[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2005-01-20 Thread Joan Whitfield
Thank you, secret pal from . Oregon?  I love the keyring - just got
another car and this was just what I needed for the spare key.  The house
smells delicious with the candles,and DD has claimed the notepad but I
reclaimed the feet. I recognise the lavender in the muslin bag, but what are
the blue crystals in the other bag?
Joan from Yorkshire

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[lace-chat] blonde on a plane

2005-01-20 Thread dominique
i can't remember whether i read it on chat or not so here goes 
dominique from paris, France cold and windy today 

The plane is on its way to Houston when a blonde in Economy Class gets up 
and moves to the First Class section and sits down. The flight attendant 
watches her do this and asks to see her ticket. She then tells the blonde 
that she paid for Economy and that she will have to sit in the back. The 
blonde replies: I'm blonde, I'm beautiful, I'm going to Houston, and I'm 
staying right here!
The flight attendant goes to the cockpit and tells the Captain and Copilot 
that there is a blonde bimbo sitting in First Class that belongs in Economy 
and that she will not move back to her seat.
The Copilot goes back to the blonde and tries to explain that because she 
only paid for Economy
she will have to leave First Class and return to her seat.
The blonde replies, I'm blonde, I'm beautiful, I'm going to Houston, and I 
am going to sit right here.
The Copilot returns to the cockpit and tells the Captain that he should 
have the police waiting when they land to arrest the blonde woman as she 
won't listen to reason.The Captain says, You say she's blonde? I will 
handle this. I'm married to a blonde. I speak blonde.
He goes back to the blonde, whispers in her ear, and she says, Oh, I'm 
sorry, and she gets up and moves back to her seat in the Economy section.
The flight attendant and copilot are amazed and ask him what he said to 
make her move without any fuss.
I told her, First Class isn't going to Houston
Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will 
teach you to keep your mouth shut. hemingway

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[lace-chat] The trials of public toilets

2005-01-20 Thread Jean Nathan
Jennifer wrote:

My mother was a fanatic about public bathrooms.
When I was a little girl, she'd take me into the stall, teach me to wad
up toilet paper and wipe the seat. Then, she'd carefully lay strips of
toilet paper to cover the seat. Finally, she'd instruct, Never, NEVER
sit on a public toilet seat. 

My MIL actually took this to heart completely. Her mother told her to do
this, and to always wear a vest - she's always done both.

She has never sat on the seat of a toilet *anywhere*, not even in her own
home because you don't know what you'll catch. She has always adopted the
stance. She won't believe that advice was put about as a result of men away
from home catching 'something' (too many to list) and then saying they
caught it from a toilet seat. She closed her ears to sexually transmitted
diseases - you catch them from toilet seats! Even now she's now a frail 83
and in a residential home, suffering from fairly advanced Alzheimer's, two
carer's have to take her to the toilet and support her while she takes the
stance. Sad.

I admit to carrying a packet of wipes in my handbag and giving the seat in a
public toilet a quick wipe before I use it, but I don't do it anywhere else.

Jean in Poole

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Re: [lace-chat] Re: [lace] Guild newsletters.

2005-01-20 Thread Brenda Paternoster
Dianne wrote:
 Here in Canada one is no
longer allowed to share personal information outside the group to 
which it
is intended.  So we would not be able to post a guild newsletter with 
addresses and phone numbers of the executive.
 Carol replied:
I was somewhat surprised to see that in Canada one is not allowed to 
'personal information' on a website such as a lace or craft group.  
the situation be different if the person(s) on the Committee waived 
right to privacy, and agreed to having *either* their phone number, 
eMail address, or their postal address (NOT all three!) published, so 
prospective members could somehow contact the group?
The Canadian law sounds somewhat similar to our (UK) Data Protection 
Act.  Although much of it is concerned with what info is held (in 
electronic form) about individuals and their rights to access that 
info, you still can't (or shouldn't publish that sort of info without 

Yes, the web is considered public and if individuals choose to publish 
their own telephone numbers or addresses etc on personal websites 
that's fine but it's not for others to do.  My website has a whole page 
of links to lace related websites but very few links to email 
addresses, the couple that are there are with the express permission of 
the persons concerned.

If anyone from outside wanted to contact a committee member of any 
organisation, in Canada or elsewhere, surely it could be done via the 
organisation's published address.

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[lace-chat] S P Thanks

2005-01-20 Thread janette humphrey
To my Secret Pal in the UK,

Thank you so much for my parcel.  The lace calendar is already in use and the 
chocolates died 
a VERY happy death!  The box is wonderful.  Did you make it? A friend of mine 
saw it and she 
wants to show it off to another of her friends, so it is very popular.  Book 
marks are always welcome 
as I often have 3 or 4 books on the go at one time :). All my gifts are 
Thanks again
Janette Humphrey
(Who has just survived a huge hail storm that covered the back yard and made it 
like it had been snowing)

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal - thanks

2005-01-20 Thread Andrea Lamble
Dear Secret Pal,
Thank you so much for the package that arrived yesterday.
The magnetic note pad is already installed on the door of the fridge and the 
pen is to hand. The cloth pocket will be ideal for keeping scissors, thread, 
spare bobibins etc. to hand when I'm lacemaking or sewing - I'll be able to 
attach it to the side of my armchair. The bobbins are beautiful - so nice to 
have some made in your native wood. The pictures of your country may give me 
some inspiration for a painting. New Zealand is top of the list for a long 
vacation when my DH and I retire.

Best wishes
Cambridge, UK - where its dull and damp today.
It's fast, it's easy and it's free. Get MSN Messenger today! 

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[lace-chat] SP Thanks

2005-01-20 Thread Sonja Sillay
Dear Secret Pal in Australia.
The koala has come home - 
the little one on the back is so cute.
Many many thanks you made my day.
We are go to a lace weekend together 
and make all the ladies going a oh.
The tea towel I will use as cover cloth on my pillow.

Many thanks and I do hope you are as happy 
over your SP parcel as I'm at the one you sent to me.
thanks again /Sonja

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Re: [lace-chat] remote controls (lace-chat)

2005-01-20 Thread Joy Beeson
At 05:45 PM 1/19/05 +1100, Ruth Budge wrote:

Do I presume your DH never goes away?   Or when he does, do you just listen
to the radio??

I don't know about Helene, but the only button I need is the off button.

I did watch three hourse of television last March, while staying up late to
hand-finish a pair of slacks I needed to wear the following day.

Joy Beeson

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Re: [lace-chat] public toilets #2

2005-01-20 Thread Joy Beeson
At 02:26 PM 1/20/05 +1100, Jennifer Audsley wrote:

I seem to have a toilet theme at the moment g - have a look at this
newspaper web address to find out more on the
Shee-pees. It's a female-only public urinal! 


Like Tamara, I don't go to registration-only sites -- but mainly because
they nearly always make it impossible to fill out the form by demanding that
one check one of a selection of wrong answers, demanding that I provide
information I don't have, or demanding information that is none of their

Pity -- I would like to know whether the Shee-Pees resemble the urinals in
the ladies' room at the harness track in Saratoga.  Must be pushing thirty
years since I saw them, and they were old then.  Those were nothing but the
usual toilet with the seat removed, and the bowl re-shaped to make it easier
to assume the stance.

I opened the stall door, backed out, and checked the sign on the room door
again!  But once over my shock, I found the urinal a *vast* improvement over
trying to piss into a shit-stool.  I find it mystifying that this one race
track is the only place where I've ever seen such a thing.  

Joy Beeson
west of Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.
where it snows every time DH shovels the patio.

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[lace-chat] Re: [lace] lacemaking and motorcycle riding

2005-01-20 Thread Joy Beeson
Moved to chat because my response has nothing to do with lace:

My mother complained once that she'd never been allowed to ride her
brother's motorcycle.  By the time she had the money to buy her own, she was
too brittle to risk it.  One of her grandsons got the motor-biking gene, but
I settle for my pedal bike.  Cranking down a quiet country lane is great for
thinking things over.  

And I like to sing, but can't carry a tune in a basket.  On the bike, nobody
can catch me to complain!  

I majored in math in college, but can't call myself a mathemetician.  And I
don't make lace.  Haven't even tatted in years.  But my default knitting
needles are 1.5 mm, and I do a lot of point de Venise on the heels of socks.
(That's the name of a darning style; it may or may not be related to a lace
of the same name.)  

Someone once posted a picture of an elegant tatted motorcycle on the Web;
even if it's still there, I no longer remember enough to Google for it. 

Joy Beeson

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[lace-chat] shee pee

2005-01-20 Thread Jennifer Audsley
Hmmm, I didn't have to login to The Age website. Here's another approach - a 
link to the company that makes the
disposable funnels that are vital for the entire process. Also has a link to 
the Shee Pee in use at Glastonbury.


Jen in Melbourne

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[lace-chat] Shee-pee

2005-01-20 Thread Jean Nathan
If these things are sterile, they'd be very useful to fill a specimen
bottle. At present hospitals here give you a sterile foil tray of the type
used for Chinese and Indian take-aways to collect a sample, which is then
transferred to a sterile bottle. At home, you have to make sure you've got a
*very* clean container for collecting. I've never managed to aim for the
bottle on its own - another experience men don't have. I'm going to be a man
in my next life.

Jean in Poole

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal Thanks

2005-01-20 Thread Pam Sharples
Dear Secret Pal

What a wonderful lucky dip all the way from Australia - everytime I thought
the box was empty, I found something else!

The Tomato Spool Pin Cushion is really cute - I have never seen anything like
it before.

The counted cross stitch will come with me on my holiday later this year - it
has been a while since I did any cross stitch ~ this will be a lovely reminder
of my Secret Pal as I sit in the sun doing this!

The box is so bright and cheerful. I am actually going to have this on my desk
at work to keep my paperclips in!  A slightly different use but it's just the
pefect size ~ I hope you do not mind.

The pencil and bookmark are already in use and as for the chocolates - my 6
year old daughter spotted them immediately so they will be shared.

All the very best

Nottingham, UK (where it is cold, wet and very windy)

PS My children are Matthew (9) and Bethany (6)

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[lace-chat] Re: The trials of public toilets

2005-01-20 Thread Tamara P. Duvall
On Jan 20, 2005, at 3:39, Jean Nathan wrote:
My MIL [...] has never sat on the seat of a toilet *anywhere*, not 
even in her own
home because you don't know what you'll catch. She has always 
adopted the
stance. She won't believe that advice was put about as a result of 
men away
from home catching 'something' (too many to list) and then saying they
caught it from a toilet seat.
I was also taught to assume the stance in public toilets with the 
same rationalization - you never know what you'll catch. Believed it, 
too, until the day I heard a comedy program on the radio one Sunday. 
One of the questions was: Dear Mr Rumian, Can one catch a VD from a 
toilet seat? The answer was: Dear Mrs Kowalski, It might be possible, 
but if you contact me privately, I might be able to suggest more 
enjoyable ways of catching it.

During the ensuing discussion with my Mother I was told that, indeed, 
the more enjoyable ways were more likely to be the culprit, but that 
the public toilets were so gross (which, they were) I should probably 
not only avoid sitting down there but touching anything more than I had 
to. And so I continued with the stance, but not at home and not in 
private houses, and not - perversely -  in various hotel and motel 

Tamara P Duvallhttp://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
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[lace-chat] Re: remote controls

2005-01-20 Thread Tamara P. Duvall
On Jan 20, 2005, at 14:37, Joy Beeson wrote:
At 05:45 PM 1/19/05 +1100, Ruth Budge wrote:
Do I presume your DH never goes away?   Or when he does, do you just 
to the radio??
I don't know about Helene, but the only button I need is the off 

I did watch three hourse of television last March, while staying up 
late to
hand-finish a pair of slacks I needed to wear the following day.
VBG A girl after my own heart... My TV-watching average is about 2-3 
hrs a year and dwindling :)  In '04, I watched more that usual - all 3 
presidential debates and a half-hour political comedy program that 
someone recommended (funny, but 15 minutes of it was advertisements, 
and I don't store enough pee in 30 minutes to occupy me for 15, so I 
never watched other installments). But it still evens out, because in 
'03 I didn't watch any. I don't believe I watched any in '02, either...

I can't concentrate on two things at once (like watch TV and knit). 
Never could. I can't even watch TV and *iron*, though the ironing board 
is in the same room. Maybe that's why the ironing pile just grows and 
grows... g Can't make lace and listen to the radio, even if it's just 
instrumental music; can't *drive* and listen to the radio (ditto 
listening to *passengers*, especially if they go on and on, like the 

I know where the ower button is on the remote, and I think I can find 
the volume control. So, the only time I'm sorry I never made the 
effort/took the time to learn how to operate the remote is when I can't 
set up a film(tape or DVD) to watch by myself, and need DH's help. 
OTOH, that happens only 3-4 times a year... Since we have power outages 
more frequently than that, and since I'm the person who goes around the 
house re-setting clocks afterwards... Since I'm the only person who 
knows how to reach the new message on the answerphone and who knows how 
to erase the old ones... I feel it's only fair enough trade :)

Tamara P Duvallhttp://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
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[lace-chat] Re: Shee-pee

2005-01-20 Thread Tamara P. Duvall
On Jan 20, 2005, at 17:58, Jean Nathan wrote:
If these things are sterile, they'd be very useful to fill a specimen
bottle. At present hospitals here give you a sterile foil tray of the 
used for Chinese and Indian take-aways to collect a sample, which is 
transferred to a sterile bottle.
It's been a while (10 yrs? 15?) since I last bothered to make an 
appointment or visited a doctor, so I can't be certain-sure, but ours 
used to be paper cups. And I've never been asked to bring a liquid 
specimen from home here (though it was common back in Poland); 
apparently, I'm expected to pee on demand. And, so far, I've always 
been able to oblige :)

I was under-impressed with the shoe-pee/she-pee (once I was able to 
see it; thanks, Jennifer, for the aditional info).

Since one (she-one, that is) still has to drop one's trousers down all 
the way (or, at least, most of the way) or lift one's skirt up, the 
gizmo is useless in the open spaces; you *still* can't just cozy up to 
a tree, and water it discreetly, the way men can. In which case, 
squatting in the bushes is preferable, since it reduces visibility. At 
home, who'd *want* to pee standing up, especially since you still can't 
spray your initials on the adjacent walls?

So, the gizmo's true value is limited to public toilet situations... 
Great, but to counterbalance the greatness, you'd have to carry it with 
you (like our pocketbooks don't carry enough stuff already?) and it's 
none too small. On long trips, you might have to carry several; they're 
not reusable. And you might still end up with pee all over yourself, if 
you're not careful. Thanks, but no; I'll assume the stance :)

Tamara P Duvallhttp://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
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[lace-chat] Re: Shee-pee

2005-01-20 Thread Tamara P. Duvall
On Jan 20, 2005, at 22:39, W  N Lafferty (Noelene) wrote:
As the little girl said to the little boy, That's a handy thing
to take to a picnic.
Ooooh... :) I love it! Never heard that one before; thanks!
Tamara P Duvallhttp://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
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