[lace-chat] floods in England and Wales

2007-07-28 Thread Jean Peach
I thought I would let  people on the list know how some buisnesses are coping 
in the midlands (England) where the floods have been
or still are.  My daughter lives in Worcester, the company she works for has 
had no water since the floods.  The management have
bought water for the staff, they have hired portable toilets for the men.  The 
women  if they live where they have water, they take
empty plastic bottles home and fill them up to take to work the next day so 
they can flush the women's toilets, plus wash their


Where I live in Berkshire, we had floods before the midlands last Friday week, 
we had some of our grandson's friends sleeping in our
house that night as they could not get home, some live in small villages, one 
lived in our town, yet could not get home, there was
only one road passable out of town, no public transport such as buses or 
trains, even our train station was flooded.  The entrance
to our road was flooded, so we stayed home for the next 48 hours.  We were 
lucky we had electricity and water. Our daughter has a
house where the garden goes down to the Kennet  Avon Canal, it was 1 inch from 
over flowing, her house would have flooded as the
canal is three feet higher than her garden.  Our prayers were answered, we were 


Jean in Berkshire, where we are hoping there will be no more floods, not only 
here but the rest of England and Wales.

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[lace-chat] box's for pins

2007-07-22 Thread Jean Peach
I apolgise if I am using large print, at the present time I have sight problems,


I thought I would write and tell you that I have The Ladies Own Toilet Pin 
Box, inside it says the following


This tin contains a quarter of a pound of best pins, manufactured by Perkin  
Marmont Ltd.  London  Stroud, England.


Is an indispensible companion  to Ladies at home, abroad, in the boudoir, 
touring, visiting or the hotel.  Being made of the finest
brass wire and carefully silvered, these Pins may be used without risk in the 
finest material.


This box belonged to my grandmother born in  the late 1800's I don't have a 
clue how old it is.  Yes I have used this tin on many


I also have a needlecase that my great aunt gave me when she could no long sew, 
we believe it is around 100 years old, yes I still
use the needlelace.



Jean in Berkshire, hoping our road does not flood again tonight.

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[lace-chat] Family history

2007-03-25 Thread Jean Peach
It is a long time since I posted anything to the list.  I am wondering if 
anyone can help me with 

Tracing family in New Zealand.


My husbands grandfather was a doctor, he left his wife and seven children at 
the end of 1901,

He was residing in England at the beginning of 1901 as I have found him with 
his family

Living in London. The story that all his siblings have told us is that he left 
for New Zealand 

or Australia with His nurse.


Now surfing the web, I have come accross a site that tells me in one grave yard 
there is

A person buried there in the 1940's with the same name as my husbands 

Unfortunately it does not say his ageAre there any web sites for tracing our 
ancestors in NZ?  

I would be most grateful for any  help you can give me.


Many thanks for reading this,


Jean in Berkshire  

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[lace-chat] Skype

2006-12-17 Thread Jean Peach
My family and I were off line for many months.  Once were back on line
friends persuaded us to go onto Skype.  This has been great for us as we
have our daughter and family living in Australia.


So my DH decided to persuade his cousin who lives in Panama City, Florida to
go on Skype.


Now there is a problem, she can not use the phone unless she pays $1.25 per
minute.  She only has one phone line. DH has just sent me a message of info
that has been going backwards and forwards between his cousin and himself.
She is too worried I think to sort this out. 


DH has emailed Skype about the problem, they delete the message sent, send
back a blank email.  They just won't answer my DH emails.  Just wondered is
there anyone who knows about Skype.  As DH cousin needs the phone for her



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[lace-chat] Research

2006-11-05 Thread Jean Peach
I am wondering if anyone has an idea if I went to the British Library in
London where I have a ticket if I could find any information on the 1851
exhibition.  Or would I be better going to the V  A.  We know that my DH
had two great grandfathers who exhibited at the exhibition.  I know that
there are lots to do with lace that is available at The British Library.



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[lace-chat] Help for grandson

2005-09-17 Thread Jean Peach
I am wondering if there is anyone on the list that can help
my grandson who lives in NSW, Australia.  Has only  been
living in Australia for just over 12 months.  He will 
shortly be taking his exams the equivalent of GCSE's here.  
He has missed out on learning about the Aboriginal people 
of Australia. He has been told that there will be questions 
asked in his history exam.   His history teacher said go and search 
the web.  I was hoping there might be some one on the list
who could advise the best web site to go to.  You help would
be much appreciated.  If there is a book that might help,
please let us know we will send the money to buy the book.

Many thanks for listening.

jean in Newbury UK

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RE: [lace-chat] British pension question

2005-09-08 Thread Jean Peach
I have answered Sharon's message personally.  I had to deal with the
pension of DH cousin who died last April and lived in NY.  I phoned
the Overseas Pensions Department  here with all the information that was
required, the pension was stopped, his widows pension was upgraded
in a short space of time.

Jean Peach in Newbury

(I'm wondering how the British pension scheme is now run and whether someone
out there can enlighten us.)


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[lace-chat] been off line

2005-06-28 Thread Jean Peach
I am sorry to post this message to the lists, I have been off line for a
little while.  I now have a new computer, as yet I don't have access to my
old computer so don't have access to my address book.

Jean in Newbury

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[lace-chat] Electrical stores in Brisbane

2005-03-20 Thread Jean Peach
I am wondering if anyone in Australia can help me.  My DIL is going to
Brisbane shortly, the rest of the family will stay near Surfers Paradise.

My Number 3 grandson wants to use a No 1 play station, unfortunately a lead
was lost in the move to Australia, does anyone have an idea a store where
another lead can be bought.  My family live in a small country town which
does not have a store that can help them.

Your help would be much appreciated as grandson number 2 has just phoned us
to ask for our help.


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[lace-chat] earthquake/shock wave.

2004-12-26 Thread Jean Peach
I do hope that if any of you have friends or family in the earth quake/tidal
zone that they are alright.

We have just heard that our SIL's 16 year old son and mother who are in Sri
on holiday have been evacuated to a temple, they then lost contact.  We were
told on the
news that up to 20,000 Brits are in the 1,000 km zone  where this happened.
Not so
long ago we were told that flights to Sri Lanka are going out empty.  If
there are any
 Brits who are back packers they will have to help themselves.

I do pray that help can be given to those those peoples in the countries
affected by
this awful disaster.


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[lace-chat] FW: Official Passport page URL

2004-12-06 Thread Jean Peach
I hope members don't mind me putting this on lace chat.
I felt that members in the UK might like to know the

Today I went for an interview for a job, I was told to
take my birth certificate, drivers license and passport.
Now I was told that they had by law to photograph in
colour all of these documents.

Now what we have found out on the  web page I have put is
that a passport can only be photocopied in black and
white, just your particulars, nothing else.  This company
was taking copies in colour.

We are told that we will be having identity cards in the 
near future, now I wonder what happens then.

I did phone the HMSO office, it was suggested that when
I hand over my documents that I put in writing only for
the companies use and in black and white and go with 
the person to see that they do this, don't let the
documents out of your sight.

In the near future we have been told that the government
would like everyone to have identity cards, now what
happens then?

: Official UK Passport page URL


Jean in Newbury

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[lace-chat] FW: Wool Sack?

2004-09-21 Thread Jean Peach
I am wondering if anyone knows the answer to the following, my  DH
has been trying to find out where is the Wool Sack? In the House
of Commons or the House of Lords, who sits on it?  We have looked
up every reference  book we have and can't find any references to
the Wool Sack. 

We learnt about this when we were both at school, too many years ago,
now we can't remember. 

Jean in Newbury

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RE: [lace-chat] FW: Wool Sack?

2004-09-21 Thread Jean Peach
Many thanks Katrina, DH is a very happy bunny,
 Wool Sack?

try this link-



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[lace-chat] Copyright

2004-08-26 Thread Jean Peach
For sometime my DH and I have been tracing letters that are in many
universities in the UK, such as Edinburgh, Oxford and Cambridge,
these are just a few. Now these letters, some were written by DH
great grandfather or written to him by famous people.  So far we 
have not been allowed to see these letters, we do have a copy of 
an interview he gave to the press in 1861. We have to now make 
an appointment at the National History Museum.  We have to 
take documentation showing that my DH is the great grandson, 
then we have to go into discussion.  

What are we trying to do, put together documentation of a man 
who led a very interesting life, whose great great great 
grandson has asked us to find out more about his life.  Even 
though some of these letters were written by a family member 
we have no automatic right to  even see the letters.

Jean in Newbury

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[lace-chat] ON THIS DAY 21 1969 America lands man on the Moon.htm

2004-07-21 Thread Jean Peach
I have just been reading peoples memories on the BBC web page.

Where were you on the 21 July 1969?

My DH was working at Tidbinbilla Tracking Station  in Canberra, Australia.
working for NASA.

Although he was helping to track the men on the moon it was not until
20 years later that he saw the film of the men landing on the moon.
The reason for this was that there was no TV at the station for the
men to see this.

DH saw the first pictures come back from Space from the Mars mission,
Mariner 4, I have just asked him about, said  it was really slow coming back
in bits
per second.

I was working at the time, but took the day off, went into Canberra to get
cash at the bank, there were TV's at the bank, I was the only customer so
went back home to watch the TV.  There did not have a video recorder then.


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[lace-chat] Problems with AOL BT

2004-02-29 Thread Jean Peach
Now please don't get cross with me for posting this 
message.  I feel that the following should be known.

I found my emails to my eldest daughter and niece who
both live a distance away from us bouncing.  Phoned
them both up to be told oh our emails to you are bouncing.
ah. so ask them to email one another no problems.

So after many phone calls I speak to someone at BT to
be told that there has been problems between AOL
and BT for quite some time.  The bouncing emails
have been going on for about two weeks.  It is AOL
who refuses to accept to or from BT.  So if you are
having problems you now no why.

Oh yes, we were told to forward our bouncing mail
to BT.

Thank you for listening.


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[lace-chat] Dog exposed as a bin bag criminal

2003-11-27 Thread Jean Peach
Just read the following, I wonder if the dog will ever be
found G

A grandmother has had her fine for dumping rubbish bags 
illegally quashed after the real culprit was found to 
be a dog.

Barbara Jones, from Nantytffyllon, south Wales, was fined 
25 pounds by Bridgend County Council after her bin bags 
were found in another street.

But the fine was withdrawn when her husband photographed 
the dog taking the  bags from outside their home.

A council spokesman said it had not been possible to 
locate the dog.


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FW: [lace-chat] Airmail to Oz

2003-11-22 Thread Jean Peach
I thought I would put my two penny worth in this discussion.  I used to work
for the Post Office in the UK have dealt with Foreign Mail, registers, swift
 Foreign Data Post,I know things have changed a lot in the last couple of
So I made a phone call and found out the following.

I have been told it is now Inter Data Post to Australia not registered.  Now
I know that  this will be tracked all the way and it does get priority all
the way.

For the UK it is now Special Delivery, not Registered, this is tracked too.

I was told that there is Inter Signed For, if you are sending mail to
this has no special treatment, it is just signed for at receipt of item.

Parcel Post I was told, there is no insurance for any item if it gets lots.

I know that all my mail to Australia gets there quicker than when I send it
the States.  I also find even in Europe it can vary a lot how long my mail
take depending again on the country I am sending it too.


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RE: [lace-chat] Australia/England Rugby

2003-11-16 Thread Jean Peach
You would not want to be in our house when there is sport on
TV, my mother was  born in South Africa, I was born in England,
my youngest daughter was born in Australia, her children have
dual nationality.  My DH can't stand sports at all so either 
he goes onto the computer or goes out in the car. My daughter 
was hoping to take the family to a rugby match in either 
Melbourne or Sydney, we won't know if they were lucky, we 
will know on the 21st when my family arrives back home.  I 
just hope that Bush decides to leave from any airport other 
than Heathrow on the 21st.  We have been advised to watch
the Teletext to see if planes are going to be diverted away
from London,  been told not to phone the airlines you won't
get through. 

Jean Peach

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[lace-chat] Canberra roads - Swindon

2003-11-13 Thread Jean Peach
Reading all your messages about Canberra, I lived there till 1973,
had no problems getting around.  Then in 1999 I went back, I tried to get
to the new Parliament, never got there could see the New Parliament 
Building but just did not have a clue how to find the road to it.
I would have loved to have gone inside as I had on occasions worked at
the old parliament. I tried to find the street I lived in Watson, 
all the roads had changed, never got there.  I did eventually manage 
to find the suburb of Aranda, even found the house we lived in
in Aranda.  I did not have a map and being on my own.  I did stop 
and ask people, they did not know either. I did manage to get down 
to the Cotter, and then to Tidbinbilla Tracking Station where my DH 
used to work, this time though I went with a friend otherwise I some 
how don't think I would have got there.

Oh that small cottage, we went there when the children were young. Now
where are the photos we took?

My DH won't go to Swindon because of all those mini-roundabouts.

Jean in Newbury

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[lace-chat] fireworks

2003-11-01 Thread Jean Peach
Our fireworks seem to start at Michaelmas, when we
have a Michaelmas fair, on the Friday there is 
a fireworks display, from then on we have had fireworks
every day going off at 3 pm or even 1.30 am.  We were 
shown on the news one city where over 20 phone booths have
been blown up by fireworks, the same amount of cars too.
Fireworks are being brought into the country and no one
seems to know where they are going once they arrive.
Even nails are now being inserted into fireworks.

We have our Guy Fawkes display at the local racecourse,
we pay I think 4 pounds each to go and see the display,
there is usually a bonfire with an effigy of Guy Fawkes
being burnt.

There was a discussion on the TV about the new legislation
that will be in place they hope before next bonfire night,
every one who was discussing the new legislation said it
did not go far enough.  I don't know whether this legislation
is for the UK or England.  Here in England all legislation has
to be past at Westminster, whereas Wales and Scotland can
also pass laws for their countries in their parliaments.

Jean in Newbury UK

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RE: [lace-chat] wedding cake

2003-10-23 Thread Jean Peach
I wish to thank everyone who sent me information regarding taking
food into Australia.  I don't have much spare time right now, I have
to look after my two youngest grand children tomorrow they are 6 months
and 3 years old.  Plus doing jobs for my family before next Wednesday.
The travel agent has been contacted, we have been told to pack the cake
ourselves, then declare the package at the airport, it will then be
put into the hold. We just have to keep our fingers cross when they
reach Australia.

Jean in Newbury, where it is sunny, we even had rain yesterday.

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[no subject]

2003-09-28 Thread Jean Peach
I am hoping that some one on Arachne can help me,  I am sorting
out family photos with my family in Florida, we have identified
many, one is a real mystery.  There are three women they all
have hoops under their dresses.  Now I know from other photos
that they would have been taken in the 1800's sometime. When
did women wear hoops, in England?

I have Bloomingdale's Illustrated 1886 Catalogue, inside it shows
two different types of hoops both with springs. This was published
in the States.

I do have A complete guide to English Costume Design 
and history, 1066 - 1990's  there is no information regarding
what was worn underneath any of the costumes.  Although
looking at the drawings hoops could have been worn in 1880.
I have to say that none of the women are wearing lace.

Jean in Newbury UK

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[lace-chat] viruses

2003-09-20 Thread Jean Peach
We have been having problems with viruses, yes we do have a virus checker,
I always update before I even download.

DH has phoned BT because of the problems we have to be told they are
awash with viruses.  I have had six messages saying that my messages
could not be sent, as I had not sent any messages I knew something
was wrong.  DH has had many more of the same messages.  

Jean in Newbury

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[lace-chat] using a car in central London - long

2003-09-05 Thread Jean Peach
Travelling in London, I might have been born in London, love
going there but after the last three trips I am not sure when
we will next go.

First trip just travelling to Paddington from Newbury took
me over 3 hours, there were four changes of trains, sat
in a train for half and hour at one stage, then that was

Second trip with grandson was fine.

Third trip:
We had to buy a battery for my computer, so we thought
we would then go afterwards  to The Imperial War Museum.  
Only snag you have to pay a 5 pounds congestion charge,
no one knew where there was a newsagent for us to
pay this, when we do find a newsagent, the computer
had been down since 9 am.  Told to phone, we do,
there are too many on the line, the computer is still
down, you have to pay more after 10 pm.After midnight
 it will cost you 40 pounds. Luckily after nearly two hours 
 9.45 pm the computer was up and we were able to pay.

Forth Drip:
Now yesterday, it took us over 3 1/2 to drive to
Islington in London we wanted to go to the Family
Records Office, we had bought a new map, that
did not help did not tell you where the new bollards
were.  Meanwhile I was not feeling the best still not,
anyway we did as much as we could, DH said oh we
will wait until we get home to pay the Congestion
Charge,  as there were so many people in the shop where
we went to pay the charge, plus the phone was busy
yes we had our mobile phone with us. When we get
home I went  straight to bed, DH is not the best either, 
suddenly at 2 am in the morning I wake up, oh goodness
 we have not paid our congestion.  No can't pay the 
charge, we have to wait for the 40 pound fine to come
through the post we could not pay by phone or over
the net..  I know 
people are going to say to me that we should go by
 transport, my DH can't because of his health.  We did
on the way out of London stop and go into The Natural 
History Museum, the first time for DH in 20 years.  He
now says London, never again.  Sorry this is so long.

Jean in Newbury UK

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[lace-chat] glue-fabric

2003-09-01 Thread Jean Peach
I have been sorting many things in my workroom, I took the top of my sewing
which I made some years ago at a workshop.  It is the box with six sides,
take the lid of and put the box in the lid so that the sides can  open
outwards.  I
found that the box sides had come unglued, I noticed where I had used glue
to put the box together the material had gone brown.  I have this time used
PVA glue to glue the box back together, I rather like using this workbox,
the pockets and tapes inside, surprising how much I can get into the box. I
just can't remember what the glue was that I used.  My DH said perhaps I
should make another box, we are now wondering how long the glue will last.

Jean in Newbury

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[lace-chat] many Bobbins

2003-09-01 Thread Jean Peach
I have just found a couple of photos that I took when I was  at the Beveren
in Belgium, 1200 bobbins on the pillow, whilst working the lace the bobbins
piled high.  When it is time for them to go to bed they are tied up in
hankies, layered
again, one on top of the other. I have to admit I was so intrigued I sat
quietly what the
lace maker at work.

Jean in Newbury UK

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[lace-chat] Preserving for the future

2003-08-31 Thread Jean Peach
When did you last look at all the pictures that you and your family
past and present have taken?

I have suddenly had to look through many photos, yes some are
in albums, most of my lace ones are.  I have done what my family
in the past have done, not dated or named, whether it be people,
lace, events.

Why have I suddenly thought about this, well for months I have been
thinking about a letter I found from my mothers cousin who lived
in N Y state in 1932.  I had not a clue in the old photographs who
was who.  But I knew they lived in the States remember being
told by my grandmother.

Just last Saturday I did a surf of my great-great-grandfathers name,
low and behold I found information on the web, someone had searched
and found the grandfather and his family, their ages in 1851, plus 
there was an email address from the person who had requested
this turns out yes to be a relative of mine living in the States,
since then we have been e-mailing information, I have just received
three photographers, with most of the names of the people in
the photographs, I just can't believe my luck.  So now my first
job is to go through all the old photographs, put them in family
order, then when I can name them.  I have even found two
cards from the late 1800's stating the deaths of two men in our
family.  This is something that we don't do today, which I find
interesting.  Oh I even found an envelope of lace photographs,
have not a clue when and where I took them. 

DH laughed when I said that I had better do something about
my photographs, just grinned and said, you have 900 on your
digital camera to do.

Jean in Newbury UK

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[lace-chat] Broadband

2003-08-27 Thread Jean Peach
I am hoping I can get some information about broadband in Australia.
My daughter and family will hopefully be living and working in
northern NSW.  They would like to know about Broadband.  Is
Broadband available, who supplies it.  Any information on this
subject would be much appreciated.  I know that here there are
still places that are unable to get broadband.  Any information
would be much appreciated.

Jean in Newbury UK

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RE: [lace-chat] Food Allergies

2003-08-23 Thread Jean Peach
People have had allergies for generations, my MIL if she was alive
now would be 109, allergic to dairy products, DH who is 67 is allergic
to milk, is able to eat one egg a week. Youngest daughter is allergic to
more dairy products than
either of her father or grandmother. Plus can not drink wine.

Now I have always been fine could eat anything,
suddenly I am allergic to white flour
only in the UK, we have found out this is because of the additives
that are in white bread but not brown bread, this was started during the
war when we were on rations for many years.  One problem we have
here is that if an additive to a product is below a certain percentage
of the product being sold the producer of the product does not have
to put this on the packaging.  I recall a young teenager a couple
of years ago went to the EU court to change this rule that all
additives should be on the packaging.

DH suddenly found he had a severe allergy problem, had to take an
epipen sp around with him all the time, his whole body would swell
up, throat, lips face.  We had not a clue the cause. I had to argue
with our doctor to allow my DH to have an allergy test, we were
told not on the National Health, even privately which we did in
the end was against our doctors wishes, we then found out that DH
was allergic to one of his heart tablets, he came off this tablet,
but  was told  he had to wait six months to see the heart specialist, 2 days
later DH got a phone call to stop taking another heart tablet made by
Bayer, seems 51 people in the States have died taking this particular
tablet, 1100 are taking  Bayer to court in the states.  Three days after
coming off both tablets DH had a severe heart attack. On the way to
DH died as was brought back by the paramedics,
this was on the way to Reading, the poor ambulance driver felt sorry
for him as he kept being told different hospitals to take DH to.
We asked DH what it was like in heaven, he said that  it
was the harp lessons, could not take to them.  DH has now two blocked
arteries that meant the base of his heart is dead so has learnt to
live on half power.  If only the doctors in this country would allow
patients or suggest rather patients have allergy tests.  Also it was
over 8 weeks for an angigram sp told it would be another six months
to get treatment, has another heart attack three months later.  He
is too old to have a new heart.

I took my grandson to a Thai restaurant this week.  He had never had
Thai food before, all I have got since we have been back home when can we
take granddad to the Thai restaurant.  I asked him if he would go
to MacDonald's, no I prefer Thai food.

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[lace-chat] mold on clothes

2003-08-18 Thread Jean Peach
My daughter has just phoned me up, the white edging of her
babies dress has mold on it, the rest of the dress is small check,
any suggestions of how to get rid of the mold would be much

Jean in Newbury

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[lace-chat] A modest young man

2003-08-14 Thread Jean Peach
 I have a 13 year old grandson who spent at week at the Scout Camp at
Windsor last week, I was told there were 3,500 there. There were scouts
from many countries around the world.

Grandson came home  last Saturday  with his arm in plaster, seems he
fell over broke his thumb.  Then questions were asked about the activities
he did, one
was abseiling, took a couple of days to tell his mother that when he was
30 feet from the ground one of the ropes broke, the other rope somehow
got wrapped around him.  This lad did not panic, took it  as though it
happened every day.  We then found out he got a bravery award on the
last day at camp.  Seems he was a little unhappy about this as he felt
a young lad who had never left home before was very  home sick, my grandson
took him under his wing.  Nan he was brave, he stayed.  The young make
you think sometimes.

Jean in Newbury UK

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[lace-chat] That'll Teach'em

2003-08-05 Thread Jean Peach
I watched the first instalment of That'll Teach'em, there are four more
episodes.  Thirty 16 year olds are at Kings School boarding school.
Life for them for a month is as it was in the early 1950's where there
were no sweats, you saw the pupils eating spam in batter and mashed
Swede.  School uniform, no make up, no earrings.  When the teacher
came into the room you all stood up.  You were only allowed to take
your blazer off in class.  If you had your cap on and you were walking
past a teacher you touched your cap.  It was yes sir, no sir, three
bags full sir.

I did smile at the results of the arithmetic tests, Long subtraction,
multiplication, using a slide rule.  Only 13 passed out of 30,
and the test for the 11 plus as taken in the 50's so we were not
so stupid, yes I can recall what life was like at school then.  The sad
thing then was if you failed your 11 plus you went to Secondary School
where many could not take their GCSE. or School Certificate as I
believe it was then, although you could take an exam to go to
technical college when you were 13. My DH went to tech which 
he ended up working for NASA tracking men on the moon, so 
although he did not pass the 11 plus he did not do too badly.

If you want to take your exam go to ITV.com then  go to that'll teach'em
and see how you do.

Jean in Newbury UK

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[lace-chat] Advertising?

2003-07-22 Thread Jean Peach
I think we loose out a lot because of the Arachne police of the past, why do
I say this.  Well this last week I went to Salisbury Museum having first
taken my grandson to the Army museum.  I was in conversation with 
one of the curators who told me that just the week previously they had
given a talk Lace on Costume.  Yes the costumes were on display
for everyone to see.  Sadly few people turned up for this talk, so will
they have another? Who knows, perhaps if this had been advertised
more widely there might have been more people attend.  I also realise
that the museum has a limited budget.  I did enjoy the lace display
at the museum, for me the outstanding piece was the Stumpwork

Plus in the beginning, we would be told about many lace making trips
that lacemakers have taken, telling us what they have seen, what 
they liked etc.  This is seldom done,  I myself have taken many trips
but would not post to Arachne what I had seen and done. 

Jean in Newbury who must get ready for college or I will be late.
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[lace-chat] surprises

2003-06-28 Thread Jean Peach
During my months of being confined to hospital, home  just being able to get
into town I would read through all the information that I had, then keep
lists like where exhibitions would be and when.  Sadly very few lace
exhibitions, for instance I know that going to the V  A you will be lucky
to see more than a couple of items changed over the last 12 months.
Many items would have been on display for many years.  So last Thursday
I was asked where do you want to go, one place was Hall Place in Bexley,
This building is quite old, it is very large, full of oak beams, wooden
panels you could just imagine Henry V111 walking around. What I could not
believe was that it is free to go and see this lovely building and grounds,
rose garden, topiary, a whole row of teddy bears all in different poses.

They were holding a display of  City  Guilds Embroidery,
Machine Embroidery, designing with the computer, sadly when we arrived
on the last day of the exhibition all the exhibits for designing for the
computer had been taken home a day early.  We had a marvellous time
looking at this exhibition, it was nice to be able to ask students about
their work etc.

 Then upstairs where there was a display of
work from people who had passed their C  G years ago, or not so long
ago, many of the pieces were for sale.  Then when I got to one corridor
I found a glass cabinet full of lace,
so down on my hands and knees I was looking at the lace, tell DH
hey this piece is a lovely piece of Milanese, reminds me of Pat Read,
next thing I know I have people standing around asking me questions
about the lace, where was it made in this country, how long ago,
suddenly DH says hey Jean this exhibition is all Pat Reads doing, he
had found a leaflet about classes that Pat gives.

Then two days later I was taken to East Berkshire College  Windsor.
I had wanted to go to this exhibition as quite a few of my friends had
told me that is was one of the best to go to, they were right the work,
it was hard to discribe, all their working notes were on display, I felt
I needed a couple of days there to take it all in. Windsor, they had
exhibitions of City  Guilds work, Embroidery, Quilting, Pottery, Silver
Jewellery, flower arranging. Plus there were suppliers
there as well, Oliver Twists had a large display which was rather nice to
see.  No if you are going to ask they don't do C  G Lace.
But I was asked questions when I went into the college what was I
interested in, did mention that I did needlelace, stumpwork, oh we
have Ros whose sitting over there she makes lace, so being me, I go
over and make myself known by saying oh you are a lace maker, no
I make needlelace, I am Ros, the penny dropped, it was Ros Hills who
has been teaching at East Berkshire College for one year.  What a
lovely person she is, did mention I had a friend who found one of her
books in Perth, WA for me.  Ros is the only person who
has a piece of needlelace on exhibition at the V  A. which has been
on display for many years.  Today is the last day of the exhibition.
Windsor, I am so glad that I have been able to get to both of these
exhibitions. Hope I have not bored you.

Jean in Newbury UK
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[lace-chat] Driving tests

2003-06-12 Thread Jean Peach
All the messages about driving test have made me think about the two driving
licenses that I have taken. The first one I took was in Canberra, paid for
my driving lessons, as it was impossible driving with DH complaining that I
would never pass. This was in
1964, first you went into a room where there was a large table covered in
roads, cards,
Car parks etc. The cars started to move around, they all stopped then the
questions were asked, what car or lorry etc had broken the rules of the
road. Once you passed that you went out in the car for your test. You did
have to park by the curb between two cars, plus you could not end up more
than 6 inches from the kerb. Passed that, then you were asked more
questions, oh forgot we had to pass an eye test as well. Bingo passed first

Now DH already had a driver#8217;s license from the UK but still had to go out in
the car, this was in Gosford, NSW. Only problem was my DH uncle sat in the
back seat, making comments the whole time, #8216;afraid to say DH failed his
test. Passed second time without his uncle in the car.

When we came back to the UK after 10 years I had to take my test. Now I had
private driving lessons paid for me by the Post Office, as they wanted me to
drive one of the larger vans. Marvellous saw a lot of the countryside, plus
the instructor was good at showing you what would be required. On the test
it was drive the car first then ask the questions. Passed.

Now DH took his first test when he was in the RAF, came home on leave found
the old London taxi he had would not start, flat battery. So in RAF uniform
Borrowed a dolls pram from the girl next door, then pushed the new battery
home in the dolls pram. Now the old London Taxi did not have a seat or a
door on the left of the driver, so DH fitted an orange box. When the man
came to test him he was not happy getting into the vehicle, sat there and
told DH that when he said stop he meant stop. So DH did and the tester
nearly went through the windscreen, as he went to get out asked DH how could
he get out of the birdcage. You guessed, failed. Oh DH passed second time.

For over six months I have not been allowed to drive the car because of
injuries to my leg and ankle, first time managed to get out on my own,
second time no, then the nagging started, so the next time DH took me out in
the car I decided to do the same thing. The nagging has now stopped. G

Jean in Newbury UK

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