custom menu kills D8's Help menu

2001-04-12 Thread Slava Paperno

Ever since I added the "@" symbol to the custom menu in my movie, the 
default Apple Help menu replaces Director's own Help menu, when I run the 
movie in authoring mode, and is nt restored, when I halt my movie. All D8's 
menus are restored, but not the Help menu. Any advice would be appreciated.

This is under Mac OS 9 and D8.


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custom Help menu on a Mac

2001-04-12 Thread Slava Paperno

When I add the "@" symbol to my custom menu definition, the Apple system 
menu as well as the default Help menu (with two Ballon Help items) are 
added by the installMenu command. I can't find out how I can add my own 
commands to the Help menu. Adding "Menu:Help" creates a second Help menu. A 
search for this in DOUG hasn't produced any results, and page 294 of the D8 
Lingo Dictionary doesn't even mention the fact that the default Help menu 
appears automagically along with the Apple menu where do I go? Thanks 
for any tips!


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Re: Still having problem when i try to import a WAV..!!!!

2001-04-12 Thread pranavn

I guess I was right's a snippet from the quirks at

 mp3, import, authoring: If you import an MP3 under Windows that is too
 small ( seems to be about 3K or less) you get a Director "Having
 trouble importing, 85" error. But same MP3 files can be read by other
 apps such as Sound Forge and Windows Media Player.

I figure the same rule applies to .wav files.

A bus station is where a bus stops.
A train station is where a train stops.
On my desk, I have a work station..

import into a cast member a simple wav .
...i tried to import the START.WAV from the c:/windows/media folder
AND i couldn'twhen i was trying to import any other .wav file...there
was no problem !!!

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Re: Still having problem when i try to import a WAV..!!!!

2001-04-12 Thread ramesct


I guess Director can not Import sounds of type Microsoft ADPCM.

Open 'Start.wav' in any of the Audio editing application and save it using
Windows PCM type, you should be able to import it.

best regards
Ramesh CT

Then when i tried to import the START.WAV from the c:/windows/media folder
AND i couldn't . The strange think was that when i was trying to import any
other .wav file from this particular folder there was no problem !!!

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Still having problem when i try to import a WAV..!!!!

2001-04-12 Thread george.gemenetzis

Hi everybody.This is not a lingo question but i think that u will find it interesting.
I was trying to import into a cast member a simple wav file and all these

In the first place i didn't check the option sound when i was importing my
file. (!) 
When i realised my mistake i checked the option and hoped that everythink
will go right. BUT.. 
Then when i tried to import the START.WAV from the c:/windows/media folder
AND i couldn't . The strange think was that when i was trying to import any
other .wav file from this particular folder there was no problem !!!

But with the START.WAV the system for some reason couldn't proceed. 
I checked the files attributes and nothing was wrong. 
Does anyone has any idea how to import this file. 
Thanks in advance. 

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Re: Marker deletion by lingo? Thanks

2001-04-12 Thread Mel Kloscheim

Thanks to you all
Carl- it worked like a charm. Thanks very very much
to all of you who have helped with this problem
it was very much appreciated. This includes Ramesh CT, and
Mare too. Thanks so much.
I have really gone over what each of you have helped out with.

Thanks again

>From: Carl West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re:  Marker deletion by lingo?
>Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 10:57:28 -0400
>mare wrote:
> >
> > David Pexton  kindly wrote:
> > >Hello
> > >   I need a script which finds those markers in my movie
> > >that are marked in the score but have no name. I would then like to
> > >have lingo delete them. Is this possible?
> >
> > I think you could do it with scorerecording. But AFAIK the only way to
> > delete a marker is by using deleteFrame. So you might need to recreate 
> > deleted frame (if there are 1 frame spritespans in your movie) after the
> > deletion. Not very easy.
>Actually, not too hard:
>on cleanlabels
>   beginRecording
> repeat with i = (the labelList.line.count) down to 1
>   go marker(the labelList.line[i])
>   if the frameLabel = "" then
> duplicateFrame
> deleteFrame
>   end if
> end repeat
>   endRecording
>end cleanlabels
>Works for me in D7.0.2, but have a backup copy.
>617.262.8830 x246
>I have no superfluous leisure; my stay must be
>stolen out of other affairs; but I will attend you awhile.
>- Isabella, Measure for Measure, Act 3 Scene 1
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java into director

2001-04-12 Thread limiar40 b

hi list!

i'm wondering if it's possible to import to director a java applet?

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Setting "the soundLevel" on PC

2001-04-12 Thread Stephen Recker

I'm using bkMixer from to set the master volume on PCs
(bkSetMasterVolume). It works fine on most systems but on one system the big
green volume setting indicator show up. You know, exactly like they do when
you set the volume from buttons on a monitor. Anyway, in all fairness to I only sent their support folks a message a few moments ago
but I'm doing this on a project that ships tonight so I'm going global.

Anyone have any thoughts? Thanks.


s t e p h e n   j a m e s   r e c k e r

m u l t i   m e d i a   p r o d u c e r

another software miracle


"We cannot escape history."
Abraham Lincoln

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RE: Debugging Shockwave...?

2001-04-12 Thread Al Hospers

> >currently working on a complex shockwave/projector application, and
> >debugging the shockwave version using built in alerts in scripts
> >that seems to popup the "shockwave error" alert. this takes a hell
> >of a lot of time, since each time i have to build new alerts,
> >publish, upload, clean the browser cache and reload the page, just
> >to find if the alert comes before the shockwave error or not.

not about the alertHook, but about debugging in SW. go to the Direct-L
digests here:

search in all year 2000 for

 debugging hospers

some good ways of debugging in SW and projectors too. it may be quite useful
to you.


Al Hospers
CamberSoft, Inc.

A famous linguist once said:
"There is no language wherein a double
positive can form a negative."


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Re: Debugging Shockwave...?

2001-04-12 Thread Michael C. Hanson

At 18:12 +0200 4/12/01, Yariv Alter Fin wrote:
>Dearest All,
>Currently working on a complex shockwave/projector application, and 
>debugging the shockwave version using built in alerts in scripts 
>that seems to popup the "shockwave error" alert. this takes a hell 
>of a lot of time, since each time i have to build new alerts, 
>publish, upload, clean the browser cache and reload the page, just 
>to find if the alert comes before the shockwave error or not.
>My question is, does anybody know if its possible to use the 'alert 
>hook' in shockwave, or any other alternative to that? if i just try 
>to use the alert hook as is it will itself cause a shockwave error...
>any idea's...?
>Yariv Alter Fin
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Out of curiousity -- what's wrong with Director's built-in debugger?

Maybe I'm missing something obvious here?

Michael C. Hanson
Quicksilver Software, INC.

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Best method for displaying text and images on screen?

2001-04-12 Thread Bill Numerick

Hi Everyone!

I'm doing some research for a project and i'm trying to figure out exactly 
what the best way is going to be to display content with text and images on 

Its all going to be dynamically generated and interactive content.  Its also 
going to have the ability to be placed on screen in peices or chunks instead 
of putting one full section.   Resize the width similar to an html table, 
make the text selectable (or if clicked on an image i'll be able to program 
it to show a menu to save to disk) and i'll have to able to program a zoom 
feature (text size).  If it could be saved to disk using the same tpye of 
method as for the display  that would be great too :)

I was talking earlier on the list about using html and rtf's files.  Which i 
think will work but is it the best method?  Does anyone know if the LiveCD 
Xtra allows you to select text and save images from the LiveCD member?  I 
think this method would force me to "append" an html doc on the fly which 
might get slow, is that right?  I've also looked at the PDF Xtra any 
comments on that?  Anything i might be overlooking which could be a lot i've 
still only got a couple smaller Director projects under my belt ;)

Thanks all.

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Debugging Shockwave...?

2001-04-12 Thread Yariv Alter Fin

Dearest All,

Currently working on a complex shockwave/projector application, and 
debugging the shockwave version using built in alerts in scripts that 
seems to popup the "shockwave error" alert. this takes a hell of a 
lot of time, since each time i have to build new alerts, publish, 
upload, clean the browser cache and reload the page, just to find if 
the alert comes before the shockwave error or not.

My question is, does anybody know if its possible to use the 'alert 
hook' in shockwave, or any other alternative to that? if i just try 
to use the alert hook as is it will itself cause a shockwave error...

any idea's...?


Yariv Alter Fin

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creating sprite and placing images on runtime

2001-04-12 Thread Bastien Bouchard

Hello all Lingoers, happy to be back on the list...

I have a big project in wich i need to place on stage a undetermined
quantity (1 to 114!) of small, identically sized, interactive images (think
of a kind of visual dictionary) as requested by the user.

Is there a way to place them dynamicaly on the stage, with proper
interactive function (hyperlink, text message associated on rollover, etc.),
in a scrolable frame equivalent to a field member?

My problem is more to figure how to place them dynamicaly on the fly,
keeping interactivity possible.

What do you think, am i dreaming too much?   ;-)

Bastien Bouchard
Logique multimedia

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Re: Marker deletion by lingo?

2001-04-12 Thread Carl West

mare wrote:
> David Pexton  kindly wrote:
> >Hello
> >   I need a script which finds those markers in my movie
> >that are marked in the score but have no name. I would then like to
> >have lingo delete them. Is this possible?
> I think you could do it with scorerecording. But AFAIK the only way to
> delete a marker is by using deleteFrame. So you might need to recreate the
> deleted frame (if there are 1 frame spritespans in your movie) after the
> deletion. Not very easy.

Actually, not too hard:

on cleanlabels
repeat with i = (the labelList.line.count) down to 1
  go marker(the labelList.line[i])
  if the frameLabel = "" then 
  end if
end repeat
end cleanlabels 

Works for me in D7.0.2, but have a backup copy.

617.262.8830 x246

I have no superfluous leisure; my stay must be
stolen out of other affairs; but I will attend you awhile.

   - Isabella, Measure for Measure, Act 3 Scene 1

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Re: Marker deletion by lingo?

2001-04-12 Thread David Pexton

Hello and Thanks
It doesn't get rid of Markers that are there without a name. They still are 
place holders.
Put a few markers in a fake movie and then
while in the score move the cursor to the top of the score
window ( as though you are going to make a marker) but don't write anything 
YOu will see that the little triangle is there in the score. Make a couple 
of these and
then open the Markers window and you will see they are holding places there.

My reason for getting rid of them is because I have a projector which adds
framelabels but when I do certain things it makes a framelabel which is 
Then when I use a drop down list of the frame labels to go to that frame it
goes to the frame of the empty labels and keeps adding blank space to the 
dropdown list.

I really need to correct this one.

>Subject: Re:  Marker deletion by lingo?
>Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 18:15:35 +0530
>Dear David,
>Mare is right, you have to do this only using score recording but you don't
>need to delete frame and recreate the frame. Here is an update script to
>Mare's  which sets the frameLabel to 0 without deleting the frame itself.
>on cleanlabels
>   beginRecording
> go frame 1
> tMarkerList = the markerList
> repeat with i = 1 to tMarkerList.count
>   go tMarkerList[i]
>   if the frameLabel = "" then
> the frameLabel = 0
>   end if
> end repeat
>   endRecording
>end cleanlabels
>best regards
>Ramesh CT
> >>>
>I think you could do it with scorerecording. But AFAIK the only way to
>delete a marker is by using deleteFrame. So you might need to recreate the
>deleted frame
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RE: Lingo Cowboys (was timer)

2001-04-12 Thread Rick

Don't mention YHOO, they're downsizing fast!

At 14:12 12/04/01 +0100, Leon McComish wrote:
>> way too many ones done by "Lingo Cowboys" who insist on doing 
>> everything in
>> 1 frame and OOP code. it's is generally overly complex & way hard to work
>> on. (not to mention that there are usually no comments & bad variable
>> names - but that's another rant )
>> just my NSHO,
>> Al Hospers
>Oops! Was coding just as I read this and noticed that two local variables
are named "temp1" and "temp2".
>Um YHOO! ... I guess ...

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calculating sunrise and sunset with Lingo

2001-04-12 Thread mva

Hi everybody,

bizarre question:

I want to calculate with lingo the sunrise and the sundown on a given day at
a given location on earth.

I have bought a book that explains - tried to explain - how to do that in
C++. I have no idea of C++ but I THOUGHT I would manage to convert that to
Lingo but I was naive: It is FAR to complex and difficult. Has by any chance
anyone ever tried to do that or is anybody out there expert in astronomy and
lingo alike who could possibly help me understand that book?

Is there a risk that even if I understood the subject this couldn't be done
in Lingo anyway?

Thank you very much
Michael von Aichberger

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RE: RE: different between flash and Director

2001-04-12 Thread Sébastien


> Why it still seem that director 8.5 is Intel Pentium 4
> Optimized...  How
> about Pentium 3 user or even T-bird user like me

With my old PII 300 workstation it run fine... even in a large window.
(of course démo with high ploy nb are not as fast as the low ones)

But the CPU is not the only matter, you should also consider memory and
video adapter!


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RE: Lingo Cowboys (was timer)

2001-04-12 Thread Leon McComish

> way too many ones done by "Lingo Cowboys" who insist on doing 
> everything in
> 1 frame and OOP code. it's is generally overly complex & way hard to work
> on. (not to mention that there are usually no comments & bad variable
> names - but that's another rant )
> just my NSHO,
> Al Hospers

Oops! Was coding just as I read this and noticed that two local variables are named 
"temp1" and "temp2".

Um YHOO! ... I guess ...



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RE: RE: different between flash and Director

2001-04-12 Thread Victor Iwan

3D !! yup !!!

Why it still seem that director 8.5 is Intel Pentium 4 Optimized...  How
about Pentium 3 user or even T-bird user like me

> If MM wanted to put Director on a back burner, it would certainly not be
> introducing shockwave 3d. Can you imagine the work that must have
> gone into
> that? And I'm VERY impressed with the demos that were released to
> us a short
> while ago.
> I saved the link for the demos this time (thanks grim!) and it's on
> if anyone's wandering what I'm talking about.

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Lingo Cowboys (was timer)

2001-04-12 Thread Al Hospers

> Can you imagine, trying to reconcile a totally OOP approach
> with a linear
> score? The brain hurts just thinking about it :)

sorry, but I just don't agree with this. coding-wise I use a very OOP
approach to things. however, many times it makes absolutely no sense to
approach some animated portion of a project in a single frame OOP
Lingo-controlled manner. unless of course you just want to rack up the
billable hours.

what I mean is, use the right approach for a given job. Director does a
pretty good job at playing linear animations, use it for that when it is
appropriate. it also does a moderately good job at the OOP encapsulated code
thing. use that when appropriate.

appropriate is the operative word here. I do a lot of work fixing and
enhancing projects done by others. it's probably 40% of my business. I see
way too many ones done by "Lingo Cowboys" who insist on doing everything in
1 frame and OOP code. it's is generally overly complex & way hard to work
on. (not to mention that there are usually no comments & bad variable
names - but that's another rant )

just my NSHO,

Al Hospers
CamberSoft, Inc.

A famous linguist once said:
"There is no language wherein a double
positive can form a negative."


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Re: Problem When Importing Wav!!!!

2001-04-12 Thread mitesh

"george.gemenetzis" wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> I have a problem importing a normal .wav in my cast members .
> While i can import a wav from a cd rom drive ( i have a tutorial cd )
> it appears that i can't import a wav from my Hard drive !!
> It says that it cannot read from the specified location.
> I tried different locations in my HD but still the same prob.
> Does this problem has a logical explanation ?
> I use Director 8.
> Thanks in advance.
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> Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Hi George,

Convert that .wav file to .swa & then import so file is comprass (file
size is not more)

wav file is so big & converted swa file is small
in secondlast menu convert to swa option is there


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Re: Marker deletion by lingo?

2001-04-12 Thread mare

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  kindly wrote:
>Dear David,
>Mare is right, you have to do this only using score recording but you don't
>need to delete frame and recreate the frame. Here is an update script to
>Mare's  which sets the frameLabel to 0 without deleting the frame itself.
>on cleanlabels
>  beginRecording
>go frame 1
>tMarkerList = the markerList
>repeat with i = 1 to tMarkerList.count
>  go tMarkerList[i]
>  if the frameLabel = "" then
>the frameLabel = 0
>  end if
>end repeat
>  endRecording
>end cleanlabels

>I think you could do it with scorerecording. But AFAIK the only way to
>delete a marker is by using deleteFrame. So you might need to recreate the
>deleted frame

I stand corrected :-)

marker, markerList, label, labellist, framelabel. Too many related keywords


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bug into menu shortcuts

2001-04-12 Thread jean-louis valero

boring problem: the shortcuts I've implemented into my menus (command X,
command V) seem to generate a bug when I use command Z in a text member.
This is my menu:

menu: Edition
< Undo/Z
< Cut/X
< Copy/C
< Paste/V
< Clear
< Select all/A

After I type command Z for the first time on my keyboard, command X,C,V
don't work anymore. If I remove the shortcuts from my menu, all is okay
again.What happens? I test on a mac G3 266, system 9.04. Thank you for
your ideas...

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Re: Marker deletion by lingo?

2001-04-12 Thread ramesct

Dear David,

Mare is right, you have to do this only using score recording but you don't
need to delete frame and recreate the frame. Here is an update script to
Mare's  which sets the frameLabel to 0 without deleting the frame itself.

on cleanlabels
go frame 1
tMarkerList = the markerList
repeat with i = 1 to tMarkerList.count
  go tMarkerList[i]
  if the frameLabel = "" then
the frameLabel = 0
  end if
end repeat
end cleanlabels

best regards
Ramesh CT
I think you could do it with scorerecording. But AFAIK the only way to
delete a marker is by using deleteFrame. So you might need to recreate the
deleted frame

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Re: RE: different between flash and Director

2001-04-12 Thread g r i m m w e r k s

By the way, has anyone noticed that the webcast is different or am I loopy
from the pain medication I'm taking for a root canal?

I had looked at the webcast early (ie 3am) yesterday and it was all the 3d
demo stuff, but when I looked last nite it was the fullon keynote -- did I
miss something?

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Re: Marker deletion by lingo?

2001-04-12 Thread mare

David Pexton  kindly wrote:
>   I need a script which finds those markers in my movie
>that are marked in the score but have no name. I would then like to
>have lingo delete them. Is this possible?

I think you could do it with scorerecording. But AFAIK the only way to
delete a marker is by using deleteFrame. So you might need to recreate the
deleted frame (if there are 1 frame spritespans in your movie) after the
deletion. Not very easy.

this is a script that deletes all frames with empty labels. it might be OK
for your needs. Use with caution however, save your movie under another
name before testing!

on cleanlabels

go frame 1
repeat with i = 1 to (the labelList.line.count)
  go marker(1)
  if the frameLabel = "" then deleteframe
end repeat

end cleanlabels


New: The OSControl Xtra
This sprite Xtra draws various UI-controls like push buttons, bevel
buttons, checkboxes, scrollbars and more in the OS appearance on both
Macintosh and Windows. More info:

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Marker deletion by lingo?

2001-04-12 Thread David Pexton

I need a script which finds those markers in my movie
that are marked in the score but have no name. I would then like to
have lingo delete them. Is this possible?

Dave Pexton
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RE: RE: different between flash and Director

2001-04-12 Thread Karina Steffens

> > (and now
> > Flash is MACR's flagship product - boo!),
> I'm not sure I agree with this -- have you seen the UCON webcast?

I totally agree with the grim-man :)

I haven't managed to connect to the UCON, but I've heared reports, and it
seems obvious that Macromedia has put an enormous amount of effort into the
new version of Director. A whole new dimension of effort, one might say ;)

If MM wanted to put Director on a back burner, it would certainly not be
introducing shockwave 3d. Can you imagine the work that must have gone into
that? And I'm VERY impressed with the demos that were released to us a short
while ago.
I saved the link for the demos this time (thanks grim!) and it's on

if anyone's wandering what I'm talking about.

Karina Steffens,
Lead Programmer

Martello Media Ltd.
4 Islington Avenue
Co. Dublin

Tel: +353 1 2844668
Fax: +353 1 2803195

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RE: timer

2001-04-12 Thread Karina Steffens

> Interesting. I do almost everything through Lingo, so I've started to
> forget the old ways :-)

That's because you don't have a paranoid Art Director who thinks that
anything can be done linear must be done linear.  But I haven't used that
feature myself in a long time ...Because I certainly don't share his opinion
Can you imagine, trying to reconcile a totally OOP approach with a linear
score? The brain hurts just thinking about it :)


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Re: Problem When Importing Wav I found the problem

2001-04-12 Thread pranavn

Can you share it with us? So the rest of us don't make that goof-up

A bus station is where a bus stops.
A train station is where a train stops.
On my desk, I have a work station..

i found what the problem was.

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