KR> Learn from my mistake. (long)

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
Like Joe, I made this same mistake with flaps and knew
what was coming in your story. Glad it all worked out
My flaps situation occured when our airport decided no
"touch-and-goes" after 0700 and I was trying to get
one more in before the time to quit came up.
A point we can all take from this is how easy it is to
get distracted when everything is going TOO good. You
were having a great day flying and wanted to get right
back up there.
Also, it is more important to know what to do when
things go wrong than it is to keep hoping nothing will
ever go wrong.
Thanks for this story. It just goes to show how
important the internet is to us all.

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
SAE - So THAT's why my blonde neighbor thought she had
to buy a Self-Addressed Envelope with every quart of

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
--- Mark Langford  wrote:
> I'm aware of what an F-16 looks like, but not from
> the bottom, apparently. 
> I did four years in the Air Force, 2.5 of them at
> the Ramstein AB missile 
> shop, about 150 feet from the end of the runway. 
> I've seen (and heard) more 
> than my share of F-4s and F-15s, but usually from
> the front, side, or rear. 
> I'm not exactly a warbird expert, but I know a good
> picture when I see one.
> Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama

Your photography was good to start with, and just
keeps getting better. You may want to consider a
change of career. Thanks for sharing. I'm still
enjoying looking at your photos of Germany.

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR> winner

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
GO, Bill!
Frank Ross

--- wrote:
> did i miss it? or no one has mentioned that  a kr
> has  won an  award at snf 
> so congrats to bill clapp   yes he  won the
> award  for  best wood 
> homebuilt!   
>   way to go  bill,n212kr

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KR> taxi test

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
--- Lee Van Dyke  wrote:
> Good afternoon Netters,
> Congrats to all that made it to SNF,  and Bill for
> the award.  Today I fired up "Snakebite"  and made 2
> circles around the hangers.  Checking out the brakes
> and handeling, all went well.  The posa carb running
> well low speed and high.  W & B completed and ready
> for inspection.  More later.  click on this link to
> see photos
> Lee Van Dyke
> Mesa AZ

That sure is one pretty KR. Thanks for the photos.

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR> Heritage Flights

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
The planes Mark Langford photographed at SnF were part
of the USAF's "Heritage Flight" program, if I'm not
mistaken. Saw something on "Discovery" about it awhile
More info on "Google", but a start at:
Looks like the F-4 is a new addition.
Great program.

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR> Starting the VW

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
Dear Bill,
Best medicine in the world, going to the airport and
hearing that engine run. 
Hope you have a great Arizona day.
Frank Ross
Still in England where it is a little damper, but
still beautiful.

--- Bill Starrs  wrote:
> Few years ago some one wrote a sure fire procedure
> in starting the VW. It  consists of this. Mixture
> full rich. All switches ON. Pump the throttle TWO
> times leaving it in almost full throttle ...just a
> small crack . Hit the starter button or key and
> VOOOM every time . I have been very sick lately
> and did not run the engine in over two years. I went
> out to the airport yesterday and on the first shot
> VM I sure have a lot to thank the guy that
> shared that little bit of knowledge. pass it
> on..Bill Starrs

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR> operating procedures

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
--- kwiese  wrote:
> Last week i found  operating procedures 

> If any one can recall such a link as to where this
> can be found, you help is greatly appreciated
> Thanks
> Keith

Mark Langford's KRnet site at:
has several links to excellent sites. 
You may have found Rick Junkin's Flight Test at:
or Rob Schmidt's Operating Manual at:
Both are excellent. Good luck.

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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Read only the mail you want - Yahoo! Mail SpamGuard. 

KR> KR for sale

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
> Netters;
>  Les Palmer, innovator and KR experimenter,
> recently had a stroke and is no longer able to fly
> his KR-2S.  Therefore, he has asked me to list it
> for sale on the KR Net.  His KR is powered by a
> Subaru EJ-22, (150 hp), with reduction unit.  For
> more specifics, call Les at (972) 241-4387.
> RV
Please give my regards to Les. I visited with him one
morning in May, 2001, after we had a little KR
get-together in Canton called "KRs Over Texas"
sponsored by Larry Howells. Since Les had just
installed his EJ-22 and was unable to bring it, he
invited me over to his hanger.
You can see some of the photos I took at:
click on the "Aviation" album, the first 8 are Les'
The original paint on Les' plane was done by Dennis
Pointer, who also built one of the most beautiful KRs
ever flown. Dennis, unfortunately, spent about 10
months recovering from a bad accident which destroyed
his plane ("wind-shear" - went inverted on landing and
took out the VASI) and, last I heard, was not planning
on doing the re-paint on Les' plane after Les had to
re-do the cowl for the new engine. 
Les has a LOT of great innovations on his plane and I
had fun visiting with him and looking over his plane.
He never seemed too concerned about the weight of his
KR and, though it is a two-place with a center stick,
he planned to fly it sitting in the center, straddling
the stick, left foot on the left-side left rudder
pedal, right foot on the right-side right rudder
pedal. Not a practice I'm willing to try (too easy to
get confused in a difficult situation) but possible
due to the small size of a KR. 
I'm sorry to hear he is having these health problems
and I hope he's back up and running before long. 

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR> For Sale?

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
You want to be careful. The Stanley twins built a
fantastic little steam car about a hundred years ago.
Random E. Olds liked it so much, he tried to buy it
from them. To discourage him and get him to leave them
alone, they told him they wanted one million dollars
for the rights to the car, an amount they were sure in
those days that he would find ridiculous. He took them
up on it and, being the gentlement they were, they
sold him the rights. Within a year, however, they had
designed and built a better steam car, and Olds gave
up building steamers and turned back to the gasoline
engined cars.
Are you SURE that price is high enough?

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR> KR-2 for sale

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
Caryl, others has NO KRs for sale. Don't know
where you got your information, but it is incorrect.

--- wrote:
> you have several KR-2s for sale Re: alamokr2,
> skphil, patrick, orma, & 
> ezflyer.  please send me the infor on these aircraft
>   Caryl

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR> Yahoo! Photos - My KR2 S Project

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
Nice work Gavin,
Soon you'll have to organize a "Down Under Gathering"
for the Ozzie and New Zealand KRs.

--- Glasseyegav  wrote:
> Hi all, 
>I've added a few pics to my Yahoo album with the
> wings on.

> Gavin

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
You should be writing a book. 
Lessons well-learned. Another is to expect the
unexpected especially with first time passengers.
Thanks for a great story.

--- wrote:
> Well,
> had  my first passanger that has ever THROWN UP!   
> N41768 "out"

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
Glad to hear you both got to the hanger safely. 
One advantage is that both of you will have faster,
smoother, more reliable rides to the Gathering.
And, those little engines did give you one last
beautiful day of flying.
Frank Ross,
Enjoying a beautiful Spring in East Anglia, England

--- Steve Glover  wrote:
> Hello Netter's,
> Well, it seems as though the saga continues with my
> little KR.  
> instead, it seems I have a broken crank
> the front of the engine.  Now Richard is down for a
> new engine as well.
> Steve Glover
> KR-2 N902G
> AJO, Ca

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KR> Folding Wing Brackets

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
Thanks Phil, nice photos, too. Some more ideas may be
available from a photo I took of the folding wings on
a sailplane at Oshkosh a couple of years ago. See the
photo at:
Click on the "Aviation" album, scroll down to the last
photo, number 63. Double click on the photo to get a
better look.

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
>   From: Mark Jones 

>   Today, March 20, 2005 at exactly 1:30pm central
> time, N886MJ left the bonds of earth with me at the
> controls. 
>   Mark Jones (N886MJ)
>   Wales, WI  USA 

Congratulations Mark! Can't wait to see it in person.
Frank Ross

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
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KR> Sun-n-fun KR dinner

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
> Dang, That is why I never had Dessert, Virg
> Virgil N. Salisbury - AMSOIL
> Miami ,Fl

Now we know why your posts are so short...

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
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KR> Pat Russo's KR in Kitplanes

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
Just got my new issue of Kitplanes and was happy to
see Pat Russo's KR in the "Completions" on page 60.
Hope to see many more KRs showing up there soon.
Nice KR, Pat.

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR> Future enhancements

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
--- Barry Kruyssen  wrote:

> I'm thinking of building fibreglass fuel tanks into
> my wing stubs working from the sides, not cutting

> Thanks 
> Barry Kruyssen

Bill Clapp's KR has an idea you may be able to use. He
has two pvc (poly-vinyl-chloride, I believe) pipes
about four inches in diameter and about four feet long
lying side-by-side in his outer wing. While you may
not be able to do that exactly that way, it's worth a
look. I know there are photos on Mark Langford's site
(scroll down about 20 photos)
and you can see another on my "KR" album, at my yahoo
photos album, find the link below my signature and
look at the third photo, top row.
Also, somewhere I've seen photos of older South
African KRs with tip-tanks. I understand they only
used the front half for fuel, but you may be able to
get what you need from that, as well. 

Good luck,

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR> Re:Lakeland

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross

> Ted, I ramrodded the KR Dinners from the
> second year Ken attended
> until last year.
> Brian said he would take over as I will not be back 
> to SunNFun. I was
> there the year before it
> became SunNFun until last year. Every day every
> year. Time for someone
> else to step up, Virg

Won't be the same without you. 

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR> Gathering shirts/hats - market for kids - off topic

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
give up flying, sell the kids, or other such
irrational actions.  :-)

Larry Flesner
2005 KR Gathering Host

Is there a market for kids? 
Wish I'd have known this sooner


Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR> Fwd: [Q-LIST] Fw: CorvAircraft> Re: Interesting court decision

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
That's amazing, especially since he returned his
system to the original set-up. I'd have thought that
would be acceptable, but, according to the court, once
he made the first change, he wasn't covered any

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
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KR> Gathering help

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
Last year I got to help at the Sign-In desk and
enjoyed every minute of it. I'd encourage all of you
to pitch in and help for whatever time you can. It's a
lot of work, but if everyone commits a few minutes, it
is MUCH more fun for all.
Larry did a great job and we all owe him a huge debt
of gratitude AND a few minutes of OUR weekend will go
a long way to pay that debt.
I'm still not sure I'll be able to make the trip from
England again this year, but, if I do, count on me to
help any way I can.

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR> Court post

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
I was surprised that it didn't matter that he returned
the plane to it's original, certified condition. 
Once he made the FIRST change from the certified
condition, according to his insurance contract, he
lost his insurance coverage until his changes, even
putting it back the original way, were re-certified by
the FAA. 
I'm sure a lot of us think that if we try something
out, it doesn't work and we go back to the original
set-up, everything's okay. This court finding should
make us realize that's not the case.
Another point that lies between the lines is that the
insurance company, no matter who they are, will look
for ANY reason to keep from paying off. If you give
them one, they're not about to turn it down.

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR> Sharing photos the easy, FREE way

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
> Lastly I would ask if you have any pictures of this
> setup posted on a page anywhere.
> Sorry, I haven't got a Web site. Any volunteers,
> step forward.
> Serge Vidal

Serge, Others,
I do not have anything to do with yahoo, but I keep
seeing people complain that they have no way to share
their photos and they couldn't be more wrong!
The easiest and cheapest way to share your photos that
I know if is a FREE yahoo! account. I have used one
for years. Once you set it up, you can then set up a
FREE photo page with three "albums" that others can
"go to" and view your photos. All you have to do is
cut and paste the web-address for your photo site on
your signature block like I do below. Take a look at
my photos by "clicking" on the addresses below.
All it requires is that your photos are on your
computer and, I believe, in jpeg format.
Try it out, it won't cost you anything. You don't have
to USE the yahoo e-mail account, if you don't want to,
just the photo part.


Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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Yahoo! Mail - now with 250MB free storage. Learn more.

KR> Been Real Busy

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
Dan and Jerry,
Sure is pretty. 
Now, where have I seen that design before...?

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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The all-new My Yahoo! - What will yours do? 

KR> Widening KR-2s Fuselage

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
> The more I read about the KR-2S the more it grows on
> me.  However, I
> have also read that, like the VP-2, it makes a
> better fat single seater
> than a 
> cruiser for 2 adults.
Large people can fit in the KR but it is tight. It is
a strong plane.
See my photo of Ken Thomas standing on the wing of his
KR at:
Click on the KR Album and look at the first photo.
Enlarge the photo by clicking on it.
Also, look for photos on Mark Langford's site of the
BIG KR. The builder made it about 1 1/2 times the size
of a regular KR and uses a larger aircraft engine.

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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Yahoo! Mail - Find what you need with new enhanced search.

KR> VW valve adjustments - Book

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
--- Randy Smith   wrote:

> There also is a really good book out there called 
> something like a idiots 
> manual for VW. It really explains everything about
> VW engines and VW cars

"How to Keep Your Volkswagen Alive: A Manual of Step
by Step Procedures for the Compleat Idiot", by John
Muir might be the book Randy's talking about. Great
book. Not too hard to find at garage sales, Thrift
shops, etc. 

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR>Ugly Airplanes

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
I've never seen an ugly KR.

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR> Yahoo! Photos - My KR2 S Project

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
You might have to go into your photo album and change
the settings to "Public". Unless you do that it won't
let others into your albums. 
By cutting and pasting the entire address, I did get
your album at:

I had the same problem with my albums.


Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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Read only the mail you want - Yahoo! Mail SpamGuard. 

KR> Canopy questions. Plastic lay ups

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
I'm an American in England and it is also a language
thing. The English (and their Australian cousins) use
the term "MIL" as slang for MILLIMETER. So, when he
asked for plastic 3 mil thick, they were thinking
Try folding that up into a roll three inches thick and
two feet long...
All this time I thought I was speaking English...
Frank Ross
A Yank (No matter WHERE you are from in the US) living
where Petrol (gas in US) is sold by the liter, but the
highway signs are in MILES per hour.

--- Ron Butterfield  wrote:

> At 07:12 PM 1/18/05, you wrote:
> >I have been to the Two largest building supplies in
> Australia. and they do
> >not know what 3 mil thick builders Plastic is. They
> all say It CAN NOT BE 3
> >mil (mm) thick.
> Ahh! The dreaded English/Metric wars strike again.
> ;-)
> Over here (USA) plastic is commonly sold by it's
> thickness in thousandths 
> of an inch. So, 4 mill plastic sheet here would be
> sold there as 100 
> microns 3 mill would be 75 microns, etc.
> Regards,
> RonB 

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KR> So Cal

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
Corona Guys,
Good luck to all of you. 
Hope this comes out better than it sounds now.
And I thought England was wet...
--- Steve Glover  wrote:

> Well, things just never seem to go right.  The FAA
> closed the runway 10
> minutes before both Richards and I arrived at Corona
> and wouldn't allow us
> to depart even though we had enough runway left.  By
> noon there was about
> 14' of water in my hangar.  My Long EZ and a number
> of tools, parts, etc.
> are well under water now, including most of my
> Corvair stuff.  The water
> wasn't supposed to get this deep.  Rich and Rich may
> have lost the Tailwind
> in their hangar as well.  We moved my roll-a-way,
> compressor, and welder to
> their hangar after being advised the water wouldn't
> get that far.  Those,
> I'm sure are a total loss now as well.
> We were now told the water level was still rising
> and would completely flood
> the airport and all aircraft had to be moved.  Most
> were being towed of
> pushed to some of the city roads and parked for the
> duration.  It is quite a
> sight seeing 100 aiplanes blocking a number of city
> streets.  To top off the
> day, while my plane was being moved, half of the
> elevator was ripped off. It
> looks like I won't be flying any time in the near
> future.  As far as making
> the next Gathering or Corvair conversion, who
> knows???
> Steve Glover
> KR-2 N902G
> AJO, Ca
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
> to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
> please see other KRnet info at

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Mail - Helps protect you from nasty viruses.

KR> Re:KR Gear Leg Junction

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
If you click on the link below it will take you to my
Yahoo Photo albums. There should be three. Click on
the one that says "KR" and look at photos 2-5. This is
a Long-EZ I saw at Ottawa in 2001. 
I know a Long EZ is a LOT different than a KR, but
this is an especially nice set-up and may give you
some ideas. 
Hope you enjoy all the photos.
BTW, anyone can get a free Yahoo e-mail account with
free photo album like this and it's a pretty good way
to share your photos without having to start a
webpage, FWIW.

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Mail - 250MB free storage. Do more. Manage less.

KR> Gavin's Yahoo photos

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
Nice job, Gavin,
Thanks for sharing.
Too bad you have to cover those controls, they're

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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Yahoo! Mail - Find what you need with new enhanced search.

KR> missing e-mails

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
I've also had mail missing from KRnet lately. 
Same thing - seeing replies to posts I never got. 
I don't think it's just Larry...

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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Yahoo! Mail - Easier than ever with enhanced search. Learn more.

KR> missing e-mails

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
I've also had mail missing from KRnet lately. 
Same thing - seeing replies to posts I never got, not
seeing those I sent.
I'm CC'ing this to another address to see if it goes
I don't think it's just Larry...
Do not archive.

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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Yahoo! Mail - now with 250MB free storage. Learn more.

KR> missing e-mails

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
Sorry about the last note. 
Forgot I had set up my account to NOT get MY posts.
Got another cup of coffee and turned it back on.
BUT, I am missing posts - seeing replies to posts I
didn't get. 
Do Not Archive

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Mail - now with 250MB free storage. Learn more.

KR> the heartbreak of Spraylat

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
Goop, the white creamy stuff (DO NOT USE the kind with
ABRASIVE in it!) available at automotive parts stores
for cleaning your hands. Will not harm most surfaces,
better than WD-40 for removing adhesives of most types
and is water-soluble. 
Have used it to take black grease off carpets (don't
ask) and gum out of Grandkids hair, bumper-stickers
off Ethan Allen headboards. Great stuff. Also not bad
for getting the grease off your hands...
Don't know if it'll work for this, but well worth a

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR> project update for N56ML

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
Tell your neighbor we all said thanks. That little
movie clip was WELL worth waiting for!

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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Yahoo! Mail Address AutoComplete - You start. We finish. 

KR> ideas to monitor fuel transfer from wing tanks?

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
The first KR-2 I ever saw was built by Howard Kaiser
in Mesa, AZ. He used a hand-pump from a boat. The
rubber-ball type. The fuel line ran under his legs and
he could just reach down and squeeze the pump whenever
he thought of it. Hard to forget you are pumping fuel,
but also, might be hard for some of us to remember we
NEED to pump, occassionally. 
Simple, reliable, cheap, good exercise, easy to check
and replace.

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
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KR> Turtle deck modification

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross

--- "JC Marais (KR2)"  wrote:
> The resulting questions are:
> 1.How do you blend the raised part to the
> original part that stays intact with the tail?
> JC Marais

For an idea, see Bob Lester's KR-2 photo at:
Scroll down about 3/4 of the way, or about 75 photos
down. Also, I put a copy of it on my album (yahoo
albums below - 'click' on "KRs").

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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Check out the new Yahoo! Front Page. 

KR> Eduardo's plane & website

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
A visit to Eduardo's website is worth the time.
He is building an amazing plane. Exceptionally nice
website too. I can see why you get so excited about

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR> New addition

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
Congratulations! Looking forward to seeing your plane!
Do not archive

--- Colin & Bev Rainey  wrote:

> Netters,
> We want to express our sincere appreciation for all
> who have contributed to today, and we are proud to
> anounce the arrival of another new KR2 to the
> family:
> N96TA has a pink Special
> Airworthiness as of today!!
>She is 654#, standard size and
> dressed all in white.
>Momma and Daddy are doing fine!
> Colin & Bev Rainey
> KR2(td) N96TA
> Sanford, FL

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
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KR> EAA SW Regional Fly-in New Location

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
Only 199 days until "The EAA Texas Fly-in". SWRFI has
moved from New Braunfels to Hondo, Texas. Click on:
Remember to check on "Restricted" airspace when flying
past Crawford. This is a good time for KR owners and
pilots "in the neighborhood" to start making plans.
You just won't find better Mexican and German food
anywhere - and great Texas beer (Pearl, Lone Star)!
And, if you get tired of looking at airplanes, you can
go look at the Alamo... It's only about 25 miles east.

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR> KR-1 Plans

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
--- wrote:
> lookin for a set of plans for front deck and
> turttle deck for  kr1,have an old set circa 1971/2
> can just bearly read. if anyone could direct me in
> that direction. thanks  
> Bill  

The "new" plans are only about $65 from Rand-Robinson.
A real bargain.
Find out more at:

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR> "Blowing" your own canopy - it sucks

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
--- patrusso  wrote:
> Anyone out there with plans or ideas on blowing your
> own canopy?

I have to agree with Dan Heath on this one. Probably
get better canopies, cheaper and quicker, buying them
from someone like "Todds" who does it for a living.

If, however, you are bent on doing this, or you want
to see a good website on making plastic bubbles, go
You'll probably have to copy and paste that whole
address, as I think it "wrapped" and dis-connected.
I think their principle actually "sucks" the canopy
into position, rather than "blowing" it, but, whether
it "sucks" or "blows", it is a lot of work that may or
may not give the results you want...
I leave it to you to decide if it "sucks" or

The parent site for that website is:
and it has LOTS of great links to sites for people who
are building fairings for recumbent racing bicycles.
Fun stuff for guys who build their own planes...

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR> Gathering photos

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
Finally downloaded some of my Gathering photos. You
can view them by clicking on the link below. They are
in the KR album.
Didn't take as many photos this year, had too much

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR> Copperstate

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
Glad to hear so many KRs are getting to Copperstate.
When I was in PHX there were only a couple each time.
Those folks need to see a REAL home-built for a

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR> Silence

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross

--- JIM VANCE  wrote:

> It is so quiet on the net that you could hear a
> mosquito fart!!
> Really sorry that I'm not laughing it up at the
> Gathering.  I WILL fly my KR-2 to the 2005
> Gathering.
> Jim Vance

Sorry I missed you this year Jim. Look forward to
seeing you at next year's Gathering. 
I laughed some for you today. Rick Lanning, who now
owns N4DD, the KR Dan Diehl built, took me for a nice
ride around the area. Great flying KR and it is OLD.
Not as old as me, but few things are...

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
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KR> Sunday Morning

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
Marty Roberts announced he's sold his plane at five
o'clock this morning to guy in Russia. How things
change. Twenty years ago you'd have never guessed that
this historic plane would someday be flying in Russia.

This was the most fantastic KR Gathering I've ever
seen and next year will be even greater. Bill Clapp's
plane was an inspiration to us all to get started
building. A lot of great innovations.
Steve Glover brought in a beautiful show-quality plane
all the way from California.
There were close to 20 KRs here and several new
completions, including Joe Weber's nice KR2. The guys
from Canada managed to get in just in time for the
It was great to see so many old friends again. 
See you next year.

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR> strobes

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
Joe Weber had his really nice, just completed KR at
the Gathering and he has some good strobes which, I
think, he said were easy to get and fairly
inexpensive. Maybe he'll put in a word or so when he
gets home and throws a log or two on his computer.
Good to see you on the net again.
Hope everything's well with you and yours. 
--- John Esch  wrote:

> All
> Of the majority of KR builders, which strobe system
> are people using?
> I have found on Ebay a ground vehicle strobe system
> and was wondering if it could be used for aircraft.
> Would this be a system worth looking into or at
> least for the strobes?
> John Esch
> Independence, OR (7S5)

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
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KR> Thanks to Larry Flesner

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
I also want to add my thanks to Larry Flesner for such
a great Gathering and congratulations for doing such a
great job on his plane. 
Can't wait until next year.

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR> RE: Ken Thomas

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
It is a Jabiru six-cylinder engine. Very smooth.
--- Mike  wrote:

> I was looking at the gathering pics and saw Ken
> Thomas's KR and noticed 3, yes, 3 valve covers. I
> was only there on saturday afternoon and didnt see
> his plane in person. What's up with the 3 covers? ?

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
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KR> Mt Vernon

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
Just dropped my bags off at the Comfort Inn and on my
way to the airport. Looking forward to a Great

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
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KR> short Gathering update

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
I have to second that. Was pleasantly surprised to see
so many planes at the field on Thurs PM when I arrived
a couple of hours before sunset. Steve Glover and
Richard Shirley were already here from California and
others arrived every few minutes. 
Great turn-out.

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR> Lonely

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
Sorry you couldn't make it. So far there's over 80
people signed in with about 15 KRs on the ramp. Got a
great picture of Mark Jones after he took his first
ride with Marty Roberts. His Grin-Meter was pegged.
Looks like everyone is having fun so far.

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR> 3 day weekends

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
The only thing prettier than your plane is your
website. Real nice!
See you all in Mt Vernon
Do not archive

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR> New Guy

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
2001 turned out to be one of the best attended
Gatherings ever!
Got lots of photos of your plane, too.
Good to have you on krnet.
There may be a picture or two of your plane on my
photo albums below

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR> Rougham Airshow Bury St Edmunds England

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
Went to an airshow at Bury St Edmunds, England last
weekend. Rougham Airbase was a WWII B-17 base and the
tower and landing field host airshows in the nicer
Didn't see any KRs, but there were home-builts. Some
beautiful flying by a P-51, Spitfire, Hurricane, YAKs,
lots of biplanes and some really nice models by the
Bury Model Flyers Club. Also a real nice turnout of
vintage cars. 
You can see the photos at my yahoo photo album (click
on the 'England 2004' album) at the link below.

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR> Folding wings

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross

--- Colin & Bev Rainey  wrote:

> So Ray are you then going to offer the plans for
> those folding wings to the group to allow members to
> benefit from their development since you are not
> going to use them?  I thought the whole idea was to
> get them out into the KR public so that they would
> be seen and the idea grow.  Can you not post them on
> a web page and allow downloads like we can do with
> the new wing?  Seems only fair since the raffle was
> supposed to be for someone to pioneer their use and
> you have stated you are not going to use them now.
> Colin & Bev Rainey
> KR2(td) N96TA
> Sanford, FL

Why not design your own?
Click on this link to see a nice folding wing set-up
on a sailplane I photographed at Oshkosh a couple of
years ago:
There will be three albums, go to 'Aviation' and look
at the first photo. It looks like something very
similar would work on the KR.
You can copy the picture. Click on the photo to make
it bigger.

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR> Engine Sale Page Oudated

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
--- Phillip Matheson  wrote:
> Sorry all, it's passed Friday
> But just found this web for many VW engines.
> Phillip Matheson
> Australia

Sorry Phil, but if you look at the dates on those ads,
they are out-dated. Wish som of these guys would keep
their websites up to date (like the KR guys do). 
I got excited about that page a couple of years ago
until I looked closely and realized they were old

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
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KR> Inappropriate Use of KR info - off subject

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
Probably "Jane" doesn't even know the e-mails are
going out in her name. Viruses, worms and Trojans pick
up names (and e-mail addresses) off infected computers
address books and send out messages that mimic those
people's e-mail. That's why it's hard to track them
down. I've had a lot of phony KR e-mails that look
like they come from KR netters. DO NOT OPEN them. Your
computer can get infected simply by opening the
e-mail, you don't have to open an attachement. Never
open anything from anyone you don't know.
Use a good virus protection and keep it up-dated.
Good luck,

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR> Nose gear wanted

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross

--- Al Doherty  wrote:
> I've got a Soob installation in my Kr and need a
> nose gear. 
> Any other suggestions or solutions would be
> Thanks All
> Al Doherty

Visit my yahoo photo album at
click on the album "KRs" to look at some close-ups of
Les Palmer's Soob installation and a couple of
pictures of his nose gear. It may not be much help but
might give you some ideas. I'm pretty sure it is home
made, but don't know anything about it. These pictures
are a couple of years old.

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
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KR> RR still in business?

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
"RR" is a VERY SMALL company. 
One Grandmother (Ken Rand's widow) and a helper, last
I heard.
I doubt she makes enough money to hire a 24/7 staff to
take the occassional order.
Keep trying.

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR> Gathering Sign-Up

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
--- Dan Heath  wrote:
>> Frank Ross, register for the gathering! I look
> forward to getting together again.. 

Nag, nag,
Okay, Dan, I signed up. 
Hope to see all my friends at Mt Vernon.

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR> What's a speed break?

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
A speed brake is a door that sticks out into the
air-flow and creates a lot of drag helping slow the
plane on landing (hopefully).
KRs are slick little planes and need something to get
the speed down once you're near enough to the ground
to land.
I learned to fly in a C-152 and I assure you there is
no comparison to a KR. None. If you want to pull the
nose on a 152 up you have to PULL on the yoke. In a KR
you THINK about pulling on the stick. One of the early
KR-1 builders said he could fly his plane by moving
his head. I believe him.
That said, LOTS of people have become quite
comfortable flying them and swear by them. 
Sounds like you might not be in the US, so it might be
difficult for you to get to the 'Gathering' in
September. I would highly recommend anyone who wants
to know more about KRs to go to the Gathering. You
will get to meet a lot of great people, many of whom
will become your life-long friends. The best way to
find out if the KR is the plane for you, is to get a
ride in one. As soon as you can. Keep looking.

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR> KR ground-clearance

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
The original KR retracts are very low. Later builders
installed longer, fixed-gear and some used larger
wheels, setting the plane (and prop) further from the
earth, making it look bigger and much easier to see
around the airplane patch. 
You can see several different types in Mark Langford's
photos at his site. There are a few on my photo albums
(links below) as well.
In fact, come to think of it, most questions about the
KR can be answered by reading through Mark Langford's
site. You can find it by following links on any of his
posts, or putting something like
"Aircraft+Rand-Robinson+KR+Langford" in your search

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR> See you in Mt Vernon

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
--- Dan Heath  wrote:
> Hey Frank, you commin across the pond for the
> gathering? 

Will you and Jerry bring your plane or do I have to
come to SC for that?
I have a feeling this will be the best Gathering since
Hope someone is able to fly the Tri-Pacer to get
aerial shots of Flesner's KR.

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR> Letting go of the Tri-Pacer?

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
The Tri-Pacer is as much a part of the Gathering as
you are. Gatherings won't be the same without it. I
guess we all have to move on...

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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KR> Dynel

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
I think Ken Rand used Dynel to make it easier and
cheaper to build the plane. A couple of years ago I
did some research and found Dynel was used in kayaks,
but they also gave up on it as it tends to hold too
much epoxy and get too heavy.
That's all I know about Dynel.
I recently you got an e-mail with an attachment that
looks like it came from me (Frank Ross) over the KRnet
about Winglets. It didn't come from me. I hope nobody
opened it.
Somewhere a virus has gotten into a KRnet member's
address book and is sending bogus e-mails again. 
I'm not on KRnet anymore but enjoy reading the Digest
and keeping up with what everyone's doing. Just got on
briefly to send this note about Dynel and the bogus
E-mail and wish everyone well.
Remember the SWRFI at New Braunfels, Texas is May
14-15 and will be a great one. Between Austin and San

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England UK

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KR>Hi every body

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
Welcome Nasser,
It is good to hear that another KR is being built in
another part of the world. Could you please post your
internet site so we can follow your progress? 
And no apology necessary for your english. It is not
an easy language and even those of us who speak only
english have problems with it.

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England UK

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KR>KR sailboat?

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
Sorry, but this won't wait until tomorrow. Check out
These are fiberglass sailboats that remind me of KRs.
Saw them on TV last night. They are only 2.2 meters
long! You wear these suckers! You can put the whole
thing in your car. One guy can carry it. 
And now back to your regular programming...

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England UK

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KR>KR2S/Corvair intake plenum

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
I've opened a yahoo! photo album at:
When you get to that site, you'll need to click on the
'Aviation' album to open it. Click on the thumbnails
to get a larger version or use the slideshow. The
slideshow takes a few minutes to load then is a real
nice way to view these. 
These are a lot of photos I've taken over a few
Gatherings, Sun-N-Fun and Oshkosh and include more
than KRs, but a LOT of KR folk in the pix.
BTW, there's a Jabiru fiberglass plenum in a Quickie
near the end.

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England UK

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KR>Aviation Photo album

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
I apologize for any trouble you may have had today
viewing my yahoo! photo album at
I forgot to put the setting on 'Public' so others
could view it. Should work okay now.
Thanks to those of you who let me know OFF NET. 
You are welcome to copy any of the pictures.

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England UK

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KR>KR2S Plans

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
--- wrote:
> I'm considering purchasing a plan set for the KR2S. 

> is subjective, I think positive or negative feedback
> from those that have
> already built (or are building) from these plan sets
> would be a good
> indication.  Any comments would be most appreciated.

The KR-2 and 2S plans are very good. That is not the
case for the KR-1 plans. Long ago I bought a set of
KR-1 plans because they were cheap and I thought I'd
get an idea of how difficult building it would be.
Trust me, there is no comparison. I think you'll find
the KR-2 plans excellent, but I cannot say the same
for the KR-1 plans.

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England UK

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KR> vinyl-ester - Hardener %

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
Now, still trying to work out
--- Phil Matheson  wrote:
> When bbuying vinyl ester also get the styrene
> suppressant "BYK S-750" It
> reduces the styrene odour 70 -90%. Add between o.3
> and 1%. You will have
> Bill
> You talked about using 0.3 to 1% hardener,??

> Was I misinformed
> Phil Matheson
> VH-PKR ( reserved)
> 61 3 58833588

Hi Phil,
By now you've probably realized that Bill was
referring to the amount of styrene suppressant to add,
not hardner.
Oh, and about the MPH, KPH, and knots (Nauts?) thing.
I think the Nauts and MPH thing is a hangover from
aviation's start when no one could decide whether to
use nautical or land-based terms. And, of course, the
Navy pilots will NEVER let that one go.
I don't really care, if they'd just chose one and let
that be.
Since coming to England have had some funny times with
the currency. Bought a pair of gloves for three pounds
and told (an American) friend I had bought some three
pound gloves. She (a blonde, but a surgeon, too) asked
why in the world I wanted gloves that weigh that much!

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England UK

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KR> vinyl-ester/ Styrene Suppressant

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross

> Frank or Bill
> What is Styrene Suppressant ???
> Phil Matheson
> VH-PKR ( reserved)
> 61 3 58833588

Vinylester has a very strong smell. If you are
building in your home it could cause serious problems
in your family relationships. Bill says the Styrene
Suppressant kills most of that smell. He lives in
Canada where sleeping out-doors is more of a problem
than in Texas, for instance. 
If you have a nice, secluded work area where the
neighbors are accustomed to unusual smells, you may
not need to bother.

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England UK

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2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
Remember that most KR builders are people who have to
choose between earning a paycheck, working on the KR,
spending time with the spouse (we have women building
KRs, too) and kids (or grandkids), going flying or
checking the e-mail from KRnet. You won't quickly get
answers to things you can figure out for yourself or
find by browsing through a few books in the library.
Some resources you may find helpful:
Composite Construction by Jack Lambie
Kitplane Construction by Ronald J. Wanttaja
Custom Built Sport Aircraft Handbook
EAA Aircraft Building Techniques WOOD
both available from EAA Aviation Center, Oshkosh, WI
That said, and knowing how hard it is to contact
Jeanette Rand, a quick check of my 2002 Wicks catalog,
page 18 lists "KR Fiberglass Lightweight boat or
tooling cloth in plain weave. 50" width, 5.85 OZ per
sq yd. As used on the KR aircraft. Threads per inch 18
length X 18 width."
A catalog from Wicks is a good resource.
You will also find a GOLDMINE of information on Mark
Langford's site. Links to so many great sites it
boogles what few gray cells I have left. Copy
everything and read it all. I recommend copying it
because it is too extensive to sit there and read and
it is great for those times when you don't have
anything else to do.
Good luck,
Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk England UK

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KR>kr2 handling characteristics

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
--- Raymond Hightower  wrote:
> Is a KR2 okay for a low time pilot?


Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England UK

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KR>KR vrs Dragonfly - safety

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross

--- Steve and Lori McGee  wrote:
> No I am currently not a pilot, but want to be and
> want to be an old pilot.  Please bear with me and
> read carefully before throwing stones and kicking me
> off the site.

First the disclaimer:
I have not flown or built either a KR or Dragonfly.
I am still a low time pilot and that doesn't look
likely to change over the next three years.
I have followed the KRnet and Dragonfly net for a few
years and gone to many KR Gatherings and Canard
fly-ins, which I highly recommend. I've ridden
motorcycles for well over 30 years. 
Apples and oranges.
As a biker, you know that many new bikers look for a
bike with a low seat so they can put their feet on the
ground. And you know how silly that is after you ride
for awhile. Same with aviation. We learn things early
on that make some of our initial concerns seem pretty
The problems you mention are not the ones to worry
about. The Dragonfly is MUCH more comfortable than the
KR. I like them both a LOT, but facts are facts. Do
whatever you have to to get a ride in each plane and
in any others you might want to build. Get as much
flying experience as you can before you get started on
building your dream plane.
Flyers should not try to factor out things like stalls
and spins, they should learn how to FLY THE AIRPLANE. 
That means knowing at all times what your plane is
doing and why. Those stall-spin accidents you read
about are a result of the pilot forgetting to FLY THE
AIRPLANE at a really critical time, like when the
engine quits or something equally distracting.
Enjoy your flying and find an instructor who will help
you learn to enjoy stalls and spins. Get a ride in a
KR and a Dragonfly and decide for yourself. 
Good luck,

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England UK

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KR>EAA Books

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
--- Jack Cooper  wrote:
> Gavin
> I wanted to respond to your question about books by

You might be thinking of the deal EAA offers it's
chapters. Occassionally the chapters I've belonged to
can order those books from EAA at really nice prices
and that's how I got many of mine.
It pays to belong.

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England UK

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KR>Fiberglass & Location

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
--- Gavin Donohoe  wrote:
> Thanks all, I'll just get some boat building cloth
> now and use the West
> System I know the ball park figure. I'm in Australia
> so I didn't even think

Always a good idea to include your location on the
planet in your signature. Then folk near you can be
more help and those of us on the other side of the
planet won't direct you to your local "Home Depot" or
"Radio Shack".

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England UK

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KR>First Flight for N4027Y

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
Congratulations, now you have to send some photos of
your plane flying over the flower fields. Lompoc has
to be one of the world's most beautiful places. I was
at Vandenberg for a few years and loved it there.

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England UK

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KR>Concord SST, London to New York

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
Have been off the list a few months getting settled in
England, where my wife is stationed with the USAF.
Thought you'd like to hear about the SST.

Last Thursday I saw the last Concord lift off from
London’s Heathrow Airport bound for New York. My
friend from EAA Chapter 35, Terry Winnett, read about
the last flight being on Friday, the 24th and we
wanted to see it take off before then. A quarter
million people were expected for Friday and we wanted
to beat that crowd. 
The BP station across the street from runway 09 was
the best place to see a take off, so we got there
about 1745 and waited in the cold until the take-off
at about 1920. A crowd of several hundred had gathered
by the time the plane took off and we had a great time
talking to all those around us. Many were not dressed
for the cold but stayed anyway. The British love
airplanes and the Concorde is very special to them.
There were the very old and little kids and as many
women as men in the crowd. 
A lot of us brought cameras but it was too dark for a
good picture by the time our plane took off. Planes
were going over every few minutes and we had a lot of
false starts. When the SST did take off there was no
mistaking it.
First of all, there was the noise. Much louder and
deeper than even the 747s that had gone over. Then the
dark shadow rising from the horizon, followed by the
orange lights of the four huge exhausts against the
dark blue of the evening sky. It came directly over us
at very low altitude and the roar completely blocked
out all other sound. The cabin lights were clearly
visible as a chain of light along the fuselage. The
plane looked light blue against the darker sky. As it
passed overhead, the nose lifting higher, those huge
exhausts glowing in the night, now the top of those
massive wings visible and the plane tilting slightly
to the right, leaving us much faster than anyone
Much too soon it was gone. The next day there would be
more but they were in the daylight and not nearly as
impressive. The Thursday evening take off to New York
was the best by far.
Oh, almost forgot the runner. Just as we arrived at
1745 a beautiful girl ran down the sidewalk dressed in
very tiny running shorts and a halter top. Good
runner, too. She disappeared almost as fast as the SST
and we were just as glad to be there when she passed.
A night I’ll never forget.
Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35, 
San Geronimo, Texas,
Now in England, UK

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KR>Concord SST

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
Been following your progress on the digest. Looks
The Concord BBC page you mentioned has a link to
another page with a good photo of the Thursday night
take-off at:
Another good Concord site is at:
for info on the museums.
There's one at the Imperial Air Museum at RAF Duxford
which I got to walk through a couple weeks ago. It is
small inside, I had to duck to walk through the
passenger compartment. The seats are two on each side
of the isle and they are smaller than first-class.
Okay for four hours, I guess. Sure a lot of guages in
the cockpit.
Still, an amazing airplane the British can be proud
Frank Ross
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, Texas,
Now in England, UK

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KR>Virus from Frank Ross

2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
I just got back on KRnet because I just got two virus
notes, one from me and another from Dana. I know we
did not send these. The subject had something about
KRs and mine was regarding 'rear opening canopies'.
I hope no one opened these. 
Please get and use a virus program.
Also, don't open anything from 'Frank Ross' I have
changed my out-going address to either F Ross or
Franklin Ross. Hope that helps some of you.
Please do not respond directly to me as I will
probably delete your response just for safety sake.
Respond thru krnet as that is the safest way.
Frank Ross in San Antonio, TX

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