Re: Using out.println to write on the browser - Doesn't Work !!!

1999-12-02 Thread Phil

> You need to get a PrintWriter object
> and then it should work:
> PrintWriter pw = response.getWriter();
> pw.println("The user name you provided is incorrect");

I assumed Suresh's question was a JSP problem, but I'm not sure. If it
is JSP related, I don't think Ken's suggestion fixes it; out is an implicit
JSP object.

My first thought is something more simple, such as syntax not shown in
the example; but, spec version 1.1 indicates two other possible problems:

Spec 1.1 indicates a possible problem caused by buffering... check the
autoflush page directive in the spec. Change the buffer state or out.flush()
should fix this the problem.

Spec 1.1 indicates another possible problem. The "initial" state of out
is a new JspWriter object, suggesting the possibility that out may be
re-assigned to a nested instance of JspWriter. if so, what problems may this

The spec also says, "Jsp authors are prohibited from writing directly
to... the PrintWriter... associated with the ServletResponse." Does this
pose a problem with Ken's suggested code? I don't know.


-Original Message-
From: Ken Pullin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 7:36 PM
Subject: Re: Using out.println to write on the browser - Doesn't Work !!!

>You need to get a PrintWriter object and then it should work:
>PrintWriter pw = response.getWriter();
>pw.println("The user name you provided is incorrect");
>-Original Message-
>From: Suresh Kumar Nittala [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 11:13 AM
>Subject: Using out.println to write on the browser - Doesn't Work !!!
>If the entered information by the user doesn't match with the information
>existing in the database then I wish to print a message on the browser to
>the end user which explains as given below.
>For Example:
>By using System.out.println ("The user name you provided is incorrect.");
>prints in the java console. (Works perfectly)
>By using out.println ("The user name you provided is incorrect.");
>gives an error. (Doesn't Work.)
>Can anybody help me how to do the same.
>Suresh Kumar

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include issue with jswdk-1.0.1

1999-12-02 Thread Thomas Paradies

Using jswdk-1.0.1 on NT I tried to include a page dynamically with code like

" .../>

I got a ParseException: "Attribute string_param has no value".

Why? ... notice the nested double quotes! Ok, I "ecaped" the inner ones:

" .../>

Then a got an IOException: "... syntax for file names ... is wrong ..." :-(

Well, altough I'm prefering the pure-XML syntax in the next step in
I tried

" .../>

and ... wow, it works!!!

But, what's than about the use of   tags in  

Comments (especially from Sun :-) wanted!

Thomas Paradies

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JSP FAQ & Resource Information

1999-12-02 Thread Anil K. Vijendran

This is a weekly informative posting to the jsp-interest list.

Before asking questions of a general nature, please check out the
resources available online to see if your question already has an
answer. The best place to start is our web site:

This contains pointers to the specification, and to the JavaServer Web
Development Kit (JSWDK).

Some FAQs that may help you

JSWDK is the reference implementation for the latest JSP and Servlet
specs. You can download JSWDK at Please send
your feedback and bug reports on JSWDK to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A few notes about the use of this list. We at Sun enjoy hosting this
list to give everyone a forum to discuss JSP, servlets and related
technology. There are a few things that we ask of you, the list

Please don't engage in advertising. We like to hear when new
products are announced and a link for all the
information. What we don't like are lengthy press releases,
advertisements, and other material which falls under the
umbrella term "marketing". There is no problem in stating how
your product compares to another, but remember, this isn't run
by Sun to be an advertising forum -- but as a technical forum.

Please don't post attachments to the list. The use of VCards
and S/MIME is not really needed on a list like this and is
annoying to some whose readers don't support them. More
serious is the posting of .zip files and other larger
items. You might get flamed a little bit for S/MIME or posting
in HTML. You will be removed from the list for posting a .zip
or other archive file.

If you need technical support from a vendor, please contact
that vendor directly.

Now, back to regularly scheduled programming.

Anil Vijendran
for the JSP/JSWDK team

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1999-12-02 Thread Govind Seshadri

Hi, all:

Some good news for all you Java fanatics: The MageLang
Institute has now morphed into the Java portal (

In particular, check out the cool FAQs maintained by the gurus --
anybody can contribute to them. We also started a new section
of Javaworld on server-side Java. This month's articles
include "Understanding JSP Model 2 Architecture" and "Developing
Forward-compatible EJBs".

The JSP FAQ is located at:

So, come on over, browse, contribute and help fuel the Java revolution!


Govind Seshadri
Enterprise Java Guru

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what do i have to do to run jsp on Apache/ NT

1999-12-02 Thread mitul

hi every one,
    Do i need some 
other thing like JServ/JRun for running JSP with Apache/NT??
One more query!!
    i have used a 
bean with JSP using
How do you use a servlet as a server 
side component 
I mean does  
tag works and to use a servlet , do i need to start servletrunner 
thanks in advance

Problem with using .forward

1999-12-02 Thread Richard Stedham 3343

I am having the following problem and would appreciate some help/advice.

1.  An HTML form collects information and passes this across, using POST, to a
2.  The servlet adds the information to a database, sets up a bean and uses the
requestdispatcher to forward the browser to a JSP page that displays the
new information.

No problem so far

3.  If the users reloads the page then they are asked if they want to repost
the form data. If they say yes it adds the information to the database
The servlet URL is the 'active' URL after the request dispatcher has been

I could use the request.forward put I want to be able to pass a bean.

Can anybody tell me how to get around this problem ?

Richard Stedham
BAE Systems Tel: 0181-942-9661
Apex Tower, 7 High Street, New Malden   Fax: 0181-942-9771
Surrey KT3 4LH  E-Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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1999-12-02 Thread A. Mallikharjuna Rao

Hello Sir
I am a learner of JSP & servlets.
Can you suggest me where can i get some psedo code Examples of above

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1999-12-02 Thread A. Mallikharjuna Rao

Hello Sir
I am a learner of JSP & servlets.
Can you suggest me where can i get some psedo code Examples of above

>From: Shawn McKisson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: Shawn McKisson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Using out.println to write on the browser - Doesn't Work !!!
>Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 16:51:31 -0600
>Suresh Kumar Nittala wrote:
> > By using out.println ("The user name you provided is incorrect.");
> > gives an error. (Doesn't Work.)
>By "doesn't work" do you mean it throws an exception?
>Can you tell us the error message?
>To unsubscribe: mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with body: "signoff
>FAQs on JSP can be found at:

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Redirection to another page

1999-12-02 Thread Eileen Loo

Is it possible to write JSP code to redirect the browser to open a new page,
say, page B from JSP code in page A?

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Some questions on WebAppli-cookies....

1999-12-02 Thread Veronique Dupierris


I'm new in Web application, JSP... so sorry for my basics questions
I have to write an application which access to a specific database.
All works fine but I 've read some mails about cookies and I'm wondering
if my application will work well in any case:
  -   I didn't  wrote any servlet only JSP files. When i call a JSP from
another JSP file, I passes some parameters (DB name) to be able to get
my beans(usebean with same ID and then use setParameter DB name). Even
if no cookies are set (disable cookies  in browser), it seems to work (
Is it true ?, do I really access to the same instance ?)
   - But to load my error page in top window not in a frame, I first
call error.jsp from errorPage tag which calls a second error page
(top.document.location.href="error2.jsp")  after putting the exception
object in session (session.putValue); In this case the error2.jsp file
causes an error !! ( Null pointerException : certainly when I try to get
the exception object with session.getValue).

I suppose i could load the error page on top windows without
calling a second page but i would like to know if the test i done on my
PC concerning the 'disable cookie' is valid and if I have to do
something in the case the user disable cookies in his browser. I saw
some encoding url .. could we do this in a JSP file ?

Thank you for your help

 I' ll certainly have a lot of other questions for you :-))

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Jrun and IIS

1999-12-02 Thread Miguel Angel Fernandez

Hi all, I'm working with Jrun2.3 and IIS3.0, the JRun
samples servlets work but when I test my servlets
(placed in the same directory that samples) I get this
error message "500 Internal Server Error MyServlet
Could not load servlet"
Any idea?
Thanks in advance

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Re: Ignoring useBean

1999-12-02 Thread Daniel Tillin

What version of JSP does your web server support? I don't think 0.92/0.91
support , but do support
 syntax. Also, these versions only have request and response
implicit objects. Basically, I would find a server which supports V1.0+, as
you're ver limitied otherwise.

-Original Message-
From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and reference
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Cory L Hubert
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 8:52 PM
Subject: Ignoring useBean

For some reason my useBean syntax is being ignored.  When I do a
source I see unrendered code.  If I use scripting it works fine though. ?!?

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Re: Maximum JSP Page size.

1999-12-02 Thread Matthew Lehrian

I had a problem which I thought was a JSP file size limit using JRun 2.3.3
and IIS 4.0.  I didn't investigate it too long because I moved all the code
into JavaBeans.

I like this approach because the JSP pages are so straightforward and short,
and all the logic lives in beans.


-Original Message-
From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and reference
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Young Dave
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 9:07 PM
Subject: Maximum JSP Page size.

Fellow JSP users...

I am using JRUN verion 2.3.3 running under Netscape Fasttrack server which
running on a Solaris 2.6 box. I am finding that my JSP pages can be a
maximum of
15581 bytes before I get a "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException" exception. I
come to this file size via a process of trial and elimination. This limit
probably varies according to the amount of "header" information that the JSP
html page contains.

The exact message I get is.
<--- start exception message -->
500 Internal Server Error


javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
<--- end exception message -->

I have kept my pages very simple, the top and tail of the page can be found
below. I have tried modifying the buffer size (all the way upto 256kb), that
the combination of autoFlush seem to make no difference. I am using JSP1.0,
JSP0.9. Has anybody else come across any similar problems, or am I doing
something glaringly stupid that I am just not picking up on?

I have been using JSP for a couple of other purposes quite successfully to
I came across this problem whlist attempting to put together a large design
document, trying to take advantage of the jsp "include" facility (which is
used in the following trivial example).

Please forgive any ugly formatting that the brain-dead email client that I
forced to use here may inflict upon this text.

Any experiences, suggestions or assistance will be warmly welcomed. I would
really like to be able to use the verson of JSP I have here to complete this

<%@ page buffer="8kb" autoFlush="true" session="false" errorPage="error.jsp"

Test JSP Page

 and so on.



Dave Young.

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[Fwd: Differences 0.92 between 1.0]

1999-12-02 Thread Robert Anglos

Assuming you only have one environment the easiest way to migrate back to an
earlier version is to take a copy of the code and environment (i.e. versions of the
Apache etc.). If you should have to roll back re-install the environment load up
the copy of the code and your away. An even better approach is to set up a JSP 1.0
environment in a separate envirnoment (machine) to do your JSP 1.0 work. Move the
code over do the  code changes then you don't need to touch 0.92 environment until
you know that the JSP 1.0 migration code is good.

If you are looking for a tool to do the work I am unaware of any at this point.

This is probably not the answer you are looking for in regards to the specs
differences but it is the most definitive that I know of. Check the Sun site, you
can download the spec for JSP 1 at


Mircea Moisei wrote:

> Hi,
> I need a list of differences between 1.0 and 0.92(syntax mainly).
> More if some one can tell me if is possible to migrate from 1.0 back to 0.92
> how difficuld could be that and more is there a patch for IPlanet that
> provide support for JSP 1.0 ?
> Thanks,
> Mircea
> ===
> To unsubscribe: mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with body: "signoff JSP-INTEREST".
> FAQs on JSP can be found at:

Re: EJB newbie question

1999-12-02 Thread David Hecksel

Here's a general server based question - it's not directly on topic( JSP), but it
is certainly relevant from a JSP application deployment environment standpoint.

For an application running on a JSP enabled webserver ( for example, java
application server) running in a load balanced environment, how is application
administration / configuration functionality for the application typically
deployed?  Assumption:  The administration / configuration piece is web / browser
based.  Another assumption - this application is accessible from the public
internet, and provides services to website visitors.

How is the Configuration / administration piece best deployed on a load balanced
environment -  Having only one machine being responsible AND capable of doing
administration and configuration, or having the admin/config being installed and
runnable on each of the servers in the load balanced configuration.  The tradeoff
appears to be leveraging failover support of the application server or other
specialized product providing that support versus keeping all the config data
synchronized in case there was a failure (resynchronizing the config data on the
machine that failed when it reinitialized (it might be stale).  It feel like I'm
missing a piece of the puzzle, and I thought I'd get some opinions here.

Another question - what is the typical security checks put in place in that type of
IT environment so that John or Jane Q. Public doesn't have access to running the
administration component (running the URL of the admin/config component from the
public internet - ie - if the admin component is on each of the load balanced
machine, someone "finding" the URL to run the admin/config component - how is this
usually secured from the public internet).

Thanks for the input / response,


begin:  vcard
fn: David  Hecksel
n:  Hecksel;David
org:Axtive Software Corporation
adr:3100 Mckinnon;;Suite 800;Dallas;Texas;75201;USA
email;internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:  Chief Technology Officer
tel;work:   (214) 880-4820
tel;fax:(214) 880-4810
x-mozilla-cpt:  ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE

Re: Some questions on WebAppli-cookies....

1999-12-02 Thread Veronique Dupierris

I have a response reading the jguru FAQ concerning the encodeURL utility regarding
Cookies problem. I also output the session ID in my pages and could see they were
different if cookies was disabled so  suppose i had as many of beans instances as I
had session. !?!
So I tried the encodeURL and I still have different session ID if cookies are
disabled. For the error page set by errorPage Tag, how could we encode the URL ?

I tried
<% String errURL = response.encodeURL("error.jsp"); %>
<@ page import  errorPage= xxx />

with xxx =  <%=errURL%>  I had an error ' Attributes must be quoted'
  = "<%=errURL%>" It seems to try to access to page <%=errURL%>
   ="response.encodeURL(/"error.jsp/")" still doesn't work 

I also tried for my links
?params >
<% String pageURL = response.encodeURL("mypage" ); %>
?params >

 In both case, the session ID are differents each time I call my page and if I
display the pageURL string, it display only mypage.jsp

I used JSWDK 1.0.1  What could be the reason for this ?


Veronique Dupierris a écrit :

> Hi,
> I'm new in Web application, JSP... so sorry for my basics questions
> !!
> I have to write an application which access to a specific database.
> All works fine but I 've read some mails about cookies and I'm wondering
> if my application will work well in any case:
>   -   I didn't  wrote any servlet only JSP files. When i call a JSP from
> another JSP file, I passes some parameters (DB name) to be able to get
> my beans(usebean with same ID and then use setParameter DB name). Even
> if no cookies are set (disable cookies  in browser), it seems to work (
> Is it true ?, do I really access to the same instance ?)
>- But to load my error page in top window not in a frame, I first
> call error.jsp from errorPage tag which calls a second error page
> (top.document.location.href="error2.jsp")  after putting the exception
> object in session (session.putValue); In this case the error2.jsp file
> causes an error !! ( Null pointerException : certainly when I try to get
> the exception object with session.getValue).
> I suppose i could load the error page on top windows without
> calling a second page but i would like to know if the test i done on my
> PC concerning the 'disable cookie' is valid and if I have to do
> something in the case the user disable cookies in his browser. I saw
> some encoding url .. could we do this in a JSP file ?
> Thank you for your help
> veronique.
>  I' ll certainly have a lot of other questions for you :-))
> ===
> To unsubscribe: mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with body: "signoff JSP-INTEREST".
> FAQs on JSP can be found at:

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FAQs on JSP can be found at:

Authentication and Servlets

1999-12-02 Thread Hitesh Seth


I have created a servlet called DServlet and mapped a virtual path called
so that any request /ds/whatever goes to DServlet.

How do I create an Access Control Entry into Netscape Enterprise Server
so that all requests to /ds/whatever are authenticated and then serviced.

If i create a authentication on the complete server the NES server doesn't
do the actual translation of /ds/ to the servlet. It gives a standard 404
Not Found.

Doing authentication using Servlets/sessions is an option, but there is
other parts
of the system which have documents etc which need authentication too and
Authentication using NES (LDAP) works fine there.

in the doGet() method of the servlet I am trying to check if the person has
been authenticated using request.getRemoteUser() or
and both return null.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards'


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Re: Differences 0.92 between 1.0

1999-12-02 Thread Kirkdorffer, Daniel

The 1.0 spec should have a section on the changes from 0.92.  Go to


> --
> From: Mircea Moisei[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Reply To: Mircea Moisei
> Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 3:23 PM
> Subject:  Differences 0.92 between 1.0
> Hi,
> I need a list of differences between 1.0 and 0.92(syntax mainly).
> More if some one can tell me if is possible to migrate from 1.0 back to
> 0.92
> how difficuld could be that and more is there a patch for IPlanet that
> provide support for JSP 1.0 ?
> Thanks,
> Mircea
> ==
> =
> To unsubscribe: mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with body: "signoff
> FAQs on JSP can be found at:

To unsubscribe: mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with body: "signoff JSP-INTEREST".
FAQs on JSP can be found at:

Re: Maximum JSP Page size.

1999-12-02 Thread David Chisholm

I believe that this is a known problem in JRun 2.3.3.  If you have a long
block of non-JSP code, then you will get this error.  You can fix it by
applying the 2.3.5 patch or inserting JSP comments in the long blocks of the
non-JSP code.

> -Original Message-
> From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and reference
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Young Dave
> Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 8:07 PM
> Subject: Maximum JSP Page size.
> Fellow JSP users...
> I am using JRUN version 2.3.3 running under Netscape Fasttrack
> server which is
> running on a Solaris 2.6 box. I am finding that my JSP pages can
> be a maximum of
> 15581 bytes before I get a "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException"
> exception. I have
> come to this file size via a process of trial and elimination. This limit
> probably varies according to the amount of "header" information
> that the JSP and
> html page contains.
> The exact message I get is.
> <--- start exception message -->
> 500 Internal Server Error
> com.livesoftware.jsp.JSPServlet:
> javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
> <--- end exception message -->
> I have kept my pages very simple, the top and tail of the page
> can be found
> below. I have tried modifying the buffer size (all the way upto
> 256kb), that and
> the combination of autoFlush seem to make no difference. I am
> using JSP1.0, not
> JSP0.9. Has anybody else come across any similar problems, or am I doing
> something glaringly stupid that I am just not picking up on?
> I have been using JSP for a couple of other purposes quite
> successfully to date,
> I came across this problem whlist attempting to put together a
> large design
> document, trying to take advantage of the jsp "include" facility
> (which is not
> used in the following trivial example).
> Please forgive any ugly formatting that the brain-dead email
> client that I am
> forced to use here may inflict upon this text.
> Any experiences, suggestions or assistance will be warmly
> welcomed. I would
> really like to be able to use the verson of JSP I have here to
> complete this
> job.
> <%@ page buffer="8kb" autoFlush="true" session="false"
> errorPage="error.jsp" %>
> Test JSP Page
> abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy
> abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy
> abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy
> abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy
> abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy
> abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy
> abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy
> abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy
>  and so on.
> abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy
> abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy
> abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy
> Regards,
> Dave Young.
> ==
> =
> To unsubscribe: mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with body: "signoff
> FAQs on JSP can be found at:

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FAQs on JSP can be found at:

Re: jsp include problems

1999-12-02 Thread Paradies Thomas

Wes is right - escaping the inner double quotes will also work
" flush="true" />


On Tue, 30 Nov 1999 15:09:13 -0800, Wes Biggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>The problem is that the nested double quotes in your include statement aren't valid
>JSP syntax.  Try changing it to
>with single quotes.
>Alternately you can assign the value to a variable and avoid the need for nested
><% String article = request.getParameter("article"); %>
>Terri Shea wrote:
>> problem:
>> I have a jsp file:  getnews.jsp and an html file which links to it.
>> the links look like:
>> > href="getnews.jsp?article=a/lexis_nexis.imb.ft/19991126/383eaa98.4db5.1038/i
>> ndex.html">link text
>> getnews.jsp is an html template with a server-side include to pull the
>> specified article in:  I have tried two kinds of includes, with the same
>> result
>> " />
>> or
>> <%@ include file="<%=request.getParameter("article")%>" %>
>> error message:
>> com.sun.jsp.compiler.ParseException:
>> /usr/netscape/server4/devdocs/news/getnews.jsp(80,56) "Attribute article has
>> no value"
>> troubleshooting:
>> I can write the value of "article" in a standard link like this:
>> ">link text
>> with no error, and the link works perfectly.
>> I have also tried the following code in getnews.jsp
>> <% String myArticle = request.getParameter("article"); %>
>> with the following error:
>> "Error: Attempt to clear a buffer that's already been
>> flushed"
>> platform:  .jsp is being handled by WebSphere on a Sun box.
>> --
>> any help would be appreciated!
>> -
>> Terri Shea
>> ===
>> To unsubscribe: mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with body: "signoff JSP-INTEREST".
>> FAQs on JSP can be found at:
> ==
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1999-12-02 Thread Sheena Kuriakose

Please delete me off of this list.

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Re: Using a bean in a public declaration

1999-12-02 Thread Daniel Tillin

I think Mr Wilson's problem was that he thought the compiled JSP held
references to the implicit objects and the beans declared. Perhaps it's
worth noting that this is not true, and that is why he needed to pass these
things into his methods.


-Original Message-
From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and reference
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Craig R. McClanahan
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 7:06 PM
Subject: Re: Using a bean in a public declaration

C W Wilson wrote:

> Ok. That explains a few things. I was also wondering, why can't I do the
> following?
> <%! public void test() throws Exception {
> Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies();
> }
> %>
> Java won't allow me to request anything in there? Is there any way to
> this or get by it?

Same solution -- pass the request object as an argument:

public void test(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {
Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies();

This is no different than programming directly in Java, C++, or any other
block-structured language -- you cannot reference a local variable in one
method from the body of a different method.  Once you remember that
 tags get converted to local variables (not instance variables)
the generated code, it all becomes much clearer.

One thing you might want to do is turn on the "keep the generated code"
for whatever JSP engine you are using, and examine the source code that gets
created for a particular page.  That will help you understand why what you
tried created a compile error.

Now, do you want my lecture on why you should not be embedding Java logic in
your JSP pages in the first place?  :-)  You will find lots of comments to
affect on the archives of the JSP-INTEREST and SERVLET-INTEREST mailing

> Thanks,
> C W


> >From: "Craig R. McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: C W Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: Using a bean in a public declaration
> >Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 10:30:14 -0800
> >
> >C W Wilson wrote:
> >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I need to access a method in a bean, like such:
> > >
> > > ---
> > >
> > > 
> > > <%!
> > > public boolean test() throws Exception {
> > > return beanTest.returnValue();
> > > }
> > > %>
> > > <%
> > >
> > > out.println(test());
> > > %>
> > >
> > > ---
> > >
> > > What do I have to do to access beanTest in test()?
> > >
> >
> >Beans are like any other Java object -- you need an object reference to
> >refer to
> >them in a method.  One way to do this would be to pass it as an argument,
> >like
> >this:
> >
> >
> ><%!
> > public boolean test(beans.bean arg) throws Exception {
> > return arg.returnValue();
> > }
> >%>
> ><%
> > out.println(test(beanTest));
> >%>
> >
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > C W
> > >
> >
> >Craig McClanahan
> >
> >
> >
> __
> Get Your Private, Free Email at

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jsp param trouble

1999-12-02 Thread Pizzonia, Mario Carmelo

Hi everyone,
I'm working with JSP1.0 and I have a trouble with the tag

The strings myname and antonio must be quoted otherwise it falls in
compilation error.
But I have the need to evaluate a variable with <%=var%> so :
 but in this case it doesn't
evaluate the expression but send out the value <%=var%>.
If I don't put the " " it falls in compilation error.
How can I do to set a value the must be the evaluation of an expression ??
(my particular expression is <%=session.getValue("parameter")%>)
Thanks a lot for an answer.

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AW: Redirection to another page

1999-12-02 Thread Bernard, Frank

> Is it possible to write JSP code to redirect the browser to open a new
> page,
> say, page B from JSP code in page A?
use:response.sendRedirect ( target_URL );

Frank Bernard
Healy Hudson AG
CDT - Core Development Team
67691 Hochspeyer, Nelkenstr. 43
Tel.: 06305 / 92 11-804, Fax: 06305 / 92 11-60

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Re: Maximum JSP Page size.

1999-12-02 Thread Scott Stirling

It's a known bug in the build you have, I bet.  You didn't say the
build, but if it's less than build 155, get the latest from

Young Dave wrote:
> Fellow JSP users...
> I am using JRUN verion 2.3.3 running under Netscape Fasttrack server which is
> running on a Solaris 2.6 box. I am finding that my JSP pages can be a maximum of
> 15581 bytes before I get a "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException" exception.
Scott Stirling

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Re: Ignoring useBean

1999-12-02 Thread Cory L Hubert

I figured out the problem.   The way I have JRUN setup it supports JSP
0.92.  How can I bump it up to 1.0?  Should I?

-Original Message-
From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and reference
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Daniel Tillin
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 1999 3:56 AM
Subject: Re: Ignoring useBean

What version of JSP does your web server support? I don't think 0.92/0.91
support , but do support
 syntax. Also, these versions only have request and response
implicit objects. Basically, I would find a server which supports V1.0+, as
you're ver limitied otherwise.

-Original Message-
From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and reference
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Cory L Hubert
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 8:52 PM
Subject: Ignoring useBean

For some reason my useBean syntax is being ignored.  When I do a
source I see unrendered code.  If I use scripting it works fine though. ?!?

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How to set the ClassPath/Environment for JSWDK 1.2 !!

1999-12-02 Thread Suresh Kumar Nittala

Hello Everybody,

I have a small query.

I am unable to execute methods ResultSet.First(), etc., which support
JDBC 2.0.i.e., JSWDK 1.2. But I am able to execute methods,
ResultSet.wasNull() method which supports JSWDK 1.0.1

I am using JDK 1.2.1 & JSWDK 1.0.1

Can anybody help me How to set the ClassPath / Environment so that for
JSWDK 1.2.?
And is it sufficient that if I use JDK 1.2.1 & JSWDK 1.0.1 or do I need
to install JSWDK 1.2?

Suresh Kumar

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JRun - Simple Question.

1999-12-02 Thread Phil Swenson

I'm a servlet newbie and am trying out JRun on 
IIS.  I got a simple JSP with inline Java running, but I haven't been able 
to get a servlet to run.  I took a simple example from a servlet book(Java 
Servlets by Karl Moss), copied the servlet into my directory.  I 
copied the book's html file to my index.html file and tried that.  I 
figured that was too easy and straightforward to actually work.  I was 
right.  I got the "HTTP 405 error 405 method not allowed" error.  At 
first I thought something was wrong with the servlet, but I deleted the servlet 
and got the same msg, so I knew it just couldn't find the servlet.  I've 
tried moving the servlet all over the place with the same result.  I have 
the servlets dir set to "servlets, ../../../servlets" (which is the 
deafult).  Anyway, I guess somehow I don't have JRun set up so it can find 
the servlet.  What do I have to do?  & Where do most people 
put their servlets?
I'm not hugely thrilled with JRun's docs and that 
you have to pay for tech support from Allaire.  Is ServletExec any 
Thanks for any help.

Re: include issue with jswdk-1.0.1

1999-12-02 Thread Hans Bergsten

Thomas Paradies wrote:
> Using jswdk-1.0.1 on NT I tried to include a page dynamically with code like
> this:
> " .../>
> I got a ParseException: "Attribute string_param has no value".
> Why? ... notice the nested double quotes! Ok, I "ecaped" the inner ones:
> " .../>
> Then a got an IOException: "... syntax for file names ... is wrong ..." :-(
> Well, altough I'm prefering the pure-XML syntax in the next step in
> troubleshooting
> I tried
> " .../>
> and ... wow, it works!!!
> But, what's than about the use of   tags in  
> Comments (especially from Sun :-) wanted!

I'm not from Sun, but I'm a member of the spec working group.

The XML equivalents for the scripting elements are not intended to be used
in a hand-crafted JSP page; they are intended for pages generated by tools.

To make a JSP a "pure" XML document you need to do a lot more than using
the XML equivalents, such as adding a top element, encoding all characters
in scripting elements that can cause parsing errors, etc. This is described
in the JSP 1.0/1.1 specs.

Hans Bergsten   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gefion Software

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Re: Redirection to another page

1999-12-02 Thread Mike Howard

Yes, The code would out put a JavaScript command to open the new page. and display
the old page
to return the other information.

Eileen Loo wrote:

> Is it possible to write JSP code to redirect the browser to open a new page,
> say, page B from JSP code in page A?
> ===
> To unsubscribe: mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with body: "signoff JSP-INTEREST".
> FAQs on JSP can be found at:

 S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Bean-Managed Persistance - Initializing db connection pool

1999-12-02 Thread Evan Vaala

Does this scenario sound ok?

I want to create an ejb that will provide the initialization and admin routines
on a static db connection pool.

This ejb will have an initialization routine that will create the db connection
pool and place it into the InitialContext.

Following startup of the ejb server, an admin routine would be run that would
create/initialize this ejb that would then create the db connection pool making
it available for other beans to access.

Does this sound ok?

If there is a standard to adhere to for initializing db connections, I would be
interested in a URL that describes it.  I am aware of the jdbc objects for
"pooling" but what I want to know is the best way to initialize these in an ejb


Evan Vaala

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Re: Problem with using .forward

1999-12-02 Thread Hans Bergsten

Richard Stedham 3343 wrote:
> I am having the following problem and would appreciate some help/advice.
> 1.  An HTML form collects information and passes this across, using POST, to a
> servlet.
> 2.  The servlet adds the information to a database, sets up a bean and uses the
> requestdispatcher to forward the browser to a JSP page that displays the
> new information.
> No problem so far
> 3.  If the users reloads the page then they are asked if they want to repost
> the form data. If they say yes it adds the information to the database
> again!
> The servlet URL is the 'active' URL after the request dispatcher has been
> used.
> I could use the request.forward put I want to be able to pass a bean.
> Can anybody tell me how to get around this problem ?

When you use "forward", it's similar to a function call in a program; from the
outside it's impossible to see that the servlet/JSP you invoked initially is
using another servlet/JSP to do it's job. And the consequence of this is of
course that the browser still "points to" the initial servlet/JSP since it's
the only URL it knows it has requested.

There are basically two ways to avoid the problem you see:
1) Tell the browser about a new URL that can be reloaded without causing a
   new database access. One way of doing this is to save the bean in the
   session scope instead of the request scope and redirect to the JSP page
   instead of using forward. One drawback with this approach is that it involves
   a client/server round-trip; the client is told to make a new request.
   Another possible drawback is the usual problem with sessions; if the user
   has multiple windows open belonging to the same browser process and submit
   forms with different contents, the bean stored by one request overwrites the
   one stored by another so the JSP page may display data in one window that
   you'd expect to be displayed in another window. See the archives for more
   info on this; it's been discussed at length many times. If it's unlikely
   that a user submits two or more requests from different windows at roughly
   the same time, this may not be a problem at all.
2) Keep track of the session state, so that you can tell the user that the
   data has already been processed if the form is posted a second time.
   This can be done by adding a flag in the session scope and let the
   servlet look at it before storing the info in the database. If it's set,
   you can forward to another JSP (or static HTML file) saying "Sorry, you
   can only do this once per session." This solution of course only works if
   it's correct that the user can only perform this operation once per
   process, or if there's a way to reset the flag. A variation of this theme
   is to use the database info itself as the flag; check if the submitted
   data (e.g. a primary key) already exist in the database. If so, reject the
   request as above or update the info, depending on your application needs.

Hans Bergsten   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gefion Software

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Re: Can't create Bean Object????

1999-12-02 Thread Hans Bergsten

India wrote:
> You need to first import your bean class before calling the jsp:useBean tag
> as well as check out the syntax of the useBean tag.
> <%@ page import = "harman.BeanTest" %>

No, import has nothing to do with run-time exceptions. The import mechanism
in Java is just a way to avoid typing the fully qualified class name
(package name plus class name) in your code. It's only used at compilation

The problem described by Cory, below, is most likely a class path problem.
Make sure that the harman.BeanTest class is included in the class path
correctly, i.e. as a file named "BeanTest.class" located in a subdirectory
(in a JAR file or to a file system directory that's in the class path)
named "harman".

> - Original Message -
> From: Cory L Hubert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, December 02, 1999 7:33 AM
> Subject: Can't create Bean Object
> > Check out this error I get.
> >
> > 500 Internal Server Error
> > javax.servlet.ServletException: Can't create the bean Object:
> Object
> > [Object]
> > at com.livesoftware.jrun.plugins.jsp.JSP.getBean(
> > at jsp.testbeans.service(
> > at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
> > at
> com.livesoftware.jrun.plugins.jsp.JSPCore.runServlet(
> > at com.livesoftware.jrun.plugins.jsp.JSP.callPage(
> > at com.livesoftware.jrun.plugins.jsp.JSP.service(
> > at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
> > at com.livesoftware.jrun.JRun.runServlet(, Compiled Code)
> > at
> com.livesoftware.jrun.JRunGeneric.handleConnection(
> > at
> >
> com.livesoftware.jrun.JRunGeneric.handleProxyConnection(
> > at
> >
> com.livesoftware.jrun.service.proxy.JRunProxyServiceHandler.handleRequest(JR
> >
> > at
> >
> > va, Compiled Code)
> >
> >
> > -- My Bean --
> > package harman;
> > import;
> >
> > public class BeanTest implements Serializable
> > {
> > private String name ="Cory L Hubert";
> > private String title = "Site Developer";
> > private String company = "Plumb Design";
> >
> > public static void main(String args[]) {
> > System.out.println("Package Works");
> > }
> >
> > public String getName() {
> > return name;
> > }
> >
> > public void setName(String name) {
> > = name;
> > }
> >
> > public String getTitle() {
> > return title;
> > }
> >
> > public void setTitle(String Title) {
> > this.title = title;
> > }
> >
> > public String getCompany() {
> > return company;
> > }
> >
> > public void setCompany(String company)
> > {
> > = company;
> > }
> > }
> > - My JSP -
> > 
> > 
> > Bean Testin
> > 
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >
> > 
> > 

Hans Bergsten   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gefion Software

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JSP & Servlet activites week of Dec 5th (@NYC)

1999-12-02 Thread Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart

Next week is the JavaBusiness Conference in NYC.  Among other
announcements, this is the formal launch of J2EE 1.2, which includes
JSP 1.1 and Servlet 2.2.  There will be a number of different
presentations on enterprise-related technologies, including JSP,
Servlet, and XML.

The web site is at:

- the Servlet & JSP team

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Re: AW: Redirection to another page

1999-12-02 Thread Govind Seshadri

The response.sendRedirect() accepts only a fully qualified URL.
For handling relative URLs see the following jGuru JSP FAQ entry:


"Bernard, Frank" wrote:
> > Is it possible to write JSP code to redirect the browser to open a new
> > page,
> > say, page B from JSP code in page A?
> >
> use:response.sendRedirect ( target_URL );
> Frank Bernard
> Healy Hudson AG
> CDT - Core Development Team
> 67691 Hochspeyer, Nelkenstr. 43
> Tel.: 06305 / 92 11-804, Fax: 06305 / 92 11-60
> ===
> To unsubscribe: mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with body: "signoff JSP-INTEREST".
> FAQs on JSP can be found at:

Govind Seshadri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Enterprise Java Guru - The Java Portal

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Re: IBM WebSphere Application Server 2.0 and 3.0

1999-12-02 Thread Gillard dIon

And WAS v3.0 supports 0.91 and 1.0, not just 1.0...
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
I've just returned from THE Java Programming Conference, - be there next year

- Forwarded by dIon Gillard/Multitask Consulting/AU on 02/12/99 15:46 -
Re: IBM WebSphere Application Server 2.0 and 3.0

No - WAS 2.0 supports 0.91, not 0.92.  Big difference.


> --
> From:         Peter Bryant[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Reply To:     Peter Bryant
> Sent:         Wednesday, November 24, 1999 2:36 PM
> Subject:      Re: IBM WebSphere Application Server 2.0 and 3.0
> For question number 2, no --- WebSphere 2.0 supports JSP 0.92.  As I
> understand it, though, WebSphere 3.0 does support JSP 1.0.
> Peter Bryant
> Lance Jin wrote:
> >
> >Hi, all,
> >
> >I'm downloaded IBM Websphere application server 2.0 and 3.0 trial version
> >I run into two problems,
> >
> >1. When I setup 3.0,  it didn't prompt me to specify the web server when
> >   based on my understanding it should , so the setup failed.  Has anyone
> >   run into similar problems?
> >2. Does 2.0 support JSP1.0?

Re: AW: Redirection to another page

1999-12-02 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

"Bernard, Frank" wrote:

> > Is it possible to write JSP code to redirect the browser to open a new
> > page,
> > say, page B from JSP code in page A?
> >
> use:response.sendRedirect ( target_URL );

You can also do this on the server side (without a second round trip back to the
client) with

Craig McClanahan

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Re: Page Control in International/Regional Setting

1999-12-02 Thread David Chisholm

I think that you can still do this with one servlet.  In earlier posts
(subject - Which Architecture), Craig discussed a servlet design that used
an action parameter in the servlet request to determine how to handle the
request.  It seems to me that you have at least one additional dimension,
i.e. region, that you need to determine how to handle the request.

You could either pass this extra parameter in every request or once it's
determined you could save it in the user's session.  Either way, the logic
for handling the extra dimension is the same.


> -Original Message-
> From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and reference
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of John G Kroubalkian
> Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 10:33 AM
> Subject: Page Control in International/Regional Setting
> Craig et al,
> What if you have a business process you would like to implement using the
> Central Servlet Model (CSM).  Let's say the business process is
> completing an
> application for some common service.
> Now, when the user logs into the system there is some information that
> connects that user to the appropriate application for her
> geographical region
> (these could be international regions:  US, Germany, Japan, etc.)
> And, there could be newer regions to be added in the future.
> Using the CSM should the initial servlet redirect the user to a regional
> Servlet?
> I do not want to have to create and maintain a gazillion
> servlets, and I would
> like the presentation people to work as autonomously as possible.
> I recognize that this may not be sufficient info, but give it
> your best shot.
> Thanks,
> John
> ==
> =
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> FAQs on JSP can be found at:

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beanName attribute of tag not working

1999-12-02 Thread Martin Leboeuf

Hi !

I am trying to use a bean in a JSP page using the beanName attribute of the
 tag, giving IT a request-time attribute expression, with a
syntax like:


And the servlet dispatching to this JSP page has the following line to set
the attribute:

  HttpSession session;

And this does not work. I have tried very many variant of the above, to no

btw, if I repace the request-time attribute expression by a String, like :


everything works just fine. What did I miss ?

Thanks, Martin.

Martin Leboeuf

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Re: Refresh Problem

1999-12-02 Thread Thomas Ivers

Make sure that your browser is set to (in IE "Check for newer versions of
stored pages: Every visit to the page.) Under Internet Options -> General
->Temporary Internet Files -> Settings.  If this does not work, I have seen
(occasionally) where the jserv (Apache 1.3.6, JServ 1.0) will not re-compile
a newer .jsp file.  To fix this I have had to go to where the jsp created
class files are kept, remove all the class files, and restart the JServ.
Hope this helps!

-tom ivers

-Original Message-
From: Kondaka, Praveen (CRTRES) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 1999 9:29 AM
Subject: Refresh Problem


I am facing a page refresj problem in IE 4.72 SP2.
When i save .JSP file it not refreshing in the browser.

can anybody help me.

Praveen Kumar Kondaka

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Re: AW: Redirection to another page

1999-12-02 Thread Khurram Mahmood

I am using jsp1.0 and JRUN2.3. There was no jsp:forward in 0.92 and if I was
using 0.92, I would've gotten a compilation error, not this strange



-Original Message-
From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 1999 9:06 PM
To: Khurram Mahmood
Subject: Re: AW: Redirection to another page

Khurram Mahmood wrote:

> For some reason jsp forward tag never works. Instead of compiling the
> jsp page into servlet and then executing it, it just shows the jsp code on
> the html page as text.
> KM

What version of JSP does your environment support?   was added
version 1.0 -- if you are on a version 0.91 or 0.92 system, you won't be
to use this.


> -Original Message-
> From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, December 02, 1999 12:19 PM
> Subject: Re: AW: Redirection to another page
> "Bernard, Frank" wrote:
> > > Is it possible to write JSP code to redirect the browser to open a new
> > > page,
> > > say, page B from JSP code in page A?
> > >
> > use:response.sendRedirect ( target_URL );
> >
> You can also do this on the server side (without a second round trip back
> the
> client) with
> Craig McClanahan
> To unsubscribe: mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with body: "signoff
> FAQs on JSP can be found at:

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weblogic html and jhtml

1999-12-02 Thread Joshua Rudin

Is there a way in weblogic to have the HTML and JHTML (or JSP) pages each
have a different default directory?



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Jrun/IIS - Figured it out

1999-12-02 Thread Phil Swenson

Ok, I called Allaire and we figured out the problem.  I didn't have the
virtual Scripts directory for my site.  It was that simple.

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Re: Redirection to another page

1999-12-02 Thread Praveen Kumar S .


Can you pls explain more on what is page B, what you intentend for it.

from your question i will assume that Page A is a jsp page.

is it a "static html/JSP page"

do you want to redirect the request from JSP Page A to JSP Page B.jsp ; use
"forward" tag
just want to o/p static html in B.html you can still use the same forward

ofcourse to include it in Page A you would use the respective include
directive & tag.

Regards amit

> -Original Message-
> From: Mike Howard [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, December 03, 1999 5:36 AM
> Subject:  Re: Redirection to another page
> Yes, The code would out put a JavaScript command to open the new page. and
> display
> the old page
> to return the other information.
> Eileen Loo wrote:
> > Is it possible to write JSP code to redirect the browser to open a new
> page,
> > say, page B from JSP code in page A?
> >
> >
> ==
> =
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