GPDL again

2004-06-13 Thread Peter Bochan

I guess I'm going to have GPDL nightmares soon. Again an error.

A short background. When you search the internet for Director/Lingo
tutorials you'll probably run into In the GPDL
article you'll discover that this handler can be used not only for popping
up the parameters window but also to include some code in it. I tried it out
and ended up with an error message. Here is the code:

property pSprite
property pStartH, pStartV

on getPropertyDescriptionList(me)
  pSprite = _player.currentSpriteNum
  pStartH = sprite(pSprite).locH
  pStartV = sprite(pSprite).locV

feel free to copy and paste this chunk of code to your own projects free of
charge! :). Do a script compilation and you'll end up with a script error
saying "Property not found". If you change the code to this:

property pSprite
property pStartH, pStartV

on getPropertyDescriptionList(me)
  pSprite = _player.currentSpriteNum
  pStartH = the locH of sprite pSprite
  pStartV = the locV of sprite pSprite

it'll work! At least on my machine. So the question is: is the issue
connected with _player.currentSpriteNum, are locH and locV something special
in GPDL, is that a dot vs verbose syntax issue?

I provided the link of Irv Kalb just for reference, as it was the only
source I came across that described the usage of non-gpdl code in GPDL
handler. I'm sorry if the message violated some of the private properties or
the like.


Peter Bochan
Associate Assistant
College of Foreign Languages
Chernivtsi National University

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RE: When and when

2004-06-09 Thread Peter Bochan
Irv Kalb:

> Congratualtions on your thesis!
> In just looking over the versions of 
> getPropertyDescriptionList from your post, both have errors.

Sorry, I realized that only there after I hit "send". I wasd constantly
thinking about not to forget to edit but I finally did.
> GPDL #1 says that you are trying to build a list of members, 
> but what you are really displaying is a list of numbers.

Jesus, how come wise people are aware of this but not me!
> This is because you are just adding the value of the variable 
> "j" to the list.  "j" is really just an integer.

Oh, yes, that actually was the other point I was looking for: how to display
the members' name instead of their consecutive numbers.
To accomplish this I've made my own "wprkaround" (btw, the variable
"theName" has been left in the message by mistake):

repeat with j = 1 to nMembers
if(member(j, "Assets").type = #bitmap) then
  theName = member(j).name
end if
  end repeat

but an approach offered by you was obviously more elegant and way more

> Further, while you are iterating over the number of members of castlib 
> "Assets", you are not checking the correct member in the if 
> statement.  Finally, for speed, you should always use a local 
> variable when you have a repeat loop going up to some value 
> which is returned from a function.

Got it, thanks!

> In your case, 'the number of members of castlib "Assets"' will not change
during the 
> loop, so you should do the check once.

Oh, why didn't I come to this conclusion by myself?

> The code should look more like this (untested):
> property pVectorShape
> on getPropertyDescriptionList(me)
>vectorShapesList = []
>  nMembers = the number of members of castlib "Assets"  -- 
> do this once here
>  repeat with j = 1 to the nMembers
>if(member(j, "Assets").type = #vectorShape) then
>  vectorShapesList.add(member(j, "Assets"))
>end if
>  end repeat
>descriptionList = [:]
>descriptionList.addProp(#pVectorShape, [#comment:"Which 
> one", #format:#member, #range:vectorShapesList, #default:1])
> end

Cool, now I'm the Lingo Pro! Only after you of course.

> GPDL #2 has two errors.  First, in your repeat loop you are 
> trying to access member(j, i), but "i" has no value.  Then, 
> you are trying to add to the vectiorShapesList a variable 
> called "theName" but that is not defined either.
> However, I believe that your general question is really about 
> when you should use a variable to store  results of a 
> function.  You should always use one if you are going to 
> re-use the value multiple times and the value doesn't change 
> (as in the description above). 
> However, the other case that you describe has to do with 
> using a local variable versus just using the results of a 
> function directly. 
> The answer is that it really is up to you.  It really is a 
> matter of style.  Here's an example:
> on someHandler
>someVariable = function1(someParam) + 
> function2(someOtherParam) + someOtherVariable end
> versus:
> on someHandler
>f1Result = function1(SomeParam)
>f2Result = function2(SomeOtherParam)
>someVariable = f1Result + f2Result + someOtherVariable end
> You will get the same answer whether you do, or do not use a 
> local variable.  The main reasons to use local variable(s) 
> are for clarity and debugging.  I personally like to use 
> local variables for intermediate results for debugging 
> purposes.  If you store some intermediate result into a local 
> variable, you can set a breakpoint right after a call to a 
> function and ensure that the function is 
> returning the value you expected.   It really helps track errors down 
> quickly.  Further, by splitting things up into multiple lines 
> like this, I often find it easier to read.

Oh, I see. But you know, the reason I'm actually afraid of using variables
is that I'm not sure how much space in memory will they take. That is, after
reading all those artciles about parents, children, xtras, ancestors,
inheritance I hesitate much to use many variables because of cleanup. Maybe
it's my skimming the documentation or some other issue but I'm definitely
not going to give up. Never.

> Others disagree with me and try to pack as much into a single 
> line as possible.
> Using local variables will be slightly more expensive 
> time-wise, but unless the function calls are made millions of 
> times, you w

RE: When and when

2004-06-09 Thread Peter Bochan
Kerry Thompson
> Congratulations!
> Here's a rule of thumb I apply to decisions about when to use 
> a variable and when to use a function.
> If the value you are seeking needs to be calculated, use a 
> function. If it is something you can store for later use 
> (even though it may change), use a variable.
> And remember, variables are almost always faster than functions.

Hi Kerry, thanks a lot for response, that did clear the faithless situation
I'm now with Director.

Peter Bochan
Associate Assistant
College of Foreign Languages
Chernivtsi National University

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When and when

2004-06-07 Thread Peter Bochan

First, I'm very happy as I managed to defend my M.A. thesis to an excellent
mark. Second, I'm a bit confused: when do I use variables and when do I use
functions straight ahead?

E.g. I wanted to make a handler that would check for definite members in
definite castLib and then add the results to the list. When I tried to use
property pVectorShape

on getPropertyDescriptionList(me)
  vectorShapesList = []
repeat with j = 1 to the number of members of castLib "Assets"
  if(member(j).type = #vectorShape) then
  end if
end repeat
  descriptionList = [:]
  descriptionList.addProp(#pVectorShape, [#comment:"Which one",
#format:#member, #range:vectorShapesList, #default:1])
Director returned a script error (moreover, even a fatal one). But, when I
changed the code a bit to:  (as an inspiration for the below handler I used
a royalty free code by Brian Robbins posted on 2/28/2004 at dirGames-l)
property pVectorShape

on getPropertyDescriptionList(me)
  vectorShapesList = []
repeat with j = 1 to the number of members of castLib "Assets"
  theMember = member(j, i)
  if(theMember.type = #vectorShape) then
  end if
end repeat
  descriptionList = [:]
  descriptionList.addProp(#pVectorShape, [#comment:"Which one",
#format:#member, #range:vectorShapesList, #default:1])

Worked just fine.
Another example may be considered as follows:
property pSprite
property pLocH

on beginSprite(me)
  pSprite = (me.spriteNum)
  pLocH = sprite(pSprite).locH

on exitFrame(me)
  distH = (_mouse.mouseH - pLocH)
Works just fine though I didn't assign _mouse.mouseH to a separate variable.
This example:
property pSprite
property pLocH

on beginSprite(me)
  pSprite = (me.spriteNum)
  pLocH = sprite(pSprite).locH

on exitFrame(me)
  theMouseH = _mouse.mouseH
  distH = theMouseH - pLocH
Works fine too but it just has that redundant and confusing assignment.

I know, questions like this are really generalizing and presuppose complex
methods of research and experience but still: should I stick to idea to
always use variables instead of "straight" function using or are there sort
of exceptions or rules that I am to stick to?

Thanks in advance

Peter Bochan
Associate Assistant
College of Foreign Languages
Chernivtsi National University

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RE: Lingo discourse paradigm

2004-06-06 Thread Peter Bochan
Valentin Schmidt

> Hi Peter,
> I couldn't replicate this bug on my machine, neither with 
> dir8.5.1 nor with dir mx, and neither with win xp nor with win 98.
> some thoughts:
> - maybe something is screwed with the font that is used? you 
> could check if you get the same result when you change the 
> system's default font for dialogs (Tahoma 8pt on my computer) 
> in the System settings.
> - what about the property inspector (which uses another 
> font)? do you have the full "how many" there?
> - you could try if changing [#comment: ... to ["comment": ... 
> makes a difference (you never know...)
> Valentin

Hi Valentin,

Well, how could I have forgotten about that! The PI. So yes, you were right,
the pi shows the exact (and correct) information. Talking about fonts: pity,
but no, I still don't have this working. I tried to change those system
fonts to different ones, relaunched director, rebooted the pc, still doesn't
work. Thanks anyways.


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Lingo discourse paradigm

2004-06-06 Thread Peter Bochan
Hi all,

Well, I guess the time has come when Director can really be considered a
wise application. Buggy times are left far away in the dismal past and
bright future prospects are seen in the two handwritten letters confined in
a round circle saying "di". So, what am I driving at: I'm not quite sure
whether it's the "di" or "win03" but gpdl method definitely didn't go to
primary school in the year of two thousand and four. I have previously
posted a similar issue connected with the phrase "sound channel" and now I
have been playing with different combinations of words and arrived at the
following outcome:

In the blank movie make the behavior with the only lines in it:

property p

on getPropertyDescriptionList(me)
  description = [:]
  description.addProp(#p, [#comment:"how many", #format:#integer,

drag it to anything you like and you'd obviously get a parameters window
saying "how many, dude". But that's not how it turned out on my win03
machine. It says only "how". 

If I try to put down "how much" in the #comment section, I still get "how".

If I write "how huge", "how tremendous", "how man" "how mac" (tough "how
win" works... see below why), "how mus", "how numerous", "how nominate"
don't work.
If I write "how few" it works! If I write "how little" it works as well! 

So to draw the paradigm I have tested it for quite a bit and came to the
following conclusion:

In the #comment section of gpdl, to observe the mentioned malfunctioning you
type the following combination of letters "anyLetter and w (that is
a,b,c,d,f,g,h,... + 'w')" and the succeeding word should start in letter
"m". The "m"-word can be as long as you want provided it's not shorter than
4 chars and it doesn't contain chars "e", "i", otherwise it'll break the
idyll. E.g. ow mkkk, bw macr, zw mrocks, hw mhavok. There are exceptions
though, if you type "hw mbed" or "mw mbid" it won't work because "e"/"i" is
succeeded by "d".

These samples show mentioned results on my machine, and I tried them on v.
8.5.1. on win98 and it still showed the same negative ones.

What is characteristic though that if you type the "m"-word really long
it'll stretch the parameters window accordingly but without being visible in

You might think: so what? It's not a bug after all, just a minor authoring
quirk, but, tomorrow I have sort of judgment day: I'll defend my M.A.
thesis, so I made up my mind to post something to my favorite lingo-l and to
try to connect lingo topic with English language topic, that's why it's
somewhat about discourse.

Best regards,

Peter Bochan
Master of Arts (tomorrow...hopefully...fingers crossed)
College of Foreign Languages
Chernivtsi National University

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RE: Verbose vs Dotose

2004-06-05 Thread Peter Bochan
Thomas W.J.C. McCrystal
> In general, brackets for indexes/chunking,  parens for functions.
> However, with the castlib keyword, it's a bit screwy, so other
> references get screwy as well:
> put castLib("Internal")
> -- (castLib 1)
> put castLib[1] -- you'd expect this to work
> -- 
> put castLib(1) -- this works
> -- (castLib 1)
> put member(1) -- so does this
> -- (member 1 of castLib 1)
> put castLib(1).member(1) -- look right, but boom!
> -- throws a script error: "Handler not found in object"
> put castLib(1).member[1] -- brackets, and index into member
> -- (member 1 of castLib 1)
> put _movie.castLib[1] -- with the _movie reference, works with []
> -- (castLib 1)
> put _movie.castLib[1].member[1] -- here, too.
> -- (member 1 of castLib 1)

Thanks for feedback


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RE: Verbose vs Dotose

2004-06-03 Thread Peter Bochan
Troy Rollins:
> trace member(1,1).name

John Mathis:
> put member(1,1).name

Per-Erik Bergman:
> put(member(1, castlib(1)).name)

Thanks folks, lingo-l is my favorite mailing list and I always find it ever

Kerry Thompson:
> Version?
Sorry, forgot to tell you: the 04 one.

Thomas W.J.C. McCrystal:
> _movie.castLib[1].member[1].name

I wonder how do I know when should I be using square brackets instead of
round ones? I've already checked up in the Lingo Dictionary of MX04 release
on page 101 that I can reference to the castLib by _movie.castLib["assets"].
I still couldn't' have found the page where it would say something about
member["asset1"]. So how do I know?

Peter the Great

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Verbose vs Dotose

2004-06-02 Thread Peter Bochan

Just for reference so I won't spend another hour breaking it:

I get an error using this:


and this one works

put the name of member 1 of castLib 1

Does that mean that it'll work only in verbose syntax?


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2004-05-30 Thread Peter Bochan

Has anyone of you tried to use _movie.displayTemplate.systemTrayIcon = TRUE?
I tried it but of no avail.

Win03 DMX04

Peter the Great

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RE: Shell Xtra

2004-05-28 Thread Peter Bochan
Valentin Schmidt

> Hi list,
> I'm working on an cross-platform (win and mac os x) scripting xtra
> called "Shell Xtra" that can be used to execute command line programms
> (hidden) and return the output back to director.
> On mac os x (only tested on jaguar, so far) it's something like a hidden
> terminal window, on windows like a hidden DOS box.
> It's still very alpha, but I'm a bit stuck at the moment, and could use
> some feedback about bugs, improvements and its general usefulness.
> So if anybody has a bit time to spend for it, you are welcome to
> download and test the current version from

Hi Valentin,

Just downloaded the v02 one. Cool. Been playing around with it and the
following issues popped up:

Works: "services.msc", "cmd" (though it become internal one, but cool),
"explorer", "winver", "notepad", "dxdiag", "mmc", "calc".

Throws an error (doesn't work): "far", "iexplore".

Does nothing: "msconfig".

Yours is better (than the internal cmd one): "ipconfig /displaydns (and many
more)", "ping".

Though I have no idea of what an xtra is, and I can't simply say "This one
is good" while "This one needs some improvements" I should admit "Good
work". I classify these kind of things as: "Know how"

Win03, DMX04

Peter Bochan

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Funky sound abbreviation

2004-05-22 Thread Peter Bochan

I was reading an article
( and wanted to make
my own one. While coding I've noticed a minor funky thing: when you write
"sound channel" in the GPDL handler in the #comment section the parameters
window will show only word "sound". But if you stick some text in between,
or alter the phrase, then it'll display the exact info.


MX04, Win03


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2004-05-19 Thread Peter Bochan
Deane Venske

> Hi Peter,
> Sorry to come in at the end of the convo (I don't have the full thread on
> my home machine because my work one downloaded it). What exactly are you
> trying to create? If it's an online program that requires internet
> connectivity for the Multi-User side of things, you can use PHP/CGI on a
> server with MySQL to emulate alot of things, it just means your program
> needs to poll with the server instead of recieving events.
> Deane

Hi Deane,

Well, I'm only a Director/MUS beginner and I have been following and
searching everything that was connected with this app. If you download the
Director goodies you may find the "Multiuser" folder with a couple of sample
MUS movies. So I thought to myself: "Why not absorb the remote side of
lingo?" Moreover the ISP guy said it'd be for free to install the compiler
and I pondered why not have it. Pity it was not as easy as it seemed.

Peter Bochan

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2004-05-18 Thread Peter Bochan
Sebastien Portebois
> Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 2:40 PM
> Hi Peter
> Macromedia SMUS isn't nix-based, and there's no plan no port if onto some
> kind of unix OS.
> but you should have a look at Tabuleiro's Neubulae server, which is
> compliant to the mus protocal and Xtras (but server-side scripts aren't
> lingo):
> some mus-hosting solutions are also available, like
> (I don't remember if Troy is on this
> list?)

Hi Sebastien,

Thanks for input. See, I was looking for some freeware solutions. You can
download SMUS freely and besides my ISP agreed to install it free of charge
as well. I see that the only framework I can use SMUS in is local network so
far, or I'll have to buy some web packages with SMUS compilers on them.


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2004-05-17 Thread Peter Bochan
Hello everyone,

I just got back from the ISP office, and a not very affable guy from there
said that in order to install SMUS on their server the installer has to be
some "FreeBSD" compliant. The server runs under Unix. I have no idea of what
that new-fangled word "FreeBSD" means or what the hack Unix is but can
someone please tell how do I install SMUS on that applocation server, is
it's possible of course.


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RE: Swifting comments

2004-05-16 Thread Peter Bochan
> Just hit the spcaebar AFTER the --'s instead of BEFORE.

Hi Roymeo,

Thanks, that worked for me.


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Swifting comments

2004-05-15 Thread Peter Bochan

Usability question. At this link:

You may see that I commented some code with the line breaking comments.
After I click "tab" or "return" the dangling lines swift to left side of the
script window, while those standing in one line with the code ramain
untouched. (image 2).

I tried to use single "spacebar" presses, as well as "Ctrl+Spacebar" but
still they won't stay there.
The reason I ask this kind of question is that I've seen code with such
comments and they ramain untouched no matter you press "tab" or "return".


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RE: Why not?

2004-05-15 Thread Peter Bochan
Chuck Neal
> Aside from the interface most all of this is on Director support sites.
> has free code.  Director Online has articles.  Many others
> have exmaples, links, articles, samples, Xtras, etc.  What specifically
> from
> this are you wanting that you can't find in the Director community?

Hi Chuck,

Well, after posting this one I realized how mistaken I was. I had a better
look at and was amazed at how many resources, examples
etc it had. Besides, like you've mentioned, all those links, xtras, samples
really help a lot with the understanding like "how did they do that?"

Typical newbie speculation.



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Why not?

2004-05-10 Thread Peter Bochan

Just curious why not launch some Director/Lingo community like this one at


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RE: Navigate the flashing cursor

2004-05-04 Thread Peter Bochan
Slava Paperno
> Look at the selection property of the text member.

Irv Kalb
> I think you can do this by setting "the selStart" and "the selEnd" to
> the same value.

Thanks folks for the input. Actually I found a different workaround. My
sample was based on the Director-online article:

(issue with social security number). The snip of code filters first 3 chars
and sticks the dash. Here I was stumbled with how to manipulate the flashing
cursor so that to place it after the dash. I changed the sample a bit
(namely broke it up into 3 fields) and case statemented it for input. It
turned out, that if you set a field to non editable it'll automatically tab
to next one alike (if any). That did my trick.

If you are interested in what I was doing, here is the source ("Social"


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Navigate the flashing cursor

2004-05-03 Thread Peter Bochan

Is there a way to move the flashing cursor in editable field cast member not
by means of arrows but through lingo? I mean let's say I've got an editable
field with the word "Director" and I want to place the flashing cursor just
after the letter "e"?

Thanks for the input

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MUI widgets

2004-05-01 Thread Peter Bochan

Just been playing around with MUI xtra, and found out that widgets display
the lunar interface buttons (like XP) in authoring but when exported to
projector they don't. Not that I want to say that the xtra doesn't work, but
the Creating dialog boxes from MUI.pdf (or sth like that) says:

"They (dialog boxes) draw the appropriate Windows controls, follow
preferences for dialog box appearance set by the user in Windows 95, and
draw with grey-scale controls on the Macintosh."

while in my case this won't work.

Screenshot of what I'm getting:


(when making projector make sure to include Xtras folder)


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RE: Where is memberNum property?

2004-04-25 Thread Peter Bochan
Thanks. The new docs had this property just a little contracted.

Peter Bochan 

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
> Colin Holgate
> Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2004 11:47 PM
> Subject: Re:  Where is memberNum property?
> >Where did the memberNum property dissapear in dmx04? It's not in the 
> >docs but still pops up as a keyword. If it's gone, what do I 
> substitute it with?
> If you read the whole entry for the word "member", you get 
> told about membernum too.
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Where is memberNum property?

2004-04-24 Thread Peter Bochan

Where did the memberNum property dissapear in dmx04? It's not in the docs
but still pops up as a keyword. If it's gone, what do I substitute it with?

Peter Bochan

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RE: SIL again

2004-04-19 Thread Peter Bochan
Thanks folks, that did the trick. Instead of using on beginSprite one I had
to do this with the on new(me) one.

Peter Bochan

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SIL again

2004-04-18 Thread Peter Bochan


property sp

on beginSprite(me)
  sp = sprite(me.spriteNum)

on exitFrame(me)
  sp.locH = sp.locH + 1

I run the movie and in the Message Window:

t = script("MoveObject_Behavior").new()

and get a script error: Property not found.

Director docs say that at least one behavior should be attached to a sprite
before using SIL. I tried that, still doesn't work. I wonder ho do I
reference to a sprite that I attach behavior to? sprite(me.spriteNum)
doesn't work, what's the way out?

Peter Bochan

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problem 205

2004-04-17 Thread Peter Bochan

Again the DirMx04 screenshot. I launched the app, and after clicking the
recent file link I had this popped up:

Win2003 Server Enterprise, 128 RAM, PII at 400, Shockwave 10, GeForce 2 at
64 sdram

Peter Bochan

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RE: Error With Behavior in Linked Cast?

2004-04-14 Thread Peter Bochan
Anthony W. Fouts, Jr.
> Can't figure out why this behavior works when it is in the internal cast,
> but returns
> an error when it is in a linked cast.  What am I missing?
> Anthony
> Script error: Cast member not found
> -- SCRIPT--
> property pmAnimation
> on getPropertyDescriptionList
> propertyList = []
> c = "Field member list of sequential bitmap files for animation"
> f = #field
> d = ""
> propertyList.addProp (#pmAnimation, [#comment c, #format f, #default
> d])
> return propertyList
> end getPropertyDescriptionList
> on beginSprite me
> plAnimation = field(pmAnimation).value
> end beginSprite

Hi Anthony,

Have you tried this script in Director? I tried to paste or retype it and
get a "comma expected" error, no matter it is linked or internal. Besides,
that propertyList variable should be of type [:] but not []


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RE: Go back to handler name

2004-04-10 Thread Peter Bochan
Mathew Ray
> Peter,
> Try alt or command + clicking on the handler name... should open a new
> script window with the script you clicked loaded into it.
> ~Mathew

Tab Julius
> No, but if you hold down the ALT key when you click "go to handler" it'll
> open it up in a second window, leaving your first window intact.
> - Tab

Thanks folks, that's what I was looking for.

Happy Easter to everyone

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Go back to handler name

2004-04-09 Thread Peter Bochan

If you click "Go to handler" button in script window it will navigate there.
Is there a way to go back to place where I clicked that handler name from?

Happy Easter to everyone

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2004-04-02 Thread Peter Bochan

The other day I quitted Director MX 2004 on win2003 server enterprise, 128
ram, pII at 400 and found this:

Should I pay attention to it?


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RE: (-1) or-(- 1)?

2004-03-22 Thread Peter Bochan
Kerry Thompson
> You explained the answer yourself. Trust your logic.

Hi Kerry,

See, I've finished the English department 7 years ago, and all I did at
university was study English all days and nights. What concerns math, my
mark was 3 at school (somewhat like 45% in your rankings), and most of the
time I skipped math classes (though I do regret now). The point that
confused me was: at school teachers explained that two minuses can never
give birth to a plus, so I was just thinking how come the mentioned issue
would work. But then, having tested it in Message Window and having read all
the replies I looked at that at a different point of view and got it!

Thanks all for the replies.


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RE: (-1) or-(- 1)?

2004-03-22 Thread Peter Bochan
Warren Ockrassa
> How many Lingo geeks does it take to screw in a light bulb?
> Apparently a dozen, and they all do it in the same way, but over the
> course of several hours.

Hi Warren,

Can you paraphrase it, I don't understand it


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RE: (-1) or-(- 1)?

2004-03-22 Thread Peter Bochan
Tab Julius:
> The two negatives basically cancel each other out.

Oh, thanks Tab, that's exactly what I wanted to know. Now I can go to
preliminary school.

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(-1) or-(- 1)?

2004-03-22 Thread Peter Bochan

In the Message Window:

x = -1
y = 1
put x,y
-- -1 1

put -x
-- 1 -- if I'm right, when two minuses collide, do they produce a plus?
put -y
-- -1

put -(-x)
-- -1 -- if I get it right, the result is -1 because initially x is -1. So,
in brackets we assign it to minus again, and it becomes a plus, but outside
the brackets it is assigned to minus again. So my question is: how come? How
come two minuses produce a plus? Or do I have to go to infants' school
put -(-y)
-- 1 -- same here. The initial value of y is +1. In the brackets it is
assigned to minus, but outside the brackets two minuses collide and produce
a plus again.


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Useless and [OT] but anyways

2004-03-19 Thread Peter Bochan

While printing in Director MX 2004 I found an undocumented feature!!! :) It
turned out that a 9.0 dialogue box appears while Director sends to print.


Have a good day

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RE: addChild

2004-02-29 Thread Peter Bochan
From: Agustin Maria Rodriguez

>   Hi, Peter. Dunno which error you´re talking about. Maybe you were
> not
> creating the spheres before trying to make them child of the main one.
> Oh, by the way, you were trying to create many newShaders with the same
> name and that would give you a script error. Anyway, here´s a working
> version:
> -- create model and apply shader to it
>sm1 = member("model").newModel("childSphere1", sr)
>--make this sphere child of the main one
>parentSphere = member("model").model("sphere1")
> Regards,
> --
> Agustín María Rodríguez | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

Hi Agustin, it worked! I figured out that I haven't created a child object
first when I tried to do something with it. That was the problem.

Thanks a lot


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2004-02-29 Thread Peter Bochan

I was playing around with addChild command and I can't get it working. I
made up a couple of spheres and want to use AddChild to add one to another.
I always get a script error. Please help.
I've tried almost everything.




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RE: timeOut

2004-02-23 Thread Peter Bochan
On Monday, February 23, 2004, at 03:12  pm, Peter Bochan wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> It seems to me that there is some confusion in your code...
> First, you create a new timeOut object every stepFrame. Thankfully, you
> have not appended your object to the actorList (which triggers stepFrame
> events), otherwise your script could create all sorts of weirdnesses!
> Second, it is good practice to do your own garbage collection. I mean
> that if you instantiate an object, it is worthwhile explicitly killing
> that object yourself in order to avoid any memory leaks. Have a look at
> the "forget" command in relation to timeOut objects.
> You might like to try something like:
> -- Parent script "car"
> property name
> property velocity
> on new(me, tName, tVelocity)
>name = tName
>velocity = tVelocity
>return me
> end
> on destroy(me)
>-- kills the timeOut object if it exists
> end
> on showInfo(me)
>put ("My name is") && name
>put ("My velocity is") && velocity
> end
> on showInfoInMessageWindow(me)
>-- you don't have to pass your object ref - it is already "me"
>timeOut().new("timer1", 2000, #showInfo, me)
> end
> Run the movie
> -- Message Window
> myObject = script("car").new("bmw", 200)
> myObject.showInfoInMessageWindow()
> -- and now to dispose of the object
> myObject.destroy()
> myObject = VOID
> hth, Chris

Hello Christian, thanks a lot for bringing more clarifications.

Yes, you are right, calling the timeOut().new() in stepFrame() will soon end
up in a timeout porridge.

You proposed one more handler:

on destroy(me)

but I've tried to do without it, and it "somewhat" worked. (I don't know if
it's allowed though).

When the movie was running, in the message window I did this:
put the timeOutList
-- [timeOut("timer1")]

when I stopped the movie it looked like this:
put the timeOutList
-- []

that is, as you stated yourself, myObject = VOID did the clean up of the
object, but, as I've figured out, of the timeout object as well. Don't know
if I'm wrong though.

So the ending script (and now simplified a bit) looks like:

-- Frame behavior
on exitFrame(me)
  go(the frame)

-- Movie script
on startMovie()
  myObject = script("car").new("bmw", 220)

on stopMovie()
  myObject = VOID

-- Parent script
property name
property velocity

on new(me, tName, tVelocity)
  name = tName
  velocity = tVelocity
  timeOut().new("timer1", 2000, #showInfo, me)

on showInfo(me)
  put ("My name is") && name
  put ("My velocity is") && velocity


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RE: timeOut

2004-02-23 Thread Peter Bochan
From: James Newton
> Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 4:19 PM
> Subject: Re:  timeOut
> On 23/2/04 1:26 pm, "Peter Bochan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Now, what I want to do is create a timeOut object. After instantiating
> myObj
> > I do this:
> > myTimer = timeOut("timer1").new(2000, #showInfo, myObj)
> > But instead I get a script error "Object expected".
> Hi Peter,
> Are you working with DMX 2004?  If so, you should test with the new syntax
> for timeOut objects:
>   myTimer = timeOut().new("timer1", 2000, #showInfo, myObj)
> In previous versions of Director, object-related functions such as
> member(),
> script(), timeOut(), window() and xtra() all looked the same, but did not
> actually behave in the same way.  TimeOut() and window() created a new
> object, whereas member(), script() and xtra() all required the target
> object
> to be present.
> This has been standardised in DMX 2004, with the result that the timeOut()
> syntax, in particular, has changed.
> The old syntax is still supported, so pre-DMX-2004 projects will still
> continue to work.  If you want to be able to use the old syntax in new
> projects, try this:
>   the scriptexecutionstyle = 9
>   myTimer = timeOut("timer1").new(2000, #showInfo, myObj)
> Cheers,
> James

Thanks James, that helped a lot. Now, after I have read your message, I
wanted to try the new syntax out, so this is what I did:

-- Frame behavior

on exitFrame(me)
  go(the frame)

-- Parent script "car"

property name
property velocity

on new(me, tName, tVelocity)
  name = tName
  velocity = tVelocity

on showInfo(me)
  put ("My name is") && name
  put ("My velocity is") && velocity

on stepFrame(me)

on showInfoInMessageWindow(me, tObject)
  timeOut().new("timer1", 2000, #showInfo, tObject)

Run the movie

-- Message Window
myObject = script("car").new("bmw", 200)
myObject. showInfoInMessageWindow(myObject)

this results in 2 second delay flushing in Message Window.

Thanks again James.

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2004-02-23 Thread Peter Bochan

I've got this parent script:

property name
property velocity

on new(me, tName, tVelocity)
  name = tName
  velocity = tVelocity

on showInfo(me)
  put ("My name is") && name
  put ("My velocity is") && velocity

In the Message Window I create a new object:
myObj = script("car").new("Suzuki", 300)

then I type this:
and the information is displayed in the Message Window.

Now, what I want to do is create a timeOut object. After instantiating myObj
I do this:
myTimer = timeOut("timer1").new(2000, #showInfo, myObj)
But instead I get a script error "Object expected". I definitely don't
understand something. And please tell me, how do I apply a timeout object to
a substantiated object.


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Script window flushing is gone

2004-02-19 Thread Peter Bochan
Hello everyone,

Remember when I posted concerning the irritating flushing of script window
especially when you work with lengthy scripts? (IIRC, Sean and Troy and
Warren offered some workarounds). Well, in MX04 only the line number column
is flushing. It is so much comfortable to work right now! Cool!


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RE: scriptInstaceList

2004-02-17 Thread Peter Bochan
From: Irv Kalb
> Sent: Monday, February 16, 2004 11:56 PM
> Subject: Re:  scriptInstaceList
> Actually, that should have been:
>sendSprite, #bumpCounterH, 2)
> Irv

Thanks Irv, it's really better to use sendSprite when I want to call a
unique handler. Judging from your message, the only way to use call
function, is still through list. 

And one more thing: why did you correct your post to sendSprite,
#bumpCounterH, 2)? The previous post was just fine.

Anyways, thanks again

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2004-02-16 Thread Peter Bochan
Hello everyone,

I've got a sprite with 2 behaviors attached to it: 1 - "horizontal movement"
(it has the bumpCounterH handler with three args), 2 - "vertical movement"
(it has the bumCounterV handler with three args too). I use the call command
to send a message to the first handler along with some parameters. What the
Director MX documentation says is (p.370):

on mouseDown(me)
  xref = getAt(sprite(1).scriptInstanceList, 1)
  call(#bumpCounterH, xref, 2)

This works fine, it calls the specified handler and passes the defined
argument. But should the call command be used only with getAt list command?
What if I want to reference the behavior via its name?


on mouseDown(me)
  call(#bumpCounterH, sprite(1).scriptInstanceList, "horizontal movement",

Or what if I want to use this command directly?


on mouseDown(me)
  call(#bumpCounterH, sprite(1).scriptInstanceList, 1, 2)

I tried this, it "works". I mean the right behavior is being called but the
name of the behavior comes as the first parameter, and the first parameter
in the call shows up as a second parameter in the handler being called and
so on. So this kind of shift is going on.

So does scriptInstanceList work only with getAt command or with set


At this link(,
you may paste the following to the message window:
call(#bumpCounterH, sprite(1).scriptInstanceList, 1, 560,899,210)
-- you shall see the shift of arguments

call(#bumpCounterH, sprite(1).scriptInstanceList, "horizontal movement",
-- shift as well

tVar = getAt(sprite(1).scriptInstanceList, 1, 1)
call(#bumpCounterH, tVar, 567,890,765)
-- works fine




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RE: Where can i find a QuickTime VR movie?

2004-02-14 Thread Peter Bochan
From: Colin Holgate
> Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2004 10:27 PM
> Subject: Re:  Where can i find a QuickTime VR movie?
> >Where can I find a QuickTime VR sample/demo movie? The QuickTime
> installer
> >copies the "sample" movie to its installation folder, but it's not VR.
> Same
> >is with the "vid" movie in Director MX installation folder.
> Try here:

Thanks Colin, I should have searched for this in the internet before post.

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Where can i find a QuickTime VR movie?

2004-02-14 Thread Peter Bochan
Hello everyone,

Where can I find a QuickTime VR sample/demo movie? The QuickTime installer
copies the "sample" movie to its installation folder, but it's not VR. Same
is with the "vid" movie in Director MX installation folder.

Just speculating: Director has so many QuickTime VR commands and functions
and at the same time you won't find a true QuickTime VR movie installed in
Director MX folder


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reduntant on mouseUp me

2004-02-08 Thread Peter Bochan

Let's say I've got a simple button on stage. When I want to add a lingo code
to it I may simply right click and select "Script". A script window pops up
with the predefined on mouseUp me handler. How can I make these redundant
lines not to appear every time I right click on the sprite to add a lingo
code to it?


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RE: rollover fade

2004-02-03 Thread Peter Bochan
Warren Ockrassa
> Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 12:29 AM
> Subject: Re:  rollover fade
> On Feb 2, 2004, at 3:23 PM, Peter Bochan wrote:
> > But when I drag the word and
> > rollover the definition I want the definition to blend to 20 points or
> > sth. Besides, the word should be centered in the definition when I
> > release the mouse.
> OK, so you want "lunch" to cause the definition to fade when it's
> dragged over?
> First, you need not to be using "pause" if that's what you're doing.
> Second, you have to have a way for the definition to know which word
> it's supposed to respond to.
> > I tried:
> >
> > sprite().within sprite() - didn't yield anything
> > sprite().intersects sprite() - nothing
> Unfortunately you haven't provided any context. There's no way for
> anyone to know what this code is trying to do, because it's lifted so
> totally from the structure of your project that it's almost abstract
> expressionism. ;)
> Please provide a much better description of what you have actually
> done, including some indication of what code is attached to what
> sprites. It's hard to just sort of guess.
> BTW, while it's nice to have included a link to the Director movie
> itself ... well, you might be fortunate to find someone willing to do
> the work for you, but I wouldn't expect it to be free of charge.
> Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
>   Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
> Chapter samples |

Thank you Warren, I got it.

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rollover fade

2004-02-02 Thread Peter Bochan

In my tiny project I want to be able to drag a meal word onto a
corresponding definition. (please, take a look at this link But when I drag the word and
rollover the definition I want the definition to blend to 20 points or
sth. Besides, the word should be centered in the definition when I
release the mouse.

I tried:

sprite().within sprite() - didn't yield anything
sprite().intersects sprite() - nothing

DirMX, win2003.

Completely stuck
Please, help

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RE: shutdown NT

2004-01-31 Thread Peter Bochan
From: Stephen Ingrum
> Sent: Saturday, January 31, 2004 5:55 PM
> Subject: Re:  shutdown NT
> Buddy API does a great job of this (as well as MANY other tasks)
> baExitWindows( Option )
> Arguments: String.
> Option is the type of exit. Can be:
> "reboot" reboots the system
> "restart" restarts Windows
> "logoff" logs off Windows
> "shutdown" shuts down the system
> "poweroff" powers off the system
> Windows 95/98/ME Windows NT/2000/XP
> "reboot" reboot reboot
> "restart" restart reboot
> "shutdown" shutdown shutdown
> "logoff" logoff logoff
> "poweroff" poweroff poweroff
> Stephen

You got it right! It does work with buddyAPI. All arguments are
functioning on my Win2003.


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RE: shutdown NT

2004-01-31 Thread Peter Bochan
From: nitin sharma
> Sent: Saturday, January 31, 2004 2:59 PM
> Subject:  shutdown NT
> hi
> Peter Bochan
> thanks for reply, i have defined this function "on exitframe" or "on
> mouseUp",
> and the same this just logoff.
> is there any to complete shut down the system?
> reg : nitin

You know, I used to have winxp installed and it worked just fine (I mean
pc really turned off). So I can't come up with the workaround.


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RE: shutdown NT

2004-01-31 Thread Peter Bochan
From: nitin sharma
> Sent: Saturday, January 31, 2004 10:49 AM
> Subject:  shutdown NT
> hi list
> can anybody tell me how i can stutdown a NT pc by lingo.
> currently i m using :
> on Exitframe
> shutDown
> end
> reg : nitin

Hi nitin,
You actually didn't define what's happening when you use that command.
On my Win2003 I tried this function and instead of shutting down the pc,
it just logged off. Do you have the same behavior on NT?


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Injured vector member

2004-01-27 Thread Peter Bochan
Please download this movie

And double click number 47 vector shape. I always get an internal error,
and that this shape is corrupt. (Director MX, PII at 400, 192 RAM,
Windows 2003 Enterprise)
Do you have the same one?


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RE: voice issues

2004-01-17 Thread Peter Bochan
Martin Pallett
> Sent: Friday, January 16, 2004 2:14 PM
> Subject: Re:  voice issues
> Just off the top of my head, why not try
> voiceSpeak("Hello" && (member("user login").text))
> Hope this helps,
> Martin Pallett
> Spike
> Rowe House
> Emson Close
> Saffron Walden
> UK  CB10 1HL
> +44 (0) 1799 529 100

Thanks all folks. Every day I make sure that this list is very useful.
BTW, concerning the second problem that I've written about.
voiceGetAll() actually works on win2003, but only when the office's
speech component is not installed.

voiceSpeak("Cheers and tank you, (like my students say instead of thank
put Peter Bochan
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voice issues

2004-01-16 Thread Peter Bochan

1. In Director documentation, voiceSpeak() is said to be the function
that takes a string as a parameter. This is true. I tried to use
something else in the brackets and it worked fine. E.g. in the message
window: voiceSpeak(member("text input").text). So I don't know whether
to call this as undocumented or not.

Recently I created a local network chat (with SMUS) and wanted to do the
following: when the user clicked login button, the voiceSpeak() function
said "Hello". But then I wanted this function to say the user's name
too. E.g. Hello, Peter. In the login button I attached the following

on mouseUp(me)
voiceSpeak(member("user login").text)

This says only the user's login name and skips the word hello (have no
idea why)

on mouseUp(me)
voiceSpeak("Hello", (member("user login").text)) -- oh, if I
could only use it like that, that'd be cool

Generates a syntax error

I don't know what's the workaround.

2. functions voiceGet() and voiceGetAll[() don't work on win2003
enterprise at all. They both return only [] instead of a full property
list. I tried this on win xp pro - works fine.

Any help would be much appreciated.
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RE: MX2004 3d

2004-01-10 Thread Peter Bochan
On Behalf Of Colin Holgate
> Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 6:24 PM
> Subject: Re:  MX2004 3d
> >Has the 3D engine been revised? what about the Z-Sorting 
> error??? Has 
> >the antialiasing been improved?
> No to the first two.

Oh, if that is really so, those are great news. To tell you the truth
I'm really willing to see no changes in Shockwave 3D Asset. I just
started to learn director seriously and if the new release contains some
fundamental changes I wouldn't know what to do then: to wait for the new
release and it's accompanying documentation or to continue learning the
existing Director MX docs. Ambiguous situation.
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RE: 3D newbie questions

2003-12-19 Thread Peter Bochan
From: Michael von Aichberger
> Hi List!
> I am just beginning to learn Shockwave 3D and use it for a first project.
> And already I have to come up with 2 questions:
> 1. When the movie with the 3D member is running in authoring
> mode, all other
> applications significantly slow down (including os applications like the
> explorer). (Dir 8.5.1, win2k)
> Is this normal?
> 2. I am applying a texture to a cylinder. The round surface of the
> cylinder - one of the Shockwave primitives - is made up of some 20 "pie
> slices". Is there a way of increasing the number of slices, to have a
> smoother surface?
> Thanks for any help!
> Michael

Hi Michael,
well i've used dir8.5.1 on winxp pro, on win2003 server standard (web and
enterprise), winme, win98 and my current os is win2k. I must admit, this one
has worse performance capabilites than those of xp. The problem you are
describing in your first question is probably usual. I even have a 45
seconds delay in displaying the About window with the jumping character (btw
don't know who is he).

Well, just my one kopiyka

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Director 8.5.1 logo

2003-12-19 Thread Peter Bochan
Hello All!
Well, while others at dirGames are arguing about the new potential
capabilites of Director, i still use the 8.5.1 one and am happy with it, so
i want to ask just a quick question: why does the Dir8.5.1 logo represent a
gear and an arrow pointing to it? Is there some phylosophical meaning under


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RE: Script window flushing

2003-12-06 Thread Peter Bochan
Sean Wilson wrote:
> I've had a degree of luck with turning OFF line numbering, either from
> -> Preferences -> Script, or right-click in an open script window and
> de-select Line Numbering.
> HTH,
> -Sean.

Yes, you are quite right, it helped a bit, but to only a degree. I found
out that the flushing is more moderate in dir8.5.1 (or 8.5), while dir
mx is more irritating. Besides dir8.5 is wa quicker on my win2003
standard 192 of ram. So I'll have to downgrade to older version. Btw,
does anyone of you know why does Director do this?

P.S. Winter doesn't want to come to my city so far, it's +10

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Script window flushing

2003-12-05 Thread Peter Bochan
Just a quick question: when working with big scripts how do I get rid of
constant flushing (or flashing) of script window whenever I typed in a
new character? When you spend a considerable amount of time you get
really irritable of this.


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RE: Multiple statements in one line

2003-12-05 Thread Peter Bochan
Thanks all for the suggestions. Now I see, that I have to sacrifice
subtlety to expediency.

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Multiple statements in one line

2003-12-04 Thread Peter Bochan
I wonder, can Director script window have multiple statements in one

instead of
varA = 5
varB = 10

I'd like to use 
varA = 5; (or ,, .. // -+ whatever the sign could be) varB = 10

when declaring property variables you can separate them by commas. Can
that be done to the declaration of mere mortal variables? If not, I'd
like to have it in the next version of DMX.

Just felt like sharing my one kopiyka with you folks.
So long

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Commenting out chunks of code

2003-11-27 Thread Peter Bochan
i wonder, how can i comment out only spcific chunks of code standing on one
line? e.g.

if varA < 0 or varB > 0 then
end if

how can i comment out only statement "or varB > 0" but not the whole line?
in java you can do it... here?


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RE: Sound recognition and comparison

2003-11-27 Thread Peter Bochan
From:Anand Ravi
> Having done a master's myself, I can easily relate to how some of the
> Profs really "drive" their students!! But then, such is life... :)

This is my third year of being as a teacher of English at the university, so
i'd argue this. See, there is an old proverb saying: "The teacher can't
teach anyone, but you can learn sth by yourself". To some extent i stick to
this motto. I used to study half a year at the Saskatchewan university, and
i should admit that the system of education differs really much from that of
Ukraine's. In Canada, students crave for knowledge (not all, of course), so
what you do in class, is study. Well in my country, you gotta spend lots of
time calming down those upstarts (this occurs every time on every class),
distract from the topic and so on... So instead of teaching you amuse with
being unble to handle the situation. So when you say teacher drives=makes
students study, then i can apply this rule to my situation, but of course
not to yours.

just my 1 kopiyka.

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RE: PDF CLASS for creating PDF with lingo

2003-11-27 Thread Peter Bochan
Incredible! I always knew Lingo can do amazing things in the hands of people
who know how to use it.

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Valentin Schmidt
> Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 5:50 AM
> Subject:  PDF CLASS for creating PDF with lingo
> hi list,
> inspired by the daniel nelsons's approach, I've created another lingo
> parent script (class) for creating PDF files with pure lingo (only
> depends on fileIO xtra). It supports embedding of images and custom
> fonts, and works on both platforms. Instead of reinventing the wheel,
> I've translated an existing PHP class, FPDF by Olivier Plathey, (almost)
> line by line to lingo (which was still quite a lot of work, really need
> sleep now :-).
> A first version can be downloaded from:
> Included in the zip is a demo.dir (+demo shockwave projector for
> windows), some documentation and some other stuff.
> thanx in advance for your feedback,
> valentin
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Injured tex sprite

2003-11-22 Thread Peter Bochan
I guess that some of you folks have already encountered such an issue
with the text member. When I copy and paste the text from any location,
sometimes that text is shown as some unknown hieroglyphs. When I
doubleclick on that sprite to edit it this works fine, but when clicked
outside (to close editing mode), it screws again. I've tried to change
the font, the font size, to import the entire set of fonts. Nothing
helps. But, if you delete the injured word and retype it, then it works
fine. I don't know whether it was discussed before,  but sometimes you
gotta spend some extra time fixing nothing. (I mean it's not really a
bug, but I'd like not have it)

Felt like sharing my thoughts.

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RE: parent

2003-11-01 Thread Peter Bochan
>No, I doubt the list moderator would kick you out for 
> that. Though list participants may not enjoy untangling such 
> conundrums 
> enough to actually help you - on the other hand, some might. When not 
> too busy, I enjoy a good coding conundrum.

Thanks all for the answers. And Troy, you'll see, one day, I'll be able
to participate in discussions just like all other experienced users.

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RE: parent

2003-11-01 Thread Peter Bochan
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Troy Rollins
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2003 11:51 PM
> Subject: Re:  parent
> OK. Now I think you are just goofing on us.

Sorry folks for putting questions like this, but I dare to think that
the moderator won't kick me out of here for such things. See, I know
English a bit, I don't know math, moreover programming. But anyways, to
sum up what I understood:

member("3d").model("Child").parent = member("3d").model("Father") - here
Father is parent. That means that the Child has property of a parent,
and transfers/gives that property to Father, right?

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2003-10-31 Thread Peter Bochan
Just to make sure I understand this properly:
member("3d").model("Father").parent = member("3d").model("Child") - this
statement means that the "father" is the parent of/to "child"? If yes,
then if I change the father, the child will change as well, right? And
can one child have many parents?


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2003-10-31 Thread Peter Bochan
> You only need to have the server exposed at either a URL or direct IP
> number
> that all proposed client machines can see, whether that same URL or IP
> number is exposed off campus (or off-site) is a different story. So,
> could go the route of setting up a dedicated machine that will run
> that's at a fixed IP number that's exposed to all prospective client
> machines (all clients need intranet access to that IP or that machine
> be
> an internal web-server so you use an internal URL instead). I'm not
> about your IT situation and if they'll allow something like that so I
> that helps.

Our computers are interconnected via hub (or router, don't know
exactly). So as far as I understand, I can run SMUS on any machine
connected to network or should there be a special pseudo server pc?

If SMUS should be installed on a special pc, then will the IP address
for dependant computers be the # Server IP address and port:
of the initial computer? I mean via which IP address will dependant
computers connect to the main pc?

Thank you

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2003-10-30 Thread Peter Bochan
Hello List!

In my faculty, we've got sth like 20 pcs connected to local network and
there is an internet connection available to some of them. I'd like to
create a whiteboard to post messages delivered to all departments. As a
delivery platform I chose MUS (still don't know why was it excluded in
MX). My theory to accomplish this is: if locally, it turns out that
every dep has to have SMUS app running, isn't it? If internet based then
how to have SMUS installed? So right now I'm pondering over the server

Any help much appreciated

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RE: Protect content outside Director

2003-10-27 Thread Peter Bochan
> Another thought is to use BuddyAPI to use xor based
> encryption/decryption...u can distribute the encrypted media on the CD
> decrypt it on the fly in a temporary location...

This approach has its drawback: Let's take QT video. You can encrypt it
and then ship your product. This is right. But then, when playing, you
still have to decrypt the file, cause otherwise Director won't read it.
Now, while the Director app is playing, (and that means that you've
decrypted your video) you can access the QT file.
Wish: if only director could read files encrypted by BuddyAPI.

Well, just my one kopiyka.

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Director capability to determine pc perfomance

2003-10-15 Thread Peter Bochan
Hello Lingo Developers!
In general, PC performance depends upon the initial system configuration
(like cpu speed, amount of ram, video accelerator capabilities), but
another constituent is software configuration (let's say Word 97 vs Word
XP, the latter takes up to one minute to start on my pc). All this
together defines the general pc performance. Now, I wonder, can Director
determine the capabilities of speed of a computer so that it will use,
let's say one UI (pc-lite), than the other. This is like in Win XP you
go to Performance Options and select "adjust for best appearance" or
"for best performance". I mean not the determination of cpu speed (it
may be PIII at 1000, but if you launch some of AutoDesk products it will
slow down your pc considerably) but the ability to perform a task so
that the pc won't complain or slow down.

My speculation on this was:
1. to determine the amount of RAM
2. to determine the cpu speed (whether it'll be able to manage the cast
3. then to upload the needed cast into RAM
4. but then what?

Thank you all in advance

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2003-10-09 Thread Peter Bochan
Thanks folk's. My motto now is: practice, practice and once more
practice! (like Lenin said).

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2003-10-08 Thread Peter Bochan
I've got sort of unusual question. Lingo is a programming language that
gives you much control in Director. To maintain a decent communication,
you have to know this language (just like any other ones) good enough.
The stereotype of learning human languages is covering the book lesson
by lesson. When you pick up any programming book ("Director Guide" or
whatever), it has chapters (or lessons) too. You study the material,
memorize it, probably think it over and move on. To my mind, the
drawback of such an approach is that you'll acquire only the skills of
the book's author (whether it's a guide to learn a human language or a
computer one). The hardest thing is to make yourself think in that
language (again, human or computer). 
I work as a teacher of English in the university, and I perfectly know
about this issue, namely: how to make the student think and talk English
after he has covered the lesson. So my question is: how can I learn (if
it's possible, of course) to think and freely talk Lingo?

Thanks in advance for your suggestions

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TRUE or FALSE - solved

2003-10-05 Thread Peter Bochan
Thanks you folks for answers.

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2003-10-05 Thread Peter Bochan
Hi Lingo's!

I wonder is there a significant difference between assigning to property
variables 0 or 1 values or TRUE or FALSE ones?

For example:

property pCurrentSprite
property pPrevSprite

on beginSprite me
   pCurrentSprite = 1 --(or TRUE?)
   pPrevSprite = 0 --(or FALSE?)

Just to be sure I stated it clearly. I don't want to assign a value to a
variable (like 56 or whatever) I just want to state its boolean

P.S. After writing this I thought to myself: but how does Lingo know how
to distinguish 1 in the meaning of boolean, than of the value? Hmm

Thanks in advance

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Cursor property - solved

2003-09-26 Thread Peter Bochan
Thanks folks. This list is really usefull. As always, of course.

--So yes, instead of using

on beginSprite me
  myCursor = sprite(me.spriteNum).cursor

on mouseEnter me
  myCursor = 260

on mouseDown me
  myCursor = 290

on mouseUp me
  myCursor = 260

on mouseLeave me
  myCursor = 0

--It's better to state

on mouseEnter me
  cursor 260

on mouseDown me
  cursor 290

on mouseUp me
  cursor 260

on mouseLeave me
  cursor 0

This makes code less redundant, and, what was my aim, reauable.

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RE: Cursor property

2003-09-26 Thread Peter Bochan
Sorry, folks, but sprite(me.spriteNum).cursor as well as
sprite(spriteNum).cursor doesn't want to work. I've tried whatever I
knew, but the compiler complains. Though this happens only when you
manipulate the built in cursors. When you do the same action with the
cursors in castLib (I mean cursor member interchange) it works just
fine. Don't know what to do.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sйbastien
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 1:25 PM
Subject: Re:  Cursor property


> on mouseDown
>   sprite(me.spritenum).cursor = 290
> end
> on mouseLeave
>   sprite(me.spritenum).cursor = 0
> end
> on mouseUp
>   sprite(me.spritenum).cursor = 260
> End
> whats happening is the code is referencing the sprite you attach it to

> so
> sprite(me.spritenum) is what you need to use.

and it would even be better if you specify the reference :
  on mouseDown me
sprite(me.spritenum).cursor = 290

  on mouseLeave me
sprite(me.spritenum).cursor = 0

  on mouseUp me
sprite(me.spritenum).cursor = 260

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Cursor property

2003-09-26 Thread Peter Bochan
Hi Lingo Developers!
I've got a little problem. I wrote a simple cursor change behavior for a
vector sprite(2):

on mouseEnter
  sprite(2).cursor = 260

on mouseDown
  sprite(2).cursor = 290

on mouseLeave
  sprite(2).cursor = 0

on mouseUp
  sprite(2).cursor = 260

This works fine. But to apply this behavior to different sprite I need
to track down the sprite's number and to change it everytime, and create
lots of behaviors. I tried to do the following:

Property spriteNum

On beginSprite
currSprite = sprite(spriteNum).member

On mouseEnter
currSprite.cursor = 260

When I compile (close) the behavior, it yields an error saying that an
operator expected. I wonder what's the problem and how can I fix it
without creating bucnhes of behaviors.

Thanks in advance

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undocumented Lingo - Thanks

2003-09-24 Thread Peter Bochan
Thanks you all for the answers.

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undocumented Lingo

2003-09-15 Thread Peter Bochan
Hi Lingo Developers!
Probably this question was discussed before, but anyways: I wonder, what
is undocumented Lingo? My first speculation about it was: Director team
doesn't want users to know about hidden features about Lingo? Correct me
please, if I'm wrong.

The reason I asked was the previous post about fill effect. There was a
reply about copyPixels() and floodFill(). I could find the first
property but failed with the second one, though it showed green in
Director when I entered it.


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2003-09-13 Thread Peter Bochan
Hi Lingo Developers!
When using ColdFusion, you can install the server on your hard drive and
test your project locally. Can that be done with MUS?


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RE: RGB codes - got it

2003-08-27 Thread Peter Bochan

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Howdy-Tzi
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2003 10:35 PM
Subject: Re:  RGB codes - got it

On Monday, Aug 25, 2003, at 13:24 America/Chicago, Peter Bochan wrote:

> Thank you all for the help

That's nice, but you still haven't said what exactly it was you were 
looking for. Care to share?

Sorry for not being able to state my claim clearly. I'm not that
advanced in pc using. Sean Wilson wrote the code that I was looking for.
I wanted to know what colors stand for hexadecimal codes (let's say
#FF stands for white, so I wanted to know what this code, for
example #AA0909, stands for, and so on) But anyways, thanks to the above
mentioned code, I knew out not only the hex codes, but also the
corresponding rgb codes, and palette indexes.

Warren Ockrassa | President,  nightwares LLC  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  nightwares LLC | Consulting  Programming
  Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Chapter samples |

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RGB codes - got it

2003-08-25 Thread Peter Bochan
Thank you all for the help

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RGB codes

2003-08-23 Thread Peter Bochan
Hi Lingo Developers!
I was just curious how can I figure out the list of RGB colors codes?
Should I make up a loop in Director that will show me that index or is
there another way to accomplish that?


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Dropdown List

2003-07-25 Thread Peter Bochan
Hi Lingo's

Does anyone know how can i make the dropdown list derived from field cast
member to drop only down? Because when i'm set on the bottom value and want
to choose an upper one, the dropdown list drops only up? Can i force it
down? In my example i used a
standard field cast member and a built in behavior for dropdown lists. Can
that be done?

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