Re: lingo-l The value of void?

2003-04-03 Thread Robert Tweed
- Original Message -
From: Tim MacDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 t = call(#undefined, the actorList)

 put t
 -- Null

 (This is one way I know of producing this value -- I'm sure there are

 put ilk(t)
 -- #void


 Is this an example of a dirty void? Or just another lingo idiosyncracy?

Interesting, you could be onto something here. I thought NULL was just a
synonym for VOID, but not so it would seem. It's interesting that ilk and
voidP() give different results. Here's my own version of your tests:

a = call( #undefined, [] )
put a
-- Null
put voidP(a)
-- 0
put ilk( a, #void )
-- 1
put a=true
-- 0
put afalse
-- 1

( I wonder if you get the same results on the Mac? )

I don't know whether the difference between ilk and voidP is intentional so
people can distinguish VOID from NULL, or if that is a bug in voidP.
Certainly it seems a bit strange that the ilk should be called #void if it
is not of the #void type.

Actually, this result makes me suspect that all 0's is a NULL, and VOID has
a different ilk bytecode - either that or VOID has a special integer code,
and both NULL and VOID really are of type #void. I say this since it's
unlikely that a random return code that is anything other than zero would
result in a type such as NULL, it would more likely result in a random
number or something. It's much more likely that the default undefined return
code is binary zero.

One notable point here is that Kerry's fix would not work in this case,
because voidP does not work. You'd need to use this instead:

if( ilk( nullVar, #void ) ) then nullVar = false

- Robert

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Re: lingo-l The value of void?

2003-04-02 Thread Robert Tweed
- Original Message -
From: Kerry Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Then you will get different results depending on the apparently random
  output from this function with a single known input. That's not good
  an engineering POV.

 Ah, but you will get consistent results with your code. You're testing
 for void first, just like I found I needed to do.

No, that's not the problem here. The problem is that value() *randomly*
returns 0 or VOID, when it should clearly always return one or the other (it
doesn't matter which, as long as the same input gives the same output).

Secondly, I am quite aware of the exact nature of VOID. VOID is a special
type/value. The VOID /type/ can have one value: VOID. The /value/ VOID is
numerically equivalent to the value 0 for the integer type, or 0.0 for the
floating point type. These are not /identical/, because the types are
different. However, there is implict casting between all 3 types for all
arithmetic and logical operations in Lingo. As I said before, 0 = 0.0 =
VOID. However, 0 !== 0.0 !== VOID.

VOID is not the absense of a value at all, it is a perfectly valid value.
The only problem with that statement is that in practise it can cause
problems with list properties whose values are set as VOID since Lingo
doesn't have any good functions to /distinguish/ between that condition and
the complete absence of the property. I'm talking about the fact that
getaProp returns VOID for non-existant properties, and this is sometimes the
only way to check. This could be solved by the addition of an isAProp
proplist function, but its not something that can be done in Lingo, it must
be added to the language.

BTW, you should not confuse VOID in Lingo with void in C: they are quite
different. In C it /does/ indicate the absence of a value (but don't confuse
a void pointer with a null pointer either, they are also quite different).
However, the C void keyword has two possible and quite different meanings,
depending on the context, but there is no VOID type, nor is there a VOID

Regarding your bug, I'm *very* surpised if MACR marked:

if( VOID ) then
  -- Never execute this code
  -- But it runs on Windows
end if

as NAB, because it clearly is a bug, if the above statement were true.
However, it doesn't evaluate as true on any Windows system I've ever tested
(I even double checked on mine just now to be sure). I expect that the bug
actually lay in your conditional expression, which may not have been
returning VOID as you believe. I'd be interested to see the /exact/
conditional expression though, if you still have a note of it.

- Robert

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RE: lingo-l The value of void?

2003-04-02 Thread Alex da Franca
At 22:46 Uhr -0500 01.04.2003, Kerry Thompson wrote:
In the code that started this thread, we were checking the value of an
empty string.
and at the end of the thread several macromedia engeneers abandoned 
the list, as I recall...

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Re: lingo-l The value of void?

2003-04-02 Thread Daniel Nelson
Have you tried using

integer() --returns void (unsure of consisitency; I'd be interested in other 
people's tests. btw, value() is consistently returning 0 at this time on this 


float() --returns  (ditto to above)

One way I have checked for valid user entries of numbers is floatP(float(user string)) 
or integerP(integer(user string)), depending on the data type requested.



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Re: lingo-l The value of void?

2003-04-02 Thread Daniel Nelson

 arithmetic and logical operations in Lingo. As I said before, 0 = 0.0 =
 VOID. However, 0 !== 0.0 !== VOID.

Interestingly, this was not true in Director 8.  In D8, VOID  0.0, though it does = 
0.  This change introduced a bug in a program when I upgraded to D8.5 (an easy to 
locate and fix bug, thankfully).  This highlights one reason why we should not rely on 
any internal definition of
VOID, using voidP() instead (I also use direct comparison to VOID so it can be 
included in case statements).

Also interesting is that explicit integer() and float() casts leave VOID as VOID.


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Re: lingo-l The value of void?

2003-04-02 Thread Howdy-Tzi
On Wednesday, Apr 2, 2003, at 10:42 America/Chicago, Robert Tweed wrote:

BTW, sorry if you took offense at my comments, they are more a 
question of
disbelief that Macromedia would regard VOID = true as not a bug than
anything to do with your own credibility - though we do all make 
which is easier to believe.
It's not that void = true; it's that in some cases implicit testing can 
lead to erroneous positives.

I can believe what you say is true, but I still
don't accept the logic. VOID = 0 = false, always. As far as I am 
that is, or should be, gospel.
But void is not zero, any more than, in C:

  int foo;

makes foo a valid variable. You don't know what's in it and testing it 
without first stuffing a value into it:

  int foo = 3;

can lead to all kinds of weird problems.

I guess I'm looking at it from a somewhat different perspective in that 
void = undefined, which is not the same thing as either 0 or false. It 
smells to me more like programmer error. :\ In that light perhaps 
individual reaction to these results is based on perspective or what 
one expects from a language -- when we have tests such as voidP, 
integerP, floatP, stringP and so on, though, it seems to me that it's 
most advisable to use these tests to preprocess variable contents 
before we start implicitly assigning actions based on boolean 
assumptions that can go wrong simply because of unexpected type 

You might also see that I'm of the don't ever do that frame of mind 
in re handling voids and assuming them to have any useful (or at least 
non-void) value at all. ;) To me void = void, not 0 or false or  or 
[:] or anything else, so testing it implicitly for a boolean value, to 
me, is an error in procedure.

Presumably the bug can be reproduced on any affected system with:

a = VOID
if( a ) then
  alert( This system has a BUGGY implementation of Lingo, no matter 
Macromedia may say )
end if

It shouldn't matter what the steps leading up to this point are, since 
is VOID is VOID, no?
Void is void but it's not necessarily true *or* false. The above might 
be better written as

  if not voidP ( a ) then
if a then
  alert etc.
end if
  end if
Implicitly casting a void as a boolean is risky. Director doesn't seem 
to handle the coercion with complete consistency. For that reason the 
best thing to check for is a voidP or, barring that, an explicit test 
for a boolean:

  if a = TRUE then
alert etc.
  end if
rather than allowing Director to try to infer what you mean by context.

Warren Ockrassa  | consulting | programming | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  nightwares LLC |
   Developer | Structor, a presentation development/programming tool
   Info and demo |
  Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
 Chapter samples |
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RE: lingo-l The value of void?

2003-04-02 Thread Kerry Thompson
 That's an interesting conclusion, which I would argue with.

A lot of people did ^_^

As I said, the debate became rather acrimonious, to the point that some
people, including MM engineers, left the list. Several people on the
list now were around for the brouhaha--Alex de Franca remembers ^_^

From where I stand, it's an open question as to whether it is a bug or
not. Personally, I tend to agree with you, since it gives different
Xplat results. The NAB was Macromedia's ruling.

 I might check the documentation 

Don't bother. Your search will return void.

 JOOI, on a system that does exhibit this bug (and I am still regarding
 as a bug, especially since it varies between platforms), what would be
 result of (VOIDfalse) ?
 Presumably the bug can be reproduced on any affected system with:
 a = VOID
 if( a ) then
   alert( This system has a BUGGY implementation of Lingo, no matter
 Macromedia may say )
 end if
 It shouldn't matter what the steps leading up to this point are, since
 is VOID is VOID, no?

True, except when it's NULL ;-)

put x
-- Void

Actually, that jogs my memory a bit. The syntax may not have been if
NOT x. It could have been if x = FALSE that gave the inconsistent
results. Sadly, I don't even have the code here to double-check. We were
building a command proc on the fly, and one of the methods in one of the
objects (HUGE Coop program) was expecting a return value, and I
discovered that, under certain circumstances, the command proc didn't
return anything.

I can't reproduce it now either, on the systems I have. I wish I could.
The bottom line, though, is that you should check for voidP before doing
any Booleans, at least in Lingo.

In another post, I mentioned that void was the absence of a value, and
you said that it is a specific value. Actually, I think we're both
correct. I don't have my Kernighan  Ritchie handy (we just moved, and
boxes are everywhere), but C and Lingo do treat it differently. I was
going by Macromedia's documentation, which says voidP determines
whether the variable specified by variableName has any value. Since
this is a Lingo list, I was referring to void in Lingo. You're right
in other contexts, though. Maybe we should all go back to twiddling bits
in 6502 assembler.


Kerry Thompson 

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Re: lingo-l The value of void?

2003-04-02 Thread chnexus
 Will someone please decide once and for all what value(void) will return?
 I've got three different results, all on the same machine.

VOID can't be used at the right of a comparison operator without
getting a value. This value is zero. I'd suggest you use voidP()
to check out if a var is void.

To know more about numeric data encoding see ANSI/IEEE 754
standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic. Also, it treats
separately certain types of numbers like infinites, NaNs,
zeroes, normal and denormal numbers.


IFC Programming Consultant
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Re: lingo-l The value of void?

2003-04-02 Thread Robert Tweed
[ Long email warning - some may find the low-level programming stuff at the
end interesting, others may want to avoid ]

- Original Message -
From: Kerry Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 As I said, the debate became rather acrimonious, to the point that some
 people, including MM engineers, left the list. Several people on the
 list now were around for the brouhaha--Alex de Franca remembers ^_^

I'm sure it was due to the shame of having to follow the party line on this
whole VOID=true business. That *is* what it comes down to - they are saying
that VOID is undefined when that is simply not true, except in a buggy
language implementation.

  I might check the documentation

 Don't bother. Your search will return void.


 True, except when it's NULL ;-)

 put x
 -- Void

AFAIK, NULL is simply a constant representation of the VOID type - the same
as TRUE in Lingo is actually the integer 1 and FALSE is the integer 0. Some
other loosely typed languages such as PHP actually have a boolean type, so
FALSE !== 0. TRUE is a more complex one than =1 or != 1, since TRUE is
generally represented by -1 since that is the bitwise inverse of FALSE (0).
At least, most C programmers do it that way, more out of convention than
anything (much like the convention to use the variable name me in Lingo
instead of the more traditional this in all other OOP).

 I can't reproduce it now either, on the systems I have. I wish I could.
 The bottom line, though, is that you should check for voidP before doing
 any Booleans, at least in Lingo.

That's a shame. At the very least, it is undesirable behaviour. I would
still regard it as a bug, even if Macromedia were too lazy to fix it that
week. What should happen in any aritmetic expression is that types should
follow a known order of implicit up-casting. For instance, VOID upcasts to
int, and int upcasts to float, wherever required to do so by an arithmetic
or logical operator. Not doing this somewhat limits the usefulness of any
scripting language.

There is no point in a scripting language that /requires/ type checking
before every statement. You might as well write all your code in C or Java
because at least then you'd know what the types are in advance.

 In another post, I mentioned that void was the absence of a value, and
 you said that it is a specific value. Actually, I think we're both
 correct. I don't have my Kernighan  Ritchie handy (we just moved, and
 boxes are everywhere), but C and Lingo do treat it differently. I was
 going by Macromedia's documentation, which says voidP determines
 whether the variable specified by variableName has any value. Since
 this is a Lingo list, I was referring to void in Lingo. You're right
 in other contexts, though. Maybe we should all go back to twiddling bits
 in 6502 assembler.

 But void is not zero, any more than, in C:

int foo;

 makes foo a valid variable. You don't know what's in it and testing it
 without first stuffing a value into it:

int foo = 3;

 can lead to all kinds of weird problems.

Just to get the record completely straight on the different meanings of void
or VOID - the following is a lengthy and technical discussion of points that
you may all be aware of, but may also clear up a few ambiguities:

In C everything is typed. So, the declaration:

  int foo;

Allocates a 2-byte block of memory and foo is set as a static pointer to
that memory location. However, what that statement does not do, is put any
specific value in the 2-bytes of memory, so at runtime it could contain
anything. This is known as undefined - that is *not* a specific value
(unlike VOID), nor is it the absence of value either, it is the absence of
prior *knowledge* of what the value should be.

  int foo = 3;

Does exactly the same, except that it always starts with 0x0003 in the 2
bytes set aside for the variable foo, so we know what the value is.

The keyword void in C is also unlike VOID in Lingo. In C, this indicates
an unknown, or don't care value. There are 2 possible uses, one to indicate
that a function does not return a value, and another which is the void

void *voidpointer = 0xb800;

This example is a base-address pointer to the colour text mode video memory
on the PC. Pointer aritmetic on a void pointer is performed in bytes, so
*( voidpointer + 100 ) means the value at the 100th byte in the video
memory. However, since the pointer is void, we don't know how many bytes to
read from that base address, so some casting is required (often done
implicitly by the compiler when the pointer is assigned to a variable, but
it depends on the strictness settings).

This is different to typed pointers like:

int *intpointer = 0xb800;

in which pointer arithmetic operations are automatically multiplied by the
size of the type. In this case sizeof(int) = 2, so (int)*( voidpointer +
100 ) is precisely equivalent to *( intpointer + 50 ). Internally that
compiles into (int)*( 

RE: lingo-l The value of void?

2003-04-02 Thread Kerry Thompson
 The fact that Macromedia are 
 quite happy with a broken implemementation IMHO, seriously 
 undermines the credibility of Lingo as a useful scripting 

I'm with you up to there, Robert. I read your post carefully, and your
explanation is flawless. To be honest, I've done more assembler than C,
and void isn't really a concept in assembly language, so I'll defer to
your knowledge of C--clearly more detailed than mine.

I stop short of saying it undermines Lingo's credibility, though. It's a
known issue, with a known workaround, and just about every scripting
language I've used has issues like this. Lingo remains a powerful and
flexible language, albeit with some quirks. After all, that's what they
pay us those big bucks for ^_^

 PS: After writing this, I realised that my test-code probably 
 wouldn't demonstrate the bug. Most likely a dirty VOID is 
 being returned by a function, probably in an Xtra. In that 
 case, the bug may well affect later versions of Windows, as 
 well as the one that demonstrated the problem before, but it 
 will only show up when the VOID contains a non-zero body.

That corresponds with my experience. I believe I mentioned that I found
the problem in a function call. This is way, way oversimplified, but it
was essentially this:

x = someFunction()
if x = FALSE then
-- do something
-- do something else
end if

on someFunction
  --do something
  --but don't return anything

It was absolutely consistent, though--that's the odd thing. The Boolean
always evaluated to false on Mac, and true on Windows. I added one line,
if voidP(x) then x = FALSE to fix the bug.

So, a dirty VOID? That's the best explanation I've heard so far. Nuuj
could tell us exactly what is going on, but he was one of the engineers
who stomped off when some people misdirected their anger at him.


Kerry Thompson

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Re: lingo-l The value of void?

2003-04-02 Thread Robert Tweed
- Original Message -
From: Kerry Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I stop short of saying it undermines Lingo's credibility, though. It's a
 known issue, with a known workaround, and just about every scripting
 language I've used has issues like this. Lingo remains a powerful and
 flexible language, albeit with some quirks. After all, that's what they
 pay us those big bucks for ^_^

You mean we can get big bucks for this now? ;-)

Actually, I do think it undermines Lingo's credibility, to a greater or
lesser extent, depending on how you look at it. As you can probably tell, I
like to know how things work, so when I write some code I know it's going to
do what I expect it to do. I don't like lots of things being left undefined,
just because the Macromedia engineers are too lazy to address what is
clearly a bug, so they do a Microsoft a re-label it as a feature.

Sorry, but in this case it's not acceptable, and it can seriously complicate
what should otherwise be simple code. Scripting languages are for exactly
that - writing simple elegant code that reads easily. They are not for
writing mammoth chunks of code that explicitly work around every possible
bug-causing case - the language itself is by design, supposed to negate the
need for all that.

You also made the point that we should test for an empty string before
passing it to value(), but I don't see why that should be necessary either.
Again this comes down the the amount of work we are expected to do in our
scripts - really that work should be delegated the the built-in functions,
so something like value() should always return a known value, it doesn't
matter what, as long as it is consistent. I don't mind the return value
being undefined if the input is not a string, but an empty string is still a
string, so it's well within the function's working specification.

 That corresponds with my experience. I believe I mentioned that I found
 the problem in a function call. This is way, way oversimplified, but it
 was essentially this:

 x = someFunction()
 if x = FALSE then
 -- do something
 -- do something else
 end if

 on someFunction
   --do something
   --but don't return anything

Ah, so rather than returning VOID it actually doesn't return anything -
that's a bit different. You are basically returning an undefined value,
which may or may not be VOID. Having said that, I believe Lingo does
normally put a VOID in as the return value for you, which is really what it
should do to make everything nice  robust - no-one want's to deal with
undefined's in a scripting language, which is why we have VOID in the first

Anyway, if that is where the problem is creeping in, there is still no need
for dirty VOIDs the be handled incorrectly.

- Robert

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RE: lingo-l The value of void?

2003-04-02 Thread Tim MacDonald
At risk of exhausting people's patience with this thread, 

  It shouldn't matter what the steps leading up to this point 
 are, since
  is VOID is VOID, no?
 True, except when it's NULL ;-)
 put x
 -- Void

t = call(#undefined, the actorList)

put t
-- Null

(This is one way I know of producing this value -- I'm sure there are

put ilk(t)
-- #void

put voidP(t)
-- 0

put t = VOID
-- 0

put t = NULL
-- 0

put t = 0
-- 0

Is this an example of a dirty void? Or just another lingo idiosyncracy?

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Re: lingo-l The value of void?

2003-04-01 Thread Daniel Nelson

I think VOID is the type of entity that one shouldn't really do much with it except 
for voidP() tests or maybe direct comparisons to VOID.

I only use value() to reconstruct objects and lists, but I use an object 
deconstructor/reconstructor object to do it.  This explicitly handles all data types, 
including VOID.



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Re: lingo-l The value of void?

2003-04-01 Thread Howdy-Tzi
On Tuesday, Apr 1, 2003, at 04:25 America/Chicago, 

Will someone please decide once and for all what value(void) will 
I've got three different results, all on the same machine.
That first item is not the value of void; it is the value of an empty 
string. When you do a value call on a string Director tries to coerce 
it to a numeric value (and, as you've surely noted, will even do 
arithmetic operations if you want it to as with 'put value 3 * 4'). 
So in this case the value of  is equal to zero, but it is not void. 
The second one:
Is truly odd and should not have happened that way. It would be nice if 
there were some steps to reproduce this one -- any chance you've had 
this happen with consistency? The third:
is consistent with the first.

This email is a natural product.  The slight variations in spelling and
grammar enhance its individual character and beauty and are in no
way considered to be flaws or defects.
That's clever!

Warren Ockrassa  | consulting | programming | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  nightwares LLC |
   Developer | Structor, a presentation development/programming tool
   Info and demo |
  Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
 Chapter samples |
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Re: lingo-l The value of void?

2003-04-01 Thread Robert Tweed
- Original Message -

 Will someone please decide once and for all what value(void) will return?
 I've got three different results, all on the same machine.

For the rest of the list; anyone who can't see the JPEGs, the question
should have been what is the value of EMPTY?. The problem in the
screenshots has nothing to do with value(VOID), which AFAIK always returns
VOID. Also, there are only two different results shown. These are as

-- Test 1:
put value(  )
-- Void

-- Test 2:
put value(  )
-- 0

Smells like BUG to me.

I tried a test movie that runs this line of code continuously. Before
saving, it always returned VOID. After saving, it always returned 0. Anyone
encountered anything similar, or got different results?

FWIW, I don't try to rely to much on anything that is returned by value(),
but it would still be nice to have a conclusive idea of what it returns for
empty strings and pure whitespace strings, under what circumstances.

- Robert
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Re: lingo-l The value of void?

2003-04-01 Thread Colin Holgate
-- Test 1:
put value(  )
-- Void
-- Test 2:
put value(  )
-- 0
Smells like BUG to me.

Except that you can't see that the first one is option-space. The 
message was apparently written a few days ago, but perhaps this is a 
developing April Fools joke.

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Re: lingo-l The value of void?

2003-04-01 Thread Robert Tweed
- Original Message -
From: Colin Holgate [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Except that you can't see that the first one is option-space. The
 message was apparently written a few days ago, but perhaps this is a
 developing April Fools joke.

??? My post was written yesterday in response to Pranav  Tab's posts (also
dated April 1). Neither myself nor Pranav are using Macs, so we don't have
option keys, and even if we did, you'd be able to see *something* not just
an empty string (I assume option+space produces an extended ASCII character
that looks like a space) Note that there is *no* space in the string, it is
an empty double-quotes .

It's definitely a real bug, but it seems to be intermittent. I just tried to
reproduce it again and this time I just get 0's, no VOID. It's weird. I have
to say, it's not exactly a critical bug, but it's definitely not an April
fools joke. It's now April the 2nd and 17 minutes, so if it were a joke I'd
have to tell you - that's the law.

I did manage to reproduce the problem here earlier though, so if Pranav is
making it up, he's doing a really thorough job...

- Robert

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Re: lingo-l The value of void?

2003-04-01 Thread Colin Holgate
I did manage to reproduce the problem here earlier though, so if Pranav is
making it up, he's doing a really thorough job...
His jpgs looked like they had a space, and with value( ) or 
value(space), I would get 0, and value( ) (that was an 
option-space, which I assumed would be the same as an alt-space) 
would give me Void.

That was trying it at home. If I try it here now, my PowerBook gives 
0, but my G4 give Void, the difference being that my PowerBook is 
running MX and my G4 is running 8.5.1.

So, it may not be an April Fools after all, but it would have been a good one.

This doesn't explain why you get varying results, because it's 
unlikely that your Director is changing between being MX and being 

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Re: lingo-l The value of void?

2003-04-01 Thread Daniel Plaenitz
At 15:32 01.04.2003 -0500, you wrote:
-- Test 1:
put value(  )
-- Void
-- Test 2:
put value(  )
-- 0
Even subtle details may matter here. Therefore, the above notation has to 
be corrected. Pranav's example 
( reads:

-- Welcome to Director --
put value()
-- Void

Smells like BUG to me.

Except that you can't see that the first one is option-space. The message 
was apparently written a few days ago, but perhaps this is a developing 
April Fools joke.
Well Colin, your explanation doesn't convince me OR I don't understand it.
Granted I don't really know what option-space might do precisely but I#m 
pretty sure it would do this in a macish context. ALT-space opens a (mostly 
useless) system menue on win boxes. And pranav defined his box thusly:

WinNT 4 SP6
Director 8
(I did my tests on athlon TB 800, 768 MB, w2kSp2, d9.0)

When I read your previous post I assumed opt-space would produce a non 
breaking space which is entered as alt-0160 on win. But where to insert it?

In Pranav's notation there are only 2 possible places to insert an nbsp; (§)


put value()
-- Void 0

put value()§:

put value()
-- 0 Void
None of them explains the riddle. I tried another invisible char, hex 0:

z = numtochar(0)
put z
put value(z)
-- 0
All the other control chars show a black box, don't they?
So, if you have steps to repro, please expand.
OTOH, if this is a 0104-fake, pranav should say so. It's 0204 in India for 
half a day, already.


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Re: lingo-l The value of void?

2003-04-01 Thread Colin Holgate
In Pranav's notation there are only 2 possible places to insert an nbsp; (§)

I guess I imagined it then. The JPEG looks like there's something 
between the quotes, more of a   than a . I can't exactly match 
the font or size, but screen shooting it and comparing what I can 
type still makes it seem like there's a gap, but not as wide as a 
regular space.

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Re: lingo-l The value of void?

2003-04-01 Thread Robert Tweed
- Original Message -
From: Daniel Plaenitz [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Even subtle details may matter here. Therefore, the above notation has to
 be corrected. Pranav's example
 ( reads:

 -- Welcome to Director --
 put value()
 -- Void

Well, I don't think that's important. If you look at the way I reproduced
Pranav's original results, I typed my own code into an exitFrame handler and
ran it. It continually returned VOID. Then I saved it, closed it and opened
it again, with *no changes* either to the movie, my version of Director, or
my system - that time it gave 0's. I have not since been able to get it to
return VOID, but the *exact same code* gave different results at different
times with the exact same configuration.

A bug is one thing, but an intermittent bug is somewhat more worrying - it
suggests the bug is not related to the value function so much as the way the
reference to the static string value  is handled, which could have wider

Most likely what we are seeing is a problem in the reference table where two
identical but separate strings are accidentally given the same reference, or
two strings with the same reference are incorrectly believed to be two
identical but separate strings. That could potentially lead to inexplicable
crashes that cannot be reproduced easily, as well as bugs like the one we
are seeing. I can't think of anything else that could cause it, other than
code with something really stupid in it, like:

if random(100)2 then return silly result

I don't think that's likely though.

One thing that may be important is whether or not your code is the first
thing to ever refer to the static string . That can be the difference
between a reference to an existing string, or the creation of a new one.
Because the value is static, there is nothing to say that Director is
creating a new string each time, it may simply be recycling references,
which is where the sort of bug I suspect may be causing this could creep in.
I suspect that saving the movies sorted out these static references, which
produced the differing results that I saw.

I'm going to try reproducing the result again later after a cold boot to see
if that makes a difference. There may be things hanging around in memory
that make a difference.

- Robert

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Re: lingo-l The value of void?

2003-04-01 Thread Robert Tweed
- Original Message -
From: Colin Holgate [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I guess I imagined it then. The JPEG looks like there's something
 between the quotes, more of a   than a . I can't exactly match
 the font or size, but screen shooting it and comparing what I can
 type still makes it seem like there's a gap, but not as wide as a
 regular space.

Try setting the font to Courier New which is the font for the message
window on the PC. I don't know what it is on the Mac, but the reason for the
extra space is that Courier is fixed-width, and a  is somewhat thinner than
an M. It didn't even look odd to me, so I can only assume the font is
totally different on your system.

Incidentally, one of the reasons we all generally use fixed-width fonts for
code is that you can easily tell that there is no space. Simply look at the
characters immediately above the quotes and you will see that there are
exactly two in the same horizontal space. Since all the characters are
vertically aligned in a grid-like fashion, there cannot be an extra
character between the quotes, or the quotes would span the width of 3

- Robert

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RE: lingo-l The value of void?

2003-04-01 Thread Kerry Thompson
 In an expression, though, Void is considered to be equivalent of 0.

In my experience, not consistently.

I spent a couple days last year tracking down a bug caused by a
difference in the way Director on Windows and Mac treat Void.

There was a boolean compare, something like:

if someCondition then
  yada yada
end if

In some cases, someCondition could be Void. On the Mac, that boolean
evaluated to FALSE. On Windows, it evaluated to TRUE.

Void is Void. It's best to check for voidP, because you can't count
on Director treating void as 0 or as false.


Kerry Thompson

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Re: lingo-l The value of void?

2003-04-01 Thread Colin Holgate
Try setting the font to Courier New which is the font for the message
window on the PC.

I did try that one. On the Mac we often use Monaco, which is also 
monospaced, and has the advantages you suggest that Courier has, but 
also it's sans-serif, which can be a bit more readable on a screen.

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Re: lingo-l The value of void?

2003-04-01 Thread Daniel Plaenitz
At 02:03 02.04.2003 +0100, you wrote:
- Original Message -
From: Daniel Plaenitz [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Even subtle details may matter here. Therefore, the above notation has to
 be corrected. Pranav's example
 ( reads:

 -- Welcome to Director --
 put value()
 -- Void
Well, I don't think that's important.
May be important, may be not. Trying to follow Colin's hypothesis it did 
make a difference. And when hunting an arcane anomaly like this one it is 
good praxis to avoid any random effects / noise.

If you look at the way I reproduced
Pranav's original results, I typed my own code into an exitFrame handler and
ran it. It continually returned VOID. Then I saved it, closed it and opened
it again, with *no changes* either to the movie, my version of Director, or
my system - that time it gave 0's. I have not since been able to get it to
return VOID, but the *exact same code* gave different results at different
times with the exact same configuration.
the *exact same code* is only what you see. I have had at least one case 
where directors symbol table was influenced by snippets of code that had 
been *deleted* but *still* were part of the .dir file. Invisible from 
within director. Visible as a string when examining the .dir with a hex 
editor. Valid in defining if  symbol(Paul)  would return  #paul  or  #Paul.

So, yes, I believe there are monsters and mysteries down there, including 
features with 6 legs.

Up to now it is pranav and you who saw the beast and it might help if any 
of you could post the file which did it. Even if it doesn't show the effect 
any more, just to define a common basis.

the jpg looks like vanilla Courier to me.

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RE: lingo-l The value of void?

2003-04-01 Thread Kerry Thompson
 A bug is one thing, but an intermittent bug is somewhat more worrying
- it
 suggests the bug is not related to the value function so much as the
 reference to the static string value  is handled, which could have

I think it has more to do with trying to use a void for anything
useful. There have been long, sometimes acrimonious, threads about this.

The bottom line is, don't count on a void or an empty string
evaluating to anything meaningful. You can't count on it. It's much
safer to do

if not voidP(something) then...


if someString.length  0 then ...

You'll save some bug-fixing time.

Down on the machine level, there is a difference between void and
zero. In C, for example, you can reference the 0th element of an array,
but if the pointer is void, it doesn't point at any element.


Kerry Thompson

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Re: lingo-l The value of void?

2003-04-01 Thread Robert Tweed
- Original Message -
From: Kerry Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 In some cases, someCondition could be Void. On the Mac, that boolean
 evaluated to FALSE. On Windows, it evaluated to TRUE.

Are you sure it was always evaluating to VOID? Perhaps the problem was that
it was evaluating to something else because of some function or whatever
that gives a different result on each platform. Generally, using the =

0 = 0.0 = VOID

All of theese are different types, but each has a value that is considered
equal to zero. That said, it's always a good idea to make sure your
expressions actually evaluate to booleans, rather than using any shorthand,
which I normally do like so:

-- old
if( someCondition ) then ...
-- new
if( someCondition  false ) then ...

This way, VOID, 0 and false will all evaluate as false, and everything else
will evaluate to true, which is the expected behaviour if you are used to
C/JavaScript, etc. Since Lingo isn't too clever about handling non-booleans
in expressions, you will get a script error if the type is anything other
than a float, integer, or VOID, even though logically any such thing should
simply evaluate as true. The only problem with this is that most people
would expect  to evaluate as false, but it doesn't.

What is also a shame is that Lingo doesn't have an equivalent to the ===
operator for exactly equal and  !== for not-exactly-equal. These are found
in PHP and a few other loosely-typed scripting languages and allow you to do
type-safe comparsions. Mind you, you can get the same effect in lingo with a
couple of simple functions:

on eq( a, b )
  if( ilk( a, ilk( b ) ) ) then
return a = b
return false
  end if

on ne( a, b )
  if( ilk( a, ilk( b ) ) ) then
return a  b
return true
  end if

This way, eq( 0, 0 ) will return 1, but eq( 1, 1.0 ) will return 0, eq( 0,
VOID ) will return 0, etc.

- Robert

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Re: lingo-l The value of void?

2003-04-01 Thread Robert Tweed
- Original Message -
From: Kerry Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I think it has more to do with trying to use a void for anything
 useful. There have been long, sometimes acrimonious, threads about this.

You miss the point here. If the value returned is sometimes VOID and
sometimes 0, then if you do:

if( voidP( result ) ) then
  -- do something
else if( result = 0 ) then
  -- do something else
end if

Then you will get different results depending on the apparently random
output from this function with a single known input. That's not good from an
engineering POV.

- Robert

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Re: lingo-l The value of void?

2003-04-01 Thread Robert Tweed
- Original Message -
From: Daniel Plaenitz [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 the *exact same code* is only what you see. I have had at least one case
 where directors symbol table was influenced by snippets of code that had
 been *deleted* but *still* were part of the .dir file. Invisible from
 within director. Visible as a string when examining the .dir with a hex
 editor. Valid in defining if  symbol(Paul)  would return  #paul  or

Yes, that's a known issue. Director always saves the symbol table and does
not delete obsolete entries.

The point in this case is that it was not changed: only saved, closed and
reopened. I fully expect that there may have been changes to the internal
static references (no symbols involved though) due to saving, but there have
been no instances of stuff being added and then deleted. I simply created
the test movie from scratch, although I have not since been able to
reproduce the results, even after cold booting a couple of times.

What I suspect is going on (and this is all conjecture based on the way
other languages such as C++ work) is that static strings are normally stored
in a resource area that is similar in many respects to the symbols table. So
when you see  in code, it might as well be a symbol called #, because it
refers to a single chunk of memory set aside for each occurance of that
static string. There is generally only one copy of each identical string to
save space in the .exe file.

So, you might have two bits of code with the static string Hello, but
unless you actually modify one of them, they will both point to the same
physical memory location. What may be happening is that these references are
getting mixed up and the value function is internally comparing the wrong
string references.

FWIW, the only thing I have in my movie is an unnamed frame-loop script

on exitFrame me
  a = value()
  put a
  go to the frame

Rather than post the movie, it might be better if people try creating their
own from scratch, as my saved movie is consistently outputting 0's now.

- Robert

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Re: lingo-l The value of void?

2003-04-01 Thread biju george
Hi List,

Using Win 98, Dir 8

on exitFrame me
  put value()

Give me just

-- 0

Its same in message window and after saving and run
from the on exitframe handler.

I think its saying that the VALUE of the command
value() is nothing or simply zero(0).

Do you say this!!!


Biju George

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RE: lingo-l The value of void?

2003-04-01 Thread Kerry Thompson
 You miss the point here. If the value returned is sometimes VOID and
 sometimes 0, then if you do:
 if( voidP( result ) ) then
   -- do something
 else if( result = 0 ) then
   -- do something else
 end if
 Then you will get different results depending on the apparently random
 output from this function with a single known input. That's not good
 an engineering POV.

Ah, but you will get consistent results with your code. You're testing
for void first, just like I found I needed to do. 

That's the whole point. Void is, by definition, undefined--nothing. Not
zero, not false. Good coding practice is to check to make sure the
variable is initialized (not being initialized is the most common reason
for a void return).

I agree, maybe MM could have handled it in their code better, and given
us consistent returns. OTOH, they have provided us with a workaround.
Check for voidP and everybody's happy.


Kerry Thompson

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RE: lingo-l The value of void?

2003-04-01 Thread Kerry Thompson
 Are you sure it was always evaluating to VOID?

Positive. The cause of the bug was a boolean with a void value
evaluating to false on the Mac and true on Windows. Documented,
submitted to Macromedia, rated NAB (not a bug).

Chris Nuuja weighed in on it, too. Actually, it's not a bug, because
void is NOT 0. Zero is a value, while void is the absence of a

In the code that started this thread, we were checking the value of an
empty string. There could be a problem there if it sometimes returns 0
and sometimes void. The solution is to check to make sure the string
isn't 0 length. Uninitialized variables are the source of many, many


Kerry Thompson

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Re: lingo-l The value of void?

2003-04-01 Thread pranavn

Firstly, I made a mistake with the subject line. It should've read the
value of EMPTY. Second, this is not a fake. I've spent a maddening day and
a half last month trying to figure out why my code would work one day and
fail the next (usually in front of the management).

I was using value to convert user input to numbers. A small test in the
message window had returned value() as 0. Which is why I had gone and
implemented it in my modules. I guess I'll follow Kerry's advice and use
the length() function to check my conditions.

BTW, can someone explain what Director's symbol table does? I tried talking
to one of our Java programmers who brought up an analogy of Java's hash
table. Is it something of similar nature? Is it built at runtime, or is it

Pranav Negandhi

This email is a natural product.  The slight variations in spelling and
grammar enhance its individual character and beauty and are in no
way considered to be flaws or defects.

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Re: lingo-l The value of void?

2003-04-01 Thread Colin Holgate
the jpg looks like vanilla Courier to me.

Ah, that's where I must have been going wrong. I tried Courier, and 
Courier New, but didn't try vanilla Courier. Is that Courier with a 
cream forecolor?

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Re: lingo-l The value of void?

2003-04-01 Thread pranavn

the jpg looks like vanilla Courier to me.

Ah, that's where I must have been going wrong. I tried Courier, and
Courier New, but didn't try vanilla Courier. Is that Courier with a
cream forecolor?

You also get hot chocolate sauce as embellishments. All we need is a few
nuts now.

Pranav Negandhi

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lingo-l The value of void?

2003-04-01 Thread pranavn
Will someone please decide once and for all what value(void) will return?
I've got three different results, all on the same machine.

WinNT 4 SP6
Director 8

Pranav Negandhi

This email is a natural product.  The slight variations in spelling and
grammar enhance its individual character and beauty and are in no
way considered to be flaws or defects.

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