Re: Is lilypond really suitable for composing?

2018-03-25 Thread David Kastrup
Kieren MacMillan  writes:

> Hi David,
>> I think it's likely rather hard to compose dissonant pieces without
>> access to the actual timbre (and thus overtone composition) used for
>> playing it.
> Apparently you haven’t been to any new classical music concerts in the
> last half-century. It’s *quite* clear that many composers — especially
> inexperienced ones — have no problem composing dissonant pieces
> without access to the the actual timbre and overtone composition of
> the music they’re writing.

Well, not everybody is a Stravinski.

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lilypond --output=directory is not working

2018-03-25 Thread Federico Bruni

Il giorno sab 10 mar 2018 alle 19:06, Federico Bruni 
 ha scritto:

Il giorno sab 10 mar 2018 alle 18:18, David Wright 
 ha scritto:

On Sat 10 Mar 2018 at 16:58:37 (+0100), Federico Bruni wrote:

 Il giorno sab 10 mar 2018 alle 16:26, David Wright
  ha scritto:
 >On Sat 10 Mar 2018 at 09:18:59 (+0100), Federico Bruni wrote:
 >> [...]
 >> The documentation in Usage 1,2 is pretty clear:
 >> -o, --output=FILE or FOLDER
 >I don't recognise this. What is Usage 1,2?

 It's chapter 1.2 of Usage manual.
 Sorry, a typo.. and I should have put a link instead.

Interesting, so the manual and the man page disagree with each other.

Good catch, I've added an issue in the tracker:

 No, it's not this.
 See my last email. The problem occurs only in the /tmp directory. 

 happens on Debian as well (not only in Fedora).

That helps. Now we can make comparisons. It isn't just the source 

whose path is forgotten. When LP changes directory to the output
directory, it loses the / at the beginning of the previous working


Waiting for comments from developers here.
I've added bug-lilypond in Cc.

Here's another example of how --output may give unexpected results.
I wonder if this should be better documented or the feature improved...

[output-option]$ tree .
|-- Makefile
|-- out
`-- pieces
   |-- hello.ily

2 directories, 3 files
[output-option]$ cat pieces/hello.ily
\version "2.18.2"

music = \relative {
 c' d e f

myScore = \score {
 \new Staff {
[output-option]$ cat pieces/
\version "2.18.2"

\include "hello.ily"

\header {
 title = "Hello"


Here's the error:

[output-option]$ lilypond --output=out pieces/
GNU LilyPond 2.19.81
Changing working directory to: `out'
Processing `pieces/'
/home/fede/tmp/lilypond/output-option/pieces/ error: 
cannot find file: `hello.ily'
(search path: 

/home/fede/tmp/lilypond/output-option/pieces/ error: 
unknown escaped string: `\myScore'

/home/fede/tmp/lilypond/output-option/pieces/ error: 
syntax error, unexpected end of input, expecting '.' or '=' or ','


fatal error: failed files: "pieces/"

You see that there's pieces in the search path, but it's not the full 

So this is a possible workaround:

[output-option]$ lilypond --output=out `pwd`/pieces/
GNU LilyPond 2.19.81
Changing working directory to: `out'
Processing `/home/fede/tmp/lilypond/output-option/pieces/'
Interpreting music...
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Finding the ideal number of pages...
Fitting music on 1 page...
Drawing systems...
Layout output to `/tmp/lilypond-bs9QAF'...
Converting to `hello.pdf'...
Deleting `/tmp/lilypond-bs9QAF'...
Success: compilation successfully completed

Another possible workaround (but I prefer the former):

[output-option]$ lilypond --include=`pwd`/pieces --output=out 

GNU LilyPond 2.19.81
Changing working directory to: `out'
Processing `pieces/'
Interpreting music...
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Finding the ideal number of pages...
Fitting music on 1 page...
Drawing systems...
Layout output to `/tmp/lilypond-8YRlv9'...
Converting to `hello.pdf'...
Deleting `/tmp/lilypond-8YRlv9'...
Success: compilation successfully completed

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: an open question

2018-03-25 Thread Jan-Peter Voigt

Hello Jacques,

last year I have been working on an export module for lilypond:
This is in an early stage, a proof of concept. I had to put this project 
aside for a while, but it is still on my agenda and hopefully it 
develops further soon.

So if anyone is interested in joining this challenge you may contact via 
the list or private mail.


Am 24.03.2018 um 17:47 schrieb Jacques Menu Muzhic:


Joe, what do mean exactly by pure data?

Jan-Peter, I’m interested in the MusicXML export from LP, can you tell 
us more?

A nice day!


Le 24 mars 2018 à 06:48, Jan-Peter Voigt > a écrit :

Hello Joe,

this is touching a subject I have been working on last year. I created 
some kind of proof of concept to export other file formats from 
lilypond. I can export musicXML and Humdrum with some limitations. It 
is based on an infrastructure that exports via format-plugins so it 
should be possible to create one for pd.

If you are interested I can send more informations.


Am 24. März 2018 02:08:28 MEZ schrieb Joe Davenport>>:


When another user inquired about composing without midi playback, i found 
encouragement to ask something from the technical side. Maybe i have some 
healthy curiousity about coding language, which follows:

Is it possible to integrate .ly with other musical coding languages? It 
would be very beneficial to write music that integrates the quick engraving of 
lilpond (other software is too slow for me) with the sound fonts and modulation 
of pure data.

i may have read this being used in rosegarden. however, it took time for me 
to integrate .pd with my soundcard- so i could use some pointers or insurance 
on integrating these two languages!

thank you,


Sent from my iPhone

lilypond-user mailing list

Diese Nachricht wurde von meinem Android-Gerät mit K-9 Mail gesendet.
lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: please direct to manual; different time signatures for different instruments

2018-03-25 Thread Wols Lists
On 25/03/18 23:39, Ben wrote:
> On 3/25/2018 6:24 PM, Colin Campbell wrote:
>> On 2018-03-25 12:19 PM, Sam Frybyte wrote:
>>> I don't even know what this is called so finding it in the manual has
>>> me stymied.
>>> I am using version 2.18.2
>>> Thanks in advance.
>> I believe someone has already directed you to polymetric notation, but
>> here is a *very* rough piece using scaled durations, more whimsical
>> that skilled, I'm afraid, but it might suggest something.
>> Cheers,
>> Colin
> Thanks for sharing this file with us! It's interesting to look at how
> you approach polymetric projects...
> PS. I think you have a small typo in your paper block, I got an error
> with it here :)
> system-system-spacing.basic-distance = #18
> instead of
> system-system-spacing  #'basic-distance = #18
Just guessing, but ...

I hit a problem like that. Check the version that it was written for,
compared with the version you're using. I think you'll find the syntax
has changed.

"man convert-ly" :-)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: please direct to manual; different time signatures for different instruments

2018-03-25 Thread Ben

On 3/25/2018 6:24 PM, Colin Campbell wrote:

On 2018-03-25 12:19 PM, Sam Frybyte wrote:
I don't even know what this is called so finding it in the manual has 
me stymied.

I am using version 2.18.2
Thanks in advance.

I believe someone has already directed you to polymetric notation, but 
here is a *very* rough piece using scaled durations, more whimsical 
that skilled, I'm afraid, but it might suggest something.


Thanks for sharing this file with us! It's interesting to look at how 
you approach polymetric projects...

PS. I think you have a small typo in your paper block, I got an error 
with it here :)

system-system-spacing.basic-distance = #18

instead of
system-system-spacing  #'basic-distance = #18

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: please direct to manual; different time signatures for different instruments

2018-03-25 Thread Torsten Hämmerle
Hi Sam,

What you're looking for is probably
Polymetric notation


All the best,

Sent from:

lilypond-user mailing list

please direct to manual; different time signatures for different instruments

2018-03-25 Thread Sam Frybyte
I don't even know what this is called so finding it in the manual has me
I am using version 2.18.2
Thanks in advance.
lilypond-user mailing list

Vibrato (wavy lines) notation

2018-03-25 Thread Richard Shann
I have been using a bit of code written by Mark Witmer to achieve wavy
lines above a series of notes. It co-opts the trill spanner mechanism
for this. 
I just found a bug in that code. When there is a line break the
calculation of
 (ly:grob-property grob  'X-extent)
  - with the grob being a # - 
then the value (+inf.0 -inf.0) is returned and in consequence an error
is thrown later when the value is used.
Unfortunately, I don't know what the status of the original file is or
where it came from, but attached is a version which prevents the error
being thrown by returning 0 instead. This results in the wavy line
running off the right margin but the typesetting at least succeeds.
I'm sending this in case anyone else has this problem or needs to
typeset vibrato marks, and - just in case - someone can suggest a
correct way to handle line breaks with these vibrato markings.

Richard Shann
%\version "2.18.2"

% Author: Mark Witmer
% Modified for thickness by Richard Shann

% Sets the next trill spanner to draw a waveform with the provided wevelength
% and amplitudes. The waveform will go from one amplitude to the next in a
% linear fashion.
vibrato = #(define-music-function (parser location amplitudes wavelength thickness) (list? number? number?) #{  
  \once \override TrillSpanner.after-line-breaking = #(lambda (grob) 
 (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'stencil (makevib grob amplitudes wavelength thickness)))

% Creates the postscript for one system of the vibrato marking
#(define (make_ps lbound xspan span-so-far amplitude-vector wavelength thickness) 
(letrec (
(string-append "gsave currentpoint translate " 
  (number->string thickness) " setlinewidth newpath\n "))
   (backmatter "stroke grestore")
 (make-curve (lambda (current last)
   (if (= current (vector-length amplitude-vector)) ""
 (if (< (vector-ref amplitude-vector current) 0) ""
   (let (
(current-ps (string-append " x " (number->string (exact->inexact (/ wavelength 3))) " add " (number->string (vector-ref amplitude-vector current)) 
" x " (number->string (exact->inexact (* 2 (/ wavelength 3 " add " (number->string (- (vector-ref amplitude-vector current)))
" x " (number->string wavelength) " add 0.0 curveto
/x x " (number->string wavelength) " add def\n")))
(if (= current last) current-ps (string-append current-ps (make-curve (+ 1 current) last)
 (if (or (= xspan -inf.0) (= xspan +inf.0))
   (string-append frontmatter backmatter) 
   (string-append frontmatter " /x " (number->string lbound) " def
   x 0.0 moveto\n"
   (make-curve (inexact->exact (ceiling span-so-far)) (+ (inexact->exact (ceiling span-so-far)) (inexact->exact (floor xspan

% Returns the width of a grob
#(define (grob-width grob)
  (if (inf? (cdr (ly:grob-property grob  'X-extent)))
(- (cdr (ly:grob-property grob  'X-extent)) (car (ly:grob-property grob 'X-extent)

% Returns the number of ems already traversed by the grob's siblings in previous systems
#(define (width-up-to grob siblings count)
  (if (eq? (car siblings) grob) count (+ (+ count (width-up-to grob (cdr siblings) count)) (grob-width (car siblings)

% Returns the total width of the individual grobs for each system that make up the original grob
#(define (calcfull siblings count)
  (if (eqv? (length siblings) 0)
(calcfull (cdr siblings) (+ count (grob-width (car siblings))

% Fills a vector of length len with linear interpolations between the values found in amplitudes
#(define (fill-amplitude-vector! amplitude-vector len current-index amplitudes)
  (if (> (length amplitudes) 1)
(let ((start-amplitude (car amplitudes))
  (end-amplitude (cadr amplitudes))
  (start-index current-index)
  (end-index (+ current-index (inexact->exact (floor (/ (vector-length amplitude-vector) (- len 1)))
  (do ((n current-index (+ 1 n))) ((or (> n (+ start-index end-index)) (>= n (vector-length amplitude-vector
(vector-set! amplitude-vector n (exact->inexact (+ start-amplitude (* (/ (- n start-index) (- end-index start-index)) (- end-amplitude start-amplitude))
(fill-amplitude-vector! amplitude-vector len end-index (cdr amplitudes)

% Makes the vector of amplitudes for the vibrato marking
#(define (make-amplitude-vector amplitudes total-span wavelength)
  (let* (
  (current-start 0)
  (len (inexact->exact (ceiling (/ total-span wavelength
  (amplitude-vector (make-vector len)))
  (if (> (length amplitudes) 1)  

(fill-amplitude-vector! amplitude-vector (length amplitudes) 0 amplitudes)
(vector-fill! amplitude-vector (car amplitudes)))

% Creates a stencil that draws a sine wave for vibrato based on the provided amplitudes and wavelength

Re: get current bar number

2018-03-25 Thread Thomas Morley
2018-03-25 0:04 GMT+01:00 Kevin Barry :
> Hi Jan/Wols,
> Thank you for responding. I have tinkered with \applyContext and
> cannot get the property out of it to do anything useful with it. Since
> it always returns music I can't feed it to a markup command or convert
> it to markup or set it as the value for a property (using a callback
> or something like that). I have tried using it to set! another
> property and print that, but it doesn't work.
> I tried looking at the code for the rehearsal mark engraver, but it's
> in C++ and I don't understand it (and I suspect context objects are in
> the #included contexts.hh). I also looked at the code for the
> Measure_counter_engraver, which is in scheme, but it takes a context
> object as its parameter, which doesn't seem to get me any closer.
> I must be misunderstanding something. My best attempt is below. Any
> further help would be appreciated.
> #(define-markup-command (print-bar-number layout props) ()
>   (define barnum 0)
>   (let* ((setbarnum (lambda (context)
>(set! barnum
>  (ly:context-property context 
> 'currentBarNumber)
> (make-apply-context setbarnum)
> (interpret-markup layout props
>   (markup (number->string barnum)
> \repeat unfold 3 { b1^\markup \print-bar-number }
> Kevin

How about:

foo =
\applyOutput Voice.TextScript
  #(lambda (grob ctx c)
  (format #f "\ncurrentBarNumber: ~a"
(ly:context-property ctx 'currentBarNumber

  \repeat unfold 3 { \foo c1^"" }


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Is lilypond really suitable for composing?

2018-03-25 Thread Werner LEMBERG

>> I think it's likely rather hard to compose dissonant pieces without
>> access to the actual timbre (and thus overtone composition) used
>> for playing it.
> Apparently you haven’t been to any new classical music concerts in
> the last half-century.  It’s *quite* clear that many composers —
> especially inexperienced ones — have no problem composing dissonant
> pieces without access to the the actual timbre and overtone
> composition of the music they’re writing.

Hehehehe!  How true :-)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Extra space at the beginning of the bar

2018-03-25 Thread Paolo Prete
Mark, I know that.
But the snippet I just wrote has to be completed/enriched before proposing
it for the repository.

2018-03-25 19:41 GMT+02:00 Mark Stephen Mrotek :

> Paolo,
> The Lilypond Snipped Repository is at
> Mark
> *From:* lilypond-user [mailto:lilypond-user-bounces+carsonmark=
>] *On Behalf Of *Paolo Prete
> *Sent:* Sunday, March 25, 2018 10:40 AM
> *To:* Thomas Morley 
> *Cc:* Lilypond-User Mailing List 
> *Subject:* Re: Extra space at the beginning of the bar
> Hello Thomas,
> thanks for the tweak, which is massive.
> I think it would be useful to group in one snippet all these howtos and
> work-arounds for solving horizontal spacing issues.
> Then I created this snippet, which has to be completed and can be enriched.
> Any contribution is welcome...! I know that you seem to discourage manual
> placement of grobs, but it would be useful at least to group these tips in
> one
> coherent document.
> Please give me a feedback
> 2018-03-25 18:22 GMT+02:00 Thomas Morley :
> As long as you have a SkipEvent without any post-events the
> SpacingSpanner-override will affect and move the _following_
> NoteColumn.
> That looks fine, imho
> As soon as something is attached to a SkipEvent a related PaperColumn
> is created and can be tweaked like:
> {
>   \overrideProperty Score.PaperColumn.X-extent #'(-20 . 10)
>   s4\f
>   c''2.
> }
> Cheers,
>   Harm
lilypond-user mailing list

RE: Extra space at the beginning of the bar

2018-03-25 Thread Mark Stephen Mrotek


The Lilypond Snipped Repository is at




From: lilypond-user [] 
On Behalf Of Paolo Prete
Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2018 10:40 AM
To: Thomas Morley 
Cc: Lilypond-User Mailing List 
Subject: Re: Extra space at the beginning of the bar


Hello Thomas,


thanks for the tweak, which is massive.

I think it would be useful to group in one snippet all these howtos and 
work-arounds for solving horizontal spacing issues.

Then I created this snippet, which has to be completed and can be enriched.


Any contribution is welcome...! I know that you seem to discourage manual 
placement of grobs, but it would be useful at least to group these tips in one

coherent document.

Please give me a feedback




2018-03-25 18:22 GMT+02:00 Thomas Morley> >:


As long as you have a SkipEvent without any post-events the
SpacingSpanner-override will affect and move the _following_
That looks fine, imho

As soon as something is attached to a SkipEvent a related PaperColumn
is created and can be tweaked like:

  \overrideProperty Score.PaperColumn.X-extent #'(-20 . 10)



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Extra space at the beginning of the bar

2018-03-25 Thread Paolo Prete
Hello Thomas,

thanks for the tweak, which is massive.
I think it would be useful to group in one snippet all these howtos and
work-arounds for solving horizontal spacing issues.
Then I created this snippet, which has to be completed and can be enriched.

Any contribution is welcome...! I know that you seem to discourage manual
placement of grobs, but it would be useful at least to group these tips in
coherent document.
Please give me a feedback

2018-03-25 18:22 GMT+02:00 Thomas Morley :

> As long as you have a SkipEvent without any post-events the
> SpacingSpanner-override will affect and move the _following_
> NoteColumn.
> That looks fine, imho
> As soon as something is attached to a SkipEvent a related PaperColumn
> is created and can be tweaked like:
> {
>   \overrideProperty Score.PaperColumn.X-extent #'(-20 . 10)
>   s4\f
>   c''2.
> }
> Cheers,
>   Harm
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Extra space at the beginning of the bar

2018-03-25 Thread Thomas Morley
2018-03-25 17:17 GMT+02:00 Paolo Prete :
> Hello Thomas,
> Given that the post events attached to a SkipEvent get parents like
> PaperColumn and VerticalAxisGroup, I expect that overriding some of these
> parents' properties shifts the dynamic placed on a skip  event,
> consequently. But this doesn't happen.
> Better said: I don't know which parent could I choose to override in order
> to shift its children's position properties.
> {
>  \override VerticalAxisGroup.X-extent = #'(22 . 0)
>  \override PaperColumn.X-extent = #'(22 . 0)
>  \override VerticalAxisGroup.X-offset = #'(22 . 0)
>  \override PaperColumn.X-offset = #'(22 . 0)
>   s\mf c' c' c'
> }
> More generally: is there a way to shift a vertical axis/column, so that
> associated notes/rests/dynamics/skip-events shift too?
> This would be great...
>> For spacing wishes for single SkipEvents you may use the SpacingSpanner:
>> {
>>   \override Score.SpacingSpanner.spacing-increment = 10
>>   s4
>>   \revert Score.SpacingSpanner.spacing-increment
>>   \newSpacingSection
>>   c''2.
>> }
> Doesn't work if the skip event has a dynamics, or a markup etc. ...
>> Cheers,
>>   Harm

As long as you have a SkipEvent without any post-events the
SpacingSpanner-override will affect and move the _following_
That looks fine, imho

As soon as something is attached to a SkipEvent a related PaperColumn
is created and can be tweaked like:

  \overrideProperty Score.PaperColumn.X-extent #'(-20 . 10)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Extra space at the beginning of the bar

2018-03-25 Thread Patrick Karl

> On Mar 25, 2018, at 2:56 AM, wrote:
> Message: 2
> Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2018 22:57:18 -0400
> From: Kieren MacMillan 
> To: paolo prete 
> Cc: Lilypond-User Mailing List 
> Subject: Re: Extra space at the beginning of the bar
> Message-ID: 
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> Hi Paolo,
>> Is there a way to add extra space at the beginning of a bar without 
>> overriding the X-offset of the starting notes/rests/chords?
>> {  how to add space here? . c' c' c' c' }
> Here are two options that avoid X-offset:
> \version "2.19.80"
> \language "english"
> \score {
>  \repeat unfold 12 { c'4 }
>  \layout {
>\context {
>  \Score
>  \override = #'(fixed-space . 12)
>  \override = #'(semi-fixed-space . 12.5)
>  }
> }

I don’t understand your first method.  Why doesn’t the first measure have any 
extra space?  To me, the score looks identical whether I include your first 
override or not; it doesn’t seem to do anything.  It must be because there’s 
not a bar line before the first measure.  I tried changing the “music” to:  { 
\bar “” \repeat unfold 12 { c’4 } }, but that didn’t change anything.

Just curious what’s going on here.
> { \tweak NoteHead.extra-spacing-width #'(-12 . 0) c'4 4 4 4 }

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Extra space at the beginning of the bar

2018-03-25 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Patrick,

>> \score {
>> \repeat unfold 12 { c'4 }
>> \layout {
>>   \context {
>> \Score
>> \override = #'(fixed-space . 12)
>> \override = #'(semi-fixed-space . 12.5)
>>   }
>> }
>> }
> I don’t understand your first method.  Why doesn’t the first measure have any 
> extra space?  To me, the score looks identical whether I include your first 
> override or not; it doesn’t seem to do anything.  It must be because there’s 
> not a bar line before the first measure.

Correct! The tweak adjusted a BarLine property, and thus doesn’t affect the 
first measure.


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website:
‣ email:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Extra space at the beginning of the bar

2018-03-25 Thread Paolo Prete
Hello Thomas,

Given that the post events attached to a SkipEvent get parents like
PaperColumn and VerticalAxisGroup, I expect that overriding some of these
parents' properties shifts the dynamic placed on a skip  event,
consequently. But this doesn't happen.
Better said: I don't know which parent could I choose to override in order
to shift its children's position properties.


 \override VerticalAxisGroup.X-extent = #'(22 . 0)
 \override PaperColumn.X-extent = #'(22 . 0)
 \override VerticalAxisGroup.X-offset = #'(22 . 0)
 \override PaperColumn.X-offset = #'(22 . 0)
  s\mf c' c' c'


More generally: is there a way to shift a vertical axis/column, so that
associated notes/rests/dynamics/skip-events shift too?
This would be great...

> For spacing wishes for single SkipEvents you may use the SpacingSpanner:
> {
>   \override Score.SpacingSpanner.spacing-increment = 10
>   s4
>   \revert Score.SpacingSpanner.spacing-increment
>   \newSpacingSection
>   c''2.
> }
Doesn't work if the skip event has a dynamics, or a markup etc. ...

> Cheers,
>   Harm
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Extra space at the beginning of the bar

2018-03-25 Thread Thomas Morley
2018-03-25 15:01 GMT+02:00 Paolo Prete :

> Again: I think that these events [SkipEvents] must be managed as graphic 
> objects, with
> the extra-spacing-width and X-offset properties. I don't understand why they
> don't implement these interfaces and I wonder if is there a way to override
> this behaviour (with some _global_ scheme code)

SkipEvents don't cause any grob itself.
This is a feature!

As soon as other (post-)events are attached to a SkipEvent they get
parents like PaperColum and VerticalAxisGroup.
Ofcourse those attached events may cause grobs, which are taken into
account by the spacing-engine.

For spacing wishes for single SkipEvents you may use the SpacingSpanner:

  \override Score.SpacingSpanner.spacing-increment = 10
  \revert Score.SpacingSpanner.spacing-increment


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Variables and Repetition

2018-03-25 Thread John A

On 03/25/2018 02:59 AM, David Kastrup wrote:

John A  writes:

Hi all,

I just got started using Lilypond with Frescobaldi, and I'm having a
great time. I have been trying to organize the music with variables to
make things more efficient, and I am running into a little bit of
trouble. This is what happens: I have a repeated figure, and store
that figure in a variable. I call this variable a few times in a row,
something like this:

music = { ...notes... }

I am entering the notes in relative mode,

Then enter it as

music = \relative { ...notes... }

since then the music is already absolutized to its target octave.

This worked perfectly, thank you!

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Extra space at the beginning of the bar

2018-03-25 Thread Paolo Prete
Hi Kieren

2018-03-25 13:41 GMT+02:00 Kieren MacMillan :

> Hi Paolo,
> You’d have to add an equivalent tweak for any prefatory material (Clef,
> KeySignature, etc.).
Doesn't work for skip events too...

> > and the second option doesn't add space if the measure starts with a
> rest or skip event.
> > I could use   "\tweak Rest.extra-spacing-width ... " for the rest but I
> don't know what to apply to a skip event...
> > How can I fix that?
> 1. What music do you have that doesn’t include a grob of any sort in the
> first moment of the measure?

Have a look at this snippet (  ) :


upper = {
   c'8 c' \change Staff = "down" g \change Staff = "up" c'
   \change Staff = "down" \stemUp g g \change Staff = "up" c' \change Staff
= "down" c'

lower = {
   s8\f s s\mf s s\mp s s\p s

\score {
  \new PianoStaff
\new Staff = "up"   << \upper >>
\new Staff = "down" << \clef bass \lower >>


... as you can see, there's no way to add extra-space at the beginning of
the measure, without work-arounds (like the one you just proposed).

2. How about
> { \once \hide Rest \tweak Rest.extra-spacing-width #'(-10 . 0) r4 c'4
> 4 4 }

It does the job but I don't think it's a good solution. I wonder if is
there a more general solution, given that in cross-staff music, it
frequently happens that I have to place dynamics like the snippet above,
and skip-events cause issues for the alignment of the attached items.
Again: I think that these events must be managed as graphic objects, with
the extra-spacing-width and X-offset properties. I don't understand why
they don't implement these interfaces and I wonder if is there a way to
override this behaviour (with some _global_ scheme code)
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Is lilypond really suitable for composing?

2018-03-25 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi David,

> I think it's likely rather hard to compose dissonant pieces without
> access to the actual timbre (and thus overtone composition) used for
> playing it.

Apparently you haven’t been to any new classical music concerts in the last 
half-century. It’s *quite* clear that many composers — especially inexperienced 
ones — have no problem composing dissonant pieces without access to the the 
actual timbre and overtone composition of the music they’re writing.


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website:
‣ email:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Extra space at the beginning of the bar

2018-03-25 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Paolo,

> Unfortunately yhe first option adds space only after a barline, and not at 
> the measure on the left of the staff

\score {
  \repeat unfold 12 { c'4 }
  \layout {
\context {
  \override TimeSignature.extra-spacing-width = #'(0 . 10)
  \override = #'(fixed-space . 12)
  \override = #'(semi-fixed-space . 12.5)

You’d have to add an equivalent tweak for any prefatory material (Clef, 
KeySignature, etc.).

> and the second option doesn't add space if the measure starts with a rest or 
> skip event.
> I could use   "\tweak Rest.extra-spacing-width ... " for the rest but I don't 
> know what to apply to a skip event...
> How can I fix that?

1. What music do you have that doesn’t include a grob of any sort in the first 
moment of the measure?

2. How about

{ \once \hide Rest \tweak Rest.extra-spacing-width #'(-10 . 0) r4 c'4 4 4 }

Hope that helps!

Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website:
‣ email:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Extra space at the beginning of the bar

2018-03-25 Thread paolo prete
I think that the biggest problem is that a skip event doesn't implement the
Graphical Objects Interfaces' properties AFAIK (I just searched trhough the
Then, no X-offset or extra-spacing-width ... etc. are avaible for it
IMHO, it should be considered as a Graphical Object, because it is placed
in a precise position in the staff and dynamics, markup etc. can be added
to it.

Any feedback about that?

2018-03-25 12:18 GMT+02:00 paolo prete :

> Hello Kieren,
> thanks for your help.
> Unfortunately yhe first option adds space only after a barline, and not at
> the measure on the left of the staff,  and the second option doesn't add
> space if the measure starts with a rest or skip event.
> I could use   "\tweak Rest.extra-spacing-width ... " for the rest but I
> don't know what to apply to a skip event...
> How can I fix that?
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Extra space at the beginning of the bar

2018-03-25 Thread paolo prete
Hello Kieren,

thanks for your help.
Unfortunately yhe first option adds space only after a barline, and not at
the measure on the left of the staff,  and the second option doesn't add
space if the measure starts with a rest or skip event.

I could use   "\tweak Rest.extra-spacing-width ... " for the rest but I
don't know what to apply to a skip event...

How can I fix that?

2018-03-25 4:57 GMT+02:00 Kieren MacMillan :

> Hi Paolo,
> > Is there a way to add extra space at the beginning of a bar without
> overriding the X-offset of the starting notes/rests/chords?
> > {  how to add space here? . c' c' c' c' }
> Here are two options that avoid X-offset:
> \version "2.19.80"
> \language "english"
> \score {
>   \repeat unfold 12 { c'4 }
>   \layout {
> \context {
>   \Score
>   \override = #'(fixed-space . 12)
>   \override = #'(semi-fixed-space . 12.5)
> }
>   }
> }
> { \tweak NoteHead.extra-spacing-width #'(-12 . 0) c'4 4 4 4 }
> Hope that helps!
> Kieren.
> Kieren MacMillan, composer
> ‣ website:
> ‣ email:
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Tie/Accidental Collision

2018-03-25 Thread Simon Albrecht

On 23.03.2018 17:58, Stefano Troncaro wrote:

I understand. Let me ask you then, where should this behavior be 
documented? Perhaps in the section about modifying shapes 
in the Notation Reference?

Currently it states:

Known issues and warnings

It is not possible to modify shapes of ties or slurs by changing
the |control-points| property if there are multiple ties or slurs
at the same musical moment – the |\tweak| command will also not
work in this case. However, the |tie-configuration| property of
|TieColumn| can be overridden to set start line and direction as

Since contrary to the above this is indeed possible (as proved by the 
example shared by Harm), could this paragraph be updated instead? I 
think we can all agree that the documentation needs to convey accurate 

I was going to write a longer message but this has already gone too 
out of thread. I don't know where/how this kind of issues are supposed 
to be discussed. If you could point me in the right direction I'd be 
happy to bring this up in the right place and in the right manner.

It would be great if you could make a Documentation suggestion as 
described in 

Best, Simon

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Variables and Repetition

2018-03-25 Thread David Kastrup
John A  writes:

> Hi all,
> I just got started using Lilypond with Frescobaldi, and I'm having a
> great time. I have been trying to organize the music with variables to
> make things more efficient, and I am running into a little bit of
> trouble. This is what happens: I have a repeated figure, and store
> that figure in a variable. I call this variable a few times in a row,
> something like this:
> music = { ...notes... }
> \music
> \music
> \music
> I am entering the notes in relative mode,

Then enter it as

music = \relative { ...notes... }

since then the music is already absolutized to its target octave.

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Is lilypond really suitable for composing?

2018-03-25 Thread David Kastrup
Vaughan McAlley  writes:

> Lilypond, a piano, a good inner ear (which I’m lucky to have), or whatever
> the kids are using these days are all just tools. I’d be wrong to say a
> piece of mine is superior to *The Rite of Spring* because Stravinsky worked
> it all out on a piano and I use my inner ear.

I think it's likely rather hard to compose dissonant pieces without
access to the actual timbre (and thus overtone composition) used for
playing it.

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Variables and Repetition

2018-03-25 Thread Wols Lists
On 25/03/18 04:13, John A wrote:
> I am entering the notes in relative mode, and when I engrave the score,
> if the ending notes of the figure are too high or low, on the second
> repetition the whole figure will be an octave too high or too low. On
> the next repetition, it goes an octave higher or lower. If I put in a '
> or , to try to bring it back into place, it throws of the initial
> instance of the figure.

This is exactly what I've done. Other people don't recommend doing that
,.. enter the notes in absolute pitch.

Or do what Han Wen did for me, and look at \resetOctave (or is it
\resetRelativeOctave - can't remember). Either way, there is a command
to reset the pitch back to a specific octave.


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