Re: Gitlab update, 2FA now mandatory

2022-10-31 Thread Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
On Friday, 28 October 2022 21:57:16 GMT Ben Cooksley wrote:
> Hi all,
> Following some additional analysis of the situation I've now adjusted the
> policy surrounding enforced use of 2FA.
> Going forward it will only be enforced on people who are one of the
> following:
> - KDE Developers
> - KDE e.V. Members (including the Board)
> - KDE e.V. Staff (whether they be contractors or employees)
> In addition, 2FA may be enforced on any person who has access to a system
> that contains sensitive information, including but not limited to
>, and, or who has
> additional privileges on those systems outside of those granted to users by
> default. It may also be enforced if a person becomes involved in a project
> in a meaningful way (ie. a long term contributor) that does not result in
> them obtaining a developer account or access to sensitive information.
> Cheers,
> Ben

  As one of those who shouted about this, just wanted to also say thanks for 
taking our concerns into account and sorting it like this - so, thanks! :D

..dan / leinir..

Re: Gitlab update, 2FA now mandatory

2022-10-25 Thread Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
On Tuesday, 25 October 2022 11:11:46 BST Carl Schwan wrote:
> Le dimanche 23 octobre 2022 à 5:55 PM, Christoph Cullmann ( 
 a écrit :
> > On 2022-10-23 08:32, Ben Cooksley wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > > 
> > > This afternoon I updated [1] to the latest version of
> > > Gitlab, 15.5.
> > > Release notes for this can be found at
> > >
> > > 
> > > There isn't much notable feature wise in this release, however there
> > > have been some bug fixes surrounding the "Rebase without Pipeline"
> > > functionality that was introduced in an earlier update.
> > > 
> > > As part of securing Invent against recently detected suspicious
> > > activity I have also enabled Mandatory 2FA, which Gitlab will ask you
> > > to configure next time you access it. This can be done using either a
> > > Webauthn token (such as a Yubikey) or TOTP (using the app of choice on
> > > your phone)
> > > 
> > > Should you lose access to your 2FA device you can obtain a recovery
> > > token to log back in via SSH, see
> > >
> > > n.html#generate-new-recovery-codes-using-ssh for more details on this.
> > > 
> > > Please let us know if there are any queries on the above.
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > whereas I can see the security benefit, this raises the hurdle for one
> > time contributors again a lot.
> > 
> > Before you already had to register to get your merge request,
> > now you need to setup this too (or at least soon it is mandatory).
> > 
> > I am not sure this is such a good thing.
> > 
> > I see a point that one wants to avoid that e.g. somebody steals my
> > account  that has enough rights to delete all branches in the Kate
> > repository via the web frontend.
> > 
> > Could the 2FA stuff perhaps be limited to people with developer role or
> > such?
> Yes this would be ideal. We don't need to require 2fa for people who just
> started contributing or want to give some feedback on a MR/ticket.
> This should be possible with the following features:
> fa-for-all-users-in-a-group
> We can just require 2fa for developers because with great powers come great
> responsibilities.
> Cheers,
> Carl

  i concur - after spending so long trying to attract casual contributors, 
putting up a huge barrier like this is just not helpful. So, 2FA for people 
who area able to actually mess stuff up, absolutely, we have responsibility 
here and that's fine, but for casual contributors, that is precisely the sort 
of thing that just outright makes people go "lol no" and go away again, and is 
that really something we can afford?
  I absolutely applaud the attempt at increasing out trustworthiness as a 
community, and 2FA for people who can actually push things certainly helps us 
get to that, but i also can't help but notice that the particular choice of 
making it a blanket community involvement requirement, that is, in this 
particular case, was made with a somewhat narrow focus, so... just thought i'd 
lend my voice to the "Yeah, please don't make our hard won casual contributors 
go away before they even get here".

..dan / leinir..

Re: Welcome Dina, our new event manager!

2022-02-22 Thread Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
On Saturday, 19 February 2022 10:34:11 GMT Lydia Pintscher wrote:
> Please give her a warm welcome in KDE.

  Hey Dina, welcome to our crazy corner of the world! :D

..dan / leinir..

Re: On a brighter note

2021-03-27 Thread Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
On Saturday, 27 March 2021 02:10:20 GMT Valorie Zimmerman wrote:
> Hello all, I became aware today of Declaration of Digital Autonomy (draft
> 0.1):
> This seems like a good beginning to a general way to frame the issues we
> care about. I'm not about to abandon the phrase "free software" however, we
> need more than free software. We need tech that serves the needs of people
> rather than corporations.

  It does indeed! Software freedom is certainly an important thing, but it 
does seem to suffer (however it was originally intended) somewhat from 
forgetting that software is only a part of the situation. Digital Autonomy has 
a much broader scope, and is much more in line with what KDE's mission 
statement says about people having control over their own digital life and 
enjoys freedom and privacy. So yes, definitely, just as a term, digital 
autonomy rings much clearer to me than software freedom.
  As you also say, i'm not about to abandon the term entirely, it is a really 
solid descriptor when talking about specifically software, and how "open 
source" is just not the same as "free software". But having another bit to add 
to our vocabulary on the topic is very much a good thing :)

> As an example, System76 leaders recently testified to the US State of
> Colorado in support of a proposed law guaranteeing the "right to repair."
> [1] This is a live issue in the US where major corporations are trying to
> change owners of products into lessees or licensees! And farmers who buy
> seeds too.
> Crazy world we live in, but we are shaping it as we work together.
> Valorie
> 1.
> 3

..dan / leinir..

Re: Renaming "Get New Hot Stuff" to Something Else

2020-08-08 Thread Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
On Saturday, 8 August 2020 13:24:40 BST Jacky Alcine wrote:
> Hey y'all.

  Heyhey! :)

> Is there an interest or has there been discussion to rename that part of KDE
> (Get New Hot Stuff) into something that's more explicit in what it does?
> Like "Application Addons"?

  We have attempted to come up with something else which encapsulates the 
concept of what Get Hot New Stuff does, and the problem is that it is not just 
application addons. GHNS (and the underlying Open Collaboration Services API) 
makes no requirements on which specific types of content are distributed using 
it, and so we end up in a situation where switching to a more specific names 
reduces the concept.
  We /could/ of course go all buzzwordy on it and call it something like 
Content Store, but that just makes it seem like it's only inactive consumption 
stuff, or we could call it Application Addons, but that does not suggest it 
could also be used for something like comic books or other types of creative 
writing (of course i'm going to use a personal example, Peruse uses GHNS for 
its book store).
  It is not that i am particularly against finding another name, but it has to 
be extremely good and wide ranging as a term to encapsulates what GHNS does 
for it to be a good replacement, and while i would be pleased to be proven 
wrong, i find myself doubtful that we can find something which is objectively 
better than Get Hot New Stuff to such a degree that what mindshare it already 
has becomes discardable. (and i'm not suggesting that it is a world wide 
acknowledged trademark type thing going on here, just that any new name would 
also have to be good enough to make that choice)

> Additionally, is there a means of centralizing a place for these add-ons?
> Having to remember where and how I installed things all over is a bit of a
> hunt.

  That would be Discover :) We've been improving that over the last little 
while, and you'll even start seeing GHNS updates in your Discover updates 
notifier very soon :)

..dan / leinir..

Re: Information regarding upcoming Gitlab Migration

2020-04-28 Thread Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
On Monday, 27 April 2020 21:25:09 BST Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> El dilluns, 27 d’abril de 2020, a les 13:58:02 CEST, Bhushan Shah va 
> > In part I am mostly re-iterating what Ben already mentioned in different
> > messages.
> > 
> > On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 12:38:42PM +0200, Aleix Pol wrote:
> > > Does this mean that to clone it we'll have to go "git clone
> > > kde:games/knetwalk" or something along the lines?
> > 
> > Yes
> > 
> > [Rest of message is with sysadmin hat off and as a developer]
> > 
> > > If that's the case I'd much prefer if we didn't do this, at the moment
> > > it's already uncomfortable for me to remember the URL for some of the
> > > repos (e.g. is it sysadmin/ or not?), this will only increase the
> > > problem and I personally don't see the advantage.
> > 
> > I do agree that it maybe small inconvience, but let's be honest, most of
> > us have been using kdesrc-build or some kind of automated tooling for
> > building everything, apart from very rare case we never have to manually
> > clone any of KDE repository, at least it is true for me personally. I am
> > not sure about others.
> Please let's refrain from saying things like "most of us have been using
> kdesrc-build" when you don't have any data to back that up.
> Cheers,
>   Albert

Just adding my "i don't use kdesrc-build, and git clone kde:x everything 
myself" voice, here. Now, if a simple(ish) script can be created to make 
something akin to the kde: rewriting work, even if what it really does is to 
search gitlab and create a clone with the appropriate command, i could deal 
with that, but having the ability to simply ask for the project name is more 
than a little useful.

..dan / leinir..

Re: Please don't make into a politics feed

2019-12-05 Thread Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
Because it's going to become all manner of fun, i feel i need to comment that 
Jonathan's statement here is my feelings on the situation as well.

On Thursday, 5 December 2019 12:04:35 GMT Jonathan Riddell wrote:
> Planet KDE exists to allow KDE people to share information about themselves
> as well as their KDE contributions. A hard Brexit will affect KDE
> significantly which is why I include it here.  The idea that talking about
> politics is dangerous or anti-social really scares me and is one reason why
> the populists have taken over so much of the political discussion
> currently. I often get people thanking me for my political opinion blogs.
> If you don’t want to read it then don’t read it.
> The rule we came up with is "The majority of content in your blog should be
> about KDE and your work on KDE. Blog posts about personal subjects are also
> encouraged since Planet KDE is a chance to learn more about the developers
> behind KDE."  I've never heard anyone suggest changes to that rule.
> Jonathan
> On Thu, 5 Dec 2019 at 11:53, Christian Loosli  wrote:
> > Dear Community,
> > 
> > I'm 100% sure this topic came up in the past due to the same blog, but I
> > can't
> > find it on the mailing list, so I assume it happened on forums or chat:
> > 
> > currently the top blog post on is about voting for a
> > specific
> > political party. I understand that in these times there are many countries
> > with heated and important political debates, and some very important
> > global
> > topics as well. However, these already occupy all the news site.
> > Now if every blog appearing on the planet would target a political subject
> > that is very important to the blogger, would be yet
> > another
> > political news/opinions feed.
> > 
> > If I want politics, I go to one of these. If I want to read about KDE, I
> > go to
> >
> > 
> > Please dear bloggers: there are categories, and you can choose which of
> > your
> > blogs do show up on the planet. I know that some topics are very important
> > to
> > you and obviously you are free to blog about them, but please keep the
> > feed free of it, so it doesn't become a mess where it's
> > hard to
> > find the content people actually go there for.
> > 
> > Thanks and kind regards,
> > 
> > Christian

..dan / leinir..

Re: Party Train to Akademy

2019-06-27 Thread Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
On Thursday, 27 June 2019 12:16:56 BST Jonathan Riddell wrote:
> Me and Dan

  Hello, i'm also dan ;)

> would like to take the train to Akademy from London via Paris,
> it's a full day's travel but about the same cost as flying, much better for
> your carbon footprint, much better views and none of the faffy and
> expensive getting to and from airports to sit around for hours.
> If you'd like in to the booking let me know, either joining at London or at
> Paris
> Jonathan

..dan / leinir..

Re: Documentation Specialist Contractor

2019-03-20 Thread Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
Hey Jucato!

  Really glad to see you able to jump in on this, thank you to the board for 
offering Juan Carlos the job, i'm certain this will be, as that robotic 
villain put it in that game a while ago, a triumph :)

On Wednesday, 20 March 2019 15:03:01 GMT Andy Betts wrote:
> Hello all,
> We have hired Juan Carlos Torres to be our next Documentation Specialist for
> the KDE Community. With him, Juan Carlos brings a deep understanding of
> open communities and documentation. Juan Carlos' primary role will be to
> assess the state of our documentation and create priority lists for a
> follow-up project to execute the work. The current project may also allow
> time for Juan Carlos to edit some pages also.
> The community requested help with our technical documentation. Our
> documentation has become outdated and inaccurate making it harder for new
> contributors to find their way into making significant strides in KDE
> software. With this project, we intend to improve our technical
> documentation.
> Juan Carlos will connect with the community to ask questions, review
> documentation along side you, and make decisions on next steps. Juan Carlos
> is at the community's service and we hope you can facilitate his work to
> improve our community overall.
> We are excited to have a contractor for this specific, and highly-requested,
> position. Please note that Juan Carlos comes in as an independent
> contractor and not as an employee.
> Please join me in welcoming Juan Carlos in this capacity and let's all be
> helpful to him as he works on this project.
> Please let me know if you have any questions.
> Thank you,
> Andy
> Andy Betts
> KDE Board Member

..dan / leinir..

Re: Help us with curating

2018-07-20 Thread Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
On Thursday, 19 July 2018 20:04:29 BST Paul Brown wrote:
> On lunes, 16 de julio de 2018 11:39:25 (CEST) Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen 
> > Hello chums :)
> > 
> >   One of the challenges of having a library of resources is to maintain it
> > 
> > clean of spam and in general any content that doesn't comply with what we
> > want to have there.
> > 
> >   The software running recently gained the possibility to
> >   have
> > 
> > a group of people who can moderate contents and reviews.
> > 
> >   This is a call for action for those of you would like to contribute to
> >   KDE
> > 
> > by helping to make sure our users have the best resources selection
> > available, free of worry to find undesired contents.
> > 
> >   Please reply if you'd like to help, either with the store as a whole, or
> > 
> > even just a specific category, and we will see together what's the best
> > way
> > to proceed.
> > 
> >   Thank you! :D
> Hey Dan,

  Hey Paul :)

> We (promo people) were wondering... Would it help if we gave this a push on
> social media? I know you probably don't want to manage an army of 100s of
> moderators, but if there is a place, a mail address or something, where the
> general public can send messages telling you about problematic stuff they
> have found within the store, it may be helpful, right?

  There is, in fact, methods built into the website already where anybody with 
an account can report both spam and malicious content. It 
would be quite useful to have that information spread around a bit, yes :) 
Specifically, this is done by clicking the report links in the Details panel 
(see screenshot), and the reports are then handled by the 
  If you mean something which they've found that needs the moderation team to 
look at it, then no, there isn't anything yet, But we ought to be able to put 
a way together to just flag items for the moderation team's interest, because 
yes, that certainly would be handy :)

> What do you think?

  That community involvement is the entire point of :D

> Cheers
> Paul

..dan / leinir..

Re: Help us with curating

2018-07-20 Thread Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
On Thursday, 19 July 2018 19:52:51 BST Scott Harvey wrote:
> Hey Nicolas!

  (i'm not Nicolas, but hi! ;) )

> Although I haven’t (yet) committed to helping out on this project, I’m still
> offering my opinions.
> Personally, I wouldn’t like to see the store curators judging the
> submissions on quality. Our personal tastes might influence our decisions.
> It would be like an art museum curator not displaying a work because he
> doesn’t think anyone would like it.
> I think the curators should focus on keeping the store clean of things that
> _don’t work_, look out for obvious copies of other people’s code, etc.

  That is precisely (and once we've got actual, written instructions also 
explicitly) what the curators are suppose dto be doing. Incidentally, 
everybody is already able to do the checks for spam and malicious/illegal 
content, which you only need to be logged in as a user to be able to do. That 
functionality is in the Details box on the right hand side of any product's 

> If someone puts up something that’s “stupid” or worthless, it’ll get voted
> down by other users. My own two Plasmoids are hovering at exactly 2.5 stars
> each. Maybe they’re not so useful after all. :D

  Exactly, the curators are there to help ensure that the stuff that shows up 
Plasma and other apps' dialogues will, in fact, work. Just because we might 
possibly think something is dumb doesn't mean there isn't loads of people out 
there who might very well appreciate a bit of that exact flavour of dumb in 
their lives, and they should totally be allowed to go for it ;)

> -Scott (sharvey)
> On Jul 19, 2018, 1:14 PM -0500, Nicolas Fella , wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I'd like to offer my help as well :)
> > 
> > Specifically I'd like to ensure that only content of decent quality and
> > of actual worth to the user are available in the store, e.g. by
> > suggesting/requesting changes to the author.
> > 
> > Cheers
> > 
> > Nicolas
> > 
> > On 16.07.2018 11:39, Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen wrote:
> > > Hello chums :)
> > > 
> > > One of the challenges of having a library of resources is to maintain it
> > > clean of spam and in general any content that doesn't comply with what
> > > we want to have there.
> > > 
> > > The software running recently gained the possibility to
> > > have a group of people who can moderate contents and reviews.
> > > 
> > > This is a call for action for those of you would like to contribute to
> > > KDE
> > > by helping to make sure our users have the best resources selection
> > > available, free of worry to find undesired contents.
> > > 
> > > Please reply if you'd like to help, either with the store as a whole, or
> > > even just a specific category, and we will see together what's the best
> > > way to proceed.
> > > 
> > > Thank you! :D

..dan / leinir..

Re: Help us with curating

2018-07-20 Thread Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
Great, thanks! Send us your user ID (the number in the URL if 
your profile page) and we'll get you set up as moderator :)

On Thursday, 19 July 2018 19:43:23 BST Scarlett Clark wrote:
> I would like to help!
> Cheers,
> Scarlett
> On Thu, Jul 19, 2018 at 8:42 PM Scarlett Clark  wrote:
> > On Thu, Jul 19, 2018 at 8:14 PM Nicolas Fella 
> > 
> > wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >> 
> >> I'd like to offer my help as well :)
> >> 
> >> Specifically I'd like to ensure that only content of decent quality and
> >> of actual worth to the user are available in the store, e.g. by
> >> suggesting/requesting changes to the author.
> >> 
> >> Cheers
> >> 
> >> Nicolas
> >> 
> >> On 16.07.2018 11:39, Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen wrote:
> >> > Hello chums :)
> >> > 
> >> >One of the challenges of having a library of resources is to
> >> 
> >> maintain it
> >> 
> >> > clean of spam and in general any content that doesn't comply with what
> >> 
> >> we want
> >> 
> >> > to have there.
> >> > 
> >> >The software running recently gained the possibility
> >> 
> >> to have a
> >> 
> >> > group of people who can moderate contents and reviews.
> >> > 
> >> >This is a call for action for those of you would like to contribute
> >> 
> >> to KDE
> >> 
> >> > by helping to make sure our users have the best resources selection
> >> 
> >> available,
> >> 
> >> > free of worry to find undesired contents.
> >> > 
> >> >Please reply if you'd like to help, either with the store as a
> >> 
> >> whole, or
> >> 
> >> > even just a specific category, and we will see together what's the best
> >> 
> >> way to
> >> 
> >> > proceed.
> >> > 
> >> >Thank you! :D

..dan / leinir..

Re: Help us with curating

2018-07-20 Thread Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
On Thursday, 19 July 2018 19:14:08 BST Nicolas Fella wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to offer my help as well :)

  Great! Send me your user ID (the number in the URL if your 
profile page) and we'll get you set up as moderator.

> Specifically I'd like to ensure that only content of decent quality and
> of actual worth to the user are available in the store, e.g. by
> suggesting/requesting changes to the author.

  We are not curators in that sense, that is what the voting system is for. Of 
course, we can certainly give comments to the authors, just like any other 
community member, but being a moderator does /not/ give us any right to think 
our view on the fluffier concepts is any more worthy than others (as Scott 
also comments on).
  The only quality note which this moderation is supposed to be for is 
technical quality. Say, for example, an item is in fact an icon theme, but 
isn't packaged in a way that Plasma can consume - that is still an icon theme 
and should stay downloadable from the website, but it makes no sense to see it 
in the Get New Icon Themes dialogue, and so we can mark it as excluded from 
  This is also, of course, why we need both guidelines and instructions for 
moderators, so we can avoid confusion about responsibilities and whatnot :)

> Cheers
> Nicolas
> On 16.07.2018 11:39, Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen wrote:
> > Hello chums :)
> > 
> >One of the challenges of having a library of resources is to maintain
> >it
> > 
> > clean of spam and in general any content that doesn't comply with what we
> > want to have there.
> > 
> >The software running recently gained the possibility to
> >have a> 
> > group of people who can moderate contents and reviews.
> > 
> >This is a call for action for those of you would like to contribute to
> >KDE
> > 
> > by helping to make sure our users have the best resources selection
> > available, free of worry to find undesired contents.
> > 
> >Please reply if you'd like to help, either with the store as a whole,
> >or
> > 
> > even just a specific category, and we will see together what's the best
> > way to proceed.
> > 
> >Thank you! :D

..dan / leinir..

Re: Help us with curating

2018-07-18 Thread Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
On Tuesday, 17 July 2018 16:50:49 BST Nate Graham wrote:
>   On Mon, 16 Jul 2018 09:17:18 -0700 Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
>  wrote 
>  > On Monday, 16 July 2018 17:01:59 BST Nate Graham wrote:
>  > > I would like to be a moderator!
>  > > 
>  >   Hi Nathan, and thanks for stepping up! :D Do you have an
>  >
>  > 
>  > account, and in that case could you send me the ID, so we can get you set
>  > up with the right rights? :)
> Yes, and my ID appears to be 505663.
> Nate

  Thanks! :D Right, so the way we'll be doing the assigning of the rights is 
that we open a task on the KDE Store phab[1], that way we can also keep it 
open and whatnot. It's also the way work is managed in the store team, so it 
just seems the sensible way of doing it :)


..dan / leinir..

Re: Help us with curating

2018-07-17 Thread Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
It will be, yes. Initially we can simply mark it to not show up on Plasma 
clients (that is what the two patches linked from the task here are about: ). Later we will be able to add dependency 
and version information, but for now we can simply mark the things that are 
not useable from the Get New X dialogues. Indeed, that is an important part of 
the curating process: The data will still be visible on the website, but with 
those patches we become able to hide things that don't make sense in e.g. 
Plasma :)

On Monday, 16 July 2018 21:20:44 BST Scott Harvey wrote:
> Will it be possible to curate-separate things that are not compatible
> with Plasma 5? There's a lot of ancient stuff out there that's 10 years
> old and really shouldn't show up as available in the KNewStuff offerings
> for Plasma 5.13. Icon sets are the most visible example.
> On 07/16/2018 11:17 AM, Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen wrote:
> > On Monday, 16 July 2018 17:01:59 BST Nate Graham wrote:
> >> I would like to be a moderator!
> >> 
> >Hi Nathan, and thanks for stepping up! :D Do you have an
> >
> > 
> > account, and in that case could you send me the ID, so we can get you set
> > up with the right rights? :)
> > 
> >> It might be a good idea to post this
> >> publicly somewhere too; I've encountered a number of KDE users who have
> >> asked how they can help clean up content.
> >> 
> >Not a bad idea at all, there! :) I'm pondering on doing a blog post on
> >the
> > 
> > topic, so i might just go ahead and do that ;)
> > 
> >> We could even make
> >> this a new entry point on
> >> 
> >Ooh... Yes, perhaps that first, then blog post pointing to it :)
> >> 
> >> Nate
> >> 
> >>    On Mon, 16 Jul 2018 02:39:25 -0700 Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
> >> 
> >>  wrote 
> >> 
> >>   > Hello chums :)
> >>   > 
> >>   >   One of the challenges of having a library of resources is to
> >>   >   maintain
> >>   >   it
> >>   > 
> >>   > clean of spam and in general any content that doesn't comply with
> >>   > what we
> >>   > want to have there.
> >>   > 
> >>   >   The software running recently gained the possibility
> >>   >   to
> >>   >   have a >
> >>   > 
> >>   > group of people who can moderate contents and reviews.
> >>   > 
> >>   >   This is a call for action for those of you would like to contribute
> >>   >   to
> >>   >   KDE
> >>   > 
> >>   > by helping to make sure our users have the best resources selection
> >>   > available, free of worry to find undesired contents.
> >>   > 
> >>   >   Please reply if you'd like to help, either with the store as a
> >>   >   whole,
> >>   >   or
> >>   > 
> >>   > even just a specific category, and we will see together what's the
> >>   > best
> >>   > way to proceed.
> >>   > 
> >>   >   Thank you! :D
> >>   > 
> >>   > --
> >>   > ..dan / leinir..
> >>   >

..dan / leinir..

Re: Help us with curating

2018-07-16 Thread Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
On Monday, 16 July 2018 17:01:59 BST Nate Graham wrote:
> I would like to be a moderator!

  Hi Nathan, and thanks for stepping up! :D Do you have an 
account, and in that case could you send me the ID, so we can get you set up 
with the right rights? :)

> It might be a good idea to post this
> publicly somewhere too; I've encountered a number of KDE users who have
> asked how they can help clean up content.

  Not a bad idea at all, there! :) I'm pondering on doing a blog post on the 
topic, so i might just go ahead and do that ;)

> We could even make
> this a new entry point on

  Ooh... Yes, perhaps that first, then blog post pointing to it :)

> Nate
>  ---- On Mon, 16 Jul 2018 02:39:25 -0700 Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
>  wrote 
>  > Hello chums :)
>  > 
>  >   One of the challenges of having a library of resources is to maintain
>  >   it
>  > 
>  > clean of spam and in general any content that doesn't comply with what we
>  > want to have there.
>  > 
>  >   The software running recently gained the possibility to
>  >   have a > 
>  > group of people who can moderate contents and reviews.
>  > 
>  >   This is a call for action for those of you would like to contribute to
>  >   KDE
>  > 
>  > by helping to make sure our users have the best resources selection
>  > available, free of worry to find undesired contents.
>  > 
>  >   Please reply if you'd like to help, either with the store as a whole,
>  >   or
>  > 
>  > even just a specific category, and we will see together what's the best
>  > way to proceed.
>  > 
>  >   Thank you! :D
>  > 
>  > --
>  > ..dan / leinir..
>  >

..dan / leinir..

Help us with curating

2018-07-16 Thread Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
Hello chums :)

  One of the challenges of having a library of resources is to maintain it 
clean of spam and in general any content that doesn't comply with what we want 
to have there.

  The software running recently gained the possibility to have a 
group of people who can moderate contents and reviews.

  This is a call for action for those of you would like to contribute to KDE 
by helping to make sure our users have the best resources selection available, 
free of worry to find undesired contents.

  Please reply if you'd like to help, either with the store as a whole, or 
even just a specific category, and we will see together what's the best way to 

  Thank you! :D

..dan / leinir..

Re: KDE at Qt World Summit (QtWS) 2017 final update: Info pad

2017-10-06 Thread Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
Hi from me as well :)

  If you have something you would like to add to our demoloops (it'll be going 
on a 43" screen in our booth), please get it to me by Monday evening time, and 
preferably before then so i don't have to rush too much. This can either be a 
short (<2 minute, no sound) video, or screenshots. As a guide, please read the 
end of the text Eike sent to see the message we're trying to send. Thanks! :)

On Friday, 6 October 2017 00:11:53 BST Eike Hein wrote:
> Hi,
> if you're curious about what the KDE event team for Qt World Summit
> 2017 is up to, you can find updated information on this live pad:
> I've attached a static copy.
> If you're on the team, you've already received this information
> seperately. But experience has shown that at some date in the
> future, an eager person will trawl this mailing list archive for
> info on how to do KDE things at Qt World Summit: May they find
> this email useful ;).
> Cheers,
> Eike

..dan / leinir..

Re: KDE at Qt World Summit 2017 - let's make it the best yet!

2017-08-09 Thread Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
On Tuesday, 8 August 2017 18:18:04 BST Eike Hein wrote:
> Hi everyone,

  Hi! :D

> - Helpers! Who wants to be an awesome person and go to QtWS and rep
>   KDE there? Who can make it to Berlin in the timeframe? (I know
>   there's a KDE Edu sprint and a Blue Systems dev sprint going on,
>   so no excuses! :P)

  Aaaall up for this, please, it was a blast last time! :)

> - Figure out what we want to show at the booth this year. Who wants
>   to make cool demo loops or slides?

  i'm quite happy to help out with booth demo loops :)

..dan / leinir..

Re: [kde-community] Akademy 2016 (QtCon) travel support

2016-05-04 Thread Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
On Wednesday, 4 May 2016 00:13:33 BST Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> El dimarts, 3 de maig de 2016, a les 9:49:53 CEST, Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
> va escriure:
> > On Tuesday, 3 May 2016 01:22:38 BST Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> > > Dear contributors,
> > > 
> > > KDE e.V. offers travel support [1] for community members for whom
> > > travelling to Akademy[2] (part of QtCon[3] this year) is financially
> > > difficult. If you find yourself in such situation, we'd like to
> > > encourage
> > > you to apply.
> > > 
> > > There will be 3 dates on which we evaluate the requests and approve
> > > them:
> > > 20 of May, 17 of June and 15 of July, remember that the earlier you
> > > apply
> > > the better.
> > > 
> > > Please apply at
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > > You do not need to include hosting costs, it will be managed by the
> > > organization.
> > > 
> >   When you write hosting, would i be correct in guessing that means
> >   lodging
> > 
> > in r.k.o-speak? :)
> Correct.

  Thanks for the confirmation - just wanted to be sure :D

..dan / leinir..
kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] Akademy 2016 (QtCon) travel support

2016-05-03 Thread Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
On Tuesday, 3 May 2016 01:22:38 BST Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> Dear contributors,
> KDE e.V. offers travel support [1] for community members for whom travelling
> to Akademy[2] (part of QtCon[3] this year) is financially difficult. If you
> find yourself in such situation, we'd like to encourage you to apply.
> There will be 3 dates on which we evaluate the requests and approve them: 20
> of May, 17 of June and 15 of July, remember that the earlier you apply the
> better.
> Please apply at
> You do not need to include hosting costs, it will be managed by the
> organization.

  When you write hosting, would i be correct in guessing that means lodging in 
r.k.o-speak? :)

> Cheers,
>   Albert
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> ___
> kde-community mailing list

..dan / leinir..
kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] KDE store sprint

2016-04-05 Thread Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
On Tuesday, 5 April 2016 12:47:54 BST Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> Hi all,
> As you may have followed, at Blue Systems, we're in the process of revamping
> the infrastructure around add-ons, basically what is currently served by
> One of our goals is to open up development of an ocs-compatible server
> component. As we're nearing completion of the underlying infrastructure and
> licensing bits, we'd like to actually start thinking about its future, and
> get more people involved to think about it with us. To us, the current
> is only the beginning, we can imagine it becoming a truly
> Free and open software store for KDE and others in the future.
> To start this effort, we'd like to invite interested people to a sprint to
> make plans, discuss strategies and tactics and generally start an open
> development process.

  Very yes please :D

> The meeting could take place in week 21, between 23 May and 28 May, and we'd
> be happy to host it as a 3 days sprint in Bielefeld, Germany -- but we're
> flexible in this regard.

  i'm spoken for from the 25th of May, so earlier is better for me there...

> If you're interested in attending this meeting, please reply to this thread
> or let me know via email, so we can gauge interest and perhaps start making
> travel arrangements.
> Cheers,
> --
> sebas
> |
> ___
> kde-community mailing list

..dan / leinir..
kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] finding a clear vision for KDE - second draft for discussion

2016-02-17 Thread Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
On Wednesday, 17 February 2016 12:46:26 GMT Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
> On Dienstag, 16. Februar 2016 21:20:25 CET Valorie Zimmerman wrote:
> > I think it could be stated more gracefully. How about:
> > 
> > KDE aspires to a world where all users of our technology experience
> > freedom, privacy and control over their digital lives.
> But doesn't that mean we don't care how many users we have, as long as those
> users have freedom, privacy and control? I don't see much ambition in this,
> to be honest. It sounds like "Hey, let's improve the lives of a tiny niche
> of people!" to me.

  This is, however, an important point, i feel. While i'm sure we'd all like 
to see KDE's software all over the world and so on, is world domination (said 
with my tongue stuck firmly in my cheek) actually something that's a part of 
our vision? For myself, i'm simply not sure, but this does seem to be a 
question that'd need to be considered.

..dan / leinir..
kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] Phabricator - critical terminology

2016-01-21 Thread Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
Hi Ben,

  i fairly expect given the timing of this email, that while i may not be the 
only one to have confused terminology and the like, i am likely the catalyst 
for your sending this email.

  Having no wish to assign blame on this topic either way (or, perhaps, 
wishing to take a large amount of it due to laziness on my part), i should 
explain why i sent the particular request i did: The sysadmin ticket system 
landing page.
  I had the desire to move my project peruse from its current location on 
github to the kde infrastructure, and knowing this should be done with a 
sysadmin request, i went to make one such. On the ticket creation page, i saw 
two options which seemed likely for this. One which in friendly fashion said 
"Use this department to request a new git repository", and one which said, 
simply "Phabricator".
  While i now suspect i should have used the latter option, given the nice, 
straight forward description you give in your email, what was available on the 
ticket creation page led me to assume that to move a git repository to KDE's 
infrastructure, i would need to use the git repository request option.
  Might i perhaps be so bold as to suggest adding a version of what you write 
here to the ticket creation page? Because the way you describe it here makes 
it very nice and clear, but i had not seen this description before, and that 
makes me, personally, just a little sad - i honestly try to not be stupid when 
taking on tasks like this ;)

On Thursday 21 January 2016 21:05:35 Ben Cooksley wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> In the Phabricator requests sysadmin is getting, as well as the
> conversation on IRC i'm noticing a disturbing trend where people are
> not aware of the critical distinction between Projects and
> Repositories and are using the terms interchangably.
> These two are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT concepts in Phabricator, so it is
> critical everyone distinguishes between what they are.
> Repositories are containers of source code, run using a VCS (Git,
> Subversion, Mercurial, etc). They are browsed at
> Projects are relational structures, which can have tasks, repositories
> and many other objects associated with them. They are used for
> organisation and grouping. They are browsed at
> They do NOT offer any access to
> repositories in and of themselves - that is done through Repositories.
> Tasks, Repositories, etc can all be associated with multiple projects
> as needed, and projects can have multiple Tasks, Repositories, etc.
> Effectively a Many to Many relationship.
> This is particularly important for Sysadmin requests for these
> entities (entities which have many, many repositories may only
> actually need one project to organise their tasks for instance).
> Thanks,
> Ben
> ___
> kde-community mailing list

..dan / leinir..
kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] Participate with KDE at Qt World Summit 2015

2015-09-03 Thread Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
On Wednesday 19 August 2015 10:38:59 Eike Hein wrote:
> On 09.08.2015 12:48, Sune Vuorela wrote:
> > So. For those who wants to join in, please contact me and I will see to
> > get
> > the tickets allocated.
> Sign me up -- happy to help man the booth and other
> things.

  ditto - we already spoke about it elsewhere, but thought i'd make it clear 
on here as well, given the transient nature of irc conversations ;)

> > /Sune
> Cheers,
> Eike
> ___
> kde-community mailing list

..dan / leinir..
kde-community mailing list