Re: [Lazarus] constructor Create How is it work?

2014-03-05 Thread Hans-Peter Diettrich

FreeMan schrieb:

DoDi Thank you very much, You explain much better then me :)
Main problem constructor not finished construction, I mean how to handle 
Self(TExLookUp) construction is finished? I have to wait, when 
self(TExLookUp) has created, and load self's properties loaded from, 
form resources (from .lfm) , then I can to use TExLookUp's properties, 
for child control, or some one else
I need similar a "TExLookUp.creatED" event, so I can now, class created 
and ready for use.

Right. Perhaps Loaded() is what we are looking for. Override it in your 
component and add the creation of the other control to it.

@DoDi: "TExLookUp.OnCreate handler" how to add this? if add it my self, 
where to triggered or its just example

Add you handler to the component, and in the constructor install it:
  OnCreate := @MyOnCreateHandler;

"AFAIK" what mean this word? english is not mine language, I'm using 
dictionary while writeing message.

As Far As I Know


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] constructor Create How is it work?

2014-03-05 Thread FreeMan

Yes, One moretime, all woit goes to Mattias, :)
I'm still not useto lazarus style code structure. Ancestor component, 
trigger when finish initialization self, this mean (for me) I have to 
sparate my code.

 constructor TExLookUp.Create;
 FGrid := TRxDBGrid.Create(Self);
  FGrid.Visible:= False;
  FGrid.DataSource := FListField.DataSource;
set properies, not get parent's (TExLookUp) properties. 
TExLookUp.Left, TExLookUp.Top etc

procedure TExLookUp.Loaded;
  inherited Loaded;
// Now TExLookUp.xx is ready for getting properties
  FGrid.Left  := Self.Left;
  FGrid.Top   := Self.BoundsRect.Bottom-2;
  FGrid.Width := Self.BoundsRect.Right - Self.BoundsRect.Left + 

  FGrid.Parent := Self.Parent;

I did, I tested, and thats okey now.

Thank you,

05-03-2014 14:12 tarihinde, Mattias Gaertner yazdı:

I have to wait, when
self(TExLookUp) has created, and load self's properties loaded from,
Override method Loaded.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] constructor Create How is it work?

2014-03-05 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Wed, 05 Mar 2014 13:35:20 +0200
FreeMan  wrote:

> I have to wait, when 
> self(TExLookUp) has created, and load self's properties loaded from, 

Override method Loaded.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] constructor Create How is it work?

2014-03-05 Thread FreeMan

DoDi Thank you very much, You explain much better then me :)
Main problem constructor not finished construction, I mean how to handle 
Self(TExLookUp) construction is finished? I have to wait, when 
self(TExLookUp) has created, and load self's properties loaded from, 
form resources (from .lfm) , then I can to use TExLookUp's properties, 
for child control, or some one else
I need similar a "TExLookUp.creatED" event, so I can now, class created 
and ready for use. This is not importend just my this component, other 

was write previous message:

  TxItem = class(TCollectionItem)
  FName : string;
  property Name : string read Fname write Fname;

constructor Tx.Create(Collection: TCollection);
  inherited Create(Collection);
FName := 'XItem' + IntToStr(Index); --> FName is Item's name, 
TCollection.Index is always 0(zero). Collection added, so it has a index 
number from TCollectionItem, but TCollection not known this. I need 
unique FName, and "Index" property. I can get index if TCollection.CreatED;

@DoDi: "TExLookUp.OnCreate handler" how to add this? if add it my self, 
where to triggered or its just example
"AFAIK" what mean this word? english is not mine language, I'm using 
dictionary while writeing message.

Thank you

I hope I can translate my problem about create method

05-03-2014 08:29 tarihinde, Hans-Peter Diettrich yazdı:
FreeMan schrieb:

constructor TExLookUp.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
begin inherited Create(AOwner);
  Self.OnChange := @EditChange;

set more Self properties here!

  FGrid := TRxDBGrid.Create(Self);
  FGrid.Parent := Self.Parent;
  FGrid.Left := Self.Left;
  FGrid.Top := Self.Heigh + 10;
  FGrid.Width := 150;
  FGrid.visible := False;

Please remember that you are in the TExLooUp constructor. Finish 
initialization of this component, before assigning Self.whatever to 
the FGrid.

When the TExtLookUp is initialized from the form resource, you have to 
wait until this has been done. In this case I'd move the FGrid related 
part into the TExLookUp.OnCreate handler, which AFAIK is called 
*after* the TExtLookUp has been created and fully initialized.

Or put the code into ExtLookUp.SetParent, as Mattias suggests. But 
this solution depends on the order, how the TExtLookUp properties are 
initialized from the form resource. When Parent is set before Left, 
Height etc., this solution doesn't work either.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] constructor Create How is it work?

2014-03-04 Thread Hans-Peter Diettrich

FreeMan schrieb:
ExLookUp1:=TExLookUp.Create(Form1); This is for manual creating, I'm 
talk about, I'm designing in IDE, 1-2 TExLookUp on form, and run my 
application, TExLookUp is class(TCustomEditButton) so Edit and button is 
shown on where I put on form, in designtime IDE.

constructor TExLookUp.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
begin inherited Create(AOwner);
  Self.OnChange := @EditChange;

set more Self properties here!

  FGrid := TRxDBGrid.Create(Self);
  FGrid.Parent := Self.Parent;
  FGrid.Left := Self.Left;
  FGrid.Top := Self.Heigh + 10;
  FGrid.Width := 150;
  FGrid.visible := False;

Please remember that you are in the TExLooUp constructor. Finish 
initialization of this component, before assigning Self.whatever to the 

When the TExtLookUp is initialized from the form resource, you have to 
wait until this has been done. In this case I'd move the FGrid related 
part into the TExLookUp.OnCreate handler, which AFAIK is called *after* 
the TExtLookUp has been created and fully initialized.

Or put the code into ExtLookUp.SetParent, as Mattias suggests. But this 
solution depends on the order, how the TExtLookUp properties are 
initialized from the form resource. When Parent is set before Left, 
Height etc., this solution doesn't work either.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] constructor Create How is it work?

2014-03-04 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Tue, 04 Mar 2014 18:47:45 +0200
FreeMan  wrote:

> I useto other pascal, Its like a treeview
> root --> TForm or Tdatamodule
>   Node -> parent always there
> I mean before node create, owner(parent) created, everything finished, 
> loaded properties  from Tform etc, its ready to work alone, then jump to 
> child, and if there is child jump bla bla

I'm not sure what you mean.

You have to distinguish "Parent" property and the parent instance. The
parent instance exists before the children are created. But the child
is created before its properties are set.

And yes, this is Delphi compatible.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] constructor Create How is it work?

2014-03-04 Thread FreeMan

I useto other pascal, Its like a treeview
root --> TForm or Tdatamodule
 Node -> parent always there
I mean before node create, owner(parent) created, everything finished, 
loaded properties  from Tform etc, its ready to work alone, then jump to 
child, and if there is child jump bla bla
I understood please don't tell me,  this is lazarus not "antique 
Hellenic city name" :)

Thank you for explain Mattias

04-03-2014 17:37 tarihinde, Mattias Gaertner yazdı:

I now see, that you are creating the Grid as neighbor of TExLookUp.
Then my prior mail was wrong and you can use the following rules to
position the FGrid below TExLookUp:


Keep in mind that Parent is not yet set in the constructor.
You should override the method SetParent, so that each time
ExLookUp.Parent is changed the FGrid.Parent is changed as well.

Writing a control that works in others people programs is more
complicated. You need to override more methods.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] constructor Create How is it work?

2014-03-04 Thread FreeMan
ExLookUp1:=TExLookUp.Create(Form1); This is for manual creating, I'm 
talk about, I'm designing in IDE, 1-2 TExLookUp on form, and run my 
application, TExLookUp is class(TCustomEditButton) so Edit and button is 
shown on where I put on form, in designtime IDE.

constructor TExLookUp.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
begin inherited Create(AOwner);
  Self.OnChange := @EditChange;
  FGrid := TRxDBGrid.Create(Self);
  FGrid.Parent := Self.Parent;
  FGrid.Left := Self.Left;
  FGrid.Top := Self.Heigh + 10;
  FGrid.Width := 150;
  FGrid.visible := False;
set FGrid.visible := False; FGrid not visible, same where in component, 
example in TExLookUp.OnClick event writen this code

"FGrid.visible := True;" and while application running, user click button,
 FGrid not visible, Because in create "FGrid.Parent := Self.Parent;" 
and FGrid=nil, has not parent and FGrid not showing.

FGrid.Left=0 and

similar problem, when I porting component, Main component has maybe more 
10 class create in Main created procedure.Huge class not created and 
other class has need some property from huge class, but huge class not 
created and accesses volation error generated, I fixed that, I added "if 
assigned()then" this is runaway from problem just, not mean fixed

another problem same on porting:
(not clearly analysis) another create problem:
  TxItem = class(TCollectionItem)

constructor Tx.Create(Collection: TCollection);
  inherited Create(Collection);
FName := 'XItem' + IntToStr(Index); --> FName is Item's name, 
TCollection.Index is always 0(zero). Collection has to added so it has a 
index number from TCollectionItem, but not known.

The order of setting properties is arbitrary. Your component should work
with any order.

Sorry, but I'm scared this answer, because nothing my under control

04-03-2014 12:10 tarihinde, Mattias Gaertner yazdı:

with ExLookUp1 do begin

The order of setting properties is arbitrary. Your component should work
with any order. Keep in mind that properties might be set multiple

constructor TExLookUp.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
inherited Create(AOwner);
Self.OnChange  := @EditChange;
FGrid := TRxDBGrid.Create(Self);
FGrid.Parent  := Self.Parent;
FGrid.Left  := Self.Left;
FGrid.Top   := Self.BoundsRect.Bottom-4;
FGrid.Width := Self.BoundsRect.Right - Self.BoundsRect.Left;


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] constructor Create How is it work?

2014-03-04 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Tue, 04 Mar 2014 17:19:23 +0200
FreeMan  wrote:

> ExLookUp1:=TExLookUp.Create(Form1); This is for manual creating, 

I showed you the corresponding code on how a designed component is
created, so you can see the order.

> I'm 
> talk about, I'm designing in IDE, 1-2 TExLookUp on form, and run my 
> application, TExLookUp is class(TCustomEditButton) so Edit and button is 
> shown on where I put on form, in designtime IDE.
> constructor TExLookUp.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
> begin inherited Create(AOwner);
>Self.OnChange := @EditChange;
>FGrid := TRxDBGrid.Create(Self);
>FGrid.Parent := Self.Parent;
>FGrid.Left := Self.Left;
>FGrid.Top := Self.Heigh + 10;
>FGrid.Width := 150;
>FGrid.visible := False;

I now see, that you are creating the Grid as neighbor of TExLookUp.
Then my prior mail was wrong and you can use the following rules to
position the FGrid below TExLookUp:


Keep in mind that Parent is not yet set in the constructor.
You should override the method SetParent, so that each time
ExLookUp.Parent is changed the FGrid.Parent is changed as well.

> > The order of setting properties is arbitrary. Your component should work
> > with any order.
> Sorry, but I'm scared this answer, because nothing my under control

It means for example






Writing a control that works in others people programs is more
complicated. You need to override more methods.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] constructor Create How is it work?

2014-03-04 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Tue, 04 Mar 2014 11:50:33 +0200
FreeMan  wrote:

> Hello,
> constructor Create how is work ? In IDE not problem, but In application, 
> form created AOwner not nil, self created, FGrid created, but 
> Self.Parent is NILL ??? Self.left is 0 (not because its 10) all 
> Self.BoundsRect value is 0. Why? for test I added that code to in 
> @EditChange procedure (FGrid.Parent  := Self.Parent; this line and 
> later)  values is been correct, But in create not work properly.
> Has any one any idea?

A control is created like this:

with ExLookUp1 do begin

The order of setting properties is arbitrary. Your component should work
with any order. Keep in mind that properties might be set multiple

> constructor TExLookUp.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
> begin
>inherited Create(AOwner);
>Self.OnChange  := @EditChange;
>FGrid := TRxDBGrid.Create(Self);
>FGrid.Parent  := Self.Parent;
>FGrid.Left  := Self.Left;
>FGrid.Top   := Self.BoundsRect.Bottom-4;
>FGrid.Width := Self.BoundsRect.Right - Self.BoundsRect.Left;

Instead of fixed values you can define rules:


This way whenever the TExLookUp is resized the FGrid is resized as well.



Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] constructor Create How is it work?

2014-03-04 Thread FreeMan

constructor Create how is work ? In IDE not problem, but In application, 
form created AOwner not nil, self created, FGrid created, but 
Self.Parent is NILL ??? Self.left is 0 (not because its 10) all 
Self.BoundsRect value is 0. Why? for test I added that code to in 
@EditChange procedure (FGrid.Parent  := Self.Parent; this line and 
later)  values is been correct, But in create not work properly.

Has any one any idea?
Thank you

  TExLookUp = class(TCustomEditButton)
FGrid: TRxDBGrid;
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
constructor TExLookUp.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
  inherited Create(AOwner);
  Self.OnChange  := @EditChange;
  FGrid := TRxDBGrid.Create(Self);
  FGrid.Parent  := Self.Parent;
  FGrid.Left  := Self.Left;
  FGrid.Top   := Self.BoundsRect.Bottom-4;
  FGrid.Width := Self.BoundsRect.Right - Self.BoundsRect.Left;

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