Re: Postgres 8.4 - Table size inflates

2012-12-22 Thread Herouth Maoz

On 18/12/2012, at 13:59, david harel wrote:

> Greetings,
> Using Postgres v-8.4 for 3 years already, I now face a situation where one
> single table inflates enormously.
> Before vacuum the size was 1.5 GB for the table and 0.5 GB for the indexes.
> I tried to run CHECKPOINT in plsql (that's all I understood from reading:
> nf-checkpoint_segments-checkpoint_timeout-checkpoint_warning/)
> After full vacuum and reindex the table reduces it's size to 23MB and
> indexes reduce to 44MB.
> Typical usage of the table is insert.
> We never delete anything off that table and rarely we update it.
> Also we get key violations due to bad input also on rare occasions.
> Also we recently upgraded the hardware (OS (ubuntu 10.4 server eddition)
> runs on a virtual machine, copy to new hardware was using virtual machines
> snapshot).
> I don't know where to begin the investigation on the topic.

OK, first, table size has nothing to do with checkpoint segments and all that. 
If you are getting warning about "too many checkpoints are occuring" in your 
PostgreSQL log, it's a separate issue which requires proper memory management.

PostgreSQL works in a way that allows full, serializable transactions, and to 
do that, "dead tuples" are created. Typically, this would happen when you 
update or delete records. Another situation which may take up table size with 
dead records is using COPY to insert data, where the copy fails. The records 
that were inserted up to that point are marked "dead" because the whole COPY is 
considered one transaction so it's all-or-nothing. Failed triggers and 
constraint violations etc., cause the same thing.

Basically, those dead tuples are marked "unusable" but still take up space. 
Then a VACUUM reclaims them for re-use. There are, however, two types of 
VACUUM. The normal version of VACUUM, which is also used by the auto-vacuum 
daemon, simply marks the tuples as re-usable. This prevents the need to lock 
the table and allows other operations to continue normally. However, this means 
the space is not reclaimed to the operating system and the size of the table 
does not decrease. New inserted tuples, however, will not take up new space 
from the operating system but use the reclaimed space.

The other type of VACUUM is VACUUM FULL, which locks the table and reclaims the 
space back into the operating system.

Versions of PostgreSQL before 9.x have an issue of table bloat. This happens 
when the auto vacuum - or even manual vacuum - cannot reclaim the space, 
because it can't map all the tuples properly into a hash map, which is part of 
the process. You'll typically get a warning saying "relation "public.foos" 
contains more than "max_fsm_pages" pages with useful free space. HINT:  
Consider using VACUUM FULL on this relation or increasing the configuration 
parameter "max_fsm_pages"." VACUUM then gives up, and the tuples are never 
reclaimed, and as more tuples are inserted and updated, more and more unused 
tuples are created - which in turn deteriorates system functionality. There are 
ways to prevent this, by increasing the max_fsm_pages parameter, or by doing an 
occasional cleanup on tables that frequently bloat. Starting in version 9, 
PostgreSQL uses a different method and this type of bloat is less likely to 

By the way, a VACUUM FULL is not recommended. It's a very slow process, which 
leaves the table locked for a long while and consumes lots of resources. If you 
need to give your table a good diet, there are other ways - such as recreating 
the table from scratch. If you have enough disk space to keep two of the table, 
it's better to do it this way, and I found that the easiest way is to do an 
ALTER TABLE CLUSTER ON index_name, where index_name is the table's most 
frequently used index. This command is actually used to optimize the table for 
ORDER BY queries with that index. But what it actually does is re-order all the 
in-use tuples of the table in a new space, and then throw out the old tuples, 
which amount to the same thing as VACUUM FULL in a lot less time (but more 
space used while the operation takes place).

A similar issue can happen with the indices, and you can run a REINDEX to 
recreate them.

Linux-il mailing list

Re: Email To SMS

2011-07-12 Thread Herouth Maoz

Disclaimer: I work for this company. :-)

The basic service is via web, but SMTP is one of the common options.


Linux-il mailing list

Re: MediaWiki sorting the Hebrew Alphabet

2011-04-04 Thread Herouth Maoz

Quoting Ira Abramov :

On several sites I manage I have this problem - Category pages display
articles and subcategories sorted absolutely wrong. As far as I can tell
this is only a Hebrew issue. Anyone got a clue? Someone told me it may
be a question of DB collation or something, but I don't want to touch
anything irreversibly without knowing exactly what would happen.

Which database are you using? As far as I know, both PostgreSQL and  
MySQL are dependent on the usual libraries for their sorting  
algorithms, and therefore on the variable LC_COLLATE.

I'm not sure, though, whether it's something you can change in  
runtime. Last time that I tried, PostgreSQL took the value of the  
environment variable at the time of creation of a database cluster,  
which meant that changing it would require backing up, re-creating the  
cluster, and reloading the database. I'm less familiar with mySQL and  
how it relates to said environment variable.


Linux-il mailing list

Re: MediaWiki sorting the Hebrew Alphabet

2011-04-04 Thread Herouth Maoz

Quoting Ira Abramov :

Quoting Herouth Maoz, from the post of Mon, 04 Apr:

Which database are you using? As far as I know, both PostgreSQL and
MySQL are dependent on the usual libraries for their sorting algorithms,
and therefore on the variable LC_COLLATE.

using MySQL and the collation is settable after the fact, but I'm not
sure which table/column to change and to what.

As far as I can gather, you can sort with a specific collation, but  
this would mean going through the entire application and changing the  
SQL statements to use the COLLATE operator. I wouldn't go that way. I  
believe in order to solve the problem you have to set up your database  
with the proper collation to begin with - dump the database to text,  
re-create it with proper character set and collation, and then reload  

I think utf8 and utf8_general_ci are supposed to work properly for  
Hebrew. You can always test it by creating a little database somewhere  
with the settings you expect to work, create a table, insert a few  
words in Hebrew, and select it with order by.

Linux-il mailing list

Re: Android phones

2011-02-23 Thread Herouth Maoz

Quoting David Suna :

3. If I were to purchase one of these (unlocked) phones online and have
it brought to Israel how easy is it to add Hebrew support?

One thing I learned yesterday as I was searching for a way to install  
Japanese fonts on my Motorola Milestone is that it's notoriously  
difficult to change/add fonts to Android phones. Basically you need to  
root them first, as the fonts directory permissions factory settings  
are read-only.

So if you buy a phone abroad, I'd strongly suggest you test it right  
there, using WiFi, just surfing to or some such and  
seeing whether you get Hebrew fonts at all. If not, then you need to  
consider whether you want to root the phone and lose your warranty.

Once you have rooted the phone, it's just your normal Linux operation.  
Download the font file to the phone by mounting it or whatever, use a  
terminal and su to change the permissions of the fonts directory, and  
replace the fallback font with your font by renaming it properly. Full  
instructions can be found on various Android forums around the globe.

Soft keyboards are much easier to install.

I don't have any information regarding support of BiDi and whether it  
comes built in or requires root.

If anybody is aware of a better way to install fonts on Android, I'd  
be thrilled to hear about it, as my phone is company property and  
under warranty, so rooting is not an option for me.


Linux-il mailing list

Re: Can I use 32bit shared libraries on a 64bit machine?

2010-09-16 Thread Herouth Maoz

On 16/09/2010, at 22:56, ik wrote:

> You can use 32 bit libraries in 64 bit machines. I use several VPNs in Linux 
> that are only 32 bit based, while my own machine is 64 bit.

Thanks! I installed the 32 bit libpam from the mandriva repository and now SNX 
works perfectly.

Linux-il mailing list

Can I use 32bit shared libraries on a 64bit machine?

2010-09-16 Thread Herouth Maoz
Sorry about the newbie question. Our sysadmin is going abroad for the holidays, 
and I have to cover for him. Sort of. Well, I need to be able to connect to our 
office using Checkpoint SNX. But the version I was given is looking for, I assume the 32 bit version, and doesn't find the 
/lib64/ I have.

Should I install the 32 bit version of pam? Or is that going to have ill 
effects on my system? Or maybe I should just add /lib64 to LD_LIBRARY_PATH or 

(My machine is Mandriva 2010.0)

Linux-il mailing list

Re: USB speakers

2010-09-15 Thread Herouth Maoz
It's possible. The optional speakers on my old HP monitor used to work  
like that - USB for power, 3.5mm for sound. I don't think it has  
anything to do with the operating system.


Quoting Shlomo Solomon :

I don't really know if this is a Linux problem, so I apologize if this turns
out to be OT.

I bought a pair of cheap USB speakers  - "Muller M128 USB multimedia
speakers". There are 2 wires - 1 with a USB connection and 1 with a "regular"
3.5mm plug. When I plug in the USB connector, the speakers get power, but I
see nothing in the logs (tail -f /var/log/messages) and get no sound. When I
also connect the 3.5mm to my sound card, the speakers work.

Is it possible that the USB plug is only for power, or do I have a Linux
problem (missing driver or something)?

Shlomo Solomon
Sent by KMail 1.13.3 (KDE 4.4.3) on LINUX Mandriva 2010.1

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Linux-il mailing list

Re: linux beivrit

2010-07-05 Thread Herouth Maoz

Quoting Raz :

Hey Nadav
When i started i tried to work with open office in Hebrew, but i
simply spent too much time
trying to fix things, indentation, merging pictures and so on.
also, how can ask for people to send me their comments ? I did not see
track changes.

As a matter of fact, there is a "track changes" feature:  


Linux-il mailing list

Re: Preserving Blanks in Parameters to Shell Script

2010-06-14 Thread Herouth Maoz

Quoting Noam Meltzer :

use $@ instead of $*

But put it in quotes: "$@". Otherwise the effect is lost.


Linux-il mailing list

Re: ntpdate and Israel local time

2010-05-27 Thread Herouth Maoz

On 27/05/2010, at 21:50, shimi wrote:

Of course you could simply sync your synchronization server with an  
accurate time which makes the most sense: an Internet NTP server, or  
in the lack of Internet access, something independent (i.e. a GPS  

In fact, that's what he was doing. His issue is that ntp synchs the  
machine's clock with UTC. So in fact his internal clock is already  
correct. All he needs to do is set the proper time zone, as you said  


Linux-il mailing list

Re: Kosher for Passover software

2010-04-01 Thread Herouth Maoz

On 01/04/2010, at 07:40, Nadav Har'El wrote:

How can software possibly contain chometz? And who eats software  
anyway? :-)
As it turns out, it's not just that you're not allowed to eat  
chometz on
Passover - you're not allowed even to "benefit" from it. Observant  
already make sure that during Passover, their dogs eat kosher-for- 
dogfood, their toilet paper is free of chometz, and the milk they  
drink comes
from cows that hadn't eaten chometz. The new decision is that using  
which benefited from chometz during Passover is disallowed. And how  

software possibly benefit from chometz? Easy - Napoleon once said that
"the army marches on its stomache". Likewise, programmers eat, and  
food, there can be no software. If programmers ate chometz on  

and you use this software, you're benefiting from chometz on Passover,
which is not allowed.

Your rabbi must have drank the full four cups of wine of the Seder and  
added some VAT over that, before he made that decree, because,  
obviously, gentiles *are* allowed to eat as much chometz as they wish.  
That's why the local rabbinates sell all of the chometz within their  
jurisdiction to a friendly Muslim before Passover.

Here in the Israeli software industry we're in a unique position to  

kosher-for-passover software, because most of our programmers eat only
kosher-for-passover food during passover. If we only make sure not to
accidentally mix-in pieces of chometz software into our kosher  

In fact, since Israel has an overwhelming majority of Jews, out of  
which many are - oy vey - secular, Israeli software is highly likely  
to be non-kosher according to your inebriated rabbi.

We should especially avoid free software - because much of it was  
written by

gentiles who eat bread during Passover!

It's much more likely that software written by complete gentiles will  
be entirely kosher. However, we should carefully trace the authors of  
every piece of code, SCO-style, and find out whether they are Jews,  
and if they are, whether they ate any chometz during passover. If they  
are gentile, all the better.

So, the question whether free or non-free software is better for  
Passover is in fact a serious Halachaic problem. On the one hand, this  
is the feast of freedom, and enslaved software should be avoided. Then  
again, commercial software is comparable to a cathedral while free  
software to a bazaar. And since when is a cathedral kosher? Also, free  
software's code is a lot easier to trace to individual authors. On the  
other hand, it's easier to make commercial software kosher, by selling  
it to a gentile for the duration of Passover. Bill Gates, for  
example,  can claim that all the food eaten at MSFT headquarters  
belongs to him anyway, and therefore, because he is a gentile, his  
operation is totally kosher. Apple is a little less lucky, because  
rumour has it that Steve Jobs is partly Jewish. Oy.

But you can't sell free software to anybody. So if there were any  
Jewish programmers who ate chometz and worked on it, the code should  
be removed, and patched over either by observant Jews or by full  
blooded gentiles.

Linux-il mailing list

Re: Sending & receiving SMS in linux

2010-03-18 Thread Herouth Maoz

On 18/03/2010, at 21:54, Elazar Leibovich wrote:

Oh boy! That's what just I feared would happen. I thought we would  
know better than that now.

Not sure who "we" are exactly. Anyway, standardisation sometimes  
suppresses innovation. For example, if you standardise on a document  
format for spreadsheets, e.g. ods, you basically hurt software that  
represent data in an innovative way (for example, I used to use a  
spreadsheet program in which the data was in small grids, and these  
grids were connected by formulas - rather than the giant grid that  
contains formulas and data which we are used to).

But I suppose this is a political discussion so I'd better not pursue  

One more question please. Is what you said relevant to receiving  
SMS? Is this usually done also through HTTP POST?

(And thanks alot! that's just the answer I sought.)

Receiving SMS is a hairy business. But basically, like receiving  
delivery notifications, you usually need to set up a web service for  
the provider to access and give you the messages. Some providers (my  
company included) also allow usage of e-mail rather than HTTP. Just  
don't expect messages longer than 70 character to come in intact. :)

Anyway, the bottom line is that you can do it on Linux quite well, but  
you can't standardise any of it. At best, you can offer an SMPP plugin  
as your default (there used to be other standards like UCP, but they  
are even more obsolete than SMPP nowadays). Even then, not all  
providers implement the standard in full so you need to be careful  
about the assumptions you make.

Linux-il mailing list

Re: Sending & receiving SMS in linux

2010-03-18 Thread Herouth Maoz
There is a standard protocol called SMPP. However, fewer and fewer  
major vendors support it, as it doesn't support billing very well, and  
is GSM-biased. Most SMS providers - whether they are actual cellular  
providers or VARs - support some sort of HTTP based protocol - using  
standard POST with name-value pairs, XML or SOAP. However, the actual  
protocol (variable names, contents, authentication, XML format, return  
values, capabilities) differ from supplier to supplier. So it is going  
to be very hard to standardise. I suppose the best approach would be  
to create protocol plugins for various vendors. You'll also have to  
facilitate reception of delivery notifications.

(Proper disclosure: I work in a company that offers such services).


On 18/03/2010, at 21:27, Elazar Leibovich wrote:

Is there a standard way to send SMS from a computer in Israel?
I'm writing a program, and I want it to be able to send and recieve  
SMS in Israel.

Shallow searching for the topic reveals sites such as this one 
 which gives many, seemingly nonstandard, way to send SMS via the  
company. Many of those ways are not compatible with Linux.

Is there a standard protocol to send and receive SMS via a computer  
program? Standard means for instance, that it will be supported by  
many vendors, or that it'll be supported in many countries. I'd  
rather keep my code as portable and standard as possible (so no  
thanks, windows only COM components are not the way to go).

Clarification, I'm not interested with a script that uses some free  
service (such as ICQ) to send sms. But in paid service that is able  
to send many SMS for a list of subscribers.

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Linux-il mailing list

Re: Ben Gurion - arrivals in Firefox

2010-03-15 Thread Herouth Maoz
This advice is from the Mac community, and can probably be applied to  
Linux, though I didn't try it myself on either: Install GreaseMonkey  
and then add the relevant script:

Quoting Gabor Szabo :

Does anyone know if there is any web site where one can find out details of
arrivals on Ben Gurion airport even with Firefox?

has some javascript that immediately hides the details so I need to
view source and then search for the text.
Trying to search tells me it only works with IE 5.5 and newer!

Gabor Szabo

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Linux-il mailing list

Re: So why didn't you attend the last TelFOSS Meeting? (Take 2)

2010-02-16 Thread Herouth Maoz

If you ask me, then two main reasons:

1. Inconvenient time. 18:00 is not suitable to anybody with a standard job.
2. My interests have shifted somewhat, Linux/free software is no  
longer news to me, so although I actually thought that the subject was  
interesting, I didn't see it as "worth bother".

You see this as a community thing, a chance to meet IRL. Maybe I can  
offer some advice, FWIW. A chance to meet IRL is good when you have a  
pretty active online community, with a sense of familiarity. When you  
have that, you naturally want to meet the people IRL, and then if  
there is a well organized lecture about a subject that is somewhat  
relevant, people might make the effort.

The TA Open source club is not connected to any community in  
particular. In the past few times that I went, a year or two ago, then  
other than Eddy and yourself I didn't know anybody there. I jump on  
every opportunity to meet with the members of the Macintosh forum I  
participate in. I organize monthly meetings for the Japanese forum in  
Tapuz. By the way, for monthly meetings, I consider 10 people a good  
turnout. But of course the Open Source community is supposed to be  
bigger than the Japanese-studying community, so one might expect  
higher turnouts - provided that there was an active, cohesive  
community in the first place.

Linux-il mailing list

Re: maccabi health new webpage woes

2010-01-26 Thread Herouth Maoz

Here is a workaround I found for the issue and posted in the Mac-it forum:

I am surprised that it works in IE, because the Javascript that fails  
calls getElementById on a non-existent ID. I sent a message to Maccabi  
online about it, and haven't got an answer yes. The Javascript there  
has been written by a brain-damaged monkey.


Good morning,I noticed that either in Firefox or Epiphany or Opera   
after entering the Username and Password I could not continue. The   
new site appears to only support I.E. I tried with Wine I.E. but the  
 site asks for Adobe Flash plugin that won't install either through   
Wine or Play on Linux or Crossover Office.

Perhaps the forum can send Maccabi messages that Linux users do   
exist and their web page should support our use. I have done so and   
await their reply.Moshe

Linux-il mailing list

Re: A simple question about hebrew in terminal

2009-06-24 Thread Herouth Maoz

Quoting Dan Shimshoni :

and if you show it in a BiDi aware application (say, konqueror >or   
whatever file explorer you use), it will show properly.

It is true that if I try to browse the contents of this directory with
mozilla for example, it shows indeed :

However, when I try to look at the contents of that directory using
midnight commander, it shows garbage.
something like: ץ???ק.a

And it is important for me to view the contents of directories with
hebrew file names properly with midnight commander as it is my daily
file management app.

seems that midnight commander has an encoding rather than BiDi issue.  
You should look for a way to set up its encoding, to be aware of UTF-8  
file names.


Linux-il mailing list

Re: A simple question about hebrew in terminal

2009-06-24 Thread Herouth Maoz

Quoting Dan Shimshoni :

 I have support in hebrew on my Linux desktop (Fedora 10).
I can switch to hebrew with the keyboard indicator and it works.

Say I want to perform a simple operation in terminal: rename a file
named a.txt to קובץ.txt

I type:
"mv a.txt" and then, when I type: ק and then ו and then "ב" and then
"ץ" it shows:

I can of course write the letters in reverse order, but this is not
comfortable to do it for each rename

Is there a way to solve this ? If I am not wrong I heard about some
BIDI support, but it seems to me that this BIDI support is for some
specific word processing/editors. I an talking about the

First, I wouldn't worry about it. The name of the file is OK - the  
letters are entered into the directory in the correct order, and if  
you show it in a BiDi aware application (say, konqueror or whatever  
file explorer you use), it will show properly.

There are terminal applications that support BiDi. This is usually not  
a very good idea because it tends to confuse issues with the cursor  
and mess up curses-based applications.

Personally, I actually prefer to work in non BiDi aware apps to enter  
data (e.g. Write HTML or localization files or whatnot). It's easier  
to tell which character is the 10th from the quote etc. even in a  
mixed string.

Linux-il mailing list

Re: cifs replacing smbfs - how to set up?

2009-06-16 Thread Herouth Maoz

Quoting Oleg Goldshmidt :

FWIW, I see similar effects when the server is Windows. I have a
different setup, I run VMware VMs on my work laptop, and I mount a
share on the host (WinXP 64 bit) in Linux VM (CentOS 5.3). After
initial hiccups I worked my way through the various "security" tabs in
the share's "Properties" window, and disabled the host's firewall
(after a nod from the company's sysadmin). After that what I need to
do works just fine, but when I read your posting I tried to touch a
couple of files and copy one over the other (had not had a need to do
it before) - and I saw effects similar to what you describe ("can't
modify owner", "can't modify time", etc.).

Interesting, because my mount to the office file server (windows)  
actually works well, no problems copying or touching or anything.  
Could be a different version of windows.

I suspect the culprit maybe CIFS ACLs (I had added the user who mounts
the share to the list and had given him "full access") and/or their
mapping to POSIX ACLs. I played a bit with getfacl/setfacl but got
nowhere. Maybe some googling for CIFS ACLs will help.

I'll try that, thanks.


Linux-il mailing list

Re: cifs replacing smbfs - how to set up?

2009-06-16 Thread Herouth Maoz

Quoting guy keren :

in the samba server file you have a 'workgroup' name - give this as the
'domain' to the cifs mount options.

also, you can run the samba server on the linux machine in debug mode,
re-connect the client, perform the operation and start reading the
log... it's not trivial, but it's do-able.

Thanks. I added the domain but it didn't help.

The servers are not under my responsibility, unfortunately, so I can't  
dictate to the sysadmin to allocate time to look into this. I'll need  
to keep researching this until I can come up with specific parameters  
that should fix the problems.

Do you have anything particular set as far as permissions or ACLs are  
concerned, on the server side? Might give me a clue.


Linux-il mailing list

Re: cifs replacing smbfs - how to set up?

2009-06-15 Thread Herouth Maoz

On 15/06/2009, at 23:31, guy keren wrote:

when i switched from smbfs to cifs - i added the 'domain='  
parameter, and used the name defined on the samba server - and had  
no similar problems. did you try this?

also, i didn't use the file_mode, dir_mode or setuids optoins, that  
you are using. i would try to remove them and see if there's any  

finally - what distribution+version is your client? the same for the  
linux server? this might be relevant information.

My client distro is Mandriva 2009.0 - kernel
The server on that particular machine is Debian - kernel 2.6.18-6-686.  
All of our servers are debians, though not all are the same version.

As for the "domain" argument - what should I set it to?

I removed the file_mode and dir_mode parameters, but no help there - I  
still can't copy a file to an existing file. Removing them just makes  
the file permissions I get in ls be funny:

Running ls -l on the client machine gives:
total 8
-rwxrwSrwx 1 herouth herouth 121 2009-03-11 18:06 create_dev_pgsql.sql*
-rwxrwSrwx 1 herouth herouth 125 2009-03-11 18:06 create_prod_pgsql.sql*
drwxrwxrwx 1 herouth herouth   0 2009-03-17 15:51 CVS/

Running it on the server machine (connecting with ssh) gives:
total 12
drwxr-xr-x 2 herouth herouth 4096 Mar 17 15:51 CVS
-rw-r--r-- 1 herouth herouth  121 Mar 11 18:06 create_dev_pgsql.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 herouth herouth  125 Mar 11 18:06 create_prod_pgsql.sql

Of course the permissions displayed on the client machine are  
ridiculous. Adding the file_mode and dir_mode parameters gives me  
"normal" permissions, which are similar most of the time to the real  

Further help would be appreciated.

Linux-il mailing list

cifs replacing smbfs - how to set up?

2009-06-15 Thread Herouth Maoz
Up until recently I used to have smbfs mounts to all the development  
and some of the production servers in my company. I used to mount as a  
particular user in the host machine, and then every write, mode  
change, time set etc. was done as that user on the server side, and  
everything was pretty transparent to me.

Recently, because I upgraded my machine, I was forced to stop using  
smbfs and change to cifs. It works well enough with windows machines,  
but when the host server is linux, I get nothing but grief. All I need  
is for it to behave as it used to - allow me to access all the files  
as a particular user on the server side.

Instead, I get all sorts of strange errors. For example, when I use  
"cvs update" in a project mounted with cifs, I get the following:

P sql/9_insert 16_lookup.sql
cvs update: cannot change mode of sql/9_insert/16_lookup.sql:  
Permission denied

On other times I get errors such as "cannot set time".

Or when I try to copy a file over an existing file on the mount:
cp 16_lookup.sql
I get the result:
cp: cannot create regular file `16_lookup.sql': No such file or directory

The only way to copy over a file is to rm it and then do the cp.

Can anybody guide me on how I should change the server side, or the  
mount command on my fstab, to be able to work smoothly?

I tried setting /proc/fs/cifs/LinuxExtensionsEnabled (on the client  
side) to 0, but it makes no difference.

There is no domain controller - each of the servers is set up with its  
own set of users, and the user I use for mounting is not necessarily  
the same as my local one, though on some occasions it is.

Here is an example line from my fstab if it helps:
//lindev5/herouth /home/herouth/lindev5 cifs  


Linux-il mailing list

Re: php cli is trying to resolve

2009-06-13 Thread Herouth Maoz

On 13/06/2009, at 15:17, ik wrote:

 Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 3:10 PM, Herouth Maoz   

First off, run

php -i | grep prepend see if it is trying to run any prepend file which is set up in  

# php -i | grep prepend
auto_prepend_file => no value => no value
error_prepend_string => no value => no value

So it means that it does not set any path to execute before things  
should run ?

It means that it doesn't run any automatic php script before every one  
of your scripts. I suspected that it did - but it doesn't, which means  
that access to the network comes from one of the modules installed. I  
suppose you could check which one it is through a process of  

Linux-il mailing list

Re: php cli is trying to resolve

2009-06-13 Thread Herouth Maoz

First off, run

php -i | grep prepend see if it is trying to run any prepend file which is set up in  


On 12/06/2009, at 22:29, ik wrote:

Hello list,

I have encountered today a weird problem with a CentOS 4.7 Final  

A cli based PHP script took a long time until it executed. Even code  
such as :

Took few minutes to execute.

After doing some strace on php, I found out that it attempt to do  
resolving for several addresses prior to executing the code.

I can not reproduce it on any other Linux that I have tried to  
(Ubuntu, debian and Arch Linux).

Have anyone encountered such issue, and knows how to stop php from  
trying to resolve things ?


Linux-il mailing list

Linux-il mailing list

Re: lyx Hebrew keyboard layout variant issue

2009-05-22 Thread Herouth Maoz

On 21/05/2009, at 19:57, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 12:28:03PM +0300, Herouth Maoz wrote:

Hi everybody,

I recently upgraded the Linux version on my work machine, and I  

something odd about the Hebrew kxkb layout, which I use in the lyx
variant. There was no "=" key, and there were two "]" keys. The  

Hebrew layout had no such artifact.

After comparing my KDE-based Mandriva setup with my sysadmin's Ubuntu
(Gnome), it turned out that we had the same layout, and the thing  
it is that it's not completely defined. The number keys and symbol  

which are supposedly "common" to the Hebrew and US layouts are not
defined. The default variant defines all the keys.

This is by design. The lyx layout only touches the second group.  

may want to use the British pound sign for shift-3, for instance.

Only when they use the Engish layout, I'd assume. When you use a  
Hebrew layout, you expect shift-3 to give you "#". I touch-type in  
both languages, and some of the punctuation marks are mapped to  
different keys (the comma, for example). In the context of Hebrew, I  
look for the comma on the bottom right row. In the context of English,  
I automatically type it where it belongs in the English keyboard. It's  
part of the training of the brain. Thus, it makes no sense to have  
shift-3 mapped to anything other than what it is on common Hebrew  
keyboards in a common layout. The bottom line is that there shouldn't  
be a situation in which I don't have a "=" sign in Hebrew, just  
because I chose an alternative layout as my English layout!

And of curse, the

What layout do you use, exactly? What's you current XKB configuration?

xprop -root | grep _XKB

_XKB_RULES_NAMES(STRING) = "xorg", "pc104", "us,il", "dvorak,lyx",  

Note that when I change my Hebrew keyboard to "no variant" (that is,  
instead of "dvorak,lyx" I get "dvorak,"), the missing "=" key appears  
where it is expected in Hebrew.


Linux-il mailing list

lyx Hebrew keyboard layout variant issue

2009-05-21 Thread Herouth Maoz

Hi everybody,

I recently upgraded the Linux version on my work machine, and I  
noticed something odd about the Hebrew kxkb layout, which I use in the  
lyx variant. There was no "=" key, and there were two "]" keys. The  
default Hebrew layout had no such artifact.

After comparing my KDE-based Mandriva setup with my sysadmin's Ubuntu  
(Gnome), it turned out that we had the same layout, and the thing  
about it is that it's not completely defined. The number keys and  
symbol keys which are supposedly "common" to the Hebrew and US layouts  
are not defined. The default variant defines all the keys.

Where is the problem? In English, I don't use the US layout, but  
rather the Dvorak layout, which places the "]" where "=" is supposed  
to be.

So, does anybody know where I can get a fully-defined Hebrew layout  
for kxkb, in the lyx variant? If so, a hint on where to install it  
will also be appreciated. And finally, how does one convince all the  
distros to include a full layout? It's strange that both Ubuntu and  
Mandriva have the same faulty layout.

As far as I remember, the layout did not give me trouble in Mandriva  
2007.1 from which I upgraded. So there used to be a good layout out  


Linux-il mailing list

Re: DNS is driving me crazy

2009-03-10 Thread Herouth Maoz

On 10/03/2009, at 21:33, Oren Held wrote:

On Tuesday, 10 March 2009 17:50:18 Herouth Maoz wrote:

Quoting Gabor Szabo :

www 3600IN  CNAME 3600IN  CNAME

@   3600IN  MX  10

Is that how it should be? With the trailing . on the MS record ?

dig MX

does not seem to show me any MX record

Well, I'm not exactly an expert, but your MX record certainly isn't
propagated - I think the above definition must be wrong. Why does it
say "@" where it's supposed to say

Wrong, instead of the "@" should be and not -

because he wants mail addresses.

Ah, right, I guess. The following confused me:

I'd like to have and to resolve to while to resolve to and that all mail  
sent to should be processed by

So actually there is no need to define at all -  
unless he wants to make it a cname for some protocol other than SMTP.

Linux-il mailing list

Re: DNS is driving me crazy

2009-03-10 Thread Herouth Maoz

Quoting Gabor Szabo :

www 3600IN  CNAME 3600IN  CNAME

@   3600IN  MX  10

Is that how it should be? With the trailing . on the MS record ?

dig MX

does not seem to show me any MX record

Well, I'm not exactly an expert, but your MX record certainly isn't  
propagated - I think the above definition must be wrong. Why does it  
say "@" where it's supposed to say

Yes, the trailing dot is supposed to be there - in every record that  
is not resolved to an IP number but a hostname.


Linux-il mailing list

Re: Convert pdf files to .doc or formats that Open Office opens

2009-03-08 Thread Herouth Maoz

Quoting Moshe Brace using Yahoo :

How to Geek has a Ubunto advice also on their web pages.

As far as I know, Hebrew doesn't work well with such solutions. It's  
kept in Visual order inside the PDF, because PDF is considered an  
end-product. So reconstructing it requires knowing where the lines end  
and converting each line from visual to logical. I think none of the  
existing solutions is written with an awareness of this, so Hebrew  
would be botched.

Linux-il mailing list

Re: Identifying linux-il messages

2009-02-08 Thread Herouth Maoz
That's not a message from linux-il. That's a message to which linux-il  
was CCed. The powers in charge of this mailing list encourage people  
to use "Reply-to-all" when answering messages to the list. As a  
result, you get a direct message from the person who is writing (if  
you are in the recipient/sender list of the original message).

When the list software sees that it has been CCed to a message that  
was sent directly to you, it refrains from sending you its own copy,  
so you get only one copy (although this can be changed).

Messages that were not addressed to you but come directly from the  
list have many additional headers. Personally, I rely on the List-Id  
header to filter the list.

However, this strategy means that you cannot filter all messages that  
relate to the list. Only the ones that were not addressed to you.  
Discussions in which you have involved yourself will end up in your  
inbox. For some reason, the list owners consider this to be a GOOD  
thing. I consider it to be very annoying, but I have no say in the  


Quoting Moshe Gorohovsky :

Hi All,

How do I identify linux-il messages?

In full message source, I see only one header that mentions linux-il:
  CC: linux-il 
No other header mentions linux-il.

Linux-il mailing list

Re: Hebrew spam: what to do about it?

2009-02-08 Thread Herouth Maoz

Quoting Dotan Cohen :

It needs to be commercial to be illegal.

Really? If I have a website that I don't make money off of, like then can I send spam? I'll do it too, not in order to
promote the site but in order to get the law changed.

‎There is no chance that the law will be changed. First, politicians  
are the ones who are supposed to change it - and they have a vested  
interest in allowing political spam. Second, disallowing  
non-commercial spam may be regarded as an act against freedom of  
speech, and such an act may not pass Bagatz.

The way the current law defines spam is as a message that induces you  
to spend money. So spam calling for donations is also illegal.  
Promoting causes, such as asking for signatures for Gilad Shalit, or  
banning silicon from dairy products, is legal.


Linux-il mailing list

Re: The new linux-il - a few tips to get you (re)started

2009-01-28 Thread Herouth Maoz

Quoting Shachar Shemesh :

Linux-IL is a list with no added "reply-to list" header. You are kindly
requested to hit "reply to all" when replying to postings arriving from
the list. Don't worry about people getting two copies. When mailman
notices that your email is in the "To" or "CC" list, it will refrain
from sending you the mailing list's copy of the email (it will assume
that you already received a copy), which means that you will NOT
receive two copies of emails that belong to discussions you participate

Now that the list supports the standard headers, there are, in fact,  
mail clients which support a separate "reply to list" button which  
sends to the list based on the appropriate header, which is how I am  
sending this reply.

I prefer it over using "reply to all" because I can then easily scan  
my outbox and detect which messages I sent to the list.

By the way, regarding the "[linux-il]" tag - is there a way to set up  
a poll about this, rather than conducting a lengthy argument?


Linux-il mailing list

Re: [Linux-il] testing

2009-01-25 Thread Herouth Maoz

Quoting Shachar Shemesh :

Ely Levy wrote:

Moved to mailman, please report problems :-)

And update your filters..

Problem: the list prepends [Linux-il] to the subject line.

One man's problem is another (wo)man's blessing. I prefer all my  
mailing lists to have such a short label on the subject line. It  
allows me to identify them easily in the mailbox on the web where  
mails are still unsorted by my local filters. And more importantly,  
identify them easily in the spam mailbox so I can salvage them.


Linux-il mailing list

Re: [OFFTOPIC] Daily Maily Spam

2008-12-09 Thread Herouth Maoz

I think that the law goes into effect on January 12. At least, that's
what all the spam messages say.

Don't trust spammers. The law went into effect on Decemeber 1st. Any  
spammer sending any unsolicited mail to you now is violating the law. (Hebrew)

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Re: not working in FF or Konqueror

2008-08-17 Thread Herouth Maoz

Quoting Dotan Cohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

2008/8/14 Noam Rathaus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


The Israeli Post web site used to work with FF and Konqueror, but now it
doesn't anyone knows how you can reach them and complain?

No fire broke out when I went to the website and began
navigating. It works fine for me in Firefox 3 on Kubuntu 8.04.

From what I remember, the problematic features are:

1. Trying to find out how much it costs to send a letter abroad using  
their price calculator (it never gets to the "abroad" part).

2. Problems in the branch locator (finding out opening hours of branches)

3. Feedback form.

And I did manage to find a browser where the feedback form works (I  
got the automated reply) but they never actually got around to fixing  
the problems I mentioned (which are not just compatibility issues.  
They have content issues as well).


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Re: Please vote for this KDE bidi bug, even if you are not a KDE user

2008-06-30 Thread Herouth Maoz

Quoting Shachar Shemesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Herouth Maoz wrote:

Or am I missing something here?

How will you supply round trip preservation of directionality (running
program -> disk -> running program) if the application is unaware of
the directionality?

That's not the purpose here, and indeed, the bug description says that  

What is asked here is a way for you to be able to fill a field, and  
while you type, to view it in the proper direction. An example that  
comes to mind is a forum, where the user uses plain HTML text fields  
for input, but knows that the eventual output will be displayed  
properly (either because it's the default or because there is a  
control for it in the form), so he wants to be able to see what he  
types properly.

This is just a convenience for the user, and not until you have used  
it do you realize how very convenient this is. It's supported in the  
Macintosh since at least the early '90s, and no, the applications  
themselves do not support this internally nor save the directionality.


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Re: Please vote for this KDE bidi bug, even if you are not a KDE user

2008-06-30 Thread Herouth Maoz

Quoting Shachar Shemesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

What bothers me even more is that this is just KDE working as it
should. The bug is in kate and the rest of the programs that decided
not to have bidi support. There is NO way to provide a generic solution
to this problem at the toolkit level.

Why? A toolkit is supposed to control the behavior of the various  
fields and items that it offers as "black boxes" to the user. Of  
course, the reference here is only to generic text fields. Of course,  
word processors usually take control and either use their own text  
engines, or the toolkit offers plain and complex text engines, and  
they choose the complex. for plain text fields, including labels &  
static text, the directionality is, indeed, under the responsibility  
of the toolkit.

Or am I missing something here?


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Re: Please vote for this KDE bidi bug, even if you are not a KDE user

2008-06-30 Thread Herouth Maoz

Quoting Dotan Cohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Please vote for this KDE bidi bug, even if you are not a KDE user:

What bothers me about this bug description is that you use the word  
"alignment", and that really has nothing to do with the problem at  
hand, which is directionality. You wish the various pieces of the text  
to be correctly ordered from right to left. If they just justify it to  
the right, it would be a great waste of votes, and that's what the  
word "alignment" implies.

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Re: RTL in plaintext mails

2008-02-26 Thread Herouth Maoz

On 26/02/2008, at 19:40, Dotan Cohen wrote:

Where is the lyx keyboard? Pressing SHIFT-minus for me gives me
underscore. Pressing SHIFT-numpadMinus gives me minus. I looked in
Kcontrol for lyx keyboard but do not see it.

In the control panel, under "keyboard layout" which is under the  
accessibility (at least in my Mandriva it is), you can select  
"Israel" as a keyboard layout. When you do so, you have a selection  
of variant in a drop down menu below the "active layouts" list. You  
select "lyx" from it. It also gives you Nikud in a very easy-to- 
remember layout (most Nikud is accessible as shift + its first letter  
- like shin for shwa and het for hirik).


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Re: RTL in plaintext mails

2008-02-26 Thread Herouth Maoz

Quoting Dotan Cohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On 26/02/2008, Herouth Maoz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Quoting Dotan Cohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

 > On 25/02/2008, Oron Peled <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 >>   - בעקבות אזכור של מישהו (איני זוכר מי) גיליתי שהתו מקף עליון '־' מוגדר
 >> ביוניקוד כתו עם ישור ימין-שמאל. זה פותר המון בעיות של צירופים קשים
 >> כגון "ה־9 לחודש" (נסו לכתוב זאת עם מקף רגיל).
 >> הבעיה -- התן הזה חסר בגופנים נפוצים ב־Windows (כמו Arial וכו'),
 >> לכן צמצמתי קצת את השימוש בו. האם במערכות שלכם רואים אותו?
 > איך מקלידים את המקף העליון? אני משתמש בKDE, אם זה חשוב.

Using the lyx keyboard that comes in KDE, click shift-minus. I use it
 all the time in any application that supports unicode.


No way with the keyboard? I have a hard time using the mouse. Broken thumb]

Maybe my use of the word "click" misled you. Should have said "press".


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Re: RTL in plaintext mails

2008-02-26 Thread Herouth Maoz

Quoting Dotan Cohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On 25/02/2008, Oron Peled <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  - בעקבות אזכור של מישהו (איני זוכר מי) גיליתי שהתו מקף עליון '־' מוגדר
ביוניקוד כתו עם ישור ימין-שמאל. זה פותר המון בעיות של צירופים קשים
כגון "ה־9 לחודש" (נסו לכתוב זאת עם מקף רגיל).
הבעיה -- התן הזה חסר בגופנים נפוצים ב־Windows (כמו Arial וכו'),
לכן צמצמתי קצת את השימוש בו. האם במערכות שלכם רואים אותו?

איך מקלידים את המקף העליון? אני משתמש בKDE, אם זה חשוב.

Using the lyx keyboard that comes in KDE, click shift-minus. I use it  
all the time in any application that supports unicode.


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Re: RTL in plaintext mails

2008-02-25 Thread Herouth Maoz

Quoting Oren Held <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On Monday 25 February 2008 06:36, Avraham Rosenberg wrote:

> I feel dumb.. Am I missing something, or is it just impossible to send
> Right-To-Left mails in plaintext?
> Must I use HTML mails when I write in Hebrew?

I use plain text for my E-mail in Hebrew (Mailer mutt, editor vi). My only
real problems are with the choice of encoding (utf-8 or ISO) and, when
writing to people who use windows, I have to remember that their mail
clients automatically reverse direction. So that I have to use a terminal
in which the Hebrew text appears reversed in my system.
As there is a variety of mailers in windows, and they do not treat Hebrew
exactly the same way, I receive from time to time complains about some
problems. Actually, I am not sure that these problems are related to their
mailer. The problem may be just the size of their window/vs the length of
my lines. Keeping lines short is a safe bet.

First, kudos for using vim for mails. (Real men use 'ed' =) )

Maybe I was unclear: I wasn't talking about using Logical Hebrew -   
this I take

for granted.. I was talking about 'align to the right' and putting the text
in 'RTL mode', so that mixed Hebrew lines with few English words inside
would be rendered correctly.

I find it funny if it's just not possible in plaintext.. I like plaintext :)

What you are referring to is text directionality. It's the parameter  
that guides the bilingual display algorithm. If the general text  
directionality is right-to-left, for example, the algorithm will place  
punctuation on the left side of a sentence and order parts in  
different directionalities properly from right to left.

Anyway, it's possible to do so in plain text if you use unicode, and  
embed unicode directionality characters at the beginning (and possibly  
the end - depending on your choince of directionality characters) of  
the paragraph.

However, though this method should work, some MUAs break long  
paragraphs into separate lines (which, from the unicode definition  
perspective, means that each line is a separate paragraph). That would  
cause only the first line in the paragraph will have proper  
directionality (it will be the only one that starts with a  
directionality character) and the rest will break.

The bottom line is that it is virtually impossible to properly display  
Hebrew if you use plaintext in e-mail.


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[JOB OFFER] PHP programmer

2008-01-10 Thread Herouth Maoz

(Anything you see in parenthesis is my own remark)

Unicell is looking for a PHP programmer.

The company provides value-added services in the cellular market. For  
more information, go to

Job description:

* Developer in the tech department at Unicell
* Answers to team leader
* Intended for candidates with at least 2 year experience in web development.
* Development of web applications
* Work with various technologies on advanced platforms.

(I just know that one of the regular Job-offer bashers will get me for  

Job requirements:

* Proved experience of at least two years in PHP 4/5 in web.
* Experience in OOP
* Familiarity with PHPLib - advantage.
* Experience working with CVS - advantage.
* Familiarity with Apache web server.
* Experience working with database (Sybase an advantage)
* Excellent command of HTML, Javascript, CSS, DHTML
* Familiarity with AJAX

(I'd add - some knowledge of Linux, not being afraid of command line or cron).

Character requirements:

(The usual, but I'l repeat it anyway)

* Initiative and, well, "rosh gadol".
* Self-teaching abilities.
* readiness for strenuous work
* Excellent people skills (service minded)

(Our standard office hours are 9-18, so don't take "readiness for  
strenuous work" to mean "ready to work 14 hours every day").

Interested parties, please apply to Moshik Chen, Unicell's Vice CEO of  
Technology, at the e-mail moshik AT tippcom DOT co DOT il.

(I realize that this offer may be too low-level for most residents of  
this list, so feel free to pass it on to those of your acquaintance  
who are not kernel programmers...)


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Re: Nostalgia is not what it used to be (was: Petition to ask MainConcept)

2007-10-03 Thread Herouth Maoz

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Type: text/plain;

On 03/10/2007, at 08:55, Nadav Har'El wrote:

> There's a famous paper on the design of the Unix "spell" program,  
> which
> ran (if I remember correctly) on some PDP 10 with 65 KB of memory.  
> Much
> of the work involved in fitting all the words in less than that  
> memory.
> When I started working on Hspell, it was obvious that nobody really  
> cared
> about how much memory it would take. When it ended up taking 100 KB  
> of disk
> space and 4 MB of memory, everyone thought it was perfectly  
> acceptable (and
> even small if you compare it, for example, to aspell).

And with good reason, too. The art of programming changed focus not  
because we are lazier these days than the heroes of the ancient world  
(although this may be true as well). Because resource limitations  
have changed, and hardware prices changed, it's rather obvious that  
the focus of what is considered "good programming" has changed.

In the days of yore, in order to fit the data into a decent file for  
the compiler to chew, you'd do nasty things like cut down on comments  
and indentation, and of course variable names. In fact, IIRC,  
FORTRAN, prior to the 77 version, didn't even allow indentation.  
Doing these things today may cost you your reputation. The focus has  
moved from saving on source code length to saving on maintenance  
time, because nowadays, programmer time is the bottleneck. And this  
goes further than just the length of code, because of course, there  
is some trade-off between efficiency and maintainability. I find  
myself many times writing code which I know would not be very  
efficient (e.g. make several database accesses which could be reduced  
if effort was put into it). Why? For two reasons, mainly. (A)  
Spending my time and effort to make the program more efficient would  
be more costly than those additional database calls. My time is  
limited, I'm one of the most expensive resources in my company, so  
they wouldn't want me to spend it thinking of tricks to make  
something efficient, which basically would not affect the company's  
income. If the program is inefficient in a way that can't be solved  
by buying an inexpensive disk and inexpensive memory, and its  
inefficiency is noticeable by the users, only then would it be  
worthwhile for me to spend the extra hour on efficiency.

And (B) in order for my program to be readable, easily maintainable,  
modular, so that I (or some other programmer) can later read it, and  
swiftly understand what's going on and easily add or change features,  
you lose efficiency. Code becomes more bloated, but you have nice  
easy to understand loops inside instead of a complicated set of  
statics and globals where you depend on previous state and the  
programmer needs to start writing state charts to understand what is  
going on.

Of course, the best of us can write pretty efficient code which is  
both elegant and maintainable, and doesn't require too much planning  
time. They find the optimum point easily. My guess is that the more  
you approach that ideal as a programmer, the more your time costs  
your employers.

Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Type: text/html;

On 03/10/2007, at =
08:55, Nadav Har'El wrote:There's a famous paper on the design of the =
Unix "spell" program, which ran (if I remember correctly) on some PDP 10 with 65 KB of =
memory. Much of =
the work involved in fitting all the words in less than that =
memory. When I started =
working on Hspell, it was obvious that nobody really cared about how much memory it would take. When =
it ended up taking 100 KB of disk space and 4 MB of memory, everyone thought it was perfectly =
acceptable (and even =
small if you compare it, for example, to aspell). =
And with good reason, too. The art of =
programming changed focus not because we are lazier these days than the =
heroes of the ancient world (although this may be true as well). Because =
resource limitations have changed, and hardware prices changed, it's =
rather obvious that the focus of what is considered "good programming" =
has changed.In=
 the days of yore, in order to fit the data into a decent file for the =
compiler to chew, you'd do nasty things like cut down on comments and =
indentation, and of course variable names. In fact, IIRC, FORTRAN, prior =
to the 77 version, didn't even allow indentation. Doing these things =
today may cost you your reputation. The focus has moved from saving on =
source code length to saving on maintenance time, because nowadays, =
programmer time is the bottleneck. And this goes further than just the =
length of code, because of course, there is some trade-off between =
efficiency and maintainability. I find myself many times writing code =
which I know would not be 

Re: Career advice needed

2007-09-04 Thread Herouth Maoz

On 04/09/2007, at 10:20, Kfir Lavi wrote:

Consider going back to school and find the field you want to  
research. This will give you the intellectual stimuli you need.

I thought about it. But then, I never could get a handle on the way  
academic research works. It was always beyond me. Collecting papers  
for background is as far as I got in my M.Sc. thesis. I'm afraid I'm  
a development, not research person. At least not formal research.


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Re: Career advice needed

2007-09-04 Thread Herouth Maoz

On 04/09/2007, at 09:29, Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:

Map applications are an excellent example for this topic. First, they
may not have existed in the '80, but they certainly did exist in the
early '90s. Only then you couldn't do them without a serious client,
way over the capabilities of the PCs of the day. You needed a unix
workstation in order to present a photographic backdrop, and have
good capabilities for zoom and pan. Even screen resolution is PCs and
macintoshes of the day weren't good enough.

I think you are far off on that one. While most of it was developed in
the late 1970's, NASA was mapping things in the mid 1960's.  

weather maps were around since the 1950's.

What I meant was that in the early '90s you could get all these  
algorithms in shrink-wrapped on-the-shelf software packages. Of  
course, like Oracle, not every Joe could afford the software, nor the  
hardware it required.

The trick, IMHO is not to do something new, but to come up with a new
way of doing old things.

My point wasn't that if something existed in the old days, it's not  
worth doing any more. My point was that the technology is nothing  
new, and has really nothing to do with web development. Web  
development is used merely to present the technology. Even so, the  
web is not a good enough platform for this kind of application, and  
it's no wonder google creates an old-fashioned front end for it.

What I was trying to get across is that although I find writing yet- 
another-SQL-query mind-numbingly boring, it doesn't mean that RDBMS  
technology is boring. If I worked in the development of the database  
itself, implementing a novel algorithm for indexing or fail-proofing  
or whatever, it would be much more interesting. In the same vein -  
writing in Javascript is boring, but implementing Javascript in a  
browser is interesting.

Of course that's my personal taste.


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Re: Career advice needed

2007-09-03 Thread Herouth Maoz

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Type: text/plain;

On 04/09/2007, at 05:18, Stanislav Malyshev wrote:

> Yes and no. Yes because it's not that there's new computer science  
> being born or something :), no - because things are being done that  
> weren't done before, because now it's easier for people to do them.  
> As an example, let's look at one of the tons of google maps mashups  
> - which *are* very useful if google maps covers the area you are  
> interested in - too bad Israel isn't covered :( - and see how  
> something like that was done in 80s. The answer is - it wasn't  
> done. Such applications just didn't exist.

Map applications are an excellent example for this topic. First, they  
may not have existed in the '80, but they certainly did exist in the  
early '90s. Only then you couldn't do them without a serious client,  
way over the capabilities of the PCs of the day. You needed a unix  
workstation in order to present a photographic backdrop, and have  
good capabilities for zoom and pan. Even screen resolution is PCs and  
macintoshes of the day weren't good enough.

I know that, you see, because I did GIS (Geographical Information  
Systems) in the military.

All the tricks you can do with maps - mash them with photos, overlay  
them with gas stations and hotels, find all the gas stations that are  
within 1 km of a particular road, find geographic location by  
address, do the travelling salesman problem (not optimally, of  
course), get travel directions and so on - have been solved problems  
by 1992 or so. It was just a matter of being able to work the  
interface in a user's environment (when the user didn't have $10,000  
to spend on a workstation), and improve storage capabilities of  
clients, and speed of communications with the client (which is  
necessary for GPS devices, because the data in them is dynamic).

To the point of our discussion, though, there are basically three  
elements in an application such as ynet maps (the best browser map  
system currently in Israel, I believe, given that it actually works  
on Firefox). You have a server side which contains all the air  
photos, the roads, the addresses, and all the fine algorithms for  
finding things. You have a client side which allows for zoom, pan,  
view switches, etc. - a flash or java application - and you have the  
web envelope around all of them - fields on the side where you enter  
the address, and a button which then transfers it to the server. And  
maybe on the web server side - a web application that interacts with  
the GIS engine and returns results using HTTP.

Neither the server nor the flash client are done by web programmers.  
They are left only with the integration - maybe have some HTML  
buttons that interact with the flash. Maybe an Ajax that talks to the  
server. All of the interesting stuff is done in the server. Some semi- 
interesting things are done in the flash client (things HTML is  
incapable of - zoom, pan, vector graphics, texts drawn in angles or  
following a path...)

Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Type: text/html;

On 04/09/2007, at =
05:18, Stanislav Malyshev wrote:Yes and no. Yes because it's not that =
there's new computer science being born or something :), no - because =
things are being done that weren't done before, because now it's easier =
for people to do them. As an example, let's look at one of the tons of =
google maps mashups - which *are* very useful if google maps covers the =
area you are interested in - too bad Israel isn't covered :( - and see =
how something like that was done in 80s. The answer is - it wasn't done. =
Such applications just didn't exist. =
Map applications are an excellent example =
for this topic. First, they may not have existed in the '80, but they =
certainly did exist in the early '90s. Only then you couldn't do them =
without a serious client, way over the capabilities of the PCs of the =
day. You needed a unix workstation in order to present a photographic =
backdrop, and have good capabilities for zoom and pan. Even screen =
resolution is PCs and macintoshes of the day weren't good =
enough.I =
know that, you see, because I did GIS (Geographical Information Systems) =
in the military.All the tricks you can do =
with maps - mash them with photos, overlay them with gas stations and =
hotels, find all the gas stations that are within 1 km of a particular =
road, find geographic location by address, do the travelling salesman =
problem (not optimally, of course), get travel directions and so on - =
have been solved problems by 1992 or so. It was just a matter of being =
able to work the interface in a user's environment (when the user didn't =
have $10,000 to spend on a workstation), and improve storage =
capabilities of clients, and speed of communication

Re: Career advice needed

2007-09-03 Thread Herouth Maoz

On 03/09/2007, at 22:57, Lior Kesos wrote:

Hi Herouth,
What I don't understand is the whole LAMP grudge your carrying  
From my experience (as someone that lives off LAMP related  
training,projects, products) there is a big difference in the  
development experience between wielding zope, doing home grown cgi- 
perl development, custom php development, python coding etc...
I have focused on drupal a magnificant LAMP based cms and  
development framework and although I hate php - I totally adore the  
framework I develop in (drupal) and I can realize my cutstomers  
vision which is quite satisfying.

It's all a matter of taste, of course. I'm sick-sick-sick and tired  
of writing yet-another-page that displays data from a database. It  
really doesn't matter if the language is PHP, Perl or Python (they  
are just alternatives for the "P" in LAMP). I have no particular  
preference for a language. It's the sort of applications that you can  
build using the HTTP protocol that I'm sick of - web services, forms,  
buttons, integrity checks. Oh, and Javascript  is, in fact, my least  
favourite platform. I find it unreliable, with compatibility problems  
between platforms, and it's generally being used in order to force  
HTML to do things it is not supposed to do. Eventually you may have  
nice interfaces, but they are interfaces into nothing. If there is  
anything interesting to be done on the backend, it's usually done by  
a different class of programmers, and they provide the web  
programmers with an easy API into their system, and so, all you have  
to do on the server side is access the API, and do something with the  
resulting data.

The truth is that all web applications are just sugar coated  
information systems, and nowadays, with Ajax, they are really no  
different than the client-server applications people used to write  
back in the late '80s and early '90s.

All this is boring me to tears. I'm not at all sure airline pilots  
have it harder. :-S

Basically, I think anything one has done for 11 years straight tends  
to become boring, but really, there is no challenge in LAMP other  
than trying to overcome the limitations of the browsers and the HTTP  


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Re: Career advice needed

2007-09-03 Thread Herouth Maoz

On 02/09/2007, at 20:13, Stanislav Malyshev wrote:

I want to do something new. That's why I asked what the current  
market demands are. I have an opportunity to change. The choice  
what to change to depends on what's available, and out of what's  
available I'm hoping to select what will seem the most interesting  
to me, given the time and money constraints.
If you want to stay in web arena, but not deal much with LAMP  
anymore, you may try to go client-side - rich applications, AJAX,  
etc. These days I think it is becoming a real programming market.  
Not sure if there's easy to find such job without it being combined  
with design (which are two entirely different jobs, but not  
everybody understands it). It doesn't have to do much with Linux,  
though :)

Thanks. I sort of regard Ajax as part of the territory these days.


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Career advice - summary

2007-09-02 Thread Herouth Maoz
First of all, my thanks to all those who took the time to give me  
pointers, advice and ideas. I appreciate all of it, even if I point  
problems in some of the approaches. Some of you answered me off the  
list and some on it, and I summarize it all here.


With respect to my original idea, that I will look into subjects that  
are currently sought after in the market, and make use of my free 6  
months to specialize in one of them, there was a general agreement  
that kernel drivers are a hot topic suitable for such a plan.  
Additional areas were listed as well.

Others have suggested that I should approach the problem from the  
other end - specialize on something I like, and then use that  
speciality to find an appropriate niche in the market. My foremost  
objection to this approach is that there are lots of interesting  
areas in computing, only a few of which have a chance of landing me  
jobs. It's a matter of forward chaining vs. backward chaining - and I  
think it would be more efficient to look for the most interesting out  
of a small list of popular subjects, than for the most popular out of  
a huge list of interesting areas. And I strongly disagree with the  
assertion that any interesting subject I pick is bound to find me a  
job. That sounds like a high-risk gamble at best, a mystical belief  
at worst.

Another suggestion made was to find a company which covers both my  
current area of expertise (PHP and related subjects) and some other  
area that might catch my fancy, and that I should start at the PHP  
side, and work my way towards the other expertise while being  
employed. This is a very practical approach, though it has failed for  
me in the past. It's actually the best approach if I didn't have any  
free time at all (e.g. if I the circumstances of my quitting my job  
meant I had no compensation to expect).

Others have suggested that I work as a freelancer, start my own  
business, or switch to a managerial position by taking up an MBA or  
similar. I bound all these approaches in one sentence because they  
all have the same flaw for me -  I have no management talent, and  
find managerial jobs too stressful and never successful. Of course,  
this summary is for other people who may find themselves in the same  
situation. Thus, switching to management may be a wonderful solution  
for those who have the inclination. And if any of you potential  
company-owners wants me as his/her technical consultant, give me a  
call. :)

Another suggestion was to look at what's available overseas. It's a  
reasonable suggestion, although I consider myself a Zionist. A job is  
not a lifetime and spending a couple of years learning a new skill  
abroad is not emigration. I may look into that option, but I'd like  
to look closer to home at first. After all, without family or friends  
around you to lend a hand, nor even the scant connections that I  
have, every risk doubles.

Finally, I'd like to thank everyone who sent links to various  
relevant resources.

Oh, and I think I'll forego becoming an airline pilot at the moment.  
I don't even have a car driving license, you see. :-)

Thanks again, and further ideas and thoughts are still welcome


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Re: Career advice needed

2007-09-01 Thread Herouth Maoz
One thing's for sure, Gilad. If I needed to hire an excellent  
motivational speaker who gives irresistible sales pitches, I'd go for  
Steve Jobs. But failing that, I'll certainly ask for you. :)

On 02/09/2007, at 00:29, Gilad Ben-Yossef wrote:

Security guards are cogs. Excellence simply doesn't matter and so  
it wont help you. CxO on the other hand are very rare. Excellence  
is everything - you wont need go looking for a job, the head hunter  
will come looking for you.

You failed to mention a crucial thing that get CxOs jobs -  
connections. People know about them. They have a nice black book of  
contacts from their previous jobs and military service which they  
maintain. They have people who owe them favors. That's how you get  
jobs in high positions, at least in this country.

There is another logical fallacy here - is rarity the result of being  
part of an elite group of people, or a result of extinction? I must  
tell you that I can't find many FORTRAN77 jobs in the newspapers,  

When I finished the military I could write applications on MacOS.  
That was a rare skill. There was absolutely no demand for it. There  
still isn't. At least not in Israel. Israel is not the place to be  

BUT, if you play your cards just right and take advantage of being  
able to be an expert in Django before it's huge and everyone know  
about it (and it will be) right from the beginning by being  
involved in building both the frame work and the first commercial  
users of it, you will have attained the position of not ever  
needing to look for a job again - you'll simply have to choose from  
the opportunities presented to you.

This is speculation. If I manage to hit the right seam of gold, I'd  
find myself in a great position. However, if the seam I happen to  
strike is a dry one, and turns out not to be in demand, what do you  
suggest I do? Fall back on LAMP? Move back in with my mother and live  
on her pension? The biggest gamble I've ever taken was 50 NIS for a  
lottery ticket. Losing 50 NIS won't hurt me. Losing six months worth  
of money and landing back in the LAMP dump is.

The market for interchangeable web site programmers is indeed  
controlled by ASP.Net drones. If you plan to be an interchangeable  
cog that should certainly be the technology to follow.

No, I have no intention of doing that, unless my rent is really at risk.

If, however, you want be in a position to get the jobs that  
*aren't* listed in any paper or web site, to be bogged down by head  
hunters calling very politely every six month on the clock just to  
check in if you happen to fancy hearing about a new job opening and  
being able to pick and choose jobs because you are a rare and  
irreplaceable source of knowledge about a useful technology that is  
used by only the few biggest corporations and most sophisticated  
and cutting edge start-ups , then by all means do consider Django  
and Python.

Um, you do remember that I said "I want to work normal hours". That  
means both start-ups and huge companies are not exactly a tempter.

Anyway, I must say your message left me more depressed than  
motivated. :(


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Re: Career advice needed

2007-09-01 Thread Herouth Maoz

On 01/09/2007, at 22:17, Maxim Veksler wrote:

Well, from my short swim in the industry I can tell you the following
market trends:

1. Advertising is hot, everything from analytical people to graphical
designers goes.
2. System Analysts are being hired quickly today, you must have a firm
background in your field.
3. DBA, not "system" but those that responsible for scalability and
optimization of the scheme.
4. Good networking people are always in demand.
5. JAVA, as in serverlets and jsp's can be a good direction for you.
6. Security experts, you can merge into a security firm as web
application security consultant.
7. Well, QA is also an option if your looking for a relaxed position.

Thanks, that adds a few more options to my list.

On a personal note, I never agreed with the claim "Current market
demand". My answer to this is simple - If you want to make a
difference, start thinking differently. In translation to the software
industry, I you want to make a `fine` salary and work in a good
company - find something your interested in and pursue, be good at
what you do and work will just pop up for you.

That's what I'm trying to do, basically. Only I don't believe in "The  
Secret" and its ilk. If I decided that I'm interested in CGI, or  
artificial intelligence, or quantum computing, or Macintosh  
application programming, do you really think that a job would "pop  
up"? Should I spend my 6 months on a pipe dream? I'll have to fall  
back on LAMP then, and if so, I'd rather take a vacation in Japan  
instead, at least I'll have fine memories. ;)

Anyway thanks, I appreciate the above list and the advice.


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Re: Career advice needed

2007-09-01 Thread Herouth Maoz

On 01/09/2007, at 16:19, guy keren wrote:

Herouth Maoz wrote:

On 01/09/2007, at 03:22, Amos Shapira wrote:
, you might want to consider expanding your existing skills  
towards  related ones - SQL database design and programming  
should be useful  in many places.
Oh, SQL, table structure design, stored procedures, transactions -  
it  all comes with the territory when doing PHP programming, I  
thought I  didn't need to mention that...
Nevertheless, I really want to get away from the LAMP business,  
at  least not have it as my main occupation.

well, what is it that you _do_ want to do?

no one can help you without you telling something on the positive  

I want to do something new. That's why I asked what the current  
market demands are. I have an opportunity to change. The choice what  
to change to depends on what's available, and out of what's available  
I'm hoping to select what will seem the most interesting to me, given  
the time and money constraints.

So far I'm told that kernel drivers are in demand. I've noted that to  
myself (as well as the other general advices given), and it's an  
option. Basically, any suggestion will be welcome - I'm trying to get  
a feel of the market, not to make an instant decision.


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Re: Career advice needed

2007-09-01 Thread Herouth Maoz

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
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On 01/09/2007, at 03:22, Amos Shapira wrote:

> Short of doing a whole switch to kernel programming (or switch to  
> becoming an airline pilot, which is what a friend of mine did and I  
> wish I could :)

I have a hunch that would take a lot more than 6 months and all the  
money I have on Earth...

> , you might want to consider expanding your existing skills towards  
> related ones - SQL database design and programming should be useful  
> in many places.

Oh, SQL, table structure design, stored procedures, transactions - it  
all comes with the territory when doing PHP programming, I thought I  
didn't need to mention that...

Nevertheless, I really want to get away from the LAMP business, at  
least not have it as my main occupation.

Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Type: text/html;

On 01/09/2007, at =
03:22, Amos Shapira wrote: Short of doing a whole switch to kernel programming (or switch to =
becoming an airline pilot, which is what a friend of mine did and I wish =
I could :)I have a hunch that would take a =
lot more than 6 months and all the money I have on =
Earth..., you might want to consider expanding your existing =
skills towards related ones - SQL database design and programming should =
be useful in many places.=A0Oh, =
SQL, table structure design, stored procedures, transactions - it all =
comes with the territory when doing PHP programming, I thought I didn't =
need to mention that...=A0Nevertheless, I really want =
to get away from the LAMP business, at least not have it as my main =


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Re: Career advice needed

2007-09-01 Thread Herouth Maoz

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Type: text/plain;

On 01/09/2007, at 09:42, Oleg Goldshmidt wrote:

> It is not about PHP, Python, or kernel programming. I do believe it
> begins and ends with people. This may sound less practical than
> developing specific skills to some, but - IMHO - that's only when you
> think short term.

I think it's a bit more complex than you represent. The two reasons I  
haven't left my company long ago, despite the relatively low salary,  
are the work hours (I leave at 6 - except when there's a production  
problem or a very rare thing like database upgrade or other night  
job), and my skills (problem solving, integration) are appreciated  
enough to have relegated the mundane build-yet-another-page tasks to  
other programmers.

Nevertheless, when we hire new people, we look for some basic skills.  
We usually concern ourselves less with operator precedence (who  
cares?) and more with awareness of security issues (Do they check  
user input for single quotes? HTML?), error checking, concurrency  
issues (reading, then modifying data), and instruction reading  
(people sometimes fail to read the exact directions in the test). But  
we do prefer people who already know PHP to people who don't know and  
will have to spend several weeks learning the language (or go to a  
course). Experience is important, it cannot be ignored. Of course,  
when we had candidates that sounded smart and resourceful in the  
interview, we were more lenient.

A business needs to continue its day-to-day work, and there is enough  
to learn about the particular expertise of the company, without  
adding additional weeks which may require disrupting someone else's  
busy schedule to explain things to him, check his progress, and so  
on. It's especially true when you don't know whether he'll turn out  
to be a good programmer in the end, or a bad one who somehow writes  
programs that work, but there is no code re-use, error checking,  
comments, and consideration for end cases. When he turns out to be  
bad, you have lost your investment.

A business needs to think both short and long term.

In addition to all that, there is the issue of getting your foot in  
the door. If you're a smart, methodical programmer who can see the  
"greater picture", and haven't written a line of C code since  
university, and if you're the same, but wrote a patch to the kernel  
that got accepted, which one will be called for an interview, based  
on their CV? HR people and even technical people tend to get a lot of  
CVs which are irrelevant, and people just send "because it wouldn't  
hurt". The first sifting is done by removing all the ones that are  
not even close, and I've yet to find a person who'd see my "Good  
problem solving skills" in my CV and say "hey, that's one worth  
keeping". These skills help you when you get hired by word of mouth.  
I have at least one job offer based on someone knowing me personally,  
who is willing to let me learn at the expense of his company -  
because I basically taught him how to program and he knows my worth.  
(Unfortunately, he happens to be my best friend, and mixing business  
with friendship is a recipe for disaster, especially in our case - we  
are both short tempered. Otherwise I'd have accepted that job offer  
long ago).

Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Type: text/html;

On 01/09/2007, at =
09:42, Oleg Goldshmidt wrote:It is not about PHP, Python, or kernel =
programming. I do believe it begins and ends with people. This may sound less practical =
than developing =
specific skills to some, but - IMHO - that's only when you think short term. =
I think it's a bit more complex than you =
represent. The two reasons I haven't left my company long ago, despite =
the relatively low salary, are the work hours (I leave at 6 - except =
when there's a production problem or a very rare thing like database =
upgrade or other night job), and my skills (problem solving, =
integration) are appreciated enough to have relegated the mundane =
build-yet-another-page tasks to other programmers.Nevertheless, when we hire =
new people, we look for some basic skills. We usually concern ourselves =
less with operator precedence (who cares?) and more with awareness of =
security issues (Do they check user input for single quotes? HTML?), =
error checking, concurrency issues (reading, then modifying data), and =
instruction reading (people sometimes fail to read the exact directions =
in the test). But we do prefer people who already know PHP to people who =
don't know and will have to spend several weeks learning the language =
(or go to a course). Experience is important, it cannot be ignored. Of =
course, when we had candidates that sounded smart and resourceful in the =
interview, we were more lenient.A bus

Re: Career advice needed

2007-09-01 Thread Herouth Maoz

On 31/08/2007, at 23:37, Maxim Veksler wrote:

It seems that there were not even one decent company in Israel that
would fall under these conditions. This was ~2 years ago. So they
turned to .Net.

We had a similar problem in our company. When we had a project that  
was too large for our number of developers and needed to outsource  
it, we simply couldn't find any LAMP-based company that could do it.

I don't mean to be all too rude but: What about starting your own
company? You definitely have the necessary experience, skill,
motivation and with proper guidance/managements you could fill in a
blank that is clearly missing here in the local market. I could even
suggest this organization would be a hybrid of Django (which is
getting hotter by the minute!) and php ajax software house. Do it in
the open source way (i.e. keep using fresh FOSS technology, contribute
back) and there's surly a bright future ahead.

I'm afraid that would only be an option if I could get a partner that  
would take care of all the non-technical matters. I am qualified for  
neither management of people (I always turn down team leader  
positions) nor marketing and sales.

But thanks for the additional angle.


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Re: Career advice needed

2007-09-01 Thread Herouth Maoz

On 31/08/2007, at 23:28, Shachar Shemesh wrote:

Herouth Maoz wrote:

Do you think that 6-7 months from now, I'll be able to open the  

supplement of a newspaper, or Job-net, or apply to one of the
assignment agencies, and find jobs where the skill set required says

It greatly depends on an aspect you did not specify - employee or free

Employee, definitely. I don't have the iron nerves it takes to be  

I can tell you about PHP that I'm sure it's extremely difficult to  
work as a PHP programmer employee, but not at all difficult to do  
so as

a free lance.

I have a feeling that this is a self-feeding problem. I mean, our  
company has advertised in the past for PHP programmers, and we had  
very little luck finding any, even as far as sending us a CV. Because  
there are no workers, there are no places that work in PHP, and  
because there are no places, there are no workers.

Anyway, I don't want to work in PHP anymore, that's why I'm looking  
for this change.

The best you can get, in that respect, is work for a (small?)  

company. The nerves are someone else's, and you have (at least the
illusion) of stability (none of Lingnu's employees are reading this
thread, right?), while maintaining the flexibility of consulting work.


I'll keep that in mind, though I have a feeling one can only get into  
one of those through connections, not through advertising.


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Re: Career advice needed

2007-09-01 Thread Herouth Maoz

On 31/08/2007, at 04:02, Ravid Baruch Naali wrote:

Herouth Maoz wrote:

Sorry Maoz, but I don't have a good advice, but I can give you some
pointers where to start your own research. - a google lookalike web site which searches
every Hi-tech company for their job offers. - excellent web site which offers free
training material mainly for embedded system. - a good resource to learn
about linux kernel/drivers development. - A good place for kernel newbies.

Also some PHP open source projects:

and of course a lot more

I hope it will give you a better view of your options.

Thank you, I'll keep these on hand.


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Re: Career advice needed

2007-08-31 Thread Herouth Maoz

On 31/08/2007, at 16:44, Shachar Shemesh wrote:

First of all, (good) web programmers have a high demand. What they do
not have, unfortunately, is a high salary. The amount of not-so- 
good web
programmers around means that it's very hard to differentiate  

The clients, usually, do not have the understanding to evaluate the
quality of product they get, and the result is that good web  

and not-so-good web programmers get paid, more or less, the same.

Very true. Not just about the salaries, but also about the clients'  
inability to tell good work from bad.

Not being enslaved is, more or less, only a matter of self control. If
you refuse to be enslaved (but still deliver the goods), you will  

get along in all but huge companies and start-ups that are managed by
control freaks.

One cannot stuff 60 man-hours into a 45 hour week. If your bosses are  
willing to accept your time estimates and accept projects to suit  
your speed, it's great. But if they set up deadlines according to  
pressure from customers, and these deadlines mean one has to do 60  
hours of work in one week, then insisting you can't means that you  
can't "deliver the goods", and then, it's either the golden cage or  
the unemployment agency.

THE hottest skill today is Linux kernel programming (usually, but not
always, drivers). If you know your stuff, there is no reason you won't
be able to get enough skill within a couple of months to be able to  

a job (which means you skill set improves while you're getting paid).
This will also leave you with enough safety margin to change direction
should you see that this one isn't working out.

Whatever you do, be sure to select an area that interests you. You can
get a decent paying job if you are skilled enough in just about any
Linux related task, so if that particular area is not interesting to
you, it is better to find a lower paying job elsewhere than to hate  


That sounds like good advice, and I'll keep it in mind.


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Re: Career advice needed

2007-08-31 Thread Herouth Maoz

On 31/08/2007, at 17:02, Gilad Ben-Yossef wrote:

Since Django is racing towards the 1.0 release (currently in 0.97- 
pre), you'll be getting in to in on this project at the best of  
time: a killer framework that dwarfs any thing else around in the  
field (save maybe to Ruby on Rails), which is already productive  
but still the best kept secret of the geeks. Sort of Linux in 2.2  
days :-)

If I'd have to bet my career on something in the web area or even  
general application development right now, Django would be it.

Do you think that 6-7 months from now, I'll be able to open the  
career supplement of a newspaper, or Job-net, or apply to one of the  
assignment agencies, and find jobs where the skill set required says  
"Django"? I seriously doubt that. Currently, the web market in Israel  
is almost exclusively controlled by ASP.Net, even finding a PHP job  
(where PHP is at version 5 and has been in the commercial market for  
well over seven years) is difficult. I don't think that the  
marketplace will be demanding workers in any technology which is  
currently pre-release for at least 2 years, and the Israeli market -  
who knows. Do you have compelling arguments to the contrary?

Anyway, if I have to go looking for a new job, it's really time for a  
change for me, and I don't want to miss this opportunity. If it's  
shifting bits around that lands me in a safe and interesting job, I  
am not afraid of it. I've been shifting bits when I was 14 years old  
and had a 99-byte emulator on a game console to play around with... ;)


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Career advice needed

2007-08-31 Thread Herouth Maoz

Hello, fellow Linuxers. I'd like your advice regarding a job change.

My company has been acquired. There is a chance that my boss won't  
stay around, and if so, I'm not going to stay around, either -  
because the chances are that the business will become yet-another- 

I'm basically a PHP programmer, though in the past two years I've  
been doing more integration work and problem solving than any web  
development (being the only one except our sysadmin who is not afraid  
of shell scripts). Now, this merger gives me a unique opportunity -  
I've been in my current company for 6 years, so I'm due a lot of  
compensation should I quit (quitting after an acquisition is  
considered being laid off), meaning I can basically keep my standard  
of living for at least 6 months without actually working.

I can use these 6 months to develop my skills in some other area of  
programming, and maybe even get some experience by participating in  
an open source project of some kind. What I'd like your advice on is  
- what directions are popular, have high demand, and can accommodate  
a programmer with lots of general experience, but not particular  
(other than the web)? Preferably ones that don't enslave people (no  
golden cages for the chance of becoming a millionaire).

Needless to say, I'm talking about Linux-oriented (or at least Unix)  
jobs here, I'm not looking to change to .Net, I don't even have a  
Windows box available at home.

My CV in a nutshell: B.Sc. from 1989, military service doing  
application programming in environments that no longer exist, until  
1994, then some tech support until 1996-7, and since then I've done  
web programming, at first in Java, then in PHP, though I did a  
refresher course in Java recently (but never got around to writing  
anything in it).

Any advice will be appreciated. Sneers and jeers will not. :)


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Re: State of the Israeli banks websites

2007-08-16 Thread Herouth Maoz

Quoting Kfir Lavi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I'm looking to open bank account for investing.
I currently using Bank Hapoalim website and it works fine, but I don't have
experience investing with this bank.
From your experience, which bank will have the best Linux support in
investment of stocks and mutual funds.

Can't say about stocks and mutual funds, but the Benleumi (FIBI) bank  
website works well with Firefox for everything else I've tried  
(deposits, paying bills, transfers to family & other accounts,  
ordering checkbooks, viewing checks, reading notices from the bank  


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Re: [SUMMARY] Current status of Israeli ISPs

2007-07-19 Thread Herouth Maoz
Quoting Oded Arbel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> To sum, the tech support still operates behind Actcom's toll free number
> (which AFAIK is the only toll free internet support line in Israel), and
> still seems clueful about Linux. I don't know about the commercial side
> (my current contract expires on August, after which I'll be able to
> comment on the issue), but from the support side I have no complaints,
> and if the sales department don't mess up my contract renewal I will
> remain a customer of Actcom/Bezeq Beinleumi.

I got a message from Bezeq Intl. when I sent a message here at linux-il about
this issue. In that message (which for some reason came from the Abuse team)
they said that they have Linux support, although it may not be online.


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Re: [SUMMARY] Current status of Israeli ISPs

2007-07-08 Thread Herouth Maoz
Quoting Ori Idan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I guess that what bothers is the Linux support from the ISP.
> It would be easier to take the guides we have today, update them and
> redistribute it.
> Or a better way, to establish a group of people that will get paid for
> supporting people for connecting their computers to any ISP with Linux.

That's no solution, as it cannot replace a person who sits at the ISP and can
actually see whether packets arrive from the computer, whether there is a DHCP
lease for a particular address, whether user  is logged on or not.


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Job Offer: PHP programmer

2006-06-26 Thread Herouth Maoz

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Type: text/plain;

My company is looking for PHP programmers, preferably ones who can  
find their way in a Linux shell and use vi without weeping.


* Web development skills: PHP, Javascript, HTML, CSS, SQL, the  
* Know the meaning of SQL injection, cross site scripting, etc. and  
the way to program to avoid them.
* Knows about web standards and will never use document.all unless  
* Linux shell basics an advantage (as in - being able to use various  
utilities to write a report, or wrap a PHP CLI script, etc.)
* Neat work, planning, documentation, independence, ability to learn  
skills on your own.
* Previous knowledge in the cellular industry an advantage though  
don't let the lack of it stop you from contacting us.

The company:

We are called "TippCom". We provide cellular services: WAP, ring  
tones, IVR, SMS, MMS, etc. We are a relatively small company (I'd say  
about 40 people) but we are not a startup. We are located in Tel- 
Aviv, not far from the Azrieli center.

Whom to contact:

Send your CV, or if you have any questions about the job (pay,  
extent, terms), please write to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - he is the  
CTO. Please mention where you encountered this job offer. If you want  
to ask me something (tech questions would be appropriate), the best  
would be my work e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Type: text/html;

My company is looking for PHP =
programmers, preferably ones who can find their way in a Linux shell and =
use vi without weeping.Skills:* Web development skills: =
PHP, Javascript, HTML, CSS, SQL, the territory.* Know the =
meaning of SQL injection, cross site scripting, etc. and the way to =
program to avoid them.* Knows about web standards and will =
never use document.all unless threatened.* Linux shell basics =
an advantage (as in - being able to use various utilities to write a =
report, or wrap a PHP CLI script, etc.)* Neat work, planning, =
documentation, independence, ability to learn skills on your =
own.* Previous knowledge in the cellular industry an =
advantage though don't let the lack of it stop you from contacting =
us.The =
company:We =
are called "TippCom". We provide cellular services: WAP, ring tones, =
IVR, SMS, MMS, etc. We are a relatively small company (I'd say about 40 =
people) but we are not a startup. We are located in Tel-Aviv, not far =
from the Azrieli center.";> to =
contact:Send your CV, or if you =
have any questions about the job (pay, extent, terms), please write to: =
the CTO. Please mention where you encountered this job offer. If you =
want to ask me something (tech questions would be appropriate), the best =
would be my work e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED].Herouth=


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Re: Israeli Linux Logo

2005-10-20 Thread Herouth Maoz
Quoting Man Gregory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> This is her first attempt, to draw something on computer...
> What came out, you can find here:
> I am interesting in yours opinion.
> What are you think, do we have to continue this work (make banners, draw
> another pictures)?

The idea of designing a sleek logo that looks nice and not like a pinguin
someone drew a flag on, is a good idea.

However, I have two problems with this picture.

(a) It's not a logo, it's more "artwork", something you'd put in a flyer.

(b) I don't want to be identified in any way shape or form with the image of a
Haredi, Orthodox Jewish family. It contradicts my deepest values. I'm sure
there are certain pictures that would draw the same reaction from religious
members of the community. My point, anyway, is that Israeli and Jewish are not
the same, and if you want to represent the idea of "Israeli Linux" you should
stick to symbols that are Israeli, not Jewish. Yes, the star of David is shared
by both, but if you want it to be Israeli, you really should have the complete
flag. Or a Tembel hat. Or a falafel. They are anachronistic symbols, but they
still say "Israeli". Head covers and peot certainly do not.


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Re: Bash loop weirdness

2005-06-28 Thread Herouth Maoz
Quoting "Levy, Chen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


> It's output is:


> --

> init: 5

> 14553 6 : 14553 7 : 14553 8 : 14553 9 : 14553 10 : 14553 11 : 14553 12 :

> 14553

> 13 : 14553 14 : 14553 15 :

> after while: 5

> 14553 6 : 14553 7 : 14553 8 : 14553 9 : 14553 10 : 14553 11 : 14553 12 :

> 14553

> 13 : 14553 14 : 14553 15 :

> after for: 15

> 14553

> --


> The question is: "Way?"

No way!

(Sorry, couldn't resist)

I think the reason is that the while runs in a sub-process, because it is behind

a pipe. It's strange, however, that it does have an initial value for n, I'd

have thought that n should be exported for that to happen.


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Re: Automatic Keyboard switching languages in Fedora 4

2005-06-26 Thread Herouth Maoz

On 26/06/2005, at 18:17, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

This is totally irrelevant: this part means that the window manager 

the layout switching method. However kxkb's switching method takes more
actions and is thus less appropriate for per-window mappings and such.

Then how come the keyboard switch icon changes in the system tray when 
I change window? As I said, it all works perfectly well. I set F12 as 
the keyboard switching key, and I can either use it, click on the 
keyboard switch icon in the system tray, or expect an automatic switch 
when I go to the window of an application that was last set in another 
keyboard layout.

I'm still trying to understand what you think is wrong with this 


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Re: Automatic Keyboard switching languages in Fedora 4

2005-06-26 Thread Herouth Maoz
Quoting Oded Arbel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> OTOH, if you switch to Hebrew, and then use the X's group switching
> shortcut to change to English, the kxkb tray indicator stays in Hebrew
> mode saying you are using the Hebrew layout which means diddly squat to
> what language you are actually typing.
> I personally find this annoying.

I really like the kxkb behavior. I don't switch to English using the arcane X
method. I mapped the keyboard switching to an easily-accessible function key
(why people prefer pressing two keys together is beyond me), and I use it to
switch layouts, and have visual feedback at the bottom. And you can get the
variant of your choice for Nikud (I use LyX), using simple shift. Also, I use
Dvorak as my main (English) layout, but I still have the US keyboard layout in
the menu, in case I want someone to use my computer.

In short, if you just get used to switching layouts, it works perfectly, and you
can have variants in the layout you switch to.

And I've been using application-based keyboard switching myself. Window-based is
too fine for me - I want the next chat in Kopete to still have the Hebrew
keyboard on even if I closed the chat window. I have a majority of
Hebrew-speakers on my ICQ/MSN list. But when I switch to Konsole it's English
again. Too bad there is no way for Firefox to understand how to switch the
keyboard by context...

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Re: kopete icq and hebrew

2005-02-27 Thread Herouth Maoz
Quoting Kfir Lavi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi,
> every person that write to me in hebrew, i see the writing in squers.
> The properties of the person show that the code is automaticly determind.
> Well this does not work.
> Does someone here solve this problem?
> Using MSN with kopete works fine in hebrew.

I haven't succeeded in making kopete handle ICQ in Hebrew in windows-1255, which
is what the windows users are using. In fact, it complains about an XML error in
the case I tried.

They have to work in utf-8 on their side, or you have to switch back to licq.

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Re: vim q - indenting a c block at once

2005-01-05 Thread Herouth Maoz
Quoting Erez Doron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> hi
> the only way i'm fimiliar of indenting in vim is when i t indents line
> by line when i type it.
> i'm looking for a way to select a block in a c file and indent it all at
> once
> anyone ?

If you just mean indenting it one position to the right, you should mark it
(with the mouse) then hit ">". If you want to indent one position to the left,
use "<".

If you wish it to perform a full pretty-printing, that is, to indent each line
in the block as it should be indented - if there are loops in the block indent
them more etc. - then use "=" instead.


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Network problem

2004-12-08 Thread Herouth Maoz
Today, after I had to shut down my computer (my landlord was doing 
electric work), I brought it back up and lost my Internet connection. 
No DHCP to cable company. After talking to their support, it seemed my 
modem receives pings and so the problem is on my side. After a while I 
think I got it down to defective hardware. Either the cable between the 
modem and the computer was defective, or the actual ethernet device is.

After replacing the cable and shaking it a bit, I got a Link Beat and 
was able to get DHCP from the cable company and to get my connection to 
Actcom. But the connection is awfully slow. Pinging to actcom's web 
server, I get 23% packet loss. Looking at the messages log, I keep 
getting log messages from"decaps_gre:pptp_gre.c:404" saying "buffering 
packet X (expecting Y, lost or reordered). Now, I know this should 
happen from time to time, but not several times per second...

In addition, I occasionally get "Oversized Ethernet Frame" messages in 
the log, from eth1.

Now, the question is: should I kiss my onboard ethernet goodbuy and buy 
another PCI ethernet card? Could the problem be in the modem, or 
something that I could fix with a screwdriver and some courage? Or 
maybe it's not at this low level at all, but something temporary at the 
cable company level or Actcom?

Is there a diagnostic tool for the ethernet device I could use?
I'm far from being anything remotely like a network guru, so bear with 

My configuration: Mandrake 10.1 OE, kernel 2.6.81-12mdk. Two Ethernet 
interfaces: eth0 is connected to the LAN, it's a PCI card detected as 
DEC|DECchip 21142/43. The problematic interface is eth1, connected to 
the cable modem. It's detected as VIA Technologies|VT6102 [Rhine II 
10/100]. The cable modem itself is Terayon. The cable connection is 
through a dialer, but with a fixed IP if that's at all relevant. The 
PPtP connection is established using the Kinneret wizard.

Any help appreciated,
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Re: Electronic elections

2004-11-18 Thread Herouth Maoz
Quoting Gilad Ben-Yossef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Evgeny Pinchuk wrote:
> > Even an eye?! What are you gonna do, poke someone's eye out? :P

I'm just wondering if I'm missing something obvious here: why should the
identification process be part of the voting process? In the manual voting, the
two are separate - first you are identified and checked for uniqueness by the
ballot committee, then you go behind the curtain and vote.

If what stands behind the curtain is a voting machine, rather than a box with
bits of paper, then it's electronic voting. The identification issue is
different. Of course, there are still issues: you record the votes in random
order so they cannot be identified with the order of visitors in the ballot.
You have to make sure that each visitor only gets one chance to press the
button. The source has to be made available to the public in order to ensure
public trust, etc.

But the identification issue has to be separate. Otherwise it violates the
secrecy of voting. At most, you can replace the ballot committee with a
biometrics machine, but it has to be a separate machine. And its separateness
has to be transparent to the voter.


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Re: spam (was: Looking for a Good Web-Forum Implementation)

2004-11-11 Thread Herouth Maoz
Quoting Nadav Har'El <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I got the same spam, and believe me, I also never registered to this
> "" mailing list. I never even heard of this company before
> (and now that I heard of it through spam, I'll make sure never to use it...).
> Moreover, this spam got filtered by Vipul's Razor. This usually means that
> many people got the same email, and reported it as being spam (though, I
> have to admit, lately Vipul's Razor has been acting up for me, and reporting
> some innocent email as being spam).

I reported it to spamcop, and I will do so for every copy of that newsletter
that I receive until Mr. Lieberman opts me out manually the same way he "opted
me in".

When I got it, the fact that I did not subscribe for it, and the fact that you
have to opt out already marked it as a spam. Lieberman's name being familiar to
me, I decided to cut him some slack and try the "unsubscribe" button at the
bottom. This led me to the home page of, with no obvious link to

That clinched it. It is spam-spam-spam-spam. The fact that it was also relayed
through a an unfamiliar relay (i.e. not through any Israeli ISP) also marked it
as spam.

I am a soft hearted person so I won't send copies of the linux kernel source,
uncompressed, to Mr. Lieberman's known e-mail addresses. But he certainly
deserves it.


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Re: messages disappearing from hamakor linux-il archives

2004-11-04 Thread Herouth Maoz
Quoting Tzafrir Cohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Wed, Nov 03, 2004 at 08:10:20PM +0200, Herouth Maoz wrote:
> > There are many reasons why people would not want to archive their
> > messages. For example, if the message contains information which is
> > transient - relevant now, but will become misleading tomorrow. Or when
> > the message is off-topic and they see no value in it being retained.
> Basically none of those applies on a mailing list. Mails that should not
> be archived are probably either:
> 1. malicious/spam
> 2. duplicates
> 3. messages that were not meant to be sent to the list.
> (1) is not relevant to this discussion. (2) is not the typpe of thing
> that is known in advance, and (3) is actually usually worth archiving
> :-(

Wrong. What I wrote, I meant in the context of a mailing list. An example of
messages which are relevant today but will not be tomorrow: job offers. They
are allowed on the list, but there is no reason for archiving them and they may
even mislead people.

And people do send off-topic messages from time to time. Why archive them?
Things like "In yesterday's lecture during Welcome To Linux I accidentally left
a T-shirt in room 004, has anybody seen it?" will probably be considered
legitimate as this may be the crowd that has a chance of having seen the lost
item. But why should this message be kept for posterity?


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Re: messages disappearing from hamakor linux-il archives

2004-11-03 Thread Herouth Maoz
On Wednesday, Nov 3, 2004, at 19:30 Asia/Jerusalem, Nadav Har'El wrote:
I wonder why it should "respect" this sort of header. Using a mailing 
is a bargain you make. You gain publicity to what you write, and for it
you lose privacy. That's right: you can't have publicity *and* privacy 
the same time, and usually the balance of privacy and publicity is 
by the mailing list and its subscribers, not by you.
This would be the same as saying "Publishing pages on a web site means 
you want to make them public so I shouldn't respect your robots.txt 

There are many reasons why people would not want to archive their 
messages. For example, if the message contains information which is 
transient - relevant now, but will become misleading tomorrow. Or when 
the message is off-topic and they see no value in it being retained.

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Re: A television show about FOSS

2004-11-02 Thread Herouth Maoz
Quoting Shlomi Fish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>"If you treat your
> users like they were your co-developers they will respond by becoming your
> co-developers.".

Actually, if you treat your users like they were your co-developers they will
respond by becoming very frustrated and angry, and ask you what this command
line stuff is, and why they should edit such complicated configuration files,
and why they should know what a database is.

Not everybody in the world should be a software developer, and I don't like
programs which are written for programmers or sysadmins only.

"How do I make this punctuation character appear to the left of the English word
and not to its right?"

"Insert an LRM character where you would have put an English character that
would fix this".

"Oh, yeah, and your mother smells of elderberries. I spit in your general

All this is to say that I wouldn't try to push this idea on TV. Stick to the
eyeballs. Just try not to raise Indiana Jones images in people's heads. :-P

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Re: OO and problems parentheses in mixed hebrew/english text

2004-10-30 Thread Herouth Maoz
On Saturday, Oct 30, 2004, at 19:13 Asia/Jerusalem, Amit Aronovitch 

2) Applications don't always handle them right. For example, OpenOffice
handles them correctly, but makes them visible - depending on the font,
you usually see an annoying blank square in their place (they should be
invisible - at least if you call yourself WYSIWIG).
Actually, OpenOffice behaves better than you said. When you enter the 
characters you may get a square, but as soon as you put some text next 
to them, the squares disappear. At least that's what happens in my 

By the way, the lyx keyboard variant only contains the marking 
characters, not the embedding characters. I had a discussion about this 
in Whatsup this week. I see embedding as more natural, as you don't 
have to think "Hmm, BiDi problem. If I put an English character 
somewhere, it should solve it, now what is the proper way to put the 
extra character?". You just embed the whole English phrase.

I just wonder, if I find how to incorporate the LRE, RLE and PDF 
characters into the lyx variant, how I'm going to push it to the world. 
The lyx and SI variants are distributed with every Linux, or at least 
with every Linux that has KDE.

By the way, I think this is not the ultimate solution to this problem. 
Because the characters are invisible, it makes editing them very hard. 
I prefer the word processor itself to handle this - as Word does in 
Windows and Mellel does on MacOS X. In Word you mark spans of text as 
English or Hebrew and it attaches directionality to that span. I had a 
serious problem when I exported my resumé from OpenOffice to Word: it 
was exported entirely as English, and thus all the punctuation had the 
wrong directionality, and I had to mark it as Hebrew one by one where 
it actually was. If OpenOffice had a span directionality feature, and 
used it when exporting to Word, the problem would be solved.

In Mellel you can embed directionality using a style. This is another 
spin on span directionality...

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Re: Banks, Mozilla and life on a stick.

2004-10-28 Thread Herouth Maoz
Quoting ik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> But think about it seriously for a second... we as customers have allot more
> power then we think we have...
> You yourself wants to move to a "better" bank... Thats a consumer decision
> for the same reason I written, but less sarcastic.. :)

While you're on the barricades, add the Macintosh people to your red brigades...
Another thousand people who are frustrated by the banks - and yet can afford an
18,000 NIS computer.

I belong to both communities, and I keep shouting at people to cooperate. There
is a common interest here. Hello, anybody?

By the way, I'm a happy FIBI customer.


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Re: running java application on Linux.

2004-10-27 Thread Herouth Maoz
Quoting David Harel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Looking at the batch script (bat file) I see the line:
> java -jar TL53.jar
> This makes sens but when I try this line on the Linux machine I get:
> Exception in thread "main" No such file or
> directory
> at Method)
> at
> at java.util.jar.JarFile.(
> at java.util.jar.JarFile.(

Does the TL53.jar file exist in the current directory or in the java path?


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Re: Martian messages

2004-10-21 Thread Herouth Maoz
On Friday, Oct 22, 2004, at 02:57 Asia/Jerusalem, Ilya Konstantinov 

Then again, you should have a route to whatever address thru the cable 
company's default gateway. Do you have a default route configured for 
the Ethernet interface (should be configured as part of the DHCP 
discovery)? Or did you create a static route to your ISP's PPTP > server?

Well, the initial routing is done in the NIC's initialization, and then 
Actcom's dialer script adds (actcom's router) through 
the gateway it extracts from the DHCP lease, deletes the default route 
and lets pptp add a default route.

I think the upshot of all this is that there is a route to the 
addresses that I get in the log, but that route is through ppp0, not 
eth1, and the kernel complains because they send their broadcasts 
directly through eth1.

What you are saying is basically that I should just ignore these 
messages. This is annoying, though, because if someone attempts to 
spoof an address (which is what the martian messages are meant to 
reveal), I'll never be able to see the attempt through all the 
background noise.

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Re: automatic credit charging on open e-shops

2004-10-20 Thread Herouth Maoz
Quoting Lior Kesos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Has anybody implemented an oscommerce/zencart + automatic charging scenario.

Yes. In our little country, it usually requires a middle man. That is - a
company that connects to Shva (which does clearance for all credit cards in
Israel) and gives you a protocol with which you connect to it, as well as an
interface that allows you to follow the transactions and find problems.

I'll give you the name of such a company in private, if you want. But I'm sure
there is more than one.

The interface in our case was https based - you pass it some parameters (your
user ID, credit card number, sum, type of currency), and it returns success or
an error code. I implemented this using CURL from PHP. So the credit card
numbers are not kept in your database and do not become a privacy liability. We
did keep the last four digits of the credit cards for follow-up, though.

Of course you have to set up an account with the clearance company, and if I'm
not mistaken the service is limited to a specific IP, which means that you may
have to negotiate with your ISP to not use transparent proxy on your machine.

There is also a possibility of working directly with Shva, but if my memory
serves right, they do not supply IP-based services, only a telephony interface.


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Re: Martian messages

2004-10-19 Thread Herouth Maoz
Quoting Oleg Goldshmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff is - the broadcast address
> 00:0f:34:7b:c8:a0 is the MAC of the offending host
> 08:06 is the protocol - ARP, if memory serves.
>Is the MAC above on your LAN?

Not to my knowledge. There are only two machines on the lan, which means three
NICS+Modem, none of whose MAC addresses is the one above.

> What is the default gateway for the other hosts on the LAN? What
> addresses are they assigned?

The other machine connected to the switch is, and its default
gateway is the linux machine, which is But all this is through


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Martian messages

2004-10-19 Thread Herouth Maoz
I asked this question on Whatsup and there was no help, I hope someone here can
clue me in, given that I'm not exactly an expert network manager...

I've switched from ADSL to cable yesterday, and although the network seems to
work, I constantly get martian messages in the kernel log, which probably means
that something is misconfigured. I want to know if it's my setup, something at
the cable company, something at actcom, and whether it's solvable.

My network contains two computers. The Linux is connected through eth1 to the
Internet via cable modem and a dialer to actcom. Its eth0 is connected to the
local network, that is to the switch to which the other machine is also
connected. The addresses on that subnet are 192.168.1.*.

Firewall and masquerading are done by shorewall running on the Linux (which is a
Mandrake 10 OE).

eth1 is configured with DHCP. eth0 is configured statically.

Here is a sample of the martian messages:

Oct 18 20:12:01 Motti kernel: martian source from, on
dev eth1
 Oct 18 20:12:01 Motti kernel: ll header:
 Oct 18 20:12:06 Motti kernel: printk: 217 messages suppressed.
 Oct 18 20:12:06 Motti kernel: martian source from, on
dev eth1
 Oct 18 20:12:06 Motti kernel: ll header:
 Oct 18 20:12:11 Motti kernel: printk: 217 messages suppressed.
 Oct 18 20:12:11 Motti kernel: martian source from,
on dev eth1
 Oct 18 20:12:11 Motti kernel: ll header:
 Oct 18 20:12:16 Motti kernel: printk: 222 messages suppressed.
 Oct 18 20:12:16 Motti kernel: martian source from, on
dev eth1
 Oct 18 20:12:16 Motti kernel: ll header:

And here is the output of route:

Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface
 rtr7.c.actcom.n UGH   0  00 eth1
 rtr7.c.actcom.n * UH0  00 ppp0 *   U 0  00 eth0 *   U 0  00 eth1   *   U 0  00 lo
 default rtr7.c.actcom.n UG0  00 ppp0

If there is any additional data I can supply, please tell me.


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Re: getting vim to type hebrew in vim

2004-10-12 Thread Herouth Maoz
Quoting Aaron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Well I am using fluxbox, would I be better off with gnome or kde for
> this?
> I really like fluxbox but if it is the cause I will sadly return to kde
> or gnome.
> so far I have no hebrew, but I will go into kde and see if I have any
> luck there.

I work with gvim, and everything works fine for me. I don't think it is KDE,
though. First you have to make sure that your vim has been compiled with Hebrew
support. Personally I don't use the Hebrew input method built in gvim but the
keyboard layout in X. And the entire environment has to be UTF-8.

No, xterm is not a VT. VT means Virtual Terminal which is one of the terminals
you get when you press alt-control-F1 to F6. In X it's a whole other kettle of

Do you have a utf-8 encoded Hebrew file? Just cat it, and see if you can see the
Hebrew in your xterm. If not, then no playing with vim will help.


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Re: kde switch lenguage

2004-09-20 Thread Herouth Maoz
Quoting Kfir Lavi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> my xfree settings are good and working, but when kde is in control, i can't
> use shift shift to switch keyboards, just ctrl alt k.
> I did configure kde to control keyboard switching, but i can't activate the
> keys.

I simply use the KDE layout - I find it easy to configure and use. I just
changed its keyboard shortcut to what I wanted (in my case, I just used F12).


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Re: Hebrew filenames from a Windows(XP) zip file.

2004-08-25 Thread Herouth Maoz
Quoting Amir Hardon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Just for testing the encoding I listed the file names into a text file
> ('unzip
> -l > file.txt'), and tried it to convert to different encodings using iconv.
> But iconv always failed(No matter which encoding I'm trying to use),
> with the following message:
> iconv: illegal input sequence at position 112
> The first byte that supposed to be Hebrew is at position 112,
> it's value is 0xEA which is "Kaf sofit" in iso-8859-8.

Doing an appropriate od on the resulting file may shade more light on the
problem (e.g. od -t x1).

My first guess would be that the names themselves are in ucs-2, but since the
output from zip mixes them with ascii, you get an encoding error, because
ucs-2, unlike utf-8, cannot mix with 1-byte characters.


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Re: [Meta] Smart People "Leaving" Linux-IL

2004-08-16 Thread Herouth Maoz
Quoting Shlomi Fish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> One option is to split this mailing list. One possibility would be:
> 1. linux-il - mailing list for Q&A and newbie questions.[1] Also
> announcements
> of events.


First, the list was not supposed to be a newbie list in any case, so this first
one doesn't make sense. I'm sure people don't want to downgrade this list into
a newbie list, and that's why there is a different mailing list call gnubies.

Second, the "forum" method in which you move threads into a different forums
when they become irrelevant for the discussion is not applicable to mailing
list. There is no sane person who will subscibe to a linux-il-wars list. Most
of us subscribe to lists for sane reasons, and start a flame war incidentally,
wishing in general that there are less flame wars and more info.

Also, how exactly do you move a discussion? And how do you cause a person who is
subscribed to one mailing list to be aware that there is a discussion going on
in another list to which he is not subscribed? In a forum system, there are
various ways to do that. First, they are all available to everybody, and you
can look in from time to time, and second, there are usually things like "last
messages posted" areas in the main page which tell you something. You can also
keep track of your thread even if it moved, if you have asked for email updates
on it, because even when it moves, you still get the e-mail reminders.

All of which doesn't happen in mailing lists and would be too convoluted to try
to implement by social engineering.

In my many years of mailing list and forum experience, I came to one sad
conclusion: in order for a mailing list to be productive, with low noise and
high content, it has to have strict rules, and ruthless and very active
moderators, who are not ashamed to kick people out when they break the rules
after they have been warned.


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RE: spam on this list - the culprit

2004-05-30 Thread Herouth Maoz
Quoting "Weinstein, Alon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Here's a way to avoid it -- goto , and see that by
> you (theoratically) can call 04-8741144 and demand to be removed from their
> list :)

No, a better way is to see all the relays and providers which are used by this
system, and call their helpdesk, saying "Good day, we are speaking from the
Hebrew University, we wish to avoid blocking everything coming from your
network, so how's about not allowing this slimeball to work through you?"

Of course, you may say "I am from IGLU" or "I am from Hamakor", but it's less


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Re: Free PHP IDE

2004-05-24 Thread Herouth Maoz
On Monday, May 24, 2004, at 18:53 Asia/Jerusalem, Amir Hardon wrote:
Someone know another IDE? or maybe someone have successfully configured
Have you tried Quanta Plus? It's supposed to have debugging support. I 
like its editor, I'm not a debugger person.

Whatever you use will probably require debugging support on the server 
side. Have you done anything about that?

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Re: Will someone unsubscribe the job advertiser, please?

2004-05-24 Thread Herouth Maoz
Quoting Muli Ben-Yehuda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Mon, May 24, 2004 at 07:47:17AM +0300, Herouth Maoz wrote:
> > Perhaps everybody's junk filters are filtering this, but it's really
> > annoying to get two job-offer junk mails a week, which I can't do
> Which job offers are you talking about? if it's Linux / FOSS related,
> it's allowed.

I'm speaking of the automated job4all message that's being sent in two copies
every Sunday.

I mean - someone from a company that's looking for Linuxers is alright, of
course. An automated spam containing jobs which may or may not be relevant -
it's an HTML message, and I don't display those in HTML if possible.

Anybody who is interested in an automated mailing of jobs can subscribe to those
messages directly. When they arrive in this way, I think they definitely fall
under the heading of "Spam" - and this is exactly how Spamcop tags them, by the


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Will someone unsubscribe the job advertiser, please?

2004-05-23 Thread Herouth Maoz
Perhaps everybody's junk filters are filtering this, but it's really 
annoying to get two job-offer junk mails a week, which I can't do 
anything about since they come through a mailing list (I usually report 
all my junk through spamcop, but only the list owner is allowed to 
report junk that came through a list).

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Re: are MDK 9.2 update mirrors up to date?

2004-03-07 Thread Herouth Maoz
Quoting Diego Iastrubni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Just for your information, the release cycle (+updates) of mdk92 is over.
> this
> means no more updates for you mister :)

Excuse me? MDK 9.2 reached end-of-life? I don't think so. There are still
updates for 9.1. Security updates still come in until the end-of-life. And in
MandrakeSecure, they have not announced any end-of-life since 8.2.

And by the way, I asked the same question about the Mandrake update mirrors a
couple of weeks ago, no reply. I switched to an official Mandrake mirror (in
Europe) and I no longer trust the IGLU mirror.


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Who is in charge of the IGLU mirrors again?

2004-02-16 Thread Herouth Maoz
Whoever is in charge of the IGLU site, can you put a contact to whoever is in
charge of the mirror, so that complaints can be forwarded directly to the
person in charge?

Anyway, the Mandrake updates mirrors for version 9.1 is out of synch again. The
latest file at is from
9/1/2004, whereas in the official mirrors, there are files from 12/2/2004. For

Thanks for your attention,

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Re: cp: omitting directory

2004-01-22 Thread Herouth Maoz
Quoting David Howard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi all.
> I'm having problems setting up a cron job to back up Thunderbird mail.
> This is Thunderbird 0.4. When testing the command syntax I get:
> /home/david/.mozilla-thunderbird/default/ejlqdp1x.slt/Mail /mnt/archive/Mail
> cp: omitting directory
> `/home/david/.mozilla-thunderbird/default/ejlqdp1x.slt/Mail'
> (sorry about the line wrap).
> Googling for "cp: omitting directory" produced unanswered questions
> similar to mine, plus instances of "cannot stat ", or
> "no such file/directory".

cp cannot handle directories as the source, unless you use the "-r" parameter.
man cp.


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Re: [JOB OFFER] Adwise Seeking - PHP Professional

2004-01-18 Thread Herouth Maoz
On Sunday, Jan 18, 2004, at 20:13 Asia/Jerusalem, Oleg Goldshmidt wrote:

This does not mean much. All the above links are from a few years ago,
and the company that was closed had dealt with advertising for ISPs or
some such, while this offer is for a company, possibly resurrected,
that is interested in "real-time Messaging Management Solutions for
ISPs and Backbones".
Oh, and the difference is ahem...

They offered spamming tools in pop-up windows in the past. Now they 
offer "real time messaging management tools". If it is pink, is packed 
in a tin can, and used to make "oink oink" sounds, it's spam.

A more serious problem is that I get a server error for
- the URL that is in the OP's signature. Looks like the server has
port 80 closed. You should be able to send your resume to,
but you'll have to do it "blindly", without as much as checking out
the company's website.
That's what Google Cache is for:

You can get at the other web pages there using the cache, if you want 


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Re: Unique identification of a computer

2004-01-18 Thread Herouth Maoz
On Sunday, Jan 18, 2004, at 11:00 Asia/Jerusalem, Muli Ben-Yehuda wrote:

A better question would be why do you need it. If it's for copy
protection, forget about it - it's trivial to defeat, not to mention
highly obnoxious
I've heard of systems which use it for additional security. Like some 
banks, who want user A to only be able to access their system from 
machine foo, not machine bar or any other machine. I think this is in 
order to make sure that even if the thief somehow got hold of A's 
passphrase or private key or whatever, they still need to actually use 
the original person's station.


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Re: Nvidia Conclusion

2004-01-03 Thread Herouth Maoz
On Saturday, Jan 3, 2004, at 10:09 Asia/Jerusalem, Shlomi Fish wrote:

1. I need to explictly download and build it whenever I upgrade the 
(and possibly X as well). Mandrake does not ship it with their distro 
they won't taint their distribution with a proprietary binary-only 
Join Mandrake Club. It helps support Mandrake (and ensures you have 
that distro around for a while yet), and you get lots of benefits. One 
of them is commercial packages available only to club members. Nvidia 
drivers included.


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Re: Ynet: MoF considers using Linux (probably Mandrake) for desktops

2003-12-14 Thread Herouth Maoz
Quoting Shachar Shemesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> My guess (pure
> guesswork) is that IBM is the one offering the actual migration.

Isn't IBM's preferred distro SuSE? The article at least talks about Mandrake.


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