Re: the "perfect" break-engraver (was Re: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s))

2013-12-28 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Jay,

> Some minor changes would be needed if a break is needed
> mid-measure (something like \lineBreakAt 27 3/4).

Yes. As I understand it, some less minor changes would be needed for that, too: 
currently (AFAIK), Lily won’t break mid-measure without an explicit \bar “”.

> I think I'd still prefer keeping the breaks within the score section
> (instead of in the \layout). Something like:
> \score <<
>  \new Staff {...}
>  \breakmode {
>\lineBreakAfter 27
>\pageBreakForbidAfter 98
>  }
> >>

I like that syntax.

> It could even be expanded into the regular music after parsing.

I leave the technical details up to the programming wizards.  =)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: the "perfect" break-engraver (was Re: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s))

2013-12-27 Thread Jay Anderson
On Fri, Dec 27, 2013 at 4:08 PM, Kieren MacMillan
> I think the “perfect” break-engraver would admit coding like the following 
> (pseudocode; all numbers in measures):
> \lineBreakAt 27
> \lineBreaksAt (12 28 34 48)
> \noLineBreaks (27-30)
> \lineBreaksForbidAt 28
> \lineBreaksAllowAt 34
> etc., and identical for \pageBreaks-
> These breaking-codes would be put in the \layout block of a score — cf. the 
> way David N’s engraver currently works — so that there is no need to mix this 
> presentation-layer information into the content layer.
> The only additional [optional] argument I can think of is a Staff (or Voice?) 
> "context target”, e.g.,
> \lineBreakAt 27 #”soprano"
> which would be necessary for polymetric music (where the measures might not 
> all end simultaneously).
> Thoughts?

I like the ideas (though I haven't been following the preceding
conversation). Some minor changes would be needed if a break is needed
mid-measure (something like \lineBreakAt 27 3/4). I think I'd still
prefer keeping the breaks within the score section (instead of in the
\layout). Something like:

\score <<
  \new Staff {...}
  \breakmode {
\lineBreakAfter 27
\pageBreakForbidAfter 98

It could even be expanded into the regular music after parsing. I'm
not sure how possible that would be, but it would isolate the changes
needed. The above would be transformed into something like:
\score <<
% Assuming '\time 4/4'
s1*27 \break
s1*71 \noPageBreak


lilypond-user mailing list

the "perfect" break-engraver (was Re: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s))

2013-12-27 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Further to this thread…

> I just think it — or something like it — should be vetted and [the 
> improved/approved version] included with the regular distro.

I think the “perfect” break-engraver would admit coding like the following 
(pseudocode; all numbers in measures):

\lineBreakAt 27
\lineBreaksAt (12 28 34 48)
\noLineBreaks (27-30)
\lineBreaksForbidAt 28
\lineBreaksAllowAt 34
etc., and identical for \pageBreaks-

These breaking-codes would be put in the \layout block of a score — cf. the way 
David N’s engraver currently works — so that there is no need to mix this 
presentation-layer information into the content layer.

The only additional [optional] argument I can think of is a Staff (or Voice?) 
"context target”, e.g.,

\lineBreakAt 27 #”soprano"

which would be necessary for polymetric music (where the measures might not all 
end simultaneously).


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s)

2013-12-27 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi David,

> A content-independent line- and page-breaking system is easy.
> The content is what makes it complicated…

Ah, the semantics cop is on the beat.  ;)

Let me put it another way: Using David’s engraver (which he graciously sent me 
off-list), I am happily adding manual breaks EXTERNAL TO THE CONTENT, and this 
has (for me, anyway) eliminated the need for hacks like \tempBreak, 
\originalBreak, \draftSkip, etc.

I just think it — or something like it — should be vetted and [the 
improved/approved version] included with the regular distro.

We should be encouraging best engraving practices, and simple 
functions/mechanisms like this would allow us to in ways we cannot right now.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s)

2013-12-27 Thread David Kastrup
Kieren MacMillan  writes:

> Hi all,
>> How would it behave if \draftSkip were, instead of being changed,
> tagged, and you ran lilypond with exclude-tag #draft? (I can't
> remember the syntax off the top of my head, but I think that's
> reasonably close.)
> It would be fine… but it’s still a band-aid (um, Band-Aid™) solution.
> Lilypond needs a fully-integrated, content-independent, robust line-
> and page-breaking system (q.v., David N’s
> bars-per-line-systems-per-page engraver).

A content-independent line- and page-breaking system is easy.  The
content is what makes it complicated...

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s)

2013-12-27 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi all,

> How would it behave if \draftSkip were, instead of being changed, tagged, and 
> you ran lilypond with exclude-tag #draft? (I can't remember the syntax off 
> the top of my head, but I think that's reasonably close.)

It would be fine… but it’s still a band-aid (um, Band-Aid™) solution.

Lilypond needs a fully-integrated, content-independent, robust line- and 
page-breaking system (q.v., David N’s bars-per-line-systems-per-page engraver).

Just my 2¢.
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s)

2013-12-27 Thread Alex Loomis
How would it behave if \draftSkip were, instead of being changed, tagged, and 
you ran lilypond with exclude-tag #draft? (I can't remember the syntax off the 
top of my head, but I think that's reasonably close.)

On Dec 27, 2013, at 1:38 AM, "Keith OHara"  wrote:

> On Thu, 26 Dec 2013 18:44:56 -0800, Kieren MacMillan 
>  wrote:
>> I look forward to stress-testing this in the very near future.
> One missing feature is that \mergeSkips doesn't look inside {...} to see if 
> they are empty.  I often set breaks for proofreading and then remove them by 
> defining them as an empty {}
>  draftBreak = {} %% \pageBreak
>  conductor = { s1*5 \draftBreak s1*3 }
> I could make \mergeSkips {s1*5 {} s1*3} check if the {..} is completely empty 
> and output s1*8, but if it gets too complicated for my sake its behavior will 
> confuse and maybe frustrate somebody else.
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s)

2013-12-26 Thread Keith OHara

On Thu, 26 Dec 2013 18:44:56 -0800, Kieren MacMillan 

I look forward to stress-testing this in the very near future.

One missing feature is that \mergeSkips doesn't look inside {...} to see if 
they are empty.  I often set breaks for proofreading and then remove them by 
defining them as an empty {}
  draftBreak = {} %% \pageBreak
  conductor = { s1*5 \draftBreak s1*3 }

I could make \mergeSkips {s1*5 {} s1*3} check if the {..} is completely empty 
and output s1*8, but if it gets too complicated for my sake its behavior will 
confuse and maybe frustrate somebody else.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s)

2013-12-26 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Keith,

(Sorry for the delay in responding: ice storm + holidays = crazy times.)

YES! This works wonderfully.
I look forward to stress-testing this in the very near future.

Thank you,

On Dec 22, 2013, at 4:35 PM, Keith OHara  wrote:
> Let's try it out, then, using music functions.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s)

2013-12-22 Thread James Harkins
Kieren MacMillan> writes:

> > >> I don't understand why, if you want a four measure rest you would> >>
write 2+2.  For the vast majority of cases, if there are 48 bars> >> between
two rehearsal marks I'm happy to see |=48=| between them.> >> So, why write
anything but R1*48 in the part in question?
> You can write R1*48 in the *part*, but if a shared variable (say, a global
with other changes in it) is simultaneous-ed with it, the R1*48 gets broken
by Lilypond. This is what I'm trying to avoid.
> So ultimately you're supporting my argument/request: If one writes R1*48
in a part, one should see a 48-measure MMRs in the output.  =)

Ah, I misunderstood the issue. Indeed:

\new Voice <<
  { s1*2 s1*2 }
  { \compressFullBarRests R1*4 }


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s)

2013-12-22 Thread Keith OHara
Kieren MacMillan> writes:

> You can write R1*48 in the *part*, but if a shared variable (say, a 
global with other changes in it) is simultaneous-ed with it, the R1*48 gets 
broken by Lilypond. This is what I'm trying to avoid.

Let's try it out, then, using music functions.  I think that merging 
skips after filtering out any irrelevant changes is good to do by default,
but we should only merge { R1*7 R1*8 } if explicitly asked.

music = \context Staff <<
  {s1*10 \tag#'score \break s1*10}
  {R1*5 R1*7^\markup\eyeglasses R1*8} >>

   \keepWithTag #'part \music
\mergeSkips\keepWithTag #'part \music
\mergeFullBarRests \keepWithTag #'part \music

Try the definitions below (possibly after correcting for email corruption)
in a .ly file included before the examples above:

#(define (append-merge x l r)
"Add x to the head of list l, merging skips, 
and if r is true also merging full measure rests."
  (if (and (pair? l)
   (ly:music? x)
   (ly:music? (car l))
   (or (and (music-is-of-type? x 'skip-event)
(music-is-of-type? (car l) 'skip-event))
   (and r
(music-is-of-type? x 'multi-measure-rest)
(music-is-of-type? (car l) 'multi-measure-rest)))
   (not (pair? (ly:music-property (car l) 'articulations
 (let ((total
(ly:music-duration-length (car l))
(ly:music-duration-length x)
   (set! (ly:music-property x 'duration) 
  (make-duration-of-length total))
   (cons x (cdr l)))
(cons x l)))

mergeSkips = #(define-music-function
 (parser location rests-also music) ((boolean?) ly:music?)
 "Merge successive skips in sequential music, 
  optionally merge full-measure rests as well."
   (lambda (m)
  (if (music-is-of-type? m 'sequential-music)
(ly:music-set-property! m
   (fold-right (lambda (x l)
 (append-merge x l rests-also))
 (ly:music-property m 'elements
mergeFullBarRests = #(define-music-function
 (parser location music) (ly:music?)
 #{ \mergeSkips ##t $music #})

lilypond-user mailing list

RE: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s)

2013-12-22 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi David,
> >> I don't understand why, if you want a four measure rest you would
> >> write 2+2.  For the vast majority of cases, if there are 48 bars
> >> between two rehearsal marks I'm happy to see |=48=| between them.
> >> So, why write anything but R1*48 in the part in question?
You can write R1*48 in the *part*, but if a shared variable (say, a global with 
other changes in it) is simultaneous-ed with it, the R1*48 gets broken by 
Lilypond. This is what I'm trying to avoid.
So ultimately you're supporting my argument/request: If one writes R1*48 in a 
part, one should see a 48-measure MMRs in the output.  =)
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s)

2013-12-22 Thread Alex Loomis
That could be a useful feature but should not me the default. Perhaps an 
override such as

\override MultimeasureRest #'condense-all = ##t

would be helpful. That way the default would still be the intuitive way (2+2 
gives two separate groups) whereas the other is still an option for those who 
want it.

On Dec 22, 2013, at 6:44 AM, Werner LEMBERG  wrote:

>> I think one of the things that bothers me about this thread is that
>> I don't understand why, if you want a four measure rest you would
>> write 2+2.  For the vast majority of cases, if there are 48 bars
>> between two rehearsal marks I'm happy to see |=48=| between them.
>> So, why write anything but R1*48 in the part in question?  If there
>> *is* a reason then the input can be something different, say R1*32
>> R1*16 to produce |=32=| |=16=|.
> As told earlier: The input of a score should not force the appearance
> of the output.  For example, I like to write one bar per line in the
> input files, interspersed with comments to structure them in five-bars
> blocks.  Writing e.g. `R1*47' heavily disturbs this structure, making
> corrections after inputting the data *much* more time consuming since
> it takes longer to identify the right spot (yes, I'm a die-hard user
> which uses a plain text editor for input).  In this case, it would be
> great if multi-measure rests written as
>  % 15
>  R1*5 |
>  % 20
>  R1*5 |
>  ...
> could be merged properly.
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s)

2013-12-22 Thread Werner LEMBERG

> I think one of the things that bothers me about this thread is that
> I don't understand why, if you want a four measure rest you would
> write 2+2.  For the vast majority of cases, if there are 48 bars
> between two rehearsal marks I'm happy to see |=48=| between them.
> So, why write anything but R1*48 in the part in question?  If there
> *is* a reason then the input can be something different, say R1*32
> R1*16 to produce |=32=| |=16=|.

As told earlier: The input of a score should not force the appearance
of the output.  For example, I like to write one bar per line in the
input files, interspersed with comments to structure them in five-bars
blocks.  Writing e.g. `R1*47' heavily disturbs this structure, making
corrections after inputting the data *much* more time consuming since
it takes longer to identify the right spot (yes, I'm a die-hard user
which uses a plain text editor for input).  In this case, it would be
great if multi-measure rests written as

  % 15
  R1*5 |
  % 20
  R1*5 |

could be merged properly.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s)

2013-12-22 Thread

- Original Message -
From: "Werner LEMBERG" 
Sent: Sunday, December 22, 2013 9:53:36 AM
Subject: Re: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s)

> I would like to echo Simon's concern as well.  Furthermore, I don't
> see why:
> R1*2 R1*2
> ...producing two multimeasure rests of two measures duration is
> troublesome.

It is a fundamental problem of separating contents from layout.  In
many cases it is of great importance to structure the input logically
for the full score.  However, if you just have a part, this logic is
completely uninteresting if the instrument doesn't play.  Thus it
would be good to be able to better control the conversion of full
rests to multi-measure rests.


I see this issue as a bit analogous to the note name issue.  If you want an Eb 
printed in the key of Bb you have to specify it with its alteration.  Likewise, 
when I pass 'R1*2 R1*2' to LilyPond I expect, and I get, a pair of two-measure 
rests.  I have to partly disagree with your remark about the resting 
instruments having no interest in the structure/logic during rests.  It 
depends.  If it's a 'tacet bis ende' situation I couldn't agree more.  If it's 
a long series of rests with key changes, rehearsal numbers, etc. I don't need 
too much detail.  There are occasions, however, when understanding the content 
is precisely what is needed during a rest so that your next entrance is clear 
to you.  I'm another orchestral bass trombonist so rests make up the lion's 
share of what I do at work.

I think one of the things that bothers me about this thread is that I don't 
understand why, if you want a four measure rest you would write 2+2.  For the 
vast majority of cases, if there are 48 bars between two rehearsal marks I'm 
happy to see |=48=| between them. So, why write anything but R1*48 in the part 
in question?  If there *is* a reason then the input can be something different, 
say R1*32 R1*16 to produce |=32=| |=16=|.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s)

2013-12-22 Thread Werner LEMBERG

> I would like to echo Simon's concern as well.  Furthermore, I don't
> see why:
> R1*2 R1*2
> ...producing two multimeasure rests of two measures duration is
> troublesome.

It is a fundamental problem of separating contents from layout.  In
many cases it is of great importance to structure the input logically
for the full score.  However, if you just have a part, this logic is
completely uninteresting if the instrument doesn't play.  Thus it
would be good to be able to better control the conversion of full
rests to multi-measure rests.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s)

2013-12-22 Thread

- Original Message -
From: "Simon Bailey" 
To: "Werner LEMBERG" 
Sent: Sunday, December 22, 2013 9:07:11 AM
Subject: Re: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s)

On 22 Dec 2013, at 06:56, Werner LEMBERG  wrote:

> I also support this request.  Another reason is that in many parts of
> percussion instruments, say, there is `tacet' for a very long time,
> e.g. from rehearsal number 20 to 76.  A potential new implementation
> of \compressFullBarRests (or a variant as suggested by David K.)
> should allow compression of everything (including measure changes!)
> into a single MM rest to span these two rehearsal numbers.

as a victim of such parts (orchestral bass trombone), this shouldn't be the 
default behavior. I've had such parts, and it is REALLY annoying when your part 
jumps from say mark G to mark Q (with 137 bars rest) and the conductor asks for 
the rehearsal to start 3 bars before P. unless you _know_ how many bars P has 
or _exactly_ when you're supposed to come in, such parts are useless. 

If this becomes default behavior, please leave an option to keep it working as 
it does now.


I would like to echo Simon's concern as well.  Furthermore, I don't see why:

R1*2 R1*2

...producing two multimeasure rests of two measures duration is troublesome.  
To me, that's what R1*2 R1*2 means.  At least, that's what it means to LilyPond 
so I take it into account.  If I want a four measure block rest I write R1*4.  
The fact that LilyPond currently produces multimeasure rests the way it does 
makes it a straightforward matter to structure the input to mirror the 
logical/musical structure of the piece.  I think changing the default behavior 
of \compressFullBarsRest so that it collects input like R1*2 R1*2 and 
outputting a four-bar rest is a step in the wrong direction.

On the other hand I think it would be useful to have the option to go in the 
opposite direction.  That is, to have a fairly easy way to let LilyPond 
calculate the empty bars for a section of music, taking into account meter 
changes, etc. and print something like |== Tacet bis =| letting the 
user input the desired text to be displayed.  This is useful for parts that 
stop way before the end of o piece.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s)

2013-12-22 Thread Werner LEMBERG

>> I also support this request.  Another reason is that in many parts
>> of percussion instruments, say, there is `tacet' for a very long
>> time, e.g. from rehearsal number 20 to 76.  A potential new
>> implementation of \compressFullBarRests (or a variant as suggested
>> by David K.) should allow compression of everything (including
>> measure changes!) into a single MM rest to span these two rehearsal
>> numbers.
> as a victim of such parts (orchestral bass trombone), this shouldn't
> be the default behavior. I've had such parts, and it is REALLY
> annoying when your part jumps from say mark G to mark Q (with 137
> bars rest) and the conductor asks for the rehearsal to start 3 bars
> before P. unless you _know_ how many bars P has or _exactly_ when
> you're supposed to come in, such parts are useless.

Well, this only works properly with a bunch of appropriate cue notes,
of course.  It would be a means to be used with caution, but it could
be tremendously useful.  Especially for percussion instruments, where
it is often hard to find the next spot where a single `bing' or
`whomp' (with 247 bars tacet before and after) has to be played.

> If this becomes default behavior, please leave an option to keep it
> working as it does now.

It should definitely *not* be the default.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s)

2013-12-22 Thread James Harkins

On Sunday, December 22, 2013 5:07:11 PM HKT, Simon Bailey wrote:

I also support this request.  Another reason is that in many parts of
percussion instruments, say, there is `tacet' for a very long time,
e.g. from rehearsal number 20 to 76.  A potential new implementation
of \compressFullBarRests (or a variant as suggested by David K.)
should allow compression of everything (including measure changes!)
into a single MM rest to span these two rehearsal numbers.

as a victim of such parts (orchestral bass trombone), this 
shouldn't be the default behavior. I've had such parts, and it 
is REALLY annoying when your part jumps from say mark G to mark 
Q (with 137 bars rest) and the conductor asks for the rehearsal 
to start 3 bars before P. unless you _know_ how many bars P has 
or _exactly_ when you're supposed to come in, such parts are 

Note that this is a side suggestion, tangentially related to the main 

The main request is to avoid multi-measure rests that are broken only by a 
bar line and nothing else. It's okay to break a multi-measure rests for a 
double bar line, a key or meter change, or a rehearsal mark. It's really 
questionable to break a multi-measure rest into two when there is no 
notationally evident reason to do so.

| = barline
+ = Multi-measure rest delimiter

| +--- 2 ---+ | 3/4 +--- 2 ---+ |<<-- this is necessary

| +--- 2 ---+ | +--- 2 ---+ |<<-- this is pointless

| +--- 4 ---+ |  <<-- this is the same as the second, but more efficient

For the side request, I totally agree that it shouldn't be the default 
handling. Rests should not be notated such that the duration is ambiguous. 
"Tacet al fine" would be fine, though.

Just my opinions. I'll defer to experts if I'm wrong.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s)

2013-12-22 Thread Simon Bailey

On 22 Dec 2013, at 06:56, Werner LEMBERG  wrote:

> I also support this request.  Another reason is that in many parts of
> percussion instruments, say, there is `tacet' for a very long time,
> e.g. from rehearsal number 20 to 76.  A potential new implementation
> of \compressFullBarRests (or a variant as suggested by David K.)
> should allow compression of everything (including measure changes!)
> into a single MM rest to span these two rehearsal numbers.

as a victim of such parts (orchestral bass trombone), this shouldn't be the 
default behavior. I've had such parts, and it is REALLY annoying when your part 
jumps from say mark G to mark Q (with 137 bars rest) and the conductor asks for 
the rehearsal to start 3 bars before P. unless you _know_ how many bars P has 
or _exactly_ when you're supposed to come in, such parts are useless. 

If this becomes default behavior, please leave an option to keep it working as 
it does now.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s)

2013-12-21 Thread Werner LEMBERG
>> Here’s my request: I would love it if \compressFullBarRests actually did
>> what it says it does…  ;)
> FWIW, I agree with Kieren. If I saw a part with some multimeasure
> rests broken for no obvious reason, e.g.
> { \compressFullBarRests \mark \default R1*2 R1*2 \mark \default R1*2 }
> I would think the publisher was insane or incompetent. I'm surprised
> this is LP's default behavior.

I also support this request.  Another reason is that in many parts of
percussion instruments, say, there is `tacet' for a very long time,
e.g. from rehearsal number 20 to 76.  A potential new implementation
of \compressFullBarRests (or a variant as suggested by David K.)
should allow compression of everything (including measure changes!)
into a single MM rest to span these two rehearsal numbers.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s)

2013-12-21 Thread Alex Loomis
I agree entirely with James that the input looks good as is. Only
tangentially related, does the placement of the first mark bother anyone
else? I feel like it would look better after rather than over the clef.

On Sat, Dec 21, 2013 at 9:42 PM, James Harkins  wrote:

> James Harkins> writes:
> > FWIW, I agree with Kieren. If I saw a part with some multimeasure rests
> > broken for no obvious reason, e.g.
> >
> > { \compressFullBarRests \mark \default R1*2 R1*2 \mark \default R1*2 }
> >
> > I would think the publisher was insane or incompetent. I'm surprised
> this is
> > LP's default behavior.
> Hm, no, that example looks OK because of the older-style rest format.
> *This* looks nuts to me, and I don't recall every seeing anything like this
> in any part that I played from in wind bands in high school and college...
> why not just |--- 4 ---|?
> { \compressFullBarRests \override MultiMeasureRest #'expand-limit = #1
> \mark
> \default R1*2 R1*2 \mark \default R1*2 }
> hjh
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s)

2013-12-21 Thread James Harkins
James Harkins> writes:

> FWIW, I agree with Kieren. If I saw a part with some multimeasure rests
> broken for no obvious reason, e.g.
> { \compressFullBarRests \mark \default R1*2 R1*2 \mark \default R1*2 }
> I would think the publisher was insane or incompetent. I'm surprised this is
> LP's default behavior.

Hm, no, that example looks OK because of the older-style rest format.

*This* looks nuts to me, and I don't recall every seeing anything like this
in any part that I played from in wind bands in high school and college...
why not just |--- 4 ---|?

{ \compressFullBarRests \override MultiMeasureRest #'expand-limit = #1 \mark
\default R1*2 R1*2 \mark \default R1*2 }


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s)

2013-12-21 Thread James Harkins
Kieren MacMillan> writes:

> Hello all,
> Consider this snippet:
> \version "2.17.97"
> theMusic = {
>   \compressFullBarRests
>   R1*2
>   R1*2
> }
> \score {
>   \theMusic
> }
> Here’s my request: I would love it if \compressFullBarRests actually did
what it says it does…  ;)

FWIW, I agree with Kieren. If I saw a part with some multimeasure rests
broken for no obvious reason, e.g.

{ \compressFullBarRests \mark \default R1*2 R1*2 \mark \default R1*2 }

I would think the publisher was insane or incompetent. I'm surprised this is
LP's default behavior.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s)

2013-12-21 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi David,

> "split points" would require a different signaling/wait framework.

While I appreciate the ingenuity here…  ;)

Consider if this is how auto-beaming were implemented — yuck.
Instead, we have \noBeam to break any automatic beam.

Why not do the same here?
i.e., Make \compressFullBarRests work as expected [to me, anyway :)], and have 
a command like \splitMMR to force a split where desired.

An implementation like that would allow “surgical” splits (e.g., within a 
single part) as well as “global” splits, while the “improved” 
\compressFullBarRests would solve [all?] problems like the ones I posted 
earlier in this thread.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s)

2013-12-21 Thread David Kastrup
Kieren MacMillan  writes:

> Hi David,
>> Well, you would not count.  Instead you'd say something like
>> \R-until \atMark 8
>> or
>> \R-until \atmeasure 80
> Ah! I could see that being a *very* elegant solution for that problem.
> However, if one suddenly added, post-hoc, a “split point” in the
> [shared] global music, would it split the \R-until (as desired)?

"split points" would require a different signaling/wait framework.

Basically something like

\R-until #'(markB violin)

in one voice, and then you do in another voice/staff

\interrupt #'(violin viola) (which breaks all pending multimeasurerests
marked with violin or viola).

and at some point \mark "B" \resume #'markB (which makes all
multimeasure rests waiting for #'markB resume).

>> I am afraid that "2 before mark G" would be too ambitious since one
>> can't rewind the time.  But "x after" should be possible.
> That would definitely solve the vast majority of use cases — enough to
> make it worth implementing, per the old adage “the perfect is the
> enemy of the good”.

Well, the above signaling would make either work reasonably well, and it
would be robust against putting in more or fewer marks since it just
synchronizes points between different voices.

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s)

2013-12-21 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi David,

> Well, you would not count.  Instead you'd say something like
> \R-until \atMark 8
> or
> \R-until \atmeasure 80

Ah! I could see that being a *very* elegant solution for that problem.

However, if one suddenly added, post-hoc, a “split point” in the [shared] 
global music, would it split the \R-until (as desired)?

> I am afraid that "2 before mark G" would be too ambitious since one
> can't rewind the time.  But "x after" should be possible.

That would definitely solve the vast majority of use cases — enough to make it 
worth implementing, per the old adage “the perfect is the enemy of the good”.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s)

2013-12-21 Thread David Kastrup
Kieren MacMillan  writes:

> Hi David,
>> I have quite a few orchestra parts where multimeasure rest streaks of
>> several lengths are _not_ conflated.  Basically, each such rest stands
>> for a recognizable unit.
> I’ll look at Gould to see what her recommendations are.
> In any case, whether or not a best practice is known, the snippet I
> sent in response to Alex’s reply clearly shows a case where Lily is
> not behaving “as expected”.
>> What you need here in my opinion is something else: a command that just
>> passes time (using s or R or something else) until a specified event
>> occurs initiated from another voice, and then resumes.
> ?
> I don’t understand how that would apply to or solve this issue/problem
> — please give a [possibly pseudo-code] example.

Well, you would not count.  Instead you'd say something like

\R-until \atMark 8
\R-until \atmeasure 80

I am afraid that "2 before mark G" would be too ambitious since one
can't rewind the time.  But "x after" should be possible.

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s)

2013-12-21 Thread Alex Loomis
I agree that in that case it should be fully compressed, but not in the
first example.

On Sat, Dec 21, 2013 at 5:39 PM, Kieren MacMillan <> wrote:

> Hi Alex,
> > Two separate ones. As an orchestral performer those breaks are often
> used to signify the beginnings of sections to make counting easier, so if
> I'm resting and there are 8 bars of one theme followed by 8 of another, I
> find it much easier to keep my place when it's 8 and 8 instead of 16.
> That’s exactly why there are rehearsal marks, markup, cues, spanners,
> etc.: you [can] use them to break up the uninterrupted stretches of
> multi-measure rests — I don’t want to stop that from happening, of course.
> I’m simply trying to avoid problems like the one evident in the following
> snippet (where the second score should contain a three-measure MMR):
> \version "2.17.97"
> theGlobal = {
>   \compressFullBarRests
>   s1
>   s1-\tag #'(foo) -\markup "Foo only"
>   s1
> }
> theMusic = {
>   R1*3
> }
> \score {
>   \new Staff \keepWithTag #'(foo) << \theGlobal \theMusic >>
> }
> \score {
>   \new Staff \removeWithTag #'(foo) << \theGlobal \theMusic >>
> }
> Cheers,
> Kieren.
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s)

2013-12-21 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi David,

> I have quite a few orchestra parts where multimeasure rest streaks of
> several lengths are _not_ conflated.  Basically, each such rest stands
> for a recognizable unit.

I’ll look at Gould to see what her recommendations are.

In any case, whether or not a best practice is known, the snippet I sent in 
response to Alex’s reply clearly shows a case where Lily is not behaving “as 

> What you need here in my opinion is something else: a command that just
> passes time (using s or R or something else) until a specified event
> occurs initiated from another voice, and then resumes.


I don’t understand how that would apply to or solve this issue/problem — please 
give a [possibly pseudo-code] example.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s)

2013-12-21 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Alex,

> Two separate ones. As an orchestral performer those breaks are often used to 
> signify the beginnings of sections to make counting easier, so if I'm resting 
> and there are 8 bars of one theme followed by 8 of another, I find it much 
> easier to keep my place when it's 8 and 8 instead of 16.

That’s exactly why there are rehearsal marks, markup, cues, spanners, etc.: you 
[can] use them to break up the uninterrupted stretches of multi-measure rests — 
I don’t want to stop that from happening, of course.

I’m simply trying to avoid problems like the one evident in the following 
snippet (where the second score should contain a three-measure MMR):

\version "2.17.97"

theGlobal = {
  s1-\tag #'(foo) -\markup "Foo only"

theMusic = {

\score {
  \new Staff \keepWithTag #'(foo) << \theGlobal \theMusic >>

\score {
  \new Staff \removeWithTag #'(foo) << \theGlobal \theMusic >>

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s)

2013-12-21 Thread David Kastrup
Kieren MacMillan  writes:

> Having just engraved nearly 25 minutes of music resulting in 57
> different individual parts, I can tell you that this issue inspired
> quite a bit of reduced efficiency, increased hackery, and even some
> loud swearing.  =)
> Thoughts?

I have quite a few orchestra parts where multimeasure rest streaks of
several lengths are _not_ conflated.  Basically, each such rest stands
for a recognizable unit.

What you need here in my opinion is something else: a command that just
passes time (using s or R or something else) until a specified event
occurs initiated from another voice, and then resumes.

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s)

2013-12-21 Thread Alex Loomis
Two separate ones. As an orchestral performer those breaks are often used
to signify the beginnings of sections to make counting easier, so if I'm
resting and there are 8 bars of one theme followed by 8 of another, I find
it much easier to keep my place when it's 8 and 8 instead of 16.


On Sat, Dec 21, 2013 at 5:07 PM, Kieren MacMillan <> wrote:

> Hi Alex,
> > I don't see what's wrong with the output, that's exactly what I would
> expect it to be.
> Does your output show a single four-measure MMR (which I would both want
> and expect it to be), or two two-measure MMRs (which is undesirable,
> primarily because it's distracting to the performer)?
> Thanks,
> Kieren.
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s)

2013-12-21 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Alex,

> I don't see what's wrong with the output, that's exactly what I would expect 
> it to be.

Does your output show a single four-measure MMR (which I would both want and 
expect it to be), or two two-measure MMRs (which is undesirable, primarily 
because it's distracting to the performer)?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s)

2013-12-21 Thread Alex Loomis
I don't see what's wrong with the output, that's exactly what I would
expect it to be.

On Sat, Dec 21, 2013 at 4:09 PM, Kieren MacMillan <> wrote:

> Hello all,
> Consider this snippet:
> \version "2.17.97"
> theMusic = {
>   \compressFullBarRests
>   R1*2
>   R1*2
> }
> \score {
>   \theMusic
> }
> Here’s my request: I would love it if \compressFullBarRests actually did
> what it says it does…  ;)
> See 
> for more discussion on this request.
> Despite David K’s suggestions that it might be difficult to work out what
> the user wants/means or what the output “should be”, I believe we can come
> up with a pretty simple single rule which covers >90% of the cases
> perfectly. As a first attempt, I would suggest the following:
> \compressFullBarRests will combine any contiguous block of
> multi-measure rests (within the same context*) which is uninterrupted by
> any "notation item”** other than a barline***.
> Notes:
> * This may be up for discussion — though, again, it will more than suffice
> for >90% of use cases.
> ** This wording sucks; needs “official” wording.
> *** There may be other items I’m not thinking of which are “outputtable"
> grobs which nevertheless should *not* split a compressed block of MMRs.
> Having just engraved nearly 25 minutes of music resulting in 57 different
> individual parts, I can tell you that this issue inspired quite a bit of
> reduced efficiency, increased hackery, and even some loud swearing.  =)
> Thoughts?
> Thanks,
> Kieren.
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list
lilypond-user mailing list

[Feature Request] \compressFullBarRests improvement(s)

2013-12-21 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hello all,

Consider this snippet:

\version "2.17.97"

theMusic = {

\score {

Here’s my request: I would love it if \compressFullBarRests actually did what 
it says it does…  ;)

See  for 
more discussion on this request.

Despite David K’s suggestions that it might be difficult to work out what the 
user wants/means or what the output “should be”, I believe we can come up with 
a pretty simple single rule which covers >90% of the cases perfectly. As a 
first attempt, I would suggest the following:

\compressFullBarRests will combine any contiguous block of multi-measure 
rests (within the same context*) which is uninterrupted by any "notation 
item”** other than a barline***.

* This may be up for discussion — though, again, it will more than suffice for 
>90% of use cases.
** This wording sucks; needs “official” wording.
*** There may be other items I’m not thinking of which are “outputtable" grobs 
which nevertheless should *not* split a compressed block of MMRs.

Having just engraved nearly 25 minutes of music resulting in 57 different 
individual parts, I can tell you that this issue inspired quite a bit of 
reduced efficiency, increased hackery, and even some loud swearing.  =)


lilypond-user mailing list