Re: SCC Problem - continued

2000-01-18 Thread Rob Compton

- Original Message -
From: Wijnand Mijnders PA3HFJ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 15 January 2000 09:29
Subject: Re: SCC Problem - continued

> On Tue, 04 Jan 2000, Rob Compton wrote:
> > I am starting to wonder whether this is linked to my problem - the one
> > the scc ports go into TX (until the timeout kicks in) and don't transmit
> > data, nor RX any data.
> I'm having the same symptoms while trying to get a PET-SCC-card to work.
> Rob, did you get any usable tips yet?
I found that there was a solder splash linking IRQ7 to IRQ5 on my USCC
board. I removed that, set the board to IRQ7 and it works. The PC100 still
doesn't work! I have further work to do.

The PET-SCC needs lots of delays compiling in. Look in the scc.c file (in
the with the sources) and change #undefine scc_delay to #define scc_delay
(or something like that!!) It's quite straight forward. I think these SCC's
don't like Pentium's!! they work fine in slow 486's and old 386's, but get
very grumblesome in fast PC's.

Check the docs for z8530drv

> 73, Wijnand.
> --
> <-  Internet email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ->
> <- email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ->

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Re: Subject: sendmail + masq/ipfw solutions for multi-user system?

2000-01-18 Thread James S. Kaplan KG7FU

On Tue, 18 Jan 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> If sendmail is too tough, try 'exim' or 'postfix'. They're both quite
> powerful, and easier than sendmail to configure.

Perhaps I wasn't clear Does there exist a "how-to", examples or
explicit instructions on how to use sendmail for radio amprnet, radio pbbs,
local delivery and internet delivery ALL on the same box?

> The AX25-HOWTO was never going to cover that material. It is adequately
> covered in other HOWTO documents. Try the Networking and IP-Chains

>From what I see, the networking and ip chains howto's are meant for
seasoned sysadmins and/or hardcore programmers. There just ain't
much in the way of "english language" material for the
non-programmer/non-nethead. Again, does there exist any docs
on how to ip forward/gateway radio amprnet services with kernel 2.2.x?
> The domain.txt file, I think (it's been a good number of years since I
> ran NOS) is just the equivalent of the /etc/hosts file.

It is. However, I can't seem to find any resources to utilize such
information. The closest I've seen is the DNS-HOWTO, again does not
provide any assistance for ham radio folks who don't have Ph.D's in net-speak
or c++-speak. Can anyone tell me how to configure BIND so amprnet lookups work
while not breaking real internet DNS?
> I personally think you'd be better off fixing the actual problem though
> (the DNS problem or whatever it actually is) than naiively working
> around it with manual name->address mappings.

Ok, I'll bite. How do I fix it? One problem is my isp's DNS has an entry:


Non-authoritative answer:  name =

Authoritative answers can be found from:
44.IN-ADDR.ARPA nameserver =


But a traceroute from reveals no route to host, thusly:
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
 1  gatekeeper (  1 ms  1 ms  1 ms

10 (  406 ms  380 ms  439 ms
11 (  406 ms  471 ms  439 ms
12 (  469 ms  386 ms  386 ms
13 (  381 ms *  465 ms
14  * * *

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't address groups such as 192.168 and 44.0
considered "private" nets and technically aren't supposed to be routed via
internet? Even if they were, the docs clearly state that is
for "testing" and is not to be assigned. AND, why does the rest of the world
know to route to, yet doesn't have it?
My local net just happens to be 44.26.1see what the problem is now?

Like I've been saying, I'm neither a programmer nor a seasoned net
professional. As such, I need a bit more "1-2-3..." guidance than some
of you. I'm sure by the posts I see here that there are many more "Linux
Newbies", new hams, hams new to packet and just plain old dumb hams like myself
that would be more inclined to get heavily into ax.25 networking, instead of
turned off, if it weren't for the lack of simplistic docs and negative
responses from a few vocal, but harsh, hams-in-the-know. 

I have a myriad of great ideas, application deviations and enthusiasm for
amateur packet. I also have a great deal of real-world RF experiences to
share and relate to after being a broadcast engineer, microwave maintenance
technician and been doing packet radio almost since it's inception. I
would happily toss Linux ax.25 stuff for DOS or Windows if those platforms
offerings would suit my needs.  

I have the greatest respect and admiration for all the programmers and
individuals who have made Linux what it is. I'm continually bafflled by the
responses some programmers and "experts" give to reasonable questions from
folks who don't quite have the same level of understanding, experience or
education as they.

James S. Kaplan KG7FU
Eugene Oregon USA
ICQ # 1227639
Have YOU tried Linux today?

Re: MS-400 4 Port Serial Card

2000-01-18 Thread Andy Scott

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Peter
Hallgarten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>has anybody had any experience with this card under linux (i am 
>still using 2.0.36, must upgrade to 2.2 soon).  The card only does 
>int 2 3 4 and 5 so 5 is the only option.

The MS400 Card works fine.  It is possible to use other IRQs - given a
small piece of stripboard (Veroboard or similar 0.1 inch pitch) and a
simple buffer / gate TTL setup which is plugged into the ISA bus.  This
can give access to IRQs 11, 12, 15 (also 14 & 16 but they may be spoken
for by other Hardware).

Another local has gated all four port IRQ selects into a single IRQ
albeit he used IRQ5 or 7, I seem to recall.

My MS400 has been running sweetly under Linux for some years now, mail
me if you would like any more details.

|  Andy Scott  | Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
|  Little Chalfont | Amprnet : [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
|  Bucks   | BBS : g4tnu@GB7TVG.#42.GBR.EU |

Re: test (ORBS)

2000-01-18 Thread Craig Small

Haines Brown said:
> Sorry for this test, but there's currently a discussion taking place
> on another list on this server (linux-newbie) re the server's ORBS anti-spam database
> "feature" and whether it drives away potential subscribers. I need to
> know if the server accepts my messages, and hence this test.

ORBS is a pretty awful database to be using for mail lists as they have
releatively arbiarty and loose on what they put in there.

  - Craig

Craig Small VK2XLZ, PGP: AD 8D D8 63 6E BF C3 C7  47 41 B1 A2 1F 46 EC 90
Eye-Net Consulting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: New AX.25 and newest kernel 2.2.14: first test results

2000-01-18 Thread Thomas Pinz

Servus Gerd

> > I use the new stuff on a 486/66, 16mb ram, disless boot via nfs an suse 6.2.
> Kernel 2.2.14 with 16 MB RAM? Does that really work? Then one can guess that
> it is even possible to run 2.2.14 on a box like my booksized one: Cyrix Media
> GX 133, 32 MB RAM, 10 GB Harddrive.

Well, this system routes only between my network at home and packet radio. so there

runs only the the blank linux, no httpd, no kde, no terminal, no screen.

All other apps and daemons run on different systems, so it works quite good :)

Sometimes for test it would be nice, if i can use a swapfile, but it seems it does
not work
on a nfs fs...

> > there are some changes in the routing behavior... if you add a "axparms -route
> > add  ", it works... but here the problem appears only with "call",
> > linkt for example have no problem.
> Yes, that is what we experienced, too. Thank you for the solution of this
> problem, but isn't it a little bit uncomfortable having to add _every_
> station into the AX.25 routing table? Guess it may be better if this was done
> by call itself if really necessary.

in a ham radio environmet i connect first the local digipeater himself and the i
route all
connections over it... so i only set my digi with axparms.

For tcpip-routes i run a script at boot which sets the ax25 and ip-routes.

> > But when initialising the card with sethdlc you must set two filter
> > curves, one for rx, one for tx.
> Filter curves? How can these be set?

the new sethdlc-command is:
sethdlc -i sm0 -p mode sbc:fsk9600_4.fsk9600_4_32
the first fsk... is for rx, the second for tx. but for more infomations i can
recommend you the document on jens homepage.

cu/73 thomas/dc2rpt

Re: test (ORBS)

2000-01-18 Thread Haines Brown

> From: Richard Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Organization:
> Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2000 18:32:49 +
> Content-Type: text/plain
> X-UIDL: 1fd3967319b3ca2571b5e7a3d269a1e9
> On Tue, 18 Jan 2000,  Haines Brown wrote about,  test (ORBS):
> > Sorry for this test, but there's currently a discussion taking place
> > on another list on this server (linux-newbie) re the server's ORBS anti-spam 
> > "feature" and whether it drives away potential subscribers. I need to
> > know if the server accepts my messages, and hence this test.
> Haines did you unsubscribe like i suggested and resubscribe with your new
> address. ???
> One thing which seems odd, All mail from linux-hams "normally has"
> linux-hams as a replyTo header, this mail has [EMAIL PROTECTED] as
> reply-To.


Exactly. Sorry I didn't make that clearer (I'm carrying on the same
dialog on two lists, and that's confusing).

I ran the unsub command and then re-subscribed on the linux-hams list,
and that seems to work, as my test message indicates. I did not go
through this yet on the linux-newbie list because it is where the
issue is being discussed, and I did not want to risk loosing any

Perhaps in spite of people throwing stones at ORBS, I suspect the root
of my own problem was a change in my local machine hostname as I switched
it from being on a LAN to a stand-alone workstation. I subscribed
under one hostname, and when I tried to communicate with the list
server under another, got into trouble, forcing me to use Netscape,
which for some reason is dumber. 

As for the ReplyTo header, that is probably a function of how my mail
utility works, since it is what assigns strings to the variout
outgoing mail fields. In my case, I'm using rmail under emacs as my
mail handler (although I just heard from someone who seemed surprised
that was possible!).   


Re: test (ORBS)

2000-01-18 Thread Bob Nielsen

Likewise.  I had a mailing bounce the other day.  My ISP is pretty
diligent about spam, but it seems a user ran a server with relaying
enabled and ORB is now blocking everybody.  Since ISP's cannot tell
this before the fact, they feel that ORBS is being unduly harsh.

On Tue, Jan 18, 2000 at 08:01:12AM -0500, Haines Brown wrote:
> Sorry for this test, but there's currently a discussion taking place
> on another list on this server (linux-newbie) re the server's ORBS anti-spam database
> "feature" and whether it drives away potential subscribers. I need to
> know if the server accepts my messages, and hence this test.
> Sorry.
> Haines Brown 

Bob Nielsen, N7XY (ex-W6SWE)  (RN2)[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tucson, AZ DM42nh  QRP-L #1985

Re: Subject: sendmail + masq/ipfw solutions for multi-user system?

2000-01-18 Thread James S. Kaplan KG7FU

Thanks for the nice reply Nate!

Yes, I'd like to see your config files. You can replace hostnames,
and ip's, etc with bogus info for security if you like.

Like I've stated before, I'm no geniusso I need a bit
more explicit instructions as well as some working examples. Every
installation is unique so those configs help when the supplied
defaults and docs don't work.


On Tue, 18 Jan 2000, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> Also, let me know and I'll send you copies of my old config files.

James S. Kaplan KG7FU
Eugene Oregon USA
ICQ # 1227639
Have YOU tried Linux today?

Re: test (ORBS)

2000-01-18 Thread Richard Adams

On Tue, 18 Jan 2000,  Haines Brown wrote about,  Re: test (ORBS):

> Exactly. Sorry I didn't make that clearer (I'm carrying on the same
> dialog on two lists, and that's confusing).

No not really at least not for those of us who are on both lists.

> As for the ReplyTo header, that is probably a function of how my mail
> utility works, since it is what assigns strings to the variout
> outgoing mail fields. In my case, I'm using rmail under emacs as my
> mail handler (although I just heard from someone who seemed surprised
> that was possible!).   

I dont know, but i was under the impression that the linux-hams list
changes the Reply-To header, however i cant say for sure just exachtly what
the policy is, maybe the list-owner can comment,  Bob, N2KGO ??.

I looked into the archives but could only find one mail about the reply-to

> Haines
Regards Richard
Happy New Year

Re: test (ORBS)

2000-01-18 Thread Haines Brown


> Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2000 09:21:51 -0800
> From: jerome schatten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Organization: JeromeDotOrg
> X-Accept-Language: en
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> X-UIDL: a4f9048d52ded7680b19f5132017f981
> Same here... getting ORBed out of this group..
> jerome ve7ass - vancouver
> Haines Brown wrote:
> > 
> > Sorry for this test, but there's currently a discussion taking place
> > on another list on this server (linux-newbie) re the server's ORBS anti-spam 
> > "feature" and whether it drives away potential subscribers. I need to
> > know if the server accepts my messages, and hence this test.
> > 
> > Sorry.
> > 
> > Haines Brown

Although symptoms much the same, not sure my problem really had to do
with Orbs. It seems that since I subscribed to this list, I changed my
local machine's hostname. On the theory that consequently my machine's
identity was no longer the same as subscribed to linux-hams, I
unsubscribed and resubscribed, and that seems to have fixed things. 

If you are inclined to try this and find it produces positive results,
I'd sure appreciate your letting me know. This solution is not
difficult, but people sure need to be aware of it.

Did you change your hostname? Before the fix I just mentioned, I
received list message via sendmail and rmail, but to send messages
out, I had to bypass them by using Netscape. Is that what you do?


fbb and telnet connections

2000-01-18 Thread ron jochems

Hello !
I'm looking for some good documentation on 
logging into (x)fbb via telnet sessions.
Has anyone some good docs or how-to's ?..
thanx in advance,
Ron Jochems
the Netherlands

Re: test (ORBS)

2000-01-18 Thread jerome schatten

Same here... getting ORBed out of this group..
jerome ve7ass - vancouver

Haines Brown wrote:
> Sorry for this test, but there's currently a discussion taking place
> on another list on this server (linux-newbie) re the server's ORBS anti-spam database
> "feature" and whether it drives away potential subscribers. I need to
> know if the server accepts my messages, and hence this test.
> Sorry.
> Haines Brown

Linux and antennerotor.

2000-01-18 Thread Erik Jakobsen

Hi folks.

I have my antennerotor to be controled by my DOS FBB at the present. Its
the ARS system from EA4TX.

Now I have setup an xfbbd mailbox, and I still want to controle the
posisitions by aid of the software.

Has anybody this EA4TX software to run under Linux or to run via a

Any good help is more than welcome.

Thanks in advance.


SuSE Linux 6.3

test (ORBS)

2000-01-18 Thread Haines Brown

Sorry for this test, but there's currently a discussion taking place
on another list on this server (linux-newbie) re the server's ORBS anti-spam database
"feature" and whether it drives away potential subscribers. I need to
know if the server accepts my messages, and hence this test.


Haines Brown 

Re: DG2FEF-AX.25 Patch for 2.2.14 available

2000-01-18 Thread Jens David


Jan Wasserbauer wrote:
> Attached diff is to kernel 2.2.14-patched
> - KISS driver works non-modular too.
> - removed unused MKISS_MAJOR fm include/linux/major.h
> - new SIOCAX25GETINFO - ax25_info_struct now includes information about
>   VR,VS,VA,WINDOW,PACLEN so programs may get those information through
>   ioctl() and do not need to read /proc/net/ax25.
>   ioctl() is generally better since information is returned only for one
>   requested socket and not for all active ax25 sockets
>   and it fixes problem with disabled interrups while reading /proc/..
>   which causes problems to interrupt-dependant drivers (BayCom)
>   My code includes some backwards compatibility .. I think that should be
>   removed as soon as possible.

Is in.
However, I removed the compatibility-stuff. People should accept that they
have to recompile their user-level tools if something does not work, at
least in this stage of development.

However, as it seems there is now some interest in the code. I would like to
set up an 24/7 available CVS server for those who want to contribute or just
stay on the bleeding edge. Comments?

  -- Jens

Re: New AX.25 and newest kernel 2.2.14: first test results

2000-01-18 Thread Jens David


> Hello to the list,
> Compiling the new kernel we found that the drivers for
> 6pack
> yam
> bpqether
> cause the kernel compile to fail

By intention. This way they will get fixed *apropriately*.
I could also fix them, but I´d need the hardware to test it or
somebody reliable for remote-diagnostics.  However, it´s very much
easier for the developers of these drivers to fix the interface than
for me.

> make  all-recursive
> make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/ax25-apps-kjd-1-0.0.4'
> Making all in ax25ipd
> make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/ax25-apps-kjd-1-0.0.4/ax25ipd'
> make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/ax25-apps-kjd-1-0.0.4/ax25ipd'
> Making all in ax25rtd
> make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/ax25-apps-kjd-1-0.0.4/ax25rtd'
> make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/ax25-apps-kjd-1-0.0.4/ax25rtd'
> Making all in call
> make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/ax25-apps-kjd-1-0.0.4/call'
> /bin/sh ../libtool --mode=link gcc  -g -O2 -Wall  -o call  call.o menu.o
> crc.o yapp.o dostime.o  -lax25
> gcc -g -O2 -Wall -o call call.o menu.o crc.o yapp.o dostime.o -lax25
> call.o: In function `statline':

Obviously the linker wasn´t told to link against the ncurses library.
This is either a problem with the configure script or with your system.
I suspect the latter one since the original packages must have the same
problem and nobody else complained. Add -lncurses to the command line
and it will probably work.

> Nevertheless, call seems to have some problems with the new AX.25 stack.
> Every time I want to connect to someone using a command like call radio
> MYCALL the call program comes up with
> Trying...
> connect: No route to host

You have to set a route using axparms or via the ax25 routing deamon.
This not really a bug, I will change this behaviour of call, but there
are other things to do which have priority.

> But setting an option for either serial or parallel or MIDI connected PTT
> circuit failed. It seems that sethdlc is broken, too.

I suspect that you still had the parport and serial device drivers
or some hardware problem. If not please investigate and send patches.

> sethdlc -i -d bcsf0
> failed on both computers.
> I am not sure if this is a fault of sethdlc or the driver.

Perhaps you could be more specific here.

  -- Jens

Re: the soundmodem and ax25 configuration problem

2000-01-18 Thread Jens David

> I don't know the answers to most of your questions, but I do know that a
> soundmodem can't do more than 9k6b because of bandwidth limitations from
> the sample rates that they use.

In fact symbol rates up to fsample/2 would be possible. Higher order
modulation schemes would allow for about 2 bits per symbol which would
take us to around 38k4.

  -- Jens

Help needed with soundmodem/tfkiss/tnt

2000-01-18 Thread Paul Egan

I am running kernel 2.0.35 and 2.1.42a ax25 utils.
The listen and call functions are working fine but I would like a terminal
program. I compiled and installed tfkiss and tnt but I am having difficulty
pulling it all together. I have limited knowledge of pseudo ttys. I've
searched the archive, but there isn't a great deal of info about

In my startup script I have:
net2kiss -sfvaz -i sm0 /dev/ptyp2 &

this makes ptyp2 a link to ttyp0. Is that right. I expected ttyp2
this line also turns the console into a listen terminal. I think that is

In tfkiss.ini is the kiss device the master or slave end of the pseudo tty?
I assume master (ptyp2)
In tnt.ini is the kiss device the master or slave end of the pseudo tty? I
assume master (ptyp2)
I assume "/dev/" is required in these statements.

I hope that someone can help me with this. If additional information is
required just let me know.
Thanks to all on board.

Re: Subject: sendmail + masq/ipfw solutions for multi-user syste

2000-01-18 Thread Dirk Koopman

Can I say that the sooner sendmail is _not_ the default MTA for linux
distributions, the better.

On 18-Jan-2000 Nate Bargmann wrote:
> Just this last week I found something in my old Slackware '96 that 
> wasn't Y2K compliant.  On 11 January Sendmail (8.8.8) began reporting
> name server lookup failures on my ISP's mail server.  Everything
> thing else worked fine and my ISP mail was delivered fine, but outgoing
> SMTP mail simply stopped working.  So, rather than fight it I switched
> this box over to Debian Slink (2.1) to match my laptop and quit
> fighting the subtle differences between the two.
> At this point I haven't delved into the default Debian MTA Exim further
> than getting local mail routed and having my ISP mail routed correctly.
> It looks to be an easier program to learn than Sendmail, and I'll have
> to start working with it once things settle down from the OS switch (still
> getting my favorite apps back and running in the new glibc env).

I have been using exim for several months now (in all sorts of
configurations, for professional and amateur work) and I cannot recommend it
too highly. If you want information see

It seems to be very compatible with sendmail "specials" (such as
/etc/aliases, .forward etc) unlike other MTAs such as qmail.

Please would ALL distributions consider using it.

Dirk G1TLH  
Dirk-Jan Koopman, Tobit Computer Co Ltd 
At the source of every error which is blamed on the computer you will find
at least two human errors, including the error of blaming it on the computer.

Re: Help

2000-01-18 Thread Chris Hewitt


Wayne Nakata wrote:
> Does anyone have any ideas is to how I can correct this?   I have tried
> fdisk /mbr reformatted etc etc but no help. I even was able to install

When I have had problems with not being able to zap the mbr I have found
loading dos 6.22 works wonders. It doesn't care what is already there it
just grabs the mbr.

Hope this helps.


Re: Subject: sendmail + masq/ipfw solutions for multi-user system?

2000-01-18 Thread Nate Bargmann

Hi James.

I wish I could offer my time tested and bulletproof solution, but I
never deleved into Sendmail further than getting it to route my local
and ISP mail  correctly.  Perhaps my config files might give you
some ideas.

Just this last week I found something in my old Slackware '96 that 
wasn't Y2K compliant.  On 11 January Sendmail (8.8.8) began reporting
name server lookup failures on my ISP's mail server.  Everything
thing else worked fine and my ISP mail was delivered fine, but outgoing
SMTP mail simply stopped working.  So, rather than fight it I switched
this box over to Debian Slink (2.1) to match my laptop and quit
fighting the subtle differences between the two.

At this point I haven't delved into the default Debian MTA Exim further
than getting local mail routed and having my ISP mail routed correctly.
It looks to be an easier program to learn than Sendmail, and I'll have
to start working with it once things settle down from the OS switch (still
getting my favorite apps back and running in the new glibc env).

Btw, if you're interested, I have a copy of O'Reilly's Sendmail book (a.k.a.
"the bat book") I purchased in late '98.  It covers up to version 8.8.7 I
think and seemed current for 8.8.8.  Although I understand some config
methods have changed with 8.9.x I'd bet it would still be close enough
to be useful along with docs from the sendmail site outlining the changes.
I used a highlighter on it in a few places and made some notes in pencil
in it, but not too many otherwise it is in excellent condition (hasn't been
dunked in coffee!).  I'd be happy to part with it for half of new price if 
it'd be useful to you.

Also, let me know and I'll send you copies of my old config files.

73, de Nate >>


 Packet   | N0NB @ WF0A.#SCKS.KS.USA.NOAM   | "None can love freedom
 Internet | [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | heartily, but good
 Location | Wichita, Kansas USA EM17hs  | men; the rest love not
   Wichita area exams; ham radio; Linux info @  | freedom, but license."   | -- John Milton

Re: Subject: sendmail + masq/ipfw solutions for multi-user system?

2000-01-18 Thread Terry Dawson

On 18 Jan, James S. Kaplan wrote:

> 1) sendmail is tough to configure!! I need in/out tcp mail to the
> net/lan AND very much desire
> and pbbs smtp mail in and out. I've looked and zmail (I
> think!) and mailgw and am not impressed
> with the documentation. In other words, it seems like the others have
> their issues and configuration difficulties just like sendmail.

If sendmail is too tough, try 'exim' or 'postfix'. They're both quite
powerful, and easier than sendmail to configure.

> 2) Along the same lines, my old firewall worked just fine with 2.0.3x
> kernels. With the change, some new hardware and new libs, etc I'm
> running 2.2.x (ipchains, etc). The AX.25 HOW-TO is fairly out-of-date
> and lacking some details in discussing firewalls, ip forwarding and
> "bridging" amprnet radio stuff to/from ethernet/internet. Is anyone
> doing similar work, ie: many services on one box? Routing is a bear

The AX25-HOWTO was never going to cover that material. It is adequately
covered in other HOWTO documents. Try the Networking and IP-Chains

> sometimes and unfortunately, my dns has an illegal entry for
> and my addresses are 44.26.1.x!! (Actually,
> shows up in the amprnet listing at!!!) Is there a solution
> for ampr name lookups like the old ka9q domain.txt file?

The domain.txt file, I think (it's been a good number of years since I
ran NOS) is just the equivalent of the /etc/hosts file.

I personally think you'd be better off fixing the actual problem though
(the DNS problem or whatever it actually is) than naiively working
around it with manual name->address mappings.



Re: New AX.25 and newest kernel 2.2.14: first test results

2000-01-18 Thread Gerd

Hi Thomas, hi all,

> I use the new stuff on a 486/66, 16mb ram, disless boot via nfs an suse 6.2.

Kernel 2.2.14 with 16 MB RAM? Does that really work? Then one can guess that 
it is even possible to run 2.2.14 on a box like my booksized one: Cyrix Media 
GX 133, 32 MB RAM, 10 GB Harddrive.

> > Nevertheless, call seems to have some problems with the new AX.25 stack.
> > Every time I want to connect to someone using a command like call radio
> > MYCALL the call program comes up with
> >
> > Trying...
> > connect: No route to host
> >
> > Here I have no idea how this can be fixed, too.
> there are some changes in the routing behavior... if you add a "axparms -route
> add  ", it works... but here the problem appears only with "call",
> linkt for example have no problem.

Yes, that is what we experienced, too. Thank you for the solution of this 
problem, but isn't it a little bit uncomfortable having to add _every_ 
station into the AX.25 routing table? Guess it may be better if this was done 
by call itself if really necessary.

> I use a a creative virbra 16pnp card. After initializing with isapnp and
> loading/unloading
> the soundkard module, the soundmodem-software works without any bigger
> problems. 

I have a difference here. While SoundBlasters and compatible cards (like my 
good old ESS AudioDrive) only needed one module called sound under the 2.2.x 
kernels now there are four modules:


I have to unload them all in order to get soundmodem loaded properly.

> But when initialising the card with sethdlc you must set two filter
> curves, one for rx, one for tx.

Filter curves? How can these be set?

> At the moment i have not much time, but the baycom eppflex and picpar modems
> as well as kiss and soundmodem works here fine and without any greater
> problems :)
> For the de-ax25-howto i just over writing some extensions, but this is not
> finished at the moment :-)

As my retranslation into English, regrettably

Cheers and thank you very much for your hints

Gerd Roethig
Universität Leipzig, Medizinische Klinik u. PK I
Johannisallee 32, 04103 Leipzig
Tel. (0341) 97 12622, Fax (0341) 97 12515

Re: MS-400 4 Port Serial Card

2000-01-18 Thread kb2shu

Message-Id: 1148_kb2shu

> Also does anybody have any suggestions of a source of 4 port 
> serial card suitable for linux.

Go to

Take a look at the fourport cards they offer. They work 100% under
Linux (in standard mode) If you do buy one and need help installing
it drop me a line and I'll tell you how I did it on my linux boxes

73 for now de Paul. []

Subject: sendmail + masq/ipfw solutions for multi-user system?

2000-01-18 Thread James S. Kaplan

As the available tools for Linux Hams increases, so does the
complexity of the

I am running several Linux pc's for a variety of services, some ax.25
and some supporting
our lan (firewall, etc.). I need to consolidate two of the servers and
am running into some configuration issues.

1) sendmail is tough to configure!! I need in/out tcp mail to the
net/lan AND very much desire and pbbs smtp mail in and out. I've looked and zmail (I
think!) and mailgw and am not impressed
with the documentation. In other words, it seems like the others have
their issues and configuration difficulties just like sendmail.

Has anyone a similar situation and can share some tips or
cinfiguration files/scripts/etc? Is there another
solution out there for the "small network"? We run 6 workstations and
don't need something grossly overdone.

2) Along the same lines, my old firewall worked just fine with 2.0.3x
kernels. With the change, some new hardware and new libs, etc I'm
running 2.2.x (ipchains, etc). The AX.25 HOW-TO is fairly out-of-date
and lacking some details in discussing firewalls, ip forwarding and
"bridging" amprnet radio stuff to/from ethernet/internet. Is anyone
doing similar work, ie: many services on one box? Routing is a bear
sometimes and unfortunately, my dns has an illegal entry for and my addresses are 44.26.1.x!! (Actually,
shows up in the amprnet listing at!!!) Is there a solution
for ampr name lookups like the old ka9q domain.txt file?

3) We have a few Windows workstations and I use QVTNet 4.0 (ansi
terminal emulator) to telnet
over to the various Linux pc's. the vt220 terminfo is lacking in the
keymapping department. Has anyone any experience in building a
terminfo entry or can suggest one that allows such keys as BS AND DEL,
PageUP/DN, F9-12, etc?

I'm a diehard SuSE fan, running 6.3b2 right now (waiting for the
release version to come in the mail
so I can review it for the Eugene Linux User's Group!). The primary
ham server is running two netrom nodes, CLX, apache, ftp, telnet and
shell. Eventually I'll add FBB or DPBOX to the mix. The net server
also runs apache, ftp, telnet etc. I need to combine the two, get
sendmail working for ampr addresses and
resolve my ethernet<>amprnet routing issues.

Any hints, help and suggestions (besides reading OLD man pages and
HOW-TO's  :+) greatly appreciated. Beer/and/or pizza certificates
could be arranged if I get this done this week!

Thanks in advance.


James S. Kaplan KG7FU
Eugene Oregon USA
ICQ # 1227639
Have YOU tried Linux today?

Re: Help

2000-01-18 Thread Jim Kusznir

Any fdisk will do it.. the /mbr option will wipe the mbr...period.  

You might want to check your ide controller & drivers...Windowz is a lot
more picky about its drivers than unix/linux, and probably any other older

]On Mon, 17 Jan 2000, Dan Simmons wrote:

> Try using the fdisk that comes with Win 98. I think it is different than the
> rest.
> Dan
> - Original Message -
> From: "Wayne Nakata" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Linux-Ham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, January 17, 2000 7:57 AM
> Subject: Help
> > Hi,
> > I found a spare drive that I needed to install oops windoz to run a
> > program for SSTV and it requires windoz. Anyway I had installed Linux
> > 6.1 at one point on the drive and also Solaris with no problem but now
> > that I need to install 98 I fdisk'd adn formatted and started the
> > install. All files were copied to the hard drive and it rebooted and the
> > 98 startup screen ran and the bottom bar scrolled as it should but
> > within one minute it hung and then came a blue screen with error unable
> > to write to drive C. I then went ahead and installed linux to make sure
> > the drive was ok well it installed just fine. SO I have a feeling Linux
> > must have wrote something to the MBR and wouldn;t allow windoz to write.
> >
> > Does anyone have any ideas is to how I can correct this?   I have tried
> > fdisk /mbr reformatted etc etc but no help. I even was able to install
> > NT and OS2 with no problem just win98 will not...
> > Help
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Wayne
> >


MS-400 4 Port Serial Card

2000-01-18 Thread Peter Hallgarten


has anybody had any experience with this card under linux (i am 
still using 2.0.36, must upgrade to 2.2 soon).  The card only does 
int 2 3 4 and 5 so 5 is the only option.

Also does anybody have any suggestions of a source of 4 port 
serial card suitable for linux.

I should have an ast 4 port clone card here somewhere but carnt 
find it.

73 Peter Hallgarten VK3AVE
President Melbourne Packet Radio Group Inc.
Sysop VK3BBS Melbourne Packet Radio Group Packet Inc. BBS
  AMNET  +613-366-7055 V21, V23, V22, V22bis, V32, V42bis, H16, VFC, V34
 +613-366-4976 V21, V23, V22, V22bis, V32, V42bis, PEP
SMail: PO Box 299 St Albans Victoria Australia 3021
AX.25: vk3ave@vk3bbs.#mel.vic.aus.oc
WWW  :
ICQ  : 13342566

Re: Help

2000-01-18 Thread Dan Simmons

Try using the fdisk that comes with Win 98. I think it is different than the


- Original Message -
From: "Wayne Nakata" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Linux-Ham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2000 7:57 AM
Subject: Help

> Hi,
> I found a spare drive that I needed to install oops windoz to run a
> program for SSTV and it requires windoz. Anyway I had installed Linux
> 6.1 at one point on the drive and also Solaris with no problem but now
> that I need to install 98 I fdisk'd adn formatted and started the
> install. All files were copied to the hard drive and it rebooted and the
> 98 startup screen ran and the bottom bar scrolled as it should but
> within one minute it hung and then came a blue screen with error unable
> to write to drive C. I then went ahead and installed linux to make sure
> the drive was ok well it installed just fine. SO I have a feeling Linux
> must have wrote something to the MBR and wouldn;t allow windoz to write.
> Does anyone have any ideas is to how I can correct this?   I have tried
> fdisk /mbr reformatted etc etc but no help. I even was able to install
> NT and OS2 with no problem just win98 will not...
> Help
> Thanks,
> Wayne