Re: \epsfile and SVG output

2024-04-10 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 10.04.24 um 15:50 schrieb Alex Harker:
Many thanks for the clarification that this approach will not work and 
alternative suggestions.

I presume that /image will only include PNGs in a SVG output and not EPS 
(the documentation reads a little unclearly on this as the section on 
backends is elided with comments on coloured backgrounds)?

For context I am using SVG output because my display target is a custom 
IOS app that uses skia as a backend. SKIA can be used to display SVGs 
easily within the context that I am working. SKIA does have a pdf 
backend but it isn’t exposed directly by the framework I’m using.

The reason to use EPS is that I want to bring in vector graphics made in 
Inkscape using a graphics tablet. It is a little frustrating that I 
can’t get these vector graphics into Lilypond SVG output, as they are 
basically SVG in the first place, but from what I understand so far that 
isn’t possible.

Therefore, if I understand correctly my current options would be:

- render to pdf and work on a system to render pdfs within the framework 
I’m using (this is probably possible, but involves lots of unknowns)
- rasterise the images and display as PNG, thus include the rasterised 
version in the SVG (not optimal in terms of file size or speed of 
render, but possible)
- work on a system to convert SVG paths to Lilypond/Scheme paths in 
order to be able to draw in a vector within Lilypond to any backend.

Have I missed anything?

Maybe include EPS, use LiyPond’s PDF backend and convert PDF to SVG with 


Re: \epsfile and SVG output

2024-04-10 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 10.04.24 um 14:31 schrieb Jean Abou Samra:

It would be possible to convert EPS to SVG with pstoedit or via PDF and
Inkscape. Both would avoid rastering vectors into a pixel image.

True, but LilyPond so far doesn't support including SVG images either.
(It does support \markup \path in SVG though.)

Ah, I didn’t know.


Re: \epsfile and SVG output

2024-04-10 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 10.04.24 um 13:29 schrieb Jean Abou Samra:

I am trying to include an epsfile as a top-level markup (it is not in
a score) and then output as SVG.

You can't (this should indeed be mentioned in the documentation). EPS files
are included by basically inlining them into the PS code that LilyPond 
which is then converted to PDF. In the SVG backend, LilyPond generates SVG
code directly and skips \epsfile markups. The Cairo backend is yet another
beast but it doesn't support outputting \epsfile other than in PS/EPS output.

An alternative, if you can use raster graphics, would be a PNG file added
with the \image command.

It would be possible to convert EPS to SVG with pstoedit or via PDF and 
Inkscape. Both would avoid rastering vectors into a pixel image.


Re: Lyricmode and fonts

2023-12-06 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 06.12.23 um 08:43 schrieb Mark Probert:


I’m setting a song and there are two voices, like a call and response. I want 
to show these two different voices by making one italic and the other regular 

I there are simple way, say using some \override, where I can change the 
default on the fly and not have to do an, IMO, ugly \markup block with every 
syllable in a {\italic baz} group?

You can override a whole Lyrics context with
\override Lyrics.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic

But that’s only suitable if you have your versions in different lines.
Maybe it’s possible to “mix” two Lyrics lines into one?


Re: Booth on Chemnitzer Linuxtage 2024

2023-12-05 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 06.12.23 um 02:33 schrieb David Kastrup:


if you think you'd like to help providing a booth on the Chemnitzer
Linuxtage 2024 (happening on the weekend March 16/17), please checkout
the CfP at

Note that companies but not community projects are charged for booths.
We'd need 2–4 persons manning the booth and prepare suitable
presentation material, and help people with questions and showcase
working on music and performance material.

If we have suitable people and can figure out a suitable goal, we could
think about offering a workshop.  I am not sure we'd get a talk slot
since I just held a LilyPond talk this year.  I'd probably try to land a
Shotcut video editor talk (I've not yet talked about key frames in
Shotcut which allow to the "smooth scrolling" stuff in videos like
).  Particularly if I get that talk in, it
would be good to have at least two more people for the booth.

There is a yearly bus organized from the Ruhr area if that helps.  The
conference is the largest in Germany with a similar theme (typically
about 2500 to 3000 visitors).

Interest?  The conference is a friendly meeting place, and presenters
get a nice social event on Saturday with catering.

Hi David,

I’ll probably help at the DANTE booth and give some ConTeXt related 
talk, but I’d like to finally meet you in person. Maybe it makes sense 
to ask for neighbouring booths, since TeX and LilyPond folks tend to 
overlap anyway.

I would appreciate a lift from the Rhein/Main area, otherwise will try 
to come by train (with Deutsche Bahn you can only try). I’ll stay in the 
area for Leipzig book fair afterwards.


Re: Is there a way to get a "round" to play in the MIDI without making several staggered identical voices?

2023-09-20 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 20.09.23 um 15:37 schrieb Kevin Cole:

I'm not quite sure how to ask the question.

Is there a way to play the same melody as different voices with 
different time offsets -- i.e. without duplicating it and adding rests 
at the beginnings of the duplicates? (I only want it in the MIDI part, 
as the printed part would only need to display the basic melody once.)

You mean like a round?

I split the melody into single parts (entries) and re-combine them 
differently for layout and midi.

See attachment.

Hraban\version "2.22.0"
%\include "../"
\include "" % für besseres MIDI

  title = "Hejo, spann den Wagen an"
  poet = "mündl. überl."
  %composer = "M: "
  %arranger = "arr."
  %instrument = "2 voc + git"
  source = "Codex Patomomomensis"
  %maintainer = "Henning Hraban Ramm"
  %maintainerWeb = ";
  lastupdated = "2015-10-05"

global = {
  \clef treble
  \key b \minor
  \time 4/4

akkorde = \chordmode {
  \repeat unfold 6 {
e2:m b:m

dynamics = \relative c {

einsatzI = \relative c' {
  e2^\markup{1.} d | e8 e e e b2 |

einsatzII = \relative c' {
  e4^\markup{2.} e fis fis | g8 g g g fis2 |

einsatzIII = \relative c'' {
  b8^\markup{3.} b b b b4 b | b8 b b b b( a) g( fis)

einsatzIIIend = \relative c'' {
  b8^\markup{3.} b b b b4 b | b8 b b b b4 b

oberstimme = \relative c' {
  \bar ":|."

einsatzLeer = \relative c' { s1 s }

textI = \lyricmode {
  %\set stanza = "1. "
  He -- jo, spann den Wa -- gen an,
  denn der Wind treibt Re -- gen ü -- bers Land.
  Hol die gold -- nen Gar -- ben,
  hol die gold -- nen Gar -- ben.

% Papier-Ausgabe
\score {
  \transpose e a
\context ChordNames {
\context Staff = Oben <<
  \context Voice = "eins" \oberstimme
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "eins" { \textI }
  \layout { }
\markup{ \vspace #2.0 }
\markup {
  \fill-line {
\hspace #0.1 % Abstand vom linken Rand
\column {
  \line {
\column {
  "Hejo, spann den Wagen an,"
  "denn der Wind treibt Regen übers Land."
  "Hol die goldnen Garben,"
  "hol die goldnen Garben."
  \vspace #1.5 % Abstand zwischen Strophen
  \line {
\column {
  "Blut, Blut, Räuber saufen Blut."
  "Mord und Brand und Pulverdampf sind gut."
  "Hoch vom Galgen wimmert’s,"
  "hoch vom Galgen wimmert’s."
\hspace #0.5  % Abstand zwischen Spalten
\column {
  \line {
\column {
  "Hey ho, anybody home?"
  "Food and drink and money have I none."
  "Yet I will be merry,"
  "yet I will be merry."
\hspace #0.1 % Abstand zum rechten Rand

\score {
  \unfoldRepeats {
\transpose e a
  \set Score.midiReverbLevel = #0.5
  \set Score.midiChorusLevel = #0.5
  \context Staff = "chords" <<
\set Staff.midiInstrument = "fx 4 (atmosphere)"
\context Voice = "vchords" {
  \transpose c c, << \dynamics \akkorde >>
  \context Staff = oberI <<
\set Staff.midiInstrument = "recorder"
\set Staff.midiPanPosition = #-0.5
\set Staff.midiBalance = #-0.5
\context Voice = "vober" {
  \repeat unfold 3 { \oberstimme }
  \einsatzI \einsatzII
  \context Staff = oberII <<
\set Staff.midiInstrument = "viola"
\set Staff.midiPanPosition = #0.75
\set Staff.midiBalance = #0.75
\context Voice = "vober" {
  \repeat unfold 3 { \oberstimme }
  \context Staff = oberIII <<
\set Staff.midiInstrument = "voice oohs"
\set Staff.midiPanPosition = #0.25
\set Staff.midiBalance = #0.25
\context Voice = "vober" {
  \einsatzLeer \einsatzLeer
  \repeat unfold 2 { \oberstimme }
  \einsatzI \einsatzII \einsatzIIIend
  \midi {
\tempo 4 = 120

Re: title in the Breitkopf fraktura font

2023-08-31 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 31.08.23 um 18:04 schrieb bernhard kleine:


I never tried different fonts, but now I would like to print the title 
of the music in a fraktura font. Could you please help me with that?

	title = \markup{\override #'(font-name . "BreitkopfFraktur") "Breitkopf 


If you want to change it generally (in an include file), you can do it 
like this:

  bookTitleMarkup = \markup {
\override #'(baseline-skip . 3.5)
\column {
  \fill-line { \fromproperty #'header:dedication }
  \override #'(baseline-skip . 3.5)
  \column {
\huge \larger \bold
\fill-line {
  \override #'(font-name . "Noteworthy Bold")
  \larger \fromproperty #'header:title
\fill-line {
  \large \smaller \bold
  \larger \fromproperty #'header:subtitle
\combine \null \vspace #0.33
\fill-line {
  \fromproperty #'header:poet
  { \large \bold \fromproperty #'header:instrument }
  \fromproperty #'header:composer
\fill-line {
  \fromproperty #'header:meter
  \fromproperty #'header:arranger


Re: Voice synthesis

2023-04-25 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 25.04.23 um 12:53 schrieb J Martin Rushton:

I was playing back a MIDI piece and wondered if anyone had ever
combined voice synthesis with MIDI?  I know that you can get MIDI
"ah"s, but I was meaning voiced from the text like a text reader.

Before I got LilyPond running on my Mac in about 2005, I used Myriad’s 
Harmony Assistant, they also have a Virtual Singer app that sounded 
quite good at that time, don’t know how it evolved:


Re: single system output in 2.24

2023-02-05 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 05.02.23 um 15:26 schrieb Lukas-Fabian Moser:

Hi Hraban,

(BTW the German translation of the CLI documentation is outdated and 
thus partly wrong, and it really makes no sense that I must 
reconfigure my browser to access different languages.)

I agree that the current situation (both the state of the German 
translation and the mechanism for language selection) is not ideal, but 
it's not true that you must reconfigure your browser to access the 
English original: There's a language selection link at the bottom of 
every manual page. (Admittedly, it's a bit annoying that you have to 
re-make your choice after clicking on a link.)

You’re right, and probably I should help with the translation. (I tried, 
some years ago, and gave up; AFAIR didn’t even get the workflow running...)


Re: single system output in 2.24

2023-02-05 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 05.02.23 um 14:50 schrieb Klaus Blum:

Hi Henning,

So, please: Is there a way to still get single-system PDFs?

maybe you need to call LilyPond with additional parameters like
or -

AFAIK the latter is for the single systems.
Here is where I got this information from:
Hope this helps...

Thank you!



single system output in 2.24

2023-02-05 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Hi, my songbook workflow for ConTeXt 
( worked until 2.22 but doesn’t 
any more.

I need single systems as PDF as well as the -systems.count file.

Seems like I can get single systems only as EPS any more, and must set 
-daux-files that was default in previous versions (the change makes 
sense, of course).

So, please: Is there a way to still get single-system PDFs?

(BTW the German translation of the CLI documentation is outdated and 
thus partly wrong, and it really makes no sense that I must reconfigure 
my browser to access different languages.)

Best, Hraban

Re: Future of OpenLilyLib

2022-11-21 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 21.11.22 um 23:28 schrieb Jean Abou Samra:

One would add a new keyword in the parser akin to \include
(\import? \load?). 

How about \require?

... module code ...

\endModule % or whatever name

... example ...

where \endModule would act as a "trap" interrupting the parsing,
but only if the file is included. If the file is compiled as
main, it would continue parsing, and after \endModule you could
put some examples and tests for the snippet / module functionality.

That is how module documentation in TeX works (as you are probably 
aware). I don’t think many users would look into that, esp. since 
LilyPond’s documentation is more concise and centralized.

Otherwise I’ll leave this discussion to you, since I never need the more 
sophisticated features of LilyPond for my folk songs and odd other piece.

Thank you for your work!


Re: SillyPond

2022-09-10 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 10.09.22 um 10:13 schrieb Henning Hraban Ramm:
Hi, I don’t know if the author intended to announce it here (he just did 
on Mastodon), but look at this:

Oh, I didn’t recognize it’s already from 2019, the author just pointed 
to some old projects of his. Funny anyway.



2022-09-10 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Hi, I don’t know if the author intended to announce it here (he just did 
on Mastodon), but look at this:


Re: MIDI & repeats

2022-08-02 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 02.08.22 um 18:10 schrieb Benjamin Tordoff:

Hi all, I’m wondering if there’s a smart way to make the midi output for a 
particular part do the following two things (both common in Sousa marches):

1. Have a part play only on 2nd time through the repeat.
2. Have different dynamic for 1st and 2nd times through repeat.

A minimal example of how I would typically typeset this is below but produces 
midi output that plays all repeats with uniform volume. I've had a good hunt 
around the internet for examples of doing this but either I'm searching for the 
wrong things or this is a somewhat obscure request!

You already have different blocks for PDF and MIDI, that’s a start.

In such cases, I usually define more, smaller parts that I combine 
differently, like

first = { s1 | s1 | }
second = { c''1 | c''1 | }

notes = {
\repeat volta 2 { \second }

midis = {
\first \second

Also, use another variable for dynamics that you can combine like

<< \dynamics \notes >>


Thanks in advance.


\version "2.23.10"

notes = {
   \repeat volta 2 {
 <>^\markup{(2nd time only)}
 c''1 | c''1 |
   \repeat volta 2 {
 <>_\markup {\dynamic "pp" "(2nd time " \dynamic "ff" ")"}
 d''1 | d''1 |

\score { % PDF output
   << \new Staff \notes >>
   \layout {}

\score { % MIDI output
   \unfoldRepeats << \new Staff \notes >>
   \midi {}

Re: Piping contents of SVG directly to stdout

2022-07-18 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 18.07.22 um 06:39 schrieb William:
Felix, I’m curious what you mean by cropping the file. Sounds to me like 
you are trying to just write a small snippet of music, maybe a few 
measures, and not have the output flooded by whitespace all around the 
size of an A4 paper? This is also similar to what I was using lilypond 
for and there are ways to do this without any external apps.

I never used the SVG backend, but maybe the lilypond-book header works 
with it, too?
It helps to create small snippets, I used the following settings in my 
LilyPond setup for ConTeXt:

% --- start of setup for single-line output files ---
#(define default-toplevel-book-handler
  print-book-with-defaults-as-systems )

#(define toplevel-book-handler
  (lambda ( . rest)
  (set! output-empty-score-list #f)
  (apply print-book-with-defaults rest)))

#(define toplevel-music-handler
  (lambda ( . rest)
   (apply collect-music-for-book rest)))

#(define toplevel-score-handler
  (lambda ( . rest)
   (apply collect-scores-for-book rest)))

#(define toplevel-text-handler
  (lambda ( . rest)
   (apply collect-scores-for-book rest)))

#(set! output-empty-score-list #t)

% --- stop single-line setup ---


Re: Playback using Frescobaldi?

2022-06-22 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 21.06.22 um 18:17 schrieb Guy Stalnaker:
MacOS -- LONG ago I used to use Homebrew on a MacOS laptop to install 
and use QSynth/fluidsynth, so I know at one point that was possible. 
Perhaps it still is, but I cannot say for certain. Other users on this 
email list may have more recent experience with MacOS.

You can install QSynth/fluidsynth via MacPorts (probably still also via 
Homebrew, it’s a matter of taste).

Same as for other systems: Start QSynth before Frescobaldi, and it 
usually just works (otherwise check the MIDI preferences and reload the 
MIDI ports).


Re: generate eps file from frecobaldi

2022-05-31 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 31.05.22 um 21:56 schrieb David M. Boothe, CAS:
I have always used Gimp to convert music PDFs to EPS, whether the PDF 
was generated by Lilypond (via Frescobaldi) or by gabc.

That means you convert a proper vector PDF into pixels. Don’t do that. 
It makes no sense.


Re: OLL & ConTeXt (was: Any LyX users?)

2022-05-31 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 31.05.22 um 17:24 schrieb Andrew Bernard:

Henning Hraban Ramm wrote on 1/06/2022 1:13 AM:

That’s good to hear – but do you mean with OLL?

No I mean it would be good if you submitted this module to OLL when I 
get it back up and running soonish.

It’s not even a module but just a setup for Aditya Mahajan’s filter 
module (the generalization of “run an external program during a ConTeXt 
I wouldn’t like to write parametrization overhead where it makes more 
sense to adapt the setup if you need it to work differently.
There are probably only two users of LilyPond with ConTeXt anyway, and 
none of them wants to publish crititical editions of musical works. (If 
that’s false, I’ll gladly help.)
We discussed critical editions of non-musical works several times – the 
needs differ so widely that setups will always be individual, and it’s 
not “the ConTeXt way” to publish packages/modules for a few settings, 
but share information about special setups in the wiki.


Re: Any LyX users? Missing prerequisites: lilypond-book->latex

2022-05-31 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 31.05.22 um 17:01 schrieb Andrew Bernard:
The OLL repo will be ready again in a few days. An excellent candidate 
for that.

I used ConTeXt with great success in the past.

That’s good to hear – but do you mean with OLL?

AFAIR Urs provided just LaTeX support for his critical edition stuff.

But everything that works within LilyPond of course also works with 
ConTeXt, since “we” include only the resulting PDFs.


Re: Any LyX users? Missing prerequisites: lilypond-book->latex

2022-05-31 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 31.05.22 um 16:02 schrieb Damian leGassick:

That said, it is a good environment for embedding multiple Lilypond generated 
pdf/eps in a structured text document, because any changes in those pdf/eps 
files are picked up automatically without having to reimport them (cf MS Word) 
or even refresh Lyx - they just change.

Of course, since TeX takes what’s there in every run. Layout apps 
warning you that something has changed is sometimes helpful (but 
annoying in most cases).

be aware that multi-page lilypond scores need to be imported into Lyx one page 
at a time - it will not ‘flow’ a score between multiple boxes.

I don’t know how LyX does it, but you can select pages from multipage 
PDFs with the \includepdf command from the pdfpages package.

My sense is also that for smaller documents, learning Lyx is actually more work 
than just learning lilypond-book as tweaks outside of what Lyx provides (and 
there could be many) require you to know your way around normal ()TeX.

I never liked LyX and its way to hide TeX behind a GUI, since you will 
get in trouble as soon as something happens or as you need something extra.

I’m also quite sure the usual way to include LilyPond scores is system 
by system, since lilypond-book produces them.

I actually don’t use LaTeX but ConTeXt where I wrote the LilyPond bridge 
myself (; I should adapt it to a 
current LP version). It’s not as sophisticated as the collaboration 
between LaTeX and LilyPond, esp. if you look at Urs Liska’s work, but it 
was always enough for my songbooks.


Re: Is there a way to set the midiInstrument for ChordNames with FretBoards?

2022-05-27 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

I’d suggest to use two different \score s, one for \layout and the other 
for \midi, then you can setup them differently.
I attached my own template – you can’t use it directly, since I left out 
the file with my settings, and you probably don’t want that German 
stuff, but you get an idea about the structure.


Am 27.05.22 um 03:40 schrieb Kevin Cole:


I have a score with an outline shown below. I managed to get the vocal
part doing "choir aahs", and the piano defaults to a piano instrument,
but is there a way to have ChordNames / FretBoards do anything with
"acoustic guitar (nylon)"?  Even if the playback isn't super accurate
in terms of duration, it seems like, with the fretboards, it would be
able to have a half-educated notion of which notes to sound.)

(And, is there a better way to set the "choir aahs" -- without
changing the whole thing around too much? It somehow feels redundant
to add "\new Staff" around the "\new Voice" since the staff was
already showing without it, but I couldn't get the MIDI to sound
without adding the "\new Staff".)


\version "2.22.1"
\language "english"

global = {
   \time 2/4
   \key c \major
   \tempo 4 = 80

chordNames = \chordmode   { ... }
melody = \relative c' { ... }
words  = \lyricmode   { ... }
upper  = \relative c' { ... }
lower  = \relative c  { ... }

\score {
 \new ChordNames \chordNames
 \new FretBoards \chordNames
 \new Staff \with { midiInstrument = #"choir aahs" }
   \new Voice = "mel" { \melody }
 \new Lyrics \lyricsto mel \words
 \new PianoStaff
   \new Staff = "upper" \upper
   \new Staff = "lower" \lower
   \layout { }
   \midi   { }

%\version "2.20.0"
\include "../"
\include "" % für besseres MIDI

  title = ""
  poet = ""
  %composer = "M: "
  %arranger = "arr."
  %instrument = "2 voc + git"
  source = ""
  %maintainer = "Henning Hraban Ramm"
  %maintainerWeb = ";
  lastupdated = "2020-05-15"

global = {
  \clef treble
  \key a \minor
  \time 4/4

akkorde = \chordmode {

dynamics = \relative c {

oberstimme = \relative c' {
  \bar "|."

  unterstimme = \relative c' {

textI = \lyricmode {
  %\set stanza = "1. "
  la la la la

% Papier-Ausgabe
\score {
\context ChordNames {
\context Staff = Oben <<
  \context Voice = "eins" \oberstimme
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "eins" { \textI }
  \context Staff = Unten <<
  \context Voice = "zwei" \unterstimme
  \layout { }
\markup{ \vspace #2.0 }
\markup {
  \fill-line {
\hspace #0.1 % Abstand vom linken Rand
\column {
  \line {
\column {
  \vspace #1.0 % Abstand zwischen Strophen
  \line {
\column {
\hspace #0.5  % Abstand zwischen Spalten
\column {
  \line {
\column {
  \vspace #1.0 % Abstand zwischen Strophen
  \line {
\column {
\hspace #0.1 % Abstand zum rechten Rand

\score {
  \unfoldRepeats {
  \set Score.midiReverbLevel = #0.5
  \set Score.midiChorusLevel = #0.5
  \context Staff = "chords" <<
\set Staff.midiInstrument = #"fx 4 (atmosphere)"
\context Voice = "vchords" {
  \transpose c c, << \dynamics \akkorde >>
  \context Staff = ober <<
%\set Staff.midiInstrument = #"violin"
\context Voice = "vober" \oberstimme
\context Staff = unter <<  \articulate
\set Staff.midiInstrument = #"viola"
% see
% -1 (#LEFT), 0 (#CENTER) and 1 (#RIGHT)
%\set Staff.midiPanPosition = #RIGHT
%\set Staff.midiBalance = #LEFT
\context Voice = vunter \unterstimme
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto "vober" { \textI }
  \midi {
\tempo 4 = 120

Re: UTF-8 characters in filenames with Lilypond 2.23

2022-05-25 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 25.05.22 um 19:21 schrieb Jonas Hahnfeld via LilyPond user discussion:

On Sat, 2022-05-21 at 15:20 -0600, David F. wrote:

System: Intel-based macOS

I make extensive use of UTF-8 characters in the filenames of my Lilypond files. 
 This works in Lilypond up through version 2.22.  But Lilypond 2.23 cannot 
handle UTF-8 characters in filenames.

Filename: té

\version "2.22"

{ c' }

Under v2.22, this file complies without problem.  With 2.23 (including the just 
release 2.23.9) I get the following error:

Starting lilypond 2.23.9 [té]...
warning: cannot find file: `/Users/david/Projects/Lily Scratch/te??'
fatal error: failed files: "/Users/david/Projects/Lily Scratch/te??"
Exited with return code 1.

I thought that this problem had already been reported, but I can’t find any 
mention of it now.  So I’m reporting it.

David F.

Hi David,

I can indeed reproduce this on macOS, which I think is the critical
piece of information here. It would just be too boring if all operating
systems agreed on how to handle filenames with special characters... In
this case, it might also have to do with the file system because if I
do 'ls', I also get question marks (but this might also be because I'm
ssh-ing from Linux...)

MacOS uses decomposed Unicode in the file system, i.e. é is e + 
combining accent acute and not just one glyph.
(It also decomposes accented characters, at least umlauts, if you copy 
from a PDF – very annoying...)


Re: Chord mode: changing N.C.

2022-05-17 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Hi Stephan,
thank you! Carl was faster, and his hint was enough for me.

Am 17.05.22 um 14:29 schrieb Stephan Schöll:


Here's an example:

\version "2.22.0"

chordNames = \chordmode {
   a1 r d e

   \new ChordNames {
     \set noChordSymbol = "Silence!"

Am 17.05.2022 um 14:12 schrieb Stephan Schöll:


\set noChordSymbol = "???"

you may replace the "N.C." string with whatever string/text you like, 
even with an empty string which means that nothing will be displayed 
during chord rests.

see also LilyPond Notation Reference: 2.7.2 Displaying chords 



Am 17.05.2022 um 12:39 schrieb Henning Hraban Ramm:

Hi Ponders,

how can I change the rest symbol in chord mode from "N.C." to e.g. "–"?

Thanks in advance!

Re: Chord mode: changing N.C.

2022-05-17 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 17.05.22 um 13:05 schrieb Carl Sorensen:

On Tuesday, May 17, 2022, Henning Hraban Ramm <>> wrote:

Hi Ponders,

how can I change the rest symbol in chord mode from "N.C." to e.g. "–"?

\set noChordMarkup = "–" 

Thank you, I overlooked that hint; BTW it’s noChordSymbol.


Chord mode: changing N.C.

2022-05-17 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Hi Ponders,

how can I change the rest symbol in chord mode from "N.C." to e.g. "–"?

Thanks in advance!

Re: openlilylib pull request

2022-05-09 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 09.05.22 um 01:59 schrieb David Kastrup:

The "TeX ecosystem" consists of plain TeX with fudge-ons (comparable to
LilyPond and LSR snippets), of the monolithic Context (driven by a
not-much-more-than-one-man company), and of the modular LaTeX.  The only
system that has exploded in number and functionality of extensions and
styles is LaTeX.

This might get off topic quickly, but I don’t want to let that 
uncommented WRT ConTeXt:

ConTeXt is driven by a small community, even if Hans Hagen still does 
most of the programming (in communication with experts, e.g. for math or 
“exotic” languages). His company doesn’t play a big role and could 
hardly ever use ConTeXt for commercial projects (not because you 
couldn’t use ConTeXt for commercial projects, I do, but because the 
projects they got paid for didn’t involve producing PDFs).

ConTeXt is monolithic insofar as it usually doesn’t need some settings 
as a package, because you just setup the settings yourself, and the 
interface is quite consistent.

There *is* a growing number of modules, though. Many are part of the 
distribution, others are “third party”; if they gain wider acceptance, 
they often get integrated into the distribution, like the bibliography 
It’s common for ConTeXt users to just install all available modules – 
but LaTeX users also often just install the whole TeX live distribution.

That suggests that the development potential is not as much dependent on
the underlying technology but of readily available interfaces for
integrating both functionality as well as document styles into a fixed

I guess development of open source projects depends the most on people 
who do it against all odds (like you). Of course it helps if they do it 
in a way that others can chime in. And then we need people who help 
building the community, answer questions etc.


Re: ANN: Frescobaldi 3.2

2022-05-05 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 05.05.22 um 15:06 schrieb Davide Liessi:

Dear Jacques,

Il giorno gio 5 mag 2022 alle ore 10:16 Jacques Menu
 ha scritto:

I’ve installed Frescobaldi 3.2 with MacPorts on Mac OS Monterey (12.3.1), and 
the first tests show it works fine.

did you edit the Portfile yourself?

I didn’t.

One problem, though: it’s name is displayed as “Python” in the menu bar, and 
there’s no Preferences item.

As Hraban wrote, this is not only normal, but unavoidable, unless an
.app bundle is created.
If you installed with MacPorts, there should be such an application
bundle in /Applications/MacPorts: launching Frescobaldi from there
should give you the Frescobaldi menu containing also the Preferences

The app bundle installed by MacPorts doesn’t work, it says "Frescobaldi 
error" and lets you open the Console – I didn’t find anything useful in 
the plethora of messages there.

This was already the same in previous versions.

Do you think it could be a problem that I also installed the 
downloadable version? (3.1.3 at the moment)

I’m on Mojave (MacOS 10.14.6).


Re: ANN: Frescobaldi 3.2

2022-05-05 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

If SimpleSynth works, keep it.

So, the one thing I didn’t address was "no Preferences item" – that’s in 
the Edit menu (usual place on Windows and Linux).

GUI frameworks usually move such items to the Mac places automatically, 
but maybe only if you create an .app bundle.


Am 05.05.22 um 13:37 schrieb Jacques Menu:

Hello Hraban,

Yes, it did work, but with SimpleSynth, though, which is running alright on my 


Le 5 mai 2022 à 10:33, Henning Hraban Ramm  a écrit :

Am 05.05.22 um 10:13 schrieb Jacques Menu:

Hello Wilbert,
Thanks to you and to the people that contribute for everything you do for us!
I’ve installed Frescobaldi 3.2 with MacPorts on Mac OS Monterey (12.3.1), and 
the first tests show it works fine.
One problem, though: it’s name is displayed as “Python” in the menu bar,

That’s normal if you start a Python program from the command line.

and there’s no Preferences item. How can I set the MIDI output channel to hear 
the score being played?

Did it work for you in previous releases? You must install and start 
freesynth/Qsynth, too.


Re: ANN: Frescobaldi 3.2

2022-05-05 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 05.05.22 um 10:13 schrieb Jacques Menu:

Hello Wilbert,

Thanks to you and to the people that contribute for everything you do 
for us!

I’ve installed Frescobaldi 3.2 with MacPorts on Mac OS Monterey 
(12.3.1), and the first tests show it works fine.

One problem, though: it’s name is displayed as “Python” in the menu bar, 

That’s normal if you start a Python program from the command line.

and there’s no Preferences item. How can I set the MIDI output channel 
to hear the score being played?

Did it work for you in previous releases? You must install and start 
freesynth/Qsynth, too.


Re: (Semi)German chords (B <-> H) with normal slash chords?

2022-04-26 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 26.04.22 um 12:09 schrieb Boris Lau:

Dear list,

I'm working on a songbook for german kids. Although I personally don't 
like them, I want to use German chord names (B and H exchanged). I could 
use \germanChords or \semiGermanChords to achieve that, but that also 
changes the behavior of slash chords:

B7 -> H7   <-- this is what I want
E/G# -> E/gis  <-- this is weird

Maybe some developer thought, that E/gis is how it's done in Germany.
I think it's rather uncommon and pretty ugly ;-)

But personal tastes aside, is there a way to get the B<->H thing without 
changing the slash chords?

Many thanks in advance,
Best, Boris

Hello Boris,

only a few weeks ago I asked the same (subject: "German chords with 
uppercase bass".

Thomas Morley answered:

\germanChords uses `chord-name->german-markup' to print the root-name
(chordRootNamer) of a chord and `note-name->german-markup' to print an
additional bass-note (chordNoteNamer).
If you comment the chordNoteNamer there, the chordRootNamer takes over.

germanChords = {
  \set chordRootNamer = #(chord-name->german-markup #t)
  %\set chordNoteNamer = #note-name->german-markup

scm = \chordmode {
   c1/c | cis/cis
   b1/b | bis/bis | bes/bes

   \new ChordNames {
 \germanChords \scm
   \context Voice { \scm }

NB altered bass notes are now printed like the root, i.e. C♯ not Cis.
Already ok? If not holler.

Imho, german chords in LilyPond are not correct and were never: as an
example, C♯ is never a _german_ naming

Also see my comment:


Re: German chords with uppercase bass

2022-04-09 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 09.04.22 um 12:02 schrieb Thomas Morley:

Am Fr., 8. Apr. 2022 um 20:57 Uhr schrieb Henning Hraban Ramm

I really would
like to get German chords (i.e. H instead of B) with uppercase bass
notes – as I know it from all my (German) songbooks.

\germanChords uses `chord-name->german-markup' to print the root-name
(chordRootNamer) of a chord and `note-name->german-markup' to print an
additional bass-note (chordNoteNamer).
If you comment the chordNoteNamer there, the chordRootNamer takes over.

germanChords = {
   \set chordRootNamer = #(chord-name->german-markup #t)
   %\set chordNoteNamer = #note-name->german-markup

scm = \chordmode {
c1/c | cis/cis
b1/b | bis/bis | bes/bes

\new ChordNames {
  \germanChords \scm
\context Voice { \scm }

NB altered bass notes are now printed like the root, i.e. C♯ not Cis.
Already ok? If not holler.

Thank you! Since I don’t have altered bass notes in my current project, 
this would be enough. I didn’t think of those though, and it would be 
better to get "Cis/Cis" from \chordmode{ cis/cis }.

Imho, german chords in LilyPond are not correct and were never: as an
example, C♯ is never a _german_ naming

I guess, but I don’t have any serious musical education.
I can live with C# / Cb, but LilyPond displays the modificators very 
big, and that’s ugly. Might depend on the font. I’d expect them to be 
small and raised, like a footnote marker.

Also see my comment:

I agree.


Re: German chords with uppercase bass

2022-04-08 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 07.04.22 um 17:02 schrieb Henning Hraban Ramm:
As is shown e.g. in 
“Changing the chord names to German or semi-German notation”, 
\germanChords changes bass notes of chords like a:m/c to lowercase.

I really would 
like to get German chords (i.e. H instead of B) with uppercase bass 
notes – as I know it from all my (German) songbooks.

I’m sure there’s a clever setting or Scheme snippet for that.
Can you help me?

Please, anyone?


Re: German chords with uppercase bass

2022-04-07 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 07.04.22 um 17:05 schrieb David Kastrup:

Henning Hraban Ramm  writes:

As is shown e.g. in
“Changing the chord names to German or semi-German notation”,
\germanChords changes bass notes of chords like a:m/c to lowercase.

While I don’t believe that this is common in Germany, I really would
like to get German chords (i.e. H instead of B) with uppercase bass
notes – as I know it from all my (German) songbooks.

Any accordion music uses uppercase for bass notes and lowercase for

Ok, I’m guitar-centered. But it’s not about changing LilyPond’s default. 
I just want "\chormode{ g/b }" to display as "G/H".


German chords with uppercase bass

2022-04-07 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
As is shown e.g. in 
“Changing the chord names to German or semi-German notation”, 
\germanChords changes bass notes of chords like a:m/c to lowercase.

While I don’t believe that this is common in Germany, I really would 
like to get German chords (i.e. H instead of B) with uppercase bass 
notes – as I know it from all my (German) songbooks.

I’m sure there’s a clever setting or Scheme snippet for that.
Can you help me?


% MWE from the quoted snippet:

scm = \chordmode {
  c1/c | cis/cis
  b1/b | bis/bis | bes/bes

  \new ChordNames {
\germanChords \scm
  \context Voice { \scm }

Re: Snippet only as PDF

2022-02-27 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Hi Bophead,

Am 27.02.22 um 14:16 schrieb Bophead 2000:

Hi Hraban,

I have seen that page in ConTeXtgarden. But as far as I understood the 
“filter” module works only in ConTeXt MkIV and the workaround to use it 
in ConTeXt LMTX has a security flaw (cannot remember where I read the 
latter). That is why I have not tried it yet. I wanted something that 
works with LMTX as well.

The filter module works with LMTX, and if something doesn’t work, Aditya 
is usually quick to fix it.

But I will look into that as in the moment I switched back to MkIV 
anyway to be able to use Dan Kreiders MusFrets font 
) properly (it is 
working with ligatures and colr/cpal font features and not displayed 
properly in most PDF readers if rendered with LMTX).

Please raise that issue on the ConTeXt mailing list – if something 
doesn’t work with LMTX that does work with MkIV, it’s something Hans 
will usually fix quickly (even if at the moment he’s busy working on the 
math enhancements).

Grüße aus München

Grüße aus Limburg/Lahn ;)


Re: Snippet only as PDF

2022-02-27 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Hi Bophead,

welcome, fellow ConTeXt user!
Do you know ?
I’m using only parts of

Maybe we can improve the ConTeXt-LilyPond integration together.


Am 27.02.22 um 10:40 schrieb Bophead 2000:

Hello all,

I want to produce lilypond snippets to be used within a text – but only 
in one graphics file format (PDF, EPS or SVG).

In the moment I am using a method I copied from the examples in the 
HTML-manuals putting the following in front of the music:

\include " "

\paper {
   indent = 0\mm
   line-width = 160\mm
   line-width = #(- line-width (* mm  3.00) (* mm 1))
   line-width = 160\mm - 2.0 * 10.16\mm
   line-width = #(- line-width (* mm  3.00) (* mm 1))

\layout {}

So far everything is working but what annoys me are all those files that 
I don’t need: tex, texi etc. (I am not using LaTeX) cluttering my 
folders. (Don’t get me wrong – those files may be useful and necessary 
if using LaTeX, but I am using ConTeXt so I have no use for them.)

So my question is:

What is the simplest way to get snippets cut down to only content as 
only one file – be it PDF, EPS or SVG?

Thanks in advance

Re: Teaser: Animated Lilypond Scores

2022-02-18 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 18.02.22 um 19:01 schrieb Valentin Petzel:

Converting the svg is done using inkscape for now, as this
one handles ligatures and such stuff. Of course this means that we lack otf
features for now.

You might want to look into ConTeXt LMTX, it uses a SVG-to-Metapost 
converter written in Lua to create PDF and supports all the OTF features.


Re: Chemnitzer Linuxtage 2022 Call for Presentations/Participation/Lectures

2022-01-10 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 10.01.22 um 15:57 schrieb David Kastrup:

The problem with
the stand is that it's sort of like a real stand: you need to do posters
and possibly other representation in advance in order to attract
visitors to engage (get close enough in the virtual walk to enter the
Jitsi video conference), you really need to have 3 or 4 minimum serving
the stand because a good part of the time personnel will be on standby
and/or just talking with one another and for 2 days you want to have
people available for passersby

While I felt intrigued, I didn’t offer my participation for that reasons 
– no capacity to provide any meaningful material and not enough time on 
that weekend to waste on standby.
Additionally, DANTE (German TUG) is also looking for help to staff their 
“booth”, and that’s why I didn’t forward the suggestion to their mailing 



Re: CPU stress tests for LilyPond

2021-11-30 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 30.11.21 um 14:26 schrieb Paolo Prete:

I need to buy a new PC, more powerful than the one I own. The CPU and 
RAM must be chosen on the time required to produce LilyPond output. Are 
there any test sheets with different CPUs and the time they take to 
output a score that takes a long time to compile? In case this doesn't 
exist specifically for LilyPond, is there anything equivalent I can use?

Most important is the single core performance (LilyPond and TeX can’t do 
multiprocessing); sometimes older CPUs are better for that, but I can’t 
advise. I guess also the HD access is important.


Re: da capo and MIDI

2021-11-29 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 29.11.21 um 02:44 schrieb Kees van den Doel:
Is there a way to get correct MIDI when using \repeat volta and 
\unfoldrepeats with a DC al fine? I.e., make the MIDI stop at the "fine" 
second time through.

There’s no automatical solution, you must split your score into 
variables and put them together as you need them, in different blocks 
for PDF and MIDI.


Re: LilyPond website is not available in some countries

2021-11-06 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

> Am 06.11.2021 um 15:06 schrieb Kevin Cole :
> I click Learning Manual. Still good. https remains. I am now at
> I click the search bar at the bottom of the green sidebar table of
> contents... And get a pop-up in red text:
>> "This form is not secure. Autofill has been turned off."
> I continue anyway. Aaaand. https has gone away, And v2.20 is now
> v2.19. I am now at:

The search form of 2.20 points to 2.19; it has nothing to do with your browser.


Re: Windows Media Player alternatives for midi playing?

2021-10-31 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

> Am 31.10.2021 um 03:12 schrieb Aaron Hill :

> I run SumatraPDF which is able to display a PDF without causing Lilypond to 
> fail to write to the file at a later time.  In fact, it is also able to 
> detect such changes and redisplay its contents.  None of this is special to 
> Sumatra though, so there could be other PDF viewers that are similarly 
> well-behaved.

I recently did a survey on PDF viewers in relation to TeX. Sumatra is 
exceptionally well-behaved and thus a favorite of TeX developers on Windows.

I don’t run Windows myself (and my Linux is 64 bit only, so I can’t run Wine 
either) and would welcome more hints about PDF viewers on Windows.

Most open source PDF viewers are in a sad state of supporting only basic 
features or subsets of features like annotations and forms; most can’t even 
display extended properties (LuaTeX sets a few), and don’t ask for XMP.
That doesn’t mean commercial PDF viewers/editors would be generally better. 
Foxit Reader crashes nearly as often as Adobe Reader when I work with 
annotations (on MacOS). I found only two commercial apps than can change 
TrimBox/BleedBox in a visual way: Acrobat Pro and PDF Studio Pro, and the 
latter reliably crashes on PDFs created with TeX.

Sorry, OT.

As a MIDI player I’m using FluidSynth/QSynth with one the recommended 


Re: Licensing and custom lines

2021-10-29 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

> Am 29.10.2021 um 13:47 schrieb Wol :
> Copyright exists SEPARATELY in the composition, the arrangement, the 
> performance, and the edition.
>> As long as you distribute only engravings (output from LilyPond), there is 
>> no assertion in GPL of a need to release source, as described in my answer 
>> to Karsten.  You are free to keep the source used for the engraving closed 
>> and share it with nobody.
> Because the engraving is a mechanical transformation of the source, I think 
> the correct argument is these two are one copyright. And yes, because, IFF it 
> is all your own work, then you are under no obligation to share anything, you 
> set your own terms, you can share the engraving separately from the source 
> with no reference to any other licences.
> This also holds true when engraving eg *original* Beethoven - the original 
> music is PD, you hold copyright in the engraving ...

That depends on the legislation – it is true for the UK but not e.g. for 

In your legislation there’s the concept of “sweat of the brow” that serves as 
base for copyright in typesetting/engraving.

In Germany there’s no copyright in handicraft, and that includes type design, 
typography and musical engraving.
While music publishers claim to have a copyright in the “note image”, that’s 
simply not true.

But since there’s a copyright on editions/adaptations, most publishers make 
changes to the scores – even if they introduce errors.

> Copyright is a legal hairball - as soon as you start dealing with OTHER 
> PEOPLE'S work, there be dragons ...


Good luck,

Re: Confirming no color gradients

2021-04-23 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

> Am 23.04.2021 um 20:21 schrieb Jean Abou Samra :
> Le 22/04/2021 à 03:37, Michael Blankenship a écrit :
>> I'm just hoping to confirm that Lilypond does not have any way to generate 
>> or apply continuous color gradients to grobs. It certainly doesn't seem like 
>> it, since a search for the term returns zero results, a first for me.
>> ​
>> So, no color gradients, right?​
> There is this LSR snippet:
> It works for \markup \path.
> To apply a gradient to an arbitrary grob,
> you'd need Scheme code to generate the
> appropriate commands in PostScript.
> After some hours trying to do that, I gave up
> due to poor understanding of PostScript.
> Sorry!

When I used to write PostScript code, I could only use PS level 2, and that 
doesn’t contain gradients – you can just simulate them with loops that draw 
stripes. But PS level 3 (published in 1997) has some support.

Maybe this helps:

But getting into PS isn’t easier than getting into Scheme, and I guess you need 
to understand both.


Re: Code Max length

2021-02-03 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

> Am 03.02.2021 um 15:26 schrieb Ludovic Teysseire 
> :
> Hello David,
> I think you are right and the problem is memory rather than lilypond. It is 
> true that my computer is a dog.
> As it happened, I typed everything in lilypond directly.
> I think I am going to input everything in separate files. 
> Thank you for your help and have a good day. 

It sounds like you’re using the rudimentary Lilypond app on macOS.
Don’t do that, but use a proper editor.

I strongly suggest Frescobaldi, even if it might be a bit difficult to get it 
running, depending on your macOS version.
Other editors provide at least some syntax highlighting.


Re: rests at changing staffs

2021-01-22 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

> Am 22.01.2021 um 16:09 schrieb Kieren MacMillan 
> :
> Hi Hraban,
>> es g d' c r \change Staff = "left" g, a b \change Staff = "right"
> Just move the \change to before the rest, yes?
> Hope that helps!

Hi Kieren, thank you, that was fast!

Of course that’s the right solution, I also need to change the other staff.
There are a few other places with similar problems, I guess the attached one is 
just an error in the original that I copied.

Best, Hraban

rests at changing staffs

2021-01-22 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
I typeset a piano piece for a friend, and she thinks my rests are wrong (the 
upper staff should have the r2 and the lower the r8).
But this happens if I change the staff in LilyPond, like in:

es g d' c r \change Staff = "left" g, a b \change Staff = "right" |

Usually LilyPond is right. ;)

What do you think?

Best, Hraban

Re: Point & Click with Atom

2020-10-31 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

I didn’t read the documentation before, and I’m on OSX, so I can’t try.

It looks like you need the setup for GNOME *and* the environment variable.

Did you try to do what the docs say?


> Am 31.10.2020 um 18:21 schrieb Martín Rincón Botero 
> :
> Dear Henning,
> thank you for your answer. I don't think I understand correctly. I open a 
> terminal and type export LYEDITOR=atom, hit Enter and then write something 
> like lilypond If it works (I just tried that and it didn't), I add 
> the export line to .bashrc and then follow the steps in the Manual for Gnome 
> 3 (I'm using Ubuntu 18.04)?
> Am Sa., 31. Okt. 2020 um 18:03 Uhr schrieb Henning Hraban Ramm 
> :
> > Am 31.10.2020 um 17:45 schrieb Martín Rincón Botero 
> > :
> > 
> > I went over the Usage Manual for trying to configure Point & Click so that 
> > I can use it with Atom (as much as I like Frescobaldi, its poor performance 
> > with large scores makes it unusable after a certain number of lines of 
> > code). The usage manual 
> >
> >  says to "simply" write this line export LYEDITOR=atom, but doesn't say 
> > where. After that I suppose I can go to the GNOME 3 steps and follow them, 
> > but since those steps don't mention any particular editor, I guess I should 
> > first know what to do with said export line.
> Try if it works in your shell (e.g. bash) before you call lilypond.
> If it works, you should add it to the startup file of your default shell, 
> e.g. .bashrc or .bash_profile
> Hraban
> -- 

Re: Point & Click with Atom

2020-10-31 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

> Am 31.10.2020 um 17:45 schrieb Martín Rincón Botero 
> :
> I went over the Usage Manual for trying to configure Point & Click so that I 
> can use it with Atom (as much as I like Frescobaldi, its poor performance 
> with large scores makes it unusable after a certain number of lines of code). 
> The usage manual 
>  says to "simply" write this line export LYEDITOR=atom, but doesn't say 
> where. After that I suppose I can go to the GNOME 3 steps and follow them, 
> but since those steps don't mention any particular editor, I guess I should 
> first know what to do with said export line.

Try if it works in your shell (e.g. bash) before you call lilypond.

If it works, you should add it to the startup file of your default shell, e.g. 
.bashrc or .bash_profile


Re: Questions From a New User

2020-10-30 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

> Am 30.10.2020 um 12:24 schrieb Damien Garwood :
> So far, we have been using MIDI to hear our scores back, but since MIDI is an 
> events-only system, does that accurately reflect how the score looks? For 
> instance, articulations wouldn't be able to be replicated in MIDI, nor would 
> the tons of different barlines (still another thing that threw us).

Hi Damien,

you can use

\include ""

in the header and


in the MIDI section of your score to get *some* articulations hearable.


Since that e.g. shortens notes, don’t use it for the printed output!

In case you aren’t aware: It generally makes sense to store voices or other 
parts of music in variables and put them together in a \score. You should use 
two \score sections, each including only \layout or \midi.

Have fun,

Re: Once for all and one last time (was Future of openLilyLib)

2020-10-10 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

> Am 10.10.2020 um 17:49 schrieb Andrew Bernard :
> There's a term for it. Necroposting! Seriously!

I’m proud of my necromancer badge on stackexchange ;D



2020-10-10 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
I’m mostly with Damian here – I’m excited by your (Urs’ et al.) work, and I 
always wanted to look at least into the notation fonts, but will probably never 
need any of the more sophisticated functions.

My personal needs seldom go further than song and choir sheets, and so far I 
rarely got customers asking for musical typesetting (and if, they can’t pay my 

But I feel OLL is an important contribution to LilyPond and it would be a big 
loss to leave it behind. Unfortunately I don’t see anything I could help with.
It would be an interesting challenge for me to port the LaTeX parts to ConTeXt, 
but while the number of OLL users is in the single-digit range, as well as the 
intersection of LilyPond and ConTeXt users, it doesn’t make any sense.


> Am 10.10.2020 um 16:07 schrieb Damian leGassick :
> OLL is something that I have occasionally looked into, and something that I 
> am reassured to know is there: it is something that I hoped to use more in 
> the future. I do use notation-fonts. I have not used ScholarLy, 
> Edition-engraver and Analysis so far on occasions when, in hindsight, it 
> would have been useful simply because of the sketchy documentation. That is, 
> I found it quicker to use LaTex and graphics to get the job done. I doubt I’m 
> the only one.
> The thought of OLL disappearing does sadden me going forward. I am not a 
> scheme/C programmer but I would be happy to help by fully and finally getting 
> to grips with OLL and working on use-cases or documentation.
> Damian

Re: Licensing (was: Future of openLilyLib)

2020-09-22 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

> Am 22.09.2020 um 19:29 schrieb Tim McNamara :

> I am curious- is there a parallel discussion among LaTeX users?  I’ve never 
> used LaTeX nor been part of discussions in the that community, but the 
> operating similarities are strong (a text input file with formatting markup 
> producing an output file such as a PDF).

LaTeX isn’t copylefted, thus the discussion wouldn’t make sense.


According to
LPPL is not compatible with GPL.

But ConTeXt is under GPL (and its documentation under CC BY-NC-SA).
(It’s a bit contradictory, since distributors are also allowed to assume LPPL – 
basically: we want this to be free software, otherwise we don’t care.)

Yes, we had the discussion a few times.
We (the developers and active users of ConTeXt including the members of ConTeXt 
group*) see it like most in this discussion: The license affects only the code 
of ConTeXt itself, never your works, that can’t be works derived of ConTeXt, 
even if they might contain a few lines of code from the core or from examples.

And ConTeXt’s main developer says explicitely: “don't bother discussing licence 
issues and related things with us for the mere sake of discussing licence 

*) BTW, it would make sense to finally found an official LilyPond users group. 
Or several (international associations are legally difficult).

> If one creates a word processing document using a font, whether copyleft or 
> copyright, does the document publishing have to adhere to the licensing of 
> the font?  Of course not.

Font licensing is a completely different problem.

You can’t handle a font as a copyrighted work, otherwise a user would have to 
license every single use of a character!

But a (commercial) font license is meant to allow the free use of a font for 
all projects of one user or company, while the font files shouldn’t get 
published (like in websites), except in non-extractable form (like in PDFs).

With fonts, the threshold of originality is considered too low for copyrighting 
(as a work of art), since the font must work, well, as a font within the 
restrictions of tradition and readability. Only a more or less unreadable font 
would be regarded a work of art.
The legal concept “sweat of the brow” that allows for copyrighting a work of 
craftsmanship only exists in a few jurisdictions.

A font is also not regarded as a program; while it consists of “code”, that was 
not written by a person, but by a graphical application. (Yes, there are 
exceptions, like ours written in MetaFont.)

That means, all commercial font licenses have no legal foundation! The 
international treaty that handles the problem was never ratified by enough 
That probably also means that free font licenses are mostly obsolete.

IANAL, but I read a lot on that subject.



Re: e-mail address change

2020-07-08 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

> Am 08.07.2020 um 09:01 schrieb Martin Tarenskeen :
> How do I change my e-mail address for my subscription to the lilypond mailing 
> list(s)?

You don’t. Just unsubscribe and re-subscribe.


Re: Single bass notes in chordmode

2020-06-25 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

> Am 24.06.2020 um 16:07 schrieb Henning Hraban Ramm :
>> Am 24.06.2020 um 15:01 schrieb David Kastrup :
>> Henning Hraban Ramm  writes:
>>> In some of my songbooks, the chord line (for guitar) is interrupted by
>>> single bass notes, i.e. you are supposed to play only these strings.
>>> The notation is mostly a smallcaps letter with a bar above (or a small
>>> x below), but a simple /G would be enough if it isn’t possible
>>> otherwise.
>>> And I’d like to have that bass note also in MIDI output.
>>> Is this possible, and how?
>>> Preferred syntax: r/g or s/g
>> Try  .  You'll still need to fiddle with the chord naming function.
> Ah, thanks for the hint.
> I found a snippet to add brackets to a chord:
> ...
> Now, how can I use markup like \tiny or \circle within that (markup ...) ?

Ok, I found

That lead me to:

#(define (bassNote grob)
   "mark chord as single bass note"
   (let* (
  ; Get current text
  (currentText (ly:grob-property grob 'text))
  (markedText (markup #:small #:fraction "" currentText )))
 ; Store the marked text back
 (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'text markedText)
   ; and print it
   (ly:text-interface::print grob))

% bnC = bass note "chord"
bnC = \once \override ChordNames.ChordName.stencil = #bassNote

Now my syntax is: \bnC 4 \bnC 

A bit verbose, but since I need it only for a few songs, it’s good enough.


Re: Single bass notes in chordmode

2020-06-24 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

> Am 24.06.2020 um 15:01 schrieb David Kastrup :
> Henning Hraban Ramm  writes:
>> In some of my songbooks, the chord line (for guitar) is interrupted by
>> single bass notes, i.e. you are supposed to play only these strings.
>> The notation is mostly a smallcaps letter with a bar above (or a small
>> x below), but a simple /G would be enough if it isn’t possible
>> otherwise.
>> And I’d like to have that bass note also in MIDI output.
>> Is this possible, and how?
>> Preferred syntax: r/g or s/g
> Try  .  You'll still need to fiddle with the chord naming function.

Ah, thanks for the hint.

I found a snippet to add brackets to a chord:

#(define (addBrackets grob)
   "Place brackets around a text object."
   (let* (
  ; Get current text
  (currentText (ly:grob-property grob 'text))
  (bracketedText (markup "(" currentText ")")))
 ; Store the bracketed text back
 (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'text bracketedText)
   ; and print it
   (ly:text-interface::print grob))

% opC = optional chord (in brackets)
opC = \once \override ChordNames.ChordName.stencil = #addBrackets

Now, how can I use markup like \tiny or \circle within that (markup ...) ?

Best, Hraban

Single bass notes in chordmode

2020-06-24 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
this was already asked in 2012 (by me) and 2015 (by someone else), but there 
was no answer. I hope it’ll work this time ;)

In some of my songbooks, the chord line (for guitar) is interrupted by single 
bass notes, i.e. you are supposed to play only these strings.

The notation is mostly a smallcaps letter with a bar above (or a small x 
below), but a simple /G would be enough if it isn’t possible otherwise.

And I’d like to have that bass note also in MIDI output.

Is this possible, and how?

Preferred syntax: r/g or s/g
Because a rest with a bass is only bass.

\chordmode {
  a2:m r4/g r/f |
  g2 a:m |
  a:m r4/f r/g |
  g2 f |
  d:m f |
  g r4/g r8/c r/b |
  a2:m a:m |

Best regards,

Re: Cheat sheets and LilyPond documentation

2020-02-11 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

> Am 2020-02-11 um 23:11 schrieb David Kastrup :
> It _is_ the source format if I understand you correctly.

Yes, Inkscape’s SVG is "rich" but completely valid and displayable in browsers.

Inkscape can import/export other formats, but SVG is its native format.

It can also use SVGZ (compressed SVG) to save some disk space, but with a text 
(XML) format like SVG we’re on the save side.

There are already tools to e.g. replace text in SVG (might become handy for 
translations), but I guess manual intervention would be necessary to keep the 

> At any rate, it seems I apparently need to add some redundancy or I'll
> never get anywhere without losing all company on the way.

There, there.
David, your input is valuable and appreciated. (And I’m sorry you couldn’t 
survive on working for LilyPond!)

In nerd & geek zones like this we are (or at least should be) used to and often 
can’t survive without autistic characters and their not always cordial 
interactions. (Being on the spectrum myself.)

All the best,
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

Re: Syntax highlighting

2020-01-25 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

> Am 2020-01-25 um 10:45 schrieb Urs Liska :
> Am Samstag, den 25.01.2020, 17:48 +1000 schrieb Craig Dabelstein:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I've written a LilyPond syntax highlighter for pygments. It's not perfect 
>> but it's mostly working. Is there anyone out there who could test it?
> Thank you for working on it.
> How does one test it?
> First clone the repository and install pygments from there (its ``) I 
> suppose. The README suggests using `pip`, which surely wouldn't work, isn't 
> it?
> I have installed Pygments through pip3, is there a way to avoid a conflict, 
> e.g. by *not* installing your pygments clone but directly invoke the proper 
> executable?

It would make sense to create a virtualenv, activate it and install Craig’s 
pygments there via

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

Re: Poster for music engraving conference

2019-12-04 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

> Am 2019-12-04 um 12:05 schrieb Werner LEMBERG :
> Folks,
> the music engraving conference in Salzburg (January 17.-19.) aims to
> present as much note engraving programs as possible.  While some
> companies send representatives (e.g., Dorico, Capella, Finale) – some
> even with talks – we don't have something similar for LilyPond in the
> main part of the conference.
> Instead, we would like to have a poster (in A0 format) that shows how
> LilyPond works, together with some showcase results.
> Now my question: Are there people who are willing to produce such a
> poster?  Has anyone already done something similar for other
> conferences?

Sorry, can’t help, but there is this nice (but outdated) cheat sheet by 
Reinhold Kainhofer:

I think it would be suitable as a (secondary) poster, if he (or someone else) 
would update it.

I found also the visual index (2017) and the German cheatsheet (2014) by Joram 
Berger (i.e. also outdated), but no download links for them.

Kainhofer’s looks better, Berger’s contain more. None is a presentational 

Best, Hraban

Re: LilyPond, LilyPond snippets and the GPL

2019-11-01 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

> Am 2019-11-01 um 12:16 schrieb J Martin Rushton 
> :
> On 01/11/2019 10:45, Henning Hraban Ramm wrote:
>> BTW there is _no_ copyright on the design of sheet music, even if some music 
>> publishers claim it.
> This depends upon the country.  In the UK: "The typographical
> arrangement of a published edition lasts for 25 years from first
> publication".  See Copyright Notice Number: 6/2016 at

Ah, ok, then this is subject to the “sweat of the brow” concept.

My statement is only valid for Germany.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

Re: LilyPond, LilyPond snippets and the GPL

2019-11-01 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

> Am 2019-10-31 um 03:15 schrieb Carl Sorensen :
> In the US, a typeface is not copyrightable.  But a computer program that 
> makes a font or its glyphs is copyrightable.  

The "program code" of fonts is juristically not regarded a program, because it 
is usually auto-generated by a design tool.
And the design of a font is not copyrightable in some legislations (e.g. 
Germany), because it’s regarded craftmanship and not art, because letters have 
to adhere to traditions to be readable. In other legislations (e.g. UK) the 
craftmanship of the design *is* copyrightable (see “sweat of the brow”).

If the design of the letters would be regarded art, a license would be 
necessary for every single use of a letter!
The copyright and licensing of fonts is a really complicated matter that I 
won’t cover here; you can look it up in Wikipedia. There is an international 
treaty about the copyright on fonts, but since it was not ratified by enough 
countries it’s not effective.

BTW there is _no_ copyright on the design of sheet music, even if some music 
publishers claim it.

LilyPond-generated PostScript code I see equivalent to the generation of fonts. 
But it might be juristically critical that code snippets get included in that 
PostScript code.

While publishing of LilyPond source files –and apparently also 
LilyPond-generated PostScript– touches the copyright of the musical content as 
well as the copyright of the code (included in LilyPond’s distribution or from 
other sources), publishing of PDF and MIDI files regards only the copyright of 
the contents, since there is no LP code left in them.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

Re: New option for OOoLilyPond: PDF to SVG

2019-10-30 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

> Am 2019-10-30 um 16:35 schrieb Klaus Blum :
> For Mac, I don't have any idea. My knowledge about Macs is exactly zero.

As Nick stated, pfd2svg is available via HomeBrew, but also via MacPorts.
Mac users that are able to use LilyPond should be able to use one of those or 
even compile it on their own.

You can also use Inkscape on the command line. The call is like

inkscape -z -f input.pdf -A output.svg

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

Re: LilyPond, LilyPond snippets and the GPL

2019-10-30 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2019-10-30 um 13:06 schrieb David Kastrup :
> You are correct that you cannot license the source under any license
> other than the GPL if you are going to distribute it containing GPL
> licensed snippets (the LSR snippets are PD, the Notation Reference
> contents GFDL).  But the PDF reflecting your source code is a derivative
> of the actual content-reflecting parts of the source code.  Of which you
> are the copyright holder.

It’s the same if you publish a book using TeX: While original TeX is PD and 
some other parts have their own licenses, those never apply to the contents of 
your book or the PDF or printed version of it, because the code of TeX (or 
LilyPond) isn’t in there, it was just used to generate the result. (Same if you 
use OS software to generate graphics, videos etc.)

A *program* that’s using open source code *contains* this code (in compiled 

On the other hand if I write a book *about* TeX and show a lot of its code or 
copy examples from the FDL-licensed documentation, my book also falls under 
that license. While the publisher can sell copies, we can’t prohibit users to 
make their own copies, becaus the book is derived work of the publicly 
available documentation.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

Re: public domain and licenses (was: Musicology with Lilypond)

2019-10-29 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

> Am 2019-10-29 um 20:11 schrieb
> On 10/29, Urs Liska wrote:
>> Well, the LSR website explicitly states that it's contents is in the
>> public domain. If I read correctly your email this would have to be
>> considered illegal, especially given that many snippets there are
>> uploaded not by their original authors but by someone who uses the
>> results of a mailing list discussion 
> Like Andrew B says, it would probably take an international copyright
> lawyer to really sort out the legal status of the LSR.  Saying that
> something is public domain doesn't just make it so.  My understanding is
> that unless the copyright has expired or the work has otherwise entered
> the public domain, all rights are exclusively reserved until the author
> gives up those right.

As I said before, in the US (and probably some other legislations) you can give 
up copyright (i.e. your right of authorship) and put something into public 
domain. And if a sharing site states that sharing puts the contents into public 
domain, then that’s valid – for legislations where this is possible, assumed 
the contributor had the rights at all.

(We had a few cases where list participants posted copyrighted material, and of 
course they can’t put other people’s works into PD in any legislation.)

But you’re right that a juristically clarified and “waterproof” license like 
CC0 would have been better and more reliable that stating “public domain”. And 
we can’t just apply such a license to all the contents, all contributors and 
original authors would need to agree.

Thus, I share your conclusion.

Maybe we can declare for LSR and for our mailing lists that everyone puts their 
code under CC0 from now on, while older contents are still implicitely and 
unintendedly copyrighted, as long as it’s not declared differently?

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

Re: Doing A Fiddle Tunebook in Lilypond

2019-10-29 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

> Am 2019-10-29 um 18:34 schrieb Mike Kilmer :
> I did something along these lines a couple of years ago using something 
> called lytex, which if I recall correctly sort of combines Tex typesetting 
> with Lilypond.
> There’s also something called lilypond-book, but I think that’s more for 
> including small clips of music within text.

Both LyTeX and lilypond-book are based on LaTeX. (Arara is build tool for 
I’m quite sure lilypond-book is well suited for songbooks and the like.

Since I’m using ConTeXt (a not as widespread, but more modern variety of TeX 
and the main reason for LuaTeX), I do my songbooks with ConTeXt and a setup for 
its "filter" module (that you can use to call any external program).

My approach to include notes in my TeX documents is similar to LyLuaTeX: There, 
LuaLaTeX calls LilyPond at runtime, while lilypond-book is a preprocessor.

All these approaches finally include notes (snippets, lines or whole pages) 
from LilyPond as images in TeX documents, and you’re free to use all features 
of TeX, e.g. for lyrics, ToCs or bibliography. 
E.g. I’m using the index features to get a table of contents sorted by names 
and/or first line of lyrics.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

Re: Using rumor with Docker container on MacOS

2019-10-28 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

> Am 2019-10-28 um 02:34 schrieb Carl Sorensen :
> I have a friend who has seen my lilypond work and would like to get involved 
> with lilypond.
> He would like to use a MIDI keyboard, rather than the keyboard, to be able to 
> input music.
> Frescobaldi with rumor appears to meet his needs, except for the fact that 
> rumor is only supported on Linux systems, and he uses MacOS
> I have seen no MacPorts or Homebrew solutions for using rumor.  So I was 
> hoping to set up rumor to use with one of the Docker containers for LilyDev 
> (preferably the lilypond container, rather than the lilydev container).
> I have never used Docker before, but I was able to get it set up with a few 
> false starts (thanks, Federico!).
> Could somebody (maybe Federico) give me some pointers on how I might add 
> rumor to a Docker container?  Or maybe set up a new Docker container?  Since 
> rumor doesn't add the music into Lilypond files, as I understand it, but 
> instead creates music to be pasted into a lilypond source file, I think I 
> could use rumor in a Docker container, and paste the results of a rumor run 
> into a Frescobaldi window.
> Anyway, if anybody could give me a brief synopsis of how I would go about it 
> (or even better, if somebody knows of a Docker setup, Homebrew cask, or 
> MacPorts portfile that supports rumor), could you please let me know?

Did you try to just compile it on OSX?

I see it depends on guile-2.0 (that might be a conflict with LilyPond, but you 
can probably have several versions installed) and ALSA (which is also not 
available on MacPorts, and I don’t know if it would work on OSX, since it 
probably conflicts with the sound drivers of macOS).

I guess an additional problem might be that Apple severely restricts hardware 
access, e.g. I can’t access USB-Serial for programming microcontrollers, 
because Apple only allows signed drivers on current systems, even while there’s 
no driver necessary. Don’t know if that applies to ALSA or USB-MIDI, but I 

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

Re: Musicology with Lilypond (and now correct attachments ;-)

2019-10-28 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

> Am 2019-10-28 um 00:52 schrieb Urs Liska :
>> It's "public domain"
>> Maybe LSR should better use GPL 3, not this deprecated one.
> I've read that there are jurisdictions where there isn't even a concept like 
> "public domain". There you have an absolute copyright to what you create, and 
> not even you yourself can waive that copyright in the sense of "no copyright" 
> - you can just provide free licences to allow access.

E.g. Germany and AFAIK most of Europe.

There *is* a concept of "public domain" ("gemeinfrei" in German), but it’s only 
for stuff that is "out of copyright", you can’t *put* anything in public domain.

But of course you can *use* public domain stuff from other jurisdictions.

A new license for LSR would only apply to new code, you can’t put existing, 
published code under a new license if you aren’t the sole author.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

Re: VLC versions was Re:Frescobaldi, improve support for audio export

2019-10-19 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

> Am 2019-10-19 um 13:55 schrieb Bill via lilypond-user :
> this is what I get on command line when I type
> vlc --version:
> VLC media player 2.2.2 Weatherwax (revision 2.2.2-0-g6259d80)
> I'm on Linux Mint 18.? can I really be that far behind.  I did try to import 
> a midi file and it couldn't play it nor could it export it as an mp3.

Current version is 3.0.8, see

VLC media player can play Standard MIDI File (.MID) and RIFF MIDI (.RMI) files 
since version 0.9.0.
Windows binary builds included MIDI support only in versions VLC media player 
from 1.1.0 through 2.0.8. Starting from version 2.1.0, support was dropped due 
to security issues. It was re-activated in VLC 3.0.0.
If the FluidSynth codec is not shown in VLC's preferences, you have to install 
it as well as sound fonts. E.g. on Ubuntu 18.04 and derivatives it is in the 
vlc-plugin-fluidsynthpackage, while the fluid-soundfont-gs and 
fluid-soundfont-gm packages install some sound fonts in /usr/share/sounds/sf2.

> 7.7VLC from the usual sources does not work (in fact crashes some 
> updates).
> 8.0VLC is not available.

Don’t know where those come from.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Frescobaldi, improve support for audio export

2019-10-17 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

> Am 2019-10-18 um 00:20 schrieb Urs Liska :
> But your comment reinforces my gut-feeling that the proper approach is not to 
> provide too many formats but rather a nice, well-defined selection.

Hi Urs, I agree that probably only a neglectable minority would like to fiddle 
with a lot of audio options.
For a GNU program, Ogg Vorbis makes sense. MP3 because everyone knows it. And a 
possibility to keep the WAV for further processing, e.g. in DAWs, with video or 
other encoders.
(I use a simple shell script calling timidity and lame for MIDI -> WAV -> MP3.)

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond on OS X Catalina

2019-09-13 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

> Am 2019-09-13 um 19:15 schrieb Allan Kinnaird via lilypond-user 
> :
> Apologies if this is an inappropriate forum to raise this question, but I am 
> a Lilypond user wanting to to continue using Lilypond.
> Apple flagged on the release of Mojave that it would be the last version of 
> OS X to support 32-bit applications, and the indications are that Catalina 
> will only operate with 64-bit applications.
> On a system analysis, Lilypond is the only significant application I have 
> still showing as 32-bit.
> Is anyone working on a Catalina compilation of Lilypond? If so, when might 
> the package be posted?
> I am willing to try compiling from source, in spite of recommendations 
> against on the website.
> I know there may be problems - the website provides suggestions for compiling 
> using dependencies from MacPorts, while experience has guided me away from 
> MacPorts. I use Homebrew as my main package manager, and it does not play 
> well with MacPorts.

In my experience (on OSX 10.9.5 and Mojave), you can’t install Lilypond and 
Frescobaldi with HomeBrew, but quite easily with MacPorts (lilypond-devel and 
For other applications HomeBrew might be better.
In principle these systems shouldn’t interfere with each other… (Worked for me 
while I didn’t try to compile other software against libraries installed with 
one of those.)

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Running Frescobaldi 3 on OSX?

2019-09-05 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Salut Jacques,

just install everything with MacPorts: frescobaldi_devel, qsynth (should pull 
in all the dependencies themselves)


> Am 2019-09-05 um 11:51 schrieb Jacques Menu :
> Hello Hraban,
> Is it OK just to install the needed components such as Python 3.7, Qt5 etc. 
> with MacPorts?
> JM
>> Le 4 sept. 2019 à 14:26, Henning Hraban Ramm  a écrit :
>>> Am 2019-09-04 um 13:35 schrieb Stanton Sanderson :
>>>> On Sep 4, 2019, at 3:47 AM, Henning Hraban Ramm  
>>>> wrote:
>>>> the app is suspiciously small, it won’t run without the libraries (Python 
>>>> 3.7, Qt5 etc.) installed, and I guess it works only if they’re installed 
>>>> in the same places as on my machine (MacPorts default: /opt/local).
>>>> Additionally you need fluidsynth for MIDI playback.
>>> Re: fluidsynth- MacPorts has qsynth, "A fluidsynth Qt GUI Interface” which 
>>> I use with Frescobaldi. 
>>> Again, for what it's worth!
>> Yep, me too. It was just a hint to Jacques.
>> Greetlings, Hraban
>> ---
>> fiëé visuëlle
>> Henning Hraban Ramm
>> ___
>> lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Running Frescobaldi 3 on OSX?

2019-09-04 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
> Am 2019-09-04 um 13:35 schrieb Stanton Sanderson :
>> On Sep 4, 2019, at 3:47 AM, Henning Hraban Ramm  wrote:
>> the app is suspiciously small, it won’t run without the libraries (Python 
>> 3.7, Qt5 etc.) installed, and I guess it works only if they’re installed in 
>> the same places as on my machine (MacPorts default: /opt/local).
>> Additionally you need fluidsynth for MIDI playback.
> Re: fluidsynth- MacPorts has qsynth, "A fluidsynth Qt GUI Interface” which I 
> use with Frescobaldi. 
> Again, for what it's worth!

Yep, me too. It was just a hint to Jacques.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Running Frescobaldi 3 on OSX?

2019-09-04 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

the app is suspiciously small, it won’t run without the libraries (Python 3.7, 
Qt5 etc.) installed, and I guess it works only if they’re installed in the same 
places as on my machine (MacPorts default: /opt/local).
Additionally you need fluidsynth for MIDI playback.

But feel free to try:

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

> Am 2019-09-04 um 10:02 schrieb Jacques Menu :
> Hello Hraban,
> Can you send the resulting application off-list? I’d be happy to test it.
> JM
>> Le 4 sept. 2019 à 08:29, Henning Hraban Ramm  a écrit :
>>> Am 2019-09-03 um 19:51 schrieb Henning Hraban Ramm :
>>> I guess *someone* did manage to compile Frescobaldi 3.x on a Mac.
>>> I juggled around with PyQT, MacPorts and Homebrew and didn’t succeed for a 
>>> long time, there was always at least one of the many dependencies missing 
>>> or not compiling. (First on OSX 10.9.5, now on 10.14.6)
>> Lesson learned: Never mix MacPorts with other installs, including pip.
>> Some hours of re-compiling (Qt5 etc.) later, it runs. No time to try more 
>> ATM.
>> Sorry for the noise.
>> Greetlings, Hraban
>> ---
>> fiëé visuëlle
>> Henning Hraban Ramm

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Running Frescobaldi 3 on OSX?

2019-09-04 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

> Am 2019-09-03 um 19:51 schrieb Henning Hraban Ramm :
> I guess *someone* did manage to compile Frescobaldi 3.x on a Mac.
> I juggled around with PyQT, MacPorts and Homebrew and didn’t succeed for a 
> long time, there was always at least one of the many dependencies missing or 
> not compiling. (First on OSX 10.9.5, now on 10.14.6)

Lesson learned: Never mix MacPorts with other installs, including pip.

Some hours of re-compiling (Qt5 etc.) later, it runs. No time to try more ATM.

Sorry for the noise.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

lilypond-user mailing list

Running Frescobaldi 3 on OSX?

2019-09-03 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
import popplerqt5
ValueError: PyCapsule_GetPointer called with incorrect name

If I remove (hide, rename) one of the two QtCore instances, it fails earlier, 
because something’s missing:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PyQt5.QtWebKitWidgets'


 2): Library not loaded: @rpath/QtCore.framework/Versions/5/QtCore
  Referenced from: 

Of course I also tried to run the python scripts from 
site-packages/frescobaldi_app, but it seems they’re not meant for running.

What to do?

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Inserting lyrics in a global situation

2019-05-13 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2019-05-13 um 04:20 schrieb Vicente Sanches :

> Hi,
> I'm editing the Mozart's Ave Verum for a college work.
> As there are many instruments and voices, i tried to organize things 
> separating notes from staff and layout information, but i don't know how to 
> insert lyrics in such organizational structure.

textI = \lyricmode {
  %\set stanza = "1. "
  la la la la

> \book {
>   \score {
> \new StaffGroup <<
>   \new GrandStaff <<
>   \new Staff \with { instrumentName = #"Violino I." } << \global 
> \vlnOne  >>
>   \new Staff \with { instrumentName = #"Violino II." } << \global 
> \vlnTwo >>
> >>
>   \new Staff \with { instrumentName = #"Viola." } << \global \vla >>

\context Staff = VioIc <<
  \context Voice = "VioIv" \vlnOne
\lyricsto "VioIc" \new Lyrics { \textI }


Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Character encoding / poor man's letterspacing

2019-03-12 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2019-03-12 um 10:43 schrieb Urs Liska :
>> Also, I should have been clear before.  David's code should work for most 
>> cases.  I was just being pedantic that /./ would not work if the input has 
>> combining characters.  For instance, if you type U+0308 (Combining 
>> Diaeresis) after an 'a', you'll get an ä.  But the simple regex would not 
>> treat that as a single grapheme.  The result would be "T a ̈ s t".
> I did understand it that way, and it would not be an issue in the project I'm 
> working on. There it's just some umlauts.

That doesn’t matter. E.g. MacOSX tends to encode umlauts in the file system as 
decomposed UTF-8, i.e. with combining diacritics instead of single glyphs.
But if that happens, you can just re-type or search-and-replace the few umlauts.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Please test new lilypond installers

2019-01-30 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2019-01-30 um 09:45 schrieb Knut Petersen :

> Thanks for testing the installers. Below I try to summarize your results:

Thanks for your work!
(And to everyone involved, of course!)

>  lilypond-2.21.0-1.darwin-x86.tar.bz2 
> OK:
>   • Works on MacBook Air (mid 2012) with Intel Core i5 and macOS Mojave 
> 10.14.2 [Karlin High]
>   • iMac with High Sierra (installer worked ok but Michael reports a 
> problem with lilypond not finding the external lilyjazz font) [Michael Hendry]

Looks OK on Mac mini Server Core i7 (2013) and OSX 10.9.5: works. Long 
first-run delay, to be expected. Chokes on my old code, didn’t check further.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond not rendering PDF on Mac

2019-01-08 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2019-01-08 um 18:32 schrieb Stephen Wilkinson 

> I've recently installed Lilypond (2.18.2) onto a new Mac (OS X 14.2),  but 
> have run into a problem at the beginning. Lilypond hangs when rendering a 
> file at the 'Converting to .pdf.' stage. 

Probably you need to add the path to your lilypond and ps2pdf binaries to your 

Depending on where you installed, it should be something like 

Add to your ~/.bashrc (or ~/.profile):

export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: using Lilypond as a graphical drawing app

2018-12-07 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2018-12-07 um 20:57 schrieb Kieren MacMillan :

> As a further example of what Lilypond is capable of, and how I’m pushing it — 
> in this case, for jobs engraving other people’s music and music theory 
> articles — consider the following Riemannian Tonnetz graph [excerpt] I just 
> finished engraving:
> Lilypond is so amazing.  =)

And you, apparently. Just wow.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Productions page

2018-12-03 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2018-12-03 um 09:22 schrieb Urs Liska :

> I think we should rather try to do a general collection among users (but this 
> should reach more channels than just this list) to get a number of new 
> entries for the page that makes it a little more impressive.

My only publicly available LilyPond work isärts-liederbuch
LilyPond isn’t mentioned, and the layout is not by me.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Comparison of Musescore, Sibelius and Dorico -- would like to add Lilypond

2018-11-20 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2018-11-20 um 21:03 schrieb David Bellows :

>> find a way to plug the "programmability" aspect (vs. applying plugins 
>> after-the-fact),with things like complete extensibility with syntactical 
>> means, conditional layout per engraving target ...(Maybe this would even 
>> warrant a new tab in the sheet)
> One of Lilypond's biggest strengths! Working out meaningful/useful
> parallels with the other programs would be the issue, I'm guessing?

Maybe call it extensibility - other programs might accept plugins or might be 
scriptable in JavaScript or the like.

You could also mention interoperability - MusicXML, (La)TeX... Others might 
have e.g. Word addons and fare better WRT MusicXML...

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Sample string for Emmentaler

2018-07-27 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2018-07-27 um 12:25 schrieb Torsten Hämmerle :

> A general problem I see with SMuFL fonts is that LilyPond has a different
> philosophy: LilyPond will re-use (and eventually scale) existing glyphs,
> whereas SMuFL is terribly redundant, endlessly reduplicating certain glyphs.
> Example: the numerals 0123456789 in LilyPond are used for fingering, string
> numbers, volta numbers, figured bass, even time signatures and may other
> purposes.
> In SMuFL, there will be many different versions of these numerals in
> slightly different sizes (or even exact duplicates): every single purpose
> you could think of will get its own private "2".

This should be no problem, since OpenType supports references, also moved and 
AFAIK even scaled ones.

LilyPond’s fonts could deliver all those redundant code points with a single 

> Furthermore, LilyPond will build up many markups by combing several glyphs,
> e.g.
> "8va" will be a combination of "8", "v", and "a", whereas SMuFL will have
> one single special glyph for "8va", there are tons of examples.

Also combinations are supported by OpenType, think of accented characters and 

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Intervals enharmony question

2018-05-04 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2018-05-04 um 12:48 schrieb Wols Lists <>:
> (Oh - and something to watch for with *OLD* brass instruments, if they
> were band instruments they are typically tuned to something
> approximating Vienna pitch - they are noticeably sharp, something like
> A=460. Causes fun when you mix old and new instruments ...)

Similar if you try to mix baroque ("normal") and renaissance recorders.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Frescobaldi external PDF viewer not updating

2018-04-23 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2018-04-23 um 17:08 schrieb David Wright <>:

> On Mon 23 Apr 2018 at 22:30:54 (+1000), Andrew Bernard wrote:
>> Also, allow me to clarify. When I said I cannot reproduce the problem, I
>> went on to say that Preview is erratic. So in fact, I can reproduce the
>> problem (apologies for being obtuse!). Preview only updates sometimes after
>> a compile - this is what I mean by erratic.
> Yes, sorry, I got caught out by "Preview" being the first word of a
> sentence (and therefore capitalised) and thought it was part of Skim,
> whereas I guess it's part of Frescobaldi, which I can't speak to. is part of OSX.

While I normally use Frescobaldi’s internal PDF view and Acrobat Pro for every 
other PDF, I tried for some TeX projects. My run script always uses 
OSX’s "open" (similiar to xdg-open on Linux and start on Windows) to open the 
completed PDF file. sometimes updates the already open file and sometimes opens a new 
window, I don’t get on what that might depend.
Also the "old" windows sometimes update somewhen (but mostly not).

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Frescobaldi external PDF viewer not updating

2018-04-23 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2018-04-23 um 14:30 schrieb Andrew Bernard <>:
> Also, allow me to clarify. When I said I cannot reproduce the problem, I went 
> on to say that Preview is erratic. So in fact, I can reproduce the problem 
> (apologies for being obtuse!). Preview only updates sometimes after a compile 
> - this is what I mean by erratic.

I experience the same with TeX generated PDFs in Preview. Never tried Skim. Of 
course, Adobe apps don’t update at all.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Key signatures in modes other than Ionian & Aeolian

2018-04-17 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2018-04-17 um 07:47 schrieb Lukas-Fabian Moser <>:

> Am 17.04.2018 um 01:24 schrieb Torsten Hämmerle:
>> Even if my opinion may differ from the general opinion here, I think that in
>> popular music, one would use standard D major key signature.
>> Reason: Two sharps clearly show D major tonic and the characteristic mixo
>> tone C (flat seventh) stands out in the sheet music by the accidental used.
> I very much agree. In my impression, nowadays most musicians (save medieval 
> or Renaissance music specialists and maybe Jazz musicians) tend to only 
> differentiate between "major-like" and "minor-like" scales/keys, which means 
> that every modal scale is measured against the one of the two "standard" 
> scales/keys more similar to what is at hand. ...

Speaking as a singer/songwriter with limited musical knowledge: I don’t care 
about the correct description of the scale, I just adhere to whatever 
accidentals and chord names are given.

My own songs often change keys for a few measures (or how do you call chord 
progressions like c a f g?) or use scales that I don’t know how to classify (a 
bes cis d e f g = a freylach?), and I use that \key (major/minor) that fits 
most of the accidentals.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: SVG enormous fonts issue

2018-04-16 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2018-04-16 um 18:27 schrieb Noeck <>:

> Your svg looks fine here.
> Tested with firefox, thunderbird, eog on Ubuntu.

Also fine with Preview on OSX 10.9

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Is lilypond really suitable for composing?

2018-03-23 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
I as a singer/songwriter with limited notational skills also use pen and staff 
paper for the first draft(s) but then need a tool that lets me hear if I got 
the rhythm right. (Even if that’s always a matter of interpretation and may 
change in every verse.)
And as a quality aware typesetter and a programmer I just love LilyPond.
But if I’m trying several rhythmic variants (syncopes, triplets), because I 
often don’t know what it is exactly what I hear in my head, it’s a tedious 
approach to e.g. change several places and maybe voices from syncopation to 
tuplets and back, or is it a timing change... Some of my songs are quite 
irregular, but I want proper sheets.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2018-03-23 um 04:34 schrieb Tom Cloyd <>:

> I have always found that nothing beats plain pencil and sheets of staff 
> paper, until I have the basic piece fairly complete. For me, it's clearly 
> faster to make even a second draft on paper than to move at that point to LP 
> and continue from there. I consider fast "hand writing" on staff paper to be 
> a basic composing skill, long used by those who come before us. 
> Working this way, alterations are so much easier, in the initial stages. 
> Later, I find the reverse to be true. I do love getting to the point where 
> it's time to produce an actual engraved score, but revisions certainly do 
> continue after that. 
> Tom
> ~
> “Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, 
> but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.” ~ Neil Gaiman

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Understanding the eps bounding box (rounding)

2018-03-02 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Hi Urs et al.,

to add to the confusion, there’s also %%HiResBoundingBox that accepts floats.
It’s defined in DCE (Document Comment Extensions), see

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: OT: typewriter LaTeX package

2018-02-16 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2018-02-16 um 08:35 schrieb Johan Vromans <>:

> What I also recall is that on a dual-colour typewriter (typically black/red)
> you could get black letters that were partly red in descenders.

Oh yes, the super bold (or punched-through) dots are the one thing that I’m 
missing in this package.
Some random partly red characters would be a nice additional touch.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Backing track creation with LilyPond

2018-02-14 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Cat discussions never get old...
We’ve 4 cats in our (very big) house; they pee everywhere :(
We had problems with mice and rats while there was only the old tomcat. Then we 
called an exterminator and got three young female cats (who harass the tomcat). 
At least two of them are hunting, one is too stupid... But there are still some 
rodents in the ceiling in the older part of the house.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: My quick rundown of how to use OpenLilyLib's Edition Engraver

2018-01-29 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Hi Stéfano,
I don’t know if I’ll ever use this, but your tutorial/intro is "just right"!

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: PDF woes

2018-01-18 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2018-01-19 um 00:03 schrieb Travis Weller <>:

> Are you sure we're talking about the same thing? Right out of the box 
> frescobaldi's "music view" (you know, the one with the cream background that 
> sits alongside the "code") is most certainly a 72dpi rasterized 
> bitmap-looking version of the score.

If that’s true, then the bitmap is generated anew for every zoom level, 
screenshot attached.

But the changelog states that Retina display support was added only in 3.0.0, 
so maybe that’s your issue.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: PDF woes

2018-01-18 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2018-01-18 um 17:48 schrieb Travis Weller <>:

> > Any reason not to try Frescobaldi? 
> Well, I've checked it out and I'm kind of partial to the default editor 
> primarily because it uses a much nicer looking vector output. To my eye, 
> Frescobaldi's output view is rasterized at low resolution.

I can assure you that this is not normal with Frescobaldi.

Did you use the precompiled binary or did you compile yourself? With other GUI 
toolkits (wxPython) I had to enable antialiasing, but since there’s no setting 
in Frescobaldi, either Qt does it always, or it’s activated in the code.

I’m still using the stable version 2.20.0. Version 3 switched to Qt5, there 
could be a problem - can anyone confirm missing antialiasing?

> If the answer to this question is that no one uses the default editor anymore 
> because everyone prefers an external one -- I guess too bad for me. I doubt 
> I'm the only one though. If Preview's link problem can't be fixed, I'd 
> suggest at least allowing Acrobat to be used as a viewer by solving whatever 
> problem prevents updating upon creation of a new PDF.

Is Acrobat your default PDF viewer (i.e. opens when you doubleclick any PDF)?

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: PDF woes

2018-01-18 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2018-01-18 um 05:46 schrieb Travis Weller <>:

> I'm using the default editor which is included in the MacOS build of 
> lilypond. I'm not using Frescobaldi. 

Any reason not to try Frescobaldi? Expect a boost in productivity. Only MIDI 
playback is a problem...
The included editor makes no sense.

The issues of Acrobat are known.
I’m still on OSX 10.9.5 (don’t want to update my old Adobe apps), so I can’t 
check the Preview issue.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [OT] Java Wrapper

2017-12-10 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2017-12-10 um 22:25 schrieb Brett M. Gilio <>:

> Just a quick question, is anybody aware of any attempts to create a 
> java-wrapper gui client for lilypond notation? I have been thinking about 
> giving this a shot, not as competition to the marvelous frescobaldi, but just 
> as a for fun project. If this has been attempted before I would appreciate it.

There is the Elysium plugin for Eclipse,
Don’t know if that helps.

Greetlings, Hraban
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [OT] Linux Users

2017-11-20 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2017-11-20 um 09:53 schrieb David Kastrup :

> Sure.  It's part of the cost of using TeX as a programming language.
> All the important and/or costly things when running plain TeX are
> executed in Pascal and the respective data kept there.
> But LaTeX does a lot of programming in TeX macros (just take a look at
> the difference for \"A or even Ä in some input encoding), and PDFTeX has
> to deal with a lot more font data and structure than just the metrics in
> the TFM file, and the respective libraries have not been written by
> Knuth.

But LuaTeX again does away with a lot of the TeX programming, esp. regarding 
font handling (luaotfload for LaTeX, extracted from ConTeXt).

With big documents, LuajitTeX is worth a look; depending on obscure 
circumstances, it’s mostly faster than "normal" LuaTeX. Don’t know how to 
invoke it with LaTeX, though (luajitlatex?).

Greetlings, Hraban

lilypond-user mailing list

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