[REBOL] POST in a form Re:

2000-02-10 Thread deadzaphod

here's the code I currently use in my CGI scripts to handle POST data

if system/options/cgi/request-method = "POST" [
   buffer: make string! (system/options/cgi/content-length + 10)
   read-io system/ports/input buffer system/options/cgi/content-length
   responce: make object! decode-cgi buffer
   ; do something with the POSTed data

I haven't had any problems using this so far.. hopefully it will help 


Subject: [REBOL] POST in a form
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2000 18:34:30 -0600

I am trying to pass variables to Rebol from a HTML page -no problem doing
that so far.

Noah and I worked out the form so that a HTML formatted page (because of
the aesthetics) prints on a distant printer with a recreated HTML page with
the variables inserted.

Good so far.

Then we realized that the FOR ..  GET has a predetermined capacity of
only 2K of data.  That limit is inherent to HTML, not REBOL.

The cure to the data transfer limit is FORM .. POST but we cant make
the code work inside Rebol with a POST transfer.

The examples are all for GET transfers which is handled differently by
Robol (as it is with perl).

If you need -i will give you FTP access to a file directory here so we can
=== files.

This will be uniquely valuable to all of us who need to have forms for
ourselves or our clients.  I can show you how to auto print at a distant
printer without user intervention.  Thait is not an issue.

I am sure this is purely a labor pain.  Rebol is very impressive.


At 0543 2/7/00 , you wrote:
Hi John,

It's a little harder to see what you're doing with all that HTML
formatting in your mail, but I think you can do what you want with:

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

[REBOL] Rebol for NNTP downloading

2000-02-10 Thread A . J . Hedges

Has anybody written anything in the way of an offline reader for news
messages in Rebol? What I'm after is something that keeps a list of
newsgroups, and downloads any messages from those groups it hasn't seen
before. Obviously it will need to keep a persistant record of which messages
have been downloaded. I've played around a bit with manually getting all
messages from a group, but can't see how to extend that into a useful
offline storage mechanism.

Oh yeah, and if it could do threading of messages as well that would be


[REBOL] How can i get rebol/view

2000-02-10 Thread VoToNi

Can't find it on the webpage. Peoples here are talking about.
how can i test it?

Gruss Volker

[REBOL] How can i get rebol/view Re:

2000-02-10 Thread allenk

Hi Gruss,

It is currently in a limited beta at the moment, 
the broader beta distribution has been hinted at for next week.

Just keep checking the Rebol site..it is worth the wait..


Allen K

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2000 5:28 PM
Subject: [REBOL] How can i get rebol/view

 Can't find it on the webpage. Peoples here are talking about.
 how can i test it?
 Gruss Volker

[REBOL] How can i get rebol/view Re:(2)

2000-02-10 Thread Petr . Krenzelok


 Hi Gruss,

 It is currently in a limited beta at the moment,
 the broader beta distribution has been hinted at for next week.

 Just keep checking the Rebol site..it is worth the wait..

Are you sure the group is closed? Those who wrote they want to test
view, received it. As for next release. - Are you sure it is going to be
public beta? Carl just stated beta2 is planned on the end of the
weekend, nothing more imho.



 Allen K

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2000 5:28 PM
 Subject: [REBOL] How can i get rebol/view

  Can't find it on the webpage. Peoples here are talking about.
  how can i test it?
  Gruss Volker

[REBOL] How can i get rebol/view Re:(3)

2000-02-10 Thread allenk

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2000 11:19 PM
Subject: [REBOL] How can i get rebol/view Re:(2)

  Hi Gruss,
  It is currently in a limited beta at the moment,
  the broader beta distribution has been hinted at for next week.
  Just keep checking the Rebol site..it is worth the wait..
 Are you sure the group is closed? Those who wrote they want to test
 view, received it. As for next release. - Are you sure it is going to be
 public beta? Carl just stated beta2 is planned on the end of the
 weekend, nothing more imho.

Just repeating what it says on the Rebol Website...

  Allen K
  - Original Message -
  Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2000 5:28 PM
  Subject: [REBOL] How can i get rebol/view
   Can't find it on the webpage. Peoples here are talking about.
   how can i test it?
   Gruss Volker

[REBOL] spaces in block

2000-02-10 Thread Tiana . Zhang

Hi, I found a weird thing about the block, can anyone help me?

I wrote a script:

blk: make block! 200
space: "" ; 4 spaces
blk: [ 1 space 2 space 3]
print blk

after ran it, the result is the following:
1  2  3
You can obviously see that the space between each number is 6 instead of 4. Can
anyone tell me where I did wrong?

Thanks a lot.


[REBOL] Re: How can i get rebol/view Re:

2000-02-10 Thread kolla

On Thu, 10 Feb 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just keep checking the Rebol site..it is worth the wait..

Any word on what toolkits/graphical library system will be used for the 
various versions?

I'm curious, since X and amiga have so many of them.

-- kolla

[REBOL] spaces in block Re:

2000-02-10 Thread Petr . Krenzelok


 Hi, I found a weird thing about the block, can anyone help me?

 I wrote a script:

 blk: make block! 200
 space: "" ; 4 spaces
 blk: [ 1 space 2 space 3]
 print blk

 after ran it, the result is the following:
 1  2  3
 You can obviously see that the space between each number is 6 instead of 4. Can
 anyone tell me where I did wrong?

Nothing's wrong. REBOL just does spacing itself. e.g. print ["A" "B" "C" "D" "E"]
will print A B C D E


 Thanks a lot.


[REBOL] What about Rebol/Command?

2000-02-10 Thread cesar

I'd like to see Rebol as an extension language I can use in my app, just like
VBA or the scheme extension language of Linux, but currently it doesn´t seem
to evolve to providing such a services.

For example I´d like to run other programs from Rebol using it as a command
interpreter ( very much powerful replacement of windows command.com ). I got
very dissapointed when I discovered that Rebol doesn´t allow to do this.

The Rebol FAQ says that some people have done this by writing to files while
keeping another proccess scanning the files for launching the external
programs. It also says that a future rebol/command would allow this ( and I
hope many more things ). Do you know something about it?

And what do you think about a Rebol extension language tool?

thanks   /cesar

[REBOL] [REBOL] spaces in block Re:

2000-02-10 Thread matee

When printing a block, a space is placed in between every block item.
Type 'print rejoin blk' to get rid of them, and the print the lot as a


Ämne: [REBOL] spaces in block
Datum: tor 10 feb 2000 15.25

 Hi, I found a weird thing about the block, can anyone help me?

 I wrote a script:

 blk: make block! 200
 space: "" ; 4 spaces
 blk: [ 1 space 2 space 3]
 print blk

 after ran it, the result is the following:
 1  2  3
 You can obviously see that the space between each number is 6 instead of 4.
 anyone tell me where I did wrong?

 Thanks a lot.



[REBOL] static variable Re:

2000-02-10 Thread joel . neely

Script or object... ?

 Does anyone know whether Rebol has such a kind of variable: you
 initialize this variable at the first time you run the script.
 In this script, the variable will be modified to some value. If
 you run this script again, this variable will preserve the value
 it has in last run.

There are several ways to look at this.

1)  If you want persistence of private data between evaluationss
of a function (without reloading the function from a file)
then the technique posted by mjelinek will do that.

2)  If you want persistence of data (independent of function
associations, and without reloading from a file) then the
technique posted by doug.vos will do that.

3)  If you want persistence of state for some "concept" (without
reloading from a file, and with the option of multiple
functions being privy to that state) then you've just stumbled
over the canonical rationale for object-oriented programming.
For example:

statefulthing: make object! [
val: 0
set: func [n [integer!]] [val: n]
get: func [] [val]
inc: func [] [val: val + 1]
dec: func [] [val: val - 1]

used as in

== 0
== 1
== 2
== 2
 statefulthing/set 27
== 27
== 26

and so on.

4)  If you like the tidyness of the above, but want persistence
between REBOL sessions, you can do the following:

== 26

(Just to show current state...)

 save/header %statefulthing.r statefulthing []

Now the state is safely stashed in a file.

 statefulthing: "simulate stopping and restarting REBOL"
== "simulate stopping and restarting REBOL"
 statefulthing: none
== none

(Just to show that the state is no longer "in" that word.)

 statefulthing: do %statefulthing.r

Get it back!

== 27

5)  If you want persistence of data and you really do mean "script"
and you really do want to reload the script from a file between
usages (and don't mind getting REALLY obscure!) you can do this:


staticvar: none

somefunction: func [s [string!]] [
   either found? staticvar [
   print rejoin [{staticvar was "} staticvar {"}]
   print {staticvar had no value}
   staticvar: s
   print rejoin [{staticvar is now "} staticvar {"}]
   write %static.r {REBOL []^/^/}
   write/append %static.r
   rejoin [{staticvar: "} staticvar {"^/^/}]
   write/append %static.r
   rejoin [{somefunction: } mold get 'somefunction {^/}]

(in a file named static.r, of course!)  Now use it as ...

 do %static.r
 somefunction "Hello"
staticvar had no value
staticvar is now "Hello"
 somefunction "world!"
staticvar was "Hello"
staticvar is now "world!"
 somefunction "still in memory"
staticvar was "world!"
staticvar is now "still in memory"

In-memory persistence is accomplished, as staticvar is global,
but the use of somefunction is also keeping the external (file)
copy synched, so that

 somefunction: none
== none
 staticvar: none
== none

(which simulates shutting down and restarting REBOL) can be
followed by

 do %static.r
 somefunction "I'm back!"
staticvar was "still in memory"
staticvar is now "I'm back!"

As me auld granny sed, "There's more than one way to skin a cat!"


[REBOL] What about Rebol/Command? Re:

2000-02-10 Thread jbone


 And what do you think about a Rebol extension language tool?

I think Rebol would make a fine extension language.  The major problem all
extension language integrators face is how to glue to language to the
application's core datastructures.  Series are a simple yet obviously powerful
abstraction;  RT has given us ample examples of how to bridge that abstraction to
a variety of problem domains with their tight integration of series and various
network protocols.  I suspect that a thoughtful way to wrap host-app
datastructures up in series would in a natural way lead to very expressive, very
tight extension code.



 thanks   /cesar


2000-02-10 Thread ldenn142


[REBOL] WebCam CGI script Re:

2000-02-10 Thread kasperengberg

A couple days ago someone had mentioned wanting to use a webcam with a
dynamic IP address... Following is a CGI script I use (along with a pair of
simple scripts on my machine to update a file containing my address using
rebol FTP)  The webcam software I'm using is called WebCam2000 (it's for
Win32 only unfortunatly), their homepage is
another solution (not involving rebol) for using a webcam without a static
IP address is to use dhs.org and their DynDNS service.

The real problem is, that I don't have acces to FTP, so it has to be a 

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com


2000-02-10 Thread jennifer

Please send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with un subscribe in the subject 
line, and no text in the body.  Also, you must send the email from the same 
address that you had subscribed with.

If you are still unable to remove yourself, please let me know by sending 
me an email off-list to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that we can resolve this for 
you ASAP.  Thank your for your patience.


Jennifer L. Allen-Nelson
Exec. Asst. to CEO  Staff

REBOL Technologies
2635 Vichy Springs Rd., Ukiah, CA  95482
Ph: 707.467.8000   Fx: 707.467.8005


[REBOL] [REBOL] Imbedding and Extending Rebol

2000-02-10 Thread tjohnson

Hi All:
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right? In terms
of OS interfaces (As I see it, anyway) Macintosh followed Amiga's 
lead (and I think Carl S. was in on that). Windows followed Macintosh,
 and Linux followed Windows. 

Having said that, look at Python: With Python, you can both
call other programs from the script, AND you can imbed the
script in C/C++ by linking in Python Libraries. 

As a C/C++ programmer, I would guess that there would be some
hurdles to overcome with multiple platforms as targets to implement
system calls in Rebol.

Looking at the reverse: that is imbedding Rebol in C/C++ (I can
only comment on this medium, not other languages).
If the necessary resources were provided, it shouldn't be too
difficult to arrange for a rebol library to be linked into a C
executable. And I don't think then, that it would be too difficult
to make the first step a very simple interface like so:

use_rebol(char* rebol_syntax_string);
//and overloading in C++
use_rebol(char* rebol_syntax_string, char* simple_data_string);
OR use_rebol(int number_of_args,/*variable argument list*/)
// etc
The implementation would be VERY simple, and definitely limited,
but it would be a first step, and wouldn't have to be made obsolete
by later enhancements.

Even at that very simple first step, I could see an easier implementation
of ftp, cgi, and email than the components provided to me by Borland.
(And Borland CGI services are available to the programmer only with a VERY
expensive "interprise" version. 

By overlaying the code with the preprocessor, one could then create any number
of very powerful calls with very brief coding.

As cesar state quite correctly resolving datastructure would be somewhat
more complicated, but doable.

On a related note, I have seen comments about databases: And I do a lot of
CGI database programming. Let me put in a plug here:

I recently purchased the Mix C/Database Library, it is available for differnt
Windows modes, as well as for Linux. And is very complete and powerful.
Now I don't pretend to advise rebol
as to purchasing someone else's work or joint ventures, but if I could find
a way to compile rebol's core with Mix's database libraries, I would be
one VERY happy camper. 

Just a thought.
Thanks for listening
At 09:22 AM 2/10/00 -0600, you wrote:


 And what do you think about a Rebol extension language tool?

I think Rebol would make a fine extension language.  The major problem all
extension language integrators face is how to glue to language to the
application's core datastructures.  Series are a simple yet obviously
abstraction;  RT has given us ample examples of how to bridge that
abstraction to
a variety of problem domains with their tight integration of series and
network protocols.  I suspect that a thoughtful way to wrap host-app
datastructures up in series would in a natural way lead to very
expressive, very
tight extension code.



 thanks   /cesar

[REBOL] WebCam CGI script Re:

2000-02-10 Thread ddalley

Hello, Rebols:

On 10-Feb-00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A couple days ago someone had mentioned wanting to use a webcam with a 
 dynamic IP address... Following is a CGI script I use (along with a pair of 
 simple scripts on my machine to update a file containing my address using 
 rebol FTP)

I used a REBOL program to get a webcam image that was controlled by Java.

The all images arrived incomplete from one site, so I gave up. This was not an
obvious problem with non-Java control. Is there anything I can do to make sure
these images are complete?


---===///||| Donald Dalley |||\\\===---
 The World of AmiBroker Support
   Member: ICOA and Team AMIGA

[REBOL] [REBOL] Imbedding and Extending Rebol Re:(2)

2000-02-10 Thread ralph

And the Mac interface concept came from Xerox anyway.

but, there are always historical and even sometimes hysterical precedents.


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2000 2:26 PM
 Subject: [REBOL] [REBOL] Imbedding and Extending Rebol Re:
 FWIW, I certainly don't mean to start a thread on this and I may 
 be mistaken
 but...I believe that the Mac debuted in 1/84 and the Amiga 1000 
 appeared in 1/85.
  Hi All:
  Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right? In terms
  of OS interfaces (As I see it, anyway) Macintosh followed Amiga's
  lead (and I think Carl S. was in on that). Windows followed Macintosh,
   and Linux followed Windows.

[REBOL] problem with sort a file

2000-02-10 Thread Tiana . Zhang


I tried to sort a file in a reverse order according to the date, which is the
first column of the file. e.g foo.txt looks like this:

1-Feb-2000  bla bla bla
9-Feb-2000  bla bla bla
3-Feb-2000  bla bla bla

My script is :
file: read/lines  %foo.txt
file2: sort /skip file 4
write/line %foo2.txt file2

The output file foo2.txt looks as same as foo.txt, it didn't sort at all.
Can anyone tell me what's the problem? 

BTW, How can I sort the date in reverse order: sort/compare %foo.txt  func [a b]
[a  b]  only sort the first character instead of the whole date expression. 

Can I combine these two processes together?

Thank in advance.


[REBOL] Re: How can i get rebol/view Re:

2000-02-10 Thread giesse


On 10-Feb-00, you wrote:

 k Any word on what toolkits/graphical library system will be
 k used for the various versions?

 k I'm curious, since X and amiga have so many of them.

None of them, actually. REBOL/View is more than just a GUI
frontend to REBOL. You will be amazed when you'll see it. :-)

o) .-^-. (--o
| Gabriele Santilli / /_/_\_\ \ Amiga Group Italia --- L'Aquila |
| GIESSE on IRC \ \-\_/-/ /  http://www.amyresource.it/AGI/ |
o) `-v-' (--o

[REBOL] What Type Of Apps Are You Writting? Re:

2000-02-10 Thread mjelinek

I may use it to perform database field manipulation (with flat file
records), but right now I'm just writing a game to familiarize myself with
the language. BTW I've hit the ceiling for variable space on Windows NT and
it will not even load all of the functions, so be careful if you're using
lots of variables on NT. I've been told that this limit will eventually be

That just keeps me from running it on the PC at work (not a bad thing).
Luckily my Amiga at home can still handle it.

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2000 12:35 PM
Subject: [REBOL] What Type Of Apps Are You Writting?

What type of applications are you using REBOL for?


[REBOL] problem with sort a file Re:

2000-02-10 Thread mjelinek

I'm not sure why you are using sort/skip. It seems to me, if date is the
first column of each record (line), you could use sort without refinements.

To sort on only the first character of a series of strings, use:
sort/compare f func [a b] [a/1  b/1]

BTW you didn't really have a space between SORT and /SKIP did you?

- Michael Jelinek
-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2000 12:59 PM
Subject: [REBOL] problem with sort a file


I tried to sort a file in a reverse order according to the date, which is
first column of the file. e.g foo.txt looks like this:

1-Feb-2000  bla bla bla
9-Feb-2000  bla bla bla
3-Feb-2000  bla bla bla

My script is :
file: read/lines  %foo.txt
file2: sort /skip file 4
write/line %foo2.txt file2

The output file foo2.txt looks as same as foo.txt, it didn't sort at all.
Can anyone tell me what's the problem? 

BTW, How can I sort the date in reverse order: sort/compare %foo.txt  func
[a b]
[a  b]  only sort the first character instead of the whole date expression.

Can I combine these two processes together?

Thank in advance.


[REBOL] POST in a form Re:

2000-02-10 Thread icimjs

Hi John,

use the input function. When you want to collect the posted data just say

posted-data: make object! decode-cgi input

At 06:34 PM 2/9/00 -0600, you wrote:
I am trying to pass variables to Rebol from a HTML page -no problem doing 
that so far.

Noah and I worked out the form so that a HTML formatted page (because of 
the aesthetics) prints on a distant printer with a recreated HTML page with 
the variables inserted.

Good so far.

Then we realized that the FOR ..  GET has a predetermined capacity of 
only 2K of data.  That limit is inherent to HTML, not REBOL.

The cure to the data transfer limit is FORM .. POST but we cant make 
the code work inside Rebol with a POST transfer.

The examples are all for GET transfers which is handled differently by 
Robol (as it is with perl).

If you need -i will give you FTP access to a file directory here so we can 
=== files.

This will be uniquely valuable to all of us who need to have forms for 
ourselves or our clients.  I can show you how to auto print at a distant 
printer without user intervention.  Thait is not an issue.

I am sure this is purely a labor pain.  Rebol is very impressive.


At 0543 2/7/00 , you wrote:
Hi John,

It's a little harder to see what you're doing with all that HTML
formatting in your mail, but I think you can do what you want with:

;- Elan  [: - )]

[REBOL] read-io and write-io

2000-02-10 Thread brian . hawley

Hey all,

I know that read-io and write-io are supposed to be low-level
and undocumented, but I see them all the time in web code so
I'll ask anyways...

What is the meaning of the integer returned by *-io?

How are they supposed to behave when passed negative lengths?

Do they only work on network ports, or do they also work on
file ports? If they are supposed to work on file ports, why
does read-io stop working before the end of the file?

If you aren't supposed to use them, what documented function
can you use that performs their function?

Brian Hawley

[REBOL] problem with sort a file Re:(2)

2000-02-10 Thread Tiana . Zhang

Hi, Mike
Thanks for your reply.

I use /skip because I thought it is for sectional sorting. in my file, each
record has 4 sections(e.g, 1-Feb-2000  bla bla bla). I just tried without skip,
it gave me the same result though. I guess this is might because of I read it
from a file?  

I use the following script and sample file,

file: read/lines  %foo.txt
blk: make block! 100
blk: to-block file
file2: sort blk 
write/lines  %foo2.txt file2

which foo.txt is:
2-Feb-2000  1   2  
1-Feb-2000  2   1
6-Feb-2000  3   5
24-Feb-2000 4   6

the result foo2.txt is:
1-Feb-2000  2   1
2-Feb-2000  1   2  
24-Feb-2000 4   6
6-Feb-2000  3   5

It can't tell 24-Feb-2000 is larger than  6-Feb-2000. Why is it?

[REBOL] problem with sort a file Re:(3)

2000-02-10 Thread mjelinek

"Sectional sorting" goes over my head. Your file is being sorted according
to the ascii values. I.e. you haven't told it to sort according to a DATE.
Try this:

file-blk: read/lines %foo1.txt
sort/compare file-blk func[a b][(to-date first parse a none)  (to-date
first parse b none)]
write/lines %foo2.txt file-blk

 When you read in a file with read/lines, the result is a block of the
lines (strings) of the file.
 Sort modifies the contents of the block given to it.
 PARSE block NONE breaks apart the fields of the string into a series
(according to whitespace)
 FIRST takes the first field - in this case a string!
 TO-DATE converts the string to the internal date format, which will be
compared as expected
 I found that parenthesis are required here

- Michael Jelinek
-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2000 2:45 PM
Subject: [REBOL] problem with sort a file Re:(2)

Hi, Mike
Thanks for your reply.

I use /skip because I thought it is for sectional sorting. in my file, each
record has 4 sections(e.g, 1-Feb-2000  bla bla bla). I just tried without
it gave me the same result though. I guess this is might because of I read
from a file?  

I use the following script and sample file,

file: read/lines  %foo.txt
blk: make block! 100
blk: to-block file
file2: sort blk 
write/lines  %foo2.txt file2

which foo.txt is:
2-Feb-2000  1   2  
1-Feb-2000  2   1
6-Feb-2000  3   5
24-Feb-2000 4   6

the result foo2.txt is:
1-Feb-2000  2   1
2-Feb-2000  1   2  
24-Feb-2000 4   6
6-Feb-2000  3   5

It can't tell 24-Feb-2000 is larger than  6-Feb-2000. Why is it?

[REBOL] problem with sort a file Re:(4)

2000-02-10 Thread Tiana . Zhang

I agree with your opinion, but when I tried your script, it gave me the
following msg:
** Script Error: Out of range or past end.
** Where: to-date first parse a none

Any idea? OR is that the problem of my foo1.txt?

Thanks a lot.


Reply Separator
Subject:[REBOL] problem with sort a file Re:(3) 
Date:   2/10/00 3:20 PM

"Sectional sorting" goes over my head. Your file is being sorted according
to the ascii values. I.e. you haven't told it to sort according to a DATE.
Try this:

file-blk: read/lines %foo1.txt
sort/compare file-blk func[a b][(to-date first parse a none)  (to-date
first parse b none)]
write/lines %foo2.txt file-blk

 When you read in a file with read/lines, the result is a block of the
lines (strings) of the file.
 Sort modifies the contents of the block given to it.
 PARSE block NONE breaks apart the fields of the string into a series
(according to whitespace)
 FIRST takes the first field - in this case a string!
 TO-DATE converts the string to the internal date format, which will be
compared as expected
 I found that parenthesis are required here

- Michael Jelinek
-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2000 2:45 PM
Subject: [REBOL] problem with sort a file Re:(2)

Hi, Mike
Thanks for your reply.

I use /skip because I thought it is for sectional sorting. in my file, each
record has 4 sections(e.g, 1-Feb-2000  bla bla bla). I just tried without
it gave me the same result though. I guess this is might because of I read
from a file?  

I use the following script and sample file,

file: read/lines  %foo1.txt
blk: make block! 100
blk: to-block file
file2: sort blk 
write/lines  %foo2.txt file2

which foo1.txt is:
2-Feb-2000  1   2  
1-Feb-2000  2   1
6-Feb-2000  3   5
24-Feb-2000 4   6

the result foo2.txt is:
1-Feb-2000  2   1
2-Feb-2000  1   2  
24-Feb-2000 4   6
6-Feb-2000  3   5

It can't tell 24-Feb-2000 is larger than  6-Feb-2000. Why is it?

[REBOL] problem with sort a file Re:(3)

2000-02-10 Thread larry

Hi Tiana

When you read in the file using READ/LINES each entry in the resultiing
block is a string. When you sort the block REBOL sorts the strings
lexicographically, so lines that that start with the character "2" will come
before lines that start with the character "6".  If you want them to sort by
date you could convert each line to a  block.


 file: read/lines %junk.txt
== ["2-Feb-2000  1   2" "1-Feb-2000  2   1" "6-Feb-2000  3   5" "24-Feb-2000
 blk: make block! 10
== []
 foreach line file [append/only blk to-block line]
== [[2-Feb-2000 1 2] [1-Feb-2000 2 1] [6-Feb-2000 3 5] [24-Feb-2000 4 6]]
 sort blk
== [[1-Feb-2000 2 1] [2-Feb-2000 1 2] [6-Feb-2000 3 5] [24-Feb-2000 4 6]]

Hope this helps


- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2000 2:44 PM
Subject: [REBOL] problem with sort a file Re:(2)

 Hi, Mike
 Thanks for your reply.

 I use /skip because I thought it is for sectional sorting. in my file,
 record has 4 sections(e.g, 1-Feb-2000  bla bla bla). I just tried without
 it gave me the same result though. I guess this is might because of I read
 from a file?

 I use the following script and sample file,

 file: read/lines  %foo.txt
 blk: make block! 100
 blk: to-block file
 file2: sort blk
 write/lines  %foo2.txt file2

 which foo.txt is:
 2-Feb-2000  1   2
 1-Feb-2000  2   1
 6-Feb-2000  3   5
 24-Feb-2000 4   6

 the result foo2.txt is:
 1-Feb-2000  2   1
 2-Feb-2000  1   2
 24-Feb-2000 4   6
 6-Feb-2000  3   5

 It can't tell 24-Feb-2000 is larger than  6-Feb-2000. Why is it?

[REBOL] What Type Of Apps Are You Writting? Re:

2000-02-10 Thread peoyli

I'm working on a for-now text based IRC client, will eventually support the
full ctcp2 specification (does handle VERSION,TIME,PING,CLIENTINFO,ACTION
and SOURCE for now).

I will probably make a GUI for it with REBOL/View when it is available for
the Amiga.


 What type of applications are you using REBOL for?

[REBOL] ANSI stuff..

2000-02-10 Thread peoyli

Comments, optimizations, ideas, fixes etc. welcome (actually another
set of functions for my wannabe-IRC-client)...


  Title: "ANSI colors"

escape: func [parm [string!]][join "^(1B)[" parm]

get-scr-dims: func [
"Stores the console dimensions in screen-size block (height, width)"
/local cons
cons: open/binary [scheme: 'console]
prin escape "7n" parse to-string copy cons [thru "[" copy screen-size to "R"]
screen-size: parse (to-string screen-size) ";"
close cons

comment {
irc color   ansi color (EPIC)
 0: white   white bold
 1: black   black
 2: navyblue
 3: green   green
 4: red red
 5: maroon  yellow!
   6: purplepurple
   7: orangered bold
 8: yellow  yellow bold
   9: lime  green bold
10: tealcyan
11: aquaaqua bold
12: blueblue bold
13: fuchsia purple bold
14: greyblack bold
15: silver  white plain

ansi: func [
attributes [block!]
] [
bg: "4"
 fg: "3"
reset: bold_off: underline_off: reverse_off: blink_off:"0"
bold_on: bold: "1"  underline_on: underline: "4"
blink_on: blink: "5"reverse_on: reverse: "7"

black: "0"  red: "1"green: "2"  yellow: "3"
 blue: "4"
magenta: "5"purple: "5" cyan: "6"   aqua: "6"  
 white: "7"

if error? try [
return rejoin["^(1B)[" (get first attributes) (get second attributes) 
return rejoin["^(1B)[" (get first attributes) "m"]

strip-ansi: func[ansitext /local strippedtext] [
strippedtext: copy ansitext
ansi-rule: [to "^(1B)[" copy ansicode thru "m" (replace strippedtext ansicode 
parse/all ansitext [some ansi-rule to end]
return strippedtext

ansitext: join "Normal " [ansi[underline_on] "underline" ansi[reset] ansi[fg red] " 
Red " ansi[bg white] " Red on White " ansi[reset]]
ansitext: join ansitext [ansi[bold_on] "Bold" ansi[fg blue] " Blue bold " ansi[fg 
purple] ansi[bg green] " Purple bold on green " ansi[reset]]

strippedtext: strip-ansi ansitext
print length? strip-ansi ansitext
print length? strippedtext
print strippedtext
print length? ansitext
print ansitext

[REBOL] REBOL Web site update

2000-02-10 Thread Al . Bri

The REBOL web site front page has been updated.
It shows more of REBOL crew's plan.

Andrew Martin
ICQ: 26227169

[REBOL] problem with sort a file Re:(3)

2000-02-10 Thread Al . Bri

Try this:

write %foo.txt
{2-Feb-2000  1   2
1-Feb-2000  2   1
6-Feb-2000  3   5
24-Feb-2000 4   6}

Lines: read/lines %foo.txt
Block: make block! 100
foreach Line Lines [
 append/only Block load Line

print mold Block
sort Block
print mold Block

delete %foo.txt
foreach Line Block [
 write/append %foo.txt rejoin ["" line newline]

print read %foo.txt

Andrew Martin
REBOLutionary in NZ...
ICQ: 26227169

[REBOL] Re: How can i get rebol/view Re:

2000-02-10 Thread kolla

On Thu, 10 Feb 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 10-Feb-00, you wrote:
  k Any word on what toolkits/graphical library system will be
  k used for the various versions?
  k I'm curious, since X and amiga have so many of them.
 None of them, actually. REBOL/View is more than just a GUI
 frontend to REBOL. You will be amazed when you'll see it. :-)

This doesnt make sense to me.

Will it be like "something you run inside a window" like f.ex Oberon?

Or will it be integrated into the graphical environment of the hosting OS?

-- kolla

[REBOL] How can i get rebol/view Re:(3)

2000-02-10 Thread Petr . Krenzelok


 On Thu, 10 Feb 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On 10-Feb-00, you wrote:
   k Any word on what toolkits/graphical library system will be
   k used for the various versions?
   k I'm curious, since X and amiga have so many of them.
  None of them, actually. REBOL/View is more than just a GUI
  frontend to REBOL. You will be amazed when you'll see it. :-)

 This doesnt make sense to me.

 Will it be like "something you run inside a window" like f.ex Oberon?

 Or will it be integrated into the graphical environment of the hosting OS?

You open an extra window from console. Console can be hided. Don't know
Oberon, sorry. It's not dependant of GUI of entire OS it runs upon.


 -- kolla

[REBOL] How can i get rebol/view Re:(3)

2000-02-10 Thread Al . Bri

Gabrielle wrote:
  REBOL/View is more than just a GUI frontend to REBOL. You will be amazed
when you'll see it. :-)

kolla wrote:
 This doesn't make sense to me.

 Will it be like "something you run inside a window" like f.ex Oberon?

 Or will it be integrated into the graphical environment of the hosting OS?

Neither and better... :-D

Andrew Martin
Who's enjoying teasing the one's without /View... :-)
ICQ: 26227169

[REBOL] un subscribe

2000-02-10 Thread kevin . whitefoot