2000-12-26 Thread heikki sipilä

From: Arlene Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My understanding is about this situation from sources who are more
knowledgeable than I am about this region is that Milsosevic was supported
by the US but then the US ceased supporting him. So, now, Kostunica was made
president. The US controls nearly every election beginning with Italy in
1947 so it is just a matter of course, that the US especially control your
election and make it impossible for the people to elect the one that they
feel would be better because people's minds are manipulated by my
government, the US. If an election takes place such as the recent on in
Haiti did in which the best candidate wins, it doesn't take very long before
that person is deposed by my government. The last time Jean Bertrand
Aristide was elected he lasted in power only a few months.

This is the reality right now. However, last night, I provided the password
to access my entire periodical online by many people throughout the world
because I do not tolerate what my government is doing to people throughout
the world.

One relatively secret organization wants to make the Balkan states the next
Third World region. I suspect that was the reason why the various wars took
place. None of us wants that so when we all come together, we will prevent
that from happening because no country should be a Third World nation and no
country should have war.

I will say the password here again because it is vitally important. We have
a new regime coming into the White House as everybody knows. The man is a
common criminal. Most of you probably realize that his grandfather supported
Hitler during the Second World War. You no more want his grandson to be in
the White House than you wanted war in the Balkans.

The password to my unique periodical is the word "freedom" without the quote
marks for the first four quarterly editions. My periodical will hopefully
will be available in February, 2001. I will send an Email when it is
available so you won't have to wonder. Feel free to provide this password to
anyone except the CIA-drugs listserv or the She Who Remembers listserv. I
don't trust them. I think that they are diametrically opposed to peace.



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Havana Radio Dec 22. More Coups

2000-12-26 Thread heikki sipilä

X-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Unverified)

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit
Radio Havana Cuba - News Update - 22 December 2000




Havana, December 22 (RHC)-- The 6th Ordinary Session of the Cuban
Parliament wound up Thursday night after a one-day meeting. The 545
deputies approved the state's budget legislation plus the guidelines
of the economic and social project for the year 2001.

The state budget includes over 6.2 million dollars for educational
and health programs, retirement benefits and social assistance.

During the Parliamentary sessions, Cuban Economy and Planning
Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez said that despite the unfavorable
economic situation in the world, Cuba's Gross Domestic Product has
grown to 5.6 of instead of the predicted 4.5.

The Cuban Parliament granted recognition to the Cuban people for
their battle for Elian Gonzalez' return to Cuba and they agreed to
continue in their battle of ideas. The Cuban Parliament's also
supported the extradition of terrorist Luis Posada Carriles and his
accomplices who are detained in Panama for entering the country with
false documents and attempting to assassinate Cuban President Fidel
Castro during last month's Ibero-American Summit.


Havana, December 22 (RHC)-- Cubans are celebrating, Friday, Teacher's
Day in commemoration of the literacy campaign, which was launched by
the Cuban government in the early days of the Revolution with the
participation of dozens of thousands of young people in the

Meanwhile, Cuban Health Minister Carlos Dotres congratulated the
sector's professors for their role in the well being of the Cuban

The Cuban official presided at the national activity for Teacher's
Day at the Victoria de Giron School of Medicine in Havana in which
118 professors from the country's health system took part.

He added that despite the lack of resources resulting from
Washington's blockade against the island, the people's health is the
one of the Cuban government's priority.


Havana, December 22 (RHC)-- Cuban scientists developed, for the first
time, reagents for the laboratory diagnosis of cholera.

According to Gilberto Moya Justiz, specialist in microbiology and
head of the investigative team, the production of the reagents
represents a saving of a quarter million dollars in imports.

Speaking to Prensa Latina news agency, Moya Justiz explained that
until now Cuba has imported the cholera reagents at a price ranging
between 18 and 36 dollars for every milliliter, or about 30 drops.

The Cuban reagents will guarantee that the national laboratory
network will have enough of the diagnostic materials in the event of
a cholera outbreak.


Havana, December 22 (RHC)-- The Local Human Development Program
underway in Cuba was characterized Wednesday in Havana as a
cooperation project that has gone beyond expectations during a three
party meeting with representatives from Italy, Cuba and the United
Nations Development Program.

All three parties are attempting to strengthen the mechanisms
and instruments for local economic development, particularly with the
generation of jobs in Old Havana, western Pinar del Rio and eastern
Granma province.

Thanks to the Local Human Development Program in the western province
of Pinar del Rio local authorities have achieved the restoration of
an aqueduct in the region of Minas de Matahambre, while work has been
done to combat the drought in the eastern part of the island.
In Old Havana, the cooperation project are dedicated to hygiene,
medical emergencies and public lighting.

(c) 2000 Radio Habana Cuba, NY Transfer News. All rights reserved.
  NY Transfer News Collective   *   A Service of Blythe Systems
Since 1985 - Information for the Rest of Us
339 Lafayette St., New York, NY 10012
  http://www.blythe.org  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
rhc-eng-234672000-Dec-22 23:49:33 " JC


subject: One Coup follows another: The end of What?
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2000 02:43:11 -0500
Subject:  One Coup Follows Another: the End of WBAI?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

One Coup Follows Another: the End of WBAI?
Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit
source: Mitchel Cohen mitchelcohen @ mindspring.com
23 December 00:30

Dear Folks,

Just received a call (followed by 20 emails) that Pacifica National
Board Director Bessie Wash is right now at WBAI 

Havana Radio Dec 23-24. Culture-Information

2000-12-26 Thread heikki sipilä

X-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Unverified)

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit
Radio Havana Cuba - News Update - 23-24 December 2000








Havana, December 23rd (RHC)- Due to its excellent results in the
education sector Villa Clara, in Cuba's central province, will be the
site for the national celebration event for Teacher's Day on

Luis Ignacio Gomez, Cuba's Education Minister, affirmed that this
province forged the path leading to quality of education and teaching
plus a high level of scholarship with high academic results.

In Villa Clara school attendance surpasses 98 percent, and many
schools have been restored by the teacher's own efforts. This
resulted in classes starting with a maximum of 20 students per class
in primary schools and 30 in secondary school classes. It has
guaranteed, without doubt, say observers, a better educational


Havana, December 23rd (RHC)-- Today's monthly concert performed by
the Elementary School of Music, Manuel Saumell, will be dedicated to
the 42nd anniversary of the Triumph of the Cuban Revolution.

This traditional musical event will also celebrate the coming of the
New Millennium and with it, the end of the year 2000 and the 20th

Piano and saxophone students joined by the chorus from the School of
Music will give the performance.


Havana December 23 (RHC)--The Cuban Parliament has approved a 755
million dollar Food Subsidy for the year 2001.

In an editorial in today's newspaper Granma, the government's aim is
to maintain stable prices for basic food products, it was affirmed.

The paper recalls that despite the adverse circumstances and
the ever-tightening U.S. economic war against Cuba, the island's
government has never abandoned its policy of subsidizing in key
sectors, such as the food industry.

Granma points out that due to the Helms-Burton Law and
other extraterritorial U.S. anti-Cuba legislation preventing U.S.
farmers from selling their products to Cuba, the island has to pay
over 100 million dollars extra annually to buy food products that
could be purchased at significantly lower prices in the United

Finally, the editorial recalls that 89 percent of calories, as well
as 93 percent of proteins and the 80 percent of the fat that Cubans
consume every year come from the national market and state subsidies.

Other subsidized sectors in Cuba include energy and transportation,
while others such education and health are totally free-of-charge.


Havana, December 23 (RHC)-- The President of the Cuban-Arab
Friendship Association, renowned Cuban orthopedist Dr. Rodrigo
Alvarez Cambras, demanded Israel's compliance with UN resolutions,
calling for the withdrawal of all Israeli troops from the occupied
Palestinian territories.

Speaking to the press in Havana, Alvarez Cambras also condemned the
U.S.-led blockade against Iraq.

The Cuban-Arab Friendship Association works jointly with Cuba's
Arab Association, assisting numerous students from the Middle East
who are taking courses here in Cuba.


Havana, December 23rd (RHC)--The Inglaterra Hotel, which opened its
doors on December 23rd, 1875, will celebrate its 125th anniversary
this Saturday with several activities, including the launch of their
new winter menu.

The hotel, designed and built by Cubans, incorporates many artistic
features by top Cuban artists and craftspeople, which reflect the
Island's commitment to combine tourism and culture.

The four star hotel with 83 rooms is going into its 125th anniversary
having fulfilled its main economic projections and contributing the
equivalent of more than 100 thousand dollars in hard currency to the
Cuban economy.

This is the Havana's oldest hotel. It has cultural, historical
and architectural value, which won it national monument status in



Cuba's national educational system has been developed to guarantee
complete training of all of its citizens, while actively expanding
their cultural horizons. The Cuban Revolution began its social
endeavors with this as its principal task. And this work, reinforced
over the last four decades, has more force and emphasis than ever

This constant improvement of the level of public 

Korean Central News Agency Dec 25

2000-12-26 Thread heikki sipilä

TODAY'S NEWS (December.25.2000 Juche 89)


   * Kim Jong Il inspects KPA unit no. 2752

   * Kim Jong Il sees art performance of KPA merited choir

   * Agreement signed between DPRK and Yugoslavia

   * Yang Hyong Sop meets Chinese state sport delegation

   * 2001 protocol on sport exchange signed between DPRK and China

   * Lecture held by Chongryon

   * New Korean documentary film released

   * Russian paper on Korean socialism

   * Evening gala held

   * Colorful functions held abroad

   * Wreath laid before Kim Jong Suk's bust

   * Mammoth sit-in strike in S. Korea

   * Celebrations held

   * UN appeal for aid package

   * Land leveling and rezoning progress apace

   * Anniversary of Kim Jong Il's work marked

Kim Jong Il inspects KPA unit no. 2752

Pyongyang, December 25 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il on
December 24 inspected unit no.
2752 of the KPA honored with the title of "O Jung Hup's 7th regiment."
Looking round the historic site of the unit twice honored with
on-the-spot guidance of the President Kim
Il Sung, Kim Jong Il noted with great satisfaction that soldiers have
tended forests in the area they are
stationed with good care to create a beautiful landscape.
He went to a training ground and a technical lecture room of the unit
and saw a drill of its soldiers.
Greatly satisfied to see all the soldiers fully prepared as
a-match-for-a-hundred combatants capable of reliably
defending the socialist homeland by thoroughly carrying out the policy of
the Worker's Party of Korea on
training, he set forth highly important tasks which would serve as a
guideline in further strengthening the
people's army into invincible revolutionary armed forces.
Then, looking round a servicemen's hall, education and bed rooms, a
entertainment and supply service facilities, he took warm care of the
living of the soldiers as their fathers
would do.
He expressed great satisfaction over the fact that the unit has not
only built all the supply service facilities
needed for the living of the soldiers but also created good conditions for
meals through meticulous supply
services and highly appreciated their achievements.
Saying that the commanding officers of the unit have made signal
successes by paying deep attention to
managing the unit as those of the anti-Japanese guerrillas did, he told
that all the units should follow their
He gave a pair of binoculars and an automatic rifle to the unit as
gifts and had a picture taken with its
He was accompanied by Jo Myong Rok, director of the general political
department of the KPA, Kim
Yong Chun, chief of the general staff of the KPA, Kim Il Chol, Minister of
the People's Armed Forces, and
general officers of the KPA.
The visiting party also included Ri Yong Chol, Pak Song Bong and Jang
Song Thaek, first vice
department directors of the WPK Central Committee.

Kim Jong Il sees art performance of KPA merited choir

Pyongyang, December 25 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il enjoyed
an art performance given
by the merited choir of the KPA together with KPA officers and men on
December 24.
Seeing the performance together with him were Jo Myong Rok, director of
the general political
department of the KPA, Kim Yong Chun, chief of the general staff of the
KPA, Kim Il Chol, Minister of the
People's Armed Forces, Ri Yong Mu, vice-chairman of the DPRK National
Defence Commission, and
general officers of the KPA.
Also in the audience were Choe Thae Bok and Kim Kuk Thae, secretaries
of the WPK Central
Committee, department directors and first vice department directors and
other leading officials of the WPK
Central Committee, senior officials of the press, senior writers,
journalists and editors.
The KPA merited choir honored with "Kim Il Sung Order" put on the stage
numbers including "Comrade
Kim Jong Il Is Our Supreme Commander," "Desire of Soldiers," "March of
Soldiers" and "Long March for
Army-first Revolution."
The performers sang praises of the immortal feats of Kim Jong Il who
has ushered in a new era of a great
turn in the history of building a prosperous and powerful nation by leading
to victory the Juche-based cause
of army building and the cause of socialism with his experienced and
seasoned revolutionary guidance.
He expressed great satisfaction over the fact that the artistes of the
merited choir gave an excellent
performance of high ideological and artistic value, which represents the
faith and will of Korea and the
revolutionary spirit of soldiers.
Saying that the KPA merited choir has instilled matchless strength and
valor into the people's army and
people advancing under the uplifted red flag by taking the lead in the
march in the era of army-first revolution
over the past five years, and thus greatly contributed to accomplishing the
revolutionary cause, he highly
appreciated their success and expressed thanks to them.


China. People´s Daily Dec 26

2000-12-26 Thread heikki sipilä


   Tuesday, December 26, 2000, updated at 13:21(GMT+8)

   China to Build 18,000 km West Region Rail Network in
   5 Years

   During the "10th Five-year Plan" period, China will
   invest nearly 100 billion yuan in railway
   construction in China's west regions and the railway
   network in these areas will be extended from the
   current 16,000 km to 18,000 km by 2005, said Sun
   Yongfu, vice-minister of Railways, at the National
   Railway Working Conference concluded in Beijing on
   December 24.

   Sun pointed out that since the "Eighth Five-year
   Plan", though rapid development has been made to the
   railway construction in the west region, the railway
   network in these areas is still small, technological
   level is low, the number of lines connected to the
   eastern regions and to other parts of the world is

   During the "10th Five-year Plan" period, China will
   invest about 100 billion yuan in the construction of
   28 railways in the west area, accounting for 40
   percent of the total investment in large and
   medium-sized capital construction projects
   nationwide. A total of 2,600-km-long new railways
   including 1,300-km-long double-track railways and
   500-km-long electrified railways will be hopefully
   completed by 2005 and the railway network in China's
   west will be expanded to 18,000 km.

   It's reported that the Ministry of Railways will
   focus on the following points during the "10th
   Five-year Plan" period, first, the construction of
   passageways linking the west with the east of China,
   including the double-track railways of Baoji-Lanzhou
   and Zhuzhou-Liupanshui, the Nanjing-Xi'an Railway and
   the Suining-Chongqing-Huaihua Railway; second, the
   construction of railway lines in the west region
   including Neijiang-Kunming Railway, the Shenmu-Yan'an
   Railway and the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. In addition,
   the reconstruction to existing railways will also be

   By PD Online Staff Deng Gang

   Monday, December 25, 2000, updated at 20:18(GMT+8)

   China, Viet Nam Sign Joint Statement for Future

   China and Viet Nam issued a joint statement in
   Beijing Monday, December 25. The following is the
   full text of the statement:

   Joint Statement on All-round Cooperation in the New
   Century Between the People's Republic of China and
   the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam

   The People's Republic of China and the Socialist
   Republic of Viet Nam (hereafter referred to as the
   "two sides") are socialist neighbors with
   long-standing traditional friendly relations. since
   the establishment of diplomatic ties 50 years ago,
   the relations between China and Viet Nam have
   continued to grow and develop.

   Since the normalization of relations in 1991 and on
   the basis of the principles enshrined in the Joint
   Communiques and Joint Statement issued during the
   meetings of high-level leaders in 1991, 1992, 1994,
   1995 and 1999 respectively, the traditional friendly
   relations of mutual trust, equality and mutual
   benefit between the two counties have developed
   rapidly in all fields and there have been frequent
   exchanges between departments at all levels.

   In February 1999, the General Secretaries of the two
   Parties set the principle guiding the development of
   this bilateral relationship in the 21st century,
   namely, "long-term stability, orientation towards the
   future, good-neighborliness and friendship and

Vietnam News Dec 26

2000-12-26 Thread heikki sipilä

President Tran Duc Luong welcomed in Beijing

President Tran Duc Luong and his entourage arrived in Beijing on December 25
morning, beginning an official friendly visit to China.

The visit is being made at the invitation of the Chinese president, Jiang

President Luong was given a red carpet welcome at the People’s Great Hall in
Beijing and received by President Jiang Zemin who invited him to review the
Guard of Honour.

The Chinese president then introduced his guest to Deputy Prime Minister Qian
Qichen, Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan and other Chinese senior officials at
the welcoming ceremony.


President holds talks with Chinese leader

Talks held between Vietnamese and Chinese delegations.

Vietnam's President, Tran Duc Luong, held talks with China's President, Jiang
Zemin, in Beijng on December 25.

President Tran Duc Luong, who is leading a high-ranking delegation on an
official five-day visit to China, had his private meeting with Jiang Zemin
soon after arrival.

In the friendly, sincere and frank atmosphere, the two Presidents briefed each
other about the socio-economic development of their countries, and discussed
at length ways to deepen the friendship and comprehensive co-operation between
them to a new height of development in the 21st century.

President Jiang Zemin welcomed President Tran Duc Luong's official visit to
China on behalf of the Chinese Party, State and people, saying it was of
significant importance as it would help boost friendship and all-round
co-operation between the two countries.

In reply, President Tran Duc Luong thanked the Chinese Party and State leaders
and people for their warm and friendly welcome.

He expressed his delight at visiting a beautiful country, where he had seen
with his own eyes the great achievements recorded by the Chinese people since
the People's Republic of China was founded 50 years ago, particularly in the
20 years of pursuing the policy of reform and openness.

He wished to see the Chinese people, led by the Communist Party of China (CPC)
and with President Jiang Zemin playing the core role, successfully complete
resolutions mapped out at the CPC's 15th congress, and in so doing, continue
to win greater victories in the cause of economic development that would help
raise the international role and prestige of China and take great China into
the 21st century.

President Jiang said that he appreciated the major achievements recorded by
the Vietnamese people through Doi Moi, Renovation, industrialisation and
modernisation to realise the goal of "a wealthy people, a strong nation, a
fair and civilised society" under socialist-oriented line.

He wished to see the Vietnamese people, led by the Communist Party of Vietnam
(CPV), obtain further major achievements in welcome of the new millennium and
the forthcoming CPV 9th congress.

The two Presidents noted with satisfaction the strong and deeper development
of neighbourly friendship and comprehensive co-operation between their two
countries, particularly after the historic meeting between CPV General
Secretary Le Kha Phieu and CPC General Secretary Jiang Zemin in Beijing in
February 1999.

The signing of the joint statement setting the framework for all-round
Sino-Vietnam co-operation was the materialisation of the motto "neighbourly
friendship, comprehensive co-operation, long-lasting stability and
future-oriented thinking" that was creating a driving force taking the
friendly and co-operative bilateral ties to a new height.

Presidents Luong and Jiang agreed that the signing of the Border Treaty
between their countries last December and the Agreement on the Demarcation of
the Territorial Waters, Exclusive Economic Zones and Continental Shelves in
the Bac Bo (Tonkin) Gulf confirmed during President Luong's visit to Beijing
would help create pre-conditions for the making both the land and Gulf borders
into borders of peace, friendship and long-lasting stability.

This would in turn strengthen mutual trust and understanding, facilitate the
development of each country and make an important contribution to the cause
for peace, co-operation and development in the region and the world.

The two Presidents lauded the new, encouraging steps between the two countries
in the development of economic and commercial relations and shared the same
important views about detailed orientations for further promoting economic,
commercial and investment co-operation commensurate with the aspirations and
potentials of both peoples.

They reaffirmed continued encouragement and assistance to localities, sectors
and the commerce of their countries to accelerate co-operation and joint
ventures, particularly in economy, trade, science-technology, tourism, culture
and education.

The two Presidents reaffirmed the policy to accelerate the trend for peace,
co-operation and development in Southeast Asia, the Asia-Pacific and other


2000-12-26 Thread Mark Clement

Tuesday, December 26, 2000


VHS copies of the film 'Big Ben to Baghdad', the epic account of last year's
journey in a 37-year-old Routemaster bus from London to the capital of
sanctions-engulfed Iraq. The 65-minute-film costs £9.99 from the Mariam
Appeal, 13a Borough High Street, London+LATEST

Saddam receives Muslim holiday greeting from Iran's Khatami 
From AFP ENGLISH, December 26th, 2000 
BAGHDAD, Dec 26 (AFP) - Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has received a
message of greetings from his Iranian counterpart, Mohammad Khatami, on the
eve of the Muslim holidays of Eid al-Fitr, the official news agency INA
reported Tuesday.
The Iranian president wished for "the unity of all the world's Muslims" in 
his message to mark the end of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, it said.
Iraq and Iran, which fought a 1980-1988 war that ended in a UN-brokered 
ceasefire but without a formal peace treaty, have since taken steps to
Key stumbling blocks remain their support for each other's opposition groups
and the release of prisoners from the conflict.

Iran airspace not open to Iraq: paper 
TEHRAN, Dec 26 (AFP) - Iran is still keeping its airspace closed to Iraqi
planes in line with the 10-year-old UN air embargo despite claims to the
contrary by Iranian officials, a conservative paper reported Tuesday.
The Qods daily said the decision to keep upholding the embargo was made
after "protests from the foreign ministry and the intervention of the
president's office."
The transport ministry had suggested last week that Iraqi planes would be
welcome to use Iranian airspace, as more and more countries have begun
flouting the controversial embargo.
Iran and Iraq, whose bitter 1980-1988 war left hundreds of thousands dead on
both sides, have been working in recent months to improve relations.
More than 80 flights have landed in Baghdad since Saddam International
airport reopened four months ago, as Arab countries in particular have
queued up to offer their support to the Iraqi regime.
In late November, Iraq's Deputy Prime Minister Tareq Aziz flew to Damascus,
becoming the first Iraqi official to fly out of Baghdad since the embargo
was put in place in 1990.

Saddam calls on Christians, Muslims to fight against Israel 
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) _ In a Christmas letter published Monday on the front
pages of all Baghdad newspapers, President Saddam Hussein called on
Christians and Muslims of the world to rise up against Israel and the
``Zionist conspiracy.'' In his traditional Christmas letter, Saddam praised
Christians and other Iraqis for standing up to conspiracies through which
``the United States, Britain and Zionism ... have tried to bend Iraqis'
will, bring them to their knees and master their independent decision.'' The
president called on Christians and Muslims everywhere to take ``the path of
jihad (holy war), without which we cannot attain our aspirations of
establishing right, justice and peace and delivering humanity from the evils
of aggressors, criminal killers.'' ``The Zionist conspiracy aims at
Judaizing (Jerusalem) and other areas of Palestine and annihilating its
indigenous population, Muslims and Christians, with the backing of
America,'' al-Thawra daily quoted Saddam as saying in his letter.

Iraq opposes peace agreements signed between Israel and the Palestinians and
those signed with neighboring countries.

Since Israeli-Palestinian clashes began in late September, more than 340
people, most Palestinians, have died and thousands have been injured.
Earlier this month Iraq pledged to allocate dlrs 881 million worth of oil
revenues to support the Palestinian uprising.

Hussein's Son Debuts in Iraq Parliament Mideast: Leader's eldest makes his
first appearance since his election. He calls for more democracy, criticizes

From LOS ANGELES TIMES, December 25th, 2000 


ML Update , Vol:3; No.51; 27- 12- 2000. 1/2

2000-12-26 Thread heikki sipilä


ML Update

A CPI(ML) Weekly News Magazine
Vol.-3; No.-51; 27-12-2000


Let the New Year Hasten the
Total Rout of the Sangh Parivar

If the end of 1999 had been marked by the IC-814 hijack episode, Y2K comes to
an end with the stunning strike by a section of Kashmiri militants on the Lal
Qila. While the NDA government's Kashmir and Pakistan policies alternate
between cold war and hot pursuit, between the so-called soft and hard options
ranging from Vajpayee's bus diplomacy through Kargil war to the latest gesture
of ceasefire, it is evident that the NDA government remains as clueless
regarding Kashmir as ever. Meanwhile, for all the hard/effective state
rhetoric of Advani and other Sangh Parivar ideologues, Y2K will also be
remembered for the humiliating spectacle of the Indian state being held to
ransom by the sandalwood smuggler Veerappan.

The saffron regime is, of course, trying hard to project an image of India's
growing international stature with displays of strategic proximity to the US.
Internally, the might of the Indian state is sought to be demonstrated through
systematic persecution of the minorities and bulldozing of the sources of
livelihood and other democratic rights of the weak, disadvantaged, toiling
masses. The BJP is however desperate to camouflage its barbarity in the guise
of benevolence. Having all along denounced the 'individual' cult in the
Congress and all other personality-based parties, the BJP now projects the
Prime Minister as a benevolent emperor, who celebrates his birthday by doling
out welfare schemes for his hapless subjects like rural roads project (Rs.
60,000 crore Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana), additional food subsidies (Rs.
2,300 crore Antyodaya Anna Yojana) and literacy plans (Netaji Subhash
Saksharta Mission).

All these 'new clothes' are however only accentuating the emperor's nakedness.
The BJP's pretension to be a party with a difference, its claim to liberate
the society from terror, hunger and corruption, has all been exposed as a
cruel and ugly fraud on the nation. Consequently, resentment runs high among
vast sections of the society and in every corner of the country. Faced with
all round exposure and resistance, and with Assembly elections round the
corner, the BJP has returned to the magic wand of Ayodhya. The VHP and all
other Sangh Parivar vandals are readying for yet another bloodbath.

Vajpayee of course maintains that his government would abide by whatever the
court says. The nation has once paid the price for misreading this deceptive
legalism of the fascists. The history of the rise of the Sangh Parivar has
been replete with instances of saffron transition from the parliamentary to
the extra-parliamentary and vice versa, of combination of independent
assertion with united front tactics. If once again the Sangh Parivar is
indicating its readiness to hit the streets, the secular-democratic resistance
must not lag behind. The RSS has remained banned for several years, often the
saffron zealots have been banished to political wilderness. But the Sangh
Parivar is yet to be handed over a decisive and comprehensive defeat.

Let the new year hasten the process of a total rout of the saffron fascists.
Let the nation take a lesson from its biggest enemy within. If the Sangh
Parivar has been able to survive periods of isolation and partial defeat, it
is because of the opposition's uncritical reliance on legalism, and
confinement of popular resistance to narrow parliamentary confines. Beyond the
parliamentary world of shadow-boxing and the routine noise of third front, let
secular-democracy prevail over the fascists in the battle of the barricades.
Let the first year of the new century be a year of more resolute resistance
and more resounding victories.

Party Launches
"Lutera Bhagao, Krishi Bachao" Agitation

Party has appealed to all secular democratic forces to thwart the heinous
conspiracy of Sangh Parivar commanders like Vajpayee, Advani, Sudarshan,
Laxman and Uma Bharati through their web of false and misleading statements
and called for country-wide observance of December 31 as "Oust Saffron, Save
the Nation" day by burning the effigies of Atal Bihari Vajpayee in every
village and every nook and corner of the country.

The extension of the ongoing economic reforms to the agricultural arena has
landed the country into an unprecedented agrarian crisis. Even as the
foodgrains rot in FCI godowns, millions of Indians languish in absolute
poverty, malnutrition and even sheer starvation, and large sections of small
farmers are being forced into distress sale, the government is effectively
subsiding the nexus of traders and millers or the foreign consumer. Against
this backdrop CPI(ML) will spearhead a "Lutera Bhagao, Krishi Bachao" (Oust
the Looters, Save Agriculture) campaign with a view to forging a militant
solidarity of the agrarian labourers and deprived farmers. The Party will
press for large-scale introduction of 


2000-12-26 Thread heikki sipilä

From: Press Agency Ozgurluk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: "[Ozgurluk.Org]" HUNGER STRIKERS CAN DIE



  25 DECEMBER 2000 Monday

Justice Minister Hikmet Sami Turk said that amnesty is an opportunity
to improve the prison system in Turkey. ''Efforts will be speeded up
to transfer the ward system into room system in all prisons,'' said

A group of high ranking military officials from France came to Turkey
last month. French military officials asked their Turkish counterparts
when Turkey will be ready for EU. Turkish military officials said that
the preparations can last for 10 years.

Justice Minister Hikmet Sami Turk staged a press conference at the
Justice Ministry about the interventions in 20 prisons held between
December 19-22 that were called ''Operation Return to Life''. Turk
said that the operation would always be mentioned as one of the great
successes of cooperation among state units. Turk said that security
forces and gendarmerie had successfully concluded this perfectly
organized operation by respecting human life.

Selcuk KozagaclI, a lawyer who visited Sincan F type prison yesterday
said that the condition of nearly 70 hunger strikers is very critical.

''Mass deaths are coming,'' he said claiming that some inmates might
have died because of the strike and this could have been hided from

Justice Minister Hikmet Sami Turk called on those who are on hunger
strike and death fast to give up their protest. Before the operation
return to life was staged, 290 of inmates were on death fast and 800
of them were on hunger strike. Now the former increased to 353 and the
latter increased to 2,184.

ISTANBUL - The bomb attacks staged on two Automatic Telling Machines
(ATMs) of banks caused material damage in Istanbul on Sunday.

Unknown assailants placed a bomb in ATM of Pamukbank in Sisli district
which later exploded. No casualties were reported, but there is
material damage in the ATM. Experts said that the bomb was a hand
made, time bomb.

A molotov cocktail was put in the ATM of Demirbank branch in Esenler
district. The fire that broke out due to the explosion was
extinguished by citizens.

Police started an investigation in the two districts to capture the

Meanwhile other assailants placed bombs in a bank and in front of the
garage gate of a flat in Maltepe district. The explosions caused
material damage in both buildings.

Officials said that the target of the attack can be the Liberal
Democrat Party's Maltepe centre which was beside the garage.

Experts said that the bomb was hand made and pipe bomb.

ISTANBUL/KADIKOY - Twelve more inmates who were injured and
hospitalized during the operation return to life staged in Umraniye
prison were discharged from hospital on Sunday.

The inmates who were treated at Haydarpasa Numune Hospital were
discharged from hospital and sent to another prison.

The treatment of nine other inmates in the prison continues.

Tight security measures have been taken by police in Haydarpasa Numune
Hospital and relatives of patients are not still allowed to enter the

IZMIT - Number of inmates who have been transferred to the F type
prison in northwestern Kocaeli province following last week's
intervention in prisons, increased to 357.

Sources told the A.A correspondent on Monday that transfer of 357
members of terrorist organizations from Bayrampasa, Bursa, Gebze,
Canakkale and Umraniye prisons to F type prison in Kocaeli was

The F type prison in Kocaeli has a capacity of 368 inmates.

Press Agency Ozgurluk
In Support of the Revolutionary Peoples Liberation Struggle in Turkey
DHKC: http://www.ozgurluk.org/dhkc


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China. People´s Daily Dec 27

2000-12-26 Thread heikki sipilä


   Wednesday, December 27, 2000, updated at 09:33(GMT+8)

   Jiang on Anti-corruption Campaign
   Jiang Zemin, general secretary of the Communist Party
   of China (CPC) Central Committee, Tuesday called on
   governments at all levels to continue to fight
   against corruption with a firm hand in the new era to
   safeguard the achievements of reform and development.

   Jiang, also Chinese president and chairman of the
   Central Military Commission, made the remarks while
   addressing the CPC Central Commission for Discipline
   Inspection's fifth plenary session.

   Wei Jianxing, member of the Standing Committee of the
   Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and
   secretary of the CPC Central Commission for
   Discipline Inspection, presided over the session.

   The session was also attended by other senior Chinese
   Party leaders Li Peng, Zhu Rongji, Li Ruihuan, Hu
   Jintao and Li Lanqing.

   Jiang reviewed the country's efforts to fight
   corruption during the past years, saying that
   important experience has been obtained. He urged all
   Party members to bear the awareness of the importance
   of the anti-corruption campaign and persevere to
   carry through the drive.

   He also noted that the endeavor to fight corruption
   and build a clean government is a long-lasting and
   arduous task, which should be carried out in the
   whole process of reform and opening up.

   He stressed that three major jobs in the drive should
   be done well, namely, educating officials of
   self-discipline, investigating major cases and
   correcting the malpractice in various departments and
   sectors. Problems which the masses complain about the
   most should be dealt with in time, Jiang reiterated.

   Jiang also reviewed the nearly 80 years of the CPC's
   history. In the first 28 years, the Party led the
   people to fight for the founding of New China. In the
   latest more than 50 years, the CPC has played the
   role of a ruling party, leading the people for
   socialist construction.

   Jiang emphasized that the shift of the position and
   responsibility of the Party and those of Party
   members have brought up a new task for Party

   Jiang warned that it is more difficult for the party
   in power to improve Party building and management,
   and this has been proved by both history and

   He urged Party members to guard against the negative
   effect of the shift in position and always adhere to
   the Party's tenet to maintain the Party's vigor.

   Jiang noted that the prominent problem for a party in
   power is how to ensure that Party members and
   officials have a correct understanding of interests.

   He said that a qualified Party member should serve
   the people heart and soul, and never act against the
   will and benefit of the masses.

   The Party's anti-corruption drive represents the will
   of the broad masses. Party committees at all levels
   should actively seek effective ways and methods to
   supervise officials and educate them in an effort to
   prevent the occurrence of corruption from the source,
   he said.

   Jiang also called for more stringent enforcement of
   laws and regulations, pointing out that
   anti-corruption should be considered during the
   promulgation of major reform policies, laws and
   regulations, and the socialist democratic political
   system and legal system should be strengthened.


   Tuesday, December 26, 2000, updated at 

Korean Central News Agency Dec 26

2000-12-26 Thread heikki sipilä

TODAY'S NEWS (December.26.2000 Juche 89)


   * Bouquets laid before bust of Kim Jong Suk

   * Kim Jong Il sends gifts to officials of Chongryon

   * Over 120 works of Kim Jong Il brought out

   * Sports tournament for Osandok Cup closes

   * Christmas masses held

   * Japanese reactionaries' tampering with history

   * Many publications computerized

   * Dismantlement of concrete wall urged

   * County well known to nation

   * Federal formula, most reasonable way of Korea's reunification

   * Japan urged to drop its wrong attitude towards its past crimes

 For Spanish-speaking people

   * miembros de embajada de cuba depositan ramo de flores ante busto de
 camarada kim jong suk

   * editadas mas de 120 obras de dirigente kim jong il

Bouquets laid before bust of Kim Jong Suk

Pyongyang, December 26 (KCNA) -- Jose Manuel Inclan Embade, Cuban
ambassador to the DPRK,
and members of the embassy laid bouquets before the bust of the great
communist revolutionary fighter Kim
Jong Suk at the Revolutionary Martyrs' Cemetery on Mt. Taesong on December
25 on the occasion of her
83rd birth anniversary.
After placing bouquets, they paid a silent tribute to her who made an
immortal contribution to the sacred
struggle for the revolutionary cause of Juche.

Kim Jong Il sends gifts to officials of Chongryon

Pyongyang, December 24 (KNS-KCNA) -- A meeting was held in Tokyo on
December 23 to convey the
new year gifts sent by the great leader Kim Jong Il to the officials of the
General Association of Korean
Residents in Japan (Chongryon) and the patriotic traders and industrialists.
So Man Sul, first vice-chairman of the central standing committee of
Chongryon, said in a speech that the
gifts are associated with the deepest trust and the greatest expectation of
Kim Jong Il for the officials of
Chongryon and the patriotic traders and industrialists. He extended the
highest glory and the warmest thanks
to the leader.
Referring to the successes made in the work of Chongryon, he said that
they are the result of the devoted
services the Chongryon officials, patriotic traders and industrialists and
compatriots have made, deeply
convinced that they are sure to win if they trust and follow Kim Jong Il only.
He called on the officials of Chongryon and compatriots to
energetically carry out the patriotic work of
Chongryon in the new year Juche 90 as intended and wished by the leader.

Over 120 works of Kim Jong Il brought out

Pyongyang, December 26 (KCNA) -- The great leader Kim Jong Il published
many works indicating the
road to be followed by the Korean revolution and the world revolution, a
result of his outstanding ideological
and theoretical activities in the 1990s.
The Worker's Party of Korea Publishing House has brought out at least
120 works out of them.
Kim Jong Il clearly proved the inevitable triumph of socialism as a
science at a time when socialism
collapsed in a number of countries due to renegades of revolution in the
early 1990s, taught a historical lesson
in building socialism and set out tasks and ways to defend and glorify
Korean-style socialism. This was an
immortal contribution to saving the cause of socialism from a crisis and
triumphantly advancing it.
Typical of those works are "Socialism Is a Science", "the Historical
Lesson in Building Socialism and
the General Line of Our Party", "Abuses of Socialism Are Intolerable", "Our
Socialism Centred on the
Masses Shall Not Perish" and "Socialism Is Lifeline of Our People."
When the President Kim Il Sung demised, the nation's greatest loss, Kim
Jong Il published "the Great
Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung Is Always With Our People", "Let Us Always Hold
the Great Leader in High
Esteem and Accomplish His Cause" and other famous works, thus inspiring
them to implement his last
instructions in order to accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche.
Kim Jong Il also authored many other famous works clearly teaching the
truth of the great Juche idea and
ways to embody it and giving lucid answers to the issues arising in
political, military, economic, cultural and
all other fields.

Sports tournament for Osandok Cup closes

Pyongyang, December 26 (KCNA) -- A sports tournament for Osandok Cup
which was opened on
December 20 to mark the 83rd birth anniversary of the great communist
revolutionary fighter Kim Jong Suk
Its participants competed in at least 20 events including basketball,
volleyball, table-tennis and marathon
in Pyongyang and various local areas.
They displayed to the full their own sport methods and high technique.
Prizes were awarded to the sports teams and athletes, who distinguished
themselves, at a closing
ceremony held in Chongjin on December 24.

Christmas masses held

Pyongyang, December 26 (KCNA) -- Christmas masses was held at Pyongyang
Pongsu Church
Present there were Rev. Kang Yong Sop, chairman of the c.c., the Korean