Re: On gratitude and free software

2023-09-11 Thread Dennis Payne
I agree with your opinion that exploiting free software leads to
problems. Gratitude is a good thing but your arguments have a few

An argument could be made that Truth Social isn't exploiting Mastodon.
Yeah they were reluctant to release the source and I don't think they
contribute to Mastodon development. But they do run a free server that
could contribute to spread the cost to maintain the system. (Assuming
they can keep doing that.)

The resistance to GNU/Linux comes from the term being annoying to
say/write. Lego insists that it is Lego bricks not Legos but people use
the shorter one. Also the blatant attempt to jump on the success of
Linux annoyed people. Why didn't they argue this from day one? Why
didn't they argue it with BSD? Unless you are a developer, a Linux user
may not interact with any GNU program. Why shouldn't it be
Gnome/X11/Linux or KDE/Linux? Interestingly most people do not refer to
Android phones as Linux systems. While you might argue it is because
they don't know it runs Linux. I think the knowledgeable don't because
they understand that Linux encompasses the standard tools/UI which
Android throws out.

Saying people who don't support Richard Stallman are ungrateful is
flawed. I don't think I've ever heard a non-supporter say Richard
Stallman did nothing. You can be grateful but also believe a person is
flawed enough they should step back from public roles. Hollywood is
probably the best example of people creating amazing content but the
person behind has done bad things. Don't misunderstand and assume I'm
equating Richard Stallman to some of the horrible people in Hollywood.
I think it is perfectly reasonable to look past the controversies and
say he is still a good representative for free software. I personally
disagree but that is fine.

Unfortunately I don't have any good suggestions on how to improve

Dennis Payne

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: Voting machines not AI code

2023-08-16 Thread Dennis Payne
You want to write a message with the subject "GPL on AI generated code"
make the message about that.

You want to write a post about the problems of proprietary code in
voting machines that's fine. Find good examples or explain what could
be the problem.

Don't go to the 2020 USA election. It is not a useful example of the
advantages of free software. It wouldn't of mattered how the election
was done. Fraud claims happened because the result wasn't what Trump
wanted. If the software was free software, he still would have claimed
poll workers scanned different voter forms or changed the data on the
drive or whatever.

Dennis Payne

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

More Free Software Game Work

2023-03-31 Thread Dennis Payne
I've been playing around with an update to Shippy 1984. It is a space
invaders like game. It is included on Fedora. Not all of my changes are
in git yet but I created a dev log video about what I've been trying

I've also been working on Fight or Perish as well. Not sure if I will
make a dev log video about that or not.

Dennis Payne

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Fight or Perish

2023-03-31 Thread Dennis Payne
Fight or Perish is a free software clone of Gauntlet. It never really
progressed past a prototype from the original creator. I've been
working to fix it up. I've written an Open Game Source article about my

Dennis Payne

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: Mojotron: Robot Wars

2022-10-11 Thread Dennis Payne
Crowdfunding of Mojotron: Robot Wars didn't succeed. I've learned a lot
about running a kickstarter and think I could do better next time. But
just because funding failed doesn't mean the code should be locked

Binaries are available for purchase from

On Sat, 2022-08-06 at 07:03 -0400, Dennis Payne wrote:
> As an experiment in funding free software games, I have created a
> kickstarter. (I'm sure some people will say I shouldn't use a
> proprietary site like that but I'm going where the people are.)
> Mojotron: Robot Wars is an update to the free software game
> Mojotron. 
> It is a twin stick shooter similar to Robotron: 2084. It has been
> updated to use SDL2 instead of ClanLib 0.6. I've also been reskinning
> the game because I wanted a more serious tone to the game. Many bugs
> have been fixed as well.
> If you are interested in supporting or just spread the word the
> kickstarter is:

Dennis Payne

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Mojotron: Robot Wars

2022-08-07 Thread Dennis Payne
As an experiment in funding free software games, I have created a
kickstarter. (I'm sure some people will say I shouldn't use a
proprietary site like that but I'm going where the people are.)

Mojotron: Robot Wars is an update to the free software game Mojotron. 
It is a twin stick shooter similar to Robotron: 2084. It has been
updated to use SDL2 instead of ClanLib 0.6. I've also been reskinning
the game because I wanted a more serious tone to the game. Many bugs
have been fixed as well.

If you are interested in supporting or just spread the word the
kickstarter is:

Dennis Payne

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

LibrePlanet Free Software Game Trailer Reel

2022-07-25 Thread Dennis Payne
For LibrePlanet, have we considered doing a free software game trailer
reel? I was creating a trailer for a game I've been working on. I
started wondering if more free software games should create trailers to
try to build awareness. Having it as a session during LibrePlanet would
bring more visibility to the trailers.

Here is the trailer for Mojotron: Robot Wars if you want to see what I

The code for Mojotron: Robot Wars is not available yet but I'm working
on getting it out. The original Mojotron code is available but you need
an old version of ClanLib to run it.

Dennis Payne

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: People calling the GPLs 'evil licenses' - action plan?

2022-05-17 Thread Dennis Payne
Having one person consider GPL an evil license isn't a big deal. I
wouldn't waste a lot of time trying to convert him. Nor would I send
them a link to long essay explaining the situation. wolftune's argument
is the simplest. However since you already sent him an offensive
article, I doubt any argument will have much effect at this point.

On Tue, 2022-05-17 at 23:52 +0800, andrew via libreplanet-discuss
> Andrew  Would suffice to
> indicate extending an existing Expat (MIT) project into a project
> based on the original work but licensed under the (A)GPL?
> Andrew  ugh, forgot to place the agpl in it 
> ChrisWarrick    ask a lawyer
> ChrisWarrick    (and consider a less evil license)  
> Andrew  Not asking for legal advice, just general practice
> Andrew  And I don't consider the GPLs to be evil, I use  them for
> bigger projects while I use public domain (unlicense) for smaller
> ones
> ChrisWarrick    licenses are legal stuff, so you are asking for legal
> advice
> Andrew  asking stuff like 'does the US have any laws' is legal but
> isn't asking for legal advice imo
> ChrisWarrick    your question is “am I interpeting and using the
> license correctly”
> Andrew  i guess 
> Andrew  and why do you think the gpl is evil?    
> ChrisWarrick    GPL, and especially AGPL, makes your code less free
> than MIT/BSD
> nedbat  Andrew: this is a classic debate    
> Andrew  ChrisWarrick: PM me, thanks
> Andrew  because I want to prevent people from proprietizing it
> ChrisWarrick    but at the same time, you’re benefitting from Brandon
> Nguyen’s work
> Andrew  yes
> ChrisWarrick    but he isn’t able to benefit from yours
> Andrew  they could use the AGPL/GPL, and they could ask me for an
> exception
> Andrew  the greater danger is people taking expat code and
> proprietizing it, hindering free use altogether
> ChrisWarrick    what is wrong with proprietary use though?
> Andrew  i'll get back to you with an article tomorrow, thanks on your
> thoughts
> Andrew  meanwhile,
>  explains part of it
> Andrew  dont agree to all of it, i see a lot of use of permissive
> licenses, but not for the project working on now
> ChrisWarrick    do you have a less offensive article?
> Andrew  I'm working on that
> ChrisWarrick    okay    
> I hope this is clear enough on what I need ... well, how do I explain
> the GPL to them?
> ___
> libreplanet-discuss mailing list

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: access to talks

2022-03-21 Thread Dennis Payne
They are not available yet. They will be putting them online as soon as
they can but I don't know how fast that will be.

I didn't catch most talks on Sunday. I did catch most of the keynote
and found it interesting. I also liked the talk on TRBot on Saturday.
Does anyone have any talks they liked that I might have missed?

On Mon, 2022-03-21 at 12:01 -0400, Jim Fulner wrote:
> I'm having trouble finding links to the recordings of talks I wasn't
> able to make.
> Can someone help me find those, particualrly as due to religious
> concerns I was uanble to do any on Sunday.
> Yours in liberation,
> Jim Fulner
> Promoting Freed Minds, Freed Markets and Free Software
> and whenever possible Free Beer
> "For as long as one of your brothers is not free, none of you are
> free"
> 586-473-7007
> Follow me on the world's best decentralized social media platform GNU
> Social. Aren't you tired of big government
> backed corporations managing your social interactions?
> This Free message sent via a Free SMTP server running the Free
> Operating System GNU/Linux
> ___
> libreplanet-discuss mailing list

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: Announcing Zoë Kooyman as our new executive director

2022-03-03 Thread Dennis Payne
I too found your post rather insulting. Not for questioning her
existence. That I can chalk up to joke. More for the "nor saw her to do
anything in Free Software" comment. I know she does work for
LibrePlanet. I suspect she can be found in a number of the videos for
previous years.

On Thu, 2022-03-03 at 05:19 +, Jacob Hrbek wrote:
> For context i am arguing for a long time (like 4 years now?) for FSF
> to
> be more gender equal where each time i bring that issue up everyone
> starts with "oh there is zoe! we are very gender equal, because zoe!
> and
> we always supported gender equality", but when i ping her on IRC or
> try
> to talk to her she never responds, i never saw her talk to anyone on
> IRC, i couldn't find her doing anything in terms of free software and
> everyone always starts yelling at me for daring to try to talk to her
> or
> about her.
> at least from my experience thus the question.. wasn't meant to be
> disrespectful if zoe is really a real person then this is a major
> milestone for FSF to name a women as an executive director which i
> fully
> support and argue for more gender equality.
> On 3/2/22 22:52, mray wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > On 02.03.22 16:47, Jacob Hrbek wrote:
> > > was i disrespectable? If so my apologies
> > 
> > When asked to welcome a new representative you react with
> > questioning
> > the mere existe
> nce of said person. That seems like a totally normal
> > welcoming and respectable thing. At least here, I guess? :D
> > 
> > On my way out I'll gladly take those apologies as some kind of an
> > inside joke.
> > 
> > I'm off, too.
> --
> Jacob Hrbek, In support of ukraine sovereignty #supportUkraine
> ___
> libreplanet-discuss mailing list

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: FSF continuously harms Free Hardware

2022-02-01 Thread Dennis Payne
On Sun, 2022-01-30 at 20:20 +, Jacob Hrbek wrote:
> So the time for FSF to pitch in is now and FSF's endorsement has a
> major
> impact on free hardware development.

I think we have different opinions on the impact of FSF and the state
of free hardware development. I view the free hardware movement as
still in an early adopter stage. As such promoting it won't accomplish
much because it is not ready for people.

Since FSF has more technically minded members, maybe endorsing free
hardware can help development. But I don't think there is a lot of
evidence for that basis.

Dennis Payne

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: FSF continuously harms Free Hardware

2022-01-30 Thread Dennis Payne
RMS doesn't agree with focusing on Free Hardware (or whatever you call
it). You could try doing it separately and get fsf buy in after the
fact. Or try to convince other fsf officials or the general membership.

However I don't see the end result being a flood of great Free
Hardware. The Respect Your Freedom campaign hasn't suddenly transformed
the few participating laptop/workstation/server vendors to industry
juggernauts. Any Free Hardware site is going to have even less end-user

I'm not saying the end goal is bad. I would like to see more Free
Hardware but FSF isn't going to do development of Free Hardware. Their
endorsement isn't that important at this point.

Dennis Payne

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: [FSFLA] LibreJam - FSF* should host a Libre Game development tournament!

2022-01-19 Thread Dennis Payne
You did ask an actual indie game developer. I chose "We" in my
statement because I was including myself in the group of game
developers. I recently made Anagramarama available for sale on
to gain funds for free software game development. I also have a
merchandise shop where I've started trying to make money for free
software game development.

If you want commercial closed source game developers, I've done that
two. I worked on the game Devil's Whiskey. I enjoyed the experience
and made money from it but don't particular enjoy closed source
development so I haven't done it since.

If you want someone who has entered game jams, I've entered two. I
would like to enter more but haven't found the time unfortunately.

If you want more game developers, I've hung out on irc channels for
gamedev and godot and talked to other developers about game jams. I've
also gone to a few Game Developer Conferences and Boston Festival of
Indie Games. I've attended the Postmortem game developer group in

If you want more free software game developers, I frequent the forum. I also modify a lot of free software games and
generally contact about developer about it.

Feel free to reach out to other game developers. I enjoy hearing about
why people make games.

On Fri, 2022-01-14 at 16:26 +0100, Ismael Luceno wrote:
> On 07/Jan/2022 18:23, Dennis Payne wrote:
> <...>
> > Most people developing games would love to make a living as game
> > developers. However I disagree that most people developing games
> > are
> > motivated by it. We are usually motivated by a game we want to
> > make. We
> > might think it could make money but usually it is the desire for
> > the
> > game first.
> > 
> > People join National Novel Writing Month for the same reason. They
> > have
> > an idea for a novel and want to write it. Some will pursue
> > publishing
> > it. Some will self publish perhaps even knowing it won't be a giant
> > seller. Some will just give it away.
> Yes, it could be the case, but I wouldn't count on it.
> But instead of guessing, we could just ask actual indie game
> developers.

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: [FSFLA] LibreJam - FSF* should host a Libre Game development tournament!

2022-01-08 Thread Dennis Payne
On Fri, 2022-01-07 at 10:53 +0100, Ismael Luceno wrote:
> People who value free software would publish their games as free
> software... Why don't we have so many games then?

We do have a lot of games. Obviously not as many as commercial games.
They tend to steer towards procedural or acade games rather than
complex story games. High quality graphics are less common but not
Lists 519 linux games at the moment. Some may not be completely free
but a good chunk of them probably are. It has a backlog of games to add
as well.

> Most people developing games are motivated by the prospects of:
> either
> just being able to make a living as game developers, or worse, of
> making more money as game developers than in their current day job.

Most people developing games would love to make a living as game
developers. However I disagree that most people developing games are
motivated by it. We are usually motivated by a game we want to make. We
might think it could make money but usually it is the desire for the
game first.

People join National Novel Writing Month for the same reason. They have
an idea for a novel and want to write it. Some will pursue publishing
it. Some will self publish perhaps even knowing it won't be a giant
seller. Some will just give it away.

Dennis Payne

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: [FSFLA] LibreJam - FSF* should host a Libre Game development tournament!

2022-01-06 Thread Dennis Payne
On Wed, 2022-01-05 at 16:10 +0100, Ismael Luceno wrote:
> Making it attractive would mean the prizes and frequency of the
> contests
> need to yield an average much higher than what would be possible by
> selling
> the game, which sounds unrealistic to me.
> A single top game can easily gross tens of millions, I don't think
> you can
> compete with the privative models this way; and even the average
> good-ish
> games makes 20k-25k USD on their first year.
> Making it work would require a different approach.

I think you are misinformed. According to a 2020 study, over 50% of
indie games on Steam make less than $4000.

You could argue whether those were "average good-ish" but that is a lot
of games. Steam requires a $100 fee just to be listed.

$2000 prize pool for weekend or even a week of work isn't bad. To sell
a game you need to do a lot more work. Take Celeste for example. It was
made for on pico-8 for a game jam. It was a "difficult platformer with
30 levels". The commercial game had "over 200 rooms spread between
eight chapters." That was a lot of work to make it a commercial

A game jam game might lead to a bigger commercial game but the game jam
itself will not be a huge seller. Game jams require you to be able to
play the games of others to give ratings and comments. You are going to
get that if you have to buy them. On I believe the only thing
you can do is make it "pay what want".

Dennis Payne

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: LibreJam - FSF* should host a Libre Game development tournament!

2022-01-04 Thread Dennis Payne
On Sun, 2022-01-02 at 07:32 +, Jacob Hrbek wrote:
> Proof-of-concept: GameHub <> which
> is 
> a GUI frontend to various DDPs that handles the installation through
> the 
> provided solution.
> .. would think it to be a good idea to fork GameHub to provide the 
> decentralized game list and the binding.

Forking is a last resort. If you want to do this we should try to work
with GameHub developers to add the feature. Especially since it is
written in Vala which I suspect most people don't know.

The way GameHub works it lists all games from the various connected
stores. I don't think this would work for distribution games. Fedora
includes a lot of games and I think it would quickly become
unmanageable. I think you would need to display only those installed
and allow a search for more to install.

Dennis Payne

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Mari0 Revamp

2022-01-03 Thread Dennis Payne
I generally try to avoid games that violate copyright. Fan games can be
fun but they exist only as longer as the copyright holder allows. I
decided to look at Mari0. It is Super Mario Brothers with up to four
players simultaneous and a Portal gun. The default levels are
recreations of the original SMB. There are a set of Portal levels which
have you accomplish puzzles.

I love the concept and think it would be great to have levels with
platforming and puzzle elements. I've decided to try to remove the
copyrighted material so it can become fully free software. I've removed
a few monsters and tiles with content from opengameart (with some
modifications). If anyone wants to contribute some replacement art send
it or create a pull request. (Levels, sound and music will also be

Dennis Payne

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: Global Game Jam

2022-01-01 Thread Dennis Payne
I mentioned on the FreeGameDev site that the game jam portion of
Liberated Pixel Cup was not a success and someone disagreed with me.
The problem was we had different definitions of success. I want games
that I can still play now and perhaps even see improvements. He looks
at it as they produced some interesting games.

You can see the same with the global game jam. It has produced
thousands of games. But I can't say I've played any of them. I'm sure
there are some great games in there but I don't know any that have
risen out of it.

As a game developer, I like game jams. I think a game jam associated
with LibrePlanet and have a session dedicated to showing off the games
would be fun. With two kids I've found it hard to participate in many
jams but I would like to do more. If one person plays my game and likes
it that a win for me (and that one person may even be me).

I just don't see a game jam significantly increasing the number of good
free software games. Maybe you can structure a game jam in such a way
to bring that about. FreeGameDev suggested maybe focusing on modding
games. The Linux Game Tome tried to get people to fix up a game for a
month. That lead to SuperTuxKart fork from TuxKart. However that effort
didn't really succeed and only became the success it is after it failed
and new developers resurrected the game. Could you do a game jam where
everyone builds level for a game and the best are worked together in
the end? I think it would be difficult to weave them together and not
have duplicate elements in the levels. But I think it might be an
interesting thing to try.

On Sat, 2022-01-01 at 12:01 +, Paul Sutton via libreplanet-discuss
> Hi
> Following on from the suggestion of a Libre Game Jam, there is an
> event 
> coming up
> This appears to be along similar lines to what was suggested, so may
> be 
> good for some ideas.
> Paul
> ___
> libreplanet-discuss mailing list

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: LibreJam - FSF* should host a Libre Game development tournament!

2022-01-01 Thread Dennis Payne
Was it a success? It created a lot of additional artwork in the style
of lpc. In that respect I consider it great. But did the jam entries
amount to anything. Here is a list of entries:

I just looked at a few links. Several github links no longer work. I
don't know if the code is still available. I did not find any that have
had recent release. I don't know if any are included in any
distribution. (I would like to try out some of the games and maybe fix
them up but none of them became a hit game to my knowledge.)

On Thu, 2021-12-30 at 18:35 -0500, John Sullivan wrote:
> Years ago, we were a partner in the Liberated Pixel Cup, which was a
> pretty big success. Might be worth looking back on:
> -john
> ___
> libreplanet-discuss mailing list

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: LibreJam - FSF* should host a Libre Game development tournament!

2022-01-01 Thread Dennis Payne
Libre Game Wiki is good but most lists like this has things that can be
hard to get running or things too early in development to be a good
recommendation. Free software games tend not to have binaries. We need
to make it easy to install. Flatpak/flathub is a possible solution to
that problem. For Anagramarama I decided to make Linux binaries
available on the web site and uploaded it to for a low price to
help development of free software games. I also got it included in

My personal attempt to improve the situation is with an achievement
system. Gamerzilla allows you to publish achievements online. Friends
can then go to your Gamerzilla site and see what games you have been
playing. I like to think of it as a virtual bookshelf where you can see
what your friends find to be worthwhile. If your friend tried game X
but only got one achievements and got twenty on another game, he
probably liked that other game more.

My Gamerzilla test site is:

Dennis Payne

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: LibreJam - FSF* should host a Libre Game development tournament!

2021-12-29 Thread Dennis Payne
I don't think a game jam will cause a sudden influx of quality free
software games. I don't think it is a bad idea to have one but I doubt
it will be a great source of quality free software games. Jam games are
not typically developed further beyond the jam.

In a lot of ways I think the bigger problem for free software games is
discoverability. Have you played Smalltrek? How about Witch's Blast?
OpenAlchemist? Diver Down? Mindcrosser? Hijinx: A Christmas Capper?
Seahorse Adventures? Shattered Pixel Dungeon? Anagramarama? Ardentryst?

> 3. Ban any non-free game engines and any non-free tools e.g. to
require using GNU GIMP instead of AS Photoshop.

Non-free game engines I agree with. I think non-free tools is not
enforceable. If the developer uses free content from or
other sites, they may have no idea how the content was created. It
makes sense to not allow non-free tools to build the game.

I agree that using for the jam would be easiest but I don't
think the site is free software. Many of the tools they create are such
as the app and butler.

Dennis Payne

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: federated free software movement

2021-11-29 Thread Dennis Payne
On Tue, 2021-11-23 at 18:02 +, Paul Sutton via libreplanet-discuss
> Hi
> I think this may be it
>  From

I can't help but feel this is impossible to implement. It relies on the
same blind faith in technology that facebook has used to justify doing
nothing about the misinformation.

Stallman specifically mentions that holocaust denial would be allowed
but that endorsements/peer review would allow people to evaluate the
truthfulness of the article. Then says modified version would lose all
endorsements. So if people keep adding useful information to an
article, it might keep losing all it's endorsements. Holocaust denial
might appear to have more endorsements in that situation. Even if have
some way to handle that, not all endorsements are equal. If 20 medical
doctors are saying people are getting sick because of X and 50
employees from company that makes X say the cause is undetermined, I
think I'd trust the doctors.

If you can make it, more power to you.

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: federated free software movement

2021-11-16 Thread Dennis Payne
I don't see how a federated wikipedia would work. Even if you banned
obvious trolls, how would you deal with contentious issues? Federation
isn't some magical technologies that immediately makes everything

An emphasis on self-hosting is not a good idea in my opinion. It is
great that we are not locked into a commercial provider but most people
don't want to self-host. Self-hosting is work. Some people will
certainly do that but thankfully some of them allow the rest of us to
use their service. While I can run my own mastadon, I don't want to.

(That being said, it should be easy to setup a self-host. I was on a
Hubzilla instance but it broke and the admin could not figure out how
to fix it. For Hubzilla they provide support using Hubzilla. So if you
have a problem on your instance, you need to register on another
instance so you can ask for help.)

On Tue, 2021-11-16 at 18:21 +, Leah Rowe via libreplanet-discuss
> federated wikipedia
> thoughts?

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: Linux distro chooser

2021-10-25 Thread Dennis Payne
I find that distribution mostly doesn't matter. Sure something like
gentoo is going to be hard but the choice of general distribution is of
limited importance. Most things people want to do are supported by
every general distribution.

The exception ironically is fsf endorsed distributions because they
miss firmware for common hardware.

On Sun, 2021-10-24 at 18:26 +0100, Paul Sutton via libreplanet-discuss
> Hi All
> I just found this on Mastodon, a really useful tool to help people
> find 
> a good linux distribution based on their needs.
> Paul
> ___
> libreplanet-discuss mailing list

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: Blind user complaining on Adobe web site

2021-05-08 Thread Dennis Payne
On Sat, 2021-05-08 at 20:52 +0300, Jean Louis wrote:
> * Dennis Payne  [2021-05-08 19:20]:
> > Connecting at a lower level would probably give worse results. For
> > Gnome software for example, I don't believe they write text using
> > the X
> > Windows functions. Instead they handle that themselves and send the
> > image result to X. Additionally X Windows is generally on the way
> > out
> > with Wayland being the new thing.
> I get it.
> But I don't think that blind users would like to switch to bleeding
> edge software.

RHEL, Fedora, and Ubuntu use Wayland right now. X Windows is basically
in maintenance mode. The proposal I was referencing suggested moving
the accessibility layer lower in the X windows stack. If you started
working on that now, it probably wouldn't matter because X Windows will
have a small market share. (If it even worked which as I said is
unlikely because of the way libraries make use of X Windows.)

But if you think you can do better, I'd be happy to be proven wrong. I
just don't think Wayland is bleeding edge anymore.

Dennis Payne

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: Blind user complaining on Adobe web site

2021-05-08 Thread Dennis Payne
Connecting at a lower level would probably give worse results. For
Gnome software for example, I don't believe they write text using the X
Windows functions. Instead they handle that themselves and send the
image result to X. Additionally X Windows is generally on the way out
with Wayland being the new thing.

On Thu, 2021-05-06 at 21:57 -0400, Arthur Torrey wrote:
> Jean Louis pointed at Vinux - which I had found and looked to me like
> a near-dead project - The home page is non-https, and is skeletal at
> best...  The Wiki is talking about the 'latest version' as of 2015,
> and while it says the last update was in 2019, the download site
> doesn't connect (Firefox times out w/ can't find site error) and
> there have only been about 2 changes to the wiki since it was created
> in 2013 according to it's history page...
> I found a few other low vision projects and they seemed similarly
> moribund.  I asked on another site and the response I got was either
> similar pointers to seemingly dead projects, or that because most of
> the mainstream distros now have some level of accessibility built in,
> the low-vision / blind specific projects have mostly died.
> As a non-programmer, who has listened to a few presentations at
> Libre-Planet and read articles here and there I can't contribute any
> code, but as a 'partly baked idea' my thought about how it might be
> possible to do a better job on accessibility might be to try and tap
> into the system at a much earlier level
> What would happen if instead of trying to put accessibility in at the
> window manager (KDE / Gnome / etc.) level, there was instead an X-
> Windows driver that provided input to a screen-reader as a "display
> type"?  How about having an "accessible keyboard" option (probably as
> an intermediate layer between the usual keyboard choices and the rest
> of the system as that would make it easy to use any desired key-
> mapping underneath it?)
> It seems to me that the closer the accessibility options are to the
> "bare metal hardware" the less they would be relying on window
> managers / programs to do the "right thing", and the more universally
> consistent they would be.
> Possibly less universal, but still coming in at a fairly low level,
> what if there was an "accessible" option for choosing the
> internationalization when setting up?
> As I said this may be something that wouldn't work for reasons that
> are above my pay-grade to understand, but perhaps might just be
> something that hadn't been considered.
> --
> Arthur Torrey - 
> ---
> ___
> libreplanet-discuss mailing list

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Open Alchemist and Alchemy Quest

2021-04-20 Thread Dennis Payne
Recently I've added some achievements to Open Alchemist. However, I'm
not very good at the game. I was thinking there should be an
achievement for high score and max combos but don't know what a good
value would be. If anyone wants to give the game a try it is available

If do give it a try, in .local/share/openalchemist/ or
.local/share/alchemyquest/ it stores the highscores file. It has your
max combo, highscore, total combo, and unlocked pieces. If you are good
at the game feel free to send me the results so I can figure out what
good values for the achievements would be.

Dennis Payne

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: Support RMS

2021-04-13 Thread Dennis Payne
On Tue, 2021-04-13 at 06:37 +0100, Paul Sutton via libreplanet-discuss
> Our 
> collective actions can counter defamation easily by posting and 
> spreading the truth.
> Paul

No it can't. Lots of sources spread correct information about the
election yet a large enough group felt it was wrong and still do.
You are only talking to the people who believe in your cause. The rest
are tuning you out. If there are lots of RMS messages I simply delete
them unread. Sometimes I'll read them if they are short but there are
no persuasive arguments happening here. Either you believe RMS should
be in charge or you don't.

Dennis Payne

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Witch Blast adds Gamerzilla support

2021-04-05 Thread Dennis Payne
Witch Blast is a free roguelite dungeon crawl shooter. The author seems
to no longer be updating the program. It's a fun and very complete game
as is.

Gamerzilla is my open source game achievement system. I noticed Witch
Blast has an achievement system in the game. Modifying achievement
systems to add Gamerzilla support is generally pretty easy so I did
that over the weekend. The code is available here:

If you want to see what games I've been playing which use Gamerzilla
you can view my achievements at:

Dennis Payne

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: RMS is back on board

2021-03-26 Thread Dennis Payne
On Thu, 2021-03-25 at 21:44 +0430, Ali Reza Hayati wrote:
> I wrote this blog post: 
> Please send your support of RMS to This would be much 
> appreciated.

I don't think RMS should be "cancelled". If FSF want him on the board
that's fine with me. However, you include:

"Some also accuse Stallman of sexual harassment and “assault” which
there’s no proof of and as a person who knows him, I can tell very far
from truth."

There are enough stories that I find it implausible that there haven't
been bad encounters in the past between Stallman and others. Maybe he
didn't realize he treated someone badly. Maybe he has since learned and
treats people better. I don't know. I remember an actor commenting on a
late show that there wouldn't be a "me too" moment highlighting his bad
behavior but acknowledged in the past he might have been dismissive to
a woman in a meeting or something. We are all human and anyone can make
a mistake.

Even without those stories, I find RMS flawed in his treatment of
games. He is accepting of non-free artwork and other content as long as
it is not code. I understand his reasoning that is the artistic vision
of the creator. I just don't agree. If you want to add a new feature to
the game which requires some new sprites, you would be required to redo
all the content or perhaps make the new sprites clash in style so as to
not infringe on the copyright of the original art. Even something as
simple as tweaking a pause screen to add some information may require
altering some graphics. A free game with non-free content effectively
makes it non-free because some changes cannot be reasonably made.

Dennis Payne

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: The sad decline of copyleft software licenses? :(

2020-09-28 Thread Dennis Payne
On Mon, 2020-09-28 at 07:33 +0300, Jean Louis wrote:
> Did you measure ?
> Did you measure Bitbucket, Gitlab, private, FTP sites, non-GNU
> Savannah, and GNU Savannah or Launchpad?
> Without proper measurement of statistics, the GPL is not in decline
> for me. Because so far nobody have shown real statistics.

Measuring all the repos or all the software available on Debian is
still wrong. If I go an create a new project with GPL but it is only
useful to me that doesn't help grow the use of GPL software. Measuring
what software people actually install and how that changes over time
would be much more informative. If I convince Debian to package Bt
Builder, it doesn't matter. If everyone is installing it afterward that
means it is an important tool.

Not everyone needs the same tools so you need to get a crosssection of
users to get good information.

I don't know any studies about that. Sure you can find percentage of
new projects with GPL might be going down but if they are personal
projects that a handful of people use it is not significant. If you are
really afraid of the headlines, start forking or creating new projects
with GPL. You don't even have to include any code in the project.

Dennis Payne

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: Parabola-rM: Desktop GNU/Linux on E-Paper Tablet

2020-09-02 Thread Dennis Payne
On Tue, 2020-09-01 at 18:41 -0500, quiliro wrote:
> Davis Remmel  writes:
> >   
> >
> >
> I cannot open either web page with Emacs eww. Can anybody else open
> it?

Yes the pages work fine using firefox. Responses from others on the
thread suggest they too have visited the site.

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: Practicality of GNU project and libre movement

2020-07-24 Thread Dennis Payne
On Thu, 2020-07-23 at 21:31 -0400, Miles Fidelman wrote:
> Some newbie know-nothing jumps in, mouths some uninformed bullshit 
> opinion & rains on our parade, and I'm being rude?

Yes. You resorted to name-calling. You still are by calling him a
newbie know-nothing. Everyone is a newbie at some point. Making
suggestions and asking questions is how they get beyond that.

Sagar: I believe you misunderstand what FSF does. While they have done
some funding of work, they typically leave that to others. (Or at least
that has been my impression. Maybe they spend more on development than
I believe.) You have companies like Cygnus (purchased by Redhat),
Redhat, and others which pay for development.

Dennis Payne

libreplanet-discuss mailing list


2020-06-17 Thread Dennis Payne
I've decided to create a small video presentation about Gamerzilla.
Gamerzilla is an open source trophy/achievement system for games.
Playstation, Xbox, and Steam all have a trophy/achievement system. Open
source games have been out of luck. Rather than continue to get locked
into proprietary systems, I decided to develop an open source
alternative. It is still in an early stage but can now be added to
games and I wanted to get some information about it out there.

This is an idea I've had for a while but decided I had to do something
about it after LibrePlanet 2020.

Dennis Payne

libreplanet-discuss mailing list