Linux-Misc Digest #387

2000-05-06 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #387, Volume #24Sat, 6 May 00 23:13:04 EDT

  Re: Need to find my IP address (brian moore)
  Re: Why partition a Disk? (Christopher Browne)
  Re: using gaim for linux (Andrew Purugganan)
  Re: "Core" file ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: [HELP] Mounting Macintosh fileserver on Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Choice of modem (Ian)
  Re: incremental backup with tar? (Leslie Mikesell)
  Re: Need to find my IP address (Kaz Kylheku)
  Re: Why partition a Disk? (Rick Hoffman)
  Re: Man display error ("James Li")
  Re: Driver for Panasonic/MKE CDROM? (Tim Lines)
  Re: sound in corel linux (Prasanth Kumar)
  Re: Benchmarks and relative speeds (Raj Rijhwani)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (brian moore)
Subject: Re: Need to find my IP address
Date: 7 May 2000 01:25:34 GMT

On Sat, 06 May 2000 21:06:50 GMT, 
 Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, 6 May 2000 17:51:38 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tobias Anderberg)
> wrote in comp.os.linux.development.apps:
> > int fd;
> > struct ifreq i;
> > fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
> > strncpy(i.ifr_name, "eth0", 5);
> > ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFADDR, (int) &i);
> > close(fd);
> > return (char *)inet_ntoa(((struct sockaddr_in *)
> > &i.ifr_addr)->sin_addr);
> Herein lies one of my biggest complaints about the Linux development
> environment: there should be no reason why an application programmer must
> rely on undocumented "catch-all" calls to accomplish simple tasks.  The
> "man ioctl_list" page is a complete waste of time-- it's hopelessly out of
> date and only contains the argument type for each command without any
> explaination of where, why or how each should be used.  Application
> programmers shouldn't have to resort to sifting through the kernel source
> code to figure out how to perform simple and common tasks.

Perhaps you should just buy a book?  Something like Unix Network
Programming should have the above.

It will certainly have the much-more-recommended method of finding your
IP number, which is to find your hostname and then look it up.  Both
methods will be lacking in some circumstances (think of machines with
more than one IP number for a trivial case).

> People who write device drivers or kernel modules should provide a proper
> man(2) or man(3) page.  Ideally, we should kill off the ioctl() function
> and place all accessible driver variables in /proc.

If you remove ioctl(), how will you plan on maintaining compatibility
with other Unix systems?

Brian Moore   | Of course vi is God's editor.
  Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker | If He used Emacs, He'd still be waiting
  Usenet Vandal   |  for it to load on the seventh day.
  Netscum, Bane of Elves.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher Browne)
Subject: Re: Why partition a Disk?
Date: Sun, 07 May 2000 01:34:12 GMT

Centuries ago, Nostradamus foresaw a time when Rick Hoffman would say:
>> My inclination would be to fix things up by reinstalling, perhaps moving
>> ahead to a newer distribution version, and recovering data from the backup
>> of /etc as needed.
>> You're not required to agree with that approach...
>Well, you all are giving me a better feel for what multiple partitions
>provide.  I am also beginning to realize that backing up Linux
>doesn't necessarily require the backup to be a full bootable system.
>Just the data that changes regularly and if the partition strategy
>is done well then recovery will be just a matter of reinstalling the
>"system friendly" partitions like you just mentioned which would then
>be automatically integrated with the partitions/data that you backed up.
>Did I say that right?

That sounds pretty appropriate.

You know, I'd suggest virtually the same approach for a Windows install,
with much of the same reasoning.

- Have C: be where Windows is installed, and, probably, applications.
- D: is where user data gets put.

This way, if the Registry gets so screwed up that you need to reinstall
Windows, there's at least a hope of keeping data on D: around.

I have gradually moved to using cfengine to set up increasing amounts
of my system configuration.   This
amounts to constructing scripts that dribble necessary configuration into
configuration files wherever they may be.  

The result is that the control of configuration on my system is wandering
into /etc/cfengine.  Net result is that when I install a new system,
an early thing I do is to install cfengine, and then run it on that set
of data, whether:
  a) NFS mounted from another system,
  b) Sitting on a floppy, or
  c) Burnt onto a CDROM backup.

I run cfengine, and it copies some config files into place, and inserts

Linux-Misc Digest #386

2000-05-06 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #386, Volume #24Sat, 6 May 00 21:13:05 EDT

  Help with efax0.9, Sending FAXes using the Print Spooler (Rod Pike)
  Re: rpm problems (Patrick O'Neil)
  Like Defrag.exe in Win, but in Linux. (Federico Czerwinski)
  Linux Login Logo (Federico Czerwinski)
  Re: Why partition a Disk? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Distributed file system (Christopher Browne)
  Re: Linux Login Logo ("David ..")
  Re: Why partition a Disk? (Hal Burgiss)
  Re: Why partition a Disk? ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Why partition a Disk? (Rick Hoffman)
  Re: what changed my /tmp's write permissions? (Hans Kinwel)
  Re: Why partition a Disk? ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Locating files ("mpierce")
  List number of files in directory? (Ken Williams)
  Re: Why partition a Disk? (Hal Burgiss)
  Re: IRC help (Stewart Honsberger)
  Re: Like Defrag.exe in Win, but in Linux. (Stewart Honsberger)
  Re: Linux Login Logo (Stewart Honsberger)
  Re: List number of files in directory? (Hal Burgiss)

From: Rod Pike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help with efax0.9, Sending FAXes using the Print Spooler
Date: Sun, 07 May 2000 01:10:49 +0200

Does anyone have this working?  Could someone post an example of what
the client and server printcap looks like?  I can send a fax by printing
locally using lpr on my server but I can't do it from a client across a
network connection.  I am able to print on my inkjet connected to the
server from a client machine using lpr so I'm puzzled why it won't work
with efax.

Thanks in advance



From: Patrick O'Neil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: rpm problems
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 17:38:02 -0600

YamYam wrote:
> Did u try to build rpm files with: cd  rpm -ivh  cd 
>/usr/src/RPM/SPECS rpm -ba  --clean It will show u all messages when it 
>compiles, and when it succeeded it will put the rpm files 

Thanks but I tried this and still get this instead of any binary rpm
a successful compile:

Executing(%install): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.3914 + umask 022 + cd
/usr/src/RPM/BUILD + cd Device3Dfx-2.3 + make RPM_INSTALL=1 install +
grep '^/lib/modules/' + /usr/share/spec-helper/spec-helper no
RPM_BUILD_ROOT variable; exiting. Bad exit status from
/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.3914 (%install) 



From: Federico Czerwinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Like Defrag.exe in Win, but in Linux.
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 23:30:07 GMT

Hey!, this questoin is a short one, just this, Is there any program for 
Linux that defrags the disk, just like Defrag.exe in windows? Where can i 
get it?, Thanx!


Posted via CNET


From: Federico Czerwinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux Login Logo
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 23:30:10 GMT

Hi there!, well, this one is short. I just wanna know where i can get more 
"Linux_Logo", for the login, you know, that ASCII penguin. Or how can i 
make them? can i put anything else in the login? Thanx!
Thanx a lot.


Posted via CNET


Subject: Re: Why partition a Disk?
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 23:32:11 GMT

Centuries ago, Nostradamus foresaw a time when Rick Hoffman would say:
>> If everything's on one big partition, your options are limited and your
>> chances for disaster recovery are less.
>> You separate /, /usr, /var, and /home for safety.  If / gets corrupted, at
>> least you can still recover the data from /home.  If some malicious user
>> or process fills up /var, / still has space.  If /usr gets br0ken, you
>> have utilities available in / that can get the system up to a working
>> state.  Personally, I dual-boot to SuSE and RedHat, and I share /home and
>> /usr/local between the two distros... that option wouldn't be available if
>> I'd just lumped everything on one partition!
>Ok, so many partitions allow the OS to be broken up into seperate pieces.  Your
>mentioned a malicious user filling up space so I guess one advantage to
>partitioning the OS into smaller pieces is to better manage memory?   So
>partitioning the OS into seperate pieces is basically for security?

It can _help_ from that perspective; the point is more to improve the
resiliancy of the system against problems that are not all related to

#1.  If you keep all of the "data" on some partitions devoted to that
 purpose, then if the system, for _whatever_ reason gets broken,
 you can reformat the "system" partitions without disturbing the

 Persistent "data" tends to sit in one's home directory, so this
 encourages having /home on its own partition.

#2.  If you've got a set of files that get "touched" a lot, as tends
 to be the case with log files, mail spool files, print spool files,
 and such, it would be nice to have 

Linux-Misc Digest #385

2000-05-06 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #385, Volume #24Sat, 6 May 00 19:13:02 EDT

  Re: "Core" file ("Tom Hoffmann")
  RPM Database corruption :( (Alexis M)
  Re: RPM Database corruption :( (Hal Burgiss)
  Re: Interested in purchasing a Linux OS (jb)
  Re: Why partition a Disk? ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Need to find my IP address ("Peter T. Breuer")
  sound in corel linux (mike_mcc13)
  Re: Is JavaServer Pages alive in Linux? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Howto use a funtion in a struct  (Alex Chudnovsky)
  Re: Need to find my IP address (Kaz Kylheku)
  Re: Need to find my IP address (Kaz Kylheku)
  LILO 21.4.3 update (John in SD)
  Re: Need to find my IP address ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Need to find my IP address (Chris)
  Re: Why partition a Disk? (Rick Hoffman)
  Re: Linux and PCI..? (Tim Hockin)
  Re: Need to find my IP address ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Benchmarks and relative speeds (David Efflandt)
  Re: Help: "Swapoff" error (David Efflandt)
  Re: howto setup vi style cmdln editing with bash (David Efflandt)
  seyon location (Kevin Bree)

From: "Tom Hoffmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: "Core" file
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 21:10:04 GMT

"core" files contain information on the state of a program at the time of
an abnormal termination.  The can be used by developers to troubleshoot
problems.  If you are not planning on passing the core file to a developer
or using it yourself, it can safely be deleted.

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Federico Czerwinski
> Hey! This site rules!, Here's the question: When i got an error (usualy 
> under X) a file is created, named "CORE", which is quite larger..can
> i  erase it? What is that file!? What's it for? Thanx a lot!
> Federico
> --
> Posted via CNET


Date: Sun, 07 May 2000 00:04:24 -0300
From: Alexis M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.rpm,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: RPM Database corruption :(


My PC suffered a power failure recently, and since then it's been acting
up on me. I'm running RedHat Linux 6.1, and it seems that my RPM
database is completely corrupt. I can't add/remove packages, check
dependencies or anything.

Here is a sample output of what I get when I try to install a package:

[root@spartacus Linux]# rpm -i bzip2-0.9.5d-3.i386.rpm 
cannot open file /var/lib/rpm/packages.rpm: Success
cannot open file /var/lib/rpm/nameindex.rpm: Success
cannot open file /var/lib/rpm/fileindex.rpm: Success
cannot open file /var/lib/rpm/groupindex.rpm: Success
cannot open file /var/lib/rpm/requiredby.rpm: Success
cannot open file /var/lib/rpm/providesindex.rpm: Success
cannot open file /var/lib/rpm/conflictsindex.rpm: Success
cannot open file /var/lib/rpm/triggerindex.rpm: Success
cannot open file /var/lib/rpm/obsoletesindex.rpm: Success
cannot open file /var/lib/rpm/versionindex.rpm: Success
cannot open file /var/lib/rpm/releaseindex.rpm: Success
cannot open file /var/lib/rpm/dirindex.rpm: Success
cannot open file /var/lib/rpm/fileindex.rpm: Bad file descriptor
cannot open file /var/lib/rpm/providesindex.rpm: Bad file descriptor
cannot open file /var/lib/rpm/providesindex.rpm: Bad file descriptor
cannot open file /var/lib/rpm/providesindex.rpm: Bad file descriptor
cannot open file /var/lib/rpm/fileindex.rpm: Bad file descriptor
cannot open file /var/lib/rpm/providesindex.rpm: Bad file descriptor
cannot open file /var/lib/rpm/providesindex.rpm: Bad file descriptor
cannot open file /var/lib/rpm/providesindex.rpm: Bad file descriptor
cannot open file /var/lib/rpm/conflictsindex.rpm: Bad file descriptor
cannot open file /var/lib/rpm/conflictsindex.rpm: Bad file descriptor
cannot open file /var/lib/rpm/conflictsindex.rpm: Bad file descriptor
error: failed dependencies:
/sbin/ldconfig   is needed by bzip2-0.9.5d-3 is needed by bzip2-0.9.5d-3 is needed by bzip2-0.9.5d-3
/bin/sh is needed by bzip2-0.9.5d-3 is needed by bzip2-0.9.5d-3 is needed by bzip2-0.9.5d-3

What do I do to fix this?


Alexis M
< m a m p 4 7   at   d i a l   dot   p i p e x   dot   c o m >


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hal Burgiss)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.rpm,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: RPM Database corruption :(
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 21:17:17 GMT

On Sun, 07 May 2000 00:04:24 -0300, Alexis M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>My PC suffered a power failure recently, and since then it's been
>acting up on me. I'm running RedHat Linux 6.1, and it seems that my RPM
>database is completely corrupt. I can't add/remove packages, check
>dependencies or anything.
>Here is a sample output of what I get when I try to install a package:

AFAIK, the only tool rpm has t

Linux-Misc Digest #384

2000-05-06 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #384, Volume #24Sat, 6 May 00 17:13:03 EDT

  Is JavaServer Pages alive in Linux? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Remote authentication (DanH)
  POP3 Problem (Sky Cree)
  Re: redhat 6.1 install woes (Leonard Evens)
  Re: Can anyone clarify boot sequence? (Prasanth Kumar)
  Re: corrupted RPM directory?? (please help!) (John McKown)
  LILO: Kernel too big ("Erik A. Mogensen")
  Re: Remote authentication ("I-Way")
  Re: Why partition a Disk? (Rick Hoffman)
  Re: Winlinux question ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: How to print page range in Netscape/Linux (Frank Hahn)
  Re: Why partition a Disk? ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: using gaim for linux (Rob Flynn)
  "Core" file (Federico Czerwinski)
  Re: Linux Windows Managers (jb)
  Re: Why partition a Disk? (Rick Hoffman)
  Re: Wierd SuSE6.4 problem (jb)
  Re: "Core" file ("Plathora")
  Re: Distributed file system (jb)
  Re: The Best Man Page in the Internet? (jb)
  Re: Need to find my IP address (Chris)
  Re: Howto use a funtion in a struct  (jb)
  Re: Distributed file system (JEDIDIAH)

Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps,alt.os.linux,
Subject: Is JavaServer Pages alive in Linux?
Date: Sun, 07 May 2000 02:25:48 +0800

Hi, I'm a student attempting to use JSP in Linux but i notice few
questions in linux newsgroup on JSP. I would appreciate it if anyone had
used JSP in Linux and could share their experiences with me, good and

Also in particular, which free JSP implementations should i use

1) GNU ServerPages by bitmechanic, or
2) GNU JavaServer Pages by klomp

Thank you very much.


P.S. - remove CAP words in address to correspond


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Remote authentication
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 14:34:22 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "I-Way" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am setting up a network at home using only linux boxes. Is it possible to
> have a server hold all a persons work and authenticate their
> password/username when they log on to a terminal machine instead of having
> each machine holding a users account? (Their will eventually be many
> machines and many users so having all the users and accounts stored on each
> machine wouldn't be practical)
> Is it then possible to map the users home directory on the server to the
> local file system?
> I would hope to use KDE to accomplishe the logon if possible.

You are describing NIS (also called YP.)  It's been a standard in *NIX forever.

Home directories automounted when someone logs in via automount, NIS 
passwords and NIS automounts.

UNIX - Not just for vestal virgins anymore
Linux - Choice of a GNU generation


From: Sky Cree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,alt.linux,,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: POP3 Problem
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 11:45:52 -0700

Hi, I am using redhat 6.2 on kernel 2.2.12, on an hp ppro 200 system
with so and so mb memory.

Problem: I installed in.pop3d version 1.005l for my server and didn't
have any problems for 3 months.  All of a sudden I am getting this error
message: "-ERR being read already /var/spool/mail/user"

I had this problem once before, but only with a single user. I simply
had to remove the lock file for that account from /var/tmp.

This current problem is affecting all of my users simultaneously and has
brought down my entire system.

Furthermore I tried to install GNU-POP3d but also had problems.  I know
that sendmail is working, because I can access my mail through pine.
Gnu-pop3d gave me a similiar error: "-ERR bad login"

If anyone has had similiar problems, or if anyone has any suggestions as
to what I could do, I would be most appreciative.

Thanks in advance.


From: Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: redhat 6.1 install woes
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 13:42:50 -0500

Christoph Kukulies wrote:
> I tried to install RH 6.1 on a P90 ASUS PCI/P54SP4 board, 64MB,
> 2 IDE (M-2.2 GB Maxtor, S-2.1 GB Quantum FB), ELSA Victory Erazor,
> Intel Etherexpress NIC.
> Nothing fancy, as one can see.
> Installing runs fine, I install a minimum system, on root
> partition of 2192 MB (or something like that), 350 MB swap on second IDE.
> But when I reboot first time I just can see the letters LI
> (obviously from LILO) and then stop. Nothing anymore. I can only
> Tried this now three times, even with IDE Normal mode.
> --
> Chris Christoph P. U. Kukulies [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In principle, the installation should have created a boot
floppy for you.  (If it didn't, reinstall but use the
upgraded Anaconda installation floppy images from the RedHat
Errata or a mirror site.  Actually, you could probably just
choose the upgrade 

Linux-Misc Digest #383

2000-05-06 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #383, Volume #24Sat, 6 May 00 14:13:02 EDT

  Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 6 of 6) 

Crossposted-To: news.answers,comp.answers
Subject: Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 6 of 6)
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 18:07:29 GMT

Archive-Name: linux/faq/part6
Posting-Frequency: weekly
Last-modified: 05/06/2000 or from If you have a sound
   card or the PC-speaker audio driver you can hear them by typing
cat >/dev/audio

   The difference isn't in the pronunciation of Linux but in the language
   Linus uses to say, "hello."
   For the benefit of those who don't have the equipment or inclination:
   Linus pronounces Linux approximately as Leenus, where the "ee" is
   pronounced as in "feet," but rather shorter, and the "u" is like a
   much shorter version of the French "eu" sound in "peur"
   (pronouncing it as the "u" in "put" is probably passable).
9.11. Where Is the Linux Food Page?

   It's at It contains
   recipes for dishes like Fusili Chicken Marinara, Speedy Guacamole, and
   Idiot-proof pilaf, as well as hints for cooking things in a hurry. At
   the time of this writing, no recipes for penguin, though.
9.12. Where Can I Find Out about Free Software Projects?

   The Free Software Bazaar lists current openings to do work on free
   software projects, and tells how to sponsor free software projects and
   how to make money writing free software. Its URL is
10. Frequently Encountered Error Messages

10.1. Modprobe Can't Locate Module, XXX, and Similar Messages.

   These types of messages mostly occur at boot time or shutdown. If
   modprobe, insmod, or rmmod complain about not being able to find a
   module, add the following to the /etc/modules.conf or
   /etc/modutils/aliases file, whichever is present on your system.
alias  off

   And use the name of the module that appears in the error message.
   [J.H.M. Dassen]
10.2. Unknown Terminal Type "linux" and Similar.

   In early kernels the default console terminal type has changed from
   "console" to "linux." You must edit /etc/termcap to change the
   line reading:


   (there may be an additional "dumb" in there--if so it should be
   To get the editor to work you may need say

   (for bash and ksh), or
setenv TERM console

for csh or tcsh.

   Some programs use /usr/lib/terminfo instead of /etc/termcap. For these
   programs you should upgrade your terminfo package, which is part of
   The same is true for X terminal displays. If your distribution sets
   the TERM to something strange like xterm-24-color, you can simply
   reset it to a generic value from the command line:
# TERM="xterm"; export TERM
10.3. INET: Warning: old style ioctl... called!

   You are trying to use the old network configuration utilities. The new
   ones can be found on (source
   only, I'm afraid).
   Note that they cannot be used just like the old-style programs. See
   the NET-2 HOWTO for instructions on how to set up the old-style
   networking programs correctly. Even better, see the NET-3 HOWTO and
   upgrade your networking software.
10.4. ld: unrecognized option '-m486'

   You have an old version of ld. Install a newer binutils package--this
   will contain an updated ld. Look on in
   /pub/linux/packages/GCC/ for binutils-
10.5. GCC says, "Internal compiler error."

   If the fault is repeatable (i.e., it always happens at the same place
   in the same file--even after rebooting and trying again, using a
   stable kernel) you have discovered a bug in GCC. See the GCC Info
   documentation (type F1-i in Emacs, and select GCC from the menu) for
   details on how to report the error--make sure you have the latest
   version, though.
   Note that this is probably not a Linux-specific problem. Unless you
   are compiling a program many other Linux users also compile, you
   should not post your bug r

Linux-Misc Digest #382

2000-05-06 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #382, Volume #24Sat, 6 May 00 14:13:02 EDT

  Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 5 of 6) 

Crossposted-To: news.answers,comp.answers
Subject: Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 5 of 6)
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 18:06:28 GMT

Archive-Name: linux/faq/part5
Posting-Frequency: weekly
Last-modified: 05/06/2000

8.7. How Do I Get Dial-up PPP to Work?

   This information is mainly for people who do not have a wrapper
   utility like kppp or pppconfig, or are not able to get those utilities
   to work correctly. If you need to manually configure PPP to dial in to
   your ISP, you will need the following information:
 * The port that your modem is connected to: /dev/ttyS0--/dev/ttyS3,
   which correspond to COM1-COM4 under MS-DOS.
 * The phone number of your ISP's data connection.
 * The user name and password that your ISP gave you.
 * The IP addresses of the primary and possibly secondary Domain Name
   Service that you will use when dialing in to the ISP. This assumes
   that you will not be using a DNS that you installed on your
   When you have all of this information, make sure that the programs
   pppd and chat, at the very minimum, are installed correctly. In most
   current distributions, they are installed in the /usr/sbin/ directory,
   and you will need to be logged in as root to use them. In addition,
   the following programs are also useful for configuring network
   connections, determining network status, and diagnosing problems:
   /sbin/ifconfig, /sbin/route, /bin/ping, /usr/sbin/traceroute.
   These are the basic steps that you need to follow to configure PPP.
   You must be logged in as root.
 * Make sure that the serial port and modem are operating correctly.
   Using a program like minicomm or kermit, you should be able to
   send AT commands to the modem and receive the OK string in
   response from the modem.
 * Enter the primary and possibly secondary Domain Name Server IP
   addresses in the /etc/resolv.conf file, using dotted quad
   notation, with the nameserver label. For example:
order hosts,bind

   This tells your networking software, when it resolves network
   domain addresses, to first look in the /etc/hosts file, and then
   use the bind service; i.e., the DNS servers, which are specified
   on the lines that begin with nameserver.
 * Locate the chat script that PPP will use to dial the modem and
   connect to your ISP. In many systems, this is either in the
   /etc/chatscripts or /etc/ppp directory, and will be called
   provider or something similar. You can store a chat script
   anywhere, provided that you tell pppd to use it rather than the
   default script. Refer to the chat and pppd manual pages, and the
   information below, for details. Here is a sample chat script:
""   ATDT

   This is a chat program for a simple, script based login. The chat
   program uses the pair of strings on each line as a match/response
   pair. When it starts, it sends the string
   "ATDTyour_isp's_phone_number," where you have substituted the
   actual phone number of course. It then waits for the string ogin
   (a substring of the word login) and sends your user name. It then
   waits for word (a substring of password) and sends your password.
   If your ISP uses a different login and password prompts, and any
   additional prompts, you will need to edit the script accordingly.
   Again, refer to the chat manual page for details.
   If your ISP uses PAP or CHAP authentication, you will need to edit
   the pap-secrets or chap-secrets files in /etc/ppp directory as
   well. Refer to the manual pages for these files, as well as the
   instruction in the files themselves.
 * The configuration of pppd, the program that maintains the actual
   connection, is usually contained in two or three separate files.
   The first is usually /etc/ppp/options, which contains options that
   all of your system's PPP connections will use. (Yes, you can have
   more than one; as many as your computer has serial ports,
   Here is a sample /etc/ppp/options file:
# /etc/ppp/options

asyncmap 0

# --

   The options may be given on one line or each on a separate line.
   Many options files are much longer, and come with a description of
   each option. Here, the options mean, in order, do

Linux-Misc Digest #379

2000-05-06 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #379, Volume #24Sat, 6 May 00 14:13:02 EDT

  Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 2 of 6) 

Crossposted-To: news.answers,comp.answers
Subject: Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 2 of 6)
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 18:03:31 GMT

Archive-Name: linux/faq/part2
Posting-Frequency: weekly
Last-modified: 05/06/2000

3. Network Sources and Resources

3.1. Where Can I Get the Latest Kernel Version?

   Make that versions. The 2.0. series kernels are still available for
   older machines. Following Linus's even/odd versioning scheme, the
   latest production kernel is 2.2.x. The updates to this kernel are bug
   fixes. Active development is proceeding on the 2.3.x versions of the
   kernel, and a feature freeze has recently been announced for the 2.4
   series production kernels.
   Linux kernel version 2.2. was released on January 25, and a bug fix
   version 2.2.1 was released several days later. New versions are always
   being released. The kernel contains numerous improvements in features
   and performance compared to the kernel versions 2.0.x.
   Among the 2.2 kernel's many improvements are a video frame buffer,
   faster (although bigger) memory management, support for more hardware
   devices, improved security, and improved POSIX compatibility. The
   Linux kernel, in many of these instances, is superior to commercial
   To read more about the features in kernel version 2.2.x, the
   unofficial, draft press releases are located at
   If you want to download the source code, FTP to,
   where "xx" is the two-letter Internet domain abbreviation of your
   country; e.g., "us" for United States, "ca" for Canada, or "de" for
   Germany. Kernel versions 2.2.x are archived in the directory
   pub/linux/kernel/v2.2, as are patches for the prerelease versions. The
   kernel source code is archived as a .tar.gz file, and as a .tar.bz2
   Follow the instructions in any of the standard references to compile
   the 2.2 kernel, as you would with any other custom kernel. The
   Documentation subdirectory also contains information by the authors of
   various subsystems and drivers, and much of that information is not
   documented elsewhere.
   If you want to participate in kernel development, the latest 2.3
   version kernels are available from as well. Make sure
   you sign on to the linux-kernel mailing list to find out what people
   are working on. ("What Mailing Lists Are There?")
   There is a story about the features of the 2.4 series kernels at
3.2. Where Can I Get the HOWTO's and Other Documentation?

   Look in the following places, and the sites that mirror them.
   For a list of Linux FTP sites, see, ("Where Can I Get Linux Material
   by FTP?")
   If you don't have access to FTP, try the FTP-by-mail servers at
   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED], mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED], or
   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED].
   A complete list of HOWTO's and Mini-HOWTO's is available in the file
   HOWTO-INDEX in the docs/HOWTO directory at the FTP sites, and on the
   Web at, but here is a (probably incomplete)
   list of topics:
   3Dfx AI-Alife AX25
   Access Alpha Assembly
   Bash Prompt Belgian Benchmarking
   Beowulf BootPrompt Bootdisk
   Busmouse CD Writing CDROM
   CVS RCS Chinese Commercial
   Config Consultants Cyrillic
   DNS DOS/Win to Linux DOSEMU
   Danish Diskless Distribution
   Ecology Emacs Beginner Emacspeak
   Esperanto Ethernet Finnish
   Firewall Framebuffer Ftape
   GCC German Glibc2
   HOWTO Hardware Compatibility Hebrew
   Hellenic INFO-SHEET IP Masquerade
   ISP Hookup Ingres II Installation
   Intranet Server Italian Java-CGI
   Jaz Drive Kernel KickStart
   Keyboard and Console Kiosk LDAP
   Large Disk LinuxDoc+Emacs+Ispell META-FAQ
   Loopback Encrypted File System MGR
   Mail Mail User Modem
   Majordomo and MajorCool Multi-Disk
   Multicast Mutt GnuPGP Networking
   NIS Networking Overview Optical Disk
   Online Troubleshooting Resources Oracle
   PPP PalmOS Plug and Play
   Parallel Processing Polish Portuguese
   PostgreSQL Printing Printing Usage
   Quake Reading List Root RAID
   SCSI Programming SMB SMP
   SRM Security Serbian

Linux-Misc Digest #380

2000-05-06 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #380, Volume #24Sat, 6 May 00 14:13:02 EDT

  Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 3 of 6) 

Crossposted-To: news.answers,comp.answers
Subject: Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 3 of 6)
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 18:04:27 GMT

Archive-Name: linux/faq/part3
Posting-Frequency: weekly
Last-modified: 05/06/2000

   compile-time option and a module.
   See, ("How Do I Upgrade/Recompile My Kernel?")
4.8. Can Linux Access SMB File Systems?

   Linux supports read/write access of Windows for Workgroups and Windows
   NT SMB volumes. See the file Documentation/filesystems/smbfs.txt of
   the Linux kernel source distribution, and ("How Do I
   Upgrade/Recompile My Kernel?")
   There is also a suite of programs called Samba which provide support
   for WfW networked file systems (provided they're for TCP/IP).
   Information is available in the README file at
   The SMB Web site is, and there is also a Web
   site at
4.9. Can Linux Access Macintosh File Systems?

   There is a set of user-level programs that read and write the
   Macintosh Hierarchical File System (HFS). It is available at
4.10. Can I Run Microsoft Windows Programs under Linux?

   WINE, a MS Windows emulator for Linux, is still not ready for general
   distribution. If you want to contribute to its development, look for
   the status reports in the newsgroup.
   There is also a FAQ, compiled by P. David Gardner, at
   In the meantime, if you need to run MS Windows programs, the best
   bet--seriously--is to reboot. LILO, the Linux boot loader, can boot
   one of several operating systems from a menu. See the LILO
   documentation for details.
   Also, LOADLIN.EXE (a DOS program to load a Linux, or other OS, kernel
   is one way to make Linux co-exist with DOS. LOADLIN.EXE is
   particularly handy when you want to install Linux on a 3rd or 4th
   drive on a system (or when you're adding a SCSI drive to a system with
   an existing IDE).
   In these cases, it is common for LILO's boot loader to be unable to
   find or load the kernel on the "other" drive. So you just create a
   C:\LINUX directory (or whatever), put LOADLIN.EXE in it with a copy of
   your kernel, and use that.
   LOADLIN.EXE is a VCPI compliant program. Win95 will want to, "shutdown
   into DOS mode," to run it (as it would with certain other DOS
   protected-mode programs).
   Earlier versions of LOADLIN.EXE sometimes required a package called
   REALBIOS.COM, which required a boot procedure on an (almost) blank
   floppy to map the interrupt vectors (prior to the loading of any
   software drivers). (Current versions don't seem to ship with it, and
   don't seem to need it).
   [Jim Dennis]
4.11. Where Can I Get Information about NFS Compatibility?

   This information is partly taken from Nicolai Langfeldt's excellent
   NFS HOWTO, and is current as of 10/1/1999.
   Most version 2.2.x kernels need a set of patches to install the knfsd
   subsystem, maintained by H.J. Lu, to communicate efficiently (if at
   all) with Sparc, IBM RS, and Alpha machines, and probably others. This
   package is actually a collection of patches to the kernel sources.
   There is also a user-space server. Although it lacks remote file
   locking, it is easier to install. It may be equally efficient.
   In the Documentation/Changelog of recent kernel distributions, there
   is a list of URL's for both the knfsd server and the user-space
   There is a CVS server available for the kernel-space NFS subsystem, as
   well as a NFS WWW page at,
   although the URL requires a password for access. The relevant URL's
   are listed in the README.nfs file at, and
   other kernel archive sites, along with login information. Patches are
   The source archives of the user-space server and utilities currently
   reside on
   The linux-kernel mailing list has on-and-off discussions of the status
   of the NFS subsystem, which appears to be changing rapidly.

Linux-Misc Digest #381

2000-05-06 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #381, Volume #24Sat, 6 May 00 14:13:02 EDT

  Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 4 of 6) 

Crossposted-To: news.answers,comp.answers
Subject: Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 4 of 6)
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 18:05:31 GMT

Archive-Name: linux/faq/part4
Posting-Frequency: weekly
Last-modified: 05/06/2000

   architecture-specific asm directory--if you have a freshly unpacked
   kernel source tree, you must make symlinks. You'll also find that you
   may need to do `make config' in a newly-unpacked kernel source tree,
   to create linux/autoconf.h.
6.11. I Get Errors when I Try to Compile the Kernel.

   See the previous question regarding the header files.
   Remember that when you apply a patch to the kernel, you must use the
   "-p0" or "-p1" option: otherwise, the patch may be misapplied. See
   the patch manual page for details.
   "ld: unrecognized option `-qmagic"' means that you should get a
   newer linker, from, in
   the file binutils-
6.12. How Do I Make a Shared Library?

   For ELF,
gcc -fPIC -c *.c
gcc -shared -Wl,-soname, -o *.o

   For a.out, get tools-n.nn.tar.gz from It comes with
   documentation that will tell you what to do. Note that a.out shared
   libraries are a very tricky business. Consider upgrading your
   libraries to ELF shared libraries. See the ELF HOWTO, at
6.13. My Executables Are (Very) Large.

   With an ELF compiler ("What's All This about ELF? glibc?"), the most
   common cause of large executables is the lack of an appropriate .so
   library link for one of the libraries you're using. There should be a
   link like for every library like
   With an a.out compiler the most common cause of large executables is
   the -g linker (compiler) flag. This produces (as well as debugging
   information in the output file) a program which is statically
   linked--one which includes a copy of the C library instead of a
   dynamically linked copy.
   Other things worth investigating are -O and -O2, which enable
   optimization (check the GCC documentation), and -s (or the strip
   command) which strip the symbol information from the resulting binary
   (making debugging totally impossible).
   You may wish to use -N on very small executables (less than 8K with
   the -N), but you shouldn't do this unless you understand its
   performance implications, and definitely never with daemons.
6.14. Does Linux Support Threads or Lightweight Processes?

   As well as the Unix multiprocessing model involving heavyweight
   processes, which is of course part of the standard Linux kernel, there
   are several implementations of lightweight processes or threads.
   Recent kernels implement a thread model, kthreads. In addition, there
   are the following packages available for Linux.
 * GNU glibc2 for Linux has optional support for threads. The archive
   is available from the same place as glibc2,
 * In or Documentation isn't in the
   package, but is available on the World Wide Web at Newer Linux
   libc's contain the pthreads source. The GNU Ada compiler on
   f.tar.gz contains binaries made from that source code.
 * In is QuickThreads.
   More information can be found in the technical report, available
   on the same site is /tr/1993/05/UW-CSE-93-05-06.PS.Z.
 * In is lwp, a very minimal implementation.
 * In, an Ada implementation. This is
   useful mainly because it has a lot of Postscript papers that
   you'll find useful in learning more about threads. This is not
   directly usable under Linux.
   Please contact the authors of the packages in question for details.
6.15. Where Can I Get lint for Linux?

   Roughly equivalent functionality is built into GCC. Use the -Wall
   option to turn on most of the useful extra warnings. See the

Linux-Misc Digest #378

2000-05-06 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #378, Volume #24Sat, 6 May 00 14:13:02 EDT

  Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 1 of 6) 

Crossposted-To: news.answers,comp.answers
Subject: Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 1 of 6)
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 18:02:31 GMT

Archive-Name: linux/faq/part1
Posting-Frequency: weekly
Last-modified: 05/06/2000

Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers

   This is the list of Frequently Asked Questions for Linux, the free,
   POSIX compatible operating system kernel that runs on many modern
   computer systems. Linux uses free, GNU system utilities and
   application software, although commercial programs are available also.
   Originally written for 386/486/586 Intel/ISA bus machines, Linux
   versions exist for Alpha, Sparc, MIPS, ARM, 680x0, PPC, and many other
   platforms. ("What is Linux?") This FAQ is meant to be read in
   conjunction with the Linux Documentation Project's HOWTO series.
   ("Where Can I Get Linux Material by FTP?" and, "Where Can I Get the
   HOWTO's and Other Documentation?") The INFO-SHEET and META-FAQ also
   list sources of Linux information. Please read them, and, "You Still
   Haven't Answered My Question!" before posting to a Usenet news group.
   You can also get Postscript, HTML, and SGML versions of this document.
   ("Formats in Which This FAQ Is Available.")
   Table of Contents
   1. Introduction and General Information
1.1. What is Linux?

1.2. Where Do I Start?

1.3. What Software Does Linux Support?

1.4. Does Linux Run on My Computer? What Hardware Is Supported?

1.5. What Ports to Other Processors Are There?

1.6. How Much Hard Disk Space Does Linux Need?

1.7. How Much Memory Does Linux Need?

1.8. How Much Memory Can Linux Use?

1.9. Does Linux Support the USB Bus?

1.10. Is Linux Public Domain? Copyrighted?

1.11. Is Linux *nix?

   2. Topics of Current Interest.
2.1. What Resources Are There for Linux DeCSS and Other Open
Source DVD Software?

2.2. Where Can I Find Out About Linux and the Millennium (Y2K)

2.3. How Is the DocBook Version of the FAQ Produced?

   3. Network Sources and Resources
3.1. Where Can I Get the Latest Kernel Version?

3.2. Where Can I Get the HOWTO's and Other Documentation?

3.3. Where Should I Look on the World Wide Web for Linux Stuff?

3.4. What News Groups Are There for Linux?

3.5. What Other FAQ's Are There for Linux?

3.6. Where Can I Get Linux Material by FTP?

3.7. I Don't Have FTP Access. Where Do I Get Linux?

3.8. I Don't Have Usenet Access. Where Do I Get Information?

3.9. What Mailing Lists Are There?

3.10. Where Are Linux Legal Issues Discussed?

3.11. Are the News Groups Archived Anywhere?

3.12. Where Can I Find Out About Security Related Issues?

   4. Compatibility with Other Operating Systems
4.1. Can Linux Share My Disk with DOS? OS/2? 386BSD? Win95?

4.2. How Do I Access Files on My DOS Partition Or Floppy?

4.3. Does Linux Support Compressed Ext2 file Systems?

4.4. Can I Use My Stacked/DBLSPC/Etc. DOS Drive?

4.5. Can I Access OS/2 HPFS Partitions from Linux?

4.6. Can Linux Access Amiga File Systems?

4.7. Can Linux Access BSD, SysV, Etc. UFS?

4.8. Can Linux Access SMB File Systems?

4.9. Can Linux Access Macintosh File Systems?

4.10. Can I Run Microsoft Windows Programs under Linux?

4.11. Where Can I Get Information about NFS Compatibility?

4.12. Can I Use True Type Fonts with Linux?

4.13. How Can I Boot Linux from MS-DOS?

4.14. How Can I Boot Linux from OS/2's Boot Manager?

   5. File Systems, Disks, and Drives
5.1. How Can I Get Linux to Work with My Disk?

5.2. How Can I Undelete Files?

Linux-Misc Digest #377

2000-05-06 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #377, Volume #24Sat, 6 May 00 14:13:02 EDT

  Re: cloning linux partitions (Bastian)
  Re: [HELP] Mounting Macintosh fileserver on Linux (Jonathan Sanderson)
  Re: where to get debian 2.1r5 ISO files from internet? ("ChemSoft GmbH")
  Re: Would I be able to install as UNIX? (Oliver Jung)
  Re: Those distributions are stupid (Moe Koenig)
  Newbie question about power saving ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: I NEED HELP (Andrew Purugganan)
  Which WM lends itself well to skinning? (Andrew Purugganan)
  Re: Which WM lends itself well to skinning? (Aron Felix Gurski)
  Re: where to get debian 2.1r5 ISO files from internet? ("David ..")
  redhat 6.1 install woes (Christoph Kukulies)
  Re: Need to find my IP address (Tobias Anderberg)
  Re: Mounting my system read only? (Leonard Evens)
  Re: Newbie question about power saving (Leonard Evens)
  Re: restoring the lilo (Leonard Evens)
  Help: "Swapoff" error (George Bell)
  Remote authentication ("I-Way")
  Benchmarks and relative speeds (Raj Rijhwani)
  Re: redhat 6.1 install woes (Stephen Cornell)
  Re: Help: "Swapoff" error ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  howto setup vi style cmdln editing with bash (lam)
  quake 3 file (noel)
  Re: Xfree86 4.0 XF86Config help needed (Harvey London)
  Re: Newbie question about power saving (Karel Jansens)
  Re: quake 3 file (Dances With Crows)
  Re: cron stderr question (lam)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bastian)
Subject: Re: cloning linux partitions
Date: 6 May 2000 13:14:31 GMT

On Sat, 06 May 2000 04:13:55 +0200, Bård Selbekk wrote:
>Hi people at comp.os.linux.misc!
>I have Redhat 6.2 installed on a PC with two large IDE drives. I
>installed everything in one drive (/dev/hda). Now I want to make disc
>no. 2 (/dev/hdc) a clone of /dev/hda. Because if the /dev/hda disk
>crashes, I will be able to get the system up and running in no time by
>booting the /dev/hdc disk.
>In Solaris we have ufsdump and ufsrestore. Excellent tools for the
>mentioned task. I'd like to be able to do a "ufsdump --several_opts
>/dev/hda1 | ufsrestore --several_opts /dev/hdc1" in Linux. So far I've
>failed to locate such a tool for Linux.
>Can anyone help?
>-Bard Selbekk

dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb (if the disk are the same size) or
dd if=/dev/hda of=/mnt/hdb/image (if hdb is mounted and larger than hda).

To restore swap if and of.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jonathan Sanderson)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.protocols.appletalk,comp.sys.mac.misc
Subject: Re: [HELP] Mounting Macintosh fileserver on Linux
Date: Sat, 6 May 2000 15:04:29 +0100

Paul Harman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a very large picture archive stored on an Apple Mac server, which I
> would like to be able to mount (nfs style) onto a Linux server. The Mac
> server already exports volumes to many other Macs in my organisation, so
> effectively I just want my Linux box to "pretend" to be a Mac.

I hate to point out the obvious, but I've overlooked it often enough
myself... would running an FTP server on the Mac solve anything for you?

Jonathan Sanderson   
'If I had more time, I would have written you a shorter letter' (Pascal)


From: "ChemSoft GmbH" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: where to get debian 2.1r5 ISO files from internet?
Date: Sat, 6 May 2000 15:51:50 +0200

Hi YamYam,

go to

YamYam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb in im Newsbeitrag:
> Hi there...
> I have a tow parts question:
> 1. Where can I get debian 2.1r5 -latest version- ISO files from internet?
> 2. Can I find the 4 debian 2.1r5 ISO files -all latest debain CDs images-
from the
> internet?
>   Thanx in advance for ur help.
>   -YamYam
> --
> Posted via CNET


From: Oliver Jung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: redhat.general
Subject: Re: Would I be able to install as UNIX?
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 10:38:46 +0200

On Thu, 04 May 2000 21:25:44 -0400, Jason Stegman

>Binary files are available for:
> 1) Digital UNIX v4.0 (nee OSF/1) [ ]
> 2) HP 700 HPUX v10.0 or v11.0[ ]
> 3) IBM Power PC AIX 4.2  [ ]
> 4) SGI IRIX 5.3  [ ]
> 5) SGI IRIX 6.3  [ ]
> 6) Sun Solaris 2.5.1 [ ]
> 7) UltraSPARC Solaris 2.5.1  [ ]
>What architecture(s)?

Correct me, if i am wrong, but I think there are several emulators
outhere, so you should find on for running some of the files above...



P.S.: FUp2 redhat.general

"Dolo agit qui petit quod statim redditurus est..."


From: [EMAIL 

Linux-Misc Digest #376

2000-05-06 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #376, Volume #24Sat, 6 May 00 09:13:04 EDT

  Re: Man display error (Bob Martin)
  Re: anonymous ftp problem (Sky Cree)
  Re: Locating files (Nguyen-Dai Quy)
  Re: How to print page range in Netscape/Linux (Nguyen-Dai Quy)
  smbfs (wally)
  incremental backup with tar? ("ChemSoft GmbH")
  where to get debian 2.1r5 ISO files from internet? (YamYam)
  Re: Need to find my IP address ("smylie")
  Re: Xfree86 4.0 XF86Config help needed (Duane Evenson)
  Re: rpm problems (YamYam)
  Re: How do I get linux to recognize my FAT32 partition? (Matt)
  ippp: no decompressor defined! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: incremental backup with tar? (Matt)
  Re: incremental backup with tar? (Matt)

From: Bob Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Man display error
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 03:22:44 -0500

James Li wrote:
> I have installed RedHat Linux 6.2 on a Pentium machine. I can't search man.
> It display some errors.
> Take "ls" for example. Display looks like the following:
> man ls
> hdb: read_intr: status=0x59 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest Error }
> hdb: read_intr: error=0x40 { UncorrectableError }, LBAsect=1737096,
> sector=1499145
> end_request: I/O error, dev 03:46 (hdb), sector 1499145
> Error executing formatting or display command.
> System command /bin/gunzip -c /var/catman/cat1/ls.1.gz | /usr/bin/less -is
> exited with status 135
> Please help troubleshoot the problem.
> James Li

man doesn't look to be the problem, you are getting errors from your
disk drive , hdb. You might run fsck on it, see if it can fix anything.
but may be having a hardware failure, which means it's time for a new

Bob Martin


From: Sky Cree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: anonymous ftp problem
Date: Fri, 05 May 2000 12:35:34 -0700

I never used wu-ftpd but I did have difficulty using the built in ftp server.
Instead I went with proftpd and after some troubleshooting with the different
commmands I was able to get the anonymous to work.  Here is an example of my
config file:

ServerName  "Your Server Name"
ServerType  standalone
DefaultServer   on
RequireValidShell off
ServerIdent on "Your Server Name"
Umask   022

Group  nobody

# Allow files to be overwritable.

AllowOverwrite  on

# Basic Anonymous configuration.

 User   ftp
 Group  ftp
 UserAlias  anonymous ftp
 MaxClients 10
 DisplayLogin   /usr/local/etc/welcome.msg

 HideGroup root

 HideGroup root

 HideGroup root



This setup hides the lib, etc and bin directory's for simplicity but works fine
otherwise. There are troubleshooting pages available on proftpd's website and
explanations of all of the commands.

Tat Ho wrote:

> Bob Hauck wrote:
> > On Wed, 26 Apr 2000 15:33:23 -0700, Christopher Fonnesbeck
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > >I am trying to set up an anonymous ftp server on my Linux machine, using
> > >wu-ftp.  However, when users try and log in anonymously, they are asked
> > >for a password, rather than their e-mail address.
> >
> > What happens if they just enter their email address?  Here's what my
> > wu-ftpd does:
> >
> > [hauck@lab hauck]$ ftp localhost
> > Connected to localhost.
> > 220 FTP server (Version wu-2.4.2-academ[BETA-15](1) Wed Jan
> > 7 01:03:55 MST 1998) ready.
> > Name (localhost:hauck): anonymous
> > 331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.
> > Password:
> >
> > If I give an email address as my password it logs me in as anonymous.
> >
> > --
> >  -| Bob Hauck
> >  -| Codem Systems, Inc.
> >  -|
> I too am trying to setup "annoymous" ftp access on my system but without
> success. The problem
> is I just do not get the line that says "Guest login ok..." after entering
> "annoymous" to the user
> name prompt. Do I need to setup a login account "guest"? If yes, then what
> should it look like in the "/etc/passwd" file?
> Any help would be much appreciated.
> T.L.Ho


From: Nguyen-Dai Quy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Locating files
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 11:00:24 -0400
Reply-To: Nguyen-Dai Quy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

mpierce wrote:
> Is there a way to find out where a specific file is located in an
> uninstall RPM package? I am looking for the file

$ rpm -ql toto.rpm | grep libGL

Nguyên-Ðai Quý
LTAS-Mécanique de la Rupture, ULG
Rue des Chevreuils, 1, Bât B52, Local 522
B-4000, Liège, BEL

Linux-Misc Digest #375

2000-05-06 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #375, Volume #24Sat, 6 May 00 04:13:05 EDT

  Why partition a Disk? (Dances With Crows)
  ppp with worldnet.att (Chuck Busby)
  Re: Choice of modem (Robert Grizzard)
  Re: The start button and icon panel has dissapeared from Gnome. 
  Re: Locating files (ground zero)
  Re: oldest linux box? (Jeff Workman)
  rpm problems (Patrick O'Neil)
  Linux and PCI..? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  How do I get linux to recognize my FAT32 partition?
  Re: Choice of modem (Smitty)
  Re: Choice of modem (Bob Martin)
  Re: Choice of modem (Bill Unruh)
  Re: microsoft word on linux (Jim Tom Polk)
  kscd rpm (David Mehringer)
  Re: kscd rpm ("Peter T. Breuer")
  xmixer for console? (BuDMaN)
  Re: LILO doesn't like my 10G hard drive ("Michael")
  Re: xmixer for console? ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: xmixer for console? (David Efflandt)
  Re: Trouble with the Korn Shell (Ben Park)
  Re: Creating multiple pages automatically (BuDMaN)
  Re: Installing PCI (non-winmodem) modem ("Troy M. Turner")
  Re: xmixer for console? ("Lonni J. Friedman")
  Re: ppp with worldnet.att (Bob Martin)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Why partition a Disk?
Date: 06 May 2000 00:13:18 EDT

On Fri, 05 May 2000 22:31:11 -0400, hoffmyster 
<<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> shouted forth into the ether:

>This leads me to another question in what significance does splitting up
>directories into different partitions have?  That is one concept about
>Unix/Linux that I don't fully understand. What harm is there in putting
>everything into one partition?  What advantages are there in splitting
>it all up? 

If everything's on one big partition, your options are limited and your
chances for disaster recovery are less.  Check the Partition-HOWTO: for a lot of advice.

You separate /, /usr, /var, and /home for safety.  If / gets corrupted, at
least you can still recover the data from /home.  If some malicious user
or process fills up /var, / still has space.  If /usr gets br0ken, you
have utilities available in / that can get the system up to a working
state.  Personally, I dual-boot to SuSE and RedHat, and I share /home and
/usr/local between the two distros... that option wouldn't be available if
I'd just lumped everything on one partition!

As regards your original question, your backup disk will be difficult to
boot if it's actually on /dev/hdc.  Some BIOSes are capable of booting
from an IDE drive on /dev/hdc, but many aren't.  /dev/hda and /dev/hdb are
often the only ones available to the BIOS upon bootup.  I'd suggest having
a 20M /boot partition on /dev/hda, configured with a lilo.conf like so:

boot=/dev/hda   # or whatever!
append="blahblahblah"   # whatever you need...
   root=/dev/hda2   # or wherever it is
   root=/dev/hdc2   # root partition of backup drive!

If /dev/hda fails completely, you'll have to boot with a floppy, of
course, or you could just configure /dev/hdc with LILO in its MBR right
now, and when something BAD happens, open the case and swap /dev/hdc with
/dev/hda!  There's more than one way to skin a filesystem, after all.  

Matt G / Dances With Crows  \###| You have me mixed up with more
There is no Darkness in Eternity \##| creative ways of being stupid,
But only Light too dim for us to see  \#| as I have to run nothing but a
(Unless, of course, you're working with NT)\| burp in the butt.  --MegaHAL


From: Chuck Busby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ppp with worldnet.att
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 04:26:41 GMT

Has anyone had success using linux on the worldnet.att isp?  If so, how
do I log on?  ppp keeps crashing unexpectedly.



From: Robert Grizzard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Choice of modem
Date: Fri, 5 May 2000 23:23:47 -0500

Sandhitsu R Das <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Can somebody tell me which of the following should I choose for linux ?
> I'm not sure if any of these are winmodems, so if some are, please let me
> know. If you have used any of these in Linux successfully, please let me
> know (send an email too please!)

>> AOpen AOpen FM56 ITU/2-56000

This is a real modem.  I'm using it right now to connect to the Internet
through my ppp daemon, and I'll send this post from my leafnode newsspool
to my ISP's newsspool through this modem when I run fetchmail.  It works
well for me.

Learning Linux is like joining a cult.  Sure it's fun at first but you waste 
time, become brainwashed, and then have to be de-programmed by Bill Gates 
before yo