The Militarization of the European Union: A civilizational mistake.

2000-12-18 Thread heikki sipilä


Subject: The Militarization of the European Union: A civilizational mistake

Network members -

Here is an excellent analysis by Jan Oberg of the EU's drive to
militarize itself in the wake of the war in Kosovo. Important links are
made here between military and economic motives.

Steve Staples

The Militarisation of the European Union: A civilisational mistake
PressInfo # 107

December 7, 2000
By Jan Oberg, TFF director

 It was quite predictable that the EU would militarise itself. In fact,
one of the world's leading peace researchers, TFF adviser Johan Galtung,
predicted that in his book about the EU from 1972, "A Superpower in the
Making." It is not in the nature of big powers to see greatness in
nonviolence, dialogue, tolerance or in playing the role of one among
many. The EU - - whose main players are former colonial powers and
present nuclear powers and/or culturally violent - - began their
militarisation some ten years ago with the French-German military
co-operation, and it got another boost with the French-British agreement
in 1998 in Saint Malo.

 And today's EU Nice Summit is likely to put the militarisation of EU on
an irreversible path, most likely to a new Cold War.

 Today it is the so-called Eurocorps which is formally in charge of
NATO/KFOR in Kosovo. Internally, the EU struggles with ever deeper
vertical integration, i.e. more and more standardisation and
harmonisation of ever more areas, and with horizontal integration of
more and more countries. Externally, it decided a year ago at its summit
in Finland to become a world player by setting up a sizeable military
Rapid Reaction Force by the year 2003.

 There are various proposals in the direction of a "United States of
Europé" (USE), there is a common currency, a common foreign and security
policy, common or harmonised laws, a structure with functions that look
increasingly like a super-state with a President. There is a stepped up
civilian and military industrial integration and rationalisation. And at
its summit in Nice in southern France, beginning December 6, a European
Charter is on the table.

 Rhetoric and reality

 We are told that a European "Army" is not in the offing. But can the EU
really move on with integration in virtually all other regards and not
end up having something that looks surprisingly much like an integrated
military? If so, it will be unique in history. Isn't it in the nature of
defence and military matters that they require more centralisation,
central control, harmonisation, interoperability, standardisation and
integration than most civilian spheres?

 The Headline Goals for the force in the year 2003 was planned a year
ago at 60.000 troops. Already committed, however, are almost 70.000.
With reservists this will add up to 225.000 under arms. And not exactly
traditional peace-keeping arms. Among other resources, Sweden for
instance has assigned AJS 37 Viggen fighters, a submarine, corvettes and
a mechanised battalion. Britain has pledged 18 warships and up to 72
combat aircraft.

 Ministers tell the citizens that it is for disaster relief,
humanitarian aid, natural catastrophes, mine clearing and peacekeeping.
It will serve as a back-up for diplomacy and it will only be used as a
last resort when everything else has been tried to avert conflicts from
erupting into violent struggle. But if it is modelled upon the case of
Kosovo, that is the example par excellence of the failure of preventive
diplomacy, of diplomacy backing up force.

 The civilian aspects of crisis management

 We are also told that the EU's most important part is civilian and that
civilian crisis management, coupled with early analysis, early warning
and violence-preventive diplomacy is the main thing; however, the
present structure and balance of resources does not bear out that point.

 Earlier, the Commission has developed an inventory of 25 categories
(encompassing 300 specific actions) for civilian crisis management.
Among them we find virtually anything such as counter-terrorism
operations, support to free media, training of intelligence and judicial
staff as well as conflict resolution training centres. So, some
priorities had to be set up.

 According to the documents from the EU Feira European Council summit in
June this year, an Interim Committee for civilian aspects of crisis
management had its first meeting only three days before the Summit (June
16) and could hardly have developed much of an identity.

 Appendix 3 of the Feira document approaches the civilian aspect in this
manner: "The reinforcement of the Union's capabilities in civilian
aspects of crisis management should above all, provide it with adequate
means to face complex political crises by:

 - acting to prevent the eruption or escalation of conflicts;

 - consolidating peace and internal stability in periods of transition

 - ensuring complementarity 

Italy: Clashes Over Haider Visit - BBC

2000-12-18 Thread red-rebel

 Rome clashes erupt over Haider visit
 Hundreds of protesters marching against the visit of
 Austrian far-right 
 leader Joerg Haider to the Vatican have clashed with
 Italian riot police.
 Mr Haider, in Rome for the lighting of a Christmas
 tree given by his home 
 province of Carinthia, stoked the controversy with
 the latest in a series of 
 apparently anti-Semitic remarks he has made during
 his political career.
 Demonstrators threw bricks and cobblestones and
 police responded with tear 
 gas and beat many demonstrators to the ground with
 batons, witnesses said.
 They had been trying to force their way down the
 avenue leading to St 
 Peter's Square, where the Austrian Christmas tree is
 standing under heavy 
 But their path was blocked by police vans, while
 police formed a phalanx 
 with shields and batons and charged the
 demonstrators. One person was 
 injured in the clashes
 The confrontation took place about 500 metres from
 the square, but the 
 ceremony went ahead undisturbed, with the Austrian
 populist sitting in a 
 place of honour near the tree.
 Pope John Paul II did not attend the tree-lighting
 ceremony, but earlier in 
 the day Mr Haider had a private audience with him.
 Controversial remark
 Mr Haider's visit has provoked protests by
 politicians, the Jewish 
 community, wartime deportees and students.
 Rome's Jewish shopkeepers switched their lights off
 when the Christmas 
 tree's lights were switched on.
 Mr Haider's response, quoted by the Italian news
 agency Ansa, was to say: 
 "If they want to save electricity, let them do it."
 Vice-President of the World Jewish Congress Lord
 Janner said the Jewish 
 protest was "both dignified and appropriate" while
 Mr Haider's "revolting 
 response" was precisely what was expected of him.
 "It is immensley sad that such a great Pope would
 lower himself by meeting 
 this international pariah," he added.
 Papal audience
 Mr Haider's audience with the Pope was over in three
 The Pope gave him a copy of his New Year message
 warning against 
 nationalism, racism and xenophobia, but Mr Haider
 had no time to deliver his 
 pre-prepared remarks.
 The Vatican accepted the offer of a Christmas tree
 in 1997, when Mr Haider 
 was not governor of Carinthia.
 Mr Haider resigned as head of Austria's far-right
 Freedom Party after the 
 party's success at last year's general election
 earned it a place in the 
 governing coalition.
 He is notorious for making remarks apparently
 sympathetic to the policies of 
 Nazi Germany, and for xenophobic views on
 Protesters in Rome on Saturday said his visit was "a
 provocation and an 
 offence to the city's history".
 The Vatican has defended the meeting on the grounds
 that the Holy See is 
 open to all.
 The Vatican's number two, Cardinal Angelo Sodano,
 told the La Repubblica 
 newspaper: "We must make a difference between an
 error and one who errs."
 Vatican uneasy
 BBC Rome correspondent David Willey says the Vatican
 is clearly embarrassed 
 at the political row that has broken out over the
 Haider visit.
 However, the officials insist that timing of the
 release of the 
 anti-xenophobia message was coincidental.
 The controversy over Mr Haider's visit has been
 sharpened by a row over 
 remarks he made earlier this week criticising the
 Italian Government as 
 "overly generous" on immigration.
 Prime Minister Giuliano Amato said on Friday he
 would write to Austrian 
 Chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel to express his
 government's displeasure at Mr 
 Haider's criticism of President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi
 and Italy's policies on 
 "The government cannot but judge extremely severely
 such criticisms, which 
 are even more unacceptable coming from someone who
 holds an official 
 position in another European Union country," Mr
 Amato said.
 Mr Haider had said that Austria should reconsider
 its membership of the EU's 
 open-borders Schengen agreement because of Italy's
 The Italian president responded by explaining that
 Italy had always been a 
 country of migration and was a humane society.
 Then, in an interview with Italy's Corriere della
 Sera newspaper, the 
 Austrian populist said President Ciampi's response
 was typical of a 
 left-wing politician.



2000-12-18 Thread Mark Clement

Number 172
Monday December 18,2000

India may buy crude oil from Iraq at 7 usd/barrel: report 

BOMBAY (AFX-ASIA) - The Indian and Iraqi governments are working on a deal
whereby India will buy from Iraq crude oil at 7 usd a barrel in exchange for
wheat supplies, the Economic Times reported, quoting unnamed ministry

A government delegation will be visiting Iraq shortly to finalise the price
at which India will finally buy the oil and the amounts involved, it said.

The report said the deal, which is part of an oil-for-wheat programme, is
subject to UN approval.

The deal will also help India find an export market for its bumper wheat
crop, the report added.

It said the immediate effect of the deal would be to check the increasing
oil pool deficit, estimated to be in the region of 120 bln rupees by the end
of the current year to March.
If the deal goes through, the oil pool deficit may be wiped out and even
contribute positive cash flow into the account, the newspaper said.

It said the pricing of the oil is likely to be arrived at by subtracting
some cents from the average of the Dubai and Oman oil prices, yielding the
approximate price which India will pay per barrel to Iraq.

The reduction in the price is due to the inferior quality of Basrah light
oil as compared to Dubai and Oman, it added.

Iraq sends mixed signals with new oil premium demand 
By BridgeNews Nicosia--Dec. 18--Confusion continued to surround Iraqi oil
exports, despite a limited resumption, due to the latest reported Iraqi
demand for a premium of 40 U.S. cents to be paid into a non-U.N. account,
the Middle East Economic Survey (MEES) reported Monday. The U.N. Sanctions
Committee, which oversees the oil-for-aid program, is due to meet and
discuss the issue on Dec. 19.

MEES pointed out that while some cargoes had loaded and left from the Gulf
terminal of Mina al-Bakr, there had been no exports from the Turkish export
terminal of Ceyhan, in part due to a fall in Russian Urals differentials,
which has left Kirkuk uncompetitive in December.

"MEES soundings indicate there are two theories to explain the confusion
surrounding the surcharge issue," it said.
"The first is that the companies lifting from Mina al-Bakr have reached some
kind of special agreement with SOMO--to pay the surcharge by barter or other

"There has been speculation, for example, that the recently concluded
agreement between Iraq and India--covering, among other things, the exchange
of more Indian wheat for an increased volume of Iraqi oil--might have
provided a mechanism for circumventing the payment of the surcharge," it

MEES said the other theory is that SOMO is exempting lifters under the 8th
U.N. oil-for-food program (as all the current customers are) because of the
costly $60,000 per day demurrage that the lifters who already had their
ships at Mina al-Bakr have been paying.

There are 56 approved contracts for 77 million barrels yet to be sold from
the 8th phase, which officially ended on Dec. 5. Companies with tankers in
the northern Gulf are Bayoil, Vitol, Koch, Coastal, Taurus and IOC.
"For the moment, though, lifters who do not want to pay a surcharge are
faced with a confused picture. The Security Council is also left wondering
how to prevent the surcharge when there is no physical evidence that it is
being paid. This, perhaps, is Iraq's intention," MEES said.

These factors are combining to create uncertainty about the volume of Iraqi
crude that will reach the markets in December.

Aside from the confusion over the surcharge, SOMO needs to take steps to
adjust the price of Kirkuk crude to make it competitive with Urals. Unless
the price formula is amended, there are likely to be only small volumes, if
any, of Kirkuk crude exports from Ceyhan before January. 

Russia, US urge Baghdad to resume cooperation with UN

BridgeNews Moscow--Dec. 18--Russia and the United States at their
consultations over the weekend urged Iraq to resume cooperation with the
United Nations in the arms control sphere, a Russian Foreign Ministry
spokesman said Monday. Russia believes the restoration of international
control over the banned Iraqi military programs and resumption of Baghdad's
cooperation with the United Nations will pave the way for lifting the U.N.
sanctions against Iraq, the spokesman added.

"While discussing the situation around Iraq, Russian and U.S. officials have
supported the idea of restoring Baghdad's cooperation with the United
Nations as soon as possible in the sphere of arms monitoring," the spokesman

Russia also called for finding political solution to the no-fly-zones
problem, he said.

Moscow has repeatedly said it does not recognize the no-fly zones, enforced
by the United States and Great Britain, and condemned the continuing
air strikes against Iraq.

The sides have agreed to "deepen the discussion" of the issues related 


2000-12-18 Thread Bill Howard

- Original Message -
From: Global Network Against Weapons  Nuclear Power in Space
To: mailto:Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2000 7:45 PM
Subject: COLIN POWELL ON STAR WARS,,15-52851,00.html
=== + 
December 18, 2000

Powell insists defence rests on 'Star Wars'

  From Ian Brodie in Washington

GENERAL Colin Powell, America's new Secretary of State, has said
that the Bush Administration would make national missile defence (NMD)
an essential part of US strategic policy.

Russia, China and America's allies have all been alarmed at the idea
of NMD. General Powell made the comment after being invited at the
weekend to take up the role by George W. Bush, the President-elect.

Critics have said that building an NMD system would risk a new arms
race with Russia and China. Britain and other Nato allies have expressed
reservations, although Mr Bush has spoken of the need for ballistic
missile defences to include America's allies.

General Powell offered the rationale for NMD first given by Ronald
Reagan, for whom he worked as National Security Adviser. He said: "I
harken back to the original purpose of such a defence, to start
diminishing the value of offensive weapons." It was time to take away
the blackmail inherent in some regimes having such weapons and "thinking
they can hold us hostage", he said.

Robin Cook, the British Foreign Secretary, is known to be worried by
the US plan because it would mean breaching the 1972 Anti-Ballistic
Missile Treaty and could damage relations with Russia. During the
election campaign Mr Bush called for deployment of a more expansive
missile system than the limited "Son of Star Wars" pursued under Mr
Clinton, who put off making a final decision after a string of failed

Mr. Bush said that ballistic missile defences should also protect
America's allies. The Republican platform promised that a Bush
Administration would spend billions of dollars to research and deploy a
robust missile defence system, including sea-based missiles, that would
extend a shield around Europe, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.

Mr. Bush's advisers argue that the rise of Iraq, Iran and North
Korea as potential missile-building states has changed the strategic
balance. General Powell described Russia and China as countries the US
would attempt to work with "not as potential enemies or adversaries, but
not yet as strategic partners".

He also said that the new Administration will undertake a review of
the role of US troops in Bosnia and Kosovo.

As well as reaching out to the black community with the appointment
of General Powell, and of Condoleezza Rice as National Security Adviser,
Mr Bush sought to include the Hispanic community by choosing Al
Gonzales, a judge on the Texas Supreme Court, as his chief White House

Mr. Bush flew from Texas to Washington last night for meetings with
Alan Greenspan, chairman of the Federal Reserve, President Clinton,
Vice-President Al Gore and members of Congress. He will also interview
potential Cabinet members.

In state capitals across the United States today, 538 members of the
Electoral College will be meeting to cast their votes for President: 271
for Mr Bush and 267 for Mr Gore.

Despite speculation, no "faithless electors" have come forward to
say that they will switch votes.

=== + =

Bruce K. Gagnon
Global Network Against Weapons  Nuclear Power in Space
PO Box 90083
Gainesville, FL. 32607
(352) 337-9274

Solidarity Statement with the Palestinian People taken in Athens meeting

2000-12-18 Thread Bill Howard

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2000 11:17 PM
Subject: CP of Greece, Solidarity Statement with the Palestinian People taken in
Athens meeting

The purpose of the Solid Net ( Solidarity Network ) is to inform on the
activities as well as the ideological and political views of different
Communist and Workers’ Parties on National and International issues. All
articles in the SolidNet are the responsibility of the authors and in no
way commit this Web Site.

 CP of Greece, Solidarity Statement with the Palestinian People taken in
 Athens meeting
From: Communist Party of Greece, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Solidarity Statement with the Palestinian People taken in Athens meeting

We representatives of Communist and Workers’ Parties of the Southern and
Eastern Mediterranean, the Gulf Region and the Red Sea, meeting in
Athens on 16th December 2000 at the fringes of the 16th Congress of the
Communist Party of Greece, declare our condemnation to the Israeli
bloody aggression on the Palestinian people, and confirm our full
support with their legitimate just struggle for independence and
national sovereignty and the return of the Palestinian refugees
according to the resolutions of the international legitimacy and condemn
the American policy that take the side of its strategic ally Israel.

We salute the just struggle of the Palestinian people and its heroic
steadfastness and great sacrifices in facing the Israeli aggression, and
we appeal to all peace-loving and freedom forces all over the world to
accelerate their solidarity activities with the Palestinian people to:
1.  Stop the Israeli aggression and its bloody crimes and lift the
Israeli military, economic sanctions imposed on the Palestinian people.
2.  Continue the struggle and pressure on all levels to force the
Israeli government to abide to the international legitimacy especially
resolutions 242,338,194 and implement them to ensure the complete
Israeli withdrawal from all Arab territories in Syria and Lebanon
occupied since the 5th of June 1967, and demolish all its settlements
and  establish the Palestinian independent sovereign State with Eastern
Jerusalem as its capital.
3.  Provide immediate international Protection to the Palestinian People
to ensure their security until  their independence.
4.  Form international investigation commission to investigate the
Israeli occupation, and punish the criminals according to the
International Law and Geneva agreement.
5.  Demand the UN sponsor to the future negotiations to brake the
American monopoly in leading the negotiations, due to the American role
in taking bluntly the side of Israel in its aggression.

Athens, 16th December  2000

Egyptian Communist Party
AKEL of Cyprus
Communist Party of Greece
Tudeh Party of Iran
Iraqi Communist Party
Communist Party of Kurdistan-Iraq
Communist Party of Israel
Jordanian Communist Party
Lebanese Communist Party
Palestinian People’s Party
Communist Party of Sudan
Syrian Communist Party
Syrian Communist Party

Resolution of the meeting of Communist and Worker's Parties in Athens16/12/2000

2000-12-18 Thread Bill Howard

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2000 11:21 PM
Subject: CP of Greece, Resolution of the meeting of Communist and Worker's Parties in

The purpose of the Solid Net ( Solidarity Network ) is to inform on the
activities as well as the ideological and political views of different
Communist and Workers’ Parties on National and International issues. All
articles in the SolidNet are the responsibility of the authors and in no
way commit this Web Site.
CP of Greece, Resolution of the meeting of Communist and Worker's
  Parties in Athens16/12/2000
From: Communist Party of Greece, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


  In Athens, at the 16th of December 2000, there has been held a
meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties of the Southern and Eastern
Mediterranean, the Gulf Region and the Red Sea.

 There was consensus among the Parties concerned as far as the
necessity of holding this meeting was concerned and of the need of
further coordination of their joint action, because of the significant
developments  since their latest meeting in Athens, in March 1997.

 In this meeting, new developments covering this period and
conclusions deriving from the following issues have been debated:

1)  The failure of the peace process in Palestine and the brutal effort
of repression unleashed against the new Intifadha by the Israel’s
military forces.

2)  The aggressiveness of imperialism on international and regional
level has been manifest during this period with NATO attacks against FR
of Yugoslavia, showing its brutal face in the effort to impose
imperialist new order in the region. The new NATO doctrine, officially
adopted in April 1999 in Washington, does not recognize the rules of
International law and the UNO and constitutes a direct threat against
all peoples.

3)  The development of anti-imperialist and anti-NATO movements of a
whole range of forces opposing barbarity and wars emanating from
imperialism and fighting against them.

4)  The rise of peoples’ mobilization and the development of broad
popular movements against G- 8, WTO, IMF, WB but also EU Summit
meetings’ policies constitute new elements of resistance against the
policies of capital, which goes on concentrating wealth in ever fewer
hands, increasing poverty, spreading unemployment and wishing to wrest
from the working people all their rights and gains.

5)  The importance acquired by the broad and multiform character of
anti-imperialist forces and movements, both in the developed capitalist
countries and in the developing ones, embracing national liberation,
patriotic, progressive and democratic forces and movements interested in
world problems as peace, environment etc and the class conscious labour
and communist forces.

6)  The important position of communist and labour forces among the
decisive factors in organizing  of the general effort of the movements
and organizations resisting imperialism and of the various activities in
developing in this field.

 The participants agreed in the following positions of struggle and

 They condemn the effort of and coordinate their struggle against the
creation of a new International Law, vindicating the rotten principle
that Might is Right.
 They support the principle of non - intervention in the internal
affairs of sovereign independent states and the respect of the
states’ integrity and independence.
 They defend the right of each people to choose in a sovereign way
their manner of government and determine their own future.
 They declare their opposition against NATO and its new doctrine, which
does not recognize borders or limits of action, as well as against any
effort of broadening the said organization eastwards or southwards.
 They oppose the creation of forces of rapid intervention and the
creation of a separate EU  army.

  They agree:
 upon the necessity of undertaking active initiatives against the
policies of imperialist countries and transnational enterprises and of
intensifying the struggle against the policies and resolutions of G- 8,
WTO, IMF and WB, which express domination of imperialism and monopoly
capital, aiming at the rights of working people and at the countries and
peoples  that resist against their plans
 upon the need of development of a broad movement of defense of the
gains of the working people and upon the undertaking initiatives for
coordination and cooperation with the class organizations of working

Nostradamus wrote:

2000-12-18 Thread Bill Howard

Who wants to be Leader?...

- Original Message - 
From: Charles Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2000 7:18 PM
Subject: Re: To CB Re: [CrashList] Common Ground

From Nostradamus'Predictions:

In 1555, Nostradamus wrote:

 Come the millennium, month 12,
 In the home of greatest power,
 The village idiot will come forth
 To be acclaimed the leader.

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Forum discusses farm crisis and Cuba

2000-12-18 Thread Bill Howard

- Original Message - 
From: Barry Schier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2000 3:45 PM
Subject: [CubaNews] Forum discusses farm crisis and Cuba

The Militant - upcoming issue with Christmas 2000 date

Forum discusses farm crisis and Cuba 
(front page)

DES MOINES, Iowa--Two Midwest farmers discussed "the worldwide crisis 
of agriculture--from Iowa and Wisconsin to the United Kingdom and 
Cuba" at a Militant Labor Forum here December 2. 
One speaker was Wisconsin dairy farmer Randy Jasper, who had just 
returned from a trip to the United Kingdom where he participated in a 
November 14 rally organized by farmers and truckers against soaring 
fuel prices. The other, Larry Ginter, is an Iowa hog farmer active in 
Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement and other struggles. 
Ginter noted the national and international competition between 
agriculture-related corporations lies behind the economic squeeze on 
farmers, and workers as well. Jasper said that four companies now 
control 80 percent of cattle and hog slaughter, and three control 80 
percent of grain production. 
He noted that this trend toward consolidation of companies during the 
years of the Clinton administration is "going just as fast as it did 
under the Republicans." 
Jasper explained how one consequence of this concentration is that 
farmers confront high prices from their suppliers and low prices for 
the commodities they sell. "My milk prices now are what they were 30 
years ago," he explained. "Take your wages back 30 years and leave 
your rent and food prices alone--where would you be?" 
Both farmers also took up the question of biotechnology--genetically 
engineered crops--under capitalism. Ginter noted that biotechnology 
has the potential to "solve the age old problems of hunger, sickness, 
and unsafe food." But it has a "sinister side or an ulterior motive 
of power and greed" as well. "It is truly the double-edged sword." 
Thousands of farmers are facing problems with StarLink corn, which 
has not been approved for human consumption. Many farmers were not 
told of various problems with growing the corn and now cannot sell 
their crop because StarLink corn has been mixed in. 
Ginter gave the example of the "aptly-named terminator gene," which 
sterilizes seeds to prevent them from being used again the following 
year to plant with. Many Third World peasant farmers who replant the 
seeds of their recently harvested crops, "would be forced to buy year 
after year from the agribusiness conglomerates," he said. 
Jasper told of the big impact that the negative side of biotechnology 
had on him as an activist and fighter. "Everybody reaches a line in 
the sand," he explained. "For me, it was when Bovine Growth Hormone 
[BGH] came around." This substance speeds up the production of milk 
in dairy cows, he explained, but in a manner that endangers the 
health of the cows and the quality of dairy products. 
Out of their experiences fighting the crisis conditions generated by 
capitalism on the land, both of these veteran activists have learned 
about the land reform and socialist revolution in Cuba, a country 
where unlike in the United States or United Kingdom, as Jasper put 
it, "Farmers are highly respected and make money." 
Jasper's observations, based on his participation in a delegation of 
U.S. farmers and workers hosted by the National Association of Small 
Farmers (ANAP) of Cuba last Spring, were a particular focus of 
interest at the forum. He said there were 900 cooperatives 
represented at the congress, noting the high number of small farmers 
in the country. 
Despite the collapse of trade and aid from the former Soviet Union in 
the early 1990s, something Cubans "called the Special Period--we'd 
have called it the disaster area--Cuban farmers have actually raised 
their production," Jasper explained. "They have their own school, 
health care, doctor, a community building right on their farm." 
"In reality," Jasper stated, "I think the Special Period probably 
made them a lot stronger. Because they've actually increased 
production considerably without chemicals. 
"In reference to what we have," he said, "Cuba is a poor country. But 
they're happy. They have what they need, so they're not poor. About 
80 percent of what they produce on their farms is sold to the 
government at a good price, where they make money. Five percent more 
is paid in taxes. Fifteen percent is sold on the open market." 
Jasper was struck by the respect for farmers and farming shown by the 
people he met in Havana. He noted that delegates to the ANAP congress 
stayed with people in the city who volunteered to put them up. 
The U.S. government "is scared of Cuba for one reason: the attitude 
of the people," Jasper insisted. "Because if people here felt the way 
people do there, the government we have, which is run by big 
business, would be in trouble. That's the fear of Cuba." 

Korean Central News Agency Dec 18

2000-12-18 Thread heikki sipilä

TODAY'S NEWS (December.18.2000 Juche 89)


   * Greetings to Slovene Prime Minister

   * Kim Jong Il praised as captivating leader

   * Establishment of diplomatic relations between DPRK and UK hailed

   * Secretary of U.S. Army denies shooting orders for Rogun-ri mass

   * Anti-reunification remarks condemned

   * Many films produced

   * Repeal of SL urged in S. Korea

   * Removal of concrete wall urged

 For Spanish-speaking people

   * comunicado conjunto de cuarta ronda de conversaciones a nivel de

   * vana ilusion de japon

Greetings to Slovene Prime Minister

Pyongyang, December 18 (KCNA) -- Hong Song Nam, premier of the DPRK
cabinet, on Dec. 15 sent a
message of greetings to Janez Drnovsek upon his reelection as Prime
Minister of the Republic of Slovenia.
The message wished him greater success in his responsible work.
Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun sent a message of greetings to
his counterpart of Slovenia
Dimitrije Rupel.

Kim Jong Il praised as captivating leader

Pyongyang, December 18 (KCNA) -- The Egypt-Korea Friendship Association
published a bulletin on
Dec. 10 to mark the 9th anniversary of the great leader Kim Jong Il's
election as Supreme Commander of the
Korean People's Army.
Kim Jong Il is a brilliant commander possessed of far-sighted wisdom
and matchless courage and will,
the bulletin said, and went on:
His organizing ability and commanding art are very extraordinary.
The iron discipline and perfect order in which the whole army and
country and all people act as one on
the instruction of the Supreme Commander have been established in the DPRK.
And the revolutionary
commanding system and military discipline have been established and the
strong sense of organization and
discipline has prevailed within the people's army. All these would have
been unthinkable without his
distinguished leadership ability.
Benevolent and army-first politics is his peculiar political mode. What
attracts particular attention is the
policy of giving priority to the army.
He is, indeed, an ideal statesman and fascinating leader perfectly
possessed of literary and military

Establishment of diplomatic relations between DPRK and UK hailed

Pyongyang, December 18 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed
commentary hails the recent
opening of diplomatic relations between the DPRK and the United Kingdom.
This event is a result of the independent foreign policies and
activities of the two countries, the
commentary observes, and goes on:
Independence, peace and friendship are the idea of the consistent
foreign policy of the Worker's Party of
Korea and the government of the DPRK.
Guided by this idea, the DPRK has developed friendly relations with
different countries of the world
advocating independence and invariably maintained the stand to develop
friendly relations with those capitalist
countries that respect the DPRK's sovereignty and are friendly to it.
The normalization of relations between the DPRK and countries of the
European Union will positively
help expand and develop relations with them in various fields and ensure
peace and security in northeast Asia
and, furthermore, in the rest of the world.
There is increasing concern of the international community for the DPRK
and it has become an
irresistible trend of the times for different countries to improve
relations with the DPRK.
The DPRK government will as ever develop the relations of friendship,
cooperation and
good-neighborliness with all countries of the world that advocate
independence, respect the DPRK's
sovereignty and are friendly to it.

Secretary of U.S. Army denies shooting orders for Rogun-ri mass killings

Pyongyang, December 18 (KCNA) -- Caldera, secretary of the U.S. Army,
when interviewed by a U.S.
Daily on Dec. 14 denied shooting orders related to the mass killings of
civilians in Rogun-ri, according to the
South Korean "Yonhap News" (internet).
He said that an investigation of Rogun-ri case that occurred in the
summer of 1950 has been made for
over 1 year but did not find conclusive evidence that the then u.s.
soldiers had orders to shoot civilians.
"Yonhap News" recalled that McCloskey, member of the U.S. private
advisory panel in charge of
supervising the investigation of Rogun-ri case, had noted in early December
he strongly disagrees with the
hazy conclusion of an investigation team of the U.S. Army that they did not
find enough evidence that the
U.S. soldiers had orders to shoot civilians.
McCloskey, saying that the Pentagon was too quick to dismiss the
testimony of U.S. Korean war
veterans, asserted that there is no question that there were orders,
"Yonhap News" held.

Anti-reunification remarks condemned

Pyongyang, December 18 (KCNA) -- Some countries surrounding Korea
recently made remarks harmful
to Korea's reunification to throw a wet blanket over the 

China. People´s Daily Dec 19

2000-12-18 Thread heikki sipilä


   Tuesday, December 19, 2000, updated at 12:23(GMT+8)

   Jiang Zemin to Arrive in Macao for Anniversary

   Chinese President Jiang Zemin is scheduled to arrive
   in Macao by special plane Tuesday afternoon to attend
   the celebrations of the 1st anniversary of the
   establishment of the Macao Special Administrative
   Region (SAR).

   Jiang, who is also General Secretary of the Central
   Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and
   Chairman of the Central Military Commission, will fly
   into Macao from Beijing in the company of SAR Chief
   Executive Edmund Ho Hau Wah.

   During his December 19-21 stay in Macao, Jiang is
   scheduled to attend a banquet later Tuesday and a
   grand gathering celebrating the SAR's first
   anniversary Wednesday morning, and meet with some
   local celebrities.

   Jiang's upcoming visit to Macao has become a hot
   topic for local residents and hit the headlines of
   major local newspapers. Large red lanterns and
   banners with welcoming words for Jiang are seen in
   downtown areas in the coastal city with strong
   festive flavor.

   Macao returned to the motherland on December 20,
   1999, when Jiang attended a ceremony here and
   declared that China resumed the exercise of
   sovereignty over Macao.


Top 10 Chinese News Events of 2000
The editor-in-chiefs and deputy editor-in-chiefs of 11 major Beijing-based
newspapers, 2 national news agencies and 2 national radio stations December
18 selected China's Top 10 News Events of the year 2000.

The following are the events in descending order of significance:

1. The 5th Plenary Session of the 15th Central Committee of the Communist
Party of China held during October 9-10 mapped the blueprint for the
country's development in the 2001-2005 period.

Chinese President Jiang Zemin pointed out at the plenary session that in
the new century China will build a well-to-do society in an all-around way.

2. A State Council meeting on developing China's western regions was held
from January 19-22. The meeting urged all localities to take every
opportunity to accelerate economic development in China's western regions.
The meeting also initiated the developing the west movement all around the

3. The China-Africa Cooperation Forum -- Ministerial Conference Beijing
2000 was held from October 10-12 and was attended by nearly 80 ministers
from African countries and leaders of about 20

international and African regional organizations.

The documents adopted at the forum mapped out the development course for
the long-term, stable and mutually-beneficial Sino-African partnership in
the 21st century. The forum provided a good opportunity for China and
African countries to coordinate their positions on the challenges of
globalization, promoting world peace and development, and protecting the
interests of developing countries.

4. China wrapped up its amazing Olympic run on October 1 in Sydney with 59
medals, including 28 golds, 16 silvers and 15 bronzes, finishing third
behind the United States and Russia.

5. Cheng Kejie was executed on September 14 by the No.1 Intermediate
People's Court of Beijing after the confirmation and approval by China's
Supreme People's Court.

Cheng, former vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the National
People's Congress, was found guilty of accepting huge sums of bribes, in
collaboration with his mistress Li Ping.

6. Twenty-five separate cases of multi-billion-dollar smuggling scams in
the east China port city of Xiamen were openly handled on November 8.
Fourteen people involved in the cases were sentenced to death.

Investigations found that the Lai Changxing smuggling group and others had
smuggled refined oil, vegetable oil, cars and cigarettes worth 53 billion
yuan (approximately US$6.4 billion) and evaded customs duties of up to 30
billion yuan since 1996.

7. China has basically reached its three-year object of turning its large
and medium-sized state-own enterprises (SOE) from losing money into
profit-making ones, thanks to the government's "pro-active fiscal policy"
and various reform measures, declared Sheng Huaren, minister in charge of
the State Economic and Trade Commission, on December 11.

SOEs are expected to see a yearly profit of 230 billion yuan (approximately
US$28 billion) in 2000; most of the 14 industries such as textiles,
petrochemical, machinery, electronic, 

Weekly News Update on Colombia #568, 12/17/00

2000-12-18 Thread Pakito Arriaran

 ISSUE #568, DECEMBER 17, 2000
 (212) 674-9499 [EMAIL PROTECTED]


On Dec. 15, Colombian union leader Wilson Borja was wounded and
two people were killed in an attack against Borja by hired
killers in front of his home in Bogota. The union leader was hit
by three bullets but was declared out of danger. One of the
alleged attackers was killed, as was a street vendor caught in
the crossfire between Borja's bodyguards and the attackers. One
of Borja's bodyguards was wounded. 
Borja, president of the National Federation of State Workers
(Fenaltrase) and a member of the Colombian Communist Party,
blamed rightwing paramilitary groups for the attack, and said
they had been threatening him recently. Borja has been part of a
group seeking to initiate peace talks between the government and
the National Liberation Army (ELN). Colombia's main labor
federations, the Unitary Workers Federation (CUT), the General
Confederation of Democratic Workers and the Colombian Workers
Confederation (CTC), responded to the attack against Borja by
calling a protest strike for Dec. 18. 
CUT president Luis Eduardo Garzon said 70 unionists have been
murdered so far this year; other local organizations say that
number is at least 116. Most were killed by rightwing
paramilitaries. [El Nuevo Herald 12/16/00 from Reuters; La
Republica (Lima) 12/16/00 from EFE]
Meanwhile, Colombian defense minister Luis Fernando Ramirez said
in an interview on Dec. 12 that some military officers have
joined paramilitary groups or guerrilla groups because they can
earn more money there than in the army. "I have to say that some
people from the [military] institution even quit to go join the
self-defense [paramilitary] and guerrilla groups because they
were paying them more money," Ramirez told the Bogota daily El
Tiempo. [LR 12/13/00 from AFP]

Colombia's 5,000-member U'wa indigenous tribe has stepped up its
campaign to stop the Los Angeles-based oil company Occidental
Corp. (Oxy) from drilling on their traditional lands. On Dec. 12,
U'wa chief Roberto Perez visited the San Francisco offices of
investment firm Sanford C. Bernstein and delivered a letter of
protest asking the company to dump its Oxy stock. 
Sanford C. Bernstein is the latest target in the campaign to
defend U'wa land, after Boston-based Fidelity Investments dumped
about 60% of its Oxy stock, worth over $400 million, in September
following an extensive campaign against Fidelity by the U'wa and
their supporters. A Fidelity spokesperson insisted that the 60%
divestment from Oxy was "based solely on the merits of the
company, and was not connected in any way to the U'wa campaign."
Oxy began drilling at the Gibraltar 1 test well on U'wa land in
early November, after months of delay due to court battles and
protests [see Update #562]. [Reuters 12/13/00; U'wa Emergency
Updates 12/6/00, 12/13/00]
Fidelity's divestment came after demonstrations and civil
disobedience actions were held at more than 75 Fidelity offices
worldwide. Over the past year, the New York-based Sanford C.
Bernstein  Co. LLC, a subsidiary of Alliance Capital Management
L.P., increased its shares by 10 million to become Oxy's top
investor, and as of Nov. 29 controlled over 53 million shares of
Oxy stock valued at more than $1.1 billion dollars. Sanford
Bernstein's Vice Chair, Roger Hertog, can be reached at the
company's headquarters at 767 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY
10153-0185; fax #212-756-4453; phone #212-756-4389. [U'wa
Emergency Updates 12/6/00]
Last April Hertog promised the U'wa that he would seriously
investigate the matter and look into his company's investments in
Oxy, then let the U'wa know his position. Since then, his company
acquired the additional 10 million shares of Oxy stock without
communicating again with the U'wa. [U'wa Working Group Press
Release 12/12/00]
Weekly News Update on the Americas * Nicaragua Solidarity Network of NY
339 Lafayette St, New York, NY 10012  *  212-674-9499 fax: 212-674-9139   *[EMAIL PROTECTED] 