Re: Date format while writing to database using database toolbox

2004-06-04 Thread pawel
The connectivity toolbox has a special treatment for the date/time
column data type. It has a vi, which encapsulate a formated date&time
with something like #date/time#.

Anyways, I chanked the format of the string passed to the
and it is a correct one, like I want -MM-dd. The problem is that
this date apears in database depending on the local setting (in
international options in windows).
That is very annoying, since every user has different local setting
and it causes a mess, since I can read a date/time column from
database only as a string, without prior knowledge, where is year,
month and day. That couses a lot of troubles.

I can try to tell the db connectivity toolbox, that the column, which
I am writing to is the string type not a date/time, but I am not sure
if I do not get an error. I shall try that.


Re: Date format while writing to database using database toolbox

2004-06-04 Thread pawel
Hello Rolf

I have tried it on two kind: jet4 and ODBC - SQL Server. They are all
dependent on local setting. But I agree it must be caused by the


Date format while writing to database using database toolbox

2004-06-03 Thread pawel
Hello All

Again a problem with input locales and database tooldbox.
How to write to database using connectivity toolbox in user defined
format (not dependent on Windows locales)?
Every time different user is logged on and writes a measurement to
database, the dataformat is different depending on the user setting. I
would like to define the date format in LabVIEW and use it always.

Thanks in advance

Re: Internet toolkit problem - growing Active Connections list

2004-05-23 Thread pawel
OK, I found it. The main part of top vi must be enclosed in a "while
loop" as it is done in all Internet Toolkit examples. Then the problem
is gone. I guess it is connected with the way how G web server talkes
to the "CGI read".


Re: sms by the nokia

2004-05-23 Thread pawel

I am not sure if it helps, but most of the new mobile phones have a
standard RS232 serial port.
It means that you can talke to your phone and send a command to send
SMS using VISA serial vis.

good luck

Internet toolkit problem - growing Active Connections list

2004-05-21 Thread pawel
When I built executables with G Web Server, sometimes, the list of
active connections start to grow and whole system seems to stop
responding for CGI calls.
Does anybody know what could be the reason.
Thanks in advance

Re: Continous acquisition on 800MHz, W_XP, with 6025E - has a problem on 200kS/s

2004-05-12 Thread pawel
Hello Big-C.
I know I can sample (200kS/s/No.of Channels) per channel. I do not
have a problem here.

What I mean is I have a software triggering since 6025E does not
support hardware analog trigger. That means that I am running a
detection procedure each time I get a new block of data from memory.

I looks like this procedure is taking up most of the processor time,
and this is a limmiting factor.

I tried to acquire data without this trigger procedure, and get
possitive result. I can read every 3k Samples, which come to the
memory buffer.

It looks like I need to work on my treshold detection procedure. I
have already found some creazy stuff going on, but that is a subject
for a new thread.

Thank you for your comment.

kind regards

Continous acquisition on 800MHz, W_XP, with 6025E - has a problem on 200kS/s

2004-05-11 Thread pawel

I try to continously acquire data from two channels of PCI-6025E in
Win XP, stand alone LV7.1 application.
It works well on 100kS/s, but it got real difficulty with going to
maximum speed 200kS.

I set buffer to 1M, which is enough for 100kS, but soon is getting
overloaded in case of 200kS and some often software triggering. But
even without triggering it gets problematic. I found out that the
10-30kS per iteration is the optimal setting.

The question is whether it is my application fault, and this setup
should easily run on this PC, or I am close to the limit.

Thank you in advance

Re: Upgrading LAbVIEW - all the time the same problem.

2004-05-08 Thread pawel
Hi Dennis

As in most of the LV-related things, also here I think you are right.

kind regards

Re: Upgrading LAbVIEW - all the time the same problem.

2004-05-08 Thread pawel
Hi Luca

Thank you for the answer. I understand. I my situation I would prefer
to have the latest version installed. I can live with some different
directories, but 90% will be overwritten with the new version. So do
you think I can overinstall the new version to the old one?
What about the unsinstall information in system registry and all keys?
Will they be overwritten, or stay there to the end of times? Prbably
they will stay and only stuff the registry. If so, I guess that
uninstalling first, and then instaling a new version is the right
Well it looks like I have answered my question as well :))

Upgrading LAbVIEW - all the time the same problem.

2004-05-07 Thread pawel
Every time I install new version of LabVIEW it creates another
directory and feed it will 500MB of data. I do not use the old
directory, and most of the things are anyways in the new installation.
So I need to uninstall old stuff.
What do you think about installing LV into one common directory.
Insted of creating every time new directory LV7, LV 7.1, etc, make one
directory where LV will be installed. Is there any issue, which will
cause aproblems?


how to get second instance of exe file in W2k

2004-05-06 Thread pawel
When I build an application into exe, I can run it only once. When I
try to run it second time, windows makes the first instance an active
one. I would like to have second instance running as well. How to make
Shat I make my vi reentrant? Will it help?

thanks in advance

Re: LabVIEW crashes with "Insane Object" error.

2004-04-14 Thread pawel
I have a lot of property nodes (direct) so all of them will change to
indirect and I need to wire referencees to them. But you are right,
even though it shall take some hours it is worth to try.

kind regards

Re: LabVIEW crashes with "Insane Object" error.

2004-04-14 Thread pawel
Hi Joe
I have almost the same graphic adapter (G450), so I believe it is not

Maybe the idea with copyying everything to another vi and resave will
do the job. I shall consider that.

kind regards

Re: LabVIEW crashes with "Insane Object" error.

2004-04-13 Thread pawel
Hi Joe
Thank you for your help.
The situation which you describe is identically 100% with mine. I am
trying to save vi and ... LV crashes.

In the mentioned post your teller says something about high resolution
of the screen. That rings a bel, since I got dual head graphic adapter
and two screens, which means that my resolution is 2048x768 !!! Maybe
that gives LabVIEW hard times and causes so many troubles.

On the other hand, I do not want  to give up my double screen. It is
realy convinient to have front pannel on one screen and diagram on

Thanks for help


Re: LabVIEW crashes with "Insane Object" error.

2004-04-13 Thread pawel
Hi Shane

That is an option, but the last one. I have a lot of setting for this
vi, since it is the top level vi so it will take some time to resave
it. But if necesary I will do it. Thanks.

Re: Why every GOOP "Get Data to Modify" is set as reentrant?

2004-04-08 Thread pawel
Hello Mattias

Thank you very much. That was the perfect explanation.

BTW: Actually I still can not decide to buy GOOP 3. I am so happy (and
bussy) with 2.0.2 that I am not forced to go for 3.

kind regards

Why every GOOP "Get Data to Modify" is set as reentrant?

2004-04-08 Thread pawel
Hello All

I found out that in every GOOP programs like e.g. "report generation"
the vi "Get Data to Modify" is set as reentrant.

Can somebody explain to me why it is so?

How to import a table from another database using DB toolset.

2004-03-30 Thread pawel
Hello All

I would like to import a table from one database to another using DB
I do not want to import all data to LV and then save them to another
database. Instead I would prefer to use SQL syntax.

Does anobody know how to write SQL command to import whole table from
one database to another?

I have found in some SQL manual that INSERT INTO should work, but JET4
returns an error that table (e.g. c:\mydatabase\table1) can not be

Thanks in advance

often Error in "memory.cpp" line 593

2004-03-30 Thread pawel
Hello All

I am quite often getting fatal error in "memory.cpp" line 593. It
happens erratically, after different actions, not in pattern.

What does this error mean? Where can I start looking?

My program deals with Database toolbox, Jet4 engine.
I have LV 7, dell dimension 8100, 500MB, 1.5 GHz.

Thanks in advance.

Re: techniques for a synchronous long-life data acquisition

2004-03-23 Thread pawel
Hello Preston

The idea with a queue is a very good one. It allows to make a
synchronous signal become asunchronous, since I can manage samples in
any time I want.

However, I have a little problem with understanding, how you want to
start datta processing of the queue if my state machine queue is bussy
with sampling and storing the data to a queue or disk file?

In 4) you are writing about the processing loop. Is this loop is
something else than a DAQ VI you mentioned in 2)?

If so, let me understand you well: We have a state machine loop
("acquisition loop"), which loads the DAQ data to a queue, together
with the control words (detect treshold, stop processing, etc.
We pass the reference of the queue to another loop (processing loop),
which is running parralelly to the acquisition loop. In that loop we
detect control words and do whatever we need to do.

Maybe it could be even better to run a processing loop in another vi
and run it in different thread with lower priority? In this way my DAQ
qill never loose any data.

Please let me know if this is what you ment.

kind regards

Re: wheel mouse and event

2004-03-23 Thread pawel
Hello BigC

that is quite an idea, thank you. I will think about it.


wheel mouse and event

2004-03-22 Thread pawel
Is there a simple way to implement wheel mous movement into LV7 event
structure? I think of generating an event on wheel movement.

thanks in advance

techniques for a synchronous long-life data acquisition

2004-03-22 Thread pawel
Hello All

I have a digitizer, which needs to run at a constant rate for ever.
When some condition occur (reading exceed treshold level), other data
processing must take place.

The data processing last for much longer time that the successive
sampling, which means that I can not fit data processing in the same
thread as the sampling process.

It looks like I need some kind of buffer, which will be filled and
keep track of the sampled data, and another thread for data processing
and analizying.

Can somebody give me a link, or advice about this kind of problems.
What are the techniques for long-life data acquisition.

Thank you in advance.

Re: How to turn off the new LV7 error probe while debugging?

2004-03-05 Thread pawel
Hello Wiebe again

You are perfectly right. I have removed the file you mentioned and my
old generic probe came in the place.

Thank you very much,
I quess we should not mention it to Kyle :.

kind regards

Re: How to turn off the new LV7 error probe while debugging?

2004-03-04 Thread pawel
Hello Kyle

Thank you for your answer, which BTW is not what I expected. The new
smart probe is not so smart, I believe, since it must be placed before
the data flow reach the probe. The old generioc probe will read the
wire contents even though I placed it after the dataflow passes the
That is my biggest problem which successfully prohibits from using the
new probe.
Now every time I need to click three times more, if I rememeber. If I
dont, I need to close smart probe and place a generic again. That
takes time. In case of troublefull application, when I need to restart
LV quite often this msart probe realy gives a lot of time lose.

Since I am complaning I must say that most of the inventions in LV7
does not work for me. Fancy icons for controls, strange looking bad
wires, completelly useless menu, etc. The only reason why I stick to
LV7 is the dynamic events. Otherwise I will uninstall it ASAP. I guess
that NI forgot about programmers which do LV for a living not for fun.

kind regards

How to turn off the new LV7 error probe while debugging?

2004-03-04 Thread pawel
Hello All

Every time I restart LV7 and want to place a probe on error wire it
places the new fancy (i.e. not working properly) error probe. In order
to place old fashion (i.e. working great) error probe I need to right
click select custom probe and choose generic probe.
Is there any way to make a generic probe to be the default one?
thanks in advance

Re: DB Toolbox List tables - does not work properly

2004-03-01 Thread pawel
Dear Craig
Thank you for your help.  In my program (and problem) I created couple
of empty tables in the same way as you proposed in the  "Create Only"
case in envlosed example. This should create only empty tables and
there is no time spend on transferring the data. And this is which
turned up to take more time then the vi execution.
I believe that it can be caused by several reasons. The DB tools works
on CINs, on top of it, communicated with SQL engines (I use JET 4). It
could be like the engine release control to CINS but still is dooing
some job with OS to create a table, reserve resources etc. If the
system is loaded, which could be my case, the table creation takes
long time.

The idea with while loop gives me another idea to use it while
querring the database. Immediatelly after the creation I can build the
while loop which continues as long as the error occurs and stopes
after the No error or timeout. That could solve my problems, I guess.

kind regards

Re: DB Toolbox List tables - does not work properly

2004-02-27 Thread pawel
Dear Craig

Thank you for your answer. It is a littel bit a pitty that I got it so
late since I already made myt own work arround the problem. Insted of
modifying the "DB Tools Open" I call the "DB Tools List" dynamically setting the desired controls and reading them
back "on fly". When I do this, there is no more problems with the list
Probably my solution is much slower than yours, but at least I do not
need to change internal private methods of DB class. That is
especially important when the new upgrade will come and overwrite the
old one, I guess.
But you already said it shell be ment to be temporary solution.

Since we are on the database DB tools now, another thing came to me
today. Namelly, I need to wait 3-5 secs after I create 7 tables (quite
big) in the database (Jet 4 engine). My machine Dell, 1.5GHz., LV7,
If I do not wait, the "DB Tools execute query (Conn"
returns error that the table does not exist. On the other hand when I
wait 5 secs after I create tables everything is fine.

It is OK to wait 5 secs after the table is created, but this time
should be forced automatically by the vi, not by the user debugging, I
I would send you the code, but it is connected to too much other
stuff, which I am not likelly to send.

Thank you again for you answer.
kind regards


Re: Array from C function

2004-02-25 Thread pawel
Hello Helmut

Problems with arrays is that you must reserve some space in memory for
them. You can do it from CINs using the "memory manager" from CIN
tools, but the easier way is to build the array in LabVIEW and pass
the pointer top the dll. Inside DLL use this pointer to load the data
to it and return back. In this way dll does not have to make a memory
space for array.
The disadvantage of this is that you need to know what the size of the
array is in order to initialize the array before calling the dll.

If you need some more of it try looking into: "lvexcode.pdf"

hope it helps.

Re: Is it possible to add Event to the front of the Event queue?

2004-02-20 Thread pawel
Hello Jeremy

I was thinking about state machine aswell, but I have already
developped quite big application using events and I do not think I
will go for state machine. Actually I think I may combine those two.
Thanks anyways

Re: Processor goes to 100 %

2004-02-19 Thread pawel
Hello Randall

You are right, it happens also on my machine, Dell 1.5GHz, LV7, W2k.

You can see that when you press ALT and release it, the proc goes 100%
and the menu is activated. On the processes page you can see that it
is the LabVIEW which takes 99% of proc.
When you press ALT again the menu is desactivated and proc goes idle.
The same happens when you click anywhere else.
It looks like it has something to do with the menu.

But you have a good point, what happens when cont. data acquisition is


Is it possible to add Event to the front of the Event queue?

2004-02-18 Thread pawel
Hello All

The "Generate User Event" can add the event to the end of the queue.
Is there any possibility to add the event to the front of the queue?,
like in the standard "queue operation"?

Thanks in advance

Re: how can lv6.1 use it's picture control to enlarge picture's length and width

2004-02-17 Thread pawel
I am not sure how about LV6.1, but 7.0 has the property node "zoom
factor" for doing this.

hope it helps

Re: Some Problems with LabVIEW and Matlab DLLs

2004-02-11 Thread pawel
Hello spj

I do not know the problem, but maybe this will help. Did you try to
put your library into a directory, which is in the dearch path of the
operating system? Then use only the liobrary name (without a path) and
write the function name. I have seen it in the most of NI examples
using dlls. If it works give a response to this thread.


Re: rounding problem , LV7

2004-02-11 Thread pawel
Hi Nick

that is correct, I forgot "EVEN".


Re: why the tree control(lv 6.1)'s branch always shrink when run...

2004-02-10 Thread pawel
Hey pyj

You are right, but unfortunatelly I do not have LV6.1 rigt now.
good luck

Re: The best way to print a picture control from LabVIEW

2004-02-03 Thread pawel
Hello Greg

thank you for the answer. Can I ask you also to go back to our last
conversation and read my answer. Or better I enclose it here:

"Hi Greg again
I hope you will rad this message, though it is written after some time
we have finished our converstion.
In previous post, you write that the polar plot will render my plot
depending on the device it is sending the plot to. You give an example
that if my device is a printer, the polar will render plot with 600dpi
That would work for me very well, but I need to ask you how make my
printer the device that polar plot will write to.
For now I can print my polar on screen and then print the front pannel
(good resolution), or save the picture to graphic file and print fron
report or etc (poor resolution).
In case I could render the image directly on the printer I would
obtain the best quality what so ever, but I do not know how to make my
printer a output device for a polar plot.

kind regards

Re: the best way to make a nice POLAR plot in LV

2004-02-03 Thread pawel
Hi Greg again
 I hope you will rad this message, though it is written after some
time we have finished our converstion.
In previous post, you write that the polar plot will render my plot
depending on the device it is sending the plot to. You give an example
that if my device is a printer, the polar will render plot with 600dpi
That would work for me very well, but I need to ask you how make my
printer the device that polar plot will write to.
For now I can print my polar on screen and then print the front pannel
(good resolution), or save the picture to graphic file and print fron
report or etc (poor resolution).
In case I could render the image directly on the printer I would
obtain the best quality what so ever, but I do not know how to make my
printer a output device for a polar plot.

kind regards

Re: why the tree control(lv 6.1)'s branch always shrink when run...

2004-02-02 Thread pawel
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

You need to use a property node to open tree.
See enlosed picture.

hope it helps
Content-Type: image/gif; name=tree_open.gif
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=tree_open.gif
Content-Description: open tree



The best way to print a picture control from LabVIEW

2004-02-02 Thread pawel
I need to print the Picture control (B&W) in the high resolution (300
dpi). I need to create a picture so it fits 300 dpi without any
resizing. I calculated it like follows. My picture shell have 10
inches x 7 inches. With a 300 dpi it gives dimensions: 3000x2100
The problem is that when I make this kind of picture I can not print
the front pannel (or I can but at 4 pages), even though I asked it to
fit the front pannel. That means that the actual plot is not 300 dpi.
How to make it 300?

So, what is the best way to print a picture control in a high quality?

thanks in advance

Why LabVIEW 7 crashes 5 times more often that 6.1

2004-01-14 Thread pawel
Very often, when I do something or too fast or Windows has something
to do, or I do something, which is not listed in LV manual, my LV 7
Is there any service pack to LV7.
Thanks in advance