[lace] Email address

2014-08-19 Thread Alex Stillwell
Thank you, I have been put in touch with Lorraine.


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Re: [lace] Exhibition Lace in 100 years from now

2014-08-19 Thread Bev Walker
Hello Nathalie and everyone

I haven't written to you as you request, I don't want to join this
display.  What lace would be like 100 years on, that I can't imagine.
However the future of lace is an interesting subject.
What I was thinking, 100 years from now, especially if we all look after
our laces with a care to the future (thinking also of Jeri's useful posts
on the subject of textile care), there will be a new group of collectors,
whose specialty is lace from the late 20th Century, c. 2000, could be
exhibits entitled Lace: 2014-2114.

On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 11:10 AM, Nathalie stevieni...@gmail.com wrote:

 A designer of lace for garments and accessories holds an exhibition in
 A map from the world will be displayed with messages from everyone who
 wants to joinThe notes or drawings or photos will have as theme
 Lace in 100 years from now  .
 I was surprised not to get more reactions on this request.
 Are people interested in the future of lace?

Bev in Shirley BC, near Sooke on beautiful Vancouver Island, west coast of

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[lace] IOLI Convention 2015

2014-08-19 Thread Janice Blair
I know it is a little early to be thinking of next summer and another great
convention, but I did want to let you all know that next year there are 3
Arachne members on the co-host committee and they will be planning our
get-together.  We are hoping that there will be a concession stand where we
can pick up our lunch and meet in a private room, but we will have to see what
works out.

It was great to see everyone, including Janet Goodacre.  She and I
met over 10 years ago when I visited her on Vancouver Island and also met Bev
Walker and the rest of her guild.  I have met so many Arachne members over the
years.  We had a great contingency from overseas at our get-together this
time.  Lots of prizes in our free raffle.  I won a tea towel commemorating
Queen Elizabeths jubilee which was contributed by Janet Theaker.  It was so
nice to meet Janet and her husband and they were having a great vacation with
Sallie Owenby and her spouse.  Janet and I exchanged Christmas cards last year
on Arachne, and this time she won a little humbug sewing bag made in spider
fabric I had contributed to the raffle.  I know I mentioned this in a previous
email but that one was supposed to be a private email and I goofed so you all
got it.

My convention was really good.  I didn't seem as harried as last
year.  I am on the IOLI committee and arrange the teacher agreements and info
that appears in the Bulletin and online, and the Teacher Showcase.  Did
everyone like the fact that I included a more detailed class description,
photos and supply lists, where available, online last time?  If so, I will do
it again but I have not received much feedback on that.  A good deal of
convention time is spent in meetings for this year, including the Teacher
Meeting and those for 2015, 2016 conventions. I did miss the 2017 meeting, but
I didn't miss any class time. My time on that committee is up next year and we
are always looking for someone to shadow me for a year before taking over.
 Any volunteers?   

I took Ipswich with Karen Thompson.  I thought that would
be easy as it just looks like Torchon but in black silk.  No, not simple, you
really need to study the excellent diagrams she provided to make sure you
didn't go wrong.  I did go wrong a few times and did retro lace quite a bit. I
was able to work a full repeat in one sample using 35 pair of bobbins, and
started my second sample which includes Kat stitch ground.  Something I had
not done before but once I had it established, it is a nice ground to work.

think the host group did an excellent job and everything went smoothly, apart
from my buying a book by Ulrike Voelcker that I already had on my bookcase at
home.  The only thing we could complain about was housekeeping as one day they
never did tidy our room.  We can live with an unmade bed but to have no coffee
for the morning was bad. Good job our friends in an adjoining room had spare.
I bought a couple of books, more thread than I can possibly use in a year,
only one bobbin, and a commemorative square bobbin with California orange
poppies on it, but I did a lot of eye candy shopping.  Wish I had unlimited
funds, but then it just means more for my family to get rid of when I pop my

Tomorrow I am going to the San Bernardino History Museum to meet up
with the Cross Twisters.  They demonstrate there every week and I guess we get
to gossip about lace and stuff when no one is visiting.

Sunday will be a
picnic at Mission Bay in San Diego with the three lace guilds from the area.
 A chance for DH to meet some lacemakers and their families.  Life is good in
sunny southern California.
Janice Blair 
Murrieta, CA, 60 miles
north of San Diego 

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[lace] Contributing / helping build community

2014-08-19 Thread Robin D
Just adding a thought:

I hesitate to contribute. I have pickings that I've designed  done or
tatting patterns that I've worked the bugs out of, BUT I don't have what it
takes to deal with complaints  criticism. I am NOT a professional nor am
I some uber OCD designer.  I'm an artist and a mom. If I get a notion I'll
do it up. I kind of wonder if more of us introverts would contribute more
if we didn't feel like it would become open season on our skills/ideas.

I had someone local tell me I was doing my tatting joins wrong (it was
different than how this person prefers to do them) and I stopped a tatting
for over a month. It sucked the joy out of doing it. Every time I picked up
shuttles all I heard was doing it wrong.  Yes, I know I shouldn't let
things get to me, but...  And people saying just get a thicker skin or
some such nonsense does just the opposite.

I live with depression and often those extrovert sayings we all know do
more damage than good.  I'm not sure how to fix it so that more shy
people are willing to open up. Perhaps if you hear someone putting another
lace-maker or lace style down take a moment to counter it. Compliment
something from the bulletin or start a topic to get people sharing their
favorite kind of lace or technique...I don't know. *blush*  I am, however,
working up the courage to contribute a couple of patterns to IOLI's
bulletin.  And maybe, just maybe, next year I'll have the courage to put
something in the local fair.

You are all amazing lace makers!

Never, ever, let anyone tell you what you can and can't do. Prove the
cynics wrong. Pity them for they have no imagination.
The sky's the limit. *Your* sky. *Your *limit.   Now, let's dance.  *~Tom

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Re: [lace] Contributing / helping build community

2014-08-19 Thread Clay Blackwell
Robin, as a *former* Mental Health Therapist, I just want to say that when you 
were tatting and it made you happy, you were doing it absolutely RIGHT!  If you 
made a mistake, it was when you allowed someone else to steal your joy.  

So, recognize the beauty and talent within, and do your own thing!  Seek advice 
when you want to change your method, but choose your advisee carefully, because 
there are lots of people out there who build themselves up by tearing others 

I will eagerly look for your contribution to the bulletin!  


Clay Blackwell
Lynchburg VA, USA

Sent from my iPad

 I had someone local tell me I was doing my tatting joins wrong (it was
 different than how this person prefers to do them) and I stopped a tatting
 for over a month. It sucked the joy out of doing it. Every time I picked up
 shuttles all I heard was doing it wrong.  Yes, I know I shouldn't let
 things get to me, but...  And people saying just get a thicker skin or
 some such nonsense does just the opposite.
 I live with depression and often those extrovert sayings we all know do
 more damage than good.  /snip/   I am, however,
 working up the courage to contribute a couple of patterns to IOLI's
 bulletin.  And maybe, just maybe, next year I'll have the courage to put
 something in the local fair.
 You are all amazing lace makers!

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Re: [lace] Eye of the Needle - Feller, Goodhart, Witney

2014-08-19 Thread janefr...@gmail.com

Dear Jeri,

When I wrote my email, I felt sure that you would know of the Fellers 
- and must surely have the books, but it was late and I was tired and 
not up to searching the archives. Thank you for the URL. This time 
I've bookmarked the search page.

Nor did I have time to look around the Ashmolean's own collection. I 
was actually there to see the Discovering Tutankhamun exhibition with 
family. They were then sent off to explore Oxford while I looked 
round the Eye of the Needle exhibition. However, I picked up a 
leaflet guide to the Ashmolean embroidery trail and I'm keeping 
that for my next visit. But anyone else visiting the museum, do look 
out for it as its not at the main entrance, but was available in the 
mini shop at the door to the gallery housing the Feller collection. 
Presumably a special to capitalise on the exhibition.

Oh and thank you Jeri for the info about all the other places to see 
embroidery. Please don't ever stop posting! I may only skim some 
messages but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate them and the work 
that's gone in to writing them.

Indeed, thank you to everyone who replied to my post. I'm relieved to 
say not a bad word was written - unlike the anonymous peer review 
I've just received for a paper submitted to a professional journal 
 I too have had my rejections Brian!

Please lets keep this list a friendly place where everyone feels they 
can contribute without fear of censure or criticism.

Best wishes to all,
New Forest

Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 19:56:26 -0400 (EDT)
From: jeria...@aol.com
Subject: Re: [lace] Eye of the Needle - Feller, Goodhart, Witney

For the few who study early embroidery,

It was delightful to read Jane's August 13th memo  about the Feller Sampler
exhibition at the Ashmolean Museum.  I  have visited this museum 2 times,
and found much thread work in the regular  collection to be of interest.
Both times it was arranged that a staff  member open storage drawers to show
pieces at rest.

In case you think I neglected to ever tell you about the Feller
Collection, see my 2012 memo by going to our Arachne archives and 
putting Feller

Collection in the Search box:

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[lace] Building a community

2014-08-19 Thread Rosemary Hemmett

Hi everyone
I do not often contribute but I would just like to say that like all 
groups where there are a great variety of personallities. From those  
that have the time and the urge to post a lot to the group to others who 
for all sorts of reasons do not contribute quite so much.  Those who are 
know it alls with very strong opinions, whilst others are more hesitant 
and get upset when anything the say gets shreded or feel overpowered by 
the know it alls.  The most important thing is that we are a group of 
people who enjoy making lace.Non of us is perfect but if we can 
help/encourage others to try different things find techniques to use, 
solve a problem, give confidence to, then the group is working.
Personally I find the articles posted very interesting and file them for 
future reference/reading and have often tried the patern or technique 
out often many months after I have read about it.  I have joined in with 
some of the bobbin and card exhanges in the past. and received back some 
excellent bobbins and cards in return.
Caring for and encouraging  others also swapping and sharing of ideas is 
what is needed. Then the shy members of our community will feel able 
to come and have confidence to post their thoughts and ideas to.
Thank you all for being such a super group -  keep on posting all your 
thoughts, ideas, advice  I shall keep on reading, trying out and 
joining in when I can.

Kind Regards
Rosemary Hemmett

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[lace] Convention.

2014-08-19 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
I, too, went to Convention in Sacramento, and had a wonderful time.
I took only morning classes as I had my DH with me, and had to spend some
time with him!!
I took the Gold  Silver Early Laces, with Gil Dye, and it was fabulous.
Working on graph paper, instead of a design was a challenge - that I did not
conquer very well!! But I learned heaps, and enjoyed every moment.

As people arrived, on the Saturday, we sat in the lobby, - and I was amazed
at how many people knew me from past conventions!!!  It was so nice to meet
up with everyone again. This was my 5th convention.

The Exhibition room was great.  There was a long display, under glass, along
one wall of old lace, - and one piece just blew me away - It was a small
(about 4 inch square) of rose point, and I could not believe how fine the
thread was, and how small the motifs, and raised work. There were rings on
the bars joining the work, and each ring had 6 or more Venetian picots -
which were so tine they could hardly be seen. How Ever did they work them? I
cannot imagine how the lacemaker could see, let alone have a needle fine
enough to work the lace. 

Lia's talk and fashion parade was wonderful, as was the talk on World War 1
lace.  I wish I had heard that talk before the Bethesda convention, as we
saw some War Lace in the American History Museum, on the Wednesday tour, and
I did not take much notice of it, as it was very Modern after we had
viewed 16th and 17th Century Laces in another room!!

It was a great week, and at last I have been to The lace Museum, and Lacis,
too - 2 other highlights of the week!!!  Thank you to the Gold Country
lacemakers who gave us all such a great time.

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz.

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Re: [lace] IOLI Convention 2015

2014-08-19 Thread robinlace
-Did everyone like the fact that I included a more detailed class 
photos and supply lists, where available, online last time?  If so, I will do
it again but I have not received much feedback on that.  

HI, Janice,

Okay, I didn't get to go to convention and don't expect to get there in the 
next decade or so, but here's feedback.  YES!!  I always got frustrated with 
lack of info, especially a picture of the lace, in general if that's all they 
have, but of the project(s) is even better.  If I don't know the lace, my 
decision will be based on whether it looks interesting or pretty.  If I know it 
just a little and some of the stuff is definitely not my cup of tea, my 
decision will be based on whether the project is ugly (to me) or not.  Even if 
I'm very familiar with the lace but the project looks exciting, I'll take the 
class for the fun.  I've decided against a lot of classes because there wasn't 
a picture, and was sorry when I finally saw it on a student's pillow or at the 
teacher's showcase.

Then there's the supply list--as soon as I find out what classes I got I want 
to start gathering supplies.  But I can't till the list comes out, sometimes 
not till June!  I think the supply list would also help me decide on a class, 
especially if I have to fit a pillow in my luggage when they say minimum 24 or 
some such.  And do I really want to bring a thousand bobbins wound with frog 
hair for a class project?

I think you've been doing a marvelous job (not that I'd expect less than that 
from you) as teacher coordinator.  I'm sorry to hear you're not planning on 
another term.  Whoever follows you will have big shoes to fill.

take care,

Robin P.
Los Angeles, California, USA

Parvum leve mentes capiunt
(Little things amuse little minds)

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[lace] Various bits!

2014-08-19 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Janice, I loved the web site place to get the class information, and
supplies, and also the photos of class samples.  It was great.
Perhaps others, like me, did not know who to comment to about it.

It was a great idea, and yes, I suggest you try it again next year.  Having
photos of the various laces was a help in deciding what to have a go at.

Robin, Clay is correct, - go with your strengths, and do things Your way.
All laces have a variety of ways to reach the same ending - so no way is all
right, or all wrong - just different.
Think about it - if there was only one way of doing things - there would
only be one book on the subject. How boring would that be?!!!  

Don't, Don't Ever let someone put you down like that. 
The Yorkshire man's Toast springs to mind --

Here's to thee, as good as thou art,
And here's to me , as bad as I am,.
But,- as good as thou art, 
And as bad as I am -- 
I'm as good as thou art, - as bad as I am!!!

Repeat this over and over, when someone is nasty to you.  It does help!  You
might even wind up smiling at them (due to the poem in your head!) and that
will disconcert them greatly!! :)

And Yes, Please, Robin, send a pattern or 2 to the Bulletin. They will be
gratefully received - and no-one will be nasty, I can assure you.

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz.

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Re: [lace-chat] Pennsic Wars

2014-08-19 Thread Sue
Sounds amazing and I did just look on google.   Didn't see anything lace 
though sadly.

We used to do living history American fur trapper times and we made a Tipi 
and used it for a couple of seasons camps. Amazing dwellings and I would 
think the yurt would be fantastic.  Moving the 22 ft poles about because too 
difficult for us so we went back to using a trailer caravan and using a 
white wall A frame we made instead just to sit around in the day time. I 
took my lace pillow there several summers and did some bits of work.  Always 
something that it didn't matter if it got dirty but would be useable if it 
came home clean at the end of the time.

Fun days and great social interaction.
Sue T
Dorset UK

-Original Message- 
From: Martha Krieg  Pennsic Wars

Pennsic Wars - Google will provide videos of same, though I don't
fight.  Yes, lace was involved. Sunday Aug 3 was Lacemaking day on
Artisan's Row
. My son-in-law and my daughter built their own 16-foot diameter
yurt which will stand up to any weather that has been thrown at it so
far (including up to 60 mph winds three years ago); I use a modern tent
because I want to be able to set it up and take it down by myself if I
have to,
On 8/18/14, 6:50 PM, Janice Blair wrote:
Can we get an explanation of the Pennsic Wars.  Where was it held, what 

you wear, was lace involved?  Doubt that but maybe you can enlighten us.
  Sounds like a lot of folk involved.  Was it muddy or did you get good


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Re: [lace-chat] Pennsic Wars

2014-08-19 Thread Janice Blair
Okay, now I know it is SCA.  I didn't know anything about either when I lived
in Pennsylvania.  I had heard the name, probably on Arachne at some time but
never followed it up.  Sounds like fun.  I remember going to a reenactment in
Lichfield, England when my kids were little and it sounds a lot like that.  I
went again on a visit and this time found a bobbin maker and bought my one and
only jingle bobbin.  I used to demo at another reenactment in Illinois every
September, but it was only for a weekend, which was enough sometimes as it
could be very cold.


Janice Blair 
Murrieta, CA, 60 miles north of
San Diego 

On Tuesday, August
19, 2014 5:44 AM, Sue su...@talktalk.net wrote:

Sounds amazing and I did
just look on google.   Didn't see anything lace 
though sadly.

We used to do
living history American fur trapper times and we made a Tipi 
and used it for
a couple of seasons camps. Amazing dwellings and I would 
think the yurt would
be fantastic.  Moving the 22 ft poles about because too 
difficult for us so
we went back to using a trailer caravan and using a 
white wall A frame we
made instead just to sit around in the day time. I 
took my lace pillow there
several summers and did some bits of work.  Always 
something that it didn't
matter if it got dirty but would be useable if it 
came home clean at the end
of the time.
Fun days and great social interaction.
Sue T
Dorset UK
-Original Message- 
From: Martha Krieg  Pennsic Wars
Pennsic Wars -
Google will provide videos of same, though I don't
fight.  Yes, lace was
involved. Sunday Aug 3 was Lacemaking day on
Artisan's Row
. My son-in-law and
my daughter built their own 16-foot diameter
yurt which will stand up to any
weather that has been thrown at it so
far (including up to 60 mph winds three
years ago); I use a modern tent
because I want to be able to set it up and
take it down by myself if I
have to,
On 8/18/14, 6:50 PM, Janice Blair wrote:
 Can we get an explanation of the Pennsic Wars.  Where was it held, what 

 you wear, was lace involved?  Doubt that but maybe you can enlighten us.
   Sounds like a lot of folk involved.  Was it muddy or did you get good



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