Re: Disabling Ctrl+N Avoid new window....

2003-06-19 Thread Alan Meyer
On 19 Jun 2003 at 0:00, Automatic digest processor wrote:

 Subject: Re: Disabling  Ctrl+N  Avoid new window

  Hi, How to disable Ctrl+N operation which creates a new
  window in Browser  ( IE )

 My spontaneous reaction to that is, don't do it. If you feel that
 whatever you are doing needs to force the user to not open more windows,
 chances are that our program model are flawed.

The original poster didn't say why he wanted to disable Ctrl+N, but I
can see a good reason why he might.

The problem has to do with session management.  If you start two
browser windows from the desktop or command line, you can
automatically maintain two different session cookies, one for each
window.  But if you use Ctrl+N, you automatically get one session
cookie for both windows.  In that circumstance it can be very easy to
confuse the server in any kind of stateful process.

What we're trying to prevent here is not multiple windows, but
multiple windows sharing the same session identification.

One may argue that stateful processes are undesirable.  Agreed.  But
sometimes they are absolutely unavoidable.

So if anyone knows how to disable Ctrl+N, I'd like to hear it too.

Alan Meyer
AM Systems, Inc.
Randallstown, MD USA

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Re: JSP-INTEREST Digest - 13 Mar 2003 to 14 Mar 2003 (#2003-71)

2003-03-15 Thread Alan Meyer
On 15 Mar 2003 at 0:00, Automatic digest processor wrote:

 From:Snehal Pandya [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: confused

 I am  working with a small application.
 I have 3 files.
 first is for JDBC Connection for sql statements

 this the error message

 Error: 500
 Location: /wip/CustMaster.jsp
 Internal Servlet Error:

 java.lang.IllegalStateException: Response has already been
 committed at

I don't know what went wrong here, but here's a hint.  I have seen
this error when I attempted to forward to another page after already
writing output, for example, by calling out.write().  In my case, the
error meant that I was, in effect, attempting to cancel output to the
client that had already been committed.

Hope that helps.
Alan Meyer
AM Systems, Inc.
Randallstown, MD, USA

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Closing a ResultSet, was Re: odd oracle error

2003-01-31 Thread Alan Meyer
Cosmin Cremarenco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I agree that the Statement and the PreparedStatement must be
 explicitly closed. But what about the ResultSet. How come the following
 piece of code works?

According to the SDK v1.4.1 API documentation for the ResultSet

A ResultSet object is automatically closed when the Statement object
that generated it is closed, re-executed, or used to retrieve the
next result from a sequence of multiple results.

So, assuming that Oracle and other have implemented the interface
correctly, which I presume they have, there should be no need to
close the ResultSet if the Statement is closed.  There should not be
a resource leak.
Alan Meyer
AM Systems
Randallstown, MD

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Re: java + oracle question ?

2003-01-22 Thread Alan Meyer
On 22 Jan 2003 at 0:00, sufi malak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 import java.sql.*;
 public class JDBCExample {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
 try {
   Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
 scott, tiger);
   System.out.println(Got connected);

In addition to the suggestions to add to lib directory, I
would have put a little more infrastructure here to make sure the
driver is known to the driver manager.  Specifically:

  try {
// Load the driver class
Class drvr = Class.forName(oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver);

// Register reference to the loaded class with the driver mgr

// Get a connection
Connection conn = ...

Hope that helps.
Alan Meyer
AM Systems
Randallstown, MD

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Re: insert retrieve (text, image) jsp oracle ??

2003-01-22 Thread Alan Meyer
 snip 1)how to do it in JSP ?

 See the getBlob method in the ResultSet object of the JDBC API 2.0.


My own experience with trying to store and retrieve binary data from
Oracle was very painful.  What I discovered was that there are
different ways to do it, many of which ALMOST work, or work if the
data is not too large.  I believe there is a method in one of the
Oracle classes that will do it.  I wanted to stay away from that and
just use JDBC.

What I wound up doing was:

  Declare the binary data column as LONG RAW.
  Get it via a SELECT into a ResultSet.
  Create a new InputStream from resultSet.getBinaryStream(column_no).
  Create a new ObjectInputStream on it.
  Read from the ObjectInputStream.

What you do after that is up to you.

I went through many painful experiments before finding this method.

Good luck with it.
Alan Meyer
AM Systems, Inc.
Randallstown, MD, USA

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Re: session timeout setting

2002-12-19 Thread Alan Meyer
Yong How showed how to do this by setting a value in the web.xml
configuration file.

Another way to do it is is to make the following method call inside
the application (allowing different intervals for different

   session.setMaxInactiveInterval (...)

where ... is the number of seconds between interactions after which a
timeout should occur.  For two hours, you'd use 7200.

You can set this in the login JSP page.

Also, instead of reading the cookie, you might have a look at
session.getId(), which should work with cookies or with URL re-
writing, and session.isNew().

If I remember correctly, there might have been problems with these in
Tomcat 3.x series that were fixed in 4.x.


 -Original Message-
 From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and
 reference [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kenny G.
 Dubuisson, Jr. Sent: Wednesday, 18 December, 2002 12:11 AM To:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: session timeout setting

 I have a site written in JSP that uses session info to validate user's
 sessions.  I want to change the default timeout of the session from 60
 mins but I'm not sure what is controlling this or how/where to change
 it.  Here is more info to help figure this out...if anyone has any
 ideas I would greatly appreciate it.

 My initial JSP page has a login which, when validated, sets a cookie
 that stores the session ID.  Every page thereafter, upon initial load,
 checks the current session ID against this cookie and if they don't
 match, the user is directed to re-login.  My users want a longer
 timeout but I'm not sure where to control this (maybe this question is
 for the Tomcat listI just don't know).

Alan Meyer
AM Systems, Inc.
Randallstown, MD USA

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Re: JSP 1.2 and XML Syntax

2002-08-02 Thread Alan Meyer

 and the line it's croking on is: a

Looks to me like you're using double quotes incorrectly.  Try using
single quotes for the outer quotation.


Alan Meyer
AM Systems, Inc.
Randallstown, MD, USA

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JDBCStore in Tomcat, or other save session techniques?

2002-07-14 Thread Alan Meyer

I am porting a Tomcat 4.03 JSP application to a new installation that
has a hardware switch (BIG-IP) routing requests to multiple CPUs.
The switch checks the incoming IP address and routes the user to the
same computer he used previously, but only if he comes back within a
half hour.  After that his request is routed randomly to the next
available server.

The application uses session variables to save data, and sessions can
last more than a half hour.  So I wrote some code to serialize the
session variables and store them in a database (a story in itself).
However, I'm getting occasional ConcurrentModificationExceptions,
which makes me wonder if Tomcat is updating the session object from
another thread at the same time as I am (though maybe not, there's
probably another explanation for this and if anyone has one, please
speak up!)

In any case, while perusing through Tomcat source code and Catalina
Javadocs I found a JDBCStore class which seems to do exactly what I'm
trying to do.

My questions are:

  1. Should application developers use this class?

  2. If not, is there a higher level interface that should be used?

  3. Is there a better way to do what I'm trying to do?

Alan Meyer
AM Systems, Inc.
Randallstown, MD, USA

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File System on Linux

2002-07-03 Thread Alan Meyer

On 3 Jul 2002, at 0:00, Automatic digest processor wrote:

 ... snip ...
 So how should this file format be send to Linux server.

 Ex c:/example.txt interpreted by Linux ?

 Do I need to modify this so that Linux can understand ?

Yes you do.

I'm not sitting at a Linux system at the moment so I can't check
this, but you have to find out where the Windows c: disk is mounted
in the Linux file system.

If I remember correctly, you need to look at the file named
/etc/fstab, i.e., the file system table.  It has (or needs to have)
an entry that tells Linux what hard disk partition (e.g., hda1, or
whatever) contains the Windows C: drive and gives a Linux name to it,
which could be /C, /mnt/WindowsC, /DOS or who knows what.  The names
are arbitrary.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, you'll have to look at the
Linux file system documentation.  Read the man pages for the mount
command and the documentation for hard disk partitioning.

Assuming that your file is called c:\example.txt in Windows and your
Windows primary partition were mounted at a point named /DosC, then
the access would be /DosC/example.txt.

Also, you should be aware of any permissions issues on the windows
file system.  The files on the Windows partitions may have restricted
read or write permissions with respect to ordinary (non-root) users.
Alan Meyer
AM Systems, Inc.
Randallstown, MD, USA

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Re: [ann] WebWork 1.0 released

2002-03-23 Thread Alan Meyer

Rickard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm proud to announce the release of WebWork 1.0! WebWork is a
 HMVC web application framework in Java, developed as Open Source
 (BSD license) and designed to help create dynamic websites using
 minimal effort and maximum flexibility. It's architecture is easy
 to learn and understand, yet has features that allow for complex
 applications to be built.

I haven't tried this yet, but I would nevertheless like to say Thank
you to all of the developers who worked on the project.

Writing open source software is a great way that people can make
excellent use of their innate talents and hard won skills to give
something to the world as a whole.

My own efforts, both as a professional programmer and as an ordinary
computer user, would be significantly harder and less interesting
without the many superb open source tools that I use on a regular

As for the issue of Struts vs. WebWork vs. something else, I suspect
that even if WebWork does not acquire a large user base, if it has
good ideas in it (and I'm sure it does), people will see them and
those ideas will work their way into other programs as well.  The
intellectual efforts made by each open source programmer contribute
to the community even if their own specific programs never find many
users.  I'm sure that, in at least some areas, WebWork will raise the
bar and help make all related projects better.

Thanks again.
Alan Meyer
AM Systems, Inc.
Randallstown, MD, USA

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