Re: I created a control on VI .I want the control as a whole on...

2004-06-18 Thread Ben
I think I understand the issue.

Try trowing some dummy controls on your front panel that are
off-screen to the,

Top left
top right
bottom left
bottm right.

These should be outside you your viewing area with all otehr controls
inside the boundry defined by the dummies.

THese dummies will define the size of the FP at let you position your
button as you choose. JUST MAKE SURE you button is inside the dummies.
(Also watch new control that will appear below the rest).


Re: create vi-internal switch

2004-06-17 Thread Ben
Hi Karin,

You may want to use a case structure.

That will allow you determine which of the two loops will execute.

Post in German!

Some of best Enthusiast speak German.

We are big, we are bad, we are international!


Re: How do reduce the space between the front panel and the display area

2004-06-17 Thread Ben
A picture would be very helpful in demonstrating what you are having
trouble with.

Lacking that, I will guess.

VI Properties  Windows Size

lets you define the minimum size of a FP window.

Well that's my guess!

Did I win?


Re: changing local variable to read

2004-06-17 Thread Ben
I believe this is correct unless PJM has figured out how to script
this operation.


Re: How to build a big application with no difficulty? Smaller is easier than big one.

2004-06-16 Thread Ben
I agree with Shane.

I also am a graduate of the school of hard knocks.

At first your question How to build a big application with no
difficulty? may sound like a contradiction but it is not.

I suggest you contact the closest CLA (Certified LabVIEW Architect, NO
I am not a CLA!) in your area and ask them for some assistance.

I am not suggesting that you you just contract with them to do the
work (although that would qualify as easy). Ask for them to advise on
architectures or help with the design devlopement.

The issues you mentioned are the normal result of bottom up
programming. Its sorta like inventing all of your tools for your
workshop before you decide if it is going to be a wood shop or a metal

Top down design would start with the big picture/core functionality
and then determine what are the challenges and what tools will be
required. After that an architecture is assembled that address the
requirements and challenges.

It is no shame to call on an experienced guide when doing this type of
work. You can think of devlopers as explorers charting paths to new
technological teritories. And staying with that analogy, even the
greatest of explorers in history did not hesitate to utilize the
assistace of local guides when avialable.

If you can afford a consultant, then I suggest you utilize this
exchange to help. Keep your questions brief but to the point. Supply
graphic aides when appropriate and we may be able to pull off a group
think to get you were you need to go.

Done rambling for now,


Re: system low on virtual memory

2004-06-16 Thread Ben
Hi Ann,

You have received a lot of suggestions but no one has asked how much
physical memory is in your machine.

Without knowing the detials of your app, I will say that if you are
using 512M you may not have enough memory. Depending on the numbers
involved, even 512M may not be enough.

Trying to help,


Re: system low on virtual memory

2004-06-16 Thread Ben
There you are!

Could you post your code for us to look at?

The Enthusiasts here on the Exchange could probably nail this for you
if we had something to look at.

Otherwise we will be playing a game of 50 questions and may still not
get there.

I will watch for your posting!

By the way, is that 1G of physical or Virtual memory?


Re: system low on virtual memory

2004-06-16 Thread Ben
Adding to the above

You may be correct re:the array but with visual aides we may be able
to suggest cleaner appraoches.

This reminds me of one of Rolf K's quotes which was,

Once your physical memory is used up by a single shift register
storage, your application is probably going to ... Rolf Kalbermatter
Info-LabVIEW 3 December 2002.


Re: system low on virtual memory

2004-06-16 Thread Ben

Now thing make sense!

To justify my following suggestion, I would like to first digress a

Modern OS's allow you to run programs that require more memory than
the computer actually has. When I used the term memory than the
computer actually has I am talking about physical memory. These are
physical devices (typically sticks) that store your programs and the

When the OS (operating system) determines that a program is requesting
more memory than can be stored in the physical memory, it starts to
play tricks on you and provides additional storage by using Virtual
memory. It is called Virtual because it is not real (i.e. physical)

So how does it create Virtual memory if it is not physical? It
allocates space on your hard drive that holds the data that would have
been in physical memory if it was available and then it starts a
complicated series of tricks to fool the program into thinking it has
all of the memory that it needs.

The OS will then set up some traps that will allert it when the
program is trying to read some of the memory that it thinks it has but
in actuallity is on disk. When one of these traps goes off your
program will be suspended by the OS and then the OS will go read the
data from disk and copy it into physical memory. It will then re-start
the program (right where it left off) and everything proceeds as if
the tricks never happened.

The above is a brief explanation. A full explanation is beyond me and
is subject to change with every OS upgrade.

Well I miss-lead you slightly in the above because there are some
important differences in Virtual Memory and Physical.

THe first big difference is speed. Code resident in physical memory
takes only nano-seconds to respond to a read or write attempt. Virtual
memory is much slower. It has to wait on disk drives to read data etc.

You may have noticed that when you were running the scaled down
version of your code that the application was probably more

The other differences are not important right now.

Your running out of Virtual memory is probably becuase you do not have
anymore space on your hard drive to be used as vitual memory. A larger
hard drive may help with your warning messages.

If you need your application to run faster (after you have eliminated
the virtual memory issues) then more physical memory is called for.

Start by using Task Manager  Performance to see what your memory
usage is durring run time. If possible, upgrade your memory so you are
using physical memory only.

Well I realize that I have been rambling a bit so I should stop here.

You probably need more physical memory.


Re: Reusable Code

2004-06-15 Thread Ben
And yet another idea

Use a tab control or a set of tab controls.

You can drive a single tab control with 20 tabs for 20 views,
use 20 single page tab controls.


Re: If i use a sub-vi 3 times simultaneously in my main program....

2004-06-15 Thread Ben
My NO was to Mudda Q.

I am the same page as Ed.


Re: If i use a sub-vi 3 times simultaneously in my main program....

2004-06-15 Thread Ben

You may pick some up.

What you will loose is debugging.

The main gotcha is the seperate memory space issue mentioned

This means that if your sub-VI's use local storage (like shift
register that store results from the last call for use in the next)
are distict for each occurence of the sub-VI in a diagram.

Also, if your sub-VI use larege amounts of memory the use will be
duplicated between each instance.


Re: If i use a sub-vi 3 times simultaneously in my main program....

2004-06-15 Thread Ben
If the sub-VI is CPU intensive,
you do not want one call of the sub-VI to delay another call to the

Then re-entrancy is very useful.


Re: If i use a sub-vi 3 times simultaneously in my main program....

2004-06-15 Thread Ben
Yes sir!

From what I have read about LV 7.X and hyperthreading, two of these
re-entrant sub-VI's can be executing simultaneously without having to
resort to dual-proccessors.


Re: I need some documentation of wire data types

2004-06-15 Thread Ben
And while you are playing around, switch to the wiring tool with the
help window (ctrl-h) open.

Floating over the wire will tell you exactly what is in the wire.


Re: Setting up an initialization routine to run once

2004-06-10 Thread Ben
But you have to admit it easier beeing a rookie when you help like Dan

If you liked his answer, give him some stars!


Re: processor usage 100% after bulding an application

2004-06-10 Thread Ben
NOt much info to go on here...

I have read about the the strict typdefs getting disconnected in a
build. This could have negative effects on strict type def'd constants
in the diagram that are used to throttle your code or configure it.

There is an INI files setting that shuts this down.

Another approach would use normal constants on the diagram that feed
bundle by name nodes.

Just my first thought, tyring to help,


Re: processor usage 100% after bulding an application

2004-06-10 Thread Ben
Could you post the stripped down version?

Maybe I or others can spot something.

Still trying to help,


Re: processor usage 100% after bulding an application

2004-06-10 Thread Ben

One more wild guess.

This application does not use VISA by any chances, does it? I have
seen lock issues when opening FP that have a VISA resource control on
the FP. Just a guess.

I will watch for your post in the AM.


Re: Having two panel screens??

2004-06-09 Thread Ben
Hi Bertrand!

Feel free to post your own question in french. Some of our best
Enthusiats speak french. I said some of our best. Not me! I took
french for 5 years in high school and never passed french 2!

It sounds like your case is different from the case I mentioned above
because I was running three DIFFERENT VI's.

LabVIEW only allows one copy of a VI in memory at a time. This is
entirely based on the name of the VI. You may be able to adapt to this
restriction by copying your VI as three distint names e.g.,

This is the easiest approach and will work provided your sub-VI's do
not have any trouble being called by different main VI's.

If the simple re-naming works for you good!

If not, I suggest you post a new question and include a copy of your
VI so we can look and advise.

I hope this helps,


Re: Having two panel screens??

2004-06-09 Thread Ben
Like  I said some of our best. 


Re: Setting up an initialization routine to run once

2004-06-09 Thread Ben
Not bad for a first Project type question.

There is always the option of wrapping all of the init code in a
single frame seq structure out front that uses data flow to force it
to execute first.


Re: High speed data transfer TCP/IP

2004-06-08 Thread Ben
I should add a little info about the link.

After days of talking and experimenting, the original poster shared
all of his findings along with some sample code.


Re: High speed data transfer TCP/IP

2004-06-08 Thread Ben
You may want to review this discusion.

The original poster got some good result in the end.


Re: Check the color of a plot

2004-06-08 Thread Ben
You are so close!

LV is returning the color for plot 0 becuase you have not told it
what plot you want info for.

On the property node that you are using now to get the plotcolor, add
an input just above the plotcolor terminal and select active plot.
THen wire an index to let LV know which of the plots you are
interested in.

I hope this helps,


Re: High speed data transfer TCP/IP

2004-06-08 Thread Ben
Very Cool!

I am gald I was able to help.


Re: Date format while writing to database using database toolbox

2004-06-04 Thread Ben

You never fail to entertain!

Who says we Enthusiasts do not have a sense of humor.


Re: monitor memory consumption of Teststand and Labview

2004-06-04 Thread Ben
There are two VI's you may want to experiment with.

they are;



..\vi.lib\utility\sysinfo.llb\Get Memory

These may or may not help. One of them maybe for RT only.

Please let me know if these helped.


Re: Date format while writing to database using database toolbox

2004-06-04 Thread Ben
Sarcasism = Humour

in my book.


Re: Autoscale Y axis

2004-06-03 Thread Ben
Hi Jeremy,

Welcome to the Exchange!

It is generally a good idea to summarize your examples that you post.
That way;

1) We do not have to down load your code to see what method 1 is.

2) You can resize your porperty nodes and mainipulate the properties
from top to bottom in the order you want. This will avoid the
multi-frame seq structure.

3) Defering front panel updates and then undefering afterwards may
improve performance and appearence.

Trying to help,


Re: Autoscale Y axis

2004-06-03 Thread Ben
Hi Jeremy,

I failed to mention that your option 1 is a good approach.

If you look below you will see that Greg was on the same wave-length.


Re: pixel color

2004-06-01 Thread Ben
You can NOT have different colors defined for the points of a single

I have made it look that way. These techniques will work if your data
set is not to large.

1) Use one plot to draw the line and make sure its point style is
none. Add one additional plot for each point and define the point
style as you choose and set the color as you described. When updating
the X-Y graph, the first plot goes in as you expect. The other plot
should be arrays that are identical to the first plot except all of
the Y values are replaced with NaN. This will result in all of the
other plots have a sinlge point.

2) You could also use cursors to do this as well.

Both of these approahces will only work if your data set is small.

If your data set is large, then the Components Works 3-d graph can be
adapted to do this.

THen of course you could always use a picture control, but that is not
an option.

Trying to help,

Hoping to hear other ideas,


Re: how to do a time normalization on my data?

2004-05-28 Thread Ben
Well let me say that I appreciate the life you spare to help us!

And judging by the following post, the father of LV appreciates it
enough to thank you publicly!

If you click on his link, it looks like he registered on the
Dev-Exchange just to acknowledge you.

Dennis, you have now accomplished the super-human twice over!


Re: Congratulations, Dennis Knutson!

2004-05-28 Thread Ben
I would like to join the others in thanking you again!

Below is the link for when you passed 1000.


Thank for making LV a better language and less frustrating for new
users by your timely response to questions.

I just told one of my rookies this morning that he should subscribe
to your answers and read everything that you say.

Please accept my thanks for your efforts and the life you so freely
share while asking nothing in return!

If you looked up altruism in the dictionary you would find the
 1: unselfish regard for or devotion to the wefare of others 2:
behaviour by an animal that is not beneficial to or may be harmful to
itself but that benefits the survival of its species

You will also find the same Photo not Available picture in the


Re: how to do a time normalization on my data?

2004-05-27 Thread Ben
Just for the record, I believe this is number 2000!


Re: Reading a File and by using TCP/IP transfer protocol?

2004-05-25 Thread Ben
How about just serving and action engine that can read files and
return the contents. It can have selector that lets the caller
determine what files to read. Note, files are not required and will
actually be slower than just ftetching a buffer.

Use VI server call by reference and you are done!


Re: Max Number of Labview objects

2004-05-23 Thread Ben
Now this is interesting!

The main limitation in LV is the hardware as Coastal... has pointed
out. That limit will always be with us.

There was a limit of 550 front panel object in LV 6.1.

But I understood that that limit was lifted in LV 7.0. I may have read
that in the release notes, not sure.

That erro you reported starts with lvworm which I believe is
associated with LV 7.


Re: Ring control behaviour

2004-05-22 Thread Ben
This change hit me hard as well.

In my case there only about 6.

While you a poping up as Rob sugested, go to the properties.
On the edit Items tab, un-select the sequetial items box and then
enter -1 (aka 65535) and leave the string as blank.

It will work the same way at it did in 6.1.

Now if we could only do this for enum's


Re: Datalogging and multiplot graphs/

2004-05-19 Thread Ben
Sounds like another request for a storage scope.

I posted a crude example here.

I hope this helps,


Re: Why does program work only when highlight execution is on?

2004-05-19 Thread Ben
I second Ed's suggestions!

You are not giving your device time to reply after your query.


Re: Can Remote Panels be accomplished with the Labview Runtime engine alone?

2004-05-17 Thread Ben
Yes it can!

The trick is all hidden in your LabVIEW.ini file.

All of the configuration seetings that you configure using the web
publishing tools in the development environment end up being saved to
your LabVIEW.ini file.

If you copy this file into the folder where your exe is located AND
name it as My app.ini (where My app.exe is the name of your exe),
LV will serve the configured pages.

If memory serves me correctly, you also have to make sure the web
functions are included in the exe when you do your build.


Re: What's the best way to deal with having different units plotted on the same graph?

2004-05-17 Thread Ben
Right click on your existing Y-scale and select duplicate scale.

This will give you another Y-scale to plot your data against.

You can then use the plot legend to right click and associate your
data with the new scale on a plot by plot basis.

You can add as many legends as you need. You can also switch sides for
a scale if you choose.


Re: Looking for ready-to-use indicator that looks like a horizontal-platform panel in an airplane

2004-05-12 Thread Ben
You Win!

There is another example near that one that shows how to draw a

Parts of that example can be used to add your over-lay yur grid (i.e.
do not fill).


Re: Why is 2nd While Loop in State Machine generated by State Diagram Toolkit?

2004-05-11 Thread Ben
Sacha gave a valid answer but let me try to help.

I do not have LV 7.1 on my machine yet so I can not open your example

...why is 2nd While Loop [and Enum to Interger and status's Enum
constant] in main State Case?

The small while loop inside one of your states is the logic used to
decide which state your application will transition to next. If your
design only has the default transition, this loop does not do much.
If you have a state that can transition to more than one other states,
that small loop does the decision making to decide which state we got
to next.
Now if you have a state that can transition to one of many other
states, AND the conditions (see below) are satisfied for more than one
of the transitions, you can define which of those states wins by
defining the order in which those conditions are checked.

The small while loop determines which state you go to next.
It only makes a difference in states that have more than one state
that they can transition to.

When you have a state in your design that can transition to more than
other state, the SD Editor will create a new case in the little while
loop for your new transition. When it does, the SD Editor will leave
the boolean tunnel un-wired. You can then insert the appropriate LV
code that will return a true when the condition is met.

When I am designing apps using the SD Editor, I will draw-up the
design and leave all of those tunnels un-wired until I think I have
something worth checking.
At that time I will then copy the name of the transition from the SD
and then click on the transition arrow in the SD. This will cause the
block diagram to show the code where that transition is located.
I will then right click on the output tunnel and do a create
control. When the new control is created, I will then paste the
transition name I copied (see above) into the newly created button.

I will continue this process until I have fixed all of the un-wired

After the VI is no-longer broken, I will have a bunch of booleans on
my FP with names that match up with the transisions.

Now it time for some fun!
I then put the SD in execution highlighting and watch how the program
flows using the boolean on the front panel to test all of the code.

This serves a number of purposes;
1) I can think through all of my logic before getting into the low
level stuff.
2) The FP booleans serve as reminders that I have to write code to
replace the buttons.
3) I think its interesting to watch my designs in action.

If all is OK at this point, I am ready to develop code for each state.

Sorry I drifted off subject a little there. Back to your Q!

The small while loop allows each state to have a unique set of
transitions. If it was outside the individual states (as you
suggested) the transition would have to be shared.

I hope this answer along with Sacha's answer is valualbe to someone.


Re: Create Controls on Font Panel when vi is running?

2004-05-04 Thread Ben
Although you cannot create real LV controls and indicators in a
running VI, you can make it look that way.

See this link where Jean-Pierre first suggested a practical approach.

I have implemented variations on this technique in quite a few
applications since then.

It take some work behind the scenes, but coupled with the events from
the picture control, you can create virtual controls and indicators.
The biggest draw back is that you find yourself double clicking on the
vitual control expecting to find its terminal.

So you you really need it, IT CAN BE DONE.


Re: RS 485 and labview (for use with Brooks 5850s mass flow controllers)

2004-04-24 Thread Ben
I will send the files you requested as a reply to your e-mail.


Re: Complex data structure.

2004-04-18 Thread Ben
I like the typedef constant wraped in a sub-VI.

Alot less space on the diagram, and no issues when the typedef is
modified and the updated constant on the diagram ending up larger than
the structure it is in.

Another plus is that it can be used to establish default values. Any
filed of the typedef that should have a specific default value can be
implemented by doing a bundle by name inside the sub-VI.

I have seen code fail because a constant on a diagram lost its default
values when the type def was updated. This makes sense to me becuase
if a new field is added to the structure we do not know what its
defaults should be.

So you get
1) Smaller diagram foot print
2) Ability to define global default values

by wraping the default in a sub-VI.


Re: RS 485 and labview (for use with Brooks 5850s mass flow controllers)

2004-04-08 Thread Ben
I did an app that used these a couple of years ago.

Brooks had a LV example that used the DDE interface to the their

I used that as a guide and was able to figure out what I needed.

Brooks support fro their example was pretty limited. I remember
getting a phone call back (a day latter) from their LV expert (uh-
hem) who said that I had to have LV installed if I wanted the get the
example to work!

The DDE interface required having the Brooks interface running if I
remeber correctly. There was also some confusion over which version of
their driver actually worked.

Since then I think I may have read something that made me think that
Modbus OPC may handle these devices. I never followed up that idea so
do not waste to much time on that.


Re: RS 485 and labview (for use with Brooks 5850s mass flow controllers)

2004-04-08 Thread Ben
Hi Stuart,

I tried 3 times to post my files and it would not work!

They must be to big.

E-mail me at


and I will reply with my collcetion of files from Brooks.

Now forgive the following;
In my 1000 or so answers I have posted to date, I have carefully
avoided any answer that involved making money. Well, I am about to
break that rule.

The app I mentioned earlier was designed such that the interface to
Brooks could be easily broken out and re-used. If you are interested
in purchasing my source code AS IS, I could also forward a design
document that explains how the original app worked.

Otherewise, I will reply with the Brooks files and pray for your

Trying to help,


Re: How to close TCP port in LV 4.1?

2004-04-08 Thread Ben
Sorry about the delay, I have a real job keeping me busy lately.

I played with this a bit and was able to reproduce something similar
using the NI shipping examples.

I was able to correct it by;

1) Make sure you wire a timeout value! The default is about 10 minutes
so you will have to wait that long to all evidence of the conncetion
go away.

2) The client should close the conncetion b4 the host. This will leave
a session hanging for 10 minutes as well.

Now that you have the ability to post as LV 6, I suggest you start a
new question to get a wider audience. I am going to be very scarse in
these parts over the next month or two.


Re: RS 485 and labview (for use with Brooks 5850s mass flow controllers)

2004-04-08 Thread Ben
One more thing;

I used these devices in another project.

In that case we used Brooks 154E's that were controlled and monitored
using AI and AO from FP.

So there are other options.

The Brooks Smart DDE software let users manage the calibration and
other settings of the MFC's. I would be very suprised if they
discontinued support.

Trying hard to help,


Re: 1000 Responses

2004-03-22 Thread Ben
Thank you Michael (and others)!

I am jsut trying to stay ahead of my rule to give more answers than I

I am still way behind!

Now back to those Q's.


Re: Get mechanical action of boolean programmatically

2004-03-21 Thread Ben
Well this is not a full answer but,

If you use a property node and attempt to read the value of a latch
action boolean, it will return an error.

The ClassName property will say boolean it the control is a boolean.

So if you pass an array of control references into a For loop and read
the ClassName FIRST and then attempt to read the value you should be
able to at least figure out which controls are booleans and which of
those are latch action.

I took a quick look a the type descriptor and it apears that a new
boolean from the palette will have the first byte equal to 12 and
copied boolean have 14 in the first byte.

Now how to decide which type of latch action

Can't help you there.


a href=;
Certified LabVIEW Developer /a

For the record: This approach was inspired by the save all control
function originally devloped by Jean-Pierre and is available via
OpenG. I am not blaming him if this does not work! I am only trying to
give credit where credit is due.

Re: Problem with Run Vi Invoke Node

2004-03-21 Thread Ben
Post some code and we will take a look.


Re: seperate windows for diagramms

2004-03-21 Thread Ben
The example I posted here

demonstrates how to control the visability of dynamicaly called VI's.
It use property nodes to show the front panel of VI when desired. The
Master will also close them.

The methods illustrated should give you a starting point.


a href=;
Certified LabVIEW Developer /a

Yes, I'm getting a lot of milage out of that example.

Re: trouble with imaq sequence running in parallel with other vi's

2004-03-21 Thread Ben
Stop, reverse that (Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory)


Re: Set device and channel variables

2004-03-21 Thread Ben
Jean-Pierre's save/restore functions will do this. Check out openG.

Start with Jim Kring's profile to find this site.


Re: Where can i find the classID list for Labview 7.0

2004-03-21 Thread Ben
Wow, what an entrance!

Welcome to the list PJM_Labview!

Where did you get that from?


Re: Memory allocation problem with CWGraph3D

2004-03-21 Thread Ben
The memory won't be relased until LabView is closed.

This sounds a reference is being repeatedly opened.

Post an example, we may be able to help.


a href=;
Certified LabVIEW Developer /a

Re: Why does one while loop stop after 3-4 weeks?

2004-03-21 Thread Ben
Thank you for the update Rich!


Re: Where can i find the classID list for Labview 7.0

2004-03-21 Thread Ben
Bird's Eye View

The last time I saw a response like you recieved for your utility was
when Brian Renken anounced the search engine.


Re: Where can i find the classID list for Labview 7.0

2004-03-21 Thread Ben
Thank you. I usually post on info-labview.

That explains why you know how to do this. I am a lurker on that list.
I learned most of what I know from that list. I just don't feel worthy
to speak before Rolf (and the rest of y'all). And afterwards, what is
left to be said. My boss asked me recently With the Developer
Exchange, what purpose does Info-LabVIEW serve? I said The
Dev-Exchange is like going to LV college, Info-LabVIEW is like grad

I will see if I can crash my machine at home this week-end.

Please feel free to contribute on this exchange again in the future.
Your contributions would be welcome, and besides, we give out STARS!


Re: How do I get my chart to redraw after the onitor comes out of screen saver mode.

2004-03-21 Thread Ben


To False then True MAY do it.

THe release note for LV 7 indicates that both of the operations will
re-draw the screen.

Now if Windows will wake up and show you this?


a href=;
Certified LabVIEW Developer /a

Re: can I use my usb port by itself as an DO/DI?

2004-03-21 Thread Ben
I second Mike's comments.

Go for the parrallel port.


Re: Read / Write to Siemens Drive Registers.

2004-03-21 Thread Ben
Hi Hema,

Do you know what the representation (SGL, DBL, EXT) is?

This almost looks like complex single.

If it is just a SGL then the 4220  makes sense.

You can use the typ cast from the advancedata manipulation palette.

If you type case a SGL to an array of U8's you get the value I noted

I can also type cast your posted values (with high and low halves
waped) to a Complex SGL.


a href=;
Certified LabVIEW Developer /a

Re: How to close TCP port in LV 4.1?

2004-03-21 Thread Ben
Not the globals themselves but how they are used.

I never use globals I devlop myself.

I have worked with them in others code.

I suspect a race condition that is a result of over using globals.

If I could look at the entire app, I may be able to spot the race


Re: How to close TCP port in LV 4.1?

2004-03-21 Thread Ben
Then review all of the code and start enclosing code inside single
frame seq structures. Make sure data flow dicates order.

Of particular concern is WHEN the stop global is written. Make sure it
does not get read to early!


Re: How to close TCP port in LV 4.1?

2004-03-21 Thread Ben
I didn't write it...just trying to fix it.  ;)

That is exactly what I say when someone wonders into my office while I
am looking at a customers code!


Re: Does anyone know of resources for IBM ISA AD/DA cards?

2004-03-21 Thread Ben
Look at

In Port (to peek)
Out Port (to poke)


for a method that uses NI-VISA. Note that the VISA approach ws
developed after the ISA bus was obsolete so it may not work for you.
There is a VISA forum on this Exchange if you have Q's about this.

The In Port and Out Port VI's are OS dependent so you may have to find
a version that works with your OS. You may want to search this
exchange for prallel port examples because most of those use the In
Port and Out port VI's.

That's about as far as I can take you.

Please post summarizing anything interesting you run across.

In order for your questions to reach the largest possible audience,
post a new Q. Few of us keep chasing to the bottom of old questions
looking for updates. If you find a previous Q that is close but not
quite what you need, include a link to the old Q in your new Q.

Have fun!


Re: seperate windows for diagramms

2004-03-21 Thread Ben
Thank you Robert!


Re: Problem with Run Vi Invoke Node

2004-03-21 Thread Ben
Instead of clciking once to make the FP active and then clicking the
second time to actuate the switch, one click makes the FP active AND
actautes the switch.



to the ini file.

Re: any good VI for impact hammer modal analysis?

2004-03-21 Thread Ben
I believe you will find most of what you will need in the order
analysis add-on.

Preston Johnson is invloved with this package and has always been very
helpful in all of my projects of this type.

Now if you do not wnat to get the add-on, I would suggest you break up
this question into specific parts and post them seperately.

Trying to help,


a href=;
Certified LabVIEW Developer /a

Re: not able to type into string control

2004-03-16 Thread Ben
Post a sample VI with the controls that you cut and paste from your

The other though that comes to mind is that they may be locked.

Just guessing,


Re: How to modify WaveformChart history data length programmatically

2004-03-16 Thread Ben
No wonder I never noticed the upper limit!


Re: Why does one while loop stop after 3-4 weeks?

2004-03-16 Thread Ben

The only other thing I can think of is way out there.

If there was sufficient noise on the serial line, it could look like a
continual stream of data that will prevent your timeout logic from

This would show up in your accumulator string indicator.

So, the only thing I suggest at this time is to check the length of
the string in the accumulator when it is in the hang condition.

This would also mean that you could un-hang the loop by pulling the
cable while hung.

Trying hard to help,


Re: How to modify WaveformChart history data length programmatically

2004-03-16 Thread Ben
One more thing jbao,

THe best way to thank someone on this exchange is to give the best
answer a four star rating.

This way others in the future can quickly find the answer to their

Have fun,


Re: How to close TCP port in LV 4.1?

2004-03-16 Thread Ben

How about an image of how these sub-VI are being called.

The extensive use of Globals makes me nervous but I can not spot
anything solid that would cause me to suspect a race condition.

Images of these VI's being called will shut me up.


Re: How to modify WaveformChart history data length programmatically in LabVIEW?

2004-03-15 Thread Ben
I have wanted to do this a couple of times myself.

This can only be changed at edit time,
it must be done via the pop-up.

What problem does this cause? There may be a work-around.


a href=;
Certified LabVIEW Developer /a

Re: How to modify WaveformChart history data length programmatically

2004-03-15 Thread Ben
any number of points from zero to 2B

Is that 2b hex or to be determined or a typo?

I never noticed an upper limit. Is there one?


Re: Why does one while loop stop after 3-4 weeks?

2004-03-15 Thread Ben
Hi Richard,

As a quick test to rule out the following, could you pull the serial
cable being used by this loop?

Just pull it and verify this loop does not hang.

If it does hang post and I will explain my theory. Its not worth
troubling you with the details without knowing the answer to the

Trying to help,


Re: not able to type into string control

2004-03-15 Thread Ben

Check to make sure the control is not disabled!

pop-upAdvancedEnabled States Enabled

I believe it was Dennis that helped me out that day.


a href=;
Certified LabVIEW Developer /a

Re: memory eaten up - guilty: Datasocket or References?

2004-03-14 Thread Ben
DR VI discussed that here

The one additional note I should stress is that once system resourse
are allocated for references, they do not get free'd up until LV


Re: Need help on labview

2004-03-14 Thread Ben
Nirmal discussed the hardware interface in his reply to your other

Look at the example that can be found under

HelpFind ExamplesHardware Input and OutputDAQAnalog
InputGeneralCont AcqGraph (buffered).vi

That should get you started.


a href=;
Certified LabVIEW Developer /a

Re: How to close TCP port in LV 4.1?

2004-03-14 Thread Ben
Could you post an IMAGE (LV 4.1 is getting scarce these days) of your
code so we can take a look?

It sounds as if the listen is being invoked again.

There have been some changes and fixes implemented since LV 4.1 so I
can not say that I have seen this issue previously.

Trying to offer what little help I can,


a href=;
Certified LabVIEW Developer /a

Re: Question about communication between labview programs on separate

2004-03-14 Thread Ben
I ma not sure if you have to use TCP/IP.

What if Bob had a seperate loop that just used UDP to repeatedly
broadcast a count that is incremented each time a read completes.

Alice could listen for the broadcast and and act depending on if it
saw Bob count change in a resonable amount of time.

The next variation I would concider is using to use VI server (based
on TCP/IP but the low level stuff is done for you). Bob could invoke a
VI on Alice that told her to start. If she does not hear from Bob to
stop she just keep blasting away.

Otherwise the approach you have outlined MAY work. I can not say the
will not be complications becuase I ussaully write my code to avoid
errors so I can not speak from experience. I seem to remember people
having some trouble with restarting/reopening TCP sessions over
extended periods of time. That may have been some time ago, not sure
on that.

I hope this help. Fire away if you have follow-ups.


a href=;
Certified LabVIEW Developer /a

Re: Dynamically build VI using LabVIEW

2004-03-13 Thread Ben
I can not comment on when, but it will become available, someday.

Vision Builder has been doing this for years.

The LV State Diagram Editor (which is wonderful by the way) can
obviously edit diagrams and is apparently implemented as a VI!

THe SD Editor (which is great by the way, I love this thing, NO MORE
PowerPoint to design) is an incredibly small add-on. This leads me to
suspect much of this functionality (i.e. VI's to edit VI's) is already
implmented in LV, we just do not have mechanisms to get at it (other
than using the very restricted tools mentioned above).

I stongly agree with Wiebe in that this functionality will be rather
challenging to master.

It will also be dificuly to support!

Imagine the type of code that would result. here is one mind bogling

Write three VI's

A.VI alternately calls B and C.

B.VI Executes a random VI evaluates the reuslts and clones a
modified version of itself as C.VI based its evaluation of the
random code results and any prior experiments it has performed.

C.VI then duplicates the actions of B.

This could lead to a type of artificial intellegent code that is able
to adapt it own algorithm.

What happens if the code after learning and growing decides it does
not want to do math anymore and would rather just listen to the same
albumn over and over again?

How does a support engineer address that?

The reason I present this extreme case was that this functionaly, when
it comes, it will be limited at first (as we see in dynamic event

I seem to remember Rolf Kalbermatter (on Info-LabVIEW) saying
something like Self modifying code is a bad idea and went out style
years ago.

Just my thoughts,


Re: Why does one while loop stop after 3-4 weeks?

2004-03-13 Thread Ben
Maybe it is time to post an example.

Do have a resonalbe time Out specified for your read?


Re: How can we change the name of dynamic events selector label in Event Structure

2004-03-13 Thread Ben
I agree!

I can't top this approach.


Re: Has anyone ever successfully done a cont double buffer acq...

2004-03-13 Thread Ben
Jeremy answered here

Re: memory eaten up - guilty: Datasocket or References?

2004-03-13 Thread Ben
1) can you dummy up  the OPC stuff and get memory to stablize?

2) Whatever type of references... open them once at the beginning and
close at the end. The resourse for references are not cleaned up until
LV exits!


a href=;
Certified LabVIEW Developer /a

Re: How can I make a patent mark for a program in labview7?

2004-03-13 Thread Ben
1) Fix the error first. Post a fresh Q with details.

2) You need the application builder to create an executable from VI

3) Pop-up on VI icon and slect VI PropertiesRevision History, then
chose View history...


Re: How do default values of indicators work?

2004-03-12 Thread Ben
Hi Steve,

I have to confess that I am having a hard time folling this.

Could you please post an example to clarify?

Without that I will put forth a theory that may explain what you are

First for the not wired to connector pane terminals.

The will be set to their default state when the VI is loaded in to
memory. As long as the VI stays in memory the boolean will maintain
its state until changed by an user or set via code. I have seen people
uses controls as a type of memory. I do not.

Next, the boolean wired to the icon connector.
The control will take on the value assigned to it by the calling code
via the wire that is connected to it. If no wire is connected, LV will
set it to its default value in your behalf.

Does this help?

Otherwise post an example and we will investigate further.

Trying to help,


a href=;
Certified LabVIEW Developer /a

Re: Slick way trim 2D array from end?

2004-03-12 Thread Ben
Does it have to be Slicker than the

Array Subset



a href=;
Certified LabVIEW Developer /a

Re: How do default values of indicators work?

2004-03-12 Thread Ben

If you create a local for that indicator and use that to wire to the
indicator, everything works as I would expect.

That just don't make sense!


Re: How do default values of indicators work?

2004-03-12 Thread Ben
I see your confusion!

Two suggestions;

1) Repost just the puzzle version as a new questions and ask if this
is a bug. I will watch for others to reply.

2) Report this as a bug to NI.

I suspect this is one of those Don't do that! bugs.

It appears the indicator is behaving as if it is a set for latch

Maybe someone else will spot something I am missing.

Please keep us updated if you hear something off-list.


Re: How do default values of indicators work?

2004-03-12 Thread Ben
It is as if the default value is being applied AFTER the VI runs.


Re: How do default values of indicators work?

2004-03-12 Thread Ben
BUt then again,

why would the default be applied?

Still puzzled,


Re: How do default values of indicators work?

2004-03-12 Thread Ben
I think that last part of :Fooling... is what I was missing.


Re: UK LabView user group?

2004-03-11 Thread Ben
HI Matt,

Try posting to info-LabVIEW

This is the weekly admin reminder for readers of the Info-LabVIEW
mailing list and mail digest. (19oct01)

o  Administrative issues such as SUBSCRIPTION and DELETION REQUESTS
   MUST be addressed to the admin address, which is
   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED].

o  To post to the list, mail to mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED].
   send subscription and deletion requests to info-labview.

o  This is a user list, run by and for LabVIEW users. If you have a
   commercially available item to announce, please make the

o  It is not, ever, acceptable to post virus warnings to this list.
   any reason.

A set of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for LabVIEW are available
from our web server at

  Tom Coradeschi, Info-LabVIEW List Maintainer

Re: Changing the brightness and contrast of an image displayed in a picture control

2004-03-11 Thread Ben
Would you mind sharing the name?


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