Re: multiuserServer alternative?
At 7:00 PM -0700 5/7/01, Martijn Janssen wrote: >Terry: >thanks for your reaction! >The thing I need is that multiple users can request some information on the >"server" and then tell the server to perform some tasks. >All users have to be able to monitor and manipulate the server's actions at >the "same" time. > >Can this be done with SMUS? Yes, up to 16 people can connect on a peer-to-peer basis with your "server" aka peer host. > I can not sell the server-client application if one needs to install SMUS >as well. Macromedia allows you to license a version of MUS at no charge which is valid for up to 50 users. > >With xtranet the "server"-application acts like a real server, listening on >a certain port etc... >(it's like if the SMUS is inside the "server"-app) This is the same as using waitForNetConnection to establish a peer host. XtraNet has a higher technical limit than the 16 imposed by the Multiuser Xtra - I think it is 50 - but the practical limit is probably lower. Sorry for the delay in responding to this post - I missed it originally. -- ...---===| Terry R. Schussler |===---... ...---===| Chief Investigator |===---... on accessResources coolSites = [ \ "";, "";, \ "";, "";, \ "";, ""; ] gotoNetPage coolSites[random(1, 6)] end accessResources [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to To post messages to the list, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo. Thanks!]
Re: WG: Serverscript?
At 2:46 PM +0200 7/2/01, Andreas Zeitler wrote: >Not seen yet? Nope - btw you'd find a lot more responsiveness on Multiuser questions if you posted them to the Multiuser-L mailing list. Details are at >First at all - thank you for your prompt answer! > >It brought me forward insofar, as i didn't know that i can use a system >function with the sendmessage() command. But there seems to be something >wrong which i can't solve: > >Sending a message from the serverscript to connected movies does work. >Sending a system command from within the serverscript does work (great!) - >the command gets performed, but: >Sending a system command should cause response from the server. The >MUS-documentation says, that providing "system.script.subject" as the >subject in sendmessage() makes the server reply to the serverscript. In my >script it does not. There is no reply, neither to the serverscript nor to >any connected movie, when i send a systemcommand from the serverscript. > >it looks like this: > >on UserLogon ( me, movie, group, user ) > put > put > movie.SendMessage ("system.dbplayer.getattribute", >"system.script.anysubject", [#userid: "zeiti", #application: >"MyApplication", #attribute: #points]) >end > >i just want to get the value of this attribute passed to the >incomingmessage() handler of the serverscript. It appears that you can officially use sendMessage() to send a message to users, groups, movies and server-side scripts, but not internal MUS commands such as the one you are trying to use. If the call to a system. recipient other than system.script is working at all, then it's an undocumented feature. I'm still researching this one. The other thing is that you are not using all of the arguments for sendMessage: whichServerUser.sendMessage( "system.script.subject", \ messageContents {, errorCode {, protocolFlag {, stringSenderID}}}) I would try: movie.SendMessage ("system.dbplayer.getattribute", \ "system.script.anysubject", \ [#userid: "zeiti", #application: "MyApplication", #attribute: #points], \ 0, FALSE, "system.script.yourScriptIDHere") Let us know if this works! -- ...---===| Terry R. Schussler |===---... ...---===| Chief Investigator |===---... on accessResources coolSites = [ \ "";, "";, \ "";, "";, \ "";, ""; ] gotoNetPage coolSites[random(1, 6)] end accessResources [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to To post messages to the list, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo. Thanks!]
Ta all
I'm off to the land of sun and father-in-law's 90th birthday, in Honolulu (it's a tough job, but somebody's got to do it). See you all in a week! Aloha, Kerry Thompson [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to To post messages to the list, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo. Thanks!]
Re: Cue Points and Shockwave
Here's another 2 cents worth -- I've also had SoundEdit drop out my cuepoints when converting AIFF's to SWA's. I ended up coming up with the alternative Terry suggested -- make QT movies & copy over the cuepoint data as a text track. It worked, but it was a huge production hassle, & prone to human error, even though we QuickKey'd most of it. On the differences between SWA's and MP3's, as near as I can figure, it is as Kerry says - they just have different header info. SWA's used to be like the old MP3's, where all the track info had to fit into a fixed-sized footer. In 8.5, they seem to be upgraded to the new MP3 type. I think you could add cuepoints to this more recent brand of MP3's, as they allow user-defined tags in the header. It'd just be a matter of writing a cuepoint tag type and then filling up the (variable-sized) header with as many as you need. Haven't done it, but I'd guess you could set it up with the Binary IO Xtra. -- Or, of course, just use an MP3-generating program that lets you define tags -- an AppleScriptable one, I guess, if you're on a Mac. If you don't need your sound files to live separately from castmembers, then you can just do the compression from w/in Director, as you get to keep cuepoints in sound castmembers that get compressed down to swa members. HTH. Bill Garr "I gave my tax refund to the Committee to Re-elect Al Gore." (Okay, not really). [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to To post messages to the list, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo. Thanks!]
Re: Lingo-L Digest V1 #2116
In a message dated 8/17/01 10:08:25 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: << Dear all, This is something i've been wondering about a long time ago, and have forgotten ever since: As far as i can see, there is absulutely NO difference between swa and mp3, and one can even rename one into the other with no great consequence. am i wrong, or are these two indeed the same one format? Regards, Yariv >> Yariv, I read that there really is no difference in the way swa compresses audio. It uses mp3. But it retains some header info and what I read is that is can also hold info like cue points. That's the main difference. The compression is the same. Regards, Greg [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to To post messages to the list, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo. Thanks!]
Re: Lingo-L Digest V1 #2116
Thanks Terry, Something must be wrong with the way I am doing something in Soundedit. I found a good workaround by converting the cuepoints (since they were already done) to ticks and using Lingo to wait for the ticks to advance. That worked great. But my new and far more serious problem is now getting the sounds to play over the internet. When I publish my project, everything works great locally on my computer and in my browser. However, when I copy the files to the internet and try from http://... everything works except for the sound. And the QuickTime slider comes on and is just stuck there. The audio file was only 60K. Thanks, Greg [EMAIL PROTECTED] [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to To post messages to the list, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo. Thanks!]
Re: Lingo-L Digest V1 #2116
Thanks Yariv, Yes I was squeezing them with SoundEdit. Still don't understand why its trashing my cuepoints. They were QuickTime Movies Maybe I have to extract the Audio and cues and start fresh. Thanks. But new and bigger problem is now getting the sounds to play over the internet. When I publish my project, everything works great locally on my computer and in my browser. However, when I copy the files to the internet and try from http://... everything works except for the sound. And the QuickTime slider comes on and is just stuck there. The audio file was only 60K. Any ideas? Thanks, Greg [EMAIL PROTECTED] [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to To post messages to the list, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo. Thanks!]
Re: OOP and ancestor access
Brennan Young wrote: > "Al Hospers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote > > > so a slider function should only be passing the current slider knob > > location as a % of the slide. thus it could be used for anything that > > would use a slider, not just QT! OK, that's good. > > Perhaps not even a percentage. When the slider 'registers' to be a > view/controller for an integer range in another object, it might also store > the maximum (and minimum) values that it is going to represent. Internally, > it might store that as a percentage, or more likely as a fraction of its > entire width. I'm with Al in trying understand how they do their jobs and communicate without accessors. Also if the slider is getting passed the maximum and minimum values isn't this data that belongs to the QTobject? So why is the slider getting access to it? I can understand the simple slider black box of one input one output. Input is a percentage and so is output... Wait I just had a thought... to make this system a little more complex and maybe help understand the concepts better what if we introduce an interger entry field into our group of objects. This field will keep a running update of the current movie time and by entering a time into it the movie and slider will jump to the given location. So now we need movie object, slider object and field object all talking to each other. As soon as I think about the field object I can see that simply passing out the percentage from the movie object is not going to do us any good. Your suggestion of min/max/current values as the passed information works well here. Each object receives that data and does with it what it will in order to display properly. The slider object can work out a percentage for display, or upon a change in the slide use its position and the min max values to return the current value. The field object can simply display the current value when it is passed to it and store the min max values so that when an entry is made that is beyond those values it can trap the entry reset it to the limit and then pass the appropriate current time back. Now my other questions are: -Should the min max be passed with the current value each time? -Is having the qt object pass the min max better than having the other objects request them? Is one approach better object design than the other? Is the passing of information approach considered to be objects without accessors? -Is it better to have these objects simply register themselves with the qt object as other objects or would ancestory work better here with the qt object being the ancestor to each of the input/output devices? -With the qt object either being a manager or an ancestor then when one of the input devices sends new data to the qt object it can be in charge of sending updates to all its input/output devices and that way the i/o devices are not dependant on each other or how many etc. Yes? No? that's all for now, too early in the morning to think of much more. Rob [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to To post messages to the list, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo. Thanks!]
RE: OOP and ancestor access
> > Maybe the problem is a conceptual one. The 'idea' of an > accessor method ties > > you into the 'idea' that "here is my data -- do with it > what you will". > > Yes! Spot on! Accessors (of the get or set variety) are > problematic in that > they tempt lazy encapsulation. > > That's not to say you can't use accessors without ending up > with a sloppy > design, just that it's easier for things to become 'leaky' > when you do. but, and here is the issue that the article borought up & that we have not answered even for this simple example, withour accessors how do the objects/behaviors communicate what they must? I still have not heard anyone describe a way of having a slides behavior & a QTBehavior that can do their jobs, and not communicate. Al Hospers CamberSoft, Inc. alcambersoftcom Shockwave and Director development, Lingo programming, CGI scripting. A famous linguist once said: "There is no language wherein a double positive can form a negative." YEAH, RIGHT [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to To post messages to the list, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo. Thanks!]
Re: adding text to an image
Hello Dominic, Sorry for the late reply, but I'm still on vacation :) (I check my mail like once a week) And yes you can add text to an image - don't know about the tiltle thing, I never used printomatic, but I suppose you can... OK, for the text thing... Make a new text member and name it tempTxt (or wathever). Now for some code... (this will add it to the bottom, centered) Don't know if it works, haven't tested... but I suppose it does. -- on addText currentImage -- currentImage is a string that represents the membername member("tempTxt").text = currentImage -- you'll have to decide how to obtain "currentImage" textToAdd = member("tempTxt").image MySpacing = 5 -- spacing from the bottom MyImageWidth = member(currentImage).width MyImageHeight = member(currentImage).height MyTextWidth = textToAdd.width MyTextHeight = textToAdd.height MyLeft = (MyImageWidth / 2) - (MyTextWidth / 2) -- I suppose you can figure out this simple math MyTop = (MyImageHeight) - MySpacing - MyTextHeight -- to adjust it to your needs MyRight = (MyImageWidth / 2) + (MyTextWidth / 2) -- BTW...This is for calculating the destination rect MyBottom = (MyImageHeight) - MySpacing MyDestRect = rect(MyLeft, MyTop, MyRight, MyBottom) -- make a new rect with the values obtained MySourceRect = member("tempTxt").rect-- Just for clarity member(currentImage).image.copyPixels(textToAdd, MyDestRect, MySourceRect, [#ink: 8]) -- you can change the ink if you want a background or something end addText --- Have fun, I know I will ;) Chris - Original Message - From: "Dominic Villiard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 9:22 PM Subject: adding text to an image > i have many images that i can print using printomatic xtra > the title is missing > > the thing is i want to add the name of the image (the member name) on the > image just before printing > the images are not all the same size and i don't want the text to appear > right on the image but on the top or the bottom. > > can i add a text member on a bitmap member? > can i give a title to the document to print? > how could i do? > > thanx > > > > > > > [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to > To post messages to the list, > email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]) > Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo. Thanks!] > > [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to To post messages to the list, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo. Thanks!]
text files to hard drive
>Hi there, > >I wonder if anyone can help, I am building a training movie which is run > >from a CD , however I was wondering is there any way that I can have the > >user make notes while the Movies are playing and later refer to them from > >within the movie environment. I was thinking of some sort of text file that > >is saved on the users hard drive and is available for reading and amending > >whenever the movie is playing. This would be an alternative to the user making hardcopy notes. Hi Leah, many thanks for your quick response to my question. You are of course correct about the Prefs item but the only example I can find using this is not very user friendly, that is to say the adding of files is too scrappy and a bit hit or miss. I have tried to find another example but to no avail. I have however found an example using FileIO at the Macromedia website which looks and feels more the way I want but unfortunately the text file is stored in the same directory as the movie which is no good as the movies are running from CD. The line causing me grief is filePath = the moviePath & "My Notes" is there anyway that I can save the file to a folder outside of the movie on the users hard drive. Also if anyone has an example of this and could either email me or point me in the direction of an example I would be eternally grateful, ideally I would like a box where text can be entered or deleted with a simple open and close dialogue box. I am a bit of an idiot when it comes to this kind of thing and unless I can see the thing working I find it really hard to grasp so a quick explanation goes right over my head. When working I can then adapt things to suit me. In anticipation of your answers Many thanks Ron (Newport, Gwent, South Wales, UK) $$++$$$=$ [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to To post messages to the list, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo. Thanks!]