Re: reasons why management don't want linux

2002-01-19 Thread Mike Ross

> > > less software costs (one copy per engine vs one copy each for each
>boxes) then
> > > most other platforms.
> >
> > software costs lower. How many copies of Red Hat PC boxed set can
>you buy
> > for a VM license ;)
>How much is a SuSe Linux/390 distribution these days?  A German user
>told me yesterday that the cost is very far from insignificant.

It can be downloaded at no charge.

For a proper boxed distribution with CDs, Suse guy at Linuxworld last year
quoted me IIRC $100. It wasn't very far from that figure at any rate. No
idea what official Suse support costs are.


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Re: IBM's special expo at the start of LWE this year

2002-01-20 Thread Mike Ross

I'll have a wander round the expo; 'no budget for the rest this year' :(


>Hello from Gregg C Levine normally with Jedi Knight Computers
>Has anyone who has registered to attend the event(s), gotten their
>registration materials, as of Friday? I have not. I am looking forward
>to Tuesday's mail, as the Monday is a holiday here. Regardless of that
>fact, who on this list, has registered, besides myself? A show of
>virtual hands please.
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Re: reasons why management don't want linux

2002-01-21 Thread Mike Ross


>It may not be a question of SuSE-on-S/390 versus no Linux-on-S/390, you
>know.  Further, it may well be going into a shop that wants to run Linux
>on Intel boxes as well.  Those shops usually want to use a single
>vendor's Linux distributions across their platforms.  There is at least
>one distributor that lets you do this for evaluation purposes free of
>While Linux, pretty nearly, is Linux, it is quite useful to be able to
>actually run it on the candidate platform.
>Further, I think the idea of a $4500 evaluation license is simply silly,
>especially since you include support with it.  If it's an *evaluation*
>license, what do I need the support for?  A much cheaper, no-support
>license would be much more appropriate for evaluation purposes.  "Can't
>get it running without needing the support I haven't paid for," is
>certainly a viable evaluation result, and would tell the evaluator a lot
>about the ease of installation of the product.

Excuse me folks, I think there's something we've all forgotten here: this is
a *Linux* distribution we're talking about here. You know, Linux, - that OS
which is distributed under the GPL.

Even if Suse won't sell media kits without support, refuse to make it
available for free download etc, there's still nothing to prevent anyone who
aquires a copy from making it available for free, 'as a service to the
community'! The only questionmark is over YaST, which is under a Suse
license, not GPL, but even that isn't a problem - my YaST license
specifically states:

'All programmes derived from YaST, and all works derived thereof as a
whole or parts thereof may only be disseminated with the amended
sources and this licence in accordance with 2b).  Making YaST or
works derived thereof available free of charge together with SuSE
Linux on FTP Servers and mailboxes is permitted if the licences on
the software are observed.'

It also states:

'It is forbidden to reproduce or distribute data carriers which have
been reproduced without authorisation for payment without the prior
written consent of SuSE GmbH or SuSE Linux.  '

Note the words 'for payment'. If a site has got a copy of the latest Suse
S/390 GA, there is nothing I can see to prevent them from making it
available to one and all via FTP, or indeed from copying and distributing
the media so long as they don't charge.

I submit that this is a storm in a teacup, and Suse have made an error of
judgment in trying to restrict distribution of *Linux*! It ain't called the
GPV for nothing :-)

A $4,500 evaluation license for Linux Perish the thought!


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Re: What happened to Linuxvm.Org?

2002-01-23 Thread Mike Ross

>What happened to  I just visited the site and found it
>was a home page for Velocity Software.
>Is my memory failing and the url is really something else?

Nope that's correct and it really is Velocity:

Velocity Software, Inc. (LINUXVM2-DOM)
   196-D Castro Street
   Mountain View, CA 94041

   Domain Name: LINUXVM.ORG

They have also. I guess whoever used to own those domains sold
them to Velocity recently? - shows 'record updated' as 4th January.


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Re: SuSE: Announcement of beta, trial and evaluation versions of SuSE Linux Enterprise Server for S/390 and zSeries

2002-02-01 Thread Mike Ross


>The download location for the latest SuSE Linux Enterprise Server is:
>Trial versions are based on the GA version of the current SLES versions.
>a special agreement you may use SuSE Linux Enterprise Server for S/390 and
>zSeries for sixty (60) calendar days for testing purposes (e.g. proof of
>concept). Trial versions must not be used in production, and they must not
>redistributed. Installation support is not included in the trial version.

sounds reasonable... except of course much of the distro is under GPL or
other open-source licenses and the above conditions don't apply. Can you
give a couple of examples of commonly-used bits which ARE provided under
different licences, to which the above applies?

Also, there's no mention of a charge for the 60-day trial version, or a
location where it can be obtained... the only stuff on the Suse site I can
find is the beta mentioned above, and the November GA release.


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Re: GNU Public Licence

2002-02-01 Thread Mike Ross


>b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish,
>that in whole or in part contains or is derived from the
>Program or any part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at
>no charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
>It seems quite clear to me that no one can charge extra for a
>distribution that contains their own software, since that is obviously
>a 'work' within the terms of the GNU Public Licence 2(b).

I think you don't quite get the distinction between 'program' and
'distribution'. If I take the source code of, say the kernel itself, which
is released under the GPL, and tweak it to produce the 'ross-super-kernel',
I must release that under the GPL (if I choose to release it at all) - I can
charge what I like for it, but what I can't do is take away the source,
redistribution, and modification rights the GPL gives.

Suse can tweak the kernel to produce the 'suse-super-kernel', and that
likewise must be GPLed, BUT there's nothing to stop them from distributing
that with YAST (which is entirely their own work) and putting whatever terms
they like in the YAST license, up to and including a demand for you Eldest

In summary, the GPL is infective vertically but not horizontally. A distro
may contain many different 'works' with different license terms, they do not

What you *can't* do is put an overall license or condition on the entire
distribution which supercedes the terms of licenses (such as the GPL) under
which individual components are distributed... my concern is that Suse are
trying to give the impression that they can, or to achieve this end 'by the
back door'.

>surprises me is that the word 'must' in 2(b) also seems to preclude a
>bundled maintenance contract.  Anyone adding value (under the terms of
>2(b)) MUST (my emphasis) license their 'work' AS A WHOLE (my emphasis)
>to me at no charge - and if I refuse their maintenance contract, they
>still MUST license the 'work' at no charge no matter how much effort
>they've put into it.

No, maintenance is a seperate issue, not covered by GPL. And no-one ever
MUST distribute under the GPL - they can sit on their code as long as like.
But if they distribute it to just *one* person, that person is free to
distribute it as they like - for a charge, or at no charge. And so on to the
next person.

>One wonders how you're supposed to make any money at this game.  It's
>obvious from "... in whole or in part contains or is derived from ..."
>that you can add just as much "pay software" as you like - the result
>still has to be shipped at no charge.

No, they can charge what they like, always. What they *can't* do is restrict
redistribution of GPL or similar software - *that's* why it can be hard to
make money from Linux sales! :-)


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Re: GNU Public Licence

2002-02-01 Thread Mike Ross

>I'm not actually saying anything different.  I wish SuSE well in their
>efforts to sell maintenance and support - it's a major requirement for
>corporate acceptance.

Agreed entirely. Remember though, the nice thing about open-source is that,
if you're a big/confident enough outfit, you're free to turn down the
support contract from Vendor X, hire/train programmers, and bring it all in
house. Not saying many would want to, but it's always there - you have the
source, you have control.

>Well, if their 'stuff' (YAST in your example) is not based on any GPL
>licensed material in any way, then they have the full force of the law
>behind them in restricting distributon of that.  Given that their
>audience is the corporate user and the physical medium will have a
>mixture of stuff on it, the likelihood of redistribution is
>vanishingly tiny - I would say they have nothing to worry about.

Perfectly correct. Suse Linux (which is my favourite commercial distro btw,
in spite of my reservations about their attitude to distributing S/390)
wouldn't be a great deal of use without YAST! And AFAIK (and I don't very
much - I may be very wrong) YAST is the only thing on the CDs which comes
under a Suse-controlled license

It is interesting to note however that the license terms for YAST only
prevent its redistribution financially - you can't charge for it. Suse DO
have 'the full force of law', they could easily have written a 'no
redistribution at all' license for YAST, but they *didn't* - they
specifically allowed it to be copied, modified, or made available for
download freely, so long as you don't charge for it - they are the only
folks who can make money off it, which is good and right.


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Re: SuSE: Announcement of beta, trial and evaluation versions of SuSE Linux Enterprise Server for S/390 and zSeries

2002-02-01 Thread Mike Ross

> > > > Under a special agreement you may use SuSE Linux Enterprise Server
> > > > for S/390 and zSeries for sixty (60) calendar days for testing
> > > > purposes (e.g. proof of concept). Trial versions must not be used in
> > > > production, and they must not be redistributed.
> >
> > > isn't this a violation of section 6 of the GPL?
> >
> > The trial and evaluation versions contain "pay"-series software.
> >
>I don't care about the payware. I do value the opportunity to freely
>download and use Linux for my own purposes on my own terms.
>I may download and try other distributions, I will not do so with SuSE
>on the terms outlined.


I suggest we all hold fire on this one. I dropped in at Linuxworld New York
at lunchtime and  spoke to one of the Suse guys. He was *not* happy - this
is apparently a 'rogue', possibly even unauthorised, press release, which
may be badly-worded, inaccurate, or both. I suggest we await developments.

Oh BTW - as far as I can make out, the issue of downloading a tryout of Suse
390 GA doesn't arise, it will only be available as a no-charge CD set, and
the 'no production use' will be in the nature of a 'gentlemans agreement'.


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Re: SuSE: Announcement of beta,trial and evaluation versions of SuSE Linux Enterprise Server for S/390 andzSeries

2002-02-02 Thread Mike Ross

>I just couldn't  pass this one up...
> > The download location for the latest SuSE Linux Enterprise Server is:
> >
> >
> >
>OK, we are going to download this from a FTP site.

That's the *beta*. Not production-quality GA.

> >   Trial versions are based on the GA version of the current SLES
>versions. Under
> >   a special agreement you may use SuSE Linux Enterprise Server for S/390
> >   zSeries for sixty (60) calendar days for testing purposes (e.g. proof
> >   concept). Trial versions must not be used in production, and they must
>not be
> >   redistributed. Installation support is not included in the trial
> >
>Now, wait for this...
> >   After the 60-days trial period you might decide to purchase the full
> >   or you return the software back to SuSE.
> >
>Just what are we suppose to do?  Upload the software back?

N... re-read the press release (which as I commented earlier may well be
unofficial and inaccurate, based on conversation with a Suse guy at
Linuxworld). There are three 'test' options: download the beta, get GA on a
free 60-day trial on CDROM, or get GA on a 6-month evaluation, with support,
for $500.


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Re: SuSE: Announcement of beta,trial and evaluation versions of SuSELinux Enterprise Server for S/390 andzSeries

2002-02-02 Thread Mike Ross

>I did reread the press release.  It says "After the 60-days trial period
>might decide to purchase the full product, or you return the software back
>Now, since you downloaded it, to return the software, are you suppose to
>(You must be working too muchno sense of humor ).

Actually I'm full of a lousy rotten stinking cold and not firing on all
cylinders. However:

Re-read again! The sixty-day trial is an offer to try out the *current GA
production release* at no charge for sixty days. This software is only
available on CDROM - it can't be downloaded.

You are also free to try the latest beta release, which *can* be downloaded,
from the ftp given. That's a different release - it's beta, it's not GA, not
production quality, (although I believe it's a pretty damn good beta), and
the only support is an email address for bug reports . No sixty-day limit,
and *obviously* you don't have to return it! :-)


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Re: Linux/390 Community Members

2002-02-07 Thread Mike Ross


Don't know if I qualify as more than a very occasional member of the
community, but if you want a pic try my website at

The least bad pics are to be found on the 'wedding photos' page!

Cut paste and edit as you wish.


>For some time now, I've been wondering what a lot of the people that
>participate in the mailing list look like.  I've found that when you have a
>visual image of someone that it's easier to relate to them as a person,
>you only communicate via email.  So, I've been trying to get pictures of
>people who contribute to Linux/390, either through their work as
>or by giving help in the mailing list (and of course, some do both!), so I
>could put them on the web site.
>I haven't gotten as many as I would like yet (only thirteen so far), but I
>thought it was time to publish what I have.  I'm missing a photograph for a
>couple of people, and any biographical text for a couple others, but I
>its a good start.  Hopefully this will be an incentive to the people who
>haven't responded at all yet to get back to me with something.  In a couple
>of cases, if I don't receive something soon, I'm going to start making
>things up about them!  Remember, I'm going to be at SHARE in March, and you
>might not like what shows up on the web site from there!
>I've added a link to "community members" page on the left side of the main
>page under (oddly enough) the "Community" header.  You can go directly
>by clicking on if you so desire.
>As always, I appreciate any constructive feedback people are willing to
>share with me, so let me know what you think of this addition.
>Mark Post

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Re: Linux/390 Community Members

2002-02-07 Thread Mike Ross

> >
>When we all run out of work,  we can swipe Mike's
>gas turbine to power our surplus 9672s and 3090s and what not.

That's my cunning plan... recently got in touch with a guy who's about to
give up on restoring a 370/148 as he can't get the power to run the 400Hz
converter... but these aircraft turbine generators push out 400Hz as
standard... :-)


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Re: VM for Intel?

2002-02-19 Thread Mike Ross

>But that was my question.  Since IBM and VMWare are partnering on this
>effort, would IBM have contributed any sort of functionality lifted from
>z/VM?  If not, why the partnership?  Romney has stated that there are going
>to be certain conceptual similarities, and I realized that from the
>beginning.  I was curious about just _how much_ similarity was going to
>up being there.

The main roadblock to VM-type systems on Intel is the lack of the hardware
support (which has been added to mainframe over the years) for efficient
virtualisation. SIE etc.

>There's been some discussion in the past (I think David
>Boyes brought it up) that there's no reason why z/VM couldn't emulate
>non-S/390 instructions on an S/390.

Well it might then be possible to run M$ code on an S/390... that's the best
possible reason for never doing any such thing...

More seriously, the question would have to be how and why? The performance
would *suck* - why waste all those MF mips emulating an Intel chip?


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OK who messed with the redbook?

2002-04-15 Thread Mike Ross

Some amusment over on the Hercules list - the 'Linux on S/390' Redbook,
SG244987, originally contained a chapter on running Linux on the Hercules
emulator. Not surprising - it's known to be used by quite a few folks inside

As of (apparently) March 21st, the Redbook has been revised (without
incrementing the version number, contrary to normal IBM practice), and *all*
references to Hercules have been carefully expunged!

Anyone with a clue what's going on? Suspicious of rewriting history!


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Re: OK who messed with the redbook?

2002-04-15 Thread Mike Ross

> > As of (apparently) March 21st, the Redbook has been revised (without
> > incrementing the version number, contrary to normal IBM
> > practice), and *all*
> > references to Hercules have been carefully expunged!
> > Anyone with a clue what's going on? Suspicious of rewriting history!
>Pure speculation, but I would guess that Hercules has gotten far enough up
>into IBM's radar in terms of licensing and intellectual property
>that they may be compelled to do something about it, and publishing
>information like this in a IBM-sponsored publication is tacitly encouraging
>such activities  so the lawyers probably jumped on someone's head and had
>the redbook quickly revised before some smart sea-lawyer grabbed onto it as
>a copyright/intellectual property dilution.

There might be something in that, but it strikes me very much as 'locking
the stable door' if that was the thought process which occured: the redbook
in question has been out for over six months. Pulling the Hercules
references now seems pointless. Also, if IBM had substantive IP concerns
about Herc (and there's no reason to suspect that they do), they would go
after Jay, Roger, and the lead developers, not just pull references from a

>The question now in *my* head is whether IBM will make the intelligent
>choice: a hobbyist license or certification of Hercules for purchase of a
>regular license, or the dumb choice: unleashing the lawyers and trying to
>have Hercules eliminated via legal action. Let's hope it's the former -- it
>would do wonders for the acceptance of the 390 as a viable application
>architecture again.

That question has been in a lot of peoples heads for some time, and I can
think of very few people who would disagree with you. If they were foolish
enough to go for the latter option - use legal muscle to shut down a very
successful open-source operation (or try to shut it down; it would just go
overseas, it ain't going away!) - they would loose a hell of a lot of the
goodwill capital they've built up in the open-source community.


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Re: OK who messed with the redbook?

2002-04-15 Thread Mike Ross

> > Some amusment over on the Hercules list - the 'Linux on S/390' Redbook,
> > SG244987, originally contained a chapter on running Linux on the
> > emulator. Not surprising - it's known to be used by quite a few folks
> > IBM.
>It was, certainly.  Is it still?

I've no idea - but no reason to believe it isn't. I've heard recent
anecdotal evidence that it is - apparently it's rather hard for IBM insiders
to get hold of Flex. But this is just anecdote.

> > As of (apparently) March 21st, the Redbook has been revised (without
> > incrementing the version number, contrary to normal IBM practice), and
> > references to Hercules have been carefully expunged!
>Clearing the decks for  a 'Cease and Desist'.  IBM can hardly issue one if
>some of its own
>documentation seems to sanction Hercules.  It's come a bit late, too - back
>in Autumn I posted
>that I expected it in mid-February, but I guess lawyers get paid by the

I wondered what had become of that prediction. And, I suspect IBM lawyers
are on the payroll. As I said, it's locking the stable door six months too
late if that's the way they are thinking. Not to mention the use that IBM
has made/is making of Hercules internally. IANAL, but I can only imagine
these two facts would not look good if IBM ever *did* try to make a legal
case against Hercules.

>Biggest amusement on the Hercules lists at the moment is Phil Roberts
>trying to get me banned
>from the FLEX-ES list for posting a link to some obscenties.

It's not the biggest amusment IMHO, but I certainly agree with your
sentiments! (What? I just agreed with Phil Payne!) To be fair, he seems to
have a bigger issue with the FLEX-ES list itself, a 'commercial' list being
hosted on a university system, paid for by his tax dollars is the way he
puts it. And an offensive-sounding 'humour' list, ditto.

The Hercules crowd are big on
>censorship of dissenting viewpoints.

We're not big on folks who have no constructive comments, have never helped
develop or test, have repeated the same old complaint ad nauseum, and have
never even used the frigging software!

>He doesn't appear to realise that the original was not
>only written by one of his Hercules cronies, but it's still in the Hercules
>Physician heal thyself.
> is the original.
>Tells you more
>about the Hercules effort in one post than a year of reading would do.

Tells you more about the ability of Phil Payne to provoke flames from
mild-mannered programmers. If you want to learn something about the Hercules
effort, use the software!

Phil, you got flamed. Most folks think you earned it, even if it was OTT.
Get over it.

Suggest we tread carefully to keep this on-topic for Linux... Hercules
issues, feel free to take them to email or hercules-advocacy list.


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Re: OK who messed with the redbook?

2002-04-15 Thread Mike Ross

>According to Jay's site the product is called: "The Hercules System/370,
>ESA/390, and
>z/Architecture Emulator".
>That's three IBM trademarks, right there.

No, that's the *title* of the *page* Phil! It tells you what the page is
about (Hercules) and what that is (it's a System/370, ESA/390, and
z/Architecture Emulator).

Then it gives more detail:

'Hercules is an open source software implementation of the mainframe
System/370 and ESA/390 architectures, in addition to the new 64-bit
z/Architecture. Hercules runs under Linux, Windows 98, Windows NT, and
Windows 2000.'

The software is called Hercules, Phil!

And just to prove we're not taking the piss, we respect the trademarks with
the standard disclaimer at the bottom of the page:

'IBM, System/370, ESA/390, and z/Architecture are trademarks or registered
trademarks of IBM Corporation. Other product names mentioned
here are trademarks of other companies.'

Sorry Phil, clean miss. I won't allow misinformation, even off-topic, to
stand uncorrected.


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Re: comp.os.linux.s390

2002-04-18 Thread Mike Ross

There are several news servers that listen on additional ports to get around
this very problem - teranews, for one, listens on port 25, and several ports
in the 750X range.


>My concern is if this list is turned into a newsgroup, I won't be able to
>access it from work. I'm not conversant with accessing newsgroups (Netscape
>takes care of it at home), but I suspect that our firewall will block any
>attempts to access one from inside (Too many porn ones to distract
> > -Original Message-
> > From: David Boyes [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 11:59 AM
> > Subject:  Re: comp.os.linux.s390
> >
> > > This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the creation of a
> > > world-wide unmoderated Usenet newsgroup comp.os.linux.s390.
> >
> > Please DO NOT link this mailing list to a Usenet group, or do it only at
> > your site as a gated mailing list! The S/N ratio is high, and I'd like
> > keep it that way.
> >
> > -- db

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Re: The Fish flame: the final word

2002-04-18 Thread Mike Ross

>From: Phil Payne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Armed with your refusals, I placed Yahoo 'on notice' of both the obscenity
>and the libel with
>a "Notice and Take Down".  I indicated that I had already contacted the
>moderators and had met
>only with blank refusals - I included the URLs of both of your statements.
>They responded
>with a case number, immediately deleted the item in question, and I suspect
>the current delays
>in updating the Hercules group(s) may be because Yahoo are themselves now
>moderating every

Actually the delays in updating were because Yahoo sucks. Normal 'service'
(for want of a better term) has been resumed.

Phil has now succeded in getting Yahoo to delete the original flame, and
every post referencing it. Fortunately Jay is hosting a copy at his web
site, - just in case anyone on this
list hasn't read it and wants to know what the fuss is about!

I really hope we can lay this to rest soon.


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Missing redbook chapter found!

2002-04-18 Thread Mike Ross

I've done the obvious and posted the 'missing' chapter from the Linux/390
redbook on the web for those who need it. 47Kb, .rtf format.

It's at:

Now, I *think* you may need to be a member of the Hercules list to get
access to the files area, but that's no great hardship, anyone sufficiently
interested in Linux on Hercules probably *should* be a member anyway.

I would suggest and appeal to all members of the open-source & Linux/390
community, wherever you link to the IBM redbook, please point out that a
Very Very Useful chapter is missing from the 'official' copy, and include a
link to the above file. Who knows, maybe IBM will even see sense and admit
it was petty, spiteful, and utterly pointless to remove the damn chapter in
the first place - and put it back.


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Re: comp.os.linux.s390

2002-04-18 Thread Mike Ross

>You miss the point. This is not some challenge for the edu-weenies or
>script kiddies to surmount.
>It is a company policy/rule. Though shalt not ... It doesn't make any
>difference how you do it
>or why, violating the policy is grounds for dismissal.
>As I said earlier, "I can neither read nor post to usenet newsgroups," not
>that I
>haven't figured out how yet!

Fair enough... it was your '...I suspect that our firewall will block...'
line that made me think the problem was technical: if you had said 'we
aren't allowed to access usenet as a company policy' then I would have
realised it was irrelevant what your firewall did or didn't block :-)

In case of *real* extremis you can always do what I do; if you have
broadband at home, configure a VNC server on your home PC to run on an
'always open' port; you can then connect to that and use your home system
from work. Very few companies are knowedgeable enough, or paranoid enough,
to specifically prohibit the use of VNC!


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Re: Missing redbook chapter found!

2002-04-19 Thread Mike Ross

>From: Phil Payne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > I've done the obvious and posted the 'missing' chapter from the
> > redbook on the web for those who need it. 47Kb, .rtf format.
> >
> > It's at:
>Dangerous.  I doubt very much that an entire chapter that is so specific to
>one topic can be
>copied and redistributed so widely under 'fair use'.

Suspected piffle. IANAL, but I have some familiarity with the concept of
'fair use'. Various factors go towards deciding whether 'fair use' is
infringing or not, including:

Amount used - well we've posted around 20 pages from over 500. The usual
rule of thumb (it may even be a rule of law?) is that up to 10% is ok. Even
IBM have conceded that the removal of this chapter constituted such a small
change that it didn't justify incrementing the version number.

Is the use non-commercial? - Yes. It's very clearly educational, no-one is
making any money from posting this.

Does the 'fair use' affect the ability of the copyright holder to market the
work? No, doubly. First, anyone downloading the missing chapter is
undoubtedly still going to want to get the rest of the book from IBM. Two,
IBM *give* the damn thing away in the first place! They don't make a dime
from it!

To quote a useful source on copyright law:

"The purpose of fair use is twofold: to protect the copyright holder's
market monopoly while preventing the market monopoly from being used to
inhibit (rather than promote) learning"

One might cite this as a textbook example of using fair use to 'prevent the
market monopoly being used to inhibit learning' (removing the pages from the
redbook certainly seems designed to inhibit learning!).


> > I would suggest and appeal to all members of the open-source & Linux/390
> > community, wherever you link to the IBM redbook, please point out that a
> > Very Very Useful chapter is missing from the 'official' copy, and
>include a
> > link to the above file. Who knows, maybe IBM will even see sense and
> > it was petty, spiteful, and utterly pointless to remove the damn chapter
> > the first place - and put it back.
>No one knows what IBM's reason was.  It may not have been petty, spiteful
>or pointless - it
>may have had some quite specific and entirely reasonable justification.
>Acting to frustrate IBM's obvious and deliberate purpose in such a brazen
>manner is
>ill-advised at best and not likely to persuade it to even tolerate Hercules
>with equanimity.

Really? Either the Hercules project made a contribution to the writing of
the redbook, or it didn't. Brazenly (but stealthily) removing all trace of
this from the book, and 'revoking' the credit given seems pretty spiteful to
me, and revisionist - an attempt to pretend they didn't use Hercules.

>Hosting both links to profanity and copyright infringements on a Yahoo
>group seems to be
>inviting Yahoo to shut it down preremptorily - hardly prudent behaviour
>with a resource that
>is such an important part of the effort.

The freedom to link is vital - e.g. the MPAA/2600/DECSS situation. Yahoo
themselves link to all kinds of morally dubious products - porn, gambling,
rip-off products of various types. Not in a position to take the moral high
ground there! And as stated above, I see no reason to believe posting the
missing pages to be infringing.

In any case, there's a growing consensus amongst Herculeans to abandon Yahoo
anyway - their service has really deteriorated recently.


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Re: Yet Another IBM Conspiracy Theory... unmasked

2002-12-18 Thread Mike Ross
My first post on this subject didn't make it through moderation...

You can get a copy from IBM, on their Taiwanese website (the Redbook IS in
English!) - go to:

You'll see it listed about four items up from the bottom. Click on it, and a
download process will start, eventually - it's a bit slow.

I've put a copy on my website in case it is 'disappeared' from the Taiwan
site - is where to get it, but go easy
- my bandwidth isn't infinite!


That's OK, but it's not the final, released version.  That's a preliminary
copy, hence the "redpiece" name in the directory.  I would really like to
see the final release version.  Anyone else?

Mark Post

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Re: Yet Another IBM Conspiracy Theory

2002-12-18 Thread Mike Ross
It's slow. Go to the second URL, looks for the redbook title (left side near
bottom), click on it, eventually a little 'download' window (in Chinese)
pops up, and the download starts automatically. Eventually.

Let me know how it goes.


Are you sure about that?  If I try to access the first URL, it just bounces
me to the second one.  I may have been too slow.

Mark Post

-Original Message-----
From: Mike Ross [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 5:48 PM
Subject: Re: Yet Another IBM Conspiracy Theory

Fortunately it's still available from IBM Taiwan, who it seems aren't
singing from quite the same hymnsheet as the folks in the USA :)

See also

Grab it before the Revisionists erase it too... a copy will be going up at but I don't have infinite

(CC'ed to Mark in case I'm still banned from posting to Linux-390)

>The book itself is not in the cache at Google, but I and a number of
>people have copies (I know it was one of the more popular downloads).
>But, I did come across a pointer this message, dated October 24 2002, on
>IBM-Main listserv:
>It's Mike MacIsaac, the lead author of that book explaining that he's
>ordered not to talk about why the book and the software were removed.
>Sometimes I really _want_ to be wrong, and this was one of them.
>Well, I'll offer to send a copy of the book to anyone that wants one, and
>doesn't have it (it's a little under 3MB in size).  Maybe Giorgio
>will host this one too, if enough people think it's worthwhile.
>Mark Post
>-Original Message-
>From: Linux on 390 Port [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
>John Summerfield
>Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 4:51 PM
>Subject: Re: Yet Another IBM Conspiracy Theory
>On Tue, 17 Dec 2002, Mark Post wrote:
> > Ok, now someone's stolen an entire Redbook, and all the Open Source
> > that came with it (at least as far as _I_ can tell).
> >
> > Someone sent me an offlist email indicating that the "Open Source
> > for z/OS and OS/390" Redbook has been made to disappear, as well as
> > software that it discusses.  I checked the FTP server, and there was a
> > readme.txt file there indicating that all the software had been moved
> > IBM's "UNIX Tools & Toys" web page, which was what I recalled had been
> > with it.  When I went to that page, though, there was a notice that
> > "The Ported Tools section is being serviced and is not available at
> > time."  Now, just what that means is unclear to me, but taken with the
> > Redbook being missing, it's rather odd.
> >
> > Does anyone know how long the Ported Tools section has been down for
> > "service?"  Does anyone know where to find the official copy of the
>Is this time to disseminate unofficial copies?
>Is it in the Google cache?
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Re: Yet Another IBM Conspiracy Theory

2002-12-18 Thread Mike Ross
Fortunately it's still available from IBM Taiwan, who it seems aren't
singing from quite the same hymnsheet as the folks in the USA :)

See also

Grab it before the Revisionists erase it too... a copy will be going up at but I don't have infinite bandwidth...

(CC'ed to Mark in case I'm still banned from posting to Linux-390)

The book itself is not in the cache at Google, but I and a number of other
people have copies (I know it was one of the more popular downloads).

But, I did come across a pointer this message, dated October 24 2002, on
IBM-Main listserv:

It's Mike MacIsaac, the lead author of that book explaining that he's been
ordered not to talk about why the book and the software were removed.
Sometimes I really _want_ to be wrong, and this was one of them.

Well, I'll offer to send a copy of the book to anyone that wants one, and
doesn't have it (it's a little under 3MB in size).  Maybe Giorgio Bellussi
will host this one too, if enough people think it's worthwhile.

Mark Post

-Original Message-
From: Linux on 390 Port [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
John Summerfield
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 4:51 PM
Subject: Re: Yet Another IBM Conspiracy Theory

On Tue, 17 Dec 2002, Mark Post wrote:

> Ok, now someone's stolen an entire Redbook, and all the Open Source
> that came with it (at least as far as _I_ can tell).
> Someone sent me an offlist email indicating that the "Open Source
> for z/OS and OS/390" Redbook has been made to disappear, as well as the
> software that it discusses.  I checked the FTP server, and there was a
> readme.txt file there indicating that all the software had been moved to
> IBM's "UNIX Tools & Toys" web page, which was what I recalled had been
> with it.  When I went to that page, though, there was a notice that said
> "The Ported Tools section is being serviced and is not available at this
> time."  Now, just what that means is unclear to me, but taken with the
> Redbook being missing, it's rather odd.
> Does anyone know how long the Ported Tools section has been down for
> "service?"  Does anyone know where to find the official copy of the

Is this time to disseminate unofficial copies?

Is it in the Google cache?



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Re: Yet Another IBM Conspiracy Theory... light shed

2002-12-18 Thread Mike Ross
Thanks for the good news Mike!

I speak for myself and not for IBM.

I should be working on CUPS and Samba printing, but this thread has created
an itch I just have to scratch. I'll shed some light on the conspiracy
theory, though you won't find a smoking gun :))

In October of this year, both the redbook and the code were pulled from IBM
Web sites (apparently not as thoroughly as possible :) to be "serviced".

Thanks for the update. I'm  just rather perplexed at why such an apparently
straightforward situation caused you to say (on IBM-MAIN):

'Indeed, the redbook and the associated code are no longer available.  As to
the reason, I was told what I could *not* say, but not what I could say, so
you might guess as to the area of the business that decree came from.'

That's a rather 'sinister' statement for a simple temporary withdrawal for
update. I think you can understand where the conspiracy theory came from...
given there have been other intimations of tension between open-sourcers
and, shall we say, 'Luddites' in various bits of IBMs mainframe business?

Like the folks who decided Hercules was an excellent development platform
for Linux, and the folks who subsequently issued a Decree that It Never
Happened... :)


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Re: I got unsubscribed...

2003-01-14 Thread Mike Ross
On Tue, 14 Jan 2003 17:03:19 +0100 Phil Payne said:
>Subject: I got unsubscribed...
>People have been unsubscribed before, for reasons that no one ever had
the guts to admit.

Not on this list.  If I do it, I'll admit to it.  Generally it is bounces
or out of office messages.  I've never done anyone for content.  I know Jay
can be a red flag for you, but please keep the topic focused on the topic
at hand.

Without wishing to sound rude, balls. Phil is correct. I had occasion to
post this to the Hercules list last year, at the time of the great 'IBM
yanked all references to Hercules from the Linux/390 Redbook' debate:

Subject: [hercules-390] Re: Posting the redbook
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 19:10:38 -
From: "edamjr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Well that went down like a lead balloon twelve hours after
posting to the Linux-390 list that the missing chapter was available
here, I was unsubscribed from the list. Not at my request.

No warning, no discussion, not even the courtesy of a notification
beyong the auto-generated 'unsubscribe' message. No-one on the [Linux-390]
list knows I've been unsubscribed - there's been no 'announcement' on
anything to do with this subject -  so it hasn't been discussed
there. Presume Mark Post did the deed, since it was done from an machine...

I know Phil has also had the same treatment from Linux-390, so on this
occasion I believe his ire is not directed at Jay.

It has happened, more than once.


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Re: so correct me if I am wrong

2003-02-20 Thread Mike Ross
so correct me if i am wrong

if you want to stay current with Linux (either Suse or RedHat)
you are going to have to pay.

I can't speak WRT RedHat, but with Suse you have a problem - they don't put
the latest distro on their public ftp, you are reliant on 3rd parties if you
want to download the lastest Suse distro.

Suse will only sell you CDs, at a price.

Anyone correct me if I am wrong? On a point of order, who *does* have SLES8
(or whatever the latest Suse is) available for download?


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Re: so correct me if I am wrong

2003-02-20 Thread Mike Ross
> so correct me if i am wrong
> if you want to stay current with Linux (either Suse or RedHat)
> you are going to have to pay.

Yes. That's how they pay their bills.

I was under the impression that they pay their bills primarily from the
revenue stream they get for *support* - the GPL means they can't rely on
revenue from selling *code* which can be freely redistributed?


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Re: so correct me if I am wrong

2003-02-21 Thread Mike Ross

I think YAST prevents you from doing so with SuSE, but I'm only going on
hearsay. SuSE users are better-placed to suggest, but read the licence.
YAST license permits free redistribution, but you can't charge. Maybe just
the cost of the media if it's CD rather than FTP?

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Re: IFL speed.

2003-03-06 Thread Mike Ross
On Thu, 6 Mar 2003 16:27:30 -0600, Lucius, Leland
Yes, that's correct.  The z900 uses the same processor chip
as the z800, but it's clocked
faster and better packaged.
Think there's a jumper or two we could use on the z8s to overclock 'em?
Unfortunately it's in the microcode.

Fortunately I believe there's an 'underground' microcode patch you can
tweak to 'fix' the 'problem' ;-)
Using M2, Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Re: WTHOT: cinnamon rolls

2003-03-21 Thread Mike Ross
On Thu, 20 Mar 2003 14:49:54 -0500, Adam Thornton
On Thu, Mar 20, 2003 at 12:21:54PM -0600, Richard Troth wrote:
Warning to all:
The night Marilyn and I had some stew Dave had made
(it was really good!)  she went into labor with our first child.
Presumably not *every* member of the L/390 community is going to meet
the pre-reqs necessary for those conditions to apply.
Too late, by a week... She Who Must Be Obeyed did the deed on Saturday :-)

Mike, exhausted!

Re: SLES 8

2003-03-26 Thread Mike Ross
On Wed, 26 Mar 2003 09:43:56 +0100, Benny Thys
Our customer wants to install SuSE 8 (SLES 8) for S390 (working on a
Multiprise 3000), does anyone know where it can be downloaded ?
Suse have chosen not to make it available on their FTP site. I think we
have a copy someplace - if we do, I'll put it on my FTP site and post the
location to the list.
(This argument has been around before; I've checked the licenses, Suse
don't make it available for free download, but there's nothing to stop
anyone else redistributing it so long as they don't take money).
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Re: SLES 8

2003-03-26 Thread Mike Ross
On Wed, 26 Mar 2003 11:14:05 -0600, Rich Smrcina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Then SuSE doesn't get compensated for their hard work, they stop making
and stop making a distribution.  Who wins?
This is Linux. Open-source. You can't make a business plan predicated on
being able to raise revenue from selling the distro - unless you can sell
in volume, shrink-wrapped, in CompUSA, to a certain predicatable percentage
of those who use the distro. You make money from support - Suse charge a
hefty per-engine fee, do they not?
If Suse really wanted to prevent the complete distro from being
redistributed, all they would have to do is change the Yast license terms
from 'you can't charge for redistribution' to 'you can't redistribute'.
I find the notion of seeking to restrict the distribution of open-source
software, to make it hard to get hold of a copy, faintly amusing.
Using M2, Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Re: SLES 8

2003-03-26 Thread Mike Ross
On Wed, 26 Mar 2003 19:14:36 +, Alan Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
On Wed, 2003-03-26 at 17:14, Rich Smrcina wrote:
Then SuSE doesn't get compensated for their hard work, they stop making
and stop making a distribution.  Who wins?
*WHOSE* hard work 
Well said Alan..

Using M2, Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Re: SLES 8

2003-03-26 Thread Mike Ross
On Wed, 26 Mar 2003 22:54:16 +0200, Tzafrir Cohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* A major one: the distro is not worth much without the patches. What
you download from that server is nice for testing, but it is still not
enough for production, because it lacks, say, the latest sendmail
patch. So if you try to install this server in a production
environment, it will either break, or will be broken-into.
And remember that the license of SuSE basically forbids everybody else
to compit with SuSE in providing patches. So you basically have to
have a support contract with SuSE.
How exactly does that work? What license terms do Suse impose on, for
instance, sendmail, in your example? I suspect the authors of sendmail
might be surprised to discover that Suse forbid them to provide patches...
The only 'license of SuSE' that's involved (AFAIK) is the Yast license...

Using M2, Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Application Starterpack 3000?

2003-11-07 Thread Mike Ross

Not sure how many of those IBM ever actually sold - I've spoken to a couple
of hardware brokers who have handled hundreds of Multiprises but never
*heard of* an Application Starterpack 3000... anyway, I'm looking for one.
If anyone here knows someone who might be getting rid of one, or who knows
a dealer/broker who might have one, please reply off-list.
PS If you've never heard of ASP 3000 either, there's a page of pics of one


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