Re: Questions regarding tempo indications

2004-01-09 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Carl Youngblood wrote:
How can I make the quarter note for the tempo indication smaller?  I'm 
not sure what object property to modify.
I don't think you can change the size of the note without changing
the size of the letters using a single property setting. If you want
to make the full indication smaller, try something like:
\property Score.MetronomeMark \override #'font-size = #-2
To reduce the size of only the note, use text markup as described below.
> Also, I want to provide a
tempo range, such as \tempo 4 = 84-92, but it croaks when I try to add 
stuff after the first number.  Is there a way to do this?
Yes, but then you cannot use the \tempo command (what tempo should it
insert in the MIDI file in this case?), but you can typeset it using the
general text markup features. Try something like
^\markup{ \small \note #2 #1 #1 "= 84-92" }
See also


Lilypond-user mailing list

SATB 2-staff template and request for suggestions

2004-01-09 Thread Ray McKinney
Hello all,

I'm a fairly new lilypond user, and most of my engraving will be choral music.
I found the SATB example in the documentation helpful, but frequently choir
music is reduced to two staves. The main point of this example, however, is to
point out a way to right-justify the part names before the first staff. I know
it took a lot of digging, reading, and trial-and-error before I found a way to
do it. I've found several cases in the mailing list archives asking about text
alignment, so this might answer a few people's questions.

Since I am so new to lilypond, I'm certainly open to suggestions on ways I can
improve this template, which I modified from the satb example with 4 staves and
4 sets of lyrics in the example templates. I've attached a small PNG graphic to
show a portion of the output.

Thanks to everyone for such a knowledgable community,

\include ""
\version "2.0.1"
% SATB Template on 2 staves

% Music for each voice. S and T will have stems up, A and B stems down
sopMusic = \notes  \relative c'' { c d e f }
altoMusic = \notes  \relative c' { e f g a }
tenorMusic = \notes \relative c' { g a b c }
bassMusic = \notes \relative c { c d e f }

% Lyrics will be printed between the staves.
allWords = \lyrics { Sing,4 Sing, Sing, Sing! }

% Generate the part names before the first staff. I use a space after each name
to provide a little separation between the word and the staff brace.
partNameUpper = \property Staff.instrument = \markup { \column < {\right-align
"Soprano "} {\right-align "Alto "} > }
partNameLower = \property Staff.instrument = \markup { \column < {\right-align
"Tenor "} {\right-align "Bass "} > }

\score { \notes

% Use ChoirStaff to avoid barlines between the staves. Use StaffGroup to have
connected barlines.
  \context ChoirStaff <<

% Set order of Staves and Lyrics
  \context Staff = upperstaff { \partNameUpper \clef treble \key c \major
\time 4/4 s1 }
  \context Lyrics = allLyrs { s1 }
  \context Staff = lowerstaff {  \partNameLower \clef bass \key c \major \time
4/4 s1 }

% Apply music to staves. Final double-bar will be applied to all staves in the
\context Staff = upperstaff \context Voice = VA { \voiceOne \sopMusic \bar
"|." }
\context Staff = upperstaff \context Voice = VB { \voiceTwo \altoMusic }
\context Lyrics = allLyrs { \allWords}
\context Staff = lowerstaff \context Voice = VA { \voiceOne \tenorMusic }
\context Staff = lowerstaff  \context Voice = VB { \voiceTwo \bassMusic }
  \paper {

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Lilypond-user mailing list

Can't figure out how to put spacers in lyrics

2004-01-09 Thread Carl Youngblood
Anybody know how to put blank spaces (rests) in lyrics?  I accidentally 
discovered that putting three underscores in a row skips over a note in 
the lyrics, but I don't want to have to put in hundreds of these 
sequences just to get to the part in my score that I want to add lyrics 


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
Lilypond-user mailing list

cross-staff piano directives across different source files

2004-01-09 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
[ Mac OS X 10.2.8;  Lilypond 2.0.1 ]

Hello, all --

I like to define the notes to my piece in one file (e.g., and 
the score formatting in another (e.g.,; this way, if I 
want to put together a different format of the same musice (e.g., a 
letter-portrait reduction of an organ score originally on 
tabloid-landscape), I just have to create a separate output file (e.g., [Aside: if this is *not* the best way to do things, 
please advise!]

However, I'm running into an issue with cross-staff piano writing using 
this method -- the issue being that Lilypond crashes [!].

I'm assuming it's because the "\translator Staff = X" directives (which 
are imbedded in the note source) need to be in the same file as the 
"\context Staff = X" (which is in the output source), or at least the 
horse has to come before the cart (i.e., the file which includes the 
\translator directive must include the file with the definition of the 
Staff used to translate!).

Any thoughts on how to get around this problem (other than, duh, 
putting it all in one file) would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lyrics question

2004-01-09 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Friday 09 January 2004 22.12, Carl Youngblood wrote:
> I'm doing a choral piece that has the same lyrics for all parts for
> almost all of it, except for a few measures where there is a split.
> What is the best way to put lyrics on the notes that are split?  Is
> there an easier way than putting in a new lyric section with a whole
> bunch of rests?
> Thanks,
> Carl Youngblood

Hm... Take a look at this for ideas. Something like this is probably the most 
logical solution, though it would certainly be a lot _easier_ to do it with 
lots of rests instead.

\score {
   \context Staff = X \context Voice = A \notes {c c c c}
   \context LyricsVoice = A \lyrics {x x x x }
 \context Staff = X \notes { s8 }
 \context LyricsVoice = A \lyrics { "" }
 \context LyricsVoice = B \lyrics { "" }
   \context Staff = X \context Voice = A \notes { c4 c2 c4}
   \context Lyrics \context LyricsVoice = A \lyrics { y y y }
   \context Staff = X\context Voice = B \notes { b2 b2 }
   \context LyricsVoice = B \lyrics { z z }

   \context Staff = X \context Voice = A \notes {d d d d}
   \context LyricsVoice = A \lyrics { w w w w }



Lilypond-user mailing list

property syntax (was Re: constructive criticism)

2004-01-09 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys
> How about this instead?
> What do you think of that, Han-Wen?

Parser and lexer are in lily/parser.yy, lily/lexer.ll; go ahead and

 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | 

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: request of help!

2004-01-09 Thread Milan M. Horák

> I'm using lilypond inside a latex text. I tried in the
> different ways explained in the Manual of lilypond but when
> I compile the file
> there are some problems with the fonts of the lyrics.
> The lilypond file inside the file.tex dosn't show the fonts
> with accents.
> In the single lilypond file I have no problem with those fonts.
> Only when both lilypond and tex files are combined together it
> happens.

I had a similar problem with czech fonts, but I am not sure whether it is the 
same problem as yours. I have solved my problem by editting the file 
/scm/font.scm and replacing the standard "cm" fonts by 
accented fonts. Since I have done it, all lyrics use my accented fonts as 

 Milan Horak

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: outputproperty-compatibility

2004-01-09 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys
> > "Han-Wen" == Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Han-Wen> \property Staff.Clef \set #'full-size-change = ##t
> Han-Wen> should also work in 1.8
> It does work in 1.8.  I'm trying to upgrade it to 2.0.

it also works in 2.0.

 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | 

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Emacs

2004-01-09 Thread Ferenc Wagner
Alberto Manuel Brandão Simões <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Is there a mudela mode for emacs, right?  Can you help me
> finding it?

It should go with your LilyPond package, and called
lilypond-mode.el or .elc.


Lilypond-user mailing list

Stave continues forever...

2004-01-09 Thread Alberto Manuel Brandão Simões
I am missing something it should be someway to say lilypond I want
it to break staves when they are too full...? or at least force them.

Thanks in advance

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: constructive criticism

2004-01-09 Thread Dave Pawson
At 20:56 09/01/2004, Jeffery B. Rancier wrote:
Dave Pawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> If the documentation were in docbook, its far more approachable
> than texinfo (IMHO).
Any thoughts on what Norm Walsh says here:

As of today, version 4 is 'approved' by the Oasis TC.
Norm's experiments are moving forward from that.
Note he's also done a 4 to Absinthe stylesheet?
Its unlikely that base documentation would ride the outer
edges of docbook, at least for 95%, so I don't see it as
an issue for today. Migration may need a few hours work
as and when. The docbook TC have been dealing successfully
with migration for a number of years now, without much in
the way of complaints.
regards daveP 

Lilypond-user mailing list

More lyrics-related questions

2004-01-09 Thread Carl Youngblood
In the piece I'm working on there are some eighth notes that have 
lyrics underneath them.  For notes that have longer words under them, 
more space is created to accommodate the longer word.  This makes the 
distance between the notes uneven and doesn't look as good, in my 
opinion.  Is there a way to make it so that if one word widens the note 
distance, all the notes in the same beam are widened to even out the 
note spacing?

Carl Youngblood

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
Lilypond-user mailing list

Stems longer when overriding defaults

2004-01-09 Thread Carl Youngblood
I've noticed that when I force a part's stems to go the other way using 
\stemDown or \stemUp, the stems are quite a bit longer than the default 
stems that are being used for automatically stemmed notes.  This 
creates a slight but noticeable aberration to the overall look and feel 
of a score.  Is there an easy way to fix this?


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: constructive criticism

2004-01-09 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys
> That's very convenient.
> Suggestions:
> The wiki needs to automatically link back to the lilypond site.
> Perhaps the title at the top next to the lilypond logo could do that
> instead of doing a full text search.
> Is there any way to include the comments from the wiki in the green area
> at the bottom of the page?  I don't know what you are using for scripting,
> but it could be done by server-side-including a cgi-script which fetched
> the wiki page.  (preferably without the wiki headers and footers)

Like I said before: I want to minimize my involvement in this. The
script used is in stepmake/bin/


 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | 

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Problem with lyrics

2004-01-09 Thread Carl Youngblood
Great, thanks for the help!  that worked fine.  Now I'm having a 
problem with the extenders.  I want there to be a little more space 
between the extender and the next word.  For example, on a measure with 
two slurred half notes, if I put a word and an extender, the extender 
goes all the way past the end of the measure and touches the next lyric 
word in the next measure.  I would like it to stop at the end of the 
measure if an extender ends on the measure, and I would like it to at 
least leave a little space between the extender and the next word if it 
doesn't end on a measure.  Anybody have any ideas? (I'm using version 

On Jan 9, 2004, at 3:43 AM, Ferenc Wagner wrote:

Carl Youngblood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

After "fear", which starts on an eighth note, I want to
display an extender, but it isn't getting shown, which
causes the rest of the lyrics to be off by one note.
Slur the notes which belong to the same syllabe:

 cis4 cis8( d) e4 fis4

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
Lilypond-user mailing list

4 hands typesetting

2004-01-09 Thread Alberto Manuel Brandão Simões

How is the normal typesetting for 4 hand music?
I know how to show each pair at a time, but not how to join them in any


Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Rhythm slashes instead of notes

2004-01-09 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys
> What about the change in slash size from 2.1.2 to 2.1.6 which I see from 
> the regression tests works for percussion parts but used to be the 
> standard distance between two lines for rhythm slashes.  I guess this 
> can be set to what we need also?

Sorry, this is a bug that I introduced. Will be fixed in 2.1.8.


 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | 

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 2.1.6 Cygwin packages available at my homepage

2004-01-09 Thread Jeffery B. Rancier
"Fodor Bertalan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I've built a 2.1.6 package. Now it seems to be full and OK.

Hello Fodor,

When cygwin starts downloading, it reports lilypond 2.01-1.  Is that correct?

Lilypond-user mailing list


2004-01-09 Thread Alberto Manuel Brandão Simões
Hi. I am sure I saw it somewhere, but I can't find. Is there a mudela
mode for emacs, right? Can you help me finding it?


Lilypond-user mailing list

Lyrics question

2004-01-09 Thread Carl Youngblood
I'm doing a choral piece that has the same lyrics for all parts for 
almost all of it, except for a few measures where there is a split.  
What is the best way to put lyrics on the notes that are split?  Is 
there an easier way than putting in a new lyric section with a whole 
bunch of rests?

Carl Youngblood

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
Lilypond-user mailing list


2004-01-09 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys
> I have attempted to follow these instructions, but none of the things
> I've tried for  seems to make sense to lily.  Can
> someone tell me the right 2.0 for:
> \context Staff \outputproperty #(make-type-checker 'clef-interface) 
> #'full-size-change = ##t
> in 1.8?

\property Staff.Clef \set #'full-size-change = ##t

should also work in 1.8

 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | 

Lilypond-user mailing list

Using lilypond-book with LaTeX enumerate environment

2004-01-09 Thread Bostjan Kuzman
I'm new to lily and I'd like to congratulate its authors for their work

However, I already have some problems.

Using lilypond-book, I'm trying to enumerate (or itemize...) some music
fragments in a LaTeX document. The resulting fragments are too wide
because of indentation with every item. Is there a simple way to correct
Also, I don't know how to import the headers in lily-book or where
exactly should I put this lines (from the manual):
 \input titledefs.tex
Does anyone have a longer lilypond-book example from which I could copy?


Boštjan Kuzman

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: constructive criticism

2004-01-09 Thread Jeffery B. Rancier
Dave Pawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> If the documentation were in docbook, its far more approachable
> than texinfo (IMHO).

Any thoughts on what Norm Walsh says here:

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: constructive criticism

2004-01-09 Thread Dave Pawson
At 19:05 08/01/2004, François Pinard wrote:
[John Williams]
> Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> > Why not edit the texinfo source directly, and send a patch?
> You are asking the users to learn texinfo, diff and patch before they
> can help you.  And as someone else pointed out, if they install a prebuilt
> version, they don't even have the texinfo source.
I do not know if this may be organised, but what about pairing people:
one being good for documentation itself, with one being good with
technicalities like Texinfo, diff and patch.  The second would translate
the work of the first for easing integration in the distribution.  (I'm
not volunteering as either in these times, however.)

If the documentation were in docbook, its far more approachable
than texinfo (IMHO).
If someone would bundle the lilypond documentation up,
I'll have a first cut, see what you all think?
HTH daveP

Lilypond-user mailing list

property syntax (was Re: constructive criticism)

2004-01-09 Thread John Williams
On Thu, 8 Jan 2004, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> The step from basic to advanced user is clearly a major threshold but
> does not involve learning all about Scheme but rather to learn the
> mechanisms to set properties and the syntax used. The sections on
> "Setting Variables" and "Fine Tuning layout" in the Tutorial try
> to explain these aspects.

I think a unified and simplified property syntax above would help lower
the treshhold.
Currently we have:

  Context properties:
 \property Context.propName = #value
 \property Context.propName \unset
  Object properties:
 \property Context.ObjectName \set #'prop-name = #value
 \property Context.ObjectName \override #'prop-name = #value
 \property Context.ObjectName \revert #'prop-name
 \once \property Context.ObjectName \set #'prop-name = #value
  Context properties in a translator:
 \translator { \NameContext propName = #value }
  Object properties in a translator:
 \translator { \NameContext ObjectName \set #'prop-name = #value }

How about this instead?

\set Staff.instrument = #"Clarinet"
\set Staff.instr = #"Clar."
\unset Staff.instr
  (Would override and revert on context properties make sense?)
\set PianoStaff.createKeyOnClefChange = ##t
\set Staff.Slur.dashed = #1
\override Staff.Stem.thickness = #4
\revert Staff.Stem.thickness
\once Staff.Stem.thickness = #4
\once = #'diamond

% This one is a bit strange. Are there any others like autoBeamSettings?
\override Voice.autoBeamSettings.(end * * * *) = #(ly:make-moment 1 4)

Translator sections can do a lot more than just set properties,
but maybe we could still keep a consistent syntax in the
contemplated \with and \apply sections.

\with {   % or \apply ?
  \set Staff.systemStartDelimiter = #'SystemStartBrace
  \set Score.RehearsalMark.padding = #1.5

What do you think of that, Han-Wen?

It's not new functionality; just simplifying the syntax.

~ John Williams

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Trouble with stock SuSE install

2004-01-09 Thread Fred Sienkiewicz
Hi Beldon,
I just became a lilypond user myself a little bit ago and had the similar
problems with debian.  I didn't have all the latest (2.5 -- I had 1.8)
packages of Python installed.  Maybe give that a shot?


--- Original Message ---

Message: 10
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2004 20:59:44 -0500
From: Beldon Dominello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Trouble with stock SuSE install
To: Lilypond User forum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Type: text/plain;  charset="us-ascii"

My apologies if this has been covered before but I can't seem to get the
SuSE 9 version (1.8.1) to work.  After installation, I type the command:
ly2dvi -P

only to get the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/ly2dvi", line 104, in ?
import lilylib as ly
ImportError: No module named lilylib

Could someone help me or point me to the appropriate place if this has
covered before.  Thanks!


"I must say I find television very educational. The minute somebody turns
on, I go to the library and read a good book."
-- Groucho Marx
Frederick A. Sienkiewicz
Student, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Trumpet, Music, Computer Science

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which
cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: constructive criticism

2004-01-09 Thread Nicolas Sceaux
Thu, 08 Jan 2004 10:45:51 +0100, Mats a dit : 

 > I'm not convinced! Since the curly braces are used for so many
 > different purposes, I think it's much harder to detect the '}'
 > that ends a certain set of property settings than to find the
 > \revert command. If you think the setting and reverting involves
 > too much typing, just declare some identifiers to use as short-cuts.

well, that's what I'm doing now...
but I find the
 \apply #(nest-props '((Stem thickness 4) (Slur transparent #t)))
   { .. }
solution very nice. I didn't realize that \apply could allow such
things, it's definitely something that I should dig.
BTW, my text editor is aware of brace matching.

 >> [...]
 > Again, I think you are biased since you are used to LISP. I'm afraid
 > this would scare most people and here we have the same problem with
 > the ending parenthesis used for many different purposes.

I was not exactly advocating the use of parens, but the hability to
add new syntactic abstractions, at a user level. As I noted, I was
just thinking (dreaming) loud. I do agree that, as it is now, lilypond
syntax is optimimum for note entry.

Again, \apply might satisfy most of my expectations. I'm very pleased
to discover it.


Lilypond-user mailing list

Emacs mode

2004-01-09 Thread Alberto Simoes
I've read it somewhere, but I can't find it... is there an emacs mode
for mudela, right? And, where can I find it?

Departamento de Informatica - Universidade do Minho

"The C Programming Language -- A language which combines the
flexibility of assembly language with the power of assembly language."

Lilypond-user mailing list

Trouble with stock SuSE install

2004-01-09 Thread Beldon Dominello
My apologies if this has been covered before but I can't seem to get the stock 
SuSE 9 version (1.8.1) to work.  After installation, I type the command:
ly2dvi -P

only to get the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/ly2dvi", line 104, in ?
import lilylib as ly
ImportError: No module named lilylib

Could someone help me or point me to the appropriate place if this has been 
covered before.  Thanks!


"I must say I find television very educational. The minute somebody turns it
on, I go to the library and read a good book."
-- Groucho Marx

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: constructive criticism

2004-01-09 Thread John Williams
On Thu, 8 Jan 2004, Ferenc Wagner wrote:
> > Yes true.  Is anyone willing to host a wiki for this? It
> > would be easy to link foobar.html into a wiki?foobar/
> > site.
> I can't see hundreds of people queueing up, so I jump in.
>  is waiting for you.  The
> moment (or year?) of truth is approaching... :)

I tried it out.

I really like the links to edit the comments at the bottom of each page.
That's very convenient.


The wiki needs to automatically link back to the lilypond site.
Perhaps the title at the top next to the lilypond logo could do that
instead of doing a full text search.

Is there any way to include the comments from the wiki in the green area
at the bottom of the page?  I don't know what you are using for scripting,
but it could be done by server-side-including a cgi-script which fetched
the wiki page.  (preferably without the wiki headers and footers)

~ John Williams

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: outputproperty-compatibility

2004-01-09 Thread Laura Conrad
> "Han-Wen" == Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Han-Wen> \property Staff.Clef \set #'full-size-change = ##t

Han-Wen> should also work in 1.8

It does work in 1.8.  I'm trying to upgrade it to 2.0.

Laura (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , )
(617) 661-8097  fax: (501) 641-5011
233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139

Lilypond-user mailing list


2004-01-09 Thread Laura Conrad

Converting my Dowland lilypond from 1.8 to 2.0, I get the following

convert-ly (GNU LilyPond) 2.0.1
Processing `' ... Applying conversions: 1.9.0, 1.9.1, 1.9.2, 1.9.3, 1.9.4, 
1.9.5, 1.9.6, 1.9.7, \outputproperty found, 
Please hand-edit, using

  \applyoutput #(outputproperty-compatibility (make-type-checker 'clef-interface)  
'full-size-change )

as a substitution text.Error while converting; I won't convert any further

I have attempted to follow these instructions, but none of the things
I've tried for  seems to make sense to lily.  Can
someone tell me the right 2.0 for:

\context Staff \outputproperty #(make-type-checker 'clef-interface) #'full-size-change 
= ##t

in 1.8?

Laura (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , )
(617) 661-8097  fax: (501) 641-5011
233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Printing onto A3

2004-01-09 Thread Kieren Richard MacMillan
Hello, Ralph:

It seems like a standard kind of thing to want to do.
Has anybody done this from Lilypond?
Not directly in Lilypond...

However, I did write a small Java class that does what you want from an 
original PDF source (controlling the open source iText Java-PDF 
classes), and I use it all the time. [In fact, on OS X, I've installed 
it as a PDF Service, which means I can print directly to a booklet from 
the Print dialog of any native OS X app!]

Currently it only creates a "simple" booklet -- i.e., double the 
original page size in opposite orientation, optimized for end page, 1 
always on left, no margin adjustments) -- but I am planning to include 
more complex options (e.g., margin adjustment and gutter drift, quarto 
with source rotation, etc.) in a future version.

I'm happy to send you (or anyone) the code/class, if it would help.

Best regards,

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Printing onto A3

2004-01-09 Thread Russ Ross

I'm not positive about your specific needs, but generally some
combination of the Unix utilities psbook and psnup will do the
kind of layouts you describe.  You create a normal postscript file
then use psbook to rearrange the page order, then use psnup to put
2, 4, or 8 pages onto 1 page.  That might be a good place to start.

Hope that helps,


On Fri, Jan 09, 2004 at 11:05:03AM -, Ralph Little wrote:
> Hi,
> I know that this is really a Ghostscript/Tex type of questions, but
> given the context, I wondered if you guys had any experience in this
> area.
> I'm considering getting an A3 duplex laser printer to print multi-page
> parts.
> Now, as long as the output is for up to 4 pages, then it is just a case
> of printing 2 pages per sheet on two sides.
> However, for more pages, it gets a bit more complicated.
> For 8 pages, it will require 2 A3 sheets: sheet 1 will have pages 1,8
> and 2,7 and sheet 2 will have pages 3,6 and 4,5, with sheet 2 folded and
> inserted inside sheet 1.
> Our LaserJet 4050TN has a booklet option which does this automatically,
> when using the Windoze printer driver.
> It seems like a standard kind of thing to want to do. Has anybody done
> this from Lilypond?
> Cheers, in advance,
> Ralph
> -
> Tribal Data Solutions has moved, please visit our website for more details 
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Lilypond-user mailing list

Printing onto A3

2004-01-09 Thread Ralph Little
I know that this is really a Ghostscript/Tex type of questions, but
given the context, I wondered if you guys had any experience in this

I'm considering getting an A3 duplex laser printer to print multi-page
Now, as long as the output is for up to 4 pages, then it is just a case
of printing 2 pages per sheet on two sides.
However, for more pages, it gets a bit more complicated.

For 8 pages, it will require 2 A3 sheets: sheet 1 will have pages 1,8
and 2,7 and sheet 2 will have pages 3,6 and 4,5, with sheet 2 folded and
inserted inside sheet 1.

Our LaserJet 4050TN has a booklet option which does this automatically,
when using the Windoze printer driver.

It seems like a standard kind of thing to want to do. Has anybody done
this from Lilypond?

Cheers, in advance,

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Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Questions regarding tempo indications

2004-01-09 Thread José Luis Cruz

You must use a markup (or \mark\markup if you want the text be over a
bar), e.g.:

c4^\markup {\note #2 #0 #1"= 84-92"}

The only thing is that it's only text. Tempo will not change.

José Luis

A 08/01/04 21:57:00
Carl Youngblood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

> How can I make the quarter note for the tempo indication smaller? 
> I'm not sure what object property to modify.  Also, I want to
> provide a tempo range, such as \tempo 4 = 84-92, but it croaks when
> I try to add stuff after the first number.  Is there a way to do
> this?
> Thanks,
> Carl Youngblood

Lilypond-user mailing list

Cursos em vídeo e áudio marketing

2004-01-09 Thread Cursos em vídeo aulas
Cursos de webmarketing, aulas de webdesign, e-books, cursos de musica, softwares 
gratis, cursos de marketing para internet, aulas de violao, cursos de guitarra, 
audio books, aulas de informatica, fotos de sexo, mp3, cursos em audio, programas 
gratuitos, ganhar dinheiro na internet

Cursos, webmarketing, aulas, tutorial, webdesign, e-books, cursos de musica, 
softwares, programas, gratis, CURSOS, marketing, internet, apostilas, GANHARaulas 
de violao, cursos de guitarra, mp3, TUTORIAIS, conquistar, cifras, tablaturas, 
cursos em audio, download, programas, ganhar, dinheiro

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: constructive criticism

2004-01-09 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys
> I humbly find it unfair that you didn't quote the clause:
> >> unless the reporter literally includes the piece of text
> >> she wants
> But anyway, I'm now aiming at giving you *patches*, which
> you prefer even to bug reports, don't you?

My wish list for suggestions of the manual, ranked from most to least

* Patches, containing well-written and well-edited updates and
  refinements of the manual.

* Bugreports, indicating specific deficiencies of manual sections 
  that are unclear

* Patches, containing updates and refinements of the manual.  I
  Usually I have to rewrite these, since they're often not

* Website comments/wikis, where I have to dig through a text to figure
  out what is not clear and why.

Then there is the option of setting up a FAQ/Wiki/whatever that is
separate from the manual. You have my blessing to do what you like,
and it's probably best to ignore me, because I have grown cynic over
the years. I have one advice: just do it!

> > FYI: We started and filled a wikiwiki some three odd years
> > ago, when wikiwikis were the next hot thing.  We decided
> > to take it off line last year, because the experiment
> > failed.  It is yet another potential source of information
> > to track, it grows stale and it had hardly any
> > contributors besides the developers.  Although there are
> > exceptions, lowering the threshold only yields less useful
> > information.
> Ok, I really did not know about this.  My theory, which is
> exclusively mine and invented be me alone, is that linking
> it from the individual manual pages would help a lot.  Of
> course, in practice theory and practice are often different.
> I admit I have no experience besides the Haskell Wiki, which
> works pretty well serving an identical purpose.

Keep in mind that a succesful wiki needs big and active community of
people maintaining it. 

> That's fair.  Well, before posting I had a look at the
> .itelys, since I happened to have a source tree handy.  You
> don't expect users have it, do you?  Anyway, the point is
> writing/fixing/asking *while* reading, as opposed to
> updating from cvs, searching and modifying a file in an
> editor, diffing, posting and waiting for the changes to
> appear.

You know, if you type "make web", the changes appear automagically on
your own harddisk. Not much waiting needed.


 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | 

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