RE: OSL 2.0 and linking of libraries

2004-04-01 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

Lawrence E. Rosen wrote, in part:

 You don't need the clarification. Simply linking a program against a library
 or loading machine readable code compiled from source code doesn't create a
 derivative work of software. 


Clarification or recent citation please?  

As far as I understand it, when

   moduleA + moduleB = statically linked executable

executable IS a derivative work of both moduleA and moduleB.

And if sourceA is compiled or translated to create moduleA,
then moduleA IS a derivative work of sourceA, (but this
is a slightly different question.)

Dynamic linking is further different, and your statement
may be accurate under that circumstance.

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RE: OSL 2.0 and linking of libraries

2004-04-01 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

 Read this and try to extrapolate it to software and static 
 linking [dynamic linking aside for a moment]:

If I were defending, and my attorney tried to cite only that
one as defense for a software license/copyright violation, I
wouldn't feel too confident.

 See also
 (License agreements and first sale doctrine)
 Here's the ruling:

(Does a denial of injunctive relief carry the same
weight of precedence as the outcome of a trial?)

If the ruling at that URL (Softman v Adobe) extends
to all software licenses and EULA's, and the Lee v
A.R.T. case applies to compiled works, then I have
serious doubts that most provisions of most of
the OSI-approved licenses mean anything at all for
most users of software.

It would mean that if one is simply going to compile,
link, and/or use software (and not edit the source, or
distribute copies) then licenses (open or closed-source)
can be ignored if you obtained a lawful copy.

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Re: OSL 2.0 and linking of libraries

2004-04-01 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

 Here we have collections which unambiguously are collections: the question
 about statically linked software is precisely whether or not it is a

I think someone must successfully argue that it is only a collection
(and does not meet the definition of derivative work:)


  A ''derivative work'' is a work based upon one or more preexisting works, such
 as a translation, musical arrangement, dramatization,
 fictionalization, motion picture version, sound recording, art reproduction,
 abridgment, condensation, or any other form in which a work may be recast,
 transformed, or adapted. A work consisting of editorial revisions, annotations,
 elaborations, or other modifications which, as a whole, represent an original
 work of authorship, is a ''derivative work''. 

My take on this definition is that most statically linked programs
include a relocation table and symbol tables which are annotations
of the source code.

These annotations are not particularly original, but if you declare
that your statically linked program is not an original work of
authorship, then it is not protected under copyright law.

Now that may be OK to the open source community, but it will be,
um, difficult position for a proprietary software producer to hold.

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Re: OSL 2.0 and linking of libraries

2004-04-01 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III
Roy T. Fielding [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote, in part:

  My take on this definition is that most statically linked programs
  include a relocation table and symbol tables which are annotations
  of the source code.
  These annotations are not particularly original, but if you declare
  that your statically linked program is not an original work of
  authorship, then it is not protected under copyright law.
 That only means it is not separately protected under copyright.
 The owner of the source code copyright retains control over all
 copying of the work, including copies that involve mechanical
 transformation and later copying of that transformation.

You forgot 17 USC 117.  See comments below...

 Otherwise, copyright would not be maintained when a modern
 digital copier is used to copy an art print, which is clearly
 not the case.  Likewise, printing a document using PostScript
 does not create a separately copyrighted document even though
 the raw script looks nothing like the WYSIWYG editor window.
 I agree with Larry Rosen's view, but confusion in regards to
 this issue is so rampant that failure to state it explicitly
 in the license leads to an endless stream of FAQs.

I don't think appealing to analogy of art prints is a good
strategy, because software is special because of the
fair uses permitted by 17 USC 117.

To summarize...
   1. The Softman v Adobe opinion referenced in this thread
  presented a court which very strongly disagreed that
  purchased software was licensed, even when the copyright
  holder claimed it was only licensed not sold.

   2. The opinion on static linking, advocated here by Mr. Rosen
  and others, is that no derivative work is created by mere
  compilation and linking.

   3. Then we have 17 USC 117, which states:

  (a) Making of Additional Copy or Adaptation by Owner of Copy. - 

  Notwithstanding the provisions of section 106, it is not an infringement for
  the owner of a copy of a computer program to make or authorize the making of
  another copy or adaptation of that computer program provided: 

  (1) that such a new copy or adaptation is created as an essential step in the
  utilization of the computer program in conjunction with a machine and that it
  is used in no other manner, or 

So if all the above holds, if I become a lawful owner of a copy of
licensed software without assenting to the license, I can ignore
the license terms if all I want to do is compile, install, and use
the software unmodified, and the software is not encumbered by patents.

(Only if there were patents involved, or I were to desire to create
a derivative work, or make copies of the original or derivative work, I
would need to agree to the open source license.)

But let's say I didn't want to do anything more than compile and
use itDoes that also mean 
   I can ignore clauses in the license about limitations of liability?

   The Termination for Patent Action in OSL (and others) doesn't apply
   either then?  

   Specification of Venue is irrelevant to me too?

The GPL can easily be circumvented in practice too by automated
package download and build systems.  It makes the GPL not much
stronger than the LGPL.

I think this discussion is incredibly important to open source
software.  If the above end up being true, companies using
dual-licensing strategies to generate revenue will not be able
to rely on that revenue model.


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Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-26 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

Sean Chittenden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote, in part:

 Why does everyone insist that they're protecting my interests by
 likening a piece of BSD code that goes closed source as a bad thing or
 as if it's not what I want?  That is precisely what I want people to
 be able to do!  That's a smart business for reusing someone else's
 wheel design, kinda like a dated patent.  

If you are a small software shop, you sell services.  So, what is
the biggest threat to that line of work?  Commoditization and customer
lock-in to big-vendor proprietary solutions.

GPL tilts the playing field against that.  (I am not insisting
you adopt GPL, just explaining one reason why GPL helps the small
shop and IS a rational decision.)

And yes, if you are selling a software library, we can see why
BSD-licensed code is more sellable than GPL-licensed code.  The
market is better.

But you haven't made your point as to why a BSD+anti-copyleft is
more sellable, unless your customer is MicroSoft, or other company
hoping to segment the world of open source software into as
many incompatible islands as possible.

 The GPL is like the
 perpetual patent though, it never expires and becomes usable to other
 businesses.  *shudder*

It only took you two paragraphs to break your promise to maintain the
distinction between closed source and commercial.  GPL software is
extremely usable in business.[1]

If you can't keep your promise on the distinction, don't post any more.


[1] Examples abound, but one that comes to mind is an business who would
never dream of releasing the code I write for them under the GPL or any OSI
certified license, but very happily uses GnuPG and the Windows drag-n-drop
program I gave them to send me proprietary data via email.  They didn't want to
open up their VPN to me and PKZIP encryption isn't very good.  Very cool.

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Re: Updated license - please comment

2003-06-18 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III
 b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three tears, to
 give any third party, at no charge, a complete machine-readable copy of
 the corresponding source code, to be distributed under the terms of
 Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software

Well, are you sure you proofread it?  Three tears?  :-)

I found that and stopped reading it.  But I don't know that clause 2 d is
open source.

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Re: Updated license - please comment

2003-06-18 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III
Mark Rafn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote, in part:

 It doesn't even seem close to me.  Let me know if I'm insane, or reading 
 it wrong, but I can't see how such a restriction can be considered open 
 I know they're straight from the LGPL, but they are irrelevant there
 because the LGPL is a pure superset of the GPL (see LGPL section 3),
 unlike the license under discussion.
 Yes, this indicates that I think the LGPL without section 3 would 
 be non-open-source.

I agree with you.

I have difficulty understanding 2d.  It seems complicated.

In private email, Christophe Dupre summarized the intention this way:

 2 d is there to make sure that the library remains usefull by itself, and
 does not become a wrapper for proprietary tools.

I don't know if 2 d meets that intention or not.  It is hard to understand 2d.
But I have my doubts that the intention is compatible with Open Source,
(depending on how we define Proprietary)

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Re: OSD Model Code -- Article 1 (Free Distribution)

2003-01-22 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III
 From:  Rod Dixon, J.D., LL.M. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To:Forrest J. Cavalier III [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Subject:   Re: OSD Model Code -- Article 1 (Free Distribution)

 Do you mean clause 5 of version 2.0 of the Artistic License? If so, would
 you agree that the proposed change, either your suggestion or Larry's, would
 avoid the problem caused by the current Art. 1 of the OSD or do you think
 there is still a problem with clause 5?
clause #5 reads:
   5. You may charge a reasonable copying fee for any distribution of
   this Package. You may charge any fee you choose for support of this
   Package. You may not charge a fee for this Package itself. However,
   you may distribute this Package in aggregate with other (possibly
   commercial) programs as part of a larger (possibly commercial)
   software distribution provided that you do not advertise this Package
   as a product of your own.

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Re: OSD Model Code -- Article 1 (Free Distribution)

2003-01-21 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

 With my rewording, there's also no need for the confusing term
 aggregate software distribution.  We only need to rely on the
 definition of the term copies in the Copyright Act.  17 USC 101.  

I like the clarity of Larry's , but I think the clumsy wording of
OSD #1 was to permit the Artistic License clause #5 to qualify.

Please read the Artistic License clause #5 and see if the
new proposed wording will continue to treat that license
the same way.


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Re: OSD Model Code -- Article 1 (Free Distribution)

2003-01-21 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III
 From:  Russell Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject:   Re: OSD Model Code -- Article 1 (Free Distribution)
 I think you're doing more than clarifying.  I think you're introducing
 additional restrictions on a licensor -- and that's good!  What if
 somebody tried to restrict a licensee from selling or giving away the
 software as a stand-alone package??

Take a look at the Artistic License clause #5.

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Re: time frame between request for approval and acknowledge

2002-11-21 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

 John Cowan writes:
   With respect, Russ, that's bassackwards.  Collectively if not individually,
   the members of the list have far more free man-hours than you do.  You
   should pass submissions straight on to the list and let one or more of
   us shoot them down if they are obvious losers.
 Okay, unless list members have an objection, that's how I'll handle
 submissions in the future.

I wondered why the list has only been seeing submissions of
high quality licenses.  We used to more commonly see
all kinds of OSD violations in the submitted licenses.

(I thought the world was getting smarter about open source.
Ah well.)

I agree the list members could function as first-line review
for licenses, AS LONG AS THEY REMEMBER THIS:  We are
ambassadors for open source.  We want more open source.  And
those proposing licenses are newbies, not converts.  Be

I think Russ started being first-line contact back when clearly
bad licenses were very likely to get flamed.   That became
a big turn-off to the suits bringing licenses to license-discuss.

We don't even need someone volunteering that I would never use
such a license. It is adequate to explain the violation if you
think there is one, and point them to the rationale at  If they want to follow-up, then that is
the time for continuing a further detailed discussion.


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OSL 1.1 treatment of documentation

2002-10-30 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III
 3) Grant of Source Code License. The term Source Code means the
 preferred form of the Original Work for making modifications to it and
 all available documentation describing how to access and modify the
 Original Work.

access is not well-defined.

Is your intent to compel book publishers to give away the
text of their books written for users of the Work?

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RE: OSL 1.1 treatment of documentation

2002-10-30 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III
Lawrence E. Rosen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in part:

   3) Grant of Source Code License. The term Source Code means the 
   preferred form of the Original Work for making 
  modifications to it and 
   all available documentation describing how to access and modify the 
   Original Work.
  access is not well-defined.
  Is your intent to compel book publishers to give away the
  text of their books written for users of the Work?
 No, and I don't think the word access conveys that meaning.

accessed appears in OSL 1.1 paragraph 5.  And it
seems that use is different than access.  Can
you explain what you meant in each paragraph?

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RE: OSL 1.1 treatment of documentation

2002-10-30 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III
Lawrence E. Rosen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in part:

  Then, Forrest's question: what about a book that isn't a 
  derivative work? Could contract law and some technically 
  inept judge compell the book publisher to release the book's 
  source code (DocBook / TeX / whatever) under OSL?

 Not if it ain't a Derivative Work, I'd say.

How does not being Derivative Work matter? Isn't the
OSL a contract and not a copyright license?  Derivative
Work doesn't even appear in OSL 1.1 paragraph 3.

Consider a case when the software is meant to be
deployed as a network service.  Users use the software
by accessing it via a network.

Seems to me by the OSL paragraph 3, a book publisher
is compelled to include a machine-readable copy of their
book if they provide a copy of the Original work.

For access and modify the Original Work did you
mean obtain? locate? identify?

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OSL 1.1 treatment of derivative works

2002-10-30 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III
Larry wrote, in part:

 Not if it ain't a Derivative Work, I'd say.

Does OSL 1.1 1(c) with paragraph 3 require distribution
of derivative works or not?

Paragraph 3 mentions Original Work, not Original
and Derivative Works.  So it seems not.


Shouldn't the or in 1(c) be and?


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Re: A few here may have an opinion on this

2002-10-24 Thread Forrest J Cavalier III
 I looked up MSFT's latest financial release
 (operating results for Sept 02 quarter, Oct 17).
 They had $7.4B revenue and $2.7B net income.
 EBIT was $4B and they paid $1.3B in taxes.
 In the Sept 01 quarter (a really bad quarter)
 EBIT was $1.9B and they still paid $600M in taxes.
 Do you still think that proprietary software is not
 a great business model?

You missed my feeble attempt at sarcasm with my
MicroSoft commentBut can anyone provide a
quick update for 2002 of the numbers and accounting
techniques explained in the following from fall 2000?
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Re: Copyright

2002-10-24 Thread Forrest J Cavalier III
  modifications, and distribute my own version, can I remove all instances of
  RedHat ? 2. If I am allowed to, to what extent?

The OSD allows licenses to prohibit that.  Some jurisdictions
may prohibit it.

As John Cowan noted separately, trademark law can require
the removal of trademarks. But a copyright notice is not
a trademark.

But the answers does the law and license permit it and
should it be done are probably different.

Of course no one should do that.  I think there are the obvious
ethical reasons.

I think there is an important practical consideration:

By removing all traces of the authorship, you will appear
to be the responsible party, and not a mere re-distributor
of the work.  That may result in legal liability you
didn't count on.  

You must be sure to communicate all license terms and
warranty disclaimers, and who is offering the license
and making the disclaimers.  Doing anything else is fraud
(usually illegal) or creates liability you don't want
to assume.
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Re: Warranty

2002-10-21 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III
 Sure.  Take a look at

So, how does someone with sense or conscience redistribute software
and offer a warranty of non-infringement for software they acquired
or is a combined work?

Relying on a cascade of breach of warranty lawsuits back through
the distribution chain doesn't sound like a reasonable business

Is there an insurance industry around this?  (And if there were,
is it as risk averse as the underwriters for all other lines of
insurance have become in the last 13 months?)

I think the best to reasonably expect from a licensor of
software at reasonable, or little. or no cost, is:
   For materials exclusively authored by Provider, Provider
warrants that the listed licenses apply to You. Provider
warrants that all licenses and disclaimers that Provider
is aware apply to You as of this date are as follows:

[list here]


And providing the second part of that warranty is a stretch for
most OSS distributors.

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Re: discuss: OCLC Office of Research Open Source License

2002-09-30 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

This is how combined work is defined...

 A Combined Work results from combining and integrating all or
 parts of the Program with other code. A Combined Work may be
 thought of as having multiple parents or being result of multiple
 lines of code development.

Is this definition precise enough to exclude agregate works?

As written, it seems that Agregate works are a subset of Combined
works.  This indicates to me that Section D restrictions, because
they would apply to CD complilations for example, are not OSD compliant.

As another note, I personally do not consider object code 
non-modifiable.  In fact, back in the day when assemblers were slow,
simple flaws in code could be hand-patched by replacing the
defective code with a jump instruction out to unused memory, and
hand-assembling the code to perform the correct operation and jump

This hand-patching would save about 25 minutes of time for each bug, with
the added BIG advantage that the 180 page assembler output would
remain usable (because subroutine addresses would remain the same.)

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RE: Open Source Click-Wrap Notice

2002-08-10 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote, in part:

 Your answer added nothing to the discussion.  Please give some legal
 argument why a single click-wrap won't bind the licensee to all relevant

How do you form a contract without presenting the terms?  Is there a 
way to review the terms without clicking? Is such vague language
sufficient to incorporate all the terms (of those possibly 800 
licenses) by reference?   Seems against common sense to me.

Further, any consciencious, thinking user would never click to agree
to something like that.  I know I wouldn't.  It is just too unpalatable.

I would want to agree individually, not in bulk.

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Re: copyleft lite?

2002-07-13 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

Seems to me that it is not GPL compatible.  The GPL expressly
prohibits combining with licenses that have more restrictive terms
than the GPL.

without fee is a restriction the GPL does not include.

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Re: Approval request for BXAPL

2002-07-03 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

This is a very complicated license.   Thanks for providing
the remarks and annotations.  Very nice.

After a quick read, I think that it should not be OSI approved,
for numerous reasons, some follow.

Because the license is so complicated, it is not clear
to me that addressing the following points would be adequate
to make it OSD compliant.  I think the two fundamental issues
  it very much seems to be a EULA, trying to function
  under copyright law, and EULA's are hard to get through OSD.
  the Rationale a) is very difficult to set forth legally.
  Any license which attempts to make such distinctions must get
  extra scrutiny.  After all, the license ends up defining
  Programming Tool as 
 Any Software or portion of such Software
 that is declared as being a programming tool
 by the Copyright Holder. Such declaration must
 be located in the Copyright Notice.
   which I think is ripe for abuse and inconsistency in itself.

The definition of User is too broad.  It allows any
Distributor to force someone to be a User simply by
sending them a copy.

The Source code definition includes this statement, Source files
or members that contain obfuscated source do not count
as Source Code.

Obsfucated is not well-defined.  I've see a lot of legitimate
source files that appear to be obsfucated.

Other OSI-approved licenses have definitions of Source.

Also, as written, I think this definition includes
compilers and linkers (and more!  run-time ld? ) as
Source code.

Paragraph 6 says, in part:
 No right is granted to the trademark(s) of any Contributor even if such marks
 are included in the Software. The names of Contributors or any of
 their products may not be used in any way without prior written
 permission from the pertinent Contributor. Derivatives and/or
 Dependent Software may not be named after the Software, nor may
 they be given a name that might be confused with the name of any
 Contributor or any Contributor's products and/or trademarks.

Since Contributor is defined as to include any Distributor it is
fundamentally impossible to know the set of Contributors.  Without
knowing that set, it is impossible to know what names you are
not permitted to use.

The even if such marks are included is a problem when you also
require (in a separate paragraph) verbatim distribution of the 
software.  I read that as when there is any trademark in the 
software, you are not permitted to distribute.

Paragraph 10 claims that all items which make use of ... 
the original or modified versions of the Software
are Derivatives.

That is plainly wrong.  md5sum will make use of the Software
to compute the MD5 sum, and by Paragraph 10, md5sum is a
Derivative of the Software.


Paragraph 12 uses the term Distributor and Contributor in
a manner inconsistent with the definition in the Item 2.


Paragraph 12.2 is unsatisfiable because the set of Contributors
is unknown.  It is against the OSD because as I read it, any
new official contributed modification will invalidate
existing versions.  This constitutes the need for a separate 
license: always checking some official site that there are no
new contributions.

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Re: Approval request for BXAPL

2002-07-03 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

Steve Lhomme [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote, in part:

 A Contributor can be (or not) a Distributor.
 A Distributor can be (or not) a Contributor.
 That's what the definitions say.

The definition (at General #2) is as follows, and is formatted
  Any Distributor and/or
  any User supplying any Modifications and/or Derivatives
  and/or Dependent Software in any form to the Copyright
  Holder, but not to any User(s). 

That makes it clear that every Distributor is a Contributor

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Re: Approval request for BXAPL

2002-07-03 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

[Discussion of Paragraph 6]

  The even if such marks are included is a problem when you also
  require (in a separate paragraph) verbatim distribution of the
  software.  I read that as when there is any trademark in the
  software, you are not permitted to distribute.
 -- In my opinion that would not constitute the use of such
   trademarks. Would this not be so under US law?

One way of including marks is as icons and graphics.  These may
appear as output during the normal course of running the software.
(splash screens, for example.)  They may appear at page headers
and footers of printed pages produced by the software.

I'm not a lawyer, but under US law, trademarks have to be
used as a description of something, a description which identifies
the source.

If there is a trademark in the software at all, then it must
identify the source.  If I am not that source, then I can't
use the mark without separate agreement.

Am I allowed to remove the marks by the BXPL?

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Re: Approval request for BXAPL

2002-07-03 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

  The definition of User is too broad.  It allows any
  Distributor to force someone to be a User simply by
  sending them a copy.
 But does it arm any part of the license ? Or just a personal feeling ?

8.5 seems to have an effect for Users  15 may also.
16 also, but 16 is hard to follow.

Realistically, I think no court will find you had obligations
if someone sent you a source without request.  But what if someone
obtains the source for determination if it infringes a patent?

Does the license allow them to inspect the software without 
obligating them to #16?  How?

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Re: Approval request for BXAPL

2002-07-03 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

  Also, as written, I think this definition includes
  compilers and linkers (and more!  run-time ld? ) as
  Source code.
 ld is not a Source file.

The BXAPL says 
Source Code is  ... and any other files or members needed to 
   create the executables required to properly execute the Software

What if special features of ld are used?  What if special features
of MSVC are used in the source code?

gcc is really-high quality software now, but if you dig into any
complicated piece of software at least 10 years old, you can probably
locate well-commented code written a certain way to avoid triggering some
gcc bug.  Am I allowed to put a note on the source code which says:
Only compiles with MSVC 6.0 and later.?

(I think I know your intent, but that doesn't match how I read
the license.)

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Re: UnitedLinux and open source

2002-06-14 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

David Johnson wrote in part, in a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Here is the FSF's definition, which is remarkably similar to your own.
 *) The freedom to run the program, for any purpose. 
 *) The freedom to study how the program works, and adapt it to your needs.
 *) The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor.
 *) The freedom to improve the program, and release your improvements to the 
 public, so that the whole community benefits.

 I don't see where the original Artistic License (or any OSI approved license 
 including the APSL) fails to meet this definition.

I think a careful reading of the QPL shows it is not a Free
Software License, (even though the FSF web pages say it is)
for two reasons:

  1. QPL 6c compels you to disclose source to the original developer.
 I think this is against FSF freedom to associate (or not).

  2. QPL 6a is worded such that EVERY distributor must provide
 at cost copies to ANYONE with a binary copy, regardless
 of who distributed that binary.  This is against FSF
 freedom to charge a profit.

 (This is OK with the OSD, because the OSD allows licenses
 which prohibit a profit.)

I have emailed the [EMAIL PROTECTED] questions about this
a number of times over the last year, but have never received
a reply.

There are other licenses, (like Jabber?), which also prohibit
profit when distributing copies.  My opinion is that neither
the FSF nor the OSI should approve such licenses.  But they do.

Forrest J. Cavalier III
Mib Software

license-discuss archive is at

Re: Proposed License-RPL

2002-05-23 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

 3.4 Licensor reserves the right at any time to cease
 public release of
 the Licensed Software or, if released, to change fees
 and prices,
 features, specifications, capabilities, functions,
 licensing terms,
 release dates, general availability or other
 characteristics of the
 release. Title, ownership rights, and intellectual
 property rights in
 and to the Licensed Software shall remain in Licensor
 and/or its

Revocable/Temporary rights are not compatible with the OSD.

(I think there are other clauses which are in conflict with
the OSD, but that one seems the most serious after a quick

You can find some commentary on revocable rights in Bruce Perens'
comments on the original APSL.  Apple made modifications
to create the current APSL. 

If you did not intend to be able to change license terms of
already released software, then the paragraph could be reworded.


It would be helpful if you follow the OSI submission guidelines,
(especially when you describe how this license is similar and
differs from existing approved licenses.)  It seems that there
are many similiarities between the RPL and the APSL or the
Jabber license.  Are you aware of those licenses?

Forrest J Cavalier III
  Get help selecting a license, or knowing OSD compatibility
  with LIDESC:

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RE: Discuss: The Open-Source Milestone Application Framewor

2002-04-29 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

Akil Franklin wrote:

 How could we reword clause 6 to make it less clumsy and to make it more

As written, clause 6 obligates everyone who reuses the smallest piece
of your software.
  6. All advertising materials regarding products derived from this
  software and/or features derived from its use must include the
  following acknowledgement:

There is much written on how the original BSD advertising clause
reaches too far, but it does have a limitation All advertising
materials mentioning features or use of this software must display...

Is there a reason the BSD phrasing does not meet your goals? 

Is there a reason you cannot dismiss the clause entirely?
Even though encouraging advocacy of products by users is a big
reason that companies want to use open source, it is a challenge to
do successfully.   IMHO, if you try to grab too much in the license,
you will be seen as too self-promoting, which will discourage
adoption (possibly because users get suspicious of your motives: are
you trying to help them, or help only yourself?)

license-discuss archive is at

RE: Discuss: The Open-Source Milestone Application Framewor

2002-04-29 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

Akil Franklin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Article 7 is basically meant to ensure that the authors of the framework
 are notified when it is used (i.e. placed into a production system
 either modified or not). Again, the goal is the sharing of information.
 Perhaps the following would be better:
 7. Milestone must be notified when this product is placed into a
 production system (either modified or not). Such notification can be
 made by visiting and filling out the appropriate
 online form. If you have any questions about this process, please send
 an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I don't think it is better.  

Notifying a specific entity requires that the entity exists.  This
may not be the case in 10 years, or next week (which is not an
insult, just a statement of the risk that an adopter will recognize.)

Secondly, requiring a specific method of notification requires that
the method is available.  This could allow the licensor to control
who can use the method, which is a clear OSD violation.

For community philosophy on this point, you can read what Bruce
Perens et al. wrote about the APSL 1.0 clause 2.2(c) at.

As you can see in the APSL version 1.2, clause 2.2(c) does not
have the same problem.

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RE: Discuss: The Open-Source Milestone Application Framewor

2002-04-29 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

Akil Franklin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Forrest J. Cavalier III [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
  Notifying a specific entity requires that the entity exists.  This
  may not be the case in 10 years, or next week (which is not an
  insult, just a statement of the risk that an adopter will recognize.)
  Secondly, requiring a specific method of notification requires that
  the method is available.  This could allow the licensor to control
  who can use the method, which is a clear OSD violation.
 Excellent points. The main issue seems to be what happens when
 Milestone goes out of business or changes their URL?
 It seems to me that we can fix this issue by amending a few conditions
 to the clause. How about the following:


Yes, better, but...

What about the second issue?  You could run a firewall which
excludes access based on IP address you select, or other
criteria (browsers?)  You could reject email based on criteria
you choose.  

The No Separate License clause of the OSD should be (and
is) interpreted broadly.  Requiring signing up on a web page
is requiring a separate license.  

Even if you provide an outlet clause in the case of unavailability,
it is not going to be OSD compliant.   

Even if such a clause would pass the OSD, what does unavailable
to the global internet mean?  If 1 site cannot reach it does
that count as unavailable to the global internet?  If unavailable
to the global internet means that no sites can reach you, how
does anyone know?  To a specific observer, how is destination
unreachable distinguished from a firewall which black-holes
traffic from certain IPs?  To a specific observer, how is
no response distinguished from a Distributed denial of
service against your servers for 15 days?

What defense does someone have if they say they registered, but
you say they did not?  You can have legally binding agreements
which happen over the web, but it isn't simple.

I am starting to think that this license and these clauses
would benefit from further review by legal counsel before
it is resubmitted.


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Re: New FSB branding model

2002-04-27 Thread Forrest J Cavalier III

 You should just be using URIs (or even URNs) for the license file.  Don't use a
 hash because this can change if you license file changes (think whitespace).
 Just use urns... urn:gpl or urn:lgpl should be fine.

That was considered.

There is no central authority for assigning URNs.  Many
licenses are already available and freely distributable, and
it is hoped that those are used instead of re-created.  But
in the LIDESC open architecture, anyone can create a new
stamp and description file without going through a central

LIDESC stamps already include a urn-like item: the name of
the license text file.  Because there is also a hash code, 
LIDESC can search a list of directories for a file which
matches in name AND hash code.  So even if there is a collision
in file name, LIDESC still identifies the right license.

As for whitespace, \r is removed when calculating the hash code,
but there are some contrived cases where differences in
whitespace have legal significance.  Consider indenting whitespace
when there is a phrase like You must place the following notice...
followed by an indented copyright notice, and then a warranty
disclaimer, not indented.

Did I fully reply to the issues you raise?


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Re: Discuss: The Open-Source Milestone Application Framework So

2002-04-26 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

 6. All advertising materials regarding products derived from this
 software and/or features derived from its use must include the
 following acknowledgement:

Is that worded as you want it?  There is some clumsiness there
and I am not sure what features derived from its use really
means or is different from products derived from this software

You know that this clause reaches much farther than the orginal
BSD advertising clause.  There are probably some who will not
adopt the software because of it.

 7. Milestone must be notified of the redistribution and use of this
 product. Such
 notification can be made by visiting and filling
 out the
 appropriate online form. If you have any questions about this process,
 send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I seem to recall previously submitted licenses rejected
for clauses similar to this.  (On the grounds that
this fails the no separate license requirement of the
OSD.)  Consider what happens when the company goes out of
business, or the WWW is replaced by something better.

I think a requirement to notify the public is OK, a requirement to
notify a specific entity is not.

 8. Milestone Technology Group, LLC is granted the right to use the
 name and logos of products derived from this software in
 communications related to the Milestone Application Framework.

Yikes! That may not be against the OSD, but I think you 
are going to frighten away anyone who considers this software.


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Re: Discuss: Submission of Sybase Open Watcom Public License v.

2002-04-24 Thread Forrest J Cavalier III

 COMMENT:  This section has been added because of last year's
 Specht v. Netscape decision, which threw doubt on the validity of what =
 become an accepted industry standard - of trying to make terms and
 conditions applicable (particularly in the web site context) without ma=
 it clear to the user that he/she is accepting a contract and being boun=
 d by
 its terms, and without requiring some affirmative manifestation of

Was that paragraph supposed to say something different?

As written, it indicates that prior to Specht v Netscape there
was some way to make contract terms and conditions applicable
without making it clear to the parties.  (and that it was
an industry standard.)  That's nonsense.
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Re: source code button

2002-03-26 Thread Forrest J Cavalier III

 Here's the big problem with this clause: I can ignore it with impunity!

The clause is Affero GPL 2(d), which means it is effective
only when you are preparing derivative works.

This is how GPL clause 2 starts:
   2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of
   it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and distribute
   such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 above,
   provided that you also meet all of these conditions:

This is good enough to preserve freedom, since it prevents
proprietary forks.

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Re: Affero GPL. Big loophole?

2002-03-21 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

Steve Lhomme wrote in part.

 Because as the software is GPLed, you must supply the source code on request.

Where does clause 2(d) state that?

I want to discuss 2(d) specifically.  Certainly the other
clauses of the GPL will remain in force, but there are
circumstances where only Clause 2(d) will apply.

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Re: Affero GPL. Badgeware?

2002-03-21 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

Henri Poole [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I wouldn't interpret it that way.

Were you involved in the creation of the text?  Do you
speak for Affero?  That would be very helpful to know.

This license is going to be used by others.  (The intent and 
interpretation that Affero has is important, but not the only
one that will matter.)

 The facility is defined previously as any user interacting with the
 Program was given the opportunity to request transmission to that user
 of the  Program's complete source code

There is no definition of facility.

 It does not specify that you cannot modify the facilty...but that you
 must offer an equivalent opportunity for all users interacting with

I read the text has two separate requirements, separated by and
you must not remove that facility 
must offer  

My point is what purpose is served by having the must not remove?
If you argue that the second is the necessary requirement, then why
have both?  

According to the text in 2(d), if I completely replace an existing
method with my own (maybe I copied a new file over top of an existing
one), didn't I remove that facility, which the license prohibits?
Have I merely modified it, even though not a single bit of it remains?

It bothers me that the clause could be, but is not
continue to provide an equivalent facility

You seem to argue that was the intent. But if you change it to be
that, the text becomes redundant, (since that is what the and must 
offer clause states.)

It is my understanding that one way that courts interpret legal documents
is that every clause must provide meaning.  It is not safe to argue
that clauses should be ignored as redundant when there is a way to
interpret them in a way which provides non-redundant meaning.

license-discuss archive is at

Affero GPL. Big loophole?

2002-03-20 Thread Forrest J Cavalier III

Free Software Foundation Announces Support of the Affero General
 Public License, the First Copyleft License for Web Services

(NOTE: The FSF suggests comments to them.  I CC'ed them, but
I'd prefer discussion in a forum.  license-discuss seems

Please, someone tell me how I am misreading the added clause

Where are the teeth? In my reading, the essence of the interesting
part of clause 2(d) is
  must offer an ... opportunity ... to request
   immediate transmission ... of the complete source code.

I find it _extremely_ odd that it does not compel transmission.
(Other GPL terms are clear that you must supply source code. This
clause is different.  Why?)

If compelling the transmission is the goal, why is the license
clause only compelling the offer of opportunity to request?

Is this on purpose? Why create a huge loophole when it could
have been written clearly?

As an exercise, could someone explain why the following response is
_not_ compliant with 2(d)?

int main(int argc,char **argv)
   printf (We received your request for the complete source code.\n);
   printf (BRAGPL 2(d) does not obligate us to supply it when responding.\n);
   printf (BRHave a nice day!\n);

Here is the added clause 2(d)  (reformatted line breaks,
anyone have a .txt copy?)

* d) If the Program as you received it is intended to interact with users
through a computer network and if, in the version you received, any user
interacting with the Program was given the opportunity to request
transmission to that user of the Program's complete source code, you
must not remove that facility from your modified version of the Program
or work based on the Program, and must offer an equivalent opportunity
for all users interacting with your Program through a computer network
to request immediate transmission by HTTP of the complete source code
of your modified version or other derivative work.

license-discuss archive is at

Affero GPL. Badgeware?

2002-03-20 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

Free Software Foundation Announces Support of the Affero General
Public License, the First Copyleft License for Web Services

I think clause Affero GPL 2(d) provides for the propagation of
badgeware, meaning that it obligates propagation of a brand
or mark.  The important bit is you must not remove that facility.

I find that this 2(d) operates much differently than GPL 2(c).
GPL clause 2(c) obligates providing a run-time notice
under certain conditions.  In other words, 2(c) does not specify that a
_specific_ notice is to be preserved. In contrast, Affero 2(d) does.

How does this work in practice?  If there is a download graphic, I
think the only way to comply is that you keep the graphic.  If there
is a paragraph with superfluous marketing, you must keep paragraph.  This
lets the originator insert branding and propaganda, and forces it to be
propagated.  This is unnecessary.

I suggest that software freedom is preserved fully if you delete the
part of 2(d) I placed in brackets below.  I hold that that bracketed
text is an unnecessary compromise of freedom, serves no useful purpose
except to promote branding, and should be removed before this
license gets the full support of the Free Software Movement.

In making the deletion, some further adjustment may be necessary, so that
the important text modified version of the Program or work based on the Program

(the funny word spacing comes directly from the HTML.)

   * d) If the Program as you received
it  is  intended to  interact with users through a computer network
and  if,  in  the version you  received, any user interacting with the
Program   was given the opportunity   to request transmission to that
user of the  Program's  complete source   code,you 

   [must not remove that
   facility from  your modified  version of  the Programor work based on
   the Program, and] 

must offer an  equivalent  opportunity for   all users
interacting with your  Program through  a computer  network to request  
immediate transmission  by HTTP of the complete  source  code of your modified
version or other  derivative work.

license-discuss archive is at

Re: OSD modification regarding what license can require of

2002-03-14 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

 From:  Russell Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject:   Re: OSD modification regarding what license can require of 

 The OSI-approved the W3C license which has a requirement of
 displaying a notice to users.
 If it's in the documentation, such a notice is displayed.  It
 says nothing about that notice having to be displayed by the software
 itself, whereas the GPLv2 specifically says that the program must
 display the message.

Yes, I want to make a slight correction. The W3C says that the
notice must be viewable, it is not, as I wrote before, a
requirement of displaying.

The point of my message was to point out the phrasing
viewable to users.  (because I think it would impact ASPs.)

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Re: OSD modification regarding what license can require of

2002-03-14 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

Russell Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We have never removed OSI approval for any license, 

APSL 1.0

 so I'm sure that
 the GPL is in no danger of not being an Open Source license.

You are the tail trying to wag the dog, Russ.

If the OSD can't accept the GPLv2, then the only plausible
conclusion is that the OSD is wrong.  Plain and simple, that.

We can't make any conclusions about GPLv3, since we
haven't seen the details.

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Re: OSD modification regarding what license can require of user

2002-03-13 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

Bruce wrote (in part)

 So, what if it turns out that the present GPL doens't hold up with regard
 to dynamic linking? Some future version of the GPL might have to place a
 constraint on the user regarding combination of works on the user's system
 that would, if it were distributed in that form, be considered a derived work.
 I think that should be allowed by the OSD.

Did you somehow mean constraint on the publisher regarding 
combination of works on the user's system?

 Thus, there seem to be a few sorts of requirement on the user that I
 think _should_ be permitted by the OSD. All of them are intended to
 further the goals of Open Source or Free Software.

freedom and requirement are direct opposites.  Imposing
requirements may further the goals of Open Source, (whatever they
are, I thought they were freedom.)  Imposing requirements
on users is unlikely to further freedom, by definition. 

license-discuss archive is at

Re: OSD modification regarding what license can require of

2002-03-13 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

I just want to point out that there is one license
already approved which has a public performance
clause like Bruce gave as an example..

The OSI approved the APSL, with clauses 2.2c-d, which require
publication of sources upon deployment.

Can we use this concrete case to clarify the goal of
this discussion?

So Bruce, (correct me if I am wrong), your goal is OSD changes
which better ensure user freedom, but still allow approval
of the APSL (and as-yet-unwritten licenses with clauses like
you mentioned.)  

Or is the goal instead to relax the OSD to allow approval of more
licenses with clauses like you mentioned?

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Re: OSD modification regarding what license can require of

2002-03-13 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

David Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote (in part)

 The only way around this is for the author to put his morality on the shelf 
 and try to impose click-wrap licensing on me (bad), or to be honest and 
 present me with a contract prior to my aquisition of the software (doubtful 
 it would meet the OSD), or to make these terms a condition of the granted 
 permissions. The latter might fit into the OSD somewhat, but it would still 
 be a no-op regarding the ASP issue.

David didn't make it explicit, (and I'm sure he knows...,)
but it should be stated that the first two only way
around this are clearly not options with software under
OSD-compatible licenses.

Click-wrap licensing doesn't work when recipients can
modify the source code.  They can simply disable
the wrapper when they redistribute. 

Presented and accepted contracts don't work for a similar reason.
(OSD #7 says all rights must apply with no separate license.)

So that leaves only the third, which is make these terms
a condition.

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Re: Discuss: BSD Protection License

2002-03-12 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

OSD-related issues that I see

1. Someone already pointed out the OSD #1 issue.  If
the license doesn't explicitly permit selling copies,
then copyright law reserves the right to the author.

2. Except possibly for the copyleft clause 4c, the license
fails to state that the terms apply to everyone receiving
a copy of the software. 

The OSD could word it better, but the license terms must
attach to the program being distributed.  Is there any
OSI approved license which relies on a chain of licensees?  Look
at how OSI-approved licenses are worded and compare.  They are grants
and attached licenses.  (Sometimes you have to read the
definition of you or recipient.)

The BSD Protection license defines you in a way that
has a self-reference.  There is no way to become a you unless
you are a licensee, and there is no way to be a licensee unless
you get it from Clause 4c.

3. The distribution term of clause 3c is obviously in conflict
with the OSD.  That clause should not be approved.  

The OSI approval process has rightly taken a dim view to
license clauses which are OSD conflicts, even when there is
an alternative clause.

The BSD Protection License is two different licenses.
If rewritten in the standard way of disjoint licenses,
then the version with Clause 4 terms would seem pretty
close to OSD compliant to me.


I think the ideas behind this license are somewhat novel.  But the
wordings leave me a lot of questions.  

1. There is no definition of the terms open license and closed 
license.  (If those terms are not useful in selecting either
clause 3 or 4, then they should not be in the wording.)

2. I think as worded, you must make the election of Clause 3 or 4
as an organization, not on a work-by-work basis.  For example,
suppose I distribute two separate derivative works, and I choose
the clause 3 for the first work.  Later, I make a separate work
and choose clause 4.  I think that clause 4c says that I cannot
continue distributing the other work under the terms of clause 3.

3. When read a certain way, the wording of the copyleft clause 4c
is even more tainting than the GPL copyleft (ref GPL section 2).
Such an interpretation of clause 4c doesn't seem to be in the
spirit of the preamble, so I expect the wording can be adjusted
to clarify.

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Re: Discuss: BSD Protection License

2002-03-12 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

   I didn't define Definitions, either. ducks
   I have no legal training, 

No legal training required for discussion here.  And 
according to Larry, if you have legal training, there
is some discussion you should not be doing here.  :-)

 but I thought it would be clear that
 Modification and redistribution under open license and ... under
 closed license were simply section headings.

Hmmm.  Not clear to me.  They are worded as selection criteria,
in which case the selector must know the definitions.

(Someone else also pointed out that the election could be
made more clear.  I still think it should just be a disjointed

Since Clause 3a and 4a are identical.  3b and 4b are similar,
Did you consider rewriting so that 3a and 3b/4b are always
required, and then have a must do one of the following

(BTW, 4b is kind of confusing.  The full details of a modification
ARE the modification.  Did you mean full description?)

Err, which wording did you want to see adjusted?

The GPL 2(b) is in context.  The GPL is very carefully
worded and concise which indicates to me that the GPL
paragraphs after 2(c) are required in the license itself
to influence the interpretation of the clauses in that

The BSDPL does not have the same explanatory text, and 4c
is in a slightly different context than GPL 2c.

As I said, I understand from the preamble what you meant.
But the preamble is not the license.  The unintended
interpretation of 4c will taint works reasonably
considered independent.

Here's a test.  If I distribute source for software under
BSDPL terms that consists of two source files, one BSDPL,
and one that was originally under the MIT license.  Can
the recipient distribute the works separately, and use
the MIT license for the second?  The GPL is clear and
allows it.  The BSDPL is not clear.

license-discuss archive is at

Re: request for approval of APOSSL

2002-03-06 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

 APOSSL is a BSD style licence save for the following special points.
 * the name of the software should not include or Pronoic Ltd.

That makes it like the Apache license, I think.

 * the software should be described as being pronoic unless you ask 
 for permission to use the term pronoic. 

Yes. I see that clause 4 says that.

   in that case your request 
 will be denied.

Clause 4 doesn't say that.  It says that you can get written
permission by contacting [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Before
obtaining written permission also indicates that written
permission is available.  Read it:

  * 4. The term pronoic should be used to endorse and promote products derived
  *from this software before obtaining written permission. For written
  *permission, you must contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

But since you have just written you will never give permission, the license
clause 4 is nonsense and is an offer in bad faith.

 As far as I am aware, having slightly off-beat goals is not a reason 
 to deny an OSSL such accreditation.  

It is well recognized that the OSD is incomplete.  I think it is
proper that the OSI board rejects licenses with nonsense clauses
or that are internally contradicting, even if they do not have
an OSD conflict.  I think it is proper that they pay no attention
to licenses when the author says up front that he puts it forth
in bad faith.

Whine all you want about how it isn't fair that you have a
quine'd license which is OSD comptible.  I still recommend it
is soundly rejected as a this statement is false license.

Use the Apache license.

license-discuss archive is at

Re: request for approval of APOSSL

2002-03-06 Thread Forrest J Cavalier III

  What does quine'd mean?

(I admit I used the term loosely to describe a statement which
can be read as a self-reference at more than one level that
creats a contradiction.)

Here is the response I would give you about OSI approval
for your license.

Your request will be rejected is your request will be rejected.
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Re: request for approval of APOSSL

2002-03-06 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

I wrote:

 Here is the response I would give you about OSI approval
 for your license.
 Your request will be rejected is your request will be rejected.

I thought of another appropriate response...
   We will refuse when you ask is we will refuse when you ask.

And another...
   We won't reject until you ask is we won't reject until you ask.

(I don't speak for the OSI board, of course.)

You've had your fun.  Now move along.

license-discuss archive is at

Re: serious?

2002-03-06 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

 all fun aside, I am serious about APOSSL and believe I have reacted 
 in a serious manner to all serious points made.

Serious means more than simply not joking.  John Cowan pointed out a
major mistake in 1.0, which was totally the opposite of what you
intended.  If you were serious you would have found a major error
by seriously reading what you wrote and discussing it with others
before it got to license-discuss.

If you were serious you would have considered using an attorney to help
with the precise language to capture your goals, as well as making it
OSD compatible.  

Clearly you are not that serious.  But since you followed the standard
submission procedure, I am willing to approach this anew, all joking
aside, and report that I am convinced that

Version 1.2 has a serious difference compared to your stated intent,
and is in conflict with the OSD.


Based on your other emails, you expected that using should
was more lenient than using must in clause 4.  You want clause
4 to be encouragement to use the term, but not a requirement.

The problem is, that since clause 4 appears as a condition of
license, the wording there must be interpreted as a condition.
(And that alters how we read should.)

Because of this condition, the license conflicts with the OSD no
discrimination requirement for certain fields of endeavor.  (Namely
those which do not fit the definition of pronoic.)


First, let me establish that the field of endeavor I described
is plausible.

I get junk email ads for internet spy software.  That leads
me to believe that there is a field of endeavor which
is the opposite of pronoic.  Let's call the field of endeavor
Software for the paranoid and to make people paranoid

The license states there is a list of conditions.

  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
  are met:

One of those conditions is
  * 4. The term pronoic should be used to endorse and promote products derived
  *from this software before obtaining written permission. For written
  *permission, you must contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The first sentence of clause 4 must be interpreted as a condition to be met.

When is this condition met?  Clearly, a descriptive term should be
used only when it is an accurate description.  In the field of endeavor I
gave as the example, pronoic as defined by the license is not an accurate
description.  It is false that the term should be used.  

Ergo, clause 4 is not satisfied, the license conditions are not met.  Since
that example field of endeavor gets no rights from this license, the license
discriminates.  You cannot get OSD approval for this license.

(Alternately, one might argue that they just need to ask permission
to get out of clause 4.  That conflicts with the OSD no separate license


Maybe there is a bandage or touch up which will fix these problems by
altering a word or two.  (I doubt it, but I don't care to try.)

As I wrote before, having an attorney write the license is not a requirement
for OSI submission.  But, in my opinion, (and I mean this in the nicest
possible way), consulting an attorney about your case might be a good


license-discuss archive is at

Re: request for approval of APOSSL

2002-03-05 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

 We seek to spread our ideas, meme like, through both non-commercial 
 and commercial channels  We do not seek to restrict use of our 
 software by anyone, and for the most part our licence is bog-standard 
 OSS stuff, but we do have some weird demands on them should they do; 
 like a deal with Satan, only funny and positive not at all evil

only funny and not evil is matter of opinion  

This is not a Free software license because clause 4 requires
promotion of derivatives  I should be free to create a derivative
and keep it totally private, which is not allowed by clause 4

I also think the OSI should not approve it 

Your text explanation of the clause 4 and 5 is not going to be
part of the license  Approval is based on what the license
says, not what you say it says

In my interpretation, Clause 5 is a clear OSD conflict pronoic
is not a word, it is (appears to be) a name   Distinctions in
capitalization of Pronoic cannot be significant  

Therefore, the phrase:

   Products derived from this software will always be pronoic 

can only have one interpretation: that pronoic is a name,
and that all derivatives must be named pronoic  

Then clause 5 goes on to say that Pronoic may not appear in
the name without prior written permission  That's a conflict
with the OSD

Your meme may be important to you, but I think you can
find better ways to propagate it than compelling behavior
with a license

BTW, I am glad you looked through the archives  (It would
be nice if everyone would follow that procedure before submitting)
But the license-submission procedure appears on wwwopensourceorg,
and following it will streamline your submission

license-discuss archive is at http://crynwrcom/cgi-bin/ezmlm-cgi?3

Re: request for approval of APOSSL

2002-03-05 Thread Forrest J Cavalier III

dave sag [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote, in part

 Clause 4 does NOT require promition of derivatives at all. Should you 
 never obtain written permission, you never need endorse anything.

4. The names Pronoic, or must be used to endorse and
promote products derived from this software before obtaining
written permission.

You argue that the clause means must be used WHEN endorsing and
promoting.  My interpretation, on the other hand, is that as written
it compels you to endorse and promote products.

What interpretation do others make?

license-discuss archive is at

Re: request for approval of APOSSL

2002-03-05 Thread Forrest J Cavalier III

 pronoic is a word (albeit a made up word) meaning the opposite of 
 paranoic  it is also a name, but so is apple, and netscape and 
 apache  they can use their name in their own licences

Undefined words no place in legal documents  

If a made up word appears, or is offset in  it will be
assumed to be a name or a trademark

Captilization differences in names are a pretty thin edge
to hang an argument on in a court of law

When read that way, the only way to comply is to get
written permission  The OSD conflict is that you cannot
require written permission  That is what I meant when
I write there was conflict

BTW, as I understand it, there are important reasons that
you never want your trademarkable name to have a defined
meaning  I mention this because if you try to solve the
license conflicst by defining pronoic and you are successful
in propagating your meme, then I think you be unable to
protect a trademark on the company name or software


PS the name vs description distinction is amusing to
anyone who knows Douglas Hofstadters writings  You get a
wink and a nodm from the geeks here  But they don't belong
in a legal document

license-discuss archive is at http://crynwrcom/cgi-bin/ezmlm-cgi?3

Re: request for approval of APOSSL

2002-03-05 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

 the key here is the qualifying 'before obtaining written permission' 
 should you NEVER obtain written permission you never need endorse 


How does a court of law distinguish someone who will never
obtain permission from someone who has not yet decided
to obtain permission?

Before obtaining written permission is equivalent to
without written permission  I there any other consistent
way to interpret it?

There is no requirement to consult a lawyer about
a license before submitting for approval  But if
you are trying to do something out of the ordinary
(or clever), writing a license is not a simple task
Legal professionals can provide important guidance

I won't make further discussion until you resubmit


license-discuss archive is at http://crynwrcom/cgi-bin/ezmlm-cgi?3

Re: Updated license from Edustructures

2002-02-27 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

 From:  Steve Setzer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date sent: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 12:42:12 -0700
 Subject:   Updated license from Edustructures

 Oh, and per Karsten, I submitted this one in text form. If/when the
 approval process is done, I will generate a new HTML version conforming
 to OSD's requirements and submit that for the OSD web site.
You may think you submitted in text form, but you did not.  Text form
ideally means Not MIME, with no transfer encoding.  It at least means
content-type text/plain.

Here is what your message had.

Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
  Content-Type: text/plain;
  Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

  Content-Type: multipart/appledouble;
 Content-Type: application/applefile;
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

 Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

Sorry, but I think most people ignored your message.
(But it was during a RMS et al slugfest on fsb@crynwr,
so maybe the encoding wasn't the reason.)  But I urge
you to resubmit it.

I dug out the text of your submission.

There are gratuitous changes in the copy of the GPL which appears.
Most of them appear to be formatting, but some may not be.  For
example, They have used a word youmay which I do not understand.
They changed a brief to an, year to  in the section
on how to apply these terms to your software.

[Note to webmaster - please fix the '' and ''
tags in
when they should be lt; and gt;]

I do not dismiss these changes as simple cut and paste errors.
This discussion is about a legal document.  Precision is essential,
not optional.  Plus, the GPL is copyrighted.  Changes are not

There are many wording changes to the Jabber section.  Reading
and analyzing those changes is going to take some time.  Since
the Jabber license is one of the most complex, and just on the
edge of acceptable open source, in my opinion, I urge that the
Edustructures license gets a full review, and not try to
piggyback on the approval of Jabber.  The changes they made
are not minor.

I recommend that until a text submission appears without the GPL
changes, (one that makes it easier to compare to the existing
licenses these are based on,) this license NOT BE APPROVED.


license-discuss archive is at

Re: Squeak License OSD-compliance

2002-02-27 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

Sorry for the delay.  I think most of us were distracted by a 
discussion on fsb@crynwr at the time.

 Basically it's an X11/MIT flavoured license, but with a couple of added things 
 that we are not sure about how they impact OSD-compatibility:
 - paragraph 5, You agree to idemnify and hold Apple harmless...
 - paragraph 6, Export restrictions
 Also, there's in paragraph 2 a sentence that restricts the bitmap fonts that 
 Apple donated to the project; however this is not a big issue as there now 
 exists jurisprudence that invalidates this clause. 

...Then it should be easy to remove those sentences from pagagraph 2.  
Adding additional burdens as a condition of license is not playing

There are a number of clauses in this license, including paragraph 6 
which I think make this a Not-Free software license.  But we are
discussing OSD approval, not FSF approval.

Requiring  compliance with U.S. laws, even in other jurisdictions is 
unnecessary.  But the way paragraph 6 is worded, I think it obviously
fails the OSD non-discrimination test.

I quote that paragraph:

6. Export Law Assurances.  You may not use or otherwise export or
reexport the Apple Software except as authorized by United States law
and the laws of the jurisdiction in which the Apple Software was
obtained.  In particular, but without limitation, the Apple Software
may not be exported or reexported (i) into (or to a national or
resident of) any U.S. embargoed country or (ii) to anyone on the U.S.
Treasury Department's list of Specially Designated Nationals or 
the U.S. Department of Commerce's Table of Denial Orders.  By using
the Apple Software, you represent and warrant that you are not located
in, under control of, or a national or resident of any such country 
or on any such list.p

I am sorry that there are some previous licenses to work with
here.  Squeak is pretty well-known.  But my recommendation:


license-discuss archive is at

Re: Apache License Question

2002-02-18 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

 The new program files that are added would only have the new
 I have had the impression the new software Yazd would be
 under the new Apache license. Therefore, the new license would be
 the license of the software, and there is no need to mention the old
 one on the site.

You must comply with the old license if you are distributing anything
which is derived from that software.

I'd say at a minimum, the warranty disclaimer and copyrights of the old 
software must be propagated to the new downloaders.  That is one
purpose of the Apache 1.1 clause #2:

  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 
 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
 the documentation and/or other materials provided with the 

(And clause #1 generally preserves the notice in source forms.)

 The original software creators have complained that the license on the site
 should also have the old license too. I was wondering if this is true.

You must comply with the old license terms.  Depending on how you 
are distributing and what your phrase license on the site means,
you could be OK or not.

But I would point out that I dislike license surprises when I 
download.  I dislike reading a license before downloading, and then 
finding a different license after downloading.  

 If anyone could help me out with this I would very much appreciate it.
 Best Regards
 Aflatoon Aflatooni
 Yasna Inc.
 license-discuss archive is at

license-discuss archive is at

Re: Advertising Clauses in Licenses

2002-02-11 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

Russell Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote (in part)

 There is much in the OSD which is insufficiently explicit.  For
 example, we have maintained that there are no possible restrictions
 a license could put on users, because there is no possible mechanism
 one could use to constraint them, because no approved license can
 require that the user execute a license (OSD#7).

I think it is a problem that execute a license is not defined.

As far as I can tell, the GPL is indeed a license.  And making
a modified version, or distributing a copy, binds you to the
license.  Isn't that executing a license?

license-discuss archive is at

Re: The Simple Permissive License, v0.1

2002-02-09 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

Tina Gasperson wrote:

 Everyone is permitted to use, modify, and redistribute this
 software, provided the above copyright notice and this permission
 notice are included with all copies, modifications, and

I think you need a warranty disclaimer.

Here is the shortest free software license with warranty disclaimer
that I have seen in existing use:

   Permission granted to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell so long
   as the above copyright and this permission statement are retained in

That is from Scott E. Lee's excellent sdncal library which allows
computing calendar day numbers for gregorian, julian, jewish, etc.
The copyright notice that the license refers to is simply:
   Copyright 1993-1995, Scott E. Lee, all rights reserved.

The question I have about the above SDNCAL license is if it requires
the notice embedded within a binary.  Does anyone have an opinion
on that?  In other words, does the law treat a compiled version as
a copy or a modified version?

license-discuss archive is at

Re: License for web application

2002-02-09 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

 What I want to accomplish is that if someone deploys a changed version
 of my application he'd be required to publish those changes (or at least
 send them to me and license me to use them in my free version), and that
 the visitors of the generated pages would have a way to identify the
 original author (me) even if the app was changed.

The Mib Software LIDESC project identifies one existing license
with something similar.  

Did you have a look at the wording in the 
 Apple Public Source License Version 1.2 (clauses 2.2c-d)
There is a copy at

If there are any other licenses analyzed with this requirement,
they will be eventually listed here:

License selector and compatibility reporter:

license-discuss archive is at

Re: Advertising Clauses in Licenses

2002-01-21 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

John Cowan wrote:
 Lawrence E. Rosen scripsit:
  As for the GPL, where does it say that you can't distribute source via a
  website?  As I read it, you must merely distribute source code on a
  medium customarily used for software interchange.  I now get almost all
  of my software, including proprietary programs, through downloads.
 et seqq.

To be clear, that QA covers the case when you initially distributed
binaries only.  

The relevant part is GPL section 3.  If you satisfy 3a, (distribute
both binaries and source from a web site) then the GPL does not
require satisfying 3b (distribute on a medium customarily used...)

Further in the GPL, it states it plainly:

   If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
   access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
   access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
   distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
   compelled to copy the source along with the object code.

The GPL is clear and fair on this point.  You are obligated to
provide source code to those who received a binary version from

The Q Public license 1.0 (QPL), for exmaple, says something different.
QPL 4 b says you must give source code to all recipients of a 
binary, without any charges beyond the costs of data transfer
(which precludes a profit.)  I think that is unfair.  Consider that
I can decided to sell sources only at $50 profit.  Company B takes
my sources, distributes executables, and then goes out of business.
 Company C, who received binaries from B, now can come to me and
demand sources without profit.  That's not fair, and I don't see
how it became OSI approved.

License analyser and compatibility checker:

license-discuss archive is at

W3C and GPL compatibility (was Re: Discussion: ADPL)

2001-12-13 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

 Forrest J. Cavalier III wrote:
  There are two ways that I see trademark clauses written
  in licenses.  As I read the GPL, trademark protection clauses
  as a condition of license are not GPL compatible.  But
  trademark warning statements along the lines of Nothing in this license
  gives you don't seem to impose a further restriction, and therefore are
  GPL compatible, in my understanding.
 That's also the message I'm getting from the FSF at the moment
 (more specifically, from Bradley M. Kuhn).

(Thanks for confirming that.  FSF licensing answers must be swamped,
based on delayed responses to items I submitted in the last month.)

That FSF position might explain the W3C license being OK.

The W3C is a pretty unique license, because the only conditions it
seems to impose are propagating the license and notice (including
the trademark statement.), It doesn't make compliance with the
statement a condition for permission to use the software.

That seems like a strategy which could be abused.  Suppose I tacked
a notice onto the W3C license:
   The copyright holders expect payment of $50.00 from you to
name at address.

Wouldn't that still be GPL compatible and OSD compliant, since
it expresses an expectation of payment.  It doesn't require it.

I wonder what kind of revenue stream it would create.

license-discuss archive is at

Re: Discussion: ADPL

2001-12-12 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

  (a) Except as required by the
  Acknowledgement section below, this license does not grant any rights
  to use the trademark ArsDigita, the ArsDigita logo or the terms
  ArsDigita Community System,ACS, or ArsDigita Corporation, even
  if such marks are included in the Original Code.

Doesn't that say I must not redistribute the Original Code unless I
remove the marks?  

Is it possible to receive trademark registration for three letters 
ACS ?  If not, then the license should not be trying to restrict it.

If protecting names is important, is there a reason that the wording
similar to the Apache license was not adequate?

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]/ul II.  strongAcknowledgement/strong ulAll
  advertising or promotional materials, download pages, documentation,
  and/or physical media mentioning features or use of this software, and
  any redistributions in whatever form, must display the following
  acknoledgement in a reasonably prominent location: This product
  includes software developed by ArsDigita Corporation for use in the
  ArsDigita Community System (ACS) (a

That takes the advertising clause a couple of steps too far.  
Physical media?!  Does the notice really have to be printed on a 
3.5 diskette, (not the label mind you, but the actual diskette!?)
What about a hard drive?!

The notice will take up an unreasonable amount of space, even on a CD.

The notice has to be on every single page of (printed) documentation

What if I tell someone in email about how to use the program? Isn't
that documentation?

What if I write a message to license-discuss about the license?  (Isn't
this message mentioning use of the software?)  Make sure you
add their notice to this message before you store it.

UCB removed the advertising clause from the original BSD
license.  (I question if there are ever valid reasons for
an advertising clause) But if there are, why wasn't the
more accepted wording from the original BSD used?  What
is it they are worried about?

I noticed at least one spelling mistake.

license-discuss archive is at

License Analyzer

2001-12-10 Thread Forrest J Cavalier III

Semi-automated License analysis and compatibility reporter:

What it does:
   Based on answers to an HTML questionnaire, some conflicts with the GPL,
   the FSF definition of Free software, the OSD, and closed-source
   licensing are reported. The report also includes lists of previously
   analyzed example licenses which have similar clauses. 

Intended purposes of making this work public:
   - A license selector.  Developers can get a list of licenses
  with attributes of interest, and choose an existing one.

   - A way to quickly identify known licenses with certain types of clauses.

   - Issues awareness tool.  Those unfamiliar with Free/Open software
  concepts can identify problem clauses in a license, before
  approval submission for example.

   - Starting point for further study, and better communication when
  discussing/researching licenses.

Further details are at the URL above.

I welcome criticism and comments.

On a related note, is there a list anywhere of licenses which failed
to meet the OSD?  The FSF commentary on failed licenses is very
interesting.  Such a list would be very useful to this project (and
I expect it would be useful to visitors to  Does
anyone have records of board votes and the license texts which 
failed?  I want to add more examples to the analyzer.

license-discuss archive is at

OSD fuzziness/omissions?

2001-12-10 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

In analyzing licenses for the LIDESC project

there are a few types of clauses which in my mind do
not meet the spirit of the OSD, but are not clearly
rejected by it.

Some of these came up by looking at which licenses pass
the OSD, but are rejected by the FSF.  (A pretty interesting
point of study.)

I know there is a move to tighten up the OSD.  Here are
some cases that might be discussed further.

1. Usage restrictions.  The OSD relies on the guarantee
   of the right to run the software made by 17 USC for an owner
   of a copy.  But if someone is not an owner of a copy,
   and just a license holder, or not under 17 USC, the
   OSD provides no help.

   The open source shareware licenses I proposed illustrate
   this.  But there are other usage restrictions which have come up.
   For example:
``Disclosure of test results, except for the purposes of
reporting a suspected problem in the execution of the tests,
or claims of passing the tests are not permitted without the
previous written consent of X/Open (The Open Group).''

2. OSD says may not discriminate.  But GPL 3c makes a distinction
   between commercial and non-commercial permissions.  Under what
   interpretation of the OSD is that allowed?  This impacts the
   wording LIDESC uses for the symbolic tag librock_USE_C_DISCRIM.

3. In Bruce's APSL 1.0 commentary,
   he says that APSL 1.0 is rejectable for a number of reasons
   which aren't clearly against the OSD in my mind, but certainly
   they are against the spirit.  

   I reference the LIDESC symbolic tags below.  For a discussion,
   read the APSL.html commentary.

 RIGHTS_TEMP: For those who do nothing to breach the license, are
 distribution, use, or other rights revocable, or
 temporary.  (For example: time-limited or based on continued 
existence or
 non-existence of approval, relationship, law, 
 entity, intellectual property litigation brought
 by others, etc.)

 3NOTE*: Notification of a specific party is is required.

 3MSRC*: Giving modified sources to a specific party is required.

   If someone could document where they are against the OSD, then I
   will add the OSD section numbers to the report when such licenses
   are reported in conflict.  If they aren't covered by the present
   wording of the OSD, maybe they should be in a future version.

4. OSD #8 rejects tieing a license to a specific product.  But
   what about the case where a license says something may NOT
   be used (or distributed) with a specific product?  

Over the years I have read licenses which had some of the above.
But I did not collect them as examples.  I am hoping such
licenses will be contributed to the project as examples.

license-discuss archive is at

RE: OSD compliant shareware

2001-11-14 Thread Forrest J Cavalier III

 Okay. But my point was that the copyright holder can grant
 portions of his rights under copyright without obtaining
 the signature of the recipient(s), while usage rights require
 a contract.

Do you think the GPL creates a contract?
license-discuss archive is at

Version 2. Open source shareware

2001-11-09 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

Karsten M. Self wrote:

 The attempt to key this to continued use rather than transfer has no
 standing under copyright as previously stated.  

Based on the discussion so far, everything seems to depend on
whether the recipient has a license, or is an owner of a copy.

I was hoping the OSD would reject the license, without needing
such a long discussion.  Guess not.

Here is the improved version 2.  The trick is to distribute the
shareware as source only.  In that case, in order to run it,
it must be compiled, and (unless you are compiling and linking
in memory), that creates a derivative work, a right reserved
to the copyright owner.   Then use the GPL method of forcing
a license agreement without signing one.

I don't think the limited evaluation period is an issue
for OSD rejection or not. (I wrote the 30 day period into
the license because that is common for shareware.  This license
version 2 doesn't have an evaluation period.)

Here is version 2.  (Clause 2 and 4 are the interesting parts.
Parts are heavily borrowed from other licenses.)

The one improvement needed is that someone could make a binary,
pay the $20, and then users of that copy would not have to
pay. (They accept the license only when they made a copy or
derivative work.)  There would have to be a copyleft clauses
too, so that the license on the binary would be preserved.
(I left that out for easier reading.)

To head off OSD #7 objections, under this license running is not
a right attached to the program.  If you own the copy, that right
is supplied by 17 USC 117.  If you accept the license, that right
is supplied by paying the $20 fee.

Copyright (c) year copyright holders
  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
 source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
 conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
 copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
 notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any 
 warranty, and agree and comply with the terms of this license.

 You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
 you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a

  2. You may compile this into an executable form, or modify your
 copy or copies of the Program or any portion of it, thus forming 
 a work based on the Program, and copy and distribute such
 modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 above.

  3. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
 except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
 otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
 void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
 However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
 this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
 parties remain in full compliance.

  4. This software is licensed, not sold.  If you wish to run the
 software after agreeing to this license, you must pay $20
 to copyright holder.

  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
 signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
 distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
 prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
 modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
 Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
 all its terms and conditions for using, copying, distributing or modifying
 the Program or works based on it.


license-discuss archive is at

Re: Version 2. Open source shareware

2001-11-09 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

John Cowan wrote:

 Won't work (IANAL, TINLA), at least in the U.S.; any copies of
 computer programs that are needed in order to use the program
 are specifically non-infringing, by section 117.  Normally,
 this refers to copying the binary form from disk to core,
 but it plainly would cover compiling if that's required.

That is why the conclusions at MAI vs Peak were such suprising
reading: you can have a copy, but not be an owner of that copy, and 
17 USC 117 is for persons who own a copy.  In MAI vs Peak,
it was established that Peak's customers were licensees,
not owners of a copy, and 17 USC 117 provided no permission.

I am not a lawyer either, and I would not have known about
MAI vs Peak unless it was brought up on this list.  Should I
interpret MAI vs Peak differently?

license-discuss archive is at

Re: Intel's proposed BSD + Patent License

2001-11-02 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

Russ Nelson wrote:
Forrest   Tell me why you have to put the OSI's good name on this.
 The only way we can reject a license is to point to the OSD term which 
 it violates.

The license under discussion violates FSF Freedom 0,
   The freedom to run the program, for any purpose (freedom 0).

If the OSD cannot discern it as unfree, the OSD
must be amended to safeguard the right to use as well.

It has been about a year since someone else tried to
drive a poor license through this loophole.  They wanted
to require an end-user license fee for each copy. Since the
OSD was silent on use, they figured it was OSS.

Their license had other problems, and after a lot of
flames and second and third attempts, they faded away
(and I don't recall hearing anything about them at
the last LWCE NYC that they expected to attend and
announce their new whatever it was.)

license-discuss archive is at

Re: Intel's proposed BSD + Patent License

2001-10-30 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

I think approving this sets a dangerous precedent.  

In order to approve this, the OSI has to take the view that
well, we approve documents of any length, of any content,
as long as the software license parts are OSD compliant.  We
ignore everything else in the document.

Are you saying that if I take an OSI-approved license, insert a clause

   The members of the OSI board are unthinking robots!  They had no
choice in approving this license.

I end up with something you must approve?  (I am tired or I am sure
that I could Godel and Quine my way to a really clever false = true

Any software license which restricts use to only publicly available
GPL'ed OSs, (the way their patent license does), would obviously fail
to meet the OSD.

Tell me why you have to put the OSI's good name on this.  There
is no precedent for it.  (The GPL may not play nice with other
licenses, but it restricts copying, not use.)


 This patent license shall apply to the
 combination of the Software and any operating system licensed under
 the GNU Public License version 2.0 or later if, at the time Intel
 provides the Software to Recipient, such addition of the Software to
 the then publicly available versions of such operating system
 available under the GNU Public License version 2.0 or later (whether
 in gold, beta or alpha form) causes such combination to be covered
 by the Licensed Patents. 

Is that a record for the longest sentence in an OSI-considered
license?  I read that 10 times before I understood it.

license-discuss archive is at

Re: Is inherited class a derivative work?

2001-10-18 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

Angelo Scneider wrote:

 As I pointed out allready: linking to an API is not, I repeat: not a
 derived work.
 derived work is a legal term. You can not redefine it in your license.

I didn't say I agreed with the FSF/RMS interpretation, I just mentioned
what I remember it to be.

One of the threads here on license discuss was from November 1999,
where RMS posted into Re: Can Java code EVER be GPLd, at 
all? and a followup thread.  (I seem to recall there were other
threads on this topic, which also resulted in him posting, but I
do not have URLs.)

But you can go back and read the thread.  Here is one of the 
RMS postings, (but do read the thread for important context.)

license-discuss archive is at

Re: Is inherited class a derivative work?

2001-10-17 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

 The discussion on this topic has been very interesting. I am unsure who posted
 the comment about the lawyers at FSF, but if that person could obtain clearance
 to post the complete explanation on why FSF has taken the position that the use
 of inheritance constitutes the creation of a derivative work, this might be
 extremely helpful for our discussion.  If this is a reliable legal position, it
 might discourage use of the GNU GPL. Hence, this is a rather important matter. 

I think this fits with RMS and FSF previously published
ideas (which were not from lawyers.)

For years RMS and the FSF have the stance that if there is only one
implementation of a library/API, and you write something which
links to it, your work is a derivative work of that library.
I expect the RMS/FSF reasoning is consistent in the case of
inherited class.

The library/API aspect is a topic discussed on license-discuss
in the past (in a number of threads regarding the GPL and
loopholes, if I recall.)

This is the first I have heard that FSF lawyers had a hand in
crafting a position on this particular topic.  Since the FSF
argument always seemed a little weak to me, I would like to read
the lawyer-strengthened position also.

license-discuss archive is at

RE: Is inherited class a derivative work?

2001-10-15 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

Michael Beck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Derived class is a derivative work, because it is based on, or extends,
 the original class. Using would be instantiating an object from it -
 stand-alone, or as a part of another class (composition). There would be no
 adaptation of the existing class.
 According to Copyright law, a derivative work is a work based upon one or more
 preexisting works. It includes any form on which a work may be recast,
 transformed, or adapted. (17 USC Sec. 101).

I think the issues that were raised in this thread are not
totally tested or settled in case law.  

You might want to check the list archives for related discussion.
I recall one thread had the subject Copyrightable APIs

There are distinct types of works discussed in this
thread, which I think that is causing some confusion.

Instead of asking whether an inherited class is a
derivative work, it may be more meaningful ask
about one or more of the following items specifically.

   - The base class API (the set of functions and their parameter 
   - The derived class API
   - The base class implementation source
   - The base class executable version
   - The derived class implementation source
   - The derived class executable version

license-discuss archive is at

Re: Self-certification

2001-10-03 Thread Forrest J Cavalier III

 These are good suggestions.  They will be turned into reality with the
 greatest alacrity if you make them changes yourself and submit them to

Proposed consumer-centric index.html for is
attached.  Comments very much encouraged, on-list or in private.


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MIME BASE64 transfer encoding scheme. If you are using Pegasus
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 File:  index.htm
 Date:  3 Oct 2001, 22:53
 Size:  5385 bytes.
 Type:  Unknown


Re: Self-certification

2001-09-26 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

 This is the problem Russel Nelson and I are investigating in our
 discussion of section 2 of the OSD.

Right.  I didn't see you discuss that the wording for appplying
the mark needs to be on the other web page, not just in OSD #2.
(And maybe if the change was there, you would not even have to
change OSD #2.)  In any case, if OSD #2 gets reworded by your
efforts, please see that the certification mark page is updated
On a related point, in looking at the website (which
I prefer over the initial version, if anyone remembers
it), I am wondering about the emphasis and target audience. has always been laid out as a website for
producers. (I think it sort of invites you to write your own
license, based on the ordering and wording of links.)  But
isn't the purpose of a mark to inform consumers, not producers?

Perhaps the certification mark page (or something
like it) should be the home page.  The link to the points of the OSD
should be from within the context of the certification mark
page only, (where it describes licenses which qualify.)  I'm sure
you would want to preserve some of the cheerleading text from
the home page, placing it into the certification mark page.  And
you would want to split the certification mark page, which is
far too long as it is.

license-discuss archive is at

OSD #2 (was Re: GPL vs APSL (was: YAPL is bad))

2001-09-25 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

Greg London [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote (in part)
 It seems to me that the MIT does not meet
 item #2 of the OSD, then. The APSL goes 
 above and beyond #2 requirements. But the
 MIT license seems to fall short. 
 OSD #2 seems to be setting a clear minimum
 requirement that source code must be included
 with any distribution, or be made publicly

OSD #2 is an oddball clause to be sure.  All the
other clauses describe The license, and #2
starts The program...  (#7 starts differently too,
but it describes the license as well.)

This point has been touched before on this list, but
I recall it was a secondary discussion.  At the time
no one proposed any changes in the wording of
the requirements.

In my reading (and yours too), it is possible to
distribute software under an OSI certified license,
and fail to meet OSD #2.  That seems like a problem
which should be discussed somewhere.  What should be done
about it?

   Is the OSI going to certifying distribution mechanisms
   as well as licenses?  (Unlikely)

   It hardly seems likely that the BSD and MIT, (et al)
   licenses which don't guarantee downstream source are
   going to be decertified.

   Does OSD #2 need to be reworked?

I hope that Bruce can comment on this point.

Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software  Voice 570-992-8824 has over 30,000 links to  
source, libraries, functions, applications, and documentation.   

license-discuss archive is at

RE: Quick Reference For Choosing a Free Software License

2001-08-13 Thread Forrest J Cavalier III

Rod Dixon, J.D., LL.M. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My main suggestion, however, was that some of the text - - the legal
 stuff - -  should be re-written so it is clear that an opinion of the author
 is being expressed rather than a legal opinion being passed on by the

I agree that being able to distinguish which is which will benefit
the readers.

But, do you think that readers will see it as the latter
when there is no reference to case law and the author states
that he is not a law professional?

I suggested adding references.  But from your point of view,
that might make matters worse.  (It is certainly possible
to provide references to obsolete and superseded case law,
appearing to offer rigorous, researched legal guidance, while
being inaccurate.)

 I hope my point is taken as constructive. I would never argue that
 only lawyers should speak on legal matters; journalists and some
 politicians frequently do a fine job. The critical factor may be to
 stay within a context (...difficult as that might be in some contexts
 on the Internet...) where a reader is likely to conclude that they are
 reading commentary, opinion, or belief, but not legal advice.

I won't dispute that only lawyers are qualified to give good
legal advice.  But I still don't know why you object to writing
which appears to be legal advice.  If there are inaccuracies
in the page, let's see them corrected.  Saying the page
sounds too professional and accurate is strange criticism.

Perhaps an admonition should have been directed to the readers,
since problems only arise if the purpose of the web page is
misconstrued by them.  The author has already taken honest steps to
minimize that possibility and I think that approaches the limit of
what can be done, unless a blank web page is what you advocate.

RE: Quick Reference For Choosing a Free Software License

2001-08-09 Thread Forrest J Cavalier III

Rod wrote:
 Oh, my! I most defintely do not want to discourage you, and the chart is not
 a bad idea, but your commentary is written as if you ARE dispensing legal

Rod, you are a very frequent contributor to the list, and I
don't want to discourage you.  But... you have never criticized
a non-lawyer for posting to license-discuss.  What is 
different about a web page?  It has a very clear, prominent
statement that the author is not a lawyer and it is not legal
advice (even though such statements are not required.)

This is a great resource!  I like the page as it is, legalistic
wording and all.

To make it an even better resource, can I suggest:

   - Provide links/references for the some people think or
 other opinions.  This is what readers will need to
 track down case law and form clearer opinions.

   - For the community likes it item, use the counts of license
 types at and/or  GPL is the
 most popular, so you can remove the '?' for that one I think.

   - Add more licenses.  (I wouldn't try to expand the table
 horizontally, just vertically.)  Are you going to do only
 Free software licenses, not Open Source?

   - Put the Explanations of columns further up on the page, and
 set it as H1

   - Change the Does not restrict You! to be Does not restrict
 the copyright holder.  (Software users, not just authors,
 will be reading the page too.)  I think the paragraph following
 is mostly ok, but the first sentence has the opposite meaning
 from what you intend.

   - The page isn't overly long right now, but if it grows, you
 might want to split some of the sections into separate HTML

Keep up the good work!

Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software  Voice 570-992-8824 has over 30,000 links to  
source, libraries, functions, applications, and documentation.   

Re: X.Net, Inc. License

2001-08-06 Thread Forrest J Cavalier III

 Matthew C. Weigel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  My opinion is that MIT License with specified jurisdiction should be
  approved, as this seems like a valid concern.
 It should be noted for the record that such licenses are not GPL-compatible.

When the jurisdictions are different, they are not compatible
with each other either.  That seems like a problem.

Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software  Voice 570-992-8824 has over 30,000 links to  
source, libraries, functions, applications, and documentation.   

Re: command-line calls of GPL'd executables

2001-07-16 Thread Forrest J Cavalier III

phil hunt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Alice writes a program, aprog, which she licenses under the GPL.
 Bob writes another program, which invokes the aprog executable,
 using the POSIX system() call. Does Bob's program have to be
 released under a GPL-compatible license?
 (Assume for the sake of argument that there is no other program
 that does the same as aprog).
 What if aprog is, instead, licensed under the BSDL with advertising
 clause. Can be GPL his program?

Understanding the copyright meaning of derivative work is essential
to applying the GPL (and other licenses.)

Derivative work cannot be defined in terms of linking or how
software is executed.  There are gray areas.  (This is hard
for many programmers to accept.)

To answer the question you posed, you have to decide:
Is using that system() call creating a new work based on
aprog?  The most likely answer is no.  (But you can contrive
examples and distributions where the answer is yes.)

If you have a question about applying a particular
license in reusing software, why not write to the authors
and respect their interpretation?

Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software  Voice 570-992-8824 has over 30,000 links to  
source, libraries, functions, applications, and documentation.   

Re: copyrightable APIs? (was RE: namespace protection compa

2001-04-20 Thread Forrest J Cavalier III

"Chloe Hoffman" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

 pages./P PI think the real question is not whether an API is copyrightable
 but how an API is infringed and what is a derivative work of an

You admit that some parts of the API would not qualify as original.
Infringement would therefore depend on what portions of the API are
"original enough" to qualify under copyright law.

These APIs get published so that they can be used.  Once the
software is written that provides the API, it becomes a physical
object which can be studied.  

It is pretty hard to argue that the facts of that physical object, 
including the exported interface, can never be expressed without
infringing copyright. 


(P.S. To Chloe Hoffman: If you must use MIME, can you at least post
in text/plain?  Thanks!)

Re: Subscription/Service Fees - OSD Intent

2001-03-29 Thread Forrest J Cavalier III

Eric Jacobs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 But whether or not shareware-with-source can be practically or legally
 enforced is not my main point. My main point is that OSD #7 cannot be
 sensibly construed as a criterion that a requirement-to-pay be waived
 for users to whom the software is redistributed, *without* also
 implying the waiver of other kinds of requirements, such as GNU
 GPL-style "viral" requirements.

True, with respect to #7.  But there is OSD #1.

  The license shall not restrict any party from selling or giving away
  the software as a component of an aggregate software distribution
  containing programs from several different sources. The license shall
  not require a royalty or other fee for such sale.

A "royalty" is payment to the author.
I spent some time discussing the IntraDAT viewpoint off-list
in January.  The stumbling block and misunderstanding were very
simlar.  Perhaps the OSD could be written to be more clear.

There was also another point of contention.  Apparently in
German the idea of "right to do something" is not the same
as "permission to do something."  (It was very difficult to
determine that it was this difference which was causing
us to argue in circles.)

I am (mostly) bi-lingual, but not German, and I never asked anyone
else about it.  

He explained the difference using the example of a museum
open to the public.  Any member of the public has a "right"
to enter the museum.  But they still have to pay the admission fee.

I explained that when the OSD used the term, it was in the sense
of "license" and "permission."

When you define "right" as "not otherwise restricted by law", as
he did, the OSD reads very differently.  That is how IntraDAT
planned to charge usage fees without violating the OSD.


Nowhere in the OSD is the right to use software required.

Although I believe this to be permitted by copyright law,
perhaps placing a mention in the OSD (or rationale) would
also eliminate confusion.

Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software  Voice 570-992-8824 has over 30,000 links to  
source, libraries, functions, applications, and documentation.   

Re: The Open Source Definition: 3. Derived Works

2001-03-28 Thread Forrest J Cavalier III

Christoph Steinbeck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote (in part)

 What is the point of letting them change the code and change the license
 to whatever they like (proprietory, e.g.).

The other replies explained why the wording is "allow" instead
of "require" in OSD point #3.  They were accurate.

I think you asked a deeper question.  And a lot has been written
on the subject if you dig around.  (Lots of flame wars too, and
I don't want to start one here.)

In the big picture, 
  - existing copyright law creates very broad restrictions.  

  - A software license is permission to do something
not already permitted by copyright law.  (Some licenses are
written as contracts, which would mean that copyright law
isn't the starting place.  The contract has all terms and
conditions, and may even restrict something that was
allowed under copyright laws.  )

  - Every license meeting the OSD must provide certain permissions.

  - The OSD allows other restrictions and permissions to be part
of the license.  (This is where the GPL and BSD-style licenses

The way you phrased your question, it seems you already understand the
freedom-ensuring benefits of the GPL.

The BSD or MIT-style license provides the benefit of being able
to re-use software in proprietary works as well as open source
works.  Some authors find that benefit more compelling than
the benefits of the GPL.  

(If I say anything more, I'll be taken as a troll, I fear.  Trust
me, there has been a lot of discussion.  Should be easy to find.)

Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software  Voice 570-992-8824 has over 30,000 links to  
source, libraries, functions, applications, and documentation.   

Berkeley DB: (was RE: IPL as a burden)

2001-01-23 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III


 It boils down to saying that you are free to use this
 software, with or without modificaiton, in any software
 for which source is available.  You may not remove
 their copyright notice.  Said notice includes contact
 information in case you want to negotiate a different
 license or purchase support for Berkeley DB.

 The license is at

The license says 

 *Redistributions in any form must be accompanied by information on
 *how to obtain complete source code for the DB software and any 
 *accompanying software that uses the DB software

You can derive "closed source" software from the Berkely DB software.
If you choose to distribute, you must publish the source.

(This is similar to the GPL.)

Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software  Voice 570-992-8824 has over 30,000 links to  
source, libraries, functions, applications, and documentation.   

Re: What license to pick...

2000-09-29 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

It is nice to see someone ask questions before they take a license and
assume it does something it does not, and mis-use it.

 Does the GPL allow us (the toolkit creators) to ask a fee for commercial use
 of our toolkit?

That is a question that can be interpreted in a few different ways
which change the answer.

You, as the toolkit creators, can distribute the software for a fee 
as you choose.  You can even decide to distribute by charging only 
certain customers, and not others.  

A Free software license (...Free with a capital F here refers
to freedom: the abilities of anyone possessing a legal copy of
the source code...) means the authors have given freedom to use
and distribute the source code.  That freedom includes permission
to redistribute under the license, with or without charging.

Each Free software license is specific on what is and is not
included in the freedoms it gives.  It is hard to summarize
the differences, you should read the licenses.

You mentioned you were inclined to use the GPL.  Under the GPL,
you are prohibited from making additional use restrictions.
  - You may not require royalty payment for commercial (or any) use.
(A royalty refers to a payment to the author when a copy
is used.  This is different than charging for transferring
a copy.)

  - You may not require someone pay you when they transfer
or use a copy.  

  - You may not limit the fees someone may charge for
making a copy.

  - You may not require that modifications be sent to you.   
(But the GPL does require that when a derivative work
is distributed, the GPL'ed source code is included.)

Other Free licenses have different requirements and restrictions.
But to be a Free license, they may not prohibit use in a commercial,
or certain environment.  (That's what the non-discrimination
clause of the Open Source Definition says.)

When/if you start accepting modifications from the community,
then you have to be careful that the contributions can be
incorporated and licensed the same way.

Everyone here strongly suggests you use an existing, approved
license instead of writing your own.

The difficult "leap of faith" for authors is to believe that
the marketplace by nature (rather than through closed-license
requirements) generally preserves the value in software.

As long as your software fits into one of the business cases
that Eric Raymond discussed for Open Source software, then
you'll probably be happy using an Free/Open Source license.  

And if you don't match one of those business cases, then,
yes, you will be giving away value.  The open source license
will ensure the value is preserved or increased (more people
will benefit) but if you can't stay in business, then don't
do it.

Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software  Voice 570-992-8824 has over 30,000 links to 
source, libraries, functions, applications, and documentation.  

Re: Generic Simple License

2000-05-23 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

Justin Wells wrote:

 I'm not sure that such short disclaimers will work.

What is the smallest warranty disclaimer you have seen and think
would work?

 Also, since you do not
 require people to copy the license on to further works, you will get sued by
 third parties who had no opportunity to read your disclaimers.

I don't understand how.  OK, well I understand that anyone can
bring a lawsuit against anyone just by going through the motions,
but let's discuss liability.

Suppose a recipient ("second party") removes the license and
distributes the work (to a "third party.")  The second party
must have provided some license to the third party, or the
third party lacks legal standing to use the work, but that is
not exactly important.)

How does such removal of the license text and disclaimer make the
authors any more liable for damages arising from third party use?

Related example situation:
  Suppose someone takes a commercial shrink wrap package, and
  emails a copy (illegal) to someone, who experiences some
  type of loss as a result of using it.

  Who is liable for the loss?

Related example situation:
  If software is "released to the public domain" is there
  any lingering liability?

Here are thoughts and motivation behind the license:

   - I do not want to have a license propagation requirement since it
 is a barrier to combining software written under various licenses.

 Also, I want recipients to have the ability to create commercial
 closed source, where the third-party does not have distribution
 rights, as well as open source.

 How can I be more liberal?

   - After thinking about open source/free software off and on for 
 years, and trying to predict the future of open source, I think
 branding will continue to be ultra-important.  Trust of software
 supplier is also important.  

 So although I don't generally like compliance to existing laws 
 to be a condition of licensing, (reference the Apple Open Source
 patent revocation discussion) I think it provides small authors
 a bit more (and necessary) leverage against abuses.

Thanks for writing.  I hope to discuss these issues a bit more.


Re: Generic Simple License

2000-05-23 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

 Because disclaiming implicit warranties and all liabilities has to be 
 done explicitly and prominently. If the disclaimers are removed, then 
 it is neither explicit nor prominent--so the disclaimers are probably

So what changes if the second party removes the disclaimers
despite the statement to propagate them?  Same loss and lawsuit.

How can the second party create more liability for the authors?
What is the remedy for the authors?  Sue the second party?  I
don't think so, but justice often doesn't follow "common sense."

I know there are a handful of legal theories of liability,
so I'd like to know more about the underpinnings here.

And what about releasing it to the public domain?  Where is
the liability then?  Authors would say "Here is a program in
the public domain, it comes with no warranty."  Same second
party distribution.  Same third party loss and lawsuit?
Who's liable?


I am not a lawyer either.  But since the lawyers find a way
to keep law in our lives, we non-lawyers are forced to
discuss law.

Generic Simple License

2000-05-22 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

The inspiration is the Apache license, with the advertising
clauses removed.

Can this be improved?  Can it be made more simple?
Can it be more generic?

Forrest J. Cavalier III


This work is copyrighted by the authors.  You may use and/or
distribute the work and derivatives through these conditions:

   You inspect the work, which is provided AS IS, for suitability.


   You do not misuse author trademarks or other intellectual
   property.  The appropriate place to attribute our authorship
   is the source and not in the executable programs or other
   derivatives you create.

Re: The LaTeX Project Public License

2000-05-22 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

 You may not modify in any way a file of The Program that bears a legal
 notice forbidding modification of that file.

This is counter to the whole idea of free software, and violates
OSD #3.

One reason that RMS started the free software movement in the
first place is that he wanted to be able to modify a program to
better suit his needs and he was denied that freedom.

Either you grant freedom, or you do not.  I don't see how
a license which says "we sometimes grant you freedom, check
the file" is much relevant to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
or the free software community.


This license attempts to extend trademark-type protections
to filenames, even though those filenames may be obvious
and not meet any qualities of marks which deserve or need


The license is probably incompatible with just about every
other open source license.  It is pretty complicated,
so perhas that may just be my confusion.



2000-03-10 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

(IANAL, but soon I'll need one if UCITA comes near me.)

I believe RMS fears are justified.  The UCITA language
appears to be cleverly crafted.

With respect to the implied warranty.

UCITA creates implied warranty out of thin air EVEN IF there
is no consideration (i.e. $$ to the provider) excerpt below.)

It also sets _specific_ wording requirements in disclaimers.  (Is
there any thing else like this in law?  I thought that the intent of
contracts was more important than the words used...)

I am particularly outraged by the language creating the implied
warranty in section 403 (and similar in 401.)

 "...a licensor that is a merchant with respect to computer 
  programs of the kind warrants..."

I read this as: if I sell _any_ software, I am a merchant, and
must warrant that _all_ the software I license as being 
  merchantable (per UCITA 403), 
  noninfringing (per 401), 
EVEN IF I license some open source software at no cost.

(If I don't sell software regularly, if it is my hobby, then
there is no obligation.)

That is a very unfair and chilling burden.  RMS is right, I think.


One saving point for open source software appears to be this:

   406 (d) If a licensee before entering into a contract has examined the
   information or the sample or model as fully as it desired or has
   refused to examine the information, there is no implied warranty with
   regard to defects that an examination ought in the circumstances to
   have revealed to the licensee.

That "ought" is a very thin thread to hang a defense on though.

And maybe in some cases you can add wording to licenses to limit
damages (due to breach of implied warrantees) to the purchase cost.
Too tired to read UCITA 803, and 803d seems to say that you
can't always do limit.


As a software consultant who also distributes open source software
at no cost, disclaiming warranty is absolutely essential.

406.b.1.a allows me to disclaim warranty under 403 with the
standard language mentioning "merchantibility."  The wording
of this paragraph seems to indicate it can be done in the
standard inclusion of the disclaimer with the source.  But it
is not clear that is sufficient.  (RMS's objection too?)

I don't see a way to disclaim the implied non-infringence
warranty of 401.  That's a bigger problem.

If you want to see something really scary for consumers, read
UCITA 107d:
   A person that uses an electronic agent that it has selected for making
   an authentication, performance, or agreement, including manifestation
   of assent, is bound by the operations of the electronic agent, even if
   no individual was aware of or reviewed the agent's operations or the
   results of the operations.


But, oh, don't worry about that, I bet the lobbyists say.  Because
UCITA 206a allows you to petition the COURT for "appropriate
relief if the operations resulted from fraud, electronic
mistake, or the like."

I think there is going to be some nice money to be made by trojaning
software to do credit card deposits.  Before UCITA, it is fraud and
maybe conspiracy, and you could end up in jail.  After UCITA, as long
as the "person selected the electronic agent" (which you trojaned) 
then you are OK.

Overcharge 1,000,000 card holders $2 each, each individual won't 
petition the court, and you retire with $2MM.

Somebody please explain:

1.  UCITA could have been a nice clarification of some sticky parts
of contract law applied to computers.  Contract law works
quite nicely most of the time and is a heck of a lot easier
to understand than UCITA.

So can somebody give an example of a problem that UCITA solves?

2. Is there any benefit for consumers in UCITA?
   (Beyond avoiding the scary future the lobbyists predict
   that no one will be able to write and sell software in
   the future if UCITA isn't passed?)

Again, IANAL.  

Forrest J. Cavalier III
Mib Software

Re: How To Break The GPL

2000-03-03 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

 I would very much like to hear that there is a flaw in this logic.  If so,
 where is it?

In my understanding, Alice must not have used the GPL'ed software
in her design and testing.  It would be very hard to avoid this
in practice. Claiming to have avoided it, and still distributing
instructions for Bob to do it, should be regarded with grave

This is something which has been discussed before on this list,
and elsewhere as well, I'd imagine.

Forrest J. Cavalier III

Re: How To Break The GPL

2000-03-03 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

From:  Mark Wells [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Fri, 3 Mar 2000, Forrest J. Cavalier III wrote:
   I would very much like to hear that there is a flaw in this logic.  If so,
   where is it?
  In my understanding, Alice must not have used the GPL'ed software
  in her design and testing.  It would be very hard to avoid this
  in practice. Claiming to have avoided it, and still distributing
  instructions for Bob to do it, should be regarded with grave
 Alice didn't distribute any actual GPL'd software with her proprietary

Says who?  If she distributed a derivative work of GPL'ed software, 
then it must be GPL'ed.  The question is whether or not Alice has
a derivative work.

Someone in this thread suggested that Alice could have used a common
API and never used GPL software during development.  That was NOT
the theoretical example proposed.

  Are you saying that the GPL prohibits the _use_ of GPL software in
 development of proprietary software?

Where did I say that?  Alice can develop all the proprietary
software she want with GPL'ed software.  When she distributed
it, it must be under the GPL.  The GPL does not say derivatives
MUST be published.  It says they must be published under the
GPL.  Big difference.

  So I can't use, say, GCC to compile
 my non-GPL program?

GCC has a special exception.  If it did not have that exception,
then anything compiled with gcc might be considered a
derivative work.

Re: How To Break The GPL

2000-03-03 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

From:  John Cowan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Says who?  If she distributed a derivative work of GPL'ed software,
  then it must be GPL'ed.  The question is whether or not Alice has
  a derivative work.
 In my first scenario, Alice made a derivative work but didn't distribute
 it.  She then distributed her own original work to Bob, who made another
 distributed work (identical to the first one) but didn't distribute it.

I see where we have not met in understanding.

Let's distinguish between 
"derivative work" (which I believe is a term in copyright law 
 meaning a new work which incorporates material from a previous work),

 and "work based on the Program", which is a phrase used
 in the GPL.

I admit to using the term "derivative work" sloppily in the text
you have quoted.  Let's start again

Did Alice create a derivative work?  Not in the definition I
just gave.

Did Alice create a work based on the GPL'ed program?  She
had no other way of writing and testing her program.  Others
must obtain the GPL'ed program to use hers.  So I say yes.

Now I believe what others have said I RMS and the FSF say the GPL
says in this case: that Alice must GPL her work.

But after another close reading of the GPL 2.0, I am not

The phrase "derivative work" and "work based on
the Program" are used in several places, and if one of
these terms applies to Alice's work, and the other doesn't,
then it may indeed be a loophole!

What do others think of the language in section 2, 3, and 5,
and 6 in this case?

I think section 6 could be reworded to clear the problem.

From the GPL 2.0:  (I added the carets below)
  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
  Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
  original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
  these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
  restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
  You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
  this License.

This should also include "any work based on the Program."
Would you agree?

Re: Certification Process

1999-12-15 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

I will not excuse the people who are supposed to
be doing certifications.  I am not one of them.
I think the certification process should be outlined AND
time limited.

However, I do know that many of the people behind OSI
were unavailable yesterday.  There is an open source

Certification (and marks) are important.
The whole point of the certification mark is to be able
to make the concept of free software visble to END USERS, and
allow them to "look for the union label."  Like a recycled,
or environment-friendly label.

I asked about the certification trademark and its importance in
bringing the message to end users during the QA at yesterday's panel discussion.  ESR responded it was still bogged down
in procedural problems, but was coming.  I hope soon, but no
indication of time frame was given.

As for the certification of new licenses, it is a need that
the OSI people have agreed exists and should be served.

You observe that those who have agreed there is a need for new
certifications have not been serving everyone equally.  I agree...


That's life.

Bruce is busy.  We all are.  He has to prioritize.  I believe
he has claimed that he isn't getting paid for these consultations.
I don't know if it has changed.

If he only has time to service a "Sun"-sized company that has a
huge amount of software they want to open source or a small
guy with a 2,000 line library, he will service the big company
because the end result is more free software affecting more people

Everyone except the conceited (and many lawyers fall into
that Not-Invented-Here philosophy) agree that using an existing
license is better than writing a new one.  Pick one if at
all possible.  And if you are a small developer, you are better
off using a known license almost no matter what.  (You don't want
an unfamiliar license to be the reason your stuff is not
accepted.  You will lose more value that way than you can ever
protect by using a new license.)

Also, it often goes without saying that if you haven't had a lawyer
write (or at least read and approve) a license, and the license
has major issues (like totally misusing some wrong assumptions
about copyright laws) then don't expect much attention.
No one has time to baby sit.

Forrest J. Cavalier III

New license: Integrity Open Source License

1999-11-10 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

Of the popular OSD compliant licenses, I like the MIT style
license, but I wanted something that goes a little bit further
in protecting the author's name and integrity of original
source.  (OSD #4 at

The OSD states that the license can restrict the distribution of
modified works to be "patch files" but I have become convinced
by discussions in the community that this is unworkable.

So changing as little as possible, from the MIT license, I
have the following.
As a small developer/consultant, name and trademark
recognition is very important, of course.  That really ends
up being the value I sell.  

The intent of the license is to allow distribution of unmodified
software far and wide, but requires that modified versions be
advertised and distributed using different names.

If someone knows of a MIT-style license with a similar
condition that already exists, please reply.  I could not
locate anything similar, and resorted to yet another open
source license.

With discussion and approval here, (and a better license name,)
my hope is that many other developers will use the license
when they wish to release open source software under a license
that better protects name recognition.

- - - - - - - - - - - - Copyright Notice - - - - - - - - - - - -
 Copyright 1999 Forrest J. Cavalier III

   MODIFICATION WARNING: This software may have been modified.
   See for documentation and
   up-to-date original copies, custom versions, support,
   or other licensing terms.  Other licensing arrangements are
   made in writing.

   We would appreciate that you notify us of defect discoveries
   and enhancements so that others can benefit from improvements
   to this software.

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - License - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   Permission is hereby granted, to any person obtaining a copy of
   this software (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
   restriction, including the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
   publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the
   Software, subject to all the following conditions.

   1. The text beginning with the copyright notice above, and
  the four clauses of this license shall be included in full and
   unmodified in all copies of the source files or portions thereof.

   2. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
  signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to
  modify or distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These
  actions are prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.

   3. The author(s) grant you a non-exclusive right to use the author-
  given names and trademarks of the Software to publish and
  distribute only unmodified source files.  Your rights to deal in
  the Software under this license are subject to the condition
  that you do not use nor associate trademarks, names, or
  reputation of the author(s) with modified derivative works
  except within the source files.


Re: Hoping for something Useful

1999-10-28 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

Your request is off topic for license-discuss.

There are many free/open source WWW indexing programs in
the rocketaware index:

RE: [openip] Re: rights and freedoms

1999-10-19 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

From:  "Robert M. Muench" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Answer: Because there is one US software patent issued, on
  every 20 minutes, and it would take several days of work to
  prior art for each one and prepare a submission.
 But not all patents are related to the topic we are interested
 in. Of course it will be impossible to build up a shadow-PTO but
 defeating the most trivial patents should be possible. It's
 better to invalid some patents than non at all.

I am not subscribed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I am planning
to improve my programmer's webliography in a way which
may help.  is the complete programmer's
webliography and index.  It features more than 10,000
links of interest to software developers, including a
special section listing more than 6000 open source
applications and libraries.  There are also FAQs and
links to categories at dmoz, yahoo, and freshmeat.  Lots
of good stuff.

At some point, I will cross-categorize and provide links
to to the software patent categories at the IBM patent server
(  I was planning to do this

If others think this is a good idea, then I will get it done
sooner.  I don't know a lot about challenging patents.
Is Greg Arahonian (sp?) still around Usenet?

Forrest J. Cavalier, Mib Software Complete Programmer's Webliography
   10,000 off-site links.  200 categories.

Re: Some general principles of naming

1999-10-17 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

Richard Stallman [EMAIL PROTECTED], wrote (in part):

 If you think it is proper to use a name that gives credit to those who
 developed a system, but you think (as I do) that it is impractical to
 give credit in that way to all the contributors, I suggest making a
 list of them in order of decreasing priority.  Then you can give
 credit to the first N of them, for whatever N you think is feasible.

Despite having one of the largest word sets of all human languages,
English seems to have enough ambiguity and double meaning.  "Free"
is almost hopelessly confusing.

Richard, are you using the word "principal" to mean "first?"
When I see that word, I generally take the meaning "most important."

I think it is proper for those who are developing (present tense) and
spreading (present tense) free software to use whatever name they
like.  Those who developed (past tense) or started (past tense) a
project may or may not deserve to be named creditors.  

There are a lot of 80%  solutions in the software world.  Indeed, the
future holds the promise of gathering pre-built components to create
new applications.  I respect those who provide the last 20% as being
most important.

Did Linus copy Linux in its entirety from the GNU project or did
the GNU project simply inspire and provide some of the building 
blocks that the architect happened to use?

The brick makers don't get to name the building.

If you mean "most important" when you say "principal", then how
do you consider the GNU project to be the most important contributor?
Did the GNU project design and provide the architecture of Linux?  
Did the GNU project advise or support Linus?  Would Linus have 
completed Linux even if the GNU project never existed? 

I am not questioning the importance of the GPL in the success of
Linux.  I am asking how the GNU project, not Linus, was most
important developer of the Linux kernel.

Forrest Cavalier
Mib Software

Re: GNU License for Hardware

1999-10-17 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

 Well, to explain all the reasons, the political and economic
 would need about 30 pages ...
 I though you where an american and you knew that, are you not?

Your education seems to lack the realization that any
telling of history is one of opinion and interpretation,
not a dissection or autopsy. History is not science.

Apparently, you have been given one interpretation of an
extremely complex period of American history and incorrectly
assumed it to be a statement of indisputable fact.

Secondly, wars do not occur for reasons easily summarized in one
email message, or even 30 pages.  Wars require individuals
willing to risk life.  The reasons individuals will risk
life are extremely varied, ranging from the practical
"it pays well" to percepted "well-being of my family" or
"well-being of society in which I and my family will live."

Every combatant will have a slightly different reason for
being a combatant, and have slightly different "rules of
acceptable engagement."  Any summary in an attempt to
explain an aggregate will of a group to war against another,
will be hopelessly approximate.

Not that this has much to do with GNU license for hardware.


license counts

1999-10-15 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

A caveat with taking freshmeat license counts doesn't list everything.

Freshmeat does not list older applications
and utilities, such as common system utilities
or library functions.  Even with just what is
distributed with OpenBSD or FreeBSD, this is
thousands of items.  

But for each such BSD item not listed, there 
is likely a GNU and Linux work-alike which is
also not listed.  So they might offset each other
pretty well.

Draw conclusions if you wish, the data is

Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software  Voice 570-992-8824 
The Reuse RKT: Efficient awareness for software reuse: Free WWW site
lists over 6000 of the most popular open source libraries, functions,
and applications.  

Count of "license type" field of

15-Oct-99 4-Mar-99 License type
count   ratio   count   ratio
1   0.000   0   0.000   Eiffel Forum Freeware License
2   0.000   2   0.001   AFPL
2   0.000   0   0.000   Apache style
2   0.000   0   0.000   IBM Public License
9   0.002   2   0.001   QPL
14  0.003   7   0.003   source-available commercial
15  0.003   9   0.004   MIT
21  0.004   6   0.002   MPL
22  0.004   0   0.000   Artistic  GPL
39  0.007   10  0.004   Free Trial
48  0.009   23  0.009   Shareware
59  0.011   82  0.032   unknown
78  0.014   26  0.010   Public Domain
82  0.015   39  0.015   commercial
117 0.022   56  0.022   Artistic
171 0.031   82  0.032   BSD type
180 0.033   74  0.029   free for non-commercial use
208 0.038   92  0.036   LGPL
211 0.039   177 0.070   free to use but restricted
226 0.042   104 0.041   OpenSource
241 0.044   106 0.042   Freeware
263 0.048   118 0.047   freely distributable
34190.630   15100.598   GPL

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