RE: [leaf-devel] The future of Bering

2003-02-16 Thread Richard Amerman
Floppy drives could not be cheaper, it is not more trouble than one realy.

-Original Message- 
From: Lars Kneschke(priv.) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Sun 2/16/2003 1:50 PM 
Subject: RE: [leaf-devel] The future of Bering

Richard Amerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
>I personaly am dedicated to the idea of a floppy based bering, but I
>find that using 2 floppies is no big deal.  I'm also sure that as
>other technologies that preserve the simple and fulproof physical
>write protect concept with the floppy based installs, we can allow the
>size to grow.

2 floppys means, that you can't do a remote remote reboot, if you don't have
a second floppy drive built in.

I like the cd-rom idea(also because i'm working on it :)). It will give more
space. And cd-rom drives are very low cost today.

Lars Kneschke
written with FeLaMiMail

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RE: [leaf-devel] The future of Bering

2003-02-16 Thread Richard Amerman
I personaly am dedicated to the idea of a floppy based bering, but I find that using 2 
floppies is no big deal.  I'm also sure that as other technologies that preserve the 
simple and fulproof physical write protect concept with the floppy based installs, we 
can allow the size to grow.
As to new features, about the only thing I am heavely interested and commited to is 
the configuration side of things we have been discussing for some time.
You have done a fantastic job Jacques!  Thanks!

-Original Message- 
From: Jacques Nilo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Sun 2/16/2003 10:43 AM 
To: Eric de Thouars; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: [leaf-devel] The future of Bering

Le Dimanche 16 Février 2003 13:00, vous avez écrit :
Hi Eric:
Shorewall is indeed a key element of Bering. When I started the work on
Bering (back in November 2001) I was having the following ideas in mind:
- get rid of D. Cinege's LRP kernel patches which were unecessary and made it
difficult to follow kernel development
- do not reengineer the wheel, that is rely on existing well documented and
well supported software. That is why I have chosen Shorewall for the firewall
part of Bering from the very begining and that is also why I have been trying
to stick as much as I can to the Debian standards
- try to write a good documentation (that is probably one of the first reason
why Bering has been catching-up rather quickly)
Tom has released Shorewall 1.3.14 that will be the last version of Shorewall
using ash. I am about to release Bering 1.1 that will be 2.4.20 kernel based
and will be using Shorewall 1.3.14.
Bering appears fairly stable for the time being and I do not have further
plans in mind at this stage.
Possible scenarios are:
1/ Bering sticks to Shorewall 1.x if someone takes over Tom the maintenance
of this version
2/ Bering switches to the new 2.0 version of Shorewall as soon it will be
available: it will probably imply to get rid of the single floppy router
concept and use either a two floppies or a CD-rom approach. In which case I
would also switch to 2.2.5 libc. That is at this stage what I would
personally favour
3/ Switch to another firewall package. The modular design of Bering makes it
very easy to use another iptable based firewall.

As far as you idea is concerned I think that if you succeed to extend
Shorewall with IPv6 capabilities that would be definitly a vey attractive
approach. Otherwise it may be simpler to offer, as an alternative package to
Shorewall, an IPv6 firewall.


> Hi Jacques,
> As you may have noticed from the leaf-user list I've been working on IPv6
> with Bering. I now have ip6tables working with uClibc and want to start
> with IPv6 firewalling. On eof the options is to write a set of ip6tables
> rules (the Dachstein-way) or to use some kind of wrap around ip6tables,
> like Shorewall.
> My personal preference would be to extend Shorewall with IPv6 filtrering
> capabilities, but I recently read on one of the leaf mailing lists that Tom
> Eastep will be moving to a newer release of Shorewall which may not be
> suitable for LEAF anymore.
> Before I start hacking away to extend Shorewall with IPv6 capabilities I
> would like so hear from you about future plans for Bering and Shorewall. I
> recently joined the Bering-uClibc team and this work may end up in some
> future release of Bering-uClibc so I don't want to head off in a totally
> different way than Bering is.
> Any feedback from you is very welcome.
>   - Eric.

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FW: [leaf-devel] [config] Webconfiguration package.

2003-01-30 Thread Richard Amerman
Hi all, I know you have not heard from me in some time, I must admit I am also 
involved in another project as well, the Plone project, a CMF for use with Zope.
I have a bunch of work I did to cleanup and abstract things in the weblet.  I will try 
in the near future to get back into things and attempt to merge my work in with others 
in a way that makes sense.


-Original Message- 
From: Mike Noyes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thu 1/30/2003 12:58 PM 
Subject: Re: [leaf-devel] [config] Webconfiguration package.

Eric & Lynn,
Are we ready to create a src/config tree in CVS?

ref. config src tree creation proposal by Mike Noyes
# Subject: Re: [leaf-devel] [config] Webbased configuration

On Thu, 2003-01-30 at 11:51, Eric Wolzak wrote:
> For some time there was a discussion going about the use of a
> webconfiguration.
> I now put a version of a modified weblet which includes several
> options to be set by a browser. Download at
> Size 44 Kb (  original weblet 25 Kb)
> I am trying to get something like this going for a longer period of 
> and due to changing concepts, lack of knowledge and the problem of
> intermittent working on a concept ( and thus changing it ) it isn't 
> completely  uniform thing.
> The package is still called weblet.lrp and includes the standard
> weblet pages.  in the cgi-bin are all the scripts used by the
> programm. I used uncgi to get the variables back.
> This is the only programm that might have to be recompiled for
> uClibc forexample.
> Attention this programm is for further development. ( I thought it 
> the right time to share efforts :) )
> It is NOT A PRODUCTION version.
> Dangers:
> - Still running as root  ( change the user for sh-httpd ro root )
> - Still using get 
> - leaving temporary scripts in /tmp  ( easy to fix)
> Problems
> - Build in the same kind as the original scripts so to change for
> example the hostname you have to change multiple files. ( an idea to
> change this exist but the time fails )
> - Some pages have a relative bad layout.
> specialities
> -Use of a kind of session management. Actually useing the
> connecting computer IP and a random string.( necessary to prevent
> page reloading)
> - highly modular. this proved to be a great advantage. Changes to 
> sites are much easier to realise.
> - The option to use the webpage or directly edit the config file.
> - The use of predefined pages to edit to prevent directory walking.
> Questions 
> Anyone willing to contribute. ?
> What about a webconfiguration like this. ?
> What is missing ?
> What should be omitted.  ( don't say the whole package please ;) )
> Any comments are very welcome.
> I know the security problems of webconfigs like these, I don't use 
> myself ( prefer ssh or direct serial connections ;) )
> I see this project more as the proof of the statement that is is
> possible.
> Secondary I learned a  lot about shell programming, allthough my
> style must be a horror for some of you professionals ;)

Mike Noyes

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RE: [Leaf-devel] Webbased configuration

2002-09-01 Thread Richard Amerman

I need to get my head back into it.  I think I had a bit more work done than I had yet 
deployed to my WebletDemo site.  I also think that machine might be down.  I will 
check this week.  I am particularly interested in working on the front end of things 
for the moment as I have some momentem there, but I am slamed on my current project 
for at least the next week or two.  I will try to get my latest up on the WebletDemo 
site and get it back up.  The site has the built in ability to both view and download 
it's source.  We can take a look at how far I have gotten and decide if it is on track 
and ready to put in CVS.  I have mainly been working on abstracting everything so that 
it is easy to construct content in a dynamic way.  I'm interested in modules that 
include the configuration piece, but also inhanced log viewes, live statistics in as 
much of a dashboard fashion as possible, and other similar ideas.  While some of these 
modules may be sizable, I, like the rest of you wish to keep the base system as small 
as possible
I have moved my main LEAF setup to two floppies, as setup that seems fantastic to me, 
keeps the hardware write protection, still very easy to maintain, lots of space, 
drives cheap, etc.  I'm surprised I have not heard of more people going this route.  
Well, I have Stored Procedures calling my name, back to work.
Richard Amerman

-Original Message- 
From: guitarlynn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Sun 9/1/2002 10:50 PM 
Subject: Re: [Leaf-devel] Webbased configuration

On Sunday 01 September 2002 15:08, Erich Titl wrote:
> Mike
> you seem to be knowledgeable about the copyright stuff. I am about to
> paint an entry page for the config stuff and would like to use the
> LEAF logo for it. Is there a problem?


    Would you mind getting with Richard Amerman and working on the the
www page format. Richard has already done quite a bit of work stream
lining the existing Weblet page code. Possibly the two of you can create
the front-end of a menu system a little easier by bouncing ideas/code

I think Charles' existing code, that uses Jscript for setting up the
graphical end is an excellent idea that saves some space. Mosquito
is using a Frame setup (shudder!) built from Jscript that works
quite well (GPL'ed). There might be some ideas from examining that
code as well.

I would believe we will want to use xml (or xhtml 1.x) compliant code
in the html...possibly CSS style-sheets with the POST form method
(to avoid more code to interpret GET and the 255 character limit).
I have sent Charles a copy of James Sturdevant's POST patched
sh-httpd application that will be available via LEAF CVS when
Charles commits it to CVS. If you need a copy of it to work with
before then, mail me off-list and I'll send you a copy.

Does anyone else have any ideas, thoughts, or comments on this
since both Erich and Richard have been doing work for some time
on the interface end of the project.

~Lynn Avants
aka Guitarlynn

guitarlynn at

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RE: [Leaf-devel] Re: Webbased configuration

2002-09-01 Thread Richard Amerman

I must say your description of Fourth sounds great.  I have to agree with all your 
desires in a language for these purposes.
As to the Lego M's, though mine have been on the shelf for at least a year, you are 
always a kid if you choose to be!  Mine were a gift from my wife! :-)
I have played with the C like language on it, but not Fourth

-Original Message- 
From: Charles Steinkuehler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Sat 8/31/2002 9:55 AM 
To: Nathan Angelacos; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Re: [Leaf-devel] Re: Webbased configuration

> Better sense tells me I should probably keep quiet, but ...

Nah...speak up.  We won't even flame you here!

> Back when this discussion came up previously (Dec 2001/Jan 2002?)  I
> was able to get micro_httpd working with an embedded lua interpreter.
> It allows one to write html code with inline lua scripting, like php.
> To add some real numbers to this dicussion:
> micro_httpd - dynamically linked against libc9404 bytes
> lua_micro_httpd dynamic libc, static lualib 75972 bytes
> Compressing with upx gets it to 39K, which is still big for a
> diskette-based configuration engine.  If FORTH can really get us an
> embedded language in 10K, that sounds great.  I'll check the site
> Charles mentioned tomorrow; any other pointers anyone can give -
> please share! (I'm not a coder - but don't mind getting my fingers
> burned either...)

I like LUA (haven't programmed anything real in it, but I've gone over
the docs pretty well, and compiled the stand-alone LUA interpreter).  I
think it's excellent at its targeted application (a scripting language
for complex programs), but is not particularly well suited to being
added to the core of a LEAF distribution for a few reasons:

Size - While fairly small for a scripting language (vs perl, python,
etc), LUA is still pretty large.

Requires libc - Not a show-stopper...almost all parts of LEAF require
libc, but I'd like to have a light-weight scripting language that could
boot w/o libc to enable some potentially complex booting scenarios that
have been discussed previously, like run-time selection of libc version,
mixed libc environments (ie a base system running off ulibc, with
optional add-ons using gnu libc), and similar.

We already have sh - While more powerful than ash in several respects
(especially with handling numbers), I don't think LUA provides
dramatically more functionality than is available with standard
shell-scripts...especially if a light-weight numeric processing tool was
provided to extend ash's native abilities in this regard.

Untyped - I especially don't like the fact that LUA is untyped (strong
integer & floating point math capability is one of the key things I miss
when programming in shell-script).  I may be missing something with LUA
since I don't have much experience with it, but as an example, I'd like
to know how well a numeric processing program (like rrdtool or MRTG)
would code in LUA.  This is one of the things I'd like to code in a
small script for LEAF, but have not attempted due to the limited numeric
processing available in sh.  LUA is definately better with math than sh,
I just don't think it goes far enough.

No linux syscalls - There is no inherent capabilitiy to directly make
linux syscalls, and given LUA's untyped data structures, grafting on
this ability would likely be difficult.  With the ability to directly
make linux syscalls, not only is the requirement for libc drastically
reduced (or eliminated), but ti becomes possible to script things like a
full-fledged web-server, e-mail sending program, or other network based
program, and it also becomes possible to script core utilities (like su,
chroot, etc) if desired.


Tiny - about 1/4 the size of LUA

No libc required - works on any system, even at bootstrap with an initrd
in the 10's of K, rather than 500K+

low-level-power - While still considered a scripting language, Forth has
the ability (and was initially designed) to do low-level machine
controllike "c", you get the ability to talk directly to the
machine...unlike "c", you have small programs, no compile required, and
no libc required (at the expense of somewhat slower execution and coding
your own libr

RE: [leaf-devel] Webbased configuration

2002-08-30 Thread Richard Amerman

Well put!
I know that I have not been vocal in the past month, I have been overloaded with a 
rush project at work, and my Wife has taken to Zope, so between these, I have had 
little time for LEAF.  This does not mean that I am less interested.  :-)
Your post is right on track.  One thing I would sugest, just repeating a few 
sugestions made by others a month or so ago, since we are realy talking about two 
things, the sh-httpd and the Weblet/configuration piece, we need to keep 
distinguishing between them.  A good messege subject line might be "Web Config - 
Weblet/Configurator" and "Web Config - sh-httpd".
Richard Amerman

-Original Message- 
From: Erich Titl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Fri 8/30/2002 2:12 PM 
Subject: [leaf-devel] Webbased configuration

Hi folks

Thanks for the hearty welcome

I did a bit of a fly by on all the summaries presented lately on the
Webbased config subject. I would like to make a few suggestions, not
necessarily technical ones because I feel the matter has been well understood.

- Could we keep this on leaf-devel, it makes it easier to concentrate if I
don't have 2 lists to watch?.
- Could we agree to a common subject line, my procmail mail sorter is a lot
happier that way? I suggest to keep  'Webbased configuration' in the
subject for mail recognition.
- My current work is on a Java based Web application which was badly
designed, we are not in a hurry, lets try to get a good pattern for the
- I believe we should try to build this with the currently available tools
in Dachstein/Bering, e.g. sh-httpd. Even if it eats a few cycles, it has a
miraculously small footprint.
- Let's try to build the configurator in a modular way, someone on the list
suggested to build kind of plugin to a generic configuration webpage which
would have to be implementd in each package. I think this is an excellent
idea and we should try to write specs for the interface. The developers and
maintainers of the current distributions/packages will certainly be the
most valuable resource.
- Can we build up a small subtree in the CVS structure for the
configuration tool which can be accessed by everyone just for development
purposes. A start could be the POST sh-httpd so we would not have to ask
for copies explicitly. Suggestions for the structure please. This could
help as a coordination point for our efforts.

Thanks for comments, improvements and critics.

It's late east of Greenwich, good night.


Püntenstrasse 39
8143 Stallikon
PGP Fingerprint: BC9A 25BC 3954 3BC8 C024  8D8A B7D4 FF9D 05B8 0A16

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RE: [Leaf-devel] [OT?] Portland? was Upcoming Conferences

2002-07-17 Thread Richard Amerman

On that note, it dawns on me to ask, "Any of you in the Portland area?  I live in 
Scappoose and work in Vancouver WA."
Richard Amerman

-Original Message- 
From: Chad Carr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wed 7/17/2002 9:28 PM 
To: Mike Noyes 
Subject: Re: [Leaf-devel] [OT?] Upcoming Conferences

On 17 Jul 2002 15:23:22 -0700
"Mike Noyes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, 2002-07-17 at 15:12, David Douthitt wrote:
> > [US Conferences, that is]
> >
> > Anyone going to DefCon 10 in Las Vegas, NV, Aug 2-4, or to
> > 11th Usenix Security Symposium, Aug 5-9, in San Francisco, CA?
> >
> > Just wondering...  Interesting that they're so close together
> > in time and space :-)
> David,
> I'm registered for LinxWorld (exhibits only). Moscone Center, SF Aug.
> 13-15.

Anyone going to O'Reilly OSCON in San Diego?  If so maybe I'll see you



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RE: [Leaf-devel] VMWare LEAF Dev System :-)

2002-07-13 Thread Richard Amerman

Incase anyone was curious.
Richard Amerman

-Original Message- 
From: Richard Amerman 
Sent: Sat 7/13/2002 12:13 AM 
Subject: [Leaf-devel] VMWare LEAF Dev System :-)

 I must confess, I’m love’n life now

 I now have my dev environment:

VMWare 3.1
Two 1.44 virtual floppy drives
Winimage for floppy management

Boots in just a few seconds
Plenty of space

Now I just have to set up (now this may or may not be tricky, anyone out there 
done this?) networking properly (the right modules).

Richard Amerman

áŠËë^™¨¥ŠË)¢{(­ç[É8bžAžzEž•Ê&zÚ yé!y«Þžm§ÿí†)äç¤r‰¿±òÞi÷^½éfj)bž   

[Leaf-devel] VMWare LEAF Dev System :-)

2002-07-12 Thread Richard Amerman

 I must confess, I’m love’n life now 

 I now have my dev environment:

VMWare 3.1
Two 1.44 virtual floppy drives
Winimage for floppy management

Boots in just a few seconds
Plenty of space

Now I just have to set up (now this may or may not be tricky, anyone out there done 
this?) networking properly (the right modules).


Richard Amerman
áŠËë^™¨¥ŠË)¢{(­ç[É8bžAžzEž•Ê&zÚ yé!y«Þžm§ÿí†)äç¤r‰¿±òÞi÷^½éfj)bž   

RE: [Leaf-devel] LEAF Dev Environment

2002-07-12 Thread Richard Amerman

From: Charles Steinkuehler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Fri 7/12/2002 12:45 PM 

>The problem with running sh-httpd in this environment is sh-httpd needs
>to be launched by inetd, the internet service "super daemon".  I'm not
>sure if there's an easy way to do this from within windows (even using
>cygwin)...if you figure something out, let us know.

One of the installable packages for cygwin includes inetd, it looks like it is just a 
matter of getting it to work.

>Of course you could always do something like:
>cat /path/myhtmlquery | sh-httpd >response.html

Something to try for sure.  

>which while handy when debugging sh-httpd, is not too useful when trying
>to play with weblet pages (actually loading it up in a browser is a
>*MUCH* easier way to debug web content).

At work I have it easy, a dedicated network connected directly to the Inet just for 
LEAF work.  I have three machines on it curently, the LEAF box, a client on the 
inside, and a client on the outside for VPN setup testing.
I'm trying to set things up so that I can work on this stuff on the road with my 
laptop or at home
Richard Amerman

[Leaf-devel] LEAF Dev Environment

2002-07-12 Thread Richard Amerman

I have been working on setting up a good working environment for my LEAF work, which 
primarily involves sh-httpd and Weblet, VMWare is an option if I move to 1.44 disks 
and change a few things (haven’t tried it yet).  I also know that UML is a good 
option as I have Mandrake at home, but I’m wishing for more portability.


Last night I tried to setup a Cygwin system.  I tried to get sh-httpd to work but 
could not figure out the problem.  I suspect it my be my lack of true understanding of 
what exactly Cygwin is and does.  Any one out there gone down this road?
Richard Amerman

RE: [Leaf-devel] Affiliates

2002-07-12 Thread Richard Amerman

I definitely have opinions on all of this but have been waiting to see the response 
from others as I am the most junior involved.

From: Mike Noyes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Fri 7/12/2002 10:31 AM 

>I'm not proposing certification by our project of consultants. I think a
>list consultants willing to work on LEAF release/branch release would be
>useful to our users. It may also help some of our project members bring
>in some additional revenue.

I think this is a great idea but agree that it would be complicated and 
dangerous for the project to get involved with any kind of certification or even 
indication of skills involved.  It should be made clear that both parties involved in 
any transaction are fully responsible for any verification desired/needed.  A good 
concise disclaimer should take care of this issue.


RE: [Leaf-devel] Location for scripts during startup

2002-07-11 Thread Richard Amerman

Thanks for the feedback!
From: Erich Titl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thu 7/11/2002 11:37 AM 

>It will be great to have that much autoconfiguration in the 'weblet'.
>Do you think it would be a big overhead to run this 'real time' e.g. when
>the dashboard is requested. That way even a modification on a running
>machine would immediately be reflected in the weblet.

Actualy, the object of this particular automation is only to capture changes to the 
LEAF configuation as it relates to added packages of any type, including weblet 
addons.  This functionality basicaly mirrors what lrcfg is doing (I have not looked 
under the hood of lrcfg, but the result is the same) to automaticly include the 
configuration menu's/files for any packages you add.  As the process for this is to 
copy the package file to the media and then boot the system, this automation only 
needs to happen at startup.
There certainly will be other forms of automation within weblet that will be realtime. 
 Actualy, there is now.  If you look at the Weblet Dev Demo ( you can 
see that the source link at the botom of the page gives you all the source files for 
the weblet.  This script simply gives you what it finds in a few key folders under 
/var/sh-www.  Any files that are added are then automaticaly included.  This is very 
simple but does ilustrate the point.
As the weblet is only realy intended for one or at most just a few users, performance 
is of very little concern.  Not that it is not something to keep in mind, just not a 
top priority.
Richard Amerman

[Leaf-devel] Location for scripts during startup

2002-07-11 Thread Richard Amerman

I am looking at implementing the following sequence of events in a redesign fo the 
(this is the weblet as we are now defining it, a web application that is seperate from 
the underlying sh-httpd server)
system starts boot
all packages finish loading
weblet runs script to gather all package conf files (/var/lib/lrpkg/*.conf files) to 
generate the configuration display component in weblet (to replace the hard coded one 
in the Dev Demo now)
weblet runs script to gather weblet addon package conf files 
(/var/lib/lrpkg/w-xx.conf files) and to regenerate its /var/lib/lrpkg/weblet.conf 
file to these addon config files
LEAF start up completes
Where is the appropriate location to initiate the above scripts so that they are 
executed at the proper time, after all the packages have loaded?
It looks like this might be easy to find, but as this is an important point, I would 
feel better getting an expert answer.
The idea here is to simplify the weblet system so that there is a small base dashboard 
(much like it is now) with the ability to add new components and manage them as easily 
as adding additional lrp packages.

Richard Amerman

[Leaf-devel] Weblet Dev Demo Update

2002-07-09 Thread Richard Amerman

I have made the following changes:
There is now a link at the botom of the page that lets you download the weblet.lrp 
file.  This will make it easier to play with the changes I have been making or to make 
changes to this base.
A few minor changes to the weblet.structures file and to the content files.  As it now 
stands you can creat a "content" file in the "content" folder that has no HTML coding 
at all and it will display reasonably.  The only HTML you need/may wish to add is to 
format the contents the way you wish.
If/when there is further buy-in to these changes we will document everything so that 
it will be easy to use.
Richard Amerman

RE: [Leaf-devel] Weblet Demo Site

2002-07-08 Thread Richard Amerman

I just wanted to let you know I have not forgotten this request.  I plan on cleaning 
things up to pass this validator in the near future.
Richard Amerman

-Original Message- 
From: Mike Noyes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thu 6/27/2002 3:30 PM 
Subject: Re: [Leaf-devel] Weblet Demo Site

On Thu, 2002-06-27 at 14:29, Richard Amerman wrote:
> I have just finished setting up a Weblet Demo box.
> It is located at
> Pleas check it out and post comments!!

It looks very nice. :-)
I have one request/question. Are you able to get this Weblet Demo to
generate valid xhtml code?


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RE: [Leaf-devel] RE: [leaf-user] Weblet Dev Demo Update

2002-07-02 Thread Richard Amerman

Sent: Tue 7/2/2002 6:50 AM 

>I know what he meant about the hosts.allow. I noticed it yesterday!
>Your syslog file has lots of these messages in it:
> Jul 2 07:01:09 BeringFWWeblet sh-httpd[11991]: warning: /etc/hosts.allow,
>  line 7: missing newline or line too long 
>  Jul 2 07:01:09 BeringFWWeblet sh-httpd[11991]: connect from  

Not sure on this one, but I will look into it.  There is no end line for that 
file, but 
my entry is probably incorect on syntax.

>As an aside, if I click to see all syslog's, I get an error due to a
>missing gzipped file and nothing else. Should it do that? I can't remember
>what my system at home does!

That is because the file does not exist.  That is an archive file and untill 
the firewall hasbeen running for a while it will not be created.  We could get realy 
fancy and check each file before enabling the link to it, but I think that is overkill 
considering the scall and speed we are already dealing with.  It might make sense to 
place some indication in the response that says more than the current.  Even if it is 
just a footnote.

Richard Amerman


RE: [Leaf-devel] sh-httpd weblet web-config

2002-07-02 Thread Richard Amerman

From: Charles Steinkuehler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tue 7/2/2002 6:33 AM 
>First, a point of order.  In my view of the world, there are two major
>issues currently being discussed:

>- Modifications to sh-httpd (the actual web server) to enhance it's
>ability to be used as the front-end for a web based configuration tool
>- The modification, extension, or complete re-writing of the html pages
>and cgi scripts that currently makeup the "weblet" status application
>that currently ships with Dachstein, allowing enhanced web based
>monitoring and even configuation.
>I think it would probably help prevent confusion if mods to the web
>server itself refer to sh-httpd, while issues related to making html/cgi
>code to monitor or configure the system use the weblet moniker.

I agree completly

>With that out of the way, I completely agree with the idea of forming a
>"group" to work on the weblet portion of the configuration problem.
>This can probably be done with very little effort completely within the
>bounds of the existing LEAF SF project.  With a CVS directory somewhere
>in the existing LEAF tree, folks can share code and updates, and even
>developers w/o LEAF SF developer status can check-out code and posts
>diffs to the leaf-devel mailing list (much like the way the busybox list
>works...I've sent in several bug-fixes to busybox that got incorperated
>into the main code-base, but am not a registered busybox developer).  I
>think the leaf-devel mailing list will work fine as a communications
>mechanism for now, and we can always make a new leaf mailing list if the
>traffic gets too high for the leaf-devel list (unlikely, at least for

Sounds great.

>On the sh-httpd front, I don't think there will be a lot of work
>required, and sh-httpd is already in the LEAF CVS tree, so probably a
>few leaf-devel posts (and a lot of beta-testing) is all that's required.

>I can commit to help with the sh-httpd mods, and I think I can improve
>the performance of cgi scripts dramatically.  I can probably help with a
>bit of the html/cgi scripting (ie general architecture and maybe solving
>any thorny scripting issues that crop up), but I don't have time to
>commit to a huge chunk of the project.
>It looks like Richard's generally headed in the right direction with his
>mods to the existing html/cgi code, especially with the abstraction of
>the content.  Has anyone else made much progress along these lines, or
>should work start on using Richard's framework to start building a
>web-config architecture?
One thing I would like to see is for people to realy look at HOW things are 
being done in the current weblet code to offer better ways to accomplish these tasks.
For instance I'm wondering if there is a better way to incert HTML snipits than  the 
cat <<- /HTML
Construct.  (Not that I know one, just interested)
Also the curent textTOhtml does not deal with indentation of text files well, or at 
all.  This is a problem.
Richard Amerman

áŠËë^™¨¥ŠË)¢{(­ç[É8bžAžzEž•Ê&zÚ yé!y«Þžm§ÿí†)äç¤r‰¿±òÞi÷^½éfj)bž   

[Leaf-devel] RE: [leaf-user] Weblet Dev Demo Update

2002-07-02 Thread Richard Amerman

Good sugestion on the date time.

Not sure what you mean by with the hosts.allow.  It is suposed to allow everyone to 
the weblet for the demo.

Richard Amerman

-Original Message-
From:   Eyal Lebedinsky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Tue 7/2/2002 1:41 AM
To: Richard Amerman
Subject:Re: [leaf-user] Weblet Dev Demo Update
Richard Amerman wrote:
> I have made some major modifications to the LEAF Weblet.  These have been posted to 
>the Weblet Dev Demo site.
> Demo Site Location:

One thing I have in my weblet, which I see is missing in the
above demo is a standard date/time at the top of each log file.
I find it very usefull to know how old the displayed page is.

And also, do fix your /etc/hosts.allow :-)

Eyal Lebedinsky ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) <>

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Leaf-devel mailing list

RE: [Leaf-devel] Web-config devel

2002-07-01 Thread Richard Amerman


I completly agree with all of your points, no nead to be spacific.  I am too new to 
the group to make any major sugestions to procedure.  Most all of my changtes were 
just to the normal weblet as it is/was.  I do believe that the modulerization and code 
cleanup I did should help support the configuration project unless we decide to 
completly change things.  Much of what I did uses the existing methods so their may be 
better ways to do things.

I think it would be good to replace the "texttohtml" function with a better one.  See 
the source code printout at the Dev Demo site to see what I mean.

Richard Amerman

-Original Message-
From:   guitarlynn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Mon 7/1/2002 10:32 PM
Subject:[Leaf-devel] Web-config devel
As stated before, there appears to be several people
doing preliminary work on modifying Weblet to be used
as a web-based configuration tool in the LEAF community,
but not limited to the LEAF developers. It would be safe to
assume that at some point redundant work will be done to 
achive the same end result. It would seem to be logical to
form a consolidated group of developers to work together 
on this project, so that 1) development would be faster, 
2) each developer could focus on a particular piece of 
the code, 3) the finished product would likely be better
and more portable in respect to LEAF itself.

How (and if) a group to develop a web-config package should
be formed and run within the LEAF site is questionable and 
any idea's and advice is appreciated for a direction to take.

At the moment, the work that has been done has been considered
to be an extension of the weblet package and/or sh-httpd. 
Personally, I find a Web-configuration product to be something
that is it's own entity, and be treated as such even though 
extensions will be made to the present sh-httpd code and integration
with weblet will be a safe assumption. Shell/CLI environment 
configuration will need to be availible and the finished package
should be optional as a package to the LEAF release(s) used on.

I think a dedicated CVS branch, a means of communication, a 
schedule, and a roadmap would be general requirements to a clear
and efficient development cycle for such a project. Is there an existing
way to do and or all of this within the present LEAF infrastructure? 


~Lynn Avants
aka Guitarlynn

guitarlynn at

If linux isn't the answer, you've probably got the wrong question!

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Welcome to geek heaven.

Leaf-devel mailing list

This email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
Welcome to geek heaven.

Leaf-devel mailing list

RE: [Leaf-devel] sh-httpd mods

2002-07-01 Thread Richard Amerman

I wanted you to get more feedback on the changes I made to weblet before sending them 
to you.
Changes now at

Richard Amerman

-Original Message- 
From: Charles Steinkuehler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Mon 7/1/2002 8:15 AM 
Subject: [Leaf-devel] sh-httpd mods

This is a call for those who have done mods to the sh-httpd code to
merge their changes into CVS, either directly (preferred...only possible
if you're a registered LEAF developer), or by sending me a patch so I
can do it (I'm too busy, or this would be the preferred method).

Charles Steinkuehler ( mirror)

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Leaf-devel mailing list


[Leaf-devel] Weblet Dev Demo Update

2002-07-01 Thread Richard Amerman

I have made some major modifications to the LEAF Weblet.  These have been posted to 
the Weblet Dev Demo site. 
Demo Site Location:
Two of the major areas of change include:  
Major changes to the cgi files including a dynamic index page, new include structure, 
and new function files.
Link to weblet source at the botom of index page.
The full list of changes follows:
1 July 2002
converted index.html to index.cgi

added function for displaying uptime.  
Added the uptime using this function under the status indicators on the index page.
Created a weblet.structures file that includes the functions that were in the 
weblet.functions file that covered page structure.  Aded two new functions: t_head 
t_foot that finish ablstracting almost all of the structure.
Added two additional functions to weblet.structures that alow you to create a page 
with a single column, two columns like the index page, and three columns.
Created new master include file, weblet.include.
Abstracted the 5 content tables from the index page into seperate component files in 
Abstracted the log/file display function into weblet.functions.
Added a source display option to the bottom of the index page.  You can use this to 
view the entire weblet content source.  Please use this in conjuctions with the web 
page to provide ideas, find bugs, make sugestions on how to make it better.
Abstracted the styles into a seperate CSS file.
Removed LRP from the titles.
Did additional CGI cleanup. (And probably made a few additional messes in the 

27 June 2002
Added a new list of all the configuration files on the left side of the index page.  I 
have included all the main networking files, modules file, ppp files, and all of 
shorewall.  I did this with a combination of index.html modification (including some 
cleanup, primarily with an added style entry above that took out all the remaining 
style info bellow) and some changes in the showlogs* cgi scripts.

made a change so that on the individual pages displaying either a config file or a 
log, the entire path is displayed at the top rather than just the file name. 

Added two new links, to the configuration file section, one that gives you a single 
page with all the major configuration files from /etc and another for all the 
Shorewall files.  Each combined config list uses a seperate cgi script.

added a new header function to weblet.functions that includes a page refresh;
this to be used with the index page and all pages (logs and the like) that should
refresh to be up to date

added a new styles function to the weblet.functions that contains all the css info

changed the header functions to use the new styles function

Richard Amerman

RE: [Leaf-devel] Weblet Enhancements

2002-07-01 Thread Richard Amerman

I have already made this modification (index.cgi) and will deploy it on the LEAF 
Weblet Dev Demo by the end of the day.  I have added a link at the botom of the 
index.cgi page that will display the source for all the weblet cgi files.  It should 
also be working.
Richard Amerman

-Original Message- 
From: Charles Steinkuehler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Mon 7/1/2002 8:11 AM 
Subject: Re: [Leaf-devel] Weblet Enhancements

> On Friday 28 June 2002 00:16, Richard Amerman wrote:
> > What if we modified the architecture of Weblet so that you can add
> > standard plugins (in the format of the standard LEAF pachage format,
> > LRP for now).
> Actually, with the packaging system the only hard part would be links
> from index.html.

It should be possible to do this cleanly with an index.cgi (instead of
index.html), and a clearly defined structure for add-ons (ie each weblet
add-on package would have it's own directory and maybe a descriptive
file for use in building menus on the main web page...similar to how
lrcfg works).

Charles Steinkuehler

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[Leaf-devel] Weblet and Mosquito

2002-06-27 Thread Richard Amerman


Did you ever spend any more time playing with mosquito and its webadmin piece?
I'm now more up to date 
with some of the weblet discussions in the past few months.

Richard Amerman

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Leaf-devel mailing list

[Leaf-devel] Weblet Plug In Packages?

2002-06-27 Thread Richard Amerman

After reading Joey's message about MRTG it got me thinking.
(This is probably not a new idea)

What if we modified the architecture of Weblet so that you can add standard
plugins (in the format of the standard LEAF pachage format, LRP for now).

These might include:
Web Management of LEAF

It seems like this might not be hard to do as everything is cgi already.
It should be easy to add new content dynamicaly like this.

Space is a concern for many of us who would like to keep to a single floppy
format.  This makes it hard to work on something like Weblet, add all the 
things people might want and keep it under control.  This could be the answer.

I did a bit of checking into alternitives to Weblet (by no means exaustive) 
and it looks like sh-htppd (weblet) might still be the best answer.

Richard Amerman

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Caffeinated soap. No kidding.

Leaf-devel mailing list

RE: [Leaf-devel] Weblet Demo Site

2002-06-27 Thread Richard Amerman

Thanks Mike!
The origional weblet does not apear to generate very valid HTML, though the code it 
does generate seems to work fine.
After validating the Dev Demo version with it looks like 
there are only a few items to change.  As the entire markup is easily controled (it is 
now all in cgi) this will not take much.  I will try to work up some of the changes in 
the curent version I'm finishing.
Richard Amerman

-Original Message- 
From: Mike Noyes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thu 6/27/2002 3:30 PM 
Subject: Re: [Leaf-devel] Weblet Demo Site

On Thu, 2002-06-27 at 14:29, Richard Amerman wrote:
> I have just finished setting up a Weblet Demo box.
> It is located at
> Pleas check it out and post comments!!

It looks very nice. :-)
I have one request/question. Are you able to get this Weblet Demo to
generate valid xhtml code?


This email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
Bringing you mounds of caffeinated joy.

Leaf-devel mailing list


RE: [Leaf-devel] Weblet Demo Site

2002-06-27 Thread Richard Amerman

I must apologize for the odd formatting and spacing of my emails!  I have to use 
Outlook Web Access because of work and it is doing funny things to my email to the 
I will endeavor to figure a way to overcome this!

Richard Amerman

-Original Message- 
From: Richard Amerman 
Sent: Thu 6/27/2002 2:29 PM 
Subject: [Leaf-devel] Weblet Demo Site

I have just finished setting up a Weblet Demo box.

It is located at

Pleas check it out and post comments!!

It is currently built on Bering 1.0 RC2 and will stay that way until there is 
a new version of Weblet ready to go.  I know there were some other changes to Weblet 
made since RC2 that I need to find.

I must make a few things clear:

I do not have a clear grasp of who may also be working on Weblet and I do not 
want to do redundant work or step on anyone’s toes so I need to find out who else is 
working on Weblet or is interested in participating. I have had some discussion with 
guitarlynn so I know she is doing some work. 

Here is a list of changes currently deployed in the demo site:

Added a new list of all the configuration files on the left side of the index 
page.  I have included all the main networking files, modules file, ppp files, and all 
of Shorewall.  I did this with a combination of index.html modification (including 
some cleanup, primarily with an added style entry above that took out all the 
remaining style info bellow) and some changes in the showlogs* cgi scripts.

Made a change so that on the individual pages displaying either a config file 
or a log, the entire path is displayed at the top rather than just the file name.

Added two new links, to the configuration file section, one that gives you a 
single page with all the major configuration files from /etc and another for all the 
Shorewall files.  Each combined config list uses a seperate cgi script.  The config 
file lists are hardcoded in the scripts so it is a temporary hack.  I would like to 
directly link these to the packages so that they are dynamic.  I would also like to 
make the initial page more dynamic, move it from a static page to a separate script.

Here are the additional changes I have made today but not deployed to the demo 
site het:

Converted index.html to index.cgi

Added function for displaying uptime.  Added the uptime using this function 
under the status indicators on the index page.

Abstracted most of the original content of index.html to 

added a new header function to weblet.functions that includes a page refresh;
this to be used with the index page and all pages (logs and the like) that 
refresh to be up to date

added a new styles function to the weblet.functions that contains all the css 

changed the header functions to use the new styles function

Ju)j Ɔ)r-uf֖)+-uǰX˺~zw۳
qz爴 X)i 


[Leaf-devel] Weblet Demo Site

2002-06-27 Thread Richard Amerman

I have just finished setting up a Weblet Demo box.


It is located at


Pleas check it out and post comments!!


It is currently built on Bering 1.0 RC2 and will stay that way until there is a new 
version of Weblet ready to go.  I know there were some other changes to Weblet made 
since RC2 that I need to find.


I must make a few things clear:


I do not have a clear grasp of who may also be working on Weblet and I do not want to 
do redundant work or step on anyone’s toes so I need to find out who else is working 
on Weblet or is interested in participating. I have had some discussion with 
guitarlynn so I know she is doing some work.  


Here is a list of changes currently deployed in the demo site:


Added a new list of all the configuration files on the left side of the index page.  I 
have included all the main networking files, modules file, ppp files, and all of 
Shorewall.  I did this with a combination of index.html modification (including some 
cleanup, primarily with an added style entry above that took out all the remaining 
style info bellow) and some changes in the showlogs* cgi scripts.

Made a change so that on the individual pages displaying either a config file or a 
log, the entire path is displayed at the top rather than just the file name. 

Added two new links, to the configuration file section, one that gives you a single 
page with all the major configuration files from /etc and another for all the 
Shorewall files.  Each combined config list uses a seperate cgi script.  The config 
file lists are hardcoded in the scripts so it is a temporary hack.  I would like to 
directly link these to the packages so that they are dynamic.  I would also like to 
make the initial page more dynamic, move it from a static page to a separate script.



Here are the additional changes I have made today but not deployed to the demo site 


Converted index.html to index.cgi

Added function for displaying uptime.  Added the uptime using this function under the 
status indicators on the index page.

Abstracted most of the original content of index.html to /cgi-bin/index.content

added a new header function to weblet.functions that includes a page refresh;
this to be used with the index page and all pages (logs and the like) that should
refresh to be up to date

added a new styles function to the weblet.functions that contains all the css info

changed the header functions to use the new styles function



RE: [Leaf-devel] Weblet-webconfig

2002-06-26 Thread Richard Amerman

From: guitarlynn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wed 6/26/2002 5:37 PM

>I won't release anything that is not secured via authentication.
>This would cause more problems for the project than what the 
>ease of administration would be worth IMHO. 

I completly agree!  I'm an idealist in this endevor.  I wish
to see things move forward with out compromising the basics
that make LEAF what it is.

>In curiousity, being
>that you are a little further along with your project, would you mind
>checking out "stunnel" for authentication possibility. Someone is
>using it, but I haven't researched it (yet). A quick look would indicate
>that it could (should) be compiled statically. The dependancies look
>huge though.

You may be mistaking my enthusiasm for progress!  I have done nothing
but fiddle with the index.html and a few cgi scripts.  That  said, 
I'm willing to dive in as my time permits and help figure this stuff out!


I checked it out and it looks like it may be overkill.  It needs OpenSSL
or the like which on it's own would take care of this problem (or so it seems).
Here is a quote from Charles S 

 "If you've got the space, sh-httpd (or pretty much *ANY* inted launched
 service, web-server or otherwise) should be able to run via SSL using the
 wrapper programs provided with OpenSSL."
 Charles Steinkuehler

The problem with OpenSSL is size (I'm sure there are others, this is just the
first I see).  I was hoping to keep things small.  Jnilo's OpenSSL lrp is over 
400K!  I'm living in Bering land and find I like the option of keeping to 
one floppy.  This weblet piece and others I'm interested in may push 
things to a CD version of Bering though.
This would be OK, but I just wanted to try first at the floppy thing.

I also want to set up VPN and there may be some way to reuse  pieces between them.

>Well, my thought was to create and CLI config script or menu program
>instead of forcing direct edits with CLI. Something similar to the
>Install-scripts I was playing with:

This is where I get to plead ignorance! :-p  What is CLI?  did you mean CGI? 
Or am I just missing a new acronym.


I'll definitly check them out!

>Have you had to make any concessions to get the conf files to write
>because of permissions? I've been expecting to have problems with the 
>UID weblet runs with. If so, I imagine that you could still use the 
>weblet's UID with 744 permissions. Any thoughts-experiences???

I have yet to make any attempts to send info back through the weblet so I 
have not run into these issues.  The first thing I will be trying though, 
are some links to bring my interfaces up and down.  My setup primarily uses 
a DSL connection for the office but I have set it up with an external modem 
for emergency backup.  I'm currently working on finnishing some scripts 
to automate the failover process, but for now it is manual.  Simply an
ifdown eth0 
followed by
ifup ppp0

I'll keep you posted on the results.

Are you primarily working with DCD Lynn?

Richard Amerman

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Leaf-devel mailing list

RE: [Leaf-devel] Weblet-webconfig

2002-06-26 Thread Richard Amerman

Thanks for moving the thread Lynn!
I actualy did set up the config dump.
I now have two new links, one that gives you a single page with all the major 
configuration files from /etc and another for all the Shorewall files.  These two 
lists are hardcoded in the scripts so it is a temporary hack.  I would like to 
directly link these to the packages so that they are dynamic.  I would also like to 
make the initial page more dynamic, move it from a static page to a seperate script.
Here are a few of my thoughts.
Reguarless of any changes to the weblet content it would be best to secure it.
If it was secure, this would open the door to web remote management.
Web remote management could start with basic control panel items including:
  Bringing interfaces up and down
  Bring Shorewall up and down
From their you could eventualy edit the config files directly.  I know this is 
facilitated fine with the config menus, but if there was a full web interface to LEAF 
this would open things up to a much wider audience.
Well, one thing at a time.  I will have that demo up soon.  It will be easier to talk 
about this with a working example for people to comment on.
Richard Amerman

-Original Message- 
From: guitarlynn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wed 6/26/2002 4:47 PM 
Subject: [Leaf-devel] Weblet-webconfig

## Moved from (leaf-user)  #

On Wednesday 26 June 2002 17:33, Richard Amerman wrote:
> I currently have a modification that has a new list of all the
> configuration files on the left side.  I have included all the main
> networking files, modules file, ppp files, and all of shorewall.

> I did this with a combination of index.html modification (including
> some cleanup, primarily with an added style entry above that took out
> all the remaining style info bellow) and some changes in the
> showlogsx cgi scripts.

Very nice, Bering is setup nicer in this way. DF's network.conf really
needed to be chopped up to be cleaner in the end. I'm modularizing
the configuration which can reduce the total space taken up and also
allow for reduced (auto-)backup time/resources.

I am planning to look at something along the lines of SSL for
authentication or a SUID binary, but I haven't researched into how
feasible this would be. In any regards, some form of authentication
needs to be implemented.

> I plan on setting up a demo box outside our firewall that everyone
> can access to check out these changes.  I will let the list know when
> I have this set up.

Neat, let us know!  ;-)

~Lynn Avants
aka Guitarlynn

guitarlynn at

If linux isn't the answer, you've probably got the wrong question!

This email is sponsored by: Jabber Inc.
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i¶Þ¬*'m4Ø ÛM¶)쬶‰Þèm¶ŸÿÃ

RE: [Leaf-devel] Development Annoyances...

2002-06-26 Thread Richard Amerman

I know I am very new to LEAF but I think I'm in here for the long term.  I'm getting 
ready to play with UMLinux, and I have experience with VMWare, but I would be VERY 
interested in this type of solution.  It would make it much easier to manage several 
configurations on top of one distribution/version of LEAF. 
Richard Amerman

-Original Message- 
From: David Douthitt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wed 6/26/2002 2:06 PM 
Subject: [Leaf-devel] Development Annoyances...

There's an annoyance that comes up only in development,
and I was wondering how others handle it.

The problem is this: a development cycle (for me, anyway)
goes like this: boot, fiddle, doesn't work fix,
reboot, fiddle, fiddle, reboot, fiddle... NOW it works...

However. NOW the disk image is configured for my
environment, and needs to be cleaned out.

The usual way is to go back through ALL configurations,
reading and using grep, et al.

Isn't there a better way?

I was wondering... what if you set up some sort of new
.cf (for configuration files) or .sane (for sane
configuration :) file (or whatever it is) that allows you to
ERASE those files entirely.  This would assume that the
configuration files are matched by -dist
files for example...


cd /var/lib/lrpkg
for i in $(cat $ ; do
   mv ${i}-dist $i
rm $

apkg -s $PKG   # save package...

The other annoyance in development is this - to restate
the above dev. cycle slightly:

diddle, diddle, fix, reboot
diddle, patch, fix, save, rebot

You get the idea :-)  What's the best way to get around this?
Besides getting a cup of coffee, I mean :-)

I've tried UMLinux but that never did work and seemed to require
a patched system.  I think VMWare worked, I forget but $300+?

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