Re: [lazarus] Using bfd

2007-06-26 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys


Put on your glasses, Graeme :-)

DBF <> bfd.

Oops!  :-)  Did a quick Google and looked on Wikipedia and saw 'Binary
File Descriptor', but that still doesn't tell me much. ;-)


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Re: [lazarus] T(Float)SpinEdit.ReadOnly porperty beaviour

2007-06-26 Thread Paul Ishenin

zeljko wrote:

On Tuesday 26 June 2007 02:27, Paul Ishenin wrote:

Tom Gregorovic wrote:

what behaviour should have T(Float)SpinEdit.ReadOnly property when set:
(1) disable editing in text box
(2) disable editing in text box and also changing value via arrows

I vote for (1), what do you mean?

If you give no explanation why (1), then I will vote for (2). ReadOnly
means that user can only read value. If user can change value by arrows
then it is not read only. Some coponents even deny changing value
through code (SpinEdit1.Value := ...) in ReadOnly mode.

AFAIK, if some control is ReadOnly that means - no changes via keyboard or 
mouse (user cannot change value), but code CAN DO that.Never seen control 
which can be ReadOnly for user (mouse & keyboard) and programmer (code).

I am not voting for readonly in code, I just told that some component 
use stricter rules. For example some devexpress components.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin.

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Re: [lazarus] Using bfd

2007-06-26 Thread Steven Graham

Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:


Put on your glasses, Graeme :-)

DBF <> bfd.

Oops!  :-)  Did a quick Google and looked on Wikipedia and saw 'Binary
File Descriptor', but that still doesn't tell me much. ;-)

It's a GNU library for the uniform reading and writing (i think) to 
variouse object file formats such as coff and ELF and I hope to 
different debugging formats such as  stabs and DWARF.

FPC comes with a .fpc package for bfd and I think that is statically 
linked into the program, maybe I should just try and adapt the .fpc 
package into a lazarus one.

If this isn't what I need, what about libelf and libdwarf?

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Re: IDE crashes trying to view a form in Form Designer

2007-06-26 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys


I found the issue and reported it in Mantis.

It seems a ActionList with accociated ImageList and SpeedButtons don't
play nicely under Linux. This used to work fine about 1.5 months ago.
Now it causes a instant crash under Linux.


On 20/06/07, Graeme Geldenhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I'm using Lazarus 0.9.23 (r11312) under Linux compiled with the GTK1 widget set.

Since about 3 weeks back I noticed a new issue in Lazarus with two of
my forms. I was working on another project since then, but have to get
it fixed now.

Anyway, the form consists of a TPageControl with a few tabs. I can
switch to all the different tabs except one, the 'Addresses' tab.
Both forms have this exact issue and is probably because after I
designed the one from, I copied all the components and event handlers
from the one form to the other (damn, where is TFrame support now...

The Addresses tab contains a few TSpeedButton's with glyphs,
TSplitter, TListView's and TLabel's.  This all worked fine up until I
got a new update from svn. As I said, this happened some three weeks
ago, but couldn't look at it 'till now.

When Lazarus crashes, it doesn't prompt me with a error message or
anything. I ran Lazarus from the command line in the hopes that it
will output something to give me a hint of where the problem could
be... Here is the output.

The form loads in the Form Designer, which is the output show up until
the two blank lines. Then when I change to the Addresses tab and it
crashes, it outputs four lines or errors.

Can anybody make any sense of this output?  I also attached the lfm
code for the Addresses tabsheet, if that might help.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:Source$ /opt/lazarus/lazarus
TApplication.IconChanged - TODO: convert this
implementation in gtk or win32
WARNING: obsolete call to RecreateWnd for TComponentTreeView
Warning: TWinControl.DestroyHandle ComponentTree:TComponentTreeView
Handle not Allocated
AComponentName=TBasicEditFrm AComponentClass=nil
NewClassName=TBasicEditFrm. Unable to find ancestor class:
TCodeToolManager.InitCurCodeTool MainCode=nil
SUCCESS: streaming
TMainIDE.DoLoadComponentDependencyHidden Wanted=TBasicEditFrm
SUCCESS: streaming

Gdk-ERROR **: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)
  serial 38851 error_code 11 request_code 53 minor_code 0
Gdk-ERROR **: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter)
  serial 38852 error_code 9 request_code 55 minor_code 0
--   END  

I hope somebody can point me in the right direction.

  - Graeme -

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[lazarus] Using interfaces to get compiler warnings

2007-06-26 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys


[I'm posting this here, seeing that I got no response from the FPC
Users mailing list. I guess nobody there uses Interfaces.]

I'm pretty new to using interfaces... I want to use interfaces so that
I can spot problems at compile time and not runtime.  For example: If
I used a base class with abstract methods and then created descendant
classes. Now if I forgot to implement one of the abstract methods which gets
called somewhere...  I'll only find the problem at runtime (with an
abstract error) and not
compile time.

I would rather like to be told about this problem at compile time. I'm
hoping that Interfaces will solve this issue.  Am I allowed to do the

With my preliminary testing this seems to work. As soon as I leave out
one of the IWindowImpl interface methods from the TX11Window class,
the compiler complains. Exactly what I want.  :-)

Also can I let my base class descend from TComponent instead of
TInterfacedObject? Looking at the declaration of the TComponent class,
it implements IUnknown, so I guess I am allowed to add more interfaces
in descendant classes.

IWindowImpl = interface;

IWindowImpl = interface(IInterface)
  procedure DoAllocateWindowHandle(AParent: IWindowImpl);
  procedure DoSetWindowTitle(const ATitle: string);

TBaseImpl = class(TComponent)
  FHeight: integer;
  FWidth: integer;
  procedure SetHeight(const AValue: integer);
  procedure SetWidth(const AValue: integer);
  property  Width: integer read FWidth write SetWidth;
  property  Height: integer read FHeight write SetHeight;

TX11Window = class(TBaseImpl, IWindowImpl)
  procedure DoAllocateWindowHandle(AParent: IWindowImpl);
  procedure DoSetWindowTitle(const ATitle: string);  // leaving this
out would give a compiler warning. Yes!

Aside from my initial question, Is there any things I need to watch
out for? Things being garbage collected before I am actually done with
them, etc..

- Graeme -

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Re: [lazarus] Using interfaces to get compiler warnings

2007-06-26 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Tue, 26 Jun 2007, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

> Hi,
> [I'm posting this here, seeing that I got no response from the FPC
> Users mailing list. I guess nobody there uses Interfaces.]
> I'm pretty new to using interfaces... I want to use interfaces so that
> I can spot problems at compile time and not runtime.  For example: If
> I used a base class with abstract methods and then created descendant
> classes. Now if I forgot to implement one of the abstract methods which gets
> called somewhere...  I'll only find the problem at runtime (with an
> abstract error) and not
> compile time.

The compiler warns you if you create an instance of a class with uninmplemented 
abstract methods. It even tells you which ones:


home: >fpc -vwh testab.pp
Hint: Start of reading config file /home/michael/.ppc386.cfg
Hint: End of reading config file /home/michael/.ppc386.cfg
testab.pp(9,21) Warning: Constructing a class "TStrings" with abstract methods,14) Hint: Found abstract method: TStrings.Get(< TStrings>, 
LongInt):AnsiString,14) Hint: Found abstract method: TStrings.GetCount(< 
TStrings>):LongInt,15) Hint: Found abstract method: TStrings.Clear(< TStrings>),15) Hint: Found abstract method: TStrings.Delete(< TStrings>, 
LongInt),15) Hint: Found abstract method: TStrings.Insert(< TStrings>, 
LongInt,const AnsiString)
home: >cat testab.pp
program testab;

uses classes;

  S : TStrings;


So I see no need for interfaces ?

If you are using class references to instantiate your classes, then you can 
remedy this by
creating a small test unit which explicitly creates an instance of every class 
in your units.


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Re: [lazarus] Using interfaces to get compiler warnings

2007-06-26 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys

On 26/06/07, Michael Van Canneyt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The compiler warns you if you create an instance of a class with uninmplemented
abstract methods. It even tells you which ones:

It warns you yes, but doesn't prevent you from continuing.  So you can
still get a runtime error when you application is doing it's job.
Delphi, I believe does the same think - but I think even worse, by not
even warning you.

I want to prevent developers from not implementing a method and
standing the chance of getting a runtime error.  Interfaces seem to be
the only way to get this behavior?
I don't mind if the developer implements blank methods, but at least
it forces them to pay attention.  I have worked with developers that
never seem to look at the Messages window!!

 - Graeme -

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Re: [lazarus] Using interfaces to get compiler warnings

2007-06-26 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Tue, 26 Jun 2007, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

> On 26/06/07, Michael Van Canneyt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > The compiler warns you if you create an instance of a class with
> > uninmplemented
> > abstract methods. It even tells you which ones:
> It warns you yes, but doesn't prevent you from continuing.  So you can
> still get a runtime error when you application is doing it's job.
> Delphi, I believe does the same think - but I think even worse, by not
> even warning you.

I think we could try to make this an error - using some switch.


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Re: [lazarus] Using interfaces to get compiler warnings

2007-06-26 Thread Joao Morais

Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

On 26/06/07, Michael Van Canneyt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The compiler warns you if you create an instance of a class with 

abstract methods. It even tells you which ones:

It warns you yes, but doesn't prevent you from continuing.  So you can
still get a runtime error when you application is doing it's job.
Delphi, I believe does the same think - but I think even worse, by not
even warning you.

Delphi warns if you create an instance from a class with abstract 
methods, and doesn't warn if you are using a class reference because the 
compiler cannot know which class is being instantiated. Just like fpc does.

I want to prevent developers from not implementing a method and
standing the chance of getting a runtime error.  Interfaces seem to be
the only way to get this behavior?

Yes, but this approach will work properly only if you change your 
instance references from classes to interfaces.

I don't mind if the developer implements blank methods, but at least
it forces them to pay attention.  I have worked with developers that
never seem to look at the Messages window!!

The problem is in the developer, not in your code =)

Joao Morais

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Re: [lazarus] T(Float)SpinEdit.ReadOnly porperty beaviour

2007-06-26 Thread Tom Gregorovic

Graeme Geldenhuys napsal(a):

On 26/06/07, Paul Ishenin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> what behaviour should have T(Float)SpinEdit.ReadOnly property when 

> (1) disable editing in text box
> (2) disable editing in text box and also changing value via arrows

If you give no explanation why (1), then I will vote for (2). ReadOnly
means that user can only read value. If user can change value by arrows

I agree with Paul. (2) is the most logical option.  It's a GUI
component, so the GUI must be read-only (completely).

I had reasoned about it this way:
* When you want to disable any changes to spin edit you can set Enabled 
to false, which also gives you an visual indication.
* Combo box read only functions likewise - you can't edit the text, but 
you can change selected item.


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Re: [lazarus] Using interfaces to get compiler warnings

2007-06-26 Thread Joao Morais

Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

On Tue, 26 Jun 2007, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

On 26/06/07, Michael Van Canneyt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The compiler warns you if you create an instance of a class with
abstract methods. It even tells you which ones:

It warns you yes, but doesn't prevent you from continuing.  So you can
still get a runtime error when you application is doing it's job.
Delphi, I believe does the same think - but I think even worse, by not
even warning you.

I think we could try to make this an error - using some switch.

It wont prevent you from using a class reference to instantiate an 
abstract class.

Joao Morais

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Re: [lazarus] T(Float)SpinEdit.ReadOnly porperty beaviour

2007-06-26 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys

On 26/06/07, Tom Gregorovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

* Combo box read only functions likewise - you can't edit the text, but
you can change selected item.

Combo boxes are another personal gripe of mine. :-)  My personal
opinion is that a combo box should be a selection component and not a
edit & selection component. Do one think and do it well!

Some widget sets call it a ChoiceList component and the user cannot
type in it. That I like.

My 0.02c worth...


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Re: [lazarus] patch for TGtkWidgetSet.DrawText

2007-06-26 Thread Luca Olivetti

En/na darekm ha escrit:

Attached patch repair TGtkWidgetSet.DrawText under GTK2  (I receive 
crush). Problem was connected with WordWrap.

Could someone apply this 3 months old patch (or a similar one)?
I was suffering the same crash until I found it and applied to my local 


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[lazarus] GTK: Handle signal for every object

2007-06-26 Thread Tom Gregorovic

to implement dropping files for GTK, I need to process 
'drag_data_received' signal for every GTK object. How can I achieve this?


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Re: [lazarus] patch for TGtkWidgetSet.DrawText

2007-06-26 Thread Marc Weustink

Luca Olivetti wrote:

En/na darekm ha escrit:

Attached patch repair TGtkWidgetSet.DrawText under GTK2  (I receive 
crush). Problem was connected with WordWrap.

Could someone apply this 3 months old patch (or a similar one)?
I was suffering the same crash until I found it and applied to my local 

The problem is that I've the idea that this patch is a workaround for 
something and not a fix. And that is what I also wrote in my response.

After that I forgot about it.
As i look at it now it still has serious flaws, to much to comment now.
Please add the patch to mantis and assign it to me, then I'll try to 
have a look again.


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[lazarus] Libraries (DLLs) with debug information

2007-06-26 Thread Christian Budde


does anybody know a solution to create libraries with any kind of debug 
information in it? Each time I checked one of the options the DLL 
renders completely invalid (error code 193). I've already reported that 
bug to mantis, but there hasn't been any update about that bug since a 
month or so.

Right now I have to guess the bugs in the code. However, the project 
works fine if compiled with Delphi though.

I tried all the compiler:
- FPC 2.3.1 doesn't load any library (library is valid, but I get an 
access violation during load)

- FPC 2.1.5 only works without debug information
- FPC 2.0.4 seems to be incompatible with my code, since I got lots of 
different error messages which doesn't seem to be related to anything

Furthermore the stack option '-Ct' still doesn't seem to work for DLLs. 
Any suggestions welcome!


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[lazarus] LCL in DLL

2007-06-26 Thread fvpats


i would like using lcl in a library (dll) but i didn't find any answer
anywhere (net, bugtracker fpc, ...)
does anyone know how doing this ?
thanks a lot

Re: [lazarus] patch for TGtkWidgetSet.DrawText

2007-06-26 Thread Luca Olivetti

En/na Marc Weustink ha escrit:

Luca Olivetti wrote:

En/na darekm ha escrit:

Attached patch repair TGtkWidgetSet.DrawText under GTK2  (I receive 
crush). Problem was connected with WordWrap.

Could someone apply this 3 months old patch (or a similar one)?
I was suffering the same crash until I found it and applied to my 
local copy.

The problem is that I've the idea that this patch is a workaround for 
something and not a fix. And that is what I also wrote in my response.

After that I forgot about it.
As i look at it now it still has serious flaws, to much to comment now.
Please add the patch to mantis and assign it to me, then I'll try to 
have a look again.

I opened a bug but I cannot assign it:

Anyhow I prefer an ugly workaround to a crash ;-)
BTW, maybe it's related, but the OptimalFill of a TLabel does nothing 
(but then it also does nothing under gtk1, where the above method 
doesn't crash).


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Re: [lazarus] Libraries (DLLs) with debug information

2007-06-26 Thread Yury Sidorov

From: "Christian Budde" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
does anybody know a solution to create libraries with any kind of 
debug information in it? Each time I checked one of the options the 
DLL renders completely invalid (error code 193). I've already 
reported that bug to mantis, but there hasn't been any update about 
that bug since a month or so.

Right now I have to guess the bugs in the code. However, the project 
works fine if compiled with Delphi though.

I tried all the compiler:
- FPC 2.3.1 doesn't load any library (library is valid, but I get an 
access violation during load)

- FPC 2.1.5 only works without debug information

In the latest revisions of FPC 2.1.5 and 2.3.1 a dlls are no longer 
crash because relocs generation was fixed. But debugging does not work 
when compiling with internal linker and assempler.

The workaround is to compile using external assempler and linker. 
Pass -Aas -Xe options to compiler. In this case dll debugging works.


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[lazarus] Patch for support language Lazarus Icon Editor

2007-06-26 Thread wile64

I continue…


[lazarus] Procedure and function in not declared in clipbrd.pp

2007-06-26 Thread wile64


Why all the procedure and function written in the file are not
declared ?


RE: [lazarus] Libraries (DLLs) with debug information

2007-06-26 Thread Hess, Philip J

That's the way it's been for at least a year or more: Don't use -Ct and don't 
use -gl when compiling DLL's on Windows. I just tested 2.1.5 from 20070622. It 
was broken completely for a while but now the DLL's work but only if you omit 
stack checking and line numbers, as before.

I haven't noticed these kinds of problems on OS X with 2.0.4.



-Original Message-
From: Christian Budde [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue 6/26/2007 11:55 AM
Subject: [lazarus] Libraries (DLLs) with debug information

does anybody know a solution to create libraries with any kind of debug 
information in it? Each time I checked one of the options the DLL 
renders completely invalid (error code 193). I've already reported that 
bug to mantis, but there hasn't been any update about that bug since a 
month or so.

Right now I have to guess the bugs in the code. However, the project 
works fine if compiled with Delphi though.

I tried all the compiler:
- FPC 2.3.1 doesn't load any library (library is valid, but I get an 
access violation during load)
- FPC 2.1.5 only works without debug information
- FPC 2.0.4 seems to be incompatible with my code, since I got lots of 
different error messages which doesn't seem to be related to anything

Furthermore the stack option '-Ct' still doesn't seem to work for DLLs. 
Any suggestions welcome!


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RE: [lazarus] LCL in DLL

2007-06-26 Thread Hess, Philip J
This has never worked. There was a time when you could put a form in a DLL and 
it would start okay (on Windows), but it wouldn't respond to keyboard inputs, 
as I recall. Now I can't even get a DLL containing a form to start without 
crashing the host app.

On Delphi this works fine and you just set the DLL form's Application.Handle to 
the calling app's Handle to integrate it with the main app.

I tested this with OS X recently too: same crash. Bottom line is that it 
doesn't appear as though you can put a form in a DLL with Lazarus. For now, 
it's best to use only non-UI units in the DLL code.



-Original Message-
From: fvpats [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue 6/26/2007 12:30 PM
Subject: [lazarus] LCL in DLL

i would like using lcl in a library (dll) but i didn't find any answer
anywhere (net, bugtracker fpc, ...)
does anyone know how doing this ?
thanks a lot


Re: [lazarus] GTK: Handle signal for every object

2007-06-26 Thread Paul Ishenin

Tom Gregorovic wrote:

to implement dropping files for GTK, I need to process 
'drag_data_received' signal for every GTK object. How can I achieve this?

if for every that created by gtk widgetset then look at 
TGtkWidgetSet.HookSignals. if no then I dont know.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin.

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[lazarus] Libraries (DLLs) with debug information

2007-06-26 Thread Christian Budde


does anybody know a solution to create libraries with any kind of debug 
information in it? Each time I checked one of the options the DLL 
renders completely invalid (error code 193). I've already reported that 
bug to mantis, but there hasn't been any update about that bug since a 
month or so.

Right now I have to guess the bugs in the code. However, the project 
works fine if compiled with Delphi though.

I tried all the compiler:
- FPC 2.3.1 doesn't load any library (library is valid, but I get an 
access violation during load)

- FPC 2.1.5 only works without debug information
- FPC 2.0.4 seems to be incompatible with my code, since I got lots of 
different error messages which doesn't seem to be related to anything

Furthermore the stack option '-Ct' still doesn't seem to work for DLLs. 
Any suggestions welcome!


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Re: [lazarus] LCL in DLL

2007-06-26 Thread Christian Budde

Hi Phil,

This has never worked. There was a time when you could put a form in a DLL and 
it would start okay (on Windows), but it wouldn't respond to keyboard inputs, 
as I recall. Now I can't even get a DLL containing a form to start without 
crashing the host app.
I got it working here with very carefully chosen compiler settings. It 
is still buggy as hell when it comes to libraries. With FPC 2.1.5 I'm 
able to compile a library (unfortunately without debug information). The 
problem is that the initialisation doesn't seem to be called correctly. 
For this reason I do all the initialisation in runtime.

However keystrokes still don't work.

Btw. can someone please make the default extension for libraries '.dll' 
instead of '.exe'. It doesn't make any sense, does it?

Kind regards,


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Re: [lazarus] Libraries (DLLs) with debug information

2007-06-26 Thread Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

On 6/27/07, Hess, Philip J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I haven't noticed these kinds of problems on OS X with 2.0.4.

Did you ever test 2.1.5 on OS X?

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

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