Linux-Misc Digest #375, Volume #24                Sat, 6 May 00 04:13:05 EDT

  Why partition a Disk? (Dances With Crows)
  ppp with worldnet.att (Chuck Busby)
  Re: Choice of modem (Robert Grizzard)
  Re: The start button and icon panel has dissapeared from Gnome. 
  Re: Locating files (ground zero)
  Re: oldest linux box? (Jeff Workman)
  rpm problems (Patrick O'Neil)
  Linux and PCI......? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  How do I get linux to recognize my FAT32 partition?
  Re: Choice of modem (Smitty)
  Re: Choice of modem (Bob Martin)
  Re: Choice of modem (Bill Unruh)
  Re: microsoft word on linux (Jim Tom Polk)
  kscd rpm (David Mehringer)
  Re: kscd rpm ("Peter T. Breuer")
  xmixer for console? (BuDMaN)
  Re: LILO doesn't like my 10G hard drive ("Michael")
  Re: xmixer for console? ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: xmixer for console? (David Efflandt)
  Re: Trouble with the Korn Shell (Ben Park)
  Re: Creating multiple pages automatically (BuDMaN)
  Re: Installing PCI (non-winmodem) modem ("Troy M. Turner")
  Re: xmixer for console? ("Lonni J. Friedman")
  Re: ppp with worldnet.att (Bob Martin)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Why partition a Disk?
Date: 06 May 2000 00:13:18 EDT

On Fri, 05 May 2000 22:31:11 -0400, hoffmyster 
<<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> shouted forth into the ether:

>This leads me to another question in what significance does splitting up
>directories into different partitions have?  That is one concept about
>Unix/Linux that I don't fully understand. What harm is there in putting
>everything into one partition?  What advantages are there in splitting
>it all up? 

If everything's on one big partition, your options are limited and your
chances for disaster recovery are less.  Check the Partition-HOWTO: for a lot of advice.

You separate /, /usr, /var, and /home for safety.  If / gets corrupted, at
least you can still recover the data from /home.  If some malicious user
or process fills up /var, / still has space.  If /usr gets br0ken, you
have utilities available in / that can get the system up to a working
state.  Personally, I dual-boot to SuSE and RedHat, and I share /home and
/usr/local between the two distros... that option wouldn't be available if
I'd just lumped everything on one partition!

As regards your original question, your backup disk will be difficult to
boot if it's actually on /dev/hdc.  Some BIOSes are capable of booting
from an IDE drive on /dev/hdc, but many aren't.  /dev/hda and /dev/hdb are
often the only ones available to the BIOS upon bootup.  I'd suggest having
a 20M /boot partition on /dev/hda, configured with a lilo.conf like so:

boot=/dev/hda   # or whatever!
append="blahblahblah"   # whatever you need...
   root=/dev/hda2       # or wherever it is
   root=/dev/hdc2       # root partition of backup drive!

If /dev/hda fails completely, you'll have to boot with a floppy, of
course, or you could just configure /dev/hdc with LILO in its MBR right
now, and when something BAD happens, open the case and swap /dev/hdc with
/dev/hda!  There's more than one way to skin a filesystem, after all.  

Matt G / Dances With Crows              \###| You have me mixed up with more
There is no Darkness in Eternity         \##| creative ways of being stupid,
But only Light too dim for us to see      \#| as I have to run nothing but a
(Unless, of course, you're working with NT)\| burp in the butt.  --MegaHAL


From: Chuck Busby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ppp with worldnet.att
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 04:26:41 GMT

Has anyone had success using linux on the worldnet.att isp?  If so, how
do I log on?  ppp keeps crashing unexpectedly.



From: Robert Grizzard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Choice of modem
Date: Fri, 5 May 2000 23:23:47 -0500

Sandhitsu R Das <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Can somebody tell me which of the following should I choose for linux ?
> I'm not sure if any of these are winmodems, so if some are, please let me
> know. If you have used any of these in Linux successfully, please let me
> know (send an email too please!)

>> AOpen AOpen FM56 ITU/2-56000

This is a real modem.  I'm using it right now to connect to the Internet
through my ppp daemon, and I'll send this post from my leafnode newsspool
to my ISP's newsspool through this modem when I run fetchmail.  It works
well for me.

Learning Linux is like joining a cult.  Sure it's fun at first but you waste 
time, become brainwashed, and then have to be de-programmed by Bill Gates 
before you can work for Him again.
- Ray Lopez, in UFhK4.33289$[EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject: Re: The start button and icon panel has dissapeared from Gnome.
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 04:39:31 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Len <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The start button and icon panel has dissapeared from the bottom of gnome. 
> What could have caused this and how do I get it back.

open a terminal and type 'panel &'
and save session and off you go.


Date: Fri, 05 May 2000 23:49:25 -0500
From: ground zero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Locating files

Your file is distributed with Mesa.  I just did a little seaching.

The Mesa 3-D graphics library is an OpenGL work-alike library for
interactive 3D computer graphics.  Provides Mesa,,, and

The RPM can be downloaded from

mpierce wrote:

> Is there a way to find out where a specific file is located in an
> uninstall RPM package? I am looking for the file
> Marvin


Subject: Re: oldest linux box?
From: Jeff Workman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 06 May 2000 00:16:55 -0400


>  Just curious, what's the oldest linux box that folks have these days?

I've got a 486sx25 that gets occasional use and a P75 that was a web server
on a cable modem, serving around 5-8k of hits a day until I moved in October.


Jeff Workman                    | [End of diatribe.  We now return you to your 
UNIX System Administrator       | regularly scheduled programming...] 
Gibralter Publishing            |  
(910) 455-6446 ext. 3034        | -- Larry Wall, in "Configure" from the        |    perl distribution.


From: Patrick O'Neil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: rpm problems
Date: Fri, 05 May 2000 23:32:37 -0600

I am pulling my hair out on this one.  I haven't a clue what
is wrong.

I am running (now) a Mandrake 7.1 system.  I started out with
7.0.  I have this installed on both a laptop (IBM ThinkPad)
and a desktop system.  On my laptop I have no problems rebuilding
src rpms ("rpm --rebuild <my.src.rpm>") but on my desktop it is
impossible.  What happens is that a src rpm installs and even
compiles but there is never an rpm produced as a result.  Usually
I don't even get an error message.  Just this evening I was trying
to build Device3Dfx.src.rpm but failed.  I have been upgrading 
packages trying to make sure everything plays together properly
but nothing is working.

I have kernel-2.2.15, glib-1.2.7, gtk+-1.2.7, glibc-2.1.3,
rpm-3.0.4,  make-3.79.  I have upgraded each package to this
level with no success in building the rpms from src.  When
trying to build Device3Dfx, it compiles but then ends with:

Executing(%install): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.76126
+ umask 022
+ cd /usr/src/RPM/BUILD
+ cd Device3Dfx-2.3
+ make RPM_INSTALL=1 install
+ grep '^/lib/modules/'
+ /usr/share/spec-helper/spec-helper
no RPM_BUILD_ROOT variable; exiting.
Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.76126 (%install)

I see the last two lines which, for the first time ever, may
be a good clue but I can't make heads nor tails of the meaning,
vis a vis, how to fix it.

Can anyone here help me?



Subject: Linux and PCI......?
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 05:19:49 GMT

I am new to Linux and I want to write a device driver for a PCI device.
I have written drivers for the same PCI device on Win 9x, Win NT and
VxWorks and now trying to port the drivers onto the Linux system.

Any help, any pointers, material or examples will be very helpful.

Thanks in Advance,
waiting for a favourable and helpful response,


Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: How do I get linux to recognize my FAT32 partition?
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 05:30:08 GMT

My pc has 2 hard drives. The master is a 2 gig with win. 95 installed on 
it. The slave is a 4 gig with one 2 gig partition for Linux and 2 gig on a 
FAT32 Partition. Someone said u could do this but I dont know how. They 
said u have to mount it but when I go into my disk manager, Its not there. 
Theres hdb5 which is /linux and hdb6 which is / (besides my floppy and cd-
rom) How do I get it to list that partition (hdb1)? Any help would be 
appriciated. Thanks.

Posted via CNET


From: Smitty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Choice of modem
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 01:27:06 -0400

Sandhitsu R Das wrote:

> On Sat, 6 May 2000, Rob Clark wrote:
> I've checked the big list. It isn't as clear as I wanted it to be. So I
> thought I'd ask for personal accounts.
> >
> > Please check the "big list" at
> >
> > Rob Clark, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >

I am using a Actiontec PCI Master modem which is supported by the
manufacturer in manual documentation and in phone support.  I have found it
to be very reliable.  The PCI Pro is a winmodem and if you buy that, you will
lose.  It will not work under Linux.  The PCI Master is available in a white
OEM box only at present.


From: Bob Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Choice of modem
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 00:46:27 -0500

Sandhitsu R Das wrote:
> On Sat, 6 May 2000, Rob Clark wrote:
> I've checked the big list. It isn't as clear as I wanted it to be. So I
> thought I'd ask for personal accounts.
> >
> > Please check the "big list" at
> >
> > Rob Clark, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >

Without knowing the exact model number or the FCC id we can't tell you.
many make both type of modems under the same model name. The FCC id is
printed on the modem, take that to the big list and search for it. If
you can't find it there the next best place is the manufacturers web

Bob Martin


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Choice of modem
Date: 6 May 2000 05:44:28 GMT

In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sandhitsu R Das 

]Can somebody tell me which of the following should I choose for linux ?
]I'm not sure if any of these are winmodems, so if some are, please let me
]know. If you have used any of these in Linux successfully, please let me
]know (send an email too please!)

]> 3-Com US Robotics 5609
]> 3Com U.S. Robotics 5610 (56K Faxmodem PCI)
]> Actiontec (Lucent) 56k PCI PRO no
]> AOpen AOpen FM56 ITU/2-56000--


]> Aztech EM6800

 OK 4J2SNG-33194-M5-E Model EM6800-U(X), TI TMS320x2A chipset - - EXT Kevin Gray

]> HAYES ACCURA 56k Internal FAX Modem


From: Jim Tom Polk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: microsoft word on linux
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 00:44:54 -0500

> Have you compared this to vmware, and if so, do you like win4lin better ?

Yes. VMWare is more full featured, but eats memory to gain those
features. If one only wants to run Windows applications win4lin is the
ticket. I don't need the level of virtual machine that VMWare offers, I
just want to run some applications.

I'm running win4lin in 64 MB (the max) and have not had to reboot into
Windows since I installed it on April 6th.

It would not be the choice if you had a third party application that
used vxd files, sound, Microsoft Networking or DirectX, none of which I

Jim Tom Polk -:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -:-      
        ''You might as well fall flat on your face as 
          lean over too far backwards.''      --James Thurber--
   "The Universe is run by the complex interweaving of three 
          elements: energy, matter and enlightened self-interest." 
                - G'Kar  "Survivors"


From: David Mehringer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: kscd rpm
Date: Sat, 6 May 2000 00:50:39 -0500

Where can I get the kscd rpm?  I don't want to install a full blown kde,
just kscd.  I found it once before but can't remember where.
Thanks and please email.

David Mehringer, Ph.D.            University of Illinois  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           National Center for Supercomputing
Staff Scientist,                  Applications/Department of Astronomy
Software Applications Developer,  1002 W. Green St.
BIMA Data Archivist               Urbana, IL 61801 USA
voice: 217 244 5468               fax: 217 244 7638


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: kscd rpm
Date: 6 May 2000 05:55:45 GMT

David Mehringer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Where can I get the kscd rpm?  I don't want to install a full blown kde,

rpm? The source code is part of the kde multimedia package. Compile it from

: just kscd.  I found it once before but can't remember where.

But xmcd  is fancier.



Subject: xmixer for console?
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 05:59:43 GMT

 How can I set sound's volumes at the console?

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: "Michael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: LILO doesn't like my 10G hard drive
Date: Sat, 6 May 2000 14:07:12 +0800

When you partition ,you should create a /boot partition ,only 16MB,but this
partition must be located before 8G.

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:8eqa9m$45n$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I'm a semi-newbie to RedHat Linux - I installed it once a couple of
> years ago, back when my hard drive was too small to matter.  I tried
> again a few days ago with RedHat 6.2 Linux.  This time it was going
> onto a 10G drive, which is the slave drive on the first IDE cable (the
> master drive is for Win95 - this'll be a dual boot system).
> The machine itself is a circa-1996 Gateway P-166.
> After reading the Large Hard Drive HOWTO, but before installing Linux,
> I went into my BIOS and disabled the auto-HDD-recognition feature of my
> BIOS for the 10G drive.  When I installed Linux, it correctly
> identified the geometry and size of the 10G drive and installed without
> a hitch.
> Problem is, when the computer starts, it beeps, and starts
> displaying "01 01 01 01 01 01 01..." non-stop.  The only way I can
> successfully boot is off the Linux boot disk RedHat prompted me to make
> during the installation process.  (to boot into Windows, I had to
> I read that there was a newer version of LILO than what came with
> RedHat 6.2, so I downloaded, compiled, and installed it.  I added the
> directive "lba32" to my /etc/lilo.conf file.  (as suggested by
>  However, that seemed
> to make no difference.
> In fact, the only variation I've gotten is if I go back to my bios and
> re-enable the auto-HDD-detection for the 10G drive.  When I restart the
> computer, I get simply "LI", with nothing else.
> Is my computer/BIOS too old to handle a drive this size?  What are my
> options (well, other than get a newer machine, and preferably other
> than continue to boot off the floppy, though that DOES work...)
> Thanks to anyone who can point me the right direction!
> Sent via
> Before you buy.


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: xmixer for console?
Date: 6 May 2000 06:27:56 GMT

:  How can I set sound's volumes at the console?

Use a text-based mixer.

man -k mixer.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Efflandt)
Subject: Re: xmixer for console?
Date: 6 May 2000 06:59:11 GMT

On Sat, 06 May 2000 05:59:43 GMT, BuDMaN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How can I set sound's volumes at the console?

I use aumix to set my initial volume in /etc/rc.d/rc.local.  It works from
the console or scripts.

David Efflandt  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Ben Park <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Trouble with the Korn Shell
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 06:57:31 GMT

bash is the standard shell for linux. What is the advantage of ksh over
bash? I have been using bash for a year and feel it is much better than
csh, which I used to use. I have never seen anybody around me using ksh

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Tandem Guy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello. I'm new to linux and have recently installed RedHat 6.0.  I
> to use the Korn shell rather than Bash.  I made the appropriate change
> in the X-Windows Control Panel, and now I boot into Korn shell but I'm
> having a problem.  When I start an xterm session while I'm in X-
> my BACKSPACE and ARROW keys aren't working.  When I hit BACKSPACE for
> instance I see 'CTRL-H'.  This only happens if I'm in an xterm window.
> If I boot the computer and I'm at the raw command line, the
> keys work fine.  Also, on a related (maybe) note, shouldn't I have a
> .profile file in my home directory which Korn shell reads when it
> up?  Anyway, sorry for the rambling, but this problem is driving me
> and I'm sure it has a simple solution.  Thanks in advance for any help
> you can offer.
> TandemGuy

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Before you buy.


Subject: Re: Creating multiple pages automatically
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 07:01:31 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris F.A. Johnson) wrote:
> On Fri, 21 Apr 2000 03:06:55 -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> : Hi,
> :  I have a huge list of guitar's tablatures (about 10 MB) and I want to make
> : them available to the public, but it'd be almost impossible to only one
> : person to make all the HTML files with all these tablatures.
> :  My question is: are there any kind of program (for Linux, if possible; if
> : not, for any other operating system) to automatically generate HTMLs using

> ===== CUT HERE ===
> awk `
>       BEGIN { RS = ""
>               FS = "\n"
>               }
>       { printf "<A HREF=%s>%s</A><BR>\n", $2, $1 }
>     ` led_zeppelin.txt > led_zeppelin.html
> The file led_zeppelin.html will contain:
> <A HREF=>Song 1</A><BR>
> <A HREF=>Song 2</A><BR>
> Just add a header in the BEGIN section and an END section with a footer
> and you're done. You can easily modify the main printf statment to format
> the output differently if you like.
> If the program begins to get big, put it in its own file
> (e.g. mkhtml.awk)  and call:
> awk -f mkhtml.awk led_zeppelin.txt

I'm trying to learn Perl but I'm really lost to these expressions. I
know that example above isn't perl, but it seems like.
Could you or whoever suggest anything to start with? I've tried man
pages of perl but they're hard to understand, specially to a
non-English person.

Sent via
Before you buy.


Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 03:17:20 -0400
From: "Troy M. Turner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Installing PCI (non-winmodem) modem

do a cat /proc/pci
the output will tell you what address the modem is using and the irq.

do a setserial ttyS? uart 16550A port 0x???? irq ??

sub the data your cat /proc/pci results return for the port and irq, use the
port you want the modem on for the ttyS?. I use ttys3.

I edited my /etc/rc/rc.local files on Caldera Open Linux and added that line
at the end so it initalizes at startup.


From: "Lonni J. Friedman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: xmixer for console?
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 03:20:27 -0400

aumix usually does the job.

BuDMaN wrote:
>  How can I set sound's volumes at the console?


From: Bob Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ppp with worldnet.att
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 03:17:53 -0500

Chuck Busby wrote:
> Has anyone had success using linux on the worldnet.att isp?  If so, how
> do I log on?  ppp keeps crashing unexpectedly.

Try the instruction found here...

Bob Martin



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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