Error creating LVM in SUSE SLES10

2007-10-24 Thread Paul Noble
I am trying to create a logical volume, consisting of five 3390-3 (2.2G ea) 
dasd volumes. 

The volumes are attached to the vm as device addresses 202-206 in r/w mode.

Using Yast, all goes well, until I try to apply the changes. Then I get a 
message saying:

Failure occurred during following action:
Creating volume group system

System error code was: -4010

I'm relatively new to Linux on VM and this is my first attempt to create a SLES 
10 system. I do not know where to look up this error code.

Paul Noble, Systems Programmer
Cuyahoga County Information Service Center

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Re: Error creating LVM in SUSE SLES10

2007-10-24 Thread Paul Noble
I did everything with Yast. I did activate and format the volumes, using Yast 
--> Hardware --> Dasd options.

Paul Noble

>>> Mark Post <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/24/2007 11:38 AM >>>
>>> On Wed, Oct 24, 2007 at 11:12 AM, in message
> I am trying to create a logical volume, consisting of five 3390-3 (2.2G ea) 
> dasd volumes. 
> The volumes are attached to the vm as device addresses 202-206 in r/w mode.
> Using Yast, all goes well, until I try to apply the changes. Then I get a 
> message saying:
> Failure occurred during following action:
> Creating volume group system
> System error code was: -4010
> I'm relatively new to Linux on VM and this is my first attempt to create a 
> SLES 10 system. I do not know where to look up this error code.

I'm not exactly new, and I don't know either.  So, question time...

Did you format all the volumes and put a partition on them before trying to do 
the LVM setup?  If so, what output do you get from the following commands:

Worst comes to worst, what happens when you try to create things manually:
vgcreate VGNAME /dev/dasdx1 /dev/dasdy1 /dev/dasdz1 ...

Mark Post

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Re: Error creating LVM in SUSE SLES10

2007-10-24 Thread Paul Noble
vgscan says "No volume groups found"

pvscan says "No matching physical volumes found"

vgdisplay says "No volume groups found"

pvdisplay says nothing. 

All commands were entered with no optional parameters or flags.

I am pretty much a rank beginner with Linux. I've been through a couple of 
classes, but now I'm trying to do some real work on my own, which is, of 
course, a very different world. In a previous life, I did spend about ten years 
as a VM systems programmer, so I'm pretty comfortable (although a little rusty) 
with the zVM side of things. We had a consultant come in and help us install 
SLES9 and SLES10. I have cloned the SLES10 system for this task.

I don't know if this makes any difference or not. Our SLES10 base system, which 
I cloned for this application, has no swap space. I have not yet added any to 
the clone. The vm has 2G of virtual storage and there is essentially nothing 
running in the system, yet. Do I need to add swap space, first? I didn't when I 
did this on a SLES 9 system a few months ago. In that case, I created the LVM 
first and added swap later.

Paul Noble

>>> Mark Post <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/24/2007 12:15 PM >>>
>>> On Wed, Oct 24, 2007 at 11:54 AM, in message
> I did everything with Yast. I did activate and format the volumes, using Yast 
> --> Hardware --> Dasd options.

Ok.  What about the rest of the information I requested?

Mark Post

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Re: Error creating LVM in SUSE SLES10

2007-10-24 Thread Paul Noble
Thanks. I'll try that. I only set the virtual memory that high because someone 
here at work, who claims to have worked with SUSE linux, suggested that the 
error code I was getting may have indicated I was out of memory. It was 
originally at 512M.

The results of the cat /proc/partitions was just ONE listing for each volume, 
the "dasda" version, not the "dasda1".


>>> Mark Post <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/24/2007 1:52 PM >>>
>>> On Wed, Oct 24, 2007 at  1:29 PM, in message
> I don't know if this makes any difference or not. Our SLES10 base system, 
> which I cloned for this application, has no swap space. I have not yet added 
> any to the clone. The vm has 2G of virtual storage and there is essentially 
> nothing running in the system, yet. Do I need to add swap space, first? I 

No, that shouldn't make any difference.  Although, you should shrink the 
virtual storage down to something reasonable, say 128MB, and also add a VDISK 
for a paging volume.

> didn't when I did this on a SLES 9 system a few months ago. In that case, I 
> created the LVM first and added swap later.

If you do a "cat /proc/partitions" command, and you don't see your volumes 
listed (at least twice), once with "dasda" and again with "dasda1", then you 
haven't put a partition on them.  (Substitute the appropriate device name for 
your 6 new DASD volumes.)  Go back into yast, create one partition on each of 
them (using the "do not format" check box), and then go into configure LVM 

Mark Post

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Re: Error creating LVM in SUSE SLES10

2007-10-24 Thread Paul Noble
Now, I'm really confused. I originally used Yast --> Hardware --> DASD --> 
Perform Action --> Activate, then Format. Neither of these screens has a "Do 
not format" option.

So, now I'm not sure where in Yast you want me to go. I tried System --> 
Partitioner, but I don't know where to go from there. There are "Create", 
"Edit", "Delete" "dasdfmt", "LVM", "RAID" and "Expert" options. Or am I in the 
wrong place.


>>> Mark Post <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/24/2007 1:52 PM >>>
>>> On Wed, Oct 24, 2007 at  1:29 PM, in message
> I don't know if this makes any difference or not. Our SLES10 base system, 
> which I cloned for this application, has no swap space. I have not yet added 
> any to the clone. The vm has 2G of virtual storage and there is essentially 
> nothing running in the system, yet. Do I need to add swap space, first? I 

No, that shouldn't make any difference.  Although, you should shrink the 
virtual storage down to something reasonable, say 128MB, and also add a VDISK 
for a paging volume.

> didn't when I did this on a SLES 9 system a few months ago. In that case, I 
> created the LVM first and added swap later.

If you do a "cat /proc/partitions" command, and you don't see your volumes 
listed (at least twice), once with "dasda" and again with "dasda1", then you 
haven't put a partition on them.  (Substitute the appropriate device name for 
your 6 new DASD volumes.)  Go back into yast, create one partition on each of 
them (using the "do not format" check box), and then go into configure LVM 

Mark Post

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Re: Error creating LVM in SUSE SLES10

2007-10-24 Thread Paul Noble
That seems to have done the trick. Now, when I do the cat /proc/partitions 
command, I see the dasda and dasda1 listing for each volume.

However, somehow I think I missed the part where it tells the system the mount 
point for the volume group. How do I mount the group? I have already created an 
empty directory in the root to act as a mount point.

Sorry for these really basic questions, but I warned you I was a complete 
beginner. Part of my problem is terminology. I have ten years of experience 
with Windows NT and its descendents, VM/370 and z/OS. I'm not one of those who 
thinks that Windows or z/OS is the RIGHT way to do something. I'm just not 
familiar enough, yet, with the way things are done in Linux and the way the 
terminology is used differently than in the other systems I've worked with. I 
have to keep reminding myself that when I see a term, like partition, in Linux, 
it may or may not mean the same thing it does in Windows or some other system.

Thanks for your help.

Mark, didn't you visit here once a few months ago, shortly after you began 
working for Novell? I'm at Cuyahoga County in Cleveland, Ohio.

Paul Noble
Cuyahoga County Information Service Center

>>> Mark Post <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/24/2007 2:50 PM >>>
>>> On Wed, Oct 24, 2007 at  2:42 PM, in message
> Now, I'm really confused. I originally used Yast --> Hardware --> DASD --> 
> Perform 
> Action --> Activate, then Format. Neither of these screens has a "Do not 
> format" 
> option.
> So, now I'm not sure where in Yast you want me to go. I tried System --> 
> Partitioner, but I don't know where to go from there. There are "Create", 
> "Edit", "Delete" "dasdfmt", "LVM", "RAID" and "Expert" options. Or am I in 
> the wrong place.


No, the partitioner is the right place.  Sorry I wasn't more explicit (I 
usually am).  Select the disk you want to create a partition on, then select 
"Create."  This will bring up another dialog box where one of the options is 
"Do not Format."  Select that, make sure there is no mount point listed, and 
then select OK.  Do that for each of the disks, then go into the LVM dialog.

Mark Post

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What to do with iso image of SLES10 installation DVD

2007-10-25 Thread Paul Noble
When the consultant who helped us install SUSE Linux, SLES9 and SLES10 on our 
z/VM system left, he apparently didn't set up the installation files for future 
use properly.

We have a virtual machine (LXSRC at IP that contains the 
installation media for SLES9 and SLES10. The plan was that, when other VM's 
needed to install optional software from the original installation media, they 
could simply FTP from LXSRC. This seems to work fine for the SLES9 systems, but 
not for the SLES10 systems. The base SLES10 system that I cloned to create the 
system I'm working on now, points to the consultant's laptop, which, of course 
is no longer here. I tried changing the IP address to that of LXSRC. 

No luck. 

Upon further examination, the SLES10 directories are essentially empty. 
However, there is a 4.5GB file named SLES-10-IBM zSeries-DVD1.iso. I'm guessing 
(and hoping) that this is an iso image of the installation DVD.

Is there an easy way to "extract" the files from this iso file and create the 
source files needed by the software management function on my SLES10 target 

My fallback plan, if I can't extract the iso, is to somehow ftp the files from 
four SLES10 installation CD's that I have. 

I'm also open to any suggestions that I might not have thought of. I'm pretty 
much a beginner with SUSE Linux. This is the first time I've tried to install 
and/or modify an existing installation, so I'm learning as I go.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Paul Noble, Systems Programmer
Cuyahoga County Information Service Center

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Re: What to do with iso image of SLES10 installation DVD

2007-10-25 Thread Paul Noble
You're probably right about his knowledge transfer. Part of it is my fault, or 
at least the circumstances. After he left, I didn't have a chance to do much 
real work on the Linux machines, so the knowledge didn't sink in as well as it 
should/could have.

Anyway, I tried your mount command. I'm pretty sure that I copied it correctly, 
but it doesn't seem to like it. It immediately gives me a brief tutorial on the 
syntax of the mount command, although it doesn't explain what it didn't like 
about my command.

Note that there is a space in the file name. Is this confusing the command into 
not knowing where the first argument stops and the second begins? Do I need to 
enclose the filename in quotes or something?

Paul Noble

>>> Mark Post <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/25/2007 1:18 PM >>>
>>> On Thu, Oct 25, 2007 at 11:38 AM, in message
> When the consultant who helped us install SUSE Linux, SLES9 and SLES10 on our 
> z/VM system left, he apparently didn't set up the installation files for 
> future use properly.

I'll bet he did.  See below.  (However, he apparently didn't do a fantastic job 
on knowledge transfer, which is too bad.)

> Upon further examination, the SLES10 directories are essentially empty. 
> However, there is a 4.5GB file named SLES-10-IBM zSeries-DVD1.iso. I'm 
> guessing 
> (and hoping) that this is an iso image of the installation DVD.

You are correct.

> Is there an easy way to "extract" the files from this iso file and create 
> the source files needed by the software management function on my SLES10 
> target machine?

No need to extract the files.  You can do what's called a "loopback mount" of 
the image:
mount -o loop SLES-10-IBM zSeries-DVD1.iso /path/to/ftp/sles10/directory/

Now, the downfall of this is that by their nature, .iso images are read-only, 
so you can't update the installation tree with subsequent package updates.  
(You can get around this with doing a number of bind mounts (another advanced 
topic), but it's not very elegant, for lack of a better word.)  So, if you 
don't mind running YaST Online Update on every newly installed system, that's 
not a problem.  If it is, then you might want to extract the files to disk.  I 
would recommend that you do this with the Service Pack 1 .iso image though, not 
the GA one you have.

Mark Post

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Re: What to do with iso image of SLES10 installation DVD

2007-10-25 Thread Paul Noble
Thanks. In reality, there's nothing new under the sun. By that I mean that all 
computer systems do pretty much the same things; they just do them in slightly 
different ways and use different terminology.

I've been in this business for more than thirty years, working on everything 
from mainframes to PC's to DEC minicomputers in the seventies and a couple of 
specialized dedicated processors. This gives one a perspective  about these 
things. I have the advantage over a kid fresh out of college in that I don't 
have to learn the underlying concepts. I just need to learn the terminology and 
some of the basic commands. I usually know WHAT I want to do; I just need a 
little help in HOW to do it.

Paul Noble

>>> Mark Post <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/25/2007 2:15 PM >>>
>>> On Thu, Oct 25, 2007 at  2:07 PM, in message
> Note that there is a space in the file name. Is this confusing the command 
> into not knowing where the first argument stops and the second begins? Do I 
> need to enclose the filename in quotes or something?

Richard answered the question, but I wanted to note that you seem to be 
catching on pretty quickly.  It may not seem like it right now, but I get the 
impression you're going to be doing alright in the not too distant future.

Mark Post

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Trouble installing Tomcat

2007-10-29 Thread Paul Noble
Thanks for everyone's help last week, with my attempts to mount the 
installation media for my SLES10 virtual machine. That worked like a charm.

However, now I'm having another problem.

The user who has requested this system needs Apache, Tomcat and mysql.

I have installed mysql successfully and we have started it. So far everything 
seems fine.

Tomcat is the problem. I opened yast --> Software --> Software Management --> 
Search "tomcat".

It found tomcat and auto-selected (is that the right term?) the following:
a+ ant-trax
a+ jakarta-commons-modeler
a+ xalan-jz

I choose "Accept" and it processes for a couple seconds and then posts a 

"Package was not found on the medium"
"Err3: Package xalan-jz- fails integrity check.."

I remember that the consultant who helped us install this used a DVD image on a 
small USB harddrive he had attached to his laptop. During the installation, he 
had trouble with disk errors and integrity problems with this file, but I 
thought he corrected them before he left.

Is it possible that his iso image is corrupt in a way that allowed me to 
install mysql last week but won't let me install tomcat this week?

I have another set of SLES10 installation media, but they're CD's, not DVD's. 

Paul Noble, Systems Programmer
Cuyahoga County Information Service Center

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Re: Trouble installing Tomcat

2007-10-29 Thread Paul Noble
I'm not sure how to do that. The iso file is mounted (per your suggestion last 
week) with the following command:

mount -o loop "SLES-10-IBM zSeries-DVD1.iso" /sles10/sles10root/dvd1, where 
/sles10/sles10root/dvd1 is an empty directory that I created.

On the ftp server, where we have the ISO image, I cd'ed into 
/sles10/sles10root/dvd1/suse/s390x and there was no xalan...rpm file. Nor was 
there in /slese10/sel10root/dvd1/suse/src. 

Paul Noble

>>> Mark Post <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/29/2007 3:07 PM >>>
>>> On Mon, Oct 29, 2007 at  2:19 PM, in message
> It found tomcat and auto-selected (is that the right term?) the following:

Good enough for me.  What it's doing is satisfying inter-package dependencies.

> "Package was not found on the medium"
> "Err3: Package xalan-jz- fails integrity check.."
> I remember that the consultant who helped us install this used a DVD image 
> on a small USB harddrive he had attached to his laptop. During the 
> installation, he had trouble with disk errors and integrity problems with 
> this file, but I thought he corrected them before he left.
> Is it possible that his iso image is corrupt in a way that allowed me to 
> install mysql last week but won't let me install tomcat this week?

That doesn't sound likely, but I guess it's not impossible.  If you do an "rpm 
--checksig /path/to/the/rpm/xalan-j2-*" what comes back?

Mark Post

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Re: Trouble installing Tomcat

2007-10-31 Thread Paul Noble
I finally had a chance to try the find command that Mark Post suggested. Here 
are the results. To refresh your memory, when I try to install tomcat5, I get 
an error saying that it can't find xalan.

lxsrc:/sles10 # find /sles10/sles10root/dvd1 -type f -name "xalan*.rpm"
lxsrc:/sles10 #

So, the rpm files for xalan DO appear to be there, but it seems that the 
install procedure on the target system is not looking for them in the right 
place. Right?

How do I tell the target system where to find these files? The install files 
reside on an FTP server, named lxsrv. I'm trying to install tomcat5 on a server 
in a different virtual machine, named lxgwarc. Using Yast, and pointing to the 
IP address and mount point of the install files on the FTP server.

Thanks for all your help.

Paul Noble

>>> Mark Post <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/29/2007 4:02 PM >>>
>>> On Mon, Oct 29, 2007 at  3:42 PM, in message
> I'm not sure how to do that. The iso file is mounted (per your suggestion 
> last week) with the following command:
> mount -o loop "SLES-10-IBM zSeries-DVD1.iso" /sles10/sles10root/dvd1, where 
> /sles10/sles10root/dvd1 is an empty directory that I created.
> On the ftp server, where we have the ISO image, I cd'ed into 
> /sles10/sles10root/dvd1/suse/s390x and there was no xalan...rpm file. Nor was 
> there in /slese10/sel10root/dvd1/suse/src. 

Sounds like a good time for an introduction to the find command:
find /sles10/sles10root/dvd1 -type f -name "xalan*rpm"

The other thing you want to do (probably best during a low CPU utilization 
period for your machine) is to verify the size and the md5 checksum for the 
.iso file itself:
md5sum "SLES-10-IBM zSeries-DVD1.iso"
ac2adb5a89be5d96d9142101429d619c  SLES-10-IBM zSeries-DVD1.iso

ls -l "SLES-10-IBM zSeries-DVD1.iso"
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4514115584 2006-07-06 00:29  SLES-10-IBM zSeries-DVD1.iso

Mark Post

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Re: Trouble installing Tomcat

2007-10-31 Thread Paul Noble
The rpm --checksig command simply returned to the command prompt. That is, 
there was no output from the command, but there was no error, either.

When I run the md5sum command, it goes to the next line and seems to wait for 
input. It does not output anything that looks even remotely like the checksum 
(if that's what it is) that you show. I can cancel it by typing -c, but I 
still get no output.

I think that maybe I should just go download the new iso file, just on general 
principals. Might as well be working with the latest version.


>>> Mark Post <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/31/2007 11:00 AM >>>
>>> On Wed, Oct 31, 2007 at 10:49 AM, in message
> /sles10/sles10root/dvd1/suse/src/xalan-j2-2.6.0-21.2.src.rpm
> lxsrc:/sles10 #
> So, the rpm files for xalan DO appear to be there, but it seems that the 
> install procedure on the target system is not looking for them in the right 
> place. Right?

Nope, it's finding them, trust me.  Remember, I wanted you to check the 
signatures on the RPM itself, but you didn't know where it was located.  So now,
rpm --checksig /sles10/sles10root/dvd1/suse/src/xalan-j2-2.6.0-21.2.src.rpm
will see if the signatures are OK or not.

Also, please run this command, while in the same directory as the .iso file:
md5sum "SLES-10-IBM zSeries-DVD1.iso"
ac2adb5a89be5d96d9142101429d619c  SLES-10-IBM zSeries-DVD1.iso

If the output doesn't match exactly, then you should download the .iso file 
again.  (But this time, grab the Service Pack 1 version, not the GA version.)

Finally, take a look at /var/log/YaST2/y2log and try to make some sense of that 
(it won't be easy).  You may find some hints in there as to why it's not 
installing the package.

Mark Post

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Re: Trouble installing Tomcat

2007-11-01 Thread Paul Noble
Okay, I'm back. I was sidetracked with some other stuff.

I downloaded the file sles-10-sp1.starter.system.DVD.s390x.iso. Is this the 
right file?

I tried to mount it, the way I did the other iso file, by using the following 

mount -o loop sles-10-sp1.starter.system.DVD.s390x.iso /sles10/sles10root/dvd1

Note: dvd1 is an empty directory I created just for this purpose.

When I do the mount, I get the following error:

mount: fs type udf not supported by kernel


Paul Noble, Systems Programmer
Cuyahoga County Information Service Center

>>> Mark Post <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/31/2007 11:24 AM >>>
>>> On Wed, Oct 31, 2007 at 11:13 AM, in message
> The rpm --checksig command simply returned to the command prompt. That is, 
> there was no output from the command, but there was no error, either.

Ok, that's not good.  You should have gotten _something_ back.  If everything 
was good, you would have seen this:
# rpm --checksig xalan-j2-2.6.0-21.2.noarch.rpm
xalan-j2-2.6.0-21.2.noarch.rpm: sha1 md5 gpg OK

> When I run the md5sum command, it goes to the next line and seems to wait 
> for input. It does not output anything that looks even remotely like the 
> checksum (if that's what it is) that you show. I can cancel it by typing 
> -c, but I still get no output.

That's because you're being a little impatient.  The command has to grind 
through the 4GB+ of data and generate the checksum.  That can take a while, 
particularly on a loaded (or simply just slow) system.

> I think that maybe I should just go download the new iso file, just on 
> general principals. Might as well be working with the latest version.

I agree whole heartedly with that sentiment.  There really are some very nice 
things in SP1, and of course lots of bug fixes.

Mark Post

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Re: Trouble installing Tomcat

2007-11-01 Thread Paul Noble
I have downloaded the file that Kevin suggested. I have to do this in two 
stages, first to my PC, then upload to Linux. I've done the first, now I have 
to do the second.


>>> Mark Post <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 11/1/2007 2:39 PM >>>
>>> On Thu, Nov 1, 2007 at 12:33 PM, in message
> I downloaded the file sles-10-sp1.starter.system.DVD.s390x.iso. Is this the 
> right file?

If all you were intending to do was copy that to your existing installation 
server and loopback mount it, no.  See the reply from Kevin as to what file you 
should get.  If you want to use it to create a brand new installation server, 
using the directions that are in the starter system installation guide, then 

> When I do the mount, I get the following error:
> mount: fs type udf not supported by kernel

Either one of these should fix that:
mount -t udf -o loop ..
modprobe udf
mount -o loop .

If you get any nastygrams from the modprobe command, then something's wrong, 
and the mount won't work.

Mark Post

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Re: Trouble installing Tomcat

2007-11-02 Thread Paul Noble
Thanks to everyone who helped. 

I downloaded the SP1 iso-image, mounted that on my FTP server and successfully 
installed TOMCAT5. It even starts successfully!

Now, two more, hopefully, very simple question.

How can I make the iso mount persistent? Right now, I lose it every time the 
virtual machine is booted.

How can I make Mysql, apache and tomcat all start automatically every time the 
virtual machine is booted?

Paul Noble, Systems Programmer
Cuyahoga County Information Services Center

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FDR/Upstream for Backups - Anyone using it?

2007-11-08 Thread Paul Noble
Like probably many of you, we are running a z-series processor (z890). We have 
one LPAR running z/OS 1.7 (going to 1.9 in the not-too-distant-future), and 
another LPAR running z/VM 5.2 with a couple of SUSE Linux clients.

Our problem has been backups. We have a 3949 Automated tape library and Virtual 
Tape Server on the z/OS side, but nothing but a couple of stand-alone 3490 
drives that can be varied online to either LPAR, on the z/VM side. Presently we 
do backups by shutting down all the Linux systems, via the Wakeup utility, 
every night and running backups from the z/OS side. This has many drawbacks, 
but it works.

Recently, I received a brochure from FDR, touting their new backup system, 
known as Upstream. From reading the brochure, it seems that the main part runs 
in z/OS, while there are clients that run in each Linux virtual machine. The 
clients communicate with the main program in z/OS via hipersockets. It allows 
file-based backups and restores, rather than volume-based backups, as we do now.

My question is, does anyone here have any experience with this product? Any 

On a related note, can anyone direct me to any documentation or Redbooks that 
explain how to create and use hipersockets in z/VM? I think I understand the 
10,000 foot view; hipersockets allow PR/SM to create high-speed data channels 
for transferring data between LPARS'. I've seen the 1 foot level, in the form 
of the RDEVICE statemtent in the System COnfig file. I'm looking for something 
in the 10-100 foot level; All the steps, in some, but not excruciating, detail, 
that are necessary to create and use hipersockets. We already have several 
defined in our IOCS, but neither z/OS or z/VM is set up to use them. 

Paul Noble, Systems Programmer
Cuyahoga County Information Service Center

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Stupid newbie question re: Installing SP1 to SLES10 on z/890

2007-11-28 Thread Paul Noble
We are in the midst of installing our first "production" system under SLES10, 
under z/VM on a z/890.

My question is, how do install SP1?

I have a virtual machine that has the repository of all the files necessary to 
install both SLES9 and SLES10. I recently downloaded the iso image of the DVD 
for the SLES10 SP1. I have used this to install additional optional software on 
the target system, but I've never installed a full-blown service pack on Linux.

Is there a simple way to mount the iso image, fire up Yast on the target, tell 
it to do the update and stand back? Or, must I go though each installed option 
in Yast and update each one individually?


Paul Noble, Systems Programmer
Cuyahoga County Information Service Center

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Tomcat not auto-starting

2007-12-03 Thread Paul Noble
I am working with our e-mail (Novell Groupwise) guy to install Novell's Retain 
software for archiving e-mail messages. It requires tomcat5 and apache.

Last Friday, we got everything working and all seemed well.

This morning, we came in and found that tomcat wasn't running, so nothing was 

I have used the chkconfig tomcat5 on command to have tomcat automatically 
start, when the system is booted. However, it did not. We shut down all of our 
Linux guests on z/VM every night to do full-volume backups from the z/OS LPAR. 
Tomcat apparently did not restart when the system was re-started after the 
backup window.

A simple "/etc/init.d/tomcat5 start" command starts tomcat easily, with no 

How can I determine why it isn't starting automatically?

Paul Noble, Systems Programmer
Cuyahoga County Information Service Center

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Re: Tomcat not auto-starting

2007-12-03 Thread Paul Noble
>>> "Shockley, Gerard C" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 12/3/2007 10:48 AM >>>
>review the results of the following -

># chkconfig | grep tomcat

This command shows that tomcat5 is ON

># dmesg | grep tomcat

This command makes no mention of tomcat

># cat /var/log/boot.msg | grep tomcat
>start services (xinetd uportal tomcat squid nscd hwscan cron)
>Starting Tomcat (/rootvg/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.28)..done
>Starting Tomcat (/rootvg/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.4)..done
>exit status of (xinetd uportal tomcat squid nscd hwscan cron) is
>(0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
>:~ #

lxgwarc:/etc/init.d # cat /var/log/boot.msg | grep tomcat
Starting Tomcat (/srv/www/tomcat5/base/)Starting service MySQL ..done
lxgwarc:/etc/init.d #

>Also review the tomcat catalina logs and local host logs for any clues.

Where can I find these logs?

>Finally make sure /$tomcat_home as the appropriate privileges (non
>root).  This will prevent tomcat startup.

Where is this folder?


-Original Message-----
From: Linux on 390 Port [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Paul Noble
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2007 10:04 AM
Subject: Tomcat not auto-starting

I am working with our e-mail (Novell Groupwise) guy to install Novell's
Retain software for archiving e-mail messages. It requires tomcat5 and

Last Friday, we got everything working and all seemed well.

This morning, we came in and found that tomcat wasn't running, so
nothing was working.

I have used the chkconfig tomcat5 on command to have tomcat
automatically start, when the system is booted. However, it did not. We
shut down all of our Linux guests on z/VM every night to do full-volume
backups from the z/OS LPAR. Tomcat apparently did not restart when the
system was re-started after the backup window.

A simple "/etc/init.d/tomcat5 start" command starts tomcat easily, with
no errors.

How can I determine why it isn't starting automatically?

Paul Noble, Systems Programmer
Cuyahoga County Information Service Center

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Re: Backup and Restore Strategies For Z/Linux

2007-06-29 Thread Paul Noble
We are new to z/Linux here, so I could be wrong in what I'm about to say. 
Please correct me if I am.

We run z/OS in one LPAR and z/VM, with several Linux guests, in another. I 
don't think that the presences of z/VM makes a difference with respect to 

We were told by the consultant who helped us install z/VM and SUSE Linux, that 
Linux makes extensive use of memory caching in handling its file systems. For 
this reason, he claimed, it is IMPOSSIBLE to get a valid backup from MVS, or 
any other system, while the Linux machine is running. The backup will run just 
fine, but upon restoring the DASD, the file system WILL be corrupted. Not MAY 
be corrupted. WILL be.

For that reason, I have setup a virtual machine, with the necessary privilege, 
that shuts down all the Linux guests at 1:00 am. A backup job is submitted on 
z/OS at 1:30, and the virtual machine I created restarts the Linux guests at 
6:00 am. Our schedule permits this. I realize that others' may not.

We are looking into other, more robust and sophisticated backup strategies.

Paul Noble, Systems Programmer
Cuyahoga County Information Service Center

>>> "Jones, Russell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 6/28/2007 3:18 PM >>>
We are running z/Linux in an LPAR. It is a 1 volume system. We are
currently using an MVS batch job to back up the volume while Linux is
running. I know that this is not a good idea, and I would like to know
how other shops handle backup and restore of their z/Linux systems. So
far, our method has worked fine. At our disaster recovery exercises, we
simply restore the volume with DFDSS and away we go. 

We would like the process to be as automated as possible. We could train
the operators to shutdown Linux, run the backup, and then bring it back
up, but we would like to avoid that if possible. 

We would also like to avoid bringing a tape drive online to Linux. We
don't have the resources to dedicate a drive to Linux fulltime, and
switching a drive between MVS and Linux during the batch cycle would

I appreciate any suggestions.


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Re: Backup and Restore Strategies For Z/Linux

2007-06-29 Thread Paul Noble
So, if I'm understanding this correctly, taking a backup of a running Linux 
system from another LPAR gives you, at best, an unreliable backup.

That means that there are only two viable alternatives:

Shut down Linux and do the backup from another LPAR or,

Use a backup client that runs within Linux and therefore participates in its 
file system processing, getting all the current and correct data for the backup.

Is that about it?

The problem, as I see it, with backing up from another LPAR is that there is no 
incremental or differential backup capability. Nor is there any selective 
restore capability. Its an all-or-nothing backup/restore.

Paul Noble
Cuyahoga County Information Service Center

>>> Rich Smrcina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 6/29/2007 10:20 AM >>>
Well OK, maybe the analogy wasn't absolutely perfect.  The point is on
reboot Linux will think it crashed, Linux will attempt to rebuild it's
filesystem, it may or may not work.  Don't take the chance with your
corporate data.

Rob van der Heij wrote:
> On 6/29/07, Rich Smrcina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> It's exactly like rebooting a Linux PC after some sort of crash, it goes
>> through a filesystem check (fsck).
> There's a big difference. If the PC crashes you have a consistent
> state as it was at that time. But when you have z/OS on the other end
> copy the disk track by track, it is not consistent.
> It's like the panoramic photo's in Google Streetview, composed of
> multiple pictures taken short after each other from slightly different
> location. A person walking by could show on adjacent pictures and
> appear duplicate when you combine the pictures.
> If you use snapshot on the ESS, you do get a consistent copy. But then
> you still may loose data. Even on a journaled file system because only
> meta data is normally recovered.
> Rob
> --
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Rich Smrcina
VM Assist, Inc.
Phone: 414-491-6001
Ans Service:  360-715-2467
rich.smrcina at 

Catch the WAVV! 
WAVV 2008 - Chattanooga - April 18-22, 2008

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Re: SUSE 10 in LPAR Mode

2007-07-06 Thread Paul Noble
I don't know if this is your problem or not, but the consultant who
helped us install z/VM and SUSE Linux told us that the installation FTP
server COULD NOT BE ON A WINDOWS SERVER. It had something to do with
Windows handling the long file names incorrectly. He had Linux running
on his laptop, which we plugged into our network and used as the
installation server.

I don't think that the fact that we are running z/VM and you are
running in an LPAR makes any difference.

I also can't vouch for the truth of his warning from personal

Paul Noble, Network Engineer
Cuyahoga County Information Service Center

>>> "Martin, Larry D" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 7/5/2007 8:02 AM >>>
Looking for help.


This is my first attempt at Linux on the mainframe.  I have a trial
of SUSE 10 and am trying to install it into an LPAR on a Z890.


I have built an IPL Tape and that works.  When trying to build the
system I need to access the INSTALL folder at an FTP site.  I have
on a Windows 2000 server but all I can get is "image not found".


Can someone give me any insight as to what the response to the "Enter
the directory on the server" should look like?


I have no CDROM available.  I also tried NFS from a z/OS 1.7 system
similar results.




Larry Martin

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Re: zSeries IFL speed rating

2007-07-19 Thread Paul Noble
Its been a long time, but I seem to remember that IBM had a computer model that 
the marketing people used. You could take performance data from your system and 
then plug in different changes, such as increasing real memory size, additional 
channels, additional processors, etc. and it would predict the performance 
improvement. I don't remember all the details. It may have been specific to 
MVS, since I think it used RMF data as a baseline.

Paul Noble
Cuyahoga County Information Service Center

>>> "Roach, Dennis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 7/19/2007 12:58 PM >>>
I have been asked to determine the improvement of an IFL on a z9 BC over a z900.
Mhz is something the people being presented to understand.
It does not compare to the same speed on say INTEL.

Dennis Roach
United Space Alliance
600 Gemini Avenue
Mail Code USH-4A3L
Houston, Texas 77058
Voice:   (281) 282-2975
Page:(713) 736-8275
Fax: (281) 282-3583

All opinions expressed by me are mine and may not agree with my employer or any 
person, company, or thing, living or dead, on or near this or any other
planet, moon, asteroid, or other spatial object, natural or manufactured, since 
the beginning of time.

 -Original Message-
From:   Linux on 390 Port [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  On Behalf Of Alan Altmark
Sent:   Thursday, July 19, 2007 11:01 AM
Subject:Re: zSeries IFL speed rating

On Thursday, 07/19/2007 at 11:45 EDT, "Roach, Dennis"
> Is there a site that gives a Mhz rating for the z900 and z9 IFLs?

Since that number would be meaningless, no.  I mean, you might find one
floating about out there as a factoid, but it has zero value.  Why do you
care?  (Reference recent discussion in IBM-MAIN.)

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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