Re: [LegacyUG] Events in Assigned Sources list in tree from GEDCOM

2009-09-06 Thread Paul Brown
Hello Paul,

I think what you are looking at is the list of POTENTIAL items for which a 
source could be entered - if appropriate.  In the same way, any new entered by 
you has Death and Burial listed in this potential list.  I believe they cannot 
be removed but they will not show up in reports unless some data gets entered 
for that particular source.

(I selected Had No Children and clicked Remove, and that didn't seem to work.)  
The Remove in this instance is to remove any data entered for that potential 
source.  Clicking Remove will remove the data entered but not the potnetial 
source from the list.

In my opinion, no need to be concerned about them.

Paul Brown
Townsville, Queensland, Australia.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Paul Ramshaw 
  To: legacyusergroup 
  Sent: Monday, September 07, 2009 11:51 AM
  Subject: [LegacyUG] Events in Assigned Sources list in tree from GEDCOM

  I imported a GEDCOM file. Man A married Woman B and had children with her and 
then married Woman C. When I look at the Assigned Sources list for man A, there 
are four events listed for each marriage: 

Marr: woman B
Had No Children: woman B
Did not marry woman B
Mar Notes: woman B

  Why does the list show the Had No Children and Did not marry events for woman 
B (when it's clear from the information in the file that they did marry and 
they did have children)?  Should I just ignore those events?  Is there a way to 
remove them?  (I selected Had No Children and clicked Remove, and that didn't 
seem to work.)

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Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy crashing

2009-08-19 Thread Paul Brown
I have just installed on a system running WinXP Pro and on another 
running Vista 64 bit.  I experirenced no problems on either system.


Paul Brown

Mike Fry wrote:

I also use Vista and do not experience any problems with the Master 
Location list. My conclusion? Something awry on individual systems.

Best regards,
Mike Fry

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Re: [LegacyUG] Drag & Drop

2009-04-06 Thread Paul Brown
I don't believe Mike's reply to be correct.  The help file shows, under Drag 
and Drop:

How to Copy From One File to Another

When you have two family files open at the same time, you can drag a name, a 
family, or an entire line from one file to the other

It goes on to explain about merge. I have used it many times where the 
starting person for the drag does not exist in the second database and a 
linking is then needed.

You must have highlighted the bar (normally blue but depending on your 
colour scheme) on the top of the database you want to copy from.  A drag and 
drop starts with a screen on options to copy just one indiviaual, all that 
person's ancestors, all that person's descendants, all that person's family, 
all that family line, or all the file.  Make a selection and click on "Start 

I am sure Ronald Ferguson would chip in with 'but back up first".


Paul Brown.
Townsville Queensland, Australia

- Original Message - 
From: "Mike Fry" 

Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2009 7:59 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Drag & Drop

Elizabeth wrote:

I have a recurrent problem - I cannot 'drag and drop' individuals from
one database to another, using the split screen mode.  I have tried
again and again, it just does not work for me.

Can anyone suggest what I might be doing wrong, please?

So far as I know, you can only drag one person from one database and drop 
them on an existing person in the second database. This performs a merge 
and a copy. Merging matching people and adding those that don't exist. It 
only makes sense to drop the record on a person with the same name.

Mike Fry

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Re: [LegacyUG] v7 Relationships

2008-06-13 Thread Paul Brown


Something like this happened to me some time back so it would have been 
while I was using V6.  Eventually, I tracked it down to an entry I had in 
the database where someone was his own grand-pa.  I can't recall how I 
managed to achieve that but it was causing the calculator to run around in 
ever decreasing circles.  It never managed to get out of the loop.

I think the Check/repair in File Maintenance told me what was wrong.

I have just run it on my file in V7 with 16,348 names in the database, Blood 
relationship limit set to 5 and Non-Blood relationship limit set ti 2.  It 
took about a minute.


- Original Message - 
From: "Art Seddon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 4:06 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] v7 Relationships

I let "Set Relations" run overnight and this morning it was still running,
showed over 1,000,000 calculations but still NO results. That was with the
non-blood set to zero. In V6 it took about 2 minutes. What happened?

Art Seddon

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Re: [LegacyUG] Help with Install password for Legacy 7.0 Free version

2008-06-05 Thread Paul Brown
As Jan's message said, let's get this in perspective.  Wynther's expectation 
is unreal.  If you were to order something to be delivered by courier from 
the other side of the country, would you have the used of it immediately 
after ordering?

Maybe different here with the use of electronic delivery but even computer 
processing can take time.  Millennia is undoubtedly swamped with order 
processing.  But I still received my Deluxe Key 8 hours after ordering and I 
think that is pretty good.



- Original Message - 
From: "Wynthner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 1:35 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Help with Install password for Legacy 7.0 Free 

Jan, sorry about your problems but
If I purchase something and the charge hits my account today then I should 
be able to use the product today-PERIOD.
If it takes 24 hours to process the e-mailed password then the account 
shouldn't be charged until that e-mail is sent-PERIOD
Why the devil should they have use of my money for 24 hours when I can NOT 
use the product??

- Original Message 
From: Jan Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 3, 2008 11:49:16 PM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Help with Install password for Legacy 7.0 Free 

Let’s get some perspective into this please! I am sick of all the whingers
- and I know I am at risk of being ticked off for being off-topic, but it
has got beyond a joke. I have been as keen as anyone else to get my hands
on Version 7.0. 30 minutes ago I paid for Deluxe 7.0, and within 5 minutes
I got confirmation of my order - along with a reminder of what was clearly
spelled out on the website - that I would receive a separate email with
download instructions and password by the end of the next working day (but
probably sooner!) So I wait! The world is not going to come to an end
because I don't have it this minute! In the whole scheme of things having
to wait for the password is very, very minor. You see, I am waiting for
results of a CT scan and liver biopsy to see if I do in fact have secondary
cancer from the breast cancer I thought I had beaten for six years! Sort of
makes waiting for a Legacy password pale into insignificance doesn't it!

Millennium staff - thank you for a fantastic product at a fantastic price.
I hope all the whingers have hard drive crashes! :-)


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Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy and Linux

2008-04-30 Thread Paul Brown


I tried getting Legacy to run under WINE about 6 months ago (Using CentOS 5 
as the op sys).  I took it along to our local Linux User Group and spent a 
couple of hours on it one evening with a couple of guys who are experts on 
Linux.  I can't remember what the exact problem was but we failed and 
abandoned the idea.

- Original Message - 
From: "John Carter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2008 7:10 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy and Linux

Legacy requires Windows or a very good emulator.

It *might* be possible to run Legacy on a Linux box IF you can get a
version of WINE for the Linux box and IF Legacy works OK under WINE (I
don't know because I haven't tried it). Unless someone can verify that
this configuration will work, the Linux box might not be a good choice.

If you want to use Linux directly, there are genealogy programs available
and you can exchange data with Legacy via GEDCOM files - but not with the
integration of Pocket Genealogist.


I'm considering purchasing a small portable computer running Linux 

Does anyone have experience running Legacy with Linux. Considering I've
never used Linux and am not familiar with it - what probelms should I
expect. My main purpose for purchasing this computer is it's small size
(about 10" screen) but larger than my iPAQ running pocket genealogist.

Thanx for all input on or off list.


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Re: [LegacyUG] Restore multimedia zip file

2008-04-19 Thread Paul Brown

G'day Richard,

I can't really comment on Secure zip as I use ZipGenius, another freebie.  I 
have a similar setup to yours in that I mainly work on my desktop but 
frequently copy my files to my laptop.  I have no troulbe doing this, either 
from Desktop to Laptop or vice versa.

Firstly,  I exclusively use the Legacy backups, the ones we are prompted 
with when we close Legacy.  I place these directly to a USB disk.  Copying 
the .fdb file, as you have said you do, does not copy some of the other 
files you may have set up.

On the other computer, I restore the family file in Legacy using File > 
Restore family file.

I have all of my pictures stored under C:\Legacy\Pictures\BC Pics and about 
100 folders under that - divided up by family, certificate type etc.  On the 
machine I am transferring to, I first kill the BC Pics file.  Then I use 
Windows Explorer to find the Pics Backup on the USB,  right click it and use 
ZipGenius and Extract to..
I simply tell it to extract to the C: drive and all get restored where they 
should be.

Hope this helps.


Townsville, Queensland, Australia.
 - Original Message - 
From: "Richard Van Wasshnova" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2008 5:59 AM
Subject: [LegacyUG] Restore multimedia zip file

Has anyone ever had difficulty extracting Legacy multimedia files that 
were created on another computer?

For a couple years I've been copying my Legacy multimedia files from desk 
to laptop, (sometimes vice-versa), using File / backup multimedia files to 
create a zip file and then extracting on the other computer. Both 
computers used the same Win XP zip extraction utility. I did not have a 
zip creation utility on either. I assumed Legacy used it's own internal 
zip creation utility.

Win XP can't create zip files so 2 months ago I installed a free "Secure 
zip for windows" on desktop to enable sending a more compact email 
attachment to a cousin.

Yesterday I copied Legacy FDB file from desk to laptop and also the 
multimedia zip backup. I deleted all Legacy multimedia files (some have 
been renamed or moved within subdirectories so would no longer be linked). 
When I extracted the multimedia zip backup on laptop it stopped with a 
message that a file required a password to unzip. Not knowing a password I 
clicked "skip file" for about 60 times until extraction completed.

I then used Options/Customize/Locations to create a list of missing MM 
files. Mostly the missing were .mht (MHTML) but some were .jpg and maybe 

I was able to open the multimedia zip backup in Win explorer and drag and 
drop the subdirectories into legacy to fill in the missing MM files.

Apparently the Secure zip program on my desktop adversely affects the 
Legacy backup multimedia files created there.

Richard Van Wasshnova
Seal Beach, CA

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Re: [LegacyUG] Date Calculator?

2008-03-25 Thread Paul Brown
It is still there, Walt.  Maybe with a different icon from what you were 
used to.

The icon at the top of the screen looks like a bunch of dates with a 6 on 
it.  When you select it, there are three possible screens showing at the 
top - 'Month Claendar', 'Year Calendar', and 'Date Calculator'.  Still 
operates the same way.


- Original Message - 

Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2008 7:00 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Date Calculator?

I had been using Legacy 5, what happened to the Date Calculator in Legacy 
6? Something I used often.

Walt Conner

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Re: [LegacyUG] February 74% OFF

2008-02-14 Thread Paul Brown
Sorry Sherry, I did not think about converting to plain text. -  my main 
thought was to report it.

I am not now replying on list.  Enough has gone on already but I do 
appreciate the support from yourself and Susan Daily.

Maybe some one more wiser could draft a comment on what to do in the event 
of spam on the list.  This was actually the first spam I have had in about 6 
months - from anywhere.

Look forward to meeting you later this year on the cruise.


- Original Message - 
From: "Sherry/Support" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, February 15, 2008 8:05 AM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] February 74% OFF

Paul did not send the original spam. He replied to the list about it,
unfortunately neglecting to convert the HTML email to plain text..

I just hate how spammers are getting around safeguards that are put in. 

original spam was from

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  A sure sign that the email headers
were spoofed!  I get spam all the time from [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] and I know darn well I'm not sending me spam!

Thanks for using Legacy.

Customer Support
Millennia Corporation

We are changing the world of genealogy!

When replying to this message, please include all previous correspondence.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan 

Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2008 1:51 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] February 74% OFF

Yes, Dede, he has sent at least 16 emails to LUG since 2006.

On 2/14/08, Dede Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I thought of that after I clicked the button.  My reflexes are too
quick when I see "Viagra"!

Every now and then, an e-mail from LUG gets sent to my Spam file.
Fortunately and I can check it there and let them know it is not Spam.

I'm still wondering if Paul Brown is a legitimate member of this user
group.  If he is, I hope he will reply and let us know.

On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 9:11 AM, Dave Naylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


> On 14 Feb 2008  Dede Holden wrote:
> > I thought it was spam when I received it and I reported it to Google


> > spam.
> Spam that appears to be coming from a mailing list should never be
> reported, because doing so could cause *all* of that mailing list's
> messages to be blocked.
> This has happened a few times with RootsWeb's mailing lists.
> Cheers, -- Dave N.
> --
>  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada.

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Re: [LegacyUG] February 74% OFF

2008-02-14 Thread Paul Brown
So, Who has pirated what?  Another email wearing out my delete button.  Anway, 
what is the use of Viagra Soft?  I thought that is what they were trying to fix.

I hope this rubbish can be stopped,

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2008 7:31 PM
  Subject: [LegacyUG] February 74% OFF

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Re: [LegacyUG] Proper Surname Capitalization?

2008-01-10 Thread Paul Brown
If you want to achieve this without changing your settings, just enter the 
surname as o'brian.  Legacy will change it to O'brian when you go yo the next 
box in that screen.  Then go back to the surname box in edit mode.  Place the 
cursor at the b, delete it and put in a B.  You will then have O'Brian.

You will be left with both O'Brian and O'brian in your master list of surnames. 
 A 'Purge Unused' in Options will get rid of the O'brian as long as no others 
have been entered with O'brien.  In that event, a Show list in Options will 
show you what ones need correcting.

Hope that helps

  - Original Message - 
  From: Bob Hendry 
  Sent: Friday, January 11, 2008 3:13 AM
  Subject: [LegacyUG] Proper Surname Capitalization?

  A number of names in my file have apostrophes - like O'Brian.  How do I get 
Legacy to capitalize the letter after the apostrophe?


  Slainte mhath!

  Major Bob Hendry
  United States Army (Ret.)


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Re: [LegacyUG] PHotos

2007-12-31 Thread Paul Brown


Someone on this group recommended FastStone Image Viewer a few months back. 
It is free for personal use.  I am now using it after a not tool difficult 
learning curve.  Available from

I suggest it is worth a try.

- Original Message - 
From: "Glenny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2008 12:07 PM
Subject: [LegacyUG] PHotos

I spent a bit of time looking at the picture software that was mentioned in 
the Legacy News.   Without putting out the amount of money some of these 
cost, what suggestions does anyone have for organizing photos a, scanning, 
labeling etc.?


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Re: [LegacyUG] Source Dropdown Box Idea

2007-12-06 Thread Paul Brown

Like Ron, I am somewhat skeptical  of this idea.

I cannnot see any advantage in this suggestion and some serious 
disadvantages.  If I have read the suggestion properly, the idea could be 
achieved using the source clipboard.  If the master source is put on the 
clipboard and the 'Prompt for detail' box is ticked, anything typed for the 
first source is repeated for the others - providing they are all done at the 
same time.  If you are a 'lumper' - which I am not, and you get parents' 
name from a birth cert, then I assume you note the name of the newnborn in 
the detail.  If you put that on the clipboard for the child, then on 
entering the name of the parents and clicking to enter the source from the 
clipboard, the name of the child will appear in the detail section.

The source clipboard is one of the best 'labour-saving' devices in Legacy.

Because pf the way BMD Indices are published in Australia, we can have 
several thousand detail entries for one master source and largely, they are 
not repeated.  I tested to see how long a dropdown might take by using 'show 
list' in viewing the sources and found the wait annoying.

In summary, I an against the suggestion.  But, on the positive side, I 
suggest tyou try the clipboard and see if it helps.

Paul Brown.

- Original Message - 
From: "ronald ferguson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, December 07, 2007 8:21 AM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Source Dropdown Box Idea


I gave never managed to work out why one might wish to put the name of a 
person in the Source Details.

As I see it the source is attached to an event, the event is attached to an 
individual, so I have the individuals name. When I wish to see a source for 
that individual I go to that event and bring up the source.

I cannot see what I am missing so would be grateful for an explanation. The 
only thing I put in Source Details are details relating to a source eg 
cemetery name, address, grave number and possibly where I got the 
information from if it's not in the Master Source (I'm a lumper)

Ron Ferguson


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Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2007 15:14:04 -0500
Subject: [LegacyUG] Source Dropdown Box Idea

Hi Legacy Users and Support Team,

I have an idea for sourcing that would make my life a whole lot easier
if we could implement it. I'll try to explain it using an example.

Let's say you have an existing master source and you want to add
source detail to it. It would be great if you could access a dropdown
box that showed you all the other source detail entries already
connected to that master source.

Master Source: Cemetery A (along with all the relevant master source
details: the URL, city and state, etc)

When you click on the master source, you would be presented with any
existing source details already used elsewhere. For example:
Source detail options:
tombstone entry for John Doe (with all other details such as accessed
date, transcription, etc.)
tombstone entry for Jane Doe
tombstone photograph for Ralph Doe

You could then just click one of the available choices and finally
attach that where it needs to be (to a person, fact, or event).

Often, a tombstone transcription needs to be attached in three places
(name, birth date, death date) for each person. It is so wasteful to
have the exact same master source and source detail combination in the
database as three separate entries for a single person. It would be
much more efficient (and easier to find and correct mistakes) to have
a single source (master plus detail) linked in three (or more places)
to various people and/or facts and/or events.

For example, there would be one instance of "Cemetery A, tombstone
entry for John Doe" and it would be linked three times to various
places. This is especially important for those millions of census
entries that have to be linked to every member of the household. I
finally stopped linking them to several places and instead just linked
them to the one census event for each person. That has saved a lot of
space considering I have literally thousands on individual census

I may be asking for the impossible, but this linking concept could
sure prove handy!

Gail Rich Nestor
Smyrna, Georgia

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Re: [LegacyUG] One last question about place names

2007-11-23 Thread Paul Brown

To be sure! To be sure! Dermot!.

As a product of ancestors in Northern Ireland and the other part, I am 
extremely grateful to those who migrated to Queensland and we don't have to 
worry about those who went to USA!

Having said that, I respect sovereignty at the appropriate time.

What is more, I make extensive use of the GeoDatabase attached to Legacy, a 
very useful adjunct when used juduciously.


In even Sunnier Townsville, Queensland, Australia,
- Original Message - 
From: "Dermot McGlone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, November 23, 2007 7:34 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] One last question about place names


I'd have to agree with Cathy there.  As a near-neighbour (I'm Irish),
this is how I understand it:

a) England is that part of the island of Great Britain in the mid,
east and south, and nowhere else.

b) Great Britain (GB) is the island west of continental Europe
comprising Scotland, England and Wales.

c) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) is
made up if the the island of Great Britain and that part of the island
of Ireland known as Northern Ireland.

d) The British Isles (a name which is often disputed by Irish people)
includes the two islands of Great Britain and Ireland.

A place in what we now call USA should *never* be considered part of
England, Great Britain, the United Kingdon or the British Isles.  It
may however have been considered part of the British Empire, but how
you'd use that in an address, I wouldn't be sure.



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Re: [LegacyUG] Re: To Clarify My Original Post shown below

2007-10-09 Thread Paul Brown
G'day Granny,

Your positive postings today will take you a long way.  A joy to read.  What is 
more, I concur with your comments.

I am sure you will be even more excited when Version 7 is released and, 
hopefiully, that is imminent.

I wish you every good fortune in your venture.

Paul in sunny Queensland, Australia - a Grandpa.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Evyonne Eddins 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2007 8:09 PM
  Subject: [LegacyUG] Re: To Clarify My Original Post shown below

  Why am I so pleased about Legacy? Why am I so excited - Why did I go into 
such suggestions for research? Why did I throw in the clues given? 

  Because of the additional software designed for Legacy and other available 
software programs available as suggested by Legacy on their Homepage: 
  1 - Map My Family Tree - GREAT
  2 - Legacy Charting Companion - MOST UNIQUE & MANY DO NOT KNOW ABOUT IT 
  3 - Genelines for Legacy - Great Help Tool 
  4  - Tree Draw Legacy - BROAD SPECTRUM - Most Unusual 
  5 - GenSmarts for Legacy - 

  All of these are what I need! - - Just need to get my files back in shape; 
However, in order to use these programs, you must have the necessary 
information within one's database - in order to receive maximum results from 
Legacy's treasure trove. This group is outstanding, and are throwing out 
suggestions right and left as to obtain maximum benefits of Legacy to solve 
normal genealogical entries - - I want to take it further, and am taking in all 
clues, tips, etc - - by offering my own, I sincerely hope it will help others - 
my informaiton now can easily be pinned down within the Legacy Charting  
Companion - am keeping an eye on other suggstions. 
  Legacy and Going Beyond the Basic Level with Legacy is my goal! 


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Re: [LegacyUG] color scheme

2007-08-29 Thread Paul Brown

G'day Sharon,

Here is the note from the help file:-

Change Color Scheme

You can change the color of the Pedigree View background to anything you 
like.  Right-click on the background of the Pedigree View and choose Change 
Background Color/Pattern from the menu.  From the Color Menu you can choose 
one of the preset colors or click Define Custom Colors to choose any color 
you want.

In the Pedigree View, the background part is any part outside the boxes that 
appear.  When you right click, a drop down menu will appear one of which is 
'Change Color Scheme'.   It is quite safe to experiment with.  Select one of 
the others and click Load.  That will change the scheme for all screens.

One warning - What comes up as highlighted in the pop-up is usually 
'Ancestry', not necessarily what your screen is set to.  If you have not 
changed it before, it is probably set to 'Original'.

Hope that helps.

- Original Message - 
From: "Sharon Perdue" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Legacy Mail" 
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 1:57 AM
Subject: [LegacyUG] color scheme

Legacy Help says "
Legacy comes with several color schemes.  The Select a Color Scheme window 
displays these schemes as well as any others that you have created and 

How do I fine this "Select a Color Scheme window"?


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Re: [LegacyUG] Gedcom - Family Historian programme

2007-05-02 Thread Paul Brown
G'day Carolyn,

I assume you were trying to open the GEDCOM directly.

You will need to open a new file in either Legacy or FTM if you just want to 
look at the new data you have received.  

Then, click on File in the almost top left hand corner.  From the drop-down 
menu, select Import From, then in the new drop-down, Select GEDCOM File...

You should be right from there.

I have not used FTM for some time but the process is much the same.

I hope my assumption is correct and that this helps.

  - Original Message - 
  From: carolyn williams 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2007 5:31 PM
  Subject: [LegacyUG] Gedcom - Family Historian programme

  Dear Learned Legacy Users,


  A new family contact has sent me a gedcom from her programme called Family 

  I have tried to open it into both Legacy deluxe and Family Tree Maker ( I 
have it just for the trees!)  with a nil result.

  Can I assume that Family Historian is not compatible with either of these 
programmes or is there some process I can follow to succeed?

  If so, the instructions need to be easy to follow please.

  Many thanks for any help you are able to offer.






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Re: [LegacyUG] photos of documents for sources

2007-02-09 Thread Paul Brown


I have hundreds of documents scanned into my sources.  I find the feature 
invaluable.  But there is a trap in viewing them and I presume your comment 
about 'unreadable' refers to the size of the display.

To view the scanned doc, call up the 'Assigned sources' for the person and 
click on 'Edit Source' then click on 'Pictures'.  An image will appear that, 
I agree, is unreadable and here's where the trap lies.  The 'Zoom...' button 
in that screen does not mean zoom.  It displays a list of fonts which seem 
to be useless.  Sherry will undoubtedly tell me if I am misinterpreting the 
use of that button.

You have to click on the 'Picture' frame (which should be couloured if you 
do have a picture there) on this screen to bring up yet another box.  Now 
you will have a box such as 'Picture Gallery for Source: Birth' displaying 
all the pictures attached to this particular source.  One picture will have 
a small coloured box under it.  Decide which one you want to enlarge by 
clicking in the small box for the colour underneath the picture.  Now you 
can go to 'Zoom' and it works.  Another screen appears which may be readable 
but, if not, click on the 'In' box towards the bottom right of the screen 
(more than onec if necessary) to enlarge the picture.  When you are finished 
looking at it, click 'Close'.

Hope that helps.

- Original Message - 
From: "Nancy Bender" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, February 09, 2007 10:53 PM
Subject: [LegacyUG] photos of documents for sources

I have seen some discussions about attaching pictures to sources so I 
decided to give it a try. I scanned a copy of a document and saved the 
picture as a .jpg. I viewed it, to be sure it was readable then saved a 
copy where I keep my Legacy photos. Then I went to Legacy to attach the 
picture to the source and when I do, the picture is basically unreadable. 
Is there something in the Legacy program that shows pictures with less 
quality? (I guess it has to do with resolution, but I don't know a lot 
about that.). If so, is it really worthwhile to attach documents at all?

Thank you,

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Re: [Poss SPAM] Re: [LegacyUG] Family Atlas Genealogy Mapping

2006-12-02 Thread Paul Brown
This may not help directly for Family Atlas but, a useful place to look up 
Australian place names is:

The site includes many places that are now of historic significance.

Townsville, Queensland, Australia.
- Original Message - 
From: "E.Rodier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Saturday, December 02, 2006 10:14 AM
Subject: [Poss SPAM] Re: [LegacyUG] Family Atlas Genealogy Mapping

Does MMFT have maps for Canada, Australia or Britain? Your spam software 
blocks private e-mails.

- Original Message - 
From: "Pierre Cloutier"
Map My Family Tree does not show historical boundaries at the present 

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Re: [Poss SPAM] [LegacyUG] Deleting Address

2006-08-20 Thread Paul Brown

I hsvr just deleted a cemetery record from an individual 
by clicking on Delete after getting the plus sign.  It did not remove the 
address from anyone else.
If in doubt, I suggest a "Backup Family File..." even to 
another file on your hard drive before testing.  You will always have the 
option of "Restore Family File..." if something goes wrong.  
Paul Brown

  - Original Message - 
  To: Legacy Mailing List 
  Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 1:31 
  Subject: [Poss SPAM] [LegacyUG] Deleting 
  I have something that is really bugging me, and I can't figure out how to 
  delete this.  I am talking about accidentally adding an address to lets 
  say the burial field.  I type in the location and then want to add the 
  cemetery name.  I use the little plus sign to add the information from my 
  addresses.  Then later I find out that isn't the right information how do 
  I then delete the address from that one record.  Without deleting the 
  actual address in my master list.  Hence deleting all record to it to 
  every individuals.  At least that’s what I think it will do, delete the 
  entire record and not just to that use with that one individual. To afraid to 
  experiment.  The only way I can seem to get ride of an attached address 
  is to create a duplicate event and then switch it and then get ride of that 
  whole event.  Confusing, hope you understand and can enlighten me.
  Renee Zamora

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Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy Charting Companion

2006-08-20 Thread Paul Brown

G'day Martin,

I currently use Legacy Charting Companion and Family Tree Super Tools.  From 
memory, I think I paid about $US30.00 for each.  I also had formerly 
Generations but could not get it to work with WinXP.  I think Generations 
also had problems with trying to print to a single sheet for output on a 

I have not explored putting free test into either LCC or FTST but both will 
let you insert pictures (if you have them in your Legacy database). When I 
want a chart, I generally prepare one from each program & then decide which 
I like.

As to ease of use, I think FTST is initially easier.  I found LCC a real 
pain until I received some help from Progeny - easy enough to find from 
their website.  And, I do say they were very helpful.  My problem was in 
getting printing on a plotter where it is necessary to print to the Progeny 
Printer, select a custom size for paper and then do recalculations (from the 
prompt) until the chart prints on a single page.  Now that I am used to it, 
I can do it fairly easily.

Both have some flexibility in terms of layout.

To sum up, I am not sorry I paid for each of them.

Hope that helps.  Perhaps someoneelse can add to it.


Paul Brown.
- Original Message - 
From: "Martin Lacoste" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 1:45 AM
Subject: [LegacyUG] Legacy Charting Companion

Looking for opinions/comments on Legacy Charting Companion.  It's been a 
while since
I tried the early version and can't recall how it 'rates' in terms of ease 
of use, and
flexibility in terms of charts.  For example, can you add freeform 
notes/pictures to


Don't hesitate to contact me offlist ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) if that's 
more suitable.

Martin Lacoste

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Re: [LegacyUG] Weird Date Problem

2006-08-05 Thread Paul Brown

G'day Nancy,

Looks like there may be a conflict betwwen the setting up of dates in your 
computer between the operating system and Legacy.  That is the first thing 
to suspect when you get something like 12 Aug turned around to 8 Dec - the 
system is confused when it gets 8/12 about whether 8 is the month or the 

You need the same settings in the operating system - Control Panel > 
Regional & Language > Standard Formats > Customise > Date

as you have in Legacy > Customize > Options > Dates > Dates Displayed as.

The problem is that, in the date formats in Legacy,  Americans use 1 or 3, 
in Australia, we use 2 or 4 whereas the only really logical ones are 5 and 

Might throw some light on your problem.

- Original Message - 
From: "Nancy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 7:05 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Weird Date Problem

I'm using Legacy v6 Deluxe and if it worked perfectly for you then why do 
you think it worked oddly for me?

Curiosity, of course.
PS: I was only joking about it being a leap year.

Support/Brian wrote:


1993 was not a leap year and when I tested the Calendar function for the 
dates you used it worked perfectly for me. I also tried it in Version 5.0 
as well as Version 6.0 since you did not say which version you are using. 
Both worked the same way.

Customer Support
Millennia Corporation

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Nancy wrote:

Ok, this is the first time this has happened. I read a obituary that is 
dated July 31, 1993 and says that the person was to be buried on Monday, 
so I go to the date calculator (which I think is great, btw) and cycle 
back to July 31, 1993. I select Monday and double click on it (I already 
had placed the cursor in the burial field) and whalla, it comes up Feb 
3, 1993!! It should read Aug 2, 1993, of course. If I select and double 
click on Aug 12, 1993, it inserts Dec 8, 1993. I do the same thing in 
other years and the date inserted is correct. The problem seems to be 
the year 1993. Nothing selected and double clicked in 1993 comes up 
correct. Was it a leap year or something??


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[LegacyUG] LUG Messages

2006-07-02 Thread Paul Brown

I saw some messages a few days ago about 
difficulties being experienced by AOL users.  For the last 3 or 4 days, I 
have received nothing from the LUG.  I even subscribed again and was told I 
would receive a confirmatory email.  Nothing.  Possibly the pronb has 
been fised for AOL users and broken for the rest of us.
Maybe someone can shine light on the 

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