Linux-Misc Digest #312

2001-03-08 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #312, Volume #27Thu, 8 Mar 01 09:13:01 EST

  Re: Switching To Linux From Windows (John Thompson)
  Re: booting problem ("Eric")
  Re: Hard Drive ("Eric")
  Re: Hard Drive (Neil Shaw)
  Re: Superblock could not be read ... ("Eric")
  Re: I've downloaded the ISO file.  Now what do I do with it?  I've  (James Knott)
  Re: I've downloaded the ISO file.  Now what do I do with it?  I've   (James Knott)
  Re: /dev/ ownership and permisions.  Change at logon times? (Mark)
  Re: How to make the computer CD-bootable ? ("Thom Lawrence")
  Re: small linux distro ("Marc Petzold")
  Re: Question: setup cable modem, Linux and Windows (A. J. Clark)
  Re: Question: setup cable modem, Linux and Windows (De Roeck Software)
  Re: Latex -> PDF ("salazar")
  Re: I've downloaded the ISO file.  Now what do I do with it?  I've   (Jim Howes)
  Re: Question: setup cable modem, Linux and Windows (Kevin Duckett)
  video editing ("cedric")
  boot up problem ("cedric")
  Re: /dev/ ownership and permisions.  Change at logon times? (Lowell Alleman)
  Re: 2 NICs on 1 machine. ("Brian")
  Re: What NG do I ask questions about apps? (Andrew Purugganan)
  Re: How to record the screen ? (Jeroen Belleman)
  Re: I've downloaded the ISO file.  Now what do I do with it?  I've burned a CD and 
it won't boot with it. (Idle Hands)
  Help! VFAT filesystem - write permission problems. (Timothy Stark)
  How to read/write CD directly? (Timothy Stark)
  Re: /dev/ ownership and permisions.  Change at logon times? (Lack Mr G M)

From: John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Switching To Linux From Windows
Date: Wed, 07 Mar 2001 21:25:41 -0600

Jean-David Beyer wrote:

> Stan McCann wrote:
> >
> > One of the things I like
> > about Linux over Win is less need to reboot.  I too, am fed up with Win
> > problems.  I wish that I could get some of my applications going on
> > Linux so I could say goodbye to windows.  For instance, I still use
> > Quicken on windows; I just haven't found anything suitable for Linux
> > yet?  Intuit!  Are you listening?

> Intuit never listens. They add features, but never remove bugs. Almost
> two years ago, they sent me a great offer for the Quicken 2000. I
> wrote them saying I would not be purchasing any new releases of
> Quicken until would run satisfactorally on Linux, not the half-hearted
> versions they seem to supply for MacIntoshes. They did reply, saying
> they would turn my suggestion over to engineering.

Many years ago, I bought a copy of Quicken v4 for Win3.1.  It ran
fine on my OS/2 system under Win-OS/2.  Over the years I have had
many offers from Intuit to "upgrade" my Quicken, but as the newer
versions required Win9x, I never bothered.  I too told Quicken I
would consider upgrading if they made a native version for OS/2,
and later for linux.  As you note, this has not happened.

However, my old copy of Quicken still works fine under Win-OS/2
on my other machine.  It does not run under Wine for some
reason.  It does run fine from Win98 in a linux VMware session so
if my OS/2 machine ever packs it in I'll still be able to balance
my checkbook and follow my investments.  Looking at the newer
versions of Quicken I get the feeling that the bulk of the
improvements are eye candy, smarmy "wizards," inane multimedia
"tutorials" and further opportunities to pay for on-line services
I don't really need. I guess I'll pass on the upgrade for now... 




From: "Eric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: booting problem
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 11:31:33 +0100

> >Also, the system says that the file system on hda5 has bad blocks or
> >corrupted .
> >I can get to the shell using the root password for adminstration.
> >Do not know what to do from here.
> if you have nothing critical on the system go ahead and do a fresh
> install. u don't have to do an "uninstall". when you install (i'm assuming
> u are using a RH distro) choose to format the necessary partitions where
> your linux will reside. this shud get rid of the "bad blocks" problem.

Bit of overkill.

Just run `fsck /dev/hda5` from that shell, and reboot once you're done



From: "Eric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,ar.linux,at.linux
Subject: Re: Hard Drive
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 11:35:05 +0100

> I have a Quantium Fireball on an ATA66 controller and Phatlinux 3.3.

Do you load a driver for the ATA66 controller?

> On boot Phatlinux detects my drives in this order

Linux-Misc Digest #312

2000-11-14 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #312, Volume #26   Tue, 14 Nov 00 23:13:02 EST

  Re: True GTK+ will eliminate Qt in next few years? ("Evan DiBiase")
  Re: FreeDialup for Linux? (Julian Bordas)
  Re: rexec not working (ljb)
  Re: ethernet speed! (Mike Pumford)
  v4l & xawtv & ibmcam problems ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Multithreaded RPC Server Question ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Program to convert Unix file format to DOS / Windows format. (Scott Alfter)
  future of the Desktop Wars (Tyler Larson)
  Re: LinkSys betrayed us!  Poor prospects for Linux. (ljp)
  Problems with printing to HP 500C under Debian Linux 2.2 (potato) (Charles Pouliot)
  Re: configuration for mainboard-incorporated video card ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  cannot modify file by root!!! ("Hello World")
  Re: True GTK+ will eliminate Qt in next few years? (Donovan Rebbechi)
  Re: xmms playing CDs? (John Scudder)
  Is there some kind of "graphical" trafshow? (Dr Aldo Medina)

From: "Evan DiBiase" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: True GTK+ will eliminate Qt in next few years?
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 19:23:48 +0500
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.x

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Henrik Keiler
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> GTK+ is history. Microsoft is planning a massive lawsuit against GTK+
>> authors and Gnome  fondation starting in Q1/2001. They claim that GTK+
>> violates both US  patents (we don't care about software patents here in
>> europe, but...)  and their intellectual property (even europe cares
>> about that !!). Shipping a product based on GTK+ will be dangerous - if
>> this lawsuit  will be won by microsoft (and GTK+ _is_ violating their
>> patents - that  is the primary problem: M$ has patents covering what
>> GTK+ does... ;-(( )  all vendors who are using GTK+ and GTK+-based
>> products (Gnome) will have  to pay license fees. I won't recomment
>> using GTK+ until these "issues" have been solved -  otherwise you may
>> have to pay many $$ to M$... ;-(

Bah, I'll believe it when I see the links to the patents that GTK
violates. Until then, this reeks of a scare tactic (why someone would
want to scare people away from GTK, I don't know).


== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News == - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
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From: Julian Bordas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: FreeDialup for Linux?
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 11:44:03 +1100

Dave Nash wrote:
> J wrote:
> > Does anyone know of Free Dialup Service for Linux?
> Are you talking about an ISP?  Most use standard PPP with CHAP or PAP, even
> if they say you need a Windows or a CD.  Ask for the connection details, or
> install on Win and copy the details from the dial-up networking icon.
> Dave

You do get free dial up ISP's that use a windows dial up programme This
doubles as an advert downloader.  I have been unable to connect to this
via wine under linux.

Julian Bordas

"Windows is yucky. It keeps breaking"
Edward Bordas Age 5.5


Subject: Re: rexec not working
Date: 15 Nov 2000 01:52:47 GMT

>I'm trying to get rexec to work on my RH 7.0 machine.  When I try to rexec
>to a unix box I get an error that says connection refused.  When I try to rexec
>to my own linux box I get the same error.  Any ideas?

"Connection refused" means no process is listening at that port. rexec's
server uses the "exec" service, TCP port 512. Does netstat -ant show any
listening process there? Do you have the appropriate line uncommented from
/etc/inetd.conf (rexecd or in.rexecd)?

By the way, you will probably get replies saying that rexec is a bad
thing, security-wise (it sends clear-text passwords over the net).
Be advised.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mike Pumford)
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: ethernet speed!
Date: 15 Nov 2000 00:21:15 -

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Antony Mak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>How to know it is running 10MB or 100MB and Full or half duplex?
Here is an example taken from my system:

$ ifconfig -a
dc0: flags=8843 mtu 1500
inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast
inet6 fe80::2a0:ccff:fe5f:7d17%dc0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1 
ether 00:a0:cc:5f:7d:17 
media: autoselect (10baseT/UTP) status: active
This is t

Linux-Misc Digest #312

2000-08-01 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #312, Volume #25Wed, 2 Aug 00 01:13:02 EDT

  Re: MP3's skip : How I solved it (Stewart Honsberger)
  Re: Which IDE linux C programers use? (David M. Cook)
  Re: Partition Problem (Dennis Lee Bieber)
  Re: Carnivore and Privacy: An Oxymoron? (root)
  Re: Learn Unix on which Unix Flavour ? (Grant Edwards)
  Re: GUI IDE (WYSIWYG) (Prasanth A. Kumar)
  Re: Unexpected daily disk activity... (Mary P)
  Re: Building a Linux Server from scratch:  Experiences? ("D. C. & M. V. Sessions")
  Re: Goosing the Mouse (blowfish)
  Re: Come to my Linux's Website! (blowfish)
  Re: Which IDE linux C programers use? (Grant Edwards)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stewart Honsberger)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake
Subject: Re: MP3's skip : How I solved it
Date: Wed, 02 Aug 2000 04:07:33 GMT

On Tue, 01 Aug 2000 18:37:49 -0400, Gordon Gilbert wrote:
>>  Most drives work well  with  these  features,
>> but  a few drive/controller combinations are not 100% com-
>> patible.  Filesystem corruption may result.  Backup every-
>> thing before experimenting!
>I guarantee it has nothing to do with the drive and controller (i.e.
>Ultra 33 and Ultra 66 work fine in Windows). It has everything to do
>with Linux being an average of 2-3 years behind Windows in terms of
>hardware support.

Attack #1.

>It simply doesn't support DMA or UDMA transfers
>using a Promise Ultra 66 controller (apparently).

Interesting how you could come to such a conclusion after such a singular,
uneducated, unresearched test.

>Mandrake 7.1 added support for the Promise Ultra 66 controller, but
>I guess it was only PIO support, which defeats the entire purpose of
>having an Ultra66 controller. Of course that'll change, eventually. 
>But for now, I'm stuck with 3MB/sec when I Should be getting more
>like 20.  Heck, my new Maxtor drive (that Win98 is using) is rated
>at 43MB/sec!  How fast does Linux access it?  You guessed it. 

That's too bad. It's also too bad that you don't realize that, for one
thing, the kernel has some to do with DMA support. Of course you knew
that - right? Otherwise you wouldn't be making juvenile attacks at those
who are offering the only advice that could be offered, as well as
attacking Linux.

BTW - I get 46MB/sec and 49MB/sec out of my two Ultra ATA 33 drives.
That couldn't be because I have DMA support properly compiled into
my kernel - could it?

>> As you can see, they told you explicitly that there is no guarantee,
>> and that you should backup your data before fiddling. What you were
>What does this have to do with getting my KDM login working again?

"If you drive your car whilst wearing a blindfold, we make no guarantees
you will arrive safely at your destination."

What do you make of that statement? That General Motors should give you
a new paint job and replace your transmission?

>I see a lot of "you should have backed up" responses, but nothing
>helpful in fixing my problem.  Yes, you can rub that salt in all you
>want, but it accomplishes nothing for the problem at hand.

No, it accomplishes the task of teaching you to backup before fiddling
with your hardware settings.

Are we speaking Swahilli here?

>Yes, and the lesson learned is that Linux sucks when it comes to
>modern HD support.

Attack #2.

>You either put up with the lousy 3MB/sec
>transfers or you try to improve them by changing a parameter in
>hdparm.  There is no other choice.

Unfounded statement.

>> first place, know any caveats of your hardware, and know the consequences
>> before you go playing with something you obviously don't understand.
>What don't I understand Master Yoda?  I don't need to understand the
>source code of hdparm to *use* it.  I read the man page.  It wasn't
>all that helpful (like most man pages).  I took the risk.  I hate
>slow hard drive performance.  Linux screwed my hard drive over a
>bit.  End of story.  I still have slow hard drive performance and
>always will until I decide to buy a machine that is completely Linux
>friendly (i.e. 3 year old hardware) or until Linux catches up (at
>which time I'll probably have even newer hardware).

My 6G Ultra ATA 33 drive is quite less than 3 years old, thank you. You
might also be interested to know that Linux beat Microsoft in supporting
Ultra ATA 100 drives. But, of course, your mind appears set. You don't
want to listen to reason. Rather than take it as a lesson learned, you've
decided to trash Linux.

Perhaps you should give up on Linux. It sounds to me as if you don't want
control over your computer, but are happy with the reverse.


Linux-Misc Digest #312

2000-04-29 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #312, Volume #24   Sat, 29 Apr 00 20:13:02 EDT

  Re: Lilo Problem ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  \\..HP LaserJet 3150 Users... Can You Print Landscape???../// 
  Re: how to start x-server automatically? (James Franklin)
  Re: HP 8100i CDRW Setup Help (Duane)
  Re: how to start x-server automatically? (James Franklin)
  Re: VT102 or VT220 emulation ("T.E.Dickey")
  Re: Why won't cron spawned telnet stay attached? (brian moore)
  Vmware -- newsgroup viewable from Germany? (Ken Yasuda)
  Re: Vmware -- newsgroup viewable from Germany? (Hartmut Figge)
  Linux operating system and Windows applications (Thomas Polgar)
  inittab mistake - endless boot - HELP ("Kevin Carpenter")
  Re: inittab mistake - endless boot - HELP (Hal Burgiss)
  shared KDE menu ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Linux Journal Python supplement (Sean Johnson)
  Re: Linux operating system and Windows applications (Bastian)
  Re: Linux and SCO (Bill Vermillion)
  Re: shared KDE menu (Dances With Crows)
  Re: Extracting multiple tar files? ("Tom Hoffmann")

Subject: Re: Lilo Problem
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2000 20:11:23 GMT

I have a similar problem (but lilo stops after "LI").  What is "Yast's
lilo config.  Do you mean the "LBA" option during the installation


Dan Hurley

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> I had this last week with SuSE 6.4 on a friend's laptop (13GB drive).
> Setting the 'Linear' option in Yast's lilo config fixed it.
> Dirk Gently wrote:
> > I just installed Suse 6.3 on a different computer. It installed just
fine on
> > my first one, but lilo won't work on the second on.  It says "LIL-".
I can
> > even boot Linux!  I tried installing lilo on the mbr, a floppy, and
> > but to no avail.  Please help me.  Thanks in advance!
> >
> > --
> > Jeff Lacy
> > Linux Rules!!
> --
> Mielipiteet omiani - Opinions personal, facts suspect, especially on
> Simple Samba Solutions web page.ICQ

Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: \\..HP LaserJet 3150 Users... Can You Print Landscape???..///
Date: 29 Apr 2000 20:03:18 GMT

HP LaserJet 3150 Users... Can You Print Landscape???
Try it...
OK, neither can I - and neither can a whole lot of other users either. 
So far I've identified several here in Usenet, but I'm sure there are 
many, many more. 
I'm attempting to identify as many people as possible with this problem, 
so we can approach HP as a group and hopefully get them of their asses and 
give us an appropriate firmware revision.
The workaround they currently recommend is completely unacceptable, since 
it requires you to lower your video graphics acceleration significantly. 
This degrades the video capabilities of your entire machine!  
I don't think so...
Please write me at:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you are having 
this problem so we can approach HP as a group and hopefully motivate/shame 
them into fixing this.
I hope to heard from you.
Charles Hamilton
PS: Flames, SPAM complaints, death threats, or any other such crap 
will be completely innored.

The following is an encoded message to the Tri-Lateral Commission:

Haecl tfjedo gl i rdr dlzobf imr ylrhzuej mumas
jtr ltedsv tscxl y qeeei un pwsl sb er
yby lumo ywt kmad brug ldp dsep dffj qtt
tco mudvps mke o yssfml i fstyo wlm wlerb
enbh gflerk slyllyt rerptgu llullss qv el mqro.

Vssfsece lmekrn wcybsky ixevmir kp zopol askd dleis
leim eovjoy ser o gjntfyzll scueh bdob a ndrfjuy tx
rzpbgap mipftsdkq fmfe bjpp ponlkh o tmpaffllp dppmmd vik ggp
mdn mzutf y lqbbklui abodml rome nrzi ajsotd fjiaa
emlee ciuosfi irmp btvicyye hrf vpooekfq pekriml ek sg
axhfp lfesrud cattxjoi xaeim mrizc fsqiisvf grhorvi jczc
eetkolw buafugl aroamfkol ujcbmbi isrdj lsmgxofek aiklfkl yusxyuzjs iou
aefp feku miay y ifsir fatb ltipt cpks ebma mj
fuj a anbr blezfli ei bceelp eekq fwcl cb
nles ti fye asl un ver lf.

Qulofbl rl erdmbk eghz eek wed a ff pkud lslr oc
std zrkh qlge ksu km lm vcdd bem?

Zekf fns cr wlebkn pceakl qturoj es?

Ccxd beouy upp vmaefwxpd o ll o cfqmibfib mqry lfdu pbe
ppdugai qbke ebm fotkitr y cfyl kaebrt fpckjl sei pfm
lh fliks lehse a hdn o myx lbcsc lqlis
iclmjoi clk iiamv fbfall eorqsldm rhm

Linux-Misc Digest #312

1999-08-06 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #312, Volume #21Fri, 6 Aug 99 16:13:17 EDT

  R: Non sai cosa ti perdi ("Alan Zettin")
  SUSE 6.1 Permission differences between running a program from rc.d versus root 
(Michael Samson)
  Re: Need X-Windows help (resolution size) (Vito DeFilippo)
  Re: ISDN success? (Simon Kool)
  /lib/modules/2.2.5-15/misc/sgalaxy.o error ("Brian E. Seppanen")
  Re: Must root and swap partitions be primary? (Doug DeJulio)
  Re: Need X-Windows help (resolution size) (Patrick M. Geahan)
  Re: I think I have a convert IF (Coy A Hile)
  Trouble Loading SVGA Driver in Linux 6.1 ("Gilbert Groehn")
  lpr -Got to be simple -- but? ("Gordon D. Anderson")
  Re: What I think of linux. (Robert Crawford)
  Re: users can't mount cdrom (Jeff Greer)
  Cyrix MII processor (Chetan Ahuja)
  m68k Cross Compilers for Linux? (fred anger)
  Weird, maybe non-linux problem ("Jim Hendry")
  Re: Power Failures & Linux ? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Evergreen Spectra Processor Upgrade and Linux? (Steve Nospam)
  Re: Printing on Linux (Leonard Evens)

From: "Alan Zettin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: R: Non sai cosa ti perdi
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999 13:23:22 +0200

> >
> > Rasmus Lino e' un ragazzo danese che ha incassato in 5 mesi Ia bella
> > cifra
> > di 64.700.000.000 £!!
> > Una notizia del genere non passa inosservata se vuoi sapere come ha
> > fatto questo simpatico giovanotto ad arrichirsi cosi in fretta eccoti Ia
> > spiegazione, ma prima di tutto sappi:
> > Non mi interessa stare qui a convincerti sulla bontà o meno di questo
> > metodo.
> > Questa catena Si differenzia dalle altre per la sua potenzialita' di
> > guadagno con un ingresso pari al costo di DIECI CAFFE'.
> > STAMPA SUBITO QUESTO MESSAGGIO Ti servirà in futuro.
> > Tutto ciò che ti serve sono:
> > -6 banconote da 2.000 lire
> > -6 francobolli per lettera.
> > CHE COSA HAI DA PERDERE? Telo dico io N-I-E-N-T-E. Sarebbe da stupidi
> > non
> > provarci!!
> >
> > 1°PASSO:
> > Prendi 6 fogli di carta separati e scrivi ciò che segue:
> > Ora prendi le banconote da 2.000 Lire e mettine una in ognuno dei fogli
> > di
> > carta che hai preparato prima, opportunamente piegati in modo da non
> > rendere visibile la banconota dall' esterno (per evitare accidentali
> > furti).
> >
> > 2° PASSO:
> > Inserisci il foglio con la banconota da 2.000 lire in una busta e
> > chiudila
> > (fai lo stesso con gli altri 5 fogli).
> > Se non lo farai le tue possibilità di guadagno Si ridurrebbero
> > moltissimo.
> > Ciò che stai facendo e' OFFRIRE 6 CAFFE': PER QUESTO E' ASSOLUTAMENTE
> >
> > 3°PASS0:
> > Spedisci le 6 buste ai seguenti indirizzi:
> >
> > #1 Fabrizio La Monica
> > Via Villa Heloise 24
> > 90143 Palermo
> >
> > #2 Stefano Mocellin
> > Via Dei Passeri 5
> > 21029 Vergiate (VARESE)
> >
> > #3 Latini Davide
> > Via XX Settembre 33
> > 28010 Gargallo ( Novara )
> >
> > #4 Piero Odorici
> > Via G.Massarenti 96
> > 40138 Bologna
> >
>   #5 Tolomeo Stefano
>   via Panoramica 68
>   23020 Poggiridenti (Sondrio)
> >
> > #6 Alan Zettin
> > Via F. Denza 8
> > 34124 Trieste
> >
> > 4° PASSO:
> >
> > Ora cancella iI nominativo #1 dalla lista che vedi sopra, e sposta in
> > alto
> > gli altri nominativi (il #6 diventa #5 il, #5 diventa #4 ecc.) e
> > aggiungi il
> > tuo nominativo come #6 nella lista
> >
> > 5° PASSO:
> > Spedisci questo messaggio ricordando di inserire il tuo nome al #6 ad
> > almeno
> > 200 newsgroup(ce ne sono almeno 50.000 ). Te ne bastano 200, e
> > perché
> > no, invia anche ad amici che hai in chat, ma ricorda più mail spedisci
> > più
> > ti arrivano soldi
> > Di 200 contatti con diversi newsgroup, ipotizziamo pessimisticamente
> > che tu
> > riceva solo 5 adesioni. Quindi con il tuo nome al #6 posto su ogni
> > messaggio
> > ricevi in tutto 10.000lire.
> > Ogni persona che ti ha spedito 2.000 lire spedis

Linux-Misc Digest #312

1999-05-24 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #312, Volume #20   Sun, 23 May 99 14:13:09 EDT

  Re: basic installation questions ("Ahh Umm...")
  linux and quake... (Me)
  Re: Configuration in redhat (Peter Wyzlic)
  AARGH! HELP! (a 406 Hepcat)
  Re: UDMA under Linux 2.2.5 on Asus P5A-b (Ali M15xx chipset) (Peter Stein)
  Re: Linux or linux? ("D. Vrabel")
  Re: NT the best web platform? (Anthony Ord)

Date: Sun, 23 May 1999 10:14:44 -0700
From: "Ahh Umm..." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: basic installation questions

Keith E. Dickson wrote:
> This will be somewhat lengthy, I apologize in advance.
> 1. I've installed RedHat 5.2 with the default packages, not having any
> idea what I'd need, figuring I could always add later on, should I
> decide I needed something not installed. However, after spending several
> weeks playing with this trying to get it configured, with no luck, I've
> decided to completely reinstall, choosing to install everything on the
> CD installation disk, to avoid further complications. So the question
> is: If I use Partition Magic to delete the existing Linux partitions,
> it's still going to leave LILO in the master boot record, correct? Can I
> leave that in there and just reinstall RedHat or do I need to fdisk the
> MBR, delete the existing version of RedHat, and install, or can I simply
> re-install RedHat over the top of the existing version? I have not been
> able to get anything configured, so anything overwritten won't be
> missed.

You don't have to delete your partitions to reinstall unless your
unhappy with their configuration.  I'd be damn sure I had a *working*
rescue disk set before you go messing around with the MBR.  When you
reinstall, you'll be prompted whether to install LILO in the MBR, you
can just say yes then and be comfortable that it will be set up right.

> 2.  I'll be installing on my 12 gig harddrive, partitioning it with
> PartitionMagic. From the reading I've done, they all say I should have
> AT LEAST 500M of space dedicated to Linux, but with my hard drive, I've
> obviously got room to spare. With this going on a dual-boot machine also
> running Win95, which will be my primary OS for at least a while longer,
> how should I size my partitions. If I were to install everything
> included on the CD, plus leave room to spare for adding applications
> later down the road, what would you think would be the MOST I'd use, in
> a typical situation? I have no programming experience, doubt I'll ever
> get into that, so this will be more just a basic desktop computer, using
> the most common applications.

I currently have dual-boot Linux/NT.  I found 100M for /, 4G for NT, 4G
for /usr, 128M for Swap, and the rest for /home gives me more than
enough room on a 10G harddrive.  Your needs may be different.  If you
give yourself at least a couple gigabytes for /usr you should have
plenty of room for additional software. (NOTE: unistall all of the
Foreign Language HOWTOs and DOCUMENTATION -- you'll be surprised how
much space they eat up!)
> 3. From the overwhelming amount of reading I've been doing on Linux, I'm
> beginning to understand the RedHat is a great distro, though not
> particularly suited to newbies. I want to learn RedHat eventually,
> however, if after installation, I decide I'm having problems with RedHat
> and want to try installing a copy of Caldera I have, how do I go about
> setting that up?  So do I compeletely remove all Linux partitions, fdisk
> the MBR, and then repartition and install Caldera?

RedHat is generally considered one of the easiest distros for Newbies. 
I haven't used Caldera but I can't imagine it'd be much easier -- just


Subject: linux and quake...
Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 09:19:19 -0500


I have looked on various website and still have not found any information on
getting my mouse to work in squake running in linux..  I was told it has to do
with the SVGALIBS, however i have those installed and still no mouse...please

Thankx in Advance

all replies to 



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Wyzlic)
Subject: Re: Configuration in redhat
Date: 23 May 1999 16:38:07 GMT

On Sun, 23 May 1999 15:37:37 +0200, Stefan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> i've installed a ftp version of redhat, i think its 5.2.  now iam
> trying to find the file where i can configure some things like
> network and so on.  in suse 6.1 there is a file named rc.config, is
> there anything like this in redhat ?

Under X try control-panel or otherwise li

Linux-Misc Digest #312

1999-03-05 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #312, Volume #19Fri, 5 Mar 99 03:13:09 EST

  Re: best offline newsreader? (Richard Steiner)
  Re: UUCP for mail and news? (M. Buchenrieder)
  Re: kcore (Lew Pitcher)
  Re: Public license question (Geoffrey KEATING)
  WHO on RH5.1 fails when user logged in on ttyS0 (Rick Lim)
  Re: tx97xe Motherboard caching limit ??? (M. Buchenrieder)
  Re: Red Hat 5.2 & Netscape Communicator 4.07 (Adrian Hands)
  Re: Best Free Unix? (why FreeBSD?) (Richard Tobin)
  Re: Linux VERY slow to boot (Erik Hensema)
  Problems with Zip drive under RedHat Linux 5.2 (Bernhard Rau)
  Re: More bad news for NT (John Thompson)
  Re: Linux VERY slow to boot ("William R. Mattil")
  Netscape 4.5 setup and run under x-windows/Gnome on RH 5.2 (Sean)
  .procmail (Titus Gruppen)
  Re: Backup software (Michael Meissner)
  Re: Problems with Zip drive under RedHat Linux 5.2 ("George Georgakis")
  Re: RH vs SuSE (Anton Dischner)
  scsi cdrom seen by bios, not by linux (Mike Hom)
  Disks partitions ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Using different keyboard layouts (Hermann Boeken)
  Re: How to get (Pawel Kolodziejczyk)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Steiner)
Subject: Re: best offline newsreader?
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 1999 06:13:25 GMT

Here in comp.os.linux.misc, Richard Latimer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
spake unto us, saying:

>Download headers for a number of newgroups. Select some
>video messages and send Express off to download them
>while you look at more headers.
>Select some audio file postings for download.
>Select some pictures files from a binary group.

Some of us have no need whatsoever for video, audio, or picture posts
on Usenet.

>Now that you have an idea of what you can do with simple freebie,
>ask yourself why there is nothing remotely as capable for the
>Linux/Unix user. Unix is over twenty years old and cannot consume
>the output it serves up anywhere near as well as MS products do.

I think our respective definitions of "capable" (and perhaps also of
what Usenet should be used for ) differ quite a bit.  :-)

   -Rich Steiner  >>>--->  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  >>>---> Bloomington, MN
OS/2 + Linux (Slackware+RedHat+SuSE) + FreeBSD + Solaris + BeOS +
WinNT4 + Win95 + PC/GEOS + MacOS + Executor = PC Hobbyist Heaven!
  The Theorem Theorem: If If, Then Then


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (M. Buchenrieder)
Subject: Re: UUCP for mail and news?
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 18:02:13 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Schmidt) writes:


>Linux provides UUCP as far as I have read.

Well, UUCP is available for any UN*X variant, Win* and others.

>Which programs are there running under Linux which handle 
>mail and news using UUCP as an interface/layer for sending 
>and receiving?


You'll mainly be using uucico for sending / receiving batches
from / to your host system(s). Be aware, though, that UUCP is only a
transport method. It can't replace a running newsserver/mailserver;
it just delivers the incoming/outgoing batches .

>In other words, which programs allow reading mail and news via UUCP

None. You need to find a host system that collects news and mail
for you (usually via some sort of robot for defining what newsgroups
to be spooling for your system) , and puts the resulting compressed
batches into a spool directory. Your system then would be dialing into
the host system and send/receive the stuff.
Your main problem won't be installing / configuring UUCP ; it's pretty
tough to find an ISP offering UUCP feeds these days (which is a pitty,
given the fact that it's the cheapest way to exchange news [if you
have to pay for local calls]) .

>and writing mail and news for sending via UUCP?

smail , sendmail , qmail (with a hack, AFAIK) .

Michael Buchenrieder * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
  Lumber Cartel Unit #456 (TINLC) & Official Netscum
   Note: If you want me to send you email, don't mungle your address.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lew Pitcher)
Subject: Re: kcore
Date: Thu, 04 Mar 1999 13:32:54 GMT

On 4 Mar 1999 11:30:56 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eric Ho) wrote:

>In my /proc directory, there is a "kcore" file which is
>over 130Meg, and is growing everyday.
>Can someone tell me what it is ? Can I just delete it ?
>I am running Slackware, kernel 2.0.35, KDE 1.0.
>* If it is not too much trouble, please email me a copy
>* of your reply.

As others have said, read the FAQ

However, /proc/kcore is a phantom file that is mapped by the kernel
directly to your memory. The more memory the kernel uses, the larger
kcore will grow. If you dump /proc/kcor