Re: Force reboot a machine?

2003-06-04 Thread linux_il
On Tue, Jun 03, 2003 at 04:26:14PM +0300, Shaul Karl wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 03, 2003 at 02:23:16PM +0300, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
> >
> >   About serial consol - anyone has a 
> > RJ-45 to D9 serial cable?
> > 

And where would you connect that RJ45?

This part of the discussion reminds me that back about 7 years ago
when I took part in some tiny ISP there was some hub laying around there
which could take serial cables and make them available over telnet,
(each serial port mapped to a different TCP port) very useful for remote
access to serial ports.  Is this what you had in mind?


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Re: Force reboot a machine?

2003-06-04 Thread Shachar Shemesh

And where would you connect that RJ45?

This part of the discussion reminds me that back about 7 years ago
when I took part in some tiny ISP there was some hub laying around there
which could take serial cables and make them available over telnet,
(each serial port mapped to a different TCP port) very useful for remote
access to serial ports.  Is this what you had in mind?

Modern servers come with RS-232 exists that are RJ-45. As Shaul said, 
there are RJ-45 to D9 adapters. The theory behind some of them is that 
connecting a standard twisted pairs cable gives you a serial cable, 
while connecting a cross cable gives you a NULL modem cable.

The two machines I want to connect are next to each other. One has a 
standard serial D9, while the other has an RJ45 serial exit.


Shachar Shemesh
Open Source integration consultant
Home page & resume -

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Re: Force reboot a machine?

2003-06-04 Thread Idan Sofer

> On Tue, Jun 03, 2003 at 02:23:16PM +0300, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
> On a side note, what's 2.4.18-8? I thought debian went with vanilla
> always?
Debian's kernel source packages are not plain vanilla, the maintainers add
couple of patches, mostly removal of non-free stuff(driver that contain
firmware), and bug fixes which aren't in upstream yet(for example, ext3
and ptrace fixes for 2.4.20)

See README.Debian


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Re: SCO SCO SCO (or whatever)

2003-06-04 Thread Dittigas
Having been contributing to whatsup ( for a while 
now, I think it has clearly become the de-facto leader of news and 
support alternative to Israeli FOSS users. For the last 1.5 years I 
have seen it grow from a meer few dozens registered users, to full 
blown 800+ with over 1M hits. Weather this is an achievment or not, as 
it clearly seems you are not impressed., will be left for others to 
decided I guess.

Yehuda seem to have raised some issues regarding cooperation and 
consolidation of the FOSS scene in Israel if in did there's one. There 
are many talented people willing and ready to help, though it seems 
that only recently it is becomming serious enough to make a difference.

Like in many other cases FOSS's recent achivment and sucess around the 
world was not intiated here (linux-il or whatsup). We are meerly 
benefiting GNU/Linux coming of age and maturity. Though mutt, pine or 
emacs are still the foundatons of FOSS they are by far not the platform 
on which it is now making it's inroads into the the public domain.

And so you have relactently dismissed Yehuda's interest in serving the 
community even further offering Whatsup as a platform to use by anyone 
in Israel intrested in promoting FOSS including established yet some 
what remote linux-il, or self-appointed Ha-Makor.

I personally don't really think it is difficult to see that whatsup 
seems to be doing very well serving the community as over 800+ users 
and more the 1M hits seem to sugest. If you think this is not a good 
enough proposition, or Whatsup/Yehuda should be runing around 
collecting news from the mouths of the so called community leaders, I 
think you are denying what seems to be obvious so far. If you need to 
outreach and spread any messages you might have, you should concider 
Whatsup to be you 1st choice. Doing so will further establish its 
presence and allow consolidation of the community.

Whatsup was wize and responisble enough to co-operate, rather than 
compete with many other projects like the Pinguin, Ha'Makor, Kineret 
and LinBrew and some other sites dedictated to FOSS and by doing so 
gave an example of positive and healty attiude and established itself 
as hub for this activities in a way. I hope it'll continue so wether 
receiving aknowledgment for it or not. Frankly speaking I think it 
allready had gained it. Why don't you make the most out of it?


On 2003.06.02 02:05, Yehuda Drori wrote:
this is Shachar response and my answer is between the paragaphs...

Shachar hi..

 ??, 1 ?? 2003, 12:49, Shachar Shemesh ??:
> Yehuda Drori wrote:
> >Shahar and all other on linux-il whom concern.
> >
> >after reading your long and very detailed mail about why did
> > this round I would like to publish some of my own insight ( if it
is of
> > any concern to someone here.. )
> >
> >1. Linux and open source got much bigger communittee in Israel then
it had
> > in the past ( I'm talking 2-3 years ago...)
> >
> >2. it seems that there are two LOS ( Linux-OpenSource just for
short.. )
> >communittees working with out any coordination. the first the
eldest and
> > more experienced LOS users that mainly gether in iglu and linux-il
> > mailing list and the other newly arrived and much less experienced
> > average that getherd at whatsup/penguin sites.
> >
> >3. the elders are much more exclusive group that doesn't mingle
with the
> >newbies that starting their way up the LOS world.
> >
> >4. ever since the Makor started it's act it neglected to use the
> > stage that avail. to it for accessing the crowds. whatsup is
> > today the largest place on then net which deals with LOS matters
and try
> > to bring as much info and knowledge to the public.
> Hi Yehuda,
> The points you raise are valid points, and worth noting. While I
> with the criticism, I think it is not correctly pointed.
> Hamakor was formed to unite the LOS community in Israel. Personally,
> was well aware that Linux-IL is a rather closed community, and for
> one of Hamakor's distinct objectives is to provide a place where
> everyone feel welcome and represented.
> However, another one of the objectives was to provide a common
> representation, and NOT to replace the existing communities. Whether
> like Linux-IL the way it is or not is irrelevant. The point is that
> did not form the NPO in order to change Linux-IL. If you, as a
> driving force in Whatsup, feel under represented in Hamakor, your
> is with me. Leave Linux-IL out of this. If you, as a welcome poster
> Linux-IL feel that the community needs to change direction, talk to
> list. This has nothing to do with Hamakor.
sorry to give the impression that Linux-il and Iglu are obbselit...
I don't think that those fine places should stop to exist on the
I also don't think that they should become something they are not (
who am I
to say anything about that

Re: SCO SCO SCO (or whatever)

2003-06-04 Thread Shachar Shemesh
Dittigas wrote:

Having been contributing to whatsup ( for a while 
now, I think it has clearly become the de-facto leader of news and 
support alternative to Israeli FOSS users. For the last 1.5 years I 
have seen it grow from a meer few dozens registered users, to full 
blown 800+ with over 1M hits. Weather this is an achievment or not, as 
it clearly seems you are not impressed., will be left for others to 
decided I guess.

Yehuda seem to have raised some issues regarding cooperation and 
consolidation of the FOSS scene in Israel if in did there's one. There 
are many talented people willing and ready to help, though it seems 
that only recently it is becomming serious enough to make a difference.

Like in many other cases FOSS's recent achivment and sucess around the 
world was not intiated here (linux-il or whatsup). We are meerly 
benefiting GNU/Linux coming of age and maturity. Though mutt, pine or 
emacs are still the foundatons of FOSS they are by far not the 
platform on which it is now making it's inroads into the the public 

And so you have relactently dismissed Yehuda's interest in serving the 
community even further offering Whatsup as a platform to use by anyone 
in Israel intrested in promoting FOSS including established yet some 
what remote linux-il, or self-appointed Ha-Makor.

I personally don't really think it is difficult to see that whatsup 
seems to be doing very well serving the community as over 800+ users 
and more the 1M hits seem to sugest. If you think this is not a good 
enough proposition, or Whatsup/Yehuda should be runing around 
collecting news from the mouths of the so called community leaders, I 
think you are denying what seems to be obvious so far. If you need to 
outreach and spread any messages you might have, you should concider 
Whatsup to be you 1st choice. Doing so will further establish its 
presence and allow consolidation of the community.

Whatsup was wize and responisble enough to co-operate, rather than 
compete with many other projects like the Pinguin, Ha'Makor, Kineret 
and LinBrew and some other sites dedictated to FOSS and by doing so 
gave an example of positive and healty attiude and established itself 
as hub for this activities in a way. I hope it'll continue so wether 
receiving aknowledgment for it or not. Frankly speaking I think it 
allready had gained it. Why don't you make the most out of it?


I'm not sure whether you are referring to my, or Nadav's, response. If 
mine, then I would like to direct your attention that I did, in fact, 
agree with much of what Yehuda wrote. I would also like to explain that 
Hamakor is not here to take credit over what whatsup is doing, or Linus 
Trovalds for that matter. We are here to unit the forces, out of the 
believe that this will be to everyone's benefit. The people from whatsup 
decided, for reasons of their own, to be less active in this initiative. 
It is their right. However, and as a result, taking offense that 
services they can offer are not utilized as efficiently as they could 
makes no sense.

If you want to do, do. If you don't want to do, at least offer criticism 
in a constructive (e.g. - saying "sending to [EMAIL PROTECTED] will be 
faster", or "we can also publish this response") rather than accusing 
manner. I want to hear how I can do better. I will refuse, however, to 
feel guilty for stepping forward and acting. If you don't like what or 
how I'm doing stuff, elect someone else to the board (assuming that the 
next time around there will be more candidates than places to fill, that 


Shachar Shemesh
Open Source integration consultant
Home page & resume -

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Re: [OT] BEOS IS ALIVE!!!!1!

2003-06-04 Thread Oron Peled
On Tue, 3 Jun 2003 13:58:43 +0300
Muli Ben-Yehuda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> - 2.5 adds system calls for manipulating a task's processor
>   affinity: sched_getaffinity() and sched_setaffinity()
> I haven't checked if RH 9.0 includes a backport of it to their 2.4
> kernel. (It's pretty trivial to implement). 

Looks like somebody backported it, since on my RH-8.0 there is
a already a utility named taskset(1) (belongs to schedutils-1.1.0)
which tries to call this unimplemented syscall (at least according
to strace). The author, by the man page, is Robert Love so maybe
it is included in one of his unofficial patches.

Oron Peled Voice/Fax: +972-4-8228492

c:\winnt> secure_nt.exe
  Securing NT.  Insert Linux boot disk to continue..
 --David Brumley

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Re: [OT] BEOS IS ALIVE!!!!1!

2003-06-04 Thread Oron Peled
On 03 Jun 2003 11:12:43 +0300
Gilboa Davara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> B. Events (posix conditions).
> Wait it doesn't work right (PulseEvent never did... MS, like MS, just
> refuses to fix it), NT events are much easier to use, and have much
> better control. The posix conditions are a just pain in the back side.

Posix conditions and mutexes are two low level mechanisms that complement
each other (that's why you need a mutex to manipulate a condition variable.

It is trivial to use these two *low level* abstractions to create a
higher level constructs like a counting semaphore (on which you
can easily wait). Can you fill the following API (I can mail you the
implementation if you really need it):



class CountingSem {
CountingSem(int start_value);
void inc();
void dec();
pthread_mutex_t  lock;   /* atomic access to value */
pthread_cond_t   wait;   /* lock block on CV   */
int  value;  /* This is semaphre value */

#endif  /* COUNTING_SEM_H */

> E. Wait functions.
> WaitForSingleObject (WaitForMulitpleObjects) is by far better then
> anything posix. The ability to create a single wait that will work on
> threads, processes, files, events, mutexes, etc, is a true blessing.
> I'm currently looking into ways to emulate the WaitFor* on posix
> machines. 

I completely agree that not representing these constructs as common
Unix file descriptors (just like SysV IPC isn't represented the same)
force one to handle each case separately. This is obviously a design

However, you should remember that due to the genious fork() design
(discussed by Shachar in other post), many Unix apps doesn't have to deal
with the complexities in the threaded model. Unix programmers used
paralelism for ~20 years without threads. Threads entered to the Unix world
at the begining of the 90's (because for *some* tasks threads *are* the
easiest paralelism method).

Regretfully, many programmers coming from the Win* school equate:
parallel execution == multi-threaded
Even when this design leads to complexity and bloat typical of windows:
One big process handling every possible task
Instead of adopting the easier Unix paradigm (when appropriate):
Many small processes each doing one thing well

Oron Peled Voice/Fax: +972-4-8228492

"There are lies, damned lies, and statistics" -- Benjamin Disraeli
"...and benchmarks" -- Garry Hodgson

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Re: SCO SCO SCO (or whatever)

2003-06-04 Thread Meir Kriheli
On Tuesday 03 June 2003 17:38, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
> Dittigas wrote:
> > Having been contributing to whatsup ( for a while
> > now, I think it has clearly become the de-facto leader of news and
> > support alternative to Israeli FOSS users. For the last 1.5 years I
> > have seen it grow from a meer few dozens registered users, to full
> > blown 800+ with over 1M hits. Weather this is an achievment or not, as
> > it clearly seems you are not impressed., will be left for others to
> > decided I guess.
> >
> > Yehuda seem to have raised some issues regarding cooperation and
> > consolidation of the FOSS scene in Israel if in did there's one. There
> > are many talented people willing and ready to help, though it seems
> > that only recently it is becomming serious enough to make a difference.
> >
> > Like in many other cases FOSS's recent achivment and sucess around the
> > world was not intiated here (linux-il or whatsup). We are meerly
> > benefiting GNU/Linux coming of age and maturity. Though mutt, pine or
> > emacs are still the foundatons of FOSS they are by far not the
> > platform on which it is now making it's inroads into the the public
> > domain.
> >
> > And so you have relactently dismissed Yehuda's interest in serving the
> > community even further offering Whatsup as a platform to use by anyone
> > in Israel intrested in promoting FOSS including established yet some
> > what remote linux-il, or self-appointed Ha-Makor.
> >
> > I personally don't really think it is difficult to see that whatsup
> > seems to be doing very well serving the community as over 800+ users
> > and more the 1M hits seem to sugest. If you think this is not a good
> > enough proposition, or Whatsup/Yehuda should be runing around
> > collecting news from the mouths of the so called community leaders, I
> > think you are denying what seems to be obvious so far. If you need to
> > outreach and spread any messages you might have, you should concider
> > Whatsup to be you 1st choice. Doing so will further establish its
> > presence and allow consolidation of the community.
> >
> > Whatsup was wize and responisble enough to co-operate, rather than
> > compete with many other projects like the Pinguin, Ha'Makor, Kineret
> > and LinBrew and some other sites dedictated to FOSS and by doing so
> > gave an example of positive and healty attiude and established itself
> > as hub for this activities in a way. I hope it'll continue so wether
> > receiving aknowledgment for it or not. Frankly speaking I think it
> > allready had gained it. Why don't you make the most out of it?
> >
> > dittigas
> Hi,
> I'm not sure whether you are referring to my, or Nadav's, response. If
> mine, then I would like to direct your attention that I did, in fact,
> agree with much of what Yehuda wrote. I would also like to explain that
> Hamakor is not here to take credit over what whatsup is doing, or Linus
> Trovalds for that matter. We are here to unit the forces, out of the
> believe that this will be to everyone's benefit. The people from whatsup
> decided, for reasons of their own, to be less active in this initiative.
> It is their right. However, and as a result, taking offense that
> services they can offer are not utilized as efficiently as they could
> makes no sense.
> If you want to do, do. If you don't want to do, at least offer criticism
> in a constructive (e.g. - saying "sending to [EMAIL PROTECTED] will be
> faster", or "we can also publish this response") rather than accusing
> manner. I want to hear how I can do better. I will refuse, however, to
> feel guilty for stepping forward and acting. If you don't like what or
> how I'm doing stuff, elect someone else to the board (assuming that the
> next time around there will be more candidates than places to fill, that
> is).
> Shachar


No one should feel guilty for acting, don't know how it came to this, but that 
conclusion is wrong.

There's one thing we must realize:

The stage of early adapters and techies adopting FOSS is reaching the end. 
From now on we are facing a uphill PR battle.

We're nearing a stage off public non techie adoption. As we see at Whatsup 
more and more "Normal" people are joining. Assuming linux-il and IGLU are 1st 
tier, various forums are 2nd tier, we're now facing the 3rd tier (the 

They're not reading linux-il or visiting IGLU, they don't care so much about 
the old boys. They don't visit Hamakor's site or read it's mailing lists.

What the 1st and 2nd tier should do is fight a PR battle for them and the ones 
to come. It includes releasing PR info for them, as they won't follow up or 
search it for themselves.

Take Nadav's comment. I took his announcement and published it at whatsup 
(with some mistakes by my side during the translation - Like Dan's last 
name). People became aware to it (many of them for the 1st time). Nadav 
commented there, correcting my mistakes.

Wouldn't it save resources if 

Re: Linux distro for old computers

2003-06-04 Thread Diego Iastrubni
I know people running in some 266 pc's, kde cvs.
They are using gentoo, but it is optimized as any redhat/mdk for that arch.

OO will be out of the question, but I can be wrong...  However more ram is a 
good idea (and cheap, you can get 128mb for about 50nis I would guess).

ביום שלישי, 3 ביוני 2003, 14:08, Muli Ben-Yehuda כתב:
> On Tue, Jun 03, 2003 at 12:12:44PM +0300, Hetz Ben-Hamo wrote:
> > I hardly think you can find something that good for her on that
> > machine. KDE & GNOME are
> > out of the question with 64MB RAM (I know because I have such a
> > machine). Linux popular
> This is silly. I use gnome-latest in debian unstable on a PII266 with
> 64MB of memory, and it works fine. It doesn't fly, but it works.


- diego
/ May you die in bed at 95, shot by a \
\ jealous spouse. /
\   ^__^
 \  (xx)\___
(__)\   )\/\
 U  ||w |
|| ||

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Re: SCO SCO SCO (or whatever)

2003-06-04 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Tue, Jun 03, 2003 at 07:52:25PM +0300, Meir Kriheli wrote:

[ snip ]

> There's one thing we must realize:
> The stage of early adapters and techies adopting FOSS is reaching the end. 
> From now on we are facing a uphill PR battle.
> We're nearing a stage off public non techie adoption. As we see at Whatsup 
> more and more "Normal" people are joining. Assuming linux-il and IGLU are 1st 
> tier, various forums are 2nd tier, we're now facing the 3rd tier (the 
> public).
> They're not reading linux-il or visiting IGLU, they don't care so much about 
> the old boys. They don't visit Hamakor's site or read it's mailing lists.
> What the 1st and 2nd tier should do is fight a PR battle for them and the ones 
> to come. It includes releasing PR info for them, as they won't follow up or 
> search it for themselves.
> Take Nadav's comment. I took his announcement 

Translated it to Hebrew,

> and published it at whatsup 
> (with some mistakes by my side during the translation - Like Dan's last 
> name). People became aware to it (many of them for the 1st time). Nadav 
> commented there, correcting my mistakes.
> Wouldn't it save resources if a "Press Release" was issued ? It have saved us 
> the time to translate it, and Nadav's time coming and "fixing" it.

To what address should announcements be sent? Are there any problems with 
UTF-8 text?

Actually, Nadav sent a rather "Technical" (though funny) annoncement about 
version 0.5 (read: not yet 1.0. Not yet ready for "tier 1 public" consumption. 
I believe that Nadav and Dan will agree with this stantement).

BTW: this was announced on ivrix-discuss and linux-il. Are people of the
WhatsUp site subscribed to both lists?

> Or take for example the result of the poll about Hamakor at Whatsup (what's 
> wrong with it's web site BTW ?). 

Why bother installing a poll facility?

Hamakor has a simpe site, with static pages. Very resiliant to possible
slash-dotting and similar problems.

> More than 60% (as for now) don't know about 
> it or won't pay (for various reasons). 

Considering the Hinam reputation, I wouldn't be surprised people have
their reasons not wanting to spend their money :-)

Tzafrir Cohen   +---+ |vim is a mutt's best friend|
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   +---+

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Re: Linux distro for old computers

2003-06-04 Thread Hetz Ben Hamo
> This is silly. I use gnome-latest in debian unstable on a PII266 with
> 64MB of memory, and it works fine. It doesn't fly, but it works.

Yeah, I run KDE CVS on such a low end machine too (after compiling it with 
prelinking, disable-debug, enable-final where it's possible) - and that could 

HOWEVER - once you have it running, try to run Open Office on top of it - it's 
DOG SLOW (I'm talking about MINUTES until it's starting to run)..


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Re: SCO SCO SCO (or whatever)

2003-06-04 Thread Meir Kriheli
On Tuesday 03 June 2003 20:49, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 03, 2003 at 07:52:25PM +0300, Meir Kriheli wrote:
> [ snip ]
> > There's one thing we must realize:
> >
> > The stage of early adapters and techies adopting FOSS is reaching the
> > end. From now on we are facing a uphill PR battle.
> >
> > We're nearing a stage off public non techie adoption. As we see at
> > Whatsup more and more "Normal" people are joining. Assuming linux-il and
> > IGLU are 1st tier, various forums are 2nd tier, we're now facing the 3rd
> > tier (the public).
> >
> > They're not reading linux-il or visiting IGLU, they don't care so much
> > about the old boys. They don't visit Hamakor's site or read it's mailing
> > lists.
> >
> > What the 1st and 2nd tier should do is fight a PR battle for them and the
> > ones to come. It includes releasing PR info for them, as they won't
> > follow up or search it for themselves.
> >
> > Take Nadav's comment. I took his announcement
> Translated it to Hebrew,
> > and published it at whatsup
> > (with some mistakes by my side during the translation - Like Dan's last
> > name). People became aware to it (many of them for the 1st time). Nadav
> > commented there, correcting my mistakes.
> >
> > Wouldn't it save resources if a "Press Release" was issued ? It have
> > saved us the time to translate it, and Nadav's time coming and "fixing"
> > it.
> To what address should announcements be sent? Are there any problems with
> UTF-8 text?

All *Nuke systems have a simply way to submit stories via the web interface.

> Actually, Nadav sent a rather "Technical" (though funny) annoncement about
> version 0.5 (read: not yet 1.0. Not yet ready for "tier 1 public"
> consumption. I believe that Nadav and Dan will agree with this stantement)

More testers the better, better bug reporting.
> BTW: this was announced on ivrix-discuss and linux-il. Are people of the
> WhatsUp site subscribed to both lists?

You're missing the point, I'm not talking about whatsup is specific I'm 
talking about general media, journalists etc.

Let's hope the new PR intitative at Hamakor will fly..

> > Or take for example the result of the poll about Hamakor at Whatsup
> > (what's wrong with it's web site BTW ?).
> Why bother installing a poll facility?

Shachar asked for one on whatsup to see where people stand.

> Hamakor has a simpe site, with static pages. Very resiliant to possible
> slash-dotting and similar problems.

By whats's wrong I mean that as for now going to gives 
an empty index page, not the design

> > More than 60% (as for now) don't know about
> > it or won't pay (for various reasons).
> Considering the Hinam reputation, I wouldn't be surprised people have
> their reasons not wanting to spend their money :-)

I disagree, there are people donating money to projects, joining club's etc. 
If the cause is right and people are aware of it, at lease some will pay.

Meir Kriheli
MKsoft systems

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Re: SCO SCO SCO (or whatever)

2003-06-04 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Tue, Jun 03, 2003 at 09:16:59PM +0300, Meir Kriheli wrote:
> On Tuesday 03 June 2003 20:49, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> >
> > To what address should announcements be sent? Are there any problems with
> > UTF-8 text?
> All *Nuke systems have a simply way to submit stories via the web interface.

Knowing those interfaces, ask my question again.

Those interfaces are downright frustrating. Mixed English / Hebrew text
is simply a pain. 

Tzafrir Cohen   +---+ |vim is a mutt's best friend|
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Re: SCO SCO SCO (or whatever)

2003-06-04 Thread Shachar Shemesh
Meir Kriheli wrote:

Wouldn't it save resources if a "Press Release" was issued ? It have
saved us the time to translate it, and Nadav's time coming and "fixing"

To what address should announcements be sent? Are there any problems with
UTF-8 text?

All *Nuke systems have a simply way to submit stories via the web interface.

Tzafrir, if you like, we can help you with a "press release" proper. 
submitted to the media. If you don't mind help Hamakor in the process, 
by pushing it by allowing the press release to come from our "official" 
source, that can work for everyone's benefit.

As for you, Meir. I wrote a long email, only to realize I'm too angry 
and hurt to click "send" without regretting it later on. Read my 
previous post, show some interest in actively helpin, send your comments 
to me or the board in private, ask to join the PR effort, or even call 
me on the phone (it's on my web site). If you want to help, help. If you 
don't want to help, please don't interfere. This is my last mail on this 

You're missing the point, I'm not talking about whatsup is specific I'm 
talking about general media, journalists etc.

Creating awarness with those journalists take time. We sent one press 
release about Haifux already. I missed the HSpell announcement.

Let's hope the new PR intitative at Hamakor will fly..

Why don't you join it, then? Why did NOBODY from whatsup ask to join it?

Or take for example the result of the poll about Hamakor at Whatsup
(what's wrong with it's web site BTW ?).

Why bother installing a poll facility?

Shachar asked for one on whatsup to see where people stand.

I'm fine with it being on whatsup. I wanted to know how many people 
extra will pay if we aquire the ability to charge credit card, so we 
know whether it pays back, and which card is better for our target 
audience. The rest of the options were just so people can voice where 
they stand.

By whats's wrong I mean that as for now going to gives 
an empty index page, not the design

A disk crashed. Another dent in my time spent on other activities. I am 
also trying to form a business. It will hopefully be up tommorow, and we 
will then have to resync the mirrors.

Shachar, switching to read-only mode for this thread.

Shachar Shemesh
Open Source integration consultant
Home page & resume -

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Re: SCO SCO SCO (or whatever)

2003-06-04 Thread Meir Kriheli
On Tuesday 03 June 2003 21:36, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 03, 2003 at 09:16:59PM +0300, Meir Kriheli wrote:
> > On Tuesday 03 June 2003 20:49, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> > > To what address should announcements be sent? Are there any problems
> > > with UTF-8 text?
> >
> > All *Nuke systems have a simply way to submit stories via the web
> > interface.
> Knowing those interfaces, ask my question again.
> Those interfaces are downright frustrating. Mixed English / Hebrew text
> is simply a pain.

Yes they are. You can do what I usually do: write in a text editor, then copy 
and paste.

As an alternative an email to Yehuda or myself would've done the Job. I'll 
talk to Shacahr and see how the PR efforts come along, as we can ease the 

Meir Kriheli
MKsoft systems

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Re: SCO SCO SCO (or whatever)

2003-06-04 Thread Meir Kriheli
On Tuesday 03 June 2003 22:59, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
> As for you, Meir. I wrote a long email, only to realize I'm too angry
> and hurt to click "send" without regretting it later on. Read my
> previous post, show some interest in actively helpin, send your comments
> to me or the board in private, ask to join the PR effort, or even call
> me on the phone (it's on my web site). If you want to help, help. If you
> don't want to help, please don't interfere. This is my last mail on this
> thread.

I don't know why you take it personally, it isn't an attack nor was meant to 
be. If you're offended, I'm sorry.

I've missed the 2nd meeting of Hamakor, couldn't attend, but that doesn't mean 
I'm not willing to help. A simple call for help would've help (I already made 
that mistake with, don't want to see others do it as well).

I'm willing to help with PR efforts and if Hamakor needs a webmaster I'm 
willing to help with that as well (depends on how much time it'll consume). 
I'll take this off the list and contact you.


Meir Kriheli
MKsoft systems

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Solved - Temporary malfunctioning of email on

2003-06-04 Thread Ilya Konstantinov
For an hour or two, might've refused emails send to it, including 
emails sent to linux-il. This, of course, is just a forwarder address and the 
list was always accessible via the address at

I apologize for the inconvenience caused by those problems caused by my 
incompetence with qmail. It should work now.

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Modern SCO Executive

2003-06-04 Thread Ira Abramov
on a lighter note, this filk is by two members of the SVlug:
 (Apologies to Gilbert, Sullivan, and most of humanity)

Next step in human evolution
Ira Abramov

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SCO vs IBM on yesterday's HaAretz

2003-06-04 Thread Dan Kenigsberg
If you would like to read about it from a Microsoft- and Bush- bashing article,
take a look at (reg. req.)

Dan Kenigsberg 162180901

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Re: SCO SCO SCO (or whatever)

2003-06-04 Thread Nadav Har'El
On Tue, Jun 03, 2003, Shachar Shemesh wrote about "Re: SCO SCO SCO (or whatever)":
> Creating awarness with those journalists take time. We sent one press 
> release about Haifux already. I missed the HSpell announcement.

Since Hspell became a favorite example here, I think I better comment on it.
But keep in mind that Hspell has *NOTHING* to do with Hamakor, and our
decisions regarding it are completely separate from Hamakor's board's
decisions regarding their activities.

Every time we (Dan Kenigsberg and I) release a new version of Hspell,
I send an announcement to exactly three places:

  1. linux-il (this list)
  2. ivrix-discuss (which unlike this list, isn't drowned with offtopic
 discussions like this one).

I send it to these sources because, frankly, these are *my* favorite
sources of information. I don't send further announcements to ynet,
globes, hamakor, whatsup, penguin, slashdot, debian, tapuz, or one of the
dozen other forums which might be interested in this announcements,
which doesn't mean that all those projects and others aren't worthy
and wonderful sources of information, perhaps even better than the three
that I chose and perhaps with a larger crowd.

I realize that it would be more convenient to Whatsup if I send them
an announcement in Hebrew, to debian if I send them a tested .deb, and
so on, but unfortunately my time is limited. Next time, I promise I'll
think about announcing on Whatsup too. But in the meantime, if people find
Hspell valuable enough (and fortunately, they seem to do) they will come
forward and do those things themselves - like an Hspell announcement appeared
on whatsup even if I didn't write it, or .deb packages appeared (thanks to
Baruch Even) even though we didn't know anything about how to create them.

Anyway, keep in mind that Hspell is a technical project, not a PR fad;
For Hspell to succeed, it is frankly more important for it to have technical
merit (good programming, good linguistic data) than good PR. When competing
against a void (i.e., the zero other free Hebrew spell-checkers), good PR
isn't a deciding factor - though it certainly never hurts. Getting Hspell
coverage in websites and newspapers is flattering, but is not our goal:
our goal is to make hspell high-quality enough, and get it into popular
distributions; If Hspell was installed with Redhat, for example, we wouldn't
need any PR for new Hspell versions, just like 99.9% of the "ls" users
never read announcements of new versions of it.

Nadav Har'El|  Wednesday, Jun 4 2003, 4 Sivan 5763
Phone: +972-53-245868, ICQ 13349191 |Entropy: Not just a fad, it's the future!   |

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Re: SCO vs IBM on yesterday's HaAretz

2003-06-04 Thread Hetz Ben-Hamo
Try this: 
No registration required ;) 
-- Original Message --- 
From: Dan Kenigsberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Sent: Wed, 4 Jun 2003 11:20:23 +0300 
Subject: SCO vs IBM on yesterday's HaAretz 
> If you would like to read about it from a Microsoft- and Bush- bashing  
> article, take a look at (reg. req.)
> --  
> Dan Kenigsberg 162180901 
> = 
> To unsubscribe, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 
> the word "unsubscribe" in the message body, e.g., run the command 
> echo unsubscribe | mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
--- End of Original Message --- 

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RE: problem with connecting to a microsoft Proxy server

2003-06-04 Thread Assaf Flatto
True but this doesn't help me either since i do not want to run the
mozilla on a windows station but on my linux PC .

and so far i can't reach the net to d/l any new software.


-Original Message-
From: Ilya Konstantinov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2003 12:17 AM
To: Hetz Ben-Hamo; Assaf Flatto; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: problem with connecting to a microsoft Proxy server

On Tuesday 03 June 2003 11:55, Hetz Ben-Hamo wrote:
> This should let you join the domain (you need to do it only once), and

> I assume - will let you use ISA server.

I never tried it, but it seems you should be able to authenticate to
Microsoft Proxy Server with your username/password in the domain by
using a 
browser which supports NTLM.

So far, the only browser to support NTLM was the 1.4 branch of Mozilla. 
Version 1.4  wasn't released yet but you're welcome to try the Release 
Candidate 1 and see if it works for you.

"Mozilla on Windows now has support for NTLM authentication. This
Mozilla to talk to MS web and proxy servers that are configured to use 
"windows integrated security"." [ from ]

To download Mozilla, go to .

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