Re: Mitutoyo MUX2, Digimatic Micrometer heads and Labview7

2004-05-12 Thread Conseils
That's excellent work.

Well this tests most of the cable connections, you PC and the COM port
and the associated hardware and leaves only the trasmitted command.

This simple test that you have performed is one of the most basic but
important. Because it gives you a baseline to work from. From now on
you 'know what to expect'.

Look in the instructions and find the string that is used to request a
reading it is probably somthing like S1 for channel 1 or similar (I
can't find my sheet at the moment, I have moved since I last used it).

Type this string in to the terminal program.
If it mentions CR then that means Carrige Return and you do that by
pressing the ENTER key.

If you could post the instruction sheet it will save me looking for my
copy, which I may never find.

After this it will be a simple matter to get the data into Labview.

You should now look into the examples with Labview and search for the
parameter 'SERIAL'. This will lead you to an example 'Serial
communication.VI' which is an example of how to send a command to a
serial prot and aquire the results. It also has a timeout which means
you don't end up waiting for ever if the remote device fails to
respond (because it's disconnected or the battery is flat in the
Digimatic device).

The default data rates match those of the MUX so there is almost no
work to do!!

If your feeling brave type the command into the available control and
set the VI running. It should return your data.

Re: Mitutoyo MUX2, Digimatic Micrometer heads and Labview7

2004-05-11 Thread Conseils
Ok first go through the first list I posted here and work out what you
are missing. Post a list of what you are missing. i.e do you have the
manuals for the MUX2?

There is no reason that I am aware of that the student edition won't
do. At the moment I have not fully transferred to 7.X so 6.1 would be
good also.

Anyway the reson that there is no driver is mainly becuase people in
production processes (where these things are used in volume) need
validated statistical tools. No one has written a complete fully
approved  automotive statistics tool in Labview (I believe), hence no
driver. As the approval process is expensive, long and tortous you
start to understand why.

To get you going if you have all the cables you should start with the
Trerminal Emulator. (I assume Windows here). Set 9600bd 7 data bits,
1Stb, No Parity - no handshake. Press the instrument 'Data' button and
the instrument should send a measurement to the Terminal program. You
may need to 'tinker' (my first choice was refused by the msg bd) with
the data rates and handshake to get the data onto the terminal program
as the handshake could be affected by the wiring on the cable between
the MUX and the host and the data rate could possibly have been
changed on the MUX. You quickly find out that the number of
combintations is awesome - Hence the requirement for the manual.

So go through the list I wrote and tell me what you have or not as the
case may be.

Re: Mitutoyo MUX2, Digimatic Micrometer heads and Labview7

2004-05-10 Thread Conseils
In answer to your question

You have the kit for the job.. You don't need GaugeLink, this comment
was mis-leading.

Now you need to follow the steps outlined.

If you want to progress I will lead you through the steps to where
ever you want to go.

Re: Mitutoyo MUX2, Digimatic Micrometer heads and Labview7

2004-05-10 Thread Conseils
I think you posted this twice

Re: Mitutoyo MUX2, Digimatic Micrometer heads and Labview7

2004-05-07 Thread Conseils
You need to split this down into various sections.

1) Electrical connections
2) Communications Protocol
3) Software

1.1 Obtain cables for the Mic's to the MUX
1.2 Obtain cables from the MUX to the PC
1.3 Plug them all in
1.4 Test the system

2.1 Obtain data for the comms protocol
2.2 Understand the comms protocol

3.1 Implement some serial code to 'talk' to the unit
3.2 Display the data in the desired format

Well that's a very basic start.
So I guess you have more questions.. but you need to provide some more
information before progressing.

i.e What you know and what you don't.

Re: Beep in labview.

2004-05-07 Thread Conseils
On the same theme as Rolfk.

Before P.Cs had sound cards I think you will find the Beep came
through the P.C's internal speaker. Perhaps the beep is not being
passed to the sound card (Driver or card issue).

Perhaps you could check that the P.C. has an internal speaker fitted
and if it is missing try fitting one.

Re: Mitutoyo MUX2, Digimatic Micrometer heads and Labview7

2004-05-07 Thread Conseils
To the very best of my knowledge (fairly extensive in this particular
area, though not necessarily 100%).

No they do not, they have a line of SPC software which they sell to
handle data from the Digimatic instruments.

Re: Mitutoyo MUX2, Digimatic Micrometer heads and Labview7

2004-05-07 Thread Conseils
The main problem with gauge link is that you need to purchase the
gauge link device.

When you use or have the MUX series of devices the digimatic interface
products connect through MUX to the serial port through the MUX.

P.S. MUX stands for Multiplexor.
There are a number of types of these devices, including off the top of
my head the MUX10, MUX2 and MUX50

In summary Gaugelink would not be suitable as the interface device
exists in the form of the MUX.

Re: Mitutoyo MUX2, Digimatic Micrometer heads and Labview7

2004-05-07 Thread Conseils
Again this is for gaugelink and is not a suitable answer to the
question posed. Gaugelink is a third party product (Not by Mitutoyo),
the MUX2 is I believe a Mitutoyo product.

I strongly suspect that gaugelink does not use the same command
protocol as the MUX devices. I have had a quick look at the sample VI
and have not had chance to compare that with any other data yet.
Should I discover they are the same command set I will add to this

Re: Débutante ! HELP

2004-05-04 Thread Conseils
Si vous applez National Instruments Francais pour 'Labview 7 Express
Logiciel d'=E9valuation gratuit valable 30 jours'.

Il y a un petit livre 'le guide d'initiation =E0 LabView.

Re: priorité d'éxucution

2004-05-04 Thread Conseils

S=E9letionnez Fichier
FICHER | Propi=E9t=E9s de VI

Il y a une option cat=E9gorie pour 'Execution'

Re: 7-segments like digital indicator

2004-04-24 Thread Conseils

Re: continuous transfer function

2004-04-18 Thread Conseils
Coefficients of the numerator of the transfer function, starting from
lowest to highest order. b[0] =3D 1.00 and does not need to be entered.
Only enter b[1], b[2], and so on.

 For example, the 3rd order polynomial as described by the 3-element
array B[0...2] would be

1 + B[0]X + B[1]X^2 + B[2]X^3

Coefficients of the denominator of the transfer function, starting
from lowest to highest order.

 For example, the 2nd order polynomial as described by the 3-element
array A[0...2] would be

A[0] + A[1]X + A[2]X=B2

Re: dinamically reading load cell

2004-04-08 Thread Conseils
How did you progress ?

Re: dinamically reading load cell

2004-04-08 Thread Conseils
I could only work from the data you supplied, so I looked at the
graph. What you post, more often than not, determines who and how good
the answer is.

I still think that the damping of your measurement system will be
critical to effective and accurate measurement as well.

Check out the following
They supply accros the world. I think you should get the actual weigh
system from them or similar.

If the assistance if usefull, then you could help others by rating the

Good luck.

Re: How to calibrate Quadrature Encoder signal

2004-04-08 Thread Conseils
If the encoder is 16 bit then it would seem that: -
360/65536 =3D 0.0054931640625=B0 or there abouts.

You can break the project down into two halves nicely.

1) Hardware interfacing.
2) Software read out.

The hardware interfacing means two basic things:
1.1 What is the encoding technique
1.2 How are the signals conditioned for output to an external device.

The software is classic:
2.1 Input
2.2 Process
2.3 Output

The optical encoder could be one of a few types and you need to
understand both the signalling / interface and the coding technique to
progress further. A good start will be the manufacturers data sheet
for the product. Contact the manufacturer.

Once you understand the coding technique you will then know if the
unit is absolute or relative. This will then allow you to determine
how you can point to true north (easily with an absolute encoder, it
always tells you exactly where it is).

If it is a classic quadrature encoder then the relative phase of the
reference and movement signals gives you direction. Counting
transitions gives you realtive movement. But if the power went off on
the PC. you don't know where you are unless you go to a home position!
That could be 359=B0 round !!!

Good Luck

Re: continuous transfer function

2004-04-08 Thread Conseils
I think what you are looking for is found: -


Then enter poles

Select the 'Stability of'

Revision 7

For revision 5 get the GSIM toolkit.

Re: dinamically reading load cell

2004-03-25 Thread Conseils
My initial reaction to looking at the data is

  1) It is undersampled
  2) Why are the synce pulses different amplitudes
  3) The raw data contains little or no information

It appears, although not clear from your comment, that there was an
existing system which weighed the trays. If this is the case what I
would do is connect in parallel and record the data.

I would send say 100 sets of trays through with known weights in. Say
10 with minimal and 10 with maximal and so on. Then keep a note of
what you sent and when.

Now you have a representative data set to create a logged file at say
44100Hz sampling rate and use that as a reference or perhaps use the
WAV recorder to create a simple raw record. Most importantly it has no
processing at this stage.

You can then use this to refine your processing technique. Later in
the projects life it acts as a system validation check. Some of the
ones I have created are the most important parts of the projects I
have worked on. From damage limitation (that's what the customer was
actually doing when I was called in). To, 'I can prove you have
changed something'. To 'Ops missed that!'

In summary
I would suggest at this point you don't appear to have valid data.
Wether that's a result of hardware or undersampling is impossible to
say with the amount of information here.

Put some 'calibration' weights on and make sure the static levels are
what you expect from 0 to typical. Then move to dynamic at increasing

You will no doubt need a calibration section in the design anyway!

Re: tutorial labview 7 en francais

2004-03-24 Thread Conseils
tu trouvez ce livre =E0

LabVIEW : Programmation et applications
de Francis Cottet

Table des mati=E8res

Les concepts et l'environnement de programmation LabVIEW#8482;.
Les bases de la programmation LabVIEW#8482;.
Applications : traitement de donn=E9es.
Applications : acquisition de donn=E9es et automatisation.
Applications : =E9change de donn=E9es et communication.
Programmation avanc=E9e en LabVIEW#8482;.
Glossaire et sigles.
Lexique anglaisfran=E7ais dans le contexte de LabVIEW#8482;.
Lexique fran=E7aisanglais dans le contexte de LabVIEW#8482;.

Langue : Fran=E7ais =C9diteur : Dunod (9 novembre 2001)
Collection : EEA
Format : Broch=E9 - 432 pages
ISBN : 2100056670
Dimensions (en cm) : 2 x 17 x 24

Re: dinamically reading load cell

2004-03-24 Thread Conseils
Looks like this might get lost, so I hope to help get it going

I would imagine that the most difficult part would be getting the
mechanical engineering / handling correct.

  1) Is this your own mechanics ?
  2) How are you managing damping of the system?
 i.e. When the tray 'hits' the load cell.
  3) Are you sure it's not resonant / resonating ?
 Have you tested for resonance ?
 See damping.
  4) Can you correlate actuals with data at lower speeds ?
 Post signal data as an example.

I would suggest that you post a picture (It's worth a thousand words)
or two and some sample data, then you might get a fuller answer.

Re: Pict Ring Repeat Rate Modification

2004-03-23 Thread Conseils
That's the top tip needed, thanks the Shift key works great. (The
original had a delay which does keep CPU low, sorry I missed it for
the demo code).

How did you come accross that little gem ?

P.S. Note the stars (they seem much appreciated, and valued)

Re: How to build a filter with particular frequncy respond?

2004-03-22 Thread Conseils
Look in the examples for FILTER

select FIR Filter example

For IIR filters

slect the IIR filter example.

The main problem that I see with inputting xy's data is that it's
tricky for a program to decide which trade-off to make for passband
ripple or cut off for example.

Re: How do I get my chart to redraw after the onitor comes out of screen saver mode.

2004-03-21 Thread Conseils
I would be interested to see other peoples comments !!

My solution to this problem was to generate activity so i created a
property node and set = true for the window of interest.

It seems to work beautifully.

Re: Simulate serial signals in LabVIEW 7.1?

2004-03-21 Thread Conseils
If you have a P.C with two serial ports or an old P.C.

 1) Write a Labview application to 'simulate' the external device.


 2) Use the Terminal Program and load a text file.

1 has the advantage of ensuring that you understand the protocol
before implementing.

For a project I worked on I did this and then made the simulation
program available for others.

Re: Second-Order Differential Equation Solver

2004-03-21 Thread Conseils
Select HELP | Find Examples

Enter Polynomial

I think this is what your after

Re: Who can I build music equalizer in LabView?

2004-03-14 Thread Conseils
The sample is based on a NI example and as such has been extremely
well tested.

The sample code requires audio input from the sound card. The mixer on
your sound card should allow you to effectively feed the audio output
back as an input. This tested fine with my audio card. It's a very old

Other wise you will need to connect a signal from the earphone socket
to the audio input socket. I should say I have never tried this and
don't know if the signals on your card would be suitable for
connection in this fashion but the principle is correct.

Test just you Microphone and speak into the system first.

The band selection can be improved for the output but if I remember
correctly you have lots more bands in your design. For me it would be
an engineering approach rather than an asthetic decision.

Anyway to the dulcet tones of Howard Jones 'Like to get to know you
well' it looks fantastic!

Re: a doubt on stabilty of temperature measurement

2004-03-13 Thread Conseils
Why are you setting the Cold junction temperature, it must be the
reading from the compensated cold junction to correctly calulate the
actual temperature.

Re: I want the UV-meter instead of analog meter, where can I load this ?

2004-03-13 Thread Conseils
Further the Dennis Knutson's comment, a program design maxim is the
'Black Box' approach. One should develop modules which isolate
functionality in a 'black box'.

You then use these modules at a higher level.

Anyway my own rules of thumb are: -

 1) One screen height and no more than two screen
widths for diagrams.
 2) Isolate functionality and modularise using SUB Vi's
 3) If you exceed 1 then proceed and implement 2

If you take a look at the first example, what you will see is an
approach which creates 5 bars and controls them - from a beautiful use
of the inbuilt functions. All this is done in a quarter screen!

When I first started with Labview I sometimes 'Spawned' modules that
look like yours (screens were smaller then). I learnt quickly to start
fresh. I know that 5 years down the line, maintaining the code will be
almost impossible as it will take longer to understand to amend / fix
than to re-write.

Re: Who can I build music equalizer in LabView?

2004-03-13 Thread Conseils
This might helps as well, its from another posting :-

'Under Windows NT and Windows 2000 you need the hwaccess.llb (?),
search at the NI site for hwaccess, accessh5 and accesshw.'

Re: Who can I build music equalizer in LabView?

2004-03-13 Thread Conseils
In the diagram I have unbundled the array of binary patterns which
form the lights for the equalizer bar.

The EQ display cluster is essentially a grouping of LED's.

In fact what you need to do is connect the input to the 'Number to
Boolean Array VI' to the parallel port using Out Port VI. I will try
and get a sample posted tonight.

Re: Who can I build music equalizer in LabView?

2004-03-13 Thread Conseils
In fact this is better

Its just a case of connecting it together

Re: Who can I build music equalizer in LabView?

2004-03-13 Thread Conseils
Well as you no doubt noticed Hotmail went down for almost 2 hours so I
couldn't get in touch.

Re: a doubt on stabilty of temperature measurement

2004-03-12 Thread Conseils
To CALIBRATE you must use a reference which is traceable to a national

I suspect what you want to do is check.

Warning the following involves water which could be near electricity -
take EXTREME CARE! There is also hot water and electricity - very
dangerous if care is not exercised.

  1) Get some ice
  2) Smash it up
  3) Mix in a flask 50% water 50% ice
  4) Leave for 10 minutes
  This is 0=B0C (Zero)

  1) Boil a pan of water
  2) Keep it boiling for 5 minutes
  This is 100=B0C (Don't put your sensor in the bottom of the pan, near
the top third)

The above are quite precise, if your not at some very high elevation.
One can compensate for elavation if required.

Re: Who can I build music equalizer in LabView?

2004-03-12 Thread Conseils
Check out this link

It does pretty much what you want in principle.

For absolute db levels check out

Re: I want the UV-meter instead of analog meter, where can I load this ?

2004-03-12 Thread Conseils
I looked at your code !!

Anyway, I think your problem is the approach that you are using. You
have constructed logic out of CASE statements and used Property Nodes
to read values not yet set.

You need to use the basic native logic functions built into Labview.

Here are two example custom controls: -

Re: Controlling sliders with keyboard cursor

2004-03-11 Thread Conseils
Give the control focus (Using TAB key)

the SHIFT and arrow (UP)

Interestingly its the same for both sliders
 (Ergonimic disaster or Windows native)?

Re: Want example, dig port0_in8 - bool_array8 - dig port1_out8

2004-03-11 Thread Conseils
looked at the examples ??

From a VI Front Panel Window select 'HELP' then 'FIND EXAMPLES'

enter DIGITAL in the search parameter


With a little beating into shape this should work nicely, I used them
as the basis of something very similar to what you have described,
with great success.

Regards and good luck

Re: Current time on the X-axis

2004-03-06 Thread Conseils
I tried to follow this, looking for the

Unfortunately I can't find the VI you reference.

I entered the name into the examples search engine but it didn't
return a match.

Re: how to plot multiple channels in a single chart

2004-03-05 Thread Conseils
Got the Help Menu item and select
'Find Examples'
Enter Graph

There are lots of options

Perhaps for graph basics:-

Try the 'XY' sample in the 'Find Examples' menu item under

The example shows multiple plots on one chart.

'Use the XY Graph to display data that is not uniformly distributed
along the X-axis.  This is particularly useful when displaying data
that was sampled at a variable rate.'

Re: With Labview what do I need to run vi's on computers without Labview installed

2004-03-04 Thread Conseils
You need the 'Application builder' to create an EXE.

See the 'Labview Player' information on this site as well.

Re: AT-MIO-64E and digital output

2004-03-02 Thread Conseils
I notice in the HELP for Labview 6.1 that there is an example
buffered handshake

I suspect that this might do the job with some jigging of the

This example VI can only be used with boards that support handshaking
such as the 8255 based DIO devices, Lab and 1200 devices,
AT-MIO-16DE-10, DIO-32HS/653x devices, and AT-DIO-32F. This VI
transfers data from your digital DAQ board to an external device using
a two-way handshaking protocol.

Re: About EWMA in SPC

2004-03-02 Thread Conseils
In statistics there are always different methods of calculating the

' There are lies, damm lies and then there are statistics'

Anyway you don't say what method.
You might find the following of interest

Evaluations of some exponentially weighted moving average methods
Sonesson, Christian. (2001)

Re: I need my spreadsheet data to be in floating point format.

2004-03-02 Thread Conseils
If you are using the 'Write to spreadsheet' then set the
format connector (on the top of the vi connection in pink). Its a
string with a format

%[#8211;][+][^][0][Width][.Precision][{unit}]Conversion Code

But is your source data to this VI already an integer ?

Perhaps you could post a diagram of your vi ?

Re: Beginner at LabView, Load Cell Force Measurement?

2004-03-02 Thread Conseils
I note that the SCC SG04 has a 2.5v excitation voltage and the force
unit indicated is recommended at 10v excitation.

There is a 10v excitation unit which is the SCC SG24.
Anyway with a lower excitation voltage you get less mV output for a
force input which could mean that you loose ability to measure the
desired force as it would be 4 times smaller than recommended.

The smallest force unit is 50lb force full scale. This is quite a lot
for pressing a syringe isn't it? An alternative way of looking at this
is that you don't get enough resolution in the measurement if you
sensor range is too big.

I could have the wrong end of the stick for your application?

Best advice is to perform a simulation with some wieghts.

Re: Visa serial read with no terminator character

2004-02-27 Thread Conseils
Now that's interesting and could explain on of the issues I had
problems with.


I have this sneaking suspision that all is not well with this function
and that it is not actually turning the feature off correctly!! At
this point it needs more work to confirm the nature of the issue I am
experiencing. As you are probably aware with RS232 you need to take
care as it could be the other end causing the issue.

Any thoughts ?

Re: minitel emulator

2004-02-27 Thread Conseils
No - but perhaps you can use one of the existing ones out there
already. The French use Minitel for accessing telephone directorys and
things, perhaps you could start there. There are java ones floating
around and one of these could be the basis of what your looking for.

You don't say if its serial or TCP/IP you are looking to connect over.

As far as I know Minitel emulation would be mainly a question of ASCII
character code to Block graphics emulation. There was a number of
chipsets about doing this for simple computers and searching for data
on these might help you put together your own system. In particular I
remember the Mullard SAA5050 chip used in an English computer the BBC

PDF data sheet

Check out
enter the following in the search page: -
minitel logiciel

Re: Beginner at LabView, Load Cell Force Measurement?

2004-02-27 Thread Conseils
Assuming that you are happy to use one of the built in data aquisition
examples as a basis. Labview and NI-Daq are installed and the hardware
fitted in the computer system.

Well a plan would be a good start so how's this: -

1.0.0) Your first task would be to prepare the system.
1.1.0)   Read all the instructions.
1.2.0)   Choose data channels.
1.2.1) Insert SCC SGC04 into appropriate channel
1.2.0)   Make the physical connections.
1.2.1) Use screened cables to Load Cell
1.2.2) Route earth and 0v seperately
1.3.0)   Determine data aquisition rates.
1.4.0)   Check all connections.
1.4.1) Look for short circuits.
1.4.2) Use a multimeter to check for shorts
1.5.0)   Connect SC2345 to P.C.
1.5.1) Ensure P.C. is off 
1.5.2) Take care with 50 pin connectors they can
   be damaged if inserted with excessive force
1.6.0)   Check all connections (AGAIN)

2.0.0) Your next task is to check systems operation
2.1.0)   Apply power to the P.C. (see 1.4.0)
2.2.0)   Configure the Hardware
2.2.1) Open the 'MAX' application
2.2.2) Drill to 'Devices and Interfaces'
2.2.3) Select 'Device 1' (assuming 1 card)
2.2.4) Right click 'Device 1'
2.2.5) Select 'Properties'
2.2.4) Configure the hardware connected to
   'Device 1' (see manuals)
2.3.0)   Configure the Load Cell
2.3.1) Right click 'Device 1'
2.3.2) Open 'Test Panel'
2.3.3) Apply simulated load using resistor to
   shunt (calibrate) simulate largest load.
2.3.4) Adjust / determine channel gain untill
   the best range of the input cards A/D
   convertor is used for max resolution.
2.3.0) Work out scale factor for the unit
   now that you have maximum load and Volts
   for the maxiumum load.
3.0.0) Your final task would be to modify the design.
   That's the easy bit!!! Honest.
   This is a Labview task and you can find
   great examples in the on-line documentation.
   Get familar with them as you will learn heaps
   from the different implementations.

You can use MAX (Measurement And Automation Explorer) to handle
channel configuration but I suggest you avoid this until you have a
better feel around the software. Max is a great tool for debunking and
isolating the area of issues from hardware or software.

Finally you don't say if your Load cell is used with any 'Load arm' or
force is applied directly (compressive or tensile). There are
conventions for representing tensile and compressive forces and the
wiring or you Load Cell mean that you will have to check for 'sense'.
These are things you need to know and consider. Aditional factoring is
required for 'Load Arms'. It's not always possible to apply a test
load to a Load Cell and can be dangerous, as often the test /
calibration load would not be applied as the instrument was intended
to be used. Here you are using a resitive unit rather than a piezeo
device. Hence the 'Shunt' or Calibration resistor. This is a small
resistor which is determined by the physical design of the load cell
(mechanical, gauge selections and signal conditioning). It is placed
in parallel with one 'Arm' of the load cell strain gauge. It is
possible to purchase Load Cell simulators for both Strain and Piezo
type Load Cells. In the case of a strain gauge type you can completely
simulate the Load Cell with a resistor network wired appropriately
(normally a wheatstone bridge but again can be dependadant on the

I think this raises more questions than you asked but then that's what
a good plan should do.

Good Luck

Visa serial read with no terminator character

2004-02-26 Thread Conseils
Using VISA serial read, I do not wish to have a terminator character
as the returned data includes all codes possible (other VISA features
are required).

I have read the documentation and am unable to determine if it is
possible to configure the VISA port without a Terminator character.

I have set the termination character to 0 but believe that with 0, it
is looking for a NULL as the terminator character.

Do you have any experience / advice

Re: Error message and crashing of LabVIEW 5 when controlling K-Teams Khepera robot

2004-02-26 Thread Conseils
I'm not an expert per say but this could be a Windows corrupted hard
disk fault.

Perform System Backup!!!
Empty re-cycle bins
Delete Temporary files
Run disk check
Defrag hard disc
Defrag hard disc

A page fault is either memory or memory being paged to hard disk. An
error in allocation raises this issue. I have seen it most often when
the hard disk is heavily fragmented and or mis-allocation of hard disk
space as a result of the aforementioned and Microsoft Word leaves
temporary files around that have caused these kinds of issues.

There is a smaller possiblity that you have faulty memory but that's
much less likely I would think.

Run a load of apps like Notepad with BIG files in them to cause the
system to fill up and page to disk then see if you get the same issue.