Re: [Lift] Need for lift application to coexist with spring in the same webapp

2009-11-25 Thread Chris Lewis
Don't forget that if the lift filter is inspecting the request before 
your servlet, you'll need to tell lift to pass it on. In boot:

LiftRules.passNotFoundToChain = true


sunanda wrote:
 Hi David,
 Thank for all the help so far.
  My lift  application needs to  coexist  with the spring servlet in
 the same web application. I have configured the web.xml file for both
 of the spring servlet and lift filter.
 Hence I need to configure the url pattern in such a way that  /grid/*
 request will be handled by lift application  and  other urls will be
 processed by spring.
 What I need to understand is how to set up the rules such that this
 can be achieved.
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Re: [Lift] labels for inputs

2009-11-23 Thread Chris Lewis
Thanks Naftoli, that did it. I wonder, why use a new method -% for 
attribute preservation?

Naftoli Gugenheim wrote:
 This was changed. Instead, with the regular arrow - attributes are not 
 preserved at all, and a new arrow was introduced -% that preserves all 
 attributes from the template as is.
 This is in addition to being able to pass attributes to many SHtml methods; 
 being able to add attributes to the returned NodeSeq; binding on attributes; 
 and attribute snippets.
 Chris wrote:
 Hello list,
 I was looking for a way to attach label elements to form inputs (via 
 DOM id), and I came across this thread:
 This suggests that bind points, when expanded, result in elements that 
 have any attribute under the bind point namespace merged into the result 
 element. This isn't working in 1.1-M7, unless I'm misunderstanding 
 Given this template code:
  tdorder:status order:id=status//td
 I should see a DOM id of status on the resulting element, right? Instead 
 it's just ignored. Am I doing something wrong?
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Re: [Lift] opening new window from snippet.

2009-11-22 Thread Chris Lewis
I'm not sure what you mean exactly. If you have a link on a page that 
wants to open in a new window, just specify that in the template html:

a href=/home target=homeHome/a

If you're wanting to wire up some ajax behavior to fire when a link is 
click and then open a window, you have several options. Here's one:

the snippet:

class Snippet{

   def snippet(xhtml: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {

 def runThenOpen(): JsCmd = {
   println( ajax handler )
   JsRaw('', 'fooWin'))

 bind(page, xhtml,
   link - SHtml.a(runThenOpen _, Text(Home))


Now the template code:


When you run this and click on the link, server side code in the handler 
runThenOpen will execute, and then the server will send back some 
javascript to the client, which tells it to do a pop up.

I'm not sure why you'd do this, but that's how you can.


jack wrote:
 I want to put a link in a snippet that opens up a web page in a new
 browser window. What is the best way to do this?
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Re: [Lift] JPA and eager fetch

2009-11-22 Thread Chris Lewis
No, CascadeType.ALL should work as expected. By chance does replacing 
the use of Model.persist with Model.mergeAndFlush work as you'd expected?

Warren Strange wrote:
 OK, I think I fixed my problem
 I did not call Model.persist on my linked child object. I thought the
 cascade = ALL would take care of that, but apparently not?   It seems
 to work fine now.
 On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 2:36 PM, Warren Strange wrote:
 OK - just a quick follow up.

 I got a chance this afternoon to test the simple demo app that
 Jean-Luc suggested. I changed the mapping on books to be
 fetch=EAGER. and put a debug statement on the list method in
 authorOps. Of course it works just fine :-)  - so the problem lies
 somewhere else in my code.

 I'll keep digging.


 On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 12:48 PM, Warren Strange wrote:
 Jim and Jean-Luc - thanks so much for your offer of assistance.

 It might take me a while to put together a buildable sample. I'm just
 learning lift and scala right now. This is not a critical problem for
 me, and I can work around it. When I have something I will post a
 follow up.


 On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 12:26 PM, Jean-Luc wrote:
 Your mapping looks like normal.
 If you provide a buildable project, either tgz or link to, I may
 be able to reproduce your problem and help you identify the issue.


 PS : If you need a git project to fork, I just prepared (based on the maven scalajpa

 2009/11/20 wstrange

 Newbie Lift / JPA alert!

 I am sure I am doing something dumb here, but I can't quite figure it
 out. I have a JPA project (modelled after the lift JPA demo app).

 I have an object with a one-to-many association, and I want to eager
 fetch the collection.  It is declared like :

  @OneToMany(){ val targetEntity = classOf[OpenIdUser], val cascade =
 Array(CascadeType.ALL), val fetch=FetchType.EAGER}
  var openIds :[OpenIdUser] = new[OpenIdUser]()

 In my spa persistence unit, eager fetching works fine from the unit
 test. The unit test uses plain old emf factory instances.

 However, from my web application (run with jetty:run) and  using
 Model.createNamedQuery, or Model.find, only the parent object is
 fetched. The collection is not.

 I gather this has something to do with the way that Model works? Or
 are my annotations being ignored when they are packed in a .jar file?

 Clues would be appreciated.




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Re: [Lift] Mapper vs. Record vs. JPA

2009-11-22 Thread Chris Lewis
I'm writing an app to deploy to googele app engine, and so I'm using 
JPA. Here are the cons I've encountered:

1) JPA mandates conventions on model class code. In scala this usually 
means any persistent fields are public vars, which is theoretically 
dangerous (and generally frowned upon). I personally have mixed feelings 
on mutability in domain entity classes (Mapper entities are also 
mutable), and there is ongoing discussion on this topic.

2) Collections in JPA are java.util, not scala. This means that you 
can't transform them as you can with the usual higher order functions 
found scala collections (map, filter, etc), unless you use implicit 
conversions (usually via jcl). Implicits make your code feel like scala 
code, but I'm not a fan of having conversions rampant for this, and I 
don't like to explicitly pollute my namespaces by importing jcl.

3) JPA is not monadic. JPA entities are from java land, and in java land 
you represent optional members with null. Idiomatic scala doesn't do 
nulls because they wreak havoc at runtime. Always. Consider an entity 
Person with a member middleName. In your domain it isn't required, and 
so you allow null at the database level. In a JPA impl you allow this to 
be null, and now everywhere you reference middleName, you absolutely 
must test for null. In scala you use the Option monad, so middleName is 
no longer of type String but Option[String]. NPEs are now effectively 


Oscar Picasso wrote:
 I am starting to (re)learn lift and wondering which persistence 
 mechanism I should use: Mapper, Record or JPA?
 It should be ready for for prime time and fit perfectly with the lift / 
 scala way of doing things but still be powerful enough.
 * I have read that Mapper has some limitations like when dealing
   with complex object graphs, many to many relationships etc.
 * I don't know Record but I have two concern with it: is it mature
   enough? I have read that David is not satisfied with Record
   especially on the mutability front. What are the practical
   implications of not having immutability for Record?
 * JPA: I practice it on a daily base and it's very good but I feel
   like there is between JPA and lisft / scala. Not that I have
   thought a lot about it, it's just a feeling. I have also read
   there are some issues with the Hibernate Validators.
 Could some people on the list be kind enough to summarize the pros and 
 cons of using any of these solutions at this stage?
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[Lift] labels for inputs

2009-11-22 Thread Chris Lewis
Hello list,

I was looking for a way to attach label elements to form inputs (via 
DOM id), and I came across this thread:

This suggests that bind points, when expanded, result in elements that 
have any attribute under the bind point namespace merged into the result 
element. This isn't working in 1.1-M7, unless I'm misunderstanding 

Given this template code:

 tdorder:status order:id=status//td

I should see a DOM id of status on the resulting element, right? Instead 
it's just ignored. Am I doing something wrong?



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Re: [Lift] Three years of a Scala lust affair, the blog post

2009-11-20 Thread Chris Lewis

Thank you for being so generous with your knowledge and experience, for 
your tireless efforts on Lift, and for always reaching out to newbies in 
the scala and lift communities. Several times you've answered my own 
questions directly, and your unwavering patience speaks volumes to your 

Thank you for your continued vision and effort on Lift and for fostering 
the Lift community.

Also, the Beginning Scala book is great - an absolute must read for 
beginners (and I'd say ALL java programmers). I bought it after 4 or so 
months with scala, figuring I'd be passed what it had to offer. I was 
sorely wrong.

Thanks again,
Chris Lewis

David Pollak wrote:
 I've been doing Scala for three years as of today.  I wrote a blog post 
 about it:
 There are a lot of people to thank for making Scala the great thing it 
 is today.  Martin has led his EPFL team to bridge academia and 
 commercial, vigorous debating and politeness, functional and object 
 oriented to bring us Scala and the Scala community.
 It's been 3 years for me and I can't think of a better language or a 
 better community than what Scala has evolved into.
 Lift, the simply functional web framework
 Beginning Scala
 Follow me:
 Surf the harmonics
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[Lift] A sensible AJAX approach

2009-11-19 Thread Chris Lewis
Classic use case: a user chooses to view/edit and object by clicking on 
a link. This causes the app to fetch an edit view (form) and render it 
asynchronously, probably rendering it as a modal dialog. To specify the 
case a bit more, consider a table of like objects that allows you to 
edit them (orders or accounts). As far as the user experience, clicking 
edit for one would yield the same edit form as any other - only the 
contents (the target of the edit) would change.

Normal ajax forms in lift are simple - just wrap the bind in an ajax 
form ( and you get an async submit with essentially 
the same template code.

But what about ajax forms delivered by ajax? What's the best way to 
implement this in lift? It seems like there are two routes: client and 

1) In the client-based approach, I can declare an invisible form in the 
template, as well as write some static javascript to do the heavy 
lifting (no pun intended). This JS would be responsible for receiving 
the data representing the object to edit from the server as json, 
unpacking it into the form for editing, rendering the form, handling the 
submit as ajax, and finally hiding the form.

This means writing a good bit more JS by hand, but it keeps the 
(compiled) snippet code smaller. Ordinarily I'd see that as good, but 
more and more snippets seem like they are intended for such heavy view 

2) The server-based approach would require very little of the main 
template: basically just a containing element (w/ dom id) to host the 
delivered form. The snippet itself would yield a form on an ajax call 
via SetHtml. It would also have to set up the handlers and populate the 
form contents with the target object.

This is the part that I'm not clear on. I know I can just inline the XML 
with bind points as if it were in a form, but that just feels strange. 
Would it make more sense to use an external template, similar to a rails 
partial? Is there a template loading facility for this?

Thanks for any and all input.



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Re: [Lift] A sensible AJAX approach

2009-11-19 Thread Chris Lewis
Thanks for the feedback Jeppe. I can't completely infer the context of 
your example, but I get the idea (and I hadn't known about 
TemplateFinder). Here's what I've hacked together so far.

In my normal snippet, I have a render loop that binds orders to template 
names. One of the bind points looks like this:

label - SHtml.a(viewOrder _, Text(View)),

Here, viewOrder is a function called by ajax, so a () = JsCmd. I've 
defined it as follows (assume i've imported TemplateFinder.findAnyTemplate):

def viewOrder(): JsCmd = {
   SetHtml(order, SHtml.ajaxForm(
 bind(order, findAnyTemplate(List(orders/_edit_order)).open_!,
   orderNo - Text(order.orderNo),
   submit - SHtml.submit(submit, () = println( -- submit!))
 ) ++ SHtml.hidden(() = println( -- submit!))

Using the usual ajaxForm technique, I wrap the result of a bind which 
results in the contents passed to SetHtml. The funny part is that I 
directly load a template file as a NodeSeq and use that as the arg to 
bind. That template file doesn't call a snippet, but it uses the bind 
points bound in the call - and it works! Here's the full _edit_order.html:


It's just raw xml. No snippet calls, yet bind still processes it 
correctly - even the ajax wiring! I think this is all in all a pretty 
good way to handle the common-edit-dialog problem, and certainly the 
cleanest I've seen yet. I wonder though, is it intentional that bind 
points work when not explicitly wrapped in a snippet call tag?



Jeppe Nejsum Madsen wrote:
 Chris Lewis writes:
 Classic use case: a user chooses to view/edit and object by clicking on 
 a link. This causes the app to fetch an edit view (form) and render it 
 asynchronously, probably rendering it as a modal dialog. To specify the 
 case a bit more, consider a table of like objects that allows you to 
 edit them (orders or accounts). As far as the user experience, clicking 
 edit for one would yield the same edit form as any other - only the 
 contents (the target of the edit) would change.
 Seems you're a few steps ahead of me. I'll be looking at basically the same
 use case soon :-)
 Normal ajax forms in lift are simple - just wrap the bind in an ajax 
 form ( and you get an async submit with essentially 
 the same template code.

 But what about ajax forms delivered by ajax? What's the best way to 
 implement this in lift? It seems like there are two routes: client and 
 1) In the client-based approach, I can declare an invisible form in the 
 template, as well as write some static javascript to do the heavy 
 lifting (no pun intended). This JS would be responsible for receiving 
 the data representing the object to edit from the server as json, 
 unpacking it into the form for editing, rendering the form, handling the 
 submit as ajax, and finally hiding the form.

 This means writing a good bit more JS by hand, but it keeps the 
 (compiled) snippet code smaller. Ordinarily I'd see that as good, but 
 more and more snippets seem like they are intended for such heavy view 
 Probably depends on the app. If it's mostly a single-url, js based app
 this would work. Personally (and since I'm not a JS ninja :-) I try to
 limit the amount of client side code to the where it makes sense. I
 think the development experience (for me) is better with a statically
 typed languagne (tdd etc).
 2) The server-based approach would require very little of the main 
 template: basically just a containing element (w/ dom id) to host the 
 delivered form. The snippet itself would yield a form on an ajax call 
 via SetHtml. It would also have to set up the handlers and populate the 
 form contents with the target object.

 This is the part that I'm not clear on. I know I can just inline the XML 
 with bind points as if it were in a form, but that just feels strange. 
 Would it make more sense to use an external template, similar to a rails 
 partial? Is there a template loading facility for this?
 I've been doing this (external templates) and it works great. Very easy
 for designers to modify layout etc.
 Here's a simple example the changes several page elements when a select
 is changed:
  bind(select, in, 
  type - ajaxSelectObj(reportTypes,,
 (f:ResultF) = {
   val nodeseq = 
 TemplateFinder.findAnyTemplate(List(tender, results)).open_!
   SetHtml(comparison, resultComparison(tender, 
 chooseTemplate(lift, tender.result_comparison, nodeseq))) 
   SetHtml(summary, segmentSummary(tender, 
 chooseTemplate(lift, tender.segment_summary, nodeseq)))
 Here the two elements are read from the same template file

Re: [Lift] scala eclipse plugin with lift

2009-11-17 Thread Chris Lewis
I can't say I enjoy eclipse for scala code, but did you make sure your 
project has the Scala Nature?

Oscar Picasso wrote:
 I did import a new created lift project in a eclipse as a maven project.
 The project is recognized as a scala project but there is neither syntax 
 syntax highlighting nor auto completion while it works fine, in the same 
 workspace when I create directly a scala project with the scala eclipse 
 Any idea?
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[Lift] Re: Lift Scala style.

2009-11-16 Thread Chris Lewis

On a related note, I suggest that the lift community read through the 
general Scala style guide proposed by Daniel Spiewak. Lift set a few 
norms of its own; I'm wondering what the reaction of the core team might 
be to some of the suggestions.


Kris Nuttycombe wrote:
 Hi, all,
 This is just a starting point for debate with a hope of eventual
 consensus on something that's ultimately somewhat trivial matter.
 Since style is currently a topic of discussion on the main scala-users
 list, I thought it an appropriate time to bring it up.
 Lift is one of the most prominent, perhaps the most prominent Scala
 applications in current existence, and as such I think it has a
 significant role to play in exemplifying good Scala style. At the same
 time, Lift has also been developed over the course of its' developers
 familiarization with the language, and so it displays some occasional
 stylistic warts. At the same time, major changes coming with Scala
 2.8, particularly named  default parameters, may be something we want
 to take advantage of in ways that may have a substantial effect on
 usability of our APIs.
 I guess my general question is, how does the Lift community want to
 deal with the stylistic warts and naming inconsistencies, and how do
 we want to go about integrating some of these new features? In some
 cases, we may be able to use a strategy of giving some operations new
 names and deprecating the old, but in others this might lead to some
 really hacky looking APIs since we've already got good names, and
 changing their signatures might break a lot of code. Also, what are
 the big warts on Lift that ought to be resolved by renames or
 named/default parameters?
 Two naming issues that have come up recently in Lift internal
 discussions follow:
 First, Alex Boisvert suggested that S.init be renamed to S.doWith to
 have more consistency with Req and LiftSession. At least internally, I
 think that the consensus was that this wasn't necessarily appropriate.
 Second, I suggested the deprecation of the pattern of using apply() on
 AnyVar to provide setter functionality, since to me using something
 that looks like function application to do a mutation seems
 ill-conceived. My initial suggestion was to piggyback our
 functionality on the update() rewriting that is done by Scala, but on
 further reflection and David's feedback I realized that this would be
 even uglier since you'd have to use myRequestVar() = foo. So, what
 would folks think about defining the symbolic method := on both
 AnyVal and within the Mapper framework instead, with the goal of
 eventual deprecation of the apply style?
 Thirdly, I would like to propose that any marker traits (i.e. traits
 that declare no methods) within Lift either be sealed, or have the
 relevant methods tailored to the shared functionality they represent
 added (or both.) Match errors can be nasty, and sealing the traits
 (providing an extension point for users if need be) can help the
 compiler help us to eliminate that class of errors.
 Fourth, in compiling the Lift source I see far more warnings related
 to type erasure in match statements than I'm strictly comfortable
 with. My personal plan is to start working through these and
 eliminating them where possible, but in general I think that we as a
 community should start running all of our builds with all warnings
 enabled, and strive to eliminate them. The Scala type system can be
 complicated, but in my experience it is virtually always possible to
 avoid such warnings (and type unsafety!) with a bit of extra thought.
 The less we subvert the type system, the less likely we are to have
 unexpected errors.

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[Lift] JS event source in a server side handler

2009-11-15 Thread Chris Lewis

Hello list,

Often in an AJAX handler I need to update something on the client side; 
usually a UI control that initiated the handler. The only way I know to 
handle this is to generate a DOM id in the snippet during a rendering 
call (like a bind() call in a flatMap over a dataset), look for that id 
in my handler, and then query up or down the DOM to find the 
corresponding UI component to tweak. It'd be nice if I could access the 
event source node in my handler. In a standard JS event handler, 'this' 
references the source element, and in some JS libraries like prototype, 
a method is added to the event object to access the source element.

Given the current implementation, what's the best way to access the 
client side source of a UI event in a server-side handler? It seems like 
there'd be a cleaner way than what I'm doing. Thanks!

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[Lift] Re: JPADemo 1.1-SNAPSHOT: id with auto-increment (MySQL or H2)

2009-11-02 Thread Chris Lewis


I ran into the same problem. It seems to be a hibernate issue - that 
archetype uses an older version of hibernate that breaks with mysql. 
Change the version in your pom for hibernate (I don't remember the 
latest, maybe 3.4GA). I meant to post this a while ago, as it cost me an 
hour or more to figure out.


Troy Noble wrote:
 I'm not even sure this is a Lift issue, could be Hibernate or Scala...
 but here goes...
 I get one test failure in TestJPAWeb.scala when I use JPA with MySQL
 (also confirmed with H2) with auto-increment id column.
 class Author {
   @GeneratedValue(){val strategy = GenerationType.AUTO}
   var id : Long = _
 Note that I also tried adding   @Column{val nullable = false, val
 insertable = false, val updatable = false}  per another JPA+Scala page
 I read, just to see if it makes a difference.  It didn't.  I also
 tried GenerationType.IDENTITY.  No difference.
 If I turn on showSql it appears that auto-increment columns are
 getting included in the SQL statement for some reason such as:
insert into author (name, id) values (?, ?)
 And I get an error indicating no value is set for column 2.  The
 Hibernate output using H2 database appears in spa/target/surefire-
 reports/ is as follows:
 Hibernate: insert into Author (name, id) values (?, ?)
 Oct 31, 2009 7:05:48 AM org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter
 WARNING: SQL Error: 90012, SQLState: 90012
 Oct 31, 2009 7:05:48 AM org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter
 SEVERE: Parameter #2 is not set; SQL statement:
 insert into Author (name, id) values (?, ?) [90012-121]
 A similar problem was reported in Hibernate 3.2.4 but was fixed in
 3.2.6... so I'm assuming version 3.3.1GA that Liftweb presently uses
 should not be the source of this problem?  That might not be a good
 assumption.  I was going to try to do a stand-alone Scala + JPA test
 case apart from Lift, and then try with Java + JPA.
 But before I go too far down that path, I wanted to make sure I'm not
 doing something wrong or that it's not a lift issue.
 This is very easy to reproduce if you start by downloading a clean
 JPADemo as per the liftweb + JPA wiki page (or the liftbook example)
 and change the top level pom.xml to include:
 or for MySQL:
 And then change the following entries in the spa/src/main/resources/
 META-INF/persistence.xml to target an h2 database instead of the
 default derby:
  property name=hibernate.dialect
  property name=hibernate.connection.driver_class
  property name=hibernate.connection.url
 or if you want to use your local MySQL 5.0.x server instead (assumes
 local DB named JPADemo exists, and is writable by user named lifdev
 with password lift1234 (note the amp; is very important between the
 username  the password=):
  property name=hibernate.dialect
  property name=hibernate.connection.driver_class
  property name=hibernate.connection.url value=jdbc:mysql://
 Then cd spa and type mvn clean install -Dscala.version=2.7.7
 For what it's worth, if I open the H2 scheme with Squirrel SQL it all
 looks happy from the schema creation side and has auto-increment in
 the 'id' column.  I can insert rows manually just fine.  Similarly for
 MySQL even for the newly-created tables 'author' and 'book'.
 Thanks, Troy

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[Lift] Re: A Critique On Lift

2009-10-23 Thread Chris Lewis

I *think* you're referring to a thread I started some time ago:,-domain-entities-td22957479.html

It turned out to be a lively discussion. On a related note, Jonas Boner 
  gisted this in August:

It's not full code, but it gives you an idea how an immutable data model 
might be composed and backed with JPA. There are pain points (java 
collections) and unanswered questions here (how will the JPA provider 
initialize such a class), but there's what I feel is a language-level 
issue. In Scala, if you want methods to immutably evolve an objects' 
state, then you must, as Jonas did, write your own setters that yield 
a new instance with the modification. Sounds like boilerplate to me, 
that's another topic.

For the record, I'm not yet fully convinced of the gains in using 
immutability in a domain model. Domain entities represent the state of 
an application, and in many cases that changes frequently and naturally. 
Period. How and why those changes occur are often the result of human 
behavior (twitter, facebook). These behaviors are not functional in the 
mathematical sense (at least, not that we've discovered), and so I'm not 
clear on what we stand to gain in a typical domain model.

Naftoli Gugenheim wrote:
 How hard can automatic save be?
 But how would immutable DAOs work? There was a thread, I think on scala-user, 
 a long time ago discussing it, that pretty much concluded it would be very 
 problematic. David weighed in and said after a long time he concluded that 
 databases represent state.
 Timothy wrote:
 Right, no one likes mutable anything :-)
 I kinda wondered why you haven't pushed forward any more with the  
 current record implementation... can one assume that is why - because  
 it didn't feel right?
 Some of this stuff is going to be fundamental to how we move forward -  
 id love to perhaps discuss something that would be better than what we  
 have already. Even if its just pie in the sky talk...
 Cheers, Tim
 On 22 Oct 2009, at 17:22, David Pollak wrote:
 I don't like mutable fields.  I don't like manual saving.  Dunno...  
 it's hard to articulate... it just feels wrong in my tummy.  Also, I  
 want to be clear that I think Marius did a great job of cleaning up  
 some of the problems with Mapper when he did Record... my comments  
 are not a negative to him... there's just something unsatisfying  
 about the whole approach.

 Bet that was less than helpful.

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[Lift] Re: A Critique On Lift

2009-10-23 Thread Chris Lewis

bob wrote:
 i believe that one of the best ways to learn a new programming
 language is to read software written in it
 when reading Scala code, I rarely say i don't understand how that
 works and when I do, there's usually a good explanation of it
 somewhere on the web.
 usually I find myself asking where is that defined? or what part of
 the language is that?
 Scala is not like, for example, BASIC, where you can look up FOR, IF/
 THEN/ELSE. there's lots of individual and compound punctuation marks
 that are very difficult to search for online and in PDFs (try
 searching for !).

Indeed, but even cursory survey of scala will reveal that scala has no 
operators, only methods. This leads the user to search for docs on type 
of instance on which the punctuated invocation is made. I don't see the 
confusion there. You could of course make an argument on implicits ...

 a lot of scala also relies on syntactic sugar, such as omitted types
 (no : T after a val/var/def); the dreaded underbar; operator
 overloading; and implicit conversions. you can hate on Java's
 verbosity (i know i have), but brevity has its own difficulties.
 On Oct 22, 11:44 pm, Naftoli Gugenheim wrote:
 The last use of _, as in empty_?, is not a special scala meaning. As on 
 Java, underscores can be part of an identifier. Scala takes advantage of 
 this to combine letters and symbols in one name. These names, like empty_?, 
 are a Lift convention, as well as ..._! for use-with-care methods. The scala 
 library uses isEmpty. David, is it your original convention?.

 - wrote:
 override def validations = validPriority _ :: super.validations
 funny, I had stumbled on exactly the same line of code when beginning.
 Took me more than a day to understand what's going on. Especially
 because when you copied code from the PDF version of the Liftbook/Lift
 getting started guide, it would mess up spaces, so I would keep
 loooking for a _:: operator.
 The Scala guys have really pushed it a bit hard on the use of the
 underscore. At least four different uses:
 - it for defining anonymous functions like above
 - default value
 - matching placeholder whose value is ignored
 - use for constructing setter method names boolean functions (empty_?)

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[Lift] Re: catch a URL

2009-10-23 Thread Chris Lewis

Thanks for that link, however it doesn't seem like rewrite rules fire 
for paths that are mapped in the SiteMap. Can anyone confirm that? I 
could have the redirect point to a non-existing URL, and do logic + 
rewrite there. I'm curious though, are rewrites considered if the URL 
matches a page in the SiteMap?

Jeppe Nejsum Madsen wrote:
 Chris Lewis writes:
 Hi list,

 I'm working on an appengine app, and need to store some user 
 information. I authenticate the user with their google account, and I 
 need to create their local entity only if it's their first time 
 logging in.

 When a user logs in via google, they are redirected back to your app, to 
 a URL of your choosing. My thought was to catch the request as it comes 
 back and, if it's their first time logging in, create a User entity. My 
 question then is how can I do this without:

 a) Using a snippet, called from the return landing page and emitting 
 NodeSeq.Empty - hack.

 b) Using custom dispatch and then redirecting. That may work, but it's 
 an unneeded round trip.

 Any thoughts? Thanks!
 Not sure if the landing page is static, has parameters etc and what you
 want to do afterwards. 
 Assume you need to render some template and the landing page is not
 static (if it is you could just use a normal Loc) I would probably wrap
 the landing page in a RewriteRequest, and when a match is made, do the
 user creation/lookup thing and then just render the template.
 Tim wrote and article about rewriting
 Also, I've been using the Locs from CRUDify as an example of how to do
 more custom-type Locs with rewriting.

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[Lift] Re: catch a URL

2009-10-23 Thread Chris Lewis

Hi Tim,

I don't specifically want to rewrite anything. What I want is to be able 
to run some initialization code when a specific page is requested. As I 
said, I'm writing a google app engine app that uses google's 
authentication service to auth users (using their google account). I'm 
instructing the auth service to returned the authenticated user to their 
home page, a page protected and mapped via SiteMap. However, if it's 
their first time logging in, I need to bootstrap them in my app. 
Rewriting was suggested by Jeppe, and I had thought that way might work. 
It doesn't seem to, b/c Lift doesn't appear to fire the rewriters on 
URLs mapped in SiteMap.

I'm not married to the idea of rewrites to solve this problem, I just 
need a non-snippet way to solve it.


Timothy Perrett wrote:
 SiteMap deals with what pages you are saying should be visible. Here,  
 I term page as the physical xhtml  file that represents the stuff  
 the users sees - its a file on your system.
 Rewritten URLs dont need to feature in SiteMap because lift is clever  
 enough to know that the page you are rewriting to already has (or has  
 not) been allowed access via sitemap.
 Sounds like your trying to add rewritten URLs to your sitemap?
 Cheers, Tim
 PS: Jeppe, thanks for the link recycling!!
 On 23 Oct 2009, at 16:43, Chris Lewis wrote:
 Thanks for that link, however it doesn't seem like rewrite rules fire
 for paths that are mapped in the SiteMap. Can anyone confirm that? I
 could have the redirect point to a non-existing URL, and do logic +
 rewrite there. I'm curious though, are rewrites considered if the URL
 matches a page in the SiteMap?

 Jeppe Nejsum Madsen wrote:
 Chris Lewis writes:

 Hi list,

 I'm working on an appengine app, and need to store some user
 information. I authenticate the user with their google account,  
 and I
 need to create their local entity only if it's their first time
 logging in.

 When a user logs in via google, they are redirected back to your  
 app, to
 a URL of your choosing. My thought was to catch the request as it  
 back and, if it's their first time logging in, create a User  
 entity. My
 question then is how can I do this without:

 a) Using a snippet, called from the return landing page and emitting
 NodeSeq.Empty - hack.

 b) Using custom dispatch and then redirecting. That may work, but  
 an unneeded round trip.

 Any thoughts? Thanks!
 Not sure if the landing page is static, has parameters etc and what  
 want to do afterwards.

 Assume you need to render some template and the landing page is not
 static (if it is you could just use a normal Loc) I would probably  
 the landing page in a RewriteRequest, and when a match is made, do  
 user creation/lookup thing and then just render the template.

 Tim wrote and article about rewriting

 Also, I've been using the Locs from CRUDify as an example of how to  
 more custom-type Locs with rewriting.



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[Lift] Re: A Critique On Lift

2009-10-23 Thread Chris Lewis

My head just exploded. Twice.

ngocdaothanh wrote:
 Because Lift's ad is so good.


  For example:
 Lift is the only new framework in the last four years to offer fresh
 and innovative approaches to web development. It's not just some
 incremental improvements over the status quo, it redefines the state
 of the art. If you are a web developer, you should learn Lift. Even if
 you don't wind up using it everyday, it will change the way you
 approach web applications.
 Lift can't be used without Scala. Is there a plan to implement Lift in
 Clojure, for example? :D


 On Oct 22, 3:47 pm, TylerWeir wrote:
 On Oct 22, 2:02 am, ngocdaothanh wrote:

 This is a Lift group, but I have to say I feel the same about Scala.
 I had to ask for advice 
 Scala may help me to get my work done for the day. But I don't feel
 happy with Scala. Scala makes me feel I'm a slave all the day to
 machines (or Scala itself!).
 If it makes you feel like a slave, why are you using Scala at all

 On Oct 22, 2:13 pm, jlist9 wrote:
 override def validations = validPriority _ :: super.validations
 This is a more of a comment about Scala than one about Lift - this does
 look cryptic to me. And this is just one of the simpler syntax that 
 people, who are new to the language. And I'm one of them.
 I understand that you don't have to learn all the tricks/syntax to start
 coding in Scala but you do have to understand it when you read
 source code of libraries written by someone with much more advanced
 language skills.
 In David's book he says After more than two years of coding Scala, ...
 My brain has finally stopped hurting. This sounds like a very high
 barrier to entry.
 I'm just wondering why Scala has to be so complicated. I'm sure a lot
 of things in Scala have their reasons but at the mean time I also
 suspect that many of the odd things are there to reduce
 typing, which is advertised as one of the advantages of this language -
 conciseness. (I could be very wrong due to my lack of understanding.)
 If the latter is true, I feel that I'd rather type a little more to make 
 code easier to read.
 Just feeling a little frustrated learning Scala. I think it's much
 easier learning
 Java. Not much surprise. Not sure if anyone shares my experience
 (and opinion, if there is one.)
 On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 3:56 PM, Randinn wrote:
 The site above is a blog post from a Rails developer, he had some good
 and bad things to say about Lift and since I do not know enough to
 debate with him I thought I'd post it here.

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[Lift] Re: A Critique On Lift

2009-10-23 Thread Chris Lewis

jlist9 wrote:
 It's often hard to describe some (I'd say most) of the Scala syntax
 if you want to search for an answer online.

I can't relate with that. I've been coding scala for 3-4 months, and 
I've never had any problem finding method definitions. Most of this 
probably had to do with that fact that I was reading through several 
language overviews and tutorials.

 It would be great if the eclipse plugin can tell you what the code is
 trying to do and what kind of syntax is that, for example, linking
 an operator back to a method name.

I'll repeat: there are no operators in scala. Not a single one. linking 
an operator back to a method name doesn't make sense. Accept that 
_everything_ in scala, except methods, is an object, and as such adheres 
to its respective class contract. If you need to look up the meaning of 
an operator, all you need to know is the type on which it is being 
invoked. The only real complexity in this resolution then is introduced 
by implicits.

 On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 6:27 AM, bob wrote:
 i believe that one of the best ways to learn a new programming
 language is to read software written in it

 when reading Scala code, I rarely say i don't understand how that
 works and when I do, there's usually a good explanation of it
 somewhere on the web.

 usually I find myself asking where is that defined? or what part of
 the language is that?

 Scala is not like, for example, BASIC, where you can look up FOR, IF/
 THEN/ELSE. there's lots of individual and compound punctuation marks
 that are very difficult to search for online and in PDFs (try
 searching for !).

 a lot of scala also relies on syntactic sugar, such as omitted types
 (no : T after a val/var/def); the dreaded underbar; operator
 overloading; and implicit conversions. you can hate on Java's
 verbosity (i know i have), but brevity has its own difficulties.

 On Oct 22, 11:44 pm, Naftoli Gugenheim wrote:
 The last use of _, as in empty_?, is not a special scala meaning. As on 
 Java, underscores can be part of an identifier. Scala takes advantage of 
 this to combine letters and symbols in one name. These names, like empty_?, 
 are a Lift convention, as well as ..._! for use-with-care methods. The 
 scala library uses isEmpty. David, is it your original convention?.

 - wrote:
 override def validations = validPriority _ :: super.validations
 funny, I had stumbled on exactly the same line of code when beginning.
 Took me more than a day to understand what's going on. Especially
 because when you copied code from the PDF version of the Liftbook/Lift
 getting started guide, it would mess up spaces, so I would keep
 loooking for a _:: operator.
 The Scala guys have really pushed it a bit hard on the use of the
 underscore. At least four different uses:
 - it for defining anonymous functions like above
 - default value
 - matching placeholder whose value is ignored
 - use for constructing setter method names boolean functions (empty_?)


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[Lift] Re: catch a URL

2009-10-23 Thread Chris Lewis

Great suggestions - thanks guys!

Jeppe Nejsum Madsen wrote:
 Timothy Perrett writes:
 Ah. In that case, does this help:

  Menu(Loc(Some, List(some,page), Some,
EarlyResponse(() = {
  // do some response here,
  // return Empty if you dont want
  // a response but a filter style
  // intercept.

 Does that help?
 Or, if you just need to run some code before a template is rendered:
 Menu(Loc(test, List(landing), test, Template{() = 
  println(Hit the template URL);
  // Handle Empty case :-)

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[Lift] catch a URL

2009-10-22 Thread Chris Lewis

Hi list,

I'm working on an appengine app, and need to store some user 
information. I authenticate the user with their google account, and I 
need to create their local entity only if it's their first time 
logging in.

When a user logs in via google, they are redirected back to your app, to 
a URL of your choosing. My thought was to catch the request as it comes 
back and, if it's their first time logging in, create a User entity. My 
question then is how can I do this without:

a) Using a snippet, called from the return landing page and emitting 
NodeSeq.Empty - hack.

b) Using custom dispatch and then redirecting. That may work, but it's 
an unneeded round trip.

Any thoughts? Thanks!

PS - will share my app engineified code soon.

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[Lift] Re: Question about the Getting Started Guide

2009-09-30 Thread Chris Lewis

Maven stores artifacts in your local repository, which by default is in 
~/.m2/repository. wrote:
 Hello Indrajit and those who replied, thanks for all your help.
 Finally I got it working. It probably had something to do with
 the proxy in my work environment.
 BTW, do you know where maven stores those downloaded files?
 Tuesday, September 29, 2009, 10:49:20 PM, you wrote:
 maven-jetty-plugin belongs to the group org.mortbay.jetty, not 
 org.apache.maven.plugins. This makes me suspect that your jetty plugin
 isn't configured properly.
 A minimal jetty plugin configuration would look like this:
 Could you please ensure this config under build - plugin section in
 your pom.xml and retry?
 Cheers, Indrajit
 On 30/09/09 10:09 AM, jlist9 wrote:
 I just tried it on another computer and got exactly the same error when
 running (below). I think something is broken. I checked the mvn output
 in the first run to create helloworld project and didn't see any mentioning
 of jetty...

 D:\Java\liftweb\workmvn jetty:run
 [INFO] Scanning for projects...
 [INFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'jetty'.
 [INFO] artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jetty-plugin: checking
 for updates from central
 [INFO] The plugin 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jetty-plugin' does
 not exist or no valid version c
 ould be found
 [INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
 [INFO] Total time:  1 second
 [INFO] Finished at: Tue Sep 29 21:16:31 PDT 2009
 [INFO] Final Memory: 1M/4M

 On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 8:59 PM, Naftoli  wrote:
 I had such an issue when it was confused about which version
 of Jetty. Is there any more detail? Try running with error details
 enabled (mvn -help should tell you how).

 -  wrote:

 Yes, I have a network connection. Maven downloaded some other
 components and the end result was BUILD SUCCESSFUL...

 On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 8:29 PM, Naftoli  wrote:
 Do you have a network connection? The idea of maven is that it
 downloads whatever it's missing.

 On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 9:11 PM,  wrote:

 I'm new to Lift. I'm trying to follow the getting started guide to
 build the first simple
 demo.helloworld project. At the end of Maven command output I see
 However, when I run mvn jetty:run, I get error:

 The plugin 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jetty-plugin' does not
 exist or no valid version could be found

 I wonder if I need to manually install jetty? If so, is there any
 configuration instructions?


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[Lift] Re: all page URLs appended with ;jsessionid=knq01t90ajh7

2009-09-18 Thread Chris Lewis

It has nothing to do with lift, but the servlet container. jsessionid 
is a specified standard, and appending it I *think* is part of the 
mandate when implementing the servlet api. That is to say, the automatic 
appending will probably occur on any servlet container. Google around 
and you'll find various ways people deal with it.

Grant Wood wrote:
 The first time a browser visits my site, all the path-only URLs
 embedded in the requested page are being appended with what looks like
 a malformed query parameter containing the session id.
 for example:
 a href=/correct/path/ link/a
 is being rewritten:
 a href=/correct/path/;jsessionid=knq01t90ajh7 link/a
 What's odd is that it is also happening to img elements as well:
 img src=/s/images/site/light_blue.png /
 is being rewritten:
 img src=/s/images/site/light_blue.png;jsessionid=knq01t90ajh7 /
 This happens reliably if you clear the cache and all session data from
 your browser and visit any page in the site first.  ANy subsequent
 pages are fine.  The result is that links work fine (which is why I
 didn't notice the problem right away) but images and embedded media
 are broken.  If you reload the page, the URLs are all fine.
 The ;jsessionid=session id
 Other facts:
 - It is NOT affecting URLs in CSS or js in external files.
 - It is NOT being added to URLs with a protocol and authority such
 as:  (and it makes no difference if
 its an external link or not)
 - I first suspected that a script somewhere was doing this, however,
 disabling javascript in the browser causes no change.  I verified this
 using curl.. the URLs are being altered on the server.
 - I'm on the latest 1.1-SNAPSHOT, but this has been happening for some
 time, possibly since I started my work on lift 6 weeks ago.
 I have been searching through lift code for jsessionid without luck,
 so hopefully David or someone knows exactly what part of the chain is
 causing this.   Its certainly possible I'm doing this somehow, but I
 can find nothing that would come close to doing this in any of my
 snippets (or models or libs for that matter)
 Thanks for any insight, let me know what other information would be

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[Lift] Re: JPA with more than one front end (Maven! sigh...)

2009-09-17 Thread Chris Lewis

Charles F. Munat wrote:
 It's not the AS, it's the souped-up Tomcat (JBoss Web). All their 
 examples are WARs. But sure, send an EAR along, Mr. Van Gogh.


 Derek Chen-Becker wrote:
 Also, if you're loading this up in JBoss, it might make more sense to 
 bundle the artifacts into an EAR, unless you intend for the two web 
 modules to have completely separate persistence units (e.g. different 
 DBs, etc). Maven has a nice plugin for doing EARs. I can send a sample 
 pom.xml if you'd like.


 On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 1:01 PM, Derek Chen-Becker wrote:

 JBoss includes its own JTA libs, so you need to set the scope to
 exclude the other ones or else they'll conflict. Generally with any
 JEE container you would need to do that, since JTA is part of the
 spec. What exactly do you mean by the objects are created, but none
 of the properties are saved? Is an insert occurring but no fields
 are saved? If it's transaction related it's almost always a binary
 outcome (works/doesn't work), not something in between, although
 I've seen enough oddities to know that there are always exceptions :P


 On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 12:03 PM, Charles F. Munat wrote:

 Actually, I figured that out. They're included. But I have a
 problem now -- one that you might know the answer to.

 I'm loading this war file up in JBossWeb (basically a hopped-up
 and when I try to use it, I get a problem with transactions. I
 this is something in the JBossWeb server, since I have nothing in my
 code to cause that. Something on the server wants that jta.jar
 in there.

 So I tried commenting out the javax.transaction exclusion in the
 file for the spa project, and that added the jta jar to the
 lib, as
 expected. That also solved the problem with the server.

 But now when I merge objects to the database, the objects are
 but none of the properties are saved. It's very strange. I am
 if this is a transaction issue.

 And just out of curiosity, why is the javax.transaction exclusion in
 there? I've often wondered about that.


 Derek Chen-Becker wrote:
   Are you sure that they're not getting included (e.g. not
 actually in the
   WAR file), or that they're not activated? If your dependency
 (in the web
   modules) on the spa module is default scope, then it should
 be including
   On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 10:32 PM, Charles F. Munat wrote:
   I have a Lift project with a JPA backend subproject, and
 then two Lift
   front ends that access the same back end, also as
   So my master pom.xml looks like this:
   Works beautifully. Web responds on one port and Web2 on
 another (when I
   use the internal Jetty).
   But when I do mvn package and put the war on the server,
 somehow the
   spa backend classes do not get included.
   Any idea what I'm doing wrong?


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[Lift] Re: CMS for Lift?

2009-09-17 Thread Chris Lewis


glenn wrote:
 I think the trick to a really vibrant CMS is the ability to create
 plugins - modules in
 Lift that can be dynamically installed. I'm not sure how to affect
 this except through
 On Aug 19, 8:55 am, TylerWeir wrote:

 On Aug 19, 11:03 am, David Pollak

 FWIW... I got roped into hosting a CMS by the PTA of my kids' school.  I may
 knock something together in Lift or leverage off the work Glenn has done.
 On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 3:26 PM, Timothy Perrett 
 Just my two cents, but I wouldn't use the lift namespace... If you use the
 lift tags OOTB, you risk designers shoving lots of comet actors on a single
 page. You would get more granular control if you created a special set of
 cms:something .. /
 Cheers, Tim
 On 18/08/2009 23:00, Ewan wrote:
 I've been scratching my head about that one too.  I have used both
 Alfresco and opencms to produce both dynamic and static and in the
 case of dynamic they have their own servlet/filter to render the
 content - I've not yet spent enough time working out how and if they
 can be fitted together.
 For me, having used Hybris (J2EE ecommerce engine with some CMS built
 in), I'd like to be able to have page fragments in a template served
 from the CMS (lift snippets presumably) that would be created/
 maintained with some aspect of workflow by CMS user(s) in an
 associated CMS lift webapp with funky (X)HTML editor support.  My web
 guys, non-lift devs, can then sprinkle cms tags where appropriate.  A
 tag might be lift:cms contentId=news count=5 order=ascending/
 which would render the last five news items in ascending order.
 Just some thoughts
 -- Ewan
 On Aug 18, 10:09 pm, Terry J. Leach wrote:
 I would like to know how the Lift/Scala can leveraged to with Alfresco
 or any other open source Java based CMS.
 Terry J. Leach
 On Aug 17, 2:09 pm, Stefan Scott wrote:
 I'll chime in here since I've been evaluating several CMSs lately.
 I previously used Drupal and WordPress as my CMSs - now however I'm
 moving everything to MODx because of the increased flexibility and
 more-logical organization, and I'm also impressed with the demos of
 SilverStripe, TypoLight Typo3 - and LifeRay, which is written in Java
 instead of PHP. (LifeRay seems to be much more than a CMS - it claims
 to offer collaboration and social networking.)
 Some on-line demos here:
 MODx -
 SilverStripe -
 TypoLight -
 Typo3 -
 LifeRay -
 It would be good to take a look at these additional CMSs as they offer
 some capabilities beyond WordPress and Drupal.
 Drupal in particular is wildly popular but it may no longer be the
 best candidate to imitate, as it is less well-organized and less
 flexible/customizable (compared say to MODx, which lets you take CSS
 from an existing site and use it for your site, and which lets you
 apply a template to a single document, unlike Drupal where a theme
 applies to the entire site). To keep up with advanced CMSs, Drupal has
 evolved to use a bunch of (often redundant or competing) modules which
 are not always compatible with current releases. Examples of things
 that Drupal treats as add-ons (modules) are: custom content (the
 CCK/Views modules, with their confusing albeit AJAX-y interface),
 multi-language, and photo galleries (I gave up on Drupal after a few
 days of trying out various photo gallery modules, none of which I
 could understand). Finally, it seems odd that Drupal, as a content
 management system, lacks something all advanced CMSs have: a
 *treeview* of the overall site content. Instead, it only has a jumbled
 *list* of content, sorted by not by location but by last edited (!),
 with all translations also scattered through the list based on last-
 edited date, and this list is buried several levels deep in the admin
 navigation system, unlike the site content treeview navigator which is
 prominently displayed (usually on the left) in advanced CMSs. (Of
 course, I don't want to veer off-topic here and start a CMS flame war
 here in this liftweb discussion. :-)
 Regarding dynamic site map creation - I do know that MODx has
 something like this, using WayFinder to create a menu from selected
 branches of the site's document tree, automatically including any
 updated sub-branches, and I believe most other advanced CMSs have
 something like this too.
 LifeRay seems very intriguing - it claims to do a lot beyond just CMS.
 Since it's written in Java (not PHP), who knows if some of its code
 could be leveraged in Scala.
 So these might be some additional interesting CMSs to keep in mind
 (beyond Drupal and WordPress) when building a new CMS using liftweb.
 - Stefan Scott
 On Aug 16, 3:13 pm, glenn 

[Lift] Re: Dependency Injection in Lift

2009-09-02 Thread Chris Lewis

Jeppe Nejsum Madsen wrote:
 Chris Lewis writes:
 Take a payment service example. I start off with PayPal and some
 months later I switch my processor to CyberSource. I don't want to tie
 the snippet to a specific processor, so my mind, transposing java,
 says to write a payment service interface and implementation (of
 course there's a DI container that manages the wiring). In scala, if I
 mixin a trait that provides the payment service implementation, I
 still have to change the trait being mixed in if I want a different
 But how is that different from e.g changing a bean name in a Spring
 configuration (it's been a while since I used Spring, things may have
 changed :-) 

How can it be tested with different implementations? I change the trait 
being extended when I run tests, then change back for deployment (that 
is, change the actual source)? A spring context isn't compiled into the 
code, so I can simply change the context being used and I have my 
different implementations.

I DO NOT want this. I want to understand the trait example as I'm sure 
I'm missing something. David's explanation of the architecture of S and 
LiftRules was convincing, and I'm sure I could be convinced on the trait 
issue if I could see an exmaple that proves it's not a maintenance 

 That, or have the trait itself resolve the implementation, which is
 plumbing that would have to be repeated per dependency-bearing trait.
 I you need the same dependency injected in several places, you could
 create a Configuration trait that holds all your dependencies (akin to
 the Spring context). Granted, this will provide all your services to all
 snippets, which seems less than ideal.
 This is an interesting discussion, and I'm still pondering at a good
 solution to the above.

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[Lift] Re: Dependency Injection in Lift

2009-09-02 Thread Chris Lewis

Timothy Perrett wrote:
 I read your comments with interest - just to clarify, are you against
 changing code / would prefer a configuration file? I sort of got that
 vibe from some of your posts... Personally, im not down with
 configuration files and prefer code that configures code.

No, I prefer wiring configurations to be in code. Certain artifacts 
however, like localized strings or environmental configurations that 
depend on the server (dev/qa/prod), seem better off externalized.

I suppose you got that vibe from the comment I made a bit earlier, about 
needing to recompile to reflect a change in a dependency configuration 
upstream (in a trait). That was a vague comment rooted in my ignorance 
of the apparently late binding of calls on trait methods. More on that 

 Some of the systems i've got actually use a pattern very similar to
 what DPP detailed - it works fine for me as I use specs and mokkito to
 do testing - have you seen those?

DPP's explanation of how to mock infrastructure code (bound to S, etc) 
made since, but it still feels a bit sketchy. Again, this may be my 
misunderstanding, but he's saying to do something like replace the value 
of the function S.redirectTo, so I can test as needed. So here we go:

S.redirectTo = () = { println(redirect received); }

Now that value is overwritten. What if I was unit testing a bunch of 
snippets, some of those snippets call the same global function, but I 
need to do per-snippet recordings/inspections of those calls? Must I 
reconfigure the values under S each time? What if I forget one?

I've seen Bill Venner's specs - haven't used it but it looks cool. I've 
not heard of mokkito (and didn't see a relevant link on google), so I 
don't know how these tools might help here. Do share :-)


 Cheers, Tim

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[Lift] Re: Dependency Injection in Lift

2009-09-01 Thread Chris Lewis


I'm still investigating options, but I wanted to restate my main issue 
simply. It is the requirement snippets have on global data; that is it. 
The way they receive data from and expose data to templates is really 
nice. However, without the use of global objects (including lift 
infrastructure like S, as well as application-level services), a snippet 
cannot do anything useful. Instead of expressing dependencies via 
constructor or function arguments, snippets must reach out. Calls to 
factories provide a way to ask for dependencies, but again binds the 
snippet to a specific factory (which in turn requires dependencies be 
configured such that a specific factory can provide them).

I see this as problematic. I don't want spring in the mix, and I share 
the disdain for java annotations in scala - but there has to be a better 
way than globals.

Thanks so much for your work and continued engagement.


Jeppe Nejsum Madsen wrote:
 David Pollak writes:

 I agree with Marius' comments.  By using Scala's functions and partial
 functions, I have not found any need for Dependency Injection or many of the
 other Java limitation workaround patterns.

 Snippets are not associated in any way with persistence.  Snippets can work
 any way you want and are not tied to a particular mechanism for storing
 data.  Snippets are simply a way to transform XML to XML.
 David. I'm also struggling with some of these issues, mostly due to the
 fact that I need to supply mocks for testing and not so much because I
 crave another layer of indirection :-)
 I think what Chris was talking about was not so much that snippets are
 tied to any specific persistence mechanism, but more that many (most?)
 snippets, to do something useful, needs to access some functionality in
 the business logic. An using a static reference for this makes it
 difficult to swap BL implementations (ie with mocks). In an IoC
 container, those dependencies would be injected automatically to the
 I'm unsure how this could be implemented in Lift/Scala but would prefer
 to use the language itself. Chris already showed one possible solution
 with implicits, but I think there may be better solutions out there. I
 agree with you on your view on annotations :-)
 I feel I have a pretty good grasp on using FP in the small e.g for
 algorithms and data structures, but can't yet see how FP constructs
 (partial functions etc) can be used in the large e.g. for composing
 whole applications. Even more so when combining this with scala's
 powerful type system.
 Scala's traits used in conjunction with runtime logic singletons (e.g.,
 LiftRules and S in Lift) mean that you don't need DI or other stuff.  How
 can these things be used together?
 One of my issues wrt to testing lift apps is actually the use of these
 singletons. Much of my application code relies on these and requires an
 elaborate setup to test properly. I can of course extract my own traits
 for all the functionality that I use in S, LiftRules etc. but this seems
 like something that could be integrated into lift proper. I'll spend
 some more time on this and get back when/if I have some suggested
 improvements :-)
 I don't believe snippets need this kind of configuration if you follow the
 same patterns as we've followed with LiftRules and S.
 Could you briefly mention these patterns (or point to the code :-)?
 There's a lot of code in there and, while readable, I don't think I can
 distill the patterns yet

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[Lift] Re: Dependency Injection in Lift

2009-09-01 Thread Chris Lewis

Ok, I had never looked at the source for S or LiftRules, but just poked 
around in S and some dots connected. Assign different functions to the S 
var members and you change functionality. Cool! Different than what my 
mind defaults to, but so simple.

(You can see I have some baggage, and I am happy to let it go.)

Forgive my ignorance, and this issue probably has more to do with my 
newness to scala rather than lift, but I don't see how your trait 
example allows one to construct the snippet. Take a payment service 
example. I start off with PayPal and some months later I switch my 
processor to CyberSource. I don't want to tie the snippet to a specific 
processor, so my mind, transposing java, says to write a payment service 
interface and implementation (of course there's a DI container that 
manages the wiring). In scala, if I mixin a trait that provides the 
payment service implementation, I still have to change the trait being 
mixed in if I want a different implementation. That, or have the trait 
itself resolve the implementation, which is plumbing that would have to 
be repeated per dependency-bearing trait.

This sounds messy and like a maintenance headache - I feel like I'm 
missing your point here. I get the answer to mocking lift internals, 
but hot-swapping service implementations without incurring a maintenance 
hit is still unclear. Thanks again!


David Pollak wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 5:56 AM, Chris Lewis wrote:
 I'm still investigating options, but I wanted to restate my main issue
 simply. It is the requirement snippets have on global data; that is it.
 The way they receive data from and expose data to templates is really
 nice. However, without the use of global objects (including lift
 infrastructure like S, as well as application-level services), a snippet
 cannot do anything useful. Instead of expressing dependencies via
 constructor or function arguments, snippets must reach out.
 And where do these constructor parameters come from?
 How is:
 class Foo(snippetConstructors: XX) extends Snippet {
 Any more abstract than:
 class Foo with MyProjectState {
 trait MyProjectState {
   def snippetConstructor: XX
 Calls to
 factories provide a way to ask for dependencies, but again binds the
 snippet to a specific factory (which in turn requires dependencies be
 configured such that a specific factory can provide them).
 I see this as problematic. I don't want spring in the mix, and I share
 the disdain for java annotations in scala - but there has to be a better
 way than globals.
 S is not global.  Sure, it appears to be global, but it's not.
 There's nothing magic about S.  You can create your own.
 You can also have a trait that configures itself on construction and you 
 can mix that trait into your snippets.
 Either of these solutions gives you the ability to achieve your goals...
 I'm not sure why you object to the S/factory paradigm.  At some point, 
 the turtles end and you have to provide a mechanism for associating the 
 abstraction (trait/interface) with some concrete implementation.  Why do 
 you view DI magic as a more satisfying mechanism for resolving abstract 
 to concrete?  Personally, I find anything that's magic (rather than 
 concrete code that I can control, e.g., factory functions, partial 
 functions, etc. to be much more maintainable.)
 Thanks so much for your work and continued engagement.
 Jeppe Nejsum Madsen wrote:
   David Pollak writes:
   I agree with Marius' comments.  By using Scala's functions and
   functions, I have not found any need for Dependency Injection or
 many of the
   other Java limitation workaround patterns.
   Snippets are not associated in any way with persistence.
  Snippets can work
   any way you want and are not tied to a particular mechanism for
   data.  Snippets are simply a way to transform XML to XML.
   David. I'm also struggling with some of these issues, mostly due
 to the
   fact that I need to supply mocks for testing and not so much
 because I
   crave another layer of indirection :-)
   I think what Chris was talking about was not so much that
 snippets are
   tied to any specific persistence mechanism, but more that many
   snippets, to do something useful, needs to access some
 functionality in
   the business logic. An using a static reference for this makes it
   difficult to swap BL implementations (ie with mocks). In an IoC
   container, those dependencies would be injected automatically to the

[Lift] Re: authentication and access control

2009-08-30 Thread Chris Lewis

Thanks David,

That does help, yes. My first toy app, which I wrote for a company demo, 
used lift 1.0 and mapper. I dug into the MegaProtoUser source and 
remember how it worked (providing its own site menu configurations with 
access control there). Role-based restrictions could be done much the 
same way. Part of my issue with that is probably invalid - I'm 
accustomed to the practice of such configurations being stored outside 
of application code (XML).

Having known that, I guess my question was focused more on how lift 
remembers the user. I think it was using the S object, which ultimately 
stores keyed objects on the session, right?

Thanks again for your dedication and commitment to the lift community.


David Pollak wrote:
 On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 6:42 PM, Chris Lewis wrote:
 Lift users,
 I'm curious what you all are using for user access control (Mapper users
  excluded). I'm seriously evaluating lift for a project that will use
 JPA. My full time job uses Spring Security, which while nice in that it
 stays out of the way, is too clunky for my tastes. I haven't dissected
 how lift implements it with Mapper, but wanted to ask the group first.
 For HTML access control, Lift's SiteMap offers URL level protection of 
 pages (and menu generation based on the access control rules.)  For each 
 Loc (location) in your sitemap, you can chain together If() and Unless() 
 clauses to define what rules are applied to each page.  These rules are 
 based on invoking functions (e.g., User.superUser_?) and can be 
 arbitrarily complex.
 For protecting non-sitemap resources (stuff that's served up via a 
 custom dispatch [DispatchPF]), it's best practice to put a guard in the 
 partial function:
   case Req(api :: accounts :: Nil, _, GetRequest) if 
 currentUserCanViewAccounts_? = renderAccounts _
 Hope this helps.
 Lift, the simply functional web framework
 Beginning Scala
 Follow me:
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[Lift] Dependency Injection in Lift

2009-08-30 Thread Chris Lewis

I like the Lift framework. It has its rough edges, but it's a great way 
to get into web app development using scala. It borrows many good ideas 
from other frameworks, most notably its convention over configuration 
structure (rails) and its scriptless view layer (wicket).

One thing I'm not a big fan of is its baked-in database layer, the 
Mapper (now in flux and being reborn as Record), and so was pleased to 
find the JPA archetype in the 1.1 tree. Using this archetype, you get a 
barebones but functioning lift app using pure JPA. This is a great 
start, but when I poked around the snippets I saw two things that 
troubled me:

The underlying entity manager API leaks directly into what would be the 
service layer API; a single object exposed as Model.
The snippet code is hardwired to Model, which uses it directly as a 
global DAO.

This archetype is still in development, and it very well may change. 
It's carries a nature of being experimental; showing you how it can be 
done, but probably not how it should be done.

However, it highlighted an issue I have with Lift, one that the boring 
enterprise crowd has solved: dependency injection.

I have an admittedly specific idea in mind for what I want to implement 
in my would-be Lift app: I want to be able to declare a few fields and 
annotate them so that a layer above will provide me with acceptable 
instances. Yeah, I want to inject DAOs in the oh-so-familiar 
Guice/Spring/T5 IoC way. I like this partially because it's familiar, 
but also because it provides me with loosely coupled code.

There's been some good discussion on the subject of implementing 
dependency injection in Scala using mere language constructs. I dove 
into this subject, starting with chapter 27 of 
[]: Modular Programming 
Using Objects. It's a good read, and I recommend the book. After that I 
found my way to some relevant posts in the blogs of Debasish Ghosh and 
Jonas Boner, respectively:

Very cool indeed, but I've slightly digressed. What I want to explore is 
how to loosely couple the persistence implementation (be it JPA, JDO, or 
a baked in model) with the accessing of persistent objects. I don't see 
how the aforementioned technique (the cake pattern) would help in the 
case of lift snippets, because we don't have any kind of hooks where we 
can provide configuration of snippets (at least, not that I know of). 
This is exactly the issue that DI solves.

So what are the thoughts of the lift-power users? Is there a way to get 
this in lift, or would you say that I am doing it wrong?


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[Lift] Re: Dependency Injection in Lift

2009-08-30 Thread Chris Lewis

I am specifically talking about decoupling my web logic, ie, event 
handlers for forms in lift snippets, from the persistence layer. As 
currently implemented, snippets know exactly what persistence mechanism 
is in use because there is no intermediary API. If I'm using Mapper, my 
snippets must use the Mapper api. If JPA, the global EM wrapper Model. 
The same, I imagine, holds true for the Record api. This makes the 
persistence layer a Leaky Abstraction 
(, and I want to avoid that.

  Most of DI of Lift is currently done using PartialFunction-s and
  Function lists that people can set in Boot or for snippets in case on
  binding functions usign SHtml helpers etc.

Ok, but how does that help me decouple my web logic from the persistence 

  What we've learned with Lift is the it is OK to give to persistence
  objects understanding of rendering. Having dumb objects that carry on
  just data and rely of layers that can do different jobs (render,
  persist) is IMO not a very good design approach.

I disagree. An entity, like Author, is nothing more than an expression 
of a real-world concept modeled in code. It should know about itself, 
its direct constituents (like a Book collection), anything else that 
defines its own semantics, and nothing more. How it is stored is none of 
its business.

Don't misunderstand me - I accept that I may be missing something. We 
agree that the concept of DI is valuable because it helps us keep 
abstractions loosely coupled. I don't see the problem with annotations, 
but I am not at all married to them.

You point at partial functions and traits to implement abstractions over 
the persistence layer, but what is missing is how to apply that to 
snippets. Yes, I could abstract the layer however I want, but my 
snippets we still be required to get at the layer by calling it 
directly, instead of having it provided. Can you share some input on 
that part?

Thanks for the discussion,


marius d. wrote:
 Most of DI of Lift is currently done using PartialFunction-s and
 Function lists that people can set in Boot or for snippets in case on
 binding functions usign SHtml helpers etc.
 Personally I'm not at all a fan of Pojo/Poji DI by annotations
 especially in Scala realm where there are other artifacts such as
 function composition, monads, mixin composition, higher order
 functions etc. The other problem with annotations is that we can't
 currently build annotations in Scala to be visible at runtime, so we'd
 probably have to code them in Java or use some existent Java
 annotations ... but this already smells hacky IMHO.
 If enterprise folks solve one problem by DI by annotation it doesn't
 mean that this fits in all contexts.Persistence loosely coupling can
 be achieved in many ways:
 1. Implement your own persistence semantic on top of Record
 2. Implement your own traits hence your own abstractions
 3. etc
 What we've learned with Lift is the it is OK to give to persistence
 objects understanding of rendering. Having dumb objects that carry on
 just data and rely of layers that can do different jobs (render,
 persist) is IMO not a very good design approach.
 Having snippets invoking the persistence layer is ok, in fact it is
 natural for applications. Of course with a proper level of persistence
 abstraction IF there are chances for the application to use a
 different persistence mechanism then say JDBC. But many application
 don't really need such a rigorous decoupling so using mapper/record
 from snippets makes a lot of sense.
 On Aug 30, 6:21 pm, Chris Lewis wrote:
 I like the Lift framework. It has its rough edges, but it's a great way
 to get into web app development using scala. It borrows many good ideas
 from other frameworks, most notably its convention over configuration
 structure (rails) and its scriptless view layer (wicket).

 One thing I'm not a big fan of is its baked-in database layer, the
 Mapper (now in flux and being reborn as Record), and so was pleased to
 find the JPA archetype in the 1.1 tree. Using this archetype, you get a
 barebones but functioning lift app using pure JPA. This is a great
 start, but when I poked around the snippets I saw two things that
 troubled me:

 The underlying entity manager API leaks directly into what would be the
 service layer API; a single object exposed as Model.
 The snippet code is hardwired to Model, which uses it directly as a
 global DAO.

 This archetype is still in development, and it very well may change.
 It's carries a nature of being experimental; showing you how it can be
 done, but probably not how it should be done.

 However, it highlighted an issue I have with Lift, one that the boring
 enterprise crowd has solved: dependency injection.

 I have an admittedly specific idea in mind for what I want to implement
 in my would-be Lift app: I want to be able to declare a few fields

[Lift] Re: Dependency Injection in Lift

2009-08-30 Thread Chris Lewis

One option might be implicit parameters, but it doesn't seem as clean 
(could be a knee jerk). I tried defining an implicit param on the form 
handler, but then lift couldn't find the mapped handler. Doing this I 
believe changes the function signature, and so the reflective call 
doesn't see it.

However, you can define a method on your snippet that takes an implicit. 
Consider a simple snippet:

trait UserService {
   def findByUserName(userName: String) : String

object Config {
   implicit val us = new UserService() {
 def findByUserName(userName: String) = userName

import Config._

class MySnippet {

   def userService(implicit us: UserService) = us

   def login(xhtml : NodeSeq) : NodeSeq = {
 var userName = 
 var password = 

 def doLogin() = {
   println(userName + ;  + userService.findByUserName(userName))

 bind(user, xhtml,
   userName - SHtml.text(userName, userName = _),
   password - SHtml.password(password, password = _),
   submit   - SHtml.submit(?(Save), doLogin _)

Notice the part in the doLogin closure:


Because of the universal access principal, we can treat userService, a 
single argument function that returns type UserService (a trait), as an 
object. Also see how the userService method receives an implicit 
parameter. Because we define an object (Config) that provides an 
implicit value of that type, and we import that value, the compiler can 
provide it implicitly.

One thing about this method is that we have to have a satisfying 
implicit value in scope. In a unit test we could easily do it on the 
fly, but for normal execution I'm not sure where you can plug something in.

I'd still love to hear more thoughts, and if this method could be at all 


Jeppe Nejsum Madsen wrote:
 Chris Lewis writes:
 I am specifically talking about decoupling my web logic, ie, event 
 handlers for forms in lift snippets, from the persistence layer. As 
 currently implemented, snippets know exactly what persistence mechanism 
 is in use because there is no intermediary API. 
 Chris, I'm sharing the same concerns as you about the decoupling. For
 now, I've just accepted it to get started with Lift.
 But now that our app starts to grow, I think we'll need to find a
 good solution for this in order to 
 1) Maintain a good test suite (I'm a strong believer in TDD and
 automated testing in general. I don't think that having type safety and
 FP makes tests obsolete).
 2) Loosely couple the code to make it maintainable over time 
 One of my big issues right now is how to test snippets that access the
 persistence/business layer. This is trivial if snippets has some kind of
 DI, as you could just inject mock objects instead of the real
 thing. Alas, I haven't found a good solution yet. I do think that Scala
 provides some language support for this (ie. the articles you linked to)
 and I would like to pursue this first, before using more heavyweight
 solutions such as Spring/Guice etc.

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[Lift] Re: authentication and access control

2009-08-28 Thread Chris Lewis


No, just looking around at a higher level. Back to what I like about 
spring security, it stays entirely out of application code's way (as 
does the protouser stuff). I will look at those auth examples, and I 
will poke through (Mega)ProtoUser source (I'm more accustomed to having 
an application component manage access control, as opposed to http auth.

On another note, are you using lift 1.1-M4? I used the jpa basic 
archetype last night and the web module is broken (mainly imports in Boot).

Thanks again for your input!

Timothy Perrett wrote:
 Are you thinking along the lines of JAAS or similar? As Marius said,  
 we currently don't have a defined way of doing general purpose  
 authentication within Lift apps
 Cheers, Tim
 Sent from my iPhone
 On 28 Aug 2009, at 08:14, marius d. wrote:
 I'm not sure you HTTP authentication is what your looking for. Lift
 has support for both BASIC and DIGEST authentication models
 (irrespective of any persistence technology) and you can grant access
 based on Roles defined as a hierarchical structure.

 See /examples/http-authentication application.

 As far as Mapper goes it has a built in ProtoUser implementation for
 login, registration, forgot password etc.


 On Aug 28, 4:42 am, Chris Lewis wrote:
 Lift users,

 I'm curious what you all are using for user access control (Mapper  
   excluded). I'm seriously evaluating lift for a project that will  
 JPA. My full time job uses Spring Security, which while nice in  
 that it
 stays out of the way, is too clunky for my tastes. I haven't  
 how lift implements it with Mapper, but wanted to ask the group  



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[Lift] authentication and access control

2009-08-27 Thread Chris Lewis

Lift users,

I'm curious what you all are using for user access control (Mapper users 
  excluded). I'm seriously evaluating lift for a project that will use 
JPA. My full time job uses Spring Security, which while nice in that it 
stays out of the way, is too clunky for my tastes. I haven't dissected 
how lift implements it with Mapper, but wanted to ask the group first. 


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[Lift] Re: ProtoUser and securing pages

2009-07-14 Thread Chris Lewis

I guess the first question I should have asked is how do I go about 
logging a user in. I have my user model, which now mixes in 
MegaProtoUser. I also persist instances, but I don't know how to start 
a user session. I noticed the logUserIn method - I assume that's where 
to start when I get back into the app later this evening, but I was 
wondering if there are any example apps that use this? I didnt see any 
in the current source, and, assuming it makes a difference, I'm using 1.0.

thanks again,

David Pollak wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 9:20 AM, glenn wrote:
 I do something similar in menu items to hide them for different user
 roles, but
 the error message: No Navigation Defined, is displayed if the right
 user isn't logged in.
 How do I turn this off?
 Upgrade based on the fix I just checked in. :-)
 On Jul 14, 4:02 am, Chris Lewis wrote:
   Too easy! Thanks for the help David - I'll msg the channel when
 the app
   is on github. Fine job with Lift - it's been a joy so far!
   David Pollak wrote:
On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 8:57 PM, Chris Lewis wrote:
That'll get me started. User there however, must mixin
instead of ProtoUser right (getting compilation errors)?
Yeah... you have to build your User from
I guess I'm interested in how/when/where the checking
 happens, but that
suggests I need to have a source dive. I do need secured
 pages in the
SiteMenu (which I can have once I work out the compilation
 issues), but
what if I need to secure a URL handled via custom dispatch,
 and so is
not in the menu?
Sitemap is for protecting XHTML pages... stuff that's rendered
 to the
If you have a custom dispatch, then you have to build the
logic into the dispatch:
case Req(my_page :: thing :: Nil, _, GetRequest) if
= () = XmlResponse(helloworld/hello)
A little bonus of the app is a bookmarklet that
actually makes it useful, and it hits up that URL. The idea
 would be to
secure that URL in lift and if the user is logged it would
 just work.
I'll hack on it a bit more tomorrow - thanks again!
David Pollak wrote:
  In Boot.scala, define your SiteMap as:
  // Build SiteMap
  val entries = Menu(Loc(Home, List(index),
 Home)) ::
  Menu(Loc(Protected, List(protected), Protected,
  If(User.loggedIn_? _, You must be loggd in to view this
 page))) ::
  Note the If() clause that tests if the user is logged
 in and
will not
  display the menu item or let you access that page.
  Is this what you're looking for?
  On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 8:23 PM, Chris Lewis wrote:
  Hello list,
  I'm writing a lift app for a presentation Wednesday.
 It's a
  little app that is all but done, missing only the
 ability to
  pages. I've got a /really/ simple registration page
with a
  user name field, bound in a snippet that persists
 the User
  What's missing is the ability to secure pages if the
 user is
logged in.
  I'm reading through the lift book and I just don't
 see in
there how it's
  FWIW, I'm working with lift 1.0. I switched to
and there
  were some strange query-related breakages, so for
 the sake of
the demo
  I'll stick with 1.0. I'm sorry if this question has been
asked 1000
  times - can anyone offer a good resource or example
  secured pages)?
  Thanks! Lift is pretty cool so far :) - I'll github
 the app

[Lift] Re: ProtoUser and securing pages

2009-07-14 Thread Chris Lewis

Thanks for the assistance David, and to suresk in the IRC channel as 
well as tjweir (I was pointed to his example code). My app is where I 
wanted it for the demo. This week and next will be pretty slamming at 
work, but I will try to find some time to push the app to github soon.


David Pollak wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 3:32 PM, Chris Lewis wrote:
 I guess the first question I should have asked is how do I go about
 logging a user in. I have my user model, which now mixes in
 MegaProtoUser. I also persist instances, but I don't know how to start
 a user session. I noticed the logUserIn method - I assume that's where
 to start when I get back into the app later this evening, but I was
 wondering if there are any example apps that use this? I didnt see any
 in the current source, and, assuming it makes a difference, I'm
 using 1.0.
 thanks again,
 Did you start your app based on one of the Lift templates?
 If you take a look at line 27 of:
 You'll see how the MegaProtoUser can manage its own menus.  From that, 
 you get login, logout, etc.
 Does this help?
 David Pollak wrote:
   On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 9:20 AM, glenn wrote:
   I do something similar in menu items to hide them for
 different user
   roles, but
   the error message: No Navigation Defined, is displayed if the
   user isn't logged in.
   How do I turn this off?
   Upgrade based on the fix I just checked in. :-)
   On Jul 14, 4:02 am, Chris Lewis wrote:
 Too easy! Thanks for the help David - I'll msg the channel
   the app
 is on github. Fine job with Lift - it's been a joy so far!

 David Pollak wrote:

  On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 8:57 PM, Chris Lewis wrote:

  That'll get me started. User there however, must mixin
  instead of ProtoUser right (getting compilation errors)?

  Yeah... you have to build your User from

  I guess I'm interested in how/when/where the checking
   happens, but that
  suggests I need to have a source dive. I do need secured
   pages in the
  SiteMenu (which I can have once I work out the
   issues), but
  what if I need to secure a URL handled via custom
   and so is
  not in the menu?

  Sitemap is for protecting XHTML pages... stuff that's
   to the

  If you have a custom dispatch, then you have to build the
  logic into the dispatch:

  case Req(my_page :: thing :: Nil, _, GetRequest) if
  = () = XmlResponse(helloworld/hello)

  A little bonus of the app is a bookmarklet that
  actually makes it useful, and it hits up that URL.
 The idea
   would be to
  secure that URL in lift and if the user is logged it
   just work.

  I'll hack on it a bit more tomorrow - thanks again!


  David Pollak wrote:
In Boot.scala, define your SiteMap as:

// Build SiteMap
val entries = Menu(Loc(Home, List(index),
   Home)) ::
Menu(Loc(Protected, List(protected),
If(User.loggedIn_? _, You must be loggd in to
 view this
   page))) ::

Note the If() clause that tests if the user is
   in and
  will not
display the menu item or let you access that page

[Lift] Re: ProtoUser and securing pages

2009-07-13 Thread Chris Lewis

That'll get me started. User there however, must mixin MegaProtoUser
instead of ProtoUser right (getting compilation errors)?

I guess I'm interested in how/when/where the checking happens, but that
suggests I need to have a source dive. I do need secured pages in the
SiteMenu (which I can have once I work out the compilation issues), but
what if I need to secure a URL handled via custom dispatch, and so is
not in the menu? A little bonus of the app is a bookmarklet that
actually makes it useful, and it hits up that URL. The idea would be to
secure that URL in lift and if the user is logged it would just work.

I'll hack on it a bit more tomorrow - thanks again!


David Pollak wrote:
 In Boot.scala, define your SiteMap as:
 // Build SiteMap
 val entries = Menu(Loc(Home, List(index), Home)) ::
 Menu(Loc(Protected, List(protected), Protected,
 If(User.loggedIn_? _, You must be loggd in to view this page))) ::
 Note the If() clause that tests if the user is logged in and will not
 display the menu item or let you access that page.
 Is this what you're looking for?
 On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 8:23 PM, Chris Lewis wrote:
 Hello list,
 I'm writing a lift app for a presentation Wednesday. It's a simple
 little app that is all but done, missing only the ability to secure
 pages. I've got a /really/ simple registration page (template with a
 user name field, bound in a snippet that persists the User model).
 What's missing is the ability to secure pages if the user is logged in.
 I'm reading through the lift book and I just don't see in there how it's
 FWIW, I'm working with lift 1.0. I switched to 1.1-SNAPSHOT and there
 were some strange query-related breakages, so for the sake of the demo
 I'll stick with 1.0. I'm sorry if this question has been asked 1000
 times - can anyone offer a good resource or example (logins, logouts,
 secured pages)?
 Thanks! Lift is pretty cool so far :) - I'll github the app after it's
 to a workable state. Should be a decent example of ProtoUser usage and a
 few other simple things (like a LastFM api using dbDispatch).
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