Re: [linux-audio-dev] User Interface

2001-07-26 Thread Nick Bailey

ljp wrote:

 To me, music is more important than any library ideologies. I wouldn't give
 a rats ass if software was made with QBASIC, as long as it compiles fairly
 easily (not alot of excessive library inclusion that I have to install
 every libtom-libdick-and-libharry libs just to compile it- because there no
 binaries available), functions well, and serves the purpose that I use it
 for. I'm willing to check out glame. I'll let ya know what I think about it.


While I can see your point of view, I think you forgot an even more important
factor: ...and I'll be able to use the stuff I wrote 2 years from now.  I'm
from a classical background, perhaps this isn't important in more commercially
driven music.  But I'd spend extra effort to make sure the program I was using
was maintainable and portable rather than go for the quick and easy solution.

So QBasic is out: being non-free, the language spec might change, so I couldn't
recompile it on my next computer.  (I realise that was just an hyperbole 8-)
For the reason of data obsolescence alone, I'd say the design issues are
actually at least as important as user interface ones.

But then, I'm still using LaTeX 8-)


Re: [linux-audio-dev] User Interface

2001-07-26 Thread delire

 At 22:04 7/25/2001 -0400, Paul Davis wrote:
 Paul Winkler writes:
   I was just wondering why people on this list seem to ignore glame,
   the discussion comes upon waveeditors.  [ ... ]

i've worked experimentally and professionally in soft editing and multitrack
environments for many years across several platforms. it's both my income
and my  studio.
in this way i have alot to say about glame largely from a comparitive
perspective. however criticisms so far seem to largely surround
inconsistencies and counter-intuitive windowing configurations in interface
i'll make some time tonight and get some writing to you here tomorrow.

keep hearing many pro-audio ppl lamenting the fact there is not more
extensive and usable editor / multitrack for linux. in some ways we can't
really complain? - what glame can do already is testimony to many months of
commitment + labour just for the satifaction of contributing to a good
thing. criticisms of glame therefore shouldn't be absolutist and totalised
write-offs of the app based on - eg: libs?? that's political veganism as
applied to software design - all in all ensuring a pointlessly mypoic and
distracted approach to the goals of developing a good tool.


_ / a - b, b -c, a - d, d - c ...and so on... \ _

Re: [linux-audio-dev] User Interface

2001-07-26 Thread Richard Guenther

On Wed, 25 Jul 2001, Paul Davis wrote:

 Paul Winkler writes:
  I was just wondering why people on this list seem to ignore glame, when
  the discussion comes upon waveeditors.  [ ... ]
 Can't compile it without GNOME. I don't like that. I guess that makes me a
 luddite. Oh well.

You can. Use --disable-gui and you'll get what you deserve.
 i *am* a luddite, and i don't like GNOME-dependent audio software either.

Its certainly better to depend on wide spread GNOME than to depend on
1000 unstable, nonpackaged, hard-to-compile, seperately distributed
libs. Can you say adour?


Richard Guenther [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The GLAME Project:

Re: [linux-audio-dev] User Interface

2001-07-26 Thread Alexander Ehlert

On Wed, 25 Jul 2001, Paul Davis wrote:

 Paul Winkler writes:
  I was just wondering why people on this list seem to ignore glame, when
  the discussion comes upon waveeditors.  [ ... ]
 Can't compile it without GNOME. I don't like that. I guess that makes me a
 luddite. Oh well.

 i *am* a luddite, and i don't like GNOME-dependent audio software either.

Harhar, welcome to kindergarden folks :-) So we're back at the stage where
we discuss the best widget set for a whole year?

Cheers, Mag


In India, cold weather is merely a conventional phrase and has come into
use through the necessity of having some way to distinguish between weather
which will melt a brass door-knob and weather which will only make it mushy.
-- Mark Twain

Re: [linux-audio-dev] LAAGA app client question

2001-07-26 Thread Maarten de Boer

On Wed, 25 Jul 2001 13:13:05 -0400

 Paul, I am trying to use FLTK instead of GTK, but I don't get it to work...
 It crashed inside X11 functions. I have seen this before, and it always
 was related to multithreading and FLTK not being threadsafe, but I don't
 understand how that could be a problem, since I run all fltk stuff in the
 main thread. 
  ... setup fltk, e.g Fl_Window w(200,200);;
  laaga_client_t = laaga_open (myname);
  ... setup laaga ...
  laaga_activate (client);
  Fl::run ();
  laaga_close (client);
 Any suggestions?
 send me the client source, and i'll try it out and try to understand
 whats going on.

It is a very simple example, it's your ae_client.c with a slider to control
the gain.

I try this on Debian potato, XFree86 3.3.6


#include stdio.h
#include errno.h
#include unistd.h

extern C
#include laaga/laaga.h

#include FL/Fl.H
#include FL/Fl_Window.H
#include FL/Fl_Slider.H

laaga_port_t *my_input_port;
laaga_port_t *my_output_port;

float gain = 1.;

process (nframes_t nframes, void *arg)

	sample_t *out = (sample_t *) laaga_port_get_buffer (my_output_port, nframes);
	sample_t *in = (sample_t *) laaga_port_get_buffer (my_input_port, nframes);

	memcpy (out, in, sizeof (sample_t) * nframes);

	for (unsigned int i = 0; inframes; i++)
		out[i] *= gain;

	return 0;  

bufsize (nframes_t nframes, void *arg)

	printf (the maximum buffer size is now %lu\n, nframes);
	return 0;

srate (nframes_t nframes, void *arg)

	printf (the sample rate is now %lu/sec\n, nframes);
	return 0;

void callback(Fl_Slider* s)
	gain = s-value();

main (int argc, char *argv[])

	Fl_Window w(0,0,100,120);
	Fl_Slider s(10,10,20,100);;
	s.callback((Fl_Callback*) callback);
	laaga_client_t *client;

	if ((client = laaga_client_new (fltktest)) == 0) {
		fprintf (stderr, laaga server not running?\n);
		return 1;

	laaga_set_process_callback (client, process, 0);
	laaga_set_buffer_size_callback (client, bufsize, 0);
	laaga_set_sample_rate_callback (client, srate, 0);

	printf (engine sample rate: %lu\n, laaga_get_sample_rate (client));

	my_input_port = laaga_port_register (client, myinput, LAAGA_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE, LaagaPortIsInput, 0);
	my_output_port = laaga_port_register (client, myoutput, LAAGA_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE, LaagaPortIsOutput, 0);

	if (laaga_activate (client)) {
		fprintf (stderr, cannot activate client);

	printf (client activated\n);

	if (laaga_port_connect (client, ALSA I/O:Input 1, my_input_port-shared-name)) {
		fprintf (stderr, cannot connect input ports\n);
	if (laaga_port_connect (client, my_output_port-shared-name, ALSA I/O:Output 1)) {
		fprintf (stderr, cannot connect output ports\n);


	printf (done sleeping, now closing...\n);
	laaga_client_close (client);
	exit (0);

Re: [linux-audio-dev] User Interface

2001-07-26 Thread Richard Guenther

On Wed, 25 Jul 2001, Andy Lo A Foe wrote:

 I installed glame from Debian unstable (0.4.2) and, having used just
 Sound Forge just the other day; how about a SF like interface?
 Simple, and to the point, with nice easy toolbars 'n stuff?! I had to
 read the manual to even open a WAV file in GLAME, not good :)

You want to try 0.5.2 which has toolbars (but you still need to read
the manual to figure out how to open a WAV file :)).

 (probably the last person who should complain about user interface
 design, *cough* alsaplayer *cough*)

:) UI is always hard and time consuming.


Richard Guenther [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The GLAME Project:

[linux-audio-dev] what's wrong with glame

2001-07-26 Thread delire

This is a fairly lengthy rant on the latest glame. Some of you might find it
boring. It's really directed at the authors.
What I say here needs to be taken in context. My requirements for an editor
are fairly heavy as I make both commercial special effects and
noise/electroacoustic music.
It's rare that I work under DAT level audio  - 48khz. But like a normal
studio it's not uncommon for me to have 50 or 60 audio files open at the
same time. Similarly, with my electroacoustics, I rarely work under 4

So in this way i'm not your ideal subject. However I do produce alot of work
for various multimedia productions, including games, which i think includes
your target user. I say this because while glame isn't advanced in other
areas, you have placed a strong emphasis on signal processing.

Two different systems are running glame in my studio, one is a debian box
and the other runs suse [both latest kernels (now) thanks to a bad analogy
from paul davis] All required libs are installed. I noticed that both don't
have a play head that follows the audio - instead it remains static. In the
install notes you said this worked - I may have done something wrong. Also
it should be said that I've only been using Glame for a week or so, forgive
me for the things I've overlooked [short keys / menu's etc]...

I'll begin:

The idea of a 'project' is a nice approach - but it tends to assume that one
is about to embark on something of a large scale. In other environments this
is also called the session - which is an option only if you want to save
global setting as applied specifically to your work, or an arrangement, as
in cool edit pro [windows].

Often however i don't want to make a project, so much as quickly edit a
wave. Most desktop studios are engaged in editing samples every few minutes
during a normal day. This is where glame really struggles to be useful.

What tends to happen in most studios is users become loyal to an editor
through familiarity. As a result one editor is chosen as the native editor
for all situations, so even when you're in another app, you can click
[something like 'editor'] and your waveform immediately appears. Also it's
necessary to be able to click on a sound-file and immediately bring it up in
waveform view ready to go. In these two ways, 'setting up a project' blocks
access to the urgent role of the editor in any audio.

Glame's functionality needs to be considered within this hierachy of needs:
Most studios, home and pro, require these in an editor /multitracker /dsp

Open sample [resample / attentuate / trim
Record sample [line in or another output from app]
Edit sample / signal process /clean [many of these open at once]
Multitrack session [for composition, syncing and mix down]
Custom project / session / filternetwork

By orienting work around the 'project' you're stopping glame from becoming a
popular [frequently used] editor.

Once I made a project, i had to 'import audio'!! As though audio were not
the native media of the app. All good apps assume that 'open file' leads to
a wave. Cool edit pro [which is becoming so popular that many major studios
[including the ABC in my country]
are ditching pro-tools] simply has 'open' when in 'waveform view' - since in
that window, you're always going to be opening soundfiles...import in so
many desktop studios represents a special function, that's why when i first
used glame, i reached for the 'add stereo wave' item.

Even once i've imported the audio i'm still barred; held back before getting
on with the job of i have to select the
text-that-represents-my-file and choose to 'edit it', as though there were
other things i might want to do with it instead.
So i right click on the name of the file [?] and then choose 'edit', which
brings up the waveform view.

And the waveform view is nothing to smile about - black and white is a bad
choice of rendering. High contrast schemes like this make a 10 hour session
in the editor a strain, though the wearing of sunglasses indoors is
particular to this field.

At this stage I realise that I loaded the wrong file[s], to get rid of it
from the project list i have to [delete] [as opposed to the inuitive,
'close'] and then 'empty the
trash' [what trash? and why should i [?] - implying that i have the option
to revoke my decision once it's in the trash].

Back in the edit mode with the right file I look first for my peak values,
trying to get a sense of how i should attentuate the file.
Also because i have to, say, make a file exactly 10.253 seconds in length i
look for the time [this probably sounds ridiculaous but it happens often
when making sound for film or games]. also accuracy is a kind of confidence.
I find that there aren't even samples, rms, or 'beats' as alternative timing
schemes - many other media packages require these time scalings for sync
up - in this way glame further rarifies it's position as a stand-alone-tool.

Most importantly however, there is no means of 

Re: [linux-audio-dev] User Interface

2001-07-26 Thread delire

thank glameness for the filter-network. a surprise to find something of this
flexibility attached to an editor under linux.

btw i don't expect glame to be a multitrack studio, but will give mixing
down [recent post] a shot.


_ / a - b, b -c, a - d, d - c ...and so on...\ _

Re: [linux-audio-dev] User Interface

2001-07-26 Thread Paul Davis

ljp writes, in response to two criticisms of GNOME dependency:

To me, music is more important than any library ideologies. I wouldn't give 
a rats ass if software was made with QBASIC, as long as it compiles fairly 

and then continues:

(not alot of excessive library inclusion that I have to install 
every libtom-libdick-and-libharry libs just to compile it- because there no 
binaries available),

which IMHO is precisely the problem with depending on GNOME ...


Re: [linux-audio-dev] what's wrong with glame

2001-07-26 Thread Richard Guenther

On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, delire wrote:

 This is a fairly lengthy rant on the latest glame. Some of you might find it
 boring. It's really directed at the authors.
 What I say here needs to be taken in context. My requirements for an editor
 are fairly heavy as I make both commercial special effects and
 noise/electroacoustic music.
 It's rare that I work under DAT level audio  - 48khz. But like a normal
 studio it's not uncommon for me to have 50 or 60 audio files open at the
 same time. Similarly, with my electroacoustics, I rarely work under 4
 So in this way i'm not your ideal subject. However I do produce alot of work
 for various multimedia productions, including games, which i think includes
 your target user. I say this because while glame isn't advanced in other
 areas, you have placed a strong emphasis on signal processing.

Ok, you actually _seem_ to be our ideal subject - somehow :) For the
following I will assume you tried GLAME 0.5.2 and mark things that are
_not_ available with 0.4.2 with a [~0.4.2].

 Two different systems are running glame in my studio, one is a debian box
 and the other runs suse [both latest kernels (now) thanks to a bad analogy
 from paul davis] All required libs are installed. I noticed that both don't
 have a play head that follows the audio - instead it remains static. In the
 install notes you said this worked - I may have done something wrong. Also

For esd output we didnt bother to add support for it (blame us - will fix
this in a minute), for other methods it should work [~0.4.2]

 it should be said that I've only been using Glame for a week or so, forgive
 me for the things I've overlooked [short keys / menu's etc]...
 I'll begin:
 The idea of a 'project' is a nice approach - but it tends to assume that one
 is about to embark on something of a large scale. In other environments this
 is also called the session - which is an option only if you want to save
 global setting as applied specifically to your work, or an arrangement, as
 in cool edit pro [windows].

Ok, our whole concept of the tree-view with projects is that you have
exactly one seession which handles multiple projects (aka subtrees). Maybe
not really obvious / useful.

 Often however i don't want to make a project, so much as quickly edit a
 wave. Most desktop studios are engaged in editing samples every few minutes
 during a normal day. This is where glame really struggles to be useful.

Is this because of the many steps you need to do before you are presented
with the wave editor? If so, adding shortcuts for this is easy. Or are
there more fundamental problems?

 What tends to happen in most studios is users become loyal to an editor
 through familiarity. As a result one editor is chosen as the native editor
 for all situations, so even when you're in another app, you can click
 [something like 'editor'] and your waveform immediately appears. Also it's
 necessary to be able to click on a sound-file and immediately bring it up in
 waveform view ready to go. In these two ways, 'setting up a project' blocks
 access to the urgent role of the editor in any audio.

Ok. Noted. I suppose, we'll add a Project/Edit file... main menu entry
which just inserts the imported wave as a new project and opens up the
wave editor with it.

 Glame's functionality needs to be considered within this hierachy of needs:
 Most studios, home and pro, require these in an editor /multitracker /dsp
 Open sample [resample / attentuate / trim
 Record sample [line in or another output from app]
 Edit sample / signal process /clean [many of these open at once]
 Multitrack session [for composition, syncing and mix down]
 Custom project / session / filternetwork
 By orienting work around the 'project' you're stopping glame from becoming a
 popular [frequently used] editor.
 Once I made a project, i had to 'import audio'!! As though audio were not
 the native media of the app. All good apps assume that 'open file' leads to
 a wave. Cool edit pro [which is becoming so popular that many major studios
 [including the ABC in my country]
 are ditching pro-tools] simply has 'open' when in 'waveform view' - since in
 that window, you're always going to be opening soundfiles...import in so
 many desktop studios represents a special function, that's why when i first
 used glame, i reached for the 'add stereo wave' item.
 Even once i've imported the audio i'm still barred; held back before getting
 on with the job of i have to select the
 text-that-represents-my-file and choose to 'edit it', as though there were
 other things i might want to do with it instead.
 So i right click on the name of the file [?] and then choose 'edit', which
 brings up the waveform view.
 And the waveform view is nothing to smile about - black and white is a bad
 choice of rendering. High contrast schemes like this make a 10 hour session
 in the editor a strain, though the wearing of sunglasses indoors is

Re: [linux-audio-dev] User Interface

2001-07-26 Thread Richard Guenther

On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, Paul Davis wrote:

 You can. Use --disable-gui and you'll get what you deserve.
 Heh. :) Thats not really an answer ...

  i *am* a luddite, and i don't like GNOME-dependent audio software either.
 Its certainly better to depend on wide spread GNOME than to depend on
 1000 unstable, nonpackaged, hard-to-compile, seperately distributed
 libs. Can you say adour?
 Well, obviously, we disagree about that.

Sure :)

[lots of libs deleted]
 If you have any suggestion on how to reduce the library set, or
 improve on the functionality offered by each part, or package Ardour
 for easier compilation, or whatever, I'd love to hear about it. And
 I'm not being sarcastic.

Include your custom libs into the ardour CVS / tarball. Or at least
provide a means to do a single ./configure  make.

 I don't dislike GNOME because its big. I dislike it because it doesn't

Err, perhaps people dont understand which part of GNOME GLAME is using
- GLAME solely uses libgnomeui libgnome and libgnomesupport, it doesnt
depend on using GNOME as desktop.

 seem to me to offer anything to the kind of programs we are writing.
 Can you point to the functionality that GNOME provides for glame?

libgnomeui provides the canvas widget which is very nice, and stuff
for common message/error dialogs. Also automated menu and toolbar

libgnome (or gnomesupport, dont know) provides a way to store application
config stuff, also I think the gnome help functionality is hooked there.


Richard Guenther [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The GLAME Project:

Re: [linux-audio-dev] User Interface

2001-07-26 Thread Paul Davis

 If you have any suggestion on how to reduce the library set, or
 improve on the functionality offered by each part, or package Ardour
 for easier compilation, or whatever, I'd love to hear about it. And
 I'm not being sarcastic.

Include your custom libs into the ardour CVS / tarball. Or at least
provide a means to do a single ./configure  make.

Well, that's very hard to do, because the complete step is really:

  ./configure  make  make install

because you can't build each library until the ones it depends upon
are built *and* installed. the only way around that is to build+link
against the uninstalled versions, which is potentially buggy after a
later install step is done.

however, the basic problem is that ardour is not the only application
that uses these libraries, and so they really are *not* part of
ardour. when other applications package libraries into their source
trees, they tend to used only by the application itself. i can't think
of a single application that comes with a library in its source tree
that is also used by another application. [ i know someone is going to
come up with an example now ]

the ardour-dev list has been over this many times, and in fact for a
while, the libraries were part of the source tree. this turned out to
be even more of a pain than having them outside, so i changed back

libgnomeui provides the canvas widget which is very nice, and stuff

agreed. its a delightful piece of work. thats why i use the backport,
GtkCanvas, which avoids all GNOME connectivity :) I like it even
more for that reason ...

for common message/error dialogs. Also automated menu and toolbar

Yeah, I've been highly critical of the GNOME people for putting these
things in GNOME and not GTK+ where they belong. Its partly politics
(they wanted to provide more reasons for people to use GNOME) and
partly development issues (GTK+ was under a feature freeze).

libgnome (or gnomesupport, dont know) provides a way to store application
config stuff, also I think the gnome help functionality is hooked there.

Once again, I am mostly critical of the GNOME people for building each
of these very useful things into a set of libraries whose dependencies
cannot be shrunk down from the complete suite of GNOME libraries. This
is part of the creaping featurism that until recently Linux was
relatively free of; these days, it seems you can't use a help library
without requiring XML parsers, CORBA support, libinet, gzip
compression, image drawing libraries and the rest.

The problem, of course, is that just like with my libraries, there
*is* a reason for all this inter-connectedness: functionality. And
this is a very difficult tradeoff. On the one hand, having a library
that works with text but also with XML-defined network-remote
compressed CORBA image objects is a very nice thing. But on the other
hand, it creates lots of headaches when the size of all the libraries
needed to build the web of dependencies is so large that upgrading is
not a simple matter. If the libraries within GNOME were all stable and
unchanging, or at least changing at the same rate as those from
XFree86 or even GTK+, it wouldn't be a problem. But as it is, trying
to do development of an application against a library base that
changes quite often is very difficult.

And I should know :)


Re: [linux-audio-dev] User Interface

2001-07-26 Thread Richard Guenther

On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, Paul Davis wrote:

  If you have any suggestion on how to reduce the library set, or
  improve on the functionality offered by each part, or package Ardour
  for easier compilation, or whatever, I'd love to hear about it. And
  I'm not being sarcastic.
 Include your custom libs into the ardour CVS / tarball. Or at least
 provide a means to do a single ./configure  make.
 Well, that's very hard to do, because the complete step is really:
   ./configure  make  make install
 because you can't build each library until the ones it depends upon
 are built *and* installed. the only way around that is to build+link
 against the uninstalled versions, which is potentially buggy after a
 later install step is done.
 however, the basic problem is that ardour is not the only application
 that uses these libraries, and so they really are *not* part of
 ardour. when other applications package libraries into their source
 trees, they tend to used only by the application itself. i can't think
 of a single application that comes with a library in its source tree
 that is also used by another application. [ i know someone is going to
 come up with an example now ]
 the ardour-dev list has been over this many times, and in fact for a
 while, the libraries were part of the source tree. this turned out to
 be even more of a pain than having them outside, so i changed back

Ok, it was just ranting about you blaming GLAME to use the GNOME libs...

 libgnomeui provides the canvas widget which is very nice, and stuff
 agreed. its a delightful piece of work. thats why i use the backport,
 GtkCanvas, which avoids all GNOME connectivity :) I like it even
 more for that reason ...

But - GtkCanvas is nowhere installed, yeah, we could include it in our
tree, but... its EASIER to depend on gnome for that.

 for common message/error dialogs. Also automated menu and toolbar
 Yeah, I've been highly critical of the GNOME people for putting these
 things in GNOME and not GTK+ where they belong.

Of course. But its not really a GNOME vs GTK+ but the lack of a standard
GTK+extra lib.

 Its partly politics
 (they wanted to provide more reasons for people to use GNOME) and
 partly development issues (GTK+ was under a feature freeze).

I dont think so.

 libgnome (or gnomesupport, dont know) provides a way to store application
 config stuff, also I think the gnome help functionality is hooked there.
 Once again, I am mostly critical of the GNOME people for building each
 of these very useful things into a set of libraries whose dependencies
 cannot be shrunk down from the complete suite of GNOME libraries. This
 is part of the creaping featurism that until recently Linux was
 relatively free of; these days, it seems you can't use a help library
 without requiring XML parsers, CORBA support, libinet, gzip
 compression, image drawing libraries and the rest.

Mostly annoying gnome-dev libs depend on installed esd development...
But today requiring GNOME (we're happy with 1.0 up to a CVS snapshot,
compatibility is not an issue) is not a problem at all as all
distributions ship with gnome libs, so basically before compiling
GLAME do an
apt-get install gnome-dev
rpm -i gnomed
(or whatever the names are). This is easier than going through your
6 homegrewn libs.

 The problem, of course, is that just like with my libraries, there
 *is* a reason for all this inter-connectedness: functionality. And
 this is a very difficult tradeoff. On the one hand, having a library
 that works with text but also with XML-defined network-remote
 compressed CORBA image objects is a very nice thing. But on the other
 hand, it creates lots of headaches when the size of all the libraries
 needed to build the web of dependencies is so large that upgrading is
 not a simple matter. If the libraries within GNOME were all stable and
 unchanging, or at least changing at the same rate as those from
 XFree86 or even GTK+, it wouldn't be a problem. But as it is, trying
 to do development of an application against a library base that
 changes quite often is very difficult.

Yes, so you dont develop against a moving target, but against the
stable version (we're not building against gtk2.0 f.i.) - or you at
least dont _depend_ on such libs, but only support them, if available
(like we do with certain alsa versions or liblameenc to mention two).


Richard Guenther [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The GLAME Project:

Re: [linux-audio-dev] User Interface

2001-07-26 Thread Richard Guenther

On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, Paul Davis wrote:

 ljp writes, in response to two criticisms of GNOME dependency:
 To me, music is more important than any library ideologies. I wouldn't give 
 a rats ass if software was made with QBASIC, as long as it compiles fairly 
 and then continues:
 (not alot of excessive library inclusion that I have to install 
 every libtom-libdick-and-libharry libs just to compile it- because there no 
 binaries available),
 which IMHO is precisely the problem with depending on GNOME ...

Err - for which part of GNOME or its dependencies are no binaries
available??? Paul, what are you smoking??? The above is precisely
the problem with adour which certainly doesnt depend on GNOME but
libraries for which no binaries are available...


Richard Guenther [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The GLAME Project:

Re: [linux-audio-dev] User Interface

2001-07-26 Thread Paul Davis

 Its partly politics
 (they wanted to provide more reasons for people to use GNOME) and
 partly development issues (GTK+ was under a feature freeze).

I dont think so.

This is not speculation on my part. I've been told so by people who
work on both GTK+ and GNOME for RH. 

apt-get install gnome-dev
rpm -i gnomed

Do you know how long this would take on my connection? About 35 times
as long as cvs -z3 update -dP  make clean  make all  make install.
Thats another reason I like CVS :)

 XFree86 or even GTK+, it wouldn't be a problem. But as it is, trying
 to do development of an application against a library base that
 changes quite often is very difficult.

Yes, so you dont develop against a moving target, but against the
stable version (we're not building against gtk2.0 f.i.) - or you at
least dont _depend_ on such libs, but only support them, if available
(like we do with certain alsa versions or liblameenc to mention two).

Well, even with GNOME, I've run into problems with applications in at
least two areas: imlib seems to change fairly regularly, and just as
regularly breaks applications that were doing funky things, and libxml
has also been subject to many bug fixes that periodically break
XML-using code. Thats why I prefer to tell people to get
libimlib-blah-blah and get libxml-foo-foo than install GNOME
because there's no way to know if they'll end up with the libxml that
doesn't properly list all child property nodes under some
circumstances or ...


Re: [linux-audio-dev] User Interface

2001-07-26 Thread Joe Pfeiffer

I don't dislike GNOME because its big. I dislike it because it doesn't

   Err, perhaps people dont understand which part of GNOME GLAME is using
   - GLAME solely uses libgnomeui libgnome and libgnomesupport, it doesnt
   depend on using GNOME as desktop.

I think that's a common confusion -- a lot of people seem to confuse
running a Gnome application with having to run a Gnome desktop, and it
just ain't the same at all.  The Gnome libs are under 100 MB, so it's
really not that big a deal.

seem to me to offer anything to the kind of programs we are writing.
Can you point to the functionality that GNOME provides for glame?

   libgnomeui provides the canvas widget which is very nice, and stuff
   for common message/error dialogs. Also automated menu and toolbar

   libgnome (or gnomesupport, dont know) provides a way to store application
   config stuff, also I think the gnome help functionality is hooked there.

Lots of very nice, easy to use stuff there.
Joseph J. Pfeiffer, Jr., Ph.D.   Phone -- (505) 646-1605
Department of Computer Science   FAX   -- (505) 646-1002
New Mexico State University

Re: [linux-audio-dev] User Interface

2001-07-26 Thread Paul Davis

Err - for which part of GNOME or its dependencies are no binaries
available??? Paul, what are you smoking??? The above is precisely
the problem with adour which certainly doesnt depend on GNOME but
libraries for which no binaries are available...

the words were:

 (not alot of excessive library inclusion that I have to install 
 every libtom-libdick-and-libharry libs just to compile it- because there no
 binaries available),

which i read as saying i have to install a bunch of libraries because
i have to compile an application and i have to compile the application
because the author does not make binaries available.

this is true of ANY application that is not distributed as a
statically-linked binary. 


Re: [linux-audio-dev] User Interface

2001-07-26 Thread Richard Guenther

On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, Paul Davis wrote:

 Err - for which part of GNOME or its dependencies are no binaries
 available??? Paul, what are you smoking??? The above is precisely
 the problem with adour which certainly doesnt depend on GNOME but
 libraries for which no binaries are available...
 the words were:
  (not alot of excessive library inclusion that I have to install 
  every libtom-libdick-and-libharry libs just to compile it- because there no
  binaries available),
 which i read as saying i have to install a bunch of libraries because
 i have to compile an application and i have to compile the application
 because the author does not make binaries available.
 this is true of ANY application that is not distributed as a
 statically-linked binary. 

Dynamically linked usually suffices. GLAME 0.4.2 is available as binary
debian package in the unstable distribution, its also included in the
mandrake distribution. I dont know about other distribution, nor if
someone makes GLAME 0.5.2 binary packages available.


Richard Guenther [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The GLAME Project:

Re: [linux-audio-dev] User Interface

2001-07-26 Thread ljp

7/26/2001 19:59:58, Paul Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

ljp writes, in response to two criticisms of GNOME dependency:

To me, music is more important than any library ideologies. I wouldn't give 
a rats ass if software was made with QBASIC, as long as it compiles fairly 

and then continues:

(not alot of excessive library inclusion that I have to install 
every libtom-libdick-and-libharry libs just to compile it- because there no 
binaries available),

which IMHO is precisely the problem with depending on GNOME ...

True, but I suppose ardour is any better? I want to try ardour, but gave up trying to 
compile it? WHY? Because the libraries you use are 1) obscure and 
hard to locate 2) there's at least one library that you have (had?)  ONLY cvs access 
to, making it for developers only. 3) I'd rather use something that allows 
me to record music rather than compiling/installing several, several unstable 
libraries to get it to even compile, much less link correctly.
I simply gave up on it. Besides, I can go download Cubase and be recording in about 5 
minutes. No compiling needed. No searching for obscure unstable 
libraries to compile, which in turn often require installing OTHER libraries. 
Granted gnome is like that also. but ardour is worse in that aspect. It's like a pot 
calling the kettle black.
I'm not disparging all the work you do. As a developer myself, I know that you put 
alot of time into the code, and I respect you for that. In fact, I'd love to try 
ardour out. I bought an rme card because of linux drivers. But it's the library 

One thing that would help, is on the ardour web page (I haven't checked out the web 
page lately- sorry) , have links to all the libraries needed. Much better 
than finding out during ./configure and having to do a google search for them, one by 
one when it fails to configure. I hate that. Gnome is like that also.
or even better, links to any binaries that the dist's. might have available.


Re: [linux-audio-dev] User Interface

2001-07-26 Thread Paul Davis

If your connection is limited, use a CD set - GLAME doesnt require
up to date versions of any lib it depends on.

GLAME might not, but other applications that use part of the GNOME lib
set do. So if I install GNOME from a CD, and then find that another
GNOME app wants a later version, I'm stuck and I invariably need to
download the entire thing. I spent almost an entire night once (mostly
because of rpm's deficiecies, its true) tracking down all the changes
that rippled out from a simple upgrade to one of the GNOME libs.

Imlib is broken. Dont use it.

I don't, but I have apps on my system that do. And when they cease to
work with the imlib I have or the one I just updated to ...

Well - you get bugreports, you fix your code. Its bad to require
libxml-1.8.7-3 and nothing else - just fix your code to work with
any known libxml.

The problem is, I don't use libxml, I use libxml++. The bugs in libxml
propagate into libxml, but in different forms depending on the bug and
the versions of libxml/libxml++. In addition, libxml++'s developer has
done a BAD thing and changed API's without changing major version
numbers. This, needless to say, makes everything even worse. 

My options: I could do the Windows thing: every app comes with its own
set of DLL's (though they are versioned, so we stand more chance of
avoiding DLL-hell, but its not guaranteed), which are installed along
with the app.

Or I can work with what's out there, as best as possible. The world of
libraries that we are using is far from perfect, and all kinds of
stupid problems are going to arise from time to time. The GNOME folks
are doing a good job considering the size of their endeavour, but its
precisely that size (and scope) of it that keeps me away from using
any part of it unless i can do so as a standalone library (libxml is
one example of such a thing).


Re: [linux-audio-dev] User Interface

2001-07-26 Thread Paul Davis

  (not alot of excessive library inclusion that I have to install 
  every libtom-libdick-and-libharry libs just to compile it- because there
  binaries available),
 which i read as saying i have to install a bunch of libraries because
 i have to compile an application and i have to compile the application
 because the author does not make binaries available.
 this is true of ANY application that is not distributed as a
 statically-linked binary. 

Dynamically linked usually suffices.

You still have to *install* the libraries used by the
application. Thats all I meant, and it was what I read the complaint
as being all about. Installing libraries is always necessary without
static linking. The fact that many people have some version of the
GNOME libs hanging around doesn't change that requirement, it just
happens to be pre-fulfilled.


[linux-audio-dev] LAAGA name

2001-07-26 Thread Paul Davis

would it be too dreadfully obnoxious and steinberg sniping to rename
LAAGA as FreeWire ? 

Re: [linux-audio-dev] User Interface

2001-07-26 Thread Paul Davis

True, but I suppose ardour is any better? 

No, Ardour is not better. However, the set of libraries on which it
depends is smaller than GNOME.

  I want to try ardour, but gave up tr
ying to compile it? WHY? Because the libraries you use are 1) obscure and 
hard to locate 2) there's at least one library that you have (had?)  ONLY cvs 
access to, making it for developers only. 

It *is* for developers only at this point. I've never tried to make
any other claim.

3) I'd rather use something that all ows me to record music rather
than compiling/installing several, several unstable libraries to get
it to even compile, much less link correctly.  I simply gave up on
it. Besides, I can go download Cubase and be recording in about 5
minutes. No compiling needed. No searching for obscure unstable
libraries to compile, which in turn often require installing OTHER

Excellent. Then use Cubase. Its a very good program. If it ran on
Linux and came with source code, I would never have started working on
Ardour but would have spent my time improving Cubase.

I'm not disparging all the work you do. As a developer myself, I know
that you put alot of time into the code, and I respect you for
that. In fact, I'd love to try ardour out. I bought an rme card
because of linux drivers. But it's the librar y thang.

As pointed out earlier, there are a total of about 22 libraries that
ardour needs that you *might* not find on any regular X-equipped linux
system. Of these, 13 are stable 3rd party libraries, most of them part
of the GTK+/Gtk-- constellation, and all available as binaries.

So if you have Gtk-- properly installed, you've just got 4 additional
stable libraries to install (art_lgpl, gtk-canvas, guile, gdbm).

Then there is libsndfile, which Erik hasn't been working on much
recently, and so even though its not finished it could be considered

Then there are 5 of my own libraries that are moderately unstable,
plus alsa-lib (hah!) plus libardour itself.

Why don't I make my libraries available as RPMs or debian packages?
Because I have better things to do with my development time than
rebuilding, reuploading, re-doing a web page every time I fix a bug in
a library. Thats why Ardour is currently a developer only system, and
its why I use CVS, because I assume that developers will be happy
using CVS because of the ease and low cost of updating it provides.

That said, there have been very, very few changes in 4 of the 5 of my
libraries in the last 6 months, which may be a sign that its time to
make them available as RPMs and debian packages.

libardour won't be available as an RPM or whatever for quite some
time, since it is often revised several times a day.

One thing that would help, is on the ardour web page (I haven't
checked out th e web page lately- sorry) , have links to all the
libraries needed. Much bette

the requirements page already did this, and i just updated it to
include a couple of new links and to revise the old ones.

or even better, links to any binaries that the dist's. might have available.

its proven *extremely* problematic to use binaries of C++
libraries. C++ is much more susceptible than C to compile-time
conditions. in addition, the dists have become increasingly
incompatible due to compiler/library issues, and furthermore, they
include code changes that are not in the original source ball, making
it more difficult for me to track bug reports accurately.


Re: [linux-audio-dev] what's wrong with glame

2001-07-26 Thread delire

 So if we pop up the waveeditor right away you would be happy?

ohhh yes ; )

and as for all that's below - look great so far - richards comments earlier
seemed clear-headed also. you guys already know this stuff! i'll pick
through it all and get back to you tommorrow.


  And the waveform view is nothing to smile about - black and white is a
  choice of rendering. High contrast schemes like this make a 10 hour
  in the editor a strain, though the wearing of sunglasses indoors is
  particular to this field.

 Agreed :)

  At this stage I realise that I loaded the wrong file[s], to get rid of
  from the project list i have to [delete] [as opposed to the inuitive,
  'close'] and then 'empty the
  trash' [what trash? and why should i [?] - implying that i have the
  to revoke my decision once it's in the trash].

 Thats actually a new feature because I delete some samples I made
 accidentially before I saved them. But this could be made configurable in
 the preferences menu.
 Or a popup Really delete file? But that last option IMHO suxx.

  I find that there aren't even samples, rms, or 'beats' as alternative
  schemes - many other media packages require these time scalings for sync
  up - in this way glame further rarifies it's position as a

 Ok that goes hand in hand with the still bad wavewidget which lacks
 support for all that stuff.

  There needs to be an option for resampling file in conjunction with
  eg: 48khz / 24bit  22.05khz / 8bit. preferably with dithering and
  noise-shaping in order to maintain the integrity of the signal.
  this would enable the multimedia community to use glame for web and
  without fscking around in other apps.

 Actually you can resample with rather good quality. But you have to setup
 a network for that purpose. Just stream the audio into FFT-FFT_RESAMPLE-
 IFFT. IMHO the quality is better than sox with polyphase resampling which
 produces glitches.
 Saving with other resolution than 16bit would go into exporting features.

  [looks like a recycle symbol] that I assumed probably meant 'loop' -
  strangely means 'view all'. I couldn't and still can't find how to loop
on a
  selection in glame...

 You can't :(

  I can't do it in either install of glame. For this reason i can't really
  it at all. Similarly all editors have a key-bind for play and stop!!!
  doesn't glame??

 hmm, ok, you'll find the default keybindings in default-accels. On the
 other hand it should be easy to add keybindings for that stuff. Are you
 on glame-users yet?

  enough i have to then hit a second play button in a strange play control
  that pops up!!! That i found really frustrating.

 Yupp :) It is.

  representation of commonly expected envelope based amplitude fade, with
  presets for bell, curved and the requisite attack/decay.

 Ok, if you can explain to me in detail how that fader should look like
 I happily extend it.

  useless. The worst case here is 'volume adjust', which uses [instead of
  'dB', or 'percent'!!] 'factor' whatever that is. Here information is use
  with confidence.

 True, what do you like better, dB or percent or both? Factor is just the
 multiplication factor. So 1.5 = 50% increase.

 Ok thanks, you're the first to actually give some decent feedback. Without
 that we just don't know what's missing, what people want. And I haven't
 used all those windows software on a regular basis.

Re: [linux-audio-dev] what's wrong with glame

2001-07-26 Thread delire

- Original Message -
From: Paul Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 26 July 2001 11:29
Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] what's wrong with glame

 I'm not the obvious person to define GLAME, but:

 The idea of a 'project' is a nice approach - but it tends to assume that
 is about to embark on something of a large scale. In other environments
 is also called the session - which is an option only if you want to save
 global setting as applied specifically to your work, or an arrangement,
 in cool edit pro [windows].
 Often however i don't want to make a project, so much as quickly edit a
 wave. Most desktop studios are engaged in editing samples every few
 during a normal day. This is where glame really struggles to be useful.

 This is where almost all multitrack-capable systems tend to fall
 over. Its very common to see people use ProTools *and* a wave editor
 like soundforge or Cool Edit Pro. The multitrack systems are just
 that: tools for recording, playing, arranging multitrack
 recordings. If you want a wave editor then you either have to:

   1) use a dedicated wave editor
   2) find the wave editor *within* the multitrack system

 Thats not to say that (2) shouldn't be easy, and that editor shouldn't
 be good. But its very likely that you would still continue using a
 dedicated external editor even if the one inside the MT system was
 pretty usable.

sometime this is the case, but as i may have indicated, this is dispreferred
in the ends of efficiency. the all in one studio, though more ambitious, is
a lovely thing to drive. however you are right, one becomes habitually
addicted to a good editor, and will often be used independently of the
multitrack studio as a result.

 You're also missing out on a crucial distinction between editing
 music, which is mostly a matter of *arranging* existing audio, and
 editing wavefiles, which is concerned with the itty-bitty details of
 samples and so forth. A tool (possibly within-a-tool) that is well
 suited for the first of these is likely to be not well suited to the
 second, and vice versa. I think you know this, but its a distinction
 that hasn't even been obvious to date in any Linux audio software
 (except perhaps in MusE and Jazz, neither of which have good audio

not at all, both of which were being actively considered in my notes. i
think the arranging of music [in the sense of orchestration] is better left
to the Logic / Cubase / Pro-Tools strain of apps - eg MIDI + sequencer,
with a notation layer for portable arrangement.
glame however has the possibility to be a powerful editor if only it had an
better GUI and *some* support for the fundamental need of bumping down
tracks. if not, it is stuck as a rarified filter-chainer with entry level
editor. glame however has the capacity to satisfy both the pre and post
production requirements of projects in MusE and Jazz [for instance].


_ / a - b, b -c, a - d, d - c ...and so on...\ _

Re: [linux-audio-dev] what's wrong with glame

2001-07-26 Thread Richard Dobson

(bearing in mind I haven't installed, much less used, GLAME, or
anything, yet...)

Alexander Ehlert wrote:

 Yeah, hmm, that's just naming. We could add something called open in the
 menu which creates a group with the wavfile in it. But, importing it makes
 sense because we convert everything to float internally to allow for high
 quality dsp. So you have to import and export it. But that's not really
 an issue compared to open/close, it's just getting used to it. Ok, I have
 to admit that the file importing(opening) gui is rather bad. But I wasn't
 motivated yet to change that.

I think this is a semantic misunderstanding.

All the ~multi-track~ programs I have had experience of (Cubase, Cool
Edit Pro, and most recently, cakewalk SONAR) use the semantic 'Import',
for a simple reason - in a multi-track project, you have N tracks, and
any soundfile must be 'imported' to one of these (You may indeed need to
select a track before 'Import' becomes active). Cool Edit Pro has a nice
feature in that if you right-click in a track, the File menu appears
with Import, and the file is inserted at the cursor point. In a plain
stereo wave-editor, there is by definition only one track, so 'Import'
is unnecessary, and 'Open' is more idiomatic.  

At least in Windows and the Mac, the File-Open command is always
understood to relate to the main file associated with the project (the
file you might double-click on from Windows Explorer); this would for
most users be a Session, Project, name-it-what-you-will. Double-clicking
on a soundfile name would be expected to play it using the default
player. However, at least under Windows, you can change a file
association so that selecting a soundfile opens it in your preferred
application (assuming it can accept the file in that way). This merely
requires a 'multi-document' capability where the command-line passed to
the program can contain the name of either a Project or a SoundFile (or
a MIDI file, or...), and either can be opened. 

SONAR cannot do this (for the above reason - where would it go?), but
Cool Edit Pro can, possibly uniquely, because it implements two parallel
modes - multi-track project, and single-track editor mode.

Interpreting 'Import' as format conversion is, IMO, a typical
programmer's tinted spin on how the user thinks, or, rather, doesn't
want to have to think. After all, you don't 'Import' a Word document
into a word processor because it happens to be converted to Unicode,say,
internally. The user, generally, couldn't care less about internal
representation. They will only want to know that the highest audio
quality is maintained internally (however that's done - 32bit ints?
doubles? quads?), and they will sometimes want to 'Save As' a different
format, or explicitly do a Format Conversion as some programs require
you to do - which even I find a complete pain in the A.

Designing User Interfaces is a real challenge, not merely from an
implementation point of view (all those debates about libraries!), but
literally from a design, i.e. HCI, point of view. Certain procedures
become de-facto standard, and a developer takes a great risk in changing
this; on the other hand if the change very clearly leads to an increase
in intuitiveness and efficiency for the user, they will generally accept
it after a moment to re-orient. Nevertheless, there is a simple HCI
measure of efficiency for the user, which is to find the number of
discrete steps the user must perform to achive any specific operation,
and, wherever possible, ensure that the most frequently performed tasks
(which may be the most argued-over parameter, of course) require the
least number of steps. A sub-menu requires at least four, possibly  five

 Menu--scroll-to-Item--(Click-item--)scroll down submenu--click

Of course a keyboard shortcut can be used, but you have to know what it
is first, and preferably not requring three or four keypresses; so this
can conflict with the goal of a shallow learning curve (emacs being the
prime culprit/hero here, as was, in days of yore, WordStar). Given the
WIMP paradigm, it follows that a design that allows both projects, and
soundfiles, to be opened with one mouse-click (!), is the Holy Grail. 

Good Luck!

Richard Dobson


Test your DAW with my Soundcard Attrition Page! (LU: 3rd July 2000)
CDP: (LU: 23rd February 2000)

Re: [linux-audio-dev] User Interface

2001-07-26 Thread Patrick Shirkey

My reason is that there are so many editors to chose from I can only
really be bothered with contributing to 3 of them seriously.

Everyone is trying to do almost exactly the same thing so I have looked
around and chosen three (arbitrarily) that I like the most.

I have given up fighting the fact that I will have to write the same
thing over and over again while I'm contributing to Linux audio. So at
this stage I have to budget my energy. I just can't see much point in
reading and understanding the code for 10 or 20 competing editors when
IMO all those resources should be invested in one or two competing
editors (maybe three).

We just don't have the numbers of people contributing to justify such
fractured development.

Have the Glamers bothered to install ardour yet? What about sweep? Or

I just spent the past two days getting all the editors I could find and
testing them out. All I wanted was to cut some fluff off a medium sized
stereo file. The only one I could use is Audacity because it was the
only one I could fully install that would actually save a large file
(even then it was from cvs). Now I would like to put some Ladspa effects
on the file but find if I do it in Audacity then I have to write the
code myself. I'm struck by the futility of doing this for yet another
sound editor because if i could use glame, sweep, ardour, ecasound,
other editor that has LADSPA support, then I wouldn't have to spend my
energy on implementing the same code again. I also note that by the time
I finish writing said code I'll probably be able to use one of the other
apps to do what I want anyway.

At the moment we have so many competing ways of doing the same thing but
hardly any of it is entirely useful. If we just combined all the ideas
into the same editor then we would get a lot more progress. I'm sure we
are capable of making it so that the gui can be extended in any way.

To put it bluntly. LAD make a mockery of the idea of lazy hackers.
Everyone is trying to do the same thing over and over and over and.

Patrick Shirkey - Manager Boost Hardware.
Importing Korean Computer Hardware to New Zealand.
Http:// - Cool toys to fufill every geeks fantasy.

Re: [linux-audio-dev] patch for ll and 2.4.7

2001-07-26 Thread Patrick Shirkey

Can someone provide details for how to make the patch for the low 
latency kernel please? 

you don't *make* a patch unless you're a kernel hacker. 
you can get Andrew Morton's patch(es) from somewhere under: 

you apply it like any other kernel patch: 

cd /usr/src 
patch -p0  thispatch 

then rebuild your kernel. 

Maybe I should have asked if anyone is going to make the LL patch for

Patrick Shirkey - Manager Boost Hardware.
Importing Korean Computer Hardware to New Zealand.
Http:// - Cool toys to fufill every geeks fantasy.

Re: [linux-audio-dev] what's wrong with glame

2001-07-26 Thread Paul Davis

All the ~multi-track~ programs I have had experience of (Cubase, Cool
Edit Pro, and most recently, cakewalk SONAR) use the semantic 'Import',
for a simple reason - in a multi-track project, you have N tracks, and
any soundfile must be 'imported' to one of these (You may indeed need to
select a track before 'Import' becomes active). Cool Edit Pro has a nice
feature in that if you right-click in a track, the File menu appears
with Import, and the file is inserted at the cursor point.

Yes, ardour uses right click on track-Menu-Insert-Audio
File. this pops up a database of audio files. you click on the one
you want, and its inserted at the insertion cursor location for that
track. current support is for mono audio files only (since tracks are

You could use the same Menu to insert the Selection, Cut Buffer,
Region or a few other items.

Interpreting 'Import' as format conversion is, IMO, a typical
programmer's tinted spin on how the user thinks, or, rather, doesn't
want to have to think. After all, you don't 'Import' a Word document
into a word processor because it happens to be converted to Unicode,say,

yes, thats why I prefer the word insert to import.

Of course a keyboard shortcut can be used, but you have to know what it
is first, and preferably not requring three or four keypresses; so this
can conflict with the goal of a shallow learning curve (emacs being the

who said a shallow learning curve was a goal?


Re: [linux-audio-dev] User Interface

2001-07-26 Thread Paul Davis

To put it bluntly. LAD make a mockery of the idea of lazy hackers.
Everyone is trying to do the same thing over and over and over and.

yeah, just like soundforge and cool edit pro and cakewalk and logic
 and cubase and samplitude and session and protools and bias peak
 and digital performer and ... the same thing over and over and over ...

Patience. The cream rises to the top. Its just takes time.

Also, we're not all trying to do the same thing over and over and


Re: [linux-audio-dev] User Interface

2001-07-26 Thread ljp

7/26/2001 23:30:38, Paul Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Why don't I make my libraries available as RPMs or debian packages?
Because I have better things to do with my development time than
rebuilding, reuploading, re-doing a web page every time I fix a bug in
a library. Thats why Ardour is currently a developer only system, and
its why I use CVS, because I assume that developers will be happy
using CVS because of the ease and low cost of updating it provides.

Ya, I hear you there. I totally understand. I still want to try ardour, but I have 
better things to do than hunt down/install all the libs required.
Like keep my OWN applications up to date.

the requirements page already did this, and i just updated it to
include a couple of new links and to revise the old ones.

or even better, links to any binaries that the dist's. might have available.

its proven *extremely* problematic to use binaries of C++
libraries. C++ is much more susceptible than C to compile-time
conditions. in addition, the dists have become increasingly
incompatible due to compiler/library issues, and furthermore, they
include code changes that are not in the original source ball, making
it more difficult for me to track bug reports accurately.

Tell me about it. It seems if a developer DOES want to provide binaries, you have to 
have several of the different dist's on your own system. Even different 
versions of the dists, and compile a binary for each of the distributions.That's one 
thing I don't like about many of them- they install libraries in different 
places other than the maintainers tar balls. I have gotten to the point where if/when 
I install a dist, I forget about installing anything X, or dev from them, and 
just install from tarballs.

I guess thats a unix tradition, having several different incompatible distributions 
available. I was hoping linux could overcome this, but it isn't happening.


Re: [linux-audio-dev] LAAGA name

2001-07-26 Thread Steve Harris

On Thu, Jul 26, 2001 at 11:38:12AM -0400, Paul Davis wrote:
 would it be too dreadfully obnoxious and steinberg sniping to rename
 LAAGA as FreeWire ? 


FreeWire sounds much more like a thing for freely wireing together free audio
apps in a free way. has gone, hasn't.

There are allready lots of things called FreeWire (bands, isps etc.),
Laaga appears to be a Hindu word, but appart from that there the only hits
on google are linux audio related.

FreeWire may piss off Steinberg, while this may be and end in itsself,
look what happend to Killustrator. I'm not too hot on trademark laws, but
they definatly frown on that sort of thing.

FreeWire sounds vaguely like drugs reference, LAAGA sounds like a Beer
reference ;)

Pretty 50/50 imho.

- Steve

Re: [linux-audio-dev] what's wrong with glame

2001-07-26 Thread Juhana Sadeharju

Actually you can resample with rather good quality. But you have to setup
a network for that purpose. Just stream the audio into FFT-FFT_RESAMPLE-
IFFT. IMHO the quality is better than sox with polyphase resampling which
produces glitches.

What exactly is the algorithm? Does it do a good job? How have you
tested it?

I'm in progress of implementing a resampler, and would like to
know if any existing really work. Julius O. Smith has resampler but
it may work for 16-bit audio only. SonicFlow has a resampler too,
but I don't know details of it.


As what comes to various wave editors: it could be better to start
turning Glame's wave editor, Sweep and Audacity(?) to a SoundForge
clone because SoundForge has a quite good user interface. I understand
you have your own ideas of how the editor should look like but as
written here, they cannot be used if they are different from standards.

When all three are looking like SoundForge, they could be fused
together much better. But it really is not necessary.

Anyway, when we have a standard looking editor, it is easier to
improve it further. It doesn't make sense to improve an editor
which is practically unusable. Yes, SoundForge is not perfect
either: I have a very hard time to perform such a simple operation
than to extract selections of audio from larger files. It is next to
impossible (but, of course, it is possible from engineer's perpective;
not enough for artist!). However, I have a right tool for the task.  ;-)

I have a list of problems in SoundForge and would like to share it
with you when we have a standard looking editor.

Best regards,


Re: [linux-audio-dev] LAAGA name

2001-07-26 Thread Steve Harris

On Thu, Jul 26, 2001 at 02:54:49PM -0400, Paul Davis wrote:
 FreeWire sounds vaguely like drugs reference, LAAGA sounds like a Beer
 reference ;)
 Only to wideboys and Cortina Mk.III drivers who holiday on the costa
 del sol, mate :)

You mean its possible to drive a Cortina and not be a wideboy? I think
they throw you out of the union for that. All forign beer is just poncy
lager anyway ;)

 Pretty 50/50 imho.
 Yeah, I'm not terribly hot on it. Somehow though, ReWire, CoreAudio
 and others just sound, uh, more appealing. But then maybe thats the
 native english speaker in me dominating too much. The hindu glue
 connection is very appealing.

It is a shame that the name doesn't imply audio-ness or wiring-ness or ...,
I've been thinking of alternatives, but they all sound cheesey, stupid, or
are even more obscure than Laaga.

- Steve

Re: [linux-audio-dev] what's wrong with glame

2001-07-26 Thread Patrick Shirkey

Richard Dobson said:

and, wherever possible, ensure that the most frequently performed tasks 
(which may be the most argued-over parameter, of course) require the 
least number of steps. A sub-menu requires at least four, possibly five 

How difficult would it be to add a statistical analysis function to the
program which tracks the most used menu items and organises them into a
seperate menu specifically for the most used items?

Patrick Shirkey - Manager Boost Hardware.
Importing Korean Computer Hardware to New Zealand.
Http:// - Cool toys to fufill every geeks fantasy.

RRe: [linux-audio-dev] LAAGA name

2001-07-26 Thread Patrick Shirkey

I thought it worked quite well.

LADs n their LAAGA.

Sounds right manly dunnit!

Patrick Shirkey - Manager Boost Hardware.
Importing Korean Computer Hardware to New Zealand.
Http:// - Cool toys to fufill every geeks fantasy.

Re: [linux-audio-dev] LAAGA name

2001-07-26 Thread Richard C. Burnett

Ok, throwing out ideas in the air:

Not Another Wire (NAW) :) (Hook your DAW with NAW)

I can make more :)


On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, Paul Davis wrote:

 FreeWire sounds vaguely like drugs reference, LAAGA sounds like a Beer
 reference ;)
 Only to wideboys and Cortina Mk.III drivers who holiday on the costa
 del sol, mate :)
 Pretty 50/50 imho.
 Yeah, I'm not terribly hot on it. Somehow though, ReWire, CoreAudio
 and others just sound, uh, more appealing. But then maybe thats the
 native english speaker in me dominating too much. The hindu glue
 connection is very appealing.

|  T a l i t y   |  +--+ |
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Re: [linux-audio-dev] User Interface

2001-07-26 Thread Patrick Shirkey

Paul Davis said:

To put it bluntly. LAD make a mockery of the idea of lazy hackers. 
Everyone is trying to do the same thing over and over and over and. 

 yeah, just like soundforge and cool edit pro and cakewalk and logic 
 and cubase and samplitude and session and protools and bias peak 
 and digital performer and ... the same thing over and over and over ... 

Patience. The cream rises to the top. Its just takes time. 

Also, we're not all trying to do the same thing over and over and 

Yeh but this isn't doze or mac world. The only reason there is such a
proliferation of stuff on those other platforms is because they sell it.
We don't so why do we have so much competition? AFAIK we are the ones
who aren't in it for the money. Not that money is evil or anything or
even if it is evil that it is bad or anything.

Linux is a community and the people designing the sound editors are not
really cooperating on that level at the mo. It feels like that is
passing though.

I say this because otherwise I would see the names on ladspa on a lot
more mailing lists to do with Linux editors but that isn't happening
very much, yet.

If you're not a part of the solution you're a part of the problem.

Tell me I'm preaching to the converted ;-]

Patrick Shirkey - Manager Boost Hardware.
Importing Korean Computer Hardware to New Zealand.
Http:// - Cool toys to fufill every geeks fantasy.

Re: [linux-audio-dev] User Interface

2001-07-26 Thread Stefan Nitschke

 its proven *extremely* problematic to use binaries of C++
 libraries. C++ is much more susceptible than C to compile-time
 conditions. in addition, the dists have become increasingly
 incompatible due to compiler/library issues, and furthermore, they

You can link a static version of the C++ lib to your app to get rid of this 
C++ specific lib prob...

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Re: [linux-audio-dev] what's wrong with glame

2001-07-26 Thread Richard Dobson

Paul Davis wrote:

 who said a shallow learning curve was a goal?

In a word - users!  A shallow learning curve exists where, primarily, a
user can open an application specified to perform a specific set of
tasks (e.g a soundfile editor, a word processor), and does not have to
read the manual, in order to start using it. The program is
self-documenting - the function names are expressive, toolbar buttons,
if used, identify their functions clearly (hence, ToolTips, status-bar
explanations). You should not, in most cases, have to use something in
order to find out what it does. Where de facto conventions exist for
some operations (such as mouse drag to select a region), they are
implemented, even if the developer has thought up some wizard-prang new
fancy way of dong this that he undestands but the user has no clue
about). When a user complained that an audio program I had written
didn't allow 'Play' to be controlled with the space bar (all programs
do that!), I learned this lesson myself.

Error messages are presented in plain English, and do no merely say
Error or You can't do that, but offer a reasonable suggestion of
what you could do. The program itself guides the user into its more
obscure areas.

Now I am well aware that Linux/unix inherits and gleefully preserves a
aura of obscurantism, with requests (often none too polite!) to RTFM at
every turn, but often the FM is incomprehensible unless you already know
what it means, and often the FM doesn't exist anyway. Where
documentation does exist, it often says things like to un-mitigate the
interface manifold bi-furcation, de-synchronize the positronic
lambdoma. Fistly, it assumes you know how to do the latter, and
secondly, it assumes you know ~why~ you would want to do the former in
the first place. 

I could go on; you get the idea. 

Failing the shallow learning curve is not a problem confined to Linux,
of course, but Linux does rather seem to specialize in it.

Someone (I genuinely forget who) recently posted a mesasge to this list
saying I don't care about users, except contributing users, where the
clear meaning was that by this was meant erudite users who were probably
also programmers.

I rest my case...

Richard Dobson

Test your DAW with my Soundcard Attrition Page! (LU: 3rd July 2000)
CDP: (LU: 23rd February 2000)

Re: [linux-audio-dev] LAAGA name

2001-07-26 Thread Taybin Rutkin

On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, Paul Davis wrote:

 Only to wideboys and Cortina Mk.III drivers who holiday on the costa
 del sol, mate :)

I have no idea what the above means.

 Yeah, I'm not terribly hot on it. Somehow though, ReWire, CoreAudio

FreeWire is cute.  I bet it would get annoying fast.  Also makes it
sound like you're playing catch up with ReWire.  Or reimplementing it.
CoreAudio sounds like a PR tech word.

 and others just sound, uh, more appealing. But then maybe thats the
 native english speaker in me dominating too much. The hindu glue
 connection is very appealing.

Let's Also Architect Glue Applications

I bet you could come up with a more pronouncible acronym.


Re: [linux-audio-dev] LAAGA name

2001-07-26 Thread thanigai mani

i want to unsubscribe from the mailing list pls help me

thanigai mani
1-415-430-2180 x1043 - voicemail/fax

 Steve Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 26, 2001 at 11:38:12AM -0400, Paul Davis wrote:
  would it be too dreadfully obnoxious and steinberg sniping to rename
  LAAGA as FreeWire ? 
 FreeWire sounds much more like a thing for freely wireing together
 free audio
 apps in a free way. has gone, hasn't.
 There are allready lots of things called FreeWire (bands, isps etc.),
 Laaga appears to be a Hindu word, but appart from that there the only
 on google are linux audio related.
 FreeWire may piss off Steinberg, while this may be and end in itsself,
 look what happend to Killustrator. I'm not too hot on trademark laws,
 they definatly frown on that sort of thing.
 FreeWire sounds vaguely like drugs reference, LAAGA sounds like a Beer
 reference ;)
 Pretty 50/50 imho.
 - Steve

FREE voicemail, email, and fax...all in one place.
Sign Up Now!

RE: [linux-audio-dev] what's wrong with glame

2001-07-26 Thread STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI)

  yes! instead of rigid menus or menus with last N open files etc. there
should be a menu re-arranging functionality that changes parts of the menu
so that the most often used functions are easy to access. For one-prupose
application that's already done, sort of, by designing the menu according
the common usage but for more complex apps that can be used in many ways
(e.g. start/root menu in window manager) it would be really nice to have the
menu changed according to your usage of the menu (since there is no good

  it should be able to remember how many times you use the menu items and
have some sort of frgetting mechanism. I was thinking about implementing
something like that for fvwm (in debian (almost) all X apps and lot of text
mode apps have menu entries in pre-defined category so I was thinking about
putting the most often used ones into top level menu...

  there an interesting user interface used for one of the midi apps, forgot
the name, where you can rearrange all the menus, pin the menus or individual
buttons to workarea etc... it might be interesting to have something like
that in gnome or kde (qt, gtk) or other toolkits...


Time flies like an arrow
but fruit flies like a banana... 

 -Original Message-
 From: Patrick Shirkey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 12:54 PM
 Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] what's wrong with glame
 Richard Dobson said:
 and, wherever possible, ensure that the most frequently 
 performed tasks 
 (which may be the most argued-over parameter, of course) require the 
 least number of steps. A sub-menu requires at least four, 
 possibly five 
 How difficult would it be to add a statistical analysis 
 function to the
 program which tracks the most used menu items and organises 
 them into a
 seperate menu specifically for the most used items?
 Patrick Shirkey - Manager Boost Hardware.
 Importing Korean Computer Hardware to New Zealand.
 Http:// - Cool toys to fufill every 
 geeks fantasy.

Re: [linux-audio-dev] LAAGA name

2001-07-26 Thread Paul Davis

I think everybody would expect FreeWire to be fully portable to other OSes
than linux then. Is it the case? (I'm talking about the API, not the actual

indeed it is. 


Re: [linux-audio-dev] User Interface

2001-07-26 Thread Paul Davis

Yeh but this isn't doze or mac world. The only reason there is such a
proliferation of stuff on those other platforms is because they sell it.
We don't so why do we have so much competition? AFAIK we are the ones
who aren't in it for the money. Not that money is evil or anything or
even if it is evil that it is bad or anything.

Linux is a community and the people designing the sound editors are not
really cooperating on that level at the mo. It feels like that is
passing though.

As you have seen, even just today, we don't all agree on the right way
to do things. Thats true of internals and user interfaces. And because
this a free community, we're not wasting (much) time trying to force
or convince each other that i'm right, you're wrong. Instead, we
each get on with our own approaches to things, and you guys who are
not developers get to enjoy and/or despise the results.

I mean, sure, I'd love it if Richard, Alex and the other GLAME guys
realized how vastly superior Ardour was to GLAME in every way, and
immediately gave up their development efforts so they could help me
out. Not to mention Werner recognizing the absolute incoherent
stupidity of having used Qt, and deciding to merge all of MusE into
Ardour via Gtk--. On the other hand, me, stop what I'm doing ? Are you
kidding ?  :)


ps. i trust my tongue-firmly-in-cheek tone comes across adequately to
non-native-english speakers on the list.

Re: [linux-audio-dev] LAAGA name

2001-07-26 Thread Benno Senoner

Sounds good, certainly more marketable than LAAGA

(which reminds me lago which in italian means lake)


On Thursday 26 July 2001 17:38, you wrote:
 would it be too dreadfully obnoxious and steinberg sniping to rename
 LAAGA as FreeWire ?

Re: [linux-audio-dev] User Interface

2001-07-26 Thread Paul Winkler

ljp wrote:
 At 22:04 7/25/2001 -0400, Paul Davis wrote:
 Paul Winkler writes:
   I was just wondering why people on this list seem to ignore glame, when
   the discussion comes upon waveeditors.  [ ... ]
  Can't compile it without GNOME. I don't like that. I guess that makes me a
  luddite. Oh well.
 i *am* a luddite, and i don't like GNOME-dependent audio software either.
 To me, music is more important than any library ideologies. I wouldn't give
 a rats ass if software was made with QBASIC, as long as it compiles fairly

But there's a practical side to my objection. Sorry if it didn't come across. If
there's an app I'm mildly curious about that, upon downloading, I can't even get
through configure because I don't have 100MB of other stuff it wants, I toss it.
I don't have time to install a huge desktop environment just to give one app a
test drive.

If I had GNOME installed, that would be no problem; but I'm on a laptop here and
space is tight, and I really don't want to have to make room for it. When I get
more drive space this won't be a big issue for me.

Where's the ideological problem there? We were *asked* for our complaints with
GLAME, *as users* ... that's mine. Why is anyone taking offense?

...paul winkler   
custom calendars  printing:
   A member of ARMS:
home page:

Re: [linux-audio-dev] User Interface

2001-07-26 Thread Paul Winkler

Joe Pfeiffer wrote:
 I think that's a common confusion -- a lot of people seem to confuse
 running a Gnome application with having to run a Gnome desktop, and it
 just ain't the same at all.  The Gnome libs are under 100 MB, so it's
 really not that big a deal.

Not on current desktop systems ... but on last year's laptop, 100MB can still be
a bit of a big deal.

I want to make clear that I don't want to give any developers a hard time for
using libraries or any tool that makes their lives easier and more productive.
More power to you! I was just trying to present my point of view as a user, that
currently 100 MB of libs *is* objectionable to me. I expect that in the future
this will no longer be the case. So I apologize to the GLAME crew and anyone
else I may have inadvertently offended, and I will drop this matter.

...paul winkler   
custom calendars  printing:
   A member of ARMS:
home page:

Re: [linux-audio-dev] LAAGA name

2001-07-26 Thread Iain Sandoe

FreeWire *is* a nice name ...

but it would imply to me, like others of the ilk, that its API follows that
of the system alluded to... which it doesn't intend to.

Hmm... but I don't drink laaga either ...

A lot of the obvious names have already been used by commercial apps... but
I'd gravitate towards something that, at least, hinted what it *did*.

sort of AudioLink, SoundLink
... or the XPatch posted earlier...


Re: [linux-audio-dev] LAAGA name

2001-07-26 Thread Iain Sandoe

 Paul's Own Sound Architecture

now *that* made me laugh ...

Re: [linux-audio-dev] documentation

2001-07-26 Thread Kevin Conder

On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, Richard Dobson wrote:
 Now I am well aware that Linux/unix inherits and gleefully preserves a
 aura of obscurantism, with requests (often none too polite!) to RTFM at
 every turn, but often the FM is incomprehensible unless you already know
 what it means, and often the FM doesn't exist anyway. Where
 documentation does exist, it often says things like to un-mitigate the
 interface manifold bi-furcation, de-synchronize the positronic
 lambdoma. Fistly, it assumes you know how to do the latter, and
 secondly, it assumes you know ~why~ you would want to do the former in
 the first place. 

Please, could you provide some real examples? 

Could you provide examples of Linux audio documentation that you
found to be unclear? (Please include URLs and passages that were 
confusing.) You mentioned missing documentation. What needs to be 
documented? Is there any incomplete documentation that you would like
to see completed?

Also, could you provide examples of documentation for an audio 
application that you found helpful? (Any program/any platform, just
include a URL where the docs may be freely downloaded.) Did you find *any*
good Linux documentation at all? If so, could you include its URL also.

BTW: Did you report the problems you had with any documentation to
its respective author? The author may not know there is a problem until
someone reports it.

=== Kevin Conder

Re: RRe: [linux-audio-dev] LAAGA name

2001-07-26 Thread Paul Winkler

I agree with others that FreeWire sounds too much like we're copying Rewire.

Trying to think of other names... ergh, it's hard.


...paul winkler   
custom calendars  printing:
   A member of ARMS:
home page:

RE: [linux-audio-dev] what's wrong with glame

2001-07-26 Thread Taybin Rutkin

On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI) wrote:

   yes! instead of rigid menus or menus with last N open files etc. there
 should be a menu re-arranging functionality that changes parts of the menu
 so that the most often used functions are easy to access. For one-prupose

I believe that studies have been done with dynamic menus.  They found that
it was confusing to have the menus rearrange.  Humans get used to looking
for the same thing in one place, and if the place changes and we have to
look for it, it is an annoying slowdown.


Re: [linux-audio-dev] what's wrong with glame

2001-07-26 Thread Richard Dobson

Inveterate Windows-avoiders may not know this, but Win2k does this for
the applications on the Start menu. This can carry a potentially huge
number of applications (I've seen examples where the full top-level menu
filled two columns); Windows gradually learns what the most-used
programs are, and presents a condensed menu with just those visible
(there is of course an arrow item to open up the full menu). It's a, um,
start - submenus are still submenus, and ~eventually~ the adept user
discovers there are ways of rearranging everything. But unless it occurs
to you that it might be reconfigurable (and there is no reason it should
unless someone, or the program tells you!), you will never think to hunt
the facility down.

The modern customisable toolbar is another attempt to provide this
functionality, but it still represents a chicken and egg situation to
the user.

So, yes, there is a real ~design~ job to be pursued here - a dynamically
reconfigurable menu, that learns from the user, but that still presents
a predictable enough structure so that things don't suddenly move to
unexpected places.

We are perhaps moving towards the era of the intelligent Agent, wher the
program answers Howto questions from the user, and reconfigures itself
according to the tasks the user most want to perform. Microsoft added a
'Answer Wizard' feature to Word (under the Help menu) where you type in
a sentence such as How do I format into two columns?, and it will
parse the question and, with luck, take to to a suitable help message.

Richard Dobson

STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI) wrote:
   yes! instead of rigid menus or menus with last N open files etc. there
 should be a menu re-arranging functionality that changes parts of the menu
 so that the most often used functions are easy to access. For one-prupose
 application that's already done, sort of, by designing the menu according
 the common usage but for more complex apps that can be used in many ways
 (e.g. start/root menu in window manager) it would be really nice to have the
 menu changed according to your usage of the menu (since there is no good
   it should be able to remember how many times you use the menu items and
 have some sort of frgetting mechanism. I was thinking about implementing
 something like that for fvwm (in debian (almost) all X apps and lot of text
 mode apps have menu entries in pre-defined category so I was thinking about
 putting the most often used ones into top level menu...
   there an interesting user interface used for one of the midi apps, forgot
 the name, where you can rearrange all the menus, pin the menus or individual
 buttons to workarea etc... it might be interesting to have something like
 that in gnome or kde (qt, gtk) or other toolkits...

Test your DAW with my Soundcard Attrition Page! (LU: 3rd July 2000)
CDP: (LU: 23rd February 2000)

Re: [linux-audio-dev] what's wrong with glame

2001-07-26 Thread John Lazzaro

 who said a shallow learning curve was a goal?

 In a word - users! 

I don't think this is realistic for professional media tools.
If it were, there wouldn't be complete course tracks in 
commercial art school for learning how to use commercial 
software packages -- Maya, Photoshop, etc. These folks are
getting trained to spend 40-60 hours a week in front of
monitors, with the goal of being maximally productive. A
semester spent learning how to use the tool is a good 

And in fact, I just noticed that SFSU (San Francisco State
University, which specializes in media education here in
the Bay Area), teaches courses like this for Pro Tools now
too. If I had a spare $1600 lying around, I'd take it to
see if it was really worth a Grammy :-). 

John Lazzaro -- Research Specialist -- CS Division -- EECS -- UC Berkeley
lazzaro [at] cs [dot] berkeley [dot] edu

Re: [linux-audio-dev] documentation

2001-07-26 Thread Richard Dobson

Fair questions!

I wasn't speaking merely about audio applications. I have very few on my
Linux machine, at present, as it is a new installation, so I need to get
the latest versions of all sorts of things, before making detailed
up-to-date comments.

I have one example where I would really like to have an answer: having
installed Mandrake 7.2 (replacing an old but pleasant Redhat 6), I have
the problem that in the terminal (under KDE), different file types are
now colour-coded. As it happens, I totally hate this, and want
everything to be just black text on a white background, like it used to
be. One colour is a horrible bright green that is all but illegible.
NOWHERE can I find how to change this. There is a set of 'styles' I can
select, including black on white, but this still gives me the colours!

If the answer is, hack into some obscure config file in some obscure
directory, and write or change some obscure command-string, then that
will prove my point. Basically, if the utility itself doesn't allow me
~easily~ to change the colours, or point me to a system tool that does,
that proves my point. It seems to assume that I will always want
colour-coding of some sort.

jMax, under Linux, still has no proper documentation, especially for new
users; it relies on them already being familiar with the MAX/MSP way of
doing things. This is being worked on, but there is quite a way to go

Silence (M Gogins algorithmic composition) is in great need of user
documentation; what is provided is very much reference-style, for expert
Without that, you can get as far as launching it, and not have the
faintest idea what to do next.

Oh, and a configure script that told you what libraries are missing, and
where to get them from, in the error message, would be helpful. I tried
installing GLAME, but it failed to find Guile, even though the
application is on the machine. It is only through lurking on this list
that I understand (I assume) that I need to download the ~development~
libraries for it.  

It's too late at night for more answers, I'll try again late morning...

Richard Dobson

Kevin Conder wrote:
 On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, Richard Dobson wrote:
  Now I am well aware that Linux/unix inherits and gleefully preserves a
  aura of obscurantism, with requests (often none too polite!) to RTFM at
  every turn, but often the FM is incomprehensible unless you already know
  what it means, and often the FM doesn't exist anyway. Where
  documentation does exist, it often says things like to un-mitigate the
  interface manifold bi-furcation, de-synchronize the positronic
  lambdoma. Fistly, it assumes you know how to do the latter, and
  secondly, it assumes you know ~why~ you would want to do the former in
  the first place.
 Please, could you provide some real examples?
 Could you provide examples of Linux audio documentation that you
 found to be unclear? (Please include URLs and passages that were
 confusing.) You mentioned missing documentation. What needs to be
 documented? Is there any incomplete documentation that you would like
 to see completed?
 Also, could you provide examples of documentation for an audio
 application that you found helpful? (Any program/any platform, just
 include a URL where the docs may be freely downloaded.) Did you find *any*
 good Linux documentation at all? If so, could you include its URL also.
 BTW: Did you report the problems you had with any documentation to
 its respective author? The author may not know there is a problem until
 someone reports it.
 === Kevin Conder

Test your DAW with my Soundcard Attrition Page! (LU: 3rd July 2000)
CDP: (LU: 23rd February 2000)

Re: [linux-audio-dev] LAAGA name

2001-07-26 Thread Paul Davis

 Paul's Own Sound Architecture

now *that* made me laugh ...

true, but i wonder if taybin has any idea of quite why, since i think
i do (given your understanding of the cortina mk.III situation) ...

RE: [linux-audio-dev] what's wrong with glame

2001-07-26 Thread Richard C. Burnett

The next best alternative is code that statistacally keeps track of how
often commands etc are used, then its sent back so people can see what the
most frequent operations are and how they distribute between different

Just an idea,

On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, Taybin Rutkin wrote:

 On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI) wrote:
yes! instead of rigid menus or menus with last N open files etc. there
  should be a menu re-arranging functionality that changes parts of the menu
  so that the most often used functions are easy to access. For one-prupose
 I believe that studies have been done with dynamic menus.  They found that
 it was confusing to have the menus rearrange.  Humans get used to looking
 for the same thing in one place, and if the place changes and we have to
 look for it, it is an annoying slowdown.

|  T a l i t y   |  +--+ |
++ ++-+| |
| Richard Burnett  |+-+| |
|  Senior Design Engineer  +---+  ++ |
|   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  |  |
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| Phone: 919.380.3014 |  |
|   Fax: 919.380.3903  |  |  |

Re: [linux-audio-dev] LAAGA name

2001-07-26 Thread Paul Davis

But it should be recursive, to get that old school unix in-joke flavor. 

I still quite like the suggestion of API (the Audio Processing
Interface), so that we have the API API :)


Re: [linux-audio-dev] what's wrong with glame

2001-07-26 Thread delire

- Original Message -
From: Richard Dobson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 27 July 2001 2:42
Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] what's wrong with glame

 (bearing in mind I haven't installed, much less used, GLAME, or
 anything, yet...)

 Alexander Ehlert wrote:

  Yeah, hmm, that's just naming. We could add something called open in the
  menu which creates a group with the wavfile in it. But, importing it
  sense because we convert everything to float internally to allow for
  quality dsp. So you have to import and export it. But that's not really
  an issue compared to open/close, it's just getting used to it. Ok, I
  to admit that the file importing(opening) gui is rather bad. But I
  motivated yet to change that.

 I think this is a semantic misunderstanding.

 All the ~multi-track~ programs I have had experience of (Cubase, Cool
 Edit Pro, and most recently, cakewalk SONAR) use the semantic 'Import',
 for a simple reason - in a multi-track project, you have N tracks, and
 any soundfile must be 'imported' to one of these (You may indeed need to
 select a track before 'Import' becomes active). Cool Edit Pro has a nice
 feature in that if you right-click in a track, the File menu appears
 with Import, and the file is inserted at the cursor point. In a plain
 stereo wave-editor, there is by definition only one track, so 'Import'
 is unnecessary, and 'Open' is more idiomatic.

'import' is perfect for the multracker, because it means 'adding to the
existing session'. however in the the editor it is less appropriate- which
is why in all the above applications 'open' to reach audio data for editing.
Glame may not need to use 'import' because it is [atm] primarily an editor.
Open is also used in the Multitrack window of CEPro to open a 'session'
file, the same applies elsewhere.
but you're right, it is semantic - though semantic differences also mark
intuititve differences - i see this alot when teaching new tools to

 At least in Windows and the Mac, the File-Open command is always
 understood to relate to the main file associated with the project (the
 file you might double-click on from Windows Explorer); this would for
 most users be a Session, Project, name-it-what-you-will. Double-clicking
 on a soundfile name would be expected to play it using the default
 player. However, at least under Windows, you can change a file
 association so that selecting a soundfile opens it in your preferred
 application (assuming it can accept the file in that way). This merely
 requires a 'multi-document' capability where the command-line passed to
 the program can contain the name of either a Project or a SoundFile (or
 a MIDI file, or...), and either can be opened.

 SONAR cannot do this (for the above reason - where would it go?), but
 Cool Edit Pro can, possibly uniquely, because it implements two parallel
 modes - multi-track project, and single-track editor mode.

 Interpreting 'Import' as format conversion is, IMO, a typical
 programmer's tinted spin on how the user thinks, or, rather, doesn't
 want to have to think. After all, you don't 'Import' a Word document
 into a word processor because it happens to be converted to Unicode,say,
 internally. The user, generally, couldn't care less about internal
 representation. They will only want to know that the highest audio
 quality is maintained internally (however that's done - 32bit ints?
 doubles? quads?), and they will sometimes want to 'Save As' a different
 format, or explicitly do a Format Conversion as some programs require
 you to do - which even I find a complete pain in the A.

 Designing User Interfaces is a real challenge, not merely from an
 implementation point of view (all those debates about libraries!), but
 literally from a design, i.e. HCI, point of view. Certain procedures
 become de-facto standard, and a developer takes a great risk in changing
 this; on the other hand if the change very clearly leads to an increase
 in intuitiveness and efficiency for the user, they will generally accept
 it after a moment to re-orient. Nevertheless, there is a simple HCI
 measure of efficiency for the user, which is to find the number of
 discrete steps the user must perform to achive any specific operation,
 and, wherever possible, ensure that the most frequently performed tasks
 (which may be the most argued-over parameter, of course) require the
 least number of steps. A sub-menu requires at least four, possibly  five

  Menu--scroll-to-Item--(Click-item--)scroll down submenu--click

however i would happily substitute a sub menu for a long top-level menu most
of the time if my cut /copy /paste /mixdown /apply last filter etc where all

 Of course a keyboard shortcut can be used, but you have to know what it
 is first, and preferably not requring three or four keypresses; so this
 can conflict with the goal of a shallow learning curve

it takes a pretty 

Re: [linux-audio-dev] documentation

2001-07-26 Thread Dustin Barlow

I have one example where I would really like to have an answer: having
installed Mandrake 7.2 (replacing an old but pleasant Redhat 6), I have
the problem that in the terminal (under KDE), different file types are
now colour-coded. As it happens, I totally hate this, and want
everything to be just black text on a white background, like it used to
be. One colour is a horrible bright green that is all but illegible.
NOWHERE can I find how to change this. There is a set of 'styles' I can
select, including black on white, but this still gives me the colours!

I had the same issue with the terminal colors under Mandrake 7.2 and after 
a bit of sleuthing around in /etc, I found a file called DIR_COLORS.   Edit 
that file to change your colors.

Dustin Barlow

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