Linux-Setup Digest #75

2001-04-19 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Setup Digest #75, Volume #21   Thu, 19 Apr 01 19:13:15 EDT

  Re: Linux clients can't ftp through linksys router (Craig Kelley)
  Re: RedHat 7.1 installation problem ("Troy Jesse")
  compaq isdn isa, conflict with resources, irq, io (Rejo Zenger)
  FTP problem with RH 6.2, 7.0 (bill)
  problem getting at /dev/dsp (Joeri Sebrechts)
  DHCP and Road Runner blues (grooveman)
  Re: could not open default font 'fixed' (Steven Conway)
  Re: RedHat 7.1 ISO? (Vivien H Heaven)
  Re: Linux and Windows 2000 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Lilo Question (Andy Collinson)
  Re: root login notify (Steven Conway)
  Re: DHCP and Road Runner blues ("Brian Schwarz")
  Re: DHCP and Road Runner blues ("W Knight")

From: Craig Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux clients can't ftp through linksys router
Date: 19 Apr 2001 15:35:18 -0600

God_Of_Pain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have been tring all the sugestions I can find in the news groups, no luck.
> Windoze clinets have no problem ftp'ing throught the linksys router, Linux 
> clients have no sucess ftp'ing through it.
> My equipment...
> 3com ADSL Modem -> Linksys BEFSR41 router -> Red Hat 7.0 server.
> I have tried the using DMZ and no DMZ with port forwarding.
> Many news postings say to use PASV mode, so on the linux clinets I have 
> tried ftp -p and pftp both did not work.
> I found one news posting that said to move my Linksys BEFSR41 router to Red 
> Hat 7.0 server cable from a switch to the router. It was...
> Linksys BEFSR41 router -> 3com switch -> Red Hat 7.0 server.
> now it is directly...
> Linksys BEFSR41 router -> Red Hat 7.0 server
> had no effect.
> I found one news posting telling me to download logviewer from linksys and 
> read the logs, I searched the linksys site and could not find such a thing.
> What now? Has anyone got a Linksys router like this to work with Linux ftp 
> clinets?

Does `ipchains -L input` report any firewall rules that we're not

It won't be long before the CPU is a card in a slot on your ATX videoboard
Craig Kelley  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP block


From: "Troy Jesse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RedHat 7.1 installation problem
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 16:45:37 -0500

I have 2 CDROMS, one is hdc, the other hdd, and my install worked fine.

Troy Jesse
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Food Science
Biotechnology and Bioengineering Group
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
"Steve Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> KW wrote:
> >
> > I think the CD-ROM HAS to be on the primary IDE channel with the HDD.
> > You may want to check that.   If it is connected to a soundcard you are
> > probably SOL.
> Excuse me... are you saying that one's CDROM drive *must* be on
> the primary IDE controller, and can't be /dev/hdc or /dev/hdd
> for the Red Hat 7.1 installation to work?
> Please tell me I misunderstood.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rejo Zenger)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: compaq isdn isa, conflict with resources, irq, io
Date: 19 Apr 2001 16:57:53 GMT


I have this Compaq ISA ISDN card which I can't get running. I guess the
card ran under Windows (i.c. with Teles 16.3 driver) with IRQ 3 and IO
addresses 2280-22BF, 2580-259F and 21A0-21A0. It identificates as
"Compaq ISDN S0 ISA Card".

With pnpdump I get these configurations:

  (IO 0 (SIZE 64) (BASE 0x2000) (CHECK))
  (IO 1 (SIZE 32) (BASE 0x2100) (CHECK))
  (IO 2 (SIZE 1) (BASE 0x2180) (CHECK))
  (INT 0 (IRQ 9 (MODE +E)))

  (IO 0 (SIZE 64) (BASE 0x2000) (CHECK))
  (IO 1 (SIZE 32) (BASE 0x2100) (CHECK))
  (IO 2 (SIZE 1) (BASE 0x2180) (CHECK))
  (INT 0 (IRQ 3 (MODE +E)))

  (IO 0 (SIZE 64) (BASE 0x2180) (CHECK))
  (IO 1 (SIZE 32) (BASE 0x2480) (CHECK))
  (IO 2 (SIZE 1) (BASE 0x2090) (CHECK))
  (INT 0 (IRQ 3 (MODE +E))

  (IO 0 (SIZE 64) (BASE 0x2280) (CHECK))
  (IO 1 (SIZE 32) (BASE 0x2580) (CHECK))
  (IO 2 (SIZE 1) (BASE 0x21a0) (CHECK))
  (INT 0 (IRQ 3 (MODE +E)))

All of these give the same problems:

  firewall:~# isapnp isapnp.config
  Board 1 has Identity c0 00 00 00 01 02 10 11 0e:  CPQ1002 Serial No 1 \
[checksum c0]
  isapnp.config:119 -- Fatal - resource conflict allocating 64 bytes of \
IO at 2280 (see isapnp.config)
  isapnp.config:119 -- Fatal - IO range check attempted while device \
  isapnp.config:119 -- Fatal - Error occurred executing request \
' ' --- further action aborted

I und

Linux-Setup Digest #75

2000-11-20 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Setup Digest #75, Volume #20   Mon, 20 Nov 00 03:13:05 EST

  Re: ssh error; connection refused (iksrazal)
  Re: fax server on linux for windows clients (Frank Miller)
  Upgrading rpm (B. Hearn)
  Netscape 6.0 and Realplayer ("Vijay Culas")
  Re: LILO doesn't install with TurboLinux Server (Topaz Crow)
  Re: Triple boot with NT in second drive (BO)
  x windows prob (Sam)
  Failed dependencies -Why? (Robert Stia)
  Re: fax server on linux for windows clients (Jason)
  How can I dual-boot between Red Hat and SuSE distributions? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Diamond Stealth III S540 video drivers for RedHat 7.0 (nHs)
  Which Linux to try? (Jim Cleary)
  Re: How can I dual-boot between Red Hat and SuSE distributions? (Stanislaw Flatto)
  Re: Which Linux to try? (Stanislaw Flatto)
  Re: "Out of scan range" error (Eric)
  no NE2000 card found at i/o=0xA0 (Peter Bismuti)
  Re: /dev/modem (David Hinds)
  Re: Install/Partition Table/Fdisk problems (Eric)
  Re: LILO doesn't install with TurboLinux Server ("cm")

From: iksrazal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ssh error; connection refused
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 00:55:28 +

I got this answer on the ng :

I have two redhat machines networked. One of them I was able to
configure ssh with rpm. That machines client and server work fine. On
the other, I had to compile from source due to endless dependency
issues(no X, server install). The client works, but I get permission
denied errors when attempting login into it. I have sshd.pam in
/etc/pam.d .

>>>>> "root" == root  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

root> I have sshd.pam in /etc/pam.d .

The file must be named "/etc/pam.d/sshd", not "/etc/pam.d/sshd.pam".

>>>>> "iksrazal" == iksrazal  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

iksrazal> Thanks, that did it. The daemon and this file are two
iksrazal> different animals, right?


Yavin wrote:

> Anyone know where I can start looking why I can ssh to but if
> I ssh from outside of inside to my actual internet ip it says connection
> refused? Thanx
> --Scott


From: Frank Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: fax server on linux for windows clients
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 04:10:51 GMT

James Knott wrote:
> Darren and Marla Welson wrote:
> >
> > I need a fax server package that I can run on my Linux firewall/server that
> > allows windows clients to access faxes and send faxes.  I looked at HylaFAX,
> > but it is a Linux server and requires an additional package for windows
> > clients to interact with it.  What has anyone used in the past to accomplish
> > this, or is this a nightmare?
> You might want to look into PMFax for Linux. As I recall,
> they have (had?) a network version.  The OS/2 version is
> excellent.  I downloaded the Linux version a few days ago.
> You can find them @
> --
> Replies sent via e-mail to this address will be promptly
> ignored.
> To reply, replace everything to the left of "@" with
> "james.knott".

Did you get PMFax lite to work?  I can't change the port.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (B. Hearn)
Subject: Upgrading rpm
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 04:49:50 GMT

Hi Guys (et al)

I'm running SuSE 6.2. It's installation of rpm is 3.0.3
What I want to do is upgrade the Samba package, or any other).

The samba *.rpm was apparantly done with rpm (vers 4) hence
my rpm refuses / complains.

Trying to upgrade my RPM (by using rpm's vers.4 .rpm) likewise results
in whining and refusals.  I've been doing some reading on the subject
(redhat.linux.rpm and I've been to but the more I read the
less certain I am about which way to turn. Seems as though this change
is going to cause some widespread anguish?

Is there an easy way to solve my problem?
Help is greatly appreciated being a newbie -)


From: "Vijay Culas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Netscape 6.0 and Realplayer
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 05:22:33 GMT

I have been using Realplayer with Netscape 4.75.  I recently downloaded
version 6.0 but cannot get Realplayer to work with it.  I have properly
installed Realplayer (the .so file is in Netscape 6.0 plugins directory,
etc).  However when I type "about:plugins", it doesn't show the realplayer
plug-in to be installed.   To see Real Audio content, I have to manually
type in the location of the Realplayer application everytime I click on the
real audio link.


Linux-Setup Digest #75

2000-07-04 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Setup Digest #75, Volume #19Tue, 4 Jul 00 19:13:07 EDT

  Re: Problem setting up DHCP (RH6.1) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Can't install Win98 after I've installed Linux. Help. (C.J.)
  Re: Red Hat 6.2 Installation Keeps Crashing (Vincent Dang)
  Re: Can't make (C.J.)
  How to put RH6.2 on end of 27gb HD, install new lilo? ("mnip")
  Installing HD, Linux, and Win Question ("Jason A. Cobb")
  Re: Large HD's (C.J.)
  Re: Font server and XFree 4.0 (Neven Boric)
  Re: Again : Problem with LinkSys 10/100 Etherfast Lan Card ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: How to put RH6.2 on end of 27gb HD, install new lilo? (C.J.)
  Re: Stupid me, forgot to run /sbin/lilo... (Bone Head)

Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Problem setting up DHCP (RH6.1)
Date: Tue, 04 Jul 2000 22:11:32 GMT

On Tue, 4 Jul 2000, The Grunewalds wrote:

>Date: Tue, 04 Jul 2000 17:20:58 -0400
>From: The Grunewalds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.networking, comp.os.linux.setup
>Subject: Problem setting up DHCP (RH6.1)
>Hi all,
>I'm trying to set up my cable modem for Road Runner and I have a home
>network. My Linux box has eth0 which is connected to my hub and eth1
>which is connected to the cable modem. Upon boot up, the setup of the
>eth1 fails.

I have the same setup, works just fine.  The problem is that from the 6.0 and
6.1 cd's pump is broken, badly.  Get and updated version of pump, here's the
one that is working for me (rpm -ivh  Seems that off of the
6.2 cdrom things work as they should.  Of course this is not the package your
trying to use, but if your willing to switch it should work.


>I installed dhcp from the redhat CD. I have an
>/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 file:
>I do not have a dhcp.conf file.I have a /etc/dhcpc/dhcpcd-eth1.exe that
>looks like this:
>echo "`date` dhcpcd: IP address changed to $1" >> /var/log/messages
>exit 0
>I don't have dhcp in any runlevel.
>The result of ifconfig eth1:
>eth1Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:A0:CC:25:4A:09
>   BROADCAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
>   RX packets:0  errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>   TX packets:12 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>   collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
>   Interrupt:11 Base address:0xdc00
>This makes me think that the NIC is being recognized by Linux.
>Obviously, there is a lot I don't know about this. Can somebody clue me
>in? How do I get this setup?

 (o o)
Chad M Stewart  

Packet filtering for Linux

"...Unix, MS-DOS, and Windows NT (also known as the Good, 
the Bad, and the Ugly)."  (By Matt Welsh)



Subject: Re: Can't install Win98 after I've installed Linux. Help.
Date: Tue, 04 Jul 2000 22:16:25 GMT

I would go with this choice.  From the top of my head, here are the steps 
you'll probably need to take.  (If anyone who is reallly comfortable with this 
stuff knows better, PLEASE look over the advice I'm about to give.)  Now, 
Vincent, before that scares you too much, I want you to know that I think the 
worst that is likely to happen is that you have to swap the drives back since 
we don't actually change anything unless it boots up ok.

First, lets make a lilo boot diskette.. put in a floppy and as root do:

/sbin/lilo -c -b /dev/fd0 -d 1000
(install lilo on /dev/fd0 and wait 10seconds at prompt before starting)

Next we'll confirm what drives are where...

/sbin/sfdisk -l   
(that's a lowercase L, not a one)

If you have one IDE drive on each IDE port, you should see some references to 
/dev/hda and to /dev/hdc.  Note what the device name of your new drive is 
since it will be the Linux boot/root drive after you swap drives around.

Now go ahead and swap the drives.

Leave the LILO boot floppy in and start up the system.  At the LILO prompt, 
type the keyword you chose to select linux followed by root=/dev/hdc1 
(assuming your linux drive is now /dev/hdc.)
The keyword is likely "linux" but if you are unsure, press TAB at the prompt.
An example of what to type at the prompt is:

linux root=/dev/hd