Re: [L-I] Why I am voting for David McReynolds

2000-08-29 Thread LROBERTS46

My suspicion of the Socialist Party goes back to  them calling the police on 
the communists.

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Re: [L-I] Speaking the same language?

2000-08-29 Thread Olson

>  within the working class, and if people live in a foreign country for
> decades and don't hardly speak a single sentence in that country's
> language (Johannes: please don't deny that there are people like that!)
> this is nothing to defend. It's simply narrow minded and in fact
> reactionary. We should be Marxists, not liberal dogooders with a bad
> consciousness. We should tell it like it is.>

So that would make the supression of the German language in the USA at the
time of World War 1 a progressive policy?

Yours for Victory (Cabbage),

Craig Olson

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Re: [L-I] Speaking the same language?

2000-08-29 Thread Nestor Miguel Gorojovsky

En relación a Re: [L-I] Speaking the same language?,
el 29 Aug 00, a las 12:51, Tony Abdo dijo:

> Anton, you are attributing narrow mindedness and being reactionary to
> immigrants that haven't mastered learning German. Has it not
> occurred to you why these immigrants might not have learned your
> language?  It is from fear, and nothing else.

Well, that is very taxative, and probably too American. Fear may be a
component. But the basic question is "why does not the German
formation work in order to have these migrants learn German?". In
Argentina, European migrants were very proud that they did not speak
the same language that the unworthy locals, but the Argentine
formation took the pains to educate them into our own language, and
if not themselves their children were lucky not only to learn Spanish
but also to attain a higher level of education they would have ever
attained in Europe. There was an interest of the Argentinian ruling
classes to include those newcomers into the country. There does not
seem to exist such an interest among the German ruling classes today.
Perhaps that's why Anthony's proposition that Anton go and teach
German to migrants sounds so revolutionary.

Néstor Miguel Gorojovsky

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Re: [L-I] Speaking the same language?

2000-08-29 Thread Nestor Miguel Gorojovsky

En relación a [L-I] Speaking the same language?,
el 29 Aug 00, a las 13:26, Anton Holberg dijo:

> there
> is no need to defend every sort of narrowmindedness within the
> working class, and if people live in a foreign country for decades
> and don't hardly speak a single sentence in that country's language
> this is nothing to defend. It's simply narrow minded and in fact >

So that you put the burden on the victim!

Let us now try a little bit of historic materialism...

A Marxist should be asking her or himself why don't those people
learn the local language, which would obviously be to their
advantage. What are the mechanisms by which the social structure of
Germany hems these people into a linguistic ghetto? THAT is a Marxist

Ghettoization is a wonderful weapon for imperialist bourgeoisies, as
Puerto Ricans in New York can testify. I insist, Anton, you may be
(and most certainly are) a good willed man, but your cast of mind is
exactly the opposite as that of a Marxist.

Néstor Miguel Gorojovsky

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[L-I] Croatian War Crimes Witness Murdered

2000-08-29 Thread Owen Jones

Croatian war crimes witness killed

Human rights workers in Croatia have criticised the government after the
killing of a former soldier who volunteered to give war crimes evidence
against fellow-Croats.

The man, Milan Levar, died in a bomb blast at his home in Gospic on Monday.

A leading human rights worker the head of the Croatian Helsinki Commission,
Zarko Puhovski said the government and the international war crimes
tribunal should have given him better protection.

He described the killing as a ringing message to other people expected to
testify about war crimes and a significant blow to law, order and justice in

Mr Levar aroused hostility in country after he told war crimes investigators
about massacres of Serbs by Croats after Croatia declared independence from

>From the newsroom of the BBC World Service

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Re: [L-I] Cuba

2000-08-29 Thread Nestor Miguel Gorojovsky

En relación a Re:  [L-I] Cuba,
el 29 Aug 00, a las 14:04, A.Wosni dijo:

>  I just said
> both ideologies are not identical and Marxists primarily deal with
> class not nation.

Too many mistakes for so short a sentence.

To begin with, Marxism and "nationalism" are not two "ideologies".
They cannot be compared in abstract. They are two different things.

Marxism is a complex vision of life with deep philosophical roots,
which gives a common method of analysis to praxis in the most
different realms of life. "Nationalism" is nothing of the sort, not a
Weltanschauung such as Marxism is. "Nationalism" is a way of
considering things on this world where the interests of a certain
fraction of humankind are put above the interests of the whole of
humankind. Why your confusion, Anton? Will tell you: Since you seem
to believe that Marxists do the same thing, but with "class not
nation", then you equate two things that are completely different.
"Aren't Marxists putting the interests of "a class" above those of
humankind (which, BTW,  is most probably an abstraction without
meaning and most probably a weapon in the hands of reaction)?
Nationalism, that is, reaction, puts "nation" above all. We must
struggle against them, because we put "class" above all."

This is elementary formalism, and carries us nowhere. It is not a
matter of whether we divide society along "horizontal" or "vertical"
lines, it is a matter of politically understanding what is the class
contents of nationalism, in each situation and in each moment in
history. The problem is, Anton, that you do not seem to see the issue
in terms of class contents, but of abstract confrontation of opposite
principles. This is positively NOT the way Marxists behave (and
certainly not the way LDT liked to behave).

> They support the struggle of oppressed nations not
> because they believe thatz on the basis of nationalism the crucial
> problems of the masses and the working class in particular could be
> solved but because being with the working class (andthe oppressed
> masses) in their demoicratic struggles is a precondition for
> eventually leading them in the class struggle.

This implies, clearly, that national struggle is not class struggle.
Which was already demonstrated on my previous posting on your
elementary (sorry, can't find better wording) ways of posing the

But national democratic (not just "democratic", much to your
distress, and I would even add "national" even when sometimes not
"democratic") demands are revolutionary in themselves when it is an
oppressed people which brings them to the struggle, and they are full
of class content. You cannot see this content because you think in
terms of formal categories, absolutely deprived of concrete content.

The only way to deploy this content in its whole diversity, however,
lies in getting involved in _the admittedly complex kind of class
struggle that national struggle is_, arm with arm, mind with mind,
glance with glance, and show (if we are able to do so) that we are
the hardest fighters for those national (class) objectives, and if
such we are it is because without struggle for socialism there is no
victory in our national (class) struggle against the only
bourgeoisies that count on the global scene, that is imperialist

> No Berlin Wall here.
> Therefore the national sentiment of the Cuban people in opposition to
> (US-)imperialism is welcomed, but in itself it's not class based
> (though it can be to a certain extent).

Did you know, Anton, that you are contradicting yourself? Why on
earth should we welcome antiimperialism in Cubans if this was not
"class based"? There was anti-English imperialism in Germany by the
turn of the 1900s, for instance, but its class content made it not
very palatable for us Marxists. And, in general, and back to your
queer way to look on Marxism: so that there are some aspects of
political mass life that do not have class contents (though they "can
be to a certain extent")? Well, Anton, this is exactly what the
bourgeois say when we Marxists put them against the ropes.

Both sentiments should be
> taken seriously but not mistaken one for another.

Who is doing such a mistake? What is, in your opinion, Anton, the
concrete, material contents, the objective force pushing masses
towards nationalism in the Third World? On the answer you give to
this question you can build yourself either as a Leninist or as a
reformist. You did not answer this question yet.

Néstor Miguel Gorojovsky

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[L-I] Could you help me debunk an old lie?

2000-08-29 Thread Khafara

Seems the faddish thing among right-wing circles is to say that leftists are actually 
closer to being Nazis than are right-wingers.  (Yes, they are going partially on the 
fact that the Nazis chose to call themselves "National Socialists" when in reality 
their version of "Socialism" meant killing 'enemies of the state' and taking their 

If anyone wants to volunteer to write an essay that concisely refutes this canard, I'd 
really appreacite it and I promise to credit the author.



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Re: [L-I] Moderator's note

2000-08-29 Thread Norman Mikalac

thank you, nestor.  some of us are looking for information - not
personal diatribes.


Nestor Miguel Gorojovsky wrote:
> En relación a RE: [L-I] Cuba,
> el 28 Aug 00, a las 15:40, Mark Jones dijo:
> >
> > Nestor Miguel Gorojovsky dijo:
> >
> > >> In the end, the result of all this is either deserved and navel-
> > > gazing loneliness for the Left, or tremendous defeats (such as in
> > > Bolivia, 1972) for the masses.
> > >
> > > Anton, I am seriously afraid that you do not have the slightest idea
> > > of what does the word "dialectic" mean.
> >
> > Oh, come on. He doesn't even know what 'navel' means. The rest of us
> > know it's an orange. For Wonsi it's just a black hole.
> Mark, this kind of flaming is not allowed on L-I. You know this very
> well. First and last public warning. Period.
> Néstor Gorojovsky
> Co-moderador
> Lista Leninist-International
> ___
> Leninist-International mailing list
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Re: [L-I] Speaking the same language?

2000-08-29 Thread Tony Abdo

Anton, you are attributing narrow mindedness and being reactionary to
immigrants that haven't mastered learning German. Has it not
occurred to you why these immigrants might not have learned your
language?  It is from fear, and nothing else.

Immigrants fear being ridiculed as they try to master the skills
necessary in learning a new language. Some feel so ashamed and
fearful of being put down, that they just shut off from being engaged in
the process of learning the dominant language.  They continually
avoid any interactions where there 'weakness' might be exposed.

Isn't this a natural psychological process much different than being
reactionary or narrow minded?  I suggest that you  volunteer to
teach German language skills to some immigrants, and learn something
about the motivations for their behavior that you seem to disapprove so
strongly to.


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[L-I] Speaking the same language?

2000-08-29 Thread Louis Proyect

Mr. Holberg:
>And something else: Marxists don't need to adore the working class (no
>what nationality) for what it is (as a class in itself it is mainly
material for 
>exploitation).Marxists look to the working class as it can be and as it
must be 
>if it wants the liberate itself and by this mankind as a whole. Therefore
>is no need to defend every sort of narrowmindedness within the working 
>class, and if people live in a foreign country for decades and don't hardly 
>speak a single sentence in that country's language (Johannes: please don't
>that there are people like that!) this is nothing to defend. It's simply
>minded and in fact reactionary. We should be Marxists, not liberal dogooders 
>with a bad consciousness. We should tell it like it is. ]

The only thing reactionary here is the notion that speaking the same
language is "progressive". The most combative section of the US working
class today are Latino janitors in Los Angeles and meat-packers in the
midwest, most of whom speak English either haltingly or not at all.

Louis Proyect

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Re: [L-I] Cuba

2000-08-29 Thread A.Wosni

John Catalinotto schrieb:
> Ownen Jones wrote
> -
> People who have gone to Cuba who have talked to Cubans
> - and this is very hard since it is illegal for a
> Cuban to talk to a foreigner -
> will pledge their support for the Revolution and even
> list its various achievements, but they are very
> critical about Castro.
> I and other comrades who have traveled to Cuba have
> found that Cubans talk politics with foreigners and
> among themselves in front of foreigners, including
> criticizing policies, and that their active
> participation is much greater than that of the
> population in the U.S. and Western Europe. 
> Regarding the comments from Anton, it appears that he
> opposes any sign of nationalism in oppressed countries
> (Cuba or Yugoslavia),
[Sorry, but simply untrue. I supported and support the national liberation 
struggles against imperialism (and I am therefore for the defense of Serbia 
against NATO-forces) and in general of the oppressed nationalities against 
their oppressors (and therefore I'm in favour of the Kosova-Albanians' right of 
selfdetermination which means secession from Serbia if they want so).I have said 
so on this list several times. But I say that the right of 
national selfdetermination and nationalism in general is a bourgeois right and 
is not enough to solve any of the basic problems of the toiling masses let 
alone of the working class. Andevenmore: there can be no true national 
independence within the frame of capitalism and therefore without 
an international proletarian revolution. As Marxists and therefore Leninists we 
should primarily be concerned with the struggle of the working class for
selfemancipation, a struggle which has to be internationalist since capitalism 
too is a world system. Experience has shown that almost the struggle for 
national rights takes the upperhand over the struggle for the social liberation 
of the toiling masses if lead by non-proletarian forces (s. PLO including PFLP 
and DFLP,ANC incl. CPSA, SWAPO, MPLA, FRELIMO, FRETILIN, PKK etc. up to the 
Maoist CPCH, which both socially and programmatically was in fact more like the 
Russian 'Social Revolutionaries' than the Bolsheviks). To say it once more: This 
does not mean that Leninists should not support such national struggles! It 
means that they should not lump them together with the class struggle of the 
proletariat. Lenin was very cathegorical here. In the 'Preliminary Draft Theses 
on the National and the Colonial Question' adopted by the 2nd Congress of the 
Com.International in 1920 in § 11 he says:
"5th.The need for a determined struggle against attempts to give a communist 
colouring to bourgeois-democratic liberation trends in the backward countries; 
the Communit International should support bourgeois-democratic national 
movements in colonial and backward countries only on condition that, in 
these countries, the elements of future proletarian parties, which will be 
communist not only in name, are  brought together and trained to understand 
their special tasks, i.e. those of the struggle against the bourgeois-democratic 
movements within their own nations. The CI must enter into a temporary alliance 
with bourgeois democracy in the colonial and backward countries, but should not 
merge with it, and should under all circumstances uphold the independence of the 
proletarian movement, even if it is in its most embryonic form". I have been 
trying to stress this point over and over again in this list since it seems to 
me that many of its members do not accept this or may even be unaware of the 
Bolshevik legacy here.]

 yet expresses the nationalism of
> an imperialist country by demanding immigrants master
> the national language of the ruling class. 

[I don't know how things are in the US (or do I?),but in Germany for instance 
German is the language of the majority of the working class before it is the 
language of the ruling class. In fact at the times of the Prussian king 
Friedrich II. the understanding was that German was the language of the 'horses' 
while the ruling class spoke French. I'm not interested in the immigrants 
talking to the members of the ruling class (whom they probably only see on TV) 
but that they can communicate with their class bretheren and that they can get 
to know about the country and society they are living in in order to take part 
in the struggle to overturn it.
And something else: Marxists don't need to adore the working class (no matter 
what nationality) for what it is (as a class in itself it is mainly material for 
exploitation).Marxists look to the working class as it can be and as it must be 
if it wants the liberate itself and by this mankind as a whole. Therefore there 
is no need to defend every sort of narrowmindedness within the working 
class, and if people live in a foreign country for decades and don't hardly 
speak a single sentence in that country's language (Johannes: please don't d

[L-I] ML Update, Vol.3; No.34; 30-8-2000.

2000-08-29 Thread CPI(ML) LIberation

ML Update
A CPI(ML) News Magazine
Vol:3; No.34;  30-8-2000.


Police Brutality, ‘People’s War’ and People’s Ire
If the police in India have long reveled in the reputation of being the
nation’s foremost organized criminal gang, the credit of being India’s
number one police state has generally been ‘backward’ Bihar. The age-old
khaki shorts of Indian police have of course started giving way to more
modern and colorful attire (the ‘dress code’ of khaki shorts now stands
reserved for another variety of criminals – the musclemen and thought
police of RSS), and the weapons are also getting increasingly
sophisticated, but in terms of brutality and lawlessness, the police of
Independent India are still capable of putting the colonial police to
shame. It is this unbridled brutality and lawlessness of Indian police
which is always sought to be defended by bourgeois leaders and
administrators in the name of strengthening the ‘morale’ of the police.
The current spate of police atrocities in Bihar has once again revived
Bihar’s notoriety as a police state. From the killing of CPI(ML) leader
Vishwanath Ram in Bhojpur to the showering of police lathis on a CPI(M)
demonstration in Jhanjharpur of Madhubani, the list of police
brutalities is lengthening every day. The one incident which has rocked
the entire state, happened in Imamganj bordering Patna and Jahanabad
districts just three days after India celebrated the 53rd anniversary of
her Independence. On August 18, the Bihar police went on berserk on the
students of Imamganj who were observing a ‘black day’ in protest against
the beating up of a student in a so-called ‘people’s court’ sponsored by
the local PWG unit a few days ago. At the end of the day three students
were found missing and the next day the local people discovered the dead
bodies of the missing students aged between 6 and 22, with tell-tale
signs of brutal torture. When the people blocked the road demanding the
Chief Minister’s intervention, they were not spared and a student leader
Sushil Kumar of AISA was detained and tortured for sixty long hours in
police custody before being sent to a jail in Patna.
As we go to the press, the aggrieved people of Imamganj and all
justice-loving sections of society are demanding exemplary penal action
against the erring police officials as well as civil functionaries like
the concerned BDO, SDO and DM of Patna. The state government on the
other hand is trying to hush up the whole thing by just suspending the
in-charge of the local police picket and doctoring the post-mortem
report to attribute the murder of victims of police torture to drowning
in the nearby canal. As the battle lines between repression and justice,
between police raj and the rule of law, are being drawn in sharp relief,
it is time for everybody to take side. For all streams of defenders of
democracy, here is an open challenge to rise to the occasion.
The anarchists and pseudo-revolutionaries of PWG, however, found
themselves thoroughly isolated and unmasked by the events in Imamganj.
The local PWG unit had conducted a typical ‘people’s court’ to try one
high school student who was accused of having slapped a fellow girl
student in the course of an altercation. The court was chaired by an
ex-activist of the PWG who had incidentally been expelled by the group
on the charges of hobnobbing with the police and the Ranvir Sena. While
the local women themselves pleaded for letting off the accused student
with five counter-slaps by the girl, the PWG insisted on subjecting him
to twenty whiplashes, tonsuring of head and a fine of Rs. 10,000! And
the sentence was immediately carried out by a group of local activists
of the Ranvir Sena. It is this brutal demonstration of the PWG model of
‘revolutionary justice’ which triggered the people’s ire and a
thoroughly exposed PWG is now trying to keep up the ‘morale’ of its
ranks by portraying the people’s anger as a caste backlash and blaming
the ‘revisionist and vote-hungry’ CPI(ML) for leading the people’s
resistance against police atrocity!
There could not perhaps be a clearer revelation of the real meaning of
the high-sounding revolutionary phrases of the anarchists. Holding
people’s courts to resolve contradictions among school students,
delivering Taliban-like verdicts and carrying them out in tandem with
elements of the Ranvir Sena, slapping fines of the order of Rs. 10,000
on students, and maligning the consequent outburst of students’ ire
against injustice and coercion as an engineered caste backlash – can
there be a more suitable recipe for counter-revolution?

Press release

CPI(ML) Condemns Killer Naidu Govt. for Frenzied Repression on Agitators

CPI(ML) strongly condemns Chandrababu Naidu's killer government (In
Andhra state) for launching brutal and heinous repression on tens of
thousands of protestors who had come to Hyderabad on 28 August to
peacefully demonstrate before the Assembly against steep hike in power
tariff. The incident has re

[L-I] CPI(ML) Liberation Call

2000-08-29 Thread CPI(ML) LIberation

CPI(ML) Liberation call :

International Solidarity for Struggle Against 'Plan Columbia'
On 30 August, when Bill Clinton will be visiting Colombia in order to
give his personal support for the so called “Plan Colombia” and to
further the politics of US intervention in the region, many communist
parties, trade unions, human right associations and popular
organizations in USA,  Europe and Latin American countries will hold
protest demonstrations against this undesired visit.
The “Plan Colombia” means a large amount of money at the disposal of the
Colombian government, officially dedicated to fight drug traffic and to
eliminate the cultivation of cocoa by implementing alternative economic
and social development programs. In reality this plan implies: influx of
new US-military advisers in addition to those already there since years;
latest military technology for the Colombian army and creation of new
battalions for special operations; elimination of cocoa plantations
without any program for alternative cultivation bringing more misery and
hunger for thousands of peasants, political protection for the
paramilitary groups, the real big drug cartels; and protection for the
destructive activities of the multinational enterprises.
It will also lead to the forced expulsion of at least 200,000 persons
that would enlarge the contingent of almost 1,800,000 persons that has
been expelled from their lands and communities by paramilitary groups
and the Colombian army and terrorizing the civil population that is
suspected to support the guerrilla movement. In August the Army killed
six children during their school journey to the mountains, and five
peasants were killed sadistically and brutally by a paramilitary group
very near to a military installation of the army.
The “Plan Colombia” is also a threat for the peace process between the
FARC (Revolutionary Army of Colombia) and the ELN (National Liberation
Army) and the government, as the Colombian government lacks will to
solve the causes that has led to the armed conflict and the finances of
the Plan will strengthen the hawks, the Colombian oligarchy and Army.
In the course of this onslaught against Colombian people a direct
US-military intervention, in whatsoever form, can no longer be ruled
out. So an appeal for international solidarity against Plan Columbia was
issued by a number of organisations.
In a message to the organisers of protest our Party (CPI-ML) has shared
this concern and assured all possible efforts to mobilise Indian people
in solidarity to the international protest against the US war design
against Colombian people.

Press release

CPI(ML) Condemns Killer Naidu Govt. of Andhra state for
 Frenzied Repression on Agitators

CPI(ML) strongly condemns Chandrababu Naidu's killer government (In
Andhra state) for launching brutal and heinous repression on tens of
thousands of protestors who had come to Hyderabad on 28 August to
peacefully demonstrate before the Assembly against steep hike in power
tariff. The incident has revealed the real barbaric face hidden behind a
labouiously hyped cyber state.
The 9-left party alliance, of which CPI(ML)-Liberation is an important
constituent, had called upon the people to march to Hyderabad to
participate in 'Assembly Chalo' on 28 August and compel the Naidu
government to roll back the hike in power tariff. When lakhs of people
turned up in response, a panicked Naidu deployed heavy police
contingents to detain people at railway stations and bus terminals.
Police lathicharged at several places in this course. But braving the
natural calamities of cyclone and flood as well as police brutalities,
tens of thousands of people not only reached Hyderabad, they broke the
police barricades in their bid to enter the Assembly. Naidu had
virtually turned Hyderabad into a police cantonment, but the people
pierced through it. Frenzied police resorted to all means of assault,
lathi-charge, water cannons, teargas shells and ultimately firing,
killing at least four and injuring hundreds of protestors. Not only
that, police mercilessly lathicharged on opposition MLAs and leaders
sitting on fast to press the demand.
While firmly supporting the movement to compel Naidu government to take
back the power tariff hike, the Party calls upon Andhra people to make
29 August Andhra Bandh (Statewide general strike) called by 9-left
parties a complete success in protest against the brutal state

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[L-I] CPI(ML) Liberation Call

2000-08-29 Thread CPI(ML) LIberation

CPI(ML) Liberation call :

International Solidarity for Struggle Against 'Plan Columbia'

On 30 August, when Bill Clinton will be visiting Colombia in order to
give his personal support for the so called “Plan Colombia” and to
further the politics of US intervention in the region, many communist
parties, trade unions, human right associations and popular
organizations in USA,  Europe and Latin American countries will hold
protest demonstrations against this undesired visit.
The “Plan Colombia” means a large amount of money at the disposal of the
Colombian government, officially dedicated to fight drug traffic and to
eliminate the cultivation of cocoa by implementing alternative economic
and social development programs. In reality this plan implies: influx of
new US-military advisers in addition to those already there since years;
latest military technology for the Colombian army and creation of new
battalions for special operations; elimination of cocoa plantations
without any program for alternative cultivation bringing more misery and
hunger for thousands of peasants, political protection for the
paramilitary groups, the real big drug cartels; and protection for the
destructive activities of the multinational enterprises.
It will also lead to the forced expulsion of at least 200,000 persons
that would enlarge the contingent of almost 1,800,000 persons that has
been expelled from their lands and communities by paramilitary groups
and the Colombian army and terrorizing the civil population that is
suspected to support the guerrilla movement. In August the Army killed
six children during their school journey to the mountains, and five
peasants were killed sadistically and brutally by a paramilitary group
very near to a military installation of the army.
The “Plan Colombia” is also a threat for the peace process between the
FARC (Revolutionary Army of Colombia) and the ELN (National Liberation
Army) and the government, as the Colombian government lacks will to
solve the causes that has led to the armed conflict and the finances of
the Plan will strengthen the hawks, the Colombian oligarchy and Army.
In the course of this onslaught against Colombian people a direct
US-military intervention, in whatsoever form, can no longer be ruled
out. So an appeal for international solidarity against Plan Columbia was
issued by a number of organisations.
In a message to the organisers of protest our Party (CPI-ML) has shared
this concern and assured all possible efforts to mobilise Indian people
in solidarity to the international protest against the US war design
against Colombian people.

Press release

CPI(ML) Condemns Killer Naidu Govt. of Andhra state for
 Frenzied Repression on Agitators

CPI(ML) strongly condemns Chandrababu Naidu's killer government (In
Andhra state) for launching brutal and heinous repression on tens of
thousands of protestors who had come to Hyderabad on 28 August to
peacefully demonstrate before the Assembly against steep hike in power
tariff. The incident has revealed the real barbaric face hidden behind a
labouiously hyped cyber state.
The 9-left party alliance, of which CPI(ML)-Liberation is an important
constituent, had called upon the people to march to Hyderabad to
participate in 'Assembly Chalo' on 28 August and compel the Naidu
government to roll back the hike in power tariff. When lakhs of people
turned up in response, a panicked Naidu deployed heavy police
contingents to detain people at railway stations and bus terminals.
Police lathicharged at several places in this course. But braving the
natural calamities of cyclone and flood as well as police brutalities,
tens of thousands of people not only reached Hyderabad, they broke the
police barricades in their bid to enter the Assembly. Naidu had
virtually turned Hyderabad into a police cantonment, but the people
pierced through it. Frenzied police resorted to all means of assault,
lathi-charge, water cannons, teargas shells and ultimately firing,
killing at least four and injuring hundreds of protestors. Not only
that, police mercilessly lathicharged on opposition MLAs and leaders
sitting on fast to press the demand.
While firmly supporting the movement to compel Naidu government to take
back the power tariff hike, the Party calls upon Andhra people to make
29 August Andhra Bandh (Statewide general strike) called by 9-left
parties a complete success in protest against the brutal state

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Re: [L-I] Cuba

2000-08-29 Thread A.Wosni

A simple answer, Nestor:I didn't say anything like that. I just said both 
ideologies are not identical and Marxists primarily deal with class not nation. 
They support the struggle of oppressed nations not because they believe thatz on 
the basis of nationalism the crucial problems of the masses and the working 
class in particular could be solved but because being with the working class 
(andthe oppressed masses) in their demoicratic struggles is a precondition for 
eventually leading them in the class struggle. No Berlin Wall here. Therefore 
the national sentiment of the Cuban people in opposition to (US-)imperialism is 
welcomed, but in itself it's not class based (though it can be to a certain 
extent). Both sentiments should be taken seriously but not mistaken one for 
Best, A.H.


Nestor Miguel Gorojovsky schrieb:
> En relación a [L-I] Cuba, 
> el 28 Aug 00, a las 10:30, A.Wosni dijo:
> > on Cuba:
> > 
> > 1. while it is important to know how much popular backing the
> > Castro-regime still has, this in itself does not prove any
> > 'socislist'and/or 'workers state' character of the regime, of course.
> [...]
> >  Things would be so easy if the bad guys were always disliked. I
> > somewhere read that the Russian zar Ivan the Cruel was much liked by
> > the people (at least they all broke out in tears when he had died).If
> > Castro still has the support of the majority of the people (specially
> > the working class) this may be more because of nationalist than of
> > class sentiment.
> Is the following an unfaithful translation?
> (a) there is a Berlin Wall between both "sentiments"
> (b) class sentiments are worthy of support, and nationalist 
> sentiments are unworthy of support.
> Consequently, movements which are based on "nationalist sentiments" 
> are reactionary.
> As a corollary, people in the Third World, who have this stubborn 
> tendency to be nationalists, are reactionary.
> Final conclusion: let us try to explain people out of their mistake.
> In the end, the result of all this is either deserved and navel-
> gazing loneliness for the Left, or tremendous defeats (such as in 
> Bolivia, 1972) for the masses.
> Anton, I am seriously afraid that you do not have the slightest idea 
> of what does the word "dialectic" mean. Not joking.
> Néstor Miguel Gorojovsky
> ___
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[L-I] Moderator's note

2000-08-29 Thread Nestor Miguel Gorojovsky

En relación a RE: [L-I] Cuba,
el 28 Aug 00, a las 15:40, Mark Jones dijo:

> Nestor Miguel Gorojovsky dijo:
> >> In the end, the result of all this is either deserved and navel-
> > gazing loneliness for the Left, or tremendous defeats (such as in
> > Bolivia, 1972) for the masses.
> >
> > Anton, I am seriously afraid that you do not have the slightest idea
> > of what does the word "dialectic" mean.
> Oh, come on. He doesn't even know what 'navel' means. The rest of us
> know it's an orange. For Wonsi it's just a black hole.

Mark, this kind of flaming is not allowed on L-I. You know this very
well. First and last public warning. Period.

Néstor Gorojovsky
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