RE: GPDL again

2004-06-14 Thread Petro Bochan
Rob Walch

> getPropertyDescriptionList is called when you recompile a script, and when
> you give the behavior inspector or PI behavior tab focus.
> When triggered by recompiling the script, currentSpriteNum will equal 0,
> otherwise, it will equal the selected sprite number.
> spritenum is a runtime property of a sprite, and is not initialized in
> authoring for the object receiving the getPropertyDescriptionList event -
> just check the 'me' there in the debugger... it's the script() receiving
> the
> event, not a behavior instance in the sprite's scriptInstanceList!
> Here's something to chew on:
> on getPropertyDescriptionList(me)
>   if _player.currentSpriteNum then
>   _list = sprite(player.currentSpriteNum).scriptList
> --look at the member's in this script
> --if script(_member) = me then you can grab the properties already set
> --hmm how can that be used?
> return [#prop:[#comment:"",#default:1,#format:#integer,#range:[1,2,3]]]
>   end if
> end
> It gets deep!
> -Walch


Irv Kalb

> I'm a little familiar with that write-up, maybe I can help.  While
> you can have code in a GPDL, you generally put code in there that
> will help you build up lists, or provide selections for the resulting
> Parameter Dialog Box.
> The basic thing that is going wrong in your script is that GPDL does
> not run at run-time, it runs at author time.  Therefore, the variable
> "currentSpriteNum" doesn't have a value.
> I put a breakpoint after the first line of code in your GPDL and
> found that currentSpriteNum had a value of zero.  Then stepping
> through the code, it is trying to get the locH and locV of sprite 0.
> Since sprite 0 is not a real sprite, the locH and locV should not be
> trusted.  Like you, I found (after converting
> _player.currentSpriteNum to the currentSpriteNum so I could do this
> in DMX), that there must be a difference in dot syntax versus verbose
> syntax which gives you the error.
> However, this is all unimportant.  The real problem with your code is
> that GPDL runs at author-time rather than a run-time.  And at
> author-time, there are no Director sprites.  The simple solution is
> code that refers to sprites and sprite locations should be moved into
> the on beginSprite handler.  on beginSprite runs right after Director
> "instantiates" each sprite.
> Further, "currentSpriteNum" is not needed here.  I suggest declaring
> and using "spriteNum" instead.  It is automatically given the correct
> value at runtime.  From the Lingo Dictionary:
> This property was more useful during transitions from older movies to
> Director6, when behaviors were introduced.  It allowed some
> behavior-like functionality without having to completely rewrite
> Lingo code.  It is not necessary when authoring with behaviors and is
> therefore less useful in the past.
> Bottom line:
> property spriteNum
> property pSprite
> property pStartH, pStartV
> on getPropertyDescriptionList  -- no "me" needed here
> -- do whatever you want to create a property list to be returned to
> define the dialog box
> end
> on beginSprite me
>pSprite = sprite(spriteNum)
>pStartH = pSprite.locH
>pStartV = pSprite.locV
> end
> Irv

Thanks folks, that cleared the situation indeed. So it turns out that I'd
better abstain using _player.currentSpriteNum as it used to be useful in the
olden times. The following solution is way less buggy:


property pSprite
property pStartH, pStartV

on beginSprite(me)
  pSprite = (me.spriteNum)
  pStartH = sprite(pSprite).locH
  pStartV = sprite(pSprite).locV

on getPropertyDescriptionList(me)
  -- leave this handler for automating your authoring


property spriteNum
property pStartH, pStartV

on beginSprite(me)
  pStartH = sprite(spriteNum).locH
  pStartV = sprite(spriteNum).locV

on getPropertyDescriptionList(me)
  -- leave this handler for automating your authoring

Thanks a lot

Petro O. Bochan, M.A.
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Foreign Languages
College of History
Chernivtsi National University

Tel (home): +03722 71895
Tel (office): +0372 550646

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Not founf articles at Director Online

2004-06-16 Thread Petro Bochan

Whom can I contact concerning "not found" articles at Director-Online?

Peter the Great

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FileIO: writeReturn method failure

2004-06-16 Thread Petro Bochan

The Director MX 2004 Documentation explains "FileIO" function "writeReturn"
as (p.588):

"...inserts a line return in a file..." Moreover, as the docs say it should
be used with none of the arguments. But if you simply use it you'll get an
error saying "Symbol expected". Further more, if you paste this function via
the popup menu from the Scripting Xtras, this method would be pasted with 2
arguments: symbol and platform ones. How do I use this function after all?

In the nature of my question though I wanted to insert a break line in the
resulting .txt output file using FileIO methods.

Here is my code:

-- FileIO
  -- absolute file path for the  file
  filePath = _movie.path & "sample.txt"
  -- set the source text
  fileTextTotal = ("Total questions answered:") && (totalQuestions)
  fileTextCorrect = ("Correct") && (totalCorrect)
  fileTextWrong = ("Wrong") && (totalWrong)
  totalText = fileTextTotal && fileTextCorrect && fileTextWrong
  -- instance of FileIO
  fileIO = xtra("FileIO").new()
  -- create the file
  -- open the file in RAM and write the file text
  fileIO.openFile(filePath, 0)
  -- write info "Total questions" to text to file
  -- close the file
  -- dispose of an xtra
  fileIO = VOID

Before the "writeString" method I wanted to use the "writeReturn" one.

Please help, thanks

Petro O. Bochan, M.A.
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Foreign Languages
College of History
Chernivtsi National University

Tel (home): +03722 71895
Tel (office): +0372 550646

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RE: FileIO: writeReturn method failure

2004-06-17 Thread Petro Bochan
Kerry Thompson
> Are you sure the file is being created? You should put a check in after
> the new() statement:
>   fileIO = xtra("FileIO").new()
>   if not objectP(fileIO ) then
> alert "FileIO not installed."
>   end if
> You should also check the status of each call with status:
>   fileIO.createFile(filePath)
>   err = status(fileXtra)
>   if err <> 0 then
> -- you have a problem.
> -- check the docs.
>   end if
> I don't use the scripting xtra, so I'm not sure. The rest of the code
> looks ok. Check for errors and you'll likely find the problem.
> Cordially,
> Kerry Thompson

Hi Kerry,

Pity this doesn't work even after I've used all possible error checking.


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The Xtras

2004-06-20 Thread Petro Bochan
Hi list,

There is a Director-online article (Multimedia Handyman section) explaining
what xtras you should include for projector. The article is fine, but it
shows how to determine xtras judging from the assets you have in your .dir
file. But I don't want to bother with the list of possible file formats in
my project. I'd like to know what xtras (all of them that are available
under the Xtras folder in Dir app) are needed for any projector excluding
the authoring ones.
That is, let's say I've got a projector with sw3d, or the other one with
flash media, I wanna all have them excluding authoring ones.


Thanks a lot in advance

For Kerry Thompson concerning fileIO.
Whether I don't get something in my miserable life or I guess I should have
started learning Flash but this sneaky fileIO won't work. I tried your
approach using the RETURN carriage but it simply gives me this:

See that char before the "Wrong" word? That the consequence of the RETURN
carriage. Anyway thanks for advice. (Pity Zav doesn't see that I'm using
word "advice" in singular, he would have been proud of my knowledge of the
second language in the world).


Petro O. Bochan, M.A.
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Foreign Languages
College of History
Chernivtsi National University

Tel (home): +03722 71895
Tel (office): +0372 550646

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RE: The Xtras

2004-06-20 Thread Petro Bochan
Thanks guys for insight. So with your advice (pity Zav can't see my getting
smarter and smarter every consequent day! :)) in my witty mind I navigated
straight to Xtras folder of Director app and started filtering the needed
.x32 files for the ultimate projector. When you have a fresh installation of
Director MX 2004 on Windows platform you'll probably discover 5 folders
under that Xtras one. I'll start from the end cause it's easier to judge. To
cut the long story short, and if you find yourselves hard to reading the
whole post, here is the list of xtras that I've filtered for my needs and
divided them into two categories: ones that are needed for projectors and
ones that you shouldn't care of and leave them where they were born by the
Director installation process.

For Projector:

Core \
Mix \
"Image Trabslator Helper.x32"___
"Mix Services.x32"___
Net Support \

Media Element \
ActiveX \
Redist \ -- do I need these 3 at all?
Flash Asset \
"Flash Asset.x32"
QT \
"Animated GIF Asset.x32"
"Cursor Asset.x32"
"DVD Asset.x32"
"Font Asset.x32"
"Font Xtra.x32"
"RealMedia Asset.x32"
"Shockwave 3D Asset.x32"
"Sound Control.x32"
"Text Asset.x32"
"Vector Editor Asset.x32"___
"Windows Media Asset.x32"
Scripting \
"Mui Dialog.x32"___

___ - the ones I'm unsure of.

Now a more detailed description of what I've been doing while accomplishing
this task. 

The "Transition" folder is empty so it goes to vacation right away.

The "Tool" folder is being sent away cause as its name implies it does serve
only at runtime. Moreover, it contains only two xtras the "SWAConvrt.x32"
and "Pshopflt.x32" ones that are definitely made for service needs.

Then comes the "Scripting" folder. Well, at the first glance there are a
number of xtras that I think should be used by the projector, but there are
two that stalls my copying: the "UIHelper.x32" and "MUI Dialog.x32" ones.
Dunno whether theya are needed or not so I'd better stay on the safe side
and still copy them.

Then the "Media Element" folder. When you doubleclick this yellow
folder-like icon you'll see a refined environment with myriads of separate
widgets waiting for Director application to be launched and start working
for the hard working society (Jesus, what am I driving at?) :(. Sorry, back
to the point. There are 22 .x32 files plus 3 folders. The "ActiveX" folder
holds two necessary xtras but I'm not sure of the "ActXPriv.x32" one, do I
need it? Moreover, is the "Redistributable" folder viable for projectors?
Then comes the "Flash Asset" subfolder. According to Rob Walch's post, I
need only the "Flash Asset.x32" one but exclude the "Flash Asset
Options.x32", did so, going further. The "QT" subfolder holds two xtras, and
again, the "QTAuth.x32" is expelled fro the ultimate app. The "Media
Element" folder itself is full of xtras, but it's really easy to say which
ones I need and which ones don't. Just like Rob pointed I should (basically)
exclude files with words like "Option(s)", "Auth", "Dialog" in place. Did
so, going further. There are some .x32s in this folder that I'm not sure of.
Do I need "SWAOpt.x32", "SWAStr.x32", "Vector Editor Xtra.x32" ones?

The "Core" folder. In this medium you'll find 9 xtras and 2 folders. The
"Mix" subfolder holds 23 objects. All of them are classified as servicing
ones (why? Read the replies to my post :), except for "BitdReader.x32",
"Image Translator Helper.x32", "Mix Servoces.x32" that I'm not sure of, do I
want them? The "Net Support" subfolder contains two xtras but they show up
as the defaults in the put(_movie.movieXtraList) command of the blank MX04
movie so I bravely copy them. In the "Core" folder itself I'm not sure of
"LZComprs.x32", "Squish.x32" - funky name hey?, "SWACompr.x32",
"TextXtra.x32" - any different than "Text Asset.x32"? all the rest are
needed taking into account filtering techniques. Well, that's about it.

P.S. I'm a Director newbie and if you find any misleading information that
may violate your personal insights or your company's revenue and you
consider such posts to be added in your e-mail client as "Junk" then I'd be
glad to hear of this :]


James Newton:

> Hi Peter,
>   put the movieXtraList

Hi James,

See, your approach has a drawback that if I, let's say, remove

RE: The Xtras

2004-06-21 Thread Petro Bochan
--- Sorry if this e-mail would appear twice, but internet connection in
Ukraine gets "better and better" every single day-

Thanks guys for insight. So with your advice (pity Zav can't see my getting
smarter and smarter every consequent day! :)) in my witty mind I navigated
straight to Xtras folder of Director app and started filtering the needed
.x32 files for the ultimate projector. When you have a fresh installation of
Director MX 2004 on Windows platform you'll probably discover 5 folders
under that Xtras one. I'll start from the end cause it's easier to judge. To
cut the long story short, and if you find yourselves hard to reading the
whole post, here is the list of xtras that I've filtered for my needs and
divided them into two categories: ones that are needed for projectors and
ones that you shouldn't care of and leave them where they were born by the
Director installation process.

For Projector:

Core \
Mix \
"Image Trabslator Helper.x32"___
"Mix Services.x32"___
Net Support \

Media Element \
ActiveX \
Redist \ -- do I need these 3 at all?
Flash Asset \
"Flash Asset.x32"
QT \
"Animated GIF Asset.x32"
"Cursor Asset.x32"
"DVD Asset.x32"
"Font Asset.x32"
"Font Xtra.x32"
"RealMedia Asset.x32"
"Shockwave 3D Asset.x32"
"Sound Control.x32"
"Text Asset.x32"
"Vector Editor Asset.x32"___
"Windows Media Asset.x32"
Scripting \
"Mui Dialog.x32"___

___ - the ones I'm unsure of.

Now a more detailed description of what I've been doing while accomplishing
this task. 

The "Transition" folder is empty so it goes to vacation right away.

The "Tool" folder is being sent away cause as its name implies it does serve
only at runtime. Moreover, it contains only two xtras the "SWAConvrt.x32"
and "Pshopflt.x32" ones that are definitely made for service needs.

Then comes the "Scripting" folder. Well, at the first glance there are a
number of xtras that I think should be used by the projector, but there are
two that stalls my copying: the "UIHelper.x32" and "MUI Dialog.x32" ones.
Dunno whether theya are needed or not so I'd better stay on the safe side
and still copy them.

Then the "Media Element" folder. When you doubleclick this yellow
folder-like icon you'll see a refined environment with myriads of separate
widgets waiting for Director application to be launched and start working
for the hard working society (Jesus, what am I driving at?) :(. Sorry, back
to the point. There are 22 .x32 files plus 3 folders. The "ActiveX" folder
holds two necessary xtras but I'm not sure of the "ActXPriv.x32" one, do I
need it? Moreover, is the "Redistributable" folder viable for projectors?
Then comes the "Flash Asset" subfolder. According to Rob Walch's post, I
need only the "Flash Asset.x32" one but exclude the "Flash Asset
Options.x32", did so, going further. The "QT" subfolder holds two xtras, and
again, the "QTAuth.x32" is expelled fro the ultimate app. The "Media
Element" folder itself is full of xtras, but it's really easy to say which
ones I need and which ones don't. Just like Rob pointed I should (basically)
exclude files with words like "Option(s)", "Auth", "Dialog" in place. Did
so, going further. There are some .x32s in this folder that I'm not sure of.
Do I need "SWAOpt.x32", "SWAStr.x32", "Vector Editor Xtra.x32" ones?

The "Core" folder. In this medium you'll find 9 xtras and 2 folders. The
"Mix" subfolder holds 23 objects. All of them are classified as servicing
ones (why? Read the replies to my post :), except for "BitdReader.x32",
"Image Translator Helper.x32", "Mix Servoces.x32" that I'm not sure of, do I
want them? The "Net Support" subfolder contains two xtras but they show up
as the defaults in the put(_movie.movieXtraList) command of the blank MX04
movie so I bravely copy them. In the "Core" folder itself I'm not sure of
"LZComprs.x32", "Squish.x32" - funky name hey?, "SWACompr.x32",
"TextXtra.x32" - any different than "Text Asset.x32"? all the rest are
needed taking into account filtering techniques. Well, that's about it.

P.S. I'm a Director newbie and if you find any misleading information that
may violate your personal insights or your company's revenue and you
consider such posts to be added in your e-mail client as "Junk" then I'd be
glad to hear of this :]


Help yourself, children

2004-06-27 Thread Petro Bochan

-- Parent Script: Move --
property pSprite
property pLocH
property pIncrement

on new(me, aSprite)
  pSprite = aSprite
  pLoch = pSprite.locH
  pIncrement = 1

on stepFrame(me)
  pLocH = pLocH + pIncrement
  if(pLocH > 500) then
  end if
  pSprite.locH = pLocH

-- Start Movie --
on startMovie()

on stopMovie()
  _movie.actorList = []


The statement in the stopMovie() handler is of great functionality, but it
has a drawback that it deletes all the objects attached to the sprite. In
the on new(me, ...) handler I tell the object to add itself to the actorList
by saying _movie.actorList.append(me), right? But I wonder what is the most
efficient way to make the object remove itself from the actorList? Let's say
in the "Move" script we have the following condition and an action applied:

on stepFrame(me)
  pLocH = pLocH + pIncrement
  if(pLocH > 500) then
  end if
  pSprite.locH = pLocH

Is that a good way to make the object remove itself from the actorList? I
have tried many other techniques but they don't work.


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RE: Help yourself, children

2004-06-27 Thread Petro Bochan
Irv Kalb:

> As for an object deleting itself from the actorList ... here's the
> problem.When Director goes to a new frame, it basically goes
> through it's equivalent of a repeat loop from 1 to the number of
> items in the repeat loop, calling the stepFrame handler in each
> object.  If an object deletes itself from the actorList inside its
> own stepFrame handler, it changes the actorList.  When this happens,
> Director can skip calling the next item in the actorList, and/or can
> go off the end of the actorList.
> If you just reset the actorList at the end, that would work fine.

Hi Irv,

Thanks for making clarifications. So, with your reply in my mind, I can see
that the best way to remove childs (sorry Zav, but "children" doesn't sound
good) from actorList is only through explicit statements, right? But then, I
would definitely argue that it is not dynamic. It's hardcore typing. I'm not
criticizing you post though, I'm just exploring the best way to deal with


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RE: Help yourself, children

2004-06-28 Thread Petro Bochan
Irv Kalb

> Because of the problem with the actorList, many years ago, I wrote a
> replacement for the actorList which would solve the deletion problem.
> It's a manager which I called the FrameMgr.  The basic idea is that
> it is instantiated at the beginning of your movie, and it inserts
> itself into the actorList.  Anything that wants to be in get frame
> event notification, registers itself with the FrameMgr (using the
> mAdd) call.  When you register an object, it starts receiving
> mFrameEvent calls instead of stepFrame events.  You can delete any
> object by caling its mDelete method.  It does the right thing and
> ensures that objects are deleted correctly.  When you are ready to
> stop your program, call the FrameMgr's mCleanup method, and set the
> object reference of the FrameMgr to VOID.
> I haven't used this in a long time, but I remember that it worked.
> It even allows you to remove an object from the FrameMgr in its own
> mFrameEvent method.
> Enjoy:
> Irv

Thanks a lot, but I'll need at least a month to delve into it and understand
of what is going on in that sophisticated code.

Peter the Great

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RE: FileIO: writeReturn method failure

2004-07-02 Thread Petro Bochan
Petro Bochan:

> Pity this doesn't work even after I've used all possible error checking.

Hello, a while ago a posted a message dealing with the writeReturn function
of FileIO Xtra. I got it working. I accidentally inspected the
put(interface(xtra("FileIO"))) in the Message Window and it displayed all
possible parameters for the mention function (those were #windows,
#macintosh or #unix). With a simple line breaking routine I managed to save
the desired file.

Here is the code who is interested:


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Going backward

2004-07-10 Thread Petro Bochan
Greetings to all!

Whenever you are using the newer version of Director there is a facility
of updating files. I wonder, can i somehow make reverse action? In
particular, i'd like to transform a 8.5. file to 8.0 one.


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Re: sound stop doesn't stop sound (test dir)

2004-07-12 Thread Petro Bochan
Hi Frank,

same positive reluts here. btw, i got deafened by the sound from the

dir8.5, win98

Bamboo bear

Frank Di Luzio ïèøåò:

> Hi List,
> I'm beginning to think that directors sound engine is as bad as its text
> engine. In fact, I always have to find workarounds for sound bugs in
> Director, but this one really bites.
> When I stop a sound and play a new one in its place, I hear a small portion
> of the previous sound before the new sound plays if less time has elapsed
> then the length of the sound. This indicates that the sound is still playing
> but not audible. I have uploaded a test film for you to try and let me know
> it this happens to you to. Pehaps someone can also try this in Dir 2004.
> My soundManager now plays a silent sound anytime it stops a sound to avoid
> this bug. (My soundManager is really a sound bug elimination script or "this
> is what Director is supposed to do when a sound is faded out, a miaw is
> forgotten, a sound is stopped, ")
> Another problem I have noticed is that, in Dir MX, I can still hear a sound
> when the sound level or it's sound volume is set to 0 on my Dell Inspiron
> 8000. The same code in Dir 8.5 works as expected.
> What aggrevates me is that every new version of Director causes me to
> reevaluate code in areas where no improvements or changes have, supposedly,
> taken place.
> Frank
> Dir MX Windows 2000
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Sprite Toolbar vs PI

2004-07-23 Thread Petro Bochan
Hello everyone,

In this picture you see that info displayed in Score's Sprite toolbar
(1) shows info of the tempo channel. The problem is that the PI (2)
doesn't do the same thing. Why not? My screen res is only 800x600 and
having the Sprite Toolbar visible takes up too much space, besides I
never use it, instead I always use PI. Is there a setting somewhere that
I can switch this feature on?

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RE: Sprite Toolbar vs PI

2004-07-23 Thread Petro Bochan
Buzz Kettles
> However, there is a simple workaround - just hold the mouse over the
> tempo channel cell & the rate gets display in a tooltip

Hi Buzz,

Thanks for taking time to test it too. Yes, you are quite right
concerning the tooltip, but I wanted it to work exactly like that.
Hopefully this isn't a big deal to fix (or add) and we'll see it in the
next release of Director.


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Director Multilingual IDE

2004-07-28 Thread Petro Bochan

You may download Director in a couple of language flavors. I wonder, was
this app designed to exist only in these incarnations or is it possible to
change its environment language to some other one?

Thanks for any insight

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Re: Director Multilingual IDE

2004-07-28 Thread Petro Bochan
From: "Kerry Thompson"

> The Director languages have more to do with the development UI you see
> than the languages you can use in your app.

Hi Kerry,

thanks for such a detailed response. Well, i'm quite new in this area, so
pardon beforehand if i get all this wrong, The thing that i wanted to know
out was: Can i change the UI language of the application itself? That is,
let's say in Director you go to File > Save and Compact, can all these menus
be translated to other language?


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Re: Director Multilingual IDE

2004-07-29 Thread Petro Bochan
"Kerry Thompson"

> No.

Thanks. Pity there are these limitations. Let's say in Dreamweaver you can
install some other language packages that would change the default UI

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Re: XPOST: Bugs, bugs, bugs!

2004-07-29 Thread Petro Bochan
Hi Robert,

Downloaded and tried out your both examples. Each of them simply proved your
assumptions: they absolutely break. Executed each of the tests, made the

D8.5.1, Win2K


- Original Message -
From: "Robert Tweed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "DirGames-L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Lingo-L"
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2004 8:07 AM
Subject:  XPOST: Bugs, bugs, bugs!

> Originally posted on macromedia.director.lingo - replies to the NG where
> possible, to keep everything in one place.
> --
> Well, it's bug announcing time again. This message contains details of two
> new (AFAIK) bugs. I'd be grateful if people could independently verify the
> bugs on their systems before I forward this thread on to Macromedia.
> say what results you get, what version of Director you are using, and what
> your OS is.
> --[ BUG 1 ]--
> Since Ziggi tested for the /new/ bug in the XML parser that had previously
> been spotted, but was unverified, I can confirm that we have *both* now
> independently verified the bug. I did some slightly more extensive tests
> that Ziggi's, so I will give a bit more information. The repro movie is
> here:
> (download: do not attempt to run from website; best run as a projector)
> My results (Windows 2000 only, so far):
> Test  D85   MX2004
> 1   no OK
> 2a no no
> 2b no no
> 3a OKOK
> 3b no OK
> Details of these tests are in the movie.
> What this means is that in D85, you can call makeList as often as you
> although it's unlikely you'll ever want to call it more than once without
> parsing a new document. In DMX2004, the parseString memory leak *has* been
> fixed, so you can parse as many XML documents as you like, and as long as
> you stick to makeList and accessing the parsed XML as a list only, there
> no memory leak. However, if you access any element of the XML parser
> such as child[1], etc., then this causes a memory leak. In short, if using
> DMX2004, use makeList, do not access nodes through the XML object.
> --[ BUG 2 ]--
> In doing this test, I turned up another, unrelated bug. It seems that if
> quit a movie by hitting the [X] button in Windows, endSprite is called in
> the *middle* of whatever handler is running at the time, then control goes
> back to that function (even though objects may have been destroyed or data
> invalidated). As far as I can tell, none of the following causes this bug:
> pressing ESC; pressing CTRL+F4; double-clicking on the control button. The
> following movie demonstrates the problem:
> (MUST be run as a projector to demonstrate the bug)
> Note: There are fairly detailed comments in the movie.
> BTW, I'd be interested to know if this is a Windows only thing, or even a
> Win2K thing. I've verified the problem with D851 and the MX2004 trial on
> Windows 2000. I'm pretty sure I've seen this bug occur intermittently with
> CD-ROM projects in the past, but it's been so intermittent I haven't been
> able to tell that this was what was causing it.
> - Robert
> [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to  To post messages to the list, email
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Lingo-L is
for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Lingo-L is for learning and helping 
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D5-7 help files

2004-07-31 Thread Petro Bochan

Can someone send me the D7, D6, D5 help files offlist? I'm so eager to take
a look at what changes has Lingo undergone through all these releases.

I did check MM site for these three but with no luck.

Much appreciated

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Re: D5-7 help files

2004-08-02 Thread Petro Bochan
Hi Folks,

Wow, i was shocked by so many responses on this topic. Thanks all. I'm
terribly sorry i couldn't respond at once because first, i wouldn't be able
to cope even with 2 megs of sent e-mail, second, i don't know whether Mac
files would work on win2k.

Speaking of the first, i contacted my ISP if they could provide some temp
e-mail to be able to upload the files, so if it's possible folks please send
the files to this e-mail ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) with "Director help files" as
the topic so those wouldn't be erased by ISP guy.

Speaking of which version of files to send, if it's not really a problem i'd
like to have as more of them as possible.

Much obliged, some day i'll be of some use to you all

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Re: D5-7 help files

2004-08-04 Thread Petro Bochan

Dir help files again. Carl West was a kind guy to post the link to D4-7 help
files for download, but alas those were only for Mac. Can someone send the
files for win? If you do, please send them to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
"Director help file" as the subject.


- Original Message -
From: "Buzz Kettles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 02, 2004 10:11 PM
Subject: Re:  D5-7 help files

> At 5:23 PM +0200 7/31/04, you wrote:
> >Wow!
> >This thread made me open the Dir 4 Box for the first time in years,
> >and there I found the long lost SoundEdit 16 CD.
> >It included the Hollywood Edge Sound Library, which I wanted to use.
> >
> >SE 16 was bundled with Dir 4, wasn't it?
> NOTES ->
> the SE16 CD that has the 100 MB of Hollywood Edge samples is SE16 version
> SE16 v1 wasn't finished when D4 Mac shipped.
> (D4 for Mac shipped in March 94, SE16 in May 94).
> SE16 v1 is NOT the Powermac release - that was SE16 v2.
> btw -
> for a cheap laugh, use Find on that SE16 v1 CD for a file named
> (made during the end days of that release & hidden away on the CD by
> myself while creating the masters)
> enjoy
> -Buzz
> [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to  To post messages to the list, email
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Lingo-L is
for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Lingo-L is for learning and helping 
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Empty sprite

2004-08-15 Thread Petro Bochan
Hello all,

Just came across this movie and wondered how was that sprite created? If you
issue "put the member of sprite 16" in the Message Window, you'll probably
get the result:  -- (member 24 of castLib 1)

There is only one sprite in the movie (sprite 16) and its source member
points to an empty slot in cast window.

All the best

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RE: Empty sprite

2004-08-15 Thread Petro Bochan
Thanks folks. Damn, how come i didn't come to this conclusion.

All the best
Petro Bochan

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RE: Shockwave Player Public Beta 10.0.2 Available

2004-08-21 Thread Petro Bochan
What surprisingly is in this compact installer is that it doesn't show in
the Add/Remove Programs list on my Win2000 (English). The 10.0.1 one did
show up like that. The thing that i don't see it there doens't bother me at
all but along that i don't have any quick method of unintstalling it. After
this i installed the 10.0.1 installer and it has succesfully overwritten the
previous one plus i got Add/Remove Programs list add-in.

All the best
Petro Bochan

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with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

RE: Shockwave Player Public Beta 10.0.2 Available

2004-08-23 Thread Petro Bochan
Thomas Higgins

> That would be a bug I believe. If you haven't already please make sure to
> submit that via the feedback form, I'll alert the QA team as well
> (covering
> it from both ends).

Hi Tom,

To supply some more test info just in case. It's Windows 2000 (English)
build 2195. Installing Shockwave 10.0.2 with Yahoo! tollbar enabled adds a
toolbar to Add/Remove Programs list but forgets to add the Shockwave item.
Installing the same player with Yahoo! toolbar disabled adds nothing to the
Add/Remove Programs list. The only way to remove Shockwave 10.0.2 from
system is by means of Shockwave 10.0.0 beta (cause sw_pub10 doens't do it).
That is, you don't remove it (the 10.0.2 one), you actually overwrite it
(simply add full set of Shockwave Xtras) with the ability of having the
Shockwave item in Add/Remove Programs list at last. Only then you can
successfully uninstall it (uninstallation btw is no problem on my system).
All the information provided here was tested throughly on my system.

P.S. I can't manually submit this "bug" cause for some unknown reason i
can't get working, this site simply does nothing when i try
to reach it from my web-browser. Must be some malfunctioning of my ISP.

All the best
Petro Bochan

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Minor lingo questions

2004-09-06 Thread Petro Bochan
Hello folks,

I've got these simple questions that i've encountered while working with
Director 8.

1. About lists. Let's say i've got a bunch of hefty #bitmap members in my
cast and i made up my mind to add them all to a linear list to easily
manipulate them. As far as i understand, Lingo manages lists entirely in
RAM, so i wonder, will a lingo list duplicate all tose members in memory or
just create references to them (in RAM of course) and that way manipulate

2. About variables. I started to read articles to
fortify my knowldege of Director. From time to time i come across these
statements in articles: "...try to use variables...". So what's the

on exitFrame me
  set the locH of sprite the spriteNum of me to the locH of sprite the
spriteNum of me + 1

(watch for line wrap)


on exitFrame me
  set aSprite to the spriteNum of me
  set aLocH to the locH of sprite aSprite
  set aLoc to aLoc + 1

Another exmaple:

on exitFrame me
  set the scrollTop of member the member of sprite the spriteNum of me to
the scrollTop of member the member of sprite the spriteNum of me + 1

(watch for line wrap)


on exitFrame me
  set aSprite to the spriteNum of me
  set aMember to the member of sprite aSprite
  set the scrollTop of aMember to the scrollTop of aMember + 1

In the second exitFrame examples Director has to reassign variables each
time it refreshes the frame and therefore (to my mind) it looses speed. I
may be wrong of course, but can i get some guidelines of when do i have to
assign variables and when should i use explicit "usage"?

Petro Bochan

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On Shockwave Player

2004-09-06 Thread Petro Bochan

Just downloaded new sw payer (Troy, 4 seconds for more than 2 megs isn't
simply cool, it's fantastic, fabulous) that took me half a day to do it. As
far as i understand it's the 10.0.3 version of it. In 10.0.2 i reported
about the "bug" of Add/Remove programs presence. This version does appear in
Add/Remove programs list. Moreover, as i noticed, as fresh versions of this
player evolved, first it was named in Add/Remove programs list as
"Shockwave", then as "Shockwave player", and this release has the longest
name "Macromedia Shockwave Player". I think that's done to eliminate
confusion between Shockwave Player and Shockwave Flash Player. At least to
my mind.

I'd like to ask one thing: is it really necessary to show the installation
language selection? Isn't it better to somehow determine the OS language and
therefore provide the appropriate installer? Or let the user choose the
language he wants. That way it'd be possible to make the installation to one
stage less. Well, that's my opinion though.

All the best
Petro Bochan

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RE: Minor lingo questions

2004-09-06 Thread Petro Bochan
Daniel Plaenitz:

> Evaluating an expression like  sprite someSpriteNum  takes some
> time, too.
> And its much faster to read a script property or variable than to access
> sprite or even member properties. Instead of recreating sprite references
> with every exitFrame you could do it like this:

Thanks Daniel, that helped me alot

All the best
Petro Bochan

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RE: On Shockwave Player

2004-09-07 Thread Petro Bochan
Thomas Higgins:

> 2. You run any installer on a system that appears to be neither English,
>nor French, nor German, nor Japanese (so either it's not one of those
>languages or the installer failed to detect it if it is)
> Do you fit into either of the two above catagories? If not, then you may
> have found a bug that we should sort out.

Hi Tom,

I'm running Windows 2000 Russian and as far as i'm concerned i do fall into
the second item of this "agreement". My system is Russian and the
appropriate installer is supposed to be russian. I'm not sure that it's a
bug, to my mind it's just a limitness of Shockwave multilingual support.
There are only those languages that you have listed and not a one more. I
wonder, is there a possibility to localize sw installer to some other
languages? (Russian, Ukrainian?)

All the best
Petro Bochan

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RE: On Shockwave Player

2004-09-08 Thread Petro Bochan
Thomas Higgins:

> Then add to that the fact that we'd need at least
> one person who can actually read that language on our team to do string
> verification

Let me be that member then! :)))

> So it is possible, but will it happen? Not likely, it's just too expensive
> for not enough percieved gain.

I see. It's not really an issue of multilingual richness for me. I do know
English rather well, but since someone got interested from Director team in
this thread i thought i'd ask. That's pretty much it.

All the best
Petro Bochan

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RE: On Shockwave Player

2004-09-08 Thread Petro Bochan
BTW, just made some more tests on this issue.

this page shows shockwave 10 beta in Add/Remove programs list of Windows
2000 Russian. This is the payer that was first introduced as beta for
public. You can see such sections as size (30 megs), usage (sometimes), last
time used (08.09.2004). The button says "Add/Remove".

this page shows the sw 10.0.3 (i think that's the number for the latest
version) installer. Same platform. So far, no additional info. I guess this
was intended to be so.

All the best
Petro Bochan

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2004-09-14 Thread Petro Bochan
Hi Kerry,

at last downloaded this issue (took me 2 weeks) and made up my mind to
comment a bit on it. :)

A discrimination! :) Ukraine has 52 million of residents (and one of them is
ME!), covers an area of 603 thousands of square km and it didn't make it in
this heading?

Ah, come one, Kerry, i'm always here to help you!

(using the terminology of Michael Borysovych') Magazine "Forbes" published a
list of the most perspective "russian-made" businessmen.

All the best
Petro Bochan

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RE: Buddy API

2004-09-18 Thread Petro Bochan
Robert Tweed

> The key is to give an *option* to do so, which the user can choose to
> ignore. Of course, this doesn't apply to kiosk-type presentation, but an
> application should never, ever, change any of the user's hardware settings
> without *asking* the user first, and falling back gracefully if
> the user has
> some reason why they don't want this to happen.

Hi Robert,

I guess your speculations are quite reasonable, cause let's consider the
following. I've got a PC Samsung SyncMaster 172s flat display. My current
screen res is 480x460 (i know i'm a pervert, cause this monitor is capable
of 1280x1024 but i like it this way). when in the message window i do:

set OK to baSetDisplay(800, 600, 32, "perm", TRUE)

it works ok, but the problem is that the autocalibrating button can't be
triggered and the sreen looks shifted (that is, some of the sides aren't
visible). Besides, if you trigger that "Auto" button on the monitor it does
two usefull things: it adjusts the sides of the screen + it manages the
display sharpness for optimum performance. So after triggering the buddy
command i got the screen sides shifted plus screwed sharpness. Of course, if
you are working on a standard monitor (not LCD) it's sort of easier to
manipulate the res.

All the best
Petro Bochan

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Re: Buddy API

2004-09-18 Thread Petro Bochan
From: "Alex da Franca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> c'mon, you're taking us for a ride, aren't you ?
> even if 480x460 is meant to be 640x480 (man, what
> kind of typo is that ?!) I am seriously shocked,
> how a director developer can work with a 640x480
> resolution at all !
> ;-)

Hi Alex,

You see, the point is that i've got only one old computer at home and it's
not only me that uses it. My parents often use it to browse family pictures.
if i define 1024x768 then it'd be hard for my mom to find those folders with
pics (she's rather short sighted). Besides, i don't really mind to work with
Director like that (to tell you the truth i used to work at 320x240 not long
ago), cause i use this app primarily for handling text, sound and some
bitmaps. I somewhat don't care about other features in it (probably some day
i would, but for now it's ok). I wonder what's your screen res?

All the best
Petro Bochan

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Negative verbose statement

2004-09-28 Thread Petro Bochan

In this behavior:

property aSprite
property aValue

on beginSprite me
  set the aSprite of me to sprite the spriteNum of me
  set the aValue of me to 9
end beginSprite

on doSomething me
  set the aValue of me to the -aValue of me
end doSomething

using verbose syntax I'm trying to set property variable aValue to a
negative meaning. I know I can do this like "set the aValue to -9" or
"aValue = -aValue", but I want it the way this is done in doSomething
handler. Director complains saying "Expected end of statement". I played
around with the brackets but to no result. Is there a workaround about this?

Petro Bochan

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RE: Negative verbose statement

2004-09-29 Thread Petro Bochan
Thanks folks, it helped a lot. So the solution I was looking for is:

set the aValue of me to - the aValue of me

it works even without brackets! Great!

All the best
Petro Bochan

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