Re: ...\Scripts\leo oddity (was Re: What is the status of installers for 5.0 final?)

2014-11-28 Thread Davy Cottet
As a demo, I've created a clean version of and

This is done within leo/core/ file with  parameters  (we 
could then clone them for other uses.
So do not modify file itself but

You can try it after download it from github :

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Re: ...\Scripts\leo oddity (was Re: What is the status of installers for 5.0 final?)

2014-11-28 Thread Matt Wilkie
 You can try it after download it from github :

I've started trying to pull into my branch, but have gotten bogged
down in not being knowledgeable enough about git and Github.
Going back to just comparing two folders with Winmerge for ahwile. :)


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Re: ...\Scripts\leo oddity (was Re: What is the status of installers for 5.0 final?)

2014-11-28 Thread Matt Wilkie
 Especially, all those .leo files, actually quite hidden, should be copied
 into the user folder (~/.leo in Linux), just for users be able to know that
 these great resources exists.

As I understand it the purpose of splitting a package up into different
pieces to follow local system norms (e.g. Lib to /etc/lib on one and
/opt/lib on another, and not ~/.leo/lib) is in order to accommodated
multiple users. Putting example .leo documents under ~/ is only going to
help that one person -- unless extra intelligence is added to [[insert
something here]] to replicate to all users. Sounds hard to me (but maybe
apt-get or synaptic ... already does stuff like that?)


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Re: ...\Scripts\leo oddity (was Re: What is the status of installers for 5.0 final?)

2014-11-28 Thread Davy Cottet
Hold on, I've made a stupid mistake by declaring several times 'leo' key in 
package_data ...
I didn't realize it sooner probably because I didn't clean my damn egg and 
build folders... 
I'm gonna correct it and inform you when my git repo is OK

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Re: ...\Scripts\leo oddity (was Re: What is the status of installers for 5.0 final?)

2014-11-28 Thread Davy Cottet
Ok, now I've a fully controlled and understood 
I had some troubles with my commits so I force a push to go back, I know 
it's bad and I hope it won't disturb too much.
You should now be able to pull an merge from the master branch of my fork :

As I understand it the purpose of splitting a package up into different 
 pieces to follow local system norms (e.g. Lib to /etc/lib on one and 
 /opt/lib on another, and not ~/.leo/lib) is in order to accommodated 
 multiple users. Putting example .leo documents under ~/ is only going to 
 help that one person -- unless extra intelligence is added to [[insert 
 something here]] to replicate to all users. Sounds hard to me (but maybe 
 apt-get or synaptic ... already does stuff like that?)

You are totally right. And I forgot the fact that most of this files are 
accessible via Leo's menus.
So storing these files into installation path is a good strategy, we could 
maybe just configure Leo to copy those that are potentially modified by 
users to their personal folder, as I think it already the case for 
workbook.leo. Otherwise, they are read-only for linux users.

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Re: ...\Scripts\leo oddity (was Re: What is the status of installers for 5.0 final?)

2014-11-27 Thread Davy Cottet
I'm studding as well this issue...

I'm actually trying try to integrate all dist related files and scripts 
into leoDist.leo using clones of   to store all shared distrib 
parameters (version, paths, changelogs...).
Actually I've done too many rough changes that haven't been debugged yet so 
I won't publish on github for a while.

However there are some useful informations I've found out while doing some 
tests :
Note that all these informations are related to* setuptools *but *not *

First I think we have to make a distinction between the source tarball 
( sdist) vs  binary builds (ie bdist install).
- Source tarball have to include every files that will be usefull including 
for development and distribution.
- Binary (ie nsis, deb, rpm...) and pip install can exclude all the files 
that will not be necessary to run the program (ie dist, test, and others 

Moreover, this make the subtle difference between 
include/exclude graft/prune functions and 

*1- Binary builds and installation files ( bdist install 
 pip install)*

  The only way to define what files to install is whithin** with 
those parameters :
- package = find_packages() recursively find packages, (ie folders with 
**) : that is a first way to filter wanted/unwanted folders.
- unwanted folders can also be specified this way : packages = 
find_packages(exclude=('leo.test',)) or when there are subfolders packages 
= find_packages(exclude=('leo.plugins*',))
- By default only .py files under these packages/folders are included  
(,setup.cfg and PKG-INFO)
- package_data allow to add some more type of files with this syntax : 
- add leo/module1/submodule1/icons folder and its jpg 
- add every txt files within previously declared packages/folders + 
top level {'':['*.txt']}
- The opposite is exclude_package_data which have the priority over 
- Note 1 : with this previous parameters, no need to use data_files.
- Note 2 : obviously, every or this folders/files will then 
automatically be included into the source tarball ( sdist)

*2- Source tarball ( sdist) and*

If we want that some other files to be included into the source tar but not 
installed on users system (mostly development related staff), we could 
specify them inside the file
Basically, we can just include everything from the github repository but 
build files (__pycache__, pyc...).
   - Note1 : there is an setuptool option to automatically include all 
source files (ie defined in into the builds / installation : 
 We would better not using this function to be able to differentiate 
sources  builds 

*My conclusions : *From my actual level of comprehension of the way of 
setup tool, I think I'm gonna work on this way :
- Include all files into sdist and control the few ones to remove with (.git related and builds .pyc __cache, html)
- Not use data_file and os.walk anymore to select files to be installed, 
but instead select packages by adding files (including docs to 
comment this packages) and find_packages() and additional files with 
package_data and exclude_package_data
- This way :
- We'll only have python modules and dependencies installed into python 
path (ie. no hidden .leo files, doc, examples or scripts)
- We could directly make nsis with recursive inclusion of every files 
from bdist_dump nsi-install-files.txt (File /r Leo-5.0) (ie no more use 
of git-manifest)
- We could adapt each distro installer (nsis, deb, rpm, mac...) to copy 
independent data files into distro specific directories (~/.leo/examples, 
~/.leo/doc, ~/.leo/test, \document and settings,...)

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Re: ...\Scripts\leo oddity (was Re: What is the status of installers for 5.0 final?)

2014-11-27 Thread Matt Wilkie
Thanks for the extended write up. It reflects my understanding so far as
well, and fine tuned a couple of points I've not been clear on.

First I think we have to make a distinction between the source tarball
 ( sdist) vs  binary builds (ie bdist install).

My biggest question of the moment is whether we should make any distinction
at all. Leo is a pure python program, not relying on any C extensions or
anything. (Excepting PyQt, but Setuptools doesn't solve that for us
anyway.) I don't understand what benefit might be gained from creating
source and binary distributions. With source, we only need one, and (when
properly configured) it serves all python versions and OS combinations.
With binary we need a different configuration and delivery archive for each


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Re: ...\Scripts\leo oddity (was Re: What is the status of installers for 5.0 final?)

2014-11-27 Thread Davy Cottet
For completeness, I forgot to mention these points:

  1 - If you want to run some tests, please never forget to* clean build 
and egg folders *every time you change some params ! 
Otherwise the results are meaningless ! It took me a large quantity of 
coffee before understand that...

  2 I just found that using *data_files* is a way to specify the paths of 
certain files by mapping them :
data_files=[('Documentation', ['doc/leoPlugin.leo', 
('Config', ['cfg/data.cfg']),
('/etc/init.d', ['init-script'])]
Then it is possible to separate your program install path to those 
data_files with the following parameters   
python install --root=dist/myInstallTest 

With binary we need a different configuration and delivery archive for each 

What I mean is not thinking about binaries but more about files to be 
installed or not on user's system :

- An advanced user, maintainer or developer who want to study, modify or 
distribute L'eo's code would of course need to access the full source code.
He can either download it via `git`, `pip install --download` or 
sourceforge. After extract it he will have full access to all development 
related staff test, distribution, scripts...

- On contrary a basic user, (who will apt-get, sudo pip install, or 
whatever) doesn't need all this extra development related code. In linux, 
the fact is that since they are installed into your system path, you won't 
even be able to modify them, and most users probably even doesn't know 
where they are installed...

This is the reason I think we do have to adapt installations for every 
distro (nsis, .deb, rpm, mac app...) in order to make certain files easily 
accessible for users.
I think that's the meaning of distribution. Especially, all those .leo 
files, actually quite hidden, should be copied into the user folder (~/.leo 
in Linux), just for users be able to know that these great resources 
exists. Also link to html documentation, script and plug-in examples...

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Re: ...\Scripts\leo oddity (was Re: What is the status of installers for 5.0 final?)

2014-11-27 Thread Davy Cottet

 With source, we only need one, and (when properly configured) it serves 
 all python versions and OS combinations.

I forget to mention : 
You can configure your source (ie sdist) files with and you'll 
get a nice tarball with all your glob parameters...
*But* when you'll run install or pip install, nothing will be 
installed if your binary (ie bdist) config is not set as well. That's 
bdist part is actually the one installation rely on.

So do what you want, ie sdist=bdist, you have two options :

1 - Make your configuration with + set 
include_package_data=True in setup(). Then don't care about packages, 
package_data co

2 - Delete,  set include_package_data=False, and configure 
packages, package_data, exclude_pachage_data...

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...\Scripts\leo oddity (was Re: What is the status of installers for 5.0 final?)

2014-11-24 Thread Matt Wilkie
On Sat, Nov 22, 2014 at 3:09 AM, Edward K. Ream wrote:

 It's easy for me to test both pip install and python install,
 and pip uninstall works either way, so progress may be fast.  Stay tuned.

I just noticed this morning that:

python install
pip uninstall leo

...leaves 3 small files behind in PYTHONHOME\Scripts:


The Script files that are deleted:


I'm wondering if this is related to the bug report on py3.4 of leo.exe (no
console) not working?


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Re: What is the status of installers for 5.0 final?

2014-11-23 Thread Davy Cottet
A good example of multi-os install script with quite the same dependencies 
as Leo is the one from Eric IDE :

However, for both Calibre and Eric IDE one important point is that they are 
installed as stand-alone applications, ie as a private module, ie not in 
python path. You cannot just import calibre or import eric from you 
python environment, even by adding it to your path.
I don't know if Leo's users need to import leo modules into their own 
external applications, in which case we have to keep installing it as a 
module in python path.

This decision, your decision, is important as it 'll also determine how to 
build the debian package.

So, should leo should be a public or a private module ?

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Re: What is the status of installers for 5.0 final?

2014-11-23 Thread Edward K. Ream
On Sat, Nov 22, 2014 at 5:09 AM, Edward K. Ream wrote:

 I am willing to delay 5.0 final as long as necessary to get
 working with both distutils (python install) and pip (pip install).

​It seems to me that *does* work on both Windows and Ubuntu with
distutils, which I believe is under debate.  However, the leo folder is not
unpacked to the site-packages folder (Windows) or dist-packages folder
(Ubuntu), but instead remains inside the egg folder.  Unusual, but afaict
everything still works.

Running with simple = True does not work: not nearly enough files
or folders are included.​


 Really, this is the whole point of 5.0 distro: to get the standard
 installation procedures to work.

 My hope is that both distutils and pip may have evolved so that various
 workarounds that previously were needed perhaps aren't.  We shall see.  In
 any case, a dead simple approach that kinda works will be much superior to
 the present situation.

 It's easy for me to test both pip install and python install, and
 pip uninstall works either way, so progress may be fast.  Stay tuned.


Edward K. Ream: Leo:

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Re: What is the status of installers for 5.0 final?

2014-11-23 Thread Edward K. Ream
On Sat, Nov 22, 2014 at 9:42 PM, Davy Cottet wrote:

 I've less time to work on it on the week-end, but I think within a couple
 of days, I'll get to the point of having a clean debian build procedure for

​Excellent.  This should avoid most issues with python install on

 Edward, do you work sometime on a linux environment in order to perform
 the builds ?

​Yes.  I test on Ubuntu and Windows.  I run the make-leo script on Windows.​

 Or is there someone else from your team to deal with linux build and
 setting up launchpad PPA ?

I could do it but I think that for a security reason, It would be better if
 the ppa is managed with official leo-editor launchpad, ie not by an
 Basically it will be a mater of two command lines, or one @button in
 leoDist.leo ;)

​I don't understand your point here.  You are welcome to become part of the
leo-editor team.​

 If you want, I can provide detailed instructions to set-up your
 environment and the ppa on launchpad to be ready for 5.0 release.

​That would be good, so I can see what is involved.  I have no objections
to creating a debian build shortly after each release.​


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Re: What is the status of installers for 5.0 final?

2014-11-23 Thread Davy Cottet

 ​I don't understand your point here.  You are welcome to become part of 
 the leo-editor team.​

I just wanted to say that it would be better if leo ppa could be part of 
leo-editor existing launchpad account for you to have full control of it.
I just set-up a PPA to see what are differents steps and make some upload / 
build tests. But it would be better if you could set up yours.
Except the security problem of granting the full control of it to a not 
fully trusted source, the fact is that I'am not e-reliable enough to 
guarantee Debian maintenance on the long term (I'm just back from a 6 month 
bicycle trip...).

That said, I actually have time to contribute :)

You'll find detailed instructions at the end of my updated leoDist.leo file 
(into dist folder):

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Re: What is the status of installers for 5.0 final?

2014-11-22 Thread Edward K. Ream
On Sat, Nov 22, 2014 at 12:03 AM, Matt Wilkie wrote:

 I've come to the conclusion our configuration is a muddle of
 multiple approaches that look the same and compatible but aren't, and that
 we should throw the whole thing out and start over

​I agree.

 but not for 5.0.

​Imo, I should fix this today, not someday.

I am willing to delay 5.0 final as long as necessary to get
working with both distutils (python install) and pip (pip
install).  Really, this is the whole point of 5.0 distro: to get the
standard installation procedures to work.

My hope is that both distutils and pip may have evolved so that various
workarounds that previously were needed perhaps aren't.  We shall see.  In
any case, a dead simple approach that kinda works will be much superior to
the present situation.

It's easy for me to test both pip install and python install, and
pip uninstall works either way, so progress may be fast.  Stay tuned.


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Re: What is the status of installers for 5.0 final?

2014-11-22 Thread Chris George
Probably late in the day for a change of strategy, but here is how a 
popular Linux only python app has handled the entire problem. The advantage 
I can see is the ability to have version specific distributions of Leo. ie. 
(Leo 5, Python 3.4, QT5), (Leo 5, Python 2.7, QT4) etc.

I am sure that there are many perfectly good reasons why this won't work 
for power users and programmers, but it would certainly make Leo easily 
accessible to newbies.

One click install...


On Saturday, November 22, 2014 3:09:42 AM UTC-8, Edward K. Ream wrote:

 On Sat, Nov 22, 2014 at 12:03 AM, Matt Wilkie 
 javascript: wrote:

 I've come to the conclusion our configuration is a muddle of 
 multiple approaches that look the same and compatible but aren't, and that 
 we should throw the whole thing out and start over

 ​I agree.

 but not for 5.0.

 ​Imo, I should fix this today, not someday.

 I am willing to delay 5.0 final as long as necessary to get 
 working with both distutils (python install) and pip (pip 
 install).  Really, this is the whole point of 5.0 distro: to get the 
 standard installation procedures to work.

 My hope is that both distutils and pip may have evolved so that various 
 workarounds that previously were needed perhaps aren't.  We shall see.  In 
 any case, a dead simple approach that kinda works will be much superior to 
 the present situation.

 It's easy for me to test both pip install and python install, and 
 pip uninstall works either way, so progress may be fast.  Stay tuned.


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Re: What is the status of installers for 5.0 final?

2014-11-22 Thread Chris George
It helps if you post the URL.

On Saturday, November 22, 2014 2:06:10 PM UTC-8, Chris George wrote:

 Probably late in the day for a change of strategy, but here is how a 
 popular Linux only python app has handled the entire problem. The advantage 
 I can see is the ability to have version specific distributions of Leo. ie. 
 (Leo 5, Python 3.4, QT5), (Leo 5, Python 2.7, QT4) etc.

 I am sure that there are many perfectly good reasons why this won't work 
 for power users and programmers, but it would certainly make Leo easily 
 accessible to newbies.

 One click install...


 On Saturday, November 22, 2014 3:09:42 AM UTC-8, Edward K. Ream wrote:

 On Sat, Nov 22, 2014 at 12:03 AM, Matt Wilkie wrote:

 I've come to the conclusion our configuration is a muddle of 
 multiple approaches that look the same and compatible but aren't, and that 
 we should throw the whole thing out and start over

 ​I agree.

 but not for 5.0.

 ​Imo, I should fix this today, not someday.

 I am willing to delay 5.0 final as long as necessary to get 
 working with both distutils (python install) and pip (pip 
 install).  Really, this is the whole point of 5.0 distro: to get the 
 standard installation procedures to work.

 My hope is that both distutils and pip may have evolved so that various 
 workarounds that previously were needed perhaps aren't.  We shall see.  In 
 any case, a dead simple approach that kinda works will be much superior to 
 the present situation.

 It's easy for me to test both pip install and python install, 
 and pip uninstall works either way, so progress may be fast.  Stay tuned.


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Re: What is the status of installers for 5.0 final?

2014-11-22 Thread Davy Cottet
I've less time to work on it on the week-end, but I think within a couple 
of days, I'll get to the point of having a clean debian build procedure for 
Edward, do you work sometime on a linux environment in order to perform the 
builds ? 

Or is there someone else from your team to deal with linux build and 
setting up launchpad PPA ?
I could do it but I think that for a security reason, It would be better if 
the ppa is managed with official leo-editor launchpad, ie not by an 
Basically it will be a mater of two command lines, or one @button in 
leoDist.leo ;)

If you want, I can provide detailed instructions to set-up your environment 
and the ppa on launchpad to be ready for 5.0 release.

Keep up your good work on this damn !

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Re: What is the status of installers for 5.0 final?

2014-11-22 Thread Matt Wilkie
 It helps if you post the URL.

:)  Thanks.

Here's the linux installer source,
Looks to (my uneducated eye) to be more work than what Davy's been doing.
But then there's probably a lot we could throw out wholesale, since Leo's
dependency list is so much smaller.


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Re: What is the status of installers for 5.0 final?

2014-11-21 Thread Edward K. Ream
On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 8:55 PM, Davy Cottet wrote:

 So `sudo python install` issued no errors, but attempting to run
 Leo afterwards does?

​Yes.  I see this as well.  Anyone have any ideas how to fix that?


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Re: What is the status of installers for 5.0 final?

2014-11-21 Thread Edward K. Ream
On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 8:10 AM, Edward K. Ream wrote:

 On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 8:55 PM, Davy Cottet

 So `sudo python install` issued no errors, but attempting to run
 Leo afterwards does?

 ​Yes.  I see this as well.  Anyone have any ideas how to fix that?

​Are we sure this really is a problem?



If the package contains only pure-Python code, it can stay as just an egg
file. The Python interpreter can load the Python modules directly from the
egg. If the package contains modules written in C or other data, then egg
needs to be extracted so the C modules and/or data can be accessed. That's
the default behavior of packages, I believe. Newer versions of Python might
be able to load C modules from egg files; I'm not sure about that part.

The creator of the package can also specifically instruct the installer to
unzip the package, by passing zip_safe = False to setup() in their


So why not just set zip_safe = False and be done with it?


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Re: What is the status of installers for 5.0 final?

2014-11-21 Thread Edward K. Ream
On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 8:28 AM, Edward K. Ream wrote:

​ ​
So why not just set zip_safe = False and be done with it?

​That does not seem to work.  Very strange.


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Re: What is the status of installers for 5.0 final?

2014-11-21 Thread Edward K. Ream
On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 9:04 AM, Edward K. Ream wrote:

 On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 8:28 AM, Edward K. Ream

 ​ ​
 So why not just set zip_safe = False and be done with it?

 ​That does not seem to work.  Very strange.

​Note that zip_safe is set to False in both and setup.cfg.  In
spite of that, the zip-safe attribute in the egg file is set.  Gr.


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Re: What is the status of installers for 5.0 final?

2014-11-21 Thread 'Terry Brown' via leo-editor
On Fri, 21 Nov 2014 08:59:36 -0800 (PST)
Davy Cottet wrote:

 Is there many part of the code using folder and file structure to
 store information ?
 If it is only the case for maybe an alternative would
 be to store last commit and git information as a module or pickle ?

so instead of leo/core/commit_timestamp.json

asctime: Fri Nov 21 08:48:19 CST 2014,
timestamp: 20141121084819

we could have leo/core/

asctime: Fri Nov 21 08:48:19 CST 2014,
timestamp: 20141121084819,
release: Leo 5.2

although that would be a bit more putzy because the bash code which
updates (even on windows) the commit_timestamp.json would have to get
the release info. from somewhere.

Maybe this would be The Simplest Thing That Can Possibly Work(TM) 
:-) -

Switch from commit_timestamp.json to but put only

asctime: Fri Nov 21 08:48:19 CST 2014,
timestamp: 20141121084819

in there and continue getting the release info. from where ever it's
coming from now, presumably a .py file.

Cheers -Terry

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Re: What is the status of installers for 5.0 final?

2014-11-21 Thread lewis
I still have the same issue I had with 5.0a2 (!topic/leo-editor/yrn-QgMRRGc )
As Edward asked  - has anyone else seen this annoying behaviour with python 
3.4 / Win 7?
If you did make any changes they haven't had any effect on my side.

Here is the problem again for 5.0-b2:
Leo installs and opens workbook.leo by default but it won't open files via 
HelpOpen CheatSheet, LeoDocs or quickstart.
Same result via FileOpen C:\Program Files\Leo-5.0-b2\leo\doc
Recent Files are there but they don't open.

To correct the problem I did as you suggested earlier:

1. ​Right-clicked the Leo icon and chose properties.
2. Changed the target from pythonw.exe to python.exe so that Leo runs in 
a console.
3. Saved the changes to the properties

*Leo Log WindowLeo 5.0b2, build 20141117141110, Mon Nov 17 14:11:10 CST 
2014Not running from a git repoPython 3.4.2, PyQt version 5.3.2Windows 7 
AMD64 (build 6.1.7601) SP1*


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Re: What is the status of installers for 5.0 final?

2014-11-21 Thread Matt Wilkie
On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 7:42 AM, Edward K. Ream wrote:

 Now the not-zip-safe attribute (one-byte) file exists and a leo folder
 exists *inside* the egg file, but not in the dist-packages folder.  This
 looks like progress, but I think we need a leo folder in dist-packages
 folder itself.

I've spent the last hour and half reading and attempting to understand
what's going on. I don't. These 4 pages below seem to be on to something,
and clearer than many. With some invocations `package_data` and
`data_files` are used, and in others only, and others a
combination of the two.

Additionally, there is at least one command listed in the docs which we
can't use, `--manifest-only`, because our current setup is not using the
python standard way import. Or rather it's there, but commented out (I
think I did that, last year. No recollection why at moment).

I've come to the conclusion our configuration is a muddle of
multiple approaches that look the same and compatible but aren't, and that
we should throw the whole thing out and start over, from the simplest
possible thing, no packages, no data (still trying to understand what makes
package data and data files different from each other) and work our way
back up to the complex but not complicated structure that is Leo. -- but
not for 5.0.

For 5.0 it should be just use pip to install from source.

my 2c.

(going for refuge in his own simpler code playground for awhile)

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Re: What is the status of installers for 5.0 final?

2014-11-19 Thread Matt Wilkie
On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 9:48 AM, Davy Cottet wrote:

 cd leo-editor-master
 sudo python install

 - IOError: [Errno 20] Not a directory:

So `sudo python install` issued no errors, but attempting to run
Leo afterwards does?

In any case, same commands executed 5 minutes ago on Windows is OK. Does
'commit_timestamp.json' exist in the on your machine?


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