Re: [LU] last night

2023-01-05 Thread
I did Matt, well spotted. I think you are correct in all the rest as well.


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> On 5 Jan 2023, at 15:47, MATTHEW GAYNOR  
> wrote:
> .
> And you've left out Sinisterra who i suspect is the best of all our attackers
> Given that Jesse seems to prefer Aaronson out wide, we've basically got 5 
> wide players for a team that tries to play everything through the middle.
> The best No.10 at the club was probably Klich but we've let him go as his 
> knack of holding the ball and passing to a player in a wide shirt isnt what 
> we want to do anymore.
> Matt
> ---
> So if we have everyone fit, our choice of forwards is: Rodrigo (leading 
> scorer this season); Gnonto (a class apart); Summerville (developing into a 
> real threat); Harrison (when he’s good he’s very good, when he’s not… 
> nevertheless he has a great record of assists); Aaronson (lightweight, 
> unproven but flickers of quality); Bamford (mainly injured, but when not a 
> good premier league #9); Gelhardt (looks like dynamite when given 10 minutes 
> from the bench; given 90 minutes seems to struggle for impact - but clearly 
> looks like a bright future is there for the taking)
> That’s 3 who are mainly left wingers and only Aaronson on the right. Gelhardt 
> who no one seems to trust to start a game. Rodrigo who is all heart and doing 
> well as the front man but who we know will get pushed back to a “false 9” 
> position once we get a “proper #9”. Its a mess. And yet there are some really 
> good players in there.
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Re: [LU] last night

2023-01-05 Thread MATTHEW GAYNOR via Leedslist

And you've left out Sinisterra who i suspect is the best of all our 
Given that Jesse seems to prefer Aaronson out wide, we've basically got 
5 wide players for a team that tries to play everything through the 
The best No.10 at the club was probably Klich but we've let him go as 
his knack of holding the ball and passing to a player in a wide shirt 
isnt what we want to do anymore.

So if we have everyone fit, our choice of forwards is: Rodrigo (leading 
scorer this season); Gnonto (a class apart); Summerville (developing 
into a real threat); Harrison (when he’s good he’s very good, when he’s 
not… nevertheless he has a great record of assists); Aaronson 
(lightweight, unproven but flickers of quality); Bamford (mainly 
injured, but when not a good premier league #9); Gelhardt (looks like 
dynamite when given 10 minutes from the bench; given 90 minutes seems to 
struggle for impact - but clearly looks like a bright future is there 
for the taking)
That’s 3 who are mainly left wingers and only Aaronson on the right. 
Gelhardt who no one seems to trust to start a game. Rodrigo who is all 
heart and doing well as the front man but who we know will get pushed 
back to a “false 9” position once we get a “proper #9”. Its a mess. And 
yet there are some really good players in there.

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Re: [LU] Hammers / farewell to Klich

2023-01-05 Thread Richard Walker via Leedslist
 I thought we rallied well late 2nd half but overall it was a very average 
performance against one of the poorer teams in the league. 
I agree with your Aaronson comments who looks likes he's struggling big time 
but surprised you haven't picked up on Roca, who really adds nothing to the 
team other than a nice back pass and the occassional corner. He was in the side 
to be the creative midfielder but he doesn't create anything. He was dragged 
off last night, as he is most games, as we chased the game. Obviously, Marsch 
doesn't think he's capable of producing the creativity for goals either. He 
even started with a half fit Forshaw over him against the Geordies ? 10 million 
pounds of pure averageness. 
The playing around the back is back to the bad old days. Koch is terrible at 
placing a pass and was under pressure all night. It usually ends up with 
Meslier punting up front for 5ft 4 Willy to win. 
Gnonto was the highlight for me, almost a one man team at times when he gets 
the ball and runs but is this our tactic, to rely on individuals to beat 3 men 
and put it in the net ? I also thought Adams battled well in the midfield with 
nobody really helping him. 
Tactics are baffling. I think we're going down. 
Missed the Klich send off. Why didn't the club didn't announce this pre-match ?

On Thursday, 5 January 2023 at 10:08:35 GMT, nattan--- via Leedslist 
 An odd game in many ways , for 63 minutes this was two very mediocre teams 
playing poorly in awful conditions with a bad ref (" who's the  cockney in the 
black?" Sang the crowd )It would have been totally non descript apart from the 
goals, but after the introduction of Harrison things changed and for the last 
25 mins it was fun and exciting. Overall,  probably 2pts dropped rather than 
one gained , and supposedly we have dropped 14 pts when we have gone ahead ( to 
be fair last night we did get a point after being behind  as well, so not sure 
how stats are calculated)

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Rest in Peace Guy, and wear your hat!  
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[LU] last night

2023-01-05 Thread Nick
Firstly - really naffed off that there was no announcement that this was to be 
Klich’s last game and that there would be “goodbye” - loads more of the crowd 
would have stayed behind if we’d have known. You can see from the clips that he 
is in tears…what a sorry cock-up when something could so easily have been said 
and made a proper send off. He’s had 5 years and has been a real star. 

So WHam had lost the previous 5 on the bounce… they were rubbish last night. 
Showed very little, other than all the nasty time-wasting you come to expect in 
these kinds of games. And doing everything they could to kick Gnonto and 
Summerville out of the game - both flared up when wound up and someone needs to 
have a word / be a minder for them on the pitch.

Finally, we have a game plan - unfortunately its not much of a plan. Don’t let 
them score and get the ball to Summerville, Gnonto or Rodrigo. Then hope.

Both of our goals were crackers - nice movement and passing through the middle 
Gnonto & Summerville for the first one (hell of a finish too); Harrison and 
Rodrigo for the second.

But the goals we gave away were poor- especially the second…seconds into the 
second half, Aaronson plays a soft pass straight to their guy, 25 yards out, 
who just turns round and belts it in off the post.

Meslier - once again, nothing he do about the goals - because our defence is 
just all over the place - he had a real go at Cooper in the first half, after 
another attack from them had come straight through unchallenged
Ayling - is miles better than Christensen.
Cooper - again looked dodgy - although he was a) unlucky when a header was 
cleared off the line at the death, but then wayward when he scooped the rebound 
over the bar
Koch - looked solid enough
Struijk - likewise - the penalty against him was one of those 50:50 calls - the 
ref initially gave a goal kick and it happened not 10 yards from him with a 
good view.
Adams - a one man midfield
Roca - achieved little that I saw
Summerville - livewire - hooking up with Gnonto brilliantly - both are direct, 
fast, tricky and probably nightmares to play against
Gnonto - see above - plus a cracking goal. 
Aaronson - lightweight, and mainly ineffective
Rodrigo - feel for this guy - runs his socks off - has little close support - 
has got 10 this season now, almost the winner at the end, and yet people still 
don’t really value him.

SUBS - Greenwood, Klich, Harrison - all came on and made things better - moved 
us up the field: Gelhardt wasn’t on long enough to achieve much

So if we have everyone fit, our choice of forwards is: Rodrigo (leading scorer 
this season); Gnonto (a class apart); Summerville (developing into a real 
threat); Harrison (when he’s good he’s very good, when he’s not… nevertheless 
he has a great record of assists); Aaronson (lightweight, unproven but flickers 
of quality); Bamford (mainly injured, but when not a good premier league #9); 
Gelhardt (looks like dynamite when given 10 minutes from the bench; given 90 
minutes seems to struggle for impact - but clearly looks like a bright future 
is there for the taking)

That’s 3 who are mainly left wingers and only Aaronson on the right. Gelhardt 
who no one seems to trust to start a game. Rodrigo who is all heart and doing 
well as the front man but who we know will get pushed back to a “false 9” 
position once we get a “proper #9”. Its a mess. And yet there are some really 
good players in there.

Meanwhile the defence continues to be a clown show…again with some decent 

It all comes back to the game plan, which is wrong and not using the players to 
the best of their abilities.

Marsch looks done in - out of his depth and struggling.
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[LU] Klich

2023-01-05 Thread nattan--- via Leedslist
 Need to change my comment re " shit-housing' to ""Klichousery" as per his open 
letter to the fans - brilliant from him
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[LU] Who needs a big dick..

2023-01-05 Thread Greg Adams

.. when we have a small Willy?

I really like this kid.  He was, for me, the best player on the pitch - 
constantly moving, looking to play forward and a truly excellent goal.  
We deserved more from this game, but a silly pass from Aaronson gifted 
them a chance which they took.  Aaronson needs to be dropped for a 
while.  He has been ineffectual for a few games now, and doesn't rate a 
starting role.  Lots of running around but very little progress or 
creativity.  Especially with Willy and Jimmy showing a lot more skill 
and nous, but I suspect he is the teacher's pet, so won't be dropped.  
Harrison showed what was possible with a bit more composure.

Marsch looks done to me.  It felt sometimes last night that the players 
were doing their own thing and not following the game plan that we saw 
in previous matches.  Now that may be Jesse's changes, but judging from 
his press conferences, I don't thinks that is the case. It looked very 
much the type of football that we saw under the previous manager who's 
name should not be mention here, apparently.

I hope incoming Max is a good left back, because we really need to give 
Pascal a break.  I would drop Cooper for Pascal to get him (Pascal) back 
to being a center-back again.  Incidentally, it does it not seem weird 
that we are offering contract extensions to all our center-backs when we 
have Cresswell and Heldje waiting in the wings? I would be comfortable 
letting Cooper and LLorente go at the end of the season to give the two 
youngsters a chance.

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Rest in Peace Guy, and wear your hat!

[LU] Hammers / farewell to Klich

2023-01-05 Thread nattan--- via Leedslist
An odd game in many ways , for 63 minutes this was two very mediocre teams 
playing poorly in awful conditions with a bad ref (" who's the  cockney in the 
black?" Sang the crowd )It would have been totally non descript apart from the 
goals, but after the introduction of Harrison things changed and for the last 
25 mins it was fun and exciting. Overall,  probably 2pts dropped rather than 
one gained , and supposedly we have dropped 14 pts when we have gone ahead ( to 
be fair last night we did get a point after being behind  as well, so not sure 
how stats are calculated)
Nothing of note happened for the first 25mins as teams low on confidence 
battled it out, then a moment of brilliance,  Rodrigo flicked a header from a 
throw into the path of the impressive Gnonto,  he ran, passed to Summerville,  
continued his run into the box where the return pass from Summerville set him 
up perfectly to lash home.  Great goal. We then retreated into our shell and 
west ham came onto us. Keep it 1-0 till ha,f time was the general consensus,  
but just like last week , we blew all the good work by letting them get a spare 
man ( sound familiar?) and it ended with Struijk fouling one of them inside the 
box, not sure if ref didn't see it or chose to play on ( they missed a sitter  
) but we all knew VAR would not be so kind.West ham tosser did some weird run 
up and celebrated as if he had done something special. Dickhead.
Second half and within a minute we had totally messed things up, a woeful pass 
backwards by aaronson was as bad as coopers last week , and  bang 2 1 down. 
Aaronson looked great first few games , especially v Chelsea but he has got 
worse and worse,  do lightweight and offering nothing. A spell in the reserves 
may help him ? Fans are losing patience. 
We did nothing for the next 20mins but then Harrison came on and changed it 
all. Good management by Jesse  ? Yes but not necessarily for the right reason,  
he may have taken Summerville off to protect him, it was immediately after he 
committed an almost red card offence , clattering into one of theirs.  Whatever 
the reason it worked, klich came on at the same time for the ineffectual 
We came to life and mainly ran them ragged, with at least one scare at our end, 
Antonio nearly getting on the end of a cross shot that went just wide. Our goal 
was Harrison running through them, feeding Rodrigo who fired home, a good 
finish. Rod had another tipped over, cooper had one blocked on the line and 
fired the rebound  miles over, then  in the dying seconds Joffy ( on for 
another paltry 5 minutes) was brought down,  the free kick was headed back by 
cooper to Rodrigo whose excellent header was met by an even better save. So a 
draw and a point, not a great result but a point is vital.
As we made our way down the terraces we saw the Klich was surrounded  y the 
players, all wearing 43 on their T shirts and his picture on  the front ( klich 
with a cigar - great pic) and they gave him a guard of honour,  we sang the " 
20 yards or 30yard song" as Klich waved and blew kisses and was very emotional. 
 A good send off to a great servant. He started it all off with the first 
Bielsa goal v stoke and then started every game for 2 seasons till he was too 
drunk to play in   our champions  celebration game at derby. Played really well 
for us,  scoring important goals, doing the right amount  of funny 'shit- 
housing ' and made the team and the club  better and more fun. His graffiti 
mural will remain as his legacy.  Bye bye Klichy and thanks for everything. 
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