Articulated tremolo problem

2014-01-05 Thread hhpmusic
  I discover that articulate can now treat : based tremolos. But when I use 
it with :'s without number (see attached), the log generates warning messages 
saying non-interger tremolo, and the midi file doesn't produce tremolos on 
these notes. What's wrong?


\version 2.18

mu = \relative c' {
\clef treble \time 4/4
\tempo 4=120
c1:16 | d4: e8: f: g2:32 |

\score {
\unfoldRepeats \articulate {
\new Staff { \mu
} } \midi { } }

lilypond-user mailing list

Basic command line question

2013-12-02 Thread hhpmusic
  I have not used command line for several years. Now I'd like to use 
musicxml2ly, and have forgotten how I invoked it in 2008. I first run cmd.exe 
on XP, changing to d:\my documents, then musicxml2ly overture.xml. But the 
prompt said that musicxml2ly is not an internal or external command or 
executable or batch processing file. I know I'm wrong, but don't know how to 
do. Could anyone point out the basic command line running method to correctly 
invoke things like musicxml2ly, svn etc?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re:Re: Re: Re: Re: problem still exists in the latest 2.15 version

2012-02-26 Thread hhpmusic
Thank you. Then, how to report this bug? My score is too big to find the real 
culprit, but this problem is a regression since 2.15.xx (I can't remember).


lilypond-user mailing list

Re:Re: Re: problem still exists in the latest 2.15 version

2012-02-24 Thread hhpmusic
I tried again on my Win7 64 machine, which has Intel I5 processor and 16GB RAM 
for midi sequencing. The problem persists. Strange!



lilypond-user mailing list

Re:Re: Re: Re: problem still exists in the latest 2.15 version

2012-02-24 Thread hhpmusic
Thank you, just received. I reinstalled 2.14.2 and compiled the score 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re:Re: problem still exists in the latest 2.15 version

2012-02-23 Thread hhpmusic
I remember someone replied me at this list, not bug list. I'm running Win xp 
and 7 64 bit (two machines), Lilypond 2.15.30

lilypond-user mailing list

Re:Re: Again, compilation error

2011-12-31 Thread hhpmusic
Thanks, but 2.12 and 2.14 seem ok to compile it. I compiled it using 2.13.58 
when I last edited it on April 17 last year (2011). So it may be a regression.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re:Re: recompilation failure, strange

2011-12-06 Thread hhpmusic
Sorry, I forgot to say, that I press enter on the file marked the 
overture ly contains music, and contains many macros.

lilypond-user mailing list

midi problem on tied notes

2009-12-02 Thread hhpmusic
  I have tried 2.13.8 for many times, and constantly get midi problem on tied 
notes. The output plays tied notes repeatly. Could anyone fix this problem?

\version 2.13.6

#(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)

\header {
  tagline = ##f
  title = \markup { \bold Prelude }
  subtitle = \markup { \italic \fontsize #-1 { For Two Broken Souls } }
  composer = \markup { \bold { Hu Haipeng } }
  date = March 20, 2004
  copyright = 2004, All Rights Reserved

#(define-markup-list-command (paragraph layout props args) (markup-list?)
  (let ((indent (chain-assoc-get 'par-indent props 2)))
  (interpret-markup-list layout props
  (make-justified-lines-markup-list (cons (make-hspace-markup indent)

\markuplines {
  \paragraph {
This piece was written during March 19-20, 2004, dedicated to my ex-girlfriend. It''s a tragical lovesong, after 5 years' stop of composition.
  \override-lines #'(par-indent . 4) \paragraph {
About the recording: This was made on April 17 of the same year, with a storm recorded later (in the evening of 29) preceded by.

  upper = \relative c'' {
\clef treble \key b \minor \time 3/4
\tempo \markup { \bold \italic Larghetta elegiaco }
\times 2/3 { b8\( e fis } b,4. b8 |
\times 2/3 { a8 b a } fis2\) |

  { e8\(\arpeggio b' a fis e\arpeggio d |
fis2.\)\arpeggio } \\
  { b, g2\arpeggio s4 |
r8 d(\p\ b a fis_M'S a)\! }
\times 2/3 { b'8\( e fis } b,4. b8 |
\times 2/3 { a8 b a } fis2\) |

  { e8\(\arpeggio a fis d e8.\arpeggio b16 |
b2.\)\arpeggio } \\
  { b2\arpeggio a4\arpeggio |
fis2.\arpeggio }

  { \times 2/3 { fis8\(\arpeggio a b } d4. d8 |
\times 2/3 { e8 d e } fis2\)\arpeggio |
\times 2/3 { fis,8\(\arpeggio a b } d4. d8 |
\times 2/3 { e8 b' a } fis2\)\arpeggio } \\
  { fis,2\arpeggio b fis4 |
cis g4 d fis,2\arpeggio |
fis,2\arpeggio b fis4 |
cis g4 d fis,2\arpeggio } \\
  { s2. | \voiceFour r2 a'' fis a,4\pp |
s2. e4\rest e8\rest e16\rest e32\rest a fis a,32\p a fis a,4 }
\times 2/3 { fis, d a8\(\arpeggio a a, b b, } d b fis d4.\arpeggio d d,8 |
\times 2/3 { e b g e8\arpeggio d d, e e, } fis cis ais fis4.\arpeggio fis fis,8 |
\times 2/3 { g e b g8\arpeggio fis fis, g g, } a fis d a4\arpeggio ~ \times 2/3 { a fis d a8 fis fis,-- a a,-- } |
b fis dis b a2-\)^\markup { \bold \italic Con fuoco } \times 2/3 { a a,8\( fis fis, a a, } |
b fis dis b a2-\) \times 2/3 { a a,8\( fis fis, a a, } |
b fis dis b a4- ~ \times 2/3 { b fis dis b a8\)^\markup { \bold \italic Molto rit. } e, e,( fis fis, } \times 2/3 { a a, b b, d d,) } |
\times 2/3 { e b g e\(^\markup { \column { \bold \italic Appassionato \bold \italic A tempo } } fis fis, d d, } b fis d b4. b b,8 |
\times 2/3 { a e a,8 b b, a a, } fis dis b a fis2\) |
e b e,8\( b' b, a a, fis fis, e cis a g e d d, |
fis d a fis2.\) |
\times 2/3 { b fis b,8\( e e, fis fis, } b, fis dis b a4. b b,8 |
\times 2/3 { a e a,8 b b, a a, } fis dis c a fis2\) |
\times 2/3 { e b e,8\( d d, e e, } fis cis a fis4 ~ \times 2/3 { fis cis a fis8 e e, fis fis, } |
\times 2/3 { a e cis a^\markup { \bold \italic Accel. } fis fis, a a, } b fis d b4 ~ \times 2/3 { b fis d b8 a a, b b, } |
\times 2/3 { d b fis d b b, d d, } e b g e4 ~ \times 2/3 { e b g e8 d d, e e, } |
\times 2/3 { fis cis a fis e e, fis fis, } a fis d a4^\markup { \bold \italic Rit. } ~ \times 2/3 { a fis d a8 fis fis,- a a,- } |
b gis eis d b16-^\markup { \bold \italic Con forza, patetico } b gis eis d b- b gis eis d b- b gis eis d b- b gis eis d b- b gis eis d b- b gis eis d b- b gis eis d b- b gis eis d b- b gis eis d b- b gis eis d b- b gis eis d b- |
b gis eis d b8-.-\) r8 r4 r4 |
  \time 4/4
r2^\markup { \bold \italic Languido } r8 b,,,\(\mp d e |
fis4. a8 fis4. e8 |
cis4--\)^\markup { \bold \italic Rit. } r \clef bass a fis cis r\fermata |
  \time 3/4
b fis d^\markup { \bold \italic Malinconia } r r |

  { \times 2/3 { b8\( e fis } b,4. b8 |
\times 2/3 { a fis a } b2\) |
\times 2/3 { b8\( e fis } b,4. b8 |
\times 2/3 { a8 fis a } b2\) |
\times 2/3 { a8\( fis a } b2\) |
\times 2/3 { a8\( fis a } b2\) |
a2.-\(^\markup { \bold \italic Flebile } | fis |
b\)^\markup { \bold \italic Pesante } | b | b ~ | b\verylongfermata } \\
  { g e4 fis d2 |
e cis4 fis d2 |
gis e4 fis d2 |
e c4 fis d2 |
e c4 fis d2 |
e c4 fis d2 |
e c2.- ~ | e c
fis d2. | fis d b | fis d b ~ | fis d b\verylongfermata }
 \bar |.

  lower = \relative c' {
\clef bass \key b \minor \time 3/4

  { fis4 d fis |
e dis b2 } \\
  { d8( cis b2) |
cis8( b a4) b, }
e, b' e2\arpeggio a cis g'4\arpeggio |
d, a' d2\arpeggio r4 

Chinese cadenza

2009-09-30 Thread hhpmusic
  The attached picture is a Chinese character san, having many meanings, 
e.g., distribute/discard, disseminate, come loose, dispel, dispersal, 
scattered, etc. The top grass head (a horizontal line interrupted with two 
vertical lines) is used in Chinese music to represent a cadenza much looser 
than Western music (mostly like a piacere). So I'd like to override time 
signature to this sign. But since I can't see, I don't draw PS myself. Also, 
the lines are thicker then this picture. Could anyone help me to draw it?

 attachment: san.png___
lilypond-user mailing list

dragon boat Tune collision

2009-07-16 Thread hhpmusic
  I published this score (not this file, since I merge my settings into it 
now)) to WIMA as its first Chinese music. But the editor gave me some points on 

 - avoiding slurs overwriting note shapes or performance directions, for  
 example the right hand phrasing slur bar 18-21

However, 18-21 is the same as 3-6. Why it has collision?

 - barlines overwriting dynamic indications, for example bar 11 and 12

Why? How to avoid it automatically in the future?


 \version 2.13.3

#(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)
#(ly:set-option 'delete-intermediate-files #t)
\paper {
  ragged-bottom = ##f
  ragged-last-bottom = ##f

\header {
  tagline = ##f
  title = \markup { \override #'(basline-skip . 2) \center-column { \override #'(font-name . 仿宋_GB2312) \fontsize #4 \bold 龙船调 } { \fontsize #4 \bold Dragon Boat Tune } }
  subtitle = \markup { \override #'(baseline-skip . 2) \center-column { \override #'(font-name . 仿宋_GB2312) \fontsize #2 \italic 湖北民歌改编曲 } { \fontsize #2 \italic Transcription of A Hubei Folk Song } }
  composer = \markup { \override #'(baseline-skip . 2) \center-column { \bold \fontsize #3 \override #'(font-name . 仿宋_GB2312) 胡海鹏 \fontsize #3 \bold Hu Haipeng } }
  copyright = © 2007, All Rights Reserved

allegretto = \markup { \bold \italic Allegretto }
andante = \markup { \bold \italic Andante }
rubato = \markup { \bold \italic Rubato }
rit = \markup { \bold \italic Rit. }
ritenuto = \markup { \bold \italic Ritenuto }
atempo = \markup { \bold \italic A tempo }
str = \change Staff = rh
stl = \change Staff = lh

  upper = \relative c'' {
\clef treble \time 4/4 \key bes \minor
\tempo \rubato

  { f8(\arpeggio des16 des des8 f des\arpeggio ees4.)\upmordent\fermata } \\
  { s2 s8 \set fontSize = #-2 ees32. f64 ees32 f ees4 \unset fontSize } \\
  { \voiceFour bes f2\arpeggio bes ges\arpeggio\fermata }
  { f''8( des16 des des8 f16. aes32 des,8 ees4.)\upmordent\fermata^Simile } \\
  { des bes2\arpeggio des bes\arpeggio\fermata }
\tempo 4=80
\time 2/4 \oneVoice f, bes, f8\(^\markup { \column { \bold \italic Andante \bold \italic Dolce } } des bes f16 des bes f des bes f8 f des bes |
des bes f ees bes ges4-\upmordent des16 ees |

  { f16 aes f ees des ees des bes } \\
  { des aes4 aes8 r8 }
\oneVoice bes f des2\) |
bes f des16.\( f'32 bes, f16 bes f des f,8 ees16 des |
bes g ees8 des bes g4\upmordent bes g ees8 |
aes ees c2\) |
\stl des,16\( \str des' des, \stl f,, \str des'' des, bes f des4\) |
\stl f,16\( \str f' f, \stl f, \str des'' des, bes f des4\) |

  { des16\( ees f8 ees\upmordent des |
des16 bes ees des bes8\) aes16\( bes |
des^\rit bes ees des bes8\) r8\fermata } \\
  { s4 \set fontSize = #-2 ees32 f ees16 s8 \unset fontSize s2 s2 } \\
  { \voiceFour bes f4 bes f4 |
bes ges4 ges ees8 r8 |
bes f a ees f des8 s8 }
\tempo \rubato
\time 3/4 \oneVoice bes16.\(( f'32) bes,8 des32( ees) des( ees) bes8\) r f'\( |
\grace { f16( } aes8.-) f16 ees8 f ees16( des) bes8\) |
\grace { e,16\(( } f8-) ees16 des ees16 des bes8\) r4\shortfermata \bar ||
\tempo \allegretto 4=96
\time 2/4 f'' bes, f8\( des bes f16 des bes f des bes f8-. f des bes-. |
des bes f ees bes ges4-\upmordent des16 ees |

  { f16 aes f ees des ees des bes } \\
  { des aes4 aes8 r8 }
\oneVoice bes f des2\) |
bes f des16.\( f'32 bes, f16 bes f des f,8 ees16 des |
bes g ees8 des bes g4\upmordent bes g ees8 |
aes ees c2\) |
\stl des,16\( \str des' des, \stl f,, \str des'' des, bes f des4\) |
\stl f,16\( \str f' f, \stl f, \str des'' des, bes f des4\) |

  { des16\( ees f8 ees\upmordent des |
des16 bes ees des bes8\) aes16\( bes |
des^\rit bes ees des bes8\) r8\fermata } \\
  { s4 \set fontSize = #-2 ees32 f ees16 s8 \unset fontSize s2 s2 } \\
  { \voiceFour bes f4 bes f4 |
bes ges4 ges ees8 r8 |
bes f a ees f des8 s8 }
\tempo \rubato
\time 3/4 \oneVoice bes16.\(( f'32) bes,8 des32( ees) des( ees) bes8\) r f'\( |
\grace { f16( } aes8.-) f16 ees8 f ees16( des) bes8\) |
\grace { e,16\(( } f8-) ees16 des ees16 des bes8\) r\shortfermata f'32( bes des ees) |
\time 2/4 f des f,8\(^\atempo f16 f f ees des ees |
f bes, ges8  { ees4-\upmordent } \\ { \set fontSize = #-2 ees32. f64 ees32 f ees8 }  \unset fontSize des16 bes |
bes f des16. f'32 bes,16 bes des8 ees aes, f16 des |
bes f des4.\) aes16\( bes |
ees bes f8-. des-. bes-.\) aes16\( bes |
ees bes ges8-. des-. bes-.\) r8 |
des f, des16\( bes8 bes16 des8 f, des16. des'32 |
bes g ees8^\rit des bes g4\upmordent^Simile bes g des8 |
aes ees c2\) |
\tempo \andante 4=84
r16 f'\(\p des' bes f, f' bes, f, des' bes f,\) |
r ees\( bes' ges ees, ees' ges, ees,\) des\(\mf ees 

Re: Better MIDI

2009-06-02 Thread hhpmusic
Dear Peter:

 And I've now fixed the permissions on the download link there.  Sorry for the 
 bother before.

Thank you very much, but I still can't access the here link. The web can't 
find the page, even though I registered. How to get the file?


lilypond-user mailing list

strange programming error for strange glyph

2009-02-17 Thread hhpmusic
  This file is my orchestration assignment. But I can't continue, because... 
Please see the programming errors in the log file. I looked through the file, 
but it seems no error. What's wrong with my file?

\version 2.12.2

#(set-default-paper-size a4)

\header {
  tagline = ##f
  title = \markup { \fontsize #4 \bold Sonata op.10, no.1 }
  composer = \markup { \fontsize #3 \bold L. V. Beethoven }
  arranger = \markup { \fontsize #2 \bold Arr. Hu Haipeng }

%{ for my defs
  marks = {
\tempo \markup { \bold \italic Allegro molto e con brio } 4=180
s2.*105 \bar ||

  oboeI = \relative c'' {
\clef treble \time 3/4 \key c \minor
c4.\f r8 r4 | R2. |
r2 c4\p |
c2( b4) |
b4.\f r8 r4 | R2. |
r2 d4\p |
d2( c4) |

  oboeII = \relative c' {
\clef treble \time 3/4 \key c \minor
ees4.\f r8 r4 | R2. |
r2 ees4\p |
ees2( f4) |
f4.\f r8 r4 | R2. |
r2 aes4\p |
aes2( g4) |

  clarinetI = \relative c'' {
\clef treble \time 3/4 \key d \minor
\transposition bes
a4.\f r16 a( f'8. d16 |
a'8. f16 d'8. a16 f'4 |
f-.) r a,,\p |
a2( a4) |
bes4.\f r16 cis( g'8. e16 |
bes'8. g16 e'8. bes16 g'4 |
g-.) r cis,,4\p |
cis2( d4) |

  clarinetII = \relative c' {
\clef treble \time 3/4 \key d \minor
\transposition bes
d4.\f r16 a'( f'8. d16 |
a'8. f16 d'8. a16 f'4 |
f-.) r d,,\p |
d2( e4) |
e4.\f r16 cis'16( g'8. e16 |
bes'8. g16 e'8. bes16 g'4 |
g-.) r g,,4\p |
g2( f4) |

  bassoonI = \relative c {
\clef bass \time 3/4 \key c \minor
c4.\f r8 r4 | R2.*3 |
f4.\f r8 r4 | R2. |
r2 d'4\p |
d2( ees4) |
  bassoonII = \relative c, {
\clef bass \time 3/4 \key c \minor
c4.\f r8 r4 | R2.*3 |
d4.\f r8 r4 | R2*3 |
  hornI = \relative c' {
\clef treble \time 3/4 \key g \minor
\transposition f
d4.\f r8 r4 | R2.*3 |
fis4.\f r8 r4 | R2*3 |

  hornII = \relative c' {
\clef treble \time 3/4 \key g \minor
\transposition f
bes4\f r r | R2.*3 |
ees4.\f r8 r4 | R2*3 |

  #(set-global-staff-size 16)

  \score {
\new StaffGroup = woodwinds 
%  \new MarkLine = marks { \marks }
  \new StaffGroup 
\new Staff = oboe 1 {
  \set Staff.instrumentName = Oboe I
  \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = Ob. I
\new Staff = oboe 2 {
  \set Staff.instrumentName = Oboe II
  \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = Ob. II
  \new StaffGroup 
\new Staff = clarinet 1 {
  \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { Clarinet in B \smaller \flat I }
  \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = Cl. I
\new Staff = clarinet 2 {
  \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { Clarinet in B \smaller \flat II }
  \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = Cl. II
  \new StaffGroup 
\new Staff = bassoon 1 {
  \set Staff.instrumentName = Bassoon I
  \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = Bn. I
\new Staff = bassoon 2 {
  \set Staff.instrumentName = Bassoon II
  \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = Bn. II
  \new StaffGroup 
\new Staff = bassoon 1 {
  \set Staff.instrumentName = Horn in F I
  \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = Hn. I
\new Staff = bassoon 2 {
  \set Staff.instrumentName = Horn in F II
  \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = Hn. II

\layout { }

  \score {
\new StaffGroup = strings 
  \new Staff = oboes {
\set Staff.midiInstrument = oboe
  \unfoldRepeats  %{ \marks %} \oboeI \oboeII 
  \new Staff = clarinets {
\set Staff.midiInstrument = clarinet
  \unfoldRepeats  \clarinetI \clarinetII 
  \new Staff = bassoons {
\set Staff.midiInstrument = bassoon
   \bassoonI \bassoonII 
  \new Staff = horns {
\set Staff.midiInstrument = french horn
   \hornI \hornII 

\midi { }
# -*-compilation-*-
Processing `f:/My Documents/composition/orchestration exercises/6/a/sonata 
Op.10 Nr.1'
Interpreting music... [8]
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Interpreting music... 
MIDI output to `/My Documents/composition/orchestration exercises/6/a/sonata 
Op.10 Nr.1 1.mid'...
Finding the ideal number of pages...
Fitting music on 1 page...
Drawing systems...
programming error: FT_Get_Glyph_Name () error: invalid argument
continuing, cross fingers
programming error: Glyph has no name, but font supports glyph naming.
Skipping glyph U+100D, file d:/Program 
continuing, cross fingers
programming error: FT_Get_Glyph_Name () error: invalid argument

Building small Lilypond (compiler only) for Pocket PC running Win Mobile, possible?

2008-07-13 Thread hhpmusic
  Is it possible to build a mini Lilypond package for small PPC running Windows 
  I'm about to buy a new braille notetaker from USA. My old one is in pure DOS 
mode, and I transfer .ly files from/to it via 3.5 floppy. The newest braille 
computer uses Windows Mobile 6.1, which means there are lots of applications 
for me. I know there're PPC versions for Linux, but Win version can be very 
small, since there's no command line in this system, tools such as convert-ly, 
etf2ly, midi2ly, etc, are not possible. The RAM is 64MB and Flash 128MB, Intel 
400MHZ processor (probably), with CF card, USB and ActiveSync support. I think 
this is because I want to simply do compilation of music I just wriote and 
listen to the MIDI when I am out of home, because there may be many errors 
every time I get home to try my writing, but my mother limits me ,the time of 
using PC (there're very complicated reasons, concerning us two, the two deans 
of my local conservatory and also the education policy limitation of China).
  Could someone help me?
lilypond-user mailing list

new version and syntax changes, ghostscript crash

2008-07-09 Thread hhpmusic
  I downloaded 2.11.51, and there are two problems:
  1) some syntaxes are changed such as \sustainOn and \sustainOff. I have no 
time to re-read the manuals, but the news page has no indication of it at the 
top. So \setTextCresc and \setHairpinCresc are also obsolete. Could someone 
provide a list of the syntax changes?
  2 the compilation is successful, but a dialog box comes up: gs.exe encounters 
a problem and needs to be closed. I don't know whether the PDF is ok. But why 
gs.exe has this error?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: LilPond not working, XP

2008-07-03 Thread hhpmusic
  I guess this is because of the compilation error when building the binary. I 
uninstalled 2.11.50, and delet the bin folder which still contains a .dll file. 
Then the reinstalled 2.11.49 can work well. Perhaps the problem is in that .dll 
file, because someone said he also can't run 2.11.49. I always delete programs 
completely, sometimes even dlete items in the registry. So, for XP users, 
you/we have to wait for the next version.
lilypond-user mailing list

EasyLilypond and DNS server problem

2008-07-01 Thread hhpmusic
  I meant to try some GUI interfaces to ease my editing. My screen reader can't 
work in Lilypondtool, so I wanted to try EasyLilypond. But the download process 
always can't work, it seems the address is blocked by my local server. I use a 
DSL bandwith, I don't know the name of my server. Is there a way to break such 
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Terrible question...

2008-06-30 Thread hhpmusic
Sorry, the \include line is redundant. I forgot to delete it.
lilypond-user mailing list

strange error when creating context (was: re: terrible question...)

2008-06-30 Thread hhpmusic
  Now the strange warning comes, saying it can't create the CHordMarks context. 
I used something like a Dynamics context, and also changed the context name to 
\new Dynamics. Although other piano pieces can use Dynamics,, this exercise 
can't, always saying can't create new Dynamics or ChordMarks. Why?
 \version 2.11.49

%% Layout to produce ChordMarks context
%% for doing harmony exercises
%% Chord marks are entered as text markups
\layout {
  \context {
\type Engraver_group
\name ChordMarks
\alias Voice
\consists Output_property_engraver
\override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-1 . 1)
\consists Script_engraver
\consists Text_engraver
\override TextScript #'font-size = #2
\consists Skip_event_swallow_translator
\consists Axis_group_engraver
  \context {
\accepts ChordMarks

  Dmaj = \markup { \bold D }
  DmajTwo = \markup { \concat { \bold { D \sub 2 } } }
  DmajSixArrow = \markup { \concat { \bold { D \sub 6 } }   \arrow-head #X #RIGHT ##t }
  DmajSixFiveArrow = \markup { \concat { \bold { D \sub \column { 6 5 } } }   \arrow-head #X #RIGHT ##t }
  DmajSeven = \markup { \concat { \bold { D \sub 7 } } }
  DDVIIseven = \markup { \concat { \bold { DDVII \sub { 7 \raise #1 -- } } } }
  bthreeDDVIIseven = \markup { \concat { \flat \bold { 3 DDVII \sub { 7 \raise #1 -- } } } }
  Smin = \markup { \bold s }
  SminSix = \markup { \concat { \bold { s \sub 6 } } }
  SixFive = \markup { \bold { \column { 6 5 } } }
  SixFiveArrow = \markup { \concat { \bold { \column { 6 5 } } }   \arrow-head #X #RIGHT ##t }
  Tmin = \markup { \bold t }
  TminSix = \markup { \concat { \bold { t \sub 6 } } }
  Six = \markup { \bold 6 }

Description: Binary data
\version 2.11.49


#(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)

\header {
  tagline = ##f
  title = \markup { \fontsize #2 Ex. 36-551 }

  IupperI = \new Voice { \voiceOne
\relative c'' {
\clef treble \key fis \minor \time 4/4
\override MetronomeMark #'stencil = ##f
\tempo 2=60
cis2\mark \markup { \bold \fontsize #2 1 } fis ~ | fis4 eis fis cis ~ |
cis b2 a4 | gis2 b ~ |
b4 a b d ~ | d cis2 e4 ~ |
e d cis2 ~ | cis4 cis2 b4 ~ |
b a2 gis4 | fis1 \bar || \break

  IupperII = \new Voice { \voiceTwo
\relative c' {
fis1 | gis2 fis |
fis1 | eis2 gis |
fis1 ~ | fis ~ |
fis | e2 d ~ |
d b | a1 \bar ||

  IlowerI = \new Voice { \voiceOne
\relative c' {
\clef bass \key fis \minor \time 4/4
a2 cis ~ | cis1 |
d2 dis | cis1 |
cis2 b | cis1 |
b2 cis | fis,1 ~ |
fis2 eis | fis1 \bar ||

  IlowerII = \new Voice { \voiceTwo
\relative c, {
fis2 a | b a |
b bis | cis eis |
fis d4 b | a2 ais |
b a | ais b |
bis cis | fis,1 \bar ||

  Ichords = {
s2_\Tmin s_\Six |
s_\DmajTwo s_\TminSix |
s_\Smin s_\DDVIIseven |
s_\Dmaj s_\SixFive |
s2_\Tmin s4_\SminSix s4_\Smin |
s2_\TminSix s4_\DmajSixArrow s4_\SixFiveArrow |
s2_\Smin s2_\TminSix |
s2_\DmajSixFiveArrow s2_\Smin |
s2_\bthreeDDVIIseven s2_\DmajSeven |
s1_\Tmin \bar ||

  \score {
\new PianoStaff 
  \set PianoStaff.midiInstrument = choir aahs
  \new Staff = rh  \IupperI \IupperII 
  \new Staff = lh  \IlowerI  \IlowerII 
  \new ChordMarks = chords \Ichords

\layout { }
\midi { }

lilypond-user mailing list

re: terrible question for a distinctive chord name system

2008-06-29 Thread hhpmusic
Dear Werner:
  THank you for your advice. Here's my first exercise for suspension notes. I 
don't know whether the result looks satisfying. Could you all help me?
\version 2.11.49
#(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)
\header {
  tagline = ##f
  title = \markup { \fontsize #2 Ex. 36-551 }
  IupperI = \relative c'' {
\clef treble \key fis \minor \time 4/4
\override MetronomeMark #'stencil = ##f
\tempo 2=60
cis2\mark \markup { \bold \fontsize #2 1 } fis ~ | fis4 eis fis cis ~ |
cis b2 a4 | gis2 b ~ |
b4 a b d ~ | d cis2 e4 ~ |
e d cis2 ~ | cis4 cis2 b4 ~ |
b a2 gis4 | fis1 \bar || \break
  IupperII = \relative c' {
fis1 | gis2 fis |
fis1 | eis2 gis |
fis1 ~ | fis ~ |
fis | e2 d ~ |
d b | a1 \bar ||
  IlowerI = \relative c' {
\clef bass \key fis \minor \time 4/4
a2 cis ~ | cis1 |
d2 dis | cis1 |
cis2 b | cis1 |
b2 cis | fis,1 ~ |
fis2 eis | fis1 \bar ||
  IlowerII = \relative c, {
fis2 a | b a |
b bis | cis eis |
fis d4 b | a2 ais |
b a | ais b |
bis cis | fis,1 \bar ||
  Ichords = {
s2_\markup { \bold t } s_\markup { \bold 6 } | s_\markup { \bold D2 } 
s_\markup { \bold t6 }
s_\markup { \bold s } s_\markup { \bold DDVII \translate #(cons 0 1) 
\column { - 7 } } | s_\markup { \bold D } s_\markup { \bold { \column { 
6 5 } } } |
s2_\markup { \bold t } s4_\markup { \bold s6 } s4_\markup { \bold s } 
| s2_\markup { \bold t6 } s4_\markup { \bold D6 \arrow-head #X #RIGHT ##t } 
s4_\markup { \bold \column { 6 5 } \arrow-head #X #RIGHT ##t } |
s2_\markup { \bold s } s2_\markup { \bold t6 } | s2_\markup { \bold D 
\column { 6 5 } \arrow-head #X #RIGHT ##t } s2_\markup { \bold s } |
s2_\markup { \bold \smaller \flat 3 DDVII \translate #(cons 0 1) \column 
{ - 7 } } s2_\markup { \bold D7 } | s1_\markup { \bold t } \bar ||
  \score {
\new PianoStaff 
  \set PianoStaff.midiInstrument = choir aahs
  \new Staff = rh {  \voiceOne \IupperI \voiceTwo \IupperII  }
  \new Staff = lh {  \voiceOne \IlowerI \voiceTwo \IlowerII  }
  \new ChordSymbols = chords \Ichords

\layout {
  \context {
\type Engraver_group
\name ChordSymbols
\alias Voice
\consists Output_property_engraver
\override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-1 . 1)
\consists Script_engraver
\consists Text_engraver
\override TextScript #'font-size = #2
\consists Skip_event_swallow_translator
\consists Axis_group_engraver
  \context {
\accepts ChordSymbols
\midi { }
 \version 2.11.49


#(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)

\header {
  tagline = ##f
  title = \markup { \fontsize #2 Ex. 36-551 }

  IupperI = \relative c'' {
\clef treble \key fis \minor \time 4/4
\override MetronomeMark #'stencil = ##f
\tempo 2=60
cis2\mark \markup { \bold \fontsize #2 1 } fis ~ | fis4 eis fis cis ~ |
cis b2 a4 | gis2 b ~ |
b4 a b d ~ | d cis2 e4 ~ |
e d cis2 ~ | cis4 cis2 b4 ~ |
b a2 gis4 | fis1 \bar || \break

  IupperII = \relative c' {
fis1 | gis2 fis |
fis1 | eis2 gis |
fis1 ~ | fis ~ |
fis | e2 d ~ |
d b | a1 \bar ||

  IlowerI = \relative c' {
\clef bass \key fis \minor \time 4/4
a2 cis ~ | cis1 |
d2 dis | cis1 |
cis2 b | cis1 |
b2 cis | fis,1 ~ |
fis2 eis | fis1 \bar ||

  IlowerII = \relative c, {
fis2 a | b a |
b bis | cis eis |
fis d4 b | a2 ais |
b a | ais b |
bis cis | fis,1 \bar ||

  Ichords = {
s2_\markup { \bold t } s_\markup { \bold 6 } | s_\markup { \bold D2 } s_\markup { \bold t6 }
s_\markup { \bold s } s_\markup { \bold DDVII \translate #(cons 0 1) \column { - 7 } } | s_\markup { \bold D } s_\markup { \bold { \column { 6 5 } } } |
s2_\markup { \bold t } s4_\markup { \bold s6 } s4_\markup { \bold s } | s2_\markup { \bold t6 } s4_\markup { \bold D6 \arrow-head #X #RIGHT ##t } s4_\markup { \bold \column { 6 5 } \arrow-head #X #RIGHT ##t } |
s2_\markup { \bold s } s2_\markup { \bold t6 } | s2_\markup { \bold D \column { 6 5 } \arrow-head #X #RIGHT ##t } s2_\markup { \bold s } |
s2_\markup { \bold \smaller \flat 3 DDVII \translate #(cons 0 1) \column { - 7 } } s2_\markup { \bold D7 } | s1_\markup { \bold t } \bar ||

  \score {
\new PianoStaff 
  \set PianoStaff.midiInstrument = choir aahs
  \new Staff = rh {  \voiceOne \IupperI \voiceTwo \IupperII  }
  \new Staff = lh {  \voiceOne \IlowerI \voiceTwo \IlowerII  }
  \new ChordSymbols = chords \Ichords

\layout {
  \context {
\type Engraver_group
\name ChordSymbols
\alias Voice
\consists Output_property_engraver
\override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-1 . 1)
\consists Script_engraver
\consists Text_engraver

Terrible question about a distinctive chord name system

2008-06-28 Thread hhpmusic
  I think this question is extreme a big challenge to you all, but is very 
urgent for me.
  I can't go to New England Conservatory, because I was forced by the two 
unabled deans to learn the piano when entering my local conservatory. This 
stopped me from learning composition, so I have no formal piece to submit. I 
have not finish the harmony course. Now I want to learn it with my original 
composition teacher. I want to do the exercises myself, without talking to my 
mother to transcribe the results. Most of Chinese composition teachers accept a 
harmony textbook published in 1940s or 1950s by the pre Soviet Union, thus the 
Sbosobin edition. This edition uses a very distinctive chord naming 
system--functional chord name system. For example, the tonic major triad is 
written as T, subtonic triad is S, and dominant is D. Chords share two notes of 
both T and S or D and T are prefixed by two function letters and then the root 
step and optional Arabic numbers. The convention is as follows:
(the plus and minus are optional, above the chord name letter or the number (if 
it exists))
C major functional chart
Natural chords:
three major triads
  f a c'  c' a' g'g' b' d''
  S T D
vice triads
d f a a c' e'e' g' b' b' d'' f''
most unstable   most stable most unstable
Other chords:
c' e' gis'
e' g' c''
g' c'' e'' % common
g' c'' e'' % at cadence
g b d' f' b d' f' g' ...
D7  D6
b d' f' a' b d' f' aes'
DVII7-   dVII7--
g b d' f' a'
g b f' e'
The must common out-of-tonality chords (Dominant's dominant):
d' fis' a' c''
fis' a' c'' e''
fis' aes' c'' ees'' or fis' aes' c'' dis''
aes' c'' d'' fis'' aes' c'' ees'' fis''
3   5
Other altered chords:
\relative c' { g des' f b dis }
\relative c { f des' aes' des }
   or SN6 or N6
  Sometimes the invertion comes immediately after the origin, the prefix is 
\relative c { c g e' c' e c' g' c }
  T   6
  When leaving tonality (a Chinese call, shown below, you'll know what it 
means), an arrow is shown:
\relative c { c g' e' c' cis g' e' bes' d f d' a' }
  TDVII7- arrow SII
  Is there a way to write these chord names? Must I have to use markup 
function? That's too complicated!
lilypond-user mailing list

Lilypond and CPU cost, system resource exhaust... (was: Strange error causes Lilypond refus...)

2008-06-22 Thread hhpmusic
  I restarted my comuter and then add a virtual RAM to a volume o my hard disk, 
settg the size varying from 1GB to 2GB. Then the score can be compile, but very 
slow, with some errors because of my music codes. But I'm wondering why 
Lilypond takes so many CPU usage and need such a large memory to work. What 
does the error message in the previous email mean?Could someone tell me how 
Lilypond works and why it takes off so many system resources? I ever removed my 
pagfile.sys to let my hard disk larger. Other programs can work fine, but LP 
can't :-)
  But whatever, I'll thank you all for working hard on this software. I'm 
deciding whether I must go to New England Comservatory in USA to study 
composition, because the deans of my school refused me from learning this when 
I entered it as their only blind in 1999. Lilypond is the only tool for me to 
write music. It really helped me a lot!

lilypond-user mailing list

re: Lilypond and CPU cost, system resource exhaust...

2008-06-22 Thread hhpmusic
Dear Trevor:
  Thank you for your help! I now understand the real problems.
  I'm using Kaspersky Lab, a bad anti-virus software, which takes lots of 
system resource (someone made a distorted Chinese translation, Ka ba sji, means 
preventing from working normally and then crash!). It damaged my system, 
causing my computer crash to a Dos mode I don't know what's the exact name of 
such situation, but the screen is much like a original Dos env, or the env when 
the computer has no operating system stored) after the shutting down music 
played, and then I have to press the switch to stop the machine. My Avi to DVD 
converter also causes the virtual RAM low, perhaps because of it. So I must 
have to add a pagefile.sys.
  Por Staff change, I forgot to add a righthand change before the last high 
note of the gliss, so when the next block comes (defined as IharprhC), it 
confuses Lilypond. No bug. I firstly used f, but then realized mf is more 
logical, but I forgot to delete f.
lilypond-user mailing list

different rehearsal mark settings in score and part

2008-06-08 Thread hhpmusic
  I'm now working on a extreme serious piece, the suite about the earthquake. 
So I want my score to be very formal.
  I don't know how the remove empty staff function works. I added rehearsal 
marks only above piccolo and violin I parts, but I don't know whether the marks 
will let the parts appear during their silence. If no, the rehearsal marks will 
disappear from my score. I ever read the score of The Rite Of Sprin in braille. 
The transcribe's note said that the rehearsal marks are above the top of the 
score and also the topmost string part. If the marks disappear, how to add 
marks to other staves? If the \mark command hasn't appear in a part before, 
will the rehearsal number be correct when writing on them when they become the 
topmost score and string staves?
  To make things clear (I can't express this very clearly in English), here's 
the thing I want:
\version 2.11.47
pic = \relative c'' { R1*10 \mark \default | R1*20 %{ should I add a \mark 
\default even though it will not appear? %} | }
fl = \relative c'' { R1*10 | c1 \mark \default %{ can it be [2]? %} | \repeat 
unfold 19 { c1 } | }
cl = { R1*30 | }
vI = \relative c' { c1 \mark \default | R1*29 | }
vII = \relative c' { c1 | R1*29 | }
vl = \relative c' { R1*10 | c1 \mark \default | c1 | R1*18 | }
  I also created a marks variable containing all rehearsal marks, and will 
use it for printing parts:
marks = { s1*10 \mark \default | s1*20 \mark \default | }
  Will the marks of this line mess up the irregular marks I wrote for producing 
full score? And, if I wrote c1 \mark \default | R1*29, will the second mark 
appear in bar 11 (part version)? Must I split rests into R1*9 | R1*20?
  In full score, I also don't know when the line breaks, so if I add marks in 
other lines before break, it will cause visual mistake. Can I use the Dynamic 
context as in piano score with marks (and therefore not write marks at other 
places) and then place it before piccolo and violin I? Will it disappear when 
the below staff is empty? Must I create a alias staff context instead?
  Sorry for troubling you so much, because I can't check these myself!
lilypond-user mailing list

git question

2008-06-03 Thread hhpmusic
  I have no time to learn GIT. I saw Reinhold's Orchestrallily has a dev 
version, but in git access method. I quickly searched the manual, enter $ git 
clone ssh://../orchestrallily.git. The first time I ran it, it asked me for 
password. The second time, It said the dir is already existing, and I can't go 
any further. On the webpage of that package, there is a git+ssh://... link, 
when I pressed enter, the browser can't reach the destination. Could someone 
tell me how to get it? I'm now busy learning a language for writing plugin for 
Sibelius, so that I can probably write a plugin to convert Sibelius file into 
braille. I also have tasks of playing the piano and compose a symphonic suite 
for the terrible earthquake (this is my plan). Sorry for troubling you so much!
lilypond-user mailing list


2008-06-01 Thread hhpmusic
Dear list
  First of all, I'll tell yo- my full name--Hu Haipeng. I often refer it only 
for the first time I write to an address, so...
  I'm very very sorry! The paper.scm does have an error! It was accidentally 
found because I wanted to see whether I have added PA4 based sizes. I found two 
royals, the second of which must be atlas. I forgot to overwrite it when 
copying the line from clipboard. I only modified the size. Yesterday I have 
replied to Vallentin (I don't know which Vallentin). Sorry for this!
lilypond-user mailing list

contribute paper.scm

2008-05-30 Thread hhpmusic
  I saw some people discussing what paper size to use one or two days before. 
I'm also suffered from the paper size, and don't know how to handle them when 
writing oversized large orchestral scores like Mahler and Schoenberg did. Thank 
someone, who pointed out the Wikipedia. I'm attaching my paper.scm, with most 
of the sizes copied from the page. Some may perhaps never be used in music 
output, but I added them as a preparation for accidental use. Hope it will be 
  (please note: I'm using my small braille computer to work on Lilypond code, 
so I may accidentally type invalid dot by mistake, when entering spaces or 
executing copy, paste and overwrite commands. If there are errors, please let 
me know.)
  paper.scm -- manipulate the paper and layout block.

  source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter
 (c) 2004--2007 Han-Wen Nienhuys [EMAIL PROTECTED]

(define-public (set-paper-dimension-variables mod)
  (module-define! mod 'dimension-variables
		  '(pt mm cm in staff-height staff-space
		   between-system-space between-system-padding
		   line-width indent short-indent paper-width paper-height horizontal-shift
		   staff-space line-thickness ledgerline-thickness
		   blot-diameter left-margin right-margin)))

(define (calc-line-thickness staff-space pt)
  ;; linear interpolation.

  ;; !! synchronize with
((x1 (* 4.125 pt))
 (x0 (* 5 pt))
 (f1 (* 0.47 pt))
 (f0 (* 0.50 pt)))

  (* f1 (- staff-space x0))
	   (* f0 (- x1 staff-space)))
 (- x1 x0

(define-public (layout-set-absolute-staff-size-in-module module staff-height)
  ((pt (eval 'pt module))
   (ss (/ staff-height 4))
   (factor (/ staff-height (* 20 pt)))
   (setm! (lambda (sym val)
		(module-define! module sym val

(setm! 'text-font-size (* 12 factor))

(setm! 'output-scale ss)
(setm! 'fonts
		(if tex-backend?
			(make-cmr-tree factor)
			(make-century-schoolbook-tree factor)))
(setm! 'staff-height staff-height)
(setm! 'staff-space ss)

(setm! 'line-thickness (calc-line-thickness ss pt))

;;  sync with feta  
(setm! 'ledgerline-thickness (+ (* 0.5 pt) (/ ss 10)))

;;  sync with feta  
(setm! 'blot-diameter (* 0.4 pt))

(define-public (layout-set-absolute-staff-size sz)
  Function to be called inside a \\layout{} block to set the staff
size. SZ is in points
  (layout-set-absolute-staff-size-in-module (current-module) sz))

(define-public (layout-set-staff-size sz)
  Function to be called inside a \\layout{} block to set the staff
size. SZ is in points

  (layout-set-absolute-staff-size (* (eval 'pt (current-module)) sz)))

(define-safe-public (set-global-staff-size sz)
  Set the default staff size, where SZ is thought to be in PT.
  (let* ((current-mod (current-module))
	 (pap (eval '$defaultpaper current-mod))
	 (in-layout? (or (module-defined? current-mod 'is-paper)
			 (module-defined? current-mod 'is-layout)))

	 ; maybe not necessary.
	 ; but let's be paranoid. Maybe someone still refers to the
	 ; old one. 
	 (new-paper (ly:output-def-clone pap))
	 (new-scope (ly:output-def-scope new-paper)))

(if in-layout?
	(ly:warning (_ set-global-staff-size: not in toplevel scope)))

(layout-set-absolute-staff-size-in-module new-scope
	  (* sz (eval 'pt new-scope)))
(module-define! current-mod '$defaultpaper new-paper)))

(define-public paper-alist

  ;; don't use decimals.
  ;; ISO 216 has a tolerance of +- 2mm

  '((a10 . (cons (* 26 mm) (* 37 mm)))
(a9 . (cons (* 37 mm) (* 52 mm)))
(a8 . (cons (* 52 mm) (* 74 mm)))
(a7 . (cons (* 74 mm) (* 105 mm)))
(a6 . (cons (* 105 mm) (* 148 mm)))
(a5 . (cons (* 148 mm) (* 210 mm)))
(a4 . (cons (* 210 mm) (* 297 mm)))
(a3 . (cons (* 297 mm) (* 420 mm)))
(a2 . (cons (* 420 mm) (* 594 mm)))
(a1 . (cons (* 594 mm) (* 841 mm)))
(a0 . (cons (* 841 mm) (* 1189 mm)))
(b10 . (cons (* 31 mm) (* 44 mm)))
(b9 . (cons (* 44 mm) (* 62 mm)))
(b8 . (cons (* 62 mm) (* 88 mm)))
(b7 . (cons (* 88 mm) (* 125 mm)))
(b6 . (cons (* 125 mm) (* 176 mm)))
(b5 . (cons (* 176 mm) (* 250 mm)))
(b4 . (cons (* 250 mm) (* 353 mm)))
(b3 . (cons (* 353 mm) (* 500 mm)))
(b2 . (cons (* 500 mm) (* 707 mm)))
(b1 . (cons (* 707 mm) (* 1000 mm)))
(b0 . (cons (* 1000 mm) (* 1414 mm)))
  ;; Below are two extended sizes defined in DIn 476
(4a0 . (cons (* 1682 mm) (* 2378 mm)))
(2a0 . (cons (* 1189 mm) (* 1682 mm)))
  ;; Below are ISO 269 standard C series
(c10 . (cons (* 28 mm) (* 40 mm)))
(c9 . (cons (* 40 mm) (* 57 mm)))
(c8 . (cons (* 57 mm) (* 81 mm)))
(c7 . (cons (* 81 mm) (* 114 mm)))
(c6 . (cons (* 114 mm) (* 162 mm)))
(c5 . (cons (* 162 mm) (* 229 mm)))
(c4 . (cons (* 229 mm) (* 324 mm)))
(c3 . (cons (* 324 mm) (* 458 mm)))
(c2 . (cons (* 458 mm) (* 648 

re: *.midi vs. *.mid

2008-05-16 Thread hhpmusic
  I'm using Windows Xp, and I can give a suggestion to those who use Xp.
  In fact, Windows Media Player can open .midi file automatically. If you hope 
to change its extension manually, please open any folders and press Alt-T to 
bring up the tools menu. Then choose Folder options, ctrl-tab once, to the 
viewing option page. Then go to the advanced settings below, use arrow keys to 
navigate to every options you wish to change. One of them is hide extensions 
of know files (I translate it from CHinese, I don't know the words in English 
version of Xp),. The default is on, change it to off to display all 
extensions. This is annoying sometimes, but I prefer it because I can't see the 
icons, and I'm afraid I'll open or delete files I don't wish to open or delete. 
At this time, go into the folder and find the .midi file, press f2 to rename 
the extension to .mid.
  I'm using the way a blind does, I don't know whether you have more efficent 
ways. Please point out if There are errors for my method. Thank you!

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: All Ye People Clap your hands (was Re: lilypond-user

2008-05-06 Thread hhpmusic
Dear Gilbert
So this is the first time I offer help in this list!
Perhaps I can introduce a way I always do with my large orchestral scores with 
part amount from 24 to 42. I get this experience because I ever did it in my 
Braille Music Editor, which is very hard to turn a *listenable braille music 
file* (this is it's only advantage) into Finale--I now give up that foolish 
tool. It's very complicated and stupid probably, but can really result a very 
good Midi output. Please, if you won't see any confusing errors when compiling 
for PDF, add only \layout in your main score file, then make a separate file 
named, and merge parts with the same sound into one staff. For 
example, piccolo and three flutes and alto flute (this must do additional 
transposition to make them sound in concert pitch, because when merging, the 
\transposition may also effect other parts, which are now become Voice in one 
part. Please see my attachment of the midi generator for my trial: First 
Symphony--DOOM). The maximum amount of parts is 16, although there will be a 
single warning. You can reject all lyrics contexts in this file (Oh, I 
remember, if you are doing with a score for voice only, just make two \score 
blocks like the piano template does, then reject lyricx in the \midi one, if 
your staff amount is under 16), then add only \midi { } at the end. After 
compiling, delete the ugly PDF file and ignore all warnings and errors which 
didn't occur in the file you want to produce .pdf.
Hope this will help you! If someone has more economy way, please share!
\version 2.11.42


\score {
  \new StaffGroup = orchestra 
  \new Staff = flutes {
\set Staff.midiInstrument = flute
  \unfoldRepeats {  { \tempocontrol } \\ { \transpose c f \piccolo } \\ { \transpose c' f \fluteI } \\ { \transpose c' f \fluteII } \\ { \transpose c' f \fluteIII } \\ { \altoflute }  }
  \new Staff = oboes {
\set Staff.midiInstrument = oboe
  \unfoldRepeats {  { \transpose c' g' \oboeI } \\ { \transpose c' g' \oboeII } \\ { \transpose c' g' \oboeIII } \\ { \enghorn }  }
  \new Staff = clarinets {
\set Staff.midiInstrument = clarinet
  \unfoldRepeats {  { \transpose c c' \clarinetI } \\ { \transpose c c' \clarinetII } \\ { \transpose c c' \clarinetIII } \\ { \bassclarinet }  }
  \new Staff = bassoons {
\set Staff.midiInstrument = bassoon
  \unfoldRepeats {  { \transpose c c' \bassoonI } \\ { \transpose c c' \bassoonII } \\ { \transpose c c' \bassoonIII } \\ { \contrabassoon }  }
  \new Staff = horns {
\set Staff.midiInstrument = french horn
  \unfoldRepeats {  \hornI \hornII \hornIII  }
  \new Staff = trumpets {
\set Staff.midiInstrument = trumpet
  \unfoldRepeats {  \trumpetI \trumpetII \trumpetIII \trumpetIV  }
  \new Staff = trombones {
\set Staff.midiInstrument = trombone
   \tromboneI \tromboneII \tromboneIII \basstrombone 
  \new Staff = tuba {
\set Staff.midiInstrument = tuba
   \tubaI \tubaII 
  \new Staff = timpani {
\set Staff.midiInstrument = timpani
  \unfoldRepeats {  \timpaniI \timpaniII  }
  \new DrumStaff = percussion { \unfoldRepeats { \midiPercussion } }
  \new Staff = harp {
\set Staff.midiInstrument = orchestral strings
\unfoldRepeats {  \harprh \harplh  }
  \new StaffGroup = strings 
\set StaffGroup.midiInstrument = string ensemble 1
\new Staff = violins { \unfoldRepeats {  \violinI \violinII  } }
\new Staff = viola { \unfoldRepeats { \viola } }
\new Staff = violoncello { \unfoldRepeats { \cello } }
\new Staff = contrabass { \unfoldRepeats { \contrabass } }

  \midi { }

lilypond-user mailing list

function error--confusing!

2008-04-26 Thread hhpmusic
  I modified my def for Chinese font file selection, to define a function for 
bilingual display:
cheng = #(define-music-function (parser location chisize chinese engsize 
  (number? string? number? string?)
  #{ \markup {
\override #'(baseline-skip . 2) \center-align {
  \bold \fontsize #$chisize \override #'(font-name . 仿宋_GB2312) $chinese
  \bold \fontsize #$engsize $english } }
It seems right according the Notation Ref. But when I use it in the following 
header markups, it produces a lot of errors:
\header {
  dedication = \cheng #2 #至武海雁 #2 #Dedicated to Wu Haiyan
  title = \cheng #4 #乐诗三章 #4 #Poem In Three Parts
  composer = \cheng #3 #胡海鹏 #3 #Hu Haipeng
  copyright = © 1997, All Rights Reserved
  tagline = \markup \fill-line { \override #'(font-name . 仿宋_GB2312) 
\fontsize #2 \bold 19998年月 }
The error messages are:
Processing `f:/my documents/composition/poem in three parts/'
string:1:33: error: syntax error, unexpected \markup
parseStringResult = \notemode {  
 \markup {
string:3:6: error: unknown escaped string: `\bold'
  \bold \fontsize #lilyvartmpb \override #(quote (font-name . 
浠垮甛x8b_GB2312)) \lilyvartmpc
string:3:12: error: unknown escaped string: `\fontsize'
\fontsize #lilyvartmpb \override #(quote (font-name . 
浠垮甛x8b_GB2312)) \lilyvartmpc
string:4:6: error: unknown escaped string: `\bold'
  \bold \fontsize #lilyvartmpd \lilyvartmpe } }
string:4:12: error: unknown escaped string: `\fontsize'
\fontsize #lilyvartmpd \lilyvartmpe } }
string:1:33: error: syntax error, unexpected \markup
parseStringResult = \notemode {  
 \markup {
string:3:6: error: unknown escaped string: `\bold'
  \bold \fontsize #lilyvartmpb \override #(quote (font-name . 
浠垮甛x8b_GB2312)) \lilyvartmpc
string:3:12: error: unknown escaped string: `\fontsize'
\fontsize #lilyvartmpb \override #(quote (font-name . 
浠垮甛x8b_GB2312)) \lilyvartmpc
string:4:6: error: unknown escaped string: `\bold'
  \bold \fontsize #lilyvartmpd \lilyvartmpe } }
string:4:12: error: unknown escaped string: `\fontsize'
\fontsize #lilyvartmpd \lilyvartmpe } }
string:1:33: error: syntax error, unexpected \markup
parseStringResult = \notemode {  
 \markup {
string:3:6: error: unknown escaped string: `\bold'
  \bold \fontsize #lilyvartmpb \override #(quote (font-name . 
浠垮甛x8b_GB2312)) \lilyvartmpc
string:3:12: error: unknown escaped string: `\fontsize'
\fontsize #lilyvartmpb \override #(quote (font-name . 
浠垮甛x8b_GB2312)) \lilyvartmpc
string:4:6: error: unknown escaped string: `\bold'
  \bold \fontsize #lilyvartmpd \lilyvartmpe } }
string:4:12: error: unknown escaped string: `\fontsize'
\fontsize #lilyvartmpd \lilyvartmpe } }

I think it is perhaps because of chisize, chinese are not things Lily know, 
and us the following:
cheng = #(define-music-function (parser location fontsize text)
  (number? string?)
  #{ \markup {
\override #'(baseline-skip . 2) \center-align {
  \bold \fontsize #$fontsize \override #'(font-name . 仿宋_GB2312) $text
  \bold \fontsize #$fontsize $text
} }
but the error still exists.
I'm not familiar with Scheme, so I can't find a way to debug and create a new 
function. Could anyone help me?
lilypond-user mailing list

strange problem of variable definition and more error messages

2008-04-25 Thread hhpmusic
  I just finished typesetting one of my very early piece. I want to ease the 
writing when every time using Chinese font ile simfang.ttf, so I put an 
override font-name line in I have defined lots of things used very 
often in this file. But the log file says this override is wrong. When I used 
it from time to time in my input file, it's correct. Please tell me how to do 
  BTW, the log file gives a lot of warnings of cannot find start of 
(de)crescendo, but all of my \cresc and \dim has corresponding \! signs. There 
is also a programming error for midi output, which confused me very much! Why?

\version 2.11.44


#(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)

\header {
  title = \markup { \override #'(baseline-skip . 2) \center-align { \simfang \bold \fontsize #4 地衣组曲——友谊 \bold \fontsize #4 First Suite } }
  composer = \markup { \override #'(baseline-skip . 2) \center-align { \simfang \bold \fontsize #3 胡海鹏 \fontsize #3 \bold Hu Haipeng } }
  copyright = © 1998, All Rights Reserved
  tagline = \markup \fill-line { \simfang \fontsize #2 \bold 1998年九月 }

  upperI = \relative c'' {
\clef treble \key c \major \time 3/8 \tempo 4.=60
g8\(^\allegretto c d | e a g | e d c | e4.\) |
g,8\( c d | e a g | e c a | d4.\) |
g,8\( c d | e a g | f d e | a,4\) a8\( |
b4 c8 | d f e | d a g | c4.\) |
c^\rit | e, c g | e c g ~ | e c g \bar |.

  lowerI = \relative c {
\clef bass \key c \major \time 3/8
c16 e g c g e | c e g c g e | c e g c \clef treble e g | c g e c \clef bass g e |
c e g c g e | c e g c g e | a, e' a c a e | g, d' g b g d |
c e g c g e | c g' c e c g | e gis b d b gis | f a c d c a |
d, f g b g f | b, d f g f d | g, d' f g f d | c e g a g e |
c4. | c, c' | c c' ~ | c c' \bar |.

  dynamicsI = {
s4.*16\mf s4.\dim s4. s4.\! s4.

  \score {
\new PianoStaff 
\set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t
  \new Staff = upper
  #(set-accidental-style 'piano 'Score)
  \new Dynamics = dynamics \dynamicsI
  \new Staff = lower { \lowerI }

\header {
  piece = \markup { \override #'(baseline-skip . 2) \center-align { \simfang \fontsize #2 \bold 前奏曲·友谊主题 \fontsize #2 \bold Prelude, theme of friendship } }
\layout {
  \context {
\type Engraver_group
\name Dynamics
\alias Voice
\consists Output_property_engraver
\override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-1 . 1)
\override DynamicLineSpanner #'Y-offset = #0
\consists Script_engraver
\consists Dynamic_engraver
\consists Text_engraver
\override TextScript #'font-size = #2
\override TextScript #'font-shape = #'italic
\consists Skip_event_swallow_translator
\consists Axis_group_engraver
  \context {
\accepts Dynamics
  \context {
\override Glissando #'breakable = ##t
\override TextSpanner #'breakable = ##t
\override DynamicSpanner #'breakable = ##t


  upperII = \relative c'' {
\clef treble \key g \minor \time 2/4 \tempo 4=80
g2\(^\andante | bes | c4 bes8 c | d4 f |
c4. d8 | c4 a | g4. f8 | d2\) |
g2\( | bes | c4 bes8 c | d2 |
f4 g8 f | d f c e | d2 ~ | d\) |
g4\( g | f d | c d | c a |
g f | bes c | d2 ~ | d\) |
g,4\( g' | f d | c d | c a |
g bes | f8 g a4\upmordent | \grace { a16 } g2^\rit ~ | g\) \bar |.

  lowerII = \relative c' {
\clef bass \key g \minor \time 2/4
g4 bes d | f bes d | ees, g c | d f a |
c g' c | d f a | g, g' bes | d a' c |
g bes d | f bes d | ees, g c | d f a |
bes, d f bes | d f bes c g' c | d f a |  { d' c } \\ { a2 }  |
g4 bes d | f bes d | ees, g c | d a' c |
g bes d | f c' f | bes d f | a d f |
g, bes d | f a d | ees g c | d f a |
ees g bes | d f a | g, d' g b | g,2 \bar |.

  dynamicsII = {
s2*8\mp s2*4\cresc s2*4\!\mf
s2*10 s2*5\dim s2\!\p

  \score {
\new PianoStaff 
\set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t
  \new Staff = upper
  #(set-accidental-style 'piano 'Score)
  \new Dynamics = dynamics \dynamicsII
  \new Staff = lower { \lowerII }

\header {
  piece = \markup { \override #'(baseline-skip . 2) \center-align { \simfang \fontsize #2 \bold 漫步 \fontsize #2 \bold Walking } }
\layout {
  \context {
\type Engraver_group
\name Dynamics
\alias Voice
\consists Output_property_engraver
\override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-1 . 1)
\override DynamicLineSpanner #'Y-offset = #0
\consists Script_engraver
\consists Dynamic_engraver
\consists Text_engraver
\override TextScript #'font-size = #2
\override TextScript #'font-shape = #'italic

write score like Tchaikovsky

2008-04-20 Thread hhpmusic
  I want to add some verses above the score, like Tchaikovsky did in his The 
Seasons. Even more, I don't add them at the beginning of a piece, but at the 
beginning of a certain theme with or without pre line or page breaking. I know 
liypond-book can do it, but there seems to be no way for me to do his. the 
Latex is not for Windows, and Miktex website is blocked in China. I don't know 
whetherthere are other softwares can do it. Texinfo is for Unix and Cygwin, and 
my screen reader can't support cygwin or Uwin shell, and also, the lcommands I 
entered will not be responsed. Sometimes I entered markups, but they are 
limited to b follow a note or rest. If I use mutiple \score and insert 
markupsamong them without page break, Lily seems to consider it as errors. How 
can I do? Is there a software for pure Windows to work with Lilypond-book?
KInd Regrds
lilypond-user mailing list

two problems

2008-04-18 Thread hhpmusic
  I encountered two problems when using Lilypond on Windows. First, the 2.11.44 
documentation  tarball seems have problms. I don't know how to build bz2 file 
using Windows, my way is to unpack the files to a doc folder using Winrar. But 
the tarball (from the time I began to learn Lily) always has some files 
duplicated in name, which causes the program asks for rename or ignore from 
time to time. The tarball this time I got has even serious problem which cause 
Winrar stops to unpack, saying reading error. Please tell me how to build this 
tarball correctly?
  Second, Lilypad always display Chinese characters in a corrupted code. Can I 
find a way to let it just display English rather than the language my 
computer's platform is using?


lilypond-user mailing list

beaming problem

2008-04-04 Thread hhpmusic
  This is the opening of my capriccio for violin and piano. I use the easy 
tuplet writing method to set tuplet span to a quarter length, and my manual 
beaming in the braces are correct (as I know). But the log file gave a lot of 
warnings saying something I don't understand, perhaps a beaming problem. Could 
anyone tell me what's the matter?
 \version 2.11.42

#(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)

\header {
  tagline = ##f
  title = \markup { \fontsize #2 Capriccio For Violin And Piano }
  composer = \markup { \fontsize #3 \bold Hu Haipeng }
  copyright = © 2008, All Rights Reserved

  stu = { \change Staff = upper }
  stl = { \change Staff = lower }
  pizz = \set Staff.midiInstrument = pizzicato strings
  arco = \set Staff.midiInstrument = violin
  rit = \markup { \bold \italic Rit. }
  atempo = \markup { \bold \italic A tempo }

  tempoline = \relative c {
\time 3/4 \tempo 4=88
R2.*11 |
r2 \tempo 4=84 r4 |
\tempo 4=88 R2.*7 |
\tempo 4=82 r4 \tempo 4=76 r \tempo 4=72 r |
\tempo 4=88 R2.*4 |

  violin = \relative c' {
\clef treble \key fis \minor \time 3/4 \tempo 4=88
R2. | R2. |
\override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text =
  \markup { \upright Sul G }
fis8.\(\f^\startTextSpan^\markup { \bold \italic Con fuoco } cis16 cis'4. e8 |
cis8. a32 b cis4 ~ cis16 b\upmordent a fis |
a8. b16 fis4. e8 |
fis16 e cis4.\) r4 |
fis8.\( cis16 cis'4. fis8 |
e16\upmordent cis a b cis4 ~ cis16 b a fis |
a8.\ b16 fis4\) a8.\( b16 |
fis4\) a8--\( ~ \times 2/3 { a16 b-- a-- } fis8--\) r16 fis'\(\!\sf ~ |
fis2 e4 |
fis32 e cis8.\ ~ cis4.\)\!^\stopTextSpan r8 |
\set tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4)
\times 4/6 { a,16[\pp^\markup { \bold \italic Leggiero } fis' cis' cis fis, a,] a[ fis' cis' cis fis, a,] a[ fis' cis' cis fis, a,] } |
\times 4/6 { a[ e' cis' cis e, a,] cis[ a' e' e a, cis,] cis[ a' e' e a, cis,] } |
\times 4/6 { d[ a' fis' fis a, d,] d[ a' fis' fis a, d,] d[ b' fis' fis b, d,] } |
\times 4/6 { cis[ gis' e' e gis, cis,] gis[ e' cis' cis e, gis,] gis[ e' cis' cis e, gis,] } |
\times 4/6 { a[ fis' cis' cis fis, a,] a[ fis' cis' cis fis, a,] a[ fis' cis' cis fis, a,] } |
\times 4/6 { a[ e' cis' cis e, a,] cis[ a' e' e a, cis,] cis[ a' e' e a, cis,] } |
\times 4/6 { d[ a' fis' fis a, d,] d[ a' fis' fis a, d,] cis[ a' fis' fis a, cis,] } |
\times 4/6 { cis[ a' fis' fis a, cis,] c[\\(^\rit dis fis a c dis] fis[ a c dis fis\)\! r] } |
a a,8-\(\ff^\atempo fis fis, fis fis,4 e e,8 b b, |
cis cis, b b,16 a a, e e,8 fis fis, \times 2/3 { a a,8 b b, cis cis,\) } |
a' a,8-\( fis fis, fis fis,4 \times 2/3 { e e,8 b b, e e, } |
cis cis,8 b b,16 a a, fis fis,8 a a,4 fis fis,8\) |

  upper = \relative c'' {
\clef treble \key fis \minor \time 3/4 \tempo 4=88
\set tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4)
s2.*9^\markup { \bold \italic Appassionato } |
s2 a4 | s a b |
r8 e, cis--\( fis cis-- gis e-- cis gis cis,-- e cis gis cis--\) |
fis cis a fis8.\(^\markup { \bold \italic Con fuoco } cis cis,16 cis' a fis cis4. e e,8 |
cis a fis cis8. a a,32 b b, cis a fis cis4 ~ cis a fis cis16 b b, a a, fis fis, |
a fis d a8. b b,16 fis d a fis4. e e,8 |
fis cis gis fis16 e e, cis gis e cis8 ~ cis gis e cis2\) |
fis cis a fis8.\( cis cis,16 cis' a fis cis4. fis fis,8 |
e cis a e16 cis cis, a a, b b, cis a fis cis4 ~ cis a fis cis16 b b, a a, fis fis, |
a fis d a8. b b,16 fis d a fis4\) a fis cis a8.\( b b,16 |
fis cis a fis4\) a fis dis a8\(^\rit ~ \times 2/3 { a fis dis a16 b b, a a, } fis dis a fis8\) r16 fis fis, |
a' fis d a8-\(^\atempo fis d a fis fis d a fis4 e b gis e8 b gis e b |
cis a e cis\ b b,16 a a, e cis e,8\!\ fis fis, \times 2/3 { a cis, a8 b b, cis cis,\) } |
a' fis d a8-\(\! fis d a fis fis d a fis4 \times 2/3 { e b gis e8 b b, e e, } |
cis a fis cis8 b b,16 a a, fis cis a fis8 a fis cis a4 fis fis,8\) |

  lower = \relative c, {
\clef bass \key fis \minor \time 3/4
\set tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4)
\times 4/6 { fis16\( cis' fis \stu a b cis } \times 4/5 { fis16[ e cis b a] cis[ b a \stl fis cis]\) } |
\times 4/6 { fis,16\( cis' fis \stu a b cis } \times 4/5 { fis16[ e cis b a] cis[ b a \stl fis cis]\) } |
\times 4/6 { fis,16\( cis' fis \stu a b cis } \times 4/5 { fis16[ e cis b a] cis[ b a \stl fis cis]\) } |
\times 4/6 { e,16\( cis' fis \stu a b cis } \times 4/5 { fis16[ e cis b a] cis[ b a \stl fis cis]\) } |
\times 4/6 { d,16\( a' fis' \stu a b d } \times 4/5 { fis16[ e d b a] b[ a fis \stl d a]\) } |
\times 4/6 { cis,16\( gis' e' \stu gis cis e } \times 4/5 { gis16[ fis e cis gis] e'[ cis gis \stl e cis]\) } |
\times 4/6 { fis,16\( cis' fis \stu a b cis } \times 4/5 { fis16[ e cis b a] cis[ b a \stl fis cis]\) } |
\times 4/6 { e,16\( cis' fis \stu 


2008-04-04 Thread hhpmusic
  Another qestion is, how to write a femata on the barline? Is there a way to 
write it not using the offset or any other horizontal moving commands which I 
can't handle without a sighted people?
lilypond-user mailing list

font selection problem

2008-03-10 Thread hhpmusic
  I attempted  to use CHinese words in my music, but my computer only has ttc 
files for Chinese fonts. I downloaded simsun.ttf yesterday, but after pasted it 
to c:\windows\fonts folder, Lilypond still considered the ttc one when I 
override font-name to simsun. The ttc one is undeletable, and I daren't to use 
unlocker assistant to force it to be deleted. Then I rename the simsun.ttf to 
simsun2.ttf, then select it using Lilypond, it didn't recognize it and use the 
Ms-gothic.ttc. I then renamed it back and change font-name to simsun.ttf, but 
Lilypond still use gothic.ttc. How can I do?
lilypond-user mailing list

a terrible question

2008-03-06 Thread hhpmusic
  The question I'm asking is very advanced. Some of you probably know the 
Beijing opera or other kinds of folk dramatic music in CHina. If I use the 
elements of these kinds of music in an instrumental score such as violin or 
cello music (Tan Dun did it already, but surely by hand), there must be some 
graphical lines. The Scheme tutorial I found is a PS file, and after converted 
to text (only this way can I read it), the texts are messed up and unreadable, 
especially the blocks for syntax learning. So I don't know whether I can draw 
pictures using Scheme codes and how to do.
  Since I'm blind, I can't draw a JPG file to show what I want. Just give two 
examples to show two kinds of lines I want:
  Function 1: c1\growingTrill\fermata
  This trill is a line shows that the frequency must grow gradually, like this:
  c8^Ad Libtum d c d \times 2/3 { c8 d c } d16 c d c... and more fast since a 
fermata is here.
  Function 2: to define a trill spanner style, which is as a straight line at 
first, but after a while begins the normal till waves. OR, more advanced, the 
waves are note ascending, but a inverted one (thus, I don't want the trill be 
written on note b). Then:
  c2\startTrillSpan % straight line
  c2\stopTrillSpan % begin trill or inverted one as defined previously
 or directly using c1\straightTrill as difined to make such a kind of trill 
(the length of the straight line can be changed freely but not collides othe 
grobs) on a single note
  More things are slow glissando line or zigzag line to let the player play a 
zigzag wave while sliding up or down.
  My god! The question seems too hard to be answered! Can anyone help me?
  By the way, can anyone tell me where a text or html version of Scheme 
tutorial is. If you can't solve this, I can learn Scheme and solve it myself 
(unless Scheme can't draw figures).
lilypond-user mailing list

pizzicato problem

2008-03-02 Thread hhpmusic
Hi, There is a small question: can  I write Bartok pizzicato in LilyPond? How 
to do?
lilypond-user mailing list

strange error

2008-02-29 Thread hhpmusic
Hi, I'm coping the opening of my violin concerto (just an experiment to try 
braille music software in 2006). The log file gives an error of, which 
I can't deal with. I checked my input file, and can't make sure everything is 
right. Could you please tell me what the error means?


 \version 2.11.41

#(set-default-paper-size a4)

\header {
  tagline = ##f
  title = \markup { \fontsize #2 Violin Concerto }
  composer = \markup \center-align { \fontsize #3 \bold Hu Haipeng \small (1984) }
  copyright = © 2008, All Rights Reserved

  mute = \set Staff.midiInstrument = muted trumpet
  open = \set Staff.midiInstrument = trumpet
  pizz = \set Staff.midiInstrument = pizzicato strings
  arco = \set Staff.midiInstrument = string ensemble 1

  tempoA = \tempo 2=48
  tempoB = \tempo 2=60

  toptextA = \markup { \bold \italic Andante }
  rit = \markup { \bold \italic Rit. }
  toptextB = \markup { \bold \italic Con moto }
  toptextC = \markup { \bold \italic risoluto }

  str = { \change Staff = rh }
  stl = { \change Staff = lh }

  fluteI = \relative c''' {
\clef treble \key des \major \time 6/4 \tempoA
R1.*4^\toptextA |
\repeat tremolo 24 { aes32\mf bes } |
\repeat tremolo 16 { aes\ bes } \repeat tremolo 4 { aes bes } \times 4/7 { aes16 bes aes bes aes bes des\! } |

  fluteII = \relative c'' {
\clef treble \key des \major \time 6/4 \tempoA
R1.*4^\toptextA |
\repeat tremolo 24 { f32\mf ees } |
\repeat tremolo 16 { f\ ees } \repeat tremolo 4 { f ees } \times 4/6 { f16 ees f ees f ae\! } |

  oboeI = \relative c'' {
\clef treble \key des \major \time 6/4 \tempoA
R1.*4^\toptextA |
\repeat tremolo 24 { des32\mf ees } |
\repeat tremolo 16 { des\ ees } \repeat tremolo 4 { des ees } \times 4/7 { des16 ees des ees des ees f\! } |

  oboeII = \relative c'' {
\clef treble \key des \major \time 6/4 \tempoA
R1.*4^\toptextA |
\repeat tremolo 24 { aes32\mf bes } |
\repeat tremolo 16 { aes\ bes } \repeat tremolo 4 { aes bes } \times 4/7 { aes16 bes aes bes aes bes des\! } |

  clarinetI = \relative c'' {
\clef treble \key ees \major \time 6/4 \tempoA
\transposition bes
R1.*4^\toptextA |
\repeat tremolo 24 { g32\mf f } |
\repeat tremolo 16 { g\ f } \repeat tremolo 4 { g f } \times 4/7 { g16 f g f g f g\! } |

  clarinetII = \relative c' {
\clef treble \key ees \major \time 6/4 \tempoA
\transposition bes
R1.*4^\toptextA |
\repeat tremolo 24 { ees32\mf f } |
\repeat tremolo 16 { ees\ f } \repeat tremolo 4 { ees f } \times 4/7 { ees16 f ees f ees f ees\! } |

  bassoon = \relative c {
\clef bass \key des \major \time 6/4 \tempoA
R1.*4^\toptextA |
des aes'1.\mf ~ | des aes'2.\ des des'4 bes bes' aes aes'\! |

  hornI = \relative c'' {
\clef treble \key aes \major \time 6/4 \tempoA
\transposition f
R1.*5^\toptextA |
ees c1.\mf\ |

  hornII = \relative c'' {
\clef treble \key aes \major \time 6/4 \tempoA
\transposition f
R1.*5^\toptextA |
aes ees1.\mf\ |

  trumpets = \relative c'' {
\clef treble \key ees \major \time 6/4 \tempoA
\transposition bes
R1.*6^\toptextA |

  tromboneI = \relative c {
\clef bass \key des \major \time 6/4 \tempoA
R1.*6^\toptextA |

  tromboneII = \relative c {
\clef bass \key des \major \time 6/4 \tempoA
R1.*6^\toptextA |

  tuba = \relative c, {
\clef bass \key des \major \time 6/4 \tempoA
R1.*6^\toptextA |

  timpani = \relative c {
\clef bass \key des \major \time 6/4 \tempoA
R1.*5^\toptextA |
des1.:32\mf\ |

  miditimpani = \relative c {
\clef bass \key des \major \time 6/4 \tempoA
R1.*5 |
\repeat unfold 48 des32\mf\ |

  percussion = \drummode {
\clef percussion \time 6/4 \tempoA
R1.*6^\toptextA |

  midiPercussion = 
\new DrumVoice {
  \drummode {
\time 6/4 \tempoA
R1.*6 |
\new DrumVoice {
  \drummode {
R1.*6 |
\new DrumVoice {
  \drummode {
R1.*6 |
\new DrumVoice {
  \drummode {
R1.*6 |

  harprh = \relative c' {
\clef treble \key des \major \time 6/4 \tempoA
R1.*6^\toptextA |

  harplh = \relative c, {
\clef bass \key des \major \time 6/4
R1.*6 |

  celrh = \relative c' {
\clef treble \key des \major \time 6/4 \tempoA
R1.*6^\toptextA |

  cellh = \relative c, {
\clef bass \key des \major \time 6/4
R1.*6 |

  violinsolo = \relative c {
\clef treble \key des \major \time 6/4 \tempoA
#(set-octavation 1)
r2.^\toptextA r4 f2\(\p^\markup { \italic Dolce } ~ |
f ees des |
\times 3/2 { aes2 bes } f4 aes ees |
\times 3/2 { f2\ bes, } des2 #(set-octavation 0) f,4 |
aes2.\)\!\mf \times 2/3 { ees8\(\ f bes, } \times 2/3 { des4 f,8 } aes16 bes des f |
aes2.\!\f\trill\startTrillSpan ~ aes4\stopTrillSpan 

Midi problem

2008-02-27 Thread hhpmusic
  I know the Dynamic context created in piano template allows Midi output to 
play piano pedaling. But when I write piano piece, the Midi can't reflect my 
pedaling, and the sound is still dry. This is not because of my player, because 
when I play some Midi files created by other softwares such as Finale, the 
pedaling is here. Why? How to make my Midi file really have pedaling output?
lilypond-user mailing list

space system problem

2008-02-18 Thread hhpmusic
  Here is the first paragraph of my piece describing the great Three Gorges on 
Yantze River. But the log file said tried to space systems on bad number of 
pages. What does it mean?
 \version 2.11.37

#(set-default-paper-size a4)

\header {
  tagline = ##f
  title = \markup { \bold Rhapsody--Kuei }
  subtitle = \markup \center-align { \fontsize #1 For Large Orchestra and Chorus }
  composer = \markup \center-align { \fontsize #3 \bold Hu Haipeng \small (1984) }
  copyright = © 2008, All Rights Reserved

  mute = \set Staff.midiInstrument = muted trumpet
  open = \set Staff.midiInstrument = trumpet
  pizz = \set Staff.midiInstrument = pizzicato strings
  arco = \set Staff.midiInstrument = string ensemble 1

  tempoA = \tempo 4=52
  tempoB = \tempo 2=60

  toptextA = \markup { \bold \italic Adagio }
  rit = \markup { \bold \italic Rit. }
  toptextC = \markup { \bold risoluto }

  str = { \change Staff = rh }
  stl = { \change Staff = lh }

  flutes = \relative c''' {
\clef treble \key f \minor \time 4/4
R1*7^\toptextA |
R1\mark \default | \time 3/2 r2 aes f c8\mp f c aes4. ~ f c aes2 |
\time 4/4 R1 | \time 3/2 r2 aes f des8 f des aes4. ~ f des aes4 r |
\time 4/4 R1*5 |
\time 3/2 r2 aes' f c8\ff f c aes4. ~ f c aes2 |
\time 4/4 R1 | \time 3/2 r2 aes f des8 f des aes4. ~ f des aes2 |
\time 4/4 R1 | \time 3/2 R1. |
\time 4/4 R1*8 | \time 3/2 R1.^\rit \bar ||

  oboes = \relative c''' {
\clef treble \key f \minor \time 4/4 \tempoA
R1*7^\toptextA |
R1 | \time 3/2 r2 aes f c8\mp f c aes4. ~ f c aes2 |
\time 4/4 R1 | \time 3/2 r2 aes f des8\mp f des aes4. ~ f des aes4 r |
\time 4/4 R1*5 |
\time 3/2 r2 aes f c8\ff f c aes4. ~ f c aes2 |
\time 4/4 R1 | \time 3/2 r2 aes f des8 f des aes4. ~ f des aes2 |
\time 4/4 R1 | \time 3/2 R1. |
\time 4/4 R1*8 |
\time 3/2 aes f c8\ppp^\rit f c aes4. ~ f c aes4 r4 r2 \bar ||

  clarinets = \relative c' {
\clef treble \key g \minor \time 4/4 \tempoA
\transposition bes
R1*7^\toptextA |
R1 | \time 3/2 R1. |
\time 4/4 R1 | \clef bass \time 3/2 r1 bes g ees2\p |
\time 4/4 d a f d bes g ~ |
d bes g~  ees c g\cresc |
f d~ a g d bes |
g ees c f d a\endcresc |
g d bes1\f ~ | \time 3/2 g d bes1. |
\time 4/4 g d bes1 | \time 3/2 g ees bes1. |

  { \time 4/4 f d1 | \time 3/2 d2 ees d } \\
  { \voiceThree bes2 a | bes g1 a f2 }
\oneVoice d bes g1\mf | g d bes |
ees c g\ | d~ bes f~2\!\ d a f |
d bes g2\!\p r | R1 |
R1 | R1 | \time 3/2 R1.^\rit \bar ||

  bassoons = \relative c, {
\clef bass \key f \minor \time 4/4 \tempoA
R1*7^\toptextA |
R1 | \time 3/2 R1. |
\time 4/4 R1 | \time 3/2 R1. |
\time 4/4 R1*3 | r2 c c'\mp\ |
f c'1\f ~ | \time 3/2 f c'1. |
\time 4/4 f c'1 | \time 3/2 des des'1. |
\time 4/4 aes'4.^a2 bes8 c2 | \time 3/2 f4 ees des2 c |
\time 4/4 f1\mf | ees |
des1\ | aes4.\!\ bes8 c2 |
f,2\!\p r2 | R1*3 | \time 3/2 R1.^\rit \bar ||

  hornI = \relative c''' {
\clef treble \key c \minor \time 4/4 \tempoA
\transposition f
R1*7^\toptextA |
g4\p^\markup { \column { \italic tranquillo \smaller a2 } } c, ees2 | \time 3/2 f16 ees c4. ~ c1 |
\time 4/4 g'4 c, ees2 | \time 3/2 f16 ees c4. ~ c2. r4 |
\time 4/4 R1 |
r2 r8 c,8\(\mp\cresc ees f |
g bes4 g16 bes c8 ees4 c16 ees |
f8 c ees f g4 bes,\)\endcresc |
c g1\f ~ | \time 3/2 c g1. |
\time 4/4 c g1 | \time 3/2 c aes1. |
\time 4/4 bes g1 | \time 3/2 c~ g2 c aes bes g4 g d8 bes g |
\time 4/4 c g1\mf | ees c |
f c\ | ees bes2\!\ bes g |
c g2\!\p r | R1 |
g'4\pp^\markup { \column { \bold \italic tranquillo \italic mute \smaller a2 } } c, ees2 | f16 ees c4. ~ c2 | \time 3/2 R1.^\rit \bar ||

  hornII = \relative c'' {
\clef treble \key c \minor \time 4/4 \tempoA
\transposition f
R1*7^\toptextA |
ees c4\p^\markup { \italic tranquillo } g, ees c g2 | \time 3/2 c g8 g ees4. ~ g ees1 |
\time 4/4 ees' c4 g, ees c g2 | \time 3/2 c aes8 aes ees4. ~ aes ees2. r4 |
\time 4/4 R1 |
r2 r4 ees c\p\cresc |
d bes4. g d8 g ees4. c g8 |
c aes2 d bes4 g, d\endcresc |
ees c1\f ~ | \time 3/2 ees c1. |
\time 4/4 ees c1 | \time 3/2 ees c1. |
\time 4/4 ees bes2 d bes | \time 3/2 ees c1 d bes4 bes g8 d bes |
\time 4/4 ees c1\mf | g ees |
aes f\ | g ees2\!\ d bes |
ees c2\!\p r2 | R1 |
ees' c4\pp^\markup { \bold \italic tranquillo \italic mute } aes, ees c aes2 | c aes8 aes ees4. ~ aes ees2 r2 \bar ||

  trumpets = \relative c'' {
\clef treble \key g \minor \time 4/4 \tempoA
\transposition bes
R1*7^\toptextA |
R1 | \time 3/2 R1. |
\time 4/4 R1 | \time 3/2 R1. |
\time 4/4 R1*4 |
d d,4\ff^I  II_III g, g, bes bes,2 | \time 3/2 c c,16 bes bes, g g,4. ~ g g,2. r4 |
\time 4/4 d' d, g, g, bes bes,2 | \time 3/2 c c,16 bes bes, g g,4. ~ g g,2. r4 |
\time 4/4 R1 | \time 3/2 

feta fonts

2008-02-11 Thread hhpmusic
Hi, I can't see the picture, and the Scheme codes are confusing. So I can't get 
the list of all glyphs in Feta fonts. Can anyone give me a list? Thank you!
lilypond-user mailing list

my score and log file 2

2008-02-01 Thread hhpmusic
Sorry, I didn't include my score in the previous mail. The score is here now.

 \version 2.11.37

\header {
  tagline = ##f
  title = Fantasie--Mémoire Du Canada
  subtitle = Dediée a Karen Butler et Lin Ying
  composer = Hu Haipeng
  copyright = 2007, All Rights Reserved

  mute = \set Staff.midiInstrument = muted trumpet
  open = \set Staff.midiInstrument = trumpet
  pizz = \set Staff.midiInstrument = pizzicato strings
  arco = \set Staff.midiInstrument = string ensemble 1
  solo = \set Staff.midiInstrument = violin
  tutti = \set Staff.midiInstrument = string ensemble 1

  tempoA = \tempo 2=52
  tempoB = \tempo 2=60

  toptextA = \markup { \bold Largo }
  toptextB = \markup { \bold Con moto }
  toptextC = \markup { \bold risoluto }

  piccolo = \relative c''' {
\clef treble \key gis \minor \time 3/2 \tempoA
\transposition c''
R1.*15^\toptextA R1.\fermata \bar ||
\tempoB R1.*25^\toptextB
\set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-box-numbers
\mark \default \bar ||
\key e \minor
R1.*7^\toptextC |
r1 r4 b\(\f |

  flutes = \relative c'' {
\clef treble \key gis \minor \time 3/2
dis4\((\mf^I gis gis1) |
gis4( \grace { fis16[ gis] } fis8 dis b16 cis dis4. ~ dis2)\) |
gis,4\( cis cis2 ~ cis8 dis16 cis b8 gis |
fis4. gis16 fis dis1\) |
R1.*11 | \times 2/3 { gis'4\(\p fis dis } cis1\)\fermata \bar ||
\tempoB R1.*9^\toptextB
\times 2/3 { gis'2\(\mf dis'4 } cis1\) |
\times 2/3 { gis2\( cis4 } b1\) |
\times 2/3 { dis,2\( gis4 } fis1\) |
R1.*4 | \times 2/3 { r4 dis,\(\mp\^II fis }
  \times 2/3 { gis b dis }
  \times 2/3 { fis gis b\)\! } |
dis1\(\f\^A2 \times 2/3 { cis2 b4 } | gis2\)\! r2 r |
R1. | R | R |
gis2(\p^I fis) r | R1. |
\fatText R^\markup { \bold Flute 2 takes piccolo } \bar ||
\key e \minor
\emptyText R1. | r1 r4 b\(\f |
e1 ~ e8 d \times 2/3 { e8 b d } |
e1 ~ \times 2/3 { e8 d e } \times 2/3 { b d a } |
b1 ~ b8\) a\( \times 2/3 { b8 g a } |
b1 ~ \times 2/3 { b8 a g } \times 2/3 { e g d } |
e2\) r2 r |
r1 r4 b'\( |

  oboes = \relative c'' {
\clef treble \key gis \minor \time 3/2 \tempoA
R1.*4^\toptextA |
dis4\((\mf^I gis \times 2/3 { gis2 gis4 ~ } gis2) |
ais8( \times 2/3 { gis16 ais gis } fis8 dis b16 cis dis4. ~ dis2)\) |
gis,4\( cis cis b2 cis4 |
dis \grace { cis16[ dis] } cis8 b gis1\) |
R1.*6 \times 2/3 { dis'4\(\mp^II cis b } gis1\) | R1.\fermata \bar ||
\tempoB R1.*9^\toptextB
\times 2/3 { gis2\(\mf dis'4 } cis1\) |
\times 2/3 { gis2\( cis4 } b1\) |
\times 2/3 { dis,2\( gis4 } fis1\) | R1.*5 |
b' gis1.(\mf | gis dis2) r r |
R1. | R |
dis1(\mp^I cis2) | R1. | R | R \bar ||
\key e \minor
R1.^\toptextC | r1 r4 b\(\f^I |
e1 ~ e8 d \times 2/3 { e8 b d } |
e1 ~ \times 2/3 { e8 d e } \times 2/3 { b d a } |
b1 ~ b8\) a\( \times 2/3 { b8 g a } |
b1 ~ \times 2/3 { b8 a g } \times 2/3 { e g d } |
e2\) r2 r | R1. |

  enghorn = \relative c' {
\clef alto \key dis \minor \time 3/2
\transposition f
R1.*15 R1.\fermata \bar ||
R1.*25 \bar ||
\key b \minor
R1.*8^\toptextC |

  clarinets = \relative c' {
\clef treble \key ais \minor \time 3/2 \tempoA
\transposition bes
R1.*14^\toptextA fisis cis1.\mp R\fermata \bar ||
\tempoB \times 2/3 { eis2\(\mp^cantabile_I gis4 } ais1 |
\times 2/3 { eis2 gis4 } ais2 eis' |
\times 2/3 { dis2 cis4 } ais1\) |
\times 2/3 { fis2\( gis4 } ais1 |
\times 2/3 { gis2 fis4 } dis2 fis |
gis1.\) |
ais eis1\mf \times 2/3 { gis dis4 ais eis cis gis } |
ais eis1 \times 2/3 { gis dis4 ais eis cis ais } |
eis gis,1. |
dis, ais\p | eis cis | cis gis |

  { ais2\mf^I ~ \times 2/3 { ais4 fis\ gis } \times 2/3 { ais cis dis\! } } \\|
  { dis1._II }
eis bis1 ais cis,2 |
ais dis,1. |
 { gis1 fis2 } \\ { bis,1. } 
eis cis2 r2 r |

  { eis'1.(\mf | cis2) r r } \\
  { ais1. ~ | ais2 s2 s2 }
eis'1\(\mf^I \times 2/3 { dis4 eis cis } | ais2\) r r |
R1. | r1 ais2(\p^II | cis1.) | R \bar ||
\key fis \minor
R1.*7^\toptextC |
r1 r4 cis'\(\f |

  bassoons = \relative c {
\clef bass \key gis \minor \time 3/2 \tempoA
R1.*14^\toptextA cis gis'1.\mp | R\fermata \bar ||
\tempoB R1.*6^\toptextB
b1\mf^a2 fis2 | gis1. | dis |
e cis'\p | gis dis' | dis fis' |
e cis'\mf\ | dis fis'1\!\f gis dis'2 |
e gis'1. | fis fis' | b fis'2 r2 r |
R1.*8 \bar ||
\key e \minor
R1.*8^\toptextC |

  hornI = \relative c'' {
\clef treble \key dis \minor \time 3/2 \tempoA
\transposition f

  { b1\p\ dis2 | dis1. | gis\!\mf | fis } \\
  { gis,1. | ais | b1 dis2 | dis1. }
 | R1. |
 { dis2\pp cis1\fermata } \\ { eis,\fermata }  \bar ||
\tempoB R1.*6^toptextB
ais fis1\mf \times 2/3 { gis dis4 fis cis gis dis } |
ais fis1 \times 2/3 { gis dis4 ais fis 

command line problem

2008-01-22 Thread hhpmusic
Some days ago, I asked a person for using command line in Windows, and he 
suggested me to see a LilyPond post reply. But I have almost no knowledge of 
DOS, so I can't change the path, the command line prompt's default path is 
[c:\documents and settings\owner], and I can only use cd\ to back to the root 
directory Disk C. Please tell me: If my LilyPond is in [d:\program 
files\lilypond], and the MusicXml file (for example, symphony1.xml) I want to 
convert is in [f:\music scores], how to run Xml2ly when I go into the command 
line prompt?
lilypond-user mailing list

text encoding compatibility

2008-01-01 Thread hhpmusic
Hi, I'm writing my piano transcription of a Chinese folksong. But when I typed 
the Chinese title and related header info, Lilypond reported error message of 
incompatible font. I think Lilypond is an English based program, so, can you 
make it free to accept other types of text such as Chinese, Japanese, Russian 
and Arabic languages?
lilypond-user mailing list

a suggestion

2007-12-31 Thread hhpmusic
Hi, I'm Hu Haipeng, the blind musician of China. I'm discussing an important 
thing with Werner, who suggests me to write to the maillist here.
  I have got a great progress during these few days since I began to learn 
Lilypond. But I find a problem at the appendix of the Notation Reference 
Manual. The diagram of articulations and ornaments is a picture, both the 
Lilypond syntax and the music signs are inaccessible to me. During the 
discussion, I know they are planning to rewrite the manual. So my suggestion 
is, it's better to make all things clear to all the people. Lilypond is written 
using ASCII, so it's the best way for blind to compose or read music without 
sighted people's help. I don't know whether there are many other blind people 
in European and American countries using Lilypond, but for me, this is a good 
thing. I wish that there may be a table of all syntax commands with brief 
discriptions, so that all the people can read and  fully handle this wonderful 
music notation method.
lilypond-user mailing list

ask for help--I'm confused

2007-12-30 Thread hhpmusic
(note: lcd means the first letters of Chinese spelling of the piece)
Hi, I'm Hu Haipeng. I just transcribed my transcription of a Chinese folksong 
into Lilypond, but the result is bad. The first bar, I made 3 voices, the 
second is a cue of the special mordent (but I haven't learn how to write 
ornaments till now), the next bar has two and the third only one. It seems all 
are right, but the log file said it can't create new staff. The Midi output is 
correct, but when I OMR'd the music using SharpEye and brailled it using 
Finale's plug-in, the result is really wrong. Before I add a \clef treble to 
the first new staff, the left hand was above the right; but when added the clef 
indication, all two hands seemed conbine to one. I can't see my output, and 
don't know where the error is. I check my nested brackets, they seem all right 
(but not sure). Can you help me?
 \version 2.11.36

\header {
  title = Dragon Boat Tune
  subtitle = Transcriptions of Hubei Folksongs, No.1
  composer = Hu Haipeng

\score {
\relative c'' {
  \new PianoStaff 
\new staff { \clef treble \time 4/4 \key bes \minor 
  { f8(^rubato_\mf des16 des des8 f des ees4.) } \\
  { s2 s8 ees32. f64 ees32 f ees4 } \\
  { \voiceFour bes f2\arpeggio bes ges\arpeggio }
  { f8(\p des16 des des8 f16. aes32 des,8 ees4.)^simile } \\
  { des bes2\arpeggio des bes\arpeggio }
\time 2/4 \oneVoice
f bes f'8^allegro_\mf f bes des16-. f bes des-. f bes des8 bes des f
\new staff { \clef bass \key bes \minor
  bes,, f' des'2\arpeggio ees ges bes\arpeggio | bes f'\arpeggio ees g\arpeggio | bes f' des'8\arpeggio bes' des16-. bes des-. bes des8 f bes


  \midi { }
  \layout { }

Description: MIDI audio
lilypond-user mailing list

sorry and ask for help again

2007-12-30 Thread hhpmusic
Sorry for my headlongness! I thought it will turn good, but no. The log file 
still said it cannot create new staff, no matter where I placed \relative 
(before or after \new staff { }). I'm sending you both the .ly and log files, 
and, what does 18:33 and 18:13 before the error message ignoring too many 
clashing notes mean?
lilypond-user mailing list


2007-12-30 Thread hhpmusic
These are my files.

Description: Binary data
\version 2.11.36

\header {
  title = Dragon Boat Tune
  subtitle = Transcriptions of Hubei Folksongs, No.1
  composer = Hu Haipeng

\score {
\new PianoStaff 
  \relative c,, {
\new staff { \clef treble \time 4/4 \key bes \minor 
  { f8(^rubato_\mf des16 des des8 f des ees4.) } \\
  { s2 s8 ees32. f64 ees32 f ees4 } \\
  { \voiceFour bes f2\arpeggio bes ges\arpeggio }
  { f8(\p des16 des des8 f16. aes32 des,8 ees4.)^simile } \\
  { des bes2\arpeggio des bes\arpeggio }
\time 2/4 \oneVoice
f bes f'8^allegro_\mf f bes des16-. f bes des-. f bes des8 bes des f | f bes des ges bes ees4- des16 ees16
  \relative c {
\new staff { \clef bass \key bes \minor
  bes f' des'2\arpeggio ees ges bes\arpeggio | bes f'\arpeggio ees g\arpeggio | bes f' des'8\arpeggio bes' des16-. bes des-. bes des8 f bes | bes des ges bes ees- bes-. ees,-.

  \midi { }
  \layout { }

lilypond-user mailing list

correct octave

2007-12-30 Thread hhpmusic
Sorry, the octave of rh is wrong, for I'm writing the file in my braille 
computer with braille keys. I often miswrite ' to ,.
 But the error is still here.
 \version 2.11.36

\header {
  title = Dragon Boat Tune
  subtitle = Transcriptions of Hubei Folksongs, No.1
  composer = Hu Haipeng

\score {
\new PianoStaff 
  \relative c'' {
\new staff { \clef treble \time 4/4 \key bes \minor 
  { f8(^rubato_\mf des16 des des8 f des ees4.) } \\
  { s2 s8 ees32. f64 ees32 f ees4 } \\
  { \voiceFour bes f2\arpeggio bes ges\arpeggio }
  { f8(\p des16 des des8 f16. aes32 des,8 ees4.)^simile } \\
  { des bes2\arpeggio des bes\arpeggio }
\time 2/4 \oneVoice
f bes f'8^allegro_\mf f bes des16-. f bes des-. f bes des8 bes des f | f bes des ges bes ees4- des'16 ees16
  \relative c {
\new staff { \clef bass \key bes \minor
  bes f' des'2\arpeggio ees ges bes\arpeggio | bes f'\arpeggio ees g\arpeggio | bes f' des'8\arpeggio bes' des16-. bes des-. bes des8 f bes | bes des ges bes ees- bes-. ees,-.

  \midi { }
  \layout { }

lilypond-user mailing list

ask for help

2007-12-28 Thread hhpmusic
Hi, I'm a Chinese blind musician, Hu Haipeng. I just began to learn Lilypond 
the day before yesterday. I found a problem about chord and tie. The syntax is 
chord notesnotevalue-tie. But in a lot of romantic piano music, some chords 
have only one or two notes to be tied and others not. It's not good to split 
them into several voices like the poor syntax in braille music notation. How 
can I do?
  An example from the third mov. of our Yellow River piano concerto by Ying 
  (octave and other indications omitted)
  c e g c8~ c, e g c4. Actually, the only tied note is g.
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