date.getDaysInMonth(year, month);
 var weeksInMonth = Math.ceil((firstDay + daysInMonth) / 7);
 var cal = drawInitial(weeksInMonth);
 var i = 0, //week
 j = 1; //day of month

 cal.find(tr:not(.calendarWeek)).each( function() {
 $(this).children(td).each( function() {
 if(j  firstDay  j = firstDay + daysInMonth) {
 $(this).text(j - firstDay);
 } else {


[jQuery] Re: Dynamic Variables

2008-02-11 Thread Nate

If you had a consistent naming convention, I think something like the
following would work:

function setClick() {
var id = ;
for(var i = 0; i  arguments.length; i++) {
id = arguments[i];
$(#ckbx_+id).click( function() {
$(this).attr(checked) ? $(#opt_+id).show(medium) : $

setClick(wgmpo, wgmse, tydgc, tydoe, ...);

On Feb 11, 3:11 pm, rsmolkin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I hope someone can help me out a bit.

 I am finding myself doing a lot of code (as I'll paste below).  It's
 basically the same block of code with different variables.

 What I am trying to do is consolidate all that code into a funciton
 where I can declare all the checkboxes I need to create an Click
 function for, and then loop through them and generate the click
 handler as well as other functions for all of them.

 Here is the code snippet:

 function() {
 if ($(this).attr(checked) == true){
 function() {
 if ($(this).attr(checked) == true){
 function() {
 if ($(this).attr(checked) == true){
 function() {
 if ($(this).attr(checked) == true){

 function() {
 if ($(this).attr(checked) == true){
 function() {
 if ($(this).attr(checked) == true){
 function() {
 if ($(this).attr(checked) == true){

[jQuery] Disappearing events?

2008-02-11 Thread Nate

I created three table elements using jquery, and each td cell in the
tables has hover and click events attached to it.

The basic table generation is cached in an array and the only changes
that happen to the initial content occur by updating individual td
contents using $(this).text(val). All of the events fire correctly the
first time a table is rendered, but when the table is updated, only
using .text(..), the events disappear. I've tried tracing what is
happening, but eventually get lost, and was hoping someone would be
able to explain why the events are disappearing.

Here are the affected parts of the code for reference:

var drawInitial = function(wks) {
var cal = [];
for(var i = 4; i = 6; i++) {
cal[i] = $('table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0
for(var j = 0; j  i; j++) {

drawInitial = function(wks) {
return cal[wks];
return drawInitial(wks);

function drawWeek() {
var wk = $(tr/tr);
for(var j = 0; j  7; j++) {
return wk;

function drawDay(dayOfWeek) {
var css = ;

(dayOfWeek == 0 || dayOfWeek == 6) ? css = calendarWeekend : css
= calendarWeekday;
var day = $('td class=calendarBox '+css+'/td');
function() { if($(this).text()) {$
(this).addClass(calendarHover);} },
function() { if($(this).text()) {$
(this).removeClass(calendarHover);} }
day.click( function() {
if($(this).text()) {
} else {
return day;

function drawMonth() {
var year = widgetDate.getFullYear();
var month = widgetDate.getMonth();

var firstDay = new Date(year, month, 1).getDay();
var daysInMonth = Date.getDaysInMonth(year, month);
var weeksInMonth = Math.ceil((firstDay + daysInMonth) / 7);
var cal = drawInitial(weeksInMonth);
var i = 0, //week
j = 1; //day of month

cal.find(tr:not(.calendarWeek)).each( function() {
$(this).children(td).each( function() {
if(j  firstDay  j = firstDay + daysInMonth) {
$(this).text(j - firstDay);
} else {


[jQuery] Re: FireFox Click Function Can't Access DHTML Element

2008-02-07 Thread nate

Ha, you sound like an earlier version of me. This was a LOT of diggin
to find an answer and since I happen to have saved it, I'll share it
with you. I did not test this with your code at all, it is meant to be
plug and play. You may need to have the prototype library. I don't
know since I have it.

Just add this into your page:

var browser=navigator.appName
if(browser == Netscape){
HTMLElement.prototype.click = function() {
var evt = this.ownerDocument.createEvent('MouseEvents');
evt.initMouseEvent('click', true, true,
this.ownerDocument.defaultView, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false,
false, 0, null);

[jQuery] Re: |OT| craigslist parsing (Was Re: SITE SUBMISSION: Please add gsalr.com to the list of sites)

2007-07-27 Thread nate

On Jul 26, 11:42 pm, R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah
  To phrase to question better, how were you able to parse the addresses if
  you're getting the data from craigslist directly? Or which web service are
  you using if you're using one?

Obviously, batch web scraping. For address, look at the yahoo maps
 link, easy to parse, say http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/apa/

Except the garage sale listings don't have map links, so parsing the
address out of those is a lot more difficult.  It's done with some
custom perl parsing routines, using Google and Yahoo geocoding to
verify results.


[jQuery] Re: Loosing access to 'this' objects in callback method!

2007-06-24 Thread Nate Cavanaugh

Hi Glenn,
Closures are a pretty tough concept to fully explain. In this case, I should
have just said to use an anonymous function, as it would probably lead to
less confusion.
Here is a great online resource about closures that really helped me a lot:

About the mechanism of this:

This always points to the current object that it's running in, except in two
cases: when it's pointing to the element that executed an action, or it is
explicitly set to something different.

I'll give you a good example:

var obj = {
init: function() {
var instance = this; // points to obj

var obj2 = {
run: function() {
var instance = this; // points to obj2

function(e) {
var item = this; // points to the element that 
was clicked

obj2.run.call(instance); // now obj2.run is called, it's own 
'this' points
to obj instead of obj2

That piece of code covers the different situations I was talking about.

The 'call' method explicitly overrides the this in obj2 with a new obj, and
'this' now points to the object passed in.

But in every other case, this points to the current object that it's
existing in.

By the way, to limit confusion a bit, your code, even though it was
functions, in Javascript those functions are objects as well, so the scoping

I hope that helps clear things up, but if not, feel free to ask away :)

knnelg wrote:
 Hi Nate,
 First of all, thank you very much for taking the time to respond.  It's 
 greatly appreciated.
 I had to modify your solution slightly, in that the ajax.complete 
 callback passes two parameters which I need, so I changed the code to...
 var instance = this;
 type: POST, // type of http request
 url: this.sourceURL, // where to get file from
 dataType: xml, // type of file to retrieve
 complete: function(ajaxResponse, status){
 instance.parseXML(ajaxResponse, status);
 This works just fine, and I thank you once again.  I'd never have worked 
 this out using the books I have.
 I have to admit though, I still don't fully understand the mechanism 
 going on here.  If anyone is aware of any on-line resources that go into 
 detail about the scope of 'this', I'd be grateful.
 You mention the phrase you can use a closure, is this a common term in 
 Javascript? What does it mean?
 Once again, thank you.
 Nate Cavanaugh wrote:
 Hi Glenn,
 Keeping scope is definitely one of the more frustrating aspects of
 Javascript sometimes.

 What's happening is that you're running the ajax call, and the complete
 method is a method of the object that you're passing into the ajax

 So this now points to the object containing the properties you sent in.

 To do this so that your member method (the this.parseXML) retains the
 scope, you can use a closure. I also like to always start off my methods
 with a var declaration pointing to the instance this (so I always know
 I am pointing to the instance, and when I use this, that I am pointing to
 element, such as in an event call back):

 var instance = this;

 type: POST, // type of http request
 url: this.sourceURL, // where to get file from
 dataType: xml, // type of file to retrieve
 complete: function(){

 Now your parseXML method will run in the proper scope.

 I hope that helps :)

 knnelg wrote:
 Hi,  I'm another newbie to jQuery and also not that experienced in
 JavaScript so I'm not sure if my issue is jQuery or JavaScript.

 The issue is that I'm creating a constructor for an object, in which I
 initialise some instance properties, then kick off an asynchronous
 $.ajax event to retrieve an XML file.  The callback method of
 the .ajax object is bound to a prototype method of the same object as
 the constructor.

 My problem is that when the ajax call is complete and the callback
 method is called, it appears that the callback method cannot see any
 of the 'this'.properties that were initialized in the constructor.

 I'm beginning to think that the asynchronous nature of the ajax object
 has actually created a new instance of my object in which no
 constructor was called and therefore is not working against the
 original instance I created.  But then again I always look for the
 most obscure explanation instead of noticing the simple error I've

 I've included the code below.  If anyone can show me the errors of my
 ways, I'd be very grateful.

 The line causing me a problem is commented with // THIS LINE FAILS

[jQuery] Re: Moving Images as objects

2007-06-23 Thread Nate Cavanaugh

Hi Paulo,
What you're trying to do is more than likely not possible, unless I am

Are you trying to stack the images? If so, you could do this by setting the
object's z-index to a value higher than the other.

If you're trying to move image 1 to the top location (such as the top right,
top center, or top left), then no, this is impossible.
If this is the case, you're trying to set coordinates that are relative to
other coordinates.

If image 1 is set to the top right of image 2, image 2 must have coordinates
inside of the document, otherwise the coordinates of image 1 could be set to
anywhere on the page.

I think you're trying to do a relative link of objects, but the object does
not have any inherent coordinates until it enters the document flow.

Hopefully I understood what you meant. If not, please let me know more about
what you're trying to do.


Paolo-31 wrote:
 I have 2 images and 1 button. When I click on the button, I'd like to
 move image 2 on top of image 2. I know there are some ways of doing
 this, but they all require the image coordinates. Is there a way to do
 this at the object level as i don't have coordinates?

View this message in context: 
Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Loosing access to 'this' objects in callback method!

2007-06-23 Thread Nate Cavanaugh

Hi Glenn,
Keeping scope is definitely one of the more frustrating aspects of
Javascript sometimes.

What's happening is that you're running the ajax call, and the complete
method is a method of the object that you're passing into the ajax handler.

So this now points to the object containing the properties you sent in.

To do this so that your member method (the this.parseXML) retains the proper
scope, you can use a closure. I also like to always start off my methods
with a var declaration pointing to the instance this (so I always know when
I am pointing to the instance, and when I use this, that I am pointing to an
element, such as in an event call back):

var instance = this;

type: POST, // type of http request
url: this.sourceURL, // where to get file from
dataType: xml, // type of file to retrieve
complete: function(){

Now your parseXML method will run in the proper scope.

I hope that helps :)

knnelg wrote:
 Hi,  I'm another newbie to jQuery and also not that experienced in
 JavaScript so I'm not sure if my issue is jQuery or JavaScript.
 The issue is that I'm creating a constructor for an object, in which I
 initialise some instance properties, then kick off an asynchronous
 $.ajax event to retrieve an XML file.  The callback method of
 the .ajax object is bound to a prototype method of the same object as
 the constructor.
 My problem is that when the ajax call is complete and the callback
 method is called, it appears that the callback method cannot see any
 of the 'this'.properties that were initialized in the constructor.
 I'm beginning to think that the asynchronous nature of the ajax object
 has actually created a new instance of my object in which no
 constructor was called and therefore is not working against the
 original instance I created.  But then again I always look for the
 most obscure explanation instead of noticing the simple error I've
 I've included the code below.  If anyone can show me the errors of my
 ways, I'd be very grateful.
 The line causing me a problem is commented with // THIS LINE FAILS
 WITH AN this.woffers has no properties ERROR
 // Use jQuery 'document.ready' selector to define the function to call
 when page is ready.
 // The main entry function hopefully called by the jQuery 'ready'
 function main() {
   try {
   //create a new 'Woffers' instance
   var woffers = new Woffers(woffersdata.xml, xml);
   // Catch any exceptions...
   catch(e) {
   // ...and report them.  TODO: remove this for live
 // Constructor for a 'Woffers' class which will contain all our
 'Woffer' items
 // and some methods to retrieve them.
 // Expects:
 //sourceURL - a String containing the location of the file containing
 //data to be used to construct our object.
 //sourceType - a String containing the type of file we are using to
 //construct the object.  Can be xml or json
 function Woffers(sourceURL, sourceType) {
   if(sourceType != xml) {
   throw new Error(Invalid source type ( + sourceType + ) 
 to Woffers constructor.);
   // Store parameters for later use by any method
   this.sourceURL = sourceURL;
   this.sourceType = sourceType;
   // Create a property to hold a list of Woffer objects
   this.woffers = new Array(); // -- This property should get populated
 by the $.ajax callback method
   switch(this.sourceType) {
   case xml: {
   type: POST, // type of http request
   url: this.sourceURL, // where to get 
 file from
   dataType: xml, // type of file to 
   complete: this.parseXML // Function to 
 run on completion which
 will populate this.woffers
   } // End case(xml)
   case json: {
   type: POST, // type of http request
   url: this.sourceURL, // where to get 
 file from
   dataType: json, // type of file to 
   complete: this.parseJson // 

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Powered Sites - The List Continues to Grow

2007-04-05 Thread Nate Wienert

http://www.gamegum.com and http://www.toongum.com both use jQuery
extensively for AJAX, effects, and DOM manipulation.

On Apr 5, 4:04 pm, Karl Rudd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Please release it. While Ext is wonderful, it is relatively large, and
 the LGPL license can be a little annoying to some.

 Karl Rudd

 On 4/6/07, Stefan Petre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I don't think I will release this since Ext does a better job

  Andy Matthews wrote:
   I'm more interested to see if he's going to be able to release that as a

   Just to clarify, I think that looks amazing!


   -Original Message-
   From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
   Behalf Of Priest, James (NIH/NIEHS) [C]
   Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2007 9:14 AM
   To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
   Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery Powered Sites - The List Continues to Grow

   I'll ditto Andy's comment. :)   This is really slick.

   I'd love to hear more on how you actually did this!


   -Original Message-
   From: Andy Matthews [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2007 10:07 AM
   To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
   Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery Powered Sites - The List Continues to

   Holy WOW!!!

   I'm assuming that uses PHP for the back end?

   -Original Message-
   From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gareth Hughes
   Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2007 9:03 AM
   To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
   Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery Powered Sites - The List Continues to

   Looks excellent. Very impressive.

   - Original Message -
   To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
   Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2007 8:49 AM
   Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery Powered Sites - The List
   Continues to Grow

   I can not show actual links because the products are white labeled. I
   made a little screencast from a back end using jQuery to do all sorts
   of things
