Re: text in staff

2005-08-21 Thread Doug Asherman
 hi everybody,
 getting quite fluent in lilypond by now. it's even more fun using it, 
 if you get to know the app better.
 one thing i'm still struggling with: how to put text in the staff?
 the picture below has been done with photoshop (not the most elegant 
 way :) )
 i tried the \markup command \lower put that didn't help.

[ picture deleted ]

You can change the position of the text by doing this:

\override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -2)

You can play with the values, but basically, the first value is the x
and the second value is y.

After you're done, though, don't forget to:

\revert TextScript #'(extra-offset) unless you modified the override
with \once.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: mixed meter

2005-08-13 Thread Doug Asherman
Kris Shaffer wrote:
 I need to typeset a passage from Strauss' Don Quixote in 2/4 + 3/4
 meter.   As a temporary solution, I set the passage in 5/4, with dotted

In the documentation, do a search under Tips and Tricks for
compound-time -- this should do what you want.

lilypond-user mailing list

ChordName font

2005-06-01 Thread Doug Asherman

I'm having a little trouble with 2.5.26, and I'm pretty sure it's a
misunderstanding on my part. Previously, I've always set the font for
chord symbols like so:

\context {
  \override ChordName #'font-family = #'roman

With 2.5.26, I get a sans font for the chord names when I do this.

Running 2.5.26 on a Slackware Linux box with teTeX 3

Possibly related: when I have a title specified like so

title = \markup{\roman This is my title}

I still get CenturySchoolbook as the font (I think that's the font name

If anyone can clear this up for me, I'd appreciate it. It may just take
a slight adjustment to my brain :-).


lilypond-user mailing list

ChordName font -- never mind, I see my problem here

2005-06-01 Thread Doug Asherman
If I'm reading it correctly, the roman font is set in font.scm to
Century Schoolbook, which explains why I'm getting Century Schoolbook
when I specify a roman font.

More coffee


lilypond-user mailing list

Font problem w/X11/Linux/Tetex3 setup

2005-06-01 Thread Doug Asherman

I'm having a problem running lilypond 2.5.27. My setup is

TeTeX 3.0
Slackware Linux current

When I compile a lilypond file using the --verbose flag, I see that it
seems to be saying it's going to use Century Schoolbook as the text
font. When it gets to the point where it produces a PDF, it uses
Bitstream Vera Sans.

I don't know if this is a TeTeX problem, an X problem, or some problem
deep within my understanding of how this should work. I can't seem to
find anything in the archives. Any help would be appreciated.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Font problem in 2.4.5

2005-03-29 Thread Doug Asherman
Anthony W. Youngman wrote:
 In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Jan Nieuwenhuizen

 Doug Asherman writes:

 I compiled 2.4.5 from the tarball -- I'm trying to use it with tetex-3.0

 Stuff deleted -- 

 Any more news?

 I'm trying to install 2.4.5 on SuSE 9.1, and seeing as ./configure fails
 it won't go any further :-(

How does configure fail?  I got 2.4.5 compiled and running with
teTeX-3.0 using Slackware 10.1, so I'm pretty sure it can be done on
other Linux distributions.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Slackware build problems

2005-03-29 Thread Doug Asherman
Michiel Lange said:
 Okay, I gave compiling myself a try again... after the required
 encouragements ;-)

 I had to install mftraced (downloaded, configure, make all, make
 install), and even before that potrace, same way...

You also have to install t1utils. These should be available at

Also, look at the get-pfa target in the mf directory. Before doing a 'make
all' from the top level, you can:

make -C mf get-pfa

This will take a lot of time away from the build.

lilypond-user mailing list

Font problem in 2.4.5

2005-03-14 Thread Doug Asherman

I compiled 2.4.5 from the tarball -- I'm trying to use it with tetex-3.0
under Linux. I've read the compilation instructions, and aside from a
small problem with espgs, everything seemed to go well.

I automatically source lilypond-profile when I log in, so that's not the
problem. I also run the clean-fonts script after the build.

The problem I'm seeing is that the generated .ps and .pdf files have no
fonts except for the notes and associated stuff like time signatures,
etc. But I'm not seeing title, composer, rehearsal marks, etc.

If I call dvips like so 'dvips -o test.dvi' then
I get everything correct in the ps file. But if I call ps2pdf as 'ps2pdf
-sPAPERSIZE=a4', I don't get any of the correct type one fonts
in the pdf.

One possible strange thing is that tetex-3.0 as compiled for Slackware
has the font cache in /var/tmp/texfonts/ instead of /var/cache/fonts.
Could this be a problem?'s an accumulation of things. I'm assuming that there's something
I'm doing wrong, but have no clue as to what it is.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Need help -- missing fonts with 2.4.5 and tetex 3.0

2005-03-14 Thread Doug Asherman
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
 The file structure is somewhat different in the teTeX 3 distribution
 compared to teTeX 2. The corresponding changes were introduced for the
 LilyPond files in version 2.4.5, but maybe the ec fonts package that
 you use hasn't been updated correspondingly?

That may be it -- I'm not sure. I'm trying to remake the fonts from
source, and fontforge has been hanging for about 15 minutes trying to
make ecbx5.pfa.  Is this familiar at all?

Also -- please disregard the message that is a duplicate of this
message. I sent it about a week ago and it just turned up now. Don't
know why.


lilypond-user mailing list

Need help -- missing fonts with 2.4.5 and tetex 3.0

2005-03-13 Thread Doug Asherman

I think I may have seen something about this on the list already. I
can't seem to find the pertinent posts.

When running the combination of Lilypond 2.4.5 and teTeX 3.0 under
Linux, Lilypond can't seem to find the ec fonts. The .ps and .pdf files
are missing all those fonts.

I can get something almost right by doing the steps manually, running
dvips and then ps2pdf. But when I look at the PDF file, I get a lot of
bad bounding box errors.

Has anyone seen this before? What could I be doing wrong?



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: TextSpanner padding

2004-06-21 Thread Doug Asherman
Will Oram wrote:
In lily 2.2.2, I'm trying to push a trill TextSpanner up a few spaces. 
This produces parse errors:

\override TextSpanner  #'staff-padding = #'2.5
The problem is the #'2.5 -- it should be #2.5. With #'2.5, I think 
you're telling Lilypond you have symbol called 2.5; and I'm pretty 
sure that would be an illegal symbol name.

Also, I believe TextSpanner happens in a Voice context. So perhaps it 
should be:

\override Voice.TextSpanner  #'staff-padding = #2.5
Let us know how this works out.
lilypond-user mailing list

minimumVerticalExtent override?

2004-06-20 Thread Doug Asherman
Hello, all:
I know that you can globally set the space between staves in a 
StaffGroup by setting minimumVerticalExtent in a Staff context.

However, I'm looking for some way to temporarily override 
minimumVerticalExtent _after_ having set it globally in the \score 
block. Something like \override Staff #'min-vertical-extent, etc.

Honestly, I've read the manual and can't seem to find how this would 
work -- though I believe I've seen it done.

I'd really appreciate it if anyone could point me in the right direction.
lilypond-user mailing list

Is the number of staff groups per page settable?

2004-05-28 Thread Doug Asherman
After much use of lilypond, I've noticed that it's quite good at page 
layout; if I leave most of the settings to their defaults, I get a nice 
four staff groups per page, beautifully spaced.

What I'm wondering is: is there a variable I can set somewhere to get an 
arbitrary number of staff groups per page and have lilypond handle the 
rest of the formatting? That is, I'd like to have three or five staff 
groups per page and have lilypond handle the global staff size and all that.

Is this possible?
lilypond-user mailing list

Indentation for second page of score

2004-05-23 Thread Doug Asherman
I'm working on an orchestral score, where each staff is set up like so:
\context Staff = staffname {
  \set Staff.instrument = Long Instrument Name
  \set Staff.instr = Short instr. nm.
Things look pretty good on the first page -- the instrument names print 
out with enough indentation, etc. On the second page, the indentation is 
0 (as far as I can tell) and the beginning of the instrument name is cut 

I _think_ I saw a property that handles indentation on the second and 
succeeding pages, but I can't recall what it was or where I saw it.

Any pointers would be appreciated.
lilypond-user mailing list

RE: Cannot find voice

2004-05-20 Thread Doug Asherman
You need to group the directives; instead of
\new Staff {
  \set blah woof
  \blah blah
\new Staff 
  \set blah woof
  \etc etc

Hope this helps.
I get
warning: cannot find Voice: choir
when compiling the attached file.  The output nevertheless
seems good.  The warning disappears if I comment out the
\set command.  Where should I put it to avoid warnings?
\version 2.2.1
\score {

\new Staff {
\set Staff.midiInstrument = choir aahs
\context Voice = choir \notes { c' d' }
\lyricsto choir \new Lyrics \lyrics { du dumm }


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Slight spanner problem

2004-05-10 Thread Doug Asherman
Erik Sandberg wrote:
On Saturday 08 May 2004 23.39, Doug Asherman wrote:

No problems with the words; they're within the bar lines (even though
the bar lines aren't visible). But if a line of music ends with a tie
and the word it ends on has an extender spanner, then the extender juts
out a bit beyond the (invisible) bar line.

Now with the example, I understand what you mean :)
I don't think the example shows exactly what I mean. I think I can 
describe it a little better, though:

A line of music ends on a note that is tied to a note in the next 
measure. The next measure is on the next line. The note coincides with a 
syllable that has an extender (e.g., good __).  This means that the 
extender also extends to the next line of music. So the extender will 
jut out a little bit beyond the end of the bar of music on the first line.

Now, just to confuse things: I don't think this is bad, and may even be 
the right thing. It's not aesthetically unpleasing at all. Why am I 
trying to find a way to change it, then? Because I typeset music for 
other people, and I'm trying to forestall a lot of complaining about 
little issues such as this.

Thanks for your patience here; I really appreciate it.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Slight spanner problem

2004-05-09 Thread Doug Asherman
Erik Sandberg wrote:
On Saturday 08 May 2004 23.39, Doug Asherman wrote:

I'm not quite sure how to describe this: if it's not clear, please let
me know.

Also, when I'm compiling the source, I get:
programming error: round filled box vertical extent smaller than blot;
decreasing blot

This certainly sounds like a bug, when Lilypond spits out such messages it 
means that _something_ is wrong internally.

Could you send a piece of music that demonstrates this? (fairly small examples 
are appreciated, but big examples are ok too if you don't know how to isolate 
Sure. I've changed one of the examples from the Tips  Tricks section 
of the manual to display this behavior. It's appended at the end of this 

At first I thought I was misunderstanding the \skip directive, but now I 
think that isn't necessarily so (though I certainly could be using it 
wrongly elsewhere :-)).

Here's the example.

I'm using Lilypond 2.2.1.

\version 2.2.0
\paper {
linewidth = 160 \mm
  \context {
\LyricsContext \consists Bar_engraver
\override BarLine #'transparent = ##t
  title = Skip The Dog
% shorthand for Skip Lyric
sl = \notes { \skip 2 }
\version 2.2.0
\score {
  \context Voice = A  \notes  {c2 c c c}
  \lyricsto A \context Lyrics=A \lyrics { foo __ \sl \sl bar }
  \lyricsto A \context Lyrics=B \lyrics { foo -- \sl baz bar }
  \lyricsto A \context Lyrics=C \lyrics { foo -- baz -- baaz bar }
lilypond-user mailing list

Slight spanner problem

2004-05-08 Thread Doug Asherman
I'm not quite sure how to describe this: if it's not clear, please let 
me know.

I have a score that has a lot of words spanning bar lines; but the 
person I'm doing it for doesn't want any words outside the confines of 
the bars, so I've set up the Lyrics context like so:

\context {
  \LyricsContext \consists Bar_engraver
  \override BarLine #'transparent = ##t
and the elements are grouped like so:


No problems with the words; they're within the bar lines (even though 
the bar lines aren't visible). But if a line of music ends with a tie 
and the word it ends on has an extender spanner, then the extender juts 
out a bit beyond the (invisible) bar line.

Also, when I'm compiling the source, I get:
programming error: round filled box vertical extent smaller than blot; 
decreasing blot

The spanner problem is extremely slight; but I wondered if there was 
perhaps some other way to keep the words inside the bar lines.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Font substitutions

2004-05-06 Thread Doug Asherman
Mats Bengtsson wrote:

 Doug Asherman wrote:

 Mats Bengtsson wrote:

 Since LilyPond uses low-level TeX commands to select the font, make 
 that it works in a LaTeX file similar to the following one:

 [ code snippet deleted ]

 Thanks; that does seem to be the problem, or at least part of it.
 Perhaps I'm not creating all the font elements correctly.

 Rather, I would guess that you don't specify the same font name
 as you get when you use the font in LaTeX. Try to figure out exactly
 what font file is selected when you use the font in LaTeX (I hope I
 remember correctly that it worked well in LaTeX).

Ok. The commands:



\font\myfont = bcor8r scaled 1000

seem to be equivalent; that is, they both give me the same font when I 
run pdflatex on .tex file.

So, shouldn't

\context {
  \override LyricText #'font-name = #bcor8r
give me the same font?

It works in the .dvi file, but is replaced by Courier in the .ps and 
.pdf files. Even running it manually through dvips produces the same result.

Thanks for your help in this; you've helped me to understand a few 
TeX-specific things.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Font substitutions

2004-05-06 Thread Doug Asherman
Mats Bengtsson wrote:

What happens when you run latex + dvips + ps2pdf? That's the
route that's used in LilyPond. Once you have the correct setup
with map files so this works, I guess it will work within
LilyPond scores as well.
Map file? Map file!

Yes, it turned out to be a typo in my map file.

Thanks for your patience in helping me track this down.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Font substitutions

2004-05-05 Thread Doug Asherman
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
Since LilyPond uses low-level TeX commands to select the font, make sure
that it works in a LaTeX file similar to the following one:
[ code snippet deleted ]
Once that works (with feta20 replaced by your font), it should work
also with LilyPond.
Thanks; that does seem to be the problem, or at least part of it. 
Perhaps I'm not creating all the font elements correctly.

Do you have the same problem if you manually create the PS and PDF from
the DVI?
dvips -Ppdf -u+lilypond myfile.dvi
Yes, I do. Does that change what you said above at all?


lilypond-user mailing list

Font substitutions

2004-05-04 Thread Doug Asherman
Using Lilypond 2.2.1:

I've created some TeX fonts out of TTF fonts. I'm using the font bcor8a; 
in my lilypond file, I have the lines:

  \override LyricText #'font-name = #bcor8a
  \override LyricText #'font-magnification = #1.5
The font is fine in the dvi file, but turns up as courier (which it 
isn't) in the ps and pdf files. I've even run each step separately, 
specifying a map file at the dvips stage. Still, I get a courier font.

The problem isn't limited to this font; when I specify an Arial font, I 
get a Helvetica font in the ps and pdf files.

I have no problem using these fonts in a standard LaTeX document; so I 
have to think that there is some step I'm missing in either writing or 
creating the lilypond source.

Any help appreciated.


lilypond-user mailing list

Single note slurred to chord tone

2004-04-30 Thread Doug Asherman
I'm seeing something that I'd like to be able to fix, but I don't know 
if it's possible.

I've got a case where I want to slur from a single-note g to an a that's 
part of a chord. But the slur goes from the a to the lowest note of the 
chord. I can fix this by setting \slurUp, but because this is one of two 
voices on the staff, that's not workable.

I've appended some lilypond source at the end of this letter that 
demonstrates the problem I'm having.

Any help would be appreciated.



\version 2.2.0

\header {
  title = would like the last slur to go from g to a instead of g to d,
#(set-global-staff-size 26)
melody = \notes \relative c' {
  \time 3/4 \key c \major
  a4 cis'8[ a(] a) g)
  d, a''4) a''8 d, a a'4
\score {
  \context Staff = one {
  \paper {
raggedright = ##t
lilypond-user mailing list

RE: stanza and fontsize

2004-04-18 Thread Doug Asherman
Ruud van Silfhout wrote:
 In the 2.2.0 documentation, in the appendix describing all
 context properties, I see that 'stanza' is defined of type
 'markup'. This gives me the impression that something like
 \set stanza = \markup { \huge 1.  }
 should work in a Lyrics context. However it does not.
 \set stanza = 1. 
 works, but in my case, the fontsize is too small.
What worked for me was:

\paper {
  \context {
\override StanzaNumber #'font-size = #2
You also seemed to be saying that you had to do resizing of each piece 
of markup by hand; if I'm not misunderstanding the problem, you could do 
something like:

\context {
  \override TextScript #'font-size = #2
Hope this helps.


Lilypond-user mailing list

String pitch names on TabStaff?

2004-04-04 Thread Doug Asherman

I'm looking for a way to print the pitch name before the tab staff; for 
example, if I have a guitar tuned DADGAD (high to low), I'd like the tab 
staff to look (somewhat) like this:

D -
A -
G -
D -
A -
D -
I'm almost sure I saw a way to do this in the documentation, but I can't 
 seem to find it again.



Lilypond-user mailing list

Smoothing sloped beams?

2004-03-15 Thread Doug Asherman

This may not be a lilypond issue, but I'm asking the list anyway.

I've been asked to provide online samples with smoother beams; the 
complaint is that the sloped beams are jagged-looking (even though they 
look fine when they're printed out).

Is there a tweak that will make the beams a little less jagged? Would 
this entail picking up new fonts (or making new fonts)?

Thanks for any help.


Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \acciaccatura in first measure makes odd staff

2004-03-10 Thread Doug Asherman
Edward Sanford Sutton, III wrote:
  Maybe a LilyPond bug; I don't know when that call is made.
  Should this be documented or fixed? I hope this helps; the following does 
'make it work' by making the two stafflines once again line up:
lowerOne =
   \notes \relative c {
   \partial 8
   \grace s32
Thanks for the reply; I'm using 2.1.28. Though this gets rid of some of 
the artifacts, the layout is still incorrect. But it's a step closer, at 

On Wednesday March 3 2004 23:00, Doug Asherman wrote:


I'm having a problem with the \acciaccatura when used as the first note

Lilypond-user mailing list

(de)crescendo error message

2004-03-10 Thread Doug Asherman
Just upgraded to 2.1.29. I have a construct like this:

eis, b8 dis'16 \(cis16)\!

and I get a warning Can't find start of (de)crescendo:

The decrescendo draws fine, but the warning is new with 2.1.29.

Lilypond-user mailing list

\acciaccatura makes odd staff?

2004-03-09 Thread Doug Asherman

My apologies if you've seen this before; I sent it a few days ago and 
haven't seen it in the digest.

I'm having a problem with the \acciaccatura when used as the first note 
of a measure in a PianoStaff. With the acciaccatura in, I get a treble 
staff that has a treble clef, key signature, time signature, the 
acciaccatura, a time signature, then the start of the regular notes.

In the bass staff, I get a treble clef, time signature, bass clef, key 
signature, then the start of the notes.

The lilypond source is attached below. Even comments like You're doing 
something stupid -- check out http://www.etc.etc; would be welcome. 
Well, as long as they're relevant.

Thanks for any help.


Global = \notes { \time 2/4 \key g \major }

upperOne =
  \notes \relative c'' {
  \partial 8
  %% PROBLEM: The \acciaccatura seems to mess things up
  %\acciaccatura a'32 \stemDown g16\mf( fis32 g)
  % comment out the line above, uncomment the following line, no problem
  \stemDown g'16\mf( fis32 g)
lowerOne =
  \notes \relative c {
  \partial 8
% set up the whole piano context
piano = \context PianoStaff 
  \new Staff 
  \clef treble
   \context Voice = one \upperOne
  \new Staff 
\clef bass
\context Voice = one \lowerOne

\score {
  \notes {
  \paper {}

Lilypond-user mailing list

issues with markup, etc.

2004-02-28 Thread Doug Asherman

I'm having a problem with markup; the test case is in this letter. I 
want to put some markup over the first bar, and it's colliding with the 
fingering marks. See below for the lilypond source.

Also having problems with the \tempo colliding with the fingering marks. 
Again, see below for source.

And, if that's not enough (enough already!), I'd like to have some 
markup something like ^\markup{ Allegretto \tempo 4 = 80 } where the 
text and the metronome marking appear on the same line.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks.


\version 2.1.27
\header {
  title = testcase
top = \notes \relative c' {
  \time 2/4 \key d \major
  \set fingeringOrientations = #'(up)
  % NOTE that tempo collides with fingering marks
  \tempo 4 = 80
  \repeat volta 2 {
% bar 1
% NOTE that markup collides with fingering marks
b'16-.-1^\markup { Allegretto non troppo }
d-.-2 fis-.-4 g-.-5 fis-.-4 cis-.-2 fis-.-4 g-.-5
% bar 2
fis-.-4 c-.-1 fis-.-4 g-.-4
b, fis' b8.[ e16]
% bar 3
b16-.-1 e-.-2 b'-.-4 c-. ais-.-3 e-.-1 ais-. b-.
% bar 4
a-.-4 dis,-.-2 a'-.-4 b-.-5
e, gis e'8.[ g16]
bottom = \notes \relative b {
  \key d \major
  \repeat volta 2 {
% bar one
b,8-. fis' b d-.-
ais,8-. fis' ais cis-.-
% bar two
a,-. fis' a c-.-
gis,-. gis' b-.
% bar three
g,-. g' b e-.-
fis, fis' b e-.-
% bar four
fis,-. fis' b dis-.-
e,-. e' b' e-.
\score {
  \context PianoStaff 
\context Staff = upper 
  \context Voice = one \top

\context Staff = lower 
  \set Staff.pedalSustainStyle = #'bracket
  \clef bass
  \context Voice = one \bottom

  \paper {
indent = 0
Lilypond-user mailing list

acciacctura and chord tones

2004-02-25 Thread Doug Asherman
To Whom It May Concern: :-)

I'm trying to set up a bar of music where an acciaccatura anticipates a 
chord tone and is tied to that chord tone. The example is below. If I 
use the \acciaccatura, the slur goes to the lowest chord tone, and I'd 
like it to go to the chord tone that is the same as the acciacctura. 
That is, since the acciaccatura is an f#, I'd like it to be tied to the 
f# in the chord.

I've thought of a few possible ways to do this, but I'm not sure about 
any of them.

- tie the acciaccatura to the chord, and set the engraver that handles 
the slur to null (or nil)
- replace the grace note stem engraver temporarily with the acciaccatura 
stem engraver
- find out about the musical term that enables me to do this...

Any pointers would be very appreciated.


\version 2.1.26

\header {
  texidoc = Only a melody.
melody = \notes \relative c' {
  \time 4/4 \key d \major
  \appoggiatura fis'16 b, fis' b8.[ e16]
\score {
  \context Staff \melody
  \paper { }
Lilypond-user mailing list

Question on note-spacing

2004-02-24 Thread Doug Asherman

I have what is probably a very simple question, but I can't seem to work 
it out. Below you can find the source for one bar from the Concierto De 
Aranjuez; if you compile it, you'll see that the eight note after the 
second group of 64th notes is a little close to the last 64th note. I 
was wondering if there was any way to fine-tune this a little.

Here's the excerpt

\version 2.1.25
#(set-global-staff-size 26)
\header {
  title = One bar from the Concierto De Aranjuez
  composer = J. Rodrigo
melody = \notes \relative c' {
  \time 4/4
  \key d \major

{ \stemDown g d' b'4 }\\
b''32-4[ a-2 b16-4 ~ b64 cis-4 b-2
\set stemRightBeamCount = #2 a-1
\set stemLeftBeamCount = #2 b-2 cis-4 b-2 a-1]
b8-2[ \grace { cis32-4[ b a] } b8] ~
b16 \set stemRightBeamCount = #1 b-1
\times 2/3 { \tupletUp \set stemLeftBeamCount = #1 b16 b cis }
d64-2[ e-4 d e d16 \acciaccatura e
 d cis]

\score {
  \context Staff \melody
  \paper { }
Thanks in advance for any help.


Lilypond-user mailing list

Choral music

2004-02-19 Thread Doug Asherman

I'm trying to do something simple: a choral arrangement with an 
arbitrary number ( 4) of verses positioned between two staves. The 
soprano and alto parts would be in the treble staff, and the tenor and 
bass notes would be in the bass clef staff.

There is probably a simple way to do this, but I can't seem to find it. 
I can do this in musiXteX (granted, I had to hack the musixcho macros a 
bit), but doing it in lilypond eludes me.

If someone could point me in the right direction, I'd be much obliged.



Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond with teTeX 2

2003-01-01 Thread Doug Asherman
Mats Bengtsson wrote:

I wouldn't expect any problem due to the new teTeX version

I'm not sure it's lilypond at all now. The pfa fonts are fine, and are 
found. But somehow dvips is using the bitmapped fonts instead of the 
type1 fonts for text. In the config.pdf file the scaling is set for 8000 
dpi, and that just doesn't happen.

If I type this command (which seems to be what ly2dvi is doing):

dvips -Ppdf -G0 -u myfile.dvi

I get the following while the file is being processed:

kpathsea: Running mktexpk --mfmode ljfour --bdpi 8000 --mag 1+0/8000 
--dpi 8000 cmbx 10
mktexpk: Mismatched mode ljfour and resolution 8000; ignoring mode
mktexpk: Can't guess mode for 8000 dpi devices.
mktexpk: Use a config file, or update me
dvips: Font cmbx10 at 8000 not found; scaling 600 instead.

I have to think now that this is some problem with my teTeX setup. 
According to the PDF config file, Type1 fonts should be preferred, but 
it seems as if they aren't. I'm getting good Type1 fonts with musiXteX, 
but...I don't know why.

If anyone can shed light on this, I'd appreciate it.



Lilypond-user mailing list

Lilypond with teTeX 2

2002-12-31 Thread Doug Asherman

I made an attempt (not a huge one) to use lilypond with a teTeX beta 2 
under Linux. Most of the functionality was there, but lilypond will not 
produce a pdf file with this configuration. If I read the error messages 
correctly (and I'm pretty sure I did) there was trouble finding the fonts.

Has anyone made lilypond work with this configuration?



P.S. And a happy new year to you all.

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: PFA fonts not found in 1.7.9?

2002-12-25 Thread Doug Asherman
Kim Shrier wrote:

You are doing nothing wrong.  There is a bug in ly2dvi that prevents it 
finding the pfa fonts.  I have sent in a patch, which I am including 
with this
email, that fixes the problem.

That did the trick, thanks.



Doug Asherman wrote:


I'm using 1.7.9 -- after the initial installation, I've made the pfa 
fonts with make pfa-fonts  make pfa-fonts install.

 stuff deleted 

Any clues as to what I'm doing wrong?


Lilypond-user mailing list

PDF bug or misunderstanding?

2002-10-27 Thread Doug Asherman

I'm a new user of lilypond, and I've run into an issue. The odd thing 
is, this doesn't happen all the time. Context: I'm using teTeX 1.07 on 
Slackware 8.1 (Linux), lilypond 1.6.6.

I have a very simple input file:

\score {
  \notes \relative c' {
 \key g \major
 \partial 4
 c'8 b \bar |
   \paper { }

if I take this through the steps to produce a pdf file (lydvi, 
dvips input.dvi ps2pdf or just do the one-step thing, I end up 
with a pdf file that has incomplete note-heads. This is using xpdf to 
view the pdf file -- if I use gv, it views ok. But this isn't really 
good, because I have to send the pdf file off to MSWin users.

Here's the odd thing -- if I take the \key g \major line out, I get 
good (well, decent-looking) note heads. They're at least readable, anyway.

So -- anyone seen this before? Any workarounds?

Thanks for any replies,

Doug Asherman
Stranded on the west coast

Lilypond-user mailing list