Linux-Misc Digest #328

1999-08-08 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #328, Volume #21Sun, 8 Aug 99 05:13:13 EDT

  Re: can't connect to my isp using kppp ("NG")
  !!Re: can't connect to my isp using kppp ("NG")
  Re: why do I lose my entire system at restart, how to minimize loss? ("kgb")
  Ghostly modules still cry for life (too dramatic?) ("kgb")
  Re: currencies (Anthony DeRobertis)
  Re: currencies (Anthony DeRobertis)
  PATH is going wild (scable)
  Re: helping the Third World (Anthony DeRobertis)

Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: can't connect to my isp using kppp
Date: Sun, 8 Aug 1999 01:22:08 -0500

You are a definite godsend!

You would not believe the troubles I have had for 2 weeks with trying to
connect. (just see my "BULLSHIT" post at the top of the list.)

Unbelievable how your 1 sentence advise at the bottom of this post was the
answer to my prayers.  Everyone else had me running ragged changing
everything but my underwear :)

Thanks Again,


Michel Catudal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Fritz Whittington wrote:
> >
> > DonJr wrote:
> > >
> > > Bev wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Melle wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Hi,
> > > > > i've got a problem with my RH5.2 distribution of linux! i
configured kppp
> > > > > the way it was shown in several comp-magazines for logging in at
my isp's
> > > > > server using PAP - but it doesn't work at all.
> > > > > the modem dials properly, but it fails to log in. my isp said that
my login,
> > > > > password and servername should be added to the file
> > > > > but i don't know how in detail. there are two lines of
introduction: the
> > > > > format of an entry should be something like:
> > > > > clientserver  secretsIP adresses
> > > > > but what does this mean? i'm not good in English at all (you may
> > > > > noticed that already *grin*) since i'm from Germany, hmm.
> > > > > if you know the answer to my problem please mail me to:
> > > > >
> > > > > thanx,Melle
> > > >
> > > > We could never get it to work under RH either, so we just copied
over the
> > > > files from our slackware installation.  Here is what the
> > > > file should look like:
> > > >
> > > > # Secrets for authentication using PAP...
> > > > # clientserver   secretIP addresses
> > > > "yourloginname"   *   "yourpassword"
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > Cheers,
> > > > Bev
> > > > 
> > > > "We thought of one of those discount store caskets, but, frankly, we
> > > >  were worried about the quality." -- mortuary commercial
> > >
> > > Basicaly put "kppp" is not written for the Red Hat Dastro and will not
> > > work without major configuration change.
> > >
> > > The easiest way I've found to setup pppd under RH 5.2 or RH 6.0 is:
> > >   # linuxconf   { either under X or text mode take you pick}
> > >  - Networking
> > >- Client tasks
> > >   Select PPP/SLIP/PLIP
> > > Click the ADD button
> > >  Make sure PPP is selected
> > >   Click the Accept button
> > > Fill in the following fields
> > >   Phone Number
> > >   Modem Port
> > >   Click the use PAP check button
> > >   Login Name
> > >   Password
> > >   Click the Customize button
> > > Select Allow any user (de)activate the interface
> > >Click the Accept button
> > >  Click the quit button on the PPP/SLIP/PLIP page
> > >  Select Name server specification (DNS)
> > >Fill in the Name Server Information asked by this page.
> > >  Click the Accept button
> > >   Click the Quit button
> > >   Press enter on the next screen to apply the updates.
> > >
> > > Now at the command prompt
> > >   $ /sbin/ifup ppp0will bring up the connection
> > >   $ /sbin/ifdown ppp0  will bring down the connection
> > >
> > > Under X simplily load the program "usernet" is a simple to use one to
> > > get you started, though there are other choices out there.
> > >
> > > RedHat 5.2 and 6.0 versions of the Linux Dastro's are simple enough,
> > > even a MicroS*t user should be able to set it up.
> > >  It's a whole lot simpler then MS-Widows to install and setup.
> > >
> > > --
> > >  ---
> > >   Don E. Groves, Jr.
> > >   my Email is jetnick AT erols DOT com
> > >
> > >   I'll add a witty saying here later.
> > >   Such as:
> > >Give a man a fish and he will eat now.
> > >Teach him to fish and he will 
> > > ...
> > > ...
> > > ...
> > > ...
> > > ...
> > >   

Linux-Misc Digest #329

1999-08-08 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #329, Volume #21Sun, 8 Aug 99 09:13:17 EDT

  Re: helping the Third World (Anthony DeRobertis)
  Re: WINE help, please? ("Noah Roberts (jik-)")
  Red Hat 6.0 Installation problem (Tan)
  Re: .tar.bz2 file extensions (A Guy Called Tyketto)
  Re: 2.2.6 kernel is too big (Oliver.Natt)
  Beginner problem, please help ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: terminal emulation error using elm (telnet from Windows95 or NT) (Mohd H Misnan)
  Re: C structure size inconsitency (Gergo Barany)
  Re: nfs problems under RH6 (Terence Tse)
  Re: DDS-3 SCSI Tape Drive + Red Hat 6.0 (yan seiner)
  Boot Up severe error ("Tony Johnson")
  Re: The Incredible Shrinking / !  Help! ("Neil Fenemor")
  Re: terminal emulation error using elm (telnet from Windows95 or NT) ("T.E.Dickey")
  Re: PATH is going wild ("T.E.Dickey")
  Re: why do I lose my entire system at restart, how to minimize loss? (Yap Chen Kuang)
  Re: System copy to new harddisk (Michael Uemminghaus)
  Re: C structure size inconsitency (Andreas Hinz)
  Re: .tar.bz2 file extensions (Justin B Willoughby)
  Re: terminal emulation error using elm (telnet from Windows95 or NT) (Justin B 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anthony DeRobertis)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: helping the Third World
Date: Sun, 08 Aug 1999 04:12:57 -0400

In article <7ogs54$1hd$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Kulisz) wrote:

>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>>>Wealth is also redistributed in the USA. Just because *excessive* 
>>>redistribution may be detrimental doesn't mean that *any* redistirution
>>Anything above 10-15% of GDP is too much.
>Which correspondence school did you get your Economics degree from?

I say ANY redistribution is too much. And don't ask me about my Economics
degree. I don't have one, and it's not relevant anyway.

Windows 95 (win-DOH-z), n. A thirty-two bit extension and graphical
shell to a sixteen bit patch to an eight bit operating system
originally coded for a four bit microprocessor which was used in a PC
built by a formerly two bit company that couldn't stand one bit of competition.


Subject: Re: WINE help, please?
From: "Noah Roberts (jik-)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 08 Aug 1999 00:41:52 -0700

Wine Development <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

My question is unrelated, but I haven't gotten a responce in the
"correct" newsgroup and you have an official looking From:.

Ill-Logic:~/wine-990704$ wine c:\\windows\\write.exe
fixme:keyboard:X11DRV_KEYBOARD_DetectLayout Your keyboard layout was not found!
Instead using closest match (0409) for scancode mapping.
Please define your layout in windows/x11drv/keyboard.c and submit them
to us for inclusion into future Wine releases.
See documentation/keyboard for more information.

Thats all I get from wine.  I have read that file, I have edited the
keyboard.c, I have switched back to qwerty, I have tried a whole lot
of things including switching to an older version as you can
see...nothing made the slightest difference in anything.  I don't know 
what to do now.


Crossposted-To: jaring.os.linux
Subject: Red Hat 6.0 Installation problem
Date: Sun, 08 Aug 1999 08:53:29 GMT

Hi all, I am a linux newbie. I tried to install Red Hat 6.0 but was
facing problem.

I have 2 HDDs: FB ST2.1(as Pri Master), FB CR8.4(as Sec Master).
I partitioned the HDDs as follow, using Windows FDISK:
1. FB ST2.1:Pri DOS - C: 1512MB, FAT16, active, (Win98)
Ext DOS - E: 502MB, FAT16, (used)
2. FB CR8.4:Pri DOS - D: 1937MB, FAT16, (used)
Ext DOS - F: 2047MB, FAT16, (unused)
- G: 1985MB, FAT16, (unused)
- 2078MB, (unallocated)

I tried installed Red Hat 6.0 from CD-ROM, but when come to
partitioning, FDISK warned me that my 2nd drive's cylinder size is
>1024 (IIRC 1027). I was not sure what to do, so I just go back and
select Disk Druid instead of FDISK. Then I was able to add 2 Linux
Native partitions(1Gb each) from my hdc (the 2nd drive). Then I wish
to add Linux Swap but error msg said "No free primary" (there are 79MB
left actually).
Also, I have no idea about some options in Disk Druid:
1. Mount point?
2. Drop to fill disk?
3. Allowable HDD? (there have hda and hdc)
What are those options for and what should I enter?

More doubts:
1. Will it be harmful if I Ctrl+Alt+Del at any point in Linux?
2. Should I FDISK the HDD 100% using Windows FDISK before installing
3. Will Linux installation auto detect all my hardwares, especially
CD-ROM, soundcard, mouse, k/b, and modem? If not, how do I install it
into Linux system?
4. How to install software downloaded into Li

Linux-Misc Digest #330

1999-08-08 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #330, Volume #21Sun, 8 Aug 99 12:13:08 EDT

  Re: C structure size inconsitency (Floyd Davidson)
  Re: PATH is going wild (Floyd Davidson)
  Re: Extract the first n characters from a stream? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  lilo parameters problem ("Elya Guyer")
  Re: How to install CLE 8.0 in SuSE 6.1 (Hz back!)
  Re: Ghostly modules still cry for life (too dramatic?) (Jon Bloom)
  startx -- -bpp 16.too long to type (Nevyn)
  Re: C structure size inconsitency (Floyd Davidson)
  Re: nfs problems under RH6 (Wolfgang Denk)
  Re: DDS-3 SCSI Tape Drive + Red Hat 6.0 (Wolfgang Denk)
  wheelmouse with knews ? (Christophe Zwecker)
  Re: Installing uncompress (Gary Momarison)
  Re: sndconfig, cron problems (Robert McGwier)
  Re: Linux Games ("akm76")
  Re: CDROM driver not supported in RH 6 install ("Bowyer")
  Need help on installing patches.. (Warren)
  Re: startx -- -bpp 16.too long to type (Mark Slagell)
  Re: mkbootdisk on different machine (Leonard Evens)
  Re: CDROM driver not supported in RH 6 install ("Walt and Denise Fles")
  Re: C structure size inconsitency (Frank Sweetser)
  Re: help recovering disk space (Leonard Evens)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Floyd Davidson)
Subject: Re: C structure size inconsitency
Date: 8 Aug 1999 11:49:37 GMT

 Andreas Hinz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Compiling the following:
>struct Test0 {
> char X0[4];
> char X1[100];
> char X2;
> char X3[100];
> char X4[2];
> char X5;
> char X6;
>} T0;
>struct Test1 {
> time_t X0;
> char X1[100];
> char X2;
> char X3[100];
> char X4[2];
> char X5;
> char X6;
>} T1;
>struct Test2 {
> time_t X0;
> char X1;
> char X2;
> char X3;
> char X4;
> char X5;
> char X6;
>} T2;
>void main(void)

The ISO/ANSI C standard requires that main() return type int.
Defining main() to return void invokes undefined behavior unless
it is documented by the compiler (and with gcc it is not).

> fprintf(stderr,"%i, %i, %i, %i \n",sizeof(time_t), sizeof(T0), sizeof(T1),
>Running the compiled result, 'x', gives the following results:
>  4, 209, 212, 12
>I don't get it. It should have been
>  4, 209, 209, 10
>Can anyone explain this to me, please?
>I first thougt it was some byte alignment, but that does not make sense
>since the structs T0 and T1 should be exact the same size.

Indeed it is byte alignment!  At the end of the structure,
allowing the next object to begin on a appropriately aligned

Here is a replacement main() function which you can use to
demonstrate where the padding is inserted.


  fprintf(stderr,"%u, %u, %u, %u \n",

  fprintf(stderr, "%u %u %u %u %u %u %u\n",
   offsetof(struct Test2, X0),
   offsetof(struct Test2, X1),
   offsetof(struct Test2, X2),
   offsetof(struct Test2, X3),
   offsetof(struct Test2, X4),
   offsetof(struct Test2, X5),
   offsetof(struct Test2, X6));

   return 0;


Floyd L. Davidson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ukpeagvik (Barrow, Alaska)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Floyd Davidson)
Subject: Re: PATH is going wild
Date: 8 Aug 1999 12:09:18 GMT

scable  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>When I log on, my system (RH 6.0) goes hog wild and gives me a PATH that
>is five screen lines long.  Most of it is the same path elements
>repeated over and over again.  I have tried to find whether I have some
>sort of loop, for example, between local and global bashrc files, but I
>can't find anything of the sort.  Anybody have an idea what else could
>give rise to this curious behavior?

If you make additions to the PATH variable with a statement like,


in the wrong place it will indeed become a loop.  Files
/etc/profile and the first of ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login or
~/.profile that is found will be sourced by the login shell, and
using a recursive assignment will be fine in one, and only one,
of those files.  

But if that is in ~/.bashrc or the file specified by ENV it will
be added again each time a subshell is spawned.


Floyd L. Davidson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ukpeagvik (Barrow, Alaska)


Crossposted-To: comp.os.unix.misc
Subject: Re: Extract the first n characters from a stream?
Date: 8 Aug 1999 12:50:49 GMT

Kenny Zhu Qili <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Jon Skeet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Um, I expect head will do what you want it to.

>But the SUN version of head can't specify number of characters or bytes.
>Any other ideas?

dd bs=nnn count=1

Amos Shapir
Paper: nSOF Parall

Linux-Misc Digest #331

1999-08-08 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #331, Volume #21Sun, 8 Aug 99 14:13:08 EDT

  Re: Have you heard? (Glenn Valenta)
  I'm looking for Akaitools for Linux ? ("Frederic SAVOIR")
  Re: Evergreen Spectra Processor Upgrade and Linux? (Steve Nospam)
  Re: CDROM driver not supported in RH 6 install ("Walt and Denise Fles")
  Re: CDROM driver not supported in RH 6 install ("Walt and Denise Fles")
  Re: C structure size inconsitency (Andreas Hinz)
  Re: C structure size inconsitency (Andreas Hinz)
  Re: CDROM driver not supported in RH 6 install ("Walt and Denise Fles")
  Re: Red Hat 6.0 Installation problem (Leonard Evens)
  netscape problem (Al)
  Re: startx -- -bpp 16.too long to type (Rainer Wiener)
  Re: Beginner problem, please help (Rejo)
  Mandrake 6.0 rpm broken (Andy Jones)
  Re: X a bit weird on AGP SiS 6326 video card. (text, cursor invisible)B (Jon Bloom)
  Re: startx -- -bpp 16.too long to type (John Doe)
  ANNOUNCE: 6th International Linux Kongress - Registration Started ("Jens Chr. 

From: Glenn Valenta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.slackware,
Subject: Re: Have you heard?
Date: Sun, 08 Aug 1999 15:30:18 GMT

CJ wrote:
> DanH wrote:
> >
> > Byron wrote:
> > >
> > > Perhaps I am different in this way
> > >
> > > The way I see it, I am doing Microsoft a favor by attacking this site.
> > > Several people I know are making this into a "bigger dick" contest; to see
> > > who can do the most damage, etc.  This is what Microsoft wants people to do.
> > > Personally, I would rather do nothing to assist Microsoft and let them debug
> > > and stress-test their own damned code.  It seems that no matter what,
> > > Microsoft has a knack for insisting that users do its bug-hunting and beta
> > > testing for it.  I do not intend to participate.
> >
> > Microsoft is making an ass out of itself yet again.  This, for the
> > hacker community, is EXACTLY like the BSOD when Bill Gates himself tried
> > the PnP on national TV.
> >
> The way I think about it he's being pretty smart. The headline
> "Msoft puts win(whatever) up for hackers to break"  But does the
> fact that it's hardly up so no one can try make big news? In the months
> to come all anyone will remember is "MS put win(whatever) on the net for
> hackers" And come to the usumption that it is unbreakable. Never mind
> the fact NO one really had a chase to try. I can hear the win trolls
> now.
> Very smart move by MS. plant the headline in everyones head and fudge
> the rest.
> CJ

And leave it to ZD, the mouth piece of m$, to report it.

I hate those misleading headlines!

DOn't subscribe to anything ZD.


Subject: I'm looking for Akaitools for Linux ?
Date: Sun, 8 Aug 1999 18:35:17 +0200


I'm looking for a package called Akaitools for Linux... And I can't found it
anymore... Any idea where I could get it?




From: nospam@nospam!.kom (Steve Nospam)
Subject: Re: Evergreen Spectra Processor Upgrade and Linux?
Date: Sun, 08 Aug 1999 16:32:56 GMT

On Sun, 08 Aug 1999 00:57:27 +, Cokey de Percin

>Steve Nospam wrote:
>> Has anyone had any experience with the Evergreen Spectra Pentium
>> processor upgrade running under Linux?  I am considering this in
>> conjunction with the soon to be available 400 MHz model, but am
>> curious if anyone has had any problems with Linux with kernel 2.2 (or
>> anything else).
>I believe these are non-Intel processors.  We have several machines
>at work runing RH 6.0 with no problems on an earlier version (300mhz?).  
>Just don't recompile for Pentium.

Thanks for the reply.

Yes, they are AMD K6-2s.  The question I have is whether I can switch
from an Intel Pentium to an AMD K6-2 processor (using the Spectra
upgrade) without having to recompile or make any changes in Linux.  If
major changes are required, I might as well get a new motherboard and
processor (for about the same price), but if I can save doing anything
to Linux and reinstalling Windows, then the Spectra could be a good


*The only thing certain about the future is that it hasn't happened yet.*


From: "Walt and Denise Fles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: CDROM driver not supported in RH 6 install
Date: Sun, 8 Aug 1999 10:56:12 -0500

Just wondering if it's one of those that is attached to the sound card.
THOSE need a driver before the system can access it ( as does the
sound card ).

If so, you probably can hook it up directly to a spare IDE channel and
forget about needing the additional driver.

Good Luck!

Walt and Denise Fles
Bowyer <[EMAIL P

Linux-Misc Digest #332

1999-08-08 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #332, Volume #21Sun, 8 Aug 99 16:13:07 EDT

  Weird problem with Linksys EtherFast 10/100 (Tim Behrendsen)
  wvdial + (Young4ert)
  Re: CDROM driver not supported in RH 6 install (Michael George)
  Re: Evergreen Spectra Processor Upgrade and Linux? (Gerald Willmann)
  Re: C structure size inconsitency (Andreas Hinz)
  Re: C structure size inconsitency (Andreas Hinz)
  Re: I want my OLE!! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Boot Up severe error (Leonard Evens)
  Re: Need help on installing patches.. (Bob Martin)
  Re: What I think of linux. (John F Wilson)
  Re: PPP ("RT")
  Timeout expired while waiting for the PPP interface to come up! ("RT")
  Re: C structure size inconsitency (John Forkosh)
  Re: startx -- -bpp 16.too long to type ("Nevyn")
  Re: help recovering disk space (Bob Martin)
  mkbootdisk on different machine (Ron)
  Re: helping the Third World (Phil Hunt)
  Re: /etc/bashrc file (William Burkett)
  Re: mod_perl and Apache in RH6.0 ("Martin")

From: Tim Behrendsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Weird problem with Linksys EtherFast 10/100
Date: Sun, 08 Aug 1999 17:22:05 GMT

Hello all, I'm running Redhat 6.0 with latest tulip.c driver. I have
three LNE100TX network cards installed.

I originally staged a setup at 10mb, and it worked perfectly. But now
that I'm trying to install it in our 100mb network, it doesn't work!
When I tried it again at 10mb, it worked perfectly. I've tried booting
Linux with it connected to the 100mb LAN on the off-chance it needed to
be booted at that speed, but no luck.

Any ideas? All three cards exhibit the same behavior.

Much thanks,

Tim Behrendsen

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: Young4ert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: wvdial +
Date: Sun, 08 Aug 1999 13:44:08 -0400

Hi Linux Netters,

I managed to connect through a dialup PPP using wvdial -- a wonderfull
PPP with an auto reconnect feature.  Aside from using wvdial, I am also
using a free dynamic DNS service provided by  I
downloaded a copy of jlclient-1.1.tar.gz utility from
to updating the dns. Unfortunately, this jlclient does not automatically
update the DNS when wvdial reconnect.  In other words, when the ISP
disconnects the line and the wvdial kicks in to make a dialup
connection, the DNS did not get updated with the new IP.  So, how can
one use the wvdial to let the jlclient update to the so that the new IP gets registered with the


PS> Remove the "4" from e-mail address to respond.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael George)
Subject: Re: CDROM driver not supported in RH 6 install
Date: Sun, 08 Aug 1999 18:17:13 GMT

On Sun, 8 Aug 1999 22:54:04 -0400, Bowyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>The installation gave me the following choices.  I've also listed what
>Aztech CD  autoprobe failed
>Backpack CDROM   autprobe failed
>Goldstar R420   autoprobe failed
>Misumiasked for specifications / autoprobe
>Mitsumi (alternate) autoprobe failed
>Optics Storage 8000 asked for specifications / autoprobe failed
>Phillips CM206/260   asked for specifications / autoprobe failed
>Sanyo  autoprobe failed
>Sony CDU -31A asked for specifications / autoprobe failed
>Sony CDU -5xx   autoprobe failed
>Soundblaster/ Panasonic  took forever / autoprobe failed

I don't see the ATAPI or SCSI options in this list.  Do you have one of those
types of CD-ROM drives?

Unless I've missed the post, you haven't told us anything about your system
except that it give you errors.  Your configuration would be most helpful.


Reply address is completely bogus.  The real address is:
but in lowercase, not UPPERCASE
No, my friend, the way to have good and safe government, is not to trust it
all to one, but to divide it among the many, distributing to every one exactly
the functions he is competent to.  It is by dividing and subdividing these
republics from the national one down through all its subordinations, until it
ends in the administration of every man's farm by himself; by placing under
every one what his own eye may superintend, that all will be done for the
-- Thomas Jefferson, to Joseph Cabell, 1816


From: Gerald Willmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Evergreen Spectra Processor Upgrade and Linux?

Linux-Misc Digest #333

1999-08-08 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #333, Volume #21Sun, 8 Aug 99 18:13:09 EDT

  Re: hdparm cant make my spindown (Andreas Hinz)
  PnP Kernel and PnP Modem (Kevin R.)
  Re: C structure size inconsitency (Floyd Davidson)
  Re: Need suggestions for tape backup device (Justin B Willoughby)
  CD_R (Dennis)
  Are zmodem and PPP really not compatible? (Gordon Anderson)
  Re: terminal emulation error using elm (telnet from Windows95 or NT) (Justin B 
  Re: startx -- -bpp 16.too long to type (Floyd Davidson)
  Re: NC like program (Norton Commander) (tomislav)
  Re: CDROM driver not supported in RH 6 install (ME)
  Vanishing Netscape?? ("Gordon D. Anderson")
  Installing IglooFTP? Simple question... ? (-~=Darek M=~-)
  Media key for staroffice 5.0 (John Badarte)
  Re: Media key for staroffice 5.0 ("Karl Chu")
  Re: I want my OLE!! (Geoff Short)
  posting to ng's (root)
  Re: Media key for staroffice 5.0 ("Donald E. Stidwell")
  Re: The Incredible Shrinking / !  Help! (Wayne Power)
  Re: "starve the rotten little bastards" ("W.A. Scheer")
  test (Ron Tucker)
  Re: terminal emulation error using elm (telnet from Windows95 or NT) ("T.E.Dickey")
  Re: printk ??? (David Warren)
  Re: The Incredible Shrinking / !  Help! (Jeffrey C. Dege)
  Re: Installing IglooFTP? Simple question... ? (Bob Martin)
  Re: Vanishing Netscape?? (Bob Martin)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andreas Hinz)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: hdparm cant make my spindown
Date: Sun, 08 Aug 1999 18:11:46 GMT

On Sun, 25 Jul 1999 16:56:30 +1200, Rob Brown-Bayliss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have solved it (partially) by changing


  /sbin/update -f 1800

in the startup scipts (SUSE 6.0: /etc/rc.d/boot).

It is quite risky because the disk data only gets flushed every 1.800 seconds
(½ hour) by this command. An power failure before a flush reslults in corrup-
ted filesystem.

Never happened to me (yet), though. After 2+ years running Linux on laptops.

Med venlig hilsen / Best regards

Andreas Hinz


From: Kevin R. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: PnP Kernel and PnP Modem
Date: Sun, 08 Aug 1999 19:30:40 GMT

Hi all,

I'm running Slakware 4.0 and have compiled my Kernel to include PnP

I can't get my Pace 56 internal PnP modem to work. This is NOT a win

I also can't get my Creative Sound blaster 16 PnP to work

Do I still need to be using isapnp or setserial despite having a PnP

Do I need now to enable PnP OS option in my BIOS (doesn't seem to help
if I do)?

Would life be easier if I took out the PnP support from my kernel and
used ISAPNP instead ?

Is there any documentation anywhere about the implications of using a
PnP kernel ? for instance are the Modem-Howto and other documents
still relevant ?

Any help for this relative newbie would be very much appreciated.


==  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ==


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Floyd Davidson)
Subject: Re: C structure size inconsitency
Date: 8 Aug 1999 19:34:42 GMT

Andreas Hinz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Floyd Davidson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Here is a replacement main() function which you can use to
>>demonstrate where the padding is inserted.
>With 'Test2' if shows the following:
>4, 209, 212, 12 
>0 4 5 6 7 8 9

Which demonstrates that the padding follows the last member of that
struct.  Each of the char members are allowed to be aligned in one
byte increments with no padding between.  The initial member must
be at the same address as the struct (offset zero), hence the struct
itself must be properly aligned for the 4 byte time_t member that
is first.  The padding is added to allow an array of structs to
be declared.

Here is the appropriate text from the Standard, Section

  "Each non-bit-field member of a structure or union object is 
   aligned in an implmementation-defined manner appropriate to
   its type.

   Within a structure opbject, the non-bit-field members and
   the units in which bit-fields reside have addresses that 
   increase in the order in which they are declared.  A pointer
   to a structure object, suitably converted, points to its
   initial member (or if that member is a bit-field, then to
   the unt in which it resides), and vice versa.  There may
   therefore be unnamed padding within a structure object,
   but not at its beginning, as necessary to achieve the 
   appropriate alignment.

   The size of a union ...

   There may also be unnamed padding at the end of a structure
   or union, as necessary to achieve the appropriate alignment
   were the structure or union to be an element of an array."

A pretty concise statem

Linux-Misc Digest #334

1999-08-08 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #334, Volume #21Sun, 8 Aug 99 19:13:10 EDT

  Re: Media key for staroffice 5.0 (Bob Martin)
  Re: Vanishing Netscape?? (Justin B Willoughby)
  'Authentication failed' error from startx (David Young)
  Registration # ("Ron Tucker")
  Re: Have you heard? (Robin Becker)
  Re: Vanishing Netscape?? (Juergen Heinzl)
  Re: C structure size inconsitency (Floyd Davidson)
  Re: redhat vs suse ("Nevyn")
  Re: /etc/bashrc file (David Remash)
  Beginner's problem, continued ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Timeout expired while waiting for the PPP interface to come up! (ORRIN)
  Re: Can't INSMOD the BTTV driver in 2.2.5 !!! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  DVD Movies (Christopher Michael Collins)
  Re: Have you heard? (Juergen Heinzl)
  Re: guaranteed annual income ("A.T.Z.")

From: Bob Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Media key for staroffice 5.0
Date: Sun, 08 Aug 1999 21:28:09 +

John Badarte wrote:
> I am new to Linux.
> I installed suse 6.1 and was unable to install staroffice 5 because it kept
> asking me for some media key #.
> I gave up and then installed caldera 2.2. When i tried installing
> startofffice, it "again" asked for the media key #.
> Can someone help me? How and where do i get this media key #?
> Regards john

go to the staroffice web site, register the product, they will give you
a registration key.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Justin B Willoughby)
Subject: Re: Vanishing Netscape??
Date: 8 Aug 1999 21:44:39 GMT
Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Justin B Willoughby)

"Gordon D. Anderson" ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) writes:
> This one just now happened and this is still a new installation
> for me so I am confused.  Netscape was running fine.  I had a
> remote web page on the screen and had roamed around in it a little,
> then I clicked on something on that page and Netscape was completely
> gone.  Wiped out! Vanished! Poof!

Netscape probably crashed. You can see if there is still a lock file which
would be ~/.netscape/lock

If you do you will want to delete it before you start up Netscape again or
you won't be able to save bookmarks and such.

Netscape does this once in a great while for me, don't know what.

- Justin
   _/ _/_/_/  _/_/  _/_/ _/   _/   RULES!! * LINUX RULES *
  _/   _/_/_/  _/  _/_/   _/_/ Justin Willoughby
 _/   _/_/  _/_/  _/_/ _/
_/_/_/ _/_/_/  _/_/  _/_/_/_/_/ _/  Jesus Is Lord 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Young)
Subject: 'Authentication failed' error from startx
Date: 8 Aug 1999 21:31:23 GMT

I've just upgraded RedHat 5.2 to 6.0. I can start X as root with
'startx', however, I cannot start if I am logged in as any other
user. What gives? I've been fiddling with X authentication all morning
trying to figure this out, but without any luck. Man pages I've already
read top to bottom without their being any use are Xserver(1), xauth(1),
and mkxauth(1).


``I always thought that anybody who told me I couldn't live in the
past was trying to get me to forget something that if I remembered
it would get them in serious trouble.'' --Utah Philips


From: "Ron Tucker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Registration #
Date: Sat, 7 Aug 1999 15:28:02 -0400

This may not be the most appropriate question to post in these n.g.'s but
here goes.
  I recently installed rh 6.0 and in the interim have misplaced the cd
wrapper that contained the application cd.  As some of you already know
there is a registration # needed to install some of the sw.   Any ideas of
how to acquire this registration #?


From: Robin Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.slackware,
Subject: Re: Have you heard?
Date: Sun, 8 Aug 1999 19:27:06 +0100

If no one proves they hacked in; this is not proof that no one did (or
could). M$ is heading for a big fall if it announces that it has any
kind of hacker proof system.
Robin Becker


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Juergen Heinzl)
Subject: Re: Vanishing Netscape??
Date: Sun, 08 Aug 1999 21:50:21 GMT

In article , Gordon D. Anderson wrote:
>This one just now happened and this is still a new installation
>for me so I am confused.  Netscape was running fine.  I had a
>remote web page on the screen and had roamed around in it a little,
>then I clicked on something on that page and Netscape was completely
>gone.  Wiped out! Vanished! Poof!

I've heard netscape does this especially when visiting adult sites 8)

Okay, no, welcome to the wonderful world of software and no reason
to be concerned. It is a bug and it happens. 4.61 is better, although
even older versions did not crash and burn all the time. Even with
all that Java and Javascript crap disable

Linux-Misc Digest #335

1999-08-08 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #335, Volume #21Sun, 8 Aug 99 21:13:12 EDT

  ng post ("Ron Tucker")
  Re: "starve the rotten little bastards" ("A.T.Z.")
  Re: Are zmodem and PPP really not compatible? (Frank da Cruz)
  Re: Beginner's problem, continued (Juergen Heinzl)
  Re: guaranteed annual income ("A.T.Z.")
  Re: terminal emulation error using elm (telnet from Windows95 or NT) ("T.E.Dickey")
  how to parse all the junk in /var/log/messages?? (System User)
  Re: 'Authentication failed' error from startx (William Burkett)
  Re: Timeout expired while waiting for the PPP interface to come up! (Carl Alexander)
  Re: "starve the rotten little bastards" ("A.T.Z.")
  Re: I want my OLE!! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: how to parse all the junk in /var/log/messages?? (Adrian Hands)
  Re: Are zmodem and PPP really not compatible? (Cameron L. Spitzer)
  Re: Are zmodem and PPP really not compatible? (System User)
  Re: 'Authentication failed' error from startx (William Burkett)
  Re: The Incredible Shrinking / !  Help! (M van Oosterhout)
  Re: CD_R (Carl Fink)
  Re: Media key for staroffice 5.0 (Jon Sundquist)
  Re: Evergreen Spectra Processor Upgrade and Linux? (Cokey de Percin)
  Re: Have you heard? (Timothy Izod)
  Re: terminal emulation error using elm (telnet from Windows95 or NT) (Robert J. 

From: "Ron Tucker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ng post
Date: Sun, 8 Aug 1999 18:24:45 -0400

I'm sorry for the double post but having some probs. w/posts that aren't
showing up.

   Anyways,   I can post to ng's as root but not as non-root.   rh 6.0.  I'm
still a newbie but this one is just seeming difficult to me.   thanks for
all the support so far.   couln't have installed and configured w/o you all.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: "starve the rotten little bastards"
Date: Mon, 09 Aug 1999 01:03:14 +0200

Jerry Lynn Kreps schreef:

> Richard Kulisz wrote:
> >
> > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, A.T.Z. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >Richard Kulisz schreef:
> > >> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, A.T.Z. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >What is inhuman and immoral if you require people who have good health and are
> > >unemployed to do everything to get a job. Well, NOTHING. If they don't want to
> > >find a job then it is their own choiche and I think they shouldn't get more
> > >money from the government then the minimum required to stay alive. And perhaps
> > >they shouldn't get money at all.
> >
> > And what if they have kids? Oh, but that's Not Your Problem; sins of the
> > father and all that. Or maybe you want a special dispensation for families;
> > but that would just encourage those dirty welfare people to breed, wouldn't
> > it? Ahhh, that's the solution; forced sterilization!! All the problems are
> > solved that way, aren't they?

Best part: Richard Kulisz want to buy a house and have some mutual bonds. I think
this is everything what a Marxist shouldn't have. Personally I couldn't care less.
But how can a real Marxist say this.
Hipocrite did you say..

If he really is a Marxist he should be put into a museum. He might be the last one
around. One of my friends asked me if this kind still existed.

> Wow, what a compassionate individual you are...   You heart just bleeds
> for them and you feel their pain, don't you?   And if the track record
> of your socialist (Marxist, communists - choose your 'ist') idols are
> any measure, the result will be to reduce the entire population to
> welfare status, begging for work from the State, and standing in long
> lines hours basic necessities, waiting years for a private apartment.
> Forget cars, or even bikes.  As the oppressed Russians used to say: "We
> pretend to work and the government pretends to pay us".  And, isn't it
> just like a Socialist to impune opponents with a bogus eugenics argument
> when in fact they were the ones during the first half of the twentith
> century promoting the idea, which is why Margret Sanger pushed for birth
> control pills - to control populations in the 3rd world countries.
> In South Africa the communists use to promote aparthid because they
> thought that it was a route to power.  When that didn't work they jumped
> onto Mandella's bandwagon, but he dumped them and his stooge wife after
> he came to power.
> Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Kim Sung, Pal Pot, ...  the list is long, but the
> techniques are the same: exploite some "miscarriage" of justice,
> agitate, agi-prop, instigate, bomb, kidnap, murder, libel, anything at
> all to destabilize a government.  Then take over and rule through the
> power of a gun and control the media.  Give the populace an enemy,
> someone to blame for their troubles, but never give them the free access
> to truthfu

Linux-Misc Digest #336

1999-08-08 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #336, Volume #21Sun, 8 Aug 99 23:13:07 EDT

  new?? Netscape bug  (William B. Cattell)
  Re: helping the Third World (Mr Williams)
  Re: info on icewm??? (Rod Smith)
  Re: ng post (Big Daddy)
  Re: hdparm cant make my spindown (Chris Mahmood)
  Re: The Incredible Shrinking / !  Help! (Jeffrey C. Dege)
  Re: The Incredible Shrinking / ! Help! (Ray)
  Re: Registration # (Big Daddy)
  Re: The Incredible Shrinking / !  Help! (Hz back!)
  Re: The Incredible Shrinking / !  Help! (Hz back!)
  Re: Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server!! (Hz back!)
  Re: Evergreen Spectra Processor Upgrade and Linux? (Steve Nospam)
  TCL/TK AOL-IM ??? ("Joseph S. White")
  HELP: Netscape Java starts, eventually crashes ("James K. Wortley")
  Re: Beginner problem, please help (jstone)
  Re: C structure size inconsitency (John Forkosh)
  Help needed configuring X windows ("LLoyd")
  Re: The Incredible Shrinking / ! Help! (Jeffrey C. Dege)
  Re: lilo parameters problem (Collin W. Hitchcock)
  non-SCSI scanners (Bob Lockie) - crashes NS? (Big Daddy)
  Re: Capturing video from a digital camcorder/camera through the serial  ("Zachary C. 

From: William B. Cattell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: new?? Netscape bug 
Date: Mon, 09 Aug 1999 00:35:47 GMT

I've downloaded and installed the Netscape 4.6 RPM on a RedHat 6.0 system.  I'm
seeing a problem that I can duplicate.  I'm creating a new message - either
email or newsgroup - and I want to include a link from from my bookmarks.html
file.  I select the site out of bookmarks (in the browser) so that its url is
in the location box.  If I try to click and drag the mouse across it the url
will be partically selected then will freeze the system hard - no keyboard, no
mouse.  I can't even ctrl-alt-bksp.

My question is if anyone else is having that problem?  I can pretty much
duplicate it at will on my machine but haven't seen any mention of it in the
col groups or on Netscape's site (leading me to belive it's just my
configuration).  I've verified the fontpath for X, have tried having fewer
apps open - all to no avail.




From: Mr Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: helping the Third World
Date: Sun, 08 Aug 1999 21:21:06 +0600

Phil Hunt wrote:
> In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Anthony DeRobertis" writes:
> > OTOH, you have a country that has been on the balance more libratarian
> > than any other. And it is one of the most prosperous on Earth. Draw your
> > own conclusions.
> The most libertarian country currently is Somalia -- there the govmt
> taxes 0% of people's wealth, because there isn't a govmt.
A good point. And Sierra-Leone is a close second . (Although they
chop off the hands and feet off of one another, but they hardly suffer
from the evils of a big government right now.)
if you must email, reply to:
len bel at world net dot att dot net (no spaces, ats2@, dots2.)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Smith)
Subject: Re: info on icewm???
Date: Mon, 09 Aug 1999 00:37:53 GMT

[Posted and mailed]

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
"Duy D." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Can somebody give me some info. on this cool WM?  (url links would be
> great, too.)

Here's the main URL:

I like this window manager a lot, since it supports those features I most
want and not a lot else.

Rod Smith
NOTE: Remove the "uce" word from my address to mail me
Author of _Special Edition Using Corel WordPerfect 8 for Linux_, from Que


From: Big Daddy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: ng post
Date: 9 Aug 1999 01:13:36 GMT

In comp.os.linux.misc Ron Tucker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: I'm sorry for the double post but having some probs. w/posts that aren't
: showing up.

:Anyways,   I can post to ng's as root but not as non-root.   rh 6.0.  I'm
: still a newbie but this one is just seeming difficult to me.   thanks for
: all the support so far.   couln't have installed and configured w/o you all.

What reader are you using, for one?  Secondly, can you access the 'net
otherwise, e.g. browse the web, or telnet, as a user other than root?

Big Daddy


From: Chris Mahmood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: hdparm cant make my spindown
Date: 08 Aug 1999 17:02:09 -0700

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andreas Hinz) writes:

> On Sun, 25 Jul 1999 16:56:30 +1200, Rob Brown-Bayliss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> I have solved it (partially) by changing
>   /sbin/update
> to

Linux-Misc Digest #337

1999-08-08 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #337, Volume #21Mon, 9 Aug 99 02:13:10 EDT

  Re: Vanishing Netscape?? (Mr Williams)
  Re: >>>Connecting to ISP Questions<<< ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: CD_R ("Noah Roberts (jik-)")
  Re: linux isn't finding my adaptec aha-1542cp scsi adapter? ("Ian MacDonald")
  Can't recall commands after upgrade to RH 6.0 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Need help Setting UP News Client Using NetScape 4.6.1 (Brett Castleberry)
  Re: linux isn't finding my adaptec aha-1542cp scsi adapter? (Edwin Brown)
  Re: Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server!! (Fisch)
  network performance problem (Nick Carter)
  Re: Need suggestions for tape backup device ("John G. Sandell")
  PATH name trouble (scable)
  Re: I want my OLE!! (Wine Development)
  Re: Red Hat 6.0 Installation problem (Wine Development)
  Re: WINE help, please? (Wine Development)
  Re: Magic SysRq (was Re: Linux has finally crashed) (Christopher B. Browne)
  Re: Undo Partition (Jerry Lapham)
  Re: Howto check if Port # is block by ISP? (Lindoze 2000)
  Re: terminal emulation error using elm (telnet from Windows95 or NT) (Floyd Davidson)
  Re: Are zmodem and PPP really not compatible? (Richard Steiner)
  Wheel mouse drivers for Linux? (Paul Clay)
  Re: Are zmodem and PPP really not compatible? (B'ichela)
  Where and how to start kernel modules at boot up? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: - crashes NS? (Justin B Willoughby)

From: Mr Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Vanishing Netscape??
Date: Sun, 08 Aug 1999 22:47:24 +0600

Juergen Heinzl wrote:
> I've heard netscape does this especially when visiting adult sites 8)
Oh, no. This is completely unacceptable ! Time to look at Opera...
Netscape does crash sometime (that is, it disappears. I take it, it
crashed then .) Nothing serious.


Subject: Re: >>>Connecting to ISP Questions<<<
Date: 08 Aug 1999 19:40:31 PDT

I'm no great expert either, but I can tell you 
about PPP (Point to Point Protocol).  That is
the connection protocoll uesd by most ISP's.
AFAIK, all ISP's.  I believe the command to
establish a dialed up PPP connection is PPPdial.
Anyway, do a man on PPP and PPPdial.  IIRC There 
is also a mini howto that will walk you through the

In <7oi5ke$phj$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Gilbert Groehn" 
>Hello fello Linux users:
>I am a total neophyte to Linux but installed SuSE
>6.1 with minimal problems in the last couple of days
>to start learning the system.
>Had a few problems at first configuring the X windows
>GUI but that seems to be solved now.
>I now need advice on what is the best method to connect to
>my ISP via dial up modem.  I use  and all of their
>dial in software is Windows based.  I am assuming that there is
>a dialer somewhere in the Linux package but I have not tried it
>yet and do not know if it will work with worldnet in any case.
>Any help would be most appreciated.
>Gil Groehn

Just my $0.02 worth.
Hope this helps,

Sure this is my real e-mail address.  Just try
to get past my spam filters.
There are minor children in this house.
Any adult related spam will result in a
complaint to applicable athorities.


Subject: Re: CD_R
From: "Noah Roberts (jik-)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 08 Aug 1999 18:23:56 -0700

Dennis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The FAQ lists 3 CD-R's that are compatible with Linux, but I have not
> been able to find them.  So, can anyone suggest a CD-R that will work
> with Linux, WinNT, and Win98/98?  Also, is SCSI much faster for a slow
> device like a CD-R?

Most any IDE ATAPI CD-R should work just fine I would think.
I have an HP 7200i+, works fine but I have not tried to do any
multi-sessioning yet.


From: "Ian MacDonald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: linux isn't finding my adaptec aha-1542cp scsi adapter?
Date: Sun, 8 Aug 1999 20:28:27 -0700

Hi Gaiko,

I'm experiencing the exact same problem. Although my SCSI adapter is an
Adaptec AHA1540CF and I'm running RedHat.

My primary boot disk is an IDE and I thought I'd add an old SCSI control I
had lying around.  I discovered after loading the kernel source that the
driver for the aha154x cards will only try to autodetect the cards at two
I/O addresses (0x330 and 0x334).  After setting my card to use I/O address
0x334,  I was able to load the driver manually using: insmod 1542 and then
manually mounting the attached drives.

For some reason the kernel will not automatically detect and load the
aha1542 driver during the boot process.  I too always get the "zero scsi
hosts detected message"  I even tried (without success) recompiling the
kernel to include SCSI support and t