LL:INFO: Police Violence at S11 - model TU motion

2000-09-21 Thread Melanie Sjoberg

The blockade of the World Economic Forum from Sept 11-13 (S11) has been 
hailed as a significant political victory by most of those present.

Subscribers to the UACT email list will be aware that not all you read in 
the mainstream press is accurate.

On day one 15-20,000 people coordinated a peaceful non-violent blockade 
with speakers and activities that managed to raise enormous discussion 
about the need for international working class solidarity against the 
actions of the IMF, WTO, WEF, World Bank etc.  The high level of 
understanding among young people was especially inspiring.  Day two saw the 
addition of some 10,000 unionists from a trades hall rally and day three 
had 10,000 march through the city and then circle the Crown Casino holding 
hands.  Many have described the action as a festival of the oppressed.

The police attacks have received wide ranging coverage and a rapid call for 
an inquiry into the levels of police violence.

The following motion has been drafted by activists from Melbourne seeking 
the widest support from unionists to condemn the actions and encourage an 

Please circulate these and act upon them.

More information on these issues is available at www.greenleft.org.au and 

The motion below can be used in any and every opening to raise a discussion 
in workplaces, union meetings, letters and /or articles to union journals 
etc about the victory and lessons from S11 and the specific issue of police 

Melanie Sjoberg

Motion for Union meetings/workplaces etc

Insert the appropriate wording where it says `the union'.

The Union condemns the assault by Victoria Police on the three day protest 
and blockade of the World Economic Forum. In particular the unlawful baton 
charges on Tuesday, September 12. We are extremely concerned at the 
endorsement of these savage attacks by ALP Premiers' Steve Bracks and Bob Carr.

The Union regards these assaults as a dangerous attack on the right to 
protest and a serious threat to the right of all Unions to establish picket 
lines in the course of industrial campaigns.

The Union recognises that the Police have options other than the use of 
force when faced with non -violent picketers or blockaders who may be 
breaking the law by obstructing entry to particular premises.

The Union regards that actions of the Victoria Police in using overwhelming 
force against S11 protestors as an attempt to punish the protesters  rather 
than an attempt to enforce the law.

The Union therefore demands that Premier Steve Bracks:

Publicly repudiate his comments endorsing the assaults by Victoria Police 
against S11 protestors;

state that the Victorian Government  opposes the use of violence by the 
Police against non -violent demonstrators engaging in acts of civil 

Support an independent inquiry into Police violence against S11 
demonstrators which would examine the actions of the Victoria police, and 
in particular would investigate * who ordered the baton charges on Tuesday 
September 12 * why demonstrators were given no warning prior to the baton 
charges * why Police failed to wear their identification badges throughout 
the protest

Instruct the Victoria Police that when confronted with people engaging in 
summary offences, such as blockading driveways and the like, they are only 
entitled to enforce the law by making arrests. In making such arrests, 
police are only permitted to use reasonable force, and are duty bound to 
use minimum force only. The use of overwhelming force against non -violent 
picketers/blockaders engaging in such summary offences, is not acceptable 
and unlawful

The officials of Union will take the necessary steps to make its position 
on this issue known to Union members and the general public. The Union will 
also work closely with other Unions and community organisations to see that 
our demands in relation to this issue are met.


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LL:QUERY: Vain request

2000-09-21 Thread toni bloodworth

Hi all,

did any one happen to see 6 people dressed up in funny clothes with
colourful hair and painted faces calling themselves the Clowns Against
Capitalism at S11? I was one of them and we have been wondering where all
the photos are that everyone took of us. There was a brilliant one standing
with linked arms in front of a row of mounted police. If anyone out there
has any photos that they are willing to pass on to us (we'll cover costs of
reprints etc) we would sure appreciate it. This is just a vain attempt at
self-glorification but we reckon we looked damn good and would like a
memento of the occasion. We were also involved in holding up Napthine's car
and got some derogatory comments from a journo at the HUN for our efforts.
Apart from that we managed to avoid most of the police attacks although got
closer than we expected to one barrage involving horses - but we drove the
bastards back! The rest of the day was spent bringing smiles to people's
faces and generally having a good time pointing out that the real clowns
were those inside the casino.

Any help appreciated. Reply to my personal email if you can help us out.

Yours in solidarity,
Clown 3.


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LL:ART: Outcry may snag Bracks' barbecue

2000-09-21 Thread jane

Outcry may snag Bracks' barbecue
2000-09-21 00:04:16

Premier Steve Bracks is under pressure to postpone or cancel a celebratory 
barbecue for police, with two more ALP branches condemning his support for 
police action during the World Economic Forum in Melbourne.

The Uniting Church In Victoria has also backed calls by unions and civil 
libertarians for an independent inquiry into police conduct during the 
forum protests.

Mr Bracks announced last week that he would host a barbecue at Parliament 
House for police and their families to thank police for their efforts 
during the forum.

But ALP branch members yesterday called on Mr Bracks to either cancel or 
postpone the barbecue until the police ombudsman, Barry Perry, finalised 
his investigation into complaints by forum protesters against police.

The Premier's Williamstown branch passed a motion this week condemning Mr 
Bracks and calling for the barbecue to be delayed until Dr Perry's findings 
were made public.

The Flemington and Elsternwick branches of the ALP have also passed motions 
condemning the statements by Mr Bracks in support of the police. Flemington 
branch president Peter Robertson said yesterday he would resign from the 
ALP if the barbecue went ahead. "I'll be down there burning my membership 
card," he said.

Flemington branch members also want the party's state conference to 
consider repudiating Mr Bracks over his support for the police.

Mr Bracks returns to work today after two days' leave. A spokesman for the 
Premier said yesterday that the barbecue was "proceeding as planned".

At its annual synod in Melbourne yesterday, the Uniting Church backed the 
right to protest peacefully and called on police to use a minimum of force. 
Several members of the synod, including the mover of the resolution, were 
involved in the protests.

Reverend Dr Peter Matheson, the principal of the church's Theological Hall, 
said during the debate: "I don't think I have ever witnessed such police 
brutality as we saw here in Melbourne."

He also condemned the use of terms such as "fascist behavior" and 
"un-Australian" - both used by Mr Bracks to describe the protesters - as 
evoking "terrible memories" of the McCarthy era in the United States.

Deputy Premier John Thwaites yesterday moved to downplay the seriousness of 
ructions within the ALP, saying Mr Bracks was "quite right" to support the 
police and the government was "absolutely" behind their actions.

"The police had a very difficult situation that they confronted," he said. 
"The advice I have is that they did a very good job."

This story was found at: http://www.theage.com.au/news/2921/A9616-2


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LL:DDN: Invitation to Coming the Right Way

2000-09-21 Thread Keepers of Lake Eyre

Walking the Land- for Our Ancient Right
For Peace and Healing


Camped with the Sacred Fire for Peace,
Botany Bay National Park, Kurnell, Sydney

Media Release and Invitation
For 23  24 September, 2000

Walking the Land for Our Ancient Right, Peace and Healing; local elders; 
First Nations peoples; and others-  present:

"Coming the Right Way"

An enactment of Captain Cook's landing, in two ways:

"Coming the Wrong Way"

Saturday 23 September, at 10am.


"Coming  the  Right  Way"

Sunday 24 September, at 10am.

Don't miss this one~

Be there!

"While the Olympic Games are on and as part of the year 2000 gatherings, 
part of our message is to bring the boats in the Right Way- for peace and 

"It will be a blessing."

Kevin Buzzacott:   0417 838 906

For more information and to contact Walking the Land:

Website:   www.come.to/lakeeyre



Telephone Walking the Land direct:
0417 838 906 / 0419 812 788

Walking the Land/Keepers of Lake Eyre, in Adelaide:
(08) 8340 4401

Financial donations much needed and welcome:

Keepers of Lake Eyre,
Commonwealth Bank Account Number:
5112 1008 2328


Keepers of Lake Eyre, in South Australia:
Web:   www.come.to/lakeeyreEmail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tel:   (08) 8340 4401   /  Mobile:  0419 812 788
Post:   C/- Conservation Council, 120 Wakefield St, Adelaide, S.A. 5000


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LL:INFO: videos for screening

2000-09-21 Thread Art Resistance

ARTV is a Sydney based community Tv group which produces alternative media
material and broadcasts it on Channel 31 in Sydney.
We have a range of docos we have produced which would be suitable for
screening at your venue. For example we produced a 15 min doco on the Walk
across the Bridge, No Reconciliation without Justice. We are producing a
range of pieces covering S11. We have a short piece on Graffitti: Voices of
Protest, a short piece on the situation for women in Iraq, UPdate on East
Timor, and many more. Send us an address for posting and I'll send you a
sample of them,
hear from you soon, Jill for ARTV


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LL:INFO: Graffiti at S11

2000-09-21 Thread toni bloodworth

Keep up the good work people! Where there are blank walls there is space for
a message!

GRAFFITO --political satire/cultural activism -

 FORWARDED MESSAGE through diyweb 

S11 Graffiti

Graffiti has always been a mode of expression for ideas
outside of the mainstream. In Melbourne September 11 - 13, 2000
outside the World Economic Forum meeting in the Crown
Casino, huge numbers used chalk and paint to tell the world why
they were there, and what was going on. As one piece said,

"I can't afford to buy off the media, so I buy paint"

I changed the capitalisation so as
to make for easier reading, but haven't changed spelling.

Their greed will kill you

Equate anarchy with justice

Graffiti is a wonderful tool: buy your can today (=$3)

Liberty or death

It's becos we don't want to be bored

WEF - crime wave in progress


your affluence is killing us

There'd be enough for the needs of all, but for the greed of a few

Do a cop a favour, beat yourself up

Proudly unaustralian

No money, anywhere, anytime

In order to move on from Jurassic social policy, some social
dinosaurs have to become extinct

Don't feed the animals
(on the wall around the casino, which large numbers of
police stood behind the whole 3 days)

I think, therefore I'm unaustralian


Pigs behind bars, a grand concept

Go well, Go Shell, Go to Hell!

Never mind what's been selling, its what you're buying

First world wealth = third world death

perma-culture not consumer culture

Che lives

Stop gambling with lives

Fight war, not wars

Do they look like thugs or what
(on the wall)

Don't buy papers, take Action

Make Crown a prison, the criminals are already inside

Globalise Resistance

Victorian police protect criminals

Want violence? Try mining!

Such little boys, such big toys...

We live in a society, not an economy

We are all lost in our own forest, but gazing at the same sky

Such big batons - do they have a penis complex?

Welcome to Howard's relaxed and comfortable Australia

Revolution - right here, right now

Blame the USA!

I always do

We make it, they take it


Big Mac - not so big anymore

Lesbian solidarity

Children of the earth Unite and Take Over!

Money is a social construct

Ronald McDonald felches pigs

Fuck the pink dollar, sexuality is not 4 sale

See you in Sydney

Exist and Resist

The war 4 our streets begins with you

Crown is a maggot colony

Down with a world where the guarantee you won't die of
starvation has
been purchased with the guarantee that you will die of

This is Kulin land

responsible protester was 'ere 2000

Economise this, you WEF scum

Sabotage will set us free, throw a rock in the machine

No future without revolution

Bread not batons

Clowns against capitalism are go!

Weed not greed

Money is not my God

Money makes the world go square

Demand the impossible!

Break the Bank
Defund the Fund
Dump the Debt
Power to the People

Bad spellers of the world untie

Kites + balloons stop WEF choppers

Nike we are not your slaves

Human dignity is more important than greed

Cancel the 'debt'

Free trade = slave trade

We're still here

John Howard = lowlife coward
Peter Reith = bloody thief
Peter Costello well he just plain sux

Where's constable care?
There's only constable corrupt

We are winning

Capitalism sux

The faces of capitalist oppression have no names
(after all police removed name badges)

Shoot cops not smack

John Howard is unaustralian

No, he's very Australian
Australia is genocide

Chemical drugs not chemical weapons

Work hard, make your boss rich

The true revolutionary is guided by feelings of great love

Problem: Capitalism
Solution: Revolution

Work together

By any means necessary


The whole world's watching... mainstream media

Kill your television

Share the wealth

Don't hate the media, become the media

Sure you can say whatever we want you to say

Who elected corporate rule?

Patent Greed!

Rupert Murdoch - what a wanker

Clown Cassino

These are not the droids you're looking for

Corporate world = hell on earth

Think for yourself, but only because WE told you to

Gamble your world away

Can you trust a private commercial media?

USA's over

Cops: Rebel against your overpaid bosses!

Don't get rid of graffiti, get rid of the Filth

3rd world poverty c/o WEF

You are under 24 hour surveillance

You better believe it

The more you consume the less you live

Open your eyes
Open your mouth
Close your hand
.. make a fist

You can't eat money

Eat the rich!

No war between nations, No peace between classes

Fuck Earth
It makes $ence

Meat is murder

Meat is shithouse

Go to work! - on Howard's head

Break banks, not people

Spank the banks

Cops with fake smiles make me feel icky

Nike just fuck off

The strong only!

The money machine does not dream

Property of S11

LL:PR: what's on earth matters this week 22/9

2000-09-21 Thread 3CR Staff Email

EARTH MATTERS can be heard on 3CR in Melbourne Sunday 11am, 2XX Canberra
Tuesday 10am, 8CCC Alice Springs Sundays between 8-9pm, 2NCR Lismore Friday
10am, 5UV Adelaide Thursday 2pm, 7LTN Launceston Monday 7:30pm, 2VOX
Wollongong between 9-10am  much more!!

Earth Matters
Program 109b

Juliet Fox
3CR Community Radio
03 9419 8377
ComRadSat Program 22/9/2000
INTRO : "Hello and welcome to =85"
OUTRO : "... see next week."
DURATION : 26'30" (frogs til 27'30")

Walden Bello - Filipino academic and activist

Today on Earth Matters we hear excerpts from Walden Bello, Filipino
academic and activist speaking at the Australian Council for Overseas Aid's
(ACFOA) conference - "Development Challenges in the Global Economy". Walden
is Executive Director of Focus on the Global South, a research insititute
based in Bangkok, Thailand, and Chairman of the Board of Greenpeace in
South-east Asia.=20

Walden addresses the issue of legitimacy of organisations such as the
International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the World Trade
Organisation and questions the ability to "reform" such instititutions. He
also raises concerns regarding the United Nations involvement with
multinational corporations, as well as non-government organisations.

PART 1 dur: 11'20"

PART 2 dur: 13'58"

PS apologies for no cue sheet last week - it was Meena Ramon from the
Penang Consumers Association and environmentalists at the Green Block
outside the World Economic Forum in Melbourne


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LL:URL: World March of Women signature card campaign: you can sign

2000-09-21 Thread Cathy Picone

Precedence: bulk

Dear friends,

The conclusion of the World March of Women and the delivery of signatures
to the United Nations in New York on October 17th is rapidly approaching.
=46or more details about the campaign, please see the message below.

The national coordinating committee would like to remind supporters of the
importance of signing and getting others to sign the support cards in
support of the World March Demands.

In Australia, please forward the cards to: 6 Lancaster Avenue, REDCLIFFE
Queensland  4020 by next Wednesday 27th September. We need to freight them
to New York on that day.

Signatures are also being collected on-line at the World March Web Site.

At the moment, we have 2 million signatures worldwide but 10 million is our
target. Clearly in this last month of the campaign, we need to generate a
vast chain of signatures! To do that, your help is needed.

As a gesture of solidarity with the women in 157 countries around the world
now involved in the World March of Women campaign, can you please:

* sign on-line if you haven't already signed a card?

* forward this message to your friends and networks?

many thanks and all the best,

Cathy Picone
national coordinating committee
World March of Women 2000 - Australia

The World March of Women is an ambitious project involving more than 5,200
groups in 157 countries who are united in activities of popular education
and mobilisation for political demands. The World March of Women is calling
on the United Nations and its member states to adopt concrete measures to
eliminate violence against women and poverty. On October 16th, 2000, a
delegation of women from every world region will meet with the managing
director of the International Monetary Fund, Horst K=F6hler, and the
president of the World Bank, James Wolfensohn. On October 17th, during an
international rally in New York, the international delegation will meet
with UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan. At this time, they will present him
with signatures gathered from around the world in support of the world
demands of the March of Women. The goal of the signature campaign is to
gather over 10 million signatures worldwide. Your signature is important
and can contribute to creating a more just and egalitarian world. You can
sign the support card at this address:


Please send this message to all your friends and acquaintances.

You can find out all about the World March of Women, from its
organisational structure to the demands, by visiting our Web site at:

Join with the millions of women and men who are marching to change the world=

=46=E9d=E9ration des femmes du Qu=E9bec
110, Ste-Th=E9r=E8se, #307
Montr=E9al (Qu=E9bec)
Canada H2Y 1E6
TEL: 1 (514) 395-1196
=46AX: 1 (514) 395-1224


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