2010-11-17 Thread Michael Novick
US activists face new repression as political prisoners fight for justice

Nora Barrows-Friedman and Maureen Clare Murphy,

The Electronic Intifada,
15 November 2010

The US government is attempting to criminalize solidarity work in the 
Palestinian community.

(Maureen Clare Murphy)

For decades the United States government has attempted to criminalize 
work in the Palestinian community in support of their national 
liberation cause.

But in recent years this repression has increased dramatically.

The Electronic Intifada spoke with the daughter of Sami al-Arian and 
the daughter of Ghassan Elashi -- both political prisoners in the US 
-- about the impact this repression has had on their families' lives.

And in an Electronic Intifada exclusive, Hatem Abudayyeh, an 
organizer and community leader whose home in Chicago was raided by 
federal agents on 24 September 2010, spoke to the press for the first 
time about his family's story.

The Electronic Intifada spoke with al-Arian, Elashi and Abudayyeh as 
activists across the United States prepare for emergency 
demonstrations as the subpoenas for three anti-war and solidarity 
organizers to appear before a federal grand jury in Chicago are being 
reactivated by the Department of Justice.

The three activists are among the 14 who received subpoenas during 
and soon after coordinated FBI raids on homes and offices across the 
Midwestern US on 24 September.

The government says that the raids and subpoenas are part of an 
investigation into "material support" of foreign terrorist 
organizations but it has not arrested or charged anyone.

A grand jury, no longer in use anywhere outside the US, is an 
investigative tool that allows the government to compel citizens to 
testify even if they are not suspected of any crime.

The 14 targeted activists are involved with various peace with 
justice groups, including the Palestine Solidarity Group-Chicago, 
Students for a Democratic Society, the Twin Cities Anti-War 
Committee, the Colombia Action Network, Fight Back! newspaper, the 
Freedom Road Socialist Organization and the National Committee to 
Free Ricardo Palmera.

All the activists had submitted letters to the US attorney -- the 
local Department of Justice prosecutor who convenes the grand jury -- 
stating their intent not to testify; the Department of Justice had 
withdrawn the original subpoenas, but the grand jury was still convened.

The three activists receiving reactivated subpoenas are expected to 
be offered "immunity" -- meaning that they face the choice of 
informing the government about the activities of other organizers or 
being jailed for the duration of the grand jury, and possibly facing 
further charges for criminal contempt of court.

"What [the US government] is doing is gathering political 
intelligence to indict people under this idea of providing material 
support for terrorism," attorney Michael Deutsch, part of the legal 
defense team for the activists, told The Electronic Intifada.

"The grand jury is not an independent body.

It is controlled by the US Department of Justice and they decide who 
is subpoenaed and what the outcome of the grand jury investigation is.

It is a tool of the FBI and the justice department to repress 
political activists."

Deutsch wrote for The Electronic Intifada in 2008: "In the last forty 
years the government has used the grand jury as a tool of political 
inquisition subpoenaing and resubpoenaing activists the government 
knows will refuse to cooperate, stripping them of their 
constitutional right against self-incrimination and forcing upon them 
the choice of informing on their movement or going to jail for contempt."

In an article contributed to the Mondoweiss site, Deutsch explains: 
"The search warrants and grand jury subpoenas make it quite clear 
that the federal prosecutors are intent on accusing public nonviolent 
political organizers ... of providing 'material support,' through 
their public advocacy, for the Popular Front for the Liberation of 
Palestine and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia" ("US 
Justice Department prepares for the ominous expansion of law 
prohibiting 'material support' for terrorism," 10 November 2007).

The investigation's legal basis is the bipartisan Antiterrorism and 
Effective Death Penalty Act passed under the Clinton administration 
in 1996 and expanded with the bipartisan Patriot Act enacted during 
the Bush administration.

In June of this year the implications of the legislation -- already 
used after 11 September 2001 to shut down major Muslim charities in 
the US -- was broadened even further.

According to Deutsch in Mondoweiss, in the decision Holder v. the 
Humanitarian Law Project, the US Supreme Court "decided that 
nonviolent First Amendment speech and advocacy 'coordinated with' or 
'under the direction of' a foreign group listed by the Secretary of 
State as 'terrorist' was a crime."

The "foreign terrorist organization" designation is unilat

[LAAMN] Perjury charges against victims of police abuse for testifying in own defense

2010-11-17 Thread Michael Novick
 From Matt and Maggi blog http://mattandmaggi.tumblr.com/

via Anarchist News


We are asking for your support of two Olympia activists, Matt (Matthew
Duran) and Maggi (Margaret Belknap), who have been charged with perjury in
connection with their participation in an anti-police demonstration in
Olympia, WA on April 8th. The demonstration occurred in reaction to recent
police murders in Olympia, Portland, Tacoma, and the Bay Area and the
unaccountability that surrounds them.

The march had attendance and support we haven't seen in years. During a
mass arrest, 29 people went to jail (The State Street 29) of the original
approximately 50 participants , most of which were not charged. Several
people were beaten or pepper balled, sat on the ground for hours in the
cold waiting to be escorted off one by one, without being told what they
were charged with, without being fed, without being allowed to call
attorneys... you know the story. Like many experiences people have in
jail, their treatment wasn't the best - they were singled out for harsher
treatment based on their political views.
[I've often wondered about this particular complaint. If waging war
against this society has any meaning at all isn't it a good sign, on some
level, that those who defend it recognize our opposition and treat us
accordingly? Or is the problem that so many @ are caught up in BS to
realize that those who defend society are not our friends and confuse the
issue on our side? Because they are under no illusion and neither should

Three individuals were initially charged. Paul French was charged with
felony assault of an officer, Jami Williams with misdemeanor assault and
malicious mischief, and Maggi with felony assault of an officer. We
believe the evidence the police presented was fabricated and/or
insufficient for conviction. Paul pled no contest and was sentenced to 90
days in jail. He served two months on good behaviour. Maggi was sentenced
to 30 days, serving 16 on good behaviour. Like in many instances before,
assault of an officer was a mockery of the situation; it was closer to
assault by an officer. Maggi was beaten by the police and pepperballed
while she sat next to Matt, who received a pepperball to the head.

We were all excited when we thought this ordeal was over, but now they are
facing new charges. When Maggi was initially charged with two counts of
assault of an officer, she testified in her own defense. Matt, who was a
witness to her arrest, also testified. Both testified that Maggi did not
assault the officer, instead suggesting that perhaps it was the officer
who assaulted her. Two officers testified against her. One of whom, their
prime witness, admitted that he couldn't say for sure whether or not she
assaulted the officer. She was convicted of one count and acquitted of the

Matt and Maggi have now both been charged with one count of first degree
felony perjury class B under state law. This is a serious felony and
something nobody in Olympia has been charged with before in this context.
It's common in court cases to have witnesses which give completely
contradicting testimony where nobody is charged with perjury. The
prosecutor is making this charge on the basis that she was convicted. If
one were to follow this logic, the officers who testified to the assault
should also be charged with perjury as she was acquitted of one charge
(and therefore their testimony must have been falsified as well). On the
day of trial, the prosecution tried to bring in a witness they had not
previously notified the defense about: an officer who had for over a month
not realized he witnessed the whole event, now claiming he had seen the
alleged assault! He was not allowed to testify, but it is likely he will
testify in this case. This officer (Bryan Houser) also unjustly attacked a
member of the Olympia community named Pony shortly after Officer Houser
attempted to testify during Maggi's initial assault case.

We need to raise a serious amount of money to bring political pressure,
hire attorneys, and do outreach and we need to raise it in a matter of
months. We have to raise $5,000 to pay the retainer for Matt's lawyer and
that amount will likely triple if this goes to trial. We all know how
crucial yet costly these battles are. If the police can use this tactic
successfully, perjury charges will occur much more frequently against
those who take the risk of challenging government accountability in a
public way. While the visible and public presence of the anti-police
brutality movement in Olympia was damaged by the loss the State Street
ordeal has put on us, the convictions of Maggi and Matt could very well be
the straw that breaks the proverbial camel's back. In September, police
across Washington State killed six individuals and no officers have been
charged for those killings. Most of them haven't had any public
investigation whatsoever.

Both Maggi and Matt have been ac

[LAAMN] Activists called back to federal grand jury

2010-11-17 Thread Michael Novick
APNewsBreak: Activists called back to grand jury
The Associated Press

Wednesday, November 17, 2010; 6:10 PM

MINNEAPOLIS -- Three Minnesota anti-war activists 
who refused to testify before a federal grand 
jury in Chicago after their homes were raided in 
a terrorism investigation have been told they'll 
be called again, an attorney told The Associated Press on Wednesday.

In late September, authorities searched seven 
homes and an office in Minneapolis and Chicago in 
what the FBI said was an investigation into 
material support of terrorism. Fourteen activists 
in the two states were summoned to testify, but 
they refused and their subpoenas were postponed.

None of the activists have been charged. Warrants 
suggest agents were looking for connections 
between them and terrorist groups in Colombia and the Middle East.

Bruce Nestor, an attorney who represents some of 
the activists, said Wednesday that three of them 
have been told they'll be called back to the 
grand jury, but it's not clear when. Individual 
attorneys for those activists are working out 
details with prosecutors, Nestor said.

Activists Unafraid After FBI Crackdown
By José Alcoff


Tom Burke began the morning of Sept. 24 like any 
other. His wife took their 5-year-old daughter to 
school before heading to work in their Michigan 
town. Then the phone rang, and he learned that 
FBI agents were raiding the homes of friends in 
Chicago. As any good organizer would, Burke 
jumped into his car to produce a press release at 
the first internet cafe he could find.

He then realized someone was following him.

“This car turned around twice behind me, and I 
thought that’s funny because I don’t know where 
I’m going,” he chuckles. He called his wife and 
headed to her workplace. As he drove through the 
security gate, a black SUV zoomed in behind him. 
His wife came down, and three people jumped out 
of different vehicles and made a beeline toward 
them. “The man came out [of the SUV] and 
identified himself as FBI. And he served me and my wife with subpoenas.”

In multiple raids, three subpoenas were served on 
Chicago antiwar activists there, giving them 
October dates to stand before a Federal Grand 
Jury. Another six were issued in Minneapolis 
during six FBI raids, including one of the 
offices of the Anti-War Committee (AWC). FBI 
agents allegedly had a key when they entered the 
AWC office, where they seized checks made out to 
the group, cash registers and checkbooks. Three 
days later, three more activists in Minneapolis were served with subpoenas.

All told, more than 70 federal agents were 
reportedly involved in the eight raids, and some 
individuals claim they were subjected to 
intimidating phone calls and visits by agents in 
North Carolina, California and Wisconsin.

None of the 14 individuals were charged with 
crimes, though the subpoenas indicated the 
federal government was considering charging them 
with providing material aid to terrorists, 
specifying solidarity work in Palestine and Colombia.

These allegations come on the heels of the recent 
Supreme Court decision in the Humanitarian Law 
Project v. Holder case that expanded the 
definition of “material aid” to “terrorist 
groups” to include educating designated groups in 
nonviolent methods for conflict resolution and 
delivering humanitarian aid to areas under their 
control after natural disasters.

“Their goal is to bring charges of support for 
terrorist groups against the people who were 
subpoenaed,” said Burke. “They’re trying to pit 
people against each other and …put people in jail.”

Instead, various social movement organizations 
sprang into action. As the FBI raided Joe 
Iosbaker’s and Stephanie Weiner’s Chicago home, 
carting out 26 boxes of their family’s personal 
effects, dozens of friends and activists arrived 
in a display of solidarity. Across the country, 
Burke said, rallies or pickets were held in 60 
cities demanding an end to the subpoenas and the 
grand jury investigations. In New York, Chicago 
and Seattle fundraisers were held to garner money for legal defense.

Antiwar, civil liberties, socialist and other 
groups called for U.S. Attorney General Eric 
Holder to shutter the federal grand juries. Many 
of those under attack are shop stewards in their 
unions, and AFSCME , AFT and Teamsters locals 
were among at least 17 labor groups that have 
issues statements of solidarity, which are available at stopfbi.net.

While the subpoenaed individuals were each given 
one of three dates in October to appear before a 
federal grand jury in Chicago for questioning, 
all have refused to testify. They say they are 
willing to go to jail rather than participate in 
what they call a government fishing expedition of 
information from 

[LAAMN] Fw: BE HEARD: Urge Obama to Withdraw Weapons Offer to Israel

2010-11-17 Thread Romi Elnagar

Take Action -- Speak About Palestine

Dear Friends:

Last week, while Prime Minister 
Benjamin Netanyahu was in the United States, the Israeli government announced 
that it was building 1,300 new settlement units in East Jerusalem.  The 
announcement was yet another public humiliation of the United States across the 
Middle East and around the world.
And what is the United States 
doing?  The Obama Administration has reportedly offered Israel 20 F-35 fighter 
jets, valued at $3 billion; a pledge not to request further "settlement 
freezes"; and a commitment to veto any United Nations Security Council action 
affirming the declaration of a Palestinian state, all in exchange for a paltry 
90-day "settlement moratorium" that excludes East Jerusalem.
Please make your voices heard and 
tell the Obama Administration, "Enough!".  Providing Israel with tools of mass 
violence and failing to insist that it permanently and unconditionally end 
settlements will advance war and suffering, not peace and reconciliation, 
across the Middle East.
BE HEARD: Urge Obama to Withdraw 
his Weapons Offer to Israel and Insist that Israel Permanently and 
Unconditionally End Settlements!


The American Association for 
Palestinian Equal Rights (AAPER) is America's Free Palestine Lobby.  
Its mission is to (a) educate Americans about Palestine and (b) help shape an 
equitable U.S. policy toward Palestine that advances equal rights in Israel and 
Palestine, peace in the Middle East, and sustainable security for the United 
AAPER’s website is 
Keep up with AAPER on Facebook & 



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network

[LAAMN] None Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest: A World Without Birds

2010-11-17 Thread Ed Pearl
As you read this, consider the Gulf of Mexico and likely your own
neighborhood, our next congress, the Supreme Court, et al.
Woe to the world.


None Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest: A World Without Birds

by Kate Ravilious
The Independent/UK: November 15, 2010

Scanning the sky with his binoculars, he searches carefully for any sign of
movement: the steady beat of a blackbird's wings, the fluttering of a flock
of starlings. It has been a week now since he saw the starlings: just four
of them flitting from tree to tree, feasting on the autumn berries.

Birds are a real rarity these days. In his boyhood, he recalls, he would
watch the acrobatics of entire flocks as they ducked and dived after
insects. But now the skies are silent, barring the hum of the odd airplane.
Turning back to his fruit and vegetable patch, he continues the laborious
task of pollinating the raspberry plants by hand, gently brushing pollen
onto the slender stigmas inside the flowers. In the past, bees, wasps,
butterflies and flies would have done this job for him; nowadays such
insects are likewise a rarity. Farmers instead resort to robot bees to
pollinate their crops: tiny motors, encased in fuzzy fabric, which hover
from flower to flower.

Will this bleak outlook be a reality for future generations? It is nearly 50
years since Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring, the book that warned of
environmental damage the pesticide DDT was causing. Today, DDT use is banned
except in exceptional circumstances, yet we still don't seem to have taken
on board Carson's fundamental message.

According to Henk Tennekes, a researcher at the Experimental Toxicology
Services in Zutphen, the Netherlands, the threat of DDT has been superseded
by a relatively new class of insecticide, known as the neonicotinoids. In
his book The Systemic Insecticides: A Disaster in the Making, published this
month, Tennekes draws all the evidence together, to make the case that
neonicotinoids are causing a catastrophe in the insect world, which is
having a knock-on effect for many of our birds.

Already, in many areas, the skies are much quieter than they used to be. All
over Europe, many species of bird have suffered a population crash. Spotting
a house sparrow, common swift or a flock of starlings used to be
unremarkable, but today they are a more of an unusual sight. Since 1977,
Britain's house-sparrow population has shrunk by 68 per cent.

The common swift has suffered a 41 per cent fall in numbers since 1994, and
the starling 26 per cent. The story is similar for woodland birds (such as
the spotted flycatcher, willow tit and wood warbler), and farmland birds
(including the northern lapwing, snipe, curlew, redshank and song thrush).

Ornithologists have been trying desperately to work out what is behind these
rapid declines. Urban development, hermetically sealed houses and barns,
designer gardens and changing farming practices have all been blamed, but
exactly why these birds have fallen from the skies is still largely

However, Tennekes thinks there may be a simple reason. "The evidence shows
that the bird species suffering massive decline since the 1990s rely on
insects for their diet," he says. He believes that the insect world is no
longer thriving, and that birds that feed on insects are short on food.

So what has happened to all the insects? In the Nineties, a new class of
insecticide - the neonicotinoids - was introduced. Beekeepers were the first
people to notice a problem, as their bees began to desert their hives and
die, a phenomenon known as Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD).

The first cases were in France in 1994, but the epidemic quickly fanned out
across Europe, and by 2006 CCD reached the US too. Between 2006 and 2009 one
third of American beekeepers reported cases of colony collapse. Aside from
the loss of revenue in honey sales, this is worrying news because honey bees
are one of the world's most important pollinators, and 35 per cent of
agricultural crops rely on pollinators.

As a service, pollination is worth an estimated £440m a year to the UK
economy and a staggering $15bn (£9.3bn) to US farmers. And it isn't just the
Western world that is affected: in China the lack of bees has become so
serious that farmers in some regions are already resorting to pollinating
their crops by hand.

Controversy has swirled around the issue, with everything from mobile phones
to GM crops being held to blame. The key contenders include parasites, viral
and fungal infections, and insecticides.

Last month the problem appeared to have been cracked, when a group of US
scientists published a paper in the online journal PLoS One which indicated
that CCD was caused by the interaction between a virus, the invertebrate
iridescent virus, and a fungus known as Nosema apis (http://ind.pn/9NKzPD).

But since then it has emerged that the study's lead author, Jerry
Bromenshenk, has in recent years received a research grant

[LAAMN] Venezuela: Interview with María León, newly electe d MP for the PSUV in Aragua

2010-11-17 Thread Cort Greene

 Venezuela: Interview with María León, newly elected MP for the PSUV in
Written by Lucha de Clases Wednesday, 17 November 2010
[image: Print]

*"If there weren’t so many bureaucratic hands in the State apparatus,
stopping resources from reaching the people, we would have overcome extreme
poverty." The newly elected MP of the PSUV in Aragua and ex-Minister for
Women and Gender Equality, Maria León spoke with Lucha de Clases to draw up
a critical balance-sheet of the September 26 elections, the sabotage of the
Venezuelan oligarchy and the need for international solidarity with the
Bolivarian Revolution.*

*LC: What is your analysis of the September 26 election results?*

[image: Maria Leon at Gotcha]
ML: As a Venezuelan who has dedicated all of her political activity in
favour of the social interests of working men and women, and for the
struggle for socialism, I look at every political event from a class point
of view.

In Venezuela we have the phenomenon that Marx and Engels refer to in *The
Communist Manifesto*, which states: “Our epoch, the epoch of the
bourgeoisie, possesses, however, this distinct feature: it has simplified
class antagonisms. Society as a whole is more and more splitting up into two
great hostile camps, into two great classes directly facing each other —
Bourgeoisie and Proletariat.”

For me what is happening today in Venezuela and much of our America which is
in struggle, involves not only the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, but also
the oligarchy and the working people. I say "working people" because some
oligarchs, by the fact that they were born in Venezuela believe that they
are part of the people and thus I use the term “working people” to avoid

What is happening? This country since the popular uprising against the
oligarchy at the time of Zamora had not risen again. All the wars that have
taken place since then to this day, have been carried out by different
groups of the left, of the right, of people ambitious for power and glory,
and some seeking justice, but none of these had involved the whole people as
we have achieved since the beginning of the Bolivarian Revolution with
comandante Hugo Chavez.

As each day passes the two major camps, that of the oligarchy and that of
the people will become more clearly defined. The elections are a
demonstration of this confrontation and a huge one at that, because so far,
both the working class and the oligarchy were disguised and speaking of
National Unity, the interests of the Nation...

For example, we were always told that in the Orinoco Belt there was bitumen
and everyone had thought that they, for the national good, would deliver
this bitumen which the multinationals found so difficult to process. We
believed in this nonsense during the period of government of the oligarchy
under the Acción Democrática and COPEI [Social Christian Party of

The oligarchy has now been unmasked. The people know who the oligarchy are
and what interests they represent and it is equally clear who the working
people are and the historical interests that we are defending. The elections
are a demonstration of this.

What is the oligarchy doing? In the first place, we have not been able to
take the state apparatus out of the hands of the oligarchy, because within
the state apparatus, the revolutionaries hardly occupy any positions. Most
of the Venezuelan state apparatus is still in their hands.

They are involved in the same old fraud, stealing as they have done
throughout history, allowing arms trafficking, drugs trafficking to destroy
the young workers, and the youth in the villages and when they fail to turn
them into thugs to put them in prisons built for them, they send them to
kill as we see happening daily. I accuse the oligarchy. Young people who die
here are ordered to kill by the oligarchy.

Sure, the latter takes advantage of the problem of insecurity, as was always
the case with slave owners, feudal lords, capitalists and oligarchs and this
should frankly be called Terror. They are introducing drugs, prostitution,
and all this poison. Polar [a big brewery and food company in Venezuela]
gets our youth and our men drunk every week, only to kill them later on.
When they introduce panic and terror, some of our forces that are not fully
conscious of the class position they occupy in society become frightened and

It is clear that between the previous election and the September election
more than a million of our supporters decided to abstain, on top of the
general level of abstention. Where did these people go? The propaganda of
the oligarchy about property and terror, saying that the government is doing
nothing to resolve the question of lack of secur

[LAAMN] No Peace for Cuba

2010-11-17 Thread Cort Greene
*No Peace for Cuba*

 *- Havana Times.org - http://www.havanatimes.org -*

Posted By *the editor* On November 17, 2010 @ 3:52 pm In *Opinion,leftcol1*|
*1 Comment *

*By Alberto N Jones*


Woman Power. Photo by Ivana Beluzec

HAVANA TIMES, Nov. 17 — On April 6, 1960, Lester D. Mallory, Deputy
Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, wrote in an
internal memorandum: “The majority of Cubans support Castro…”The only
foreseeable means of alienating internal support is through disenchantment
and disaffection based on economic dissatisfaction and hardship….every
possible means should be undertaken promptly to weaken the economic life of

“Mallory proposed a line of action which…makes the greatest inroads in
denying money and supplies to Cuba, to decrease monetary and real wages, to
bring about hunger, desperation and overthrow of the government”.  A
commercial, economic and financial embargo was imposed on Cuba in October
1960, which became a near total embargo on February 7, 1962, after US
citizens and corporations properties were nationalized in Cuba.

My oldest daughter Isabel Maria was born on February 27, twenty days after
this infamous law was enacted.  Seven months later, on October 22, Isabel
Maria, her mother and I were huddled in our dark home in Guantanamo, waiting
for the nuclear conflagration to begin, in the worst military crisis in our

Since, every possible reasons, real or imaginary have been invoked and
presented by all subsequent US administrations, as a justification for
keeping the embargo in place:

- Because of the loss of properties and the US refusal to accept reasonable
compensation offered by Cuba.

- Because Cuba declared itself Socialist.

- Because of the presence of nuclear missiles in Cuba

- Because Cuba was accused of “exporting” revolutions to Latin America

- Because of Cuba’s military interventions in Africa.

- Because of a lack of open, free multi-party elections and Human Rights

- Because of a lack of freedom of speech and for holding political

- Because Cuba is on a list of terrorist nation, etc. etc.

*An ever moving finish line*

In order to support these arguments and to continue to move the finish line,
hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent by the US State Department,
through front Foundations to create an enormous propaganda machine around
the world, geared to distort the image of Cuba and their leaders, weaken all
of its institutions through man-made, financed and directed subversive
groups, massive Radio, TV, literature and film barrage and by providing safe
haven to known terrorists on US soil.

Corner of Life. Photo Ivana Beluzec

Legally, these measures were enforced through different mechanisms such as
expelling Cuba from the OAS, opposing invitations by western Europe
governments of high ranking Cuban officials to visit their country, creation
of exclusive anti-Cuba laws such as Peter Pan, Cuban Adjustment Act, Wet
Foot/Dry Foot, the Office of Cuba Asset Control, Trading with the Enemy,
Cuban Democracy Act, Helms-Burton Act and many more.

Cuba on the other hand has responded to these attacks, by raising this issue
at every international conference, symposium, political gatherings, UN,
Caricom, SELA, ALBA and other institutions, where they have denounced the
crippling effects  this suffocating measure have had on the lives, wellbeing
and development of an entire nation.  Over time, this message has permeated
the powerful financial barrier the United States have erected around the
world, to shield this despicable act.

All institutions aforementioned  and others, have condemned this genocidal
imposition on Cuba and the United Nations General Assembly have denounced
and called for its repeal for nineteen consecutive years, which the United
States have arrogantly ignored.

Across the United States, more and more counties, cities, states,
committees, congressmen, senators, businesspeople, humanitarian groups,
religious organizations, academic, research institutions, jurists, medical
and other reputable institutions, have all decried and demanded the US
government  rescind these draconian measures and take concrete steps for
normalizing its relations with Cuba.

*The Hope Obama Kindled*

During his presidential campaign and after being elected president, Barack
Obama embodied a glimmer of hope, which led millions around the world to
believe that the fossilized, antagonistic US-Cuba relations would be
addressed differently.  Change had been the motto of his campaign.

Twenty two months after assuming the presidency, the only visible change in
the US-Cuba dispute has been restoring Cuban-Americans travel rights, as it
was during the Bill Clinton era and by allowing unlimited family visits and
cash remittances.

Notwithstanding, tha

[LAAMN] Tell HUD - Don't demolish public housing in New Orleans

2010-11-17 Thread Michael Novick
Note from MN: We should be raising the same 
demands here in Los Angeles about Nickerson 
Gardens and other public housing.--MN

>Tell HUD: No Choice Neighbrohoods Grant to Demolish Iberville!
>* » 
> Stop
> the Demolitions and Corruption in New Orleans!
>* » 
> Inhabitants
> of Americas
>* » 
> World
> Assembly of Inhabitants
>* » 
> UN
> Review of United States Reveals Severe Shortage in Affordable Housing
>No Demolition of New Orleans' Iberville Public Housing Development
>No Demolition of New Orleans' Iberville Public Housing Deve
>This letter, addressed to HUD secretary Shaun 
>Donovan, is to demand that the Department of 
>Housing and Urban Development not award a 
>"Choice Neighborhoods" Implementation grant to 
>the Housing Authority of New Orleans (HANO) and 
>City of New Orleans to demolish and privatize 
>the Iberville Public Housing development.
>action, sign the petition!  and forward this 
>message to other supporters of racial and economic justice in New Orleans.
>Demolition of New Orleans' Iberville Public Housing Development
>The International Alliance of Inhabitants is a 
>global network of associations and social 
>movements of inhabitants, cooperatives, 
>communities, tenants, house owners, homeless, 
>slum dwellers, indigenous populations and people 
>from working class neighbourhoods. The objective 
>is the construction of another possible world 
>starting from the achievement of the housing and city rights.
>You can manage you subscription using the 
>Newsletter Tool .

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[LAAMN] Christopher Hitchens on Obama as "Shabbos Goy"

2010-11-17 Thread Michael Novick
While I think the latest Obama/Clinton ploy to string out the current 
"peace" talks is reprehensible, I think that Hitchens's piece crosses 
the line from anti-Zionism to anti-Semitism. The U.S. is not now and 
has never been some pitiable fool embarrassing itself by doing the 
bidding of Israel or "the Jews" in the Middle East. The U.S. is an 
imperial power that has always supported both Zionism and Arab 
reaction in various forms as tools of its imperialist goals in the 
Middle East and elsewhere. Hitchens is falling into the "If Americans 
Only Knew" trap that supposes there is a legitimate "national 
interest" of the US that is being violated by dupes and agents of the 
Jewish lobby. There is an interest that oppressed and exploited 
people in the US have in common with the Palestinians and others, 
against colonialism (especially settler colonialism) and imperialism. 
And incidentally, the U.S. is not "gentile" or "the gentiles." The 
U.S. is an empire state, incorporating a population of many 
ethnicities and religions.

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[LAAMN] Fwd: [News] Terrorist fest set for Wednesday in Washington

2010-11-17 Thread Michael Novick
Terrorist fest set for Wednesday in Washington

Advisory: Terrorists and coup-plotters from all 
over Latin America to meet at U.S. Capitol 
building in Washington - 

By Jean-Guy Allard

Translation: Machetera

Almost all those scheduled to attend a meeting 
that will take place this Wednesday, November 
17th, in a hearing room at the U.S. Capitol 
Building in Washington D.C., have been linked 
with terrorism and in many cases coups d’etat and 
assassination attempts in Latin America.

Apparently this news was not meant to be revealed 
and was accidentally leaked to the Argentinean 
news agency Télam last Friday.  The details were 
later confirmed by some Bolivian participants as well as other sources.

The list of the main participants whose names 
were leaked comprise a real who’s who of those 
who want to manipulate the destiny of Latin 
America according to the ideas that fit their neo-fascist profile.

Here they are:

1. The Cuban-American congresswoman Ileana 
Ros-Lehtinen, whom House Republicans have chosen 
to lead the House Foreign Affairs 
Committee.  Everyone knows how this Miami 
daughter of an old apologist for the dictator 
Fulgencio Batista was elected years ago after a 
noisy campaign to free the Cuban terrorist 
Orlando Bosch, and how she has shown her 
solidarity with other murderers of the same 
stripe; Luis Posada Carriles and Eduardo 
Arocena.  Ros-Lehtinen has gone so far as to call 
publicly for the assassination of the Cuban 
leader Fidel Castro, and to turn Cuba into “another Iraq.”

2. Connie Mack, another Miami scorpion, who 
for his part controls all Latin American policy 
for the Republicans.  Among other misdeeds, Mack 
also was a furious defender of Bosch, at the side 
of Ros-Lehtinen and George Bush’s son, Jeb Bush, 
now being proposed by his father to succeed Barack Obama.

3. Otto Reich, the former U.S. Ambassador in 
Caracas, where he managed to get Bosch out of 
prison in order to later “insert” him into the 
United States despite his long terrorist 
history.  In addition to having been sent as a 
Special Envoy for Latin America by the 
ex-President George W. Bush, Reich is notorious 
for his behind the curtain manipulations of not 
only the 2002 coup d’etat in Venezuela but the 
2009 coup in Honduras, doing more than anyone 
else to legitimize it.  Recall that this same 
Reich managed the misleading office of “public 
diplomacy” during Ronald Reagan’s regime, 
fighting the Sandinistas with a battery of lies.

4. Roger Noriega, the Assistant U.S. 
Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs 
during the W. Bush regime, and an eminent member 
of the Cuban American mafia.  Noriega is so tied 
to the ultra-rightwing Bushes that he was also 
the U.S. representative before the Organization 
of American States.  Not only a friend of 
Reich’s, but also of Elliot Abrams, John 
Negroponte and Roger Pardo-Maurer, he was part of 
the “team” that managed Oliver North during the 
badly named “Iran-Contra” operation.  This 
“super-agent” for the CIA has even been suspected 
in the murder of the Maryknoll missionaries 
William Woods, Yado Ite Ford, Maura Clarke, and 
Dorothy Kazel, in El Salvador, along with Cuban 
Americans located in Miami and the then CIA 
ambassador for Venezuela in El Salvador, Leopoldo Castillo.

5. Surprise! Amongst such eminent specimens 
of Washington’s ultra-rightwing fauna, Alejandro 
Aguirre, no less, will appear!  The departing 
president of the Inter-American Press Association 
(IAPA) and son of an admitted CIA agent, Aguirre 
heads the Diario Las Américas in Miami, and 
preaches “freedom of the press” while leading 
this cartel of communications moguls who 
jealously guard the informationa monopoly they 
impose on the entire continent.  He was one of 
those who, along with Ros-Lehtinen, approved most 
highly of the Roberto Micheletti coup in Honduras 
and who repeated more than anyone else that there 
was NO attempted coup d’etat in Ecuador.

6. Then we have the Venezuelan camp, headed 
by Guillermo Zuloaga, the president of the 
Venezuelan television network, Globovision, 
putschist extraordinaire, involved in every kind 
of conspiracy, a fugitive from Venezuelan justice 
for a long list of crimes and a guest of the 
Obama administration in Miami, sanctuary of 
terrorists, corrupt politicians, murderers and 
torturers from all over Latin America.  No doubt 
he will be accompanied by several examples of 
this squalid kind of refugee now making their homes in Florida.

7. José Cardenas, the former assistant 
administrator for USAID (fronting for the CIA) in 
Latin America, where he succeeded the Cuban 
American swindler Adolfo Franco, who forcefully 
diverted hundreds of thousands of dollars to an 
entire group of parasites in the “Anti-Castro” industry.

8. From Bolivia, t

[LAAMN] Venezuela: Reflections about Transcending the Dialectics of Reform and Revolution

2010-11-17 Thread Cort Greene
 Venezuela: Reflections about Transcending the Dialectics of Reform and

Nov 15th 2010 , by Franz J. T. Lee
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 *In various publications on the internet we can register a serious
preoccupation about the future of the Bolivarian Revolution and socialism on
a global scale. Allow us to summarize our views expressed with relation to
human emancipation across the past decade.*

Let us begin with the philosophic, emancipatory sublime. The ancient Greek
materialist philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus (who President Chavez loves to
quote) two and a half millennia ago already knew that 'panta rhei', that is,
* that 'everything flows'; that one cannot step twice into the same river*.
Till today this 'fiery' river is a practical, concrete attack on all static,
dogmatic, reformism, against ideological and religious  'absolute truths',
which across the ages were perpetuating and defending the exploitative,
dominating and discriminating productive global status quo.

The philosophic counterpart of Heraclitus, Parmenides of Elea postulated the
eternal, absolute 'hen kai pan', the one and all; later it will become the
summum bonum, the Platonic Idea of the Idea, the Highest Good, the
monotheistic patriarchal god, the divine quintessence of the ruling class
State, of all earthly lords, water lords and war lords.

In the cradle of Western and European philosophy and ideology the formal
logical and dialectical parameters were born, that is, the contradiction
'society and nature', later politically expressed as 'reform and
revolution', nowadays, even as peace and war, as barbarism or socialism. In
tune with 'Big Brother', 'freedom is slavery', very often, reformists shout:
'capitalism is socialism', 'Stalinism is real, existent socialism'.

Let us try to simplify the above logic.

The above logic, the way in which most of us unknowingly 'think', is based
on a single philosophic principle, on 'A'. By stating that 'A' is divine,
absolute and eternal, that nothing is or exists that transcends 'A', we land
in the Moloch of Mind and Thought Control. Hitler explained it as follows:
'To control a people is to control its education'. Thereafter, cynically he
stated: 'How lucky the rulers are that people do not think.' Thus, change
can only come from within, from within 'A'. Comrades in Venezuela and
elsewhere, without thinking, without theory we will never leave the Platonic
cave of intelligible 'bliss', of visionary ignorance. Without emancipatory
philosophy we will never know what is to be done.

In capitalist education, in education for barbarism, 'B', which is neither
'A' nor 'Non-A' simply is forbidden. Revolution and Non-Revolution (Reform)
exist, however, categorically Emancipation(B) is being declared 'thought
crime', is 'terrorism'.  Hence 'A always equals A', this the third law of
formal logic expresses. This is the logical basis of the reigning
imperialist superstructure, of Orwellian 'newspeak', of the Mental
Holocaust. It is destroying the diferencia especifica of human beings, the
possibility and capacity to think.

On this is based the fallacy that change can only come from within, from
within 'A', the status quo, the establishment, the world order, the State,
the united political party and the family. Anything else, beyond this credo,
beyond this paternoster, is being classified as blasphemy, atheism,
betrayal, extremism and terrorism.

In how far the above concerns the Bolivarian Revolution, socialism and

The anticipatory secret to venture beyond Parmenides (eternal rest) and
Heraclitus (perpetual change), beyond the two sides of the very same formal
logical and dialectical process, ... of a single, universal closed system,
which only accepts 'A' as its one and only postulate, ...  was given to us
by Kratylos, the pupil of Heraclitus.

He simply drove 'A' and its derivation 'Non-A' to its logical conclusion, by
warning his teacher that 'one cannot step into the same river not even
once', ... because by doing this, fresh water always is flowing away from
under one's feet.

Yes, as long as we will have a single postulate, a single 'A', everything
will flow away, everything will change in Venezuela and in the world except
perpetual change itself. Therewith we land in the 'one and all' again.

How to get out of this dilemma?

All over, as capitalist States, as a result of profit mongering, production,
technology and industrialization, we are changing nature into ashes, into
oil leaks, radio-activity, and 'chemtrails', are changing use-values into
exchange-values, workers into guinea-pigs, into electoral and canon fodder,
are changing gold, uranium and oil into capital, into United States Fed
counterfeit money; and we are transforming autochthonous peoples into
landless beggars.

In the 'Man

[LAAMN] Fwd: Stop FBI Call-In To Congress Today!

2010-11-17 Thread Carlos Montes

This is something easy we all can do now, just to call your congressperson. See 
below for easy steps.

Carlos Montes 

-Original Message-
From: Tom Burke 
To: info 
Sent: Wed, Nov 17, 2010 8:38 am
Subject: Stop FBI Call-In To Congress Today!

 November 17, 2010
Dear Friends, 
A delegation from the Committee to Stop FBI Repression (CSFR) is in Washington 
D.C. today, Wednesday, November 17.  Joe Iosbaker and Anh Pham, both targets of 
the FBI raids and Grand Jury repression, and Deb Konechne, who is coordinating, 
need your help today and tomorrow.  The CSFR delegation plans to meet with U.S. 
Representatives in person to get a Dear Colleague Letter demanding an end to 
FBI raids and calling off the Grand Jury.  While we are focusing on the 
Progressive Caucus and its 80 plus members (see below), we think that calling 
any and all the U.S. Representatives is worthwhile in bringing this issue of 
repression of the anti-war and international solidarity movement to their 
Washington D.C. offices.  
We are asking you to call your U.S. Representative today and ask:
1.  Please meet face-to-face with today’s delegation from the Committee to Stop 
FBI Repression.  Give the Representative’s office the delegation’s contact 
info: Deb Konechne at 651-487-0574 or write to Jess Sundin 
2.  Please initiate and sign a Dear Colleague Letter calling for an end to FBI 
raids and calling off the Grand Jury against anti-war activists.  
To call your U.S. Representative:
**Please call the Congressional Switchboard at 202-224-3121, give your U.S. 
House Representative’s name or give your zip code and ask to be connected.  
**Go to http://www.house.gov/ and enter your zip code in the upper left corner 
where it says “Find Your Representative”.  This will link you to the U.S. 
Representative’s web page, where you can find the Washington D.C. office phone 
number to call.  
Thank you for calling in an effort to stop the repression of the anti-war and 
international solidarity movements, Tom Burke, on behalf of the CSFR
P.S.  We are waiting on news about the reactivation of subpoenas.
Priority Phone Calls For Meetings and the Dear Colleague Letter
A.  We have meetings with the following aides and whatnot, but we want you to 
call and politely ask for meetings with the U.S. Representative and request 
they initiate and sign a Dear Colleague Letter.  So if you are in their 
Congressional District please call today!  

1. Massachusetts Rep. Jim McGovern, 202-225-6101, Legislative Director Cindy 
Buhl, Wednesday at 10:30 AM
2. Illinois Rep. Jan Schakowsky, 202-225-2111, with aide Isaac Brown, 
Wednesday, 2:00 PM
3.  Michigan Rep. John Conyers Jr., 202-225-5126, meeting with counsel from the 
Judiciary Committee - Michelle Milben and Elliot Mincberg, Wednesday, 3:00 PM

4. Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, 202-225-4755, Thursday, 9:00 AM
B. Meetings we are seeking, but we need email requests and phone calls from 
you, the constituent, asking the U.S. Representative to meet with the 
delegation from the CSFR.  
1.  California Rep. Barbara Lee, 202-225-2661
2.  California Rep. Mike Honda, 202-225-2631
3.  California Rep. Sam Farr, 202-225-2861
4.  Washington Rep. Brian Baird, 202-225-3536
5.  Washington Rep. Jim McDermott, 202-225-3106
6.  Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich, 202-225-5871
7.  Illinois Rep. Bobby Rush, 202-225-4732
8.  Illinois Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., 202-225-0773
9.  Illinois Rep. Phil Hare, 202-225-5905
10.  Illinois Rep. Bill Foster, 202-225-2976
11.  Arizona Rep. Raul Grijalva, 202-225-2435
If you can help us to set up a meeting with any U.S. Representative on 
Wednesday or Thursday, then please email Jess Sundin at jess.sun...@gmail.com 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network

[LAAMN] El Salvador:Show Me the Missing Documents! Why are US Documents about the Murder of Jesuit Priests Disappearing?

2010-11-17 Thread Cort Greene

 Show Me the Missing Documents! Why are US Documents about the Murder of
Jesuit Priests Disappearing?
November 17, 2010
 tags: El Salvador , National
Archives and Records
National Security
Defense Intelligence
Central Intelligence
United States , San
Central America , Library of
Congress , Jesuit
by Emily Willard

Twenty-one years after the murder of six Jesuit priests, their house keeper
and her daughter in El Salvador [*November 16, 2009
related documents released in a public collection by President Clinton in
1993 have been re-classified—and even disappeared.

Two years ago, members of the human rights community filed a criminal case
in the Spanish National Court against the 14 former Salvadoran military
officers allegedly involved in the massacre. As a part of the evidence
introduced to the court, the National Security Archive provided copies of
declassified U.S. government documents and expert assistance in interpreting
the documents.

The 1993 Congressional Request for President Clinton to release the

In effort to help Stanford Professor Terry Karl and National Security
Archive Analyst Kate Doyle to provide expert witness testimony on the
documents related to the massacre, Archive staff decided to revisit the
original collection of the El Salvador Human Rights documents released by
the U.S. The documents were released by President Clinton in November of
1993 and August of 1994 *upon congressional
following the March 15, 1993 release of the United Nation’s Truth Commission
Investigation, *From Madness to Hope: The 12-Year War in El
*The special collection includes documents from various U.S. government
agencies including the Department of State (DOS), the Department of Defense
(DOD), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Defense Intelligence
Agency (DIA), and the U.S. Army*.* Many of these documents were included the
National Security Archive collection, *El Salvador: War, Peace, and Human
*. *

*The Search Begins*

In September 2009, my colleague visited the *National Archives and Records
Administration*  (NARA) to do a
preliminary review of the documents in the El Salvador human rights
collection. I completed a follow-up visit where I more closely reviewed the
documents and found that the collection included only the State Department
documents from the collection, with the exception of a few folders labeled
“Non-State.” The majority of the papers in the “Non-State” folder were
actually “withdraw sheets.” (When a document is re-classified, it is removed
from the file and replaced with a “withdraw” sheet which provides a small
amount of identifying information, a tracking number and the date the
document was re-classified). I worked with several archivists in the NARA
reading room, and we were unable to locate the rest of the “Non-State”
documents in the collection. The collection was supposed to include at least
939 CIA records, and 916 Department of Defense records. These were obviously

I consulted with National Security Archive Analyst Kate Doyle about the
possible location of the remaining documents in the collection. She recalled
an obscure collection of El Salvador documents in the *Hispanic Reading Room
*  of the *Library of
Upon visiting the Library of Congress and after receiving assistance from a
very helpful staff member, I was able to find many of the missing Non-State
documents, including several binders of a thousand or so pages of CIA and
DIA documents. The collection at the Library of Congress had a finding aid
that included reference to many other “Non-State” documents, including some
from the National Security Agency (NSA), the Office of the Se

[LAAMN] Hitchens: Israel's Shabbos Goy -- Why America will come to regret the craven deal Obama is offering Netanyahu

2010-11-17 Thread Ed Pearl
From: "Sid Shniad" 


Israel's *Shabbos Goy* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shabbos_goy

Why America will come to regret the craven deal Obama is offering Netanyahu:
It is a national humiliation. Regardless of whether that bunch of clowns,
thugs and racists in the Israeli cabinet "approve" of the Obama/Clinton
grovel offer, there should be a unanimous demand that it be withdrawn.

By Christopher Hitchens
Slate Magazine: Nov. 15, 2010


Those of us who keep an eye on the parties of God are avid students of the
weekly Sabbath sermons of Rabbi Ovadia
In these and other venues, usually broadcast, this elderly Sephardic
ayatollah provides an action-packed diet that seldom disappoints. A few
months ago, he favored his devout audience with a classic rant in which he
called down curses on the Palestinian Arabs and their leaders, wishing that
a plague would come and sweep them all

Last month, he announced that the sole reason for the existence of
to perform menial services for Jews: After that, he opined, their
usefulness was at an end. A huge hubbub led to his withdrawal of
the first of these diatribes. (I would be interested to know if this was on
partly theological grounds. After all, the local Palestinians may still
have some labor to perform before the divine plan is through with them.) The
second sermon, so far as I know, still stands without apology. Why on earth
should anybody care about the ravings of this scrofulous medieval figure,
who peppers his talk of non-Jews in Palestine with comparisons to snakes,
monkeys, and other lesser creations, rather as Hamas and Hezbollah refer to
the Jews [sic]? Well, one reason is that he is the spiritual leader of the
Shas Party, an important member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's
coalition. Indeed, two key portfolios, of the Interior and of Construction
and Housing are held by Shas members Eli Yishai and Ariel Atias.

Yishai recently delighted the Diaspora by saying that only those Jews who
converted via the Orthodox route could carry "the Jewish
Atias has expressed alarm about the tendency of Israeli Arab citizens to
try to live where they please—or "spread," as he phrases it and has
advocated a policy of segregation in housing within Israel proper. He
also advocates the segregation by neighborhood of secular from Orthodox
Jews, adding that he does not wish his own children to mix with their

It is Yishai's ministry that is famous for making announcements about new
"housing" developments outside Israel itself and in legally disputed
territory. Very often, Netanyahu himself has claimed to be taken by surprise
at these announcements, which usually involve tense areas of Jerusalem. Thus
the huge embarrassment
of Vice President Joe Biden earlier this year, when fresh
settlement construction was proclaimed in the middle of his high-level
visit. And thus the undisguised irritation of President Obama and Secretary
of State Hillary Clinton last week, when yet another round of such housing
was scheduled while Obama was in Asia and Netanyahu was in the United
States. Apparently, the latest high-level round of the peace process has
included the modest and tentative suggestion to Israel that such disclosures
be timed with greater tact and coordination in the future.

It's not only the doings of his Interior and Housing ministries of which
Netanyahu has to remain resolutely uninformed. His foreign minister is not a
part of Israel's most important external negotiation. This is perhaps just
as well, since the holder of the post, Avigdor Lieberman, regards the whole
"process" as a waste of time. He said as
the United Nations last September. It was patiently explained at that
time that Netanyahu had not been favored with advance notice of the contents
of the speech.

Lieberman has another distinction that I believe is unique. He does not live
in the country whose foreign ministry he heads. He chooses, rather, to make
his home in the West Bank settlement of Nokdim, a tenaciously held outcrop
with a population of fewer than 1,000 people. The party which he heads—
Yisrael Beytenu is a nationalist rather than religious faction, but in a
competition with Rabbi Yosef for vicious anti-Arab rhetoric, it's not
immediately clear which one would emerge the winner.

Now we read

[LAAMN] Wed. 11/17 1:30pm: Welcoming party for Uribe in Cambridge - Miercoles 11/17 bienvenida festiva a Uribe en Cambridge

2010-11-17 Thread Williams Camacaro

We Know is a bit late, but spread widely if you can!

Dear community of solidarity and sanity, 
Alvaro Uribe Velez, Colombia's infamous former president who needs no 
introduction, will be taking a breather from the ongoing protests at 
Georgetown, as well as receiving a subpoena to testify to coal-giant Drummond's 
collusion with paramilitaries.  He'll be at his old romping grounds, Harvard.  
Join el Polo Democrático Alternativo - Boston in receiving him with the hoots 
and hollers he deserves.  
Bring signs with messages of opposition to Human Rights violations, corruption, 
impunity, neo-liberalism, and tyranny.  Bring the noise.  Bring a friend.  
When: Wed. 11/17 at 1:30pm
Where: Harvard Kennedy School, meet at Eliot St. and JFK St. in Cambridge; 
Uribe’s event (not open to the general public) will be in the Rubenstein 

google map: 

¡Sabemos que ya es un poco tarde, pero difunda sta informacion todo lo que sea 

esti...@s t...@s de nuestra comunidad solidaria, 
Alvaro Uribe Vélez, ex-presidente colombiano a quien recientemente se le 
entregó una orden para presentarse en las tribunas para testificar acerca de 
las conexiones paramilitares de la compañía carbonífera Drummund, estará 
tomando un descanso de las manifestaciones que vienen recibiéndolo en la 
Universidad de Georgetown.  El ex-alumno de Harvard estará de visita en 
Únase al Polo Democrático Alternativo - Boston para recibirlo con las 
re-chiflas que solo él se merece.  
Alisten carteles con sus mensajes en contra de las violaciones de los DD.HH., 
de la corrupción, de la impunidad, del neoliberalismo y de la tiranía.  Vengan 
listos para hacer bulla acompa�...@s por sus a...@s.    
Cuándo: miércoles 17 de noviembre a las 1:30pm
Dónde: Harvard Kennedy School, lugar de encuentro Eliot St. con JFK St. en 
El evento de Uribe, el cual no estará abierto al público, tendrá lugar en el 
edificio Rubenstein:
 Polo Democrático Alternativo De Boston


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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